Prepare for possible low-noise ADC running at 524 kHz
Discussion is underway to replace "ADC0" (a "standard ADC card": f_max = 65 kHz, 16 bit, f_s = 65 kHz, 16 chans) with a "low noise ADC card" (f_max = 750 kHz, 18 bit, f_s = 524 kHz, 32 chans). If this happens, we'll need to have either:
- another digital AA filter in-loop that is an 8x downsampling function (currently this is a DAQ downsampling filter) that is in addition to the standard IOP downsampling 4x filter
- a single digital AA filter that is redesigned for this new system
The replacement may also impact the design of the analog whitening filter.
A photo of our whiteboard diagram will be attached