Why Does compute_response function in darm.py class not use compute_digital_filter_response from utils.py class?
I could be missing som subtlety, but seems like compute_response function in darm.py class is doing the same thing as compute_digital_filter_response from utils.py class. In fact, it darm.py class is importing read_filter_sys in order to recreate the higher level function compute_digital_filter_response in utils.py.
Am I missing something, or is this a candidate for clean-up?
(I'm sure this is just that darm.py was written before utils.py, or darm.py is just copying from O3 CalSVN pydarm or something, but ... yeah.)
(Essentially, I need to read in a foton file, to recreate a filter bank, and I went to utils.py. Then I wanted to confirm how to use it in a higher level class, so I went to darm.py where I expected the DARM filter bank response to be computed ... and then I landed here.)