Old: Gathered Dev Tasks (Remaining)
Runs with igwn environment: might be able to avoid residuals.py issues with earier version of Python.
Finish basic CI/CD (James help for LIGO specifics) [in support of review and usability] -
Stick in upd. version of BayesWave (igwn environment) [or custom build using BW 10.6.1 (I think)]. -
Tests: regression testing (comparing with results from O3b) as well as unit/integration testing for CI (testing functionality of things) using sample data products. -
Coverage testing: Coverage.py. -
Static code analysis (pylint, etc.)
Data Quality
Need hveto segments around event to weed out glitches (passed for cached onsource?). Would be better to have this automated rather than passed. -
Check out segments package, for now.
BW path to igwn environment (for now) - separate BW dir in config path -
Try rolling back everything to igwn, to begin with, to see if that fixes most of it. -
Matplotlib is still broken... rely on conda env now, until get CI/CD done. - Probably just make a new conda env; dep. for future migration into Docker/Singularity for Python analysis scripts. [still sourcing igwn build of BW]
Containerization & CI/CD [lower-priority]
Dev Image
Base image (igwn/software or igwn/shell). -
Upload to containers.ligo.org/docker/igwn-wave-compare:production. -
Make sure .yml file and Docker file are all good for testing (CI) and deployment to singularity/ligo containers (CD). -
Will need to change configs and all of that for analyses.
runs image (for sub files of python analyses):
- requirements.txt should be consistent
- Consider using building venv inside container instead of conda environment... mostly due to environment inconsistencies. __Can still read BW install from (i.e.) igwn system-level environment.
WF Consistency
Ensure Onsource runs completing now. Offsource sim runs seem good. -
MDC cache for this opt., too. -
Ensure catalog script & webpage functionality is still good.
TGR: Residuals
Fix residuals script; capture current state of dependencies -
working on this now: seeing if enough conda & inline tweaks will fix this
Migrating to clone of igwn environment [don't forget to conda install pip
] -
Ensure TGR script writing stuff correctly to webpage generation.
MDC Support
Distinct PE samples/config (Systematics/non-GR MDC's ) -
Support for Having XML file created with BW tutorial in lieu of PE files -
Two offsource runs support for glitch MDC
Edited by John Sullivan