diff --git a/src/epics/util/feCodeGen.pl b/src/epics/util/feCodeGen.pl
index 066e63108a04cdc3012c068c16597da6cdff7f47..b00aeeb65f8d82f7846c9716cf7a4d9f731ec9c9 100755
--- a/src/epics/util/feCodeGen.pl
+++ b/src/epics/util/feCodeGen.pl
@@ -727,16 +727,50 @@ for($ii=0;$ii<$nonSubCnt;$ii++)
-#//	-  Remove all parts which will not require further processing in the code for the part
-#// total. \n
+#// -  Remove all parts which will not require further processing in the code for the part
+#// total, also do a part check for blocks with different capitalization that are going to
+#// emit c code that will be lowercased (causing collisions)
 $ftotal = $partCnt;
-   for($kk=0;$kk<$partCnt;$kk++)
-   {
-	 if(($partType[$kk] eq "INPUT") || ($partType[$kk] eq "OUTPUT") || ($partType[$kk] eq "BUSC") || ($partType[$kk] eq "BUSS") || ($partType[$kk] eq "EpicsIn") || ($partType[$kk] eq "TERM") || ($partType[$kk] eq "FROM") || ($partType[$kk] eq "GOTO") || ($partType[$kk] eq "GROUND") || ($partType[$kk] eq "CONSTANT") || ($partType[$kk] eq "Adc") || ($partType[$kk] eq "Gps") || ($partType[$kk] eq "StateWord") || ($partType[$kk] eq "ModelRate") || ($partType[$kk] eq "EXC"))
-	{
-		$ftotal --;
-	}
-   }
+my %seen; #Hash that keeps track of the names we have seen before
+my %noCode = map {$_ => 1}  qw(INPUT OUTPUT BUSC BUSS FROM GOTO); #Hash of non-generating parts
+my @duplicates = ();
+    if(($partType[$kk] eq "INPUT") || ($partType[$kk] eq "OUTPUT") || ($partType[$kk] eq "BUSC")
+        || ($partType[$kk] eq "BUSS") || ($partType[$kk] eq "EpicsIn") || ($partType[$kk] eq "TERM")
+        || ($partType[$kk] eq "FROM") || ($partType[$kk] eq "GOTO") || ($partType[$kk] eq "GROUND")
+        || ($partType[$kk] eq "CONSTANT") || ($partType[$kk] eq "Adc") || ($partType[$kk] eq "Gps")
+        || ($partType[$kk] eq "StateWord") || ($partType[$kk] eq "ModelRate") || ($partType[$kk] eq "EXC"))
+    {
+        $ftotal --;
+    }
+    # Check to see if we have a part with the same lower case name,
+    # and neither parts are of a no code generating type
+    if ( exists $seen{ lc $xpartName[$kk] }
+         and not exists $noCode{$partType[$kk]}
+         and not exists $noCode{ $seen{ lc $xpartName[$kk] }[1]  } )
+    {
+        push(@duplicates, "\tFirst (part, type) is: ($xpartName[$kk], $partType[$kk]),".
+                          " other part is ($seen{ lc $xpartName[$kk]}[0], $seen{ lc $xpartName[$kk]}[1])\n");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my @val = ($xpartName[$kk], $partType[$kk]);
+        $seen{ lc $xpartName[$kk] } = \@val;
+    }
+if ( scalar(@duplicates) > 0) #If we found 1 or more issues
+    my $whole_error = "ERROR - Some part(s) failed the duplicate name check. " .
+                      "Two parts, that generate code, with the same name (but different capitalization) were found.\n" .
+                      "This can cause an issue with code generation, please rename one of the parts, from each pair.\n";
+    $whole_error = $whole_error . join('', @duplicates);
+    die $whole_error . "\n";
 print "Total parts to process $ftotal\n";