From 1f6c08f75905eaee0fa88b74efaad38a2ae49306 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rolf Bork <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 10:00:43 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Ran clang-format on all FE code in src/fe and src/include/drv
 directories. No other changes.

 src/fe/commData3.c                  |   32 +-
 src/fe/controllerApp.c              | 1075 ++++++------
 src/fe/controllerAppUser.c          | 1498 +++++++++--------
 src/fe/controllerIop.c              | 1765 +++++++++++---------
 src/fe/controllerIopUser.c          | 1647 ++++++++++---------
 src/fe/controllerLR.c               | 1932 ++++++++++++----------
 src/fe/dolphin.c                    |  297 ++--
 src/fe/map.c                        |  791 +++++----
 src/fe/moduleLoadApp.c              |  709 ++++----
 src/fe/moduleLoadCommon.c           |  234 +--
 src/fe/moduleLoadTS.c               | 2234 ++++++++++++++-----------
 src/fe/moduleLoadVirtual.c          |  423 ++---
 src/fe/rcguser.c                    |  670 ++++----
 src/fe/rcguserIop.c                 |  770 +++++----
 src/fe/timing.c                     |  168 +-
 src/include/drv/accesDio24.c        |   86 +-
 src/include/drv/accesIIRO16.c       |   92 +-
 src/include/drv/accesIIRO8.c        |   95 +-
 src/include/drv/adc_info.c          |   73 +-
 src/include/drv/app_adc_read.c      |  181 +-
 src/include/drv/app_dac_functions.c |  327 ++--
 src/include/drv/app_dio_routines.c  |  210 ++-
 src/include/drv/contec1616.c        |  106 +-
 src/include/drv/contec32o.c         |   63 +-
 src/include/drv/contec6464.c        |  124 +-
 src/include/drv/dac_info.c          |   65 +-
 src/include/drv/daqLib.c            | 2316 ++++++++++++++------------
 src/include/drv/daqLibZmq.c         | 2355 +++++++++++++++------------
 src/include/drv/epicsXfer.c         |  189 ++-
 src/include/drv/fm10Gen.c           | 1811 +++++++++++---------
 src/include/drv/gsc16ai64.c         |  358 ++--
 src/include/drv/gsc16ao16.c         |  236 +--
 src/include/drv/gsc18ai32.c         |  320 ++--
 src/include/drv/gsc18ai6.c          |  140 +-
 src/include/drv/gsc18ao8.c          |  245 +--
 src/include/drv/gsc20ao8.c          |  298 ++--
 src/include/drv/iop_adc_functions.c |    2 +-
 src/include/drv/iop_dac_functions.c |  598 ++++---
 src/include/drv/seiwd.c             |  234 +--
 src/include/drv/spectracomGPS.c     |  372 +++--
 src/include/drv/symmetricomGps.c    |  259 +--
 src/include/drv/tRamp.c             |  214 +--
 src/include/drv/time_slave_io.c     |    4 +-
 src/include/drv/vmic5565.c          |  201 +--
 44 files changed, 14246 insertions(+), 11573 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/fe/commData3.c b/src/fe/commData3.c
index 146e25dfa..983643bca 100644
--- a/src/fe/commData3.c
+++ b/src/fe/commData3.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /// 	@file commData3.c
 ///	@brief This is the generic software for communicating realtime data
-///between CDS applications.
+/// between CDS applications.
 ///	@detail This software supports data communication via: \n
 ///		1) Shared memory, between two processes on the same computer \n
 ///		2) GE Fanuc 5565 Reflected Memory PCIe hardware \n
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ///	This function is called from the user application to initialize
-///communications structures 	and pointers.
+/// communications structures 	and pointers.
 ///	@param[in] connects = total number of IPC connections in the application
 ///	@param[in] rate = Sample rate of the calling application eg 2048
 ///	@param[in,out] ipcInfo[] = Stucture to hold information about each IPC
@@ -233,12 +233,12 @@ commData3Init(
 // *************************************************************************************************
 ///	This function is called from the user application to send data via IPC
+/// connections.
 ///	@param[in] connects = total number of IPC connections in the application
 ///	@param[in,out] ipcInfo[] = Stucture to hold information about each IPC
 ///	@param[in] timeSec = Present GPS time in GPS seconds
 ///	@param[in] cycle = Present cycle of the user application making this
+/// call.
 INLINE void commData3Send(
     int          connects, // Total number of IPC connections in the application
     CDS_IPC_INFO ipcInfo[], // IPC information structure
@@ -322,10 +322,10 @@ INLINE void commData3Send(
     if ( lastPcie >= 0 )
-            (void *)&( ipcInfo[ lastPcie ]
-                   .pIpcDataWrite[ 0 ]
-                   ->dBlock[ sendBlock ][ ipcInfo[ lastPcie ].ipcNum ]
-                   .data ),
+            (void*)&( ipcInfo[ lastPcie ]
+                          .pIpcDataWrite[ 0 ]
+                          ->dBlock[ sendBlock ][ ipcInfo[ lastPcie ].ipcNum ]
+                          .data ),
             16 );
     lastPcie = -1;
@@ -381,22 +381,22 @@ INLINE void commData3Send(
     if ( lastPcie >= 0 )
-            (void *)&( ipcInfo[ lastPcie ]
-                   .pIpcDataWrite[ 0 ]
-                   ->dBlock[ sendBlock ][ ipcInfo[ lastPcie ].ipcNum ]
-                   .data ),
+            (void*)&( ipcInfo[ lastPcie ]
+                          .pIpcDataWrite[ 0 ]
+                          ->dBlock[ sendBlock ][ ipcInfo[ lastPcie ].ipcNum ]
+                          .data ),
             16 );
 // *************************************************************************************************
 ///	This function is called from the user application to receive data via
-///IPC connections.
+/// IPC connections.
 ///	@param[in] connects = total number of IPC connections in the application
 ///	@param[in,out] ipcInfo[] = Stucture to hold information about each IPC
 ///	@param[in] timeSec = Present GPS time in GPS seconds
 ///	@param[in] cycle = Present cycle of the user application making this
+/// call.
 INLINE void commData3Receive(
     int          connects, // Total number of IPC connections in the application
     CDS_IPC_INFO ipcInfo[], // IPC information structure
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ INLINE void commData3Receive(
     int    rcvBlock; // Which of the IPC_BLOCKS IPC data blocks to read from
     double tmp; // Temp location for data for checking NaN
     // static unsigned long ptim = 0;	// last printing time
-    // static unsigned long nskipped = 0;	// number of skipped error messages
-    // (couldn't print that fast)
+    // static unsigned long nskipped = 0;	// number of skipped error
+    // messages (couldn't print that fast)
     // Determine which block to read, based on present code cycle
     rcvBlock = ( ( cycle ) * ( IPC_MAX_RATE / IPC_RATE ) ) % IPC_BLOCKS;
diff --git a/src/fe/controllerApp.c b/src/fe/controllerApp.c
index 5046e0701..2fc872e65 100644
--- a/src/fe/controllerApp.c
+++ b/src/fe/controllerApp.c
@@ -14,19 +14,21 @@
 ///	@file controllerApp.c
 ///	@brief Main scheduler program for compiled real-time kernal object. \n
 /// 	@detail More information can be found in the following DCC document:
-///<	<a href="">T0900607 CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
+///<	<a
+///<CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
 ///	@author R.Bork, A.Ivanov
 ///     @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 LIGO Project      \n
 ///<    California Institute of Technology              \n
 ///<    Massachusetts Institute of Technology           \n\n
-///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+///     modify
 ///<    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.                 \n
-///<    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-///<    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-///<    GNU General Public License for more details.
+///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. \n This program
+///<    is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+///<    WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+///<    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+///<    for more details.
 #include "controllerko.h"
@@ -37,559 +39,658 @@
 #include <drv/app_dac_functions.c>
 #include <drv/app_dio_routines.c>
 int startGpsTime = 0;
-int getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec); 
+int getGpsTime( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec );
 int killipc = 0;
 // Clear DAC channel shared memory map,
 // used to keep track of non-overlapping DAC channels among slave models
-void deallocate_dac_channels(void) {
-  int ii, jj;
-  for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++) {
-    int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] - ioMemData->adcCount;
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++)
-	if (dacOutUsed[ii][jj]) 
-	   ioMemData->dacOutUsed[pd][jj] = 0;
-  }
+deallocate_dac_channels( void )
+    int ii, jj;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] - ioMemData->adcCount;
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+            if ( dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] )
+                ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ pd ][ jj ] = 0;
+    }
-// TASK: fe_start_app()	
-// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code	
+// TASK: fe_start_app()
+// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code
-/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code built
-/// using the RCG. \n
-/// There are two primary modes of operation, based on two compile options: \n
-///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP). 
+/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code
+/// built using the RCG. \n There are two primary modes of operation, based on
+/// two compile options: \n
+///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP).
 ///	- ADC_SLAVE: Normal user control process.
-/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model. The
-/// loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC module in turn
-/// is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the Timing Distribution System.
-///	- 
-void *fe_start_app(void *arg)
+/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model.
+/// The loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC
+/// module in turn is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the
+/// Timing Distribution System.
+///	-
+fe_start_app( void* arg )
-  int ii,jj,kk,ll;			// Dummy loop counter variables
-  static int clock1Min = 0;		///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
-  static int cpuClock[CPU_TIMER_CNT];	///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag variables
-  static int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
-  					///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles in,
-					///< so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
-  int dkiTrip = 0;
-  RFM_FE_COMMS *pEpicsComms;		/// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared memory space
-  int myGmError2 = 0;			/// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
-  int status;				/// @param status Typical function return value
-  int onePpsTime = 0;			/// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
+    int        ii, jj, kk, ll; // Dummy loop counter variables
+    static int clock1Min = 0; ///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
+    static int cpuClock[ CPU_TIMER_CNT ]; ///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing
+                                          ///  diag variables
+    static int dacWriteEnable =
+        0; /// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
+           ///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles
+           ///< in, so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
+    int           dkiTrip = 0;
+    RFM_FE_COMMS* pEpicsComms; /// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared
+                               /// memory space
+    int myGmError2 = 0; /// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
+    int status; /// @param status Typical function return value
+    int onePpsTime = 0; /// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-  float onePpsTest;			/// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHiTest[10];			/// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTimeTest[10];		/// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    float onePpsTest; /// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for
+                      /// diagnostics
+    int onePpsHiTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTimeTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic
+                              /// check
-  int dcuId;				/// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
-  int diagWord = 0;			/// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
-  int system = 0;
-  int sampleCount = 1;			/// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
-  int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_MASTER;	/// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
-  int mxStat = 0;			/// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
-  int mxDiag = 0;
-  int mxDiagR = 0;
-// ****** Share data
-  int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-  int ioMemCntr = 0;
-  int ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-  int ioClock = 0;
-  int feStatus = 0;
-  unsigned long cpc;
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-/// Start Initialization Process \n
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-  /// \> Flush L1 cache
-  memset (fp, 0, 64*1024);
-  memset (fp, 1, 64*1024);
-  clflush_cache_range ((void *)fp, 64*1024);
-  fz_daz(); /// \> Kill the denorms!
-  /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
-  pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm;
-  pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
-  pEpicsDaq = (char *)&(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput);
+    int dcuId; /// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
+    int diagWord =
+        0; /// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
+    int system = 0;
+    int sampleCount =
+        1; /// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
+    int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_MASTER; /// @param syncSource Code startup
+                                      /// synchronization source
+    int mxStat = 0; /// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
+    int mxDiag = 0;
+    int mxDiagR = 0;
+    // ****** Share data
+    int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
+    int ioMemCntr = 0;
+    int ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
+    int ioClock = 0;
+    int feStatus = 0;
+    unsigned long cpc;
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// Start Initialization Process \n
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// \> Flush L1 cache
+    memset( fp, 0, 64 * 1024 );
+    memset( fp, 1, 64 * 1024 );
+    clflush_cache_range( (void*)fp, 64 * 1024 );
+    fz_daz( ); /// \> Kill the denorms!
+    /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
+    pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm;
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
+    pEpicsDaq = (char*)&( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput );
-  /// \> Zero out filter histories
-  memset(dHistory, 0, sizeof(dHistory));
-  memset(dDacHistory, 0, sizeof(dDacHistory));
+    /// \> Zero out filter histories
+    memset( dHistory, 0, sizeof( dHistory ) );
+    memset( dDacHistory, 0, sizeof( dDacHistory ) );
-  /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
-  for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++)
-  {
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++) {
- 	dacOut[ii][jj] = 0.0;
- 	dacOutUsed[ii][jj] = 0;
+    /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            dacOut[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+            dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
+        }
-  }
-  /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
-  /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD data.\n
-  /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done to: \n
-  /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from shared memory. \n
-  /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations, which was slow. \n
-  pDsp[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  pCoeff[system] = (VME_COEF *)(&pEpicsComms->coeffSpace);
-  dspPtr[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
+    /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD
+    /// data.\n
+    /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done
+    /// to: \n
+    /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from
+    /// shared memory. \n
+    /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations,
+    /// which was slow. \n
+    pDsp[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    pCoeff[ system ] = (VME_COEF*)( &pEpicsComms->coeffSpace );
+    dspPtr[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    // Clear input masks
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    /// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        checkFiltReset( ii,
+                        dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                        pDsp[ 0 ],
+                        &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                        MAX_MODULES,
+                        pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+    }
-  // Clear input masks
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
+    dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
+    // Reset timing diagnostics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
+    /// \> Init IIR filter banks
+    //   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
-	checkFiltReset(ii, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-    }
-  // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
-  dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-  // Reset timing diagnostics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// \> Init IIR filter banks
-//   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++) {
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++){
-      for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++){
-        for(kk=0;kk<MAX_COEFFS;kk++){
-          dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk] = 0.0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+        {
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_COEFFS; kk++ )
+                {
+                    dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
-        dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] = 0;
-      }
-  }
-  /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero 
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++)
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-       // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
-       pDsp[0]->data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+    /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+            // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+            pDsp[ 0 ]->data[ ii ].exciteInput = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
-    if (initVars(pDsp[0], pDsp[0], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0])) {
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = FILT_INIT_ERROR;
-	return 0;
+    /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
+    if ( initVars( pDsp[ 0 ], pDsp[ 0 ], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[ 0 ] ) )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = FILT_INIT_ERROR;
+        return 0;
+    udelay( 1000 );
-/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software 
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine 
-#if defined(SERVO2K) || defined(SERVO4K)
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
+/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine
+#if defined( SERVO2K ) || defined( SERVO4K )
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
-  daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
-  daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
-  daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
-  /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
-  status = daqWrite(0,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],0, (int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-  if(status == -1) 
-  {
-	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAQ_INIT_ERROR;
-    vmeDone = 1;
-    return(0);
-  }
+    daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
+    daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
+    daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
+    daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
+    /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
+    status = daqWrite( 0,
+                       dcuId,
+                       daq,
+                       DAQ_RATE,
+                       testpoint,
+                       dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                       0,
+                       (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                       xExc,
+                       pEpicsDaq );
+    if ( status == -1 )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAQ_INIT_ERROR;
+        vmeDone = 1;
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
-  /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
-  for (ii = 0; ii <  cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++)
-	for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
-		testpoint[MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj] = floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
-  // Zero out storage
-  memset(floatDacOut, 0, sizeof(floatDacOut));
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
-	/// \> Read Dio card initial values
-	/// - ---- SLAVE units read/write their own DIO \n
-	/// - ---- MASTER units ignore DIO for speed reasons \n 
-	status = app_dio_init();	
-  // Clear the code exit flag
-  vmeDone = 0;
-  /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
-  iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0], (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,1);
-// Initialize timing info variables
-   initializeTimingDiags(&timeinfo);
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_DAC_MODS;
-  /// \> Initialize DAC channels.
-  status = app_dac_init();
-  if (status) {
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAC_INIT_ERROR;
-     	return(0);
-  }
+    /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;
+              jj++ ) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
+            testpoint[ MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj ] =
+                floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
+    // Zero out storage
+    memset( floatDacOut, 0, sizeof( floatDacOut ) );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
+    /// \> Read Dio card initial values
+    /// - ---- SLAVE units read/write their own DIO \n
+    /// - ---- MASTER units ignore DIO for speed reasons \n
+    status = app_dio_init( );
+    // Clear the code exit flag
+    vmeDone = 0;
+    /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
+    iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                           dWord,
+                           dacOut,
+                           dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                           &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                           (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                           1 );
+    // Initialize timing info variables
+    initializeTimingDiags( &timeinfo );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_DAC_MODS;
+    /// \> Initialize DAC channels.
+    status = app_dac_init( );
+    if ( status )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAC_INIT_ERROR;
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
-  /// \> Initialize the ADC status
-  for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-  {
-  	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] = 1;
-  }
+    /// \> Initialize the ADC status
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] = 1;
+    }
-  // SLAVE needs to sync with MASTER by looking for cycle 0 count in ipc memory
-  // Find memory buffer of first ADC to be used in SLAVE application.
-  ll = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[0];
-  cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START] = rdtsc_ordered();
+    // SLAVE needs to sync with MASTER by looking for cycle 0 count in ipc
+    // memory Find memory buffer of first ADC to be used in SLAVE application.
+    ll = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ 0 ];
+    cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
     // Spin until cycle 0 detected in first ADC buffer location.
-	do {
-	udelay(1);
-    } while(ioMemData->iodata[ll][0].cycle != 0);
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
-  timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[ll][0].timeSec;
-  cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] = rdtsc_ordered();
-  timeinfo.cycleTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START])/CPURATE;
-  // Get GPS seconds from MASTER
-  timeSec = ioMemData->gpsSecond;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-  // Decrement GPS seconds as it will be incremented on first read cycle.
-  timeSec --;
-  onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1 );
+    } while ( ioMemData->iodata[ ll ][ 0 ].cycle != 0 );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
+    timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[ ll ][ 0 ].timeSec;
+    cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+    timeinfo.cycleTime =
+        ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] - cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] ) /
+        CPURATE;
+    // Get GPS seconds from MASTER
+    timeSec = ioMemData->gpsSecond;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+    // Decrement GPS seconds as it will be incremented on first read cycle.
+    timeSec--;
+    onePpsTime = cycleNum;
 #ifdef REMOTE_GPS
-  timeSec = remote_time((struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
+    timeSec = remote_time( (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
-  timeSec = current_time_fe() -1;
+    timeSec = current_time_fe( ) - 1;
-  adcinfo.adcTime = rdtsc_ordered();
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  /// Enter the infinite FE control loop  ******************************************\n
+    adcinfo.adcTime = rdtsc_ordered( );
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
-  cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    /// Enter the infinite FE control loop
+    /// ******************************************\n
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
+    cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    cpc /= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-	// *******************************************************************************
-	// NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
-	// On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
-	// coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be 
-	// increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
-	// code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match 2048 system.
-	// *******************************************************************************
+    // *******************************************************************************
+    // NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
+    // On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
+    // coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be
+    // increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
+    // code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match 2048
+    // system.
+    // *******************************************************************************
-  while(!kthread_should_stop()){
+    while ( !kthread_should_stop( ) )
+    {
-  while(!vmeDone){ 	// Run forever until user hits reset
+    while ( !vmeDone )
+    { // Run forever until user hits reset
-/// \> On 1PPS mark \n
-	if(cycleNum == 0)
-    {
-	  	/// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat = (pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec);
-	  	if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
-	  	/// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
-	  	if(!iopDacEnable || dkiTrip) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
-	}
+        /// \> On 1PPS mark \n
+        if ( cycleNum == 0 )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat =
+                ( pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec );
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
+            /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
+            if ( !iopDacEnable || dkiTrip )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
+        }
-	if(vmeDone)usleep_range(2,4);
+        if ( vmeDone )
+            usleep_range( 2, 4 );
-	for(ll=0;ll<sampleCount;ll++)
-    {
-		status = app_adc_read(ioMemCntr,ioClock,&adcinfo,cpuClock);
-		// Return of non zero = ADC timeout error.
-		if(status)
+        for ( ll = 0; ll < sampleCount; ll++ )
-	  		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
-	  		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord |= ADC_TIMEOUT_ERR;
-            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = ADC_TO_ERROR;
-			deallocate_dac_channels();
-  			return (void *)-1;
+            status = app_adc_read( ioMemCntr, ioClock, &adcinfo, cpuClock );
+            // Return of non zero = ADC timeout error.
+            if ( status )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord |= ADC_TIMEOUT_ERR;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = ADC_TO_ERROR;
+                deallocate_dac_channels( );
+                return (void*)-1;
+            }
+            /// \> Set counters for next read from ipc memory
+            ioClock = ( ioClock + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+            ioMemCntr = ( ioMemCntr + 1 ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
-		/// \> Set counters for next read from ipc memory
-        ioClock = (ioClock + 1) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-        ioMemCntr = (ioMemCntr + 1) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-  	cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START] = rdtsc_ordered();
-	}
-	// After first synced ADC read, must set code to read number samples/cycle
-    sampleCount = OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
-/// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
-/// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called and executed. \n\n
-    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START] = rdtsc_ordered();
- 	iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0],(struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,0);
-    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END] = rdtsc_ordered();
-  	odcStateWord = 0;
-// **********************************************************************
-/// START OF USER APP DAC WRITE *****************************************
- // Write out data to DAC modules
-// **********************************************************************
-	status = app_dac_write(ioMemCntrDac,ioClockDac, &dacinfo);
-    /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
-    ioClockDac = (ioClockDac + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-    ioMemCntrDac = (ioMemCntrDac  + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-    if(dacWriteEnable < 10) dacWriteEnable ++;
-/// END OF USER APP DAC WRITE *************************************************
-// **********************************************************************
-/// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************ \n
-// **********************************************************************
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
+        // After first synced ADC read, must set code to read number
+        // samples/cycle
+        sampleCount = OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
+        /// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
+        /// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called
+        /// and executed. \n\n
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+        iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                               dWord,
+                               dacOut,
+                               dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                               &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                               (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                               0 );
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+        odcStateWord = 0;
+        // **********************************************************************
+        /// *****************************************
+        // Write out data to DAC modules
+        // **********************************************************************
+        status = app_dac_write( ioMemCntrDac, ioClockDac, &dacinfo );
+        /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
+        ioClockDac = ( ioClockDac + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        ioMemCntrDac = ( ioMemCntrDac + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+        if ( dacWriteEnable < 10 )
+            dacWriteEnable++;
+        /// *************************************************
+        // **********************************************************************
+        /// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************
+        /// \n
+        // **********************************************************************
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
-    if((cycleNum % 2048) == 0)  {
-        usleep_range(1,3);
-        printk("cycleNum = %d\n",cycleNum);
-    }
+        if ( ( cycleNum % 2048 ) == 0 )
+        {
+            usleep_range( 1, 3 );
+            printk( "cycleNum = %d\n", cycleNum );
+        }
-// **********************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
-// **********************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum ==HKP_TIMING_UPDATES)	
-    {
-        sendTimingDiags2Epics(pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-	  	if((adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI) || (adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO)) 
-	  	{
-	  		diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
-			feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	  	}
-	  	if(timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM) 
-	  	{
-	  		diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
-			feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	  	}
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
-  	  	feStatus = 0;
-  	  	if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset)
-	  	{
-			initialDiagReset = 0;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
-			timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
-	  		diagWord = 0;
-			ipcErrBits = 0;
-	  	}
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
-	}
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This is spread out over a number of cycles.
-	// Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
-	// here we are rounding up:
-	//   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
-	//
-// *****************************************************************
-	static const unsigned int mpc = (MAX_MODULES + (FE_RATE / 16) - 1) / (FE_RATE / 16); // Modules per cycle
-	unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
-	unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
-	unsigned int i;
-	for (i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc ; i++) 
-		checkFiltReset(i, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-// *****************************************************************
-	/// \> Check if code exit is requested
-	if(cycleNum == MAX_MODULES) 
-		vmeDone = stop_working_threads | checkEpicsReset(cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
-// *****************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 10 to number of BIO cards:\n
- /// - ---- Read Dio cards once per second \n
-// *****************************************************************
+        // **********************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
+        // **********************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_TIMING_UPDATES )
+        {
+            sendTimingDiags2Epics( pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
+            if ( ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI ) ||
+                 ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO ) )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            if ( timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
+            feStatus = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset )
+            {
+                initialDiagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
+                timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
+                diagWord = 0;
+                ipcErrBits = 0;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
+        }
-	status = app_dio_read_write();
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This
+        /// is spread out over a number of cycles.
+        // Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
+        // here we are rounding up:
+        //   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
+        //
+        // *****************************************************************
+        static const unsigned int mpc = ( MAX_MODULES + ( FE_RATE / 16 ) - 1 ) /
+            ( FE_RATE / 16 ); // Modules per cycle
+        unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
+        unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
+        unsigned int i;
+        for ( i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc; i++ )
+            checkFiltReset( i,
+                            dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                            pDsp[ 0 ],
+                            &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                            MAX_MODULES,
+                            pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Check if code exit is requested
+        if ( cycleNum == MAX_MODULES )
+            vmeDone = stop_working_threads |
+                checkEpicsReset( cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 10 to number of BIO cards:\n
+        /// - ---- Read Dio cards once per second \n
+        // *****************************************************************
+        status = app_dio_read_write( );
 // *****************************************************************
 /// \>  Write data to DAQ.
 // *****************************************************************
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
-	// Call daqLib
-	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt = 
-			daqWrite(1,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],myGmError2,(int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-	// Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number checking
-  	pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
-  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
-	feStatus |= (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count);
-	if (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count) odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
-	else odcStateWord &= ~(ODC_EXC_SET);
-	if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING) 
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+        // Call daqLib
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt =
+            daqWrite( 1,
+                      dcuId,
+                      daq,
+                      DAQ_RATE,
+                      testpoint,
+                      dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                      myGmError2,
+                      (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                      xExc,
+                      pEpicsDaq );
+        // Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number
+        // checking
+        pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
+        feStatus |= ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count );
+        if ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count )
+            odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
+        else
+            odcStateWord &= ~( ODC_EXC_SET );
+        if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING )
+            feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
-// *****************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES)	
-    {
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
-	  	if(ipcErrBits & 0xf) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
-	  	// Create FB status word for return to EPICS
-	  	mxStat = 0;
-	  	mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
-	  	if((mxDiag & 1) != (mxDiagR & 1)) mxStat = 1;
-	  	if((mxDiag & 2) != (mxDiagR & 2)) mxStat += 2;
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
+            if ( ipcErrBits & 0xf )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
+            // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
+            mxStat = 0;
+            mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 1 ) != ( mxDiagR & 1 ) )
+                mxStat = 1;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 2 ) != ( mxDiagR & 2 ) )
+                mxStat += 2;
 #ifdef DUAL_DAQ_DC
-	  	if((mxDiag & 4) != (mxDiagR & 4)) mxStat += 4;
-	  	if((mxDiag & 8) != (mxDiagR & 8)) mxStat += 8;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 4 ) != ( mxDiagR & 4 ) )
+                mxStat += 4;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 8 ) != ( mxDiagR & 8 ) )
+                mxStat += 8;
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
-  	  	mxDiag = mxDiagR;
-	  	if(mxStat != MX_OK) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;;
-  	  	if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset)
-	  	{
-        	if (pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) {
-            	for (ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) {
-                	for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++) {
-                    	adcinfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                        adcinfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-						pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-						pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-                     }
-                     for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                     }
-             	}
-          	}
-	  	}
-  	  	if((pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) || (overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT))
-	  	{
-			pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
-			overflowAcc = 0;
-	  	}
-	}
-    if(cycleNum == 1)
-	{
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-	}
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
+            mxDiag = mxDiagR;
+            if ( mxStat != MX_OK )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+            ;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+            {
+                if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+                {
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                        {
+                            adcinfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            adcinfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                        }
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+                        {
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset ) ||
+                 ( overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT ) )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
+                overflowAcc = 0;
+            }
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES)
-	{
-		// Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	    	for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	    	{
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[jj][ii] = dacinfo.dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-			}
-	    }
-	}
+        if ( cycleNum == 1 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES)
-    {
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
-		feStatus |= app_adc_status_update(&adcinfo);
-		feStatus |= app_dac_status_update(&dacinfo);
-	}
-    // *****************************************************************
-    // // Update end of cycle information
-    // // *****************************************************************
-	// Capture end of cycle time.
-    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] = rdtsc_ordered();
-    captureEocTiming(cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-	/// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
-	timeinfo.cycleTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START])/CPURATE;
-    adcinfo.adcHoldTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START] - adcinfo.adcTime)/CPURATE;
-    adcinfo.adcTime = cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START];
-    // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
-    timeinfo.usrTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START])/CPURATE;
-    if(timeinfo.usrTime > timeinfo.usrHoldTime) timeinfo.usrHoldTime = timeinfo.usrTime;
-    /// \> Update internal cycle counters
-    cycleNum += 1;
-    cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-	clock1Min += 1;
-	clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
-    if(subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE) 
-	{
-		daqCycle = (daqCycle + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-		if(!(daqCycle % 2)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
-  	}
-    if(subcycle == END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
-    {
-    	/* Reset the data cycle counter */
-        subcycle = 0;
-     }
-     else{
-   		/* Increment the internal cycle counter */
-        subcycle ++;                                                
-     }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES )
+        {
+            // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        dacinfo.dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
+            feStatus |= app_adc_status_update( &adcinfo );
+            feStatus |= app_dac_status_update( &dacinfo );
+        }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // // Update end of cycle information
+        // // *****************************************************************
+        // Capture end of cycle time.
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+        captureEocTiming( cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
+        /// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
+        timeinfo.cycleTime = ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] -
+                               cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] ) /
+            CPURATE;
+        adcinfo.adcHoldTime =
+            ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] - adcinfo.adcTime ) / CPURATE;
+        adcinfo.adcTime = cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ];
+        // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
+        timeinfo.usrTime =
+            ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ] - cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] ) /
+            CPURATE;
+        if ( timeinfo.usrTime > timeinfo.usrHoldTime )
+            timeinfo.usrHoldTime = timeinfo.usrTime;
+        /// \> Update internal cycle counters
+        cycleNum += 1;
+        cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+        clock1Min += 1;
+        clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
+        if ( subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE )
+        {
+            daqCycle = ( daqCycle + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            if ( !( daqCycle % 2 ) )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
+        }
+        if ( subcycle ==
+             END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK ) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
+        {
+            /* Reset the data cycle counter */
+            subcycle = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
+            subcycle++;
+        }
-/// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
-  }
+        /// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
+    }
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
-  deallocate_dac_channels();
+    deallocate_dac_channels( );
-  /* System reset command received */
-  return (void *)-1;
+    /* System reset command received */
+    return (void*)-1;
diff --git a/src/fe/controllerAppUser.c b/src/fe/controllerAppUser.c
index bf31d5830..04095b3cf 100644
--- a/src/fe/controllerAppUser.c
+++ b/src/fe/controllerAppUser.c
@@ -12,22 +12,24 @@
 ///	@file controllerAppUser.c
-///	@brief Main scheduler program for compiled real-time user space object. \n
+///	@brief Main scheduler program for compiled real-time user space object.
 /// 	@detail More information can be found in the following DCC document:
-///<	<a href="">T0900607 CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
+///<	<a
+///<CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
 ///	@author R.Bork, A.Ivanov
 ///     @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 LIGO Project      \n
 ///<    California Institute of Technology              \n
 ///<    Massachusetts Institute of Technology           \n\n
-///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+///     modify
 ///<    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.                 \n
-///<    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-///<    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-///<    GNU General Public License for more details.
+///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. \n This program
+///<    is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+///<    WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+///<    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+///<    for more details.
 /// Can't use printf in kernel module so redefine to use Linux printk function
 #include <linux/version.h>
@@ -37,25 +39,24 @@
 #include <drv/cdsHardware.h>
 #include "inlineMath.h"
-#include "fm10Gen.h"		// CDS filter module defs and C code
-#include "feComms.h"		// Lvea control RFM network defs.
-#include "daqmap.h"		// DAQ network layout
+#include "fm10Gen.h" // CDS filter module defs and C code
+#include "feComms.h" // Lvea control RFM network defs.
+#include "daqmap.h" // DAQ network layout
 #include "cds_types.h"
 #include "controller.h"
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
 #include "drv/fb.h"
-#include "drv/daqLib.c"		// DAQ/GDS connection software
+#include "drv/daqLib.c" // DAQ/GDS connection software
-#include "drv/epicsXfer.c"	// User defined EPICS to/from FE data transfer function
+#include "drv/epicsXfer.c" // User defined EPICS to/from FE data transfer function
 #include "drv/mapuser.h"
-#include "timing.c"		// timing module / IRIG-B  functions
+#include "timing.c" // timing module / IRIG-B  functions
-#include "drv/inputFilterModule.h"		
-#include "drv/inputFilterModule1.h"		
+int dacOF[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ];
+#include "drv/inputFilterModule.h"
+#include "drv/inputFilterModule1.h"
 #include <drv/app_dac_functions.c>
@@ -66,734 +67,895 @@ int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
 // Contec 64 input bits plus 64 output bits (Standard for aLIGO)
 // /// Contec6464 input register values
-unsigned int CDIO6464InputInput[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary input bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464InputInput[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary input bits
 // /// Contec6464 - Last output request sent to module.
-unsigned int CDIO6464LastOutState[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Current requested value of the BO bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464LastOutState[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Current requested value
+                                                      // of the BO bits
 // /// Contec6464 values to be written to the output register
-unsigned int CDIO6464Output[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary output bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464Output[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary output bits
-// // This Contect 16 input / 16 output DIO card is used to control timing slave by IOP
+// // This Contect 16 input / 16 output DIO card is used to control timing slave
+// by IOP
 // /// Contec1616 input register values
-unsigned int CDIO1616InputInput[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary input bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616InputInput[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary input bits
 // /// Contec1616 output register values read back from the module
-unsigned int CDIO1616Input[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Current value of the BO bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616Input[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Current value of the BO bits
 // /// Contec1616 values to be written to the output register
-unsigned int CDIO1616Output[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary output bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616Output[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary output bits
 // /// Holds ID number of Contec1616 DIO card(s) used for timing control.
 // Include C code modules
 #include "rcguser.c"
-int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec); 
-struct timespec adcTime;			///< Used in code cycle timing
-int timeHoldHold = 0;			///< Max code cycle time within 1 sec period; hold for another sec
-struct timespec myTimer[2];			///< Used in code cycle timing
+int             getGpsTime( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec );
+struct timespec adcTime; ///< Used in code cycle timing
+int             timeHoldHold =
+    0; ///< Max code cycle time within 1 sec period; hold for another sec
+struct timespec myTimer[ 2 ]; ///< Used in code cycle timing
 // Clear DAC channel shared memory map,
 // used to keep track of non-overlapping DAC channels among slave models
-void deallocate_dac_channels(void) {
-  int ii, jj;
-  for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++) {
-    int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] - ioMemData->adcCount;
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++)
-	if (dacOutUsed[ii][jj]) 
-	   ioMemData->dacOutUsed[pd][jj] = 0;
-  }
+deallocate_dac_channels( void )
+    int ii, jj;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] - ioMemData->adcCount;
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+            if ( dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] )
+                ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ pd ][ jj ] = 0;
+    }
-unsigned int getGpsTimeProc() {
-  FILE *timef;
-  char line[100];
-  int status;
-  unsigned int mytime;
-	timef = fopen("/sys/kernel/gpstime/time","r");
-	if(!timef) {
-		printf("Cannot find GPS time \n");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	fgets(line,100,timef);
-	mytime = atoi(line);
-	printf("GPS TIME is %d\n",mytime);
-	fclose(timef);
-	return (mytime);
+unsigned int
+getGpsTimeProc( )
+    FILE*        timef;
+    char         line[ 100 ];
+    int          status;
+    unsigned int mytime;
+    timef = fopen( "/sys/kernel/gpstime/time", "r" );
+    if ( !timef )
+    {
+        printf( "Cannot find GPS time \n" );
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
+    fgets( line, 100, timef );
+    mytime = atoi( line );
+    printf( "GPS TIME is %d\n", mytime );
+    fclose( timef );
+    return ( mytime );
-// TASK: fe_start_app_user()	
-// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code	
+// TASK: fe_start_app_user()
+// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code
-/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code built
-/// using the RCG. \n
-/// There are two primary modes of operation, based on two compile options: \n
-///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP). 
+/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code
+/// built using the RCG. \n There are two primary modes of operation, based on
+/// two compile options: \n
+///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP).
 ///	- ADC_SLAVE: Normal user control process.
-/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model. The
-/// loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC module in turn
-/// is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the Timing Distribution System.
-///	- 
-int fe_start_app_user()
+/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model.
+/// The loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC
+/// module in turn is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the
+/// Timing Distribution System.
+///	-
+fe_start_app_user( )
-  int longestWrite2 = 0;
-  int tempClock[4];
-  int ii,jj,kk,ll,mm;			// Dummy loop counter variables
-  static int clock1Min = 0;		///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
-  struct timespec tp;
-  static struct timespec cpuClock[CPU_TIMER_CNT];	///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag variables
-  // int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES]; 
-  adcInfo_t adcInfo;
-  dacInfo_t dacInfo;
-  static int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
-  					///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles in,
-					///< so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
-  int limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;      /// @param limit ADC/DAC overflow test value
-  int mask = GSAI_DATA_MASK;            /// @param mask Bit mask for ADC/DAC read/writes
-  int num_outs = MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;   /// @param num_outs Number of DAC channels variable
-  int dkiTrip = 0;
-  RFM_FE_COMMS *pEpicsComms;		/// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared memory space
-  // int timeHoldMax = 0;			/// @param timeHoldMax Max code cycle time since last diag reset
-  int myGmError2 = 0;			/// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
-  int status;				/// @param status Typical function return value
-  float onePps;				/// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHi = 0;			/// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTime = 0;			/// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
+    int        longestWrite2 = 0;
+    int        tempClock[ 4 ];
+    int        ii, jj, kk, ll, mm; // Dummy loop counter variables
+    static int clock1Min = 0; ///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
+    struct timespec tp;
+    static struct timespec
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIMER_CNT ]; ///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag
+                                   ///  variables
+    // int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
+    adcInfo_t adcInfo;
+    dacInfo_t dacInfo;
+    static int dacWriteEnable =
+        0; /// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
+           ///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles
+           ///< in, so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
+    int limit =
+        OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT; /// @param limit ADC/DAC overflow test value
+    int mask = GSAI_DATA_MASK; /// @param mask Bit mask for ADC/DAC read/writes
+    int num_outs =
+        MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; /// @param num_outs Number of DAC channels variable
+    int           dkiTrip = 0;
+    RFM_FE_COMMS* pEpicsComms; /// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared
+                               /// memory space
+    // int timeHoldMax = 0;			/// @param timeHoldMax Max code cycle time since
+    // last diag reset
+    int myGmError2 = 0; /// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
+    int status; /// @param status Typical function return value
+    float
+        onePps; /// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
+    int onePpsHi = 0; /// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTime = 0; /// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-  float onePpsTest;			/// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHiTest[10];			/// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTimeTest[10];		/// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    float onePpsTest; /// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for
+                      /// diagnostics
+    int onePpsHiTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTimeTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic
+                              /// check
-  int dcuId;				/// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
-  int diagWord = 0;			/// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
-  int system = 0;
-  int sampleCount = 1;			/// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
-  int sync21pps = 0;			/// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
-  int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_MASTER;	/// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
-  int mxStat = 0;			/// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
-  int mxDiag = 0;
-  int mxDiagR = 0;
-// ****** Share data
-  int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-  int ioMemCntr = 0;
-  int ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-  int memCtr = 0;
-  int ioClock = 0;
-  double dac_in =  0.0;			/// @param dac_in DAC value after upsample filtering
-  int dac_out = 0;			/// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
-  int feStatus = 0;
-  int clk, clk1;			// Used only when run on timer enabled (test mode)
-  int cnt = 0;
-  unsigned long cpc;
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-/// Start Initialization Process \n
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-  memset (tempClock, 0, sizeof(tempClock));
-  /// \> Flush L1 cache
-  memset (fp, 0, 64*1024);
-  memset (fp, 1, 64*1024);
-  fz_daz(); /// \> Kill the denorms!
-  /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
-  pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm;
-  pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
-  pEpicsDaq = (char *)&(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput);
-// printf("Epics at 0x%x and DAQ at 0x%x  size = %d \n",pLocalEpics,pEpicsDaq,sizeof(CDS_EPICS_IN));
+    int dcuId; /// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
+    int diagWord =
+        0; /// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
+    int system = 0;
+    int sampleCount =
+        1; /// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
+    int sync21pps = 0; /// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
+    int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_MASTER; /// @param syncSource Code startup
+                                      /// synchronization source
+    int mxStat = 0; /// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
+    int mxDiag = 0;
+    int mxDiagR = 0;
+    // ****** Share data
+    int    ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
+    int    ioMemCntr = 0;
+    int    ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
+    int    memCtr = 0;
+    int    ioClock = 0;
+    double dac_in = 0.0; /// @param dac_in DAC value after upsample filtering
+    int    dac_out = 0; /// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
+    int feStatus = 0;
+    int clk, clk1; // Used only when run on timer enabled (test mode)
+    int           cnt = 0;
+    unsigned long cpc;
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// Start Initialization Process \n
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    memset( tempClock, 0, sizeof( tempClock ) );
+    /// \> Flush L1 cache
+    memset( fp, 0, 64 * 1024 );
+    memset( fp, 1, 64 * 1024 );
+    fz_daz( ); /// \> Kill the denorms!
+    /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
+    pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm;
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
+    pEpicsDaq = (char*)&( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput );
+    // printf("Epics at 0x%x and DAQ at 0x%x  size = %d
+    // \n",pLocalEpics,pEpicsDaq,sizeof(CDS_EPICS_IN));
-  /// \> Zero out filter histories
-  memset(dHistory, 0, sizeof(dHistory));
-  memset(dDacHistory, 0, sizeof(dDacHistory));
+    /// \> Zero out filter histories
+    memset( dHistory, 0, sizeof( dHistory ) );
+    memset( dDacHistory, 0, sizeof( dDacHistory ) );
-  /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
-  for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++)
-  {
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++) {
- 	dacOut[ii][jj] = 0.0;
- 	dacOutUsed[ii][jj] = 0;
+    /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            dacOut[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+            dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
+        }
-  }
-  /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
-  /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD data.\n
-  /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done to: \n
-  /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from shared memory. \n
-  /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations, which was slow. \n
-    pDsp[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-    pCoeff[system] = (VME_COEF *)(&pEpicsComms->coeffSpace);
-    dspPtr[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
+    /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD
+    /// data.\n
+    /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done
+    /// to: \n
+    /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from
+    /// shared memory. \n
+    /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations,
+    /// which was slow. \n
+    pDsp[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    pCoeff[ system ] = (VME_COEF*)( &pEpicsComms->coeffSpace );
+    dspPtr[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    // Clear input masks
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    /// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        checkFiltReset( ii,
+                        dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                        pDsp[ 0 ],
+                        &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                        MAX_MODULES,
+                        pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+    }
-  // Clear input masks
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
+    dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
+    // Reset timing diagnostics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
+    /// \> Init IIR filter banks
+    //   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
-	checkFiltReset(ii, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-    }
-  // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
-  dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-  // Reset timing diagnostics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// \> Init IIR filter banks
-//   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++) {
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++){
-      for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++){
-        for(kk=0;kk<MAX_COEFFS;kk++){
-          dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk] = 0.0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+        {
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_COEFFS; kk++ )
+                {
+                    dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
-        dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] = 0;
-      }
-  }
-  /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero 
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++)
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-       // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
-       pDsp[0]->data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+    /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+            // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+            pDsp[ 0 ]->data[ ii ].exciteInput = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
-    if (initVars(pDsp[0], pDsp[0], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0])) {
-    	printf("Filter module init failed, exiting\n");
-	return 0;
+    /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
+    if ( initVars( pDsp[ 0 ], pDsp[ 0 ], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[ 0 ] ) )
+    {
+        printf( "Filter module init failed, exiting\n" );
+        return 0;
-  printf("Initialized servo control parameters.\n");
+    printf( "Initialized servo control parameters.\n" );
+    usleep( 1000 );
-/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software 
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine 
-#if defined(SERVO2K) || defined(SERVO4K)
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
+/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine
+#if defined( SERVO2K ) || defined( SERVO4K )
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
-  daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
-  daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
-  daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
-  printf("DAQ Ex Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.filtExMin,daq.filtExMax);
-  printf("DAQ XEx Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.xExMin,daq.xExMax);
-  printf("DAQ Tp Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.filtTpMin,daq.filtTpMax);
-  printf("DAQ XTp Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.xTpMin,daq.xTpMax);
-  /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
-  for (ii = 0; ii <  cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++)
-	for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
-		testpoint[MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj] = floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
-  // Zero out storage
-  memset(floatDacOut, 0, sizeof(floatDacOut));
+    daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
+    daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
+    daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
+    daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
+    printf( "DAQ Ex Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.filtExMin, daq.filtExMax );
+    printf( "DAQ XEx Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.xExMin, daq.xExMax );
+    printf( "DAQ Tp Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.filtTpMin, daq.filtTpMax );
+    printf( "DAQ XTp Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.xTpMin, daq.xTpMax );
+    /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;
+              jj++ ) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
+            testpoint[ MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj ] =
+                floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
+    // Zero out storage
+    memset( floatDacOut, 0, sizeof( floatDacOut ) );
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
-  status = daqWrite(0,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],0, (int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-  if(status == -1) 
-  {
-    printf("DAQ init failed -- exiting\n");
-    vmeDone = 1;
-    return(0);
-  }
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
+    status = daqWrite( 0,
+                       dcuId,
+                       daq,
+                       DAQ_RATE,
+                       testpoint,
+                       dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                       0,
+                       (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                       xExc,
+                       pEpicsDaq );
+    if ( status == -1 )
+    {
+        printf( "DAQ init failed -- exiting\n" );
+        vmeDone = 1;
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
-  // Clear the code exit flag
-  vmeDone = 0;
-  /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
-  printf("Calling feCode() to initialize\n");
-  iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0], (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,1);
-/// \> Verify DAC channels defined for this app are not already in use. \n
-/// - ---- User apps are allowed to share DAC modules but not DAC channels.
-  // See if my DAC channel map overlaps with already running models
-  for (ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++) {
-    int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] - ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++) {
-	if (dacOutUsed[ii][jj]) {
-	  if (ioMemData->dacOutUsed[pd][jj])  {
-    		// vmeDone = 1;
-   		printf("Failed to allocate DAC channel.\n");
-		printf("DAC local %d global %d channel %d is already allocated.\n", ii, pd, jj);
-	  }
-    	}
+    // Clear the code exit flag
+    vmeDone = 0;
+    /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
+    printf( "Calling feCode() to initialize\n" );
+    iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                           dWord,
+                           dacOut,
+                           dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                           &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                           (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                           1 );
+    /// \> Verify DAC channels defined for this app are not already in use. \n
+    /// - ---- User apps are allowed to share DAC modules but not DAC channels.
+    // See if my DAC channel map overlaps with already running models
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] -
+            ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            if ( dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] )
+            {
+                if ( ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ pd ][ jj ] )
+                {
+                    // vmeDone = 1;
+                    printf( "Failed to allocate DAC channel.\n" );
+                    printf( "DAC local %d global %d channel %d is already "
+                            "allocated.\n",
+                            ii,
+                            pd,
+                            jj );
+                }
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  if (vmeDone) {
-     	return(0);
-  } else {
-    for (ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++) {
-      int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] - ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
-      for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) {
-	if (dacOutUsed[ii][jj]) {
-	  	ioMemData->dacOutUsed[pd][jj] = 1;
-		printf("Setting card local=%d global = %d channel=%d dac usage\n", ii, pd, jj);
-	}
-      }
+    if ( vmeDone )
+    {
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+        {
+            int pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] -
+                ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++ )
+            {
+                if ( dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] )
+                {
+                    ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ pd ][ jj ] = 1;
+                    printf( "Setting card local=%d global = %d channel=%d dac "
+                            "usage\n",
+                            ii,
+                            pd,
+                            jj );
+                }
+            }
+        }
-  }
-// Initialize ADC status
-  for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-  {
-  	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] = 1;
-  }
+    // Initialize ADC status
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] = 1;
+    }
-	// SLAVE needs to sync with MASTER by looking for cycle 0 count in ipc memory
-	// Find memory buffer of first ADC to be used in SLAVE application.
+    // SLAVE needs to sync with MASTER by looking for cycle 0 count in ipc
+    // memory Find memory buffer of first ADC to be used in SLAVE application.
     pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
-        ll = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[0];
-        printf("waiting to sync %d\n",ioMemData->iodata[ll][0].cycle);
-	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START]);
-	  // Spin until cycle 0 detected in first ADC buffer location.
-          do {
-		usleep(1);
-          } while(ioMemData->iodata[ll][0].cycle != 0);
-        timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[ll][0].timeSec;
-        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END]);
-	timeinfo.cycleTime = BILLION * (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END].tv_sec - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec) + 
-	    	               cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END].tv_nsec - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec;
-	timeinfo.cycleTime /= 1000;
-        printf("Synched %d\n",timeinfo.cycleTime);
-	// Need to set sync21pps so code will not try to sync with 1pps pulse later.
-	sync21pps=1;
-	// Get GPS seconds from MASTER
-	timeSec = ioMemData->gpsSecond;
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-	// Decrement GPS seconds as it will be incremented on first read cycle.
-	timeSec --;
-  onePpsTime = cycleNum;
-  // timeSec = current_time() -1;
-	timeSec = ioMemData->gpsSecond;
-        // timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[0][0].timeSec;
-  printf ("Using local GPS time %d \n",timeSec);
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
-  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &adcTime);
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  /// Enter the infinite FE control loop  ******************************************\n
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
-  // cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
-  // cpc /= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-  while(!vmeDone){ 	// Run forever until user hits reset
-	// **********************************************************************************************************
-	// NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
-	// On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
-	// coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be 
-	// increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
-	// code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match 2048 system.
-	// **********************************************************************************************************
-/// \> On 1PPS mark \n
-       if(cycleNum == 0)
-        {
-	  /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
-	  //printf("awgtpman gps = %d local = %d\n", pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps, timeSec);
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat = (pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec);
-	  if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
-	  /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
-	  if(!iopDacEnable || dkiTrip) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
-	}
-    for(ll=0;ll<sampleCount;ll++)
+    ll = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ 0 ];
+    printf( "waiting to sync %d\n", ioMemData->iodata[ ll ][ 0 ].cycle );
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] );
+    // Spin until cycle 0 detected in first ADC buffer location.
+    do
-		/// \> SLAVE gets its adc data from MASTER via ipc shared memory\n
-        for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-		{
-            mm = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[jj];
-            kk = 0;
-		    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC]);
-			/// - ---- Wait for proper timestamp in shared memory, indicating data ready.
-            do{
-		        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT]);
-				adcInfo.adcWait = BILLION * 
-                    (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT].tv_sec - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC].tv_sec) + 
-	    	        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT].tv_nsec - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC].tv_nsec;
-				adcInfo.adcWait /= 1000;
-            }while((ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntr].cycle != ioClock) && (adcInfo.adcWait < MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE));
-			timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntr].timeSec;
-			if (cycle_gps_time == 0) {
-				timeinfo.startGpsTime = timeSec;
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
-			}
-			cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
-			/// - --------- If data not ready in time, set error, release DAC channel reservation and exit the code.
-            if(adcInfo.adcWait >= MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE)
-            {
-                printf ("ADC TIMEOUT %d %d %d %d\n",mm,ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntr].cycle, ioMemCntr,ioClock);
-	  			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
-	  			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord |= ADC_TIMEOUT_ERR;
-				deallocate_dac_channels();
-  				return (void *)-1;
-            }
-            for(ii=0;ii<MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
+        usleep( 1 );
+    } while ( ioMemData->iodata[ ll ][ 0 ].cycle != 0 );
+    timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[ ll ][ 0 ].timeSec;
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] );
+    timeinfo.cycleTime = BILLION *
+            ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ].tv_sec -
+              cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec ) +
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ].tv_nsec -
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec;
+    timeinfo.cycleTime /= 1000;
+    printf( "Synched %d\n", timeinfo.cycleTime );
+    // Need to set sync21pps so code will not try to sync with 1pps pulse later.
+    sync21pps = 1;
+    // Get GPS seconds from MASTER
+    timeSec = ioMemData->gpsSecond;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+    // Decrement GPS seconds as it will be incremented on first read cycle.
+    timeSec--;
+    onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+    // timeSec = current_time() -1;
+    timeSec = ioMemData->gpsSecond;
+    // timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[0][0].timeSec;
+    printf( "Using local GPS time %d \n", timeSec );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &adcTime );
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    /// Enter the infinite FE control loop
+    /// ******************************************\n
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
+    // cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    // cpc /= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+    while ( !vmeDone )
+    { // Run forever until user hits reset
+        // **********************************************************************************************************
+        // NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
+        // On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
+        // coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be
+        // increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
+        // code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match
+        // 2048 system.
+        // **********************************************************************************************************
+        /// \> On 1PPS mark \n
+        if ( cycleNum == 0 )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
+            // printf("awgtpman gps = %d local = %d\n",
+            // pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps, timeSec);
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat =
+                ( pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec );
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
+            /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
+            if ( !iopDacEnable || dkiTrip )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
+        }
+        for ( ll = 0; ll < sampleCount; ll++ )
+        {
+            /// \> SLAVE gets its adc data from MASTER via ipc shared memory\n
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
-			    /// - ---- Read data from shared memory.
-                adcInfo.adcData[jj][ii] = ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntr].data[ii];
+                mm = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ jj ];
+                kk = 0;
+                clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ] );
+                /// - ---- Wait for proper timestamp in shared memory,
+                /// indicating data ready.
+                do
+                {
+                    clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
+                                   &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ] );
+                    adcInfo.adcWait = BILLION *
+                            ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ].tv_sec -
+                              cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ].tv_sec ) +
+                        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ].tv_nsec -
+                        cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ].tv_nsec;
+                    adcInfo.adcWait /= 1000;
+                } while (
+                    ( ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntr ].cycle != ioClock ) &&
+                    ( adcInfo.adcWait < MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE ) );
+                timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntr ].timeSec;
+                if ( cycle_gps_time == 0 )
+                {
+                    timeinfo.startGpsTime = timeSec;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime =
+                        timeinfo.startGpsTime;
+                }
+                cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
+                /// - --------- If data not ready in time, set error, release
+                /// DAC channel reservation and exit the code.
+                if ( adcInfo.adcWait >= MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE )
+                {
+                    printf( "ADC TIMEOUT %d %d %d %d\n",
+                            mm,
+                            ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntr ].cycle,
+                            ioMemCntr,
+                            ioClock );
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord |= ADC_TIMEOUT_ERR;
+                    deallocate_dac_channels( );
+                    return (void*)-1;
+                }
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    /// - ---- Read data from shared memory.
+                    adcInfo.adcData[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntr ].data[ ii ];
-                adcInfo.adcData[jj][ii] *= -1;
+                    adcInfo.adcData[ jj ][ ii ] *= -1;
-                dWord[jj][ii] = adcInfo.adcData[jj][ii];
+                    dWord[ jj ][ ii ] = adcInfo.adcData[ jj ][ ii ];
-				/// - ---- Downsample ADC data from 64K to rate of user application
-				if (dWordUsed[jj][ii]) {
-					dWord[jj][ii] = iir_filter_biquad(dWord[jj][ii],FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,2,&dHistory[ii+jj*32][0]);
-			    }
-			    /// - ---- Check for ADC data over/under range
-			    if((adcInfo.adcData[jj][ii] > limit) || (adcInfo.adcData[jj][ii] < -limit))
-		        {
-				    adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] ++;
-				    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] ++;
-				    overflowAcc ++;
-				    adcInfo.adcOF[jj] = 1;
-				    odcStateWord |= ODC_ADC_OVF;
-		        }   
+                    /// - ---- Downsample ADC data from 64K to rate of user
+                    /// application
+                    if ( dWordUsed[ jj ][ ii ] )
+                    {
+                        dWord[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                            iir_filter_biquad( dWord[ jj ][ ii ],
+                                               FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,
+                                               2,
+                                               &dHistory[ ii + jj * 32 ][ 0 ] );
+                    }
+                    /// - ---- Check for ADC data over/under range
+                    if ( ( adcInfo.adcData[ jj ][ ii ] > limit ) ||
+                         ( adcInfo.adcData[ jj ][ ii ] < -limit ) )
+                    {
+                        adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                        overflowAcc++;
+                        adcInfo.adcOF[ jj ] = 1;
+                        odcStateWord |= ODC_ADC_OVF;
+                    }
-            // No filter  dWord[kk][ll] = adcData[kk][ll];
+                    // No filter  dWord[kk][ll] = adcData[kk][ll];
+                }
+            /// \> Set counters for next read from ipc memory
+            ioClock = ( ioClock + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+            ioMemCntr = ( ioMemCntr + 1 ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+            clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] );
-		/// \> Set counters for next read from ipc memory
-        ioClock = (ioClock + 1) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-        ioMemCntr = (ioMemCntr + 1) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START]);
-	}
-	// After first synced ADC read, must set to code to read number samples/cycle
-    sampleCount = OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
-/// End of ADC Read **************************************************************************************
-/// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
-/// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called and executed. \n\n
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START]);
- 	iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0],(struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,0);
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END]);
-  	odcStateWord = 0;
-/// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
-/// Writing of DAC outputs is dependent on code compile option: \n
-/// - -- IOP (ADC_MASTER) reads DAC output values from memory shared with user apps and writes to DAC hardware. \n
-/// - -- USER APP (ADC_SLAVE) sends output values to memory shared with IOP. \n
-/// START OF USER APP DAC WRITE *****************************************
-    // Write out data to DAC modules
-	/// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
-    status = app_dac_write(ioMemCntrDac,ioClockDac, &dacinfo);
-    /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
-    ioClockDac = (ioClockDac + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-    ioMemCntrDac = (ioMemCntrDac  + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-    if(dacWriteEnable < 10) dacWriteEnable ++;
-/// END OF DAC WRITE *************************************************
-/// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************ \n
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
-// *******************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum ==HKP_TIMING_UPDATES)	
-    {
-        sendTimingDiags2Epics(pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-	    if((adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI) || (adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO)) 
-	    {
-	  	    diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
-		    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	    }
-	    if(timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM) 
-	    {
-	  	    diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
-		    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	    }
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
-  	    feStatus = 0;
-  	    if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset)
-	    {
-		    initialDiagReset = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
-  		// pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diags[1] = 0;
-		    timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
-	  	    diagWord = 0;
-		    ipcErrBits = 0;
-		// feStatus = 0;
-	    }
-	    // Flip the onePPS various once/sec as a watchdog monitor.
-	    // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.onePps ^= 1;
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
-    }
+        // After first synced ADC read, must set to code to read number
+        // samples/cycle
+        sampleCount = OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
+        /// End of ADC Read
+        /// **************************************************************************************
+        /// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
+        /// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called
+        /// and executed. \n\n
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] );
+        iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                               dWord,
+                               dacOut,
+                               dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                               &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                               (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                               0 );
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ] );
+        odcStateWord = 0;
+        /// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
+        /// Writing of DAC outputs is dependent on code compile option: \n
+        /// - -- IOP (ADC_MASTER) reads DAC output values from memory shared
+        /// with user apps and writes to DAC hardware. \n
+        /// - -- USER APP (ADC_SLAVE) sends output values to memory shared with
+        /// IOP. \n
+        /// *****************************************
+        // Write out data to DAC modules
+        /// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
+        status = app_dac_write( ioMemCntrDac, ioClockDac, &dacinfo );
+        /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
+        ioClockDac = ( ioClockDac + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        ioMemCntrDac = ( ioMemCntrDac + OVERSAMPLE_TIMES ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+        if ( dacWriteEnable < 10 )
+            dacWriteEnable++;
+        /// END OF DAC WRITE *************************************************
+        /// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************
+        /// \n
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_TIMING_UPDATES )
+        {
+            sendTimingDiags2Epics( pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
-/// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This is spread out over a number of cycles.
-	// Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
-	// here we are rounding up:
-	//   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
-	//
-	static const unsigned int mpc = (MAX_MODULES + (FE_RATE / 16) - 1) / (FE_RATE / 16); // Modules per cycle
-	unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
-	unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
-	unsigned int i;
-	for (i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc ; i++) 
-		checkFiltReset(i, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
+            if ( ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI ) ||
+                 ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO ) )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            if ( timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
+            feStatus = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset )
+            {
+                initialDiagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
+                // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diags[1] = 0;
+                timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
+                diagWord = 0;
+                ipcErrBits = 0;
+                // feStatus = 0;
+            }
+            // Flip the onePPS various once/sec as a watchdog monitor.
+            // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.onePps ^= 1;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
+        }
-/// \> Check if code exit is requested
-	if(cycleNum == MAX_MODULES) 
-		vmeDone = stop_working_threads | checkEpicsReset(cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
+        /// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This
+        /// is spread out over a number of cycles.
+        // Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
+        // here we are rounding up:
+        //   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
+        //
+        static const unsigned int mpc = ( MAX_MODULES + ( FE_RATE / 16 ) - 1 ) /
+            ( FE_RATE / 16 ); // Modules per cycle
+        unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
+        unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
+        unsigned int i;
+        for ( i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc; i++ )
+            checkFiltReset( i,
+                            dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                            pDsp[ 0 ],
+                            &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                            MAX_MODULES,
+                            pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+        /// \> Check if code exit is requested
+        if ( cycleNum == MAX_MODULES )
+            vmeDone = stop_working_threads |
+                checkEpicsReset( cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
 /// \>  Write data to DAQ.
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
-	// Call daqLib
-	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt = 
-		daqWrite(1,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],myGmError2,(int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-	// Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number checking
-  	pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
-  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
-	feStatus |= (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count);
-	if (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count) odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
-	else odcStateWord &= ~(ODC_EXC_SET);
-	if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING) 
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+        // Call daqLib
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt =
+            daqWrite( 1,
+                      dcuId,
+                      daq,
+                      DAQ_RATE,
+                      testpoint,
+                      dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                      myGmError2,
+                      (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                      xExc,
+                      pEpicsDaq );
+        // Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number
+        // checking
+        pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
+        feStatus |= ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count );
+        if ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count )
+            odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
+        else
+            odcStateWord &= ~( ODC_EXC_SET );
+        if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING )
+            feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
-// *******************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES)	
-    {
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.userTime = timeinfo.usrHoldTime;
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
-	    if(ipcErrBits & 0xf) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
-	    // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
-	    mxStat = 0;
-	    mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
-	    if((mxDiag & 1) != (mxDiagR & 1)) mxStat = 1;
-	    if((mxDiag & 2) != (mxDiagR & 2)) mxStat += 2;
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.userTime = timeinfo.usrHoldTime;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
+            if ( ipcErrBits & 0xf )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
+            // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
+            mxStat = 0;
+            mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 1 ) != ( mxDiagR & 1 ) )
+                mxStat = 1;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 2 ) != ( mxDiagR & 2 ) )
+                mxStat += 2;
 #ifdef DUAL_DAQ_DC
-	    if((mxDiag & 4) != (mxDiagR & 4)) mxStat += 4;
-	    if((mxDiag & 8) != (mxDiagR & 8)) mxStat += 8;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 4 ) != ( mxDiagR & 4 ) )
+                mxStat += 4;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 8 ) != ( mxDiagR & 8 ) )
+                mxStat += 8;
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
-  	    mxDiag = mxDiagR;
-	    if(mxStat != MX_OK)
-		    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;;
-	    timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
-  	    if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset)
-	    {
-            for (ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) {
-                for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++) {
-                    adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                    adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-			        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-			        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
+            mxDiag = mxDiagR;
+            if ( mxStat != MX_OK )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+            ;
+            timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++ )
+                {
+                    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                    {
+                        adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                        adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                            .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                    }
+                    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                    }
+            }
+            if ( ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset ) ||
+                 ( overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT ) )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
+                overflowAcc = 0;
+            }
+        }
-                for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+        // *******************************************************************
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == 1 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+        }
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES )
+        {
+            // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        dacInfo.dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
-	    }
-  	    if((pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) || (overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT))
-	    {
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
-		    overflowAcc = 0;
-	    }
-    }
+        }
-// *******************************************************************
-// *******************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == 1)
-	{
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-	}
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
-// *******************************************************************
-    if(subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES)
-	{
-	    // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	    	for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	    	{
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[jj][ii] = dacInfo.dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-		    }
-	    }
-	}
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
-// *******************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES)
-    {
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	        // SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
-	        if(adcInfo.adcChanErr[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(2);
-		        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_ADC;;
-	        }
- 	        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 2;
-	        adcInfo.adcChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	        // SET/CLR Overflow Error
-	        if(adcInfo.adcOF[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(4);
-		        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	        }
- 	        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 4;
-	        adcInfo.adcOF[jj] = 0;
-	        for(ii=0;ii<32;ii++)
-	        {
-                if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                // SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
+                if ( adcInfo.adcChanErr[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 2 );
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                    ;
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 2;
+                adcInfo.adcChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+                // SET/CLR Overflow Error
+                if ( adcInfo.adcOF[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 4 );
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+                    ;
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 4;
+                adcInfo.adcOF[ jj ] = 0;
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                         OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                    }
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ];
+                    adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                if ( dacOF[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &=
+                        ~( DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT );
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+                    ;
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
+                dacOF[ jj ] = 0;
+                if ( dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &=
+                        ~( DAC_TIMING_BIT );
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
+                dacChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                         OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                    }
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        dacInfo.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ];
+                    dacInfo.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii];
-		    adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-	        }
-	    }
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	        if(dacOF[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT);
-		        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	        }
- 	        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
-	        dacOF[jj] = 0;
-	        if(dacChanErr[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_TIMING_BIT);
-	        }
- 	        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
-	        dacChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	        for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	        {
-                if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[jj][ii] = dacInfo.overflowDac[jj][ii];
-		    dacInfo.overflowDac[jj][ii] = 0;
-	        }
-    }
-    // *********************************************************************
-	// Capture end of cycle time.
-    // *********************************************************************
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END]);
-	/// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
-	timeinfo.cycleTime = BILLION * 
-        (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END].tv_sec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec) + 
-	    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END].tv_nsec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec;
-	timeinfo.cycleTime /= 1000;
-	adcinfo.adcHoldTime = BILLION * 
-        (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec - adcTime.tv_sec) + 
-	    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec - adcTime.tv_nsec;
-	adcinfo.adcHoldTime /= 1000;
-	// Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
-	timeinfo.usrTime = BILLION * 
-        (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END].tv_sec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec) + 
-	    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END].tv_nsec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec;
-	timeinfo.usrTime /= 1000;
-    // Calculate timing max/mins/etc.
-    captureEocTiming(cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
-	adcTime.tv_sec = cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec;
-	adcTime.tv_nsec = cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec;
-    /// \> Update internal cycle counters
-    cycleNum += 1;
-    cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-    clock1Min += 1;
-    clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
-    if(subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE) 
-    {
-	    daqCycle = (daqCycle + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-		if(!(daqCycle % 2)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
-	}
-    if(subcycle == END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
-    {
-        /* Reset the data cycle counter */
-        subcycle = 0;
-    }
-    else{
-        /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
-        subcycle ++;                                                
-    }
+        // *********************************************************************
+        // Capture end of cycle time.
+        // *********************************************************************
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] );
+        /// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
+        timeinfo.cycleTime = BILLION *
+                ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ].tv_sec -
+                  cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec ) +
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ].tv_nsec -
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec;
+        timeinfo.cycleTime /= 1000;
+        // BILLION
+        adcinfo.adcHoldTime = BILLION *
+                ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec - adcTime.tv_sec ) +
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec - adcTime.tv_nsec;
+        adcinfo.adcHoldTime /= 1000;
+        // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
+        timeinfo.usrTime = BILLION *
+                ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ].tv_sec -
+                  cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec ) +
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ].tv_nsec -
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec;
+        timeinfo.usrTime /= 1000;
+        // Calculate timing max/mins/etc.
+        captureEocTiming( cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
+        adcTime.tv_sec = cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec;
+        adcTime.tv_nsec = cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec;
+        /// \> Update internal cycle counters
+        cycleNum += 1;
+        cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+        clock1Min += 1;
+        clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
+        if ( subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE )
+        {
+            daqCycle = ( daqCycle + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            if ( !( daqCycle % 2 ) )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
+        }
+        if ( subcycle ==
+             END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK ) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
+        {
+            /* Reset the data cycle counter */
+            subcycle = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
+            subcycle++;
+        }
-/// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
-  }
+        /// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
+    }
-  printf("exiting from fe_code()\n");
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
+    printf( "exiting from fe_code()\n" );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
-  deallocate_dac_channels();
+    deallocate_dac_channels( );
-  /* System reset command received */
-  return (void *)-1;
+    /* System reset command received */
+    return (void*)-1;
diff --git a/src/fe/controllerIop.c b/src/fe/controllerIop.c
index 737cfef5f..c31a24fcd 100644
--- a/src/fe/controllerIop.c
+++ b/src/fe/controllerIop.c
@@ -14,34 +14,32 @@
 ///	@file controllerIop.c
 ///	@brief Main scheduler program for compiled real-time kernal object. \n
 /// 	@detail More information can be found in the following DCC document:
-///<	<a href="">T0900607 CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
+///<	<a
+///<CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
 ///	@author R.Bork, A.Ivanov
 ///     @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 LIGO Project      \n
 ///<    California Institute of Technology              \n
 ///<    Massachusetts Institute of Technology           \n\n
-///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+///     modify
 ///<    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.                 \n
-///<    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-///<    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-///<    GNU General Public License for more details.
+///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. \n This program
+///<    is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+///<    WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+///<    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+///<    for more details.
 #include "controllerko.h"
 #include "dolphin.c"
-#if defined (TIME_MASTER) || defined (TIME_SLAVE)
-volatile TIMING_SIGNAL *pcieTimer;
+#if defined( TIME_MASTER ) || defined( TIME_SLAVE )
+volatile TIMING_SIGNAL* pcieTimer;
 // Duotone diags struct
 duotone_diag_t dt_diag;
@@ -53,15 +51,16 @@ int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
 int ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
 // DAC variable
 int dacEnable = 0;
-int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
-int dacTimingErrorPending[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
+int dacWriteEnable =
+    0; /// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
+int        dacTimingErrorPending[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ];
 static int dacTimingError = 0;
-int dacWatchDog = 0;
-int dac_out = 0;
+int        dacWatchDog = 0;
+int        dac_out = 0;
-int pBits[9] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256};
+int pBits[ 9 ] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 };
-int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec); 
+int getGpsTime( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec );
 // Include C code modules
 #include "moduleLoadIop.c"
@@ -79,871 +78,1075 @@ int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec);
 #include <drv/adc_info.c>
-// TASK: fe_start_iop()	
-// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code	
+// TASK: fe_start_iop()
+// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code
-/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code built
-/// using the RCG. \n
-/// There are two primary modes of operation, based on two compile options: \n
-///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP). 
+/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code
+/// built using the RCG. \n There are two primary modes of operation, based on
+/// two compile options: \n
+///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP).
 ///	- ADC_SLAVE: Normal user control process.
-/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model. The
-/// loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC module in turn
-/// is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the Timing Distribution System.
-///	- 
-void *fe_start_iop(void *arg)
+/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model.
+/// The loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC
+/// module in turn is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the
+/// Timing Distribution System.
+///	-
+fe_start_iop( void* arg )
-  int ii,jj,kk,ll;			// Dummy loop counter variables
-  static int clock1Min = 0;		///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
-  static int cpuClock[CPU_TIMER_CNT];	///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag variables
-  int sync21ppsCycles = 0;		/// @param sync32ppsCycles Number of attempts to sync to 1PPS
-  volatile RFM_FE_COMMS *pEpicsComms;		/// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared memory space
-  int status;				/// @param status Typical function return value
-  float onePps;				/// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHi = 0;			/// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTime = 0;			/// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
+    int        ii, jj, kk, ll; // Dummy loop counter variables
+    static int clock1Min = 0; ///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
+    static int cpuClock[ CPU_TIMER_CNT ]; ///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing
+                                          ///  diag variables
+    int sync21ppsCycles =
+        0; /// @param sync32ppsCycles Number of attempts to sync to 1PPS
+    volatile RFM_FE_COMMS* pEpicsComms; /// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS
+                                        /// shared memory space
+    int status; /// @param status Typical function return value
+    float
+        onePps; /// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
+    int onePpsHi = 0; /// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTime = 0; /// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-  float onePpsTest;			/// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHiTest[10];			/// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTimeTest[10];		/// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    float onePpsTest; /// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for
+                      /// diagnostics
+    int onePpsHiTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTimeTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic
+                              /// check
-  int dcuId;				/// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
-  static int missedCycle = 0;		/// @param missedCycle Incremented error counter when too many values in ADC FIFO
-  int diagWord = 0;			/// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
-  int system = 0;
-  int sync21pps = 0;			/// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
-  int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;	/// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
-  int mxStat = 0;			/// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
-  int mxDiag = 0;
-  int mxDiagR = 0;
-  int feStatus = 0;
-  int dkiTrip = 0;
-  unsigned int usec = 0;
-  unsigned long cpc;
-  float duotoneTimeDac;
-  float duotoneTime;
-  int usloop=1;
-  adcInfo_t *padcinfo;
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-/// Start Initialization Process \n
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-/// \> Flush L1 cache
-  memset (fp, 0, 64*1024);
-  memset (fp, 1, 64*1024);
-  clflush_cache_range ((void *)fp, 64*1024);
-  fz_daz(); /// \> Kill the denorms!
-  /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
-  pEpicsComms = (volatile RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm;
-  pLocalEpics = (volatile CDS_EPICS *)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
-  pEpicsDaq = (volatile char *)&(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput);
-  padcinfo = (adcInfo_t *)&adcinfo;
+    int        dcuId; /// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
+    static int missedCycle = 0; /// @param missedCycle Incremented error counter
+                                /// when too many values in ADC FIFO
+    int diagWord =
+        0; /// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
+    int system = 0;
+    int sync21pps = 0; /// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
+    int syncSource =
+        SYNC_SRC_NONE; /// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
+    int mxStat = 0; /// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
+    int mxDiag = 0;
+    int mxDiagR = 0;
+    int feStatus = 0;
+    int dkiTrip = 0;
+    unsigned int  usec = 0;
+    unsigned long cpc;
+    float         duotoneTimeDac;
+    float         duotoneTime;
+    int        usloop = 1;
+    double     adcval[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ][ MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD ];
+    adcInfo_t* padcinfo;
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// Start Initialization Process \n
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// \> Flush L1 cache
+    memset( fp, 0, 64 * 1024 );
+    memset( fp, 1, 64 * 1024 );
+    clflush_cache_range( (void*)fp, 64 * 1024 );
+    fz_daz( ); /// \> Kill the denorms!
+    /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
+    pEpicsComms = (volatile RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm;
+    pLocalEpics = (volatile CDS_EPICS*)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
+    pEpicsDaq = (volatile char*)&( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput );
+    padcinfo = (adcInfo_t*)&adcinfo;
-  /// \> Zero out filter histories
-  memset(dHistory, 0, sizeof(dHistory));
-  memset(dDacHistory, 0, sizeof(dDacHistory));
+    /// \> Zero out filter histories
+    memset( dHistory, 0, sizeof( dHistory ) );
+    memset( dDacHistory, 0, sizeof( dDacHistory ) );
-  /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
-  /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD data.\n
-  /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done to: \n
-  /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from shared memory. \n
-  /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations, which was slow. \n
-  pDsp[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  pCoeff[system] = (VME_COEF *)(&pEpicsComms->coeffSpace);
-  dspPtr[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-  // Clear input masks
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
-/// \> Init code synchronization source.
-  // Look for DIO card or IRIG-B Card
-  // if Contec 1616 BIO present, TDS slave will be used for timing.
-  if(cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount) syncSource = SYNC_SRC_TDS;
-  else syncSource = SYNC_SRC_1PPS;
+    /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
+    /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD
+    /// data.\n
+    /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done
+    /// to: \n
+    /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from
+    /// shared memory. \n
+    /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations,
+    /// which was slow. \n
+    pDsp[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    pCoeff[ system ] = (VME_COEF*)( &pEpicsComms->coeffSpace );
+    dspPtr[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    // Clear input masks
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    /// \> Init code synchronization source.
+    // Look for DIO card or IRIG-B Card
+    // if Contec 1616 BIO present, TDS slave will be used for timing.
+    if ( cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount )
+        syncSource = SYNC_SRC_TDS;
+    else
+        syncSource = SYNC_SRC_1PPS;
 #ifdef NO_SYNC
-  syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;
+    syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;
-#ifdef TIME_MASTER 
-  pcieTimer = (volatile TIMING_SIGNAL *) ((volatile char *)(cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0]) + IPC_PCIE_TIME_OFFSET);
+    pcieTimer =
+        (volatile TIMING_SIGNAL*)( (volatile char*)( cdsPciModules
+                                                         .dolphinWrite[ 0 ] ) +
+                                   IPC_PCIE_TIME_OFFSET );
-#ifdef TIME_SLAVE 
-  pcieTimer = (volatile TIMING_SIGNAL *) ((volatile char *)(cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0]) + IPC_PCIE_TIME_OFFSET);
-syncSource = SYNC_SRC_DOLPHIN;
+#ifdef TIME_SLAVE
+    pcieTimer =
+        (volatile TIMING_SIGNAL*)( (volatile char*)( cdsPciModules
+                                                         .dolphinRead[ 0 ] ) +
+                                   IPC_PCIE_TIME_OFFSET );
+    syncSource = SYNC_SRC_DOLPHIN;
-/// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
-  for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-  {
-    checkFiltReset(ii, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-  }
-  // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
-  dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-  // Reset timing diagnostics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// \> Init IIR filter banks
-//   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++) {
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++){
-      for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++){
-        for(kk=0;kk<MAX_COEFFS;kk++){
-          dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk] = 0.0;
-        }
-        dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] = 0;
-      }
+    /// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        checkFiltReset( ii,
+                        dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                        pDsp[ 0 ],
+                        &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                        MAX_MODULES,
+                        pCoeff[ 0 ] );
-  }
-  /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero 
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++)
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-       pDsp[0]->data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
-  if (initVars(pDsp[0], pDsp[0], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0])) {
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = FILT_INIT_ERROR;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  udelay(1000);
-/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software 
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine 
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
-  daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
-  daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
-  daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
-  /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
-  status = daqWrite(0,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],0, (int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-  if(status == -1) 
-  {
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAQ_INIT_ERROR;
-    vmeDone = 1;
-    return(0);
-  }
+    // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
+    dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-  /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
-  for (ii = 0; ii <  cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++)
-    for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
-        testpoint[MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj] = floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
+    // Reset timing diagnostics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-  // Zero out storage
-  memset(floatDacOut, 0, sizeof(floatDacOut));
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
-  // Clear the code exit flag
-  vmeDone = 0;
-  /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
-  iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,adcval,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0], (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,1);
-  // Initialize timing info variables
-  initializeTimingDiags(&timeinfo);
-  missedCycle = 0;
+    /// \> Init IIR filter banks
+    //   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+    {
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+        {
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_COEFFS; kk++ )
+                {
+                    dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
-  // Initialize duotone measurement signals
-  initializeDuotoneDiags(&dt_diag);
+    /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+            pDsp[ 0 ]->data[ ii ].exciteInput = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize the ADC modules *************************************
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_ADC_MODS;
-  status = iop_adc_init(padcinfo);
+    /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
+    if ( initVars( pDsp[ 0 ], pDsp[ 0 ], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[ 0 ] ) )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = FILT_INIT_ERROR;
+        return 0;
+    }
-  /// \> Initialize the DAC module variables  **********************************
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_DAC_MODS;
-  status = iop_dac_init(dacTimingErrorPending);
+    udelay( 1000 );
+/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
+    daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
+    daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
+    daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
+    daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
+    /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
+    status = daqWrite( 0,
+                       dcuId,
+                       daq,
+                       DAQ_RATE,
+                       testpoint,
+                       dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                       0,
+                       (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                       xExc,
+                       pEpicsDaq );
+    if ( status == -1 )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAQ_INIT_ERROR;
+        vmeDone = 1;
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
-/// \> Find the code syncrhonization source. \n
-/// - Standard aLIGO Sync source is the Timing Distribution System (TDS) (SYNC_SRC_TDS). 
-  switch(syncSource)
-  {
-    /// \>\> For SYNC_SRC_TDS, initialize system for synchronous start on 1PPS mark:
+    /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;
+              jj++ ) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
+            testpoint[ MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj ] =
+                floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
+    // Zero out storage
+    memset( floatDacOut, 0, sizeof( floatDacOut ) );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
+    // Clear the code exit flag
+    vmeDone = 0;
+    /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
+    iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                           adcval,
+                           dacOut,
+                           dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                           &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                           (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                           1 );
+    // Initialize timing info variables
+    initializeTimingDiags( &timeinfo );
+    missedCycle = 0;
+    // Initialize duotone measurement signals
+    initializeDuotoneDiags( &dt_diag );
+    /// \> Initialize the ADC modules *************************************
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_ADC_MODS;
+    status = iop_adc_init( padcinfo );
+    /// \> Initialize the DAC module variables
+    /// **********************************
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_DAC_MODS;
+    status = iop_dac_init( dacTimingErrorPending );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
+    /// \> Find the code syncrhonization source. \n
+    /// - Standard aLIGO Sync source is the Timing Distribution System (TDS)
+    /// (SYNC_SRC_TDS).
+    switch ( syncSource )
+    {
+    /// \>\> For SYNC_SRC_TDS, initialize system for synchronous start on 1PPS
+    /// mark:
     case SYNC_SRC_TDS:
-      /// - ---- Turn off TDS slave unit timing clocks, in turn removing clocks from ADC/DAC modules.
-      for(ii=0;ii<tdsCount;ii++)
-      {
-        CDIO1616Output[ii] = TDS_STOP_CLOCKS;
-        CDIO1616Input[ii] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ii], CDIO1616Output[ii]);
-      }
-      udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-      udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-      /// - ---- Arm ADC modules
-      gsc16ai64Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      gsc18ai32Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      /// - ----  Arm DAC outputs
-      gsc18ao8Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      gsc20ao8Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      gsc16ao16Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      // Set synched flag so later code will not check for 1PPS
-      sync21pps = 1;
-      udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-      udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-      /// - ---- Preload DAC FIFOS\n
-      /// - --------- Code runs intrinsically slower first few cycle after startup, so new DAC
-      /// values not written until a few cycle into run. \n
-      /// - --------- DAC timing diags will later check FIFO sizes to verify synchrounous timing.
-      // #ifndef NO_DAC_PRELOAD
-#if !defined  (NO_DAC_PRELOAD) && !defined (TIME_SLAVE)
-      status = iop_dac_preload(dacPtr);
+        /// - ---- Turn off TDS slave unit timing clocks, in turn removing
+        /// clocks from ADC/DAC modules.
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < tdsCount; ii++ )
+        {
+            CDIO1616Output[ ii ] = TDS_STOP_CLOCKS;
+            CDIO1616Input[ ii ] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(
+                &cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ ii ], CDIO1616Output[ ii ] );
+        }
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        /// - ---- Arm ADC modules
+        gsc16ai64Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        gsc18ai32Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        /// - ----  Arm DAC outputs
+        gsc18ao8Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        gsc20ao8Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        gsc16ao16Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        // Set synched flag so later code will not check for 1PPS
+        sync21pps = 1;
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        /// - ---- Preload DAC FIFOS\n
+        /// - --------- Code runs intrinsically slower first few cycle after
+        /// startup, so new DAC values not written until a few cycle into run.
+        /// \n
+        /// - --------- DAC timing diags will later check FIFO sizes to verify
+        /// synchrounous timing.
+        // #ifndef NO_DAC_PRELOAD
+#if !defined( NO_DAC_PRELOAD ) && !defined( TIME_SLAVE )
+        status = iop_dac_preload( dacPtr );
-      /// - ---- Start the timing clocks\n
-      /// - --------- Send start command to TDS slave.\n
-      /// - --------- TDS slave will begin sending 64KHz clocks synchronous to next 1PPS mark.
-      // CDIO1616Output[tdsControl] = 0x7B00000;
-      for(ii=0;ii<tdsCount;ii++)
-      {
-        // CDIO1616Output[ii] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
-        CDIO1616Input[ii] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ii], CDIO1616Output[ii]);
-      }
-      break;
+        /// - ---- Start the timing clocks\n
+        /// - --------- Send start command to TDS slave.\n
+        /// - --------- TDS slave will begin sending 64KHz clocks synchronous to
+        /// next 1PPS mark.
+        // CDIO1616Output[tdsControl] = 0x7B00000;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < tdsCount; ii++ )
+        {
+            // CDIO1616Output[ii] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
+            CDIO1616Output[ ii ] =
+            CDIO1616Input[ ii ] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(
+                &cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ ii ], CDIO1616Output[ ii ] );
+        }
+        break;
     case SYNC_SRC_1PPS:
 // #ifndef NO_DAC_PRELOAD
-#if !defined  (NO_DAC_PRELOAD) && !defined (TIME_SLAVE)
-      gsc16ai64Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      status = iop_dac_preload(dacPtr);
+#if !defined( NO_DAC_PRELOAD ) && !defined( TIME_SLAVE )
+        gsc16ai64Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        status = iop_dac_preload( dacPtr );
-      // Arm ADC modules
-      // This has to be done sequentially, one at a time.
-      status = sync_adc_2_1pps();
-      break;
+        // Arm ADC modules
+        // This has to be done sequentially, one at a time.
+        status = sync_adc_2_1pps( );
+        break;
     case SYNC_SRC_NONE:
-      gsc16ai64Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      gsc18ai32Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      sync21pps = 1;
-      break;
+        gsc16ai64Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        gsc18ai32Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        sync21pps = 1;
+        break;
-      sync21pps = 1;
-      break;
-    default: {
-      // IRIG-B card not found, so use CPU time to get close to 1PPS on startup
-      // Pause until this second ends
-      gsc16ai64Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      gsc18ai32Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-      sync21pps = 1;
-      break;
+        sync21pps = 1;
+        break;
+    default:
+    {
+        // IRIG-B card not found, so use CPU time to get close to 1PPS on
+        // startup Pause until this second ends
+        gsc16ai64Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        gsc18ai32Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+        sync21pps = 1;
+        break;
+    }
-  }
-//     for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) gsc18ai32DmaEnable(jj);
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
+    //     for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) gsc18ai32DmaEnable(jj);
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
-  onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+    onePpsTime = cycleNum;
 #ifdef REMOTE_GPS
-  timeSec = remote_time((struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
+    timeSec = remote_time( (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
-  timeSec = sync2master(pcieTimer);
-  sync21pps = 1;
+    timeSec = sync2master( pcieTimer );
+    sync21pps = 1;
-  timeSec = current_time_fe() -1;
+    timeSec = current_time_fe( ) - 1;
-  adcinfo.adcTime = rdtsc_ordered();
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  /// Enter the infinite FE control loop  ******************************************\n
+    adcinfo.adcTime = rdtsc_ordered( );
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
-  cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    /// Enter the infinite FE control loop
+    /// ******************************************\n
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
+    cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    cpc /= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-  while(!kthread_should_stop() && !vmeDone){
+    while ( !kthread_should_stop( ) && !vmeDone )
+    {
-  while(!vmeDone){ 	// Run forever until user hits reset
+    while ( !vmeDone )
+    { // Run forever until user hits reset
 // *****************************************************************************************
 // NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
 // *****************************************************************************************
-/// \> If IOP and RFM DMA selected, block transfer data from GeFanuc RFM cards.
-// Used in block transfers of data from GEFANUC RFM
-/// - ---- Want to start the DMA ASAP, before ADC data starts coming in.
-/// - ----  Note that data only xferred every 4th cycle of IOP, so max data rate on RFM is 16K.
-    if((cycleNum % 4) == 0)
-    {
-      if (cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[0]) vmic5565DMA(&cdsPciModules,0,(cycleNum % IPC_BLOCKS));
-      if (cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[1]) vmic5565DMA(&cdsPciModules,1,(cycleNum % IPC_BLOCKS));
-    }
-/// \> On 1PPS mark \n
-    if(cycleNum == 0)
-    {
-      /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat = (pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec);
-      if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
-      /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
-      if(!iopDacEnable || dkiTrip) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
-      /// - ---- If IOP, Increment GPS second
-      timeSec ++;
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-      if (cycle_gps_time == 0) {
-        timeinfo.startGpsTime = timeSec;
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
-      }
-      cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
-    }
-    if((cycleNum % 2048) == 0)  {
-        usleep_range(1,3);
-    }
-// Start of ADC Read **********************************************************************
-    // Read ADC data
-    status = iop_adc_read (padcinfo, cpuClock);
-    // Try synching to 1PPS on ADC[0][31] if not using IRIG-B or TDS
-    // Only try for 1 sec.
-    if(!sync21pps)
-    {
-      // 1PPS signal should rise above 4000 ADC counts if present.
-      if((adcinfo.adcData[0][31] < ONE_PPS_THRESH) && (sync21ppsCycles < (CYCLE_PER_SECOND*OVERSAMPLE_TIMES))) 
-      {
-        ll = -1;
-        sync21ppsCycles ++;
-      }else {
-        // Need to start clocking the DAC outputs.
-        gsc18ao8Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-	gsc16ao16Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-        sync21pps = 1;
-	// 1PPS never found, so indicate NO SYNC to user
-	if(sync21ppsCycles >= (CYCLE_PER_SECOND*OVERSAMPLE_TIMES))
-	{
-          syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;
-        } else {
-          // 1PPS found and synched to
-          syncSource = SYNC_SRC_1PPS;
+        /// \> If IOP and RFM DMA selected, block transfer data from GeFanuc RFM
+        /// cards.
+        // Used in block transfers of data from GEFANUC RFM
+        /// - ---- Want to start the DMA ASAP, before ADC data starts coming in.
+        /// - ----  Note that data only xferred every 4th cycle of IOP, so max
+        /// data rate on RFM is 16K.
+        if ( ( cycleNum % 4 ) == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ 0 ] )
+                vmic5565DMA( &cdsPciModules, 0, ( cycleNum % IPC_BLOCKS ) );
+            if ( cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ 1 ] )
+                vmic5565DMA( &cdsPciModules, 1, ( cycleNum % IPC_BLOCKS ) );
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-      }
-    }
-// **************************************************************************************
-/// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
-/// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called and executed. \n\n
-    // 
-    for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.adcCount;ii++)
-    {
-      if (cdsPciModules.adcType[ii] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M) {
-        for(jj=0;jj<32;jj++)
+        /// \> On 1PPS mark \n
+        if ( cycleNum == 0 )
-            adcval[ii][jj] = dWord[ii][jj][usloop];
+            /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat =
+                ( pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec );
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
+            /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
+            if ( !iopDacEnable || dkiTrip )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
+            /// - ---- If IOP, Increment GPS second
+            timeSec++;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+            if ( cycle_gps_time == 0 )
+            {
+                timeinfo.startGpsTime = timeSec;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
+            }
+            cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
-      } else {
-        for(jj=0;jj<32;jj++)
+        if ( ( cycleNum % 2048 ) == 0 )
-            adcval[ii][jj] = dWord[ii][jj][0];
+            usleep_range( 1, 3 );
-      }
-    }
-    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START] = rdtsc_ordered();
-    iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,adcval,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0],(struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,0);
-    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END] = rdtsc_ordered();
-// **************************************************************************************
-// **************************************************************************************
-    /// - ---- Reset ADC DMA Start Flag \n
-    /// - --------- This allows ADC to dump next data set whenever it is ready
-    // for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) gsc16ai64DmaEnable(jj);
-    // for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) gsc18ai32DmaEnable(jj);
-    odcStateWord = 0;
-// ********************************************************************
-/// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
-// ********************************************************************
-    // If a DAC module has bad timing then quit writing outputs
-    if(dacTimingError) iopDacEnable = 0;
-    // Write out data to DAC modules
-    if(usloop == 0) dkiTrip = iop_dac_write();
-// ***********************************************************************
-/// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************ \n
-// ***********************************************************************
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 0: \n
-/// - ---- Read IRIGB time if symmetricom card (this is not standard, but supported for earlier cards. \n
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_READ_SYMCOM_IRIGB)
-    {
-      if(cdsPciModules.gpsType == SYMCOM_RCVR) 
-      {
-        // Retrieve time set in at adc read and report offset from 1PPS
-        gps_receiver_locked = getGpsTime(&timeSec,&usec);
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = usec;
-      }
-      if((usec > MAX_IRIGB_SKEW || usec < MIN_IRIGB_SKEW) && cdsPciModules.gpsType != 0) 
-      {
-        diagWord |= TIME_ERR_IRIGB;;
-        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;;
-      }
-/// - ---- Calc duotone diagnostic mean values for past second and reset.
-      dt_diag.meanAdc = dt_diag.totalAdc/CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-      dt_diag.totalAdc = 0.0;
-      dt_diag.meanDac = dt_diag.totalDac/CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-      dt_diag.totalDac = 0.0;
-    }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 1 and Spectricom IRIGB (standard), get IRIG-B time information.
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_READ_TSYNC_IRIBB)
-    {
-      if(cdsPciModules.gpsType == TSYNC_RCVR)
-      {
-        gps_receiver_locked = getGpsuSecTsync(&usec);
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = usec;
-        /// - ---- If not in acceptable range, generate error.
-        if((usec > MAX_IRIGB_SKEW) || (usec < MIN_IRIGB_SKEW)) 
+        // Start of ADC Read
+        // **********************************************************************
+        // Read ADC data
+        status = iop_adc_read( padcinfo, cpuClock );
+        // Try synching to 1PPS on ADC[0][31] if not using IRIG-B or TDS
+        // Only try for 1 sec.
+        if ( !sync21pps )
-          feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;;
-          diagWord |= TIME_ERR_IRIGB;;
+            // 1PPS signal should rise above 4000 ADC counts if present.
+            if ( ( adcinfo.adcData[ 0 ][ 31 ] < ONE_PPS_THRESH ) &&
+                 ( sync21ppsCycles < ( CYCLE_PER_SECOND * OVERSAMPLE_TIMES ) ) )
+            {
+                ll = -1;
+                sync21ppsCycles++;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Need to start clocking the DAC outputs.
+                gsc18ao8Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+                gsc16ao16Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+                sync21pps = 1;
+                // 1PPS never found, so indicate NO SYNC to user
+                if ( sync21ppsCycles >=
+                     ( CYCLE_PER_SECOND * OVERSAMPLE_TIMES ) )
+                {
+                    syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // 1PPS found and synched to
+                    syncSource = SYNC_SRC_1PPS;
+                }
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
+            }
-      }
-    }
-/// \> Update duotone diag information
-    if(syncSource == SYNC_SRC_TDS) 
-    {
-    dt_diag.dac[(cycleNum + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET) % CYCLE_PER_SECOND] = dWord[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][DAC_DUOTONE_CHAN][usloop];
-    dt_diag.totalDac += dWord[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][DAC_DUOTONE_CHAN][usloop];
-    dt_diag.adc[(cycleNum + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET) % CYCLE_PER_SECOND] = dWord[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN][usloop];
-    dt_diag.totalAdc += dWord[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN][usloop];
-    }
+        for ( usloop = 0; usloop < UNDERSAMPLE; usloop++ )
+        {
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 16, perform duotone diag calcs.
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_DT_CALC && syncSource == SYNC_SRC_TDS)
-    {
-      duotoneTime = duotime(DT_SAMPLE_CNT, dt_diag.meanAdc, dt_diag.adc);
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dtTime = duotoneTime;
-      if(((duotoneTime < MIN_DT_DIAG_VAL) || (duotoneTime > MAX_DT_DIAG_VAL)) &&
-        syncSource != SYNC_SRC_1PPS) 
-          feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-        duotoneTimeDac = duotime(DT_SAMPLE_CNT, dt_diag.meanDac, dt_diag.dac);
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacDtTime = duotoneTimeDac;
-    }
+            // **************************************************************************************
+            /// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
+            /// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets
+            /// called and executed. \n\n
+            //
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.adcCount; ii++ )
+            {
+                if ( cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M )
+                {
+                    for ( jj = 0; jj < 32; jj++ )
+                    {
+                        adcval[ ii ][ jj ] = dWord[ ii ][ jj ][ usloop ];
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    for ( jj = 0; jj < 32; jj++ )
+                    {
+                        adcval[ ii ][ jj ] = dWord[ ii ][ jj ][ 0 ];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+            iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                                   adcval,
+                                   dacOut,
+                                   dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                                   &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                                   (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                                   0 );
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+            // **************************************************************************************
+            //
+            //
+            // **************************************************************************************
+            /// - ---- Reset ADC DMA Start Flag \n
+            /// - --------- This allows ADC to dump next data set whenever it is
+            /// ready
+            // for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) gsc16ai64DmaEnable(jj);
+            // for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) gsc18ai32DmaEnable(jj);
+            odcStateWord = 0;
+            //
+            // ********************************************************************
+            /// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
+            // ********************************************************************
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 17, set/reset DAC duotone switch if request has changed.
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_DAC_DT_SWITCH && syncSource == SYNC_SRC_TDS)
-    {
-      if(dt_diag.dacDuoEnable != pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet)
-      {
-        dt_diag.dacDuoEnable = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet;
-        if(dt_diag.dacDuoEnable)
-          CDIO1616Output[0] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
-        else CDIO1616Output[0] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS | TDS_NO_DAC_DUOTONE;
-        CDIO1616Input[0] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, tdsControl[0], CDIO1616Output[0]);
-      }
-    }
+            // If a DAC module has bad timing then quit writing outputs
+            // COMMENT OUT NEXT LINE FOR TEST STAND w/bad DAC cards.
+            if ( dacTimingError )
+                iopDacEnable = 0;
+            // Write out data to DAC modules
+            if ( usloop == 0 )
+                dkiTrip = iop_dac_write( );
+            // ***********************************************************************
+            /// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING
+            /// ************************************************ \n
+            // ***********************************************************************
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 0: \n
+            /// - ---- Read IRIGB time if symmetricom card (this is not
+            /// standard, but supported for earlier cards. \n
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_READ_SYMCOM_IRIGB )
+            {
+                if ( cdsPciModules.gpsType == SYMCOM_RCVR )
+                {
+                    // Retrieve time set in at adc read and report offset from
+                    // 1PPS
+                    gps_receiver_locked = getGpsTime( &timeSec, &usec );
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = usec;
+                }
+                if ( ( usec > MAX_IRIGB_SKEW || usec < MIN_IRIGB_SKEW ) &&
+                     cdsPciModules.gpsType != 0 )
+                {
+                    diagWord |= TIME_ERR_IRIGB;
+                    ;
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+                    ;
+                }
+                /// - ---- Calc duotone diagnostic mean values for past second
+                /// and reset.
+                dt_diag.meanAdc = dt_diag.totalAdc / CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+                dt_diag.totalAdc = 0.0;
+                dt_diag.meanDac = dt_diag.totalDac / CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+                dt_diag.totalDac = 0.0;
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum ==HKP_TIMING_UPDATES)	
-    {
-      sendTimingDiags2Epics(pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacEnable = dacEnable;
-      if((adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI) || (adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO)) 
-      {
-        diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
-        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-      }
-      if(timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM) 
-      {
-        diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
-        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-      }
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
-      feStatus = 0;
-      if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset)
-      {
-        initialDiagReset = 0;
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
-        timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
-        diagWord = 0;
-        ipcErrBits = 0;
-      	for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) adcinfo.adcRdTimeMax[jj] = 0;
-      }
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
-      for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) {
-        if(adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[jj] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_ERR_SEC)
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
-          adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[jj] = 0;
-      }
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 1 and Spectricom IRIGB (standard), get IRIG-B time
+            /// information.
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_READ_TSYNC_IRIBB )
+            {
+                if ( cdsPciModules.gpsType == TSYNC_RCVR )
+                {
+                    gps_receiver_locked = getGpsuSecTsync( &usec );
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = usec;
+                    /// - ---- If not in acceptable range, generate error.
+                    if ( ( usec > MAX_IRIGB_SKEW ) ||
+                         ( usec < MIN_IRIGB_SKEW ) )
+                    {
+                        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+                        ;
+                        diagWord |= TIME_ERR_IRIGB;
+                        ;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /// \> Update duotone diag information
+            if ( syncSource == SYNC_SRC_TDS )
+            {
+                dt_diag
+                    .dac[ ( cycleNum + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET ) % CYCLE_PER_SECOND ] =
+                    dWord[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ DAC_DUOTONE_CHAN ][ usloop ];
+                dt_diag.totalDac +=
+                    dWord[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ DAC_DUOTONE_CHAN ][ usloop ];
+                dt_diag
+                    .adc[ ( cycleNum + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET ) % CYCLE_PER_SECOND ] =
+                    dWord[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ][ usloop ];
+                dt_diag.totalAdc +=
+                    dWord[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ][ usloop ];
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. 
-/// This is spread out over a number of cycles.
-// Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
-// here we are rounding up:
-//   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
-// *****************************************************************
-    { 
-      static const unsigned int mpc = (MAX_MODULES + (FE_RATE / 16) - 1) / (FE_RATE / 16); // Modules per cycle
-      unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
-      unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
-      unsigned int i;
-      for (i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc ; i++) 
-        checkFiltReset(i, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 16, perform duotone diag calcs.
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_DT_CALC && syncSource == SYNC_SRC_TDS )
+            {
+                duotoneTime =
+                    duotime( DT_SAMPLE_CNT, dt_diag.meanAdc, dt_diag.adc );
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dtTime = duotoneTime;
+                if ( ( ( duotoneTime < MIN_DT_DIAG_VAL ) ||
+                       ( duotoneTime > MAX_DT_DIAG_VAL ) ) &&
+                     syncSource != SYNC_SRC_1PPS )
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+                duotoneTimeDac =
+                    duotime( DT_SAMPLE_CNT, dt_diag.meanDac, dt_diag.dac );
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacDtTime = duotoneTimeDac;
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-    /// \> Check if code exit is requested
-    if(cycleNum == MAX_MODULES) 
-      vmeDone = stop_working_threads | checkEpicsReset(cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 17, set/reset DAC duotone switch if request has
+            /// changed.
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_DAC_DT_SWITCH && syncSource == SYNC_SRC_TDS )
+            {
+                if ( dt_diag.dacDuoEnable != pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet )
+                {
+                    dt_diag.dacDuoEnable = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet;
+                    if ( dt_diag.dacDuoEnable )
+                        CDIO1616Output[ 0 ] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
+                    else
+                        CDIO1616Output[ 0 ] =
+                            TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS | TDS_NO_DAC_DUOTONE;
+                    CDIO1616Input[ 0 ] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(
+                        &cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ 0 ], CDIO1616Output[ 0 ] );
+                }
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-	// If synced to 1PPS on startup, continue to check that code
-	// is still in sync with 1PPS.
-	// This is NOT normal aLIGO mode.
-    if(syncSource == SYNC_SRC_1PPS)
-    {
-      // Assign chan 32 to onePps 
-      onePps = adcinfo.adcData[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
-      if((onePps > ONE_PPS_THRESH) && (onePpsHi == 0))  
-      {
-        onePpsTime = cycleNum;
-        onePpsHi = 1;
-      }
-      if(onePps < ONE_PPS_THRESH) onePpsHi = 0;  
-      // Check if front end continues to be in sync with 1pps
-      // If not, set sync error flag
-      if(onePpsTime > 1) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr |= TIME_ERR_1PPS;
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_TIMING_UPDATES )
+            {
+                sendTimingDiags2Epics( pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacEnable = dacEnable;
+                if ( ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI ) ||
+                     ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO ) )
+                {
+                    diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+                }
+                if ( timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM )
+                {
+                    diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+                }
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
+                feStatus = 0;
+                if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset )
+                {
+                    initialDiagReset = 0;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
+                    timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
+                    diagWord = 0;
+                    ipcErrBits = 0;
+                    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                        adcinfo.adcRdTimeMax[ jj ] = 0;
+                }
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
+                for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                {
+                    if ( adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_ERR_SEC )
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                    adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests.
+            /// This is spread out over a number of cycles.
+            // Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
+            // here we are rounding up:
+            //   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
+            //
+            // *****************************************************************
+            {
+                static const unsigned int mpc =
+                    ( MAX_MODULES + ( FE_RATE / 16 ) - 1 ) /
+                    ( FE_RATE / 16 ); // Modules per cycle
+                unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
+                unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
+                unsigned int i;
+                for ( i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc; i++ )
+                    checkFiltReset( i,
+                                    dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                                    pDsp[ 0 ],
+                                    &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                                    MAX_MODULES,
+                                    pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+            }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Check if code exit is requested
+            if ( cycleNum == MAX_MODULES )
+                vmeDone = stop_working_threads |
+                    checkEpicsReset( cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
+            // *****************************************************************
+            // If synced to 1PPS on startup, continue to check that code
+            // is still in sync with 1PPS.
+            // This is NOT normal aLIGO mode.
+            if ( syncSource == SYNC_SRC_1PPS )
+            {
+                // Assign chan 32 to onePps
+                onePps = adcinfo.adcData[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+                if ( ( onePps > ONE_PPS_THRESH ) && ( onePpsHi == 0 ) )
+                {
+                    onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+                    onePpsHi = 1;
+                }
+                if ( onePps < ONE_PPS_THRESH )
+                    onePpsHi = 0;
+                // Check if front end continues to be in sync with 1pps
+                // If not, set sync error flag
+                if ( onePpsTime > 1 )
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr |= TIME_ERR_1PPS;
+            }
 // Following is only used on automated test system
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-    for(ii=0;ii<10;ii++)
-    {
-      if(ii<5) onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[0][ii];
-      else onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[1][(ii-5)];
-      if((onePpsTest > 400) && (onePpsHiTest[ii] == 0))  
-      {
-        onePpsTimeTest[ii] = cycleNum;
-        onePpsHiTest[ii] = 1;
-        if((ii == 0) || (ii == 5)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ii] = cycleNum * 15.26;
-        // Slaves do not see 1pps until after IOP signal loops around and back into ADC channel 0,
-        // therefore, need to subtract IOP loop time.
-        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ii] = (cycleNum * 15.26) - pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[0];
-      }
-      // Reset the diagnostic for next cycle
-      if(cycleNum > 2000) onePpsHiTest[ii] = 0;  
-    }
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++ )
+            {
+                if ( ii < 5 )
+                    onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[ 0 ][ ii ];
+                else
+                    onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[ 1 ][ ( ii - 5 ) ];
+                if ( ( onePpsTest > 400 ) && ( onePpsHiTest[ ii ] == 0 ) )
+                {
+                    onePpsTimeTest[ ii ] = cycleNum;
+                    onePpsHiTest[ ii ] = 1;
+                    if ( ( ii == 0 ) || ( ii == 5 ) )
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ ii ] =
+                            cycleNum * 15.26;
+                    // Slaves do not see 1pps until after IOP signal loops
+                    // around and back into ADC channel 0, therefore, need to
+                    // subtract IOP loop time.
+                    else
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ ii ] =
+                            ( cycleNum * 15.26 ) -
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ 0 ];
+                }
+                // Reset the diagnostic for next cycle
+                if ( cycleNum > 2000 )
+                    onePpsHiTest[ ii ] = 0;
+            }
 // *****************************************************************
 /// \>  Write data to DAQ.
 // *****************************************************************
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
-    // Call daqLib
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt = 
-    daqWrite(1,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],0,(int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-    // Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number checking
-    pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
-    feStatus |= (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count);
-    if (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count) odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
-    else odcStateWord &= ~(ODC_EXC_SET);
-    if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING) 
-      feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+            // Call daqLib
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt =
+                daqWrite( 1,
+                          dcuId,
+                          daq,
+                          DAQ_RATE,
+                          testpoint,
+                          dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                          0,
+                          (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                          xExc,
+                          pEpicsDaq );
+            // Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number
+            // checking
+            pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
+            feStatus |= ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count );
+            if ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count )
+                odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
+            else
+                odcStateWord &= ~( ODC_EXC_SET );
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES)	
-    {
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
-      if(ipcErrBits & 0xf) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
-      // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
-      mxStat = 0;
-      mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
-      if((mxDiag & 1) != (mxDiagR & 1)) mxStat = 1;
-      if((mxDiag & 2) != (mxDiagR & 2)) mxStat += 2;
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
+                if ( ipcErrBits & 0xf )
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
+                // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
+                mxStat = 0;
+                mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
+                if ( ( mxDiag & 1 ) != ( mxDiagR & 1 ) )
+                    mxStat = 1;
+                if ( ( mxDiag & 2 ) != ( mxDiagR & 2 ) )
+                    mxStat += 2;
 #ifdef DUAL_DAQ_DC
-      if((mxDiag & 4) != (mxDiagR & 4)) mxStat += 4;
-      if((mxDiag & 8) != (mxDiagR & 8)) mxStat += 8;
+                if ( ( mxDiag & 4 ) != ( mxDiagR & 4 ) )
+                    mxStat += 4;
+                if ( ( mxDiag & 8 ) != ( mxDiagR & 8 ) )
+                    mxStat += 8;
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
-      mxDiag = mxDiagR;
-      if(mxStat != MX_OK) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;;
-      if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset)
-      {
-        if (pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) {
-          for (ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) {
-            for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++) {
-              adcinfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-              adcinfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-              pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-              pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-            }
-            for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-              pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
+                mxDiag = mxDiagR;
+                if ( mxStat != MX_OK )
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+                ;
+                if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+                {
+                    if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+                    {
+                        for ( ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++ )
+                        {
+                            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                            {
+                                adcinfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                                adcinfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                    .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                    .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                            }
+                            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+                            {
+                                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                    .overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset ) ||
+                     ( overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT ) )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
+                    overflowAcc = 0;
+                }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if((pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) || (overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT))
-      {
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
-        overflowAcc = 0;
-      }
-    }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES)
-    {
-      // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
-      for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-      {
-        for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-        {
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[jj][ii] = dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-        }	
-      }
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES )
+            {
+                // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
+                for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+                {
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                            dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES)
-    {
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
-      feStatus |= adc_status_update(&adcinfo);
-      feStatus |= dac_status_update(&dacinfo); 
-      // If ADC channels not where they should be, we have no option but to exit
-      // from the RT code ie loops would be working with wrong input data.
-      if (adcinfo.chanHop) {
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = CHAN_HOP_ERROR;
-        stop_working_threads = 1;
-        vmeDone = 1;
-        continue;    
-      } else {
-        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
-      }
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
+                feStatus |= adc_status_update( &adcinfo );
+                feStatus |= dac_status_update( &dacinfo );
+                // If ADC channels not where they should be, we have no option
+                // but to exit from the RT code ie loops would be working with
+                // wrong input data.
+                if ( adcinfo.chanHop )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = CHAN_HOP_ERROR;
+                    stop_working_threads = 1;
+                    vmeDone = 1;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
+                }
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 300, If IOP and RFM cards, check own data diagnostics
-// *****************************************************************
-    // Deal with the own-data bits on the VMIC 5565 rfm cards
-    if (cdsPciModules.rfmCount > 0) {
-      if (cycleNum >= HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE && cycleNum < (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount)) {
-        int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE;
-        status = vmic5565CheckOwnDataRcv(mod);
-        if(!status) ipcErrBits |= 4 + (mod * 4);
-      }
-      if (cycleNum >= (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount) && cycleNum < (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount*2)) {
-        int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
-        vmic5565ResetOwnDataLight(mod);
-      }
-      if (cycleNum >= (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + 2*cdsPciModules.rfmCount) && cycleNum < (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount*3)) {
-        int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount*2;
-        // Write data out to the RFM to trigger the light
-        ((volatile long *)(cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[mod]))[2] = 0;
-      }
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 300, If IOP and RFM cards, check own data diagnostics
+            // *****************************************************************
+            // Deal with the own-data bits on the VMIC 5565 rfm cards
+            if ( cdsPciModules.rfmCount > 0 )
+            {
+                if ( cycleNum >= HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE &&
+                     cycleNum < ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount ) )
+                {
+                    int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE;
+                    status = vmic5565CheckOwnDataRcv( mod );
+                    if ( !status )
+                        ipcErrBits |= 4 + ( mod * 4 );
+                }
+                if ( cycleNum >=
+                         ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount ) &&
+                     cycleNum <
+                         ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount * 2 ) )
+                {
+                    int mod =
+                        cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
+                    vmic5565ResetOwnDataLight( mod );
+                }
+                if ( cycleNum >=
+                         ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + 2 * cdsPciModules.rfmCount ) &&
+                     cycleNum <
+                         ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount * 3 ) )
+                {
+                    int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE -
+                        cdsPciModules.rfmCount * 2;
+                    // Write data out to the RFM to trigger the light
+                    ( (volatile long*)( cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ mod ] ) )[ 2 ] =
+                        0;
+                }
+            }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 400 to 400 + numDacModules, write DAC heartbeat to AI chassis (only for 18 bit DAC modules)
-// DAC WD Write for 18 bit DAC modules
-// Check once per second on code cycle 400 to dac count
-// Only one write per code cycle to reduce time
-// *****************************************************************
-    if (cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CLK && cycleNum < (HKP_DAC_WD_CLK + cdsPciModules.dacCount)) 
-    {
-      if (cycleNum == HKP_DAC_WD_CLK) dacWatchDog ^= 1;
-      jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CLK;
-      if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-      {
-        volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;
-        dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-        if(iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[jj])
-          dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports = (dacWatchDog | GSAO_18BIT_DIO_RW);
-      }
-      if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8)
-      {
-        volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr;
-        dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-        if(iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[jj]) 
-          dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports = (dacWatchDog | GSAO_20BIT_DIO_RW);
-      }
-    }
+            // *****************************************************************
+            /// \> Cycle 400 to 400 + numDacModules, write DAC heartbeat to AI
+            /// chassis (only for 18 bit DAC modules)
+            // DAC WD Write for 18 bit DAC modules
+            // Check once per second on code cycle 400 to dac count
+            // Only one write per code cycle to reduce time
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CLK &&
+                 cycleNum < ( HKP_DAC_WD_CLK + cdsPciModules.dacCount ) )
+            {
+                if ( cycleNum == HKP_DAC_WD_CLK )
+                    dacWatchDog ^= 1;
+                jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CLK;
+                if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+                {
+                    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr;
+                    dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                    if ( iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+                        dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports =
+                            ( dacWatchDog | GSAO_18BIT_DIO_RW );
+                }
+                if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+                {
+                    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20bitPtr;
+                    dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                    if ( iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+                        dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports =
+                            ( dacWatchDog | GSAO_20BIT_DIO_RW );
+                }
+            }
 // *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 500 to 500 + numDacModules, read back watchdog from AI chassis (18 bit DAC only)
+/// \> Cycle 500 to 500 + numDacModules, read back watchdog from AI chassis (18
+/// bit DAC only)
 // AI Chassis WD CHECK for 18 bit DAC modules
 // Check once per second on code cycle HKP_DAC_WD_CHK to dac count
 // Only one read per code cycle to reduce time
 // *****************************************************************
 #ifndef TIME_SLAVE
-    if (cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CHK && cycleNum < (HKP_DAC_WD_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount)) 
-    {
-      jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CHK;
-      if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-      {
-        static int dacWDread = 0;
-        volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-        dacWDread = dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
-        if(((dacWDread >> 8) & 1) > 0)
-        {
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_WD_BIT);
-        }
-        else 
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
-      }
-      if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8)
-      {
-        static int dacWDread = 0;
-        volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-        dacWDread = dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
-        if(((dacWDread >> 8) & 1) > 0)
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_WD_BIT);
-        else
-          pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
-      }
-    }
+            if ( cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CHK &&
+                 cycleNum < ( HKP_DAC_WD_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount ) )
+            {
+                jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CHK;
+                if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+                {
+                    static int                  dacWDread = 0;
+                    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr =
+                        (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                    dacWDread = dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
+                    if ( ( ( dacWDread >> 8 ) & 1 ) > 0 )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &=
+                            ~( DAC_WD_BIT );
+                    }
+                    else
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
+                }
+                if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+                {
+                    static int                  dacWDread = 0;
+                    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20bitPtr =
+                        (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                    dacWDread = dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
+                    if ( ( ( dacWDread >> 8 ) & 1 ) > 0 )
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &=
+                            ~( DAC_WD_BIT );
+                    else
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
+                }
+            }
 // *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 600 to 600 + numDacModules, Check DAC FIFO Sizes to determine if DAC modules are synched to code 
-/// - ---- 18bit DAC reads out FIFO size dirrectly, but 16bit module only has a 4 bit register 
-/// area for FIFO empty, quarter full, etc. So, to make these bits useful in 16 bit module,
-/// code must set a proper FIFO size in map.c code.
+/// \> Cycle 600 to 600 + numDacModules, Check DAC FIFO Sizes to determine if
+/// DAC modules are synched to code
+/// - ---- 18bit DAC reads out FIFO size dirrectly, but 16bit module only has a
+/// 4 bit register area for FIFO empty, quarter full, etc. So, to make these
+/// bits useful in 16 bit module, code must set a proper FIFO size in map.c
+/// code.
 // This code runs once per second.
 // *****************************************************************
 // #ifndef NO_DAC_PRELOAD
-#if !defined (NO_DAC_PRELOAD) && !defined (TIME_SLAVE)
-   if (cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK && cycleNum < (HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount)) 
-   {
-      status = check_dac_buffers(cycleNum);
-   }
-   if (dacTimingError) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC;
+#if !defined( NO_DAC_PRELOAD ) && !defined( TIME_SLAVE )
+            if ( cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK &&
+                 cycleNum < ( HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount ) )
+            {
+                status = check_dac_buffers( cycleNum );
+            }
+            if ( dacTimingError )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC;
-// *****************************************************************
-// Update end of cycle information
-// *****************************************************************
-if(usloop == 0)
-    // Capture end of cycle time.
-    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] = rdtsc_ordered();
-    /// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
-    captureEocTiming(cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-    timeinfo.cycleTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START])/CPURATE;
-    adcinfo.adcHoldTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START] - adcinfo.adcTime)/CPURATE;
-    adcinfo.adcTime = cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START];
-    // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
-    // For IOP, more interested in time to get thru ADC read code and send to slave apps
-    timeinfo.usrTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START])/CPURATE;
-    if(timeinfo.usrTime > timeinfo.usrHoldTime) timeinfo.usrHoldTime = timeinfo.usrTime;
+            // *****************************************************************
+            // Update end of cycle information
+            // *****************************************************************
+            if ( usloop == 0 )
+            {
+                // Capture end of cycle time.
+                cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+                /// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
+                captureEocTiming(
+                    cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
+                timeinfo.cycleTime = ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] -
+                                       cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] ) /
+                    CPURATE;
+                adcinfo.adcHoldTime =
+                    ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] - adcinfo.adcTime ) /
+                    CPURATE;
+                adcinfo.adcTime = cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ];
+                // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
+                // For IOP, more interested in time to get thru ADC read code
+                // and send to slave apps
+                timeinfo.usrTime = ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] -
+                                     cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] ) /
+                    CPURATE;
+                if ( timeinfo.usrTime > timeinfo.usrHoldTime )
+                    timeinfo.usrHoldTime = timeinfo.usrTime;
+            }
-    /// \> Update internal cycle counters
-    cycleNum += 1;
+            /// \> Update internal cycle counters
+            cycleNum += 1;
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-    if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle != 0) {
-      cycleNum += pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle;
-      pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle = 0;
-    }
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle != 0 )
+            {
+                cycleNum += pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle = 0;
+            }
-    cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-    clock1Min += 1;
-    clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
-    if(subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE) 
-    {
-      daqCycle = (daqCycle + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-      if(!(daqCycle % 2)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
-    }
-    if(subcycle == END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
-    {
-      /* Reset the data cycle counter */
-      subcycle = 0;
-    } else {
-      /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
-      subcycle ++;                                                
-    }
-  }
-/// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
-  }
+            cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+            clock1Min += 1;
+            clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
+            if ( subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE )
+            {
+                daqCycle = ( daqCycle + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+                if ( !( daqCycle % 2 ) )
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
+            }
+            if ( subcycle ==
+                 END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK ) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
+            {
+                /* Reset the data cycle counter */
+                subcycle = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
+                subcycle++;
+            }
+        }
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
+        /// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
+    }
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
-  /* System reset command received */
-  return (void *)-1;
+    /* System reset command received */
+    return (void*)-1;
diff --git a/src/fe/controllerIopUser.c b/src/fe/controllerIopUser.c
index 2fd453b5e..cb0ec9688 100644
--- a/src/fe/controllerIopUser.c
+++ b/src/fe/controllerIopUser.c
@@ -14,20 +14,21 @@
 ///	@file controllerIopUser.c
 ///	@brief Main scheduler program for compiled user space IOP  object. \n
 /// 	@detail More information can be found in the following DCC document:
-///<	<a href="">T0900607 CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
+///<	<a
+///<CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
 ///	@author R.Bork, A.Ivanov
 ///     @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 LIGO Project      \n
 ///<    California Institute of Technology              \n
 ///<    Massachusetts Institute of Technology           \n\n
-///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+///     modify
 ///<    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.                 \n
-///<    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-///<    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-///<    GNU General Public License for more details.
+///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. \n This program
+///<    is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+///<    WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+///<    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+///<    for more details.
 /// Can't use printf in kernel module so redefine to use Linux printk function
 #include <linux/version.h>
@@ -37,24 +38,23 @@
 #include <drv/cdsHardware.h>
 #include "inlineMath.h"
-#include "cds_types.h" 
-#include "fm10Gen.h"		// CDS filter module defs and C code
-#include "feComms.h"		// Lvea control RFM network defs.
-#include "daqmap.h"		// DAQ network layout
+#include "cds_types.h"
+#include "fm10Gen.h" // CDS filter module defs and C code
+#include "feComms.h" // Lvea control RFM network defs.
+#include "daqmap.h" // DAQ network layout
 #include "controller.h"
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
 #include "drv/fb.h"
-#include "drv/daqLib.c"		// DAQ/GDS connection software
+#include "drv/daqLib.c" // DAQ/GDS connection software
-#include "drv/epicsXfer.c"	// User defined EPICS to/from FE data transfer function
+#include "drv/epicsXfer.c" // User defined EPICS to/from FE data transfer function
 #include "drv/mapuser.h"
-#include "timing.c"		// timing module / IRIG-B  functions
+#include "timing.c" // timing module / IRIG-B  functions
-#include "drv/inputFilterModule.h"		
-#include "drv/inputFilterModule1.h"		
+#include "drv/inputFilterModule.h"
+#include "drv/inputFilterModule1.h"
 #include "dolphin.c"
@@ -64,531 +64,639 @@
 // Contec 64 input bits plus 64 output bits (Standard for aLIGO)
 /// Contec6464 input register values
-unsigned int CDIO6464InputInput[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary input bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464InputInput[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary input bits
 /// Contec6464 - Last output request sent to module.
-unsigned int CDIO6464LastOutState[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Current requested value of the BO bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464LastOutState[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Current requested value
+                                                      // of the BO bits
 /// Contec6464 values to be written to the output register
-unsigned int CDIO6464Output[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary output bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464Output[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary output bits
-// This Contect 16 input / 16 output DIO card is used to control timing slave by IOP
+// This Contect 16 input / 16 output DIO card is used to control timing slave by
+// IOP
 /// Contec1616 input register values
-unsigned int CDIO1616InputInput[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary input bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616InputInput[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary input bits
 /// Contec1616 output register values read back from the module
-unsigned int CDIO1616Input[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Current value of the BO bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616Input[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Current value of the BO bits
 /// Contec1616 values to be written to the output register
-unsigned int CDIO1616Output[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary output bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616Output[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary output bits
 /// Holds ID number of Contec1616 DIO card(s) used for timing control.
-int tdsControl[3];	// Up to 3 timing control modules allowed in case I/O chassis are daisy chained
+int tdsControl[ 3 ]; // Up to 3 timing control modules allowed in case I/O
+                     // chassis are daisy chained
 /// Total number of timing control modules found on bus
 int tdsCount = 0;
 int startGpsTime;
 int cycleOffset = 0;
-struct timespec myTimer[3];			///< Used in code cycle timing
-int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec); 
+struct timespec myTimer[ 3 ]; ///< Used in code cycle timing
+int             getGpsTime( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec );
 // Include C code modules
 #include "rcguserIop.c"
-unsigned int getGpsTimeProc() {
-  FILE *timef;
-  char line[100];
-  int status;
-  unsigned int mytime;
-	timef = fopen("/sys/kernel/gpstime/time","r");
-	if(!timef) {
-		printf("Cannot find GPS time \n");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	fgets(line,100,timef);
-	mytime = atoi(line);
-	printf("GPS TIME is %d\n",mytime);
-	fclose(timef);
-	mytime -= 1;
-	return (mytime);
+unsigned int
+getGpsTimeProc( )
+    FILE*        timef;
+    char         line[ 100 ];
+    int          status;
+    unsigned int mytime;
+    timef = fopen( "/sys/kernel/gpstime/time", "r" );
+    if ( !timef )
+    {
+        printf( "Cannot find GPS time \n" );
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
+    fgets( line, 100, timef );
+    mytime = atoi( line );
+    printf( "GPS TIME is %d\n", mytime );
+    fclose( timef );
+    mytime -= 1;
+    return ( mytime );
+initAdcModules( adcInfo_t* adcinfo )
+    int status;
+    int jj;
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        // Set ADC Present Flag
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] = 1;
+        adcinfo->adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] = 0;
+    }
+    printf( "ADC setup complete \n" );
+initDacModules( void )
+    int jj;
+    int status;
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] = DAC_FOUND_BIT;
+    }
+    printf( "DAC setup complete \n" );
-  void initAdcModules(adcInfo_t *adcinfo) {
-	  int status;
-	  int jj;
-	  for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-	  {
-		  // Set ADC Present Flag
-		  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] = 1;
-		  adcinfo->adcRdTimeErr[jj] = 0;
-	  }
-    	  printf("ADC setup complete \n");
-  }
-  void initDacModules(void) {
-	  int jj;
-	  int status;
-	  for(jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] = DAC_FOUND_BIT;
-	  }
-	  printf("DAC setup complete \n");
- }
-// TASK: fe_start_iop_user()	
-// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code	
+// TASK: fe_start_iop_user()
+// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code
-/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code built
-/// using the RCG. \n
-/// There are two primary modes of operation, based on two compile options: \n
-///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP). 
+/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code
+/// built using the RCG. \n There are two primary modes of operation, based on
+/// two compile options: \n
+///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP).
 ///	- ADC_SLAVE: Normal user control process.
-/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model. The
-/// loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC module in turn
-/// is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the Timing Distribution System.
-///	- 
-int fe_start_iop_user()
+/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model.
+/// The loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC
+/// module in turn is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the
+/// Timing Distribution System.
+///	-
+fe_start_iop_user( )
-  int longestWrite2 = 0;
-  int tempClock[4];
-  int ii,jj,kk,ll,mm;			// Dummy loop counter variables
-  static int clock1Min = 0;		///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
-  struct timespec tp;
-  static struct timespec cpuClock[CPU_TIMER_CNT];	///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag variables
-  static int chanHop = 0;		/// @param chanHop Adc channel hopping status
-  int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
-  int adcData[MAX_ADC_MODULES][MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD];	/// @param adcData[][]  ADC raw data
-  int adcChanErr[MAX_ADC_MODULES];
-  // int adcWait = 0;
-  adcInfo_t adcInfo;
-  dacInfo_t dacInfo;
-  int adcOF[MAX_ADC_MODULES];		/// @param adcOF[]  ADC overrange counters
-  static int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
-  					///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles in,
-					///< so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
-  int limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;      /// @param limit ADC/DAC overflow test value
-  int mask = GSAI_DATA_MASK;            /// @param mask Bit mask for ADC/DAC read/writes
-  int num_outs = MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;   /// @param num_outs Number of DAC channels variable
-  volatile int *packedData;		/// @param *packedData Pointer to ADC PCI data space
-  volatile unsigned int *pDacData;	/// @param *pDacData Pointer to DAC PCI data space
-  int wtmin,wtmax;			/// @param wtmin Time window for startup on IRIG-B
-  int dacEnable = 0;
-  int pBits[9] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256};	/// @param pBits[] Lookup table for quick power of 2 calcs
-  int sync21ppsCycles = 0;		/// @param sync32ppsCycles Number of attempts to sync to 1PPS
-  int dkiTrip = 0;
-  RFM_FE_COMMS *pEpicsComms;		/// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared memory space
-  // int timeHoldMax = 0;			/// @param timeHoldMax Max code cycle time since last diag reset
-  int myGmError2 = 0;			/// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
-  int status;				/// @param status Typical function return value
-  float onePps;				/// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHi = 0;			/// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTime = 0;			/// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
+    int        longestWrite2 = 0;
+    int        tempClock[ 4 ];
+    int        ii, jj, kk, ll, mm; // Dummy loop counter variables
+    static int clock1Min = 0; ///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
+    struct timespec tp;
+    static struct timespec
+        cpuClock[ CPU_TIMER_CNT ]; ///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag
+                                   ///  variables
+    static int chanHop = 0; /// @param chanHop Adc channel hopping status
+    int        dacOF[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ];
+    int adcData[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ]
+               [ MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD ]; /// @param adcData[][]  ADC raw data
+    int adcChanErr[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ];
+    // int adcWait = 0;
+    adcInfo_t adcInfo;
+    dacInfo_t dacInfo;
+    int adcOF[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ]; /// @param adcOF[]  ADC overrange counters
+    static int dacWriteEnable =
+        0; /// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
+           ///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles
+           ///< in, so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
+    int limit =
+        OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT; /// @param limit ADC/DAC overflow test value
+    int mask = GSAI_DATA_MASK; /// @param mask Bit mask for ADC/DAC read/writes
+    int num_outs =
+        MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; /// @param num_outs Number of DAC channels variable
+    volatile int*
+        packedData; /// @param *packedData Pointer to ADC PCI data space
+    volatile unsigned int*
+        pDacData; /// @param *pDacData Pointer to DAC PCI data space
+    int wtmin, wtmax; /// @param wtmin Time window for startup on IRIG-B
+    int dacEnable = 0;
+    int pBits[ 9 ] = {
+        1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
+    }; /// @param pBits[] Lookup table for quick power of 2 calcs
+    int sync21ppsCycles =
+        0; /// @param sync32ppsCycles Number of attempts to sync to 1PPS
+    int           dkiTrip = 0;
+    RFM_FE_COMMS* pEpicsComms; /// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared
+                               /// memory space
+    // int timeHoldMax = 0;			/// @param timeHoldMax Max code cycle time since
+    // last diag reset
+    int myGmError2 = 0; /// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
+    int status; /// @param status Typical function return value
+    float
+        onePps; /// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
+    int onePpsHi = 0; /// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTime = 0; /// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-  float onePpsTest;			/// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHiTest[10];			/// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTimeTest[10];		/// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    float onePpsTest; /// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for
+                      /// diagnostics
+    int onePpsHiTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTimeTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic
+                              /// check
-  int dcuId;				/// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
-  static int missedCycle = 0;		/// @param missedCycle Incremented error counter when too many values in ADC FIFO
-  int diagWord = 0;			/// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
-  int system = 0;
-  int sampleCount = 1;			/// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
-  int sync21pps = 0;			/// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
-  int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;	/// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
-  int mxStat = 0;			/// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
-  int mxDiag = 0;
-  int mxDiagR = 0;
-// ****** Share data
-  int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-  int ioMemCntr = 0;
-  int ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-  double dac_in =  0.0;			/// @param dac_in DAC value after upsample filtering
-  int dac_out = 0;			/// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
-  int feStatus = 0;
-  int clk, clk1;			// Used only when run on timer enabled (test mode)
-  static float duotone[IOP_IO_RATE];		// Duotone timing diagnostic variables
-  static float duotoneDac[IOP_IO_RATE];
-  float duotoneTimeDac;
-  float duotoneTime;
-  static float duotoneTotal = 0.0;
-  static float duotoneMean = 0.0;
-  static float duotoneTotalDac = 0.0;
-  static float duotoneMeanDac = 0.0;
-  static int dacDuoEnable = 0;
-  static int dacTimingError = 0;
-  static int dacTimingErrorPending[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
-  volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;	// Pointer to 16bit DAC memory area
-  volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dac16bitPtr;		// Pointer to 18bit DAC memory area
-  unsigned int usec = 0;
-  unsigned int offset = 0;
-  int cnt = 0;
-  unsigned long cpc;
-  static int cyclensec = 15259;
-  int pdiff = 0;
-  static int nextstep = 0;
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-/// Start Initialization Process \n
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-  memset (tempClock, 0, sizeof(tempClock));
-  /// \> Flush L1 cache
-  memset (fp, 0, 64*1024);
-  memset (fp, 1, 64*1024);
-  fz_daz(); /// \> Kill the denorms!
-  /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
-  pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm;
-  pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
-  pEpicsDaq = (char *)&(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput);
-// printf("Epics at 0x%x and DAQ at 0x%x  size = %d \n",pLocalEpics,pEpicsDaq,sizeof(CDS_EPICS_IN));
-  /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
-  for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++)
-  {
-    dacTimingErrorPending[ii] = 0;
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++) {
- 	dacOut[ii][jj] = 0.0;
- 	dacOutUsed[ii][jj] = 0;
-	dacInfo.dacOutBufSize[ii] = 0;
-	// Zero out DAC channel map in the shared memory
-	// to be used to check on slaves' channel allocation
-	ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ii][jj] = 0;
+    int        dcuId; /// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
+    static int missedCycle = 0; /// @param missedCycle Incremented error counter
+                                /// when too many values in ADC FIFO
+    int diagWord =
+        0; /// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
+    int system = 0;
+    int sampleCount =
+        1; /// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
+    int sync21pps = 0; /// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
+    int syncSource =
+        SYNC_SRC_NONE; /// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
+    int mxStat = 0; /// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
+    int mxDiag = 0;
+    int mxDiagR = 0;
+    // ****** Share data
+    int    ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
+    int    ioMemCntr = 0;
+    int    ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
+    double dac_in = 0.0; /// @param dac_in DAC value after upsample filtering
+    int    dac_out = 0; /// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
+    int feStatus = 0;
+    int clk, clk1; // Used only when run on timer enabled (test mode)
+    static float duotone[ IOP_IO_RATE ]; // Duotone timing diagnostic variables
+    static float duotoneDac[ IOP_IO_RATE ];
+    float        duotoneTimeDac;
+    float        duotoneTime;
+    static float duotoneTotal = 0.0;
+    static float duotoneMean = 0.0;
+    static float duotoneTotalDac = 0.0;
+    static float duotoneMeanDac = 0.0;
+    static int   dacDuoEnable = 0;
+    static int   dacTimingError = 0;
+    static int   dacTimingErrorPending[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ];
+    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr; // Pointer to 16bit DAC memory area
+    volatile GSC_DAC_REG*       dac16bitPtr; // Pointer to 18bit DAC memory area
+    unsigned int                usec = 0;
+    unsigned int                offset = 0;
+    int           cnt = 0;
+    unsigned long cpc;
+    static int cyclensec = 15259;
+    int        pdiff = 0;
+    static int nextstep = 0;
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// Start Initialization Process \n
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    memset( tempClock, 0, sizeof( tempClock ) );
+    /// \> Flush L1 cache
+    memset( fp, 0, 64 * 1024 );
+    memset( fp, 1, 64 * 1024 );
+    fz_daz( ); /// \> Kill the denorms!
+    /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
+    pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm;
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
+    pEpicsDaq = (char*)&( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput );
+    // printf("Epics at 0x%x and DAQ at 0x%x  size = %d
+    // \n",pLocalEpics,pEpicsDaq,sizeof(CDS_EPICS_IN));
+    /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        dacTimingErrorPending[ ii ] = 0;
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            dacOut[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+            dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
+            dacInfo.dacOutBufSize[ ii ] = 0;
+            // Zero out DAC channel map in the shared memory
+            // to be used to check on slaves' channel allocation
+            ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
+        }
-  }
-  /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
-  /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD data.\n
-  /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done to: \n
-  /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from shared memory. \n
-  /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations, which was slow. \n
-    pDsp[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-    pCoeff[system] = (VME_COEF *)(&pEpicsComms->coeffSpace);
-    dspPtr[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-  // Clear input masks
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
-/// \> Init code synchronization source.
-  // Look for DIO card or IRIG-B Card
-  // if Contec 1616 BIO present, TDS slave will be used for timing.
-   syncSource = SYNC_SRC_TIMER;
+    /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
+    /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD
+    /// data.\n
+    /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done
+    /// to: \n
+    /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from
+    /// shared memory. \n
+    /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations,
+    /// which was slow. \n
+    pDsp[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    pCoeff[ system ] = (VME_COEF*)( &pEpicsComms->coeffSpace );
+    dspPtr[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    // Clear input masks
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    /// \> Init code synchronization source.
+    // Look for DIO card or IRIG-B Card
+    // if Contec 1616 BIO present, TDS slave will be used for timing.
+    syncSource = SYNC_SRC_TIMER;
+    printf( "Sync source = %d\n", syncSource );
+    /// \> Wait for BURT restore.\n
+    /// - ---- Code will exit if BURT flag not set by EPICS sequencer.
+    // Do not proceed until EPICS has had a BURT restore
+    // *******************************
+    printf( "Waiting for EPICS BURT Restore = %d\n",
+            pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore );
+    cnt = 0;
+    do
+    {
+        usleep( 80000 );
+        printf( "Waiting for EPICS BURT %d\n", cnt++ );
+    } while ( !pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore );
-printf("Sync source = %d\n",syncSource);
+    printf( "BURT Restore Complete\n" );
+    // BURT has completed
+    // *******************************************************************
-/// \> Wait for BURT restore.\n
-/// - ---- Code will exit if BURT flag not set by EPICS sequencer.
-  // Do not proceed until EPICS has had a BURT restore *******************************
-  printf("Waiting for EPICS BURT Restore = %d\n", pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore);
-  cnt = 0;
-  do{
-	usleep(80000);
-  	printf("Waiting for EPICS BURT %d\n", cnt++);
-  }while(!pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore);
+    /// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        checkFiltReset( ii,
+                        dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                        pDsp[ 0 ],
+                        &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                        MAX_MODULES,
+                        pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+    }
-  printf("BURT Restore Complete\n");
+    // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
+    dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-// BURT has completed *******************************************************************
+    // Reset timing diagnostics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
+    /// \> Init IIR filter banks
+    //   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
-	checkFiltReset(ii, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-    }
-  // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
-  dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-  // Reset timing diagnostics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// \> Init IIR filter banks
-//   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++) {
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++){
-      for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++){
-        for(kk=0;kk<MAX_COEFFS;kk++){
-          dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk] = 0.0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+        {
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_COEFFS; kk++ )
+                {
+                    dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
-        dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] = 0;
-      }
-  }
-  /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero 
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++)
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-       // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
-       pDsp[0]->data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+    /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+            // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+            pDsp[ 0 ]->data[ ii ].exciteInput = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
-    if (initVars(pDsp[0], pDsp[0], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0])) {
-    	printf("Filter module init failed, exiting\n");
-	return 0;
+    /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
+    if ( initVars( pDsp[ 0 ], pDsp[ 0 ], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[ 0 ] ) )
+    {
+        printf( "Filter module init failed, exiting\n" );
+        return 0;
-  printf("Initialized servo control parameters.\n");
+    printf( "Initialized servo control parameters.\n" );
+    usleep( 1000 );
-/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software 
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine 
-#if defined(SERVO2K) || defined(SERVO4K)
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
+/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine
+#if defined( SERVO2K ) || defined( SERVO4K )
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
-  daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
-  daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
-  daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
-  printf("DAQ Ex Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.filtExMin,daq.filtExMax);
-  printf("DAQ XEx Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.xExMin,daq.xExMax);
-  printf("DAQ Tp Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.filtTpMin,daq.filtTpMax);
-  printf("DAQ XTp Min/Max = %d %d\n",daq.xTpMin,daq.xTpMax);
-  /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
-  for (ii = 0; ii <  cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++)
-	for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
-		testpoint[MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj] = floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
-  // Zero out storage
-  memset(floatDacOut, 0, sizeof(floatDacOut));
+    daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
+    daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
+    daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
+    daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
+    printf( "DAQ Ex Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.filtExMin, daq.filtExMax );
+    printf( "DAQ XEx Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.xExMin, daq.xExMax );
+    printf( "DAQ Tp Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.filtTpMin, daq.filtTpMax );
+    printf( "DAQ XTp Min/Max = %d %d\n", daq.xTpMin, daq.xTpMax );
+    /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;
+              jj++ ) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
+            testpoint[ MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj ] =
+                floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
+    // Zero out storage
+    memset( floatDacOut, 0, sizeof( floatDacOut ) );
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
-  status = daqWrite(0,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],0, (int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-  if(status == -1) 
-  {
-    printf("DAQ init failed -- exiting\n");
-    vmeDone = 1;
-    return(0);
-  }
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
+    status = daqWrite( 0,
+                       dcuId,
+                       daq,
+                       DAQ_RATE,
+                       testpoint,
+                       dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                       0,
+                       (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                       xExc,
+                       pEpicsDaq );
+    if ( status == -1 )
+    {
+        printf( "DAQ init failed -- exiting\n" );
+        vmeDone = 1;
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
+    // Clear the code exit flag
+    vmeDone = 0;
+    /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
+    printf( "Calling feCode() to initialize\n" );
+    iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                           dWord,
+                           dacOut,
+                           dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                           &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                           (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                           1 );
+    /// \> Verify DAC channels defined for this app are not already in use. \n
+    /// - ---- User apps are allowed to share DAC modules but not DAC channels.
+    // Clear timing diags.
+    initializeTimingDiags( &timeinfo );
+    missedCycle = 0;
+    /// \> If IOP,  Initialize the ADC modules
+    initAdcModules( &adcInfo );
+    /// \> If IOP, Initialize the DAC module variables
+    initDacModules( );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
+    printf( "*******************************\n" );
+    printf( "*     Running on timer!       *\n" );
+    printf( "*******************************\n" );
+    int timeoff = ( BILLION - ( 60000000 * cycleOffset ) ) % BILLION;
+    /// Sync up to the 1Hz boundary
+    do
+    {
+        usleep( 1 );
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &myTimer[ 0 ] );
+        timeinfo.cycleTime = myTimer[ 0 ].tv_nsec;
+    } while ( timeinfo.cycleTime > timeoff &&
+              timeinfo.cycleTime < ( timeoff - 10000 ) );
+    printf( "cycle time = %d\n", timeinfo.cycleTime );
+    timeSec = getGpsTimeProc( );
+    startGpsTime = timeSec;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = startGpsTime;
+    printf(
+        "Triggered the ADC at %d and %d usec\n", timeSec, timeinfo.cycleTime );
+    onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+    nextstep = timeoff + 20000;
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    /// Enter the infinite FE control loop
+    /// ******************************************\n
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
+    while ( !vmeDone )
+    { // Run forever until user hits reset
+        // This is local CPU timer (no ADCs)
+        // advance to the next cycle polling CPU cycles and microsleeping
+        do
+        {
+            clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &myTimer[ 1 ] );
+            clk = myTimer[ 1 ].tv_nsec;
+        } while ( clk < nextstep );
+        adcinfo.adcHoldTime =
+            ( myTimer[ 1 ].tv_nsec - myTimer[ 0 ].tv_nsec ) / 1000;
+        if ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < 0 )
+            adcinfo.adcHoldTime += 1000000;
+        myTimer[ 0 ].tv_sec = myTimer[ 1 ].tv_sec;
+        myTimer[ 0 ].tv_nsec = myTimer[ 1 ].tv_nsec;
+        ioMemCntr = ( cycleNum % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS );
+        // Write GPS time and cycle count as indicator to slave that adc data is
+        // ready
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+        {
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < IO_MEMORY_SLOT_VALS; ii++ )
+            {
+                ioMemData->iodata[ jj ][ ioMemCntr ].data[ ii ] =
+                    ioMemDataIop->iodata[ jj ][ cycleNum ].data[ ii ];
+                dWord[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                    ioMemData->iodata[ jj ][ ioMemCntr ].data[ ii ];
+                ioMemDataIop->iodata[ jj ][ cycleNum ].data[ ii ] = 0;
+            }
+            ioMemData->iodata[ jj ][ ioMemCntr ].timeSec = timeSec;
+            ;
+            ioMemData->iodata[ jj ][ ioMemCntr ].cycle = cycleNum;
+            ioMemDataIop->gpsSecond = timeSec;
+            ioMemDataIop->cycleNum = cycleNum;
+        }
+        ioMemData->gpsSecond = timeSec;
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] );
+        if ( cycleNum == 0 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat =
+                ( pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec );
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
+            // Increment GPS second on cycle 0
+            timeSec++;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+            int pll =
+                myTimer[ 0 ].tv_nsec / 1000 + ( 1000000 - ( timeoff / 1000 ) );
+            pll %= 1000000;
+            if ( pll > 500000 )
+                pdiff = ( 1000000 - pll ) * -1;
+            else
+                pdiff = pll;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = pdiff + 10;
+            // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = (pdiff + (timeoff / 1000) +
+            // 11) ;
+            cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
+        }
-  // Clear the code exit flag
-  vmeDone = 0;
-  /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
-  printf("Calling feCode() to initialize\n");
-  iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0], (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,1);
-/// \> Verify DAC channels defined for this app are not already in use. \n
-/// - ---- User apps are allowed to share DAC modules but not DAC channels.
-  // Clear timing diags.
-  initializeTimingDiags(&timeinfo);
-  missedCycle = 0;
-  /// \> If IOP,  Initialize the ADC modules
-  initAdcModules(&adcInfo);
-  /// \> If IOP, Initialize the DAC module variables
-  initDacModules();
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
-  printf("*******************************\n");
-  printf("*     Running on timer!       *\n");
-  printf("*******************************\n");
-  int timeoff = (BILLION-(60000000 * cycleOffset)) % BILLION;
-  /// Sync up to the 1Hz boundary
-  do {
-	usleep(1);
-    	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &myTimer[0]);
-	timeinfo.cycleTime = myTimer[0].tv_nsec;
-  } while(timeinfo.cycleTime > timeoff && timeinfo.cycleTime < (timeoff - 10000));
-printf("cycle time = %d\n",timeinfo.cycleTime);
-  timeSec = getGpsTimeProc() ;
-  startGpsTime = timeSec;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = startGpsTime;
-  printf("Triggered the ADC at %d and %d usec\n",timeSec,timeinfo.cycleTime);
-  onePpsTime = cycleNum;
-  nextstep = timeoff + 20000;
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  /// Enter the infinite FE control loop  ******************************************\n
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
-  while(!vmeDone){ 	// Run forever until user hits reset
-	  // This is local CPU timer (no ADCs)
-	  // advance to the next cycle polling CPU cycles and microsleeping
-	  do {
-    	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &myTimer[1]);
-		clk = myTimer[1].tv_nsec;
-	  } while(clk < nextstep);
-	  adcinfo.adcHoldTime = (myTimer[1].tv_nsec - myTimer[0].tv_nsec) / 1000;
-	  if(adcinfo.adcHoldTime < 0) adcinfo.adcHoldTime += 1000000;
-	  myTimer[0].tv_sec = myTimer[1].tv_sec;
-	  myTimer[0].tv_nsec = myTimer[1].tv_nsec;
-	  ioMemCntr = (cycleNum % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS);
-	  // Write GPS time and cycle count as indicator to slave that adc data is ready
-      for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-	  {
-	        for(ii=0;ii<IO_MEMORY_SLOT_VALS;ii++)
-		    {
-				ioMemData->iodata[jj][ioMemCntr].data[ii] = ioMemDataIop->iodata[jj][cycleNum].data[ii];
-				dWord[jj][ii] = ioMemData->iodata[jj][ioMemCntr].data[ii];
-				ioMemDataIop->iodata[jj][cycleNum].data[ii] = 0;
-		    }
-	    	ioMemData->iodata[jj][ioMemCntr].timeSec = timeSec;;
-	    	ioMemData->iodata[jj][ioMemCntr].cycle = cycleNum;
-			ioMemDataIop->gpsSecond = timeSec;
-			ioMemDataIop->cycleNum = cycleNum;
-	  }
-	  ioMemData->gpsSecond = timeSec;
-	  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START]);
-      if(cycleNum == 0) {
-	  	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat = (pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec);
-		    if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
-	 	    // Increment GPS second on cycle 0
-          	timeSec ++;
-          	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-		    int pll = myTimer[0].tv_nsec / 1000 + (1000000 - (timeoff / 1000));
-		    pll %= 1000000;
-		    if(pll > 500000) pdiff = (1000000 - pll) * -1 ; 
-		    else pdiff = pll;
-          	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = pdiff + 10;
-          	// pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = (pdiff + (timeoff / 1000) + 11) ;
-		    cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
-	  }
-/// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
-/// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called and executed. \n\n
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START]);
-	iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0], (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,0);
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END]);
-  	odcStateWord = 0;
+        /// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
+        /// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called
+        /// and executed. \n\n
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] );
+        iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                               dWord,
+                               dacOut,
+                               dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                               &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                               (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                               0 );
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ] );
+        odcStateWord = 0;
 /// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
 /// Writing of DAC outputs is dependent on code compile option: \n
-/// - -- IOP (ADC_MASTER) reads DAC output values from memory shared with user apps and writes to DAC hardware. \n
+/// - -- IOP (ADC_MASTER) reads DAC output values from memory shared with user
+/// apps and writes to DAC hardware. \n
 /// - -- USER APP (ADC_SLAVE) sends output values to memory shared with IOP. \n
 /// START OF IOP DAC WRITE ***************************************** \n
-        /// \> If DAC FIFO error, always output zero to DAC modules. \n
-        /// - -- Code will require restart to clear.
-        // COMMENT OUT NEX LINE FOR TEST STAND w/bad DAC cards. 
+/// \> If DAC FIFO error, always output zero to DAC modules. \n
+/// - -- Code will require restart to clear.
-    if(dacTimingError) iopDacEnable = 0;
+        if ( dacTimingError )
+            iopDacEnable = 0;
-    // Write out data to DAC modules
-	dkiTrip = 0;
-	/// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
-        for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
+        // Write out data to DAC modules
+        dkiTrip = 0;
+        /// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
-           	/// - -- Point to DAC memory buffer
-           	// pDacData = (unsigned int *)(cdsPciModules.pci_dac[jj]);
-        	/// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
-        	mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[jj];
-        	/// - -- Determine if memory block has been set with the correct cycle count by Slave app.
-		if(ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].cycle == ioClockDac)
-		{
-			dacEnable |= pBits[jj];
-		}else {
-			dacEnable &= ~(pBits[jj]);
-			dacChanErr[jj] += 1;
-		}
-		/// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC type
-        limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
-        mask = GSAO_16BIT_MASK;
-        num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-        if (cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8) {
-            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
-            mask = GSAO_18BIT_MASK;
-            num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-        }
-		/// - -- For each DAC channel
-        for (ii=0; ii < num_outs; ii++)
-        {
-            dacOut[jj][ii] *= -1;
-			/// - ---- Read DAC output value from shared memory and reset memory to zero
-            if((!dacChanErr[jj]) && (iopDacEnable)) {
-                dac_out = ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].data[ii];
-                /// - --------- Zero out data in case user app dies by next cycle
-                /// when two or more apps share same DAC module.
-                ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].data[ii] = 0;
-            } else {
-				dac_out = 0;
-				dkiTrip = 1;
-			}
-            /// - ----  Write out ADC duotone signal to first DAC, last channel, 
-			/// if DAC duotone is enabled.
-            if((dacDuoEnable) && (ii==(num_outs-1)) && (jj == 0))
+            /// - -- Point to DAC memory buffer
+            // pDacData = (unsigned int *)(cdsPciModules.pci_dac[jj]);
+            /// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
+            mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ jj ];
+            /// - -- Determine if memory block has been set with the correct
+            /// cycle count by Slave app.
+            if ( ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].cycle == ioClockDac )
+            {
+                dacEnable |= pBits[ jj ];
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                dacEnable &= ~( pBits[ jj ] );
+                dacChanErr[ jj ] += 1;
+            }
+            /// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC
+            /// type
+            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
+            mask = GSAO_16BIT_MASK;
+            num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
-                dac_out = adcData[0][ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
+                limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
+                mask = GSAO_18BIT_MASK;
+                num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-            /// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
-            /// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report errors
-            if(dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit)
+            /// - -- For each DAC channel
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < num_outs; ii++ )
-                dacInfo.overflowDac[jj][ii] ++;
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] ++;
-                overflowAcc ++;
-                dacOF[jj] = 1;
-				odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;;
-				if(dac_out > limit) dac_out = limit;
-				else dac_out = -limit;
-             }
-             /// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
-             if(!iopDacEnable) dac_out = 0;
-             /// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on GDS_TP screen.
-             dacInfo.dacOutEpics[jj][ii] = dac_out;
-             /// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
-             floatDacOut[16*jj + ii] = dac_out;
-             /// - ---- Write to DAC local memory area, for later xmit to DAC module
-             // *pDacData =  (unsigned int)(dac_out & mask);
-             // pDacData ++;
-		}
-        /// - -- Mark cycle count as having been used -1 \n
-        /// - --------- Forces slaves to mark this cycle or will not be used again by Master
-        ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].cycle = -1;
-        /// - -- DMA Write data to DAC module
-		#if 0
+                dacOut[ jj ][ ii ] *= -1;
+                /// - ---- Read DAC output value from shared memory and reset
+                /// memory to zero
+                if ( ( !dacChanErr[ jj ] ) && ( iopDacEnable ) )
+                {
+                    dac_out =
+                        ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].data[ ii ];
+                    /// - --------- Zero out data in case user app dies by next
+                    /// cycle when two or more apps share same DAC module.
+                    ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].data[ ii ] = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    dac_out = 0;
+                    dkiTrip = 1;
+                }
+                /// - ----  Write out ADC duotone signal to first DAC, last
+                /// channel, if DAC duotone is enabled.
+                if ( ( dacDuoEnable ) && ( ii == ( num_outs - 1 ) ) &&
+                     ( jj == 0 ) )
+                {
+                    dac_out = adcData[ 0 ][ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+                }
+                /// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
+                /// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report
+                /// errors
+                if ( dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit )
+                {
+                    dacInfo.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                    overflowAcc++;
+                    dacOF[ jj ] = 1;
+                    odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;
+                    ;
+                    if ( dac_out > limit )
+                        dac_out = limit;
+                    else
+                        dac_out = -limit;
+                }
+                /// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
+                if ( !iopDacEnable )
+                    dac_out = 0;
+                /// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on
+                /// GDS_TP screen.
+                dacInfo.dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ] = dac_out;
+                /// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
+                floatDacOut[ 16 * jj + ii ] = dac_out;
+                /// - ---- Write to DAC local memory area, for later xmit to DAC
+                /// module
+                // *pDacData =  (unsigned int)(dac_out & mask);
+                // pDacData ++;
+            }
+            /// - -- Mark cycle count as having been used -1 \n
+            /// - --------- Forces slaves to mark this cycle or will not be used
+            /// again by Master
+            ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].cycle = -1;
+            /// - -- DMA Write data to DAC module
+#if 0
         if(dacWriteEnable > 4) {
             if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_16AO16) {
@@ -596,283 +704,342 @@ printf("cycle time = %d\n",timeinfo.cycleTime);
-		#endif
-	}
-    /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
-    ioClockDac = (ioClockDac + 1) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-    ioMemCntrDac = (ioMemCntrDac + 1) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-    if(dacWriteEnable < 10) dacWriteEnable ++;
-/// END OF IOP DAC WRITE *************************************************
-/// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************ \n
+        }
+        /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
+        ioClockDac = ( ioClockDac + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        ioMemCntrDac = ( ioMemCntrDac + 1 ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+        if ( dacWriteEnable < 10 )
+            dacWriteEnable++;
+        /// END OF IOP DAC WRITE
+        /// *************************************************
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
+        /// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************
+        /// \n
-/// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
-	if(cycleNum ==HKP_TIMING_UPDATES)	
-    {
-      sendTimingDiags2Epics(pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-	  if((adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI) || (adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO)) 
-	  {
-	  	diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	  }
-	  if(timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM) 
-	  {
-	  	diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	  }
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
-  	  feStatus = 0;
-  	  if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset)
-	  {
-		initialDiagReset = 0;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
-  		// pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diags[1] = 0;
-		timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
-	  	diagWord = 0;
-		ipcErrBits = 0;
-		// feStatus = 0;
-        for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) adcInfo.adcRdTimeMax[jj] = 0;
-	  }
-	  // Flip the onePPS various once/sec as a watchdog monitor.
-	  // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.onePps ^= 1;
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
-      for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) {
-	      if(adcInfo.adcRdTimeErr[jj] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_ERR_SEC)
-			  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
-		      adcInfo.adcRdTimeErr[jj] = 0;
-	  }
-    }
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
+        /// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_TIMING_UPDATES )
+        {
+            sendTimingDiags2Epics( pLocalEpics, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
-/// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This is spread out over a number of cycles.
-	// Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
-	// here we are rounding up:
-	//   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
-	//
-	{ 
-		static const unsigned int mpc = (MAX_MODULES + (FE_RATE / 16) - 1) / (FE_RATE / 16); // Modules per cycle
-		unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
-		unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
-		unsigned int i;
-		for (i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc ; i++) 
-			checkFiltReset(i, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-	}
+            if ( ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI ) ||
+                 ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO ) )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            if ( timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
+            feStatus = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset )
+            {
+                initialDiagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
+                // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diags[1] = 0;
+                timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
+                diagWord = 0;
+                ipcErrBits = 0;
+                // feStatus = 0;
+                for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                    adcInfo.adcRdTimeMax[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
+            // Flip the onePPS various once/sec as a watchdog monitor.
+            // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.onePps ^= 1;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                if ( adcInfo.adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_ERR_SEC )
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                adcInfo.adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
-	/// \> Check if code exit is requested
-	if(cycleNum == MAX_MODULES) 
-		vmeDone = stop_working_threads | checkEpicsReset(cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
+        /// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This
+        /// is spread out over a number of cycles.
+        // Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
+        // here we are rounding up:
+        //   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
+        //
+        {
+            static const unsigned int mpc =
+                ( MAX_MODULES + ( FE_RATE / 16 ) - 1 ) /
+                ( FE_RATE / 16 ); // Modules per cycle
+            unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
+            unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
+            unsigned int i;
+            for ( i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc; i++ )
+                checkFiltReset( i,
+                                dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                                pDsp[ 0 ],
+                                &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                                MAX_MODULES,
+                                pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+        }
+        /// \> Check if code exit is requested
+        if ( cycleNum == MAX_MODULES )
+            vmeDone = stop_working_threads |
+                checkEpicsReset( cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
 /// \>  Write data to DAQ.
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
-		// Call daqLib
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt = 
-			daqWrite(1,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],myGmError2,(int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-		// Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number checking
-	  	pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
-		feStatus |= (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count);
-		if (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count) odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
-		else odcStateWord &= ~(ODC_EXC_SET);
-		if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING) 
-			feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+        // Call daqLib
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt =
+            daqWrite( 1,
+                      dcuId,
+                      daq,
+                      DAQ_RATE,
+                      testpoint,
+                      dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                      myGmError2,
+                      (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                      xExc,
+                      pEpicsDaq );
+        // Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number
+        // checking
+        pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
+        feStatus |= ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count );
+        if ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count )
+            odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
+        else
+            odcStateWord &= ~( ODC_EXC_SET );
+        if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING )
+            feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
-// *******************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES)	
-    {
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.userTime = timeinfo.usrHoldTime;
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
-	    if(ipcErrBits & 0xf) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
-	    // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
-	    mxStat = 0;
-	    mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
-	    if((mxDiag & 1) != (mxDiagR & 1)) mxStat = 1;
-	    if((mxDiag & 2) != (mxDiagR & 2)) mxStat += 2;
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.userTime = timeinfo.usrHoldTime;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
+            if ( ipcErrBits & 0xf )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
+            // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
+            mxStat = 0;
+            mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 1 ) != ( mxDiagR & 1 ) )
+                mxStat = 1;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 2 ) != ( mxDiagR & 2 ) )
+                mxStat += 2;
 #ifdef DUAL_DAQ_DC
-	    if((mxDiag & 4) != (mxDiagR & 4)) mxStat += 4;
-	    if((mxDiag & 8) != (mxDiagR & 8)) mxStat += 8;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 4 ) != ( mxDiagR & 4 ) )
+                mxStat += 4;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 8 ) != ( mxDiagR & 8 ) )
+                mxStat += 8;
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
-  	    mxDiag = mxDiagR;
-	    if(mxStat != MX_OK)
-		    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;;
-	    timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
-  	    if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset)
-	    {
-            if (pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) {
-                for (ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) {
-                    for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++) {
-                         adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                         adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-			             pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-		                 pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-                     }
-                     for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-                         pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                     }
-                 }
-              }
-	    }
-  	    if((pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) || (adcInfo.overflowAdc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT))
-	    {
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
-		    overflowAcc = 0;
-	    }
-    }
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
-// *******************************************************************
-    if(subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES)
-	{
-	    // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	        for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	        {
-		        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[jj][ii] = dacInfo.dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-		    }
-	    }
-	}
-// *******************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
-// *******************************************************************
-    if(cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES)
-    {
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	        // SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
-	        if(adcChanErr[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(2);
-		    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_ADC;;
-	    }
- 	    else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 2;
-	    adcChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	    // SET/CLR Overflow Error
-	    if(adcOF[jj]) 
-	    {
-	    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(4);
-		    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	    }
- 	    else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 4;
-	    adcOF[jj] = 0;
-	    for(ii=0;ii<32;ii++)
-	    {
-            if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
+            mxDiag = mxDiagR;
+            if ( mxStat != MX_OK )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+            ;
+            timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+            {
+                if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+                {
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                        {
+                            adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                        }
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+                        {
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii];
-		    adcInfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-	    }
-        }
-        // If ADC channels not where they should be, we have no option but to exit
-	    // from the RT code ie loops would be working with wrong input data.
-	    if (chanHop) {
-	        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
-	        stop_working_threads = 1;
-	        vmeDone = 1;
-	        printf("Channel Hopping Detected on one or more ADC modules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
-	        printf("Check GDSTP screen ADC status bits to id affected ADC modules\n");
-	        printf("Code is exiting ..............\n");
-	 	    continue;    
-	    }
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	        if(dacOF[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT);
-		        feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	        }
- 	        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
-	        dacOF[jj] = 0;
-	        if(dacChanErr[jj]) 
-	        {
-	    	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_TIMING_BIT);
-	        }
- 	        else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
-	        dacChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	        for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	        {
-                if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+            if ( ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset ) ||
+                 ( adcInfo.overflowAdc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT ) )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
+                overflowAcc = 0;
-		    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[jj][ii] = dacInfo.overflowDac[jj][ii];
-		    dacInfo.overflowDac[jj][ii] = 0;
+        }
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES )
+        {
+            // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        dacInfo.dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+                }
-    }
-    // *********************************************************************
-	// Capture end of cycle time.
-    // *********************************************************************
-    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END]);
-	/// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
-	timeinfo.cycleTime = BILLION * 
-        (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END].tv_sec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec) + 
-	    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END].tv_nsec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec;
-	timeinfo.cycleTime /= 1000;
-	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = startGpsTime;
-	// Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
-	// For IOP, more interested in time to get thru ADC read code and send to slave apps
-	timeinfo.usrTime = BILLION * 
-        (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END].tv_sec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_sec) + 
-	    cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END].tv_nsec - 
-        cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START].tv_nsec;
-	timeinfo.usrTime /= 1000;
-    // Calculate timing max/mins/etc.
-    captureEocTiming(cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo);
-    /// \> Update internal cycle counters
-    cycleNum += 1;
-    cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-    nextstep = ((cycleNum * cyclensec) + timeoff)% 1000000000;
-	clock1Min += 1;
-	clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
-    if(subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE) 
-	{
-	    daqCycle = (daqCycle + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-	    if(!(daqCycle % 2)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
-	}
-    if(subcycle == END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
-    {
-        /* Reset the data cycle counter */
-        subcycle = 0;
-    }
-    else{
-        /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
-        subcycle ++;                                                
-    }
-/// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
+        // *******************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
+        // *******************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                // SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
+                if ( adcChanErr[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 2 );
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                    ;
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 2;
+                adcChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+                // SET/CLR Overflow Error
+                if ( adcOF[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 4 );
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+                    ;
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 4;
+                adcOF[ jj ] = 0;
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                         OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                    }
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ];
+                    adcInfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            // If ADC channels not where they should be, we have no option but
+            // to exit from the RT code ie loops would be working with wrong
+            // input data.
+            if ( chanHop )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                stop_working_threads = 1;
+                vmeDone = 1;
+                printf( "Channel Hopping Detected on one or more ADC modules "
+                        "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" );
+                printf( "Check GDSTP screen ADC status bits to id affected ADC "
+                        "modules\n" );
+                printf( "Code is exiting ..............\n" );
+                continue;
+            }
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                if ( dacOF[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &=
+                        ~( DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT );
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+                    ;
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
+                dacOF[ jj ] = 0;
+                if ( dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &=
+                        ~( DAC_TIMING_BIT );
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
+                dacChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                         OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+                    {
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                    }
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        dacInfo.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ];
+                    dacInfo.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // *********************************************************************
+        // Capture end of cycle time.
+        // *********************************************************************
+        clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] );
+        /// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
+        timeinfo.cycleTime = BILLION *
+                ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ].tv_sec -
+                  cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec ) +
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ].tv_nsec -
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec;
+        timeinfo.cycleTime /= 1000;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = startGpsTime;
+        // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
+        // For IOP, more interested in time to get thru ADC read code and send
+        // to slave apps
+        timeinfo.usrTime = BILLION *
+                ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ].tv_sec -
+                  cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_sec ) +
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ].tv_nsec -
+            cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ].tv_nsec;
+        timeinfo.usrTime /= 1000;
+        // Calculate timing max/mins/etc.
+        captureEocTiming( cycleNum, cycle_gps_time, &timeinfo, &adcinfo );
+        /// \> Update internal cycle counters
+        cycleNum += 1;
+        cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+        nextstep = ( ( cycleNum * cyclensec ) + timeoff ) % 1000000000;
+        clock1Min += 1;
+        clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
+        if ( subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE )
+        {
+            daqCycle = ( daqCycle + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            if ( !( daqCycle % 2 ) )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
+        }
+        if ( subcycle ==
+             END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK ) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
+        {
+            /* Reset the data cycle counter */
+            subcycle = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
+            subcycle++;
+        }
-  printf("exiting from fe_code()\n");
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
+        /// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
+    }
+    printf( "exiting from fe_code()\n" );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
-  /* System reset command received */
-  return (void *)-1;
+    /* System reset command received */
+    return (void*)-1;
diff --git a/src/fe/controllerLR.c b/src/fe/controllerLR.c
index df96e0033..3654c31af 100644
--- a/src/fe/controllerLR.c
+++ b/src/fe/controllerLR.c
@@ -14,19 +14,21 @@
 ///	@file controllerIop.c
 ///	@brief Main scheduler program for compiled real-time kernal object. \n
 /// 	@detail More information can be found in the following DCC document:
-///<	<a href="">T0900607 CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
+///<	<a
+///<CDS RT Sequencer Software</a>
 ///	@author R.Bork, A.Ivanov
 ///     @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 LIGO Project      \n
 ///<    California Institute of Technology              \n
 ///<    Massachusetts Institute of Technology           \n\n
-///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+///     @license This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+///     modify
 ///<    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.                 \n
-///<    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-///<    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-///<    GNU General Public License for more details.
+///<    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. \n This program
+///<    is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+///<    WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+///<    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+///<    for more details.
 #include <linux/version.h>
 #include <linux/init.h>
@@ -49,117 +51,122 @@
 // Code can be run without shutting down CPU by changing this compile flag
-extern int vprintkl(const char*, va_list);
-extern int printkl(const char*, ...);
-extern long ligo_get_gps_driver_offset(void);
-char fmt1[512];
-int printk(const char *fmt, ...) {
+extern int  vprintkl( const char*, va_list );
+extern int  printkl( const char*, ... );
+extern long ligo_get_gps_driver_offset( void );
+char        fmt1[ 512 ];
+printk( const char* fmt, ... )
     va_list args;
-    int r;
+    int     r;
-    strcat(strcpy(fmt1, SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER), ": ");
-    strcat(fmt1, fmt);
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    r = vprintkl(fmt1, args);
-    va_end(args);
+    strcat( strcpy( fmt1, SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ), ": " );
+    strcat( fmt1, fmt );
+    va_start( args, fmt );
+    r = vprintkl( fmt1, args );
+    va_end( args );
     return r;
-#include "fm10Gen.h"		// CDS filter module defs and C code
-#include "feComms.h"		// Lvea control RFM network defs.
-#include "daqmap.h"		// DAQ network layout
+#include "fm10Gen.h" // CDS filter module defs and C code
+#include "feComms.h" // Lvea control RFM network defs.
+#include "daqmap.h" // DAQ network layout
 #include "cds_types.h"
 #include "controller.h"
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
 #include "drv/fb.h"
 #ifdef USE_ZMQ
-        #include "drv/daqLibZmq.c"              // DAQ/GDS connection software
+#include "drv/daqLibZmq.c" // DAQ/GDS connection software
-        #include "drv/daqLib.c"         // DAQ/GDS connection software
+#include "drv/daqLib.c" // DAQ/GDS connection software
-#include "drv/map.h"		// PCI hardware defs
-#include "drv/epicsXfer.c"	// User defined EPICS to/from FE data transfer function
-#include "timing.c"		// timing module / IRIG-B  functions
+#include "drv/map.h" // PCI hardware defs
+#include "drv/epicsXfer.c" // User defined EPICS to/from FE data transfer function
+#include "timing.c" // timing module / IRIG-B  functions
-#include "drv/inputFilterModule.h"		
-#include "drv/inputFilterModule1.h"		
+#include "drv/inputFilterModule.h"
+#include "drv/inputFilterModule1.h"
 #include "dolphin.c"
-TIMING_SIGNAL *pcieTimer;
+TIMING_SIGNAL* pcieTimer;
-adcInfo_t adcinfo;
-dacInfo_t dacinfo;
+adcInfo_t      adcinfo;
+dacInfo_t      dacinfo;
 duotone_diag_t dt_diag;
-timing_diag_t timeinfo;
+timing_diag_t  timeinfo;
 // Contec 64 input bits plus 64 output bits (Standard for aLIGO)
 /// Contec6464 input register values
-unsigned int CDIO6464InputInput[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary input bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464InputInput[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary input bits
 /// Contec6464 - Last output request sent to module.
-unsigned int CDIO6464LastOutState[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Current requested value of the BO bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464LastOutState[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Current requested value
+                                                      // of the BO bits
 /// Contec6464 values to be written to the output register
-unsigned int CDIO6464Output[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary output bits
+unsigned int CDIO6464Output[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary output bits
-// This Contect 16 input / 16 output DIO card is used to control timing slave by IOP
+// This Contect 16 input / 16 output DIO card is used to control timing slave by
+// IOP
 /// Contec1616 input register values
-unsigned int CDIO1616InputInput[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary input bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616InputInput[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary input bits
 /// Contec1616 output register values read back from the module
-unsigned int CDIO1616Input[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Current value of the BO bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616Input[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Current value of the BO bits
 /// Contec1616 values to be written to the output register
-unsigned int CDIO1616Output[MAX_DIO_MODULES]; // Binary output bits
+unsigned int CDIO1616Output[ MAX_DIO_MODULES ]; // Binary output bits
 /// Holds ID number of Contec1616 DIO card(s) used for timing control.
-int tdsControl[3];	// Up to 3 timing control modules allowed in case I/O chassis are daisy chained
+int tdsControl[ 3 ]; // Up to 3 timing control modules allowed in case I/O
+                     // chassis are daisy chained
 /// Total number of timing control modules found on bus
 int tdsCount = 0;
 /// Maintains present cycle count within a one second period.
-int cycleNum = 0;
-int adcCycleNum = 0;
-int dtcycle = 0;
-int dtc = 0;
+int          cycleNum = 0;
+int          adcCycleNum = 0;
+int          dtcycle = 0;
+int          dtc = 0;
 unsigned int odcStateWord = 0xffff;
-/// Value of readback from DAC FIFO size registers; used in diags for FIFO overflow/underflow.
-int out_buf_size = 0; // test checking DAC buffer size
+/// Value of readback from DAC FIFO size registers; used in diags for FIFO
+/// overflow/underflow.
+int          out_buf_size = 0; // test checking DAC buffer size
 unsigned int cycle_gps_time = 0; // Time at which ADCs triggered
 unsigned int cycle_gps_event_time = 0; // Time at which ADCs triggered
-unsigned int   cycle_gps_ns = 0;
-unsigned int   cycle_gps_event_ns = 0;
-unsigned int   gps_receiver_locked = 0; // Lock/unlock flag for GPS time card
+unsigned int cycle_gps_ns = 0;
+unsigned int cycle_gps_event_ns = 0;
+unsigned int gps_receiver_locked = 0; // Lock/unlock flag for GPS time card
 /// GPS time in GPS seconds
 unsigned int timeSec = 0;
 unsigned int timeSecDiag = 0;
 /* 1 - error occured on shmem; 2 - RFM; 3 - Dolphin */
 unsigned int ipcErrBits = 0;
-int cardCountErr = 0;
+int          cardCountErr = 0;
 int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
 int ioMemCntr = 0;
 int ioMemCntrDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
-int dac_out = 0;			/// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
+int dac_out = 0; /// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
 int dacEnable = 0;
-int pBits[9] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256};	/// @param pBits[] Lookup table for quick power of 2 calcs
-int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES];		/// @param dacOF[]  DAC overrange counters
-int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
-int dacTimingErrorPending[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
+int pBits[ 9 ] = {
+    1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
+}; /// @param pBits[] Lookup table for quick power of 2 calcs
+int dacOF[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ]; /// @param dacOF[]  DAC overrange counters
+int dacWriteEnable =
+    0; /// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
+int        dacTimingErrorPending[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ];
 static int dacTimingError = 0;
-struct rmIpcStr *daqPtr;
-int dacWatchDog = 0;
+struct rmIpcStr* daqPtr;
+int              dacWatchDog = 0;
-int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec); 
+int getGpsTime( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec );
 // Include C code modules
 #include "moduleLoadIop.c"
@@ -169,14 +176,13 @@ int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec);
 #include <drv/adc_info.c>
 #include <drv/dac_info.c>
-char daqArea[2*DAQ_DCU_SIZE];		// Space allocation for daqLib buffers
-int cpuId = 1;
+char daqArea[ 2 * DAQ_DCU_SIZE ]; // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
+int  cpuId = 1;
 #ifdef DUAL_DAQ_DC
-	#define MX_OK	15
+#define MX_OK 15
-	#define MX_OK	3
+#define MX_OK 3
 // Whether run on internal timer (when no ADC cards found)
@@ -185,64 +191,75 @@ int run_on_timer = 0;
 // Initial diag reset flag
 int initialDiagReset = 1;
-// Cache flushing mumbo jumbo suggested by Thomas Gleixner, it is probably useless
-// Did not see any effect
-  char fp [64*1024];
+// Cache flushing mumbo jumbo suggested by Thomas Gleixner, it is probably
+// useless Did not see any effect
+char fp[ 64 * 1024 ];
-// TASK: fe_start()	
-// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code	
+// TASK: fe_start()
+// This routine is the skeleton for all front end code
-/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code built
-/// using the RCG. \n
-/// There are two primary modes of operation, based on two compile options: \n
-///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP). 
+/// This function is the main real-time sequencer or scheduler for all code
+/// built using the RCG. \n There are two primary modes of operation, based on
+/// two compile options: \n
+///	- ADC_MASTER: Software is compiled as an I/O Processor (IOP).
 ///	- ADC_SLAVE: Normal user control process.
-/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model. The
-/// loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC module in turn
-/// is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the Timing Distribution System.
-///	- 
-void *fe_start(void *arg)
+/// This code runs in a continuous loop at the rate specified in the RCG model.
+/// The loop is synchronized and triggered by the arrival of ADC data, the ADC
+/// module in turn is triggered to sample by the 64KHz clock provided by the
+/// Timing Distribution System.
+///	-
+fe_start( void* arg )
-  int tempClock[4];
-  int ii,jj,kk,ll;			// Dummy loop counter variables
-  // int mm;
-  static int clock1Min = 0;		///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
-  static int cpuClock[CPU_TIMER_CNT];	///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing diag variables
-  					///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles in,
-					///< so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
-  // int limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;      /// @param limit ADC/DAC overflow test value
-  // int mask = GSAI_DATA_MASK;            /// @param mask Bit mask for ADC/DAC read/writes
-  // int num_outs = MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;   /// @param num_outs Number of DAC channels variable
-  // volatile unsigned int *pDacData;	/// @param *pDacData Pointer to DAC PCI data space
-  // int dacEnable = 0;
-  // int pBits[9] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256};	/// @param pBits[] Lookup table for quick power of 2 calcs
-  int sync21ppsCycles = 0;		/// @param sync32ppsCycles Number of attempts to sync to 1PPS
-  // int dkiTrip = 0;
-  RFM_FE_COMMS *pEpicsComms;		/// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared memory space
-  int myGmError2 = 0;			/// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
-  int status;				/// @param status Typical function return value
-  float onePps;				/// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHi = 0;			/// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTime = 0;			/// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
+    int tempClock[ 4 ];
+    int ii, jj, kk, ll; // Dummy loop counter variables
+    // int mm;
+    static int clock1Min = 0; ///  @param clockMin Minute counter (Not Used??)
+    static int cpuClock[ CPU_TIMER_CNT ]; ///  @param cpuClock[] Code timing
+                                          ///  diag variables
+    ///< Code runs longer for first few cycles on startup as it settles in,
+    ///< so this helps prevent long cycles during that time.
+    // int limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;      /// @param limit ADC/DAC overflow
+    // test value int mask = GSAI_DATA_MASK;            /// @param mask Bit mask
+    // for ADC/DAC read/writes int num_outs = MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;   /// @param
+    // num_outs Number of DAC channels variable volatile unsigned int *pDacData;
+    // /// @param *pDacData Pointer to DAC PCI data space int dacEnable = 0; int
+    // pBits[9] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256};	/// @param pBits[] Lookup table
+    // for quick power of 2 calcs
+    int sync21ppsCycles =
+        0; /// @param sync32ppsCycles Number of attempts to sync to 1PPS
+    // int dkiTrip = 0;
+    RFM_FE_COMMS* pEpicsComms; /// @param *pEpicsComms Pointer to EPICS shared
+                               /// memory space
+    int myGmError2 = 0; /// @param myGmError2 Myrinet error variable
+    int status; /// @param status Typical function return value
+    float
+        onePps; /// @param onePps Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
+    int onePpsHi = 0; /// @param onePpsHi One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTime = 0; /// @param onePpsTime One PPS diagnostic check
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-  float onePpsTest;			/// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for diagnostics
-  int onePpsHiTest[10];			/// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
-  int onePpsTimeTest[10];		/// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    float onePpsTest; /// @param onePpsTest Value of 1PPS signal, if used, for
+                      /// diagnostics
+    int onePpsHiTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsHiTest[] One PPS diagnostic check
+    int onePpsTimeTest[ 10 ]; /// @param onePpsTimeTest[] One PPS diagnostic
+                              /// check
-  int dcuId;				/// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
-  static int missedCycle = 0;		/// @param missedCycle Incremented error counter when too many values in ADC FIFO
-  int diagWord = 0;			/// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
-  int system = 0;
-  int sampleCount = 1;			/// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
-  int sync21pps = 0;			/// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
-  int syncSource = SYNC_SRC_NONE;	/// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
-  int mxStat = 0;			/// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
-  int mxDiag = 0;
-  int mxDiagR = 0;
+    int        dcuId; /// @param dcuId DAQ ID number for this process
+    static int missedCycle = 0; /// @param missedCycle Incremented error counter
+                                /// when too many values in ADC FIFO
+    int diagWord =
+        0; /// @param diagWord Code diagnostic bit pattern returned to EPICS
+    int system = 0;
+    int sampleCount =
+        1; /// @param sampleCount Number of ADC samples to take per code cycle
+    int sync21pps = 0; /// @param sync21pps Code startup sync to 1PPS flag
+    int syncSource =
+        SYNC_SRC_NONE; /// @param syncSource Code startup synchronization source
+    int mxStat = 0; /// @param mxStat Net diags when myrinet express is used
+    int mxDiag = 0;
+    int mxDiagR = 0;
 // ****** Share data
 #if 0
   int ioClockDac = DAC_PRELOAD_CNT;
@@ -251,392 +268,454 @@ void *fe_start(void *arg)
   int dac_out = 0;			/// @param dac_out Integer value sent to DAC FIFO
-  int feStatus = 0;
-  int dkiTrip = 0;
-  int adcInAlarm = 0;
-  int adcMissedCycle = 0;
-  int dac_restore = 0;
-  int clk, clk1;			// Used only when run on timer enabled (test mode)
+    int feStatus = 0;
+    int dkiTrip = 0;
+    int adcInAlarm = 0;
+    int adcMissedCycle = 0;
+    int dac_restore = 0;
+    int clk, clk1; // Used only when run on timer enabled (test mode)
-  // volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;	// Pointer to 16bit DAC memory area
-  // volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr;  // Pointer to 20bit DAC memory area
-  // volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dac16bitPtr;		// Pointer to 18bit DAC memory area
-  unsigned int usec = 0;
+    // volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;	// Pointer to 16bit DAC memory
+    // area volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr;  // Pointer to 20bit DAC
+    // memory area volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dac16bitPtr;		// Pointer to
+    // 18bit DAC memory area
+    unsigned int usec = 0;
+    unsigned long cpc;
+    float         duotoneTimeDac;
+    float         duotoneTime;
-  unsigned long cpc;
-  float duotoneTimeDac;
-  float duotoneTime;
+    // static int dacTimingErrorPending[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
+    // static int dacTimingError = 0;
+    // int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES];		/// @param dacOF[]  DAC overrange
+    // counters static int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable No DAC
+    // outputs until >4 times through code int dacChanErr[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
-  // static int dacTimingErrorPending[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
-  // static int dacTimingError = 0;
-  // int dacOF[MAX_DAC_MODULES];		/// @param dacOF[]  DAC overrange counters
-  // static int dacWriteEnable = 0;	/// @param dacWriteEnable  No DAC outputs until >4 times through code
-  // int dacChanErr[MAX_DAC_MODULES];
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    /// Start Initialization Process \n
+    /// **********************************************************************************************\n
+    memset( tempClock, 0, sizeof( tempClock ) );
+    /// \> Flush L1 cache
+    memset( fp, 0, 64 * 1024 );
+    memset( fp, 1, 64 * 1024 );
+    clflush_cache_range( (void*)fp, 64 * 1024 );
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-/// Start Initialization Process \n
-/// **********************************************************************************************\n
-  memset (tempClock, 0, sizeof(tempClock));
+    fz_daz( ); /// \> Kill the denorms!
-  /// \> Flush L1 cache
-  memset (fp, 0, 64*1024);
-  memset (fp, 1, 64*1024);
-  clflush_cache_range ((void *)fp, 64*1024);
+    /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
+    pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm;
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
+    pEpicsDaq = (char*)&( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput );
-  fz_daz(); /// \> Kill the denorms!
-  /// \> Init comms with EPICS processor */
-  pEpicsComms = (RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm;
-  pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&pEpicsComms->epicsSpace;
-  pEpicsDaq = (char *)&(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput);
-adcInfo_t *padcinfo = (adcInfo_t *)&adcinfo;
+    adcInfo_t* padcinfo = (adcInfo_t*)&adcinfo;
-  /// \> Zero out filter histories
-  memset(dHistory, 0, sizeof(dHistory));
-  memset(dDacHistory, 0, sizeof(dDacHistory));
+    /// \> Zero out filter histories
+    memset( dHistory, 0, sizeof( dHistory ) );
+    memset( dDacHistory, 0, sizeof( dDacHistory ) );
-  /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
-  /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD data.\n
-  /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done to: \n
-  /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from shared memory. \n
-  /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations, which was slow. \n
-    pDsp[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-    pCoeff[system] = (VME_COEF *)(&pEpicsComms->coeffSpace);
-    dspPtr[system] = (FILT_MOD *)(&pEpicsComms->dspSpace);
-  /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-  // Clear input masks
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
-/// \> Init code synchronization source.
-  // Look for DIO card or IRIG-B Card
-  // if Contec 1616 BIO present, TDS slave will be used for timing.
-  if(cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount) syncSource = SYNC_SRC_TDS;
-  else syncSource = SYNC_SRC_1PPS;
+    /// \> Set pointers to filter module data buffers. \n
+    /// - ---- Prior to V2.8, separate local/shared memories for FILT_MOD
+    /// data.\n
+    /// - ---- V2.8 and later, code uses EPICS shared memory only. This was done
+    /// to: \n
+    /// - -------- Allow daqLib.c to retrieve filter module data directly from
+    /// shared memory. \n
+    /// - -------- Avoid copy of filter module data between to memory locations,
+    /// which was slow. \n
+    pDsp[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    pCoeff[ system ] = (VME_COEF*)( &pEpicsComms->coeffSpace );
+    dspPtr[ system ] = (FILT_MOD*)( &pEpicsComms->dspSpace );
+    /// \> Clear the FE reset which comes from Epics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    // Clear input masks
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore_mask = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet_mask = 0;
+    /// \> Init code synchronization source.
+    // Look for DIO card or IRIG-B Card
+    // if Contec 1616 BIO present, TDS slave will be used for timing.
+    if ( cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount )
+        syncSource = SYNC_SRC_TDS;
+    else
+        syncSource = SYNC_SRC_1PPS;
-pcieTimer = (TIMING_SIGNAL *) ((volatile char *)(cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0]) + IPC_PCIE_TIME_OFFSET);
+    pcieTimer =
+        (TIMING_SIGNAL*)( (volatile char*)( cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ] ) +
+                          IPC_PCIE_TIME_OFFSET );
 // printf("I am a TIMING MASTER **************\n");
-/// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
+    /// < Read in all Filter Module EPICS coeff settings
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
-	checkFiltReset(ii, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
+        checkFiltReset( ii,
+                        dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                        pDsp[ 0 ],
+                        &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                        MAX_MODULES,
+                        pCoeff[ 0 ] );
-  // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
-  dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
-  // Reset timing diagnostics
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
-/// \> Init IIR filter banks
-//   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++) {
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++){
-      for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++){
-        for(kk=0;kk<MAX_COEFFS;kk++){
-          dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk] = 0.0;
+    // Need this FE dcuId to make connection to FB
+    dcuId = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dcuId;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dcuId = dcuId;
+    // Reset timing diagnostics
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr = syncSource;
+    /// \> Init IIR filter banks
+    //   Initialize filter banks  *********************************************
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+    {
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+        {
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_COEFFS; kk++ )
+                {
+                    dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                dspCoeff[ system ].coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
-        dspCoeff[system].coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] = 0;
-      }
-  }
-  /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero 
-  for (system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++)
-    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-       // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
-       pDsp[0]->data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+    /// \> Initialize all filter module excitation signals to zero
+    for ( system = 0; system < NUM_SYSTEMS; system++ )
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+            // dsp[system].data[ii].exciteInput = 0.0;
+            pDsp[ 0 ]->data[ ii ].exciteInput = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
-    if (initVars(pDsp[0], pDsp[0], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0])) {
-    	// printf("Filter module init failed, exiting\n");
-  		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = FILT_INIT_ERROR;
-	return 0;
+    /// \> Initialize IIR filter bank values
+    if ( initVars( pDsp[ 0 ], pDsp[ 0 ], dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[ 0 ] ) )
+    {
+        // printf("Filter module init failed, exiting\n");
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = FILT_INIT_ERROR;
+        return 0;
+    udelay( 1000 );
-/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software 
-#if !defined(NO_DAQ) && !defined(IOP_TASK)
-  /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine 
-#if defined(SERVO2K) || defined(SERVO4K)
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
+/// \> Initialize DAQ variable/software
+#if !defined( NO_DAQ ) && !defined( IOP_TASK )
+    /// - ---- Set data range limits for daqLib routine
+#if defined( SERVO2K ) || defined( SERVO4K )
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_2K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_2K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
-  daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
+    daq.filtExMin = GDS_16K_EXC_MIN;
+    daq.filtTpMin = GDS_16K_TP_MIN;
-  daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
-  daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
-  daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
-  daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
-  daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
-  daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
-  /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
-  status = daqWrite(0,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],0, (int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-  if(status == -1) 
-  {
-    // printf("DAQ init failed -- exiting\n");
-  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAQ_INIT_ERROR;
-    vmeDone = 1;
-    return(0);
-  }
+    daq.filtExMax = daq.filtExMin + MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.filtExSize = MAX_MODULES;
+    daq.xExMin = daq.filtExMax;
+    daq.xExMax = daq.xExMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_EXC;
+    daq.filtTpMax = daq.filtTpMin + MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.filtTpSize = MAX_MODULES * 3;
+    daq.xTpMin = daq.filtTpMax;
+    daq.xTpMax = daq.xTpMin + GDS_MAX_NFM_TP;
+    /// - ---- Initialize DAQ function
+    status = daqWrite( 0,
+                       dcuId,
+                       daq,
+                       DAQ_RATE,
+                       testpoint,
+                       dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                       0,
+                       (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                       xExc,
+                       pEpicsDaq );
+    if ( status == -1 )
+    {
+        // printf("DAQ init failed -- exiting\n");
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = DAQ_INIT_ERROR;
+        vmeDone = 1;
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
-  /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
-  for (ii = 0; ii <  cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++)
-	for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
-		testpoint[MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj] = floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
-  // Zero out storage
-  memset(floatDacOut, 0, sizeof(floatDacOut));
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
-  // Clear the code exit flag
-  vmeDone = 0;
-  /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
-  // printf("Calling feCode() to initialize\n");
-  iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0], (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,1);
-  timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMax = 0;		
-  timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = 0;	
-  timeinfo.startGpsTime = 0;
-  timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;		
-  timeinfo.timeHold = 0;		
-  timeinfo.timeHoldHold = 0;		
-  timeinfo.timeHoldWhen = 0;		
-  timeinfo.timeHoldWhenHold = 0;		
-  timeinfo.usrTime = 0;		
-  timeinfo.cycleTime = 0;		
-  missedCycle = 0;
-  for(ii=0;ii<IOP_IO_RATE;ii++) {
-  	dt_diag.adc[ii] = 0;
-  	dt_diag.dac[ii] = 0;
-  }
-  dt_diag.totalAdc = 0.0;
-  dt_diag.totalDac = 0.0;
-  dt_diag.meanAdc = 0.0;
-  dt_diag.meanDac = 0.0;
-  dt_diag.dacDuoEnable = 0.0;
-  /// \> Initialize the ADC modules *************************************
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_ADC_MODS;
-  status = iop_adc_init_32(padcinfo);
-  // printf("ADC setup complete \n");
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_DAC_MODS;
-  /// \> Initialize the DAC module variables  **********************************
-  status = iop_dac_init(dacTimingErrorPending);
-  // printf("DAC setup complete \n");
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
-/// \> Find the code syncrhonization source. \n
-/// - Standard aLIGO Sync source is the Timing Distribution System (TDS) (SYNC_SRC_TDS). 
-  if (!run_on_timer) {
-  switch(syncSource)
-  {
-	/// \>\> For SYNC_SRC_TDS, initialize system for synchronous start on 1PPS mark:
-	case SYNC_SRC_TDS:
-		/// - ---- Turn off TDS slave unit timing clocks, in turn removing clocks from ADC/DAC modules.
-		for(ii=0;ii<tdsCount;ii++)
-		{
-			CDIO1616Output[ii] = TDS_STOP_CLOCKS;
-			CDIO1616Input[ii] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ii], CDIO1616Output[ii]);
-		}
-		udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-		udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-		/// - ---- Arm ADC modules
-    	gsc16ai64Enable(cdsPciModules.adcCount);
-		/// - ----  Arm DAC outputs
-		gsc18ao8Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-		gsc16ao16Enable(&cdsPciModules);
-		// Set synched flag so later code will not check for 1PPS
-		sync21pps = 1;
-		udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-		udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-		/// - ---- Preload DAC FIFOS\n
-		/// - --------- Code runs intrinsically slower first few cycle after startup, so new DAC
-		/// values not written until a few cycle into run. \n
-		/// - --------- DAC timing diags will later check FIFO sizes to verify synchrounous timing.
-		#ifndef NO_DAC_PRELOAD
-		status = iop_dac_preload(dacPtr);
-		#endif
-		/// - ---- Start the timing clocks\n
-		/// - --------- Send start command to TDS slave.\n
-		/// - --------- TDS slave will begin sending 64KHz clocks synchronous to next 1PPS mark.
-		// CDIO1616Output[tdsControl] = 0x7B00000;
-		for(ii=0;ii<tdsCount;ii++)
-		{
-			// CDIO1616Output[ii] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
-			CDIO1616Input[ii] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ii], CDIO1616Output[ii]);
-		}
-		break;
-	case SYNC_SRC_1PPS:
+    /// - ---- Assign DAC testpoint pointers
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;
+              jj++ ) // 16 per DAC regardless of the actual
+            testpoint[ MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj ] =
+                floatDacOut + MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD * ii + jj;
+    // Zero out storage
+    memset( floatDacOut, 0, sizeof( floatDacOut ) );
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = 0;
+    // Clear the code exit flag
+    vmeDone = 0;
+    /// \> Call user application software initialization routine.
+    // printf("Calling feCode() to initialize\n");
+    iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                           dWord,
+                           dacOut,
+                           dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                           &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                           (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                           1 );
+    timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMax = 0;
+    timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = 0;
+    timeinfo.startGpsTime = 0;
+    timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
+    timeinfo.timeHold = 0;
+    timeinfo.timeHoldHold = 0;
+    timeinfo.timeHoldWhen = 0;
+    timeinfo.timeHoldWhenHold = 0;
+    timeinfo.usrTime = 0;
+    timeinfo.cycleTime = 0;
+    missedCycle = 0;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < IOP_IO_RATE; ii++ )
+    {
+        dt_diag.adc[ ii ] = 0;
+        dt_diag.dac[ ii ] = 0;
+    }
+    dt_diag.totalAdc = 0.0;
+    dt_diag.totalDac = 0.0;
+    dt_diag.meanAdc = 0.0;
+    dt_diag.meanDac = 0.0;
+    dt_diag.dacDuoEnable = 0.0;
+    /// \> Initialize the ADC modules *************************************
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_ADC_MODS;
+    status = iop_adc_init_32( padcinfo );
+    // printf("ADC setup complete \n");
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_DAC_MODS;
+    /// \> Initialize the DAC module variables
+    /// **********************************
+    status = iop_dac_init( dacTimingErrorPending );
+    // printf("DAC setup complete \n");
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = INIT_SYNC;
+    /// \> Find the code syncrhonization source. \n
+    /// - Standard aLIGO Sync source is the Timing Distribution System (TDS)
+    /// (SYNC_SRC_TDS).
+    if ( !run_on_timer )
+    {
+        switch ( syncSource )
+        {
+        /// \>\> For SYNC_SRC_TDS, initialize system for synchronous start on
+        /// 1PPS mark:
+        case SYNC_SRC_TDS:
+            /// - ---- Turn off TDS slave unit timing clocks, in turn removing
+            /// clocks from ADC/DAC modules.
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < tdsCount; ii++ )
+            {
+                CDIO1616Output[ ii ] = TDS_STOP_CLOCKS;
+                CDIO1616Input[ ii ] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(
+                    &cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ ii ], CDIO1616Output[ ii ] );
+            }
+            udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+            udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+            /// - ---- Arm ADC modules
+            gsc16ai64Enable( cdsPciModules.adcCount );
+            /// - ----  Arm DAC outputs
+            gsc18ao8Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+            gsc16ao16Enable( &cdsPciModules );
+            // Set synched flag so later code will not check for 1PPS
+            sync21pps = 1;
+            udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+            udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+/// - ---- Preload DAC FIFOS\n
+/// - --------- Code runs intrinsically slower first few cycle after startup, so
+/// new DAC values not written until a few cycle into run. \n
+/// - --------- DAC timing diags will later check FIFO sizes to verify
+/// synchrounous timing.
-		status = iop_dac_preload(dacPtr);
+            status = iop_dac_preload( dacPtr );
-		// Arm ADC modules
-		// This has to be done sequentially, one at a time.
-		status = sync_adc_2_1pps();
-		break;
-	default: {
-		    // IRIG-B card not found, so use CPU time to get close to 1PPS on startup
-			// Pause until this second ends
-		break;
-	}
-  }
-  }
-  if (run_on_timer) {	// NOT normal operating mode; used for test systems without I/O cards/chassis
-    // printf("*******************************\n");
-    // printf("*     Running on timer!       *\n");
-    // printf("*******************************\n");
-  				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = RUN_ON_TIMER;
-  } else {
-    // printf("Triggered the ADC\n");
-  				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
-  }
-  onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+            /// - ---- Start the timing clocks\n
+            /// - --------- Send start command to TDS slave.\n
+            /// - --------- TDS slave will begin sending 64KHz clocks
+            /// synchronous to next 1PPS mark.
+            // CDIO1616Output[tdsControl] = 0x7B00000;
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < tdsCount; ii++ )
+            {
+                // CDIO1616Output[ii] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
+                CDIO1616Output[ ii ] =
+                CDIO1616Input[ ii ] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(
+                    &cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ ii ], CDIO1616Output[ ii ] );
+            }
+            break;
+        case SYNC_SRC_1PPS:
+            status = iop_dac_preload( dacPtr );
+            // Arm ADC modules
+            // This has to be done sequentially, one at a time.
+            status = sync_adc_2_1pps( );
+            break;
+        default:
+        {
+            // IRIG-B card not found, so use CPU time to get close to 1PPS on
+            // startup Pause until this second ends
+            break;
+        }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( run_on_timer )
+    { // NOT normal operating mode; used for test systems without I/O
+      // cards/chassis
+        // printf("*******************************\n");
+        // printf("*     Running on timer!       *\n");
+        // printf("*******************************\n");
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = RUN_ON_TIMER;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // printf("Triggered the ADC\n");
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = NORMAL_RUN;
+    }
+    onePpsTime = cycleNum;
 #ifdef REMOTE_GPS
-  timeSec = remote_time((struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
-  printf ("Using remote GPS time %d \n",timeSec);
+    timeSec = remote_time( (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
+    printf( "Using remote GPS time %d \n", timeSec );
-  timeSec = current_time_fe() -1;
+    timeSec = current_time_fe( ) - 1;
-  rdtscll(adcinfo.adcTime);
+    rdtscll( adcinfo.adcTime );
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  /// Enter the infinite FE control loop  ******************************************\n
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    /// Enter the infinite FE control loop
+    /// ******************************************\n
-  /// ******************************************************************************\n
-  // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
-  cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    /// ******************************************************************************\n
+    // Calculate how many CPU cycles per code cycle
+    cpc = cpu_khz * 1000;
+    cpc /= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-	usleep_range(2,4);
+    usleep_range( 2, 4 );
-  while(!kthread_should_stop()){
+    while ( !kthread_should_stop( ) )
+    {
-  while(!vmeDone){ 	// Run forever until user hits reset
+    while ( !vmeDone )
+    { // Run forever until user hits reset
-	// **********************************************************************************************************
-	// NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
-	// On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
-	// coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be 
-	// increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
-	// code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match 2048 system.
-	// **********************************************************************************************************
-/// \> On 1PPS mark \n
-    if(cycleNum == 0)
-    {
-	  /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
-	  //printf("awgtpman gps = %d local = %d\n", pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps, timeSec);
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat = (pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec);
-	  if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
-	  /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
-	  if(!iopDacEnable || dkiTrip) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
-	  /// - ---- If IOP, Increment GPS second
-      timeSec ++;
-      pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
-	  if (cycle_gps_time == 0) {
-		timeinfo.startGpsTime = timeSec;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
-	  }
-	  cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
-	}
+        // **********************************************************************************************************
+        // NORMAL OPERATION -- Wait for ADC data ready
+        // On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
+        // coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be
+        // increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
+        // code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match
+        // 2048 system.
+        // **********************************************************************************************************
+        /// \> On 1PPS mark \n
+        if ( cycleNum == 0 )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Check awgtpman status.
+            // printf("awgtpman gps = %d local = %d\n",
+            // pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps, timeSec);
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat =
+                ( pEpicsComms->padSpace.awgtpman_gps != timeSec );
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.awgStat )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_AWG;
+            /// - ---- Check if DAC outputs are enabled, report error.
+            if ( !iopDacEnable || dkiTrip )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC_ENABLE;
+            /// - ---- If IOP, Increment GPS second
+            timeSec++;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeDiag = timeSec;
+            if ( cycle_gps_time == 0 )
+            {
+                timeinfo.startGpsTime = timeSec;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = timeinfo.startGpsTime;
+            }
+            cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
+        }
-	if((cycleNum % 2048) == 0) usleep_range(2,4);
+        if ( ( cycleNum % 2048 ) == 0 )
+            usleep_range( 2, 4 );
-/// IF IOP *************************** \n
-// Start of ADC Read *************************************************************************************
-	/// \> IF IOP, Wait for ADC data ready
-	/// - ---- On startup, only want to read one sample such that first cycle
-	/// coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be 
-	/// increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
-	/// code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match 2048 system.
-		// Read ADC data
-		status = iop_adc_read_32 (padcinfo, cpuClock);
-		if(status == ADC_BUS_DELAY && dacWriteEnable > 8) {
-		    printf("ADC long cycle \n");
-                    adcInAlarm = 10;
-		    adcMissedCycle = 0;
-  	            status = gsc16ao16ClearDacBuffer(0);
-                    status = iop_dac_recover(1,dacPtr);
-                }
-		if(status == ADC_SHORT_CYCLE && adcInAlarm) adcMissedCycle ++;
-		if(adcInAlarm > 1) adcInAlarm --;
-		if(status == 0 && adcInAlarm == 1) {
-			printf("IOP missed %d ADC clocks\n",adcMissedCycle);
-			adcInAlarm = 0;
-			dac_restore = adcMissedCycle;
-		}
-// **************************************************************************************
-/// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
-/// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called and executed. \n\n
-	rdtscll(cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START]);
- 	iopDacEnable = feCode(cycleNum,dWord,dacOut,dspPtr[0],&dspCoeff[0],(struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics,0);
-    rdtscll(cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_END]);
-// **************************************************************************************
-   	/// - ---- Reset ADC DMA Start Flag \n
-   	/// - --------- This allows ADC to dump next data set whenever it is ready
-	for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-   		gsc16ai64DmaEnable(jj);
-  	odcStateWord = 0;
-// ********************************************************************
-/// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
-// ********************************************************************
+        /// IF IOP *************************** \n
+        // Start of ADC Read
+        // *************************************************************************************
+        /// \> IF IOP, Wait for ADC data ready
+        /// - ---- On startup, only want to read one sample such that first
+        /// cycle coincides with GPS 1PPS. Thereafter, sampleCount will be
+        /// increased to appropriate number of 65536 s/sec to match desired
+        /// code rate eg 32 samples each time thru before proceeding to match
+        /// 2048 system.
+        // Read ADC data
+        status = iop_adc_read_32( padcinfo, cpuClock );
+        if ( status == ADC_BUS_DELAY && dacWriteEnable > 8 )
+        {
+            printf( "ADC long cycle \n" );
+            adcInAlarm = 10;
+            adcMissedCycle = 0;
+            status = gsc16ao16ClearDacBuffer( 0 );
+            status = iop_dac_recover( 1, dacPtr );
+        }
+        if ( status == ADC_SHORT_CYCLE && adcInAlarm )
+            adcMissedCycle++;
+        if ( adcInAlarm > 1 )
+            adcInAlarm--;
+        if ( status == 0 && adcInAlarm == 1 )
+        {
+            printf( "IOP missed %d ADC clocks\n", adcMissedCycle );
+            adcInAlarm = 0;
+            dac_restore = adcMissedCycle;
+        }
-        // COMMENT OUT NEX LINE FOR TEST STAND w/bad DAC cards. 
+        // **************************************************************************************
+        /// \> Call the front end specific application  ******************\n
+        /// - -- This is where the user application produced by RCG gets called
+        /// and executed. \n\n
+        rdtscll( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] );
+        iopDacEnable = feCode( cycleNum,
+                               dWord,
+                               dacOut,
+                               dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                               &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                               (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics,
+                               0 );
+        rdtscll( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_END ] );
+        // **************************************************************************************
+        //
+        /// - ---- Reset ADC DMA Start Flag \n
+        /// - --------- This allows ADC to dump next data set whenever it is
+        /// ready
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+            gsc16ai64DmaEnable( jj );
+        odcStateWord = 0;
+        // ********************************************************************
+        /// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
+        // ********************************************************************
+        // COMMENT OUT NEX LINE FOR TEST STAND w/bad DAC cards.
-	// If a DAC module has bad timing then quit writing outputs
-    // if(dacTimingError) iopDacEnable = 0;
+        // If a DAC module has bad timing then quit writing outputs
+        // if(dacTimingError) iopDacEnable = 0;
 #if 0
     // Write out data to DAC modules
@@ -649,470 +728,569 @@ udelay(1000);
     if(dac_restore > 4) dacWriteEnable = 0;
     dkiTrip = iop_dac_write();
     if(dac_restore) dac_restore --;
-    #endif
-// ***********************************************************************
-/// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************ \n
-// ***********************************************************************
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        /// BEGIN HOUSEKEEPING ************************************************
+        /// \n
+        // ***********************************************************************
         pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cycle = cycleNum;
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 0: \n
-/// - ---- Read IRIGB time if symmetricom card (this is not standard, but supported for earlier cards. \n
-// *****************************************************************
-    if(dtcycle == HKP_READ_SYMCOM_IRIGB)
-    {
-	/// - ---- Calc duotone diagnostic mean values for past second and reset.
-        dt_diag.meanAdc = dt_diag.totalAdc/65536;
-        dt_diag.totalAdc = 0.0;
-        dt_diag.meanDac = dt_diag.totalDac/65536;
-        dt_diag.totalDac = 0.0;
-    }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 1 and Spectricom IRIGB (standard), get IRIG-B time information.
-// *****************************************************************
-	// if(cycleNum == HKP_READ_TSYNC_IRIBB)
-	if(cycleNum == 0)
-	{
-	        if(cdsPciModules.gpsType == TSYNC_RCVR)
-	        {
-	                gps_receiver_locked = getGpsuSecTsync(&usec);
-	                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = usec - 15;
-/// - ---- If not in acceptable range, generate error.
-	                if((usec > 30) || (usec < 24)) 
-			{
-				feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;;
-				diagWord |= TIME_ERR_IRIGB;;
-			}
-	        }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 0: \n
+        /// - ---- Read IRIGB time if symmetricom card (this is not standard,
+        /// but supported for earlier cards. \n
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( dtcycle == HKP_READ_SYMCOM_IRIGB )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Calc duotone diagnostic mean values for past second and
+            /// reset.
+            dt_diag.meanAdc = dt_diag.totalAdc / 65536;
+            dt_diag.totalAdc = 0.0;
+            dt_diag.meanDac = dt_diag.totalDac / 65536;
+            dt_diag.totalDac = 0.0;
-/// \> Update duotone diag information
-	dtc = (dtcycle % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS);
-        dt_diag.adc[(dtcycle + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET) % IOP_IO_RATE] = 
-	    ioMemData->iodata[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][dtc].data[ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
-        dt_diag.totalAdc += 
-	    ioMemData->iodata[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][dtc].data[ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
-	dtcycle = (dtcycle + 1) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-	dtc = (dtcycle % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS);
-        dt_diag.adc[(dtcycle + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET) % IOP_IO_RATE] = 
-	    ioMemData->iodata[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][dtc].data[ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
-        dt_diag.totalAdc += 
-	    ioMemData->iodata[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][dtc].data[ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
-	dtcycle = (dtcycle + 1) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 1 and Spectricom IRIGB (standard), get IRIG-B time
+        /// information.
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // if(cycleNum == HKP_READ_TSYNC_IRIBB)
+        if ( cycleNum == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( cdsPciModules.gpsType == TSYNC_RCVR )
+            {
+                gps_receiver_locked = getGpsuSecTsync( &usec );
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.irigbTime = usec - 15;
+                /// - ---- If not in acceptable range, generate error.
+                if ( ( usec > 30 ) || ( usec < 24 ) )
+                {
+                    feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+                    ;
+                    diagWord |= TIME_ERR_IRIGB;
+                    ;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 16, perform duotone diag calcs.
-// *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Update duotone diag information
+        dtc = ( dtcycle % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS );
+        dt_diag.adc[ ( dtcycle + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET ) % IOP_IO_RATE ] =
+            ioMemData->iodata[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ dtc ]
+                .data[ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+        dt_diag.totalAdc += ioMemData->iodata[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ dtc ]
+                                .data[ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+        dtcycle = ( dtcycle + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        dtc = ( dtcycle % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS );
+        dt_diag.adc[ ( dtcycle + DT_SAMPLE_OFFSET ) % IOP_IO_RATE ] =
+            ioMemData->iodata[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ dtc ]
+                .data[ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+        dt_diag.totalAdc += ioMemData->iodata[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ dtc ]
+                                .data[ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+        dtcycle = ( dtcycle + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 16, perform duotone diag calcs.
+        // *****************************************************************
         // if(cycleNum == HKP_DT_CALC)
-        if(cycleNum == 8)
+        if ( cycleNum == 8 )
-		duotoneTime = duotime(DT_SAMPLE_CNT, dt_diag.meanAdc, dt_diag.adc);
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dtTime = duotoneTime;
-		// if(((duotoneTime < MIN_DT_DIAG_VAL) || (duotoneTime > MAX_DT_DIAG_VAL)) &&
-		   // syncSource != SYNC_SRC_1PPS) 
-			// feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-		duotoneTimeDac = 0;
-                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacDtTime = duotoneTimeDac;
+            duotoneTime =
+                duotime( DT_SAMPLE_CNT, dt_diag.meanAdc, dt_diag.adc );
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dtTime = duotoneTime;
+            // if(((duotoneTime < MIN_DT_DIAG_VAL) || (duotoneTime >
+            // MAX_DT_DIAG_VAL)) && syncSource != SYNC_SRC_1PPS) feStatus |=
+            // FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            duotoneTimeDac = 0;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacDtTime = duotoneTimeDac;
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 17, set/reset DAC duotone switch if request has changed.
-// *****************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum == HKP_DAC_DT_SWITCH)
-	{
-		if(dt_diag.dacDuoEnable != pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet)
-		{
-			dt_diag.dacDuoEnable = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet;
-			if(dt_diag.dacDuoEnable)
-				CDIO1616Output[0] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
-			CDIO1616Input[0] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, tdsControl[0], CDIO1616Output[0]);
-		}
-	}
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 17, set/reset DAC duotone switch if request has changed.
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_DAC_DT_SWITCH )
+        {
+            if ( dt_diag.dacDuoEnable != pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet )
+            {
+                dt_diag.dacDuoEnable = pLocalEpics->epicsInput.dacDuoSet;
+                if ( dt_diag.dacDuoEnable )
+                    CDIO1616Output[ 0 ] = TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS;
+                else
+                    CDIO1616Output[ 0 ] =
+                        TDS_START_ADC_NEG_DAC_POS | TDS_NO_DAC_DUOTONE;
+                CDIO1616Input[ 0 ] = contec1616WriteOutputRegister(
+                    &cdsPciModules, tdsControl[ 0 ], CDIO1616Output[ 0 ] );
+            }
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
-// *****************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum ==HKP_TIMING_UPDATES)	
-    {
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = timeinfo.timeHold;
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeterMax = timeinfo.timeHoldMax;
-  	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacEnable = dacEnable;
-      timeinfo.timeHoldHold = timeinfo.timeHold;
-      timeinfo.timeHold = 0;
-	  timeinfo.timeHoldWhenHold = timeinfo.timeHoldWhen;
-	  if (timeSec % 4 == 0) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime = 
-	  	adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin;
-	  else if (timeSec % 4 == 1)
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime =  adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax;
-	  else
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime = adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg/CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-	  adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvgPerSec = adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg/CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-	  adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax = 0;
-	  adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin = 0xffff;
-	  adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg = 0;
-	  if((adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI) || (adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO)) 
-	  {
-	  	diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	  }
-	  if(timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM) 
-	  {
-	  	diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
-	  }
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
-  	  feStatus = 0;
-  	  if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset)
-	  {
-		initialDiagReset = 0;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
-  		// pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diags[1] = 0;
-		timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
-	  	diagWord = 0;
-		ipcErrBits = 0;
-      	for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) adcinfo.adcRdTimeMax[jj] = 0;
-	  }
-	  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
-      for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++) {
-		if(adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[jj] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_ERR_SEC)
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
-		adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[jj] = 0;
-	  }
-   }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 18, Send timing info to EPICS at 1Hz
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_TIMING_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = timeinfo.timeHold;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeterMax = timeinfo.timeHoldMax;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacEnable = dacEnable;
+            timeinfo.timeHoldHold = timeinfo.timeHold;
+            timeinfo.timeHold = 0;
+            timeinfo.timeHoldWhenHold = timeinfo.timeHoldWhen;
+            if ( timeSec % 4 == 0 )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime = adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin;
+            else if ( timeSec % 4 == 1 )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime = adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax;
+            else
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime =
+                    adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg / CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+            adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvgPerSec =
+                adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg / CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+            adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax = 0;
+            adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin = 0xffff;
+            adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg = 0;
+            if ( ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_HI ) ||
+                 ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < CYCLE_TIME_ALRM_LO ) )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_ADC_HOLD_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            if ( timeinfo.timeHoldMax > CYCLE_TIME_ALRM )
+            {
+                diagWord |= FE_PROC_TIME_ERR;
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_TIMING;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = feStatus;
+            feStatus = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset || initialDiagReset )
+            {
+                initialDiagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.diagReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.ipcDiagReset = 1;
+                // pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diags[1] = 0;
+                timeinfo.timeHoldMax = 0;
+                diagWord = 0;
+                ipcErrBits = 0;
+                for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                    adcinfo.adcRdTimeMax[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord = diagWord;
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                if ( adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_ERR_SEC )
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                adcinfo.adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This
+        /// is spread out over a number of cycles.
+        // Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
+        // here we are rounding up:
+        //   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
+        //
+        // *****************************************************************
+        {
+            static const unsigned int mpc =
+                ( MAX_MODULES + ( FE_RATE / 16 ) - 1 ) /
+                ( FE_RATE / 16 ); // Modules per cycle
+            unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
+            unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
+            unsigned int i;
+            for ( i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc; i++ )
+                checkFiltReset( i,
+                                dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                                pDsp[ 0 ],
+                                &dspCoeff[ 0 ],
+                                MAX_MODULES,
+                                pCoeff[ 0 ] );
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Check for requests for filter module clear history requests. This is spread out over a number of cycles.
-	// Spread out filter coeff update, but keep updates at 16 Hz
-	// here we are rounding up:
-	//   x/y rounded up equals (x + y - 1) / y
-	//
-// *****************************************************************
-	{ 
-		static const unsigned int mpc = (MAX_MODULES + (FE_RATE / 16) - 1) / (FE_RATE / 16); // Modules per cycle
-		unsigned int smpc = mpc * subcycle; // Start module counter
-		unsigned int empc = smpc + mpc; // End module counter
-		unsigned int i;
-		for (i = smpc; i < MAX_MODULES && i < empc ; i++) 
-			checkFiltReset(i, dspPtr[0], pDsp[0], &dspCoeff[0], MAX_MODULES, pCoeff[0]);
-	}
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Check if code exit is requested
+        if ( cycleNum == MAX_MODULES )
+            vmeDone = stop_working_threads |
+                checkEpicsReset( cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS*)pLocalEpics );
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // If synced to 1PPS on startup, continue to check that code
+        // is still in sync with 1PPS.
+        // This is NOT normal aLIGO mode.
+        if ( syncSource == SYNC_SRC_1PPS )
+        {
-// *****************************************************************
-	/// \> Check if code exit is requested
-	if(cycleNum == MAX_MODULES) 
-		vmeDone = stop_working_threads | checkEpicsReset(cycleNum, (struct CDS_EPICS *)pLocalEpics);
-// *****************************************************************
-	// If synced to 1PPS on startup, continue to check that code
-	// is still in sync with 1PPS.
-	// This is NOT normal aLIGO mode.
-	if(syncSource == SYNC_SRC_1PPS)
-	{
-		// Assign chan 32 to onePps 
-		onePps = adcinfo.adcData[ADC_DUOTONE_BRD][ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
-		if((onePps > ONE_PPS_THRESH) && (onePpsHi == 0))  
-		{
-			onePpsTime = cycleNum;
-			onePpsHi = 1;
-		}
-		if(onePps < ONE_PPS_THRESH) onePpsHi = 0;  
-		// Check if front end continues to be in sync with 1pps
-		// If not, set sync error flag
-		if(onePpsTime > 1) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr |= TIME_ERR_1PPS;
-	}
+            // Assign chan 32 to onePps
+            onePps = adcinfo.adcData[ ADC_DUOTONE_BRD ][ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+            if ( ( onePps > ONE_PPS_THRESH ) && ( onePpsHi == 0 ) )
+            {
+                onePpsTime = cycleNum;
+                onePpsHi = 1;
+            }
+            if ( onePps < ONE_PPS_THRESH )
+                onePpsHi = 0;
+            // Check if front end continues to be in sync with 1pps
+            // If not, set sync error flag
+            if ( onePpsTime > 1 )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timeErr |= TIME_ERR_1PPS;
+        }
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-	for(ii=0;ii<10;ii++)
-	{
-		if(ii<5) onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[0][ii];
-		else onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[1][(ii-5)];
-		if((onePpsTest > 400) && (onePpsHiTest[ii] == 0))  
-		{
-			onePpsTimeTest[ii] = cycleNum;
-			onePpsHiTest[ii] = 1;
-			if((ii == 0) || (ii == 5)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ii] = cycleNum * 15.26;
-			// Slaves do not see 1pps until after IOP signal loops around and back into ADC channel 0,
-			// therefore, need to subtract IOP loop time.
-			else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ii] = (cycleNum * 15.26) - pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[0];
-		}
-		// Reset the diagnostic for next cycle
-		if(cycleNum > 2000) onePpsHiTest[ii] = 0;  
-	}
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++ )
+        {
+            if ( ii < 5 )
+                onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[ 0 ][ ii ];
+            else
+                onePpsTest = adcinfo.adcData[ 1 ][ ( ii - 5 ) ];
+            if ( ( onePpsTest > 400 ) && ( onePpsHiTest[ ii ] == 0 ) )
+            {
+                onePpsTimeTest[ ii ] = cycleNum;
+                onePpsHiTest[ ii ] = 1;
+                if ( ( ii == 0 ) || ( ii == 5 ) )
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ ii ] =
+                        cycleNum * 15.26;
+                // Slaves do not see 1pps until after IOP signal loops around
+                // and back into ADC channel 0, therefore, need to subtract IOP
+                // loop time.
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ ii ] =
+                        ( cycleNum * 15.26 ) -
+                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.timingTest[ 0 ];
+            }
+            // Reset the diagnostic for next cycle
+            if ( cycleNum > 2000 )
+                onePpsHiTest[ ii ] = 0;
+        }
 // *****************************************************************
 /// \>  Write data to DAQ.
 // *****************************************************************
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
-	// Call daqLib
-	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt = 
-		daqWrite(1,dcuId,daq,DAQ_RATE,testpoint,dspPtr[0],myGmError2,(int *)(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon),xExc,pEpicsDaq);
-	// Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number checking
-  	pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
-  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
-	feStatus |= (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count);
-	if (FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count) odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
-	else odcStateWord &= ~(ODC_EXC_SET);
-	if(pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING) 
-		feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+        // Call daqLib
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt =
+            daqWrite( 1,
+                      dcuId,
+                      daq,
+                      DAQ_RATE,
+                      testpoint,
+                      dspPtr[ 0 ],
+                      myGmError2,
+                      (int*)( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.gdsMon ),
+                      xExc,
+                      pEpicsDaq );
+        // Send the current DAQ block size to the awgtpman for TP number
+        // checking
+        pEpicsComms->padSpace.feDaqBlockSize = curDaqBlockSize;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.tpCnt = tpPtr->count & 0xff;
+        feStatus |= ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count );
+        if ( FE_ERROR_EXC_SET & tpPtr->count )
+            odcStateWord |= ODC_EXC_SET;
+        else
+            odcStateWord &= ~( ODC_EXC_SET );
+        if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.daqByteCnt > DAQ_DCU_RATE_WARNING )
+            feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
-// *****************************************************************
+        // *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
-	if(cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES)	
-    {
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.userTime = timeinfo.usrHoldTime;
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
-	  	if(ipcErrBits & 0xf) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
-	  	// Create FB status word for return to EPICS
-	  	mxStat = 0;
-	  	mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
-	  	if((mxDiag & 1) != (mxDiagR & 1)) mxStat = 1;
-	  	if((mxDiag & 2) != (mxDiagR & 2)) mxStat += 2;
+        /// \> Cycle 19, write updated diag info to EPICS
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_DIAG_UPDATES )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.userTime = timeinfo.usrHoldTime;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ipcStat = ipcErrBits;
+            if ( ipcErrBits & 0xf )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_IPC;
+            // Create FB status word for return to EPICS
+            mxStat = 0;
+            mxDiagR = daqPtr->reqAck;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 1 ) != ( mxDiagR & 1 ) )
+                mxStat = 1;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 2 ) != ( mxDiagR & 2 ) )
+                mxStat += 2;
 #ifdef DUAL_DAQ_DC
-	  	if((mxDiag & 4) != (mxDiagR & 4)) mxStat += 4;
-	  	if((mxDiag & 8) != (mxDiagR & 8)) mxStat += 8;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 4 ) != ( mxDiagR & 4 ) )
+                mxStat += 4;
+            if ( ( mxDiag & 8 ) != ( mxDiagR & 8 ) )
+                mxStat += 8;
-	  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
-  	  	mxDiag = mxDiagR;
-	  	if(mxStat != MX_OK)
-			feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;;
-	  	timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
-  	  	if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset)
-	  	{
-       		if (pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) {
-           		for (ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) {
-               		for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++) {
-              			adcinfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                        adcinfo.overflowAdc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-						pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-						pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii + 16] = 0;
-           		}
-                	for (jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-                        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-                	}
-        		}
-  			}
-	  	}
-  	  	if((pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset) || (overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT))
-	  	{
-			pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
-			overflowAcc = 0;
-	  	}
-	}
-/// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
-    if(subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES)
-	{
-		// Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
-	    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	    {
-	    	for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	    	{
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[jj][ii] = dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-			}
-	    }
-	}
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fbNetStat = mxStat;
+            mxDiag = mxDiagR;
+            if ( mxStat != MX_OK )
+                feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAQ;
+            ;
+            timeinfo.usrHoldTime = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+            {
+                if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset )
+                {
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+                        {
+                            adcinfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            adcinfo.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii + 16 ] = 0;
+                        }
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+                        {
+                            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput
+                                .overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset ) ||
+                 ( overflowAcc > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT ) )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.overflowReset = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = 0;
+                overflowAcc = 0;
+            }
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
-// *****************************************************************
-	if(cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES)
-    {
+        /// \> Cycle 20, Update latest DAC output values to EPICS
+        if ( subcycle == HKP_DAC_EPICS_UPDATES )
+        {
+            // Send DAC output values at 16Hzfb
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.dacValue[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                        dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+                }
+            }
+        }
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
-		feStatus |= adc_status_update(&adcinfo);
-		feStatus |= dac_status_update(&dacinfo); 
-	    // If ADC channels not where they should be, we have no option but to exit
-	  	// from the RT code ie loops would be working with wrong input data.
-	  	if (adcinfo.chanHop) {
-	  		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
-	        stop_working_threads = 1;
-	        vmeDone = 1;
-  			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = CHAN_HOP_ERROR;
-	 	 	continue;    
-	  	}
-	}
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 21, Update ADC/DAC status to EPICS.
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum == HKP_ADC_DAC_STAT_UPDATES )
+        {
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 300, If IOP and RFM cards, check own data diagnostics
-// *****************************************************************
-	// Deal with the own-data bits on the VMIC 5565 rfm cards
-	if (cdsPciModules.rfmCount > 0) {
-        if (cycleNum >= HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE && cycleNum < (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount)) {
-			int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE;
-			status = vmic5565CheckOwnDataRcv(mod);
-			if(!status) ipcErrBits |= 4 + (mod * 4);
-		}
-		if (cycleNum >= (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount) && cycleNum < (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount*2)) {
-			int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
-			vmic5565ResetOwnDataLight(mod);
-		}
-		if (cycleNum >= (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + 2*cdsPciModules.rfmCount) && cycleNum < (HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount*3)) {
-			int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount*2;
-				// Write data out to the RFM to trigger the light
-	  		((volatile long *)(cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[mod]))[2] = 0;
-		}
-	}
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.ovAccum = overflowAcc;
+            feStatus |= adc_status_update( &adcinfo );
+            feStatus |= dac_status_update( &dacinfo );
+            // If ADC channels not where they should be, we have no option but
+            // to exit from the RT code ie loops would be working with wrong
+            // input data.
+            if ( adcinfo.chanHop )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
+                stop_working_threads = 1;
+                vmeDone = 1;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = CHAN_HOP_ERROR;
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 400 to 400 + numDacModules, write DAC heartbeat to AI chassis (only for 18 bit DAC modules)
-// DAC WD Write for 18 bit DAC modules
-// Check once per second on code cycle 400 to dac count
-// Only one write per code cycle to reduce time
-// *****************************************************************
-    if (cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CLK && cycleNum < (HKP_DAC_WD_CLK + cdsPciModules.dacCount)) 
-	{
-		if (cycleNum == HKP_DAC_WD_CLK) dacWatchDog ^= 1;
-		jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CLK;
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-		{
-			volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;
-			dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-			if(iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[jj])
-				dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports = (dacWatchDog | GSAO_18BIT_DIO_RW);
-		}
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8)
-		{
-		    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr;
-		    dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-		    if(iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[jj]) 
-			dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports = (dacWatchDog | GSAO_20BIT_DIO_RW);
-		}
-	}
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 300, If IOP and RFM cards, check own data diagnostics
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // Deal with the own-data bits on the VMIC 5565 rfm cards
+        if ( cdsPciModules.rfmCount > 0 )
+        {
+            if ( cycleNum >= HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE &&
+                 cycleNum < ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount ) )
+            {
+                int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE;
+                status = vmic5565CheckOwnDataRcv( mod );
+                if ( !status )
+                    ipcErrBits |= 4 + ( mod * 4 );
+            }
+            if ( cycleNum >= ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount ) &&
+                 cycleNum < ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount * 2 ) )
+            {
+                int mod = cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
+                vmic5565ResetOwnDataLight( mod );
+            }
+            if ( cycleNum >=
+                     ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + 2 * cdsPciModules.rfmCount ) &&
+                 cycleNum < ( HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE + cdsPciModules.rfmCount * 3 ) )
+            {
+                int mod =
+                    cycleNum - HKP_RFM_CHK_CYCLE - cdsPciModules.rfmCount * 2;
+                // Write data out to the RFM to trigger the light
+                ( (volatile long*)( cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ mod ] ) )[ 2 ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
-// *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 500 to 500 + numDacModules, read back watchdog from AI chassis (18 bit DAC only)
-// AI Chassis WD CHECK for 18 bit DAC modules
-// Check once per second on code cycle HKP_DAC_WD_CHK to dac count
-// Only one read per code cycle to reduce time
-// *****************************************************************
-    if (cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CHK && cycleNum < (HKP_DAC_WD_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount)) 
-	{
-		jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CHK;
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-		{
-			static int dacWDread = 0;
-			volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-			dacWDread = dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
-			if(((dacWDread >> 8) & 1) > 0)
-			    {
-			    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_WD_BIT);
-			    }
-			    else 
-			    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
-		}
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8)
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 400 to 400 + numDacModules, write DAC heartbeat to AI
+        /// chassis (only for 18 bit DAC modules)
+        // DAC WD Write for 18 bit DAC modules
+        // Check once per second on code cycle 400 to dac count
+        // Only one write per code cycle to reduce time
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CLK &&
+             cycleNum < ( HKP_DAC_WD_CLK + cdsPciModules.dacCount ) )
-            static int dacWDread = 0;
-            volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-            dacWDread = dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
-            if(((dacWDread >> 8) & 1) > 0)
-                 pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_WD_BIT);
-            else
-                 pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
-		}
-	}
+            if ( cycleNum == HKP_DAC_WD_CLK )
+                dacWatchDog ^= 1;
+            jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CLK;
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            {
+                volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr;
+                dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                if ( iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+                    dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports =
+                        ( dacWatchDog | GSAO_18BIT_DIO_RW );
+            }
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            {
+                volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20bitPtr;
+                dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                if ( iopDacEnable && !dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+                    dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports =
+                        ( dacWatchDog | GSAO_20BIT_DIO_RW );
+            }
+        }
+        // *****************************************************************
+        /// \> Cycle 500 to 500 + numDacModules, read back watchdog from AI
+        /// chassis (18 bit DAC only)
+        // AI Chassis WD CHECK for 18 bit DAC modules
+        // Check once per second on code cycle HKP_DAC_WD_CHK to dac count
+        // Only one read per code cycle to reduce time
+        // *****************************************************************
+        if ( cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_WD_CHK &&
+             cycleNum < ( HKP_DAC_WD_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount ) )
+        {
+            jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_WD_CHK;
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            {
+                static int                  dacWDread = 0;
+                volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr =
+                    (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                dacWDread = dac18bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
+                if ( ( ( dacWDread >> 8 ) & 1 ) > 0 )
+                {
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_WD_BIT );
+                }
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
+            }
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            {
+                static int                  dacWDread = 0;
+                volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20bitPtr =
+                    (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+                dacWDread = dac20bitPtr->digital_io_ports;
+                if ( ( ( dacWDread >> 8 ) & 1 ) > 0 )
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_WD_BIT );
+                else
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_WD_BIT;
+            }
+        }
 // *****************************************************************
-/// \> Cycle 600 to 600 + numDacModules, Check DAC FIFO Sizes to determine if DAC modules are synched to code 
-/// - ---- 18bit DAC reads out FIFO size dirrectly, but 16bit module only has a 4 bit register 
-/// area for FIFO empty, quarter full, etc. So, to make these bits useful in 16 bit module,
-/// code must set a proper FIFO size in map.c code.
+/// \> Cycle 600 to 600 + numDacModules, Check DAC FIFO Sizes to determine if
+/// DAC modules are synched to code
+/// - ---- 18bit DAC reads out FIFO size dirrectly, but 16bit module only has a
+/// 4 bit register area for FIFO empty, quarter full, etc. So, to make these
+/// bits useful in 16 bit module, code must set a proper FIFO size in map.c
+/// code.
 // This code runs once per second.
 // *****************************************************************
-   	if (cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK && cycleNum < (HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount)) 
-	{
-		status = check_dac_buffers(cycleNum);
-	}
-	if (dacTimingError) feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC;
+        if ( cycleNum >= HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK &&
+             cycleNum < ( HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK + cdsPciModules.dacCount ) )
+        {
+            status = check_dac_buffers( cycleNum );
+        }
+        if ( dacTimingError )
+            feStatus |= FE_ERROR_DAC;
-// *****************************************************************
-// Update end of cycle information
-// *****************************************************************
-	// Capture end of cycle time.
-    rdtscll(cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END]);
-	/// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
-	timeinfo.cycleTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START])/CPURATE;
-	// Hold the max cycle time over the last 1 second
-	if(timeinfo.cycleTime > timeinfo.timeHold) { 
-		timeinfo.timeHold = timeinfo.cycleTime;
-		timeinfo.timeHoldWhen = cycleNum;
-	}
-	// Hold the max cycle time since last diag reset
-	if(timeinfo.cycleTime > timeinfo.timeHoldMax) timeinfo.timeHoldMax = timeinfo.cycleTime;
-	adcinfo.adcHoldTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START] - adcinfo.adcTime)/CPURATE;
-	// Avoid calculating the max hold time for the first few seconds
-	if (cycleNum != 0 && (timeinfo.startGpsTime+3) < cycle_gps_time) {
-		if(adcinfo.adcHoldTime > adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax) 
-			adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax = adcinfo.adcHoldTime;
-		if(adcinfo.adcHoldTime < adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin) 
-			adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin = adcinfo.adcHoldTime;
-		adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg += adcinfo.adcHoldTime;
-		if (adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax > adcinfo.adcHoldTimeEverMax)  {
-			adcinfo.adcHoldTimeEverMax = adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax;
-			adcinfo.adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps_time;
-		}
-		if (timeinfo.timeHoldMax > timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMax)  {
-			timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMax = timeinfo.timeHoldMax;
-			timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps_time;
-		}
-	}
-	adcinfo.adcTime = cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START];
-	// Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
-	// For IOP, more interested in time to get thru ADC read code and send to slave apps
-	timeinfo.usrTime = (cpuClock[CPU_TIME_USR_START] - cpuClock[CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START])/CPURATE;
-	if(timeinfo.usrTime > timeinfo.usrHoldTime) timeinfo.usrHoldTime = timeinfo.usrTime;
-    /// \> Update internal cycle counters
-    cycleNum += 1;
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // Update end of cycle information
+        // *****************************************************************
+        // Capture end of cycle time.
+        rdtscll( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] );
+        /// \> Compute code cycle time diag information.
+        timeinfo.cycleTime = ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_END ] -
+                               cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] ) /
+            CPURATE;
+        // Hold the max cycle time over the last 1 second
+        if ( timeinfo.cycleTime > timeinfo.timeHold )
+        {
+            timeinfo.timeHold = timeinfo.cycleTime;
+            timeinfo.timeHoldWhen = cycleNum;
+        }
+        // Hold the max cycle time since last diag reset
+        if ( timeinfo.cycleTime > timeinfo.timeHoldMax )
+            timeinfo.timeHoldMax = timeinfo.cycleTime;
+        adcinfo.adcHoldTime =
+            ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] - adcinfo.adcTime ) / CPURATE;
+        // Avoid calculating the max hold time for the first few seconds
+        if ( cycleNum != 0 && ( timeinfo.startGpsTime + 3 ) < cycle_gps_time )
+        {
+            if ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime > adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax )
+                adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax = adcinfo.adcHoldTime;
+            if ( adcinfo.adcHoldTime < adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin )
+                adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMin = adcinfo.adcHoldTime;
+            adcinfo.adcHoldTimeAvg += adcinfo.adcHoldTime;
+            if ( adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax > adcinfo.adcHoldTimeEverMax )
+            {
+                adcinfo.adcHoldTimeEverMax = adcinfo.adcHoldTimeMax;
+                adcinfo.adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps_time;
+            }
+            if ( timeinfo.timeHoldMax > timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMax )
+            {
+                timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMax = timeinfo.timeHoldMax;
+                timeinfo.cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps_time;
+            }
+        }
+        adcinfo.adcTime = cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ];
+        // Calc the max time of one cycle of the user code
+        // For IOP, more interested in time to get thru ADC read code and send
+        // to slave apps
+        timeinfo.usrTime = ( cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_USR_START ] -
+                             cpuClock[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] ) /
+            CPURATE;
+        if ( timeinfo.usrTime > timeinfo.usrHoldTime )
+            timeinfo.usrHoldTime = timeinfo.usrTime;
+        /// \> Update internal cycle counters
+        cycleNum += 1;
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-    if(pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle != 0) {
-	  	cycleNum += pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle = 0;
-  	}
+        if ( pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle != 0 )
+        {
+            cycleNum += pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsInput.bumpCycle = 0;
+        }
-	cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-  	clock1Min += 1;
-  	clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
-    if(subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE) 
-  	{
-		daqCycle = (daqCycle + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-		if(!(daqCycle % 2)) pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
-  	}
-    if(subcycle == END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
-    {
-    	/* Reset the data cycle counter */
-        subcycle = 0;
-	} else {
-		/* Increment the internal cycle counter */
-		subcycle ++;                                                
-	}
-/// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
-  }
+        cycleNum %= CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+        clock1Min += 1;
+        clock1Min %= CYCLE_PER_MINUTE;
+        if ( subcycle == DAQ_CYCLE_CHANGE )
+        {
+            daqCycle = ( daqCycle + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            if ( !( daqCycle % 2 ) )
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.epicsSync = daqCycle;
+        }
+        if ( subcycle ==
+             END_OF_DAQ_BLOCK ) /*we have reached the 16Hz second barrier*/
+        {
+            /* Reset the data cycle counter */
+            subcycle = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Increment the internal cycle counter */
+            subcycle++;
+        }
-  // printf("exiting from fe_code()\n");
-  pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
+        /// \> If not exit request, then continue INFINITE LOOP  *******
+    }
+    // printf("exiting from fe_code()\n");
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = 0;
-  /* System reset command received */
-  return (void *)-1;
+    /* System reset command received */
+    return (void*)-1;
diff --git a/src/fe/dolphin.c b/src/fe/dolphin.c
index 4b53f84d3..82d931d93 100644
--- a/src/fe/dolphin.c
+++ b/src/fe/dolphin.c
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 /// @file dolphin.c
 /// @brief File containing the Dolphin functions. \n
-///     @detail This file contains Dolphin init and cleanup routines for kernel module code.
+///     @detail This file contains Dolphin init and cleanup routines for kernel
+///     module code.
 /// @author R.Bork
 #include <genif.h>
 #include "commData3.h"
-sci_l_segment_handle_t segment[4];
-sci_map_handle_t client_map_handle[4];
-sci_r_segment_handle_t  remote_segment_handle[4];
-sci_device_info_t	sci_dev_info[4];
+sci_l_segment_handle_t segment[ 4 ];
+sci_map_handle_t       client_map_handle[ 4 ];
+sci_r_segment_handle_t remote_segment_handle[ 4 ];
+sci_device_info_t      sci_dev_info[ 4 ];
@@ -23,143 +24,173 @@ R_OK,
       } session_cb_reason_t;
-int32_t session_callback(session_cb_arg_t IN arg,
-			  session_cb_reason_t IN reason,
-			  session_cb_status_t IN status,
-			  uint32_t IN target_node,
-			  uint32_t IN local_adapter_number) {
-/// @brief This function contains the required Dolphin callback routine. \n
-  // printkl("Session callback reason=%d status=%d target_node=%d\n", reason, status, target_node);
-  // if (reason == SR_OK) iop_rfm_valid = 1;
-  if (reason == SR_OK || status == SR_OK) iop_rfm_valid = 1;
-  else iop_rfm_valid = 0;
-  // This is being called when the one of the other nodes is prepared for shutdown
-  // :TODO: may need to check target_node == <our local node>
-  //if (reason == SR_DISABLED || reason == SR_LOST) iop_rfm_valid = 0;
-  return 0;
+session_callback( session_cb_arg_t IN arg,
+                  session_cb_reason_t IN reason,
+                  session_cb_status_t IN status,
+                  uint32_t IN target_node,
+                  uint32_t IN local_adapter_number )
+    /// @brief This function contains the required Dolphin callback routine. \n
+    // printkl("Session callback reason=%d status=%d target_node=%d\n", reason,
+    // status, target_node); if (reason == SR_OK) iop_rfm_valid = 1;
+    if ( reason == SR_OK || status == SR_OK )
+        iop_rfm_valid = 1;
+    else
+        iop_rfm_valid = 0;
+    // This is being called when the one of the other nodes is prepared for
+    // shutdown :TODO: may need to check target_node == <our local node>
+    // if (reason == SR_DISABLED || reason == SR_LOST) iop_rfm_valid = 0;
+    return 0;
 /// Function for Dolphin connection callback
-int32_t connect_callback(void IN *arg,
-			  sci_r_segment_handle_t IN remote_segment_handle,
-			  uint32_t IN reason, uint32_t IN status) {
-  // printkl("Connect callback reason=%d status=%d\n", reason, status);
-  if (reason == 1) iop_rfm_valid = 1;
-  if (reason == 3) iop_rfm_valid = 0;
-  if (reason == 5) iop_rfm_valid = 1;
-  return 0;
+connect_callback( void IN*               arg,
+                  sci_r_segment_handle_t IN remote_segment_handle,
+                  uint32_t IN reason,
+                  uint32_t IN status )
+    // printkl("Connect callback reason=%d status=%d\n", reason, status);
+    if ( reason == 1 )
+        iop_rfm_valid = 1;
+    if ( reason == 3 )
+        iop_rfm_valid = 0;
+    if ( reason == 5 )
+        iop_rfm_valid = 1;
+    return 0;
-int32_t create_segment_callback(void IN *arg,
-				 sci_l_segment_handle_t IN local_segment_handle,
-				 uint32_t IN reason,
-				 uint32_t IN source_node,
-				 uint32_t IN local_adapter_number)  {
-  // printkl("Create segment callback reason=%d source_node=%d\n", reason, source_node);
-  return 0;
+create_segment_callback( void IN*               arg,
+                         sci_l_segment_handle_t IN local_segment_handle,
+                         uint32_t IN reason,
+                         uint32_t IN source_node,
+                         uint32_t IN local_adapter_number )
+    // printkl("Create segment callback reason=%d source_node=%d\n", reason,
+    // source_node);
+    return 0;
-init_dolphin(int modules) {
-  scierror_t err;
-  char *addr;
-  char *read_addr;
-  int ii;
-  cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = 0;
-  for(ii=0;ii<modules;ii++) {
-  err = sci_create_segment(NO_BINDING,
-		       0,
-		       ii,
-		       DIS_BROADCAST,
-		       create_segment_callback,
-		       0,
-		       &segment[ii]);
-  // printk("DIS segment alloc status %d\n", err);
-  if (err) return -1;
-  err = sci_set_local_segment_available(segment[ii], 0);
-  // printk("DIS segment making available status %d\n", err);
-  if (err) {
-    sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  err = sci_export_segment(segment[ii], 0, DIS_BROADCAST);
-  // printk("DIS segment export status %d\n", err);
-  if (err) {
-    sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  read_addr = sci_local_kernel_virtual_address(segment[ii]);
-  if (read_addr == 0) {
-    // printk("DIS sci_local_kernel_virtual_address returned 0\n");
-    sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-    return -1;
-  } else {
-    // printk("Dolphin memory read at 0x%p\n", read_addr);
-    cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ii] = (volatile unsigned long *)read_addr;
-  }
-  udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-  udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-  err = sci_connect_segment(NO_BINDING,
-			    0,
-			    0,
-			    ii, 
-			    connect_callback, 
-			    0,
-			    &remote_segment_handle[ii]);
-  // printk("DIS connect segment status %d\n", err);
-  if (err) {
-    sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // usleep(20000);
-  udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-  udelay(MAX_UDELAY);
-  err = sci_map_segment(remote_segment_handle[ii],
-			0,
-			&client_map_handle[ii]);
-  // printk("DIS segment mapping status %d\n", err);
-  if (err) {
-    sci_disconnect_segment(&remote_segment_handle[ii], 0);
-    sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  addr = sci_kernel_virtual_address_of_mapping(client_map_handle[ii]);
-  if (addr == 0) {
-    // printk ("Got zero pointer from sci_kernel_virtual_address_of_mapping\n");
-    sci_disconnect_segment(&remote_segment_handle[ii], 0);
-    sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-    return -1;
-  } else {
-    // printk ("Dolphin memory write at 0x%p\n", addr);
-    cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ii] = (volatile unsigned long *)addr;
-  }
-  sci_register_session_cb(ii,0,session_callback,0);
-  cdsPciModules.dolphinCount += 1;
+init_dolphin( int modules )
+    scierror_t err;
+    char*      addr;
+    char*      read_addr;
+    int        ii;
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = 0;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < modules; ii++ )
+    {
+        err = sci_create_segment( NO_BINDING,
+                                  0,
+                                  ii,
+                                  DIS_BROADCAST,
+                                  IPC_TOTAL_ALLOC_SIZE,
+                                  create_segment_callback,
+                                  0,
+                                  &segment[ ii ] );
+        // printk("DIS segment alloc status %d\n", err);
+        if ( err )
+            return -1;
-  return 0;
+        err = sci_set_local_segment_available( segment[ ii ], 0 );
+        // printk("DIS segment making available status %d\n", err);
+        if ( err )
+        {
+            sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+            return -1;
+        }
+        err = sci_export_segment( segment[ ii ], 0, DIS_BROADCAST );
+        // printk("DIS segment export status %d\n", err);
+        if ( err )
+        {
+            sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+            return -1;
+        }
+        read_addr = sci_local_kernel_virtual_address( segment[ ii ] );
+        if ( read_addr == 0 )
+        {
+            // printk("DIS sci_local_kernel_virtual_address returned 0\n");
+            sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+            return -1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // printk("Dolphin memory read at 0x%p\n", read_addr);
+            cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ ii ] =
+                (volatile unsigned long*)read_addr;
+        }
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        err = sci_connect_segment( NO_BINDING,
+                                   4, // DIS_BROADCAST_NODEID_GROUP_ALL
+                                   0,
+                                   0,
+                                   ii,
+                                   DIS_BROADCAST,
+                                   connect_callback,
+                                   0,
+                                   &remote_segment_handle[ ii ] );
+        // printk("DIS connect segment status %d\n", err);
+        if ( err )
+        {
+            sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+            return -1;
+        }
-finish_dolphin(void) {
-int ii;
-  for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;ii++) {
-  sci_unmap_segment(&client_map_handle[ii], 0);
-  sci_disconnect_segment(&remote_segment_handle[ii], 0);
-  sci_unexport_segment(segment[ii], 0, 0);
-  sci_remove_segment(&segment[ii], 0);
-  sci_cancel_session_cb(ii, 0);
+        // usleep(20000);
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        udelay( MAX_UDELAY );
+        err = sci_map_segment( remote_segment_handle[ ii ],
+                               DIS_BROADCAST,
+                               0,
+                               IPC_TOTAL_ALLOC_SIZE,
+                               &client_map_handle[ ii ] );
+        // printk("DIS segment mapping status %d\n", err);
+        if ( err )
+        {
+            sci_disconnect_segment( &remote_segment_handle[ ii ], 0 );
+            sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+            return -1;
+        }
+        addr = sci_kernel_virtual_address_of_mapping( client_map_handle[ ii ] );
+        if ( addr == 0 )
+        {
+            // printk ("Got zero pointer from
+            // sci_kernel_virtual_address_of_mapping\n");
+            sci_disconnect_segment( &remote_segment_handle[ ii ], 0 );
+            sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+            return -1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // printk ("Dolphin memory write at 0x%p\n", addr);
+            cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ ii ] = (volatile unsigned long*)addr;
+        }
+        sci_register_session_cb( ii, 0, session_callback, 0 );
+        cdsPciModules.dolphinCount += 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+finish_dolphin( void )
+    int ii;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dolphinCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        sci_unmap_segment( &client_map_handle[ ii ], 0 );
+        sci_disconnect_segment( &remote_segment_handle[ ii ], 0 );
+        sci_unexport_segment( segment[ ii ], 0, 0 );
+        sci_remove_segment( &segment[ ii ], 0 );
+        sci_cancel_session_cb( ii, 0 );
+    }
diff --git a/src/fe/map.c b/src/fe/map.c
index a0e64cc5d..dece46c97 100644
--- a/src/fe/map.c
+++ b/src/fe/map.c
@@ -29,393 +29,460 @@
 #include <drv/spectracomGPS.c>
 #include <drv/gsc18ai32.c>
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Patch to properly handle PEX PCIe chip for newer (PCIe) General Standards
+/// \brief Patch to properly handle PEX PCIe chip for newer (PCIe) General
+/// Standards
 ///< DAC modules ie those that are integrated PCIe boards vs. earlier versions
 ///< built with carrier boards. \n This is extracted from code provided by GSC..
 // *****************************************************************************
-void set_8111_prefetch(struct pci_dev *dacdev) {
-	struct pci_dev *dev = dacdev->bus->self;
+set_8111_prefetch( struct pci_dev* dacdev )
+    struct pci_dev* dev = dacdev->bus->self;
-	printk("set_8111_prefetch: subsys=0x%x; vendor=0x%x\n", dev->device, dev->vendor);
-	if ((dev->device == 0x8111) && (dev->vendor == PLX_VID)) {
-		unsigned int reg;
-	  	// Handle PEX 8111 setup, enable prefetch, set pref size to 64
-	  	// These numbers come from reverse engineering the GSC pxe8111 driver
-	  	// and using their prefetch program to enable the prefetch and set pref size to 64
-	  	pci_write_config_dword(dev,132, 72);
-	  	pci_read_config_dword(dev,136, &reg);
-	  	pci_write_config_dword(dev,136, reg);
-	  	pci_write_config_dword(dev,132, 72);
-	  	pci_read_config_dword(dev,136, &reg);
-	  	pci_write_config_dword(dev,136, reg | 1);
-	  	pci_write_config_dword(dev,132, 12);
-	  	pci_read_config_dword(dev,136, &reg);
-	  	pci_write_config_dword(dev,136, reg | 0x8000000);
-	}
+    printk( "set_8111_prefetch: subsys=0x%x; vendor=0x%x\n",
+            dev->device,
+            dev->vendor );
+    if ( ( dev->device == 0x8111 ) && ( dev->vendor == PLX_VID ) )
+    {
+        unsigned int reg;
+        // Handle PEX 8111 setup, enable prefetch, set pref size to 64
+        // These numbers come from reverse engineering the GSC pxe8111 driver
+        // and using their prefetch program to enable the prefetch and set pref
+        // size to 64
+        pci_write_config_dword( dev, 132, 72 );
+        pci_read_config_dword( dev, 136, &reg );
+        pci_write_config_dword( dev, 136, reg );
+        pci_write_config_dword( dev, 132, 72 );
+        pci_read_config_dword( dev, 136, &reg );
+        pci_write_config_dword( dev, 136, reg | 1 );
+        pci_write_config_dword( dev, 132, 12 );
+        pci_read_config_dword( dev, 136, &reg );
+        pci_write_config_dword( dev, 136, reg | 0x8000000 );
+    }
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// Routine to find PCI modules and call the appropriate driver initialization software.
+/// Routine to find PCI modules and call the appropriate driver initialization
+/// software.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int mapPciModules(CDS_HARDWARE *pCds)
+mapPciModules( CDS_HARDWARE* pCds )
-  static struct pci_dev *dacdev;
-  int status;
-  int i;
-  int modCount = 0;
+    static struct pci_dev* dacdev;
+    int                    status;
+    int                    i;
+    int                    modCount = 0;
 #ifndef ADC_SLAVE
-  int fast_adc_cnt = 0;
-  int adc_cnt = 0;
+    int fast_adc_cnt = 0;
+    int adc_cnt = 0;
-  int dac_cnt = 0;
-  int dac_18bit_cnt = 0;
-  int dac_20bit_cnt = 0;
-  int bo_cnt = 0;
-  int use_it;
+    int dac_cnt = 0;
+    int dac_18bit_cnt = 0;
+    int dac_20bit_cnt = 0;
+    int bo_cnt = 0;
+    int use_it;
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
-  // Search system for any module with PLX-9056 and PLX id
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(PLX_VID, PLX_TID, dacdev))) {
-	// Check if this is an 18bit DAC from General Standards
-	if ((dacdev->subsystem_device == DAC_18BIT_SS_ID) && (dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID))
-	{
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == GSC_18AO8
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == dac_18bit_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("18-bit dac card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+    // Search system for any module with PLX-9056 and PLX id
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( PLX_VID, PLX_TID, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        // Check if this is an 18bit DAC from General Standards
+        if ( ( dacdev->subsystem_device == DAC_18BIT_SS_ID ) &&
+             ( dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID ) )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            if ( pCds->cards )
+            {
+                use_it = 0;
+                /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+                for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == GSC_18AO8 &&
+                         pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == dac_18bit_cnt )
+                    {
+                        use_it = 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( use_it )
+            {
+                printk( "18-bit dac card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-                  status = gsc18ao8Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		dac_18bit_cnt++;
-	}
-	// Check if this is an 20bit DAC from General Standards
-	if ((dacdev->subsystem_device == DAC_20BIT_SS_ID) && (dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID))
-	{
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == GSC_20AO8
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == dac_20bit_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("20-bit dac card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                        PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+                status = gsc18ao8Init( pCds, dacdev );
+                modCount++;
+            }
+            dac_18bit_cnt++;
+        }
+        // Check if this is an 20bit DAC from General Standards
+        if ( ( dacdev->subsystem_device == DAC_20BIT_SS_ID ) &&
+             ( dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID ) )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            if ( pCds->cards )
+            {
+                use_it = 0;
+                /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+                for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == GSC_20AO8 &&
+                         pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == dac_20bit_cnt )
+                    {
+                        use_it = 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( use_it )
+            {
+                printk( "20-bit dac card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-                  status = gsc20ao8Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		dac_20bit_cnt++;
-	}
-	// if found, check if it is a DAC module
-        if((dacdev->subsystem_device == DAC_SS_ID) && (dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID))
+                        PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+                status = gsc20ao8Init( pCds, dacdev );
+                modCount++;
+            }
+            dac_20bit_cnt++;
+        }
+        // if found, check if it is a DAC module
+        if ( ( dacdev->subsystem_device == DAC_SS_ID ) &&
+             ( dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID ) )
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-		  /* printk("DAC card on bus %x; device %x prim %x\n",
-			dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
-			dacdev->bus->secondary);
-			*/
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == GSC_16AO16
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == dac_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("dac card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+            use_it = 0;
+            if ( pCds->cards )
+            {
+                use_it = 0;
+                /* printk("DAC card on bus %x; device %x prim %x\n",
+                      dacdev->bus->number,
+                      PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
+                      dacdev->bus->secondary);
+                      */
+                /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+                for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == GSC_16AO16 &&
+                         pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == dac_cnt )
+                    {
+                        use_it = 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( use_it )
+            {
+                printk( "dac card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-                  status = gsc16ao16Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		dac_cnt++;
+                        PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+                status = gsc16ao16Init( pCds, dacdev );
+                modCount++;
+            }
+            dac_cnt++;
-	// if found, check if it is an ADC module
+        // if found, check if it is an ADC module
 #ifndef ADC_SLAVE
-	if((dacdev->subsystem_device == ADC_SS_ID) && (dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID))
-	{
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-		  /* printk("ADC card on bus %x; device %x prim %x\n",
-			dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
-			dacdev->bus->secondary);
-			*/ 
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == GSC_16AI64SSA
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == adc_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-		  /*printk("adc card on bus %x; device %x prim %x\n",
-			dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
-			dacdev->bus->secondary);
-			*/
-		  status = gsc16ai64Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		adc_cnt++;
-	}
+        if ( ( dacdev->subsystem_device == ADC_SS_ID ) &&
+             ( dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID ) )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            if ( pCds->cards )
+            {
+                use_it = 0;
+                /* printk("ADC card on bus %x; device %x prim %x\n",
+                      dacdev->bus->number,
+                      PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
+                      dacdev->bus->secondary);
+                      */
+                /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+                for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == GSC_16AI64SSA &&
+                         pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == adc_cnt )
+                    {
+                        use_it = 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( use_it )
+            {
+                /*printk("adc card on bus %x; device %x prim %x\n",
+                      dacdev->bus->number,
+                      PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
+                      dacdev->bus->secondary);
+                      */
+                status = gsc16ai64Init( pCds, dacdev );
+                modCount++;
+            }
+            adc_cnt++;
+        }
         // if found, check if it is a Fast ADC module
-    	// TODO: for the time of testing of the 18-bit board, it returned same PCI device number as the 16-bit fast GS board
-	// This number will most likely change in the future.
-        if((dacdev->subsystem_device == ADC_18AI32_SS_ID) && (dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID))
+        // TODO: for the time of testing of the 18-bit board, it returned same
+        // PCI device number as the 16-bit fast GS board This number will most
+        // likely change in the future.
+        if ( ( dacdev->subsystem_device == ADC_18AI32_SS_ID ) &&
+             ( dacdev->subsystem_vendor == PLX_VID ) )
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == GSC_18AI32SSC1M
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == fast_adc_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                   printk("fast adc card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+            use_it = 0;
+            if ( pCds->cards )
+            {
+                use_it = 0;
+                /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+                for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == GSC_18AI32SSC1M &&
+                         pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == fast_adc_cnt )
+                    {
+                        use_it = 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( use_it )
+            {
+                printk( "fast adc card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-                   status = gsc18ai32Init(pCds, dacdev);
-                   modCount ++;
-		}
-		fast_adc_cnt++;
+                        PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+                status = gsc18ai32Init( pCds, dacdev );
+                modCount++;
+            }
+            fast_adc_cnt++;
-  }
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  bo_cnt = 0;
-  // Search for ACCESS PCI-DIO  modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(ACC_VID, ACC_TID, dacdev))) {
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == ACS_24DIO
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == bo_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("Access 24 BIO card on bus %x; device %x vendor 0x%x\n",
-                        dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
-			dacdev->device);
-		  status = accesDio24Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		bo_cnt ++;
-  }
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    bo_cnt = 0;
+    // Search for ACCESS PCI-DIO  modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( ACC_VID, ACC_TID, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        use_it = 0;
+        if ( pCds->cards )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+            for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == ACS_24DIO &&
+                     pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == bo_cnt )
+                {
+                    use_it = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( use_it )
+        {
+            printk( "Access 24 BIO card on bus %x; device %x vendor 0x%x\n",
+                    dacdev->bus->number,
+                    PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ),
+                    dacdev->device );
+            status = accesDio24Init( pCds, dacdev );
+            modCount++;
+        }
+        bo_cnt++;
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  bo_cnt = 0;
-  // Search for ACCESS PCI-IIRO-8 isolated I/O modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(ACC_VID, PCI_ANY_ID, dacdev))) {
-		if (dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID && dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID_OLD)
-			continue;
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == ACS_8DIO
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == bo_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("Access 8 BIO card on bus %x; device %x vendor 0x%x\n",
-                        dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn),
-			dacdev->device);
-		  status = accesIiro8Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		bo_cnt ++;
-  }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  bo_cnt = 0;
-  // Search for ACCESS PCI-IIRO-16 isolated I/O modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(ACC_VID, PCI_ANY_ID, dacdev))) {
-		if (dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID16 && dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID16_OLD)
-			continue;
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == ACS_16DIO
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == bo_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("Access BIO-16 card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-                        dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-		  status = accesIiro16Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		bo_cnt ++;
-  }
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    bo_cnt = 0;
+    // Search for ACCESS PCI-IIRO-8 isolated I/O modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( ACC_VID, PCI_ANY_ID, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        if ( dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID &&
+             dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID_OLD )
+            continue;
+        use_it = 0;
+        if ( pCds->cards )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+            for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == ACS_8DIO &&
+                     pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == bo_cnt )
+                {
+                    use_it = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( use_it )
+        {
+            printk( "Access 8 BIO card on bus %x; device %x vendor 0x%x\n",
+                    dacdev->bus->number,
+                    PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ),
+                    dacdev->device );
+            status = accesIiro8Init( pCds, dacdev );
+            modCount++;
+        }
+        bo_cnt++;
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  bo_cnt = 0;
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    bo_cnt = 0;
+    // Search for ACCESS PCI-IIRO-16 isolated I/O modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( ACC_VID, PCI_ANY_ID, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        if ( dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID16 &&
+             dacdev->device != ACC_IIRO_TID16_OLD )
+            continue;
+        use_it = 0;
+        if ( pCds->cards )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+            for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == ACS_16DIO &&
+                     pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == bo_cnt )
+                {
+                    use_it = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( use_it )
+        {
+            printk( "Access BIO-16 card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                    dacdev->bus->number,
+                    PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+            status = accesIiro16Init( pCds, dacdev );
+            modCount++;
+        }
+        bo_cnt++;
+    }
-  // Search for Contec C_DIO_6464L_PE isolated I/O modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(CONTEC_VID, C_DIO_6464L_PE, dacdev))) {
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == CON_6464DIO
-				    && (pCds->cards_used[i].instance * 2) == bo_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("Contec 6464 DIO card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-                        dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-		  status = contec6464Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		bo_cnt ++;
-		bo_cnt ++;
-  }
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    bo_cnt = 0;
+    // Search for Contec C_DIO_6464L_PE isolated I/O modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( CONTEC_VID, C_DIO_6464L_PE, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        use_it = 0;
+        if ( pCds->cards )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+            for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == CON_6464DIO &&
+                     ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance * 2 ) == bo_cnt )
+                {
+                    use_it = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( use_it )
+        {
+            printk( "Contec 6464 DIO card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                    dacdev->bus->number,
+                    PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+            status = contec6464Init( pCds, dacdev );
+            modCount++;
+            modCount++;
+        }
+        bo_cnt++;
+        bo_cnt++;
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  bo_cnt = 0;
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    bo_cnt = 0;
-  // Search for Contec C_DIO_1616L_PE isolated I/O modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(CONTEC_VID, C_DIO_1616L_PE, dacdev))) {
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == CON_1616DIO
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == bo_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("Contec 1616 DIO card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-                        dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-		  status = contec1616Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		bo_cnt ++;
-  }
+    // Search for Contec C_DIO_1616L_PE isolated I/O modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( CONTEC_VID, C_DIO_1616L_PE, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        use_it = 0;
+        if ( pCds->cards )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+            for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == CON_1616DIO &&
+                     pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == bo_cnt )
+                {
+                    use_it = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( use_it )
+        {
+            printk( "Contec 1616 DIO card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                    dacdev->bus->number,
+                    PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+            status = contec1616Init( pCds, dacdev );
+            modCount++;
+        }
+        bo_cnt++;
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  bo_cnt = 0;
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    bo_cnt = 0;
-  // Search for Contec C_DO_32L_PE isolated I/O modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(CONTEC_VID, C_DO_32L_PE, dacdev))) {
-		use_it = 0;
-		if (pCds->cards) {
-			use_it = 0;
-			/* See if ought to use this one or not */
-			for (i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++) {
-				if (pCds->cards_used[i].type == CON_32DO
-				    && pCds->cards_used[i].instance == bo_cnt) {
-					use_it = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (use_it) {
-                  printk("Contec BO card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-                        dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-		  status = contec32OutInit(pCds,dacdev);
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-		bo_cnt ++;
-  }
+    // Search for Contec C_DO_32L_PE isolated I/O modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( CONTEC_VID, C_DO_32L_PE, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        use_it = 0;
+        if ( pCds->cards )
+        {
+            use_it = 0;
+            /* See if ought to use this one or not */
+            for ( i = 0; i < pCds->cards; i++ )
+            {
+                if ( pCds->cards_used[ i ].type == CON_32DO &&
+                     pCds->cards_used[ i ].instance == bo_cnt )
+                {
+                    use_it = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( use_it )
+        {
+            printk( "Contec BO card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                    dacdev->bus->number,
+                    PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+            status = contec32OutInit( pCds, dacdev );
+            modCount++;
+        }
+        bo_cnt++;
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_RFM_MODULES; i++) {
-  	pCds->pci_rfm[i] = 0;
-  }
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_RFM_MODULES; i++ )
+    {
+        pCds->pci_rfm[ i ] = 0;
+    }
 #ifndef RFM_VIA_PCIE
-  // Search system for 5565 VMIC RFM modules
-  while((dacdev = pci_get_device(VMIC_VID, VMIC_TID, dacdev))) {
-		printk("5565 RFM card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-			dacdev->bus->number,
-			PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-		status = vmic5565Init(pCds,dacdev);
-		modCount ++;
-  }
+    // Search system for 5565 VMIC RFM modules
+    while ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( VMIC_VID, VMIC_TID, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        printk( "5565 RFM card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                dacdev->bus->number,
+                PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+        status = vmic5565Init( pCds, dacdev );
+        modCount++;
+    }
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  pCds->gps = 0;
-  pCds->gpsType = 0;
-  // Look for Symmetricom GPS board
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    pCds->gps = 0;
+    pCds->gpsType = 0;
+    // Look for Symmetricom GPS board
 #if 0
   if ((dacdev = pci_get_device(SYMCOM_VID, SYMCOM_BC635_TID, dacdev))) {
             	printk("Symmetricom GPS card on bus %x; device %x\n",
@@ -428,19 +495,21 @@ int mapPciModules(CDS_HARDWARE *pCds)
-  dacdev = NULL;
-  status = 0;
-  // Look for TSYNC GPS board
-  if ((dacdev = pci_get_device(TSYNC_VID, TSYNC_TID, dacdev))) {
-            	printk("TSYNC GPS card on bus %x; device %x\n",
-                   	dacdev->bus->number,
-		   	PCI_SLOT(dacdev->devfn));
-		status = spectracomGpsInit(pCds,dacdev);
-		if (status == 0) {
-		  // GPS board initialized and mapped
-		  modCount ++;
-		}
-  }
+    dacdev = NULL;
+    status = 0;
+    // Look for TSYNC GPS board
+    if ( ( dacdev = pci_get_device( TSYNC_VID, TSYNC_TID, dacdev ) ) )
+    {
+        printk( "TSYNC GPS card on bus %x; device %x\n",
+                dacdev->bus->number,
+                PCI_SLOT( dacdev->devfn ) );
+        status = spectracomGpsInit( pCds, dacdev );
+        if ( status == 0 )
+        {
+            // GPS board initialized and mapped
+            modCount++;
+        }
+    }
-  return(modCount);
+    return ( modCount );
diff --git a/src/fe/moduleLoadApp.c b/src/fe/moduleLoadApp.c
index 968a10620..ca1399835 100644
--- a/src/fe/moduleLoadApp.c
+++ b/src/fe/moduleLoadApp.c
@@ -6,382 +6,421 @@
 #include <linux/spinlock_types.h>
 // These externs and "16" need to go to a header file (mbuf.h)
-extern void *kmalloc_area[16];
-extern int mbuf_allocate_area(char *name, int size, struct file *file);
-extern void *fe_start_app(void *arg);
-extern char daqArea[2*DAQ_DCU_SIZE];           // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
+extern void* kmalloc_area[ 16 ];
+extern int   mbuf_allocate_area( char* name, int size, struct file* file );
+extern void* fe_start_app( void* arg );
+extern char  daqArea[ 2 * DAQ_DCU_SIZE ]; // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
-// MAIN routine: Code starting point ****************************************************************
+// MAIN routine: Code starting point
+// ****************************************************************
 extern int need_to_load_IOP_first;
-extern void set_fe_code_idle(void *(*ptr)(void *), unsigned int cpu);
-extern void msleep(unsigned int);
-struct task_struct *sthread;
+extern void         set_fe_code_idle( void* ( *ptr )(void*), unsigned int cpu );
+extern void         msleep( unsigned int );
+struct task_struct* sthread;
 #include "moduleLoadCommon.c"
 /// Startup function for initialization of kernel module.
-int rt_fe_init (void)
+rt_fe_init( void )
- 	int status;
-	int ii,jj,kk;		/// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
-	char fname[128];	/// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate for DAQ data
-	int cards;		/// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
-	int adcCnt;		/// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
-	int dacCnt;		/// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-    int dac18Cnt;		/// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-    int dac20Cnt;		/// @param dac20Cnt Number of 20bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-	int doCnt;		/// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave model.
-	int do32Cnt;		/// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO16Cnt;	/// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO8Cnt;		/// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int cdo64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit output sections mapped by slave model.
-	int cdi64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit input sections mapped by slave model.
-	int ret;		/// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate memory.
-	int cnt;
-	extern int cpu_down(unsigned int);	/// @param cpu_down CPU shutdown call.
-	extern int is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(unsigned int cpu);	/// @param is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model Check to verify CPU availability for shutdown.
-	kk = 0;
+    int  status;
+    int  ii, jj, kk; /// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
+    char fname[ 128 ]; /// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate
+                       /// for DAQ data
+    int cards; /// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
+    int adcCnt; /// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
+    int dacCnt; /// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave
+                /// model.
+    int dac18Cnt; /// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave
+                  /// model.
+    int dac20Cnt; /// @param dac20Cnt Number of 20bit DAC cards found by slave
+                  /// model.
+    int doCnt; /// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave
+               /// model.
+    int do32Cnt; /// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards
+                 /// found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO16Cnt; /// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit
+                     /// relay cards found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO8Cnt; /// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay
+                    /// cards found by slave model.
+    int cdo64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// output sections mapped by slave model.
+    int cdi64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// input sections mapped by slave model.
+    int ret; /// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate
+             /// memory.
+    int        cnt;
+    extern int cpu_down( unsigned int ); /// @param cpu_down CPU shutdown call.
+    extern int is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(
+        unsigned int cpu ); /// @param is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model Check to verify
+                            /// CPU availability for shutdown.
+    kk = 0;
-#define CPUID 1 
+#define CPUID 1
-	// See if our CPU core is free
-        if (is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(CPUID)) {
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: CPU %d already taken\n", CPUID);
-		return -1;
-	}
+    // See if our CPU core is free
+    if ( is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model( CPUID ) )
+    {
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: CPU %d already taken\n", CPUID );
+        return -1;
+    }
-	need_to_load_IOP_first = 0;
-	jj = 0;
-// Allocate EPICS shmem area
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, 64*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printk("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _epics_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-// Allocate IPC shmem area
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area("ipc", 16*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printk("mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _ipc_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-// Point to IOP/APP comms shmem area
-  	ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA *)(_ipc_shm+ 0x4000);
-// Allocate DAQ shmem area
-        sprintf(fname, "%s_daq", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(fname, 64*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printk("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _daq_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
- 	daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr *) _daq_shm;
-	// Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules *******************************************************
-	  // Following I/O card info is from feCode
-	  cards = sizeof(cards_used)/sizeof(cards_used[0]);
- = cards;
-	  cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
-          //return -1;
-	cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
-// If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared memory
-	status = 0;
-	adcCnt = 0;
-	dacCnt = 0;
-	dac18Cnt = 0;
-	dac20Cnt = 0;
-	doCnt = 0;
-	do32Cnt = 0;
-	cdo64Cnt = 0;
-	cdi64Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
-	// Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
-	// Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
-	for(ii=0;ii<ioMemData->totalCards;ii++)
-	{
-		for(jj=0;jj<cards;jj++)
-		{
-		   switch(ioMemData->model[ii])
-		   {
-			case GSC_16AI64SSA:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_16AI64SSA) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == adcCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-					cdsPciModules.adcType[kk] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
-					cdsPciModules.adcConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.adcCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_16AO16:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_16AO16) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dacCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-					cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_16AO16;
-					cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	   				cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_18AO8:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_18AO8) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dac18Cnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-					cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_18AO8;
-					cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	   				cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
+    need_to_load_IOP_first = 0;
+    jj = 0;
+    // Allocate EPICS shmem area
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printk( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _epics_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    // Allocate IPC shmem area
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( "ipc", 16 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printk( "mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _ipc_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    // Point to IOP/APP comms shmem area
+    ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA*)( _ipc_shm + 0x4000 );
+    // Allocate DAQ shmem area
+    sprintf( fname, "%s_daq", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( fname, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printk( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _daq_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr*)_daq_shm;
+    // Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules
+    // ******************************************************* Following I/O
+    // card info is from feCode
+    cards = sizeof( cards_used ) / sizeof( cards_used[ 0 ] );
+ = cards;
+    cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
+    // return -1;
+    cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
+    // If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared
+    // memory
+    status = 0;
+    adcCnt = 0;
+    dacCnt = 0;
+    dac18Cnt = 0;
+    dac20Cnt = 0;
+    doCnt = 0;
+    do32Cnt = 0;
+    cdo64Cnt = 0;
+    cdi64Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
+    // Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
+    // Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < ioMemData->totalCards; ii++ )
+    {
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cards; jj++ )
+        {
+            switch ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] )
+            {
+            case GSC_16AI64SSA:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_16AI64SSA ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == adcCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.adcType[ kk ] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
+                    cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.adcCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_16AO16:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_16AO16 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dacCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_16AO16;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_18AO8:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_18AO8 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dac18Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_18AO8;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
             case GSC_20AO8:
-                if(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_20AO8  &&
-                       (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dac20Cnt))
+                if ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_20AO8 &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dac20Cnt ) )
                     kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-                    cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_20AO8;
-                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-                    cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-                    status ++;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_20AO8;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
-			case CON_6464DIO:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CON_6464DIO) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					status += 2;
-				}
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CDO64) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CDO64;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					cdo64Cnt ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CDI64) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CDI64;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdi64Cnt ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-                        case CON_32DO:
-		                if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CON_32DO) &&
-		                        (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == do32Cnt))
-		                {
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-		                      	cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-                                      	cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-                                      	cdsPciModules.doCount ++; 
-                                      	cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount ++; 
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = do32Cnt;
-					status ++;
-				 }
-				 break;
-			case ACS_16DIO:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == ACS_16DIO) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doIIRO16Cnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count ++;
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO16Cnt;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case ACS_8DIO:
-			       if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == ACS_8DIO) &&
-			               (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doIIRO8Cnt))
-			       {
-			               kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-			               cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-			               cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-			               cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-			               cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount ++;
-			               cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO8Cnt;
-			               status ++;
-			       }
-		 	       break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		   }
-		}
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA) adcCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_16AO16) dacCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_18AO8) dac18Cnt ++;
-        if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_20AO8) dac20Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == CON_6464DIO) doCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == CON_32DO) do32Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == ACS_16DIO) doIIRO16Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == ACS_8DIO) doIIRO8Cnt ++;
-	}
-	// If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
-	if(!cdsPciModules.adcCount)
-	{
-		printk("No ADC cards found - exiting\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// This did not quite work for some reason
-	// Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
-	//cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
-	if(status < cards)
-	{
-		printk(" ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d and Found %d\n",cards,status);
-		cardCountErr = 1;
-	}
-	// Print out all the I/O information
-	// Following routine is in moduleLoadCommon.c
-	print_io_info(&cdsPciModules);
-// Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and Dolphin PCIe network style.
-// Slave units will perform I/O transactions with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O.
-// Master unit only maps the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
-	// Slave gets RFM module count from MASTER.
-	cdsPciModules.rfmCount = ioMemData->rfmCount;
-	// dolphinCount is number of segments
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = ioMemData->dolphinCount;
-	// dolphin read/write 0 is for local PCIe network traffic
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[0];
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0];
-	// dolphin read/write 1 is for long range PCIe (RFM) traffic
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[1] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[1];
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[1] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[1];
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.rfmCount;ii++)
-	{
-		cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii] = ioMemData->pci_rfm[ii];
-		cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ii] = ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ii];
-	}
-	// User APP does not access IRIG-B cards
-	cdsPciModules.gps = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.gpsType = 0;
-	// Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
-	daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[0];
-	// Set Pointer to EPICS data
-        pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&((RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm)->epicsSpace;
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = WAIT_BURT;
-	// Ensure EPICS is running
-	for (cnt = 0;  cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++) {
-        	msleep(1000);
-	}
-	// If EPICS not running, EXIT
-	if (cnt == 10) {
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = BURT_RESTORE_ERROR;
-		// Cleanup
-		return -1;
-	}
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+            case CON_6464DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CON_6464DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    status += 2;
+                }
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CDO64 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CDO64;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    cdo64Cnt++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CDI64 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CDI64;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdi64Cnt++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CON_32DO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CON_32DO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == do32Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = do32Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case ACS_16DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == ACS_16DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance ==
+                       doIIRO16Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO16Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case ACS_8DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == ACS_8DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doIIRO8Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO8Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
+            adcCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+            dacCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            dac18Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            dac20Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == CON_6464DIO )
+            doCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == CON_32DO )
+            do32Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == ACS_16DIO )
+            doIIRO16Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == ACS_8DIO )
+            doIIRO8Cnt++;
+    }
+    // If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
+    if ( !cdsPciModules.adcCount )
+    {
+        printk( "No ADC cards found - exiting\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // This did not quite work for some reason
+    // Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
+    // cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
+    if ( status < cards )
+    {
+        printk( " ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d "
+                "and Found %d\n",
+                cards,
+                status );
+        cardCountErr = 1;
+    }
+    // Print out all the I/O information
+    // Following routine is in moduleLoadCommon.c
+    print_io_info( &cdsPciModules );
+    // Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and
+    // Dolphin PCIe network style. Slave units will perform I/O transactions
+    // with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O. Master unit only maps
+    // the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
+    // Slave gets RFM module count from MASTER.
+    cdsPciModules.rfmCount = ioMemData->rfmCount;
+    // dolphinCount is number of segments
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = ioMemData->dolphinCount;
+    // dolphin read/write 0 is for local PCIe network traffic
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 0 ] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ];
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ];
+    // dolphin read/write 1 is for long range PCIe (RFM) traffic
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 1 ] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 1 ];
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 1 ] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 1 ];
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.rfmCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ] = ioMemData->pci_rfm[ ii ];
+        cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ ii ] = ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ ii ];
+    }
+    // User APP does not access IRIG-B cards
+    cdsPciModules.gps = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.gpsType = 0;
+    // Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
+    daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[ 0 ];
+    // Set Pointer to EPICS data
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&( (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm )->epicsSpace;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = WAIT_BURT;
+    // Ensure EPICS is running
+    for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++ )
+    {
+        msleep( 1000 );
+    }
+    // If EPICS not running, EXIT
+    if ( cnt == 10 )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = BURT_RESTORE_ERROR;
+        // Cleanup
+        return -1;
+    }
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    udelay( 2000 );
-        sthread = kthread_create(fe_start_app, 0, "fe_start_app/%d", CPUID);
-        if (IS_ERR(sthread)){
-                printk("Failed to kthread_create()\n");
-                return -1;
-        }
-        kthread_bind(sthread, CPUID);
-        wake_up_process(sthread);
+    sthread = kthread_create( fe_start_app, 0, "fe_start_app/%d", CPUID );
+    if ( IS_ERR( sthread ) )
+    {
+        printk( "Failed to kthread_create()\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    kthread_bind( sthread, CPUID );
+    wake_up_process( sthread );
-		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = LOCKING_CORE;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = LOCKING_CORE;
-        set_fe_code_idle(fe_start_app, CPUID);
-        msleep(100);
+    set_fe_code_idle( fe_start_app, CPUID );
+    msleep( 100 );
-	cpu_down(CPUID);
+    cpu_down( CPUID );
-	// The code runs on the disabled CPU
+    // The code runs on the disabled CPU
-        return 0;
+    return 0;
-void rt_fe_cleanup (void) {
-	int i;
-	int ret;
-	extern int cpu_up(unsigned int cpu);
+rt_fe_cleanup( void )
+    int        i;
+    int        ret;
+    extern int cpu_up( unsigned int cpu );
-	// Unset the code callback
-        set_fe_code_idle(0, CPUID);
+    // Unset the code callback
+    set_fe_code_idle( 0, CPUID );
-	printk("Setting stop_working_threads to 1\n");
-	// Stop the code and wait
+    printk( "Setting stop_working_threads to 1\n" );
+    // Stop the code and wait
-	ret = kthread_stop(sthread);
+    ret = kthread_stop( sthread );
-        stop_working_threads = 1;
-        msleep(1000);
+    stop_working_threads = 1;
+    msleep( 1000 );
-	// Unset the code callback
-        set_fe_code_idle(0, CPUID);
-        // printk("Will bring back CPU %d\n", CPUID);
-        msleep(1000);
-	// Bring the CPU back up
-        cpu_up(CPUID);
-        //msleep(1000);
-	printk("Brought the CPU back up\n");
+    // Unset the code callback
+    set_fe_code_idle( 0, CPUID );
+    // printk("Will bring back CPU %d\n", CPUID);
+    msleep( 1000 );
+    // Bring the CPU back up
+    cpu_up( CPUID );
+    // msleep(1000);
+    printk( "Brought the CPU back up\n" );
-	printk("Just before returning from cleanup_module for " SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER "\n");
+    printk( "Just before returning from cleanup_module "
+            "for " SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER "\n" );
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Control system");
+module_init( rt_fe_init );
+module_exit( rt_fe_cleanup );
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION( "Control system" );
diff --git a/src/fe/moduleLoadCommon.c b/src/fe/moduleLoadCommon.c
index dba328a87..869b21eb6 100644
--- a/src/fe/moduleLoadCommon.c
+++ b/src/fe/moduleLoadCommon.c
@@ -1,103 +1,147 @@
 ///     @file moduleLoadCommon.c
-///     @brief File contains common routines for moduleLoadIop.c and moduleLoadApp.c.`
+///     @brief File contains common routines for moduleLoadIop.c and
+///     moduleLoadApp.c.`
-void print_io_info(CDS_HARDWARE *cdsp) {
-  int ii,jj,kk;
-  jj = 0;
+print_io_info( CDS_HARDWARE* cdsp )
+    int ii, jj, kk;
+    jj = 0;
 #ifndef USER_SPACE
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":startup time is %ld\n", current_time_fe());
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":cpu clock %u\n",cpu_khz);
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":startup time is %ld\n",
+            current_time_fe( ) );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":cpu clock %u\n", cpu_khz );
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":EPICSM at 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)_epics_shm);
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IPC    at 0x%lx\n",(unsigned long)_ipc_shm);
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IOMEM  at 0x%lx size 0x%lx\n",((unsigned long)_ipc_shm + 0x4000),sizeof(IO_MEM_DATA));
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":DAQSM at 0x%lx\n",(unsigned long)_daq_shm);
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":configured to use %d cards\n", cdsp->cards);
-	kk = 0;
-	printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d ADC cards found\n",cdsp->adcCount);
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsp->adcCount;ii++)
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":EPICSM at 0x%lx\n",
+            (unsigned long)_epics_shm );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IPC    at 0x%lx\n",
+            (unsigned long)_ipc_shm );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IOMEM  at 0x%lx size 0x%lx\n",
+            ( (unsigned long)_ipc_shm + 0x4000 ),
+            sizeof( IO_MEM_DATA ) );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":DAQSM at 0x%lx\n",
+            (unsigned long)_daq_shm );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":configured to use %d cards\n",
+            cdsp->cards );
+    kk = 0;
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d ADC cards found\n",
+            cdsp->adcCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsp->adcCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        kk++;
+        if ( cdsp->adcType[ ii ] == GSC_18AISS6C )
-		kk ++;
-		if(cdsp->adcType[ii] == GSC_18AISS6C)
-                {
-                        printf("\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n",ii);
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = 6 \n");
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsp->adcConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
-                if(cdsp->adcType[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA)
-                {
-                        printf("\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n",ii);
-                        if((cdsp->adcConfig[ii] & 0x10000) > 0) jj = 32;
-                        else jj = 64;
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = %d \n",jj);
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsp->adcConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
-	}
-	printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DAC cards found\n",cdsp->dacCount);
-        for(ii=0;ii<cdsp->dacCount;ii++)
+            printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n", ii );
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = 6 \n" );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsp->adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
+        }
+        if ( cdsp->adcType[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
-		kk ++;
-                if(cdsp->dacType[ii] == GSC_18AO8)
-                {
-                        printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n",ii);
-                }
-				if(cdsPciModules.dacType[ii] == GSC_20AO8)
-		        {
-                        printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_20AO8 module\n",ii);
-			            printf("\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",(cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xffff));
-		        }
-                if(cdsp->dacType[ii] == GSC_16AO16)
-                {
-                        printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n",ii);
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0x10000) == 0x10000) jj = 8;
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0x20000) == 0x20000) jj = 12;
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0x30000) == 0x30000) jj = 16;
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = %d \n",jj);
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x0000)
-                        {
-                                printf("\t\tFilters = None\n");
-                        }
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x40000)
-                        {
-                                printf("\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n");
-                        }
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x80000)
-                        {
-                                printf("\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n");
-                        }
-                        if((cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0x100000) == 0x100000)
-                        {
-                                printf("\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n");
-                        }
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsp->dacConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
-	}
-	kk += cdsp->dioCount;
-	printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DIO cards found\n",cdsp->dioCount);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",cdsp->iiroDioCount);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",cdsp->iiroDio1Count);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n",cdsp->cDo32lCount);
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",cdsp->cDio1616lCount);
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",cdsp->cDio6464lCount);
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DO cards found\n",cdsp->doCount);
-        printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n",kk);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d RFM cards found\n",cdsp->rfmCount);
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsp->rfmCount;ii++)
+            printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n", ii );
+            if ( ( cdsp->adcConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) > 0 )
+                jj = 32;
+            else
+                jj = 64;
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsp->adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
+        }
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DAC cards found\n",
+            cdsp->dacCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsp->dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        kk++;
+        if ( cdsp->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
-                 printf("\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n", ii, cdsp->rfmType[ii], cdsp->rfmConfig[ii]);
-		printf("address is 0x%lx\n",cdsp->pci_rfm[ii]);
-	}
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	if (cdsp->gps) {
-	printf("" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IRIG-B card found %d\n",cdsp->gpsType);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	}
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n", ii );
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+        {
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_20AO8 module\n", ii );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xffff ) );
+        }
+        if ( cdsp->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+        {
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n", ii );
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) == 0x10000 )
+                jj = 8;
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x20000 ) == 0x20000 )
+                jj = 12;
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x30000 ) == 0x30000 )
+                jj = 16;
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x0000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = None\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x40000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x80000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x100000 ) == 0x100000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n" );
+            }
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
+        }
+    }
+    kk += cdsp->dioCount;
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsp->dioCount );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsp->iiroDioCount );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+            ":%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsp->iiroDio1Count );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n",
+            cdsp->cDo32lCount );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",
+            cdsp->cDio1616lCount );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",
+            cdsp->cDio6464lCount );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DO cards found\n", cdsp->doCount );
+            ":Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n",
+            kk );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d RFM cards found\n",
+            cdsp->rfmCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsp->rfmCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        printf( "\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n",
+                ii,
+                cdsp->rfmType[ ii ],
+                cdsp->rfmConfig[ ii ] );
+        printf( "address is 0x%lx\n", cdsp->pci_rfm[ ii ] );
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    if ( cdsp->gps )
+    {
+        printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IRIG-B card found %d\n",
+                cdsp->gpsType );
+        printf( "**************************************************************"
+                "*************\n" );
+    }
diff --git a/src/fe/moduleLoadTS.c b/src/fe/moduleLoadTS.c
index b710248ec..27216843d 100644
--- a/src/fe/moduleLoadTS.c
+++ b/src/fe/moduleLoadTS.c
@@ -7,1157 +7,1409 @@
 #include <proc.h>
 // These externs and "16" need to go to a header file (mbuf.h)
-extern void *kmalloc_area[16];
-extern int mbuf_allocate_area(char *name, int size, struct file *file);
-extern void *fe_start(void *arg);
-extern int run_on_timer;
-extern char daqArea[2*DAQ_DCU_SIZE];           // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
+extern void* kmalloc_area[ 16 ];
+extern int   mbuf_allocate_area( char* name, int size, struct file* file );
+extern void* fe_start( void* arg );
+extern int   run_on_timer;
+extern char  daqArea[ 2 * DAQ_DCU_SIZE ]; // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
 #include FE_PROC_FILE
 /// /proc filesystem directory entry
-struct proc_dir_entry *proc_dir_entry;
+struct proc_dir_entry* proc_dir_entry;
 /// /proc/{sysname}/status entry
-struct proc_dir_entry *proc_entry;
+struct proc_dir_entry* proc_entry;
 /// /proc/{sysname}/gps entry
-struct proc_dir_entry *proc_gps_entry;
+struct proc_dir_entry* proc_gps_entry;
 /// /proc/{sysname}/epics directory entry
-struct proc_dir_entry *proc_epics_dir_entry;
+struct proc_dir_entry* proc_epics_dir_entry;
 /// /proc/{sysname}/futures entry
-struct proc_dir_entry *proc_futures_entry;
+struct proc_dir_entry* proc_futures_entry;
-void remove_epics_proc_files(void);
-int create_epics_proc_files(void);
-struct task_struct *sthread;
+void                remove_epics_proc_files( void );
+int                 create_epics_proc_files( void );
+struct task_struct* sthread;
 /// Routine to read the /proc/{model}/status file. \n \n
 ///	 We give all of our information in one go, so if the
 ///	 user asks us if we have more information the \n
 ///	 answer should always be no.
 ///	  This is important because the standard read
 ///	  function from the library would continue to issue \n
 ///	  the read system call until the kernel replies
 ///	  that it has no more information, or until its \n
 ///	  buffer is filled.
-procfile_status_read(char *buffer,
-	      char **buffer_location,
-	      off_t offset, int buffer_length, int *eof, void *data)
+procfile_status_read( char*  buffer,
+                      char** buffer_location,
+                      off_t  offset,
+                      int    buffer_length,
+                      int*   eof,
+                      void*  data )
-	int ret, i;
-	i = 0;
-	*buffer = 0;
-	/* 
-	 * We give all of our information in one go, so if the
-	 * user asks us if we have more information the
-	 * answer should always be no.
-	 *
-	 * This is important because the standard read
-	 * function from the library would continue to issue
-	 * the read system call until the kernel replies
-	 * that it has no more information, or until its
-	 * buffer is filled.
-	 */
-	if (offset > 0) {
-		/* we have finished to read, return 0 */
-		ret  = 0;
-	} else {
-#if defined(SERVO64K) || defined(SERVO32K) || defined(SERVO16K) || defined(COMMDATA_INLINE)
-		char b[128];
-#if defined(SERVO64K) || defined(SERVO32K)
-		static const int nb = 32;
-#elif defined(SERVO16K)
-		static const int nb = 64;
+    int ret, i;
+    i = 0;
+    *buffer = 0;
+    /*
+     * We give all of our information in one go, so if the
+     * user asks us if we have more information the
+     * answer should always be no.
+     *
+     * This is important because the standard read
+     * function from the library would continue to issue
+     * the read system call until the kernel replies
+     * that it has no more information, or until its
+     * buffer is filled.
+     */
+    if ( offset > 0 )
+    {
+        /* we have finished to read, return 0 */
+        ret = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#if defined( SERVO64K ) || defined( SERVO32K ) || defined( SERVO16K ) ||       \
+    defined( COMMDATA_INLINE )
+        char b[ 128 ];
+#if defined( SERVO64K ) || defined( SERVO32K )
+        static const int nb = 32;
+#elif defined( SERVO16K )
+        static const int nb = 64;
-		/* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
-		ret = sprintf(buffer,
-			"startGpsTime=%d\n"
-			"uptime=%d\n"
-			"cpuTimeEverMax=%d\n"
-			"cpuTimeEverMaxWhen=%d\n"
-			"adcHoldTime=%d\n"
-			"adcHoldTimeEverMax=%d\n"
-			"adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen=%d\n"
-			"adcHoldTimeMax=%d\n"
-			"adcHoldTimeMin=%d\n"
-			"adcHoldTimeAvg=%d\n"
-			"usrTime=%d\n"
-			"usrHoldTime=%d\n"
-			"cycle=%d\n"
-			"gps=%d\n"
-			"buildDate=%s\n"
-			"cpuTimeMax(cur,past sec)=%d,%d\n"
-			"cpuTimeMaxCycle(cur,past sec)=%d,%d\n",
-			startGpsTime,
-			cycle_gps_time - startGpsTime,
-			cpuTimeEverMax,
-			cpuTimeEverMaxWhen,
-			adcHoldTime,
-			adcHoldTimeEverMax,
-			adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen,
-			adcHoldTimeMax,
-			adcHoldTimeMin,
-			adcHoldTimeAvgPerSec,
-			usrTime,
-			usrHoldTime,
-			cycleNum,
-			cycle_gps_time,
-			build_date,
-			cycleTime, timeHoldHold,
-			timeHoldWhen, timeHoldWhenHold);
-#if defined(SERVO64K) || defined(SERVO32K) || defined(SERVO16K)
-		strcat(buffer, "cycleHist: ");
-		for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
-			if (!cycleHistMax[i]) continue;
-			sprintf(b, "%d=%d@%d ", i, cycleHistMax[i], cycleHistWhenHold[i]);
-			strcat(buffer, b);
-		}
-		strcat(buffer, "\n");
+        /* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
+        ret = sprintf( buffer,
+                       "startGpsTime=%d\n"
+                       "uptime=%d\n"
+                       "cpuTimeEverMax=%d\n"
+                       "cpuTimeEverMaxWhen=%d\n"
+                       "adcHoldTime=%d\n"
+                       "adcHoldTimeEverMax=%d\n"
+                       "adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen=%d\n"
+                       "adcHoldTimeMax=%d\n"
+                       "adcHoldTimeMin=%d\n"
+                       "adcHoldTimeAvg=%d\n"
+                       "usrTime=%d\n"
+                       "usrHoldTime=%d\n"
+                       "cycle=%d\n"
+                       "gps=%d\n"
+                       "buildDate=%s\n"
+                       "cpuTimeMax(cur,past sec)=%d,%d\n"
+                       "cpuTimeMaxCycle(cur,past sec)=%d,%d\n",
+                       startGpsTime,
+                       cycle_gps_time - startGpsTime,
+                       cpuTimeEverMax,
+                       cpuTimeEverMaxWhen,
+                       adcHoldTime,
+                       adcHoldTimeEverMax,
+                       adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen,
+                       adcHoldTimeMax,
+                       adcHoldTimeMin,
+                       adcHoldTimeAvgPerSec,
+                       usrTime,
+                       usrHoldTime,
+                       cycleNum,
+                       cycle_gps_time,
+                       build_date,
+                       cycleTime,
+                       timeHoldHold,
+                       timeHoldWhen,
+                       timeHoldWhenHold );
+#if defined( SERVO64K ) || defined( SERVO32K ) || defined( SERVO16K )
+        strcat( buffer, "cycleHist: " );
+        for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ )
+        {
+            if ( !cycleHistMax[ i ] )
+                continue;
+            sprintf(
+                b, "%d=%d@%d ", i, cycleHistMax[ i ], cycleHistWhenHold[ i ] );
+            strcat( buffer, b );
+        }
+        strcat( buffer, "\n" );
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-		/* Output DAC buffer size information */
-		for (i = 0; i < cdsPciModules.dacCount; i++) {
-			if (cdsPciModules.dacType[i] == GSC_18AO8) {
-				sprintf(b, "DAC #%d 18-bit buf_size=%d\n", i, dacOutBufSize[i]);
-			} else if (cdsPciModules.dacType[i] == GSC_20AO8) {
-                sprintf(b, "DAC #%d 20-bit buf_size=%d\n", i, dacOutBufSize[i]);
-			} else {
-				sprintf(b, "DAC #%d 16-bit fifo_status=%d (%s)\n", i, dacOutBufSize[i],
-					dacOutBufSize[i] & 8? "full":
-						(dacOutBufSize[i] & 1? "empty":
-							(dacOutBufSize[i] & 4? "high quarter": "OK")));
-			}
-			strcat(buffer, b);
-		}
-		/* Output ADC read time information */
-		for (i = 0; i < cdsPciModules.adcCount; i++) {
-			sprintf(b, "ADC #%d read time MAX=%d Current=%d\n", i, adcRdTimeMax[i],adcRdTime[i]);
-			strcat(buffer, b);
-		}
+        /* Output DAC buffer size information */
+        for ( i = 0; i < cdsPciModules.dacCount; i++ )
+        {
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ i ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            {
+                sprintf(
+                    b, "DAC #%d 18-bit buf_size=%d\n", i, dacOutBufSize[ i ] );
+            }
+            else if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ i ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            {
+                sprintf(
+                    b, "DAC #%d 20-bit buf_size=%d\n", i, dacOutBufSize[ i ] );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                sprintf( b,
+                         "DAC #%d 16-bit fifo_status=%d (%s)\n",
+                         i,
+                         dacOutBufSize[ i ],
+                         dacOutBufSize[ i ] & 8
+                             ? "full"
+                             : ( dacOutBufSize[ i ] & 1
+                                     ? "empty"
+                                     : ( dacOutBufSize[ i ] & 4 ? "high quarter"
+                                                                : "OK" ) ) );
+            }
+            strcat( buffer, b );
+        }
+        /* Output ADC read time information */
+        for ( i = 0; i < cdsPciModules.adcCount; i++ )
+        {
+            sprintf( b,
+                     "ADC #%d read time MAX=%d Current=%d\n",
+                     i,
+                     adcRdTimeMax[ i ],
+                     adcRdTime[ i ] );
+            strcat( buffer, b );
+        }
-		// See if we have any IPC with errors and print the numbers out
-		//
-		sprintf(b, "ipcErrBits=0x%x\n", ipcErrBits);
-		strcat(buffer, b);
-		// The following loop has a chance to overflow the buffer,
-		// which is set to PROC_BLOCK_SIZE. (PAGE_SIZE-1024 = 3072 bytes).
-		// We will simply stop printing at that point.
-#define PROC_BLOCK_SIZE (3*1024)
-		unsigned int byte_cnt = strlen(buffer) + 1;
-		for (i = 0; i < myIpcCount; i++) {
-	  	  if (ipcInfo[i].errTotal) {
-	  		unsigned int cnt =
-				sprintf(b, "IPC net=%d num=%d name=%s sender=%s errcnt=%d\n", 
-					ipcInfo[i].netType, ipcInfo[i].ipcNum,
-					ipcInfo[i].name, ipcInfo[i].senderModelName,
-					ipcInfo[i].errTotal);
-			if (byte_cnt + cnt > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE) break;
-			byte_cnt += cnt;
-	  		strcat(buffer, b);
-	  	  }
- 		}
+        // See if we have any IPC with errors and print the numbers out
+        //
+        sprintf( b, "ipcErrBits=0x%x\n", ipcErrBits );
+        strcat( buffer, b );
+        // The following loop has a chance to overflow the buffer,
+        // which is set to PROC_BLOCK_SIZE. (PAGE_SIZE-1024 = 3072 bytes).
+        // We will simply stop printing at that point.
+#define PROC_BLOCK_SIZE ( 3 * 1024 )
+        unsigned int byte_cnt = strlen( buffer ) + 1;
+        for ( i = 0; i < myIpcCount; i++ )
+        {
+            if ( ipcInfo[ i ].errTotal )
+            {
+                unsigned int cnt =
+                    sprintf( b,
+                             "IPC net=%d num=%d name=%s sender=%s errcnt=%d\n",
+                             ipcInfo[ i ].netType,
+                             ipcInfo[ i ].ipcNum,
+                             ipcInfo[ i ].name,
+                             ipcInfo[ i ].senderModelName,
+                             ipcInfo[ i ].errTotal );
+                if ( byte_cnt + cnt > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE )
+                    break;
+                byte_cnt += cnt;
+                strcat( buffer, b );
+            }
+        }
-		ret = strlen(buffer);
-	}
+        ret = strlen( buffer );
+    }
-	return ret;
+    return ret;
 /// Routine to read the /proc/{model}/gps file. \n \n
-procfile_gps_read(char *buffer,
-	      char **buffer_location,
-	      off_t offset, int buffer_length, int *eof, void *data)
+procfile_gps_read( char*  buffer,
+                   char** buffer_location,
+                   off_t  offset,
+                   int    buffer_length,
+                   int*   eof,
+                   void*  data )
-	*buffer = 0;
-	if (offset > 0) {
-		/* we have finished to read, return 0 */
-		return 0;
-	} else {
-		/* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
-		/* print current GPS time and zero padded fraction */
-		return sprintf(buffer, "%d.%02d\n", cycle_gps_time, (cycleNum*100/CYCLE_PER_SECOND)%100);
-	}
-	// Never reached
+    *buffer = 0;
+    if ( offset > 0 )
+    {
+        /* we have finished to read, return 0 */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
+        /* print current GPS time and zero padded fraction */
+        return sprintf( buffer,
+                        "%d.%02d\n",
+                        cycle_gps_time,
+                        ( cycleNum * 100 / CYCLE_PER_SECOND ) % 100 );
+    }
+    // Never reached
 /// Routine to read the /proc/{model}/epics/{chname} files. \n \n
-procfile_epics_read(char *buffer,
-	      char **buffer_location,
-	      off_t offset, int buffer_length, int *eof, void *data)
+procfile_epics_read( char*  buffer,
+                     char** buffer_location,
+                     off_t  offset,
+                     int    buffer_length,
+                     int*   eof,
+                     void*  data )
-	*buffer = 0;
-	if (offset > 0) {
-		/* we have finished to read, return 0 */
-		return 0;
-	} else {
-		/* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
-		struct proc_epics *pe = (struct proc_epics *)data;
-		unsigned int ncel = pe->nrow * pe->ncol; // Matrix size
-		switch (pe -> type) {
-			case 0: /* int */
-				return sprintf(buffer, "%s%d\n",
-					(*((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->mask_idx)))? "\t": "",
-					*((int *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->idx)));
-	//			printf("Accessing data at %x\n", (((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->idx));
-				break;
-			case 1: /* double */ {
-				char lb[64];
-				if (ncel) { /* Print Matrix */
-					unsigned int i, j;
-					unsigned int nrow = pe->nrow;
-					unsigned int ncol = pe->ncol;
-					unsigned int s = 0;
-					unsigned int masked = *((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->mask_idx));
-					for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)  {
-						if (masked) s += sprintf(buffer + s, "\t");
-						for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)  {
-							s += sprintf(buffer + s, "%s ", dtoa_r(lb, ((double *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->idx))[ncol*i + j]));
-						}
-						s += sprintf(buffer + s, "\n");
-					}
-					return s;
-				}  else { /* Print single value */
-					return sprintf(buffer, "%s%s\n",
-						(*((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->mask_idx)))? "\t": "",
-						dtoa_r(lb, *((double *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->idx))));
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Never reached
+    *buffer = 0;
+    if ( offset > 0 )
+    {
+        /* we have finished to read, return 0 */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
+        struct proc_epics* pe = (struct proc_epics*)data;
+        unsigned int       ncel = pe->nrow * pe->ncol; // Matrix size
+        switch ( pe->type )
+        {
+        case 0: /* int */
+            return sprintf(
+                buffer,
+                "%s%d\n",
+                ( *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->mask_idx ) ) ) ? "\t"
+                                                                          : "",
+                *( (int*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->idx ) ) );
+            //			printf("Accessing data at %x\n", (((void *)pLocalEpics) +
+            //pe->idx));
+            break;
+        case 1: /* double */
+        {
+            char lb[ 64 ];
+            if ( ncel )
+            { /* Print Matrix */
+                unsigned int i, j;
+                unsigned int nrow = pe->nrow;
+                unsigned int ncol = pe->ncol;
+                unsigned int s = 0;
+                unsigned int masked =
+                    *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->mask_idx ) );
+                for ( i = 0; i < nrow; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( masked )
+                        s += sprintf( buffer + s, "\t" );
+                    for ( j = 0; j < ncol; j++ )
+                    {
+                        s += sprintf(
+                            buffer + s,
+                            "%s ",
+                            dtoa_r(
+                                lb,
+                                ( (double*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) +
+                                             pe->idx ) )[ ncol * i + j ] ) );
+                    }
+                    s += sprintf( buffer + s, "\n" );
+                }
+                return s;
+            }
+            else
+            { /* Print single value */
+                return sprintf(
+                    buffer,
+                    "%s%s\n",
+                    ( *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->mask_idx ) ) )
+                        ? "\t"
+                        : "",
+                    dtoa_r(
+                        lb,
+                        *( (double*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->idx ) ) ) );
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        }
+    }
+    // Never reached
-#define PROC_BLOCK_SIZE (3*1024)
+#define PROC_BLOCK_SIZE ( 3 * 1024 )
 // Scan a double
-simple_strtod(char *start, char **end) {
-	int integer;
-	if (*start != '.') {
-		integer = simple_strtol(start, end, 10);
-        	if (*end == start) return 0.0;
-		start = *end;
-	} else integer = 0;
-	if (*start != '.') return integer;
-	else {
-		start++;
-		double frac = simple_strtol(start, end, 10);
-        	if (*end == start) return integer;
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < (*end - start); i++) frac /= 10.0;
-		return ((double)integer) + frac;
-	}
-	// Never reached
+simple_strtod( char* start, char** end )
+    int integer;
+    if ( *start != '.' )
+    {
+        integer = simple_strtol( start, end, 10 );
+        if ( *end == start )
+            return 0.0;
+        start = *end;
+    }
+    else
+        integer = 0;
+    if ( *start != '.' )
+        return integer;
+    else
+    {
+        start++;
+        double frac = simple_strtol( start, end, 10 );
+        if ( *end == start )
+            return integer;
+        int i;
+        for ( i = 0; i < ( *end - start ); i++ )
+            frac /= 10.0;
+        return ( (double)integer ) + frac;
+    }
+    // Never reached
-procfile_epics_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf,
-                     unsigned long count, void *data)
+procfile_epics_write( struct file* file,
+                      const char __user* buf,
+                      unsigned long      count,
+                      void*              data )
-        ssize_t ret = -ENOMEM;
-        char *page;
-        char *start;
- 	unsigned int future = 0;
-        if (count > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE)
-                return -EOVERFLOW;
-        start = page = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-        if (page) {
+    ssize_t      ret = -ENOMEM;
+    char*        page;
+    char*        start;
+    unsigned int future = 0;
+    if ( count > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE )
+        return -EOVERFLOW;
+    start = page = (char*)__get_free_page( GFP_KERNEL );
+    if ( page )
+    {
+        ret = -EFAULT;
+        if ( copy_from_user( page, buf, count ) )
+            goto out;
+        page[ count ] = 0;
+        ret = count;
+        struct proc_epics* pe = (struct proc_epics*)data;
+        char*              end;
+        for ( ; isspace( *start ); start++ )
+            ;
+        // See if this a single-character command
+        switch ( *start )
+        {
+        case 'm':
+            *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->mask_idx ) ) = 1;
+            start++;
+            break;
+        case 'u':
+            *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->mask_idx ) ) = 0;
+            start++;
+            break;
+        case 'f':
+            future = 1;
+            start++;
+            break;
+        }
+        for ( ; isspace( *start ); start++ )
+            ;
+        double new_double = 0.0;
+        int    new_int = 0;
+        switch ( pe->type )
+        {
+        case 0: /* int */
+            new_int = simple_strtol( start, &end, 10 );
+            if ( new_int > INT_MAX || new_int < INT_MIN )
+            {
                 ret = -EFAULT;
-                if (copy_from_user(page, buf, count))
-                        goto out;
-		page[count] = 0;
-		ret = count;
-		struct proc_epics *pe = (struct proc_epics *)data;
-	        char *end;
-		for(;isspace(*start);start++);
-		// See if this a single-character command
-		switch (*start) {
-			case 'm':
-				*((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->mask_idx)) = 1;
-				start++;
-				break;
-			case 'u':
-				*((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->mask_idx)) = 0;
-				start++;
-				break;
-			case 'f':
-				future=1;
-				start++;
-				break;
-		}
-		for(;isspace(*start);start++);
-		double new_double = 0.0;
-		int new_int = 0;
-		switch (pe -> type) {
-			case 0: /* int */ 
-			        new_int = simple_strtol(start, &end, 10);
-			        if (new_int > INT_MAX || new_int < INT_MIN) {
-                			ret = -EFAULT;
-					goto out;
-				}
-				break;
-			case 1: /* double */ 
-			        new_double = simple_strtod(start, &end);
-				//printf("User wrote %s\n", dtoa1(new_double));
-				break;
-		}
-	        if (end == start) goto out;
-		// See if this is a matrix
-		int idx = 0;
-		int ncel = pe->nrow * pe->ncol;
-		if (ncel) {
-			// Expect the cell index number next
-			start = end;
-			for(;isspace(*start);start++);
-			idx = simple_strtol(start, &end, 10);
-			if (idx >= ncel || idx < 0) {
-               			ret = -EFAULT;
-				goto out;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!future) {
-			switch (pe -> type) {
-				case 0: /* int */ 
-					*((int *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->idx)) = new_int;
-					break;
-				case 1: /* double */
-					((double *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->idx))[idx] = new_double;
-					break;
-			}
-		} else if ((*((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + pe->mask_idx)))) { // Allow to setup a future only if masked
-			unsigned long cycle;
-			start = end;
-			for(;isspace(*start);start++);
-			// check for gps seconds
-			double gps = simple_strtod(start, &end);
-			if (end == start) {
-				gps = cycle_gps_time + 5;
-				cycle = cycleNum;
-			} else {
-				// Convert gps time
-				unsigned long gps_int = gps;
-				gps -= gps_int;
-				cycle = gps * CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
-				gps = gps_int;
-			}
-			// Add new future setpoint
-			// Find first available slot
-			int i;
-			static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(fut_lock);
-			spin_lock(&fut_lock);
-			for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PROC_FUTURES) && proc_futures[i].proc_epics; i++);
-			if (i == MAX_PROC_FUTURES) {
-				spin_unlock(&fut_lock);
-				ret = -ENOMEM;
-			} else {
-				// Found a slot
-				proc_futures[i].cycle = cycle;
-				proc_futures[i].gps = gps;
-				proc_futures[i].val = pe->type? new_double: new_int;
-				proc_futures[i].idx = idx;
-				// This pointer has to be set last; Indicates a vailid entry for the
- 				// real-time code in controller.c
-				proc_futures[i].proc_epics = pe; // FE code reads/writes this variable
-				spin_unlock(&fut_lock);
-			}
-		} else ret = -EFAULT;
+                goto out;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1: /* double */
+            new_double = simple_strtod( start, &end );
+            // printf("User wrote %s\n", dtoa1(new_double));
+            break;
+        if ( end == start )
+            goto out;
+        // See if this is a matrix
+        int idx = 0;
+        int ncel = pe->nrow * pe->ncol;
+        if ( ncel )
+        {
+            // Expect the cell index number next
+            start = end;
+            for ( ; isspace( *start ); start++ )
+                ;
+            idx = simple_strtol( start, &end, 10 );
+            if ( idx >= ncel || idx < 0 )
+            {
+                ret = -EFAULT;
+                goto out;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( !future )
+        {
+            switch ( pe->type )
+            {
+            case 0: /* int */
+                *( (int*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->idx ) ) = new_int;
+                break;
+            case 1: /* double */
+                ( (double*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->idx ) )[ idx ] =
+                    new_double;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( ( *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + pe->mask_idx ) ) ) )
+        { // Allow to setup a future only if masked
+            unsigned long cycle;
+            start = end;
+            for ( ; isspace( *start ); start++ )
+                ;
+            // check for gps seconds
+            double gps = simple_strtod( start, &end );
+            if ( end == start )
+            {
+                gps = cycle_gps_time + 5;
+                cycle = cycleNum;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Convert gps time
+                unsigned long gps_int = gps;
+                gps -= gps_int;
+                cycle = gps * CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+                gps = gps_int;
+            }
+            // Add new future setpoint
+            // Find first available slot
+            int i;
+            static DEFINE_SPINLOCK( fut_lock );
+            spin_lock( &fut_lock );
+            for ( i = 0;
+                  ( i < MAX_PROC_FUTURES ) && proc_futures[ i ].proc_epics;
+                  i++ )
+                ;
+            if ( i == MAX_PROC_FUTURES )
+            {
+                spin_unlock( &fut_lock );
+                ret = -ENOMEM;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Found a slot
+                proc_futures[ i ].cycle = cycle;
+                proc_futures[ i ].gps = gps;
+                proc_futures[ i ].val = pe->type ? new_double : new_int;
+                proc_futures[ i ].idx = idx;
+                // This pointer has to be set last; Indicates a vailid entry for
+                // the real-time code in controller.c
+                proc_futures[ i ].proc_epics =
+                    pe; // FE code reads/writes this variable
+                spin_unlock( &fut_lock );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+            ret = -EFAULT;
+    }
-        free_page((unsigned long)page);
-        return ret;
+    free_page( (unsigned long)page );
+    return ret;
 /// Routine to read the /proc/{model}/epics/futures files. \n \n
-// :TODO: the function does not check for buffer overflow, Linux kernel catches it though,
+// :TODO: the function does not check for buffer overflow, Linux kernel catches
+// it though,
 //  when proc_futures contains too many entries.
-procfile_futures_read(char *buffer,
-	      char **buffer_location,
-	      off_t offset, int buffer_length, int *eof, void *data)
+procfile_futures_read( char*  buffer,
+                       char** buffer_location,
+                       off_t  offset,
+                       int    buffer_length,
+                       int*   eof,
+                       void*  data )
-	*buffer = 0;
-	if (offset > 0) {
-		/* we have finished to read, return 0 */
-		return 0;
-	} else {
-		/* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
-		char b[128];
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROC_FUTURES; i++) {
-			// Copy the entry to avoid race with the FE code
-			struct proc_futures pf = proc_futures[i];
-			if (pf.proc_epics) {
-				char s[64];
-				char s1[64];
-				if (pf.idx) { /* matrix */
-					sprintf(b, "%s %s@%s %d %d\n", pf.proc_epics->name, dtoa_r(s, pf.val), dtoa_r(s1, pf.idx), pf.gps, pf.cycle);
-				} else {
-					sprintf(b, "%s %s %d %d\n", pf.proc_epics->name, dtoa_r(s, pf.val), pf.gps, pf.cycle);
-				}
-				strcat(buffer, b);
-			}
-		}
-		return strlen(buffer);
-	}
-	// Never reached
+    *buffer = 0;
+    if ( offset > 0 )
+    {
+        /* we have finished to read, return 0 */
+        return 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* fill the buffer, return the buffer size */
+        char b[ 128 ];
+        int  i;
+        for ( i = 0; i < MAX_PROC_FUTURES; i++ )
+        {
+            // Copy the entry to avoid race with the FE code
+            struct proc_futures pf = proc_futures[ i ];
+            if ( pf.proc_epics )
+            {
+                char s[ 64 ];
+                char s1[ 64 ];
+                if ( pf.idx )
+                { /* matrix */
+                    sprintf( b,
+                             "%s %s@%s %d %d\n",
+                             pf.proc_epics->name,
+                             dtoa_r( s, pf.val ),
+                             dtoa_r( s1, pf.idx ),
+                             pf.gps,
+                             pf.cycle );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sprintf( b,
+                             "%s %s %d %d\n",
+                             pf.proc_epics->name,
+                             dtoa_r( s, pf.val ),
+                             pf.gps,
+                             pf.cycle );
+                }
+                strcat( buffer, b );
+            }
+        }
+        return strlen( buffer );
+    }
+    // Never reached
-static const ner = sizeof(proc_epics)/sizeof(struct proc_epics);
+static const ner = sizeof( proc_epics ) / sizeof( struct proc_epics );
 /// Function to create /proc/{model}/epics/* files
-create_epics_proc_files() {
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < ner; i++) proc_epics_entry[i]  = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < ner; i++) {
-		//printf("%s\n", proc_epics[i].name);
-        	proc_epics_entry[i] = create_proc_entry(proc_epics[i].name, PROC_MODE, proc_epics_dir_entry);
-        	if (proc_epics_entry[i]  == NULL) {
-		        remove_epics_proc_files();
-                	printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/epics/%s\n", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, proc_epics[i].name);
-                	return 0;
-        	}
-		proc_epics_entry[i]->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
-		switch (proc_epics[i].in) {
-			case 0:
-				proc_epics_entry[i]->write_proc = procfile_epics_write;
-				proc_epics_entry[i]->mode |= S_IWUGO;
-				// Fall through
-			case 1:
-				proc_epics_entry[i]->read_proc = procfile_epics_read;
-				break;
-		}
-		proc_epics_entry[i]->uid 	 = PROC_UID;
-		proc_epics_entry[i]->gid 	 = 0;
-		unsigned int ncel = proc_epics[i].nrow * proc_epics[i].ncol; // Enough space to deal with the matrix
-		proc_epics_entry[i]->size 	 = ncel? 64 * ncel: 128;
-		proc_epics_entry[i]->data 	 = proc_epics + i;
-	}
-	proc_futures_entry = create_proc_entry("futures", PROC_MODE, proc_epics_dir_entry);
-        if (proc_futures_entry  == NULL) {
-                remove_epics_proc_files();
-                printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/epics/futures\n", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-                return 0;
-	}
-	proc_futures_entry->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
-	proc_futures_entry->uid 	= PROC_UID;
-	proc_futures_entry->gid 	= 0;
-	proc_futures_entry->size	= 10240;
-	proc_futures_entry->read_proc = procfile_futures_read;
-	return 1;
+create_epics_proc_files( )
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < ner; i++ )
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ] = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < ner; i++ )
+    {
+        // printf("%s\n", proc_epics[i].name);
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ] = create_proc_entry(
+            proc_epics[ i ].name, PROC_MODE, proc_epics_dir_entry );
+        if ( proc_epics_entry[ i ] == NULL )
+        {
+            remove_epics_proc_files( );
+            printk( KERN_ALERT
+                    "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/epics/%s\n",
+                    SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER,
+                    proc_epics[ i ].name );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ]->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
+        switch ( proc_epics[ i ].in )
+        {
+        case 0:
+            proc_epics_entry[ i ]->write_proc = procfile_epics_write;
+            proc_epics_entry[ i ]->mode |= S_IWUGO;
+            // Fall through
+        case 1:
+            proc_epics_entry[ i ]->read_proc = procfile_epics_read;
+            break;
+        }
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ]->uid = PROC_UID;
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ]->gid = 0;
+        unsigned int ncel = proc_epics[ i ].nrow *
+            proc_epics[ i ].ncol; // Enough space to deal with the matrix
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ]->size = ncel ? 64 * ncel : 128;
+        proc_epics_entry[ i ]->data = proc_epics + i;
+    }
+    proc_futures_entry =
+        create_proc_entry( "futures", PROC_MODE, proc_epics_dir_entry );
+    if ( proc_futures_entry == NULL )
+    {
+        remove_epics_proc_files( );
+        printk( KERN_ALERT
+                "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/epics/futures\n",
+                SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    proc_futures_entry->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
+    proc_futures_entry->uid = PROC_UID;
+    proc_futures_entry->gid = 0;
+    proc_futures_entry->size = 10240;
+    proc_futures_entry->read_proc = procfile_futures_read;
+    return 1;
 /// Function to delete /proc/{model}/epics/* files
-void remove_epics_proc_files() {
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < ner; i++)
-		if (proc_epics_entry[i] != NULL) {
-			remove_proc_entry(proc_epics[i].name, proc_epics_dir_entry);
-			proc_epics_entry[i] = 0;
-		}
-	remove_proc_entry("futures", proc_epics_dir_entry);
+remove_epics_proc_files( )
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < ner; i++ )
+        if ( proc_epics_entry[ i ] != NULL )
+        {
+            remove_proc_entry( proc_epics[ i ].name, proc_epics_dir_entry );
+            proc_epics_entry[ i ] = 0;
+        }
+    remove_proc_entry( "futures", proc_epics_dir_entry );
-// MAIN routine: Code starting point ****************************************************************
+// MAIN routine: Code starting point
+// ****************************************************************
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
 int need_to_load_IOP_first;
+EXPORT_SYMBOL( need_to_load_IOP_first );
 #ifdef ADC_SLAVE
 extern int need_to_load_IOP_first;
-extern void set_fe_code_idle(void *(*ptr)(void *), unsigned int cpu);
-extern void msleep(unsigned int);
+extern void set_fe_code_idle( void* ( *ptr )(void*), unsigned int cpu );
+extern void msleep( unsigned int );
 /// Startup function for initialization of kernel module.
-int init_module (void)
+init_module( void )
- 	int status;
-	int ii,jj,kk;		/// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
-	char fname[128];	/// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate for DAQ data
-	int cards;		/// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
+    int  status;
+    int  ii, jj, kk; /// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
+    char fname[ 128 ]; /// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate
+                       /// for DAQ data
+    int cards; /// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
 #ifdef ADC_SLAVE
-	int adcCnt;		/// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
-	int dacCnt;		/// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-    int dac18Cnt;		/// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-    int dac20Cnt;		/// @param dac20Cnt Number of 20bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-	int doCnt;		/// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave model.
-	int do32Cnt;		/// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO16Cnt;	/// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO8Cnt;		/// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int cdo64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit output sections mapped by slave model.
-	int cdi64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit input sections mapped by slave model.
+    int adcCnt; /// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
+    int dacCnt; /// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave
+                /// model.
+    int dac18Cnt; /// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave
+                  /// model.
+    int dac20Cnt; /// @param dac20Cnt Number of 20bit DAC cards found by slave
+                  /// model.
+    int doCnt; /// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave
+               /// model.
+    int do32Cnt; /// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards
+                 /// found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO16Cnt; /// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit
+                     /// relay cards found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO8Cnt; /// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay
+                    /// cards found by slave model.
+    int cdo64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// output sections mapped by slave model.
+    int cdi64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// input sections mapped by slave model.
-	int ret;		/// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate memory.
-	int cnt;
-	extern int cpu_down(unsigned int);	/// @param cpu_down CPU shutdown call.
-	extern int is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(unsigned int cpu);	/// @param is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model Check to verify CPU availability for shutdown.
-	kk = 0;
+    int ret; /// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate
+             /// memory.
+    int        cnt;
+    extern int cpu_down( unsigned int ); /// @param cpu_down CPU shutdown call.
+    extern int is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(
+        unsigned int cpu ); /// @param is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model Check to verify
+                            /// CPU availability for shutdown.
+    kk = 0;
-#define CPUID 1 
+#define CPUID 1
-	// See if our CPU core is free
-        if (is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(CPUID)) {
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: CPU %d already taken\n", CPUID);
-		return -1;
-	}
+    // See if our CPU core is free
+    if ( is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model( CPUID ) )
+    {
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: CPU %d already taken\n", CPUID );
+        return -1;
+    }
 #ifdef ADC_SLAVE
-	need_to_load_IOP_first = 0;
+    need_to_load_IOP_first = 0;
-	status = init_dolphin(2);
-	if (status != 0) {
-		return -1;
-	}
+    status = init_dolphin( 2 );
+    if ( status != 0 )
+    {
+        return -1;
+    }
-return 0;
-	// Create /proc filesystem tree
-	proc_dir_entry = proc_mkdir(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
-	if (proc_dir_entry == NULL) {
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s\n", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	proc_entry = create_proc_entry("status", PROC_MODE, proc_dir_entry);
-	if (proc_entry == NULL) {
-		remove_proc_entry(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/status\n", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	proc_gps_entry = create_proc_entry("gps", PROC_MODE, proc_dir_entry);
-	if (proc_gps_entry == NULL) {
-		remove_proc_entry("status", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/gps\n", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	proc_epics_dir_entry = proc_mkdir("epics", proc_dir_entry);
-	if (proc_epics_dir_entry == NULL) {
-		remove_proc_entry("gps", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry("status", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/epics\n", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	proc_entry->read_proc = procfile_status_read;
-	proc_entry->mode 	 = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
-	proc_entry->uid 	 = PROC_UID;
-	proc_entry->gid 	 = 0;
-	proc_entry->size 	 = 10240;
-	proc_gps_entry->read_proc = procfile_gps_read;
-	proc_gps_entry->mode 	 = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
-	proc_gps_entry->uid 	 = PROC_UID;
-	proc_gps_entry->gid 	 = 0;
-	proc_gps_entry->size 	 = 128;
-	proc_gps_entry->data 	 = &cycle_gps_time;
-	// Create all /proc/{system}/epics/* files, one file per  existing Epics channel
-  	if (create_epics_proc_files() == 0) {
-		remove_proc_entry("epics", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry("gps", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry("status", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	printf("startup time is %ld\n", current_time());
-	jj = 0;
-	printf("cpu clock %u\n",cpu_khz);
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, 64*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _epics_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-        printf("EPICSM at 0x%x\n", _epics_shm);
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area("ipc", 4*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _ipc_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-	printf("IPC    at 0x%x\n",_ipc_shm);
-  	ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA *)(_ipc_shm+ 0x4000);
-	printf("IOMEM  at 0x%x size 0x%x\n",(_ipc_shm + 0x4000),sizeof(IO_MEM_DATA));
-// If DAQ is via shared memory (Framebuilder code running on same machine or MX networking is used)
-// attach DAQ shared memory location.
-        sprintf(fname, "%s_daq", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(fname, 64*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _daq_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-        // printf("Allocated daq shmem; set at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm);
-	printf("DAQSM at 0x%x\n",_daq_shm);
- 	daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr *) _daq_shm;
-// Open new GDS TP data shared memory in support of ZMQ
-        sprintf(fname, "%s_gds", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(fname, 16*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _gds_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-	printf("GDSSM at 0x%x\n",_gds_shm);
-	// Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules *******************************************************
-	  // Following I/O card info is from feCode
-	  cards = sizeof(cards_used)/sizeof(cards_used[0]);
-	  printf("configured to use %d cards\n", cards);
- = cards;
-	  cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
-          //return -1;
-	printf("Initializing PCI Modules\n");
-	cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
+    return 0;
+    // Create /proc filesystem tree
+    proc_dir_entry = proc_mkdir( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
+    if ( proc_dir_entry == NULL )
+    {
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s\n",
+                SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    proc_entry = create_proc_entry( "status", PROC_MODE, proc_dir_entry );
+    if ( proc_entry == NULL )
+    {
+        remove_proc_entry( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/status\n",
+                SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    proc_gps_entry = create_proc_entry( "gps", PROC_MODE, proc_dir_entry );
+    if ( proc_gps_entry == NULL )
+    {
+        remove_proc_entry( "status", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/gps\n",
+                SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    proc_epics_dir_entry = proc_mkdir( "epics", proc_dir_entry );
+    if ( proc_epics_dir_entry == NULL )
+    {
+        remove_proc_entry( "gps", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( "status", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: Could not initialize /proc/%s/epics\n",
+                SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    proc_entry->read_proc = procfile_status_read;
+    proc_entry->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
+    proc_entry->uid = PROC_UID;
+    proc_entry->gid = 0;
+    proc_entry->size = 10240;
+    proc_gps_entry->read_proc = procfile_gps_read;
+    proc_gps_entry->mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUGO;
+    proc_gps_entry->uid = PROC_UID;
+    proc_gps_entry->gid = 0;
+    proc_gps_entry->size = 128;
+    proc_gps_entry->data = &cycle_gps_time;
+    // Create all /proc/{system}/epics/* files, one file per  existing Epics
+    // channel
+    if ( create_epics_proc_files( ) == 0 )
+    {
+        remove_proc_entry( "epics", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( "gps", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( "status", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    printf( "startup time is %ld\n", current_time( ) );
+    jj = 0;
+    printf( "cpu clock %u\n", cpu_khz );
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _epics_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    printf( "EPICSM at 0x%x\n", _epics_shm );
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( "ipc", 4 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _ipc_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    printf( "IPC    at 0x%x\n", _ipc_shm );
+    ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA*)( _ipc_shm + 0x4000 );
+    printf( "IOMEM  at 0x%x size 0x%x\n",
+            ( _ipc_shm + 0x4000 ),
+            sizeof( IO_MEM_DATA ) );
+    // If DAQ is via shared memory (Framebuilder code running on same machine or
+    // MX networking is used) attach DAQ shared memory location.
+    sprintf( fname, "%s_daq", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( fname, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _daq_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    // printf("Allocated daq shmem; set at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm);
+    printf( "DAQSM at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm );
+    daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr*)_daq_shm;
+    // Open new GDS TP data shared memory in support of ZMQ
+    sprintf( fname, "%s_gds", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( fname, 16 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _gds_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    printf( "GDSSM at 0x%x\n", _gds_shm );
+    // Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules
+    // ******************************************************* Following I/O
+    // card info is from feCode
+    cards = sizeof( cards_used ) / sizeof( cards_used[ 0 ] );
+    printf( "configured to use %d cards\n", cards );
+ = cards;
+    cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
+    // return -1;
+    printf( "Initializing PCI Modules\n" );
+    cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
 #ifndef ADC_SLAVE
-	// Call PCI initialization routine in map.c file.
-	status = mapPciModules(&cdsPciModules);
-	 //return 0;
+    // Call PCI initialization routine in map.c file.
+    status = mapPciModules( &cdsPciModules );
+    // return 0;
 #ifdef ADC_SLAVE
-// If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared memory
-	printf("%d PCI cards found\n",ioMemData->totalCards);
-	status = 0;
-	adcCnt = 0;
-	dacCnt = 0;
-	dac18Cnt = 0;
-	dac20Cnt = 0;
-	doCnt = 0;
-	do32Cnt = 0;
-	cdo64Cnt = 0;
-	cdi64Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
-	// Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
-	// Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
-	for(ii=0;ii<ioMemData->totalCards;ii++)
-	{
-		/*
-		printf("Model %d = %d\n",ii,ioMemData->model[ii]);
-		*/
-		for(jj=0;jj<cards;jj++)
-		{
-			/*
-			printf("Model %d = %d, type = %d, instance = %d, dacCnt = %d \n",
-				ii,ioMemData->model[ii],
-				cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type,
-				cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance,
- 				dacCnt);
-				*/
-		   switch(ioMemData->model[ii])
-		   {
-			case GSC_16AI64SSA:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_16AI64SSA) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == adcCnt))
-				{
-					printf("Found ADC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-					cdsPciModules.adcType[kk] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
-					cdsPciModules.adcConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.adcCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_16AO16:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_16AO16) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dacCnt))
-				{
-					printf("Found DAC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-					cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_16AO16;
-					cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	   				cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_18AO8:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_18AO8) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dac18Cnt))
-				{
-					printf("Found DAC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-					cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_18AO8;
-					cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	   				cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_20AO8:
-	            if(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_20AO8  &&
-	                   (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dac20Cnt))
-	            {
-	                printf("Found DAC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-	                kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-	                cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_20AO8;
-	                cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	                cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-	                cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-	                status ++;
-	            }
+    // If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared
+    // memory
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found\n", ioMemData->totalCards );
+    status = 0;
+    adcCnt = 0;
+    dacCnt = 0;
+    dac18Cnt = 0;
+    dac20Cnt = 0;
+    doCnt = 0;
+    do32Cnt = 0;
+    cdo64Cnt = 0;
+    cdi64Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
+    // Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
+    // Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < ioMemData->totalCards; ii++ )
+    {
+        /*
+        printf("Model %d = %d\n",ii,ioMemData->model[ii]);
+        */
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cards; jj++ )
+        {
+            /*
+            printf("Model %d = %d, type = %d, instance = %d, dacCnt = %d \n",
+                    ii,ioMemData->model[ii],
+                    cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type,
+                    cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance,
+                    dacCnt);
+                    */
+            switch ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] )
+            {
+            case GSC_16AI64SSA:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_16AI64SSA ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == adcCnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found ADC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.adcType[ kk ] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
+                    cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.adcCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_16AO16:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_16AO16 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dacCnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found DAC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_16AO16;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_18AO8:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_18AO8 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dac18Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found DAC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_18AO8;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_20AO8:
+                if ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_20AO8 &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dac20Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found DAC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_20AO8;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CON_6464DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CON_6464DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found 6464 DIO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    status += 2;
+                }
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CDO64 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CDO64;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    printf( "Found 6464 DOUT CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ],
+                            doCnt );
+                    cdo64Cnt++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CDI64 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    // printf("Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d
+                    // 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CDI64;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    printf( "Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ],
+                            doCnt );
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdi64Cnt++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CON_32DO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CON_32DO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == do32Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found 32 DO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = do32Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case ACS_16DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == ACS_16DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance ==
+                       doIIRO16Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found Access IIRO-16 at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO16Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
-			case CON_6464DIO:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CON_6464DIO) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					printf("Found 6464 DIO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					status += 2;
-				}
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CDO64) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CDO64;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					printf("Found 6464 DOUT CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii],doCnt);
-					cdo64Cnt ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CDI64) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					// printf("Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CDI64;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					printf("Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii],doCnt);
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdi64Cnt ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-                        case CON_32DO:
-		                if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CON_32DO) &&
-		                        (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == do32Cnt))
-		                {
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-               			      	printf("Found 32 DO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-		                      	cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-                                      	cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-                                      	cdsPciModules.doCount ++; 
-                                      	cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount ++; 
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = do32Cnt;
-					status ++;
-				 }
-				 break;
-			case ACS_16DIO:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == ACS_16DIO) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doIIRO16Cnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					printf("Found Access IIRO-16 at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count ++;
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO16Cnt;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case ACS_8DIO:
-			       if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == ACS_8DIO) &&
-			               (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doIIRO8Cnt))
-			       {
-			               kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-			               printf("Found Access IIRO-8 at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-			               cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-			               cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-			               cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-			               cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount ++;
-			               cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO8Cnt;
-			               status ++;
-			       }
-		 	       break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		   }
-		}
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA) adcCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_16AO16) dacCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_18AO8) dac18Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_20AO8) dac20Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == CON_6464DIO) doCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == CON_32DO) do32Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == ACS_16DIO) doIIRO16Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == ACS_8DIO) doIIRO8Cnt ++;
-	}
-	// If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
-	if(!cdsPciModules.adcCount)
-	{
-		printf("No ADC cards found - exiting\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// This did not quite work for some reason
-	// Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
-	//cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
+            case ACS_8DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == ACS_8DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doIIRO8Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found Access IIRO-8 at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO8Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
+            adcCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+            dacCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            dac18Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            dac20Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == CON_6464DIO )
+            doCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == CON_32DO )
+            do32Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == ACS_16DIO )
+            doIIRO16Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == ACS_8DIO )
+            doIIRO8Cnt++;
+    }
+    // If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
+    if ( !cdsPciModules.adcCount )
+    {
+        printf( "No ADC cards found - exiting\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // This did not quite work for some reason
+    // Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
+    // cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
-	printf("%d PCI cards found \n",status);
-	if(status < cards)
-	{
-		printf(" ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d and Found %d\n",cards,status);
-		cardCountErr = 1;
-	}
-	// Print out all the I/O information
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found \n", status );
+    if ( status < cards )
+    {
+        printf( " ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d "
+                "and Found %d\n",
+                cards,
+                status );
+        cardCountErr = 1;
+    }
+    // Print out all the I/O information
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-		// Master send module counds to SLAVE via ipc shm
-		ioMemData->totalCards = status;
-		ioMemData->adcCount = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-		ioMemData->dacCount = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-		ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-		// kk will act as ioMem location counter for mapping modules
-		kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+    // Master send module counds to SLAVE via ipc shm
+    ioMemData->totalCards = status;
+    ioMemData->adcCount = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+    ioMemData->dacCount = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+    ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+    // kk will act as ioMem location counter for mapping modules
+    kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-	printf("%d ADC cards found\n",cdsPciModules.adcCount);
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.adcCount;ii++)
-        {
+    printf( "%d ADC cards found\n", cdsPciModules.adcCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.adcCount; ii++ )
+    {
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-		// MASTER maps ADC modules first in ipc shm for SLAVES
-		ioMemData->model[ii] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ii];
-		ioMemData->ipc[ii] = ii;	// ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
+        // MASTER maps ADC modules first in ipc shm for SLAVES
+        ioMemData->model[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] =
+            ii; // ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
-                if(cdsPciModules.adcType[ii] == GSC_18AISS6C)
-                {
-                        printf("\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n",ii);
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = 6 \n");
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
-                if(cdsPciModules.adcType[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA)
-                {
-                        printf("\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n",ii);
-                        if((cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ii] & 0x10000) > 0) jj = 32;
-                        else jj = 64;
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = %d \n",jj);
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ] == GSC_18AISS6C )
+        {
+            printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n", ii );
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = 6 \n" );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d DAC cards found\n",cdsPciModules.dacCount);
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.dacCount;ii++)
+        if ( cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
-            if(cdsPciModules.dacType[ii] == GSC_18AO8)
-			{
-                 printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n",ii);
-	             printf("\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",(cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xffff));
-			}
-         	if(cdsPciModules.dacType[ii] == GSC_20AO8)
-		    {
-		         printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_20AO8 module\n",ii);
-	             printf("\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",(cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xffff));
-         	}
-            if(cdsPciModules.dacType[ii] == GSC_16AO16)
-                {
-                        printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n",ii);
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x10000) == 0x10000) jj = 8;
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x20000) == 0x20000) jj = 12;
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x30000) == 0x30000) jj = 16;
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = %d \n",jj);
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x0000)
-						{
-                        	printf("\t\tFilters = None\n");
-						}
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x40000)
-						{			
-                        	printf("\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n");
-						}
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x80000)
-						{
-                        	printf("\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n");
-						}
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x100000) == 0x100000)
-						{
-                        	printf("\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n");
-						}
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
+            printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n", ii );
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) > 0 )
+                jj = 32;
+            else
+                jj = 64;
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
+        }
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d DAC cards found\n", cdsPciModules.dacCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+        {
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n", ii );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xffff ) );
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+        {
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_20AO8 module\n", ii );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xffff ) );
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+        {
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n", ii );
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) == 0x10000 )
+                jj = 8;
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x20000 ) == 0x20000 )
+                jj = 12;
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x30000 ) == 0x30000 )
+                jj = 16;
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x0000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = None\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x40000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x80000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x100000 ) == 0x100000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n" );
+            }
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
+        }
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-		// Pass DAC info to SLAVE processes
-		ioMemData->model[kk] = cdsPciModules.dacType[ii];
-		ioMemData->ipc[kk] = kk;
-		// Following used by MASTER to point to ipc memory for inputting DAC data from SLAVES
-                cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii]  = kk;
-printf("MASTER DAC SLOT %d %d\n",ii,cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii]);
-		kk ++;
+        // Pass DAC info to SLAVE processes
+        ioMemData->model[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->ipc[ kk ] = kk;
+        // Following used by MASTER to point to ipc memory for inputting DAC
+        // data from SLAVES
+        cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] = kk;
+        printf( "MASTER DAC SLOT %d %d\n", ii, cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] );
+        kk++;
-	}
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d DIO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.dioCount);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount);
-	printf("%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount);
-	printf("%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount);
-	printf("%d DO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.doCount);
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d DIO cards found\n", cdsPciModules.dioCount );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n", cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount );
+    printf( "%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount );
+    printf( "%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount );
+    printf( "%d DO cards found\n", cdsPciModules.doCount );
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-	// MASTER sends DIO module information to SLAVES
-	// Note that for DIO, SLAVE modules will perform the I/O directly and therefore need to
-	// know the PCIe address of these modules.
-	ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.doCount;ii++)
+    // MASTER sends DIO module information to SLAVES
+    // Note that for DIO, SLAVE modules will perform the I/O directly and
+    // therefore need to know the PCIe address of these modules.
+    ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.doCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // MASTER needs to find Contec 1616 I/O card to control timing slave.
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ ii ] == CON_1616DIO )
-		// MASTER needs to find Contec 1616 I/O card to control timing slave.
-		if(cdsPciModules.doType[ii] == CON_1616DIO)
-		{
-			tdsControl[tdsCount] = ii;
-			printf("TDS controller %d is at %d\n",tdsCount,ii);
-			tdsCount ++;
-		}
-		ioMemData->model[kk] = cdsPciModules.doType[ii];
-		// Unlike ADC and DAC, where a memory buffer number is passed, a PCIe address is passed
-		// for DIO cards.
-		ioMemData->ipc[kk] = cdsPciModules.pci_do[ii];
-		kk ++;
-	}
-	printf("Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n",kk);
+            tdsControl[ tdsCount ] = ii;
+            printf( "TDS controller %d is at %d\n", tdsCount, ii );
+            tdsCount++;
+        }
+        ioMemData->model[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.doType[ ii ];
+        // Unlike ADC and DAC, where a memory buffer number is passed, a PCIe
+        // address is passed for DIO cards.
+        ioMemData->ipc[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.pci_do[ ii ];
+        kk++;
+    }
+    printf( "Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n", kk );
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-// Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and Dolphin PCIe network style.
-// Slave units will perform I/O transactions with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O.
-// Master unit only maps the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    // Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and
+    // Dolphin PCIe network style. Slave units will perform I/O transactions
+    // with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O. Master unit only maps
+    // the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
 #ifdef ADC_SLAVE
-	// Slave gets RFM module count from MASTER.
-	cdsPciModules.rfmCount = ioMemData->rfmCount;
-	// dolphinCount is number of Dolphin segments
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = ioMemData->dolphinCount;
-	// dolphin read/write 0 is for local PCIe network traffic
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[0];
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0];
-	// dolphin read/write 1 is for long range PCIe (RFM) traffic
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[1] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[1];
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[1] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[1];
+    // Slave gets RFM module count from MASTER.
+    cdsPciModules.rfmCount = ioMemData->rfmCount;
+    // dolphinCount is number of Dolphin segments
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = ioMemData->dolphinCount;
+    // dolphin read/write 0 is for local PCIe network traffic
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 0 ] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ];
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ];
+    // dolphin read/write 1 is for long range PCIe (RFM) traffic
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 1 ] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 1 ];
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 1 ] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 1 ];
-	printf("%d RFM cards found\n",cdsPciModules.rfmCount);
+    printf( "%d RFM cards found\n", cdsPciModules.rfmCount );
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-	ioMemData->rfmCount = cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
+    ioMemData->rfmCount = cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.rfmCount;ii++)
-        {
-                 printf("\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n", ii, cdsPciModules.rfmType[ii], cdsPciModules.rfmConfig[ii]);
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.rfmCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        printf( "\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n",
+                ii,
+                cdsPciModules.rfmType[ ii ],
+                cdsPciModules.rfmConfig[ ii ] );
 #ifdef ADC_SLAVE
-		cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii] = ioMemData->pci_rfm[ii];
-		cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ii] = ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ii];
+        cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ] = ioMemData->pci_rfm[ ii ];
+        cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ ii ] = ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ ii ];
-		printf("address is 0x%lx\n",cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii]);
+        printf( "address is 0x%lx\n", cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ] );
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-		// Master sends RFM memory pointers to SLAVES
-		ioMemData->pci_rfm[ii] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii];
-		ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ii] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ii];
+        // Master sends RFM memory pointers to SLAVES
+        ioMemData->pci_rfm[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ ii ];
-	}
-	// ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
+    }
+    // ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
-	// dolphinCount is number of segments
-	ioMemData->dolphinCount = cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;
-	// dolphin read/write 0 is for local PCIe network traffic
-	ioMemData->dolphinRead[0] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0];
-	ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0];
-	// dolphin read/write 1 is for long range PCIe (RFM) traffic
-	ioMemData->dolphinRead[1] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[1];
-	ioMemData->dolphinWrite[1] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[1];
+    // dolphinCount is number of segments
+    ioMemData->dolphinCount = cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;
+    // dolphin read/write 0 is for local PCIe network traffic
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 0 ];
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ];
+    // dolphin read/write 1 is for long range PCIe (RFM) traffic
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 1 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 1 ];
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 1 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 1 ];
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-// Clear Dolphin pointers so the slave sees NULLs
-	ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinRead[0] = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0] = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinRead[1] = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinWrite[1] = 0;
+    // Clear Dolphin pointers so the slave sees NULLs
+    ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ] = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 1 ] = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 1 ] = 0;
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-	printf("IRIG-B card found %d\n",cdsPciModules.gpsType);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	}
-	// Code will run on internal timer if no ADC modules are found
-	if (cdsPciModules.adcCount == 0) {
-		printf("No ADC modules found, running on timer\n");
-		run_on_timer = 1;
-        	//munmap(_epics_shm, MMAP_SIZE);
-        	//close(wfd);
-        	//return 0;
-	}
-	// Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
-	printf("Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n");
-	daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[0];
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        printf( "IRIG-B card found %d\n", cdsPciModules.gpsType );
+        printf( "**************************************************************"
+                "*************\n" );
+    }
+    // Code will run on internal timer if no ADC modules are found
+    if ( cdsPciModules.adcCount == 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "No ADC modules found, running on timer\n" );
+        run_on_timer = 1;
+        // munmap(_epics_shm, MMAP_SIZE);
+        // close(wfd);
+        // return 0;
+    }
+    // Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
+    printf( "Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n" );
+    daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[ 0 ];
 #ifndef NO_DAQ
 #ifndef SHMEM_DAQ
-	printf("Initializing Network\n");
-	numFb = 1;
-	if (numFb <= 0) {
-		printf("Couldn't initialize Myrinet network connection\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	printf("Found %d frameBuilders on network\n",numFb);
+    printf( "Initializing Network\n" );
+    numFb = 1;
+    if ( numFb <= 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "Couldn't initialize Myrinet network connection\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    printf( "Found %d frameBuilders on network\n", numFb );
-        pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&((RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm)->epicsSpace;
-	for (cnt = 0;  cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++) {
-        	printf("Epics burt restore is %d\n", pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore);
-        	msleep(1000);
-	}
-	if (cnt == 10) {
-		// Cleanup
-		remove_epics_proc_files();
-		remove_proc_entry("epics", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry("gps", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry("status", proc_dir_entry);
-		remove_proc_entry(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&( (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm )->epicsSpace;
+    for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++ )
+    {
+        printf( "Epics burt restore is %d\n",
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore );
+        msleep( 1000 );
+    }
+    if ( cnt == 10 )
+    {
+        // Cleanup
+        remove_epics_proc_files( );
+        remove_proc_entry( "epics", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( "gps", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( "status", proc_dir_entry );
+        remove_proc_entry( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
-		finish_dolphin();
+        finish_dolphin( );
-		return -1;
-	}
+        return -1;
+    }
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-        sthread = kthread_create(fe_start, 0, "fe_start/%d", CPUID);
-        if (IS_ERR(sthread)){
-                printf("Failed to kthread_create()\n");
-                return -1;
-        }
-        kthread_bind(sthread, CPUID);
-        wake_up_process(sthread);
+    sthread = kthread_create( fe_start, 0, "fe_start/%d", CPUID );
+    if ( IS_ERR( sthread ) )
+    {
+        printf( "Failed to kthread_create()\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    kthread_bind( sthread, CPUID );
+    wake_up_process( sthread );
-        set_fe_code_idle(fe_start, CPUID);
-        msleep(100);
+    set_fe_code_idle( fe_start, CPUID );
+    msleep( 100 );
-	cpu_down(CPUID);
+    cpu_down( CPUID );
-	// The code runs on the disabled CPU
+    // The code runs on the disabled CPU
-        return 0;
+    return 0;
-void cleanup_module (void) {
-	int i;
-	int ret;
-	extern int __cpuinit cpu_up(unsigned int cpu);
+cleanup_module( void )
+    int        i;
+    int        ret;
+    extern int __cpuinit cpu_up( unsigned int cpu );
-	remove_epics_proc_files();
-	remove_proc_entry("epics", proc_dir_entry);
-	remove_proc_entry("gps", proc_dir_entry);
-	remove_proc_entry("status", proc_dir_entry);
-	remove_proc_entry(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL);
+    remove_epics_proc_files( );
+    remove_proc_entry( "epics", proc_dir_entry );
+    remove_proc_entry( "gps", proc_dir_entry );
+    remove_proc_entry( "status", proc_dir_entry );
+    remove_proc_entry( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, NULL );
-	// Unset the code callback
-        set_fe_code_idle(0, CPUID);
+    // Unset the code callback
+    set_fe_code_idle( 0, CPUID );
-	printk("Setting stop_working_threads to 1\n");
-	// Stop the code and wait
+    printk( "Setting stop_working_threads to 1\n" );
+    // Stop the code and wait
-	ret = kthread_stop(sthread);
+    ret = kthread_stop( sthread );
-        stop_working_threads = 1;
-        msleep(1000);
+    stop_working_threads = 1;
+    msleep( 1000 );
-	finish_dolphin();
+    finish_dolphin( );
-	// Unset the code callback
-        set_fe_code_idle(0, CPUID);
-	printkl("Will bring back CPU %d\n", CPUID);
-        msleep(1000);
-	// Unmask all masked epics channels
-	for (i = 0; i < ner; i++) {
-  	  *((char *)(((void *)pLocalEpics) + proc_epics[i].mask_idx)) = 0;
-	}
-	// Bring the CPU back up
-        cpu_up(CPUID);
-        //msleep(1000);
-	printk("Brought the CPU back up\n");
+    // Unset the code callback
+    set_fe_code_idle( 0, CPUID );
+    printkl( "Will bring back CPU %d\n", CPUID );
+    msleep( 1000 );
+    // Unmask all masked epics channels
+    for ( i = 0; i < ner; i++ )
+    {
+        *( (char*)( ( (void*)pLocalEpics ) + proc_epics[ i ].mask_idx ) ) = 0;
+    }
+    // Bring the CPU back up
+    cpu_up( CPUID );
+    // msleep(1000);
+    printk( "Brought the CPU back up\n" );
-	printk("Just before returning from cleanup_module for " SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER "\n");
+    printk( "Just before returning from cleanup_module "
+            "for " SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER "\n" );
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Control system");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION( "Control system" );
diff --git a/src/fe/moduleLoadVirtual.c b/src/fe/moduleLoadVirtual.c
index 76b8129ac..a055bbf62 100644
--- a/src/fe/moduleLoadVirtual.c
+++ b/src/fe/moduleLoadVirtual.c
@@ -7,257 +7,276 @@
 #include <proc.h>
 // These externs and "16" need to go to a header file (mbuf.h)
-extern void *kmalloc_area[16];
-extern int mbuf_allocate_area(char *name, int size, struct file *file);
-extern void *fe_start(void *arg);
-extern int run_on_timer;
-extern char daqArea[2*DAQ_DCU_SIZE];           // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
-struct task_struct *sthread;
-// MAIN routine: Code starting point ****************************************************************
+extern void* kmalloc_area[ 16 ];
+extern int   mbuf_allocate_area( char* name, int size, struct file* file );
+extern void* fe_start( void* arg );
+extern int   run_on_timer;
+extern char  daqArea[ 2 * DAQ_DCU_SIZE ]; // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
+struct task_struct* sthread;
+// MAIN routine: Code starting point
+// ****************************************************************
 int need_to_load_IOP_first;
+EXPORT_SYMBOL( need_to_load_IOP_first );
-extern void set_fe_code_idle(void *(*ptr)(void *), unsigned int cpu);
-extern void msleep(unsigned int);
+extern void set_fe_code_idle( void* ( *ptr )(void*), unsigned int cpu );
+extern void msleep( unsigned int );
 #include "moduleLoadCommon.c"
 /// Startup function for initialization of kernel module.
-int init_module (void)
+init_module( void )
- 	int status;
-	int ii,jj,kk;		/// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
-	char fname[128];	/// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate for DAQ data
-	int cards;		/// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
-	int ret;		/// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate memory.
-	int cnt;
-	extern int cpu_down(unsigned int);	/// @param cpu_down CPU shutdown call.
-	extern int is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(unsigned int cpu);	/// @param is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model Check to verify CPU availability for shutdown.
-	kk = 0;
+    int  status;
+    int  ii, jj, kk; /// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
+    char fname[ 128 ]; /// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate
+                       /// for DAQ data
+    int cards; /// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
+    int ret; /// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate
+             /// memory.
+    int        cnt;
+    extern int cpu_down( unsigned int ); /// @param cpu_down CPU shutdown call.
+    extern int is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(
+        unsigned int cpu ); /// @param is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model Check to verify
+                            /// CPU availability for shutdown.
+    kk = 0;
-#define CPUID 1 
+#define CPUID 1
-	// See if our CPU core is free
-        if (is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model(CPUID)) {
-		printk(KERN_ALERT "Error: CPU %d already taken\n", CPUID);
-		return -1;
-	}
+    // See if our CPU core is free
+    if ( is_cpu_taken_by_rcg_model( CPUID ) )
+    {
+        printk( KERN_ALERT "Error: CPU %d already taken\n", CPUID );
+        return -1;
+    }
-	status = init_dolphin(1);
-	if (status != 0) {
-		return -1;
-	}
+    status = init_dolphin( 1 );
+    if ( status != 0 )
+    {
+        return -1;
+    }
-	jj = 0;
-// Allocate EPICS memory area
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, 64*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _epics_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-// Allocate IPC memory area
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area("ipc", 4*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _ipc_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
-// Assign pointer to IOP/USER app comms space
-  	ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA *)(_ipc_shm+ 0x4000);
-// Allocate DAQ memory area
-        sprintf(fname, "%s_daq", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER);
-        ret =  mbuf_allocate_area(fname, 64*1024*1024, 0);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        _daq_shm = (unsigned char *)(kmalloc_area[ret]);
- 	daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr *) _daq_shm;
-	// Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules **************************************************
-	// Following I/O card info is from feCode
-	cards = sizeof(cards_used)/sizeof(cards_used[0]);
- = cards;
-	cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
-	cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
-	// Call PCI initialization routine in map.c file.
-	status = mapPciModules(&cdsPciModules);
-	if(status < cards)
-	{
-		printf(" ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d and Found %d\n",cards,status);
-		cardCountErr = 1;
-	}
-	// Master send module counds to SLAVE via ipc shm
-	ioMemData->totalCards = status;
-	ioMemData->adcCount = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-	ioMemData->dacCount = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-	ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-	// kk will act as ioMem location counter for mapping modules
-	kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.adcCount;ii++)
+    jj = 0;
+    // Allocate EPICS memory area
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _epics_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    // Allocate IPC memory area
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( "ipc", 4 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _ipc_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    // Assign pointer to IOP/USER app comms space
+    ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA*)( _ipc_shm + 0x4000 );
+    // Allocate DAQ memory area
+    sprintf( fname, "%s_daq", SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER );
+    ret = mbuf_allocate_area( fname, 64 * 1024 * 1024, 0 );
+    if ( ret < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", ret );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    _daq_shm = (unsigned char*)( kmalloc_area[ ret ] );
+    daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr*)_daq_shm;
+    // Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules
+    // ************************************************** Following I/O card
+    // info is from feCode
+    cards = sizeof( cards_used ) / sizeof( cards_used[ 0 ] );
+ = cards;
+    cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
+    cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
+    // Call PCI initialization routine in map.c file.
+    status = mapPciModules( &cdsPciModules );
+    if ( status < cards )
+    {
+        printf( " ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d "
+                "and Found %d\n",
+                cards,
+                status );
+        cardCountErr = 1;
+    }
+    // Master send module counds to SLAVE via ipc shm
+    ioMemData->totalCards = status;
+    ioMemData->adcCount = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+    ioMemData->dacCount = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+    ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+    // kk will act as ioMem location counter for mapping modules
+    kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.adcCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // MASTER maps ADC modules first in ipc shm for SLAVES
+        ioMemData->model[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] =
+            ii; // ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
+    }
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // Pass DAC info to SLAVE processes
+        ioMemData->model[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->ipc[ kk ] = kk;
+        // Following used by MASTER to point to ipc memory for inputting DAC
+        // data from SLAVES
+        cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] = kk;
+        kk++;
+    }
+    // MASTER sends DIO module information to SLAVES
+    // Note that for DIO, SLAVE modules will perform the I/O directly and
+    // therefore need to know the PCIe address of these modules.
+    ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.doCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // MASTER needs to find Contec 1616 I/O card to control timing slave.
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ ii ] == CON_1616DIO )
-		// MASTER maps ADC modules first in ipc shm for SLAVES
-		ioMemData->model[ii] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ii];
-		ioMemData->ipc[ii] = ii;	// ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
+            tdsControl[ tdsCount ] = ii;
+            tdsCount++;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.dacCount;ii++)
-        {
-		// Pass DAC info to SLAVE processes
-		ioMemData->model[kk] = cdsPciModules.dacType[ii];
-		ioMemData->ipc[kk] = kk;
-		// Following used by MASTER to point to ipc memory for inputting DAC data from SLAVES
-                cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii]  = kk;
-		kk ++;
-	}
-	// MASTER sends DIO module information to SLAVES
-	// Note that for DIO, SLAVE modules will perform the I/O directly and therefore need to
-	// know the PCIe address of these modules.
-	ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.doCount;ii++)
-        {
-		// MASTER needs to find Contec 1616 I/O card to control timing slave.
-		if(cdsPciModules.doType[ii] == CON_1616DIO)
-		{
-			tdsControl[tdsCount] = ii;
-			tdsCount ++;
-		}
-		ioMemData->model[kk] = cdsPciModules.doType[ii];
-		// Unlike ADC and DAC, where a memory buffer number is passed, a PCIe address is passed
-		// for DIO cards.
-		ioMemData->ipc[kk] = cdsPciModules.pci_do[ii];
-		kk ++;
-	}
-// Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and Dolphin PCIe network style.
-// Slave units will perform I/O transactions with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O.
-// Master unit only maps the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
-	ioMemData->rfmCount = cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.rfmCount;ii++)
-        {
-		// Master sends RFM memory pointers to SLAVES
-		ioMemData->pci_rfm[ii] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii];
-		ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ii] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ii];
-	}
-	// ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
+        ioMemData->model[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.doType[ ii ];
+        // Unlike ADC and DAC, where a memory buffer number is passed, a PCIe
+        // address is passed for DIO cards.
+        ioMemData->ipc[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.pci_do[ ii ];
+        kk++;
+    }
+    // Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and
+    // Dolphin PCIe network style. Slave units will perform I/O transactions
+    // with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O. Master unit only maps
+    // the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
+    ioMemData->rfmCount = cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.rfmCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // Master sends RFM memory pointers to SLAVES
+        ioMemData->pci_rfm[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ ii ];
+    }
+    // ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
-	ioMemData->dolphinCount = cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;
-	ioMemData->dolphinRead[0] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0];
-	ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0];
+    ioMemData->dolphinCount = cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 0 ];
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ];
-// Clear Dolphin pointers so the slave sees NULLs
-	ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinRead[0] = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0] = 0;
+    // Clear Dolphin pointers so the slave sees NULLs
+    ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ] = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = 0;
-	// Print out all the I/O information
-	  print_io_info(&cdsPciModules);
-	// Code will run on internal timer if no ADC modules are found
-	if (cdsPciModules.adcCount == 0) run_on_timer = 1;
-	// Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
-	// printf("Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n");
-	daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[0];
-// Set pointer to EPICS area
-        pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&((RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm)->epicsSpace;
-	// Ensure EPICS running else exit
-	for (cnt = 0;  cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++) {
-        	msleep(1000);
-	}
-	if (cnt == 10) {
-		// Cleanup
+    // Print out all the I/O information
+    print_io_info( &cdsPciModules );
+    // Code will run on internal timer if no ADC modules are found
+    if ( cdsPciModules.adcCount == 0 )
+        run_on_timer = 1;
+    // Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
+    // printf("Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n");
+    daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[ 0 ];
+    // Set pointer to EPICS area
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&( (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm )->epicsSpace;
+    // Ensure EPICS running else exit
+    for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++ )
+    {
+        msleep( 1000 );
+    }
+    if ( cnt == 10 )
+    {
+        // Cleanup
-		finish_dolphin();
+        finish_dolphin( );
-		return -1;
-	}
+        return -1;
+    }
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-        sthread = kthread_create(fe_start, 0, "fe_start/%d", CPUID);
-        if (IS_ERR(sthread)){
-                printf("Failed to kthread_create()\n");
-                return -1;
-        }
-        kthread_bind(sthread, CPUID);
-        wake_up_process(sthread);
+    sthread = kthread_create( fe_start, 0, "fe_start/%d", CPUID );
+    if ( IS_ERR( sthread ) )
+    {
+        printf( "Failed to kthread_create()\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    kthread_bind( sthread, CPUID );
+    wake_up_process( sthread );
-	// The code runs on the disabled CPU
-        set_fe_code_idle(fe_start, CPUID);
-        msleep(100);
+    // The code runs on the disabled CPU
+    set_fe_code_idle( fe_start, CPUID );
+    msleep( 100 );
-	cpu_down(CPUID);
+    cpu_down( CPUID );
-        return 0;
+    return 0;
-void cleanup_module (void) {
-	int i;
-	int ret;
-	extern int __cpuinit cpu_up(unsigned int cpu);
+cleanup_module( void )
+    int        i;
+    int        ret;
+    extern int __cpuinit cpu_up( unsigned int cpu );
-	// Unset the code callback
-        set_fe_code_idle(0, CPUID);
+    // Unset the code callback
+    set_fe_code_idle( 0, CPUID );
-	printk("Setting stop_working_threads to 1\n");
-	// Stop the code and wait
+    printk( "Setting stop_working_threads to 1\n" );
+    // Stop the code and wait
-	ret = kthread_stop(sthread);
+    ret = kthread_stop( sthread );
-        stop_working_threads = 1;
-        msleep(1000);
+    stop_working_threads = 1;
+    msleep( 1000 );
-	finish_dolphin();
+    finish_dolphin( );
-	// Unset the code callback
-        set_fe_code_idle(0, CPUID);
-	// printkl("Will bring back CPU %d\n", CPUID);
-        msleep(1000);
-	// Bring the CPU back up
-        cpu_up(CPUID);
-        //msleep(1000);
-	printk("Brought the CPU back up\n");
+    // Unset the code callback
+    set_fe_code_idle( 0, CPUID );
+    // printkl("Will bring back CPU %d\n", CPUID);
+    msleep( 1000 );
+    // Bring the CPU back up
+    cpu_up( CPUID );
+    // msleep(1000);
+    printk( "Brought the CPU back up\n" );
-	printk("Just before returning from cleanup_module for " SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER "\n");
+    printk( "Just before returning from cleanup_module "
+            "for " SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER "\n" );
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Control system");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION( "Control system" );
diff --git a/src/fe/rcguser.c b/src/fe/rcguser.c
index a230c63af..85c64dad4 100644
--- a/src/fe/rcguser.c
+++ b/src/fe/rcguser.c
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 ///	@file moduleLoad.c
-///	@brief File contains startup routines for running user app in user space.
+///	@brief File contains startup routines for running user app in user
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
@@ -20,9 +21,9 @@
 #include "moduleLoadCommon.c"
 // These externs and "16" need to go to a header file (mbuf.h)
-extern int fe_start_app_user();
-extern char daqArea[2*DAQ_DCU_SIZE];           // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
-extern char *addr;
+extern int   fe_start_app_user( );
+extern char  daqArea[ 2 * DAQ_DCU_SIZE ]; // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
+extern char* addr;
 // Scan a double
 #if 0
@@ -47,334 +48,385 @@ simple_strtod(char *start, char **end) {
-void usage()
+usage( )
-	fprintf(stderr,"Usage: rcgUser -m system_name \n");
-	fprintf(stderr, "-h - help\n");
+    fprintf( stderr, "Usage: rcgUser -m system_name \n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "-h - help\n" );
 /// Startup function for initialization of kernel module.
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
+main( int argc, char** argv )
- 	int status;
-	int ii,jj,kk;		/// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
-	char fname[128];	/// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate for DAQ data
-	int cards;		/// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
-	int adcCnt;		/// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
-	int dacCnt;		/// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-        int dac18Cnt;		/// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-	int doCnt;		/// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave model.
-	int do32Cnt;		/// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO16Cnt;	/// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO8Cnt;		/// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int cdo64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit output sections mapped by slave model.
-	int cdi64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit input sections mapped by slave model.
-	int ret;		/// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate memory.
-	int cnt;
-	char *sysname;
-	char shm_name[64];
-	int c;
+    int  status;
+    int  ii, jj, kk; /// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
+    char fname[ 128 ]; /// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate
+                       /// for DAQ data
+    int cards; /// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
+    int adcCnt; /// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
+    int dacCnt; /// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave
+                /// model.
+    int dac18Cnt; /// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave
+                  /// model.
+    int doCnt; /// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave
+               /// model.
+    int do32Cnt; /// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards
+                 /// found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO16Cnt; /// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit
+                     /// relay cards found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO8Cnt; /// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay
+                    /// cards found by slave model.
+    int cdo64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// output sections mapped by slave model.
+    int cdi64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// input sections mapped by slave model.
+    int ret; /// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate
+             /// memory.
+    int   cnt;
+    char* sysname;
+    char  shm_name[ 64 ];
+    int   c;
+    while ( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "m:help" ) ) != EOF )
+        switch ( c )
+        {
+        case 'm':
+            sysname = optarg;
+            printf( "sysname = %s\n", sysname );
+            break;
+        case 'help':
+        default:
+            usage( );
+            exit( 1 );
+        }
-	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "m:help")) != EOF) switch(c) {
-		case 'm':
-			sysname = optarg;
-			printf("sysname = %s\n",sysname);
-			break;
-		case 'help':
-		default:
-			usage();
-			exit(1);
-	}
+    kk = 0;
-	kk = 0;
+    jj = 0;
+    // printf("cpu clock %u\n",cpu_khz);
-	jj = 0;
-	// printf("cpu clock %u\n",cpu_khz);
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s", sysname );
+    findSharedMemory( sysname );
+    _epics_shm = (char*)addr;
+    ;
+    if ( _epics_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _epics_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    printf( "EPICSM at 0x%lx\n", (long)_epics_shm );
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s", "ipc" );
+    findSharedMemory( "ipc" );
+    _ipc_shm = (char*)addr;
+    if ( _ipc_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", _ipc_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
-	sprintf(shm_name,"%s",sysname);
-	findSharedMemory(sysname);
-	_epics_shm = (char *)addr;;
-        if (_epics_shm < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _epics_shm);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        printf("EPICSM at 0x%lx\n", (long)_epics_shm);
+    printf( "IPC    at 0x%lx\n", (long)_ipc_shm );
+    ioMemData = (volatile IO_MEM_DATA*)( ( (char*)_ipc_shm ) + 0x4000 );
+    printf(
+        "IOMEM  at 0x%lx size 0x%x\n", (long)ioMemData, sizeof( IO_MEM_DATA ) );
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found\n", ioMemData->totalCards );
-	sprintf(shm_name,"%s","ipc");
-	findSharedMemory("ipc");
-	_ipc_shm = (char *)addr;
-        if (_ipc_shm< 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", _ipc_shm);
-                return -1;
-        }
+    // If DAQ is via shared memory (Framebuilder code running on same machine or
+    // MX networking is used) attach DAQ shared memory location.
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s_daq", sysname );
+    findSharedMemory( shm_name );
+    _daq_shm = (char*)addr;
+    if ( _daq_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _daq_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // printf("Allocated daq shmem; set at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm);
+    printf( "DAQSM at 0x%lx\n", _daq_shm );
+    daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr*)_daq_shm;
-	printf("IPC    at 0x%lx\n",(long)_ipc_shm);
-	ioMemData = (volatile IO_MEM_DATA *)(((char *)_ipc_shm) + 0x4000);
-	printf("IOMEM  at 0x%lx size 0x%x\n",(long)ioMemData,sizeof(IO_MEM_DATA));
-	printf("%d PCI cards found\n",ioMemData->totalCards);
+    // Open new GDS TP data shared memory in support of ZMQ
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s_gds", sysname );
+    findSharedMemory( shm_name );
+    _gds_shm = (char*)addr;
+    if ( _gds_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _gds_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    printf( "GDSSM at 0x%lx\n", _gds_shm );
+    // Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules
+    // ******************************************************* Following I/O
+    // card info is from feCode
+    cards = sizeof( cards_used ) / sizeof( cards_used[ 0 ] );
+    printf( "configured to use %d cards\n", cards );
+ = cards;
+    cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
+    // return -1;
+    printf( "Initializing PCI Modules\n" );
+    cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
-// If DAQ is via shared memory (Framebuilder code running on same machine or MX networking is used)
-// attach DAQ shared memory location.
-        sprintf(shm_name, "%s_daq", sysname);
-	findSharedMemory(shm_name);
-	_daq_shm = (char *)addr;
-        if (_daq_shm < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _daq_shm);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        // printf("Allocated daq shmem; set at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm);
-	printf("DAQSM at 0x%lx\n",_daq_shm);
- 	daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr *) _daq_shm;
+    // If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared
+    // memory
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found\n", ioMemData->totalCards );
+    status = 0;
+    adcCnt = 0;
+    dacCnt = 0;
+    dac18Cnt = 0;
+    doCnt = 0;
+    do32Cnt = 0;
+    cdo64Cnt = 0;
+    cdi64Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
-// Open new GDS TP data shared memory in support of ZMQ
-        sprintf(shm_name, "%s_gds", sysname);
-	findSharedMemory(shm_name);
-	_gds_shm = (char *)addr;
-        if (_gds_shm < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _gds_shm);
-                return -1;
+    // Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
+    // Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < ioMemData->totalCards; ii++ )
+    {
+        /*
+        printf("Model %d = %d\n",ii,ioMemData->model[ii]);
+        */
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cards; jj++ )
+        {
+            /*
+            printf("Model %d = %d, type = %d, instance = %d, dacCnt = %d \n",
+                    ii,ioMemData->model[ii],
+                    cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type,
+                    cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance,
+                    dacCnt);
+                    */
+            switch ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] )
+            {
+            case GSC_16AI64SSA:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_16AI64SSA ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == adcCnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found ADC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.adcType[ kk ] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
+                    cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.adcCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_16AO16:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_16AO16 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dacCnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found DAC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_16AO16;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case GSC_18AO8:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == GSC_18AO8 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == dac18Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    printf( "Found DAC at %d %d\n", jj, ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_18AO8;
+                    cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ kk ] =
+                        (long)( ioMemData->iodata[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CON_6464DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CON_6464DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found 6464 DIO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    status += 2;
+                }
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CDO64 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CDO64;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    printf( "Found 6464 DOUT CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ],
+                            doCnt );
+                    cdo64Cnt++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CDI64 ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doCnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    // printf("Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d
+                    // 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CDI64;
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doCnt;
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    printf( "Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ],
+                            doCnt );
+                    cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+                    cdi64Cnt++;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CON_32DO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == CON_32DO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == do32Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found 32 DO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = do32Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case ACS_16DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == ACS_16DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance ==
+                       doIIRO16Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found Access IIRO-16 at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO16Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            case ACS_8DIO:
+                if ( ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type == ACS_8DIO ) &&
+                     ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].instance == doIIRO8Cnt ) )
+                {
+                    kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+                    printf( "Found Access IIRO-8 at %d 0x%x\n",
+                            jj,
+                            ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] );
+                    cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = ioMemData->model[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.pci_do[ kk ] = ioMemData->ipc[ ii ];
+                    cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount++;
+                    cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO8Cnt;
+                    status++;
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
-	printf("GDSSM at 0x%lx\n",_gds_shm);
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
+            adcCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+            dacCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            dac18Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == CON_6464DIO )
+            doCnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == CON_32DO )
+            do32Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == ACS_16DIO )
+            doIIRO16Cnt++;
+        if ( ioMemData->model[ ii ] == ACS_8DIO )
+            doIIRO8Cnt++;
+    }
+    // If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
+    if ( !cdsPciModules.adcCount )
+    {
+        printf( "No ADC cards found - exiting\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // This did not quite work for some reason
+    // Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
+    // cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found \n", status );
+    if ( status < cards )
+    {
+        printf( " ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d "
+                "and Found %d\n",
+                cards,
+                status );
+        cardCountErr = 1;
+    }
-	// Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules *******************************************************
-	  // Following I/O card info is from feCode
-	  cards = sizeof(cards_used)/sizeof(cards_used[0]);
-	  printf("configured to use %d cards\n", cards);
- = cards;
-	  cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
-          //return -1;
-	printf("Initializing PCI Modules\n");
-	cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
+    // Print out all the I/O information
-// If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared memory
-	printf("%d PCI cards found\n",ioMemData->totalCards);
-	status = 0;
-	adcCnt = 0;
-	dacCnt = 0;
-	dac18Cnt = 0;
-	doCnt = 0;
-	do32Cnt = 0;
-	cdo64Cnt = 0;
-	cdi64Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
+    // Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and
+    // Dolphin PCIe network style. Slave units will perform I/O transactions
+    // with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O. Master unit only maps
+    // the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
-	// Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
-	// Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
-	for(ii=0;ii<ioMemData->totalCards;ii++)
-	{
-		/*
-		printf("Model %d = %d\n",ii,ioMemData->model[ii]);
-		*/
-		for(jj=0;jj<cards;jj++)
-		{
-			/*
-			printf("Model %d = %d, type = %d, instance = %d, dacCnt = %d \n",
-				ii,ioMemData->model[ii],
-				cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type,
-				cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance,
- 				dacCnt);
-				*/
-		   switch(ioMemData->model[ii])
-		   {
-			case GSC_16AI64SSA:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_16AI64SSA) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == adcCnt))
-				{
-					printf("Found ADC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-					cdsPciModules.adcType[kk] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
-					cdsPciModules.adcConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.adcCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_16AO16:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_16AO16) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dacCnt))
-				{
-					printf("Found DAC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-					cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_16AO16;
-					cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	   				cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case GSC_18AO8:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == GSC_18AO8) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == dac18Cnt))
-				{
-					printf("Found DAC at %d %d\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-					cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_18AO8;
-					cdsPciModules.dacConfig[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-	   				cdsPciModules.pci_dac[kk] = (long)(ioMemData->iodata[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case CON_6464DIO:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CON_6464DIO) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					printf("Found 6464 DIO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					status += 2;
-				}
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CDO64) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CDO64;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					printf("Found 6464 DOUT CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii],doCnt);
-					cdo64Cnt ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CDI64) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doCnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					// printf("Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CDI64;
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doCnt;
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					printf("Found 6464 DIN CONTEC at %d 0x%x index %d \n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii],doCnt);
-					cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-					cdi64Cnt ++;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-                        case CON_32DO:
-		                if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == CON_32DO) &&
-		                        (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == do32Cnt))
-		                {
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-               			      	printf("Found 32 DO CONTEC at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-		                      	cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-                                      	cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-                                      	cdsPciModules.doCount ++; 
-                                      	cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount ++; 
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = do32Cnt;
-					status ++;
-				 }
-				 break;
-			case ACS_16DIO:
-				if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == ACS_16DIO) && 
-					(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doIIRO16Cnt))
-				{
-					kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-					printf("Found Access IIRO-16 at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-					cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-					cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-					cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count ++;
-					cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO16Cnt;
-					status ++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case ACS_8DIO:
-			       if((cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type == ACS_8DIO) &&
-			               (cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance == doIIRO8Cnt))
-			       {
-			               kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-			               printf("Found Access IIRO-8 at %d 0x%x\n",jj,ioMemData->ipc[ii]);
-			               cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = ioMemData->model[ii];
-			               cdsPciModules.pci_do[kk] = ioMemData->ipc[ii];
-			               cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-			               cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount ++;
-			               cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO8Cnt;
-			               status ++;
-			       }
-		 	       break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		   }
-		}
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA) adcCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_16AO16) dacCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == GSC_18AO8) dac18Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == CON_6464DIO) doCnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == CON_32DO) do32Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == ACS_16DIO) doIIRO16Cnt ++;
-		if(ioMemData->model[ii] == ACS_8DIO) doIIRO8Cnt ++;
-	}
-	// If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
-	if(!cdsPciModules.adcCount)
-	{
-		printf("No ADC cards found - exiting\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// This did not quite work for some reason
-	// Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
-	//cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
-	printf("%d PCI cards found \n",status);
-	if(status < cards)
-	{
-		printf(" ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d and Found %d\n",cards,status);
-		cardCountErr = 1;
-	}
-	// Print out all the I/O information
+    // Slave gets RFM module count from MASTER.
+    cdsPciModules.rfmCount = ioMemData->rfmCount;
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = ioMemData->dolphinCount;
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 0 ] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ];
+    cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ];
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.rfmCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ] = ioMemData->pci_rfm[ ii ];
+        cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ ii ] = ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ ii ];
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        printf( "IRIG-B card found %d\n", cdsPciModules.gpsType );
+        printf( "**************************************************************"
+                "*************\n" );
+    }
+    print_io_info( &cdsPciModules );
-// Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and Dolphin PCIe network style.
-// Slave units will perform I/O transactions with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O.
-// Master unit only maps the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
+    // Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
+    printf( "Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n" );
+    daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[ 0 ];
-	// Slave gets RFM module count from MASTER.
-	cdsPciModules.rfmCount = ioMemData->rfmCount;
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinCount = ioMemData->dolphinCount;
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0] = ioMemData->dolphinRead[0];
-	cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0] = ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0];
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.rfmCount;ii++)
-        {
-		cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii] = ioMemData->pci_rfm[ii];
-		cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ii] = ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ii];
-	}
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-	printf("IRIG-B card found %d\n",cdsPciModules.gpsType);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	}
-	print_io_info(&cdsPciModules);
-	// Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
-	printf("Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n");
-	daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[0];
-        pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&((RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm)->epicsSpace;
-	for (cnt = 0;  cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++) {
-        	printf("Epics burt restore is %d\n", pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore);
-        	usleep(1000000);
-	}
-	if (cnt == 10) {
-		return -1;
-	}
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&( (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm )->epicsSpace;
+    for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++ )
+    {
+        printf( "Epics burt restore is %d\n",
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore );
+        usleep( 1000000 );
+    }
+    if ( cnt == 10 )
+    {
+        return -1;
+    }
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-	fe_start_app_user();
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    fe_start_app_user( );
-        return 0;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/fe/rcguserIop.c b/src/fe/rcguserIop.c
index ec936dd78..7ba4606f4 100644
--- a/src/fe/rcguserIop.c
+++ b/src/fe/rcguserIop.c
@@ -17,12 +17,11 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <signal.h>
 // These externs and "16" need to go to a header file (mbuf.h)
-extern int fe_start_iop_user();
-extern char daqArea[2*DAQ_DCU_SIZE];           // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
-extern char *addr;
-extern int cycleOffset;
+extern int   fe_start_iop_user( );
+extern char  daqArea[ 2 * DAQ_DCU_SIZE ]; // Space allocation for daqLib buffers
+extern char* addr;
+extern int   cycleOffset;
 // Scan a double
 #if 0
@@ -47,389 +46,444 @@ simple_strtod(char *start, char **end) {
-void usage()
+usage( )
-	fprintf(stderr,"Usage: rcgUser -m system_name \n");
-	fprintf(stderr, "-h - help\n");
+    fprintf( stderr, "Usage: rcgUser -m system_name \n" );
+    fprintf( stderr, "-h - help\n" );
 /// Startup function for initialization of kernel module.
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
+main( int argc, char** argv )
- 	int status;
-	int ii,jj,kk,mm;		/// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
-	char fname[128];	/// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate for DAQ data
-	int cards;		/// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
-	int adcCnt;		/// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
-	int dacCnt;		/// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-        int dac18Cnt;		/// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave model.
-	int doCnt;		/// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave model.
-	int do32Cnt;		/// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO16Cnt;	/// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int doIIRO8Cnt;		/// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay cards found by slave model.
-	int cdo64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit output sections mapped by slave model.
-	int cdi64Cnt;		/// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit input sections mapped by slave model.
-	int ret;		/// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate memory.
-	int cnt;
-	char *sysname;
-	char shm_name[64];
-	int c;
-	char *modelname;
+    int  status;
+    int  ii, jj, kk, mm; /// @param ii,jj,kk default loop counters
+    char fname[ 128 ]; /// @param fname[128] Name of shared mem area to allocate
+                       /// for DAQ data
+    int cards; /// @param cards Number of PCIe cards found on bus
+    int adcCnt; /// @param adcCnt Number of ADC cards found by slave model.
+    int dacCnt; /// @param dacCnt Number of 16bit DAC cards found by slave
+                /// model.
+    int dac18Cnt; /// @param dac18Cnt Number of 18bit DAC cards found by slave
+                  /// model.
+    int doCnt; /// @param doCnt Total number of digital I/O cards found by slave
+               /// model.
+    int do32Cnt; /// @param do32Cnt Total number of Contec 32 bit DIO cards
+                 /// found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO16Cnt; /// @param doIIRO16Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 16 bit
+                     /// relay cards found by slave model.
+    int doIIRO8Cnt; /// @param doIIRO8Cnt Total number of Acces I/O 8 bit relay
+                    /// cards found by slave model.
+    int cdo64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// output sections mapped by slave model.
+    int cdi64Cnt; /// @param cdo64Cnt Total number of Contec 6464 DIO card 32bit
+                  /// input sections mapped by slave model.
+    int ret; /// @param ret Return value from various Malloc calls to allocate
+             /// memory.
+    int   cnt;
+    char* sysname;
+    char  shm_name[ 64 ];
+    int   c;
+    char* modelname;
+    cycleOffset = 0;
+    while ( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "m:t:help" ) ) != EOF )
+        switch ( c )
+        {
+        case 'm':
+            sysname = optarg;
+            printf( "sysname = %s\n", sysname );
+            break;
+        case 't':
+            cycleOffset = atoi( optarg );
+            printf( "cycle offset = %d\n", cycleOffset );
+            break;
+        case 'help':
+        default:
+            usage( );
+            exit( 1 );
+        }
-	cycleOffset = 0;
+    kk = 0;
-	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "m:t:help")) != EOF) switch(c) {
-		case 'm':
-			sysname = optarg;
-			printf("sysname = %s\n",sysname);
-			break;
-		case 't':
-			cycleOffset = atoi(optarg);
-			printf("cycle offset = %d\n",cycleOffset);
-			break;
-		case 'help':
-		default:
-			usage();
-			exit(1);
-	}
+    jj = 0;
+    int   i = 0;
+    char* p = strtok( argv[ 0 ], "/" );
+    char* array[ 5 ];
-	kk = 0;
+    while ( p != NULL )
+    {
+        array[ i++ ] = p;
+        p = strtok( NULL, "/" );
+    }
+    modelname = array[ i - 1 ];
+    sysname = array[ i - 1 ];
-	jj = 0;
-  	int i = 0;
-	char *p = strtok (argv[0], "/");
-	char *array[5];
+    printf( "model name is %s \n", sysname );
-    while (p != NULL)
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s", sysname );
+    findSharedMemory( sysname );
+    _epics_shm = (char*)addr;
+    ;
+    if ( _epics_shm < 0 )
-        array[i++] = p;
-        p = strtok (NULL, "/");
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _epics_shm );
+        return -1;
-	modelname = array[i-1];
-	sysname = array[i-1];
-	printf("model name is %s \n",sysname);
+    printf( "EPICSM at 0x%lx\n", (long)_epics_shm );
-	sprintf(shm_name,"%s",sysname);
-	findSharedMemory(sysname);
-	_epics_shm = (char *)addr;;
-        if (_epics_shm < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _epics_shm);
-                return -1;
-        }
-        printf("EPICSM at 0x%lx\n", (long)_epics_shm);
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s", "ipc" );
+    findSharedMemory( "ipc" );
+    _ipc_shm = (char*)addr;
+    if ( _ipc_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", _ipc_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
-	sprintf(shm_name,"%s","ipc");
-	findSharedMemory("ipc");
-	_ipc_shm = (char *)addr;
-        if (_ipc_shm< 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area(ipc) failed; ret = %d\n", _ipc_shm);
-                return -1;
+    printf( "IPC    at 0x%lx\n", (long)_ipc_shm );
+    ioMemData = (volatile IO_MEM_DATA*)( ( (char*)_ipc_shm ) + 0x4000 );
+    printf(
+        "IOMEM  at 0x%lx size 0x%x\n", (long)ioMemData, sizeof( IO_MEM_DATA ) );
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found\n", ioMemData->totalCards );
+    // If DAQ is via shared memory (Framebuilder code running on same machine or
+    // MX networking is used) attach DAQ shared memory location.
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s_daq", sysname );
+    findSharedMemory( shm_name );
+    _daq_shm = (char*)addr;
+    if ( _daq_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _daq_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // printf("Allocated daq shmem; set at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm);
+    printf( "DAQSM at 0x%lx\n", _daq_shm );
+    daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr*)_daq_shm;
+    // Open new IO shared memory in support of no hardware I/O
+    sprintf( shm_name, "%s_io_space", sysname );
+    findSharedMemory( shm_name );
+    _io_shm = (char*)addr;
+    if ( _io_shm < 0 )
+    {
+        printf( "mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _io_shm );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    printf( "IO SPACE at 0x%lx\n", _io_shm );
+    ioMemDataIop = (volatile IO_MEM_DATA_IOP*)( ( (char*)_io_shm ) );
+    // Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules
+    // ******************************************************* Following I/O
+    // card info is from feCode
+    cards = sizeof( cards_used ) / sizeof( cards_used[ 0 ] );
+    printf( "configured to use %d cards\n", cards );
+ = cards;
+    cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
+    // return -1;
+    printf( "Initializing PCI Modules for IOP\n" );
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cards; jj++ )
+        printf(
+            "Card %d type = %d\n", jj, cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type );
+    cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
+    cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
+    // If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared
+    // memory
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found\n", cards );
+    status = 0;
+    adcCnt = 0;
+    dacCnt = 0;
+    dac18Cnt = 0;
+    doCnt = 0;
+    do32Cnt = 0;
+    cdo64Cnt = 0;
+    cdi64Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
+    doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
+    ioMemData->totalCards = cards;
+    // Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
+    // Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cards; jj++ )
+    {
+        /*
+        printf("Model %d = %d, type = %d, instance = %d, dacCnt = %d \n",
+                ii,ioMemData->model[ii],
+                cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type,
+                cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance,
+                dacCnt);
+                */
+        switch ( cdsPciModules.cards_used[ jj ].type )
+        {
+        case GSC_16AI64SSA:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+            cdsPciModules.adcType[ kk ] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
+            cdsPciModules.adcCount++;
+            status++;
+            break;
+        case GSC_16AO16:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+            cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_16AO16;
+            cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+            status++;
+            break;
+        case GSC_18AO8:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+            cdsPciModules.dacType[ kk ] = GSC_18AO8;
+            cdsPciModules.dacCount++;
+            status++;
+            break;
+        case CON_6464DIO:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+            cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CON_6464DIO;
+            cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+            cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount++;
+            // cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = cDio6464lCount;
+            status += 2;
+            break;
+        case CON_32DO:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+            cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] = CON_32DO;
+            cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+            cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount++;
+            cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = do32Cnt;
+            status++;
+            break;
+        case ACS_16DIO:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+            cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+            cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count++;
+            cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO16Cnt;
+            status++;
+            break;
+        case ACS_8DIO:
+            kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+            cdsPciModules.doCount++;
+            cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount++;
+            cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ] = doIIRO8Cnt;
+            status++;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    // If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
+    if ( !cdsPciModules.adcCount )
+    {
+        printf( "No ADC cards found - exiting\n" );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // This did not quite work for some reason
+    // Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
+    // cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
-	printf("IPC    at 0x%lx\n",(long)_ipc_shm);
-	ioMemData = (volatile IO_MEM_DATA *)(((char *)_ipc_shm) + 0x4000);
-	printf("IOMEM  at 0x%lx size 0x%x\n",(long)ioMemData,sizeof(IO_MEM_DATA));
-	printf("%d PCI cards found\n",ioMemData->totalCards);
+    printf( "%d PCI cards found \n", status );
+    if ( status < cards )
+    {
+        printf( " ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d "
+                "and Found %d\n",
+                cards,
+                status );
+        cardCountErr = 1;
+    }
-// If DAQ is via shared memory (Framebuilder code running on same machine or MX networking is used)
-// attach DAQ shared memory location.
-        sprintf(shm_name, "%s_daq", sysname);
-	findSharedMemory(shm_name);
-	_daq_shm = (char *)addr;
-        if (_daq_shm < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _daq_shm);
-                return -1;
+    // Print out all the I/O information
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    // Master send module counds to SLAVE via ipc shm
+    ioMemData->totalCards = status;
+    ioMemData->adcCount = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+    ioMemData->dacCount = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
+    ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+    // kk will act as ioMem location counter for mapping modules
+    kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
+    printf( "%d ADC cards found\n", cdsPciModules.adcCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.adcCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // MASTER maps ADC modules first in ipc shm for SLAVES
+        ioMemData->model[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->ipc[ ii ] =
+            ii; // ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
+        ioMemDataIop->model[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ];
+        ioMemDataIop->ipc[ ii ] =
+            ii; // ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 65536; jj++ )
+        {
+            for ( mm = 0; mm < 32; mm++ )
+            {
+                ioMemDataIop->iodata[ ii ][ jj ].data[ mm ] = jj - 32767;
+            }
-        // printf("Allocated daq shmem; set at 0x%x\n", _daq_shm);
-	printf("DAQSM at 0x%lx\n",_daq_shm);
- 	daqPtr = (struct rmIpcStr *) _daq_shm;
-// Open new IO shared memory in support of no hardware I/O
-        sprintf(shm_name, "%s_io_space", sysname);
-	findSharedMemory(shm_name);
-	_io_shm = (char *)addr;
-        if (_io_shm < 0) {
-                printf("mbuf_allocate_area() failed; ret = %d\n", _io_shm);
-                return -1;
+        if ( cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ] == GSC_18AISS6C )
+        {
+            printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n", ii );
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = 6 \n" );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
-	printf("IO SPACE at 0x%lx\n",_io_shm);
-	ioMemDataIop = (volatile IO_MEM_DATA_IOP *)(((char *)_io_shm)) ;
-	// Find and initialize all PCI I/O modules *******************************************************
-	  // Following I/O card info is from feCode
-	  cards = sizeof(cards_used)/sizeof(cards_used[0]);
-	  printf("configured to use %d cards\n", cards);
- = cards;
-	  cdsPciModules.cards_used = cards_used;
-          //return -1;
-	printf("Initializing PCI Modules for IOP\n");
-	for(jj=0;jj<cards;jj++)
-		printf("Card %d type = %d\n",jj,cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type);
-	cdsPciModules.adcCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dacCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.dioCount = 0;
-	cdsPciModules.doCount = 0;
-// If running as a slave process, I/O card information is via ipc shared memory
-	printf("%d PCI cards found\n",cards);
-	status = 0;
-	adcCnt = 0;
-	dacCnt = 0;
-	dac18Cnt = 0;
-	doCnt = 0;
-	do32Cnt = 0;
-	cdo64Cnt = 0;
-	cdi64Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO16Cnt = 0;
-	doIIRO8Cnt = 0;
-	ioMemData->totalCards = cards;
-	// Have to search thru all cards and find desired instance for application
-	// Master will map ADC cards first, then DAC and finally DIO
-		for(jj=0;jj<cards;jj++)
-		{
-			/*
-			printf("Model %d = %d, type = %d, instance = %d, dacCnt = %d \n",
-				ii,ioMemData->model[ii],
-				cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type,
-				cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].instance,
- 				dacCnt);
-				*/
-		   switch(cdsPciModules.cards_used[jj].type)
-		   {
-			case GSC_16AI64SSA:
-				kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-				cdsPciModules.adcType[kk] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
-				cdsPciModules.adcCount ++;
-				status ++;
-				break;
-			case GSC_16AO16:
-				kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-				cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_16AO16;
-				cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-				status ++;
-				break;
-			case GSC_18AO8:
-				kk = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-				cdsPciModules.dacType[kk] = GSC_18AO8;
-				cdsPciModules.dacCount ++;
-				status ++;
-				break;
-			case CON_6464DIO:
-				kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-				cdsPciModules.doType[kk] = CON_6464DIO;
-				cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-				cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount ++;
-				// cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = cDio6464lCount;
-				status += 2;
-				break;
-                        case CON_32DO:
-				kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-				cdsPciModules.doType[kk] =  CON_32DO;
-				cdsPciModules.doCount ++; 
-				cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount ++; 
-				cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = do32Cnt;
-				status ++;
-				 break;
-			case ACS_16DIO:
-				kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-				cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-				cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count ++;
-				cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO16Cnt;
-				status ++;
-				break;
-			case ACS_8DIO:
-			       kk = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-			       cdsPciModules.doCount ++;
-			       cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount ++;
-			       cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk] = doIIRO8Cnt;
-			       status ++;
-		 	       break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		   }
-		}
-	// If no ADC cards were found, then SLAVE cannot run
-	if(!cdsPciModules.adcCount)
-	{
-		printf("No ADC cards found - exiting\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// This did not quite work for some reason
-	// Need to find a way to handle skipped DAC cards in slaves
-	//cdsPciModules.dacCount = ioMemData->dacCount;
-	printf("%d PCI cards found \n",status);
-	if(status < cards)
-	{
-		printf(" ERROR **** Did not find correct number of cards! Expected %d and Found %d\n",cards,status);
-		cardCountErr = 1;
-	}
-	// Print out all the I/O information
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	// Master send module counds to SLAVE via ipc shm
-	ioMemData->totalCards = status;
-	ioMemData->adcCount = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-	ioMemData->dacCount = cdsPciModules.dacCount;
-	ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-	// kk will act as ioMem location counter for mapping modules
-	kk = cdsPciModules.adcCount;
-	printf("%d ADC cards found\n",cdsPciModules.adcCount);
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.adcCount;ii++)
+        if ( cdsPciModules.adcType[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
-		// MASTER maps ADC modules first in ipc shm for SLAVES
-		ioMemData->model[ii] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ii];
-		ioMemData->ipc[ii] = ii;	// ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
-		ioMemDataIop->model[ii] = cdsPciModules.adcType[ii];
-		ioMemDataIop->ipc[ii] = ii;	// ioData memory buffer location for SLAVE to use
-		for(jj=0;jj<65536;jj++) {
-			for(mm=0;mm<32;mm++) {
-				ioMemDataIop->iodata[ii][jj].data[mm] = jj - 32767;
-			}
-		}
-                if(cdsPciModules.adcType[ii] == GSC_18AISS6C)
-                {
-                        printf("\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n",ii);
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = 6 \n");
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
-                if(cdsPciModules.adcType[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA)
-                {
-                        printf("\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n",ii);
-                        if((cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ii] & 0x10000) > 0) jj = 32;
-                        else jj = 64;
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = %d \n",jj);
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
+            printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n", ii );
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) > 0 )
+                jj = 32;
+            else
+                jj = 64;
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d DAC cards found\n",cdsPciModules.dacCount);
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.dacCount;ii++)
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d DAC cards found\n", cdsPciModules.dacCount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
-                if(cdsPciModules.dacType[ii] == GSC_18AO8)
-		{
-                        printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n",ii);
-		}
-                if(cdsPciModules.dacType[ii] == GSC_16AO16)
-                {
-                        printf("\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n",ii);
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x10000) == 0x10000) jj = 8;
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x20000) == 0x20000) jj = 12;
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x30000) == 0x30000) jj = 16;
-                        printf("\t\tChannels = %d \n",jj);
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x0000)
-			{
-                        	printf("\t\tFilters = None\n");
-			}
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x40000)
-			{
-                        	printf("\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n");
-			}
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xC0000) == 0x80000)
-			{
-                        	printf("\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n");
-			}
-                        if((cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0x100000) == 0x100000)
-			{
-                        	printf("\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n");
-			}
-                        printf("\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",(cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] & 0xfff));
-                }
-		// Pass DAC info to SLAVE processes
-		ioMemData->model[kk] = cdsPciModules.dacType[ii];
-		ioMemData->ipc[kk] = kk;
-		// Following used by MASTER to point to ipc memory for inputting DAC data from SLAVES
-                cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii]  = kk;
-printf("MASTER DAC SLOT %d %d\n",ii,cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii]);
-		kk ++;
-	}
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d DIO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.dioCount);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-	printf("%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount);
-	printf("%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount);
-	printf("%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount);
-	printf("%d DO cards found\n",cdsPciModules.doCount);
-	// MASTER sends DIO module information to SLAVES
-	// Note that for DIO, SLAVE modules will perform the I/O directly and therefore need to
-	// know the PCIe address of these modules.
-	ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.doCount;ii++)
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n", ii );
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
-		// MASTER needs to find Contec 1616 I/O card to control timing slave.
-		if(cdsPciModules.doType[ii] == CON_1616DIO)
-		{
-			tdsControl[tdsCount] = ii;
-			printf("TDS controller %d is at %d\n",tdsCount,ii);
-			tdsCount ++;
-		}
-		ioMemData->model[kk] = cdsPciModules.doType[ii];
-		// Unlike ADC and DAC, where a memory buffer number is passed, a PCIe address is passed
-		// for DIO cards.
-		ioMemData->ipc[kk] = kk;
-		kk ++;
-	}
-	printf("Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n",kk);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-// Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and Dolphin PCIe network style.
-// Slave units will perform I/O transactions with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O.
-// Master unit only maps the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
-	printf("%d RFM cards found\n",cdsPciModules.rfmCount);
-	ioMemData->rfmCount = cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
-	for(ii=0;ii<cdsPciModules.rfmCount;ii++)
+            printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n", ii );
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) == 0x10000 )
+                jj = 8;
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x20000 ) == 0x20000 )
+                jj = 12;
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x30000 ) == 0x30000 )
+                jj = 16;
+            printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x0000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = None\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x40000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x80000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n" );
+            }
+            if ( ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x100000 ) == 0x100000 )
+            {
+                printf( "\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n" );
+            }
+            printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
+                    ( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
+        }
+        // Pass DAC info to SLAVE processes
+        ioMemData->model[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->ipc[ kk ] = kk;
+        // Following used by MASTER to point to ipc memory for inputting DAC
+        // data from SLAVES
+        cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] = kk;
+        printf( "MASTER DAC SLOT %d %d\n", ii, cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] );
+        kk++;
+    }
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d DIO cards found\n", cdsPciModules.dioCount );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.iiroDioCount );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.iiroDio1Count );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    printf( "%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n", cdsPciModules.cDo32lCount );
+    printf( "%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.cDio1616lCount );
+    printf( "%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",
+            cdsPciModules.cDio6464lCount );
+    printf( "%d DO cards found\n", cdsPciModules.doCount );
+    // MASTER sends DIO module information to SLAVES
+    // Note that for DIO, SLAVE modules will perform the I/O directly and
+    // therefore need to know the PCIe address of these modules.
+    ioMemData->bioCount = cdsPciModules.doCount;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.doCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        // MASTER needs to find Contec 1616 I/O card to control timing slave.
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ ii ] == CON_1616DIO )
-                 printf("\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n", ii, cdsPciModules.rfmType[ii], cdsPciModules.rfmConfig[ii]);
-		printf("address is 0x%lx\n",cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii]);
-		// Master sends RFM memory pointers to SLAVES
-		ioMemData->pci_rfm[ii] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ii];
-		ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ii] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ii];
-	}
-	// ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
+            tdsControl[ tdsCount ] = ii;
+            printf( "TDS controller %d is at %d\n", tdsCount, ii );
+            tdsCount++;
+        }
+        ioMemData->model[ kk ] = cdsPciModules.doType[ ii ];
+        // Unlike ADC and DAC, where a memory buffer number is passed, a PCIe
+        // address is passed for DIO cards.
+        ioMemData->ipc[ kk ] = kk;
+        kk++;
+    }
+    printf( "Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n", kk );
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    // Following section maps Reflected Memory, both VMIC hardware style and
+    // Dolphin PCIe network style. Slave units will perform I/O transactions
+    // with RFM directly ie MASTER does not do RFM I/O. Master unit only maps
+    // the RFM I/O space and passes pointers to SLAVES.
+    printf( "%d RFM cards found\n", cdsPciModules.rfmCount );
+    ioMemData->rfmCount = cdsPciModules.rfmCount;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.rfmCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        printf( "\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n",
+                ii,
+                cdsPciModules.rfmType[ ii ],
+                cdsPciModules.rfmConfig[ ii ] );
+        printf( "address is 0x%lx\n", cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ] );
+        // Master sends RFM memory pointers to SLAVES
+        ioMemData->pci_rfm[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm[ ii ];
+        ioMemData->pci_rfm_dma[ ii ] = cdsPciModules.pci_rfm_dma[ ii ];
+    }
+    // ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
-	ioMemData->dolphinCount = cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;
-	ioMemData->dolphinRead[0] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[0];
-	ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[0];
+    ioMemData->dolphinCount = cdsPciModules.dolphinCount;
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinRead[ 0 ];
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = cdsPciModules.dolphinWrite[ 0 ];
-// Clear Dolphin pointers so the slave sees NULLs
-	ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinRead[0] = 0;
-        ioMemData->dolphinWrite[0] = 0;
+    // Clear Dolphin pointers so the slave sees NULLs
+    ioMemData->dolphinCount = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinRead[ 0 ] = 0;
+    ioMemData->dolphinWrite[ 0 ] = 0;
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-	printf("IRIG-B card found %d\n",cdsPciModules.gpsType);
-        printf("***************************************************************************\n");
-  	}
+    printf( "******************************************************************"
+            "*********\n" );
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        printf( "IRIG-B card found %d\n", cdsPciModules.gpsType );
+        printf( "**************************************************************"
+                "*************\n" );
+    }
+    // Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
+    printf( "Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n" );
+    daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[ 0 ];
-	// Initialize buffer for daqLib.c code
-	printf("Initializing space for daqLib buffers\n");
-	daqBuffer = (long)&daqArea[0];
-        pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS *)&((RFM_FE_COMMS *)_epics_shm)->epicsSpace;
-	for (cnt = 0;  cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++) {
-        	printf("Epics burt restore is %d\n", pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore);
-        	usleep(1000000);
-	}
-	if (cnt == 10) {
-		return -1;
-	}
+    pLocalEpics = (CDS_EPICS*)&( (RFM_FE_COMMS*)_epics_shm )->epicsSpace;
+    for ( cnt = 0; cnt < 10 && pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore == 0; cnt++ )
+    {
+        printf( "Epics burt restore is %d\n",
+                pLocalEpics->epicsInput.burtRestore );
+        usleep( 1000000 );
+    }
+    if ( cnt == 10 )
+    {
+        return -1;
+    }
-        pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
-	fe_start_iop_user();
+    pLocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset = 0;
+    fe_start_iop_user( );
-        return 0;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/fe/timing.c b/src/fe/timing.c
index 1849f0b45..a58d3ef49 100644
--- a/src/fe/timing.c
+++ b/src/fe/timing.c
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
 /// \brief Get current kernel time (in GPS)
 ///	@return Current time in form of GPS Seconds.
-inline unsigned long current_time_fe(void) {
-    struct timespec t;
-    extern struct timespec current_kernel_time(void);
-    	t = current_kernel_time();
-	// Added leap second for July 1, 2015
-        t.tv_sec += - 315964819 + 33 + 3 + 1;
-        return t.tv_sec;
+inline unsigned long
+current_time_fe( void )
+    struct timespec        t;
+    extern struct timespec current_kernel_time( void );
+    t = current_kernel_time( );
+    // Added leap second for July 1, 2015
+    t.tv_sec += -315964819 + 33 + 3 + 1;
+    return t.tv_sec;
@@ -19,65 +21,66 @@ inline unsigned long current_time_fe(void) {
 ///< Code should only run on IOP
 #ifdef ADC_MASTER
-inline float duotime(int count, float meanVal, float data[])
+inline float
+duotime( int count, float meanVal, float data[] )
-  float x,y,sumX,sumY,sumXX,sumXY,msumX;
-  int ii;
-  float xInc;
-  float offset,slope,answer;
-  float den;
-  x = 0;
-  sumX = 0;
-  sumY = 0;
-  sumXX = 0;
-  sumXY= 0;
-  xInc = 1000000/IOP_IO_RATE;
+    float x, y, sumX, sumY, sumXX, sumXY, msumX;
+    int   ii;
+    float xInc;
+    float offset, slope, answer;
+    float den;
-  for(ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
-  {
-          y = data[ii];
-          sumX += x;
-          sumY += y;
-          sumXX += x * x;
-          sumXY += x * y;
-          x += xInc;
-  }
-  msumX = sumX * -1;
-  den = (count*sumXX-sumX*sumX);
-  if(den == 0.0)
-  {
-          return(-1000);
-  }
-  offset = (msumX*sumXY+sumXX*sumY)/den;
-  slope = (msumX*sumY+count*sumXY)/den;
-  if(slope == 0.0)
-  {
-          return(-1000);
-  }
-  meanVal -= offset;
-  answer = meanVal/slope - 91.552;
-  return(answer);
+    x = 0;
+    sumX = 0;
+    sumY = 0;
+    sumXX = 0;
+    sumXY = 0;
+    xInc = 1000000 / IOP_IO_RATE;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
+    {
+        y = data[ ii ];
+        sumX += x;
+        sumY += y;
+        sumXX += x * x;
+        sumXY += x * y;
+        x += xInc;
+    }
+    msumX = sumX * -1;
+    den = ( count * sumXX - sumX * sumX );
+    if ( den == 0.0 )
+    {
+        return ( -1000 );
+    }
+    offset = ( msumX * sumXY + sumXX * sumY ) / den;
+    slope = ( msumX * sumY + count * sumXY ) / den;
+    if ( slope == 0.0 )
+    {
+        return ( -1000 );
+    }
+    meanVal -= offset;
+    answer = meanVal / slope - 91.552;
+    return ( answer );
-inline void initializeDuotoneDiags(duotone_diag_t *dt_diag)
+inline void
+initializeDuotoneDiags( duotone_diag_t* dt_diag )
-  int ii;
-    for(ii=0;ii<IOP_IO_RATE;ii++) {
-        dt_diag->adc[ii] = 0;
-        dt_diag->dac[ii] = 0;
+    int ii;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < IOP_IO_RATE; ii++ )
+    {
+        dt_diag->adc[ ii ] = 0;
+        dt_diag->dac[ ii ] = 0;
     dt_diag->totalAdc = 0.0;
     dt_diag->totalDac = 0.0;
     dt_diag->meanAdc = 0.0;
     dt_diag->meanDac = 0.0;
     dt_diag->dacDuoEnable = 0.0;
-inline void initializeTimingDiags(timing_diag_t *timeinfo)
+inline void
+initializeTimingDiags( timing_diag_t* timeinfo )
     timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMax = 0;
     timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = 0;
@@ -89,11 +92,11 @@ inline void initializeTimingDiags(timing_diag_t *timeinfo)
     timeinfo->timeHoldWhenHold = 0;
     timeinfo->usrTime = 0;
     timeinfo->cycleTime = 0;
-inline void sendTimingDiags2Epics(volatile CDS_EPICS *pLocalEpics, 
-                                  timing_diag_t *timeinfo,
-                                  adcInfo_t *adcinfo)
+inline void
+sendTimingDiags2Epics( volatile CDS_EPICS* pLocalEpics,
+                       timing_diag_t*      timeinfo,
+                       adcInfo_t*          adcinfo )
     pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeter = timeinfo->timeHold;
     pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.cpuMeterMax = timeinfo->timeHoldMax;
@@ -103,41 +106,50 @@ inline void sendTimingDiags2Epics(volatile CDS_EPICS *pLocalEpics,
     timeinfo->timeHoldWhenHold = timeinfo->timeHoldWhen;
     timeinfo->usrHoldTime = 0;
-    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg/(CYCLE_PER_SECOND / UNDERSAMPLE);
+    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitTime =
+        adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg / ( CYCLE_PER_SECOND / UNDERSAMPLE );
     pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitMin = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin;
     pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.adcWaitMax = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax;
-    adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvgPerSec = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg/CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
+    adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvgPerSec = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg / CYCLE_PER_SECOND;
     adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax = 0;
     adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin = 0xffff;
     adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg = 0;
-inline void captureEocTiming(int cycle, unsigned int cycle_gps, timing_diag_t *timeinfo,adcInfo_t *adcinfo)
+inline void
+captureEocTiming( int            cycle,
+                  unsigned int   cycle_gps,
+                  timing_diag_t* timeinfo,
+                  adcInfo_t*     adcinfo )
     // Hold the max cycle time over the last 1 second
-    if(timeinfo->cycleTime > timeinfo->timeHold) { 
-      timeinfo->timeHold = timeinfo->cycleTime;
-      timeinfo->timeHoldWhen = cycle;
+    if ( timeinfo->cycleTime > timeinfo->timeHold )
+    {
+        timeinfo->timeHold = timeinfo->cycleTime;
+        timeinfo->timeHoldWhen = cycle;
     // Hold the max cycle time since last diag reset
-    if(timeinfo->cycleTime > timeinfo->timeHoldMax) timeinfo->timeHoldMax = timeinfo->cycleTime;
+    if ( timeinfo->cycleTime > timeinfo->timeHoldMax )
+        timeinfo->timeHoldMax = timeinfo->cycleTime;
     // Avoid calculating the max hold time for the first few seconds
     // if (cycle != 0 && (timeinfo->startGpsTime+3) < cycle_gps) {
-    if ((timeinfo->startGpsTime+3) < cycle_gps) {
-      if(adcinfo->adcHoldTime > adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax) 
-        adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax = adcinfo->adcHoldTime;
-      if(adcinfo->adcHoldTime < adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin) 
-        adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin = adcinfo->adcHoldTime;
-      adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg += adcinfo->adcHoldTime;
-      if (adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax > adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMax)  {
-        adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMax = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax;
-        adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps;
-      }
-      if (timeinfo->timeHoldMax > timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMax)  {
-        timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMax = timeinfo->timeHoldMax;
-        timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps;
-      }
+    if ( ( timeinfo->startGpsTime + 3 ) < cycle_gps )
+    {
+        if ( adcinfo->adcHoldTime > adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax )
+            adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax = adcinfo->adcHoldTime;
+        if ( adcinfo->adcHoldTime < adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin )
+            adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin = adcinfo->adcHoldTime;
+        adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg += adcinfo->adcHoldTime;
+        if ( adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax > adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMax )
+        {
+            adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMax = adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax;
+            adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps;
+        }
+        if ( timeinfo->timeHoldMax > timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMax )
+        {
+            timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMax = timeinfo->timeHoldMax;
+            timeinfo->cpuTimeEverMaxWhen = cycle_gps;
+        }
diff --git a/src/include/drv/accesDio24.c b/src/include/drv/accesDio24.c
index 064c6bbd2..e8c3f5226 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/accesDio24.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/accesDio24.c
@@ -4,65 +4,71 @@
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize ACCESS 24bit DIO modules
-///	@param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///	@param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
 ///<		register mapping information.
-///	@parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///	@parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
 // *****************************************************************************
-int accesDio24Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *diodev)
+accesDio24Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* diodev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
-  int devNum;	/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  int pedStatus;;	/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    int pedStatus;
+    ; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards found by mapping routine
-	  /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->dioCount;
-	  /// Enable the module.
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(diodev);
-	  /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("dio pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	  /// Write I/O address info into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = (pci_io_addr - 1);
-          printk("diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
-          outb_p(DIO_C_OUTPUT,pHardware->pci_do[devNum]+DIO_CTRL_REG);
-	  /// Clear the present output from the module.
-          outb(0x00,pHardware->pci_do[devNum]+DIO_C_REG);
-	  /// Fill in remaining info into CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = ACS_24DIO;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->dioCount;
-          pHardware->dioCount ++;
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-	  /// Return device enable status.
-          return(pedStatus);
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->dioCount;
+    /// Enable the module.
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( diodev );
+    /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "dio pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Write I/O address info into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = ( pci_io_addr - 1 );
+    printk( "diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
+    outb_p( DIO_C_OUTPUT, pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] + DIO_CTRL_REG );
+    /// Clear the present output from the module.
+    outb( 0x00, pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] + DIO_C_REG );
+    /// Fill in remaining info into CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = ACS_24DIO;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->dioCount;
+    pHardware->dioCount++;
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    /// Return device enable status.
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to read ACCESS 24bit DIO modules
-///	@param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///	@param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<		register mapping information.
 ///	@param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int accesDio24ReadInputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+accesDio24ReadInputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-  unsigned int data;	/// @param data Data read back from the module input register.
-	/// Read module data via standard PCI I/O space.
-        data = inb(pHardware->pci_do[modNum]);
-	/// Return the status of the read operation.
-        return(data);
+    unsigned int
+        data; /// @param data Data read back from the module input register.
+    /// Read module data via standard PCI I/O space.
+    data = inb( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] );
+    /// Return the status of the read operation.
+    return ( data );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to write ACCESS 24bit DIO modules
-///	@param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///	@param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<		register mapping information.
 ///	@param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 ///	@param[in] data Data to be written to the module.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void accesDio24WriteOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum, int data)
+accesDio24WriteOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum, int data )
-	/// Write module data via standard PCI I/O space.
-        outb(data & 0xff,pHardware->pci_do[modNum]+DIO_C_REG);
+    /// Write module data via standard PCI I/O space.
+    outb( data & 0xff, pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + DIO_C_REG );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/accesIIRO16.c b/src/include/drv/accesIIRO16.c
index c22fd25a9..39a458895 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/accesIIRO16.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/accesIIRO16.c
@@ -1,72 +1,82 @@
 ///	\file accesIIRO16.c
 ///	\brief File contain subroutines for initializing and read/write ops
 ///<		for Acces I/O 16 bit relay I/O modules. \n
-///< For board info, see <a href="">PCIe-IIRO-16 Manual</a>
+///< For board info, see <a
+///< href="">PCIe-IIRO-16
+///< Manual</a>
 #include "accesIIRO16.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize ACCESS IIRO-16 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 // *****************************************************************************
-int accesIiro16Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *diodev)
+accesIiro16Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* diodev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;	/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int devNum;           /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  int pedStatus;        /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->doCount;
-	  /// Enable the module.
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(diodev);
-	  /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("iiro-16 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	  /// Fill module data into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = pci_io_addr-1;
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = ACS_16DIO;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->iiroDio1Count;
-          pHardware->iiroDio1Count ++;
-          printk("iiro-16 diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->doCount;
+    /// Enable the module.
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( diodev );
+    /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "iiro-16 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Fill module data into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = pci_io_addr - 1;
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = ACS_16DIO;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->iiroDio1Count;
+    pHardware->iiroDio1Count++;
+    printk( "iiro-16 diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-	  /// Return device enable status.
-          return(pedStatus);
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    /// Return device enable status.
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to read input register of ACCESS IIRO-16 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int accesIiro16ReadInputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+accesIiro16ReadInputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-  unsigned int v, v1;	/// @param v,v1 data returned from read operation.
-  /// Read lower byte via standard PCI I/O space.
-  v = inb(pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + IIRO_DIO16_INPUT);
-  /// Read upper byte via standard PCI I/O space.
-  v1 = inb(pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + 4 + IIRO_DIO16_INPUT);
-  /// Return data as 16bit word.
-  return v | (v1 << 8);
-return (v);
+    unsigned int v, v1; /// @param v,v1 data returned from read operation.
+    /// Read lower byte via standard PCI I/O space.
+    v = inb( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + IIRO_DIO16_INPUT );
+    /// Read upper byte via standard PCI I/O space.
+    v1 = inb( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + 4 + IIRO_DIO16_INPUT );
+    /// Return data as 16bit word.
+    return v | ( v1 << 8 );
+    return ( v );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to write ACCESS IIRO-16 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 ///     @param[in] data Data to be written to the module.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void accesIiro16WriteOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum, int data)
+accesIiro16WriteOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum, int data )
-	/// Write data lower byte to module via standard PCI I/O space.
-        outb(data & 0xff, pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + IIRO_DIO16_OUTPUT);
-	/// Write data upper byte to module via standard PCI I/O space.
-        outb((data >> 8) & 0xff, pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + 4 + IIRO_DIO16_OUTPUT);
+    /// Write data lower byte to module via standard PCI I/O space.
+    outb( data & 0xff, pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + IIRO_DIO16_OUTPUT );
+    /// Write data upper byte to module via standard PCI I/O space.
+    outb( ( data >> 8 ) & 0xff,
+          pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + 4 + IIRO_DIO16_OUTPUT );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/accesIIRO8.c b/src/include/drv/accesIIRO8.c
index 3cd379496..0eb9871b6 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/accesIIRO8.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/accesIIRO8.c
@@ -1,79 +1,90 @@
 ///     \file accesIIRO8.c
 ///     \brief File contain subroutines for initializing and read/write ops
 ///<            for Acces I/O 8 bit relay I/O modules. \n
-///< For board info, see <a href="">PCIe-IIRO-8 Manual</a>
+///< For board info, see <a
+///< href="">PCIe-IIRO-8
+///< Manual</a>
 #include "accesIIRO8.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize ACCESS IIRO-8 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 // *****************************************************************************
-int accesIiro8Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *diodev)
+accesIiro8Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* diodev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;  /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int devNum;		/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  int pedStatus;	/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->doCount;
-	  /// Enable the module.
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(diodev);
-	  /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("iiro-8 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	  /// Write I/O address info into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = pci_io_addr-1;
-	  /// Fill in remaining info into CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = ACS_8DIO;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->iiroDioCount;
-          pHardware->iiroDioCount ++;
-          printk("iiro-8 diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-	  /// Return device enable status.
-          return(pedStatus);
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->doCount;
+    /// Enable the module.
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( diodev );
+    /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "iiro-8 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Write I/O address info into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = pci_io_addr - 1;
+    /// Fill in remaining info into CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = ACS_8DIO;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->iiroDioCount;
+    pHardware->iiroDioCount++;
+    printk( "iiro-8 diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    /// Return device enable status.
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to read ACCESS IIRO-8 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int accesIiro8ReadInputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+accesIiro8ReadInputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-  unsigned int data;	/// @param data Data read back from the module input register.
-        data = inb(pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + IIRO_DIO8_INPUT);
-        return(data);
+    unsigned int
+        data; /// @param data Data read back from the module input register.
+    data = inb( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + IIRO_DIO8_INPUT );
+    return ( data );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Routine to read back output register of ACCESS IIRO-8 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Routine to read back output register of ACCESS IIRO-8 Isolated DIO
+/// modules
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int accesIiro8ReadOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+accesIiro8ReadOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-  unsigned int data;	/// @param data Data read back from the module input register.
-        data = inb(pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + IIRO_DIO8_OUTPUT);
-        return(data);
+    unsigned int
+        data; /// @param data Data read back from the module input register.
+    data = inb( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + IIRO_DIO8_OUTPUT );
+    return ( data );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to write ACCESS IIRO-8 Isolated DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 ///     @param[in] data Data to be written to the module.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void accesIiro8WriteOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum, int data)
+accesIiro8WriteOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum, int data )
-        outb(data & 0xff, pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + IIRO_DIO8_OUTPUT);
+    outb( data & 0xff, pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + IIRO_DIO8_OUTPUT );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/adc_info.c b/src/include/drv/adc_info.c
index cdac01b65..e47c05335 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/adc_info.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/adc_info.c
@@ -1,37 +1,44 @@
-inline int adc_status_update(adcInfo_t *);
+inline int adc_status_update( adcInfo_t* );
-inline int adc_status_update(adcInfo_t *adcinfo)
+inline int
+adc_status_update( adcInfo_t* adcinfo )
-	int ii,jj;
-	int status = 0;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int status = 0;
-	  	for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-	  	{
-	    	// SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
-	    	if(adcinfo->adcChanErr[jj]) 
-	    	{
-	    		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(2);
-				status |= FE_ERROR_ADC;;
-	    	}
- 	    	else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 2;
-	    	adcinfo->adcChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	    	// SET/CLR Overflow Error
-	    	if(adcinfo->adcOF[jj]) 
-	    	{
-	    		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(4);
-				status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	    	}
- 	    	else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 4;
-	    	adcinfo->adcOF[jj] = 0;
-	    	for(ii=0;ii<32;ii++)
-	    	{
-        		if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		   			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-            	}
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = adcinfo->overflowAdc[jj][ii];
-				adcinfo->overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-	    	}
-	  	}
-	return status;
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        // SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
+        if ( adcinfo->adcChanErr[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 2 );
+            status |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+            ;
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 2;
+        adcinfo->adcChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+        // SET/CLR Overflow Error
+        if ( adcinfo->adcOF[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 4 );
+            status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+            ;
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 4;
+        adcinfo->adcOF[ jj ] = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++ )
+        {
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                 OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                adcinfo->overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ];
+            adcinfo->overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/app_adc_read.c b/src/include/drv/app_adc_read.c
index afb9cc043..794fcf077 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/app_adc_read.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/app_adc_read.c
@@ -1,92 +1,115 @@
-inline int app_adc_read (int ,int ,adcInfo_t *,int []);
-inline int app_adc_status_update(adcInfo_t *);
+inline int app_adc_read( int, int, adcInfo_t*, int[] );
+inline int app_adc_status_update( adcInfo_t* );
-inline int app_adc_read (int ioMemCtr,int ioClk,adcInfo_t *adcinfo,int cpuClk[])
+inline int
+app_adc_read( int ioMemCtr, int ioClk, adcInfo_t* adcinfo, int cpuClk[] )
-	int ii,jj;
-	int limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
-	int mm;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
+    int mm;
-		/// \> SLAVE gets its adc data from MASTER via ipc shared memory\n
-		/// \> For each ADC defined:
-		for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-		{
-			mm = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[jj];
-	    	cpuClk[CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC] = rdtsc_ordered();
-			/// - ---- Wait for proper timestamp in shared memory, indicating data ready.
-            do{
-	    			cpuClk[CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT] = rdtsc_ordered();
-				adcinfo->adcWait = (cpuClk[CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT] - cpuClk[CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC])/CPURATE;
-            }while((ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCtr].cycle != ioClk) && (adcinfo->adcWait < MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE));
-			timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCtr].timeSec;
-			if (cycle_gps_time == 0) {
-				startGpsTime = timeSec;
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = startGpsTime;
-			}
-			cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
+    /// \> SLAVE gets its adc data from MASTER via ipc shared memory\n
+    /// \> For each ADC defined:
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        mm = cdsPciModules.adcConfig[ jj ];
+        cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+        /// - ---- Wait for proper timestamp in shared memory, indicating data
+        /// ready.
+        do
+        {
+            cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
+            adcinfo->adcWait =
+                ( cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ] - cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ] ) /
+                CPURATE;
+        } while ( ( ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCtr ].cycle != ioClk ) &&
+                  ( adcinfo->adcWait < MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE ) );
+        timeSec = ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCtr ].timeSec;
+        if ( cycle_gps_time == 0 )
+        {
+            startGpsTime = timeSec;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.startgpstime = startGpsTime;
+        }
+        cycle_gps_time = timeSec;
-			/// - --------- If data not ready in time, set error, release DAC channel reservation and exit the code.
-			if(adcinfo->adcWait >= MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE) return 1;
-            for(ii=0;ii<MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-            {
-				/// - ---- Read data from shared memory.
-                adcinfo->adcData[jj][ii] = ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCtr].data[ii];
+        /// - --------- If data not ready in time, set error, release DAC
+        /// channel reservation and exit the code.
+        if ( adcinfo->adcWait >= MAX_ADC_WAIT_SLAVE )
+            return 1;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Read data from shared memory.
+            adcinfo->adcData[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCtr ].data[ ii ];
-                adcinfo->adcData[jj][ii] *= -1;
+            adcinfo->adcData[ jj ][ ii ] *= -1;
-                dWord[jj][ii] = adcinfo->adcData[jj][ii];
+            dWord[ jj ][ ii ] = adcinfo->adcData[ jj ][ ii ];
-				/// - ---- Downsample ADC data from 64K to rate of user application
-				if (dWordUsed[jj][ii]) {
-					dWord[jj][ii] = iir_filter_biquad(dWord[jj][ii],FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,2,&dHistory[ii+jj*32][0]);
-				}
-				/// - ---- Check for ADC data over/under range
-				if((adcinfo->adcData[jj][ii] > limit) || (adcinfo->adcData[jj][ii] < -limit))
-			  	{
-					adcinfo->overflowAdc[jj][ii] ++;
-					pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] ++;
-					overflowAcc ++;
-					adcinfo->adcOF[jj] = 1;
-					odcStateWord |= ODC_ADC_OVF;
-			  	}
+            /// - ---- Downsample ADC data from 64K to rate of user application
+            if ( dWordUsed[ jj ][ ii ] )
+            {
+                dWord[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                    iir_filter_biquad( dWord[ jj ][ ii ],
+                                       FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,
+                                       2,
+                                       &dHistory[ ii + jj * 32 ][ 0 ] );
+            }
+            /// - ---- Check for ADC data over/under range
+            if ( ( adcinfo->adcData[ jj ][ ii ] > limit ) ||
+                 ( adcinfo->adcData[ jj ][ ii ] < -limit ) )
+            {
+                adcinfo->overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                overflowAcc++;
+                adcinfo->adcOF[ jj ] = 1;
+                odcStateWord |= ODC_ADC_OVF;
+            }
-			}
-		}
-	return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
-inline int app_adc_status_update(adcInfo_t *adcinfo)
+inline int
+app_adc_status_update( adcInfo_t* adcinfo )
-	int ii,jj;
-	int status = 0;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int status = 0;
-	  	for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.adcCount;jj++)
-	  	{
-	    	// SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
-	    	if(adcinfo->adcChanErr[jj]) 
-	    	{
-	    		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(2);
-				status |= FE_ERROR_ADC;;
-	    	}
- 	    	else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 2;
-	    	adcinfo->adcChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	    	// SET/CLR Overflow Error
-	    	if(adcinfo->adcOF[jj]) 
-	    	{
-	    		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] &= ~(4);
-				status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	    	}
- 	    	else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[jj] |= 4;
-	    	adcinfo->adcOF[jj] = 0;
-	    	for(ii=0;ii<32;ii++)
-	    	{
-        		if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		   			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
-            	}
-				pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[jj][ii] = adcinfo->overflowAdc[jj][ii];
-				adcinfo->overflowAdc[jj][ii] = 0;
-	    	}
-	  	}
-	return status;
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        // SET/CLR Channel Hopping Error
+        if ( adcinfo->adcChanErr[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 2 );
+            status |= FE_ERROR_ADC;
+            ;
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 2;
+        adcinfo->adcChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+        // SET/CLR Overflow Error
+        if ( adcinfo->adcOF[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] &= ~( 4 );
+            status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+            ;
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] |= 4;
+        adcinfo->adcOF[ jj ] = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++ )
+        {
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                 OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+            }
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                adcinfo->overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ];
+            adcinfo->overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/app_dac_functions.c b/src/include/drv/app_dac_functions.c
index 03b004d0d..c5bd6bdf7 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/app_dac_functions.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/app_dac_functions.c
@@ -1,167 +1,210 @@
-inline int app_dac_init(void); 
-inline int app_dac_status_update(dacInfo_t *);
-inline int app_dac_write(int , int , dacInfo_t *);
+inline int app_dac_init( void );
+inline int app_dac_status_update( dacInfo_t* );
+inline int app_dac_write( int, int, dacInfo_t* );
-inline int app_dac_init() 
+inline int
+app_dac_init( )
-	int ii,jj;
-	int pd;
-/// \> Verify DAC channels defined for this app are not already in use. \n
-/// - ---- User apps are allowed to share DAC modules but not DAC channels.
-  // See if my DAC channel map overlaps with already running models
-  for (ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++) {
-	pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] - ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++) {
-		if (dacOutUsed[ii][jj]) {
-	  		if (ioMemData->dacOutUsed[pd][jj])  {
-   		// printf("Failed to allocate DAC channel.\n");
-		// printf("DAC local %d global %d channel %d is already allocated.\n", ii, pd, jj);
-    			return 1;
-	  		}
-    	}
+    int ii, jj;
+    int pd;
+    /// \> Verify DAC channels defined for this app are not already in use. \n
+    /// - ---- User apps are allowed to share DAC modules but not DAC channels.
+    // See if my DAC channel map overlaps with already running models
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] -
+            ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            if ( dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] )
+            {
+                if ( ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ pd ][ jj ] )
+                {
+                    // printf("Failed to allocate DAC channel.\n");
+                    // printf("DAC local %d global %d channel %d is already
+                    // allocated.\n", ii, pd, jj);
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] -
+            ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++ )
+        {
+            if ( dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] )
+            {
+                ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ pd ][ jj ] = 1;
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  for (ii = 0; ii < cdsPciModules.dacCount; ii++) {
-   	pd = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ii] - ioMemData->adcCount; // physical DAC number
-   	for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; jj++) {
-		if (dacOutUsed[ii][jj]) {
-	  		ioMemData->dacOutUsed[pd][jj] = 1;
-		}
-   	}
-  }
-return 0;
+    return 0;
-inline int app_dac_status_update(dacInfo_t *dacinfo)
+inline int
+app_dac_status_update( dacInfo_t* dacinfo )
-	int ii,jj;
-	int status = 0;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int status = 0;
-	  for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	  {
-	    if(dacOF[jj]) 
-	    {
-	    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT);
-			status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	    }
- 	    else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
-	    dacOF[jj] = 0;
-	    if(dacChanErr[jj]) 
-	    {
-	    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_TIMING_BIT);
-	    }
- 	    else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
-	    dacChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	    {
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        if ( dacOF[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT );
+            status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+            ;
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
+        dacOF[ jj ] = 0;
+        if ( dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_TIMING_BIT );
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
+        dacChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+        {
-			if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		   		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                 OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[jj][ii] = dacinfo->overflowDac[jj][ii];
-			dacinfo->overflowDac[jj][ii] = 0;
-	    }
-	}
-	return status;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                dacinfo->overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ];
+            dacinfo->overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
-inline int app_dac_write(int ioMemCtrDac, int ioClkDac, dacInfo_t *dacinfo)
+inline int
+app_dac_write( int ioMemCtrDac, int ioClkDac, dacInfo_t* dacinfo )
-	int ii,jj,mm,kk;
-	int limit,mask,num_outs;
-	double dac_in = 0.0;
-	int dac_out = 0;
-	int memCtr = 0;
+    int    ii, jj, mm, kk;
+    int    limit, mask, num_outs;
+    double dac_in = 0.0;
+    int    dac_out = 0;
+    int    dacOF[ MAX_DAC_MODULES ];
+    int    memCtr = 0;
-	/// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
-        for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
+    /// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        /// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
+        mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ jj ];
+        /// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC
+        /// type
+        limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
+        mask = GSAO_16BIT_MASK;
+        num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
-		/// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
-           	mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[jj];
-		/// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC type
-            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
-            mask = GSAO_16BIT_MASK;
-            num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-            if (cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8) {
-				limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
-                mask = GSAO_18BIT_MASK;
-                num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-			}
-			if (cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8) {
-                limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_20BIT; // 20 bit limit
-                mask = GSAO_20BIT_MASK;
-                num_outs = GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-            }
-			/// - -- If user app < 64k rate (typical), need to upsample from code rate to IOP rate
-           	for (kk=0; kk < OVERSAMPLE_TIMES; kk++) {
-		     	/// - -- For each DAC channel
-                for (ii=0; ii < num_outs; ii++)
-                {
+            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
+            mask = GSAO_18BIT_MASK;
+            num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+        {
+            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_20BIT; // 20 bit limit
+            mask = GSAO_20BIT_MASK;
+            num_outs = GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+        }
+        /// - -- If user app < 64k rate (typical), need to upsample from code
+        /// rate to IOP rate
+        for ( kk = 0; kk < OVERSAMPLE_TIMES; kk++ )
+        {
+            /// - -- For each DAC channel
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < num_outs; ii++ )
+            {
-               		dacOut[jj][ii] *= -1;
+                dacOut[ jj ][ ii ] *= -1;
-					/// - ---- Read in DAC value, if channel is used by the application,  and run thru upsample filter\n
-                    if (dacOutUsed[jj][ii]) {
+                /// - ---- Read in DAC value, if channel is used by the
+                /// application,  and run thru upsample filter\n
+                if ( dacOutUsed[ jj ][ ii ] )
+                {
 #ifdef NO_ZERO_PAD
-					/// - --------- If set to NO_ZERO_PAD (not standard setting), then DAC output value is 
-					/// repeatedly run thru the filter OVERSAMPE_TIMES.\n
-                   		dac_in = dacOut[jj][ii];
-                       	dac_in = iir_filter_biquad(dac_in,FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,2,&dDacHistory[ii+jj*MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD][0]);
+                    /// - --------- If set to NO_ZERO_PAD (not standard
+                    /// setting), then DAC output value is repeatedly run thru
+                    /// the filter OVERSAMPE_TIMES.\n
+                    dac_in = dacOut[ jj ][ ii ];
+                    dac_in = iir_filter_biquad(
+                        dac_in,
+                        FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,
+                        2,
+                        &dDacHistory[ ii + jj * MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD ][ 0 ] );
-					/// - --------- Otherwise zero padding is used (standard), 
-					/// ie DAC output value is applied to filter on first
-					/// interation, thereafter zeros are applied.
-                       	dac_in =  kk == 0? (double)dacOut[jj][ii]: 0.0;
-                       	dac_in = iir_filter_biquad(dac_in,FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,2,&dDacHistory[ii+jj*MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD][0]);
-                       	dac_in *= OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
+                    /// - --------- Otherwise zero padding is used (standard),
+                    /// ie DAC output value is applied to filter on first
+                    /// interation, thereafter zeros are applied.
+                    dac_in = kk == 0 ? (double)dacOut[ jj ][ ii ] : 0.0;
+                    dac_in = iir_filter_biquad(
+                        dac_in,
+                        FE_OVERSAMPLE_COEFF,
+                        2,
+                        &dDacHistory[ ii + jj * MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD ][ 0 ] );
+                    dac_in *= OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
-                       	dac_in = dacOut[jj][ii];
+                    dac_in = dacOut[ jj ][ ii ];
-                	}
-			/// - ---- If channel is not used, then set value to zero.
-                        else 
-					dac_in = 0.0;
-                    /// - ---- Smooth out some of the double > short roundoff errors
-                    if(dac_in > 0.0) dac_in += 0.5;
-                    else dac_in -= 0.5;
-                    dac_out = dac_in;
+                }
+                /// - ---- If channel is not used, then set value to zero.
+                else
+                    dac_in = 0.0;
+                /// - ---- Smooth out some of the double > short roundoff errors
+                if ( dac_in > 0.0 )
+                    dac_in += 0.5;
+                else
+                    dac_in -= 0.5;
+                dac_out = dac_in;
-                    /// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
-                    /// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report errors
-                    if(dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit)
-                    {
-                    	dacinfo->overflowDac[jj][ii] ++;
-						pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] ++;
-                        overflowAcc ++;
-                        dacOF[jj] = 1;
-						odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;;
-						if(dac_out > limit) dac_out = limit;
-						else dac_out = -limit;
-             		}
-					/// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
-                    if(!iopDacEnable) dac_out = 0;
-					/// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on GDS_TP screen.
-                    dacinfo->dacOutEpics[jj][ii] = dac_out;
+                /// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
+                /// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report
+                /// errors
+                if ( dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit )
+                {
+                    dacinfo->overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                    overflowAcc++;
+                    dacOF[ jj ] = 1;
+                    odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;
+                    ;
+                    if ( dac_out > limit )
+                        dac_out = limit;
+                    else
+                        dac_out = -limit;
+                }
+                /// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
+                if ( !iopDacEnable )
+                    dac_out = 0;
+                /// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on
+                /// GDS_TP screen.
+                dacinfo->dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ] = dac_out;
-                    /// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
-                    floatDacOut[16*jj + ii] = dac_out;
-                    /// - ---- Determine shared memory location for new DAC output data 
-                    memCtr = (ioMemCtrDac + kk) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-					/// - ---- Write DAC output to shared memory. \n
-                    /// - --------- Only write to DAC channels being used to allow two or more
-                    /// slaves to write to same DAC module.
-                    if (dacOutUsed[jj][ii])
-                    	ioMemData->iodata[mm][memCtr].data[ii] = dac_out;
-		    	}
-                /// - ---- Write cycle count to make DAC data complete
-                if(iopDacEnable)
-                	ioMemData->iodata[mm][memCtr].cycle = (ioClkDac + kk) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-           }
-	}
-	return 0;
+                /// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
+                floatDacOut[ 16 * jj + ii ] = dac_out;
+                /// - ---- Determine shared memory location for new DAC output
+                /// data
+                memCtr = ( ioMemCtrDac + kk ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+                /// - ---- Write DAC output to shared memory. \n
+                /// - --------- Only write to DAC channels being used to allow
+                /// two or more slaves to write to same DAC module.
+                if ( dacOutUsed[ jj ][ ii ] )
+                    ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ memCtr ].data[ ii ] = dac_out;
+            }
+            /// - ---- Write cycle count to make DAC data complete
+            if ( iopDacEnable )
+                ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ memCtr ].cycle =
+                    ( ioClkDac + kk ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/app_dio_routines.c b/src/include/drv/app_dio_routines.c
index 7bc105621..5bd9dfcdb 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/app_dio_routines.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/app_dio_routines.c
@@ -1,102 +1,144 @@
-inline int app_dio_init(void);
-inline int app_dio_read_write(void);
+inline int app_dio_init( void );
+inline int app_dio_read_write( void );
-inline int app_dio_init()
+inline int
+app_dio_init( )
-	int ii,kk;
+    int ii, kk;
-	/// \> Read Dio card initial values
-	/// - ---- SLAVE units read/write their own DIO \n
-	/// - ---- MASTER units ignore DIO for speed reasons \n 
-    for(kk=0;kk<cdsPciModules.doCount;kk++)
+    /// \> Read Dio card initial values
+    /// - ---- SLAVE units read/write their own DIO \n
+    /// - ---- MASTER units ignore DIO for speed reasons \n
+    for ( kk = 0; kk < cdsPciModules.doCount; kk++ )
-		ii = cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk];
-		if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_8DIO)
-		{
-	  		rioInputInput[ii] = accesIiro8ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk) & 0xff;
-	  		rioInputOutput[ii] = accesIiro8ReadOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk) & 0xff;
-	  		rioOutputHold[ii] = -1;
-		} else if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_16DIO) {
-  	  		rioInput1[ii] = accesIiro16ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk) & 0xffff;
-	  		rioOutputHold1[ii] = -1;
-		} else if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CON_32DO) {
-  	  		CDO32Input[ii] = contec32ReadOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-		} else if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CON_6464DIO) {
-  	  		CDIO6464LastOutState[ii] = contec6464ReadOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-	  // printf ("Initial state of contec6464 number %d = 0x%x \n",ii,CDIO6464LastOutState[ii]);
-		} else if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CDI64) {
-  	  		CDIO6464LastOutState[ii] = contec6464ReadOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-	  // printf ("Initial state of contec6464 number %d = 0x%x \n",ii,CDIO6464LastOutState[ii]);
-		} else if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_24DIO) {
-  	  		dioInput[ii] = accesDio24ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-		}
+        ii = cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ];
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_8DIO )
+        {
+            rioInputInput[ ii ] =
+                accesIiro8ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk ) & 0xff;
+            rioInputOutput[ ii ] =
+                accesIiro8ReadOutputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk ) & 0xff;
+            rioOutputHold[ ii ] = -1;
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_16DIO )
+        {
+            rioInput1[ ii ] =
+                accesIiro16ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk ) & 0xffff;
+            rioOutputHold1[ ii ] = -1;
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CON_32DO )
+        {
+            CDO32Input[ ii ] = contec32ReadOutputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CON_6464DIO )
+        {
+            CDIO6464LastOutState[ ii ] =
+                contec6464ReadOutputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+            // printf ("Initial state of contec6464 number %d = 0x%x
+            // \n",ii,CDIO6464LastOutState[ii]);
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CDI64 )
+        {
+            CDIO6464LastOutState[ ii ] =
+                contec6464ReadOutputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+            // printf ("Initial state of contec6464 number %d = 0x%x
+            // \n",ii,CDIO6464LastOutState[ii]);
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_24DIO )
+        {
+            dioInput[ ii ] = accesDio24ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+        }
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
-inline int app_dio_read_write()
+inline int
+app_dio_read_write( )
-	int ii,kk;
+    int ii, kk;
-	// Read DIO cards, one card per cycle
-	if(cdsPciModules.doCount)
+    // Read DIO cards, one card per cycle
+    if ( cdsPciModules.doCount )
-		kk = cycleNum % cdsPciModules.doCount;
-        ii = cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk];
-        if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_8DIO)
-        {
-	  		rioInputInput[ii] = accesIiro8ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk) & 0xff;
-	  		rioInputOutput[ii] = accesIiro8ReadOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk) & 0xff;
-        }
-        if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_16DIO)
-       	{
-            rioInput1[ii] = accesIiro16ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk) & 0xffff;
-        }
-		if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_24DIO)
-		{
-		  dioInput[ii] = accesDio24ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-		}
-		if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CON_6464DIO) {
-	 		CDIO6464InputInput[ii] = contec6464ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-		}
-		if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CDI64) {
-	 		CDIO6464InputInput[ii] = contec6464ReadInputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk);
-		}
-	}
-/// \> Write Dio cards only on change
-    for(kk=0;kk < cdsPciModules.doCount;kk++)
+        kk = cycleNum % cdsPciModules.doCount;
+        ii = cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ];
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_8DIO )
+        {
+            rioInputInput[ ii ] =
+                accesIiro8ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk ) & 0xff;
+            rioInputOutput[ ii ] =
+                accesIiro8ReadOutputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk ) & 0xff;
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_16DIO )
+        {
+            rioInput1[ ii ] =
+                accesIiro16ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk ) & 0xffff;
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_24DIO )
+        {
+            dioInput[ ii ] = accesDio24ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CON_6464DIO )
+        {
+            CDIO6464InputInput[ ii ] =
+                contec6464ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+        }
+        if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CDI64 )
+        {
+            CDIO6464InputInput[ ii ] =
+                contec6464ReadInputRegister( &cdsPciModules, kk );
+        }
+    }
+    /// \> Write Dio cards only on change
+    for ( kk = 0; kk < cdsPciModules.doCount; kk++ )
-    	ii = cdsPciModules.doInstance[kk];
-        if((cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_8DIO) && (rioOutput[ii] != rioOutputHold[ii]))
+        ii = cdsPciModules.doInstance[ kk ];
+        if ( ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_8DIO ) &&
+             ( rioOutput[ ii ] != rioOutputHold[ ii ] ) )
-        	accesIiro8WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk, rioOutput[ii]);
-            rioOutputHold[ii] = rioOutput[ii];
-  		} else 
-        if((cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_16DIO) && (rioOutput1[ii] != rioOutputHold1[ii]))
+            accesIiro8WriteOutputRegister(
+                &cdsPciModules, kk, rioOutput[ ii ] );
+            rioOutputHold[ ii ] = rioOutput[ ii ];
+        }
+        else if ( ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_16DIO ) &&
+                  ( rioOutput1[ ii ] != rioOutputHold1[ ii ] ) )
-        	accesIiro16WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk, rioOutput1[ii]);
-            rioOutputHold1[ii] = rioOutput1[ii];
-        } else 
-      	if(cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CON_32DO)
+            accesIiro16WriteOutputRegister(
+                &cdsPciModules, kk, rioOutput1[ ii ] );
+            rioOutputHold1[ ii ] = rioOutput1[ ii ];
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CON_32DO )
-       		if (CDO32Input[ii] != CDO32Output[ii]) {
-            	CDO32Input[ii] = contec32WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk, CDO32Output[ii]);
+            if ( CDO32Input[ ii ] != CDO32Output[ ii ] )
+            {
+                CDO32Input[ ii ] = contec32WriteOutputRegister(
+                    &cdsPciModules, kk, CDO32Output[ ii ] );
-		} else if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CON_6464DIO) {
-			if (CDIO6464LastOutState[ii] != CDIO6464Output[ii]) {
-			  	CDIO6464LastOutState[ii] = contec6464WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk, CDIO6464Output[ii]);
-			}
-		} else if (cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == CDO64) {
-			if (CDIO6464LastOutState[ii] != CDIO6464Output[ii]) {
-			  CDIO6464LastOutState[ii] = contec6464WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk, CDIO6464Output[ii]);
-			}
-        } else
-        	if((cdsPciModules.doType[kk] == ACS_24DIO) && (dioOutputHold[ii] != dioOutput[ii]))
-			{
-            	accesDio24WriteOutputRegister(&cdsPciModules, kk, dioOutput[ii]);
-				dioOutputHold[ii] = dioOutput[ii];
-			}
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CON_6464DIO )
+        {
+            if ( CDIO6464LastOutState[ ii ] != CDIO6464Output[ ii ] )
+            {
+                CDIO6464LastOutState[ ii ] = contec6464WriteOutputRegister(
+                    &cdsPciModules, kk, CDIO6464Output[ ii ] );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == CDO64 )
+        {
+            if ( CDIO6464LastOutState[ ii ] != CDIO6464Output[ ii ] )
+            {
+                CDIO6464LastOutState[ ii ] = contec6464WriteOutputRegister(
+                    &cdsPciModules, kk, CDIO6464Output[ ii ] );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( ( cdsPciModules.doType[ kk ] == ACS_24DIO ) &&
+                  ( dioOutputHold[ ii ] != dioOutput[ ii ] ) )
+        {
+            accesDio24WriteOutputRegister(
+                &cdsPciModules, kk, dioOutput[ ii ] );
+            dioOutputHold[ ii ] = dioOutput[ ii ];
+        }
-	return 0;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/contec1616.c b/src/include/drv/contec1616.c
index 7111b1094..4a703edda 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/contec1616.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/contec1616.c
@@ -1,84 +1,96 @@
 ///	\file contec1616.c
 ///     \brief File contain subroutines for initializing and read/write ops
 ///<            for Contec 16input/16output digital I/O modules. \n
-///<		This module is supported solely for use in controlling timing slave
-///<		modules in I/O chassis ie it is not intended for general use as a
+///<		This module is supported solely for use in controlling timing
+///<slave 		modules in I/O chassis ie it is not intended for general use as a
 ///<		digital I/O board for users. \n
-///< For board info, see <a href="">DIO-1616L-PE Manual</a>
+///< For board info, see <a
+///< href="">DIO-1616L-PE Manual</a>
 #include "contec1616.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize CONTEC PCIe 1616 DIO modules
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 // *****************************************************************************
-int contec1616Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *diodev)
+contec1616Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* diodev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;  /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int devNum;           /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  int pedStatus;        /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-  int id;		/// @param id Card ID number read from switch on Contec module.
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    int id; /// @param id Card ID number read from switch on Contec module.
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->doCount;
-	  /// Enable the module.
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(diodev);
-	  /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("contec 1616 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	  /// Write I/O address info into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = pci_io_addr-1;
-          printk("contec 1616 diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
-	  /// Read board number switch setting on module
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_REVISION_ID,&id);
-          printk("contec dio pci2 card number= 0x%x\n",(id & 0xf));
-	  /// Fill in remaining info into CDS_HARDWARE structure.
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = CON_1616DIO;
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->cDio1616lCount;
-          pHardware->cDio1616lCount ++;
-	  /// Return board ID number.
-          return(id);
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->doCount;
+    /// Enable the module.
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( diodev );
+    /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "contec 1616 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Write I/O address info into the CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = pci_io_addr - 1;
+    printk( "contec 1616 diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
+    /// Read board number switch setting on module
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &id );
+    printk( "contec dio pci2 card number= 0x%x\n", ( id & 0xf ) );
+    /// Fill in remaining info into CDS_HARDWARE structure.
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = CON_1616DIO;
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->cDio1616lCount;
+    pHardware->cDio1616lCount++;
+    /// Return board ID number.
+    return ( id );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to write to CONTEC PCIe-16 DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 ///     @param[in] data Data to be written to the module.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec1616WriteOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum, unsigned int data)
+unsigned int
+contec1616WriteOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware,
+                               int           modNum,
+                               unsigned int  data )
-        outl(data,pHardware->pci_do[modNum]);
-        return(data);
+    outl( data, pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] );
+    return ( data );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Routine to read back data from output register of CONTEC PCIe-16 DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Routine to read back data from output register of CONTEC PCIe-16 DIO
+/// modules
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec1616ReadOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+contec1616ReadOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-        // The binary output state bits register is at +2
-        return(inl(pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + 2));
+    // The binary output state bits register is at +2
+    return ( inl( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + 2 ) );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Routine to read data from input register of CONTEC PCIe-16 DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Routine to read data from input register of CONTEC PCIe-16 DIO
+/// modules
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec1616ReadInputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+contec1616ReadInputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-        // Reading at +0 gives the input bits
-        return(inl(pHardware->pci_do[modNum]));
+    // Reading at +0 gives the input bits
+    return ( inl( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] ) );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/contec32o.c b/src/include/drv/contec32o.c
index 2462082ce..a657c4775 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/contec32o.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/contec32o.c
@@ -1,50 +1,55 @@
 ///     \file contec32o.c
 ///     \brief File contain subroutines for initializing and read/write ops
 ///<            for Contec 32 output digital I/O modules. \n
-///< For board info, see <a href="">DO-32L-PE Manual</a>
+///< For board info, see <a
+///< href="">DO-32L-PE Manual</a>
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Routine to Initialize CONTEC PCIe-32 Isolated DO modules
 // *****************************************************************************
-int contec32OutInit(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *diodev)
+contec32OutInit( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* diodev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
-  int devNum;
-  int id;
-  int pedStatus;
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
+    int                 devNum;
+    int                 id;
+    int                 pedStatus;
-          devNum = pHardware->doCount;
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(diodev);
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("contec dio pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = pci_io_addr-1;
-          printk("contec32L diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_REVISION_ID,&id);
-          printk("contec dio pci2 card number= 0x%x\n",(id & 0xf));
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = CON_32DO;
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->cDo32lCount;
-          //printk("pHardware count is at %d\n",pHardware->doCount);
-          //printk("pHardware cDo32lCount is at %d\n", pHardware->cDo32lCount);
-          pHardware->cDo32lCount ++;
-          return(0);
+    devNum = pHardware->doCount;
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( diodev );
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "contec dio pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = pci_io_addr - 1;
+    printk( "contec32L diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &id );
+    printk( "contec dio pci2 card number= 0x%x\n", ( id & 0xf ) );
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = CON_32DO;
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->cDo32lCount;
+    // printk("pHardware count is at %d\n",pHardware->doCount);
+    // printk("pHardware cDo32lCount is at %d\n", pHardware->cDo32lCount);
+    pHardware->cDo32lCount++;
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Routine to write CONTEC PCIe-32 Isolated DO modules
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec32WriteOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum, unsigned int data)
+unsigned int
+contec32WriteOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware,
+                             int           modNum,
+                             unsigned int  data )
-        //printk("writeCDO32l modNum = %d\n",modNum);
-        //printk("writeCDO32l data = %d\n",data);
-        outl(data,pHardware->pci_do[modNum]);
-        return(inl(pHardware->pci_do[modNum]));
+    // printk("writeCDO32l modNum = %d\n",modNum);
+    // printk("writeCDO32l data = %d\n",data);
+    outl( data, pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] );
+    return ( inl( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] ) );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Routine to read CONTEC PCIe-32 Isolated DO modules
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec32ReadOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+contec32ReadOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-        return(inl(pHardware->pci_do[modNum]));
+    return ( inl( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] ) );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/contec6464.c b/src/include/drv/contec6464.c
index 6c072bdb7..d171e9d56 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/contec6464.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/contec6464.c
@@ -1,93 +1,105 @@
 ///     \file contec6464.c
 ///     \brief File contain subroutines for initializing and read/write ops
 ///<            for Contec 64input/64output digital I/O modules. \n
-///< For board info, see <a href="">DIO-6464L-PE Manual</a>
+///< For board info, see <a
+///< href="">DIO-6464L-PE Manual</a>
 #include "contec6464.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize CONTEC PCIe 6464 DIO module
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @parm[in] *diodev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 // *****************************************************************************
-int contec6464Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *diodev)
+contec6464Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* diodev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;  /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int devNum;           /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  int pedStatus;        /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-  int id;               /// @param id Card ID number read from switch on Contec module.
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    int id; /// @param id Card ID number read from switch on Contec module.
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->doCount;
-	  /// Enable the module
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(diodev);
-	  /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("contec 6464 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = pci_io_addr-1;
-          printk("contec32L diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
-	  /// Read board number switch setting on module
-          pci_read_config_dword(diodev,PCI_REVISION_ID,&id);
-          printk("contec dio pci2 card number= 0x%x\n",(id & 0xf));
-	  /// Break the module into two, 32bit devices ie 64bits will not carry thru read/write and 
-	  ///< maintain all of the bit information.
-	  /// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE information for lower 32 bits.
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = CON_6464DIO;
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->cDio6464lCount;
-          pHardware->cDio6464lCount ++;
-	  /// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE information for upper 32 bits.
-          devNum ++;
-          pHardware->pci_do[devNum] = (pci_io_addr-1) + 4;
-          pHardware->doType[devNum] = CON_6464DIO;
-          pHardware->doCount ++;
-          pHardware->doInstance[devNum]  = pHardware->cDio6464lCount;
-          pHardware->cDio6464lCount ++;
-          printk("contec32H diospace = 0x%x\n",pHardware->pci_do[devNum]);
-	  /// Return board ID number.
-          return(id);
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DIO cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->doCount;
+    /// Enable the module
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( diodev );
+    /// Find the I/O address space for this module.
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "contec 6464 dio pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = pci_io_addr - 1;
+    printk( "contec32L diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
+    /// Read board number switch setting on module
+    pci_read_config_dword( diodev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &id );
+    printk( "contec dio pci2 card number= 0x%x\n", ( id & 0xf ) );
+    /// Break the module into two, 32bit devices ie 64bits will not carry thru
+    /// read/write and
+    ///< maintain all of the bit information.
+    /// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE information for lower 32 bits.
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = CON_6464DIO;
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->cDio6464lCount;
+    pHardware->cDio6464lCount++;
+    /// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE information for upper 32 bits.
+    devNum++;
+    pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] = ( pci_io_addr - 1 ) + 4;
+    pHardware->doType[ devNum ] = CON_6464DIO;
+    pHardware->doCount++;
+    pHardware->doInstance[ devNum ] = pHardware->cDio6464lCount;
+    pHardware->cDio6464lCount++;
+    printk( "contec32H diospace = 0x%x\n", pHardware->pci_do[ devNum ] );
+    /// Return board ID number.
+    return ( id );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to write to CONTEC PCIe-64 DIO modules
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 ///     @param[in] data Data to be written to the module.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec6464WriteOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum, unsigned int data)
+unsigned int
+contec6464WriteOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware,
+                               int           modNum,
+                               unsigned int  data )
-        outl(data,pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + 8);
-        return data;
+    outl( data, pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + 8 );
+    return data;
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Routine to read back the output register of CONTEC PCIe-64 DIO modules.
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Routine to read back the output register of CONTEC PCIe-64 DIO
+/// modules.
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec6464ReadOutputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+contec6464ReadOutputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-  unsigned int out;
-        //
-        out = inl(pHardware->pci_do[modNum] + 8);
-        return out;
+    unsigned int out;
+    //
+    out = inl( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] + 8 );
+    return out;
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to read the input register of CONTEC PCIe-64 DIO modules.
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 ///     @param[in] modNum Which instance of the module is to be addressed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-unsigned int contec6464ReadInputRegister(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int modNum)
+unsigned int
+contec6464ReadInputRegister( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int modNum )
-  unsigned int out;
-        out = inl(pHardware->pci_do[modNum]);
-        return out;
+    unsigned int out;
+    out = inl( pHardware->pci_do[ modNum ] );
+    return out;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/dac_info.c b/src/include/drv/dac_info.c
index 14200fde8..5a8c5ca26 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/dac_info.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/dac_info.c
@@ -1,36 +1,41 @@
-inline int dac_status_update(dacInfo_t *);
+inline int dac_status_update( dacInfo_t* );
-inline int dac_status_update(dacInfo_t *dacinfo)
+inline int
+dac_status_update( dacInfo_t* dacinfo )
-	int ii,jj;
-	int status = 0;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int status = 0;
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        if ( dacOF[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT );
+            status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;
+            ;
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
+        dacOF[ jj ] = 0;
+        if ( dacChanErr[ jj ] )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_TIMING_BIT );
+        }
+        else
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
+        dacChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
+        {
-	  for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-	  {
-	    if(dacOF[jj]) 
-	    {
-	    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT);
-			status |= FE_ERROR_OVERFLOW;;
-	    }
- 	    else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_OVERFLOW_BIT;
-	    dacOF[jj] = 0;
-	    if(dacChanErr[jj]) 
-	    {
-	    	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_TIMING_BIT);
-	    }
- 	    else pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_TIMING_BIT;
-	    dacChanErr[jj] = 0;
-	    for(ii=0;ii<MAX_DAC_CHN_PER_MOD;ii++)
-	    {
-			if (pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] > OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT) {
-		   		pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] = 0;
+            if ( pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] >
+                 OVERFLOW_CNTR_LIMIT )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[jj][ii] = dacinfo->overflowDac[jj][ii];
-			dacinfo->overflowDac[jj][ii] = 0;
-	    }
-	}
-	return status;
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] =
+                dacinfo->overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ];
+            dacinfo->overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/daqLib.c b/src/include/drv/daqLib.c
index cc4703c19..c9775957b 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/daqLib.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/daqLib.c
@@ -1,45 +1,58 @@
 /*!	\file daqLib.c
  *	\brief File contains routines to support DAQ on realtime systems. \n
  *	\author R.Bork, A. Ivanov
-volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *pInfo;   ///< Ptr to DAQ config in shmem.
-extern volatile char *_epics_shm; ///< Ptr to EPICS shmem block
-extern long daqBuffer;            ///< Address of daqLib swing buffers.
-extern char *_daq_shm; ///< Pointer to DAQ base address in shared memory.
-struct rmIpcStr *dipc; ///< Pointer to DAQ IPC data in shared memory.
-struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *tpPtr; ///< Pointer to TP table in shared memory.
-char *daqShmPtr;                 ///< Pointer to DAQ data in shared memory.
-volatile char *pEpicsIntData; ///< Pointer to EPICS integer type data in shared memory.
-volatile char *pEpicsDblData; ///< Pointer to EPICS double type data in shared memory.
+ */
+volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* pInfo; ///< Ptr to DAQ config in shmem.
+extern volatile char*    _epics_shm; ///< Ptr to EPICS shmem block
+extern long              daqBuffer; ///< Address of daqLib swing buffers.
+extern char*     _daq_shm; ///< Pointer to DAQ base address in shared memory.
+struct rmIpcStr* dipc; ///< Pointer to DAQ IPC data in shared memory.
+struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum* tpPtr; ///< Pointer to TP table in shared memory.
+char*                     daqShmPtr; ///< Pointer to DAQ data in shared memory.
+volatile char*
+    pEpicsIntData; ///< Pointer to EPICS integer type data in shared memory.
+volatile char*
+             pEpicsDblData; ///< Pointer to EPICS double type data in shared memory.
 unsigned int curDaqBlockSize; ///< Total DAQ data rate diag
 // Added to get EPICS data for RCG V2.8
-volatile char *pEpicsInt; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
-volatile char *pEpicsInt1;
-volatile float *pEpicsFloat; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
-volatile double *pEpicsDblData1;
-int daqConfig(volatile  DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *, volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *, volatile char *);
-int loadLocalTable(DAQ_XFER_INFO *, DAQ_LKUP_TABLE[], int, DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *,
-                   DAQ_RANGE *);
-int daqWrite(int, int, struct DAQ_RANGE, int, double *[], struct FILT_MOD *,
-             int, int[], double[], volatile char *);
-inline double htond(double in) {
-  double retVal;
-  char *p = (char *)&retVal;
-  char *i = (char *)&in;
-  p[0] = i[7];
-  p[1] = i[6];
-  p[2] = i[5];
-  p[3] = i[4];
-  p[4] = i[3];
-  p[5] = i[2];
-  p[6] = i[1];
-  p[7] = i[0];
-  return retVal;
+volatile char*   pEpicsInt; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
+volatile char*   pEpicsInt1;
+volatile float*  pEpicsFloat; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
+volatile double* pEpicsDblData1;
+    daqConfig( volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK*, volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK*, volatile char* );
+int loadLocalTable(
+int daqWrite( int,
+              int,
+              struct DAQ_RANGE,
+              int,
+              double*[],
+              struct FILT_MOD*,
+              int,
+              int[],
+              double[],
+              volatile char* );
+inline double
+htond( double in )
+    double retVal;
+    char*  p = (char*)&retVal;
+    char*  i = (char*)&in;
+    p[ 0 ] = i[ 7 ];
+    p[ 1 ] = i[ 6 ];
+    p[ 2 ] = i[ 5 ];
+    p[ 3 ] = i[ 4 ];
+    p[ 4 ] = i[ 3 ];
+    p[ 5 ] = i[ 2 ];
+    p[ 6 ] = i[ 1 ];
+    p[ 7 ] = i[ 0 ];
+    return retVal;
 /* ******************************************************************** */
@@ -47,869 +60,1004 @@ inline double htond(double in) {
 /* ******************************************************************** */
 ///	@author R.Bork, A. Ivanov\n
 ///	@brief This function provides for reading GDS TP/EXC and writing DAQ
-///data. \n
+/// data. \n
 ///	@detail For additional information in LIGO DCC, see <a
-///CDS Real-time DAQ Software</a>
+/// href="">T0900638
+/// CDS Real-time DAQ Software</a>
 ///	@param[in] flag 		Initialization flag (1=Init call, 0 =
-///	@param[in] dcuId		DAQ Data unit ID - unique within a control
-///	@param[in] daqRange		Struct defining fron end valid test point
-///and exc ranges.
+/// run)
+///	@param[in] dcuId		DAQ Data unit ID - unique within a
+///control system
+///	@param[in] daqRange		Struct defining fron end valid test
+///point and exc ranges.
 ///	@param[in] sysRate		Data rate of the code / 16
 ///	@param[in] *pFloatData[]	Pointer to TP data not associated with
-///filter modules.
+/// filter modules.
 ///	@param[in] *dspPtr		Pointer to array of filter module data.
 ///	@param[in] netStatus		Status of DAQ network
 ///	@param[out] gdsMonitor[]	Array to return values of GDS TP/EXC
-///	@param[out] excSignals[]	Array to write EXC signals not associated
-///with filter modules.
+/// selections.
+///	@param[out] excSignals[]	Array to write EXC signals not
+///associated with filter modules.
 ///	@return	Total size of data transmitted in KB/sec.
-int daqWrite(int flag, int dcuId, DAQ_RANGE daqRange, int sysRate,
-             double *pFloatData[], FILT_MOD *dspPtr, int netStatus,
-             int gdsMonitor[], double excSignal[], volatile char *pEpics) {
-  int ii, jj, kk; /* Loop counters.			*/
-  int status;     /* Return value from called routines.	*/
-  unsigned int mydatatype;
-  double dWord;               /* Temp value for storage of DAQ values */
-  static int daqBlockNum;     /* 1-16, tracks DAQ cycle.		*/
-  static int daqXmitBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks shmem DAQ block to write to.
-                                 */
-  static int excBlockNum;     /* 1-16, tracks EXC block to read from.	*/
-  static int excDataSize;
-  static DAQ_XFER_INFO xferInfo;
-  static DAQ_LKUP_TABLE localTable[DCU_MAX_CHANNELS];
-  static volatile char *pWriteBuffer; /* Ptr to swing buff to write data
+daqWrite( int            flag,
+          int            dcuId,
+          DAQ_RANGE      daqRange,
+          int            sysRate,
+          double*        pFloatData[],
+          FILT_MOD*      dspPtr,
+          int            netStatus,
+          int            gdsMonitor[],
+          double         excSignal[],
+          volatile char* pEpics )
+    int          ii, jj, kk; /* Loop counters.			*/
+    int          status; /* Return value from called routines.	*/
+    unsigned int mydatatype;
+    double       dWord; /* Temp value for storage of DAQ values */
+    static int   daqBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks DAQ cycle.		*/
+    static int   daqXmitBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks shmem DAQ block to write to.
+                                   */
+    static int           excBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks EXC block to read from.	*/
+    static int           excDataSize;
+    static DAQ_XFER_INFO xferInfo;
+    static DAQ_LKUP_TABLE localTable[ DCU_MAX_CHANNELS ];
+    static DAQ_LKUP_TABLE excTable[ DCU_MAX_CHANNELS ];
+    static volatile char* pWriteBuffer; /* Ptr to swing buff to write data
-  static int phase;                   /* 0-1, switches swing buffers.		*/
-  static int daqSlot;                 /* 0-sysRate, data slot to write data	*/
-  static int excSlot;                 /* 0-sysRate, slot to read exc data	*/
-  static DAQ_INFO_BLOCK dataInfo;     /* Local DAQ config info buffer.	*/
-  static int tpStart;                 /* Marks address of first TP data	*/
-  static volatile GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK
-      *gdsPtr;                         /* Ptr to shm to pass TP info to DAQ */
-  static volatile char *exciteDataPtr; /* Ptr to EXC data in shmem.	*/
-  static int validTp = 0;              /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
-  static int validTpNet = 0;           /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
-  static int validEx;                  /* EXC signal set status indicator.	*/
-  static int
-      tpNum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to FB.	*/
-  static int tpNumNet
-      [DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to FB.	*/
-  static int totalChans;        /* DAQ + TP + EXC chans selected.	*/
-  int *statusPtr;
-  volatile float *dataPtr; /* Ptr to excitation chan data.		*/
-  int exChanOffset;        /* shmem offset to next EXC value.	*/
-  int tpx;
-  static int buf_size;
-  int i;
-  int ltSlot;
-  unsigned int exc;
-  unsigned int tpn;
-  int slot;
-  int num_tps;
-  unsigned int tpnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED];  // Current TP nums
-  unsigned int excnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; // Current EXC nums
+    static int            phase; /* 0-1, switches swing buffers.		*/
+    static int            daqSlot; /* 0-sysRate, data slot to write data	*/
+    static int            excSlot; /* 0-sysRate, slot to read exc data	*/
+    static DAQ_INFO_BLOCK dataInfo; /* Local DAQ config info buffer.	*/
+    static int            tpStart; /* Marks address of first TP data	*/
+    static volatile GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK*
+                          gdsPtr; /* Ptr to shm to pass TP info to DAQ */
+    static volatile char* exciteDataPtr; /* Ptr to EXC data in shmem.	*/
+    static int            validTp = 0; /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
+    static int validTpNet = 0; /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
+    static int validEx; /* EXC signal set status indicator.	*/
+    static int tpNum[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to FB.
+                                                 */
+    static int tpNumNet[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to
+                                                      FB.	*/
+    static int      totalChans; /* DAQ + TP + EXC chans selected.	*/
+    int*            statusPtr;
+    volatile float* dataPtr; /* Ptr to excitation chan data.		*/
+    int             exChanOffset; /* shmem offset to next EXC value.	*/
+    int             tpx;
+    static int      buf_size;
+    int             i;
+    int             ltSlot;
+    unsigned int    exc;
+    unsigned int    tpn;
+    int             slot;
+    int             num_tps;
+    unsigned int    tpnum[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; // Current TP nums
+    unsigned int    excnum[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; // Current EXC nums
-  // BIQUAD Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
-  // dCOEFF 2x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff2x[13] = {
-      0.02717257186578, -0.1159055409088,  -0.40753832312918, 2.66236735378793,
-      3.37073457156755, -0.49505157452475, -1.10461941102831, 1.40184470311617,
-      1.79227686661261, -0.74143396593712, -1.62740819248313, 0.72188475979666,
-      0.83591053325065};
-  // dCOEFF 4x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff4x[13] = {
-      0.00426219526013, 0.46640482430571, -0.10620935923005, 2.50932081620118,
-      2.93670663266542, 0.43602772908265, -0.31016854747127, 0.75143527373544,
-      1.00523899718152, 0.44571894955428, -0.47692045639835, 0.36664098129003,
-      0.4440015753374};
-  // dCOEFF 8x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff8x[13] = {
-      0.00162185538923, 0.73342532779703, -0.02862365091314, 1.44110125961504,
-      1.67905228090487, 0.77657563380963, -0.08304311675394, 0.18851328163424,
-      0.32889453107067, 0.83213081484618, -0.12573495191273, 0.0940911979108501,
-      0.13622543115194};
-  // dCOEFF 16x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff16x[13] = {
-      0.00112590539483,    0.86616831686611,   -0.00753654634986012,
-      0.48586805026482,    0.61216318704885,   0.90508101474565,
-      -0.0215349711544799, 0.0149886842581499, 0.08837269835802,
-      0.94631370100442,    -0.0320417955561,   0.0141281606027401,
-      0.0357726640422202};
-  // dCOEFF 32x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff32x[13] = {
-      0.00102945292275,     0.93288074072411,     -0.00194092797014001,
-      0.10751900551591,     0.17269733682166,     0.9570539169953,
-      -0.00548573773340011, -0.0149997987966302,  0.0224605464746699,
-      0.98100244642901,     -0.00807148639261013, -0.00189235941040011,
-      0.00903370776797985};
-  // dCOEFF 64x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff64x[13] = {
-      0.00101894798776,     0.96638168022541,    -0.000492974627960052,
-      0.01147570619135,     0.04460105133798,    0.97969775930388,
-      -0.00138449271550001, -0.0132857101503898, 0.00563203783023014,
-      0.99249184543014,     -0.0020244997813601, -0.00322227927422025,
-      0.00226137551427974};
-  // dCOEFF 128x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff128x[13] = {
-      0.00102359688929,      0.98317523053482,      -0.000124254191099959,
-      -0.00545789721985002,  0.01124261805423,      0.9901470788001,
-      -0.000347773996469902, -0.00809690612593994,  0.00140824107749005,
-      0.9967468102523,       -0.000506888877139899, -0.00218112074794985,
-      0.000565180122610309};
-  // dCOEFF 256x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff256x[13] = {
-      0.00102849104272,     0.99158359864769,      -3.11926170200039e-05,
-      -0.00556878740432998, 0.00281642133096005,   0.99514878857652,
-      -8.7150981279982e-05, -0.00441208984599983,  0.000351970596200069,
-      0.99849900371282,     -0.000126813612729926, -0.00123294150072994,
-      0.000141241173720053};
+    // BIQUAD Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
+    // dCOEFF 2x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff2x[ 13 ] = { 0.02717257186578,  -0.1159055409088,
+                                     -0.40753832312918, 2.66236735378793,
+                                     3.37073457156755,  -0.49505157452475,
+                                     -1.10461941102831, 1.40184470311617,
+                                     1.79227686661261,  -0.74143396593712,
+                                     -1.62740819248313, 0.72188475979666,
+                                     0.83591053325065 };
+    // dCOEFF 4x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff4x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00426219526013, 0.46640482430571, -0.10620935923005, 2.50932081620118,
+        2.93670663266542, 0.43602772908265, -0.31016854747127, 0.75143527373544,
+        1.00523899718152, 0.44571894955428, -0.47692045639835, 0.36664098129003,
+        0.4440015753374
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 8x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff8x[ 13 ] = { 0.00162185538923,  0.73342532779703,
+                                     -0.02862365091314, 1.44110125961504,
+                                     1.67905228090487,  0.77657563380963,
+                                     -0.08304311675394, 0.18851328163424,
+                                     0.32889453107067,  0.83213081484618,
+                                     -0.12573495191273, 0.0940911979108501,
+                                     0.13622543115194 };
+    // dCOEFF 16x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff16x[ 13 ] = { 0.00112590539483,     0.86616831686611,
+                                      -0.00753654634986012, 0.48586805026482,
+                                      0.61216318704885,     0.90508101474565,
+                                      -0.0215349711544799,  0.0149886842581499,
+                                      0.08837269835802,     0.94631370100442,
+                                      -0.0320417955561,     0.0141281606027401,
+                                      0.0357726640422202 };
+    // dCOEFF 32x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff32x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00102945292275,     0.93288074072411,     -0.00194092797014001,
+        0.10751900551591,     0.17269733682166,     0.9570539169953,
+        -0.00548573773340011, -0.0149997987966302,  0.0224605464746699,
+        0.98100244642901,     -0.00807148639261013, -0.00189235941040011,
+        0.00903370776797985
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 64x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff64x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00101894798776,     0.96638168022541,    -0.000492974627960052,
+        0.01147570619135,     0.04460105133798,    0.97969775930388,
+        -0.00138449271550001, -0.0132857101503898, 0.00563203783023014,
+        0.99249184543014,     -0.0020244997813601, -0.00322227927422025,
+        0.00226137551427974
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 128x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff128x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00102359688929,      0.98317523053482,      -0.000124254191099959,
+        -0.00545789721985002,  0.01124261805423,      0.9901470788001,
+        -0.000347773996469902, -0.00809690612593994,  0.00140824107749005,
+        0.9967468102523,       -0.000506888877139899, -0.00218112074794985,
+        0.000565180122610309
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 256x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff256x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00102849104272,     0.99158359864769,      -3.11926170200039e-05,
+        -0.00556878740432998, 0.00281642133096005,   0.99514878857652,
+        -8.7150981279982e-05, -0.00441208984599983,  0.000351970596200069,
+        0.99849900371282,     -0.000126813612729926, -0.00123294150072994,
+        0.000141241173720053
+    };
-  // SOS Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
-  // dCOEFF 2x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff2x[13] = {0.02717257186578,
-                                -0.8840944590912,
-                                0.29163278222038,
-                                1.77827289469673,
-                                1,
-                                -0.50494842547525,
-                                0.60956783650356,
-                                0.89689627764092,
-                                1,
-                                -0.25856603406288,
-                                0.88597422654601,
-                                0.46331872573378,
-                                1};
-  // dCOEFF 4x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff4x[13] = {0.00426219526013,
-                                -1.46640482430571,
-                                0.57261418353576,
-                                1.04291599189547,
-                                1,
-                                -1.43602772908265,
-                                0.74619627655392,
-                                -0.68459245534721,
-                                1,
-                                -1.44571894955428,
-                                0.92263940595263,
-                                -1.07907796826425,
-                                1};
-  // dCOEFF 8x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff8x[13] = {0.00162185538923,
-                                -1.73342532779703,
-                                0.76204897871017,
-                                -0.29232406818199,
-                                1,
-                                -1.77657563380963,
-                                0.85961875056357,
-                                -1.58806235217539,
-                                1,
-                                -1.83213081484618,
-                                0.95786576675891,
-                                -1.73803961693533,
-                                1};
-  // dCOEFF 16x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff16x[13] = {0.00112590539483,
-                                 -1.86616831686611,
-                                 0.87370486321597,
-                                 -1.38030026660129,
-                                 1,
-                                 -1.90508101474565,
-                                 0.92661598590013,
-                                 -1.8900923304875,
-                                 1,
-                                 -1.94631370100442,
-                                 0.97835549656052,
-                                 -1.93218554040168,
-                                 1};
-  // dCOEFF 32x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff32x[13] = {0.00102945292275,
-                                 -1.93288074072411,
-                                 0.93482166869425,
-                                 -1.8253617352082,
-                                 1,
-                                 -1.9570539169953,
-                                 0.9625396547287,
-                                 -1.97205371579193,
-                                 1,
-                                 -1.98100244642901,
-                                 0.98907393282162,
-                                 -1.98289480583941,
-                                 1};
-  // dCOEFF 64x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff64x[13] = {0.00101894798776,
-                                 -1.96638168022541,
-                                 0.96687465485337,
-                                 -1.95490597403406,
-                                 1,
-                                 -1.97969775930388,
-                                 0.98108225201938,
-                                 -1.99298346945427,
-                                 1,
-                                 -1.99249184543014,
-                                 0.9945163452115,
-                                 -1.99571412470436,
-                                 1};
-  // dCOEFF 128x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff128x[13] = {0.00102359688929,
-                                  -1.98317523053482,
-                                  0.98329948472592,
-                                  -1.98863312775467,
-                                  1,
-                                  -1.9901470788001,
-                                  0.99049485279657,
-                                  -1.99824398492604,
-                                  1,
-                                  -1.9967468102523,
-                                  0.99725369912944,
-                                  -1.99892793100025,
-                                  1};
-  // dCOEFF 256x
-  // *************************************************************************
-  static double dCoeff256x[13] = {0.00102849104272,
-                                  -1.99158359864769,
-                                  0.99161479126471,
-                                  -1.99715238605202,
-                                  1,
-                                  -1.99514878857652,
-                                  0.9952359395578,
-                                  -1.99956087842252,
-                                  1,
-                                  -1.99849900371282,
-                                  0.99862581732555,
-                                  -1.99973194521355,
-                                  1};
+    // SOS Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
+    // dCOEFF 2x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff2x[ 13 ] = { 0.02717257186578,
+                                     -0.8840944590912,
+                                     0.29163278222038,
+                                     1.77827289469673,
+                                     1,
+                                     -0.50494842547525,
+                                     0.60956783650356,
+                                     0.89689627764092,
+                                     1,
+                                     -0.25856603406288,
+                                     0.88597422654601,
+                                     0.46331872573378,
+                                     1 };
+    // dCOEFF 4x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff4x[ 13 ] = { 0.00426219526013,
+                                     -1.46640482430571,
+                                     0.57261418353576,
+                                     1.04291599189547,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.43602772908265,
+                                     0.74619627655392,
+                                     -0.68459245534721,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.44571894955428,
+                                     0.92263940595263,
+                                     -1.07907796826425,
+                                     1 };
+    // dCOEFF 8x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff8x[ 13 ] = { 0.00162185538923,
+                                     -1.73342532779703,
+                                     0.76204897871017,
+                                     -0.29232406818199,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.77657563380963,
+                                     0.85961875056357,
+                                     -1.58806235217539,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.83213081484618,
+                                     0.95786576675891,
+                                     -1.73803961693533,
+                                     1 };
+    // dCOEFF 16x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff16x[ 13 ] = { 0.00112590539483,
+                                      -1.86616831686611,
+                                      0.87370486321597,
+                                      -1.38030026660129,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.90508101474565,
+                                      0.92661598590013,
+                                      -1.8900923304875,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.94631370100442,
+                                      0.97835549656052,
+                                      -1.93218554040168,
+                                      1 };
+    // dCOEFF 32x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff32x[ 13 ] = { 0.00102945292275,
+                                      -1.93288074072411,
+                                      0.93482166869425,
+                                      -1.8253617352082,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.9570539169953,
+                                      0.9625396547287,
+                                      -1.97205371579193,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.98100244642901,
+                                      0.98907393282162,
+                                      -1.98289480583941,
+                                      1 };
+    // dCOEFF 64x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff64x[ 13 ] = { 0.00101894798776,
+                                      -1.96638168022541,
+                                      0.96687465485337,
+                                      -1.95490597403406,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.97969775930388,
+                                      0.98108225201938,
+                                      -1.99298346945427,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.99249184543014,
+                                      0.9945163452115,
+                                      -1.99571412470436,
+                                      1 };
+    // dCOEFF 128x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff128x[ 13 ] = { 0.00102359688929,
+                                       -1.98317523053482,
+                                       0.98329948472592,
+                                       -1.98863312775467,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.9901470788001,
+                                       0.99049485279657,
+                                       -1.99824398492604,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.9967468102523,
+                                       0.99725369912944,
+                                       -1.99892793100025,
+                                       1 };
+    // dCOEFF 256x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff256x[ 13 ] = { 0.00102849104272,
+                                       -1.99158359864769,
+                                       0.99161479126471,
+                                       -1.99715238605202,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.99514878857652,
+                                       0.9952359395578,
+                                       -1.99956087842252,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.99849900371282,
+                                       0.99862581732555,
+                                       -1.99973194521355,
+                                       1 };
-  // History buffers for decimation IIR filters
-  static double dHistory[DCU_MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_HISTRY];
-  // **************************************************************************************
-  /// If flag input is 1, then this is a startup initialization request from
-  /// controller code.
-  if (flag == DAQ_CONNECT) /* Initialize DAQ connection */
-  {
-    /* First block to write out is last from previous second */
-    phase = 0;
-    daqBlockNum = (DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS - 1);
-    daqXmitBlockNum = 0;
-    excBlockNum = 0;
-    /// ** INITIALIZATION **************\n
-    daqSlot = -1;
-    excSlot = 0;
-    ///	\> CDS standard IIR filters will be used for decimation filtering from
-    /// the native application rate down to DAQ sample rate. \n
-    /// \>\> Need to clear the decimation filter histories.
-    for (ii = 0; ii < DCU_MAX_CHANNELS; ii++)
-      for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++)
-        dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
-    /// \> Setup Pointers to the various shared memories:\n
-    /// ----  Assign Ptr to data shared memory to network driver (mx_stream) \n
-    daqShmPtr = _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET;
-    buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;
-    pWriteBuffer = (volatile char *)daqShmPtr;
-    pWriteBuffer += buf_size * 15;
-    /// ----  Setup Ptr to interprocess comms with network driver
-    dipc = (struct rmIpcStr *)(_daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET);
-    /// ----  Setup Ptr to awgtpman shared memory (TP number table)
-    tpPtr = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *)(_daq_shm +
-                                         CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET);
-    /// ----  Set up pointer to DAQ configuration information in shmem */
-    pInfo = (DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *)(_epics_shm + DAQ_INFO_ADDRESS);
-    /// ----  Set pointer to shared mem to pass GDS info to DAQ
-    gdsPtr = (GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK *)(_epics_shm + DAQ_GDS_BLOCK_ADD);
-    // Set pointer to EXC data in shmem.
-    if (sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) {
-      exciteDataPtr = (char *)(_epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU(DCU_ID_EX_2K));
-    } else {
-      exciteDataPtr = (char *)(_epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU(DCU_ID_EX_16K));
-    }
-    excDataSize = 4 + 4 * sysRate;
-    // Clear the reconfiguration flag in shmem.
-    pInfo->reconfig = 0;
-    // Configure data channels
-    // *****************************************************
-    // Return error if configuration is incorrect.
-    /// \> Load DAQ configuration info from memory shared with EPICS
-    if ((xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig(&dataInfo, pInfo, pEpics)) == -1)
-      return (-1);
-    /// \> Load local table information with channel info
-    if ((status = loadLocalTable(&xferInfo, localTable, sysRate, &dataInfo,
-                                 &daqRange)) == -1)
-      return (-1);
-    // Set the start of TP data after DAQ data.
-    tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
-    totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
-    /// \> Clear out the GDS TP selections.
-    if (sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE)
-      tpx = 3;
-    else
-      tpx = 2;
-    for (ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++)
-      gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
-    if (sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE)
-      tpx = 1;
-    else
-      tpx = 0;
-    for (ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++)
-      gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
-    /// \> Clear the GDS TP lookup table
-    for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-      tpNum[i] = 0;
-      tpNumNet[i] = 0;
-    }
-    validTp = 0;
-    validTpNet = 0;
-    // printf("at connect TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
-  } ///  End DAQ CONNECT INITIALIZATION ******************************
-  /* ********************************************************************************
-   */
-  /* Write Data to FB 			*******************************************
-   */
-  /* ********************************************************************************
-   */
-  /// If flag=0, data is to be acquired. This is called every code cycle by
-  /// controller.c
-  /// ** Data Acquisition Mode
-  /// ********************************************************
-  if (flag == DAQ_WRITE) {
-    /// \> Calc data offset into current write swing buffer
-    daqSlot = (daqSlot + 1) % sysRate;
-    /// \> Write data into local swing buffer
-    for (ii = 0; ii < totalChans; ii++) {
-      dWord = 0;
-      /// \> Read data to a local variable, either from a FM TP or other TP */
-      if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_TP)
-      /* Data if from filter module testpoint */
-      {
-        switch (localTable[ii].sigNum) {
-        case 0:
-          dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].filterInput;
-          break;
-        case 1:
-          dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].inputTestpoint;
-          break;
-        case 2:
-          dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].testpoint;
-          break;
-        default:
-          dWord = 0.0;
-          break;
-        }
-      } else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP)
-      /* Data is from non filter module  testpoint */
-      {
-        dWord = *(pFloatData[localTable[ii].sigNum]);
-      } else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC)
-      /* Data is from filter module excitation */
-      {
-        dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput;
-      } else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-        // Extra excitation
-        dWord = excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum];
-      }
+    // History buffers for decimation IIR filters
+    static double dHistory[ DCU_MAX_CHANNELS ][ MAX_HISTRY ];
-/// \> Perform decimation filtering, if required.
-#define iir_filter iir_filter_biquad
-      if ([ii].dataType != DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT) {
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 2)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff2x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 4)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff4x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 8)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff8x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 16)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff16x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 32)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff32x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 64)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff64x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 128)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff128x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-        if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 256)
-          dWord = iir_filter(dWord, &dCoeff256x[0], DTAPS, &dHistory[ii][0]);
-      }
-#undef iir_filter
+    // **************************************************************************************
+    /// If flag input is 1, then this is a startup initialization request from
+    /// controller code.
+    if ( flag == DAQ_CONNECT ) /* Initialize DAQ connection */
+    {
-      /// \> Write fast data into the swing buffer.
-      if ((daqSlot % localTable[ii].decFactor) == 0) {
-        mydatatype =[ii].dataType;
-        switch (mydatatype) {
-        case DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT:
-          // Write short data; (XOR 1) here provides sample swapping
-          ((short *)(pWriteBuffer +
-                     localTable[ii]
-                         .offset))[(daqSlot / localTable[ii].decFactor) ^ 1] =
-              (short)dWord;
-          break;
-        case DAQ_DATATYPE_DOUBLE:
-          ((double *)(pWriteBuffer +
-                      localTable[ii]
-                          .offset))[daqSlot / localTable[ii].decFactor] = dWord;
-          break;
-        case DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT:
-          // Write a 32-bit int (downcast from the double passed)
-          if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 1)
-            ((unsigned int *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))
-                [daqSlot / localTable[ii].decFactor] = ((unsigned int)dWord);
-          else
-            ((unsigned int *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))
-                [daqSlot / localTable[ii].decFactor] =
-                    ((unsigned int)dWord) & *((unsigned int *)(dHistory[ii]));
-          break;
-        case DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT:
-          ((int *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[daqSlot] = (int)dWord;
-          break;
-        default:
-          // Write a 32-bit float (downcast from the double passed)
-          ((float *)(pWriteBuffer +
-                     localTable[ii]
-                         .offset))[daqSlot / localTable[ii].decFactor] =
-              (float)dWord;
-          break;
+        /* First block to write out is last from previous second */
+        phase = 0;
+        daqBlockNum = ( DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS - 1 );
+        daqXmitBlockNum = 0;
+        excBlockNum = 0;
+        /// ** INITIALIZATION **************\n
+        daqSlot = -1;
+        excSlot = 0;
+        ///	\> CDS standard IIR filters will be used for decimation
+        ///filtering from
+        /// the native application rate down to DAQ sample rate. \n
+        /// \>\> Need to clear the decimation filter histories.
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < DCU_MAX_CHANNELS; ii++ )
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++ )
+                dHistory[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+        /// \> Setup Pointers to the various shared memories:\n
+        /// ----  Assign Ptr to data shared memory to network driver (mx_stream)
+        /// \n
+        daqShmPtr = _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET;
+        buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;
+        pWriteBuffer = (volatile char*)daqShmPtr;
+        pWriteBuffer += buf_size * 15;
+        /// ----  Setup Ptr to interprocess comms with network driver
+        dipc = (struct rmIpcStr*)( _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET );
+        /// ----  Setup Ptr to awgtpman shared memory (TP number table)
+        tpPtr = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum*)( _daq_shm +
+                                             CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET );
+        /// ----  Set up pointer to DAQ configuration information in shmem */
+        pInfo = (DAQ_INFO_BLOCK*)( _epics_shm + DAQ_INFO_ADDRESS );
+        /// ----  Set pointer to shared mem to pass GDS info to DAQ
+        gdsPtr = (GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK*)( _epics_shm + DAQ_GDS_BLOCK_ADD );
+        // Set pointer to EXC data in shmem.
+        if ( sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE )
+        {
+            exciteDataPtr =
+                (char*)( _epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU( DCU_ID_EX_2K ) );
-      } else if ([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT) {
-        if ((daqSlot % localTable[ii].decFactor) == 1)
-          *((unsigned int *)(dHistory[ii])) = (unsigned int)dWord;
-          *((unsigned int *)(dHistory[ii])) &= (unsigned int)dWord;
-      }
-    } /* end swing buffer write loop */
-    /// \> Write EPICS data into swing buffer at 16Hz.
-    if (daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_INT) {
-      /// \>\> On 16Hz boundary: \n
-      /// - ----  Write EPICS integer values to beginning of local write buffer
-      if (dataInfo.cpyepics2times) {
-        memcpy((void *)pWriteBuffer, (void *)pEpicsIntData, dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0]);
-        pEpicsInt = (char *)pWriteBuffer;
-        pEpicsInt += dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0];
-        pEpicsInt1 = pEpicsIntData + dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] + 4;
-        memcpy((void *)pEpicsInt, (void *)pEpicsInt1, dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1]);
-      } else {
-        memcpy((void *)pWriteBuffer, (void *)pEpicsIntData, dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0]);
-      }
-    }
-    if (daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_DBL) {
-      /// - ---- Write EPICS double values as float values after EPICS integer
-      /// type data.
-      pEpicsDblData1 = (double *)pEpicsDblData;
-      pEpicsFloat = (float *)pWriteBuffer;
-      pEpicsFloat += dataInfo.numEpicsInts;
-      for (ii = 0; ii < dataInfo.numEpicsFloats; ii++) {
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)*pEpicsDblData1;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        pEpicsDblData1++;
-      }
-    }
-    if ((daqSlot >= DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD) &&
-        (daqSlot < dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers)) {
-      /// \>\> On 16Hz boundary + 1 (or more) cycle(s): \n
-      /// - ----  Write filter module EPICS values as floats
-      jj = DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE * (daqSlot - DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD);
-      if (daqSlot == (dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers - 1)) {
-        kk = jj + dataInfo.numEpicsFiltsLast;
-      } else {
-        kk = jj + DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
-      }
-      // printf("Cycle = %d jj = %d kk = %d\n",daqSlot,jj,kk);
-      for (ii = jj; ii < kk; ii++) {
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].offset;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].outgain;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].limiter;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swReq;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swMask;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].filterInput;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].exciteInput;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output16Hz;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-        *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].swStatus;
-        pEpicsFloat++;
-      }
-    }
-    /// \> Read in any selected EXC signals. \n
-    /// --- NOTE: EXC signals have to be read and loaded in advance by 1 cycle
-    /// ie must be loaded and
-    /// available to the realtime application when the next code cycle is
-    /// initiated.
-    excSlot = (excSlot + 1) % sysRate;
-    // if(validEx)
-    validEx = 0;
-    {
-      // Go through all test points
-      for (ii = dataInfo.numChans; ii < totalChans; ii++) {
-        // Do not pickup any testpoints (type 0 or 1)
-        if (localTable[ii].type < DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC)
-          continue;
-        exChanOffset = localTable[ii].sigNum * excDataSize;
-        statusPtr = (int *)(exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE +
-                            exChanOffset);
-        if (*statusPtr == 0) {
-          validEx = FE_ERROR_EXC_SET;
-          dataPtr = (float *)(exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE +
-                              exChanOffset + excSlot * 4 + 4);
-          if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC) {
-            dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = *dataPtr;
-          } else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-            // extra excitation
-            excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum] = *dataPtr;
-          }
+        {
+            exciteDataPtr =
+                (char*)( _epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU( DCU_ID_EX_16K ) );
-        // else dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
-        else {
-          if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC) {
-            dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
-          } else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-            // extra excitation
-            excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum] = 0.0;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
+        excDataSize = 4 + 4 * sysRate;
-    /// \> Move to the next 1/16 EXC signal data block if end of 16Hz block
-    if (excSlot == (sysRate - 1))
-      excBlockNum = (excBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
+        // Clear the reconfiguration flag in shmem.
+        pInfo->reconfig = 0;
-    /// \> If last cycle of a 16Hz block:
-    if (daqSlot == (sysRate - 1))
-    /* Done with 1/16 second DAQ data block */
+        // Configure data channels
+        // *****************************************************
+        // Return error if configuration is incorrect.
+        /// \> Load DAQ configuration info from memory shared with EPICS
+        if ( ( xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig( &dataInfo, pInfo, pEpics ) ) ==
+             -1 )
+            return ( -1 );
+        /// \> Load local table information with channel info
+        if ( ( status = loadLocalTable(
+                   &xferInfo, localTable, sysRate, &dataInfo, &daqRange ) ) ==
+             -1 )
+            return ( -1 );
+        // Set the start of TP data after DAQ data.
+        tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
+        totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
+        /// \> Clear out the GDS TP selections.
+        if ( sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE )
+            tpx = 3;
+        else
+            tpx = 2;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++ )
+            gdsPtr->tp[ tpx ][ 0 ][ ii ] = 0;
+        if ( sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE )
+            tpx = 1;
+        else
+            tpx = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++ )
+            gdsPtr->tp[ tpx ][ 0 ][ ii ] = 0;
+        /// \> Clear the GDS TP lookup table
+        for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+        {
+            tpNum[ i ] = 0;
+            tpNumNet[ i ] = 0;
+        }
+        validTp = 0;
+        validTpNet = 0;
+        // printf("at connect TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
+    } ///  End DAQ CONNECT INITIALIZATION ******************************
+    /* ********************************************************************************
+     */
+    /* Write Data to FB
+     * *******************************************
+     */
+    /* ********************************************************************************
+     */
+    /// If flag=0, data is to be acquired. This is called every code cycle by
+    /// controller.c
+    /// ** Data Acquisition Mode
+    /// ********************************************************
+    if ( flag == DAQ_WRITE )
+        /// \> Calc data offset into current write swing buffer
+        daqSlot = ( daqSlot + 1 ) % sysRate;
+        /// \> Write data into local swing buffer
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < totalChans; ii++ )
+        {
+            dWord = 0;
+            /// \> Read data to a local variable, either from a FM TP or other
+            /// TP */
+            if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_TP )
+            /* Data if from filter module testpoint */
+            {
+                switch ( localTable[ ii ].sigNum )
+                {
+                case 0:
+                    dWord = dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].filterInput;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    dWord =
+                        dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].inputTestpoint;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    dWord = dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].testpoint;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    dWord = 0.0;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP )
+            /* Data is from non filter module  testpoint */
+            {
+                dWord = *( pFloatData[ localTable[ ii ].sigNum ] );
+            }
+            else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+            /* Data is from filter module excitation */
+            {
+                dWord = dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].exciteInput;
+            }
+            else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+            {
+                // Extra excitation
+                dWord = excSignal[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ];
+            }
-      /// - -- Fill in the IPC table for DAQ network driver (mx_stream) \n
-      dipc->dcuId = dcuId; /// -   ------ DCU id of this system
-      dipc->crc =
-          xferInfo.fileCrc; /// -   ------ Checksum of the configuration file
-      dipc->dataBlockSize =
-          xferInfo.totalSizeNet; /// -   ------ Actual data size
-      /// -   ------  Data block number
-      dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].cycle = daqXmitBlockNum;
-      /// -   ------  Data block CRC
-      dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].crc = xferInfo.crcLength;
-      /// -   ------ Timestamp GPS Second
-      dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].timeSec = (unsigned int)cycle_gps_time;
-      /// -   ------ Timestamp GPS nanoSecond - Actually cycle number
-      dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].timeNSec = (unsigned int)daqXmitBlockNum;
-      /// - ------ Write test point info to DAQ net shared memory
-      tpPtr->count = validTpNet | validEx;
-      memcpy(tpPtr->tpNum, tpNumNet, sizeof(tpNumNet[0]) * validTp);
-      // As the last step set the cycle counter
-      // Frame builder is looking for cycle change
-      /// - ------ Write IPC cycle number. This will trigger DAQ network driver
-      /// to send data to DAQ
-      dipc->cycle = daqXmitBlockNum; // Ready cycle (16 Hz)
-      /// - -- Increment the 1/16 sec block counter
-      daqBlockNum = (daqBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-      daqXmitBlockNum = (daqXmitBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-      /// - -- Set data write ptr to next block in shmem
-      pWriteBuffer = (char *)daqShmPtr;
-      pWriteBuffer += buf_size * daqXmitBlockNum;
-      //  - -- Check for reconfig request at start of each second
-      if ((pInfo->reconfig == 1) && (daqBlockNum == 0)) {
-        // printf("New daq config\n");
-        pInfo->reconfig = 0;
-        // Configure EPICS data channels
-        xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig(&dataInfo, pInfo, pEpics);
-        if (xferInfo.crcLength) {
-          status = loadLocalTable(&xferInfo, localTable, sysRate, &dataInfo,
-                                  &daqRange);
-          // Clear decimation filter history
-          for (ii = 0; ii < dataInfo.numChans; ii++) {
-            for (jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++)
-              dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
-          }
-          tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
-          totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
-        }
-      }
-      /// - -- If last cycle of 1 sec time frame, check for new TP and load
-      /// info.
-      // This will cause new TP to be written to local memory at start of 1 sec
-      // block.
-      if (daqBlockNum == 15) {
-        // Offset by one into the TP/EXC tables for the 2K systems
-        unsigned int _2k_sys_offs = sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE;
-        // Helper function to search the lists
-        // Clears the found number from the lists
-        // tpnum and excnum lists of numbers do not intersect
-        inline int in_the_lists(unsigned int tp, unsigned int slot) {
-          int i;
-          for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-            if (tpnum[i] == tp)
-              return (tpnum[i] = 0, 1);
-            if (excnum[i] == tp) {
-              // Check if the excitation is still in the same slot
-              if (i != excTable[slot].offset)
-                return 0;
-              return (excnum[i] = 0, 1);
+/// \> Perform decimation filtering, if required.
+#define iir_filter iir_filter_biquad
+            if ([ ii ].dataType != DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT )
+            {
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 2 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff2x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 4 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff4x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 8 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff8x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 16 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff16x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 32 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff32x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 64 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff64x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 128 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff128x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 256 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff256x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
-          }
-          return 0;
-        }
+#undef iir_filter
-        // Helper function to find an empty slot in the localTable
-        inline unsigned int empty_slot(void) {
-          int i;
-          for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-            if (tpNum[i] == 0)
-              return i;
-          }
-          return -1;
+            /// \> Write fast data into the swing buffer.
+            if ( ( daqSlot % localTable[ ii ].decFactor ) == 0 )
+            {
+                mydatatype =[ ii ].dataType;
+                switch ( mydatatype )
+                {
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT:
+                    // Write short data; (XOR 1) here provides sample swapping
+                    ( (short*)( pWriteBuffer + localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                        [ ( daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ) ^ 1 ] =
+                            (short)dWord;
+                    break;
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_DOUBLE:
+                    ( (double*)( pWriteBuffer + localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                        [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] = dWord;
+                    break;
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT:
+                    // Write a 32-bit int (downcast from the double passed)
+                    if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 1 )
+                        ( (unsigned int*)( pWriteBuffer +
+                                           localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                            [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] =
+                                ( (unsigned int)dWord );
+                    else
+                        ( (unsigned int*)( pWriteBuffer +
+                                           localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                            [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] =
+                                ( (unsigned int)dWord ) &
+                            *( (unsigned int*)( dHistory[ ii ] ) );
+                    break;
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT:
+                    ( (int*)( pWriteBuffer +
+                              localTable[ ii ].offset ) )[ daqSlot ] =
+                        (int)dWord;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    // Write a 32-bit float (downcast from the double passed)
+                    ( (float*)( pWriteBuffer + localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                        [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] = (float)dWord;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            else if ([ ii ].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT )
+            {
+                if ( ( daqSlot % localTable[ ii ].decFactor ) == 1 )
+                    *( (unsigned int*)( dHistory[ ii ] ) ) =
+                        (unsigned int)dWord;
+                else
+                    *( (unsigned int*)( dHistory[ ii ] ) ) &=
+                        (unsigned int)dWord;
+            }
+        } /* end swing buffer write loop */
+        /// \> Write EPICS data into swing buffer at 16Hz.
+        if ( daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_INT )
+        {
+            /// \>\> On 16Hz boundary: \n
+            /// - ----  Write EPICS integer values to beginning of local write
+            /// buffer
+            if ( dataInfo.cpyepics2times )
+            {
+                memcpy( (void*)pWriteBuffer,
+                        (void*)pEpicsIntData,
+                        dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ] );
+                pEpicsInt = (char*)pWriteBuffer;
+                pEpicsInt += dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ];
+                pEpicsInt1 = pEpicsIntData + dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ] + 4;
+                memcpy( (void*)pEpicsInt,
+                        (void*)pEpicsInt1,
+                        dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 1 ] );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                memcpy( (void*)pWriteBuffer,
+                        (void*)pEpicsIntData,
+                        dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ] );
+            }
-        // Copy TP/EXC tables into my local memory
-        // Had to change from memcpy to for loop for Debian 10.
-        for (ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++)
-          excnum[ii] = gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][0][ii];
-        for (ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++)
-          tpnum[ii] = gdsPtr->tp[(2 + _2k_sys_offs)][0][ii];
-        /// - ------ Search and clear deselected test points
-        for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-          if (tpNum[i] == 0)
-            continue;
-          if (!in_the_lists(tpNum[i], i)) {
-            tpNum[i] = 0; // Removed test point is cleared now
-            ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + i;
-            // If we are clearing an EXC signal, reset filter module input
-            if (localTable[ltSlot].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC) {
-              dspPtr->data[excTable[i].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
-              excTable[i].sigNum = 0;
-            } else if (localTable[ltSlot].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-              // Extra excitation
-              excSignal[excTable[i].fmNum] = 0.0;
-              excTable[i].sigNum = 0;
+        if ( daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_DBL )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Write EPICS double values as float values after EPICS
+            /// integer type data.
+            pEpicsDblData1 = (double*)pEpicsDblData;
+            pEpicsFloat = (float*)pWriteBuffer;
+            pEpicsFloat += dataInfo.numEpicsInts;
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo.numEpicsFloats; ii++ )
+            {
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)*pEpicsDblData1;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                pEpicsDblData1++;
-            localTable[ltSlot].type = 0;
-            localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = 0;
-            localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = 0;
-            localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = 0;
-            localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-  [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-          }
-        // tpnum and excnum lists now have only the new test points
-        // Insert these new numbers into empty localTable slots
-        for (i = 0; i < (2 * DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED); i++) {
-          exc = 0;
-          // Do test points first
-          if (i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED) {
-            if (tpnum[i] == 0)
-              continue;
-            tpn = tpnum[i];
-          } else {
-            if (excnum[i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED] == 0)
-              continue;
-            tpn = excnum[i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED];
-            exc = 1;
-            ii = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
-          }
-          // printf("tpn=%d at %d\n", tpn, i);
-          slot = empty_slot();
-          if (slot < 0) {
-            // No more slots left, table's full
-            break;
-          }
-          // localTable slot (shifted by the number of DAQ channels)
-          ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + slot;
-          // Populate the slot with the information
-          if (!exc) {
-            if (tpn >= daqRange.filtTpMin && tpn < daqRange.filtTpMax) {
-              jj = tpn - daqRange.filtTpMin;
-              localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = jj / daqRange.filtTpSize;
-              jj -= localTable[ltSlot].sysNum * daqRange.filtTpSize;
-              localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-              localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-    [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-              // if (slot < 24) gdsMonitor[slot] = tpn;
-              gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-              tpNum[slot] = tpn;
-            } else if (tpn >= daqRange.xTpMin && tpn < daqRange.xTpMax) {
-              jj = tpn - daqRange.xTpMin;
-              localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = jj;
-              localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-    [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-              gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-              tpNum[slot] = tpn;
+        if ( ( daqSlot >= DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD ) &&
+             ( daqSlot < dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers ) )
+        {
+            /// \>\> On 16Hz boundary + 1 (or more) cycle(s): \n
+            /// - ----  Write filter module EPICS values as floats
+            jj = DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE * ( daqSlot - DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD );
+            if ( daqSlot == ( dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers - 1 ) )
+            {
+                kk = jj + dataInfo.numEpicsFiltsLast;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                kk = jj + DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
-          } else {
-            if (tpn >= daqRange.filtExMin && tpn < daqRange.filtExMax) {
-              jj = tpn - daqRange.filtExMin;
-              localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sysNum =
-                  jj / daqRange.filtExSize; // filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
-              localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj % daqRange.filtExSize;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = ii;
-              localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-              excTable[slot].sigNum = tpn;
-              excTable[slot].sysNum = localTable[ltSlot].sysNum;
-              excTable[slot].fmNum = localTable[ltSlot].fmNum;
-              excTable[slot].offset = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
-              // Save the index into the TPman table
-    [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-              gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-              tpNum[slot] = tpn;
-            } else if (tpn >= daqRange.xExMin && tpn < daqRange.xExMax) {
-              jj = tpn - daqRange.xExMin;
-              localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = 0; // filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
-              localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj;
-              // localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = slot;
-              localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = ii;
-              localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-              excTable[slot].sigNum = tpn;
-              excTable[slot].sysNum = localTable[ltSlot].sysNum;
-              excTable[slot].fmNum = localTable[ltSlot].fmNum;
-              excTable[slot].offset = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
-    [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-              // if (slot < 8) gdsMonitor[slot + 24] = tpn;
-              gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-              tpNum[slot] = tpn;
+            // printf("Cycle = %d jj = %d kk = %d\n",daqSlot,jj,kk);
+            for ( ii = jj; ii < kk; ii++ )
+            {
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].offset;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].outgain;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].limiter;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].swReq;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].swMask;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].filterInput;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].exciteInput;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].output16Hz;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].output;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].swStatus;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
-          }
-        /// - ------ Calculate total number of test points to transmit
-        totalChans = dataInfo.numChans; // Set to the DAQ channels number
-        validTp = 0;
-        num_tps = 0;
-        // Skip empty slots at the end
-        for (i = DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-          if (tpNum[i]) {
-            num_tps = i + 1;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        totalChans += num_tps;
-        validTp = num_tps;
-        /// - ------ Calculate the total transmission size (DAQ +TP)
-        xferInfo.totalSize = xferInfo.crcLength + validTp * sysRate * 4;
-        // Assign offsets into the localTable
-        xferInfo.offsetAccum = tpStart;
-        for (i = 0; i < validTp; i++) {
-          localTable[dataInfo.numChans + i].offset = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
-          xferInfo.offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
-          if (i < 32)
-            gdsMonitor[i] = tpNum[i];
+        /// \> Read in any selected EXC signals. \n
+        /// --- NOTE: EXC signals have to be read and loaded in advance by 1
+        /// cycle ie must be loaded and available to the realtime application
+        /// when the next code cycle is initiated.
+        excSlot = ( excSlot + 1 ) % sysRate;
+        // if(validEx)
+        validEx = 0;
+        {
+            // Go through all test points
+            for ( ii = dataInfo.numChans; ii < totalChans; ii++ )
+            {
+                // Do not pickup any testpoints (type 0 or 1)
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].type < DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                    continue;
+                exChanOffset = localTable[ ii ].sigNum * excDataSize;
+                statusPtr =
+                    (int*)( exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE +
+                            exChanOffset );
+                if ( *statusPtr == 0 )
+                {
+                    validEx = FE_ERROR_EXC_SET;
+                    dataPtr = (float*)( exciteDataPtr +
+                                        excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE +
+                                        exChanOffset + excSlot * 4 + 4 );
+                    if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].exciteInput =
+                            *dataPtr;
+                    }
+                    else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        // extra excitation
+                        excSignal[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ] = *dataPtr;
+                    }
+                }
+                // else dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
+                else
+                {
+                    if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].exciteInput =
+                            0.0;
+                    }
+                    else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        // extra excitation
+                        excSignal[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-        for (i = validTp; i < 32; i++)
-          gdsMonitor[i] = 0;
-      } /* End normal check for new TP numbers */
-      // Network write is one cycle behind memory write, so now update tp nums
-      // for FB xmission
-      if (daqBlockNum == 0) {
-        for (ii = 0; ii < validTp; ii++)
-          tpNumNet[ii] = tpNum[ii];
-        validTpNet = validTp;
-        xferInfo.totalSizeNet = xferInfo.totalSize;
-      }
+        /// \> Move to the next 1/16 EXC signal data block if end of 16Hz block
+        if ( excSlot == ( sysRate - 1 ) )
+            excBlockNum = ( excBlockNum + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
+        /// \> If last cycle of a 16Hz block:
+        if ( daqSlot == ( sysRate - 1 ) )
+        /* Done with 1/16 second DAQ data block */
+        {
+            /// - -- Fill in the IPC table for DAQ network driver (mx_stream) \n
+            dipc->dcuId = dcuId; /// -   ------ DCU id of this system
+            dipc->crc =
+                xferInfo
+                    .fileCrc; /// -   ------ Checksum of the configuration file
+            dipc->dataBlockSize =
+                xferInfo.totalSizeNet; /// -   ------ Actual data size
+            /// -   ------  Data block number
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].cycle = daqXmitBlockNum;
+            /// -   ------  Data block CRC
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].crc = xferInfo.crcLength;
+            /// -   ------ Timestamp GPS Second
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].timeSec = (unsigned int)cycle_gps_time;
+            /// -   ------ Timestamp GPS nanoSecond - Actually cycle number
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].timeNSec =
+                (unsigned int)daqXmitBlockNum;
+            /// - ------ Write test point info to DAQ net shared memory
+            tpPtr->count = validTpNet | validEx;
+            memcpy( tpPtr->tpNum, tpNumNet, sizeof( tpNumNet[ 0 ] ) * validTp );
+            // As the last step set the cycle counter
+            // Frame builder is looking for cycle change
+            /// - ------ Write IPC cycle number. This will trigger DAQ network
+            /// driver to send data to DAQ
+            dipc->cycle = daqXmitBlockNum; // Ready cycle (16 Hz)
+            /// - -- Increment the 1/16 sec block counter
+            daqBlockNum = ( daqBlockNum + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            daqXmitBlockNum =
+                ( daqXmitBlockNum + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            /// - -- Set data write ptr to next block in shmem
+            pWriteBuffer = (char*)daqShmPtr;
+            pWriteBuffer += buf_size * daqXmitBlockNum;
+            //  - -- Check for reconfig request at start of each second
+            if ( ( pInfo->reconfig == 1 ) && ( daqBlockNum == 0 ) )
+            {
+                // printf("New daq config\n");
+                pInfo->reconfig = 0;
+                // Configure EPICS data channels
+                xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig( &dataInfo, pInfo, pEpics );
+                if ( xferInfo.crcLength )
+                {
+                    status = loadLocalTable(
+                        &xferInfo, localTable, sysRate, &dataInfo, &daqRange );
+                    // Clear decimation filter history
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo.numChans; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++ )
+                            dHistory[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                    tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
+                    totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
+                }
+            }
+            /// - -- If last cycle of 1 sec time frame, check for new TP and
+            /// load info.
+            // This will cause new TP to be written to local memory at start of
+            // 1 sec block.
+            if ( daqBlockNum == 15 )
+            {
+                // Offset by one into the TP/EXC tables for the 2K systems
+                unsigned int _2k_sys_offs = sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE;
+                // Helper function to search the lists
+                // Clears the found number from the lists
+                // tpnum and excnum lists of numbers do not intersect
+                inline int in_the_lists( unsigned int tp, unsigned int slot )
+                {
+                    int i;
+                    for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpnum[ i ] == tp )
+                            return ( tpnum[ i ] = 0, 1 );
+                        if ( excnum[ i ] == tp )
+                        {
+                            // Check if the excitation is still in the same slot
+                            if ( i != excTable[ slot ].offset )
+                                return 0;
+                            return ( excnum[ i ] = 0, 1 );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                // Helper function to find an empty slot in the localTable
+                inline unsigned int empty_slot( void )
+                {
+                    int i;
+                    for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpNum[ i ] == 0 )
+                            return i;
+                    }
+                    return -1;
+                }
+                // Copy TP/EXC tables into my local memory
+                // Had to change from memcpy to for loop for Debian 10.
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++ )
+                    excnum[ ii ] = gdsPtr->tp[ _2k_sys_offs ][ 0 ][ ii ];
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++ )
+                    tpnum[ ii ] = gdsPtr->tp[ ( 2 + _2k_sys_offs ) ][ 0 ][ ii ];
+                /// - ------ Search and clear deselected test points
+                for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( tpNum[ i ] == 0 )
+                        continue;
+                    if ( !in_the_lists( tpNum[ i ], i ) )
+                    {
+                        tpNum[ i ] = 0; // Removed test point is cleared now
+                        ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + i;
+                        // If we are clearing an EXC signal, reset filter module
+                        // input
+                        if ( localTable[ ltSlot ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                        {
+                            dspPtr->data[ excTable[ i ].fmNum ].exciteInput =
+                                0.0;
+                            excTable[ i ].sigNum = 0;
+                        }
+                        else if ( localTable[ ltSlot ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+                        {
+                            // Extra excitation
+                            excSignal[ excTable[ i ].fmNum ] = 0.0;
+                            excTable[ i ].sigNum = 0;
+                        }
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].type = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+              [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                    }
+                }
+                // tpnum and excnum lists now have only the new test points
+                // Insert these new numbers into empty localTable slots
+                for ( i = 0; i < ( 2 * DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ); i++ )
+                {
+                    exc = 0;
+                    // Do test points first
+                    if ( i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpnum[ i ] == 0 )
+                            continue;
+                        tpn = tpnum[ i ];
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if ( excnum[ i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ] == 0 )
+                            continue;
+                        tpn = excnum[ i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ];
+                        exc = 1;
+                        ii = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
+                    }
+                    // printf("tpn=%d at %d\n", tpn, i);
+                    slot = empty_slot( );
+                    if ( slot < 0 )
+                    {
+                        // No more slots left, table's full
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // localTable slot (shifted by the number of DAQ channels)
+                    ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + slot;
+                    // Populate the slot with the information
+                    if ( !exc )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpn >= daqRange.filtTpMin &&
+                             tpn < daqRange.filtTpMax )
+                        {
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.filtTpMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum =
+                                jj / daqRange.filtTpSize;
+                            jj -= localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum *
+                                daqRange.filtTpSize;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            // if (slot < 24) gdsMonitor[slot] = tpn;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ 2 + _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                        else if ( tpn >= daqRange.xTpMin &&
+                                  tpn < daqRange.xTpMax )
+                        {
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.xTpMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = jj;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ 2 + _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if ( tpn >= daqRange.filtExMin &&
+                             tpn < daqRange.filtExMax )
+                        {
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.filtExMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum = jj /
+                                daqRange.filtExSize; // filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum =
+                                jj % daqRange.filtExSize;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = ii;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sigNum = tpn;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sysNum =
+                                localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].fmNum = localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].offset =
+                                i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
+                            // Save the index into the TPman table
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                        else if ( tpn >= daqRange.xExMin &&
+                                  tpn < daqRange.xExMax )
+                        {
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.xExMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum =
+                                0; // filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum = jj;
+                            // localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = slot;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = ii;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sigNum = tpn;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sysNum =
+                                localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].fmNum = localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].offset =
+                                i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            // if (slot < 8) gdsMonitor[slot + 24] = tpn;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /// - ------ Calculate total number of test points to transmit
+                totalChans =
+                    dataInfo.numChans; // Set to the DAQ channels number
+                validTp = 0;
+                num_tps = 0;
+                // Skip empty slots at the end
+                for ( i = DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+                {
+                    if ( tpNum[ i ] )
+                    {
+                        num_tps = i + 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                totalChans += num_tps;
+                validTp = num_tps;
+                /// - ------ Calculate the total transmission size (DAQ +TP)
+                xferInfo.totalSize = xferInfo.crcLength + validTp * sysRate * 4;
+                // Assign offsets into the localTable
+                xferInfo.offsetAccum = tpStart;
+                for ( i = 0; i < validTp; i++ )
+                {
+                    localTable[ dataInfo.numChans + i ].offset =
+                        xferInfo.offsetAccum;
+                    xferInfo.offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
+                    if ( i < 32 )
+                        gdsMonitor[ i ] = tpNum[ i ];
+                }
+                for ( i = validTp; i < 32; i++ )
+                    gdsMonitor[ i ] = 0;
+            } /* End normal check for new TP numbers */
+            // Network write is one cycle behind memory write, so now update tp
+            // nums for FB xmission
+            if ( daqBlockNum == 0 )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < validTp; ii++ )
+                    tpNumNet[ ii ] = tpNum[ ii ];
+                validTpNet = validTp;
+                xferInfo.totalSizeNet = xferInfo.totalSize;
+            }
-    } /* End done 16Hz Cycle */
+        } /* End done 16Hz Cycle */
-  } /* End case write */
+    } /* End case write */
-  /// \> Return the FE total DAQ data rate */
-  return ((xferInfo.totalSize * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND) / 1000);
+    /// \> Return the FE total DAQ data rate */
+    return ( ( xferInfo.totalSize * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND ) / 1000 );
 // **************************************************************************************
@@ -921,119 +1069,130 @@ int daqWrite(int flag, int dcuId, DAQ_RANGE daqRange, int sysRate,
 ///	@param[in] pEpics	Pointer to beginning of EPICS data.
 ///	@return	Size, in bytes, of DAQ data.
 // **************************************************************************************
-int daqConfig(volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *dataInfo, volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *pInfo, volatile char *pEpics) {
-  int ii, jj;               // Loop counters
-  int epicsIntXferSize = 0; // Size, in bytes, of EPICS integer type data.
-  int dataLength = 0;       // Total size, in bytes, of data to be sent
-  int status = 0;
-  int mydatatype;
-  /// \> Verify correct channel count before proceeding. \n
-  /// - ---- Required to be at least one and not more than DCU_MAX_CHANNELS.
-  status = pInfo->numChans;
-  // if((status < 1) || (status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS))
-  if (status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS) {
-    // printf("Invalid num daq chans = %d\n",status);
-    return (-1);
-  }
-  /// \> Get the number of fast channels to be acquired
-  dataInfo->numChans = pInfo->numChans;
-  /// \> Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
-  dataInfo->numEpicsInts = pInfo->numEpicsInts;
-  dataInfo->numEpicsFloats = pInfo->numEpicsFloats;
-  dataInfo->numEpicsFilts = pInfo->numEpicsFilts;
-  dataInfo->numEpicsTotal = pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
-  /// \> Determine how many filter modules are to have their data transferred
-  /// per cycle.
-  /// - ---- This is to balance load (CPU time) across several cycles if number
-  /// of filter modules > 100
-  dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers = MAX_MODULES / DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
-  dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
-    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers++;
-    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = (MAX_MODULES % DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE);
-  }
-  dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers += DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD;
-  pEpicsIntData = pEpics;
-  epicsIntXferSize = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
-  dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset = 0;
-  dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 0;
-  dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0] = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
-  dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1] = 0;
-  ii = (sizeof(CDS_EPICS_OUT) / 4);
-  jj = dataInfo->numEpicsInts - ii;
-  // printf("Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer
-  // channels\n",ii,jj);
-  ii *= 4;
-  jj *= 4;
-  /// \>  Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte boundary.
-  /// Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
-  /// - ---- If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will
-  /// appear
-  /// before the double type data in shared memory.
-  if (ii % 8) {
-    // printf("Have int mem hole after CDS %d %d \n",ii,jj);
-    dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
-  }
-  if (jj % 8) {
-    // printf("Have int mem hole after user %d %d \n",ii,jj);
-    dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
-  }
-  if ((ii % 8) && (jj > 0)) {
-    /// - ---- If standard CDS struct doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then
-    /// have 4 byte mem hole after CDS data
-    /// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data to get 8 byte alignment for
-    /// xfer to DAQ buffer..
-    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0] = ii;
-    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1] = jj;
-    dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 1;
-    // dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
-    // printf("Have mem holes after CDS  %d %d \nNeed to cpy ints twice - size 1
-    // = %d size 2 = %d
-    // \n",ii,jj,dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0],dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1]);
-  }
-  /// \> Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory. \n
-  /// - ---- Ptr to double type data is at EPICS integer start + EPICS integer
-  /// size + Memory holes
-  pEpicsDblData =
-      (pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset);
-  // Send EPICS data diags to dmesg
-  // printf("DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%lx with size
-  // %d\n",(long)pEpicsIntData,epicsIntXferSize);
-  // printf("DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%lx\n",(long)pEpicsDblData);
-  // printf("DAQ EPICS: Int = %d  Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast =
-  // %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsInts,dataInfo->numEpicsFloats,dataInfo->numEpicsFilts,
-  // dataInfo->numEpicsTotal, dataInfo->numChans);
-  // printf("DAQ EPICS: Number of Filter Module Xfers = %d last =
-  // %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers,dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast);
-  /// \> Initialize CRC length with EPICS data size.
-  dataLength = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
-  // printf("crc length epics = %d\n",dataLength);
-  /// \>  Get the DAQ configuration information for all fast DAQ channels and
-  /// calc a crc checksum length
-  for (ii = 0; ii < dataInfo->numChans; ii++) {
-    dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ii].tpnum;
-    dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType = pInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
-    dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ii].dataRate;
-    mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
-    dataLength += DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype) * dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate /
-                  DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
-    // if(mydatatype == 5) printf("Found double
-    // %d\n",DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype));
-  }
-  /// \> Set DAQ bytes/sec global, which is output to EPICS by controller.c
-  curDaqBlockSize = dataLength * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-  /// \> RETURN dataLength, used in other code for CRC checksum byte count
-  return (dataLength);
+daqConfig( volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* dataInfo,
+           volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* pInfo,
+           volatile char*           pEpics )
+    int ii, jj; // Loop counters
+    int epicsIntXferSize = 0; // Size, in bytes, of EPICS integer type data.
+    int dataLength = 0; // Total size, in bytes, of data to be sent
+    int status = 0;
+    int mydatatype;
+    /// \> Verify correct channel count before proceeding. \n
+    /// - ---- Required to be at least one and not more than DCU_MAX_CHANNELS.
+    status = pInfo->numChans;
+    // if((status < 1) || (status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS))
+    if ( status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS )
+    {
+        // printf("Invalid num daq chans = %d\n",status);
+        return ( -1 );
+    }
+    /// \> Get the number of fast channels to be acquired
+    dataInfo->numChans = pInfo->numChans;
+    /// \> Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
+    dataInfo->numEpicsInts = pInfo->numEpicsInts;
+    dataInfo->numEpicsFloats = pInfo->numEpicsFloats;
+    dataInfo->numEpicsFilts = pInfo->numEpicsFilts;
+    dataInfo->numEpicsTotal = pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
+    /// \> Determine how many filter modules are to have their data transferred
+    /// per cycle.
+    /// - ---- This is to balance load (CPU time) across several cycles if
+    /// number of filter modules > 100
+    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers = MAX_MODULES / DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
+    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
+    {
+        dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers++;
+        dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = ( MAX_MODULES % DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE );
+    }
+    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers += DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD;
+    pEpicsIntData = pEpics;
+    epicsIntXferSize = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
+    dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset = 0;
+    dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 0;
+    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 0 ] = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
+    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 1 ] = 0;
+    ii = ( sizeof( CDS_EPICS_OUT ) / 4 );
+    jj = dataInfo->numEpicsInts - ii;
+    // printf("Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer
+    // channels\n",ii,jj);
+    ii *= 4;
+    jj *= 4;
+    /// \>  Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte
+    /// boundary. Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
+    /// - ---- If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will
+    /// appear
+    /// before the double type data in shared memory.
+    if ( ii % 8 )
+    {
+        // printf("Have int mem hole after CDS %d %d \n",ii,jj);
+        dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
+    }
+    if ( jj % 8 )
+    {
+        // printf("Have int mem hole after user %d %d \n",ii,jj);
+        dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
+    }
+    if ( ( ii % 8 ) && ( jj > 0 ) )
+    {
+        /// - ---- If standard CDS struct doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then
+        /// have 4 byte mem hole after CDS data
+        /// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data to get 8 byte alignment
+        /// for xfer to DAQ buffer..
+        dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 0 ] = ii;
+        dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 1 ] = jj;
+        dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 1;
+        // dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
+        // printf("Have mem holes after CDS  %d %d \nNeed to cpy ints twice -
+        // size 1 = %d size 2 = %d
+        // \n",ii,jj,dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0],dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1]);
+    }
+    /// \> Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory.
+    /// \n
+    /// - ---- Ptr to double type data is at EPICS integer start + EPICS integer
+    /// size + Memory holes
+    pEpicsDblData =
+        ( pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset );
+    // Send EPICS data diags to dmesg
+    // printf("DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%lx with size
+    // %d\n",(long)pEpicsIntData,epicsIntXferSize);
+    // printf("DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%lx\n",(long)pEpicsDblData);
+    // printf("DAQ EPICS: Int = %d  Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast =
+    // %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsInts,dataInfo->numEpicsFloats,dataInfo->numEpicsFilts,
+    // dataInfo->numEpicsTotal, dataInfo->numChans);
+    // printf("DAQ EPICS: Number of Filter Module Xfers = %d last =
+    // %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers,dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast);
+    /// \> Initialize CRC length with EPICS data size.
+    dataLength = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
+    // printf("crc length epics = %d\n",dataLength);
+    /// \>  Get the DAQ configuration information for all fast DAQ channels and
+    /// calc a crc checksum length
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo->numChans; ii++ )
+    {
+        dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum;
+        dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType = pInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType;
+        dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate;
+        mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType;
+        dataLength += DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE( mydatatype ) *
+            dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
+        // if(mydatatype == 5) printf("Found double
+        // %d\n",DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype));
+    }
+    /// \> Set DAQ bytes/sec global, which is output to EPICS by controller.c
+    curDaqBlockSize = dataLength * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+    /// \> RETURN dataLength, used in other code for CRC checksum byte count
+    return ( dataLength );
 // **************************************************************************************
@@ -1041,106 +1200,121 @@ int daqConfig(volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *dataInfo, volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *pInfo,
 ///	@brief This function populates the local DAQ/TP tables.
 ///	@param *pDxi	Pointer to struct with data transfer size information.
 ///	@param localTable[]	Table to be populated with data pointer
+/// information
 ///	@param sysRate			Number of code cycles in 1/16 second.
 ///	@param *dataInfo		DAQ configuration information
-///	@param *daqRange		Info on GDS TP number ranges which provides
-///type information
+///	@param *daqRange		Info on GDS TP number ranges which
+///provides type information
 ///	@return	0=OK or -1=FAIL
 // **************************************************************************************
-int loadLocalTable(DAQ_XFER_INFO *pDxi, DAQ_LKUP_TABLE localTable[],
-                   int sysRate, DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *dataInfo, DAQ_RANGE *daqRange) {
-  int ii, jj;
-  int mydatatype;
-  /// \> Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for config
-  /// checking */
-  pDxi->fileCrc = pInfo->configFileCRC;
-  /// \> Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total
-  /// number
-  ///   of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate
-  ///   (2048/16384Hz)
-  pDxi->xferSize1 = pDxi->crcLength / sysRate;
-  pDxi->totalSize = pDxi->crcLength;
-  pDxi->totalSizeNet = pDxi->crcLength;
-  /// \> Find first memory location for fast data in read/write swing buffers.
-  pDxi->offsetAccum = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
-  localTable[0].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
-  /// \> Fill in the local lookup table for finding data.
-  /// - (Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing
-  /// buffers)  \n
-  /// - (This is based on decimation factors and data size.)
-  for (ii = 0; ii < dataInfo->numChans; ii++) {
-    if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS) > sysRate) {
-      /* Channel data rate is greater than system rate */
-      // printf("Channels %d has bad data rate %d\n", ii,
-      // dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate);
-      return (-1);
-    } else {
-      /// - ---- Load decimation factor
-      localTable[ii].decFactor =
-          sysRate / (dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS);
-    }
-    /// - ---- Calc offset into swing buffer for writing data
-    mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
-    pDxi->offsetAccum +=
-        (sysRate / localTable[ii].decFactor * DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype));
-    localTable[ii + 1].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
-    /// - ----  Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or non-FM
-    /// TP and tag accordingly
-    if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->filtTpMin) &&
-        (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->filtTpMax))
-    /* This is a filter module testpoint */
-    {
-      jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->filtTpMin;
-      /* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
-      localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
-      /* Mark which system filter module is in */
-      localTable[ii].sysNum = jj / daqRange->filtTpSize;
-      jj -= localTable[ii].sysNum * daqRange->filtTpSize;
-      /* Mark which filter module within a system */
-      localTable[ii].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-      /* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
-      localTable[ii].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-    } else if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->filtExMin) &&
-               (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->filtExMax))
-    /* This is a filter module excitation input */
-    {
-      /* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
-      localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
-      /* Mark filter module number */
-      localTable[ii].fmNum = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->filtExMin;
-    } else if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->xTpMin) &&
-               (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->xTpMax))
-    /* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
-    {
-      jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->xTpMin;
-      /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
-      localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
-      /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
-      localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
-    }
-    else if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->xExMin) &&
-             (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->xExMax))
-    /* This exc testpoint is not part of a filter module */
+loadLocalTable( DAQ_XFER_INFO*  pDxi,
+                DAQ_LKUP_TABLE  localTable[],
+                int             sysRate,
+                DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* dataInfo,
+                DAQ_RANGE*      daqRange )
+    int ii, jj;
+    int mydatatype;
+    /// \> Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for
+    /// config checking */
+    pDxi->fileCrc = pInfo->configFileCRC;
+    /// \> Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total
+    /// number
+    ///   of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate
+    ///   (2048/16384Hz)
+    pDxi->xferSize1 = pDxi->crcLength / sysRate;
+    pDxi->totalSize = pDxi->crcLength;
+    pDxi->totalSizeNet = pDxi->crcLength;
+    /// \> Find first memory location for fast data in read/write swing buffers.
+    pDxi->offsetAccum = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
+    localTable[ 0 ].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
+    /// \> Fill in the local lookup table for finding data.
+    /// - (Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing
+    /// buffers)  \n
+    /// - (This is based on decimation factors and data size.)
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo->numChans; ii++ )
-      jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->xExMin;
-      /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
-      localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
-      /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
-      localTable[ii].fmNum = jj;
-      localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
-    } else {
-      // printf("Invalid chan num found %d = %d\n",ii,dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum);
-      return (-1);
+        if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS ) > sysRate )
+        {
+            /* Channel data rate is greater than system rate */
+            // printf("Channels %d has bad data rate %d\n", ii,
+            // dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate);
+            return ( -1 );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /// - ---- Load decimation factor
+            localTable[ ii ].decFactor =
+                sysRate / ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS );
+        }
+        /// - ---- Calc offset into swing buffer for writing data
+        mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType;
+        pDxi->offsetAccum += ( sysRate / localTable[ ii ].decFactor *
+                               DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE( mydatatype ) );
+        localTable[ ii + 1 ].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
+        /// - ----  Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or
+        /// non-FM TP and tag accordingly
+        if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->filtTpMin ) &&
+             ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->filtTpMax ) )
+        /* This is a filter module testpoint */
+        {
+            jj = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->filtTpMin;
+            /* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
+            /* Mark which system filter module is in */
+            localTable[ ii ].sysNum = jj / daqRange->filtTpSize;
+            jj -= localTable[ ii ].sysNum * daqRange->filtTpSize;
+            /* Mark which filter module within a system */
+            localTable[ ii ].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+            /* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
+            localTable[ ii ].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+        }
+        else if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->filtExMin ) &&
+                  ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->filtExMax ) )
+        /* This is a filter module excitation input */
+        {
+            /* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
+            /* Mark filter module number */
+            localTable[ ii ].fmNum =
+                dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->filtExMin;
+        }
+        else if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->xTpMin ) &&
+                  ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->xTpMax ) )
+        /* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
+        {
+            jj = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->xTpMin;
+            /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
+            /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
+            localTable[ ii ].sigNum = jj;
+        }
+        else if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->xExMin ) &&
+                  ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->xExMax ) )
+        /* This exc testpoint is not part of a filter module */
+        {
+            jj = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->xExMin;
+            /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
+            /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
+            localTable[ ii ].fmNum = jj;
+            localTable[ ii ].sigNum = jj;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // printf("Invalid chan num found %d =
+            // %d\n",ii,dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum);
+            return ( -1 );
+        }
+        // printf("Table %d Offset = %d  Type =
+        // %d\n",ii,localTable[ii].offset,dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType);
-    // printf("Table %d Offset = %d  Type =
-    // %d\n",ii,localTable[ii].offset,dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType);
-  }
-  return (0);
-  /// \> RETURN 0=OK or -1=FAIL
+    return ( 0 );
+    /// \> RETURN 0=OK or -1=FAIL
diff --git a/src/include/drv/daqLibZmq.c b/src/include/drv/daqLibZmq.c
index 001c14ecb..2858a151c 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/daqLibZmq.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/daqLibZmq.c
@@ -1,342 +1,502 @@
-/*!	\file daqLib.c                                                	
+/*!	\file daqLib.c
  *	\brief File contains routines to support DAQ on realtime systems. \n
  *	\author R.Bork, A. Ivanov
-volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *pInfo;		///< Ptr to DAQ config in shmem.
-extern volatile char *_epics_shm;	///< Ptr to EPICS shmem block
-extern long daqBuffer;			///< Address of daqLib swing buffers.
-extern char *_daq_shm;			///< Pointer to DAQ base address in shared memory.
-extern char *_gds_shm;			///< Pointer to GDS shared memory for ZMQ xmission.
-struct rmIpcStr *dipc;			///< Pointer to DAQ IPC data in shared memory.
-struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *tpPtr;	///< Pointer to TP table in shared memory.
-char *daqShmPtr;			///< Pointer to DAQ data in shared memory.
-char *pEpicsIntData;			///< Pointer to EPICS integer type data in shared memory.
-char *pEpicsDblData;			///< Pointer to EPICS double type data in shared memory.
-unsigned int curDaqBlockSize;		///< Total DAQ data rate diag
+ */
+volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* pInfo; ///< Ptr to DAQ config in shmem.
+extern volatile char*    _epics_shm; ///< Ptr to EPICS shmem block
+extern long              daqBuffer; ///< Address of daqLib swing buffers.
+extern char*     _daq_shm; ///< Pointer to DAQ base address in shared memory.
+extern char*     _gds_shm; ///< Pointer to GDS shared memory for ZMQ xmission.
+struct rmIpcStr* dipc; ///< Pointer to DAQ IPC data in shared memory.
+struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum* tpPtr; ///< Pointer to TP table in shared memory.
+char*                     daqShmPtr; ///< Pointer to DAQ data in shared memory.
+char* pEpicsIntData; ///< Pointer to EPICS integer type data in shared memory.
+char* pEpicsDblData; ///< Pointer to EPICS double type data in shared memory.
+unsigned int curDaqBlockSize; ///< Total DAQ data rate diag
 // Added to get EPICS data for RCG V2.8
-char *pEpicsInt;				// Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
-char *pEpicsInt1;
-float *pEpicsFloat;				// Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
-double *pEpicsDblData1;
-int daqConfig(struct DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *, struct DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *, char *);
-int gdsConfig(GDS_INFO_BLOCK *, GDS_INFO_BLOCK *);
-int loadLocalTable(DAQ_XFER_INFO *, DAQ_LKUP_TABLE [], int , DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *, DAQ_RANGE *);
-int daqWrite(int,int,struct DAQ_RANGE,int,double *[],struct FILT_MOD *,int,int [],double [],char *);
-int totaltp;	// Total number of TP available in a control model based on reading tpchn file
-double htond(double in) {
+char*   pEpicsInt; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
+char*   pEpicsInt1;
+float*  pEpicsFloat; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
+double* pEpicsDblData1;
+int daqConfig( struct DAQ_INFO_BLOCK*, struct DAQ_INFO_BLOCK*, char* );
+int gdsConfig( GDS_INFO_BLOCK*, GDS_INFO_BLOCK* );
+int loadLocalTable(
+int daqWrite( int,
+              int,
+              struct DAQ_RANGE,
+              int,
+              double*[],
+              struct FILT_MOD*,
+              int,
+              int[],
+              double[],
+              char* );
+int totaltp; // Total number of TP available in a control model based on reading
+             // tpchn file
+inline double
+htond( double in )
     double retVal;
-    char* p = (char*)&retVal;
-    char* i = (char*)&in;
-    p[0] = i[7];
-    p[1] = i[6];
-    p[2] = i[5];
-    p[3] = i[4];
-    p[4] = i[3];
-    p[5] = i[2];
-    p[6] = i[1];
-    p[7] = i[0];
+    char*  p = (char*)&retVal;
+    char*  i = (char*)&in;
+    p[ 0 ] = i[ 7 ];
+    p[ 1 ] = i[ 6 ];
+    p[ 2 ] = i[ 5 ];
+    p[ 3 ] = i[ 4 ];
+    p[ 4 ] = i[ 3 ];
+    p[ 5 ] = i[ 2 ];
+    p[ 6 ] = i[ 1 ];
+    p[ 7 ] = i[ 0 ];
     return retVal;
 /* ******************************************************************** */
 /* Routine to connect and write to LIGO DAQ system       		*/
 /* ******************************************************************** */
 ///	@author R.Bork, A. Ivanov\n
-///	@brief This function provides for reading GDS TP/EXC and writing DAQ data. \n
-///	@detail For additional information in LIGO DCC, see <a href="">T0900638 CDS Real-time DAQ Software</a>
-///	@param[in] flag 		Initialization flag (1=Init call, 0 = run)
-///	@param[in] dcuId		DAQ Data unit ID - unique within a control system
-///	@param[in] daqRange		Struct defining fron end valid test point and exc ranges.
+///	@brief This function provides for reading GDS TP/EXC and writing DAQ
+///data. \n
+///	@detail For additional information in LIGO DCC, see <a
+///CDS Real-time DAQ Software</a>
+///	@param[in] flag 		Initialization flag (1=Init call, 0 =
+///	@param[in] dcuId		DAQ Data unit ID - unique within a control
+///	@param[in] daqRange		Struct defining fron end valid test point
+///and exc ranges.
 ///	@param[in] sysRate		Data rate of the code / 16
-///	@param[in] *pFloatData[]	Pointer to TP data not associated with filter modules.
+///	@param[in] *pFloatData[]	Pointer to TP data not associated with
+///filter modules.
 ///	@param[in] *dspPtr		Pointer to array of filter module data.
 ///	@param[in] netStatus		Status of DAQ network
-///	@param[out] gdsMonitor[]	Array to return values of GDS TP/EXC selections.
-///	@param[out] excSignals[]	Array to write EXC signals not associated with filter modules.
+///	@param[out] gdsMonitor[]	Array to return values of GDS TP/EXC
+///	@param[out] excSignals[]	Array to write EXC signals not associated
+///with filter modules.
 ///	@return	Total size of data transmitted in KB/sec.
-int daqWrite(int flag,
-	     int dcuId,
-	     DAQ_RANGE daqRange,
-	     int sysRate,
-	     double *pFloatData[],
-	     FILT_MOD *dspPtr,
-	     int netStatus,
-	     int gdsMonitor[],
-	     double excSignal[],
-	     char *pEpics)
+daqWrite( int       flag,
+          int       dcuId,
+          DAQ_RANGE daqRange,
+          int       sysRate,
+          double*   pFloatData[],
+          FILT_MOD* dspPtr,
+          int       netStatus,
+          int       gdsMonitor[],
+          double    excSignal[],
+          char*     pEpics )
-int ii,jj,kk;			/* Loop counters.			*/
-int status;			/* Return value from called routines.	*/
-unsigned int mydatatype;
-double dWord;			/* Temp value for storage of DAQ values */
-static int daqBlockNum;		/* 1-16, tracks DAQ cycle.		*/
-static int daqXmitBlockNum;	/* 1-16, tracks shmem DAQ block to write to.	*/
-static int excBlockNum;		/* 1-16, tracks EXC block to read from.	*/
-static int excDataSize;
-static DAQ_XFER_INFO xferInfo;
-static int xferDone;
-static char *pDaqBuffer[DAQ_NUM_SWING_BUFFERS];	/* Pointers to local swing buffers.	*/
-static volatile char *pWriteBuffer;	/* Ptr to swing buff to write data	*/
-static int phase;		/* 0-1, switches swing buffers.		*/
-static int daqSlot;		/* 0-sysRate, data slot to write data	*/
-static int excSlot;		/* 0-sysRate, slot to read exc data	*/
-char *bufPtr;			/* Ptr to data for crc calculation.	*/
-static unsigned int crcTest;	/* Continuous calc of CRC.		*/
-static unsigned int crcSend;	/* CRC sent to FB.			*/
-static DAQ_INFO_BLOCK dataInfo; /* Local DAQ config info buffer.	*/
-static int tpStart;		/* Marks address of first TP data	*/
-static volatile GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK *gdsPtr;  /* Ptr to shm to pass TP info to DAQ */
-static volatile char *exciteDataPtr;	  /* Ptr to EXC data in shmem.	*/
-static int validTp = 0;		/* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
-static int validTpNet = 0;		/* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
-static int validEx;		/* EXC signal set status indicator.	*/
-static int tpNum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; 	/* TP/EXC selects to send to FB.	*/
-static int tpNumNet[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; 	/* TP/EXC selects to send to FB.	*/
-static int totalChans;		/* DAQ + TP + EXC chans selected.	*/
-int *statusPtr;
-volatile float *dataPtr;	/* Ptr to excitation chan data.		*/
-int exChanOffset;		/* shmem offset to next EXC value.	*/
-int tpx;
-static int buf_size;
-int i;
-int ltSlot;
-unsigned int exc;
-unsigned int tpn;
-int slot;
-int num_tps;
-unsigned int tpnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED];		// Current TP nums
-unsigned int excnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED];	// Current EXC nums
-double mydouble;
-static GDS_INFO_BLOCK gdsInfo;
-static volatile GDS_INFO_BLOCK *gdsInfoPtr;
-// Added channels to send GDS via separate shmem area to ZMQ software
-static volatile char *gdsDataPtr;
-static volatile char *gdsHdrPtr;
-static GDS_DATA_HEADER *gdsHdrInfo;
-static GDS_STATUS *gdsStatus;
-static float *gdsOffset;
+    int          ii, jj, kk; /* Loop counters.			*/
+    int          status; /* Return value from called routines.	*/
+    unsigned int mydatatype;
+    double       dWord; /* Temp value for storage of DAQ values */
+    static int   daqBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks DAQ cycle.		*/
+    static int
+                         daqXmitBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks shmem DAQ block to write to.	*/
+    static int           excBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks EXC block to read from.	*/
+    static int           excDataSize;
+    static DAQ_XFER_INFO xferInfo;
+    static int           xferDone;
+    static char* pDaqBuffer[ DAQ_NUM_SWING_BUFFERS ]; /* Pointers to local swing
+                                                         buffers.	*/
+    static DAQ_LKUP_TABLE localTable[ DCU_MAX_CHANNELS ];
+    static DAQ_LKUP_TABLE excTable[ DCU_MAX_CHANNELS ];
+    static volatile char*
+                          pWriteBuffer; /* Ptr to swing buff to write data	*/
+    static int            phase; /* 0-1, switches swing buffers.		*/
+    static int            daqSlot; /* 0-sysRate, data slot to write data	*/
+    static int            excSlot; /* 0-sysRate, slot to read exc data	*/
+    char*                 bufPtr; /* Ptr to data for crc calculation.	*/
+    static unsigned int   crcTest; /* Continuous calc of CRC.		*/
+    static unsigned int   crcSend; /* CRC sent to FB.			*/
+    static DAQ_INFO_BLOCK dataInfo; /* Local DAQ config info buffer.	*/
+    static int            tpStart; /* Marks address of first TP data	*/
+    static volatile GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK*
+                          gdsPtr; /* Ptr to shm to pass TP info to DAQ */
+    static volatile char* exciteDataPtr; /* Ptr to EXC data in shmem.	*/
+    static int            validTp = 0; /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
+    static int validTpNet = 0; /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected.	*/
+    static int validEx; /* EXC signal set status indicator.	*/
+    static int tpNum[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to FB.
+                                                 */
+    static int tpNumNet[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to
+                                                      FB.	*/
+    static int            totalChans; /* DAQ + TP + EXC chans selected.	*/
+    int*                  statusPtr;
+    volatile float*       dataPtr; /* Ptr to excitation chan data.		*/
+    int                   exChanOffset; /* shmem offset to next EXC value.	*/
+    int                   tpx;
+    static int            buf_size;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   ltSlot;
+    unsigned int          exc;
+    unsigned int          tpn;
+    int                   slot;
+    int                   num_tps;
+    unsigned int          tpnum[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; // Current TP nums
+    unsigned int          excnum[ DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ]; // Current EXC nums
+    double                mydouble;
+    static GDS_INFO_BLOCK gdsInfo;
+    static volatile GDS_INFO_BLOCK* gdsInfoPtr;
+    // Added channels to send GDS via separate shmem area to ZMQ software
+    static volatile char*   gdsDataPtr;
+    static volatile char*   gdsHdrPtr;
+    static GDS_DATA_HEADER* gdsHdrInfo;
+    static GDS_STATUS*      gdsStatus;
+    static float*           gdsOffset;
-// BIQUAD Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
-// dCOEFF 2x      *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff2x[13] = {0.02717257186578,
-        -0.1159055409088, -0.40753832312918, 2.66236735378793, 3.37073457156755,
-        -0.49505157452475, -1.10461941102831, 1.40184470311617, 1.79227686661261,
-        -0.74143396593712, -1.62740819248313, 0.72188475979666, 0.83591053325065};
-// dCOEFF 4x      *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff4x[13] = {0.00426219526013,
-        0.46640482430571, -0.10620935923005, 2.50932081620118, 2.93670663266542,
-        0.43602772908265, -0.31016854747127, 0.75143527373544, 1.00523899718152,
-        0.44571894955428, -0.47692045639835, 0.36664098129003, 0.4440015753374};
-// dCOEFF 8x      *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff8x[13] = {0.00162185538923,
-        0.73342532779703, -0.02862365091314, 1.44110125961504, 1.67905228090487,
-        0.77657563380963, -0.08304311675394, 0.18851328163424, 0.32889453107067,
-        0.83213081484618, -0.12573495191273, 0.0940911979108501, 0.13622543115194};
-// dCOEFF 16x     *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff16x[13] = {0.00112590539483,
-        0.86616831686611, -0.00753654634986012, 0.48586805026482, 0.61216318704885,
-        0.90508101474565, -0.0215349711544799, 0.0149886842581499, 0.08837269835802,
-        0.94631370100442, -0.0320417955561, 0.0141281606027401, 0.0357726640422202};
-// dCOEFF 32x     *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff32x[13] = {0.00102945292275,
-        0.93288074072411, -0.00194092797014001, 0.10751900551591, 0.17269733682166,
-        0.9570539169953, -0.00548573773340011, -0.0149997987966302, 0.0224605464746699,
-        0.98100244642901, -0.00807148639261013, -0.00189235941040011, 0.00903370776797985};
-// dCOEFF 64x     *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff64x[13] = {0.00101894798776,
-        0.96638168022541, -0.000492974627960052, 0.01147570619135, 0.04460105133798,
-        0.97969775930388, -0.00138449271550001, -0.0132857101503898, 0.00563203783023014,
-        0.99249184543014, -0.0020244997813601, -0.00322227927422025, 0.00226137551427974};
-// dCOEFF 128x    *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff128x[13] = {0.00102359688929,
-        0.98317523053482, -0.000124254191099959, -0.00545789721985002, 0.01124261805423,
-        0.9901470788001, -0.000347773996469902, -0.00809690612593994, 0.00140824107749005,
-        0.9967468102523, -0.000506888877139899, -0.00218112074794985, 0.000565180122610309};
-// dCOEFF 256x    *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff256x[13] = {0.00102849104272,
-        0.99158359864769, -3.11926170200039e-05, -0.00556878740432998, 0.00281642133096005,
-        0.99514878857652, -8.7150981279982e-05, -0.00441208984599983, 0.000351970596200069,
-        0.99849900371282, -0.000126813612729926, -0.00123294150072994, 0.000141241173720053};
+    // BIQUAD Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
+    // dCOEFF 2x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff2x[ 13 ] = { 0.02717257186578,  -0.1159055409088,
+                                     -0.40753832312918, 2.66236735378793,
+                                     3.37073457156755,  -0.49505157452475,
+                                     -1.10461941102831, 1.40184470311617,
+                                     1.79227686661261,  -0.74143396593712,
+                                     -1.62740819248313, 0.72188475979666,
+                                     0.83591053325065 };
+    // dCOEFF 4x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff4x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00426219526013, 0.46640482430571, -0.10620935923005, 2.50932081620118,
+        2.93670663266542, 0.43602772908265, -0.31016854747127, 0.75143527373544,
+        1.00523899718152, 0.44571894955428, -0.47692045639835, 0.36664098129003,
+        0.4440015753374
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 8x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff8x[ 13 ] = { 0.00162185538923,  0.73342532779703,
+                                     -0.02862365091314, 1.44110125961504,
+                                     1.67905228090487,  0.77657563380963,
+                                     -0.08304311675394, 0.18851328163424,
+                                     0.32889453107067,  0.83213081484618,
+                                     -0.12573495191273, 0.0940911979108501,
+                                     0.13622543115194 };
+    // dCOEFF 16x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff16x[ 13 ] = { 0.00112590539483,     0.86616831686611,
+                                      -0.00753654634986012, 0.48586805026482,
+                                      0.61216318704885,     0.90508101474565,
+                                      -0.0215349711544799,  0.0149886842581499,
+                                      0.08837269835802,     0.94631370100442,
+                                      -0.0320417955561,     0.0141281606027401,
+                                      0.0357726640422202 };
+    // dCOEFF 32x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff32x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00102945292275,     0.93288074072411,     -0.00194092797014001,
+        0.10751900551591,     0.17269733682166,     0.9570539169953,
+        -0.00548573773340011, -0.0149997987966302,  0.0224605464746699,
+        0.98100244642901,     -0.00807148639261013, -0.00189235941040011,
+        0.00903370776797985
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 64x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff64x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00101894798776,     0.96638168022541,    -0.000492974627960052,
+        0.01147570619135,     0.04460105133798,    0.97969775930388,
+        -0.00138449271550001, -0.0132857101503898, 0.00563203783023014,
+        0.99249184543014,     -0.0020244997813601, -0.00322227927422025,
+        0.00226137551427974
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 128x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff128x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00102359688929,      0.98317523053482,      -0.000124254191099959,
+        -0.00545789721985002,  0.01124261805423,      0.9901470788001,
+        -0.000347773996469902, -0.00809690612593994,  0.00140824107749005,
+        0.9967468102523,       -0.000506888877139899, -0.00218112074794985,
+        0.000565180122610309
+    };
+    // dCOEFF 256x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff256x[ 13 ] = {
+        0.00102849104272,     0.99158359864769,      -3.11926170200039e-05,
+        -0.00556878740432998, 0.00281642133096005,   0.99514878857652,
+        -8.7150981279982e-05, -0.00441208984599983,  0.000351970596200069,
+        0.99849900371282,     -0.000126813612729926, -0.00123294150072994,
+        0.000141241173720053
+    };
-// SOS Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
-// dCOEFF 2x      *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff2x[13] = {0.02717257186578,
-        -0.8840944590912, 0.29163278222038, 1.77827289469673, 1,
-        -0.50494842547525, 0.60956783650356, 0.89689627764092, 1,
-        -0.25856603406288, 0.88597422654601, 0.46331872573378, 1};
-// dCOEFF 4x      *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff4x[13] = {0.00426219526013,
-        -1.46640482430571, 0.57261418353576, 1.04291599189547, 1,
-        -1.43602772908265, 0.74619627655392, -0.68459245534721, 1,
-        -1.44571894955428, 0.92263940595263, -1.07907796826425, 1};
-// dCOEFF 8x      *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff8x[13] = {0.00162185538923,
-        -1.73342532779703, 0.76204897871017, -0.29232406818199, 1,
-        -1.77657563380963, 0.85961875056357, -1.58806235217539, 1,
-        -1.83213081484618, 0.95786576675891, -1.73803961693533, 1};
-// dCOEFF 16x     *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff16x[13] = {0.00112590539483,
-        -1.86616831686611, 0.87370486321597, -1.38030026660129, 1,
-        -1.90508101474565, 0.92661598590013, -1.8900923304875, 1,
-        -1.94631370100442, 0.97835549656052, -1.93218554040168, 1};
-// dCOEFF 32x     *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff32x[13] = {0.00102945292275,
-        -1.93288074072411, 0.93482166869425, -1.8253617352082, 1,
-        -1.9570539169953, 0.9625396547287, -1.97205371579193, 1,
-        -1.98100244642901, 0.98907393282162, -1.98289480583941, 1};
-// dCOEFF 64x     *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff64x[13] = {0.00101894798776,
-        -1.96638168022541, 0.96687465485337, -1.95490597403406, 1,
-        -1.97969775930388, 0.98108225201938, -1.99298346945427, 1,
-        -1.99249184543014, 0.9945163452115, -1.99571412470436, 1};
-// dCOEFF 128x    *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff128x[13] = {0.00102359688929,
-        -1.98317523053482, 0.98329948472592, -1.98863312775467, 1,
-        -1.9901470788001, 0.99049485279657, -1.99824398492604, 1,
-        -1.9967468102523, 0.99725369912944, -1.99892793100025, 1};
-// dCOEFF 256x    *************************************************************************
-static double dCoeff256x[13] = {0.00102849104272,
-        -1.99158359864769, 0.99161479126471, -1.99715238605202, 1,
-        -1.99514878857652, 0.9952359395578, -1.99956087842252, 1,
-        -1.99849900371282, 0.99862581732555, -1.99973194521355, 1};
+    // SOS Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
+    // dCOEFF 2x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff2x[ 13 ] = { 0.02717257186578,
+                                     -0.8840944590912,
+                                     0.29163278222038,
+                                     1.77827289469673,
+                                     1,
+                                     -0.50494842547525,
+                                     0.60956783650356,
+                                     0.89689627764092,
+                                     1,
+                                     -0.25856603406288,
+                                     0.88597422654601,
+                                     0.46331872573378,
+                                     1 };
+    // dCOEFF 4x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff4x[ 13 ] = { 0.00426219526013,
+                                     -1.46640482430571,
+                                     0.57261418353576,
+                                     1.04291599189547,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.43602772908265,
+                                     0.74619627655392,
+                                     -0.68459245534721,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.44571894955428,
+                                     0.92263940595263,
+                                     -1.07907796826425,
+                                     1 };
+    // dCOEFF 8x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff8x[ 13 ] = { 0.00162185538923,
+                                     -1.73342532779703,
+                                     0.76204897871017,
+                                     -0.29232406818199,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.77657563380963,
+                                     0.85961875056357,
+                                     -1.58806235217539,
+                                     1,
+                                     -1.83213081484618,
+                                     0.95786576675891,
+                                     -1.73803961693533,
+                                     1 };
+    // dCOEFF 16x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff16x[ 13 ] = { 0.00112590539483,
+                                      -1.86616831686611,
+                                      0.87370486321597,
+                                      -1.38030026660129,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.90508101474565,
+                                      0.92661598590013,
+                                      -1.8900923304875,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.94631370100442,
+                                      0.97835549656052,
+                                      -1.93218554040168,
+                                      1 };
+    // dCOEFF 32x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff32x[ 13 ] = { 0.00102945292275,
+                                      -1.93288074072411,
+                                      0.93482166869425,
+                                      -1.8253617352082,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.9570539169953,
+                                      0.9625396547287,
+                                      -1.97205371579193,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.98100244642901,
+                                      0.98907393282162,
+                                      -1.98289480583941,
+                                      1 };
+    // dCOEFF 64x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff64x[ 13 ] = { 0.00101894798776,
+                                      -1.96638168022541,
+                                      0.96687465485337,
+                                      -1.95490597403406,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.97969775930388,
+                                      0.98108225201938,
+                                      -1.99298346945427,
+                                      1,
+                                      -1.99249184543014,
+                                      0.9945163452115,
+                                      -1.99571412470436,
+                                      1 };
+    // dCOEFF 128x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff128x[ 13 ] = { 0.00102359688929,
+                                       -1.98317523053482,
+                                       0.98329948472592,
+                                       -1.98863312775467,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.9901470788001,
+                                       0.99049485279657,
+                                       -1.99824398492604,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.9967468102523,
+                                       0.99725369912944,
+                                       -1.99892793100025,
+                                       1 };
+    // dCOEFF 256x
+    // *************************************************************************
+    static double dCoeff256x[ 13 ] = { 0.00102849104272,
+                                       -1.99158359864769,
+                                       0.99161479126471,
+                                       -1.99715238605202,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.99514878857652,
+                                       0.9952359395578,
+                                       -1.99956087842252,
+                                       1,
+                                       -1.99849900371282,
+                                       0.99862581732555,
+                                       -1.99973194521355,
+                                       1 };
-// History buffers for decimation IIR filters
-static double dHistory[DCU_MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_HISTRY];
-// ************************************************************************************** 
-/// If flag input is 1, then this is a startup initialization request from controller code.
-  if(flag == DAQ_CONNECT)	/* Initialize DAQ connection */
-  {
-    /* First block to write out is last from previous second */
-    phase = 0;
-    daqBlockNum = (DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS - 1);
-    daqXmitBlockNum = 0;
-    excBlockNum = 0;
-    /// ** INITIALIZATION **************\n
-    daqSlot = -1;
-    excSlot = 0;
-    ///	\> CDS standard IIR filters will be used for decimation filtering from
-    /// the native application rate down to DAQ sample rate. \n 
-    /// \>\> Need to clear the decimation filter histories.
-    for(ii=0;ii<DCU_MAX_CHANNELS;ii++)
-	for(jj=0;jj<MAX_HISTRY;jj++)
-	     dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
-    /// \> Setup Pointers to the various shared memories:\n
-    /// ----  Assign Ptr to data shared memory to network driver (mx_stream) \n
-    daqShmPtr = _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET;
-    buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE*2;
-    pWriteBuffer = (volatile char *)daqShmPtr;
-    pWriteBuffer += buf_size * 15;
-    /// ----  Setup Ptr to interprocess comms with network driver
-    dipc = (struct rmIpcStr *)(_daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET);
-    /// ----  Setup Ptr to awgtpman shared memory (TP number table)
-    tpPtr = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *)(_daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET);
-    gdsInfoPtr = (GDS_INFO_BLOCK *)(_gds_shm);
-    gdsHdrPtr = (char *)(_gds_shm + GDS_DATA_OFFSET);
-    gdsStatus = (GDS_STATUS *) (_gds_shm + GDS_DATA_OFFSET - sizeof(GDS_STATUS));
-    gdsStatus->valsperchan = sysRate;
-    gdsHdrPtr += GDS_BUFF_SIZE * 15;
-    gdsHdrInfo = (GDS_DATA_HEADER *)gdsHdrPtr;
-    gdsDataPtr = (char *)(gdsHdrPtr + sizeof(GDS_DATA_HEADER));
-    /// ----  Set up pointer to DAQ configuration information in shmem */
-    pInfo = (DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *)(_epics_shm + DAQ_INFO_ADDRESS);
-    /// ----  Set pointer to shared mem to pass GDS info to DAQ
-    gdsPtr = (GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK *)(_epics_shm + DAQ_GDS_BLOCK_ADD);
-    // Set pointer to EXC data in shmem.
-    if(sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE)
-	{
-    	exciteDataPtr = (char *)(_epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU(DCU_ID_EX_2K));
-	}
-    else {
-    	exciteDataPtr = (char *)(_epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU(DCU_ID_EX_16K));
-    }
-    excDataSize = 4 + 4 * sysRate;
+    // History buffers for decimation IIR filters
+    static double dHistory[ DCU_MAX_CHANNELS ][ MAX_HISTRY ];
-    // Clear the reconfiguration flag in shmem.
-    pInfo->reconfig = 0;
-    // Configure data channels *****************************************************
-    // Return error if configuration is incorrect.
-    /// \> Load DAQ configuration info from memory shared with EPICS
-    if((xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig(&dataInfo,pInfo,pEpics)) == -1) return(-1);
-    /// \> Load local table information with channel info
-    if((status = loadLocalTable(&xferInfo,localTable,sysRate,&dataInfo,&daqRange)) == -1) return(-1);
-    /// \> Load GDS channel name and count information.
-    totaltp = gdsConfig(&gdsInfo, gdsInfoPtr);
-    // Set the start of TP data after DAQ data.
-    tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
-    totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
-    /// \> Clear out the GDS TP selections.
-    if (sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) tpx = 3; else tpx = 2;
-    for (ii=0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++) gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
-    if(sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) tpx = 1; else tpx = 0;
-    for (ii=0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++) gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
+    // **************************************************************************************
+    /// If flag input is 1, then this is a startup initialization request from
+    /// controller code.
+    if ( flag == DAQ_CONNECT ) /* Initialize DAQ connection */
+    {
-    /// \> Clear the GDS TP lookup table
-    for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-	tpNum[i] = 0;
-	tpNumNet[i] = 0;
-    }
-    validTp = 0;
-    validTpNet = 0;
-    //printf("at connect TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
-  } ///  End DAQ CONNECT INITIALIZATION ******************************
-/* ******************************************************************************** */
-/* Write Data to FB 			******************************************* */
-/* ******************************************************************************** */
-/// If flag=0, data is to be acquired. This is called every code cycle by controller.c
-/// ** Data Acquisition Mode ********************************************************
-  if(flag == DAQ_WRITE)
-  {
-    /// \> Calc data offset into current write swing buffer 
-    daqSlot = (daqSlot + 1) % sysRate;
-    gdsOffset = (float *) gdsDataPtr;;
-    gdsOffset += daqSlot;
+        /* First block to write out is last from previous second */
+        phase = 0;
+        daqBlockNum = ( DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS - 1 );
+        daqXmitBlockNum = 0;
+        excBlockNum = 0;
+        /// ** INITIALIZATION **************\n
+        daqSlot = -1;
+        excSlot = 0;
+        ///	\> CDS standard IIR filters will be used for decimation
+        ///filtering from
+        /// the native application rate down to DAQ sample rate. \n
+        /// \>\> Need to clear the decimation filter histories.
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < DCU_MAX_CHANNELS; ii++ )
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++ )
+                dHistory[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+        /// \> Setup Pointers to the various shared memories:\n
+        /// ----  Assign Ptr to data shared memory to network driver (mx_stream)
+        /// \n
+        daqShmPtr = _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET;
+        buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;
+        pWriteBuffer = (volatile char*)daqShmPtr;
+        pWriteBuffer += buf_size * 15;
+        /// ----  Setup Ptr to interprocess comms with network driver
+        dipc = (struct rmIpcStr*)( _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET );
+        /// ----  Setup Ptr to awgtpman shared memory (TP number table)
+        tpPtr = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum*)( _daq_shm +
+                                             CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET );
+        gdsInfoPtr = (GDS_INFO_BLOCK*)( _gds_shm );
+        gdsHdrPtr = (char*)( _gds_shm + GDS_DATA_OFFSET );
+        gdsStatus =
+            (GDS_STATUS*)( _gds_shm + GDS_DATA_OFFSET - sizeof( GDS_STATUS ) );
+        gdsStatus->valsperchan = sysRate;
+        gdsHdrPtr += GDS_BUFF_SIZE * 15;
+        gdsHdrInfo = (GDS_DATA_HEADER*)gdsHdrPtr;
+        gdsDataPtr = (char*)( gdsHdrPtr + sizeof( GDS_DATA_HEADER ) );
+        /// ----  Set up pointer to DAQ configuration information in shmem */
+        pInfo = (DAQ_INFO_BLOCK*)( _epics_shm + DAQ_INFO_ADDRESS );
+        /// ----  Set pointer to shared mem to pass GDS info to DAQ
+        gdsPtr = (GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK*)( _epics_shm + DAQ_GDS_BLOCK_ADD );
+        // Set pointer to EXC data in shmem.
+        if ( sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE )
+        {
+            exciteDataPtr =
+                (char*)( _epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU( DCU_ID_EX_2K ) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            exciteDataPtr =
+                (char*)( _epics_shm + DATA_OFFSET_DCU( DCU_ID_EX_16K ) );
+        }
+        excDataSize = 4 + 4 * sysRate;
+        // Clear the reconfiguration flag in shmem.
+        pInfo->reconfig = 0;
+        // Configure data channels
+        // ***************************************************** Return error if
+        // configuration is incorrect.
+        /// \> Load DAQ configuration info from memory shared with EPICS
+        if ( ( xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig( &dataInfo, pInfo, pEpics ) ) ==
+             -1 )
+            return ( -1 );
+        /// \> Load local table information with channel info
+        if ( ( status = loadLocalTable(
+                   &xferInfo, localTable, sysRate, &dataInfo, &daqRange ) ) ==
+             -1 )
+            return ( -1 );
+        /// \> Load GDS channel name and count information.
+        totaltp = gdsConfig( &gdsInfo, gdsInfoPtr );
+        // Set the start of TP data after DAQ data.
+        tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
+        totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
+        /// \> Clear out the GDS TP selections.
+        if ( sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE )
+            tpx = 3;
+        else
+            tpx = 2;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++ )
+            gdsPtr->tp[ tpx ][ 0 ][ ii ] = 0;
+        if ( sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE )
+            tpx = 1;
+        else
+            tpx = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++ )
+            gdsPtr->tp[ tpx ][ 0 ][ ii ] = 0;
+        /// \> Clear the GDS TP lookup table
+        for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+        {
+            tpNum[ i ] = 0;
+            tpNumNet[ i ] = 0;
+        }
+        validTp = 0;
+        validTpNet = 0;
+        // printf("at connect TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
+    } ///  End DAQ CONNECT INITIALIZATION ******************************
+    /* ********************************************************************************
+     */
+    /* Write Data to FB 			*******************************************
+     */
+    /* ********************************************************************************
+     */
+    /// If flag=0, data is to be acquired. This is called every code cycle by
+    /// controller.c
+    /// ** Data Acquisition Mode
+    /// ********************************************************
+    if ( flag == DAQ_WRITE )
+    {
+        /// \> Calc data offset into current write swing buffer
+        daqSlot = ( daqSlot + 1 ) % sysRate;
+        gdsOffset = (float*)gdsDataPtr;
+        ;
+        gdsOffset += daqSlot;
 #if 0
     /// \> At start of 1/16 sec. data block, reset the xfer sizes and done bit */
@@ -357,547 +517,695 @@ static double dHistory[DCU_MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_HISTRY];
-    /// \> Write data into local swing buffer 
-    for(ii=0;ii<totalChans;ii++)
-    {
-      dWord = 0;
-      if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NOOP) continue;
-      /// \> Read data to a local variable, either from a FM TP or other TP */
-      if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_TP)
-      /* Data if from filter module testpoint */
-      {
-	switch(localTable[ii].sigNum)
-	{
-	  case 0:
-	    dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].filterInput;
-	    break;
-	  case 1:
-	    dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].inputTestpoint;
-	    break;
-	  case 2:
-	    dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].testpoint;
-	    break;
- 	  default:
-	    dWord = 0.0;
-	    break;
-	}
-      }
-      else if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP)
-      /* Data is from non filter module  testpoint */
-      {
-	    dWord = *(pFloatData[localTable[ii].sigNum]);
-      }
-      else if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC)
-      /* Data is from filter module excitation */
-      {
-	    dWord = dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput;
-      } else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-	      // Extra excitation
-	      dWord = excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum];
-      }
-      /// \> Perform decimation filtering, if required.
+        /// \> Write data into local swing buffer
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < totalChans; ii++ )
+        {
+            dWord = 0;
+            if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NOOP )
+                continue;
+            /// \> Read data to a local variable, either from a FM TP or other
+            /// TP */
+            if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_TP )
+            /* Data if from filter module testpoint */
+            {
+                switch ( localTable[ ii ].sigNum )
+                {
+                case 0:
+                    dWord = dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].filterInput;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    dWord =
+                        dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].inputTestpoint;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    dWord = dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].testpoint;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    dWord = 0.0;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP )
+            /* Data is from non filter module  testpoint */
+            {
+                dWord = *( pFloatData[ localTable[ ii ].sigNum ] );
+            }
+            else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+            /* Data is from filter module excitation */
+            {
+                dWord = dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].exciteInput;
+            }
+            else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+            {
+                // Extra excitation
+                dWord = excSignal[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ];
+            }
+            /// \> Perform decimation filtering, if required.
 #define iir_filter iir_filter_biquad
-      if([ii].dataType != DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT)
-      {
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 2) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff2x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 4) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff4x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 8) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff8x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 16) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff16x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 32) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff32x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 64) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff64x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 128) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff128x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-	      if(localTable[ii].decFactor == 256) dWord = iir_filter(dWord,&dCoeff256x[0],DTAPS,&dHistory[ii][0]);
-      }
+            if ([ ii ].dataType != DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT )
+            {
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 2 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff2x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 4 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff4x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 8 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff8x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 16 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff16x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 32 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff32x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 64 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff64x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 128 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff128x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 256 )
+                    dWord = iir_filter(
+                        dWord, &dCoeff256x[ 0 ], DTAPS, &dHistory[ ii ][ 0 ] );
+            }
 #undef iir_filter
-      /// \> Write fast data into the swing buffer.
-      if ((daqSlot % localTable[ii].decFactor) == 0) {
-      	      mydatatype =[ii].dataType;
-	      switch(mydatatype) {
-			// Write short data; (XOR 1) here provides sample swapping
-			((short *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[(daqSlot/localTable[ii].decFactor)^1] = (short)dWord;
-			break;
-			((double *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[daqSlot/localTable[ii].decFactor] = dWord;
-			break;
-			// Write a 32-bit int (downcast from the double passed)
-			if (localTable[ii].decFactor == 1)
-			((unsigned int *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[daqSlot/localTable[ii].decFactor] = ((unsigned int)dWord);
-			else
-			((unsigned int *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[daqSlot/localTable[ii].decFactor]
-			                = ((unsigned int)dWord) & *((unsigned int *)(dHistory[ii]));
-			break;
-			((int *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[daqSlot] = (int)dWord;
-			break;
-		default:
-			// Write a 32-bit float (downcast from the double passed)
-			if(ii >= dataInfo.numChans) {
-				if(localTable[ii].type != DAQ_SRC_NOOP) {
-					*gdsOffset = (float)dWord;
-					gdsOffset += sysRate;
-				}
-			} else {
-				((float *)(pWriteBuffer + localTable[ii].offset))[daqSlot/localTable[ii].decFactor] = (float)dWord;
-			}
-			break;
-	      }
-      	} else if ([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT) {
-              if ((daqSlot % localTable[ii].decFactor) == 1)
-	          *((unsigned int *)(dHistory[ii])) = (unsigned int)dWord;
-	      else
-	          *((unsigned int *)(dHistory[ii])) &= (unsigned int)dWord;
-	}
-    } /* end swing buffer write loop */
-/// \> Write EPICS data into swing buffer at 16Hz.
-if(daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_INT)
-/// \>\> On 16Hz boundary: \n
-/// - ----  Write EPICS integer values to beginning of local write buffer
-      if(dataInfo.cpyepics2times)
-	{
-	      memcpy(pWriteBuffer,pEpicsIntData,dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0]);
-	      pEpicsInt = pWriteBuffer;
-	      pEpicsInt += dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0];
-	      pEpicsInt1 = pEpicsIntData + dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] + 4;
-	      memcpy(pEpicsInt,pEpicsInt1,dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1]);
-	} else {
-	      memcpy(pWriteBuffer,pEpicsIntData,dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0]);
-	}
-if(daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_DBL)
-/// - ---- Write EPICS double values as float values after EPICS integer type data.
-    	pEpicsDblData1 = (double *)pEpicsDblData;
-    	pEpicsFloat = (float *)pWriteBuffer; 
-    	pEpicsFloat += dataInfo.numEpicsInts; 
- 	for(ii=0;ii<dataInfo.numEpicsFloats;ii++)
-	{
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)*pEpicsDblData1;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		pEpicsDblData1 ++;
-	}
-if((daqSlot >= DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD) && (daqSlot < dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers))
-/// \>\> On 16Hz boundary + 1 (or more) cycle(s): \n
-/// - ----  Write filter module EPICS values as floats
-	if(daqSlot == (dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers - 1))
-	{
-		kk = jj + dataInfo.numEpicsFiltsLast;
-	} else {
-		kk = jj + DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
-	}
-	// printf("Cycle = %d jj = %d kk = %d\n",daqSlot,jj,kk);
- 	for(ii=jj;ii<kk;ii++)
-	{
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].offset;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].outgain;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].limiter;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swReq;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swMask;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].filterInput;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].exciteInput;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output16Hz;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-		*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].swStatus;;
-		pEpicsFloat ++;
-	}
-  /// \> Read in any selected EXC signals. \n
-  /// --- NOTE: EXC signals have to be read and loaded in advance by 1 cycle ie must be loaded and
-  /// available to the realtime application when the next code cycle is initiated.
-  excSlot = (excSlot + 1) % sysRate;
-  //if(validEx)
-  validEx = 0;
-  {
-	// Go through all test points
-  	for(ii=dataInfo.numChans;ii<totalChans;ii++)
-  	{
-		// Do not pickup any testpoints (type 0 or 1)
-		if (localTable[ii].type < DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC) continue;
-		exChanOffset = localTable[ii].sigNum * excDataSize;
-		statusPtr = (int *)(exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE + exChanOffset);
-		if(*statusPtr == 0)
-		{
-			validEx = FE_ERROR_EXC_SET;
-			dataPtr = (float *)(exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE + exChanOffset +
-					    excSlot * 4 + 4);
-			if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC)
-			{
-				dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = *dataPtr;
-			} else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-				// extra excitation
-				excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum] = *dataPtr;
-			}
-		}
-		// else dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
-		else {
-			if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC)
-			{
-				dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
-			} else if (localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-				// extra excitation
-				excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum] = 0.0;
-			}
-		}
-  	}
-  }
-  /// \> Move to the next 1/16 EXC signal data block if end of 16Hz block
-  if(excSlot == (sysRate - 1)) excBlockNum = (excBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
-    /// \> If last cycle of a 16Hz block:
-    if(daqSlot == (sysRate - 1))
-    /* Done with 1/16 second DAQ data block */
-    {
-	/// - -- Fill in the IPC table for DAQ network driver (mx_stream) \n
-        dipc->dcuId = dcuId; /// -   ------ DCU id of this system
-        dipc->crc = xferInfo.fileCrc; /// -   ------ Checksum of the configuration file
-        dipc->dataBlockSize = xferInfo.totalSizeNet; /// -   ------ Actual data size
-        /// -   ------  Data block number
-        dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].cycle = daqXmitBlockNum;
-        /// -   ------  Data block CRC
-        dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].crc = xferInfo.crcLength;
-	/// -   ------ Timestamp GPS Second
-	dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].timeSec = (unsigned int) cycle_gps_time;
-	/// -   ------ Timestamp GPS nanoSecond - Actually cycle number
-        dipc->bp[daqXmitBlockNum].timeNSec = (unsigned int)daqXmitBlockNum;
-        /// - ------ Write test point info to DAQ net shared memory
-        tpPtr->count = validTpNet | validEx;
-        memcpy(tpPtr->tpNum, tpNumNet, sizeof(tpNumNet[0]) * validTp);
-        // As the last step set the cycle counter
-        // Frame builder is looking for cycle change
-	/// - ------ Write IPC cycle number. This will trigger DAQ network driver to send data to DAQ
-        dipc->cycle =daqXmitBlockNum; // Ready cycle (16 Hz)
-      //
-      // Write GDS Data Information
-      // Write the channel names to header
-      jj = 0;
-      for(ii=dataInfo.numChans;ii<totalChans;ii++) {
-      	if(localTable[ii].type != DAQ_SRC_NOOP) {
-		sprintf(gdsHdrInfo->chan_name[jj],"%s",localTable[ii].chname);
-		jj ++;
-	}
-      }
-      // Write GDS channel count and timing information
-      gdsHdrInfo->chan_count = jj;
-      gdsHdrInfo->timesec = cycle_gps_time;
-      gdsHdrInfo->timensec = daqXmitBlockNum;;
-      // Write cycle count to trigger ZMQ GDS data transmission code
-      gdsStatus->cycle = daqXmitBlockNum;
-      /// - -- Increment the 1/16 sec block counter
-      daqBlockNum = (daqBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-      daqXmitBlockNum = (daqXmitBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
-      /// - -- Set data write ptr to next block in shmem
-      pWriteBuffer = (char *)daqShmPtr;
-      pWriteBuffer += buf_size * daqXmitBlockNum;
-      // Advance GDS Data Pointers
-      gdsHdrPtr = (char *)(_gds_shm + GDS_DATA_OFFSET);
-      gdsHdrPtr += GDS_BUFF_SIZE * daqXmitBlockNum;
-      gdsHdrInfo = (GDS_DATA_HEADER *)gdsHdrPtr;
-      gdsDataPtr = (char *)(gdsHdrPtr + sizeof(GDS_DATA_HEADER));
-      //  - -- Check for reconfig request at start of each second
-      if((pInfo->reconfig == 1) && (daqBlockNum == 0))
-      {
-	    printf("New daq config\n");
-	    pInfo->reconfig = 0;
-	    // Configure EPICS data channels
-	    xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig(&dataInfo,pInfo,pEpics);
-	    if(xferInfo.crcLength)
-	    {
-		    status = loadLocalTable(&xferInfo,localTable,sysRate,&dataInfo,&daqRange);
-		    // Clear decimation filter history
-		    for(ii=0;ii<dataInfo.numChans;ii++)
-		    {
-		      for(jj=0;jj<MAX_HISTRY;jj++) dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
-		    }
-		    tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
-		    totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
-	    }
-    	    /// \> Load GDS channel name and count information.
-    	    totaltp = gdsConfig(&gdsInfo, gdsInfoPtr);
-      }
-      /// - -- If last cycle of 1 sec time frame, check for new TP and load info.
-      // This will cause new TP to be written to local memory at start of 1 sec block.
-      if(daqBlockNum == 15)
-      {
-	// Offset by one into the TP/EXC tables for the 2K systems
-	unsigned int _2k_sys_offs = sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE;
-	// Helper function to search the lists
-	// Clears the found number from the lists
-	// tpnum and excnum lists of numbers do not intersect
-	inline int in_the_lists(unsigned int tp, unsigned int slot) {
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++){
-			if (tpnum[i] == tp) return (tpnum[i] = 0, 1);
-                        if (excnum[i] == tp) {
-                                // Check if the excitation is still in the same slot
-                                if (i != excTable[slot].offset) return 0;
-                                return (excnum[i] = 0, 1);
+            /// \> Write fast data into the swing buffer.
+            if ( ( daqSlot % localTable[ ii ].decFactor ) == 0 )
+            {
+                mydatatype =[ ii ].dataType;
+                switch ( mydatatype )
+                {
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT:
+                    // Write short data; (XOR 1) here provides sample swapping
+                    ( (short*)( pWriteBuffer + localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                        [ ( daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ) ^ 1 ] =
+                            (short)dWord;
+                    break;
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_DOUBLE:
+                    ( (double*)( pWriteBuffer + localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                        [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] = dWord;
+                    break;
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT:
+                    // Write a 32-bit int (downcast from the double passed)
+                    if ( localTable[ ii ].decFactor == 1 )
+                        ( (unsigned int*)( pWriteBuffer +
+                                           localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                            [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] =
+                                ( (unsigned int)dWord );
+                    else
+                        ( (unsigned int*)( pWriteBuffer +
+                                           localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                            [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] =
+                                ( (unsigned int)dWord ) &
+                            *( (unsigned int*)( dHistory[ ii ] ) );
+                    break;
+                case DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT:
+                    ( (int*)( pWriteBuffer +
+                              localTable[ ii ].offset ) )[ daqSlot ] =
+                        (int)dWord;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    // Write a 32-bit float (downcast from the double passed)
+                    if ( ii >= dataInfo.numChans )
+                    {
+                        if ( localTable[ ii ].type != DAQ_SRC_NOOP )
+                        {
+                            *gdsOffset = (float)dWord;
+                            gdsOffset += sysRate;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        ( (float*)( pWriteBuffer + localTable[ ii ].offset ) )
+                            [ daqSlot / localTable[ ii ].decFactor ] =
+                                (float)dWord;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            else if ([ ii ].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_UINT )
+            {
+                if ( ( daqSlot % localTable[ ii ].decFactor ) == 1 )
+                    *( (unsigned int*)( dHistory[ ii ] ) ) =
+                        (unsigned int)dWord;
+                else
+                    *( (unsigned int*)( dHistory[ ii ] ) ) &=
+                        (unsigned int)dWord;
+            }
+        } /* end swing buffer write loop */
+        /// \> Write EPICS data into swing buffer at 16Hz.
+        if ( daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_INT )
+        {
+            /// \>\> On 16Hz boundary: \n
+            /// - ----  Write EPICS integer values to beginning of local write
+            /// buffer
+            if ( dataInfo.cpyepics2times )
+            {
+                memcpy( pWriteBuffer, pEpicsIntData, dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ] );
+                pEpicsInt = pWriteBuffer;
+                pEpicsInt += dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ];
+                pEpicsInt1 = pEpicsIntData + dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ] + 4;
+                memcpy( pEpicsInt, pEpicsInt1, dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 1 ] );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                memcpy( pWriteBuffer, pEpicsIntData, dataInfo.cpyIntSize[ 0 ] );
+            }
+        }
+        if ( daqSlot == DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_DBL )
+        {
+            /// - ---- Write EPICS double values as float values after EPICS
+            /// integer type data.
+            pEpicsDblData1 = (double*)pEpicsDblData;
+            pEpicsFloat = (float*)pWriteBuffer;
+            pEpicsFloat += dataInfo.numEpicsInts;
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo.numEpicsFloats; ii++ )
+            {
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)*pEpicsDblData1;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                pEpicsDblData1++;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( ( daqSlot >= DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD ) &&
+             ( daqSlot < dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers ) )
+        {
+            /// \>\> On 16Hz boundary + 1 (or more) cycle(s): \n
+            /// - ----  Write filter module EPICS values as floats
+            jj = DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE * ( daqSlot - DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD );
+            if ( daqSlot == ( dataInfo.numEpicsFiltXfers - 1 ) )
+            {
+                kk = jj + dataInfo.numEpicsFiltsLast;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                kk = jj + DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
+            }
+            // printf("Cycle = %d jj = %d kk = %d\n",daqSlot,jj,kk);
+            for ( ii = jj; ii < kk; ii++ )
+            {
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].offset;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].outgain;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].limiter;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].swReq;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ ii ].swMask;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].filterInput;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].exciteInput;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].output16Hz;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].output;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+                *pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ ii ].swStatus;
+                ;
+                pEpicsFloat++;
+            }
+        }
+        /// \> Read in any selected EXC signals. \n
+        /// --- NOTE: EXC signals have to be read and loaded in advance by 1
+        /// cycle ie must be loaded and available to the realtime application
+        /// when the next code cycle is initiated.
+        excSlot = ( excSlot + 1 ) % sysRate;
+        // if(validEx)
+        validEx = 0;
+        {
+            // Go through all test points
+            for ( ii = dataInfo.numChans; ii < totalChans; ii++ )
+            {
+                // Do not pickup any testpoints (type 0 or 1)
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].type < DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                    continue;
+                exChanOffset = localTable[ ii ].sigNum * excDataSize;
+                statusPtr =
+                    (int*)( exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE +
+                            exChanOffset );
+                if ( *statusPtr == 0 )
+                {
+                    validEx = FE_ERROR_EXC_SET;
+                    dataPtr = (float*)( exciteDataPtr +
+                                        excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE +
+                                        exChanOffset + excSlot * 4 + 4 );
+                    if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].exciteInput =
+                            *dataPtr;
+                    }
+                    else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        // extra excitation
+                        excSignal[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ] = *dataPtr;
+                    }
+                }
+                // else dspPtr->data[localTable[ii].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
+                else
+                {
+                    if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        dspPtr->data[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ].exciteInput =
+                            0.0;
+                    }
+                    else if ( localTable[ ii ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+                    {
+                        // extra excitation
+                        excSignal[ localTable[ ii ].fmNum ] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// \> Move to the next 1/16 EXC signal data block if end of 16Hz block
+        if ( excSlot == ( sysRate - 1 ) )
+            excBlockNum = ( excBlockNum + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
+        /// \> If last cycle of a 16Hz block:
+        if ( daqSlot == ( sysRate - 1 ) )
+        /* Done with 1/16 second DAQ data block */
+        {
+            /// - -- Fill in the IPC table for DAQ network driver (mx_stream) \n
+            dipc->dcuId = dcuId; /// -   ------ DCU id of this system
+            dipc->crc =
+                xferInfo
+                    .fileCrc; /// -   ------ Checksum of the configuration file
+            dipc->dataBlockSize =
+                xferInfo.totalSizeNet; /// -   ------ Actual data size
+            /// -   ------  Data block number
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].cycle = daqXmitBlockNum;
+            /// -   ------  Data block CRC
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].crc = xferInfo.crcLength;
+            /// -   ------ Timestamp GPS Second
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].timeSec = (unsigned int)cycle_gps_time;
+            /// -   ------ Timestamp GPS nanoSecond - Actually cycle number
+            dipc->bp[ daqXmitBlockNum ].timeNSec =
+                (unsigned int)daqXmitBlockNum;
+            /// - ------ Write test point info to DAQ net shared memory
+            tpPtr->count = validTpNet | validEx;
+            memcpy( tpPtr->tpNum, tpNumNet, sizeof( tpNumNet[ 0 ] ) * validTp );
+            // As the last step set the cycle counter
+            // Frame builder is looking for cycle change
+            /// - ------ Write IPC cycle number. This will trigger DAQ network
+            /// driver to send data to DAQ
+            dipc->cycle = daqXmitBlockNum; // Ready cycle (16 Hz)
+            //
+            // Write GDS Data Information
+            // Write the channel names to header
+            jj = 0;
+            for ( ii = dataInfo.numChans; ii < totalChans; ii++ )
+            {
+                if ( localTable[ ii ].type != DAQ_SRC_NOOP )
+                {
+                    sprintf( gdsHdrInfo->chan_name[ jj ],
+                             "%s",
+                             localTable[ ii ].chname );
+                    jj++;
+                }
+            }
+            // Write GDS channel count and timing information
+            gdsHdrInfo->chan_count = jj;
+            gdsHdrInfo->timesec = cycle_gps_time;
+            gdsHdrInfo->timensec = daqXmitBlockNum;
+            ;
+            // Write cycle count to trigger ZMQ GDS data transmission code
+            gdsStatus->cycle = daqXmitBlockNum;
+            /// - -- Increment the 1/16 sec block counter
+            daqBlockNum = ( daqBlockNum + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            daqXmitBlockNum =
+                ( daqXmitBlockNum + 1 ) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
+            /// - -- Set data write ptr to next block in shmem
+            pWriteBuffer = (char*)daqShmPtr;
+            pWriteBuffer += buf_size * daqXmitBlockNum;
+            // Advance GDS Data Pointers
+            gdsHdrPtr = (char*)( _gds_shm + GDS_DATA_OFFSET );
+            gdsHdrPtr += GDS_BUFF_SIZE * daqXmitBlockNum;
+            gdsHdrInfo = (GDS_DATA_HEADER*)gdsHdrPtr;
+            gdsDataPtr = (char*)( gdsHdrPtr + sizeof( GDS_DATA_HEADER ) );
+            //  - -- Check for reconfig request at start of each second
+            if ( ( pInfo->reconfig == 1 ) && ( daqBlockNum == 0 ) )
+            {
+                printf( "New daq config\n" );
+                pInfo->reconfig = 0;
+                // Configure EPICS data channels
+                xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig( &dataInfo, pInfo, pEpics );
+                if ( xferInfo.crcLength )
+                {
+                    status = loadLocalTable(
+                        &xferInfo, localTable, sysRate, &dataInfo, &daqRange );
+                    // Clear decimation filter history
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo.numChans; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++ )
+                            dHistory[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                    tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
+                    totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
+                }
+                /// \> Load GDS channel name and count information.
+                totaltp = gdsConfig( &gdsInfo, gdsInfoPtr );
+            }
+            /// - -- If last cycle of 1 sec time frame, check for new TP and
+            /// load info.
+            // This will cause new TP to be written to local memory at start of
+            // 1 sec block.
+            if ( daqBlockNum == 15 )
+            {
+                // Offset by one into the TP/EXC tables for the 2K systems
+                unsigned int _2k_sys_offs = sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE;
+                // Helper function to search the lists
+                // Clears the found number from the lists
+                // tpnum and excnum lists of numbers do not intersect
+                inline int in_the_lists( unsigned int tp, unsigned int slot )
+                {
+                    int i;
+                    for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpnum[ i ] == tp )
+                            return ( tpnum[ i ] = 0, 1 );
+                        if ( excnum[ i ] == tp )
+                        {
+                            // Check if the excitation is still in the same slot
+                            if ( i != excTable[ slot ].offset )
+                                return 0;
+                            return ( excnum[ i ] = 0, 1 );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                // Helper function to find an empty slot in the localTable
+                inline unsigned int empty_slot( void )
+                {
+                    int i;
+                    for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpNum[ i ] == 0 )
+                            return i;
+                    }
+                    return -1;
+                }
+                // Function to locate TP channel names from tp number
+                inline int findTpName( int tpn, int slot )
+                {
+                    int ii;
+                    for ( ii = 0; ii < totaltp; ii++ )
+                    {
+                        if ( gdsInfo.tpinfo[ ii ].tpnumber == tpn )
+                        {
+                            sprintf( localTable[ slot ].chname,
+                                     "%s",
+                                     gdsInfo.tpinfo[ ii ].tpname );
+                            // printf("Found tpname =
+                            // %s\n",localTable[slot].chname);
+                            return ( 0 );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return ( -1 );
+                }
+                // Copy TP/EXC tables into my local memory
+                memcpy( excnum,
+                        (const void*)( gdsPtr->tp[ _2k_sys_offs ][ 0 ] ),
+                        sizeof( excnum ) );
+                memcpy( tpnum,
+                        (const void*)( gdsPtr->tp[ 2 + _2k_sys_offs ][ 0 ] ),
+                        sizeof( tpnum ) );
+                /// - ------ Search and clear deselected test points
+                for ( i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++ )
+                {
+                    if ( tpNum[ i ] == 0 )
+                        continue;
+                    if ( !in_the_lists( tpNum[ i ], i ) )
+                    {
+                        tpNum[ i ] = 0; // Removed test point is cleared now
+                        ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + i;
+                        // If we are clearing an EXC signal, reset filter module
+                        // input
+                        if ( localTable[ ltSlot ].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC )
+                        {
+                            dspPtr->data[ excTable[ i ].fmNum ].exciteInput =
+                                0.0;
+                            excTable[ i ].sigNum = 0;
+                        }
+                        else if ( localTable[ ltSlot ].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC )
+                        {
+                            // Extra excitation
+                            excSignal[ excTable[ i ].fmNum ] = 0.0;
+                            excTable[ i ].sigNum = 0;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	// Helper function to find an empty slot in the localTable
-	inline unsigned int empty_slot(void) {
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-			if (tpNum[i] == 0) return i;	
-		}
-		return -1;
-	}
-	// Function to locate TP channel names from tp number
-	inline int findTpName(int tpn, int slot) {
-	  int ii;
-	  for(ii=0;ii<totaltp;ii++) {
-		if(gdsInfo.tpinfo[ii].tpnumber == tpn) {
-			sprintf(localTable[slot].chname,"%s", gdsInfo.tpinfo[ii].tpname);
-			// printf("Found tpname = %s\n",localTable[slot].chname);
-			return(0);
-		}
-	  }
-	  return(-1);
-	}
-	// Copy TP/EXC tables into my local memory
-	memcpy(excnum, (const void *)(gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][0]), sizeof(excnum));
-	memcpy(tpnum, (const void *)(gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][0]), sizeof(tpnum));
-	/// - ------ Search and clear deselected test points
-	for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
-		if (tpNum[i] == 0) continue;
-		if (!in_the_lists(tpNum[i], i)) {
-		  tpNum[i] = 0; // Removed test point is cleared now
-		  ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + i;
-		  // If we are clearing an EXC signal, reset filter module input
-		  if (localTable[ltSlot].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC) {
-		    dspPtr->data[excTable[i].fmNum].exciteInput = 0.0;
-		    excTable[i].sigNum = 0;
-		  } else if (localTable[ltSlot].type == DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC) {
-		    // Extra excitation
-		    excSignal[excTable[i].fmNum] = 0.0;
-		    excTable[i].sigNum = 0;
-		  }
-		  localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_NOOP;
-          	  localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = 0;
-          	  localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = 0;
-          	  localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = 0;
-	  	  localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-[ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-		}
-	}
-	validTpNet = 0;
-	// tpnum and excnum lists now have only the new test points
-	// Insert these new numbers into empty localTable slots
-	for (i = 0; i < (2 * DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED); i++) {
-		exc = 0;
-		// Do test points first
-		if (i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED) {
-			if (tpnum[i] == 0) continue;
-			tpn = tpnum[i];
-		} else {
-			if (excnum[i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED] == 0) continue;
-			tpn = excnum[i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED];
-			exc = 1;
-			ii = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
-		}
-        	//printf("tpn=%d at %d\n", tpn, i);
-		slot = empty_slot();
-		if (slot < 0) {
-			// No more slots left, table's full
-			break;
-		}
-		// localTable slot (shifted by the number of DAQ channels)
-		ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + slot;
-		// Populate the slot with the information
-		if (!exc) {
-       		  if (tpn >= daqRange.filtTpMin && tpn < daqRange.filtTpMax) {
-		    findTpName(tpn,ltSlot);
-		    validTpNet ++;
-		    jj = tpn - daqRange.filtTpMin;
-		    localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = jj / daqRange.filtTpSize;
-		    jj -= localTable[ltSlot].sysNum * daqRange.filtTpSize;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP; 
-	  	    localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-  [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-		    //if (slot < 24) gdsMonitor[slot] = tpn;
-          	    gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-		    tpNum[slot] = tpn;
-        	  } else if (tpn >= daqRange.xTpMin && tpn < daqRange.xTpMax) {
-		    findTpName(tpn,ltSlot);
-		    validTpNet ++;
-	 	    jj = tpn - daqRange.xTpMin;
-		    localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
-		    localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = jj;
-	  	    localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-  [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-		    gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-		    tpNum[slot] = tpn;
-		  }
-	        } else {
-        	  if (tpn >= daqRange.filtExMin && tpn < daqRange.filtExMax) {
-		    findTpName(tpn,ltSlot);
-		    validTpNet ++;
-		    jj = tpn - daqRange.filtExMin;
-		    localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = jj / daqRange.filtExSize;	// filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj % daqRange.filtExSize;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = ii;
-	  	    localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-		    excTable[slot].sigNum = tpn;
-		    excTable[slot].sysNum = localTable[ltSlot].sysNum;
-		    excTable[slot].fmNum = localTable[ltSlot].fmNum;
-                    excTable[slot].offset = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
-                    // Save the index into the TPman table
-  [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-          	    gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-		    tpNum[slot] = tpn;
-        	  } else if (tpn >= daqRange.xExMin && tpn < daqRange.xExMax) {
-		    findTpName(tpn,ltSlot);
-		    validTpNet ++;
-	 	    jj = tpn - daqRange.xExMin;
-		    localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].sysNum = 0;	// filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj;
-          	    // localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = slot;
-          	    localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = ii;
-	  	    localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
-		    excTable[slot].sigNum = tpn;
-		    excTable[slot].sysNum = localTable[ltSlot].sysNum;
-		    excTable[slot].fmNum = localTable[ltSlot].fmNum;
-                    excTable[slot].offset = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
-  [ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
-		   // if (slot < 8) gdsMonitor[slot + 24] = tpn;
-          	    gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
-		    tpNum[slot] = tpn;
-		  }
-		}
-	}
-	/// - ------ Calculate total number of test points to transmit
-	totalChans = dataInfo.numChans; // Set to the DAQ channels number
-	validTp = 0;
-	num_tps = 0;
-	// Skip empty slots at the end
-	for (i = DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		if (tpNum[i]) {
-			num_tps = i + 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	totalChans += num_tps;
-	validTp = num_tps;
-	/// - ------ Calculate the total transmission size (DAQ +TP)
-	xferInfo.totalSize = xferInfo.crcLength + validTp * sysRate * 4;
-	// Assign offsets into the localTable
-	xferInfo.offsetAccum = tpStart;
-	for (i = 0; i < validTp; i++) {
-	    localTable[dataInfo.numChans + i].offset = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
-	    xferInfo.offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
-	    if (i < 32) gdsMonitor[i] = tpNum[i];
-	}
-	for (i = validTp; i < 32; i++) gdsMonitor[i] = 0;
-      } /* End normal check for new TP numbers */
-      // Network write is one cycle behind memory write, so now update tp nums for FB xmission
-      if(daqBlockNum == 0)
-      {
-	for(ii=0;ii<validTp;ii++) {
-		tpNumNet[ii] = tpNum[ii];
-		// if(tpNum[ii] != 0) validTpNet ++;
-	}
-	// validTpNet = validTp;
-	xferInfo.totalSizeNet = xferInfo.crcLength;
-      }
-    } /* End done 16Hz Cycle */
-  } /* End case write */
-  /// \> Return the FE total DAQ data rate */
-  return((xferInfo.totalSize*DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND)/1000);
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_NOOP;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = 0;
+                        localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+              [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                    }
+                }
+                validTpNet = 0;
+                // tpnum and excnum lists now have only the new test points
+                // Insert these new numbers into empty localTable slots
+                for ( i = 0; i < ( 2 * DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ); i++ )
+                {
+                    exc = 0;
+                    // Do test points first
+                    if ( i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpnum[ i ] == 0 )
+                            continue;
+                        tpn = tpnum[ i ];
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if ( excnum[ i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ] == 0 )
+                            continue;
+                        tpn = excnum[ i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED ];
+                        exc = 1;
+                        ii = i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
+                    }
+                    // printf("tpn=%d at %d\n", tpn, i);
+                    slot = empty_slot( );
+                    if ( slot < 0 )
+                    {
+                        // No more slots left, table's full
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // localTable slot (shifted by the number of DAQ channels)
+                    ltSlot = dataInfo.numChans + slot;
+                    // Populate the slot with the information
+                    if ( !exc )
+                    {
+                        if ( tpn >= daqRange.filtTpMin &&
+                             tpn < daqRange.filtTpMax )
+                        {
+                            findTpName( tpn, ltSlot );
+                            validTpNet++;
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.filtTpMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum =
+                                jj / daqRange.filtTpSize;
+                            jj -= localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum *
+                                daqRange.filtTpSize;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            // if (slot < 24) gdsMonitor[slot] = tpn;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ 2 + _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                        else if ( tpn >= daqRange.xTpMin &&
+                                  tpn < daqRange.xTpMax )
+                        {
+                            findTpName( tpn, ltSlot );
+                            validTpNet++;
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.xTpMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = jj;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ 2 + _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if ( tpn >= daqRange.filtExMin &&
+                             tpn < daqRange.filtExMax )
+                        {
+                            findTpName( tpn, ltSlot );
+                            validTpNet++;
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.filtExMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum = jj /
+                                daqRange.filtExSize; // filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum =
+                                jj % daqRange.filtExSize;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = ii;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sigNum = tpn;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sysNum =
+                                localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].fmNum = localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].offset =
+                                i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
+                            // Save the index into the TPman table
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                        else if ( tpn >= daqRange.xExMin &&
+                                  tpn < daqRange.xExMax )
+                        {
+                            findTpName( tpn, ltSlot );
+                            validTpNet++;
+                            jj = tpn - daqRange.xExMin;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum =
+                                0; // filtExSize = MAX_MODULES
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum = jj;
+                            // localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = slot;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].sigNum = ii;
+                            localTable[ ltSlot ].decFactor = 1;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sigNum = tpn;
+                            excTable[ slot ].sysNum =
+                                localTable[ ltSlot ].sysNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].fmNum = localTable[ ltSlot ].fmNum;
+                            excTable[ slot ].offset =
+                                i - DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
+                  [ ltSlot ].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
+                            // if (slot < 8) gdsMonitor[slot + 24] = tpn;
+                            gdsPtr->tp[ _2k_sys_offs ][ 1 ][ slot ] = 0;
+                            tpNum[ slot ] = tpn;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /// - ------ Calculate total number of test points to transmit
+                totalChans =
+                    dataInfo.numChans; // Set to the DAQ channels number
+                validTp = 0;
+                num_tps = 0;
+                // Skip empty slots at the end
+                for ( i = DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+                {
+                    if ( tpNum[ i ] )
+                    {
+                        num_tps = i + 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                totalChans += num_tps;
+                validTp = num_tps;
+                /// - ------ Calculate the total transmission size (DAQ +TP)
+                xferInfo.totalSize = xferInfo.crcLength + validTp * sysRate * 4;
+                // Assign offsets into the localTable
+                xferInfo.offsetAccum = tpStart;
+                for ( i = 0; i < validTp; i++ )
+                {
+                    localTable[ dataInfo.numChans + i ].offset =
+                        xferInfo.offsetAccum;
+                    xferInfo.offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
+                    if ( i < 32 )
+                        gdsMonitor[ i ] = tpNum[ i ];
+                }
+                for ( i = validTp; i < 32; i++ )
+                    gdsMonitor[ i ] = 0;
+            } /* End normal check for new TP numbers */
+            // Network write is one cycle behind memory write, so now update tp
+            // nums for FB xmission
+            if ( daqBlockNum == 0 )
+            {
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < validTp; ii++ )
+                {
+                    tpNumNet[ ii ] = tpNum[ ii ];
+                    // if(tpNum[ii] != 0) validTpNet ++;
+                }
+                // validTpNet = validTp;
+                xferInfo.totalSizeNet = xferInfo.crcLength;
+            }
+        } /* End done 16Hz Cycle */
+    } /* End case write */
+    /// \> Return the FE total DAQ data rate */
+    return ( ( xferInfo.totalSize * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND ) / 1000 );
 // **************************************************************************************
 // New routine to get GDS TP channel names via GDS shmem
 // **************************************************************************************
-int gdsConfig(GDS_INFO_BLOCK *localtable, GDS_INFO_BLOCK *shmtable) {
-  int ii;
-  int tpcount = shmtable->totalchans;
-  printf(" ********** GDS total chans = %d ****************\n",tpcount);
-  for(ii=0;ii<tpcount;ii++) {
-    strcpy(localtable->tpinfo[ii].tpname,shmtable->tpinfo[ii].tpname);
-    localtable->tpinfo[ii].tpnumber = shmtable->tpinfo[ii].tpnumber;
-    // if(ii<10) printf("\t name = %s \tnumber = %d\n",localtable->tpinfo[ii].tpname,localtable->tpinfo[ii].tpnumber);
-  }
-  return(tpcount);
+gdsConfig( GDS_INFO_BLOCK* localtable, GDS_INFO_BLOCK* shmtable )
+    int ii;
+    int tpcount = shmtable->totalchans;
+    printf( " ********** GDS total chans = %d ****************\n", tpcount );
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < tpcount; ii++ )
+    {
+        strcpy( localtable->tpinfo[ ii ].tpname,
+                shmtable->tpinfo[ ii ].tpname );
+        localtable->tpinfo[ ii ].tpnumber = shmtable->tpinfo[ ii ].tpnumber;
+        // if(ii<10) printf("\t name = %s \tnumber =
+        // %d\n",localtable->tpinfo[ii].tpname,localtable->tpinfo[ii].tpnumber);
+    }
+    return ( tpcount );
 // **************************************************************************************
@@ -909,43 +1217,43 @@ int gdsConfig(GDS_INFO_BLOCK *localtable, GDS_INFO_BLOCK *shmtable) {
 ///	@param[in] pEpics	Pointer to beginning of EPICS data.
 ///	@return	Size, in bytes, of DAQ data.
 // **************************************************************************************
-int daqConfig( DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *dataInfo,  	
-                DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *pInfo,	
-		char *pEpics
-              )
+daqConfig( DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* dataInfo, DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* pInfo, char* pEpics )
-int ii,jj;      		// Loop counters
-int epicsIntXferSize = 0;	// Size, in bytes, of EPICS integer type data.
-int dataLength = 0;		// Total size, in bytes, of data to be sent
-int status = 0;
-int mydatatype;
-/// \> Verify correct channel count before proceeding. \n
-/// - ---- Required to be at least one and not more than DCU_MAX_CHANNELS.
+    int ii, jj; // Loop counters
+    int epicsIntXferSize = 0; // Size, in bytes, of EPICS integer type data.
+    int dataLength = 0; // Total size, in bytes, of data to be sent
+    int status = 0;
+    int mydatatype;
+    /// \> Verify correct channel count before proceeding. \n
+    /// - ---- Required to be at least one and not more than DCU_MAX_CHANNELS.
     status = pInfo->numChans;
     // if((status < 1) || (status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS))
-    if(status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS)
-    {   
-	printf("Invalid num daq chans = %d\n",status);
-	return(-1);
+    if ( status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS )
+    {
+        printf( "Invalid num daq chans = %d\n", status );
+        return ( -1 );
-    /// \> Get the number of fast channels to be acquired 
+    /// \> Get the number of fast channels to be acquired
     dataInfo->numChans = pInfo->numChans;
-/// \> Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
+    /// \> Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
     dataInfo->numEpicsInts = pInfo->numEpicsInts;
     dataInfo->numEpicsFloats = pInfo->numEpicsFloats;
     dataInfo->numEpicsFilts = pInfo->numEpicsFilts;
     dataInfo->numEpicsTotal = pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
-/// \> Determine how many filter modules are to have their data transferred per cycle.
-/// - ---- This is to balance load (CPU time) across several cycles if number of filter modules > 100
-    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers = MAX_MODULES/DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
+    /// \> Determine how many filter modules are to have their data transferred
+    /// per cycle.
+    /// - ---- This is to balance load (CPU time) across several cycles if
+    /// number of filter modules > 100
+    dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers = MAX_MODULES / DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
     dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE;
-	dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers ++;
-	dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = (MAX_MODULES % DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE);
+        dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers++;
+        dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast = ( MAX_MODULES % DAQ_XFER_FMD_PER_CYCLE );
     dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers += DAQ_XFER_CYCLE_FMD;
     pEpicsIntData = pEpics;
@@ -953,101 +1261,134 @@ int mydatatype;
     dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset = 0;
     dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 0;
-    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0] = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
-    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1] = 0;
+    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 0 ] = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
+    dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 1 ] = 0;
-    ii = (sizeof(CDS_EPICS_OUT) / 4);
+    ii = ( sizeof( CDS_EPICS_OUT ) / 4 );
     jj = dataInfo->numEpicsInts - ii;
-    printf("Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer channels\n",ii,jj);
+    printf( "Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer channels\n",
+            ii,
+            jj );
     ii *= 4;
     jj *= 4;
-    /// \>  Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte boundary.
-    /// Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
-    /// - ---- If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will appear
-    /// before the double type data in shared memory.
-    if(ii % 8) {
-        printf("Have int mem hole after CDS %d %d \n",ii,jj);
+    /// \>  Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte
+    /// boundary. Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
+    /// - ---- If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will
+    /// appear before the double type data in shared memory.
+    if ( ii % 8 )
+    {
+        printf( "Have int mem hole after CDS %d %d \n", ii, jj );
         dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
-    if(jj % 8) {
-        printf("Have int mem hole after user %d %d \n",ii,jj);
+    if ( jj % 8 )
+    {
+        printf( "Have int mem hole after user %d %d \n", ii, jj );
         dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
-    if ((ii%8) &&(jj>0)) { 
+    if ( ( ii % 8 ) && ( jj > 0 ) )
+    {
         /// - ---- If standard CDS struct doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then
         /// have 4 byte mem hole after CDS data
-        /// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data to get 8 byte alignment for xfer to DAQ buffer..
-        dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0] = ii;
-        dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1] = jj;        
-	dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 1;
+        /// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data to get 8 byte alignment
+        /// for xfer to DAQ buffer..
+        dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 0 ] = ii;
+        dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 1 ] = jj;
+        dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 1;
         // dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
-        printf("Have mem holes after CDS  %d %d \nNeed to cpy ints twice - size 1 = %d size 2 = %d \n",ii,jj,dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0],dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1]);
+        printf( "Have mem holes after CDS  %d %d \nNeed to cpy ints twice - "
+                "size 1 = %d size 2 = %d \n",
+                ii,
+                jj,
+                dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 0 ],
+                dataInfo->cpyIntSize[ 1 ] );
-    /// \> Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory. \n
-    /// - ---- Ptr to double type data is at EPICS integer start + EPICS integer size + Memory holes
-    pEpicsDblData = (pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset);
+    /// \> Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory.
+    /// \n
+    /// - ---- Ptr to double type data is at EPICS integer start + EPICS integer
+    /// size + Memory holes
+    pEpicsDblData =
+        ( pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset );
     // Send EPICS data diags to dmesg
-    printf("DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%lx with size %d\n",(long)pEpicsIntData,epicsIntXferSize);
-    printf("DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%lx\n",(long)pEpicsDblData);
-    printf("DAQ EPICS: Int = %d  Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast = %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsInts,dataInfo->numEpicsFloats,dataInfo->numEpicsFilts, dataInfo->numEpicsTotal, dataInfo->numChans);
-    printf("DAQ EPICS: Number of Filter Module Xfers = %d last = %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers,dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast);
+    printf( "DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%lx with size %d\n",
+            (long)pEpicsIntData,
+            epicsIntXferSize );
+    printf( "DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%lx\n", (long)pEpicsDblData );
+    printf( "DAQ EPICS: Int = %d  Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast = %d\n",
+            dataInfo->numEpicsInts,
+            dataInfo->numEpicsFloats,
+            dataInfo->numEpicsFilts,
+            dataInfo->numEpicsTotal,
+            dataInfo->numChans );
+    printf( "DAQ EPICS: Number of Filter Module Xfers = %d last = %d\n",
+            dataInfo->numEpicsFiltXfers,
+            dataInfo->numEpicsFiltsLast );
     /// \> Initialize CRC length with EPICS data size.
     dataLength = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
-    printf("crc length epics = %d\n",dataLength);
+    printf( "crc length epics = %d\n", dataLength );
-    /// \>  Get the DAQ configuration information for all fast DAQ channels and calc a crc checksum length
-    for(ii=0;ii<dataInfo->numChans;ii++)
+    /// \>  Get the DAQ configuration information for all fast DAQ channels and
+    /// calc a crc checksum length
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo->numChans; ii++ )
-      strcpy(dataInfo->tp[ii].channel_name,pInfo->tp[ii].channel_name);
-      dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ii].tpnum;
-      dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType = pInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
-      dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ii].dataRate;
-      mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
-      dataLength += DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype) * dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
-      if(mydatatype == 5) printf("Found double %d\n",DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype));
+        strcpy( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].channel_name, pInfo->tp[ ii ].channel_name );
+        dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum;
+        dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType = pInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType;
+        dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate;
+        mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType;
+        dataLength += DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE( mydatatype ) *
+            dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
+        if ( mydatatype == 5 )
+            printf( "Found double %d\n", DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE( mydatatype ) );
     /// \> Set DAQ bytes/sec global, which is output to EPICS by controller.c
     curDaqBlockSize = dataLength * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
     /// \> RETURN dataLength, used in other code for CRC checksum byte count
-    return(dataLength);
+    return ( dataLength );
 // **************************************************************************************
 ///	@author R.Bork\n
 ///	@brief This function populates the local DAQ/TP tables.
 ///	@param *pDxi	Pointer to struct with data transfer size information.
-///	@param localTable[]	Table to be populated with data pointer information
+///	@param localTable[]	Table to be populated with data pointer
 ///	@param sysRate			Number of code cycles in 1/16 second.
 ///	@param *dataInfo		DAQ configuration information
-///	@param *daqRange		Info on GDS TP number ranges which provides type information 
+///	@param *daqRange		Info on GDS TP number ranges which provides
+///type information
 ///	@return	0=OK or -1=FAIL
 // **************************************************************************************
-int loadLocalTable(DAQ_XFER_INFO *pDxi,
-		   DAQ_LKUP_TABLE localTable[],
-		   int sysRate,
-		   DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *dataInfo,
-	     	   DAQ_RANGE *daqRange
-		  )
+loadLocalTable( DAQ_XFER_INFO*  pDxi,
+                DAQ_LKUP_TABLE  localTable[],
+                int             sysRate,
+                DAQ_INFO_BLOCK* dataInfo,
+                DAQ_RANGE*      daqRange )
-int ii,jj;
-int mydatatype;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int mydatatype;
-    /// \> Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for config checking */
+    /// \> Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for
+    /// config checking */
     pDxi->fileCrc = pInfo->configFileCRC;
-    /// \> Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total number
-    ///   of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate (2048/16384Hz)
-    pDxi->xferSize1 = pDxi->crcLength/sysRate;
+    /// \> Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total
+    /// number
+    ///   of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate
+    ///   (2048/16384Hz)
+    pDxi->xferSize1 = pDxi->crcLength / sysRate;
     pDxi->totalSize = pDxi->crcLength;
     pDxi->totalSizeNet = pDxi->crcLength;
-    printf (" xfer sizes = %d %d %d %d \n",sysRate,pDxi->xferSize1,pDxi->totalSize,pDxi->crcLength);
+    printf( " xfer sizes = %d %d %d %d \n",
+            sysRate,
+            pDxi->xferSize1,
+            pDxi->totalSize,
+            pDxi->crcLength );
 #if 0
     /// \> Maintain 8 byte data boundaries for writing data, particularly important
     ///    when DMA xfers are used on 5565 RFM modules. Note that this usually results
@@ -1057,88 +1398,102 @@ int mydatatype;
 	printf("DAQ resized %d\n", pDxi->xferSize1);
-   /// \> Find first memory location for fast data in read/write swing buffers.
+    /// \> Find first memory location for fast data in read/write swing buffers.
     pDxi->offsetAccum = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
-    localTable[0].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
+    localTable[ 0 ].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
-   /// \> Fill in the local lookup table for finding data.
-   /// - (Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing buffers)  \n 
-   /// - (This is based on decimation factors and data size.)
+    /// \> Fill in the local lookup table for finding data.
+    /// - (Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing
+    /// buffers)  \n
+    /// - (This is based on decimation factors and data size.)
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < dataInfo->numChans; ii++ )
-      // New feature to load channel names with DAQ info
-      // Not presently used, but may be in later versions for live data requests.
-      strcpy(localTable[ii].chname, dataInfo->tp[ii].channel_name);
-      if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS) > sysRate) {
-        /* Channel data rate is greater than system rate */
-        printf("Channels %d has bad data rate %d\n", ii, dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate);
-        return(-1);
-      } else {
-      /// - ---- Load decimation factor
-      localTable[ii].decFactor = sysRate/(dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS);
-      }
-      // printf("local table %d is %d name %s\n",ii,dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate,localTable[ii].chname);
-      /// - ---- Calc offset into swing buffer for writing data
-      mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
-      pDxi->offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(mydatatype));
-      localTable[ii+1].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
-      /// - ----  Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or non-FM TP and tag accordingly
-      if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->filtTpMin) &&
-         (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->filtTpMax))
-      /* This is a filter module testpoint */
-      {
-        jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->filtTpMin;
-        /* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
-        localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
-        /* Mark which system filter module is in */
-        localTable[ii].sysNum = jj / daqRange->filtTpSize;
-        jj -= localTable[ii].sysNum * daqRange->filtTpSize;
-        /* Mark which filter module within a system */
-        localTable[ii].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-        /* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
-        localTable[ii].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
-      }
-      else if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->filtExMin) &&
-         (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->filtExMax))
-      /* This is a filter module excitation input */
-      {
-        /* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
-        localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
-        /* Mark filter module number */
-        localTable[ii].fmNum =  dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->filtExMin;
-      }
-      else if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->xTpMin) &&
-         (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->xTpMax))
-      /* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
-      {
-        jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->xTpMin;
-        /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
-        localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
-        /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
-        localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
-      }
-      // :TODO: this is broken, needs some work to make extra EXC work.
-      else if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->xExMin) &&
-         (dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->xExMax))
-      /* This exc testpoint is not part of a filter module */
-      {
-	jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->xExMin;
-        /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
-        localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
-        /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
-        localTable[ii].fmNum = jj;
-        localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        printf("Invalid chan num found %d = %d\n",ii,dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum);
-        return(-1);
-      }
-      // printf("Table %d Offset = %d  Type = %d\n",ii,localTable[ii].offset,dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType);
-/// \> RETURN 0=OK or -1=FAIL
+        // New feature to load channel names with DAQ info
+        // Not presently used, but may be in later versions for live data
+        // requests.
+        strcpy( localTable[ ii ].chname, dataInfo->tp[ ii ].channel_name );
+        if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS ) > sysRate )
+        {
+            /* Channel data rate is greater than system rate */
+            printf( "Channels %d has bad data rate %d\n",
+                    ii,
+                    dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate );
+            return ( -1 );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /// - ---- Load decimation factor
+            localTable[ ii ].decFactor =
+                sysRate / ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS );
+        }
+        // printf("local table %d is %d name
+        // %s\n",ii,dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate,localTable[ii].chname);
+        /// - ---- Calc offset into swing buffer for writing data
+        mydatatype = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].dataType;
+        pDxi->offsetAccum += ( sysRate / localTable[ ii ].decFactor *
+                               DAQ_DATA_TYPE_SIZE( mydatatype ) );
+        localTable[ ii + 1 ].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
+        /// - ----  Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or
+        /// non-FM TP and tag accordingly
+        if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->filtTpMin ) &&
+             ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->filtTpMax ) )
+        /* This is a filter module testpoint */
+        {
+            jj = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->filtTpMin;
+            /* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
+            /* Mark which system filter module is in */
+            localTable[ ii ].sysNum = jj / daqRange->filtTpSize;
+            jj -= localTable[ ii ].sysNum * daqRange->filtTpSize;
+            /* Mark which filter module within a system */
+            localTable[ ii ].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+            /* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
+            localTable[ ii ].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
+        }
+        else if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->filtExMin ) &&
+                  ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->filtExMax ) )
+        /* This is a filter module excitation input */
+        {
+            /* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
+            /* Mark filter module number */
+            localTable[ ii ].fmNum =
+                dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->filtExMin;
+        }
+        else if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->xTpMin ) &&
+                  ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->xTpMax ) )
+        /* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
+        {
+            jj = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->xTpMin;
+            /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
+            /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
+            localTable[ ii ].sigNum = jj;
+        }
+        // :TODO: this is broken, needs some work to make extra EXC work.
+        else if ( ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum >= daqRange->xExMin ) &&
+                  ( dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum < daqRange->xExMax ) )
+        /* This exc testpoint is not part of a filter module */
+        {
+            jj = dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum - daqRange->xExMin;
+            /* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
+            localTable[ ii ].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
+            /* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
+            localTable[ ii ].fmNum = jj;
+            localTable[ ii ].sigNum = jj;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            printf( "Invalid chan num found %d = %d\n",
+                    ii,
+                    dataInfo->tp[ ii ].tpnum );
+            return ( -1 );
+        }
+        // printf("Table %d Offset = %d  Type =
+        // %d\n",ii,localTable[ii].offset,dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType);
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
+    /// \> RETURN 0=OK or -1=FAIL
diff --git a/src/include/drv/epicsXfer.c b/src/include/drv/epicsXfer.c
index 2d3b1f36f..492e956de 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/epicsXfer.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/epicsXfer.c
@@ -11,29 +11,30 @@
 ///	@param[in] *dspCoeff		Pointer to process memory fm coeff data.
 ///	@param[in] *pCoeff		Pointer to shared memory fm coeff data.
-inline void updateEpics(int subcycle,
-			FILT_MOD *dsp,
-			FILT_MOD *pDsp,
-			COEF *dspCoeff,
-			VME_COEF *pCoeff)
+inline void
+updateEpics( int       subcycle,
+             FILT_MOD* dsp,
+             FILT_MOD* pDsp,
+             COEF*     dspCoeff,
+             VME_COEF* pCoeff )
-int ii;
+    int ii;
-  ii = subcycle;
-  if((ii >= 0) && (ii < MAX_MODULES))
-  {
-        checkFiltReset(ii, dsp, pDsp, dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff);
+    ii = subcycle;
+    if ( ( ii >= 0 ) && ( ii < MAX_MODULES ) )
+    {
+        checkFiltReset( ii, dsp, pDsp, dspCoeff, MAX_MODULES, pCoeff );
         // dsp->inputs[ii].opSwitchE = pDsp->inputs[ii].opSwitchE;
-        pDsp->data[ii].filterInput = dsp->data[ii].filterInput;
-        pDsp->data[ii].exciteInput = dsp->data[ii].exciteInput;
-        pDsp->data[ii].output16Hz = dsp->data[ii].output16Hz;
-        pDsp->data[ii].output = dsp->data[ii].output;
-        pDsp->data[ii].testpoint = dsp->data[ii].testpoint;
-        pDsp->data[ii].swStatus = dsp->data[ii].swStatus;
-        pDsp->inputs[ii].opSwitchP = dsp->inputs[ii].opSwitchP;
+        pDsp->data[ ii ].filterInput = dsp->data[ ii ].filterInput;
+        pDsp->data[ ii ].exciteInput = dsp->data[ ii ].exciteInput;
+        pDsp->data[ ii ].output16Hz = dsp->data[ ii ].output16Hz;
+        pDsp->data[ ii ].output = dsp->data[ ii ].output;
+        pDsp->data[ ii ].testpoint = dsp->data[ ii ].testpoint;
+        pDsp->data[ ii ].swStatus = dsp->data[ ii ].swStatus;
+        pDsp->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchP = dsp->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchP;
         // dsp->inputs[ii].limiter = pDsp->inputs[ii].limiter;
-        pDsp->inputs[ii].mask = dsp->inputs[ii].mask;
-        pDsp->inputs[ii].control = dsp->inputs[ii].control;
+        pDsp->inputs[ ii ].mask = dsp->inputs[ ii ].mask;
+        pDsp->inputs[ ii ].control = dsp->inputs[ ii ].control;
 #if 0
 	if (dsp->inputs[ii].mask & 0x20000000) { /* Offset controlled by the FE */
         	pDsp->inputs[ii].offset = dsp->inputs[ii].offset;
@@ -51,88 +52,100 @@ int ii;
         	dsp->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time = pDsp->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;
-  }
+    }
-inline void updateFmSetpoints(
-			FILT_MOD *dsp,
-			FILT_MOD *pDsp,
-			COEF *dspCoeff,
-			VME_COEF *pCoeff)
+inline void
+updateFmSetpoints( FILT_MOD* dsp,
+                   FILT_MOD* pDsp,
+                   COEF*     dspCoeff,
+                   VME_COEF* pCoeff )
-int ii;
-	for(ii=0;ii<MAX_MODULES;ii++)
-	{
-		dsp->inputs[ii].opSwitchE = pDsp->inputs[ii].opSwitchE;
-		dsp->inputs[ii].limiter = pDsp->inputs[ii].limiter;
-		if (dsp->inputs[ii].mask & 0x20000000) { /* Offset controlled by the FE */
-			pDsp->inputs[ii].offset = dsp->inputs[ii].offset;
-		} else {
-			dsp->inputs[ii].offset = pDsp->inputs[ii].offset;
-		}
-		if (dsp->inputs[ii].mask & 0x40000000) { /* Gain controlled by the FE */
-			pDsp->inputs[ii].outgain = dsp->inputs[ii].outgain;
-		} else {
-			dsp->inputs[ii].outgain = pDsp->inputs[ii].outgain;
-		}
-		if (dsp->inputs[ii].mask & 0x80000000) { /* Ramp time controlled by the FE */
-			pDsp->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time = dsp->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;
-		} else {
-			dsp->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time = pDsp->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;
-		}
-	}
+    int ii;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        dsp->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchE = pDsp->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchE;
+        dsp->inputs[ ii ].limiter = pDsp->inputs[ ii ].limiter;
+        if ( dsp->inputs[ ii ].mask & 0x20000000 )
+        { /* Offset controlled by the FE */
+            pDsp->inputs[ ii ].offset = dsp->inputs[ ii ].offset;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dsp->inputs[ ii ].offset = pDsp->inputs[ ii ].offset;
+        }
+        if ( dsp->inputs[ ii ].mask & 0x40000000 )
+        { /* Gain controlled by the FE */
+            pDsp->inputs[ ii ].outgain = dsp->inputs[ ii ].outgain;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dsp->inputs[ ii ].outgain = pDsp->inputs[ ii ].outgain;
+        }
+        if ( dsp->inputs[ ii ].mask & 0x80000000 )
+        { /* Ramp time controlled by the FE */
+            pDsp->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time =
+                dsp->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dsp->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time =
+                pDsp->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time;
+        }
+    }
 /// Check for process stop command from EPICS
 ///	@param[in] subcycle	Present code cycle
 ///	@param[in] *plocalEpics	Pointer to EPICS data in shared memory
-inline int checkEpicsReset(int subcycle, CDS_EPICS *plocalEpics){
-  int ii;
-  ii = subcycle;
+inline int
+checkEpicsReset( int subcycle, CDS_EPICS* plocalEpics )
+    int ii;
-  if ((ii==MAX_MODULES) && (plocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset)) {
-        return(1);
-  }
+    ii = subcycle;
-  return(0);
+    if ( ( ii == MAX_MODULES ) && ( plocalEpics->epicsInput.vmeReset ) )
+    {
+        return ( 1 );
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
 ///	Perform gain ramping
-int gainRamp(float gainReq, int rampTime, int id, float *gain, int gainRate)
+gainRamp( float gainReq, int rampTime, int id, float* gain, int gainRate )
-static int dir[40];
-static float inc[40];
-static float gainFinal[40];
-static float gainOut[40];
-	if (rampTime <= 0) return 0;
-        if(gainFinal[id] != gainReq)
-        {
-                inc[id] = rampTime * gainRate;
-                inc[id] = (gainReq - gainOut[id]) / inc[id];
-                if(inc[id] <= 0.0) dir[id] = 0;
-                else dir[id] = 1;
-                gainFinal[id] = gainReq;
-        }
-        if(gainFinal[id] == gainOut[id])
-        {
-		*gain = gainOut[id];
-                return(0);
-        }
-        gainOut[id] += inc[id];
-        if((dir[id] == 1) && (gainOut[id] >= gainFinal[id]))
-                gainOut[id] = gainFinal[id];
-        if((dir[id] == 0) && (gainOut[id] <= gainFinal[id]))
-                gainOut[id] = gainFinal[id];
-	*gain = gainOut[id];
-        return(1);
+    static int   dir[ 40 ];
+    static float inc[ 40 ];
+    static float gainFinal[ 40 ];
+    static float gainOut[ 40 ];
+    if ( rampTime <= 0 )
+        return 0;
+    if ( gainFinal[ id ] != gainReq )
+    {
+        inc[ id ] = rampTime * gainRate;
+        inc[ id ] = ( gainReq - gainOut[ id ] ) / inc[ id ];
+        if ( inc[ id ] <= 0.0 )
+            dir[ id ] = 0;
+        else
+            dir[ id ] = 1;
+        gainFinal[ id ] = gainReq;
+    }
+    if ( gainFinal[ id ] == gainOut[ id ] )
+    {
+        *gain = gainOut[ id ];
+        return ( 0 );
+    }
+    gainOut[ id ] += inc[ id ];
+    if ( ( dir[ id ] == 1 ) && ( gainOut[ id ] >= gainFinal[ id ] ) )
+        gainOut[ id ] = gainFinal[ id ];
+    if ( ( dir[ id ] == 0 ) && ( gainOut[ id ] <= gainFinal[ id ] ) )
+        gainOut[ id ] = gainFinal[ id ];
+    *gain = gainOut[ id ];
+    return ( 1 );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/fm10Gen.c b/src/include/drv/fm10Gen.c
index 64ad475b7..56002e93a 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/fm10Gen.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/fm10Gen.c
@@ -1,38 +1,40 @@
-/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ */
 /*                                                                              */
-/*                      -------------------                                     */
+/*                      ------------------- */
 /*                                                                              */
-/*                             LIGO                                             */
+/*                             LIGO */
 /*                                                                              */
 /*                                                                              */
-/*                     (C) The LIGO Project, 2005.                              */
+/*                     (C) The LIGO Project, 2005. */
 /*                                                                              */
 /*                                                                              */
-/* File: fm10Gen.c 	                                                        */
-/* Description:                                                                 */
-/*      CDS generic code for calculating IIR filters.			        */
+/* File: fm10Gen.c */
+/* Description: */
+/*      CDS generic code for calculating IIR filters. */
 /*                                                                              */
-/* California Institute of Technology                                           */
-/* LIGO Project MS 18-34                                                        */
-/* Pasadena CA 91125                                                            */
+/* California Institute of Technology */
+/* LIGO Project MS 18-34 */
+/* Pasadena CA 91125 */
 /*                                                                              */
-/* Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                        */
-/* LIGO Project MS 20B-145                                                      */
-/* Cambridge MA 01239                                                           */
+/* Massachusetts Institute of Technology */
+/* LIGO Project MS 20B-145 */
+/* Cambridge MA 01239 */
 /*                                                                              */
-/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ */
 ///	@file fm10Gen.c
 ///	@brief This file contains the routines for performing the real-time
 ///		IIR/FIR filter calculations. \n
-///	Further information is provided in the LIGO DCC 
-///	<a href="">T0900606 CDS Standard IIR Filter Module Software</a>
+///	Further information is provided in the LIGO DCC
+///	<a
+///CDS Standard IIR Filter Module Software</a>
 #include "fm10Gen.h"
 /* Switching register bits */
@@ -42,169 +44,180 @@
 #define OPSWITCH_HOLD_ENABLE 0x8000000
 /// Quick look up table for power of 2 calcs
-const UINT32 pow2_in[10] = {0x10,0x40,0x100,0x400,0x1000,0x4000,0x10000,
-				   0x40000,0x100000,0x400000};
+const UINT32 pow2_in[ 10 ] = { 0x10,   0x40,    0x100,   0x400,    0x1000,
+                               0x4000, 0x10000, 0x40000, 0x100000, 0x400000 };
 /// Quick look up table for power of 2 calcs
-const UINT32 pow2_out[10] = {0x20,0x80,0x200,0x800,0x2000,0x8000,0x20000,
-				    0x80000,0x200000,0x800000};
+const UINT32 pow2_out[ 10 ] = { 0x20,   0x80,    0x200,   0x800,    0x2000,
+                                0x8000, 0x20000, 0x80000, 0x200000, 0x800000 };
 /// Quick look up table for filter module switch decoding
-const UINT32 fltrConst[17] = {16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384,
-                                     65536, 262144, 1048576, 4194304,
-				     0x4, 0x8, 0x4000000,0x1000000,0x1, /* in sw, off sw, out sw , limit sw*/
-				     0x2000000,0x8000000
-				     };
-#if defined(SERVO16K) || defined(SERVO512K) || defined(SERVO32K) || defined(SERVO64K) || defined(SERVO128K) || defined(SERVO256K) || defined(SERVO1024K)
-double sixteenKAvgCoeff[9] = {1.9084759e-12,
-				     -1.99708675982420, 0.99709029700517, 2.00000005830747, 1.00000000739582,
-				     -1.99878510620232, 0.99879373895648, 1.99999994169253, 0.99999999260419};
+const UINT32
+    fltrConst[ 17 ] = { 16,        64,        256,     1024,    4096, 16384,
+                        65536,     262144,    1048576, 4194304, 0x4,  0x8,
+                        0x4000000, 0x1000000, 0x1, /* in sw, off sw, out sw ,
+                                                      limit sw*/
+                        0x2000000, 0x8000000 };
+#if defined( SERVO16K ) || defined( SERVO512K ) || defined( SERVO32K ) ||      \
+    defined( SERVO64K ) || defined( SERVO128K ) || defined( SERVO256K ) ||     \
+    defined( SERVO1024K )
+double sixteenKAvgCoeff[ 9 ] = { 1.9084759e-12,    -1.99708675982420,
+                                 0.99709029700517, 2.00000005830747,
+                                 1.00000000739582, -1.99878510620232,
+                                 0.99879373895648, 1.99999994169253,
+                                 0.99999999260419 };
-#if defined(SERVO2K) || defined(SERVO4K)
-double twoKAvgCoeff[9] = {7.705446e-9,
-				 -1.97673337437048, 0.97695747524900,  2.00000006227141,  1.00000000659235,
-				 -1.98984125831661,  0.99039139954634,  1.99999993772859,  0.99999999340765};
+#if defined( SERVO2K ) || defined( SERVO4K )
+double twoKAvgCoeff[ 9 ] = { 7.705446e-9,      -1.97673337437048,
+                             0.97695747524900, 2.00000006227141,
+                             1.00000000659235, -1.98984125831661,
+                             0.99039139954634, 1.99999993772859,
+                             0.99999999340765 };
 #ifdef SERVO16K
 #define avgCoeff sixteenKAvgCoeff
-#elif defined(SERVO32K) || defined(SERVO64K) || defined(SERVO128K) || defined(SERVO256K) 
+#elif defined( SERVO32K ) || defined( SERVO64K ) || defined( SERVO128K ) ||    \
+    defined( SERVO256K )
 #define avgCoeff sixteenKAvgCoeff
-#elif defined(SERVO1024K)
+#elif defined( SERVO1024K )
 #define avgCoeff sixteenKAvgCoeff
-#elif defined(SERVO512K)
+#elif defined( SERVO512K )
 #define avgCoeff sixteenKAvgCoeff
-#elif defined(SERVO2K)
+#elif defined( SERVO2K )
 #define avgCoeff twoKAvgCoeff
-#elif defined(SERVO4K)
+#elif defined( SERVO4K )
 #define avgCoeff twoKAvgCoeff
-#elif defined(SERVO5HZ)
+#elif defined( SERVO5HZ )
 #error need to define 2k or 16k or mixed
 #ifdef SERVO1024K
-  #define FE_RATE	1048576
+#define FE_RATE 1048576
 #ifdef SERVO512K
-  #define FE_RATE	524288
+#define FE_RATE 524288
 #ifdef SERVO256K
-  #define FE_RATE	262144
+#define FE_RATE 262144
 #ifdef SERVO64K
-  #define FE_RATE 65536
+#define FE_RATE 65536
 #ifdef SERVO32K
-  #define FE_RATE 32768
+#define FE_RATE 32768
 #ifdef SERVO16K
-  #define FE_RATE 16384
+#define FE_RATE 16384
 #ifdef SERVO4K
-  #define FE_RATE 4096
+#define FE_RATE 4096
 #ifdef SERVO2K
-  #define FE_RATE 2048
+#define FE_RATE 2048
 /// New tRamp.c gain ramping strcuture
-RampParamState gain_ramp[MAX_MODULES][10];
+RampParamState gain_ramp[ MAX_MODULES ][ 10 ];
 /// New tRamp.c gain offset strcuture
-RampParamState offset_ramp[MAX_MODULES][10];
+RampParamState offset_ramp[ MAX_MODULES ][ 10 ];
-/// @brief Perform IIR filtering sample by sample on doubles. 
+/// @brief Perform IIR filtering sample by sample on doubles.
 /// Implements cascaded direct form II second order sections.
 ///	@param[in] input New input sample
-///	@param[in] *coef Pointer to filter coefficient data with size 4*n + 1 (gain)
+///	@param[in] *coef Pointer to filter coefficient data with size 4*n + 1
 ///	@param[in] n Number of second order sections in filter definition
 ///	@param[in,out] *history Pointer to filter history data of size 2*n
 ///	@return Result of filter calculation
-inline double iir_filter(double input,double *coef,int n,double *history){
-  int i;
-  double *coef_ptr;
-  double *hist1_ptr,*hist2_ptr;
-  double output,new_hist,history1,history2;
-  coef_ptr = coef;                /* coefficient pointer */
-  hist1_ptr = history;            /* first history */
-  hist2_ptr = hist1_ptr + 1;      /* next history */
-  output = input * (*coef_ptr++); /* overall input scale factor */
-  for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
-    history1 = *hist1_ptr;        /* history values */
-    history2 = *hist2_ptr;
-    output = output - history1 * (*coef_ptr++);
-    new_hist = output - history2 * (*coef_ptr++);    /* poles */
-    output = new_hist + history1 * (*coef_ptr++);
-    output = output + history2 * (*coef_ptr++);      /* zeros */
-    *hist2_ptr++ = *hist1_ptr;
-    *hist1_ptr++ = new_hist;
-    hist1_ptr++;
-    hist2_ptr++;
-  }
-  return(output);
+inline double
+iir_filter( double input, double* coef, int n, double* history )
+    int     i;
+    double* coef_ptr;
+    double *hist1_ptr, *hist2_ptr;
+    double  output, new_hist, history1, history2;
+    coef_ptr = coef; /* coefficient pointer */
+    hist1_ptr = history; /* first history */
+    hist2_ptr = hist1_ptr + 1; /* next history */
+    output = input * ( *coef_ptr++ ); /* overall input scale factor */
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+    {
+        history1 = *hist1_ptr; /* history values */
+        history2 = *hist2_ptr;
+        output = output - history1 * ( *coef_ptr++ );
+        new_hist = output - history2 * ( *coef_ptr++ ); /* poles */
+        output = new_hist + history1 * ( *coef_ptr++ );
+        output = output + history2 * ( *coef_ptr++ ); /* zeros */
+        *hist2_ptr++ = *hist1_ptr;
+        *hist1_ptr++ = new_hist;
+        hist1_ptr++;
+        hist2_ptr++;
+    }
+    return ( output );
 /* Biquad form IIR */
-/// @brief Perform IIR filtering sample by sample on doubles. 
+/// @brief Perform IIR filtering sample by sample on doubles.
 /// Implements Biquad form calculations.
 ///	@param[in] input New input sample
-///	@param[in] *coef Pointer to filter coefficient data with size 4*n + 1 (gain)
+///	@param[in] *coef Pointer to filter coefficient data with size 4*n + 1
 ///	@param[in] n Number of second order sections in filter definition
 ///	@param[in,out] *history Pointer to filter history data of size 2*n
 ///	@return Result of filter calculation
-inline double iir_filter_biquad(double input,double *coef,int n,double *history){
-  int i;
-  double *coef_ptr;
-  double *hist1_ptr,*hist2_ptr;
-  double output,new_w, new_u, w, u, a11, a12, c1, c2;
-  coef_ptr = coef;                /* coefficient pointer */
-  hist1_ptr = history;            /* first history */
-  hist2_ptr = hist1_ptr + 1;      /* next history */
-  output = input * (*coef_ptr++); /* overall input scale factor */
-  for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
-    w = *hist1_ptr; 
-    u = *hist2_ptr;
-    a11 = *coef_ptr++;
-    a12 = *coef_ptr++;
-    c1  = *coef_ptr++;
-    c2  = *coef_ptr++;
-    new_w = output + a11 * w + a12 * u;
-    output = output + w * c1 + u * c2;
-    new_u = w + u;   
-    *hist1_ptr++ = new_w;
-    *hist2_ptr++ = new_u;
-    hist1_ptr++;
-    hist2_ptr++;
-  }
-  //if((output < 1e-28) && (output > -1e-28)) output = 0.0;
-  return(output);
+inline double
+iir_filter_biquad( double input, double* coef, int n, double* history )
+    int     i;
+    double* coef_ptr;
+    double *hist1_ptr, *hist2_ptr;
+    double  output, new_w, new_u, w, u, a11, a12, c1, c2;
+    coef_ptr = coef; /* coefficient pointer */
+    hist1_ptr = history; /* first history */
+    hist2_ptr = hist1_ptr + 1; /* next history */
+    output = input * ( *coef_ptr++ ); /* overall input scale factor */
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+    {
+        w = *hist1_ptr;
+        u = *hist2_ptr;
+        a11 = *coef_ptr++;
+        a12 = *coef_ptr++;
+        c1 = *coef_ptr++;
+        c2 = *coef_ptr++;
+        new_w = output + a11 * w + a12 * u;
+        output = output + w * c1 + u * c2;
+        new_u = w + u;
+        *hist1_ptr++ = new_w;
+        *hist2_ptr++ = new_u;
+        hist1_ptr++;
+        hist2_ptr++;
+    }
+    // if((output < 1e-28) && (output > -1e-28)) output = 0.0;
+    return ( output );
@@ -215,63 +228,67 @@ inline double iir_filter_biquad(double input,double *coef,int n,double *history)
 ///	@param[in] n Number of taps
 ///	@param[in,out] *history Pointer to filter history data
 ///	@return Result of FIR filter calculation
-inline double fir_filter(double input, double *coef, int n, double *history)
+inline double
+fir_filter( double input, double* coef, int n, double* history )
-    int i;
-    double *hist_ptr,*hist1_ptr,*coef_ptr;
-    double output;
+    int     i;
+    double *hist_ptr, *hist1_ptr, *coef_ptr;
+    double  output;
     hist_ptr = history;
-    hist1_ptr = hist_ptr;             /* use for history update */
-    coef_ptr = coef + n - 1;          /* point to last coef */
-/* form output accumulation */
-    output = *hist_ptr++ * (*coef_ptr--);
-    for(i = 2 ; i < n ; i++) {
-        *hist1_ptr++ = *hist_ptr;            /* update history array */
-        output += (*hist_ptr++) * (*coef_ptr--);
+    hist1_ptr = hist_ptr; /* use for history update */
+    coef_ptr = coef + n - 1; /* point to last coef */
+    /* form output accumulation */
+    output = *hist_ptr++ * ( *coef_ptr-- );
+    for ( i = 2; i < n; i++ )
+    {
+        *hist1_ptr++ = *hist_ptr; /* update history array */
+        output += ( *hist_ptr++ ) * ( *coef_ptr-- );
-    output += input * (*coef_ptr);           /* input tap */
-    *hist1_ptr = input;                      /* last history */
+    output += input * ( *coef_ptr ); /* input tap */
+    *hist1_ptr = input; /* last history */
-    return(output);
+    return ( output );
 #ifdef SERVO16K
 const int rate = 16384;
-#elif defined(SERVO5HZ)
+#elif defined( SERVO5HZ )
 const int rate = 5;
-#elif defined(SERVO2K)
+#elif defined( SERVO2K )
 const int rate = 2048;
-#elif defined(SERVO4K)
+#elif defined( SERVO4K )
 const int rate = 4096;
-#elif defined(SERVO32K)
+#elif defined( SERVO32K )
 const int rate = 32768;
-#elif defined(SERVO64K)
-const int rate = (2*32768);
-#elif defined(SERVO128K)
-const int rate = (4*32768);
-#elif defined(SERVO256K)
-const int rate = (8*32768);
-#elif defined(SERVO512K)
-const int rate = (16*32768);
-#elif defined(SERVO1024K)
-const int rate = (32*32768);
+#elif defined( SERVO64K )
+const int rate = ( 2 * 32768 );
+#elif defined( SERVO128K )
+const int rate = ( 4 * 32768 );
+#elif defined( SERVO256K )
+const int rate = ( 8 * 32768 );
+#elif defined( SERVO512K )
+const int rate = ( 16 * 32768 );
+#elif defined( SERVO1024K )
+const int rate = ( 32 * 32768 );
 /* Convert opSwitchE bits into the 16-bit FiltCtrl2 Ctrl output format */
 inline unsigned int
-filtCtrlBitConvert(unsigned int v) {
-	unsigned int val = 0;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
-		if (v & fltrConst[i]) val |= 1<<i;
-	}
-	return val;
+filtCtrlBitConvert( unsigned int v )
+    unsigned int val = 0;
+    int          i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < 17; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( v & fltrConst[ i ] )
+            val |= 1 << i;
+    }
+    return val;
 /// @brief Read in filter coeffs from shared memory on code initialization.
@@ -280,63 +297,81 @@ filtCtrlBitConvert(unsigned int v) {
 ///	@param[in] bF	Start filter number
 ///	@param[in] sF	End filter number
 ///	@param[in] *pRfmCoeff Pointer to coeffs in shared memory
-inline int readCoefVme(COEF *filtC,FILT_MOD *fmt, int bF, int sF, volatile VME_COEF *pRfmCoeff)
+inline int
+    COEF* filtC, FILT_MOD* fmt, int bF, int sF, volatile VME_COEF* pRfmCoeff )
-  int ii,jj,kk;
+    int ii, jj, kk;
-  int l;
-  for(jj = 0; jj < MAX_FIR_MODULES; jj++)
-	for (kk = 0; kk < FILTERS; kk++) 
-	     for (l = 0; l < MAX_FIR_COEFFS; l++)
-	        filtC->firFiltCoeff[jj][kk][l] = pRfmCoeff->firFiltCoeff[jj][kk][l];
+    int l;
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_FIR_MODULES; jj++ )
+        for ( kk = 0; kk < FILTERS; kk++ )
+            for ( l = 0; l < MAX_FIR_COEFFS; l++ )
+                filtC->firFiltCoeff[ jj ][ kk ][ l ] =
+                    pRfmCoeff->firFiltCoeff[ jj ][ kk ][ l ];
-  for(ii=bF;ii<sF;ii++)
-  {
-    filtC->coeffs[ii].biquad = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].biquad;
-    //if(filtC->coeffs[ii].biquad) printf("Found a BQF filter %d\n",ii);
-    for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++)
+    for ( ii = bF; ii < sF; ii++ )
-      if(pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filtSections[jj])
-      {
-        filtC->coeffs[ii].filterType[jj] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filterType[jj];
+        filtC->coeffs[ ii ].biquad = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].biquad;
+        // if(filtC->coeffs[ii].biquad) printf("Found a BQF filter %d\n",ii);
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+        {
+            if ( pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] )
+            {
+                filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filterType[ jj ] =
+                    pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].filterType[ jj ];
-	if (filtC->coeffs[ii].filterType[jj] < 0 || filtC->coeffs[ii].filterType[jj] > MAX_FIR_MODULES) {
-		filtC->coeffs[ii].filterType[jj] = 0;
-		// printk("Corrupted data coming from Epics: module=%d filter=%d filterType=%d\n", 
-		//	ii, jj, pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filterType[jj]);
-		return 1;
-	}
+                if ( filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filterType[ jj ] < 0 ||
+                     filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filterType[ jj ] > MAX_FIR_MODULES )
+                {
+                    filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filterType[ jj ] = 0;
+                    // printk("Corrupted data coming from Epics: module=%d
+                    // filter=%d filterType=%d\n",
+                    //	ii, jj, pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filterType[jj]);
+                    return 1;
+                }
-	filtC->coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] =pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filtSections[jj];
-	filtC->coeffs[ii].sType[jj] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].sType[jj];
-      	fmt->inputs[ii].rmpcmp[jj] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].ramp[jj];
-      	fmt->inputs[ii].timeout[jj] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].timout[jj];
-	if (filtC->coeffs[ii].filterType[jj] == 0) {
-	  if (filtC->coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj] > 10) {
-		// printk("Corrupted Epics data:  module=%d filter=%d filterType=%d filtSections=%d\n",
-			// ii, jj, pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filterType[jj],
-			// filtC->coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj]);
-		return 1;
-	  }
-          for(kk=0;kk<filtC->coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj]*4+1;kk++) {
-	    filtC->coeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filtCoeff[jj][kk];
-	  }
-	}
-      }
+                filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] =
+                    pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ];
+                filtC->coeffs[ ii ].sType[ jj ] =
+                    pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].sType[ jj ];
+                fmt->inputs[ ii ].rmpcmp[ jj ] =
+                    pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].ramp[ jj ];
+                fmt->inputs[ ii ].timeout[ jj ] =
+                    pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].timout[ jj ];
+                if ( filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filterType[ jj ] == 0 )
+                {
+                    if ( filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] > 10 )
+                    {
+                        // printk("Corrupted Epics data:  module=%d filter=%d
+                        // filterType=%d filtSections=%d\n", ii, jj,
+                        // pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ii].filterType[jj],
+                        // filtC->coeffs[ii].filtSections[jj]);
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+                    for ( kk = 0;
+                          kk < filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filtSections[ jj ] * 4 + 1;
+                          kk++ )
+                    {
+                        filtC->coeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ] =
+                            pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ ii ].filtCoeff[ jj ][ kk ];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
 /* Read in new coeffs while running
-	- One filter bank at a time.
-	- One SOS at a time.			  */
+        - One filter bank at a time.
+        - One SOS at a time.			  */
-/// @brief Read in filter coeffs from shared memory while code is running ie filter reload initiated.
+/// @brief Read in filter coeffs from shared memory while code is running ie
+/// filter reload initiated.
 ///	@param[in,out] *filtC Pointer to coeffs in local memory
 ///	@param[in] *fmt Pointer to filter data in local memory
 ///	@param[in] modNum1	ID number of the filter module
@@ -344,187 +379,267 @@ inline int readCoefVme(COEF *filtC,FILT_MOD *fmt, int bF, int sF, volatile VME_C
 ///	@param[in] cycle	Code cycle number
 ///	@param[in] *pRfmCoeff 	Pointer to coeffs in shared memory
 ///	@param[in] *changed	Pointer to filter coef change flag memory.
-int readCoefVme2(COEF *filtC,FILT_MOD *fmt, int modNum1, int filtNum, int cycle, volatile VME_COEF *pRfmCoeff, int *changed)
+readCoefVme2( COEF*              filtC,
+              FILT_MOD*          fmt,
+              int                modNum1,
+              int                filtNum,
+              int                cycle,
+              volatile VME_COEF* pRfmCoeff,
+              int*               changed )
-  unsigned int ii, kk, jj;
+    unsigned int ii, kk, jj;
-  unsigned int hh;
+    unsigned int hh;
-  double temp;
-  static VME_FM_OP_COEF localCoeff;
+    double                temp;
+    static VME_FM_OP_COEF localCoeff;
-  static double localFirFiltCoeff[FILTERS][MAX_FIR_COEFFS];
+    static double localFirFiltCoeff[ FILTERS ][ MAX_FIR_COEFFS ];
-  int type = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].filterType[filtNum];
+    int type = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].filterType[ filtNum ];
-  if (type < 0 || type > MAX_FIR_MODULES) {
-	// printk("Vme2 bad Epics filter type: module=%d filter=%d filterType=%d\n", 
-	// modNum1, filtNum, type);
-  }
+    if ( type < 0 || type > MAX_FIR_MODULES )
+    {
+        // printk("Vme2 bad Epics filter type: module=%d filter=%d
+        // filterType=%d\n", modNum1, filtNum, type);
+    }
-  // printf("readCoefVme2: module=%d filter=%d filterType=%d\n", modNum1, filtNum, type);
-  ii = 0;
-  if (cycle == 0) {
-	for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) changed[ii] = 0;
-  	ii = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].filtSections[filtNum];
-	if (filtNum == 0) localCoeff.crc = 0;
-	localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr((char *)&ii, sizeof(int), localCoeff.crc);
-	if (((ii>0) && (ii<11)) || ((ii>10) && (type>0)))
-	{
-	  //printf("vme2: module=%d filter=%d type=%d\n", modNum1, filtNum, type);
-    	  localCoeff.filtSections[filtNum] = ii;
-    	  localCoeff.filterType[filtNum] = type;
-	  localCoeff.sType[filtNum] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].sType[filtNum];
-	  localCoeff.ramp[filtNum] =  pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].ramp[filtNum];
-	  localCoeff.timout[filtNum] = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].timout[filtNum];
-	  localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&(localCoeff.sType[filtNum]), sizeof(int), localCoeff.crc);
-	  localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&(localCoeff.ramp[filtNum]), sizeof(int), localCoeff.crc);
-	  localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&(localCoeff.timout[filtNum]), sizeof(int), localCoeff.crc);
-	  ii = 1;
-	}
-  	else 
-	{
-	  //printf("vme2:off  module=%d filter=%d type=%d\n", modNum1, filtNum, type);
-	  /* Turn filter status readback off */
-	  fmt->inputs[modNum1].opSwitchP &= ~pow2_out[filtNum];
-	  filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtSections[filtNum] = 0;
-	  filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filterType[filtNum] = 0;
-	  for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) changed[ii] = 1;
-	  localCoeff.filtSections[filtNum] = 0;
-	}
-    } else if (cycle > 0 && cycle < MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE ) {
-      if (cycle == 1) {
-	if (type > 0) {
+    // printf("readCoefVme2: module=%d filter=%d filterType=%d\n", modNum1,
+    // filtNum, type);
+    ii = 0;
+    if ( cycle == 0 )
+    {
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++ )
+            changed[ ii ] = 0;
+        ii = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].filtSections[ filtNum ];
+        if ( filtNum == 0 )
+            localCoeff.crc = 0;
+        localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr( (char*)&ii, sizeof( int ), localCoeff.crc );
+        if ( ( ( ii > 0 ) && ( ii < 11 ) ) || ( ( ii > 10 ) && ( type > 0 ) ) )
+        {
+            // printf("vme2: module=%d filter=%d type=%d\n", modNum1, filtNum,
+            // type);
+            localCoeff.filtSections[ filtNum ] = ii;
+            localCoeff.filterType[ filtNum ] = type;
+            localCoeff.sType[ filtNum ] =
+                pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].sType[ filtNum ];
+            localCoeff.ramp[ filtNum ] =
+                pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].ramp[ filtNum ];
+            localCoeff.timout[ filtNum ] =
+                pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].timout[ filtNum ];
+            localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr( (char*)&( localCoeff.sType[ filtNum ] ),
+                                      sizeof( int ),
+                                      localCoeff.crc );
+            localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr( (char*)&( localCoeff.ramp[ filtNum ] ),
+                                      sizeof( int ),
+                                      localCoeff.crc );
+            localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr( (char*)&( localCoeff.timout[ filtNum ] ),
+                                      sizeof( int ),
+                                      localCoeff.crc );
+            ii = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // printf("vme2:off  module=%d filter=%d type=%d\n", modNum1,
+            // filtNum, type);
+            /* Turn filter status readback off */
+            fmt->inputs[ modNum1 ].opSwitchP &= ~pow2_out[ filtNum ];
+            filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtSections[ filtNum ] = 0;
+            filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filterType[ filtNum ] = 0;
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++ )
+                changed[ ii ] = 1;
+            localCoeff.filtSections[ filtNum ] = 0;
+            ii = MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE;
+        }
+    }
+    else if ( cycle > 0 && cycle < MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE )
+    {
+        if ( cycle == 1 )
+        {
+            if ( type > 0 )
+            {
-	  /* FIR filter */
-	  temp = pRfmCoeff->firFiltCoeff[type-1][filtNum][0];
-	  if (filtC->firFiltCoeff[type-1][filtNum][0] != temp) changed[filtNum]++;
-	  localFirFiltCoeff[filtNum][0] = temp;
-          localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&temp, sizeof(double), localCoeff.crc);
-	  //printf("gain = %f\n", temp);
+                /* FIR filter */
+                temp = pRfmCoeff->firFiltCoeff[ type - 1 ][ filtNum ][ 0 ];
+                if ( filtC->firFiltCoeff[ type - 1 ][ filtNum ][ 0 ] != temp )
+                    changed[ filtNum ]++;
+                localFirFiltCoeff[ filtNum ][ 0 ] = temp;
+                localCoeff.crc =
+                    crc_ptr( (char*)&temp, sizeof( double ), localCoeff.crc );
+                // printf("gain = %f\n", temp);
-	} else {
-	  /* Assign filter gain value */
-	  temp = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].filtCoeff[filtNum][0];
-	  if (filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtCoeff[filtNum][0] != temp) changed[filtNum]++;
-	  //if (localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][0] != temp) changed[filtNum]++;
-	  localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][0] = temp;
-          localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&(localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][0]), sizeof(double), localCoeff.crc);
-	}
-      }
-      {
-	/* Assign second-order sections */
-        int to = cycle * 4 + 1;
-        for (kk = to - 4; kk < to; kk++) {
-	  if (type > 0) {
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Assign filter gain value */
+                temp =
+                    pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ 0 ];
+                if ( filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ 0 ] !=
+                     temp )
+                    changed[ filtNum ]++;
+                // if (localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][0] != temp)
+                // changed[filtNum]++;
+                localCoeff.filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ 0 ] = temp;
+                localCoeff.crc =
+                    crc_ptr( (char*)&( localCoeff.filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ 0 ] ),
+                             sizeof( double ),
+                             localCoeff.crc );
+            }
+        }
+        {
+            /* Assign second-order sections */
+            int to = cycle * 4 + 1;
+            for ( kk = to - 4; kk < to; kk++ )
+            {
+                if ( type > 0 )
+                {
-	    /* FIR filter */
-	    temp = pRfmCoeff->firFiltCoeff[type-1][filtNum][kk];
-	    if (filtC->firFiltCoeff[type-1][filtNum][kk] != temp) changed[filtNum]++;
-	    localFirFiltCoeff[filtNum][kk] = temp;
-            localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&temp, sizeof(double), localCoeff.crc);
-	    //printf("%f ", temp);
+                    /* FIR filter */
+                    temp = pRfmCoeff->firFiltCoeff[ type - 1 ][ filtNum ][ kk ];
+                    if ( filtC->firFiltCoeff[ type - 1 ][ filtNum ][ kk ] !=
+                         temp )
+                        changed[ filtNum ]++;
+                    localFirFiltCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ] = temp;
+                    localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr(
+                        (char*)&temp, sizeof( double ), localCoeff.crc );
+                    // printf("%f ", temp);
-	  } else {
-	      temp = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].filtCoeff[filtNum][kk];
-	      if (filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtCoeff[filtNum][kk] != temp) changed[filtNum]++;
-	      //if (localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][kk] != temp) changed[filtNum]++;
-	      localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][kk] = temp;
-              localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr ((char *)&(localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][kk]), sizeof(double), localCoeff.crc);
-	  }
-	}
-	//if (type > 0) printf("\n");
-	if (localCoeff.filtSections[filtNum] > cycle) ii = cycle + 1;
-	else ii = MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE;
-      }
-    } else if (cycle == MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE) {
-	/* Make sure all numbers check out OK */
-	if (filtNum == 9) { /* Last filter loaded in this filter bank */
-	    unsigned int vme_crc =  pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[modNum1].crc;
-	    if (localCoeff.crc != vme_crc) {
-	      // printk("vme_crc = 0x%x; local crc = 0x%x\n", vme_crc, localCoeff.crc);
-	      // return -1;
-	    }
-	}
-	if(localCoeff.filtSections[filtNum])
-	{
-	  /* Reset filter history only if its coefficients modified */
-	  for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++) {
-	    if (changed[jj]) {
-	      if (type) { /* FIR filter */
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    temp = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ]
+                               .filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ];
+                    if ( filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ] !=
+                         temp )
+                        changed[ filtNum ]++;
+                    // if (localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][kk] != temp)
+                    // changed[filtNum]++;
+                    localCoeff.filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ] = temp;
+                    localCoeff.crc = crc_ptr(
+                        (char*)&( localCoeff.filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ] ),
+                        sizeof( double ),
+                        localCoeff.crc );
+                }
+            }
+            // if (type > 0) printf("\n");
+            if ( localCoeff.filtSections[ filtNum ] > cycle )
+                ii = cycle + 1;
+            else
+                ii = MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE;
+        }
+    }
+    else if ( cycle == MAX_UPDATE_CYCLE )
+    {
+        /* Make sure all numbers check out OK */
+        if ( filtNum == 9 )
+        { /* Last filter loaded in this filter bank */
+            unsigned int vme_crc = pRfmCoeff->vmeCoeffs[ modNum1 ].crc;
+            if ( localCoeff.crc != vme_crc )
+            {
+                // printk("vme_crc = 0x%x; local crc = 0x%x\n", vme_crc,
+                // localCoeff.crc); return -1;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( localCoeff.filtSections[ filtNum ] )
+        {
+            /* Reset filter history only if its coefficients modified */
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
+                if ( changed[ jj ] )
+                {
+                    if ( type )
+                    { /* FIR filter */
-        	for (kk = 0; kk < FIR_POLYPHASE_SIZE; kk++)
-          	  for (hh = 0; hh < FIR_TAPS; hh++)
-	            filtC->firHistory[type-1][jj][kk][hh] = 0.0;
+                        for ( kk = 0; kk < FIR_POLYPHASE_SIZE; kk++ )
+                            for ( hh = 0; hh < FIR_TAPS; hh++ )
+                                filtC
+                                    ->firHistory[ type - 1 ][ jj ][ kk ][ hh ] =
+                                    0.0;
-	      } else {
-	        for(kk=0;kk<MAX_HISTRY;kk++)
-	          filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtHist[jj][kk] = 0.0;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  /* Do not clear decimation history when filters are reloaded */
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_HISTRY; kk++ )
+                            filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtHist[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* Do not clear decimation history when filters are reloaded */
 #if 0
 	  /* Clear decimation history */
 	  for(jj = 0; jj < 8; jj++)
 	    filtC->coeffs[modNum1].decHist[jj] = 0;
-    	  filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtSections[filtNum] = localCoeff.filtSections[filtNum];
-    	  filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filterType[filtNum] = localCoeff.filterType[filtNum];
-	  filtC->coeffs[modNum1].sType[filtNum] = localCoeff.sType[filtNum];
-	  fmt->inputs[modNum1].rmpcmp[filtNum] =  localCoeff.ramp[filtNum];
-	  fmt->inputs[modNum1].timeout[filtNum] = localCoeff.timout[filtNum];
-	  if (type > 0) {
+            filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtSections[ filtNum ] =
+                localCoeff.filtSections[ filtNum ];
+            filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filterType[ filtNum ] =
+                localCoeff.filterType[ filtNum ];
+            filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].sType[ filtNum ] =
+                localCoeff.sType[ filtNum ];
+            fmt->inputs[ modNum1 ].rmpcmp[ filtNum ] =
+                localCoeff.ramp[ filtNum ];
+            fmt->inputs[ modNum1 ].timeout[ filtNum ] =
+                localCoeff.timout[ filtNum ];
+            if ( type > 0 )
+            {
-	    for(kk=0;kk<filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtSections[filtNum]*4+1;kk++)
-	      filtC->firFiltCoeff[type-1][filtNum][kk] = localFirFiltCoeff[filtNum][kk];
+                for ( kk = 0; kk <
+                      filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtSections[ filtNum ] * 4 + 1;
+                      kk++ )
+                    filtC->firFiltCoeff[ type - 1 ][ filtNum ][ kk ] =
+                        localFirFiltCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ];
-	  } else {
-    	    // filtC->biquad = localCoeff.biquad;
-	    for(kk=0;kk<filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtSections[filtNum]*4+1;kk++)
-	      filtC->coeffs[modNum1].filtCoeff[filtNum][kk] = localCoeff.filtCoeff[filtNum][kk];
-	  }
-	}
-	ii = 0;
-    } else {
-	ii = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // filtC->biquad = localCoeff.biquad;
+                for ( kk = 0; kk <
+                      filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtSections[ filtNum ] * 4 + 1;
+                      kk++ )
+                    filtC->coeffs[ modNum1 ].filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ] =
+                        localCoeff.filtCoeff[ filtNum ][ kk ];
+            }
+        }
+        ii = 0;
-  return(ii);
+    else
+    {
+        ii = 0;
+    }
+    return ( ii );
-/// Filter module update globals 
-struct filtResetId {
-  int fmResetCoeff;
-  int fmResetCounter;
-  int fmSubCounter;
-  FILT_MOD *fmResetDsp;
-  int changed[FILTERS];
-} filtResetId[FILTERS] = {
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},
-  {0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}
+/// Filter module update globals
+struct filtResetId
+    int       fmResetCoeff;
+    int       fmResetCounter;
+    int       fmSubCounter;
+    FILT_MOD* fmResetDsp;
+    int       changed[ FILTERS ];
+} filtResetId[ FILTERS ] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+                             { 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } } };
 /* Check for history resets or new coeffs for filter banks */
@@ -537,74 +652,105 @@ struct filtResetId {
 ///	@param[in] totMod	Total number of filter modules
 ///	@param[in] *pRfmCoeff	Pointer to filter coefs in shared memory.
 ///	@param[in] id		System ID number (old HEPI only).
-inline void checkFiltResetId(int bankNum, FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *dspVme, COEF *pC, int totMod, volatile VME_COEF *pRfmCoeff, int id)
+inline void
+checkFiltResetId( int                bankNum,
+                  FILT_MOD*          pL,
+                  volatile FILT_MOD* dspVme,
+                  COEF*              pC,
+                  int                totMod,
+                  volatile VME_COEF* pRfmCoeff,
+                  int                id )
-  int jj,kk;
+    int jj, kk;
-  int hh;
+    int hh;
-  int status;
-  if (id < 0 || id > 9) return;
-  if (filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff) {
-    /* Coeff reset in progress */
-    if (filtResetId[id].fmResetDsp == pL) { /* Coeff reset is done for this subsystem */
-      /* printf("Coeff reset done\n"); */
-      filtResetId[id].fmSubCounter = readCoefVme2(pC, pL, (filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff - 1), filtResetId[id].fmResetCounter, filtResetId[id].fmSubCounter, pRfmCoeff, filtResetId[id].changed);
-      if (filtResetId[id].fmSubCounter == -1) {
-	dspVme->coef_load_error = -1;
-	filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff = 0;
-	filtResetId[id].fmResetCounter = 0;
-      } else if (filtResetId[id].fmSubCounter == 0) {
-	filtResetId[id].fmResetCounter ++;
-	if (filtResetId[id].fmResetCounter >= FILTERS) {
-	  filtResetId[id].fmResetCounter = 0;
-	  dspVme->coef_load_error = filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff;
-	  /* printf("dspVme->coef_load_error = %d\n", dspVme->coef_load_error ); */
-	  filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff = 0;
-	}
-      }
-    } else /* Do nothing if this is a call for another subsystem */
-      ;
-  } else if (bankNum >=0 && bankNum < totMod) {
-    /* Check for Reset History request */
-    status = (dspVme->inputs[bankNum].rset & 0x3);
-    if(status)
-      {
-	/* Reset the flag */
-	dspVme->inputs[bankNum].rset = 0;
-      }
-    /* Filter history reset request */
-    if(status & 2)
-      {
-	/* Clear out filter bank histories */
-	for(jj=0;jj<FILTERS;jj++) {
+    int status;
+    if ( id < 0 || id > 9 )
+        return;
+    if ( filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff )
+    {
+        /* Coeff reset in progress */
+        if ( filtResetId[ id ].fmResetDsp == pL )
+        { /* Coeff reset is done for this subsystem */
+            /* printf("Coeff reset done\n"); */
+            filtResetId[ id ].fmSubCounter =
+                readCoefVme2( pC,
+                              pL,
+                              ( filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff - 1 ),
+                              filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCounter,
+                              filtResetId[ id ].fmSubCounter,
+                              pRfmCoeff,
+                              filtResetId[ id ].changed );
+            if ( filtResetId[ id ].fmSubCounter == -1 )
+            {
+                dspVme->coef_load_error = -1;
+                filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff = 0;
+                filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCounter = 0;
+            }
+            else if ( filtResetId[ id ].fmSubCounter == 0 )
+            {
+                filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCounter++;
+                if ( filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCounter >= FILTERS )
+                {
+                    filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCounter = 0;
+                    dspVme->coef_load_error = filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff;
+                    /* printf("dspVme->coef_load_error = %d\n",
+                     * dspVme->coef_load_error ); */
+                    filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else /* Do nothing if this is a call for another subsystem */
+            ;
+    }
+    else if ( bankNum >= 0 && bankNum < totMod )
+    {
+        /* Check for Reset History request */
+        status = ( dspVme->inputs[ bankNum ].rset & 0x3 );
+        if ( status )
+        {
+            /* Reset the flag */
+            dspVme->inputs[ bankNum ].rset = 0;
+        }
+        /* Filter history reset request */
+        if ( status & 2 )
+        {
+            /* Clear out filter bank histories */
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < FILTERS; jj++ )
+            {
-	  int type = pC->coeffs[bankNum].filterType[jj];
-	  if (type > 0) {
-        	for (kk = 0; kk < FIR_POLYPHASE_SIZE; kk++)
-          	  for (hh = 0; hh < FIR_TAPS; hh++)
-	            pC->firHistory[type-1][jj][kk][hh] = 0.0;
-	  } else
+                int type = pC->coeffs[ bankNum ].filterType[ jj ];
+                if ( type > 0 )
+                {
+                    for ( kk = 0; kk < FIR_POLYPHASE_SIZE; kk++ )
+                        for ( hh = 0; hh < FIR_TAPS; hh++ )
+                            pC->firHistory[ type - 1 ][ jj ][ kk ][ hh ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                else
-	  for(kk=0;kk<MAX_HISTRY;kk++)
-	    pC->coeffs[bankNum].filtHist[jj][kk] = 0.0;
- 	}
-	/* Clear decimation history */
-	for(jj = 0; jj < 8; jj++)
-	  pC->coeffs[bankNum].decHist[jj] = 0;
-      }
-    /* Check if new coeffs */
-    if (status & 1) {
-      /* printf("New coeff request; bank=%d \n", bankNum); */
-      filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff = bankNum + 1;
-      filtResetId[id].fmResetDsp = pL;
-    } else filtResetId[id].fmResetCoeff = 0;
-  }
+                    for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_HISTRY; kk++ )
+                        pC->coeffs[ bankNum ].filtHist[ jj ][ kk ] = 0.0;
+            }
+            /* Clear decimation history */
+            for ( jj = 0; jj < 8; jj++ )
+                pC->coeffs[ bankNum ].decHist[ jj ] = 0;
+        }
+        /* Check if new coeffs */
+        if ( status & 1 )
+        {
+            /* printf("New coeff request; bank=%d \n", bankNum); */
+            filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff = bankNum + 1;
+            filtResetId[ id ].fmResetDsp = pL;
+        }
+        else
+            filtResetId[ id ].fmResetCoeff = 0;
+    }
 ///	@brief Calls checkFiltResetId with dummy sys id of 0
@@ -614,8 +760,15 @@ inline void checkFiltResetId(int bankNum, FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *dspVm
 ///	@param[in,out] *pC	Pointer to filter coefs in local memory.
 ///	@param[in] totMod	Total number of filter modules
 ///	@param[in] *pRfmCoeff	Pointer to filter coefs in shared memory.
-inline void checkFiltReset(int bankNum, FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *dspVme, COEF *pC, int totMod, volatile VME_COEF *pRfmCoeff) {
-  checkFiltResetId(bankNum, pL, dspVme, pC, totMod, pRfmCoeff, 0);
+inline void
+checkFiltReset( int                bankNum,
+                FILT_MOD*          pL,
+                volatile FILT_MOD* dspVme,
+                COEF*              pC,
+                int                totMod,
+                volatile VME_COEF* pRfmCoeff )
+    checkFiltResetId( bankNum, pL, dspVme, pC, totMod, pRfmCoeff, 0 );
 ///	@brief Initialize filter module variables on code startup
@@ -625,60 +778,65 @@ inline void checkFiltReset(int bankNum, FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *dspVme,
 ///	@param[in] totMod	Total number of filter modules
 ///	@param[in] *pRfmCoeff	Pointer to filter coeffs in shared memory
 ///	@param[in] id		System id (old HEPI only)
-inline int
-initVarsId(FILT_MOD *pL,
-	 volatile FILT_MOD *pV,
-	 COEF *pC,
-	 int totMod,
-         volatile VME_COEF *pRfmCoeff,
-	 int id)                         /* System id (HEPI) */
+inline int initVarsId( FILT_MOD*          pL,
+                       volatile FILT_MOD* pV,
+                       COEF*              pC,
+                       int                totMod,
+                       volatile VME_COEF* pRfmCoeff,
+                       int                id ) /* System id (HEPI) */
-  int ii,kk,hh;
+    int ii, kk, hh;
-  int ll;
+    int ll;
-    for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_FIR_MODULES; ii++)
-      for (kk = 0; kk < FILTERS; kk++)
-        for (ll = 0; ll < FIR_POLYPHASE_SIZE; ll++)
-          for (hh = 0; hh < FIR_TAPS; hh++)
-    		pC->firHistory[ii][kk][ll][hh] = 0.0;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_FIR_MODULES; ii++ )
+        for ( kk = 0; kk < FILTERS; kk++ )
+            for ( ll = 0; ll < FIR_POLYPHASE_SIZE; ll++ )
+                for ( hh = 0; hh < FIR_TAPS; hh++ )
+                    pC->firHistory[ ii ][ kk ][ ll ][ hh ] = 0.0;
-  /*Initialize all the variables */
-  for(ii=0;ii<totMod;ii++){
-    for(kk=0;kk<FILTERS;kk++){
-      /*set History*/
-      for(hh=0;hh<MAX_HISTRY;hh++){
-	pC->coeffs[ii].filtHist[kk][hh] = 0;
-      }
-      pL->inputs[ii].cnt[kk] = 0;
-    }
+    /*Initialize all the variables */
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < totMod; ii++ )
+    {
-    /*set decimation history*/
-    for(hh=0;hh<8;hh++){
-      pC->coeffs[ii].decHist[hh] = 0;
+        for ( kk = 0; kk < FILTERS; kk++ )
+        {
+            /*set History*/
+            for ( hh = 0; hh < MAX_HISTRY; hh++ )
+            {
+                pC->coeffs[ ii ].filtHist[ kk ][ hh ] = 0;
+            }
+            pL->inputs[ ii ].cnt[ kk ] = 0;
+        }
+        /*set decimation history*/
+        for ( hh = 0; hh < 8; hh++ )
+        {
+            pC->coeffs[ ii ].decHist[ hh ] = 0;
+        }
+        /*set switch/offsets/gains/limits*/
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchE = pV->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchE;
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchP = 0;
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].rset = 0;
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].offset = pV->inputs[ ii ].offset;
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].outgain = pV->inputs[ ii ].outgain;
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].limiter = pV->inputs[ ii ].limiter;
+        pL->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time = pV->inputs[ ii ].gain_ramp_time;
+        RampParamInit( &offset_ramp[ ii ][ id ],
+                       ( pL->inputs[ ii ].opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_OFFSET_ENABLE )
+                           ? pL->inputs[ ii ].offset
+                           : 0.0,
+                       FE_RATE );
+        RampParamInit(
+            &gain_ramp[ ii ][ id ], pL->inputs[ ii ].outgain, FE_RATE );
-    /*set switch/offsets/gains/limits*/
-    pL->inputs[ii].opSwitchE = 
-      pV->inputs[ii].opSwitchE;
-    pL->inputs[ii].opSwitchP = 0;
-    pL->inputs[ii].rset = 0;
-    pL->inputs[ii].offset = pV->inputs[ii].offset;
-    pL->inputs[ii].outgain = pV->inputs[ii].outgain;
-    pL->inputs[ii].limiter =  pV->inputs[ii].limiter;
-    pL->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time = pV->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;
-    RampParamInit(&offset_ramp[ii][id],
-                  (pL->inputs[ii].opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_OFFSET_ENABLE)?pL->inputs[ii].offset:0.0,
-                  FE_RATE);
-    RampParamInit(&gain_ramp[ii][id],pL->inputs[ii].outgain,FE_RATE);  
-  }
-  return readCoefVme(pC, pL, 0, totMod, pRfmCoeff);
+    return readCoefVme( pC, pL, 0, totMod, pRfmCoeff );
 ///	@brief Calls initVarsId with dummy sys id of 0
@@ -688,13 +846,18 @@ initVarsId(FILT_MOD *pL,
 ///	@param[in] totMod	Total number of filter modules
 ///	@param[in] *pRfmCoeff	Pointer to filter coeffs in shared memory
 inline int
-initVars(FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *pV, COEF *pC, int totMod,
-         volatile VME_COEF *pRfmCoeff) {
-  return initVarsId(pL, pV, pC, totMod, pRfmCoeff, 0);
+initVars( FILT_MOD*          pL,
+          volatile FILT_MOD* pV,
+          COEF*              pC,
+          int                totMod,
+          volatile VME_COEF* pRfmCoeff )
+    return initVarsId( pL, pV, pC, totMod, pRfmCoeff, 0 );
-/* This module added to hanle all input, calculations and outputs as doubles. This module also
-   incorporates the input module, done separately above for older systems. */
+/* This module added to hanle all input, calculations and outputs as doubles.
+   This module also incorporates the input module, done separately above for
+   older systems. */
 /* Mask logic table:
  * M-mask; C-control input; S0-current bit state; S1-new bit state
@@ -704,12 +867,13 @@ initVars(FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *pV, COEF *pC, int totMod,
                0  1  0  0
                1  0  0  0
                1  1  0  1
-	       0  0  1  1
-	       0  1  1  1
-	       1  0  1  0
-	       1  1  1  1
+               0  0  1  1
+               0  1  1  1
+               1  0  1  0
+               1  1  1  1
-/// 	@brief This function is called by filterModuleD, or, in the case of FMC2 parts, user code directly to
+/// 	@brief This function is called by filterModuleD, or, in the case of FMC2
+/// parts, user code directly to
 ///< perform CDS standard filter module calculations.
 ///	@param[in,out] *pFilt Filter Module Data
 ///	@param[in] *pC Filter module coefficients
@@ -722,300 +886,404 @@ initVars(FILT_MOD *pL, volatile FILT_MOD *pV, COEF *pC, int totMod,
 ///	@param[in] ramp_in Ramping time from user model.
 ///	@return Output of IIR/FIR filter calculations.
-filterModuleD2(FILT_MOD *pFilt,     /* Filter module data  */
-	       COEF *pC,            /* Filter coefficients */
-	       int modNum,          /* Filter module number */
-	       double filterInput,  /* Input data sample (output from funtcion inputModule()) */
-	       int fltrCtrlVal,	    /* Filter control value */
-	       int mask,	    /* Mask of bits to act upon */
-	       double offset_in,
-	       double gain_in,
-	       double ramp_in)
+filterModuleD2( FILT_MOD* pFilt, /* Filter module data  */
+                COEF*     pC, /* Filter coefficients */
+                int       modNum, /* Filter module number */
+                double filterInput, /* Input data sample (output from funtcion
+                                       inputModule()) */
+                int    fltrCtrlVal, /* Filter control value */
+                int    mask, /* Mask of bits to act upon */
+                double offset_in,
+                double gain_in,
+                double ramp_in )
-  int ix;
-  UINT32 opSwitchE;
-  int ii, jj, kk, ramp, timeout;
-  int sw, sw_out, sType, sw_in;
-  double filtData;
-  float avg, compare;
-  double output;
-  double fmInput;
-  int id = 0;                  /* System number (HEPI) */
-      extern int cycleNum;
-  /* Do the shift to match the bits in the the opSwitchE variable so I can do "==" comparisons */
-  UINT32 opSwitchP = pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP >> 1;
-  fltrCtrlVal &= 0xffff; /* Limit to the 16 bits */
-  /* decode arrays for operator switches */
-  if (mask != 0 && (fltrCtrlVal >= 0)) {
-    UINT32 fltrSwitch = 0;
-    UINT32 epicsExclude = 0;
-    if (mask > 0) {
-      for (ix = 0; ix < 13; ix++) {
-	if (mask & (1<<ix)) {
-		// Keep the current bit value
-		// 
-		if (opSwitchP & fltrConst[ix]) fltrSwitch |= fltrConst[ix];
-		// Change only if bit-mask is set
-		//
-        	if (fltrCtrlVal%2 == 1) {
-          		fltrSwitch |= fltrConst[ix];
-        	} else {
-          		fltrSwitch &= ~fltrConst[ix];
-		}
-		epicsExclude |= fltrConst[ix];
-	}
-        fltrCtrlVal = fltrCtrlVal>>1;
-      }
-      // Assign offset, gain and ramp value bits (last 3 bits in 16-bit control input)
-      epicsExclude |= (mask & 0xe000) << 16;
-      if (mask & 0x2000) pFilt->inputs[modNum].offset = offset_in; /* Assign local offset */
-      if (mask & 0x4000) pFilt->inputs[modNum].outgain = gain_in;
-      if (mask & 0x8000) pFilt->inputs[modNum].gain_ramp_time = ramp_in;
-    }
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].mask = epicsExclude;
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].control = fltrSwitch;
-    opSwitchE = (pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchE & ~epicsExclude) | fltrSwitch;
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchE = opSwitchE;
-  }
-  else {
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].mask = 0;
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].control = 0;
-    opSwitchE = pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchE;
-  }
-  fmInput = 0;
-  /* Load the filter input testpoint to the input value. */
-  pFilt->data[modNum].filterInput = (filterInput + fmInput);
-  /* Add excitation signal to input value. */
-  fmInput += (double)pFilt->data[modNum].exciteInput;
-  /* If input is turned on, add the filterInput value. */
-  if (pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_INPUT_ENABLE)
-    	fmInput += filterInput;
-  pFilt->data[modNum].inputTestpoint = fmInput;
-  /* If the offset is enabled, add the filter module offset value. */
-  if (pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_OFFSET_ENABLE) {
-    //fmInput += pFilt->inputs[modNum].offset;
-    if (pFilt->inputs[modNum].offset != offset_ramp[modNum][id].req) {
-    	RampParamLoad(&offset_ramp[modNum][id],pFilt->inputs[modNum].offset,pFilt->inputs[modNum].gain_ramp_time,rate);
-    	pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP |= 0x20000000;
+    int        ix;
+    UINT32     opSwitchE;
+    int        ii, jj, kk, ramp, timeout;
+    int        sw, sw_out, sType, sw_in;
+    double     filtData;
+    float      avg, compare;
+    double     output;
+    double     fmInput;
+    int        id = 0; /* System number (HEPI) */
+    extern int cycleNum;
+    /* Do the shift to match the bits in the the opSwitchE variable so I can do
+     * "==" comparisons */
+    UINT32 opSwitchP = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP >> 1;
+    fltrCtrlVal &= 0xffff; /* Limit to the 16 bits */
+    /* decode arrays for operator switches */
+    if ( mask != 0 && ( fltrCtrlVal >= 0 ) )
+    {
+        UINT32 fltrSwitch = 0;
+        UINT32 epicsExclude = 0;
+        if ( mask > 0 )
+        {
+            for ( ix = 0; ix < 13; ix++ )
+            {
+                if ( mask & ( 1 << ix ) )
+                {
+                    // Keep the current bit value
+                    //
+                    if ( opSwitchP & fltrConst[ ix ] )
+                        fltrSwitch |= fltrConst[ ix ];
+                    // Change only if bit-mask is set
+                    //
+                    if ( fltrCtrlVal % 2 == 1 )
+                    {
+                        fltrSwitch |= fltrConst[ ix ];
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        fltrSwitch &= ~fltrConst[ ix ];
+                    }
+                    epicsExclude |= fltrConst[ ix ];
+                }
+                fltrCtrlVal = fltrCtrlVal >> 1;
+            }
+            // Assign offset, gain and ramp value bits (last 3 bits in 16-bit
+            // control input)
+            epicsExclude |= ( mask & 0xe000 ) << 16;
+            if ( mask & 0x2000 )
+                pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].offset =
+                    offset_in; /* Assign local offset */
+            if ( mask & 0x4000 )
+                pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].outgain = gain_in;
+            if ( mask & 0x8000 )
+                pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].gain_ramp_time = ramp_in;
+        }
+        pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].mask = epicsExclude;
+        pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].control = fltrSwitch;
+        opSwitchE =
+            ( pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchE & ~epicsExclude ) | fltrSwitch;
+        pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchE = opSwitchE;
-  } else {
-    if (0.0 != offset_ramp[modNum][id].req) {
-    	RampParamLoad(&offset_ramp[modNum][id], 0.0, pFilt->inputs[modNum].gain_ramp_time,rate);
-    	pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP |= 0x20000000;
+    else
+    {
+        pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].mask = 0;
+        pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].control = 0;
+        opSwitchE = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchE;
-  }
-  if (offset_ramp[modNum][id].isRamping == 0) {
-  	pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP &= ~0x20000000;
-  }
-  fmInput += RampParamUpdate(&offset_ramp[modNum][id]);
-  /* Apply Filtering */
+    fmInput = 0;
-  /* Loop through all filters */
-  for (ii=0; ii<FILTERS; ii++) {
-    /* Do not do anything for any filter with zero filter sections */
-    if (!pC->coeffs[modNum].filtSections[ii]) continue;
+    /* Load the filter input testpoint to the input value. */
+    pFilt->data[ modNum ].filterInput = ( filterInput + fmInput );
-    sw = opSwitchE & pow2_in[ii];       /* Epics screen filter on/off request bit */
-    sw_out = opSwitchP & pow2_in[ii];   /* Pentium output ack bit (opSwitchP was right shifted by 1) */
+    /* Add excitation signal to input value. */
+    fmInput += (double)pFilt->data[ modNum ].exciteInput;
-    /* Filter switching type */
-    sType = pC->coeffs[modNum].sType[ii];
+    /* If input is turned on, add the filterInput value. */
+    if ( pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_INPUT_ENABLE )
+        fmInput += filterInput;
+    pFilt->data[ modNum ].inputTestpoint = fmInput;
-    /* If sType is type 1X, the input will always go to filter to be calculated */
-    /* If sType is type 2X, then the input will be zero if output is turned off */
-    /* If sType is type 22, then the input will go to filter if filter is turning on (ramping up)*/
-    sw_in = sType < 20 || sw_out || (sType == 22 && sw);
+    /* If the offset is enabled, add the filter module offset value. */
+    if ( pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_OFFSET_ENABLE )
+    {
+        // fmInput += pFilt->inputs[modNum].offset;
+        if ( pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].offset != offset_ramp[ modNum ][ id ].req )
+        {
+            RampParamLoad( &offset_ramp[ modNum ][ id ],
+                           pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].offset,
+                           pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].gain_ramp_time,
+                           rate );
+            pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP |= 0x20000000;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ( 0.0 != offset_ramp[ modNum ][ id ].req )
+        {
+            RampParamLoad( &offset_ramp[ modNum ][ id ],
+                           0.0,
+                           pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].gain_ramp_time,
+                           rate );
+            pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP |= 0x20000000;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( offset_ramp[ modNum ][ id ].isRamping == 0 )
+    {
+        pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP &= ~0x20000000;
+    }
+    fmInput += RampParamUpdate( &offset_ramp[ modNum ][ id ] );
+    /* Apply Filtering */
+    /* Loop through all filters */
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < FILTERS; ii++ )
+    {
+        /* Do not do anything for any filter with zero filter sections */
+        if ( !pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtSections[ ii ] )
+            continue;
+        sw = opSwitchE &
+            pow2_in[ ii ]; /* Epics screen filter on/off request bit */
+        sw_out = opSwitchP & pow2_in[ ii ]; /* Pentium output ack bit (opSwitchP
+                                               was right shifted by 1) */
+        /* Filter switching type */
+        sType = pC->coeffs[ modNum ].sType[ ii ];
+        /* If sType is type 1X, the input will always go to filter to be
+         * calculated */
+        /* If sType is type 2X, then the input will be zero if output is turned
+         * off */
+        /* If sType is type 22, then the input will go to filter if filter is
+         * turning on (ramping up)*/
+        sw_in = sType < 20 || sw_out || ( sType == 22 && sw );
-    int filterType = pC->coeffs[modNum].filterType[ii];
-    if (filterType) {
-      extern int cycleNum;
+        int filterType = pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filterType[ ii ];
+        if ( filterType )
+        {
+            extern int cycleNum;
 #ifdef SERVO2K
-      int firNum = (cycleNum / 32) % 32;
+            int firNum = ( cycleNum / 32 ) % 32;
 #ifdef SERVO4K
-      int firNum = (cycleNum / 32) % 64;
+            int firNum = ( cycleNum / 32 ) % 64;
-      //int firNum = cycleNum % 32;
-      //printf("cycleNum=%d; firNum=%d\n", cycleNum, firNum);
-      /* FIR filter */
-      --filterType;
-      if (cycleNum % 32) filtData = pC->prevFirOutput[filterType];
-      else {
-	if (filterType >=0 && filterType < MAX_FIR_MODULES) {
-	  double input = fmInput * pC->firFiltCoeff[filterType][ii][0]; /* overall input scale factor */
-	  filtData = fir_filter(sw_in?input:0,
-			      &(pC->firFiltCoeff[filterType][ii][1]),
-			      pC->coeffs[modNum].filtSections[ii]*4,
-			      &(pC->firHistory[filterType][ii][firNum][0]));
-	  pC->prevFirOutput[filterType] = filtData;
-	} else {
-	  filtData = filterType;
-	  // printk("module %d; filter %d; filterType = %d\n", modNum, ii, filterType);
-	}
-      }
-    } else
+            // int firNum = cycleNum % 32;
+            // printf("cycleNum=%d; firNum=%d\n", cycleNum, firNum);
+            /* FIR filter */
+            --filterType;
+            if ( cycleNum % 32 )
+                filtData = pC->prevFirOutput[ filterType ];
+            else
+            {
+                if ( filterType >= 0 && filterType < MAX_FIR_MODULES )
+                {
+                    double input = fmInput *
+                        pC->firFiltCoeff[ filterType ][ ii ]
+                                        [ 0 ]; /* overall input scale factor */
+                    filtData = fir_filter(
+                        sw_in ? input : 0,
+                        &( pC->firFiltCoeff[ filterType ][ ii ][ 1 ] ),
+                        pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtSections[ ii ] * 4,
+                        &( pC->firHistory[ filterType ][ ii ][ firNum ]
+                                         [ 0 ] ) );
+                    pC->prevFirOutput[ filterType ] = filtData;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    filtData = filterType;
+                    // printk("module %d; filter %d; filterType = %d\n", modNum,
+                    // ii, filterType);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
-    /* Calculate filter */
-    if (pC->coeffs[modNum].biquad)  
-      filtData = iir_filter_biquad(sw_in?fmInput:0,
-			  pC->coeffs[modNum].filtCoeff[ii],
-			  pC->coeffs[modNum].filtSections[ii],
-			  pC->coeffs[modNum].filtHist[ii]);
-    else
-      filtData = iir_filter(sw_in?fmInput:0,
-			  pC->coeffs[modNum].filtCoeff[ii],
-			  pC->coeffs[modNum].filtSections[ii],
-			  pC->coeffs[modNum].filtHist[ii]);
-    if (sw == sw_out) { /* No switching */
-      if (sw) fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the filter is turned on */
-    } else {  /* Switching request */
-      int sTypeMod10 = sType%10;
-      /* Process filter switching according to output type [1-3] */
-      switch (sTypeMod10) {
-      case 1: /* Instantenious switch */
-	/* Turn output on/off according to the request */
-	if ((sw_out = sw)) fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the filter is turned on */
-	break;
-      case 2: /* Ramp in/out filter output */
-	ramp = pFilt->inputs[modNum].rmpcmp[ii];   /* Ramp slope coefficient */
-	kk = pFilt->inputs[modNum].cnt[ii];        /* Ramp count */
-	/* printf("kk=%d; ramp=%d; sw=%d; sw_out=%d\n", kk, ramp, sw, sw_out); */
-	if (kk == ramp) {                          /* Done ramping */
-	  /* Turn output on/off according to the request */
-	  if ((sw_out = sw)) fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the filter is turned on */
-	  kk = 0;
-	} else {                                   /* Ramping will be done */
-	  if (kk) {                                /* Currently ramping */
-	    double t = (double)kk / (double)ramp;  /* Slope */
-	    if (sw)                                /* Turn on request */
-	      fmInput = (1.0 - t) * fmInput + t * filtData;
-	    else                                   /* Turn off request */
-	      fmInput = t * fmInput + (1.0 - t) * filtData;
-	  } else {                                 /* Start to ramp */
-	    if (sw)                                /* Turn on request */
-	      ;                                    /* At the start of turning on ramp input goes to output (filter bypassed) */
-	    else                                   /* Turn off request */
-	      fmInput = filtData;	           /* At the start of turning off the ramp is at filter output */
-	  }
-	  kk++;
-	}
-	pFilt->inputs[modNum].cnt[ii] = kk;
-	break;
-      case 3: /* Comparator */
-      case 4: /* Zero crossing */
-	ramp = pFilt->inputs[modNum].rmpcmp[ii];  /* Filter comparison range */
-	timeout = pFilt->inputs[modNum].timeout[ii]; 	/* Comparison timeout number */
-	kk = pFilt->inputs[modNum].cnt[ii];   /* comparison count */
-	if (sTypeMod10 == 3) compare = fmInput - filtData; /* Comparator looks at the filter in/out diff */
-	else compare = sw_out? filtData: fmInput; /* Use the filtered value if waiting to switch off */
-	if (compare < .0) compare = -compare;
-	++kk;
-	if (kk >= timeout || compare <= (float)ramp) { /* If timed out or the difference is in the range */
-	  /* Turn output on/off according to the request */
-	  if ((sw_out = sw)) fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the filter is turned on */
-	  kk = 0;
-	} else { /* Waiting for the match or the timeout */
-	  if (sw_out) fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if waiting to switch off */
-	}
-	pFilt->inputs[modNum].cnt[ii] = kk;
-	break;
-      default:
-	fmInput = 777;
-	break;
-      }
-      if (sw == sw_out) { /* If turning the filter on/off NOW */
-	/* Clear history buffer if filter is turned off NOW */
-	/* History is cleared one time only */
-	if (!sw) { /* Turn off request */
-	  for(jj=0;jj<MAX_HISTRY;jj++)
-	    pC->coeffs[modNum].filtHist[ii][jj] = 0.0;
-	}
-	/* Send back the readback switches when there is change */
-	if (sw_out) { /* switch is on, turn it on */
-	  pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP |= pow2_out[ii];
-	} else { /* switch is off, turn it off */
-	  pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP &= ~pow2_out[ii];
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Calculate output values */
-  {
-  if (pFilt->inputs[modNum].outgain != gain_ramp[modNum][id].req) {
-    RampParamLoad(&gain_ramp[modNum][id],pFilt->inputs[modNum].outgain,pFilt->inputs[modNum].gain_ramp_time,rate);
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP |= 0x10000000;
-  }
-  if (gain_ramp[modNum][id].isRamping == 0) {
-    pFilt->inputs[modNum].opSwitchP &= ~0x10000000;
-  }
-  output = fmInput * RampParamUpdate(&gain_ramp[modNum][id]);
-  if(output > 1e20) output = 1e20;
-    /* Limiting */
-    /* If the limit switch is on, limit the output accordingly. */
-    if (opSwitchE &  OPSWITCH_LIMITER_ENABLE) {
-      if(output > pFilt->inputs[modNum].limiter)
-	output = pFilt->inputs[modNum].limiter;
-      else if(output < -pFilt->inputs[modNum].limiter)
-	output = -pFilt->inputs[modNum].limiter;
+            /* Calculate filter */
+            if ( pC->coeffs[ modNum ].biquad )
+            filtData =
+                iir_filter_biquad( sw_in ? fmInput : 0,
+                                   pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtCoeff[ ii ],
+                                   pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtSections[ ii ],
+                                   pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtHist[ ii ] );
+        else
+            filtData = iir_filter( sw_in ? fmInput : 0,
+                                   pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtCoeff[ ii ],
+                                   pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtSections[ ii ],
+                                   pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtHist[ ii ] );
+        if ( sw == sw_out )
+        { /* No switching */
+            if ( sw )
+                fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the filter is
+                                       turned on */
+        }
+        else
+        { /* Switching request */
+            int sTypeMod10 = sType % 10;
+            /* Process filter switching according to output type [1-3] */
+            switch ( sTypeMod10 )
+            {
+            case 1: /* Instantenious switch */
+                /* Turn output on/off according to the request */
+                if ( ( sw_out = sw ) )
+                    fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the filter
+                                           is turned on */
+                break;
+            case 2: /* Ramp in/out filter output */
+                ramp = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ]
+                           .rmpcmp[ ii ]; /* Ramp slope coefficient */
+                kk = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].cnt[ ii ]; /* Ramp count */
+                /* printf("kk=%d; ramp=%d; sw=%d; sw_out=%d\n", kk, ramp, sw,
+                 * sw_out); */
+                if ( kk == ramp )
+                { /* Done ramping */
+                    /* Turn output on/off according to the request */
+                    if ( ( sw_out = sw ) )
+                        fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the
+                                               filter is turned on */
+                    kk = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                { /* Ramping will be done */
+                    if ( kk )
+                    { /* Currently ramping */
+                        double t = (double)kk / (double)ramp; /* Slope */
+                        if ( sw ) /* Turn on request */
+                            fmInput = ( 1.0 - t ) * fmInput + t * filtData;
+                        else /* Turn off request */
+                            fmInput = t * fmInput + ( 1.0 - t ) * filtData;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    { /* Start to ramp */
+                        if ( sw ) /* Turn on request */
+                            ; /* At the start of turning on ramp input goes to
+                                 output (filter bypassed) */
+                        else /* Turn off request */
+                            fmInput =
+                                filtData; /* At the start of turning off the
+                                             ramp is at filter output */
+                    }
+                    kk++;
+                }
+                pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].cnt[ ii ] = kk;
+                break;
+            case 3: /* Comparator */
+            case 4: /* Zero crossing */
+                ramp = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ]
+                           .rmpcmp[ ii ]; /* Filter comparison range */
+                timeout = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ]
+                              .timeout[ ii ]; /* Comparison timeout number */
+                kk = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].cnt[ ii ]; /* comparison count */
+                if ( sTypeMod10 == 3 )
+                    compare = fmInput - filtData; /* Comparator looks at the
+                                                     filter in/out diff */
+                else
+                    compare = sw_out ? filtData
+                                     : fmInput; /* Use the filtered value if
+                                                   waiting to switch off */
+                if ( compare < .0 )
+                    compare = -compare;
+                ++kk;
+                if ( kk >= timeout || compare <= (float)ramp )
+                { /* If timed out or the difference is in the range */
+                    /* Turn output on/off according to the request */
+                    if ( ( sw_out = sw ) )
+                        fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if the
+                                               filter is turned on */
+                    kk = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                { /* Waiting for the match or the timeout */
+                    if ( sw_out )
+                        fmInput = filtData; /* Use the filtered value if waiting
+                                               to switch off */
+                }
+                pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].cnt[ ii ] = kk;
+                break;
+            default:
+                fmInput = 777;
+                break;
+            }
+            if ( sw == sw_out )
+            { /* If turning the filter on/off NOW */
+                /* Clear history buffer if filter is turned off NOW */
+                /* History is cleared one time only */
+                if ( !sw )
+                { /* Turn off request */
+                    for ( jj = 0; jj < MAX_HISTRY; jj++ )
+                        pC->coeffs[ modNum ].filtHist[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+                }
+                /* Send back the readback switches when there is change */
+                if ( sw_out )
+                { /* switch is on, turn it on */
+                    pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP |= pow2_out[ ii ];
+                }
+                else
+                { /* switch is off, turn it off */
+                    pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP &= ~pow2_out[ ii ];
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    /* Set Output Test Point */
-    pFilt->data[modNum].testpoint = output;
-    pFilt->data[modNum].swStatus = filtCtrlBitConvert(opSwitchE);
-    /* Test Output Switch and output hold on/off */
-    if (opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_HOLD_ENABLE) {
-	/* Assign output to last held value. */
-	output = pFilt->data[modNum].output;
-      ; /* Other outputs are not assigned, hence they are held */
-    } else {
-      if (opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_OUTPUT_ENABLE) {
-	pFilt->data[modNum].output = output;
-	/* Decimation */
-	{
-	    avg = iir_filter(output, avgCoeff, 2, pC->coeffs[modNum].decHist);
-	  pFilt->data[modNum].output16Hz = avg;
-	}
-	else
-	  pFilt->data[modNum].output16Hz = output;
-      } else {
-        pFilt->data[modNum].output = 0;
-        pFilt->data[modNum].output16Hz = 0;
-	output = 0.0;
-      }
+    /* Calculate output values */
+    {
+        if ( pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].outgain != gain_ramp[ modNum ][ id ].req )
+        {
+            RampParamLoad( &gain_ramp[ modNum ][ id ],
+                           pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].outgain,
+                           pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].gain_ramp_time,
+                           rate );
+            pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP |= 0x10000000;
+        }
+        if ( gain_ramp[ modNum ][ id ].isRamping == 0 )
+        {
+            pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].opSwitchP &= ~0x10000000;
+        }
+        output = fmInput * RampParamUpdate( &gain_ramp[ modNum ][ id ] );
+        if ( output > 1e20 )
+            output = 1e20;
+        /* Limiting */
+        /* If the limit switch is on, limit the output accordingly. */
+        if ( opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_LIMITER_ENABLE )
+        {
+            if ( output > pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].limiter )
+                output = pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].limiter;
+            else if ( output < -pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].limiter )
+                output = -pFilt->inputs[ modNum ].limiter;
+        }
+        /* Set Output Test Point */
+        pFilt->data[ modNum ].testpoint = output;
+        pFilt->data[ modNum ].swStatus = filtCtrlBitConvert( opSwitchE );
+        /* Test Output Switch and output hold on/off */
+        if ( opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_HOLD_ENABLE )
+        {
+            /* Assign output to last held value. */
+            output = pFilt->data[ modNum ].output;
+            ; /* Other outputs are not assigned, hence they are held */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_OUTPUT_ENABLE )
+            {
+                pFilt->data[ modNum ].output = output;
+                /* Decimation */
+                if ( opSwitchE & OPSWITCH_DECIMATE_ENABLE )
+                {
+                    avg = iir_filter(
+                        output, avgCoeff, 2, pC->coeffs[ modNum ].decHist );
+                    pFilt->data[ modNum ].output16Hz = avg;
+                }
+                else
+                    pFilt->data[ modNum ].output16Hz = output;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pFilt->data[ modNum ].output = 0;
+                pFilt->data[ modNum ].output16Hz = 0;
+                output = 0.0;
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  return output;
+    return output;
-/// 	@brief This function is called by user apps using standard IIR/FIR filters..
-///< This function in turn calls filterModuleD2 to actually perform the calcs, with dummy
-///< vars added.
+/// 	@brief This function is called by user apps using standard IIR/FIR
+/// filters..
+///< This function in turn calls filterModuleD2 to actually perform the calcs,
+///< with dummy vars added.
 ///	@param[in,out] *pFilt Filter Module Data
 ///	@param[in] *pC Filter module coefficients
 ///	@param[in] modNum Filter module ID number
@@ -1024,15 +1292,22 @@ filterModuleD2(FILT_MOD *pFilt,     /* Filter module data  */
 ///	@param[in] mask Control mask
 ///	@return Output of IIR/FIR filter calculations.
 inline double
-filterModuleD(FILT_MOD *pFilt,     /* Filter module data  */
-	       COEF *pC,            /* Filter coefficients */
-	       int modNum,          /* Filter module number */
-	       double filterInput,  /* Input data sample (output from funtcion inputModule()) */
-	       int fltrCtrlVal,	    /* Filter control value */
-	       int mask)	    /* Mask of bits to act upon */
+filterModuleD( FILT_MOD* pFilt, /* Filter module data  */
+               COEF*     pC, /* Filter coefficients */
+               int       modNum, /* Filter module number */
+               double    filterInput, /* Input data sample (output from funtcion
+                                         inputModule()) */
+               int fltrCtrlVal, /* Filter control value */
+               int mask ) /* Mask of bits to act upon */
-	/* Limit control to the 10 bits */
-	return filterModuleD2(pFilt, pC, modNum, filterInput, fltrCtrlVal & 0x3ff, mask & 0x3ff, 0., 0., 0.);
+    /* Limit control to the 10 bits */
+    return filterModuleD2( pFilt,
+                           pC,
+                           modNum,
+                           filterInput,
+                           fltrCtrlVal & 0x3ff,
+                           mask & 0x3ff,
+                           0.,
+                           0.,
+                           0. );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/gsc16ai64.c b/src/include/drv/gsc16ai64.c
index 9bfcdc743..9550d0cfe 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/gsc16ai64.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/gsc16ai64.c
@@ -1,98 +1,109 @@
 ///	\file gsc16ai64.c
-///	\brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
-///<		operations for the General Standards 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">GSC 16AI64SSC Manual</a>
+///	\brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///<		operations for the General Standards 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules.
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">GSC
+///<    16AI64SSC Manual</a>
 #include "gsc16ai64.h"
-volatile PLX_9056_DMA *adcDma[MAX_ADC_MODULES]; ///< DMA struct for GSA ADC
-dma_addr_t adc_dma_handle[MAX_ADC_MODULES];     ///< PCI add of ADC DMA memory 
-volatile GSA_ADC_REG *adcPtr[MAX_ADC_MODULES];  ///< Ptr to ADC registers */
+volatile PLX_9056_DMA* adcDma[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ]; ///< DMA struct for GSA ADC
+dma_addr_t adc_dma_handle[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ]; ///< PCI add of ADC DMA memory
+volatile GSA_ADC_REG* adcPtr[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ]; ///< Ptr to ADC registers */
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize GSC 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @param[in] *adcdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @param[in] *adcdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 ///	@return Status from board enable command.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *adcdev)
+gsc16ai64Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* adcdev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;	/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int devNum;				/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  char *_adc_add;       		/// @param *_adc_add ADC register address space
-  int pedStatus;			/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    char* _adc_add; /// @param *_adc_add ADC register address space
+    int   pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of ADC cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
+    /// Enable the module.
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( adcdev );
+    /// Enable device to be DMA master.
+    pci_set_master( adcdev );
+    /// Get the PLX chip address
+    pci_read_config_dword( adcdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci0 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Map module DMA space directly to computer memory space.
+    _adc_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    /// Map the module DMA control registers via PLX chip registers
+    adcDma[ devNum ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_adc_add;
+    if ( devNum == 0 )
+        plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL*)_adc_add;
-  	/// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of ADC cards found by mapping routine
-        /// in map.c
-	devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
-	/// Enable the module.
-	pedStatus = pci_enable_device(adcdev);
-	/// Enable device to be DMA master.
-	pci_set_master(adcdev);
-	/// Get the PLX chip address
-	pci_read_config_dword(adcdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-	printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	/// Map module DMA space directly to computer memory space.
-	_adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-	/// Map the module DMA control registers via PLX chip registers
-	adcDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_adc_add;
-	if(devNum == 0) plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL *)_adc_add;
+    /// Get the ADC register address
+    pci_read_config_dword( adcdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Map the module control register so local memory space.
+    _adc_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    printk( "ADC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr, (long)_adc_add );
+    /// Set global ptr to control register memory space.
+    adcPtr[ devNum ] = (GSA_ADC_REG*)_adc_add;
-	/// Get the ADC register address
-	pci_read_config_dword(adcdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-	printk("pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	/// Map the module control register so local memory space.
-	_adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-	printk("ADC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_adc_add);
-	/// Set global ptr to control register memory space.
-	adcPtr[devNum] = (GSA_ADC_REG *)_adc_add;
-	printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",adcPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-	/// Reset the ADC board
-	adcPtr[devNum]->BCR |= GSAI_RESET;
-	do{
-	  }while((adcPtr[devNum]->BCR & GSAI_RESET) != 0);
-	/// Write in a sync word
-	adcPtr[devNum]->SMUW = 0x0000;
-	adcPtr[devNum]->SMLW = 0x0000;
-	/// Set ADC to 64 channel = 32 differential channels
-	adcPtr[devNum]->BCR |= (GSAI_FULL_DIFFERENTIAL);
+    printk( "BCR = 0x%x\n", adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    /// Reset the ADC board
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= GSAI_RESET;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR & GSAI_RESET ) != 0 );
-	  adcPtr[devNum]->BCR |= (GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC);
-	  adcPtr[devNum]->AUX_SIO |= 0x80;
-	#endif
+    /// Write in a sync word
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->SMUW = 0x0000;
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->SMLW = 0x0000;
+    /// Set ADC to 64 channel = 32 differential channels
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= ( GSAI_FULL_DIFFERENTIAL );
-	/// Set sample rate close to 16384Hz
-	/// Unit runs with external clock, so this probably not necessary
-	adcPtr[devNum]->RAG = 0x117D8;
-	printk("RAG = 0x%x\n",adcPtr[devNum]->RAG);
-	printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",adcPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-	adcPtr[devNum]->RAG &= ~(GSAI_SAMPLE_START);
-	/// Initiate board calibration
-	adcPtr[devNum]->BCR |= GSAI_AUTO_CAL;
-	/// Wait for internal calibration to complete.
-	do {
-	  }while((adcPtr[devNum]->BCR & GSAI_AUTO_CAL) != 0);
-	adcPtr[devNum]->RAG |= GSAI_SAMPLE_START;
-	printk("SSC = 0x%x\n",adcPtr[devNum]->SSC);
-	printk("IDBC = 0x%x\n",adcPtr[devNum]->IDBC);
-	/// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE structure with ADC information.
-	pHardware->pci_adc[devNum] = (long) pci_alloc_consistent(adcdev,0x2000,&adc_dma_handle[devNum]);
-	pHardware->adcType[devNum] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
-	pHardware->adcConfig[devNum] = adcPtr[devNum]->ASSC;
-	pHardware->adcCount ++;
-	/// Return board enable status.
-	return(pedStatus);
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= ( GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC );
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->AUX_SIO |= 0x80;
+    /// Set sample rate close to 16384Hz
+    /// Unit runs with external clock, so this probably not necessary
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->RAG = 0x117D8;
+    printk( "RAG = 0x%x\n", adcPtr[ devNum ]->RAG );
+    printk( "BCR = 0x%x\n", adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->RAG &= ~( GSAI_SAMPLE_START );
+    /// Initiate board calibration
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= GSAI_AUTO_CAL;
+    /// Wait for internal calibration to complete.
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( adcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR & GSAI_AUTO_CAL ) != 0 );
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->RAG |= GSAI_SAMPLE_START;
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->IDBC = ( GSAI_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAI_THRESHOLD );
+    adcPtr[ devNum ]->SSC = ( GSAI_64_CHANNEL | GSAI_EXTERNAL_SYNC );
+    printk( "SSC = 0x%x\n", adcPtr[ devNum ]->SSC );
+    printk( "IDBC = 0x%x\n", adcPtr[ devNum ]->IDBC );
+    /// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE structure with ADC information.
+    pHardware->pci_adc[ devNum ] =
+        (long)pci_alloc_consistent( adcdev, 0x2000, &adc_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->adcType[ devNum ] = GSC_16AI64SSA;
+    pHardware->adcConfig[ devNum ] = adcPtr[ devNum ]->ASSC;
+    pHardware->adcCount++;
+    /// Return board enable status.
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
@@ -100,84 +111,96 @@ int gsc16ai64Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *adcdev)
 /// 	@param[in] module ID of ADC board to read.
 ///	@return Status of ADC module DMA DONE bit (0=not complete, 1= complete)
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64CheckDmaDone(int module)
+gsc16ai64CheckDmaDone( int module )
-	// Return 0 if DMA not complete
-        if((adcDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAI_DMA_DONE) == 0) return(0);
-	// Return 1 if DMA is complete
-        else return(1);
+    // Return 0 if DMA not complete
+    if ( ( adcDma[ module ]->DMA_CSR & GSAI_DMA_DONE ) == 0 )
+        return ( 0 );
+    // Return 1 if DMA is complete
+    else
+        return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Function if DMA from ADC module is complete. 
+/// \brief Function if DMA from ADC module is complete.
 ///< Code will remain in loop until DMA is complete.
 ///     @param[in] module ID of ADC board to read.
 ///	@param[out] data Status of DMA DONE bit.
 ///	@return ADC DMA Status (0=not complete, 16=complete
 /// Note: This function not presently used.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64WaitDmaDone(int module, volatile int *data)
+gsc16ai64WaitDmaDone( int module, volatile int* data )
-        do{
-        }while((adcDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAI_DMA_DONE) == 0);
-        // First channel should be marked with an upper bit set
-        if (*data == 0) return 0; else return 16;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( adcDma[ module ]->DMA_CSR & GSAI_DMA_DONE ) == 0 );
+    // First channel should be marked with an upper bit set
+    if ( *data == 0 )
+        return 0;
+    else
+        return 16;
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Function clears ADC buffer and starts acquisition via external clock.
 ///< Also sets up ADC for Demand DMA mode and set GO bit in DMA Mode Register.
-///< NOTE: In normal operation, this code should only be called while the clocks from
-///< the timing slave are turned OFF ie during initialization process.
+///< NOTE: In normal operation, this code should only be called while the clocks
+///< from the timing slave are turned OFF ie during initialization process.
 ///	@param[in] adcCount Total number of ADC modules to start DMA.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
+gsc16ai64Enable( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware )
-  int ii;
-  for(ii=0;ii<pHardware->adcCount;ii++)
-  {
-    if(pHardware->adcType[ii] == GSC_16AI64SSA)
+    int ii;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < pHardware->adcCount; ii++ )
-	  /// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when 
-	  ///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
-          adcPtr[ii]->BCR &= ~(GSAI_DMA_DEMAND_MODE);
-	  /// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
-          adcDma[ii]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
-	  /// Enable DMA
-          adcDma[ii]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
-	  /// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels have 1 sample
-          adcPtr[ii]->IDBC = (GSAI_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAI_THRESHOLD);
-	  /// Enable sync via external clock input.
-          adcPtr[ii]->BCR |= GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC;
+        if ( pHardware->adcType[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
+        {
+            /// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when
+            ///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
+            adcPtr[ ii ]->BCR &= ~( GSAI_DMA_DEMAND_MODE );
+            /// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
+            adcDma[ ii ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
+            /// Enable DMA
+            adcDma[ ii ]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
+            /// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels
+            /// have 1 sample
+            adcPtr[ ii ]->IDBC = ( GSAI_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAI_THRESHOLD );
+            /// Enable sync via external clock input.
+            adcPtr[ ii ]->BCR |= GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC;
+        }
-  }
-  return(0);
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64Enable1PPS(int ii)
+gsc16ai64Enable1PPS( int ii )
-/// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when 
-///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
-          adcPtr[ii]->BCR &= ~(GSAI_DMA_DEMAND_MODE);
-          /// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
-          adcDma[ii]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
-          /// Enable DMA
-          adcDma[ii]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
-          /// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels have 1 sample
-          adcPtr[ii]->IDBC = (GSAI_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAI_THRESHOLD);
-          /// Enable sync via external clock input.
-          adcPtr[ii]->BCR |= GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC;
-         return(0);
+    /// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when
+    ///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
+    adcPtr[ ii ]->BCR &= ~( GSAI_DMA_DEMAND_MODE );
+    /// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
+    adcDma[ ii ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
+    /// Enable DMA
+    adcDma[ ii ]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
+    /// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels have 1
+    /// sample
+    /// Enable sync via external clock input.
+    adcPtr[ ii ]->BCR |= GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC;
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Function stops ADC acquisition by removing the clocking signal.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64AdcStop()
+gsc16ai64AdcStop( )
-  adcPtr[0]->BCR &= ~(GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC);
-  return(0);
+    adcPtr[ 0 ]->BCR &= ~( GSAI_ENABLE_X_SYNC );
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
@@ -185,68 +208,73 @@ int gsc16ai64AdcStop()
 ///	@param[in] numAdc The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 ///	@return The number of samples presently in the ADC FIFO.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64CheckAdcBuffer(int numAdc)
+gsc16ai64CheckAdcBuffer( int numAdc )
-  int dataCount;
-                dataCount = adcPtr[numAdc]->BUF_SIZE;
-  return(dataCount);
+    int dataCount;
+    dataCount = adcPtr[ numAdc ]->BUF_SIZE;
+    return ( dataCount );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///	@param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64DmaSetup(int modNum)
+gsc16ai64DmaSetup( int modNum )
-  /// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-  /// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be delivered.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[modNum];
-  /// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = GSAI_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
-  /// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = GSAI_DMA_BYTE_COUNT;
-  /// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = GSAI_DMA_TO_PCI;
-  return(1);
+    /// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    /// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be
+    /// delivered.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    /// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = GSAI_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
+    /// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = GSAI_DMA_BYTE_COUNT;
+    /// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_DESC = GSAI_DMA_TO_PCI;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///	@param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ai64DmaSetup32(int modNum)
+gsc16ai64DmaSetup32( int modNum )
-  /// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-  /// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be delivered.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[modNum];
-  /// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = GSAI_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
-  /// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = 0x100;
-  /// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = GSAI_DMA_TO_PCI;
-  return(1);
+    /// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    /// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be
+    /// delivered.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    /// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = GSAI_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
+    /// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = 0x100;
+    /// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_DESC = GSAI_DMA_TO_PCI;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine starts an ADC DMA operation. It must first be setup by 
+/// \brief This routine starts an ADC DMA operation. It must first be setup by
 ///< the gsc16ai64DmaSetup routine.
 ///	@param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void gsc16ai64DmaEnable(int modNum)
+gsc16ai64DmaEnable( int modNum )
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Test Code 
+/// \brief Test Code
 ///< For DIAGS ONLY !!!!!!!!
 ///< This will change ADC DMA BYTE count
@@ -256,9 +284,9 @@ void gsc16ai64DmaEnable(int modNum)
 ///< In both cases, real-time kernel code should exit with errors to dmesg
 // *****************************************************************************
-void gsc16ai64DmaBump(int modNum, int bump)
+gsc16ai64DmaBump( int modNum, int bump )
-        adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = GSAI_DMA_BYTE_COUNT + bump;
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = GSAI_DMA_BYTE_COUNT + bump;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/gsc16ao16.c b/src/include/drv/gsc16ao16.c
index 6090cfb48..4f05f9336 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/gsc16ao16.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/gsc16ao16.c
@@ -1,117 +1,132 @@
 ///     \file gsc16ao16.c
-///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
-///<            operations for the General Standards 16bit, 16 channel DAC modules. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">GSC 16AO16 Manual</a>
+///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///     read/write
+///<            operations for the General Standards 16bit, 16 channel DAC
+///<            modules. \n
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">GSC
+///<    16AO16 Manual</a>
 #include "gsc16ao16.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize GSC 16AO16 DAC modules.
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @param[in] *dacdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @param[in] *dacdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 ///     @return Status from board enable command.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *dacdev)
+gsc16ao16Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* dacdev )
-  int devNum;				/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  char *_dac_add; 			/// @param *_dac_add DAC register address space
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;	/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int pedStatus;			/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DAC cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->dacCount;
-          /// Enable the device, PCI required
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(dacdev);
-          /// Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
-          pci_set_master(dacdev);
-          /// Get the PLX chip PCI address, it is advertised at address 0
-          pci_read_config_dword(dacdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          _dac_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-          /// Set up a pointer to DMA registers on PLX chip
-          dacDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_dac_add;
-          /// Get the DAC register address
-          pci_read_config_dword(dacdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("dac pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          _dac_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-          printk("DAC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_dac_add);
-          dacPtr[devNum] = (GSC_DAC_REG *)_dac_add;
-          printk("DAC BCR = 0x%x\n",dacPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-          /// Reset the DAC board and wait for it to finish (3msec)
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BCR |= GSAO_RESET;
-          do{
-          }while((dacPtr[devNum]->BCR & GSAO_RESET) != 0);
-          /// Enable 2s complement by clearing offset binary bit
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BCR = (GSAO_OUT_RANGE_10 | GSAO_SIMULT_OUT);
-          printk("DAC BCR after init = 0x%x\n",dacPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-          printk("DAC CSR = 0x%x\n",dacPtr[devNum]->CSR);
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    char* _dac_add; /// @param *_dac_add DAC register address space
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DAC cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->dacCount;
+    /// Enable the device, PCI required
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( dacdev );
+    /// Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
+    pci_set_master( dacdev );
+    /// Get the PLX chip PCI address, it is advertised at address 0
+    pci_read_config_dword( dacdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci0 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _dac_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    /// Set up a pointer to DMA registers on PLX chip
+    dacDma[ devNum ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_dac_add;
+    /// Get the DAC register address
+    pci_read_config_dword( dacdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "dac pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _dac_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    printk( "DAC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr, (long)_dac_add );
+    dacPtr[ devNum ] = (GSC_DAC_REG*)_dac_add;
+    printk( "DAC BCR = 0x%x\n", dacPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    /// Reset the DAC board and wait for it to finish (3msec)
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= GSAO_RESET;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( dacPtr[ devNum ]->BCR & GSAO_RESET ) != 0 );
+    /// Enable 2s complement by clearing offset binary bit
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BCR = ( GSAO_OUT_RANGE_10 | GSAO_SIMULT_OUT );
+    printk( "DAC BCR after init = 0x%x\n", dacPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    printk( "DAC CSR = 0x%x\n", dacPtr[ devNum ]->CSR );
-          // Larger buffer required when in oversampling mode 
+    // Larger buffer required when in oversampling mode
 #ifdef SERVO32K
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_64;
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_64;
 #ifdef SERVO16K
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_128;
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_128;
 #ifdef SERVO2K
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_1024;
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_1024;
-	  /// Set DAC FIFO buffer size. Set to match DAC timing diagnostics.
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_256;
+    /// Set DAC FIFO buffer size. Set to match DAC timing diagnostics.
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BOR = GSAO_FIFO_256;
-          dacPtr[devNum]->BOR |=  GSAO_EXTERN_CLK;
-          printk("DAC BOR = 0x%x\n",dacPtr[devNum]->BOR);
-          pHardware->pci_dac[devNum] =
-                (long) pci_alloc_consistent(dacdev,0x200,&dac_dma_handle[devNum]);
-          pHardware->dacConfig[devNum] = (int) (dacPtr[devNum]->ASSC);
-          pHardware->dacType[devNum] = GSC_16AO16;
-          pHardware->dacCount ++;
-	  /// Call patch in map.c needed to properly write to native PCIe module version of 16AO16
-          set_8111_prefetch(dacdev);
-          return(pedStatus);
+    dacPtr[ devNum ]->BOR |= GSAO_EXTERN_CLK;
+    printk( "DAC BOR = 0x%x\n", dacPtr[ devNum ]->BOR );
+    pHardware->pci_dac[ devNum ] =
+        (long)pci_alloc_consistent( dacdev, 0x200, &dac_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->dacConfig[ devNum ] = (int)( dacPtr[ devNum ]->ASSC );
+    pHardware->dacType[ devNum ] = GSC_16AO16;
+    pHardware->dacCount++;
+    /// Call patch in map.c needed to properly write to native PCIe module
+    /// version of 16AO16
+    set_8111_prefetch( dacdev );
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Function checks if DMA from DAC module is complete. \n
 ///< Note: This function not presently used.
 ///     @param[in] module ID number of board to be accessed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16DacDmaDone(int module)
+gsc16ao16DacDmaDone( int module )
-        do{
-        }while((dacDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAI_DMA_DONE) == 0);
-        return(1);
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( dacDma[ module ]->DMA_CSR & GSAI_DMA_DONE ) == 0 );
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Function enables all 16AO16 DAC modules to begin receiving external clocking signals.
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Function enables all 16AO16 DAC modules to begin receiving external
+/// clocking signals.
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
+gsc16ao16Enable( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware )
-   int ii;
+    int ii;
-   for (ii = 0; ii < pHardware -> dacCount; ii++)
-   {
-      if (pHardware->dacType[ii] == GSC_16AO16) {
-        dacPtr[ii]->BOR |= (GSAO_ENABLE_CLK | GSAO_EXTERN_CLK);
-      }
-   }
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < pHardware->dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        if ( pHardware->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+        {
+            dacPtr[ ii ]->BOR |= ( GSAO_ENABLE_CLK | GSAO_EXTERN_CLK );
+        }
+    }
-   return(0);
+    return ( 0 );
@@ -120,69 +135,72 @@ int gsc16ao16Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
 ///     @param[in] numDac ID number of board to be accessed.
 ///	@return DAC FIFO size information.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16CheckDacBuffer(int numDac)
+gsc16ao16CheckDacBuffer( int numDac )
-  int dataCount;
-     dataCount = (dacPtr[numDac]->BOR >> 12) & 0xf;
-     return(dataCount);
+    int dataCount;
+    dataCount = ( dacPtr[ numDac ]->BOR >> 12 ) & 0xf;
+    return ( dataCount );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Clear DAC FIFO.
 ///     @param[in] numDac ID number of board to be accessed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16ClearDacBuffer(int numDac)
+gsc16ao16ClearDacBuffer( int numDac )
-         dacPtr[numDac]->BOR |=  GSAO_CLR_BUFFER;
-         return(0);
+    dacPtr[ numDac ]->BOR |= GSAO_CLR_BUFFER;
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers.
 ///< It is only called once to set up the number of bytes to be preloaded into
 ///< the DAC prior to fe code realtime loop.
 ///     @param[in] modNum ID number of board to be accessed.
-///     @param[in] samples Number DAC values to be transferred on each DMA cycle..
+///     @param[in] samples Number DAC values to be transferred on each DMA
+///     cycle..
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16DmaPreload(int modNum, int samples)
+gsc16ao16DmaPreload( int modNum, int samples )
-          dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-          dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[modNum];
-          dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = 0x18;
-          dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = 0x20 * samples;
-          dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = 0x0;
-  return(1);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = 0x18;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = 0x20 * samples;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_DESC = 0x0;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///     @param[in] modNum ID number of board to be accessed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc16ao16DmaSetup(int modNum)
+gsc16ao16DmaSetup( int modNum )
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[modNum];
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = 0x18;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = 0x18;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = 0x40*OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = 0x40 * OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = 0x40;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = 0x40;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = 0x0;
-  return(1);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_DESC = 0x0;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief This routine starts a DMA operation to a DAC module.
 ///< It must first be setup by the gsc16ao16DmaSetup call.
 ///     @param[in] modNum ID number of board to be accessed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void gsc16ao16DmaStart(int modNum)
+gsc16ao16DmaStart( int modNum )
-        // dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = ((int)dac_dma_handle[modNum]);
-        dacDma[modNum]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
+    // dacDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = ((int)dac_dma_handle[modNum]);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA_START;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/gsc18ai32.c b/src/include/drv/gsc18ai32.c
index 88aa85424..2114d23ff 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/gsc18ai32.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/gsc18ai32.c
@@ -1,108 +1,119 @@
 ///	\file gsc16ai64.c
-///	\brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
-///<		operations for the General Standards 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">GSC 16AI64SSC Manual</a>
+///	\brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///<		operations for the General Standards 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules.
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">GSC
+///<    16AI64SSC Manual</a>
 #include "gsc18ai32.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize GSC 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @param[in] *adcdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @param[in] *adcdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 ///	@return Status from board enable command.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ai32Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *adcdev)
+gsc18ai32Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* adcdev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;	/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int devNum;				/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  char *_adc_add;       		/// @param *_adc_add ADC register address space
-  int pedStatus;			/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-  volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    char* _adc_add; /// @param *_adc_add ADC register address space
+    int   pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG* adc18Ptr;
-  	/// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of ADC cards found by mapping routine
-        /// in map.c
-	devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
-	/// Enable the module.
-	pedStatus = pci_enable_device(adcdev);
-	/// Enable device to be DMA master.
-	pci_set_master(adcdev);
-	/// Get the PLX chip address
-	pci_read_config_dword(adcdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-	printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	/// Map module DMA space directly to computer memory space.
-	_adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-	/// Map the module DMA control registers via PLX chip registers
-	adcDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_adc_add;
-	if(devNum == 0) plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL *)_adc_add;
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of ADC cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
+    /// Enable the module.
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( adcdev );
+    /// Enable device to be DMA master.
+    pci_set_master( adcdev );
+    /// Get the PLX chip address
+    pci_read_config_dword( adcdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci0 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Map module DMA space directly to computer memory space.
+    _adc_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    /// Map the module DMA control registers via PLX chip registers
+    adcDma[ devNum ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_adc_add;
+    if ( devNum == 0 )
+        plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL*)_adc_add;
-	/// Get the ADC register address
-	pci_read_config_dword(adcdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-	printk("pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-	/// Map the module control register so local memory space.
-	_adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-	printk("ADC 18 I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_adc_add);
-	/// Set global ptr to control register memory space.
-	adc18Ptr = (GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *)_adc_add;
-    adcPtr[devNum] = (GSA_ADC_REG *)_adc_add;
-        printk("ADC  pointer init  at 0x%lx\n",(long)adcPtr[devNum]);
+    /// Get the ADC register address
+    pci_read_config_dword( adcdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    /// Map the module control register so local memory space.
+    _adc_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    printk( "ADC 18 I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr, (long)_adc_add );
+    /// Set global ptr to control register memory space.
+    adc18Ptr = (GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG*)_adc_add;
+    adcPtr[ devNum ] = (GSA_ADC_REG*)_adc_add;
+    printk( "ADC  pointer init  at 0x%lx\n", (long)adcPtr[ devNum ] );
-	printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->BCR);
-	/// Reset the ADC board
-	adc18Ptr->BCR |= GSAF_RESET;
-	do{
-	  }while((adc18Ptr->BCR & GSAF_RESET) != 0);
+    printk( "BCR = 0x%x\n", adc18Ptr->BCR );
+    /// Reset the ADC board
+    adc18Ptr->BCR |= GSAF_RESET;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( adc18Ptr->BCR & GSAF_RESET ) != 0 );
-	/// Write in a sync word
-	adc18Ptr->SMUW = 0x0000;
-	adc18Ptr->SMLW = 0x0000;
+    /// Write in a sync word
+    adc18Ptr->SMUW = 0x0000;
+    adc18Ptr->SMLW = 0x0000;
-	/// Set ADC to 64 channel = 32 differential channels
+    /// Set ADC to 64 channel = 32 differential channels
     // Don't need this for this board
-      // This is for the external connector use
-	  adc18Ptr->BCR |= (GSAF_ENABLE_X_SYNC); // 0x80
-	  adc18Ptr->AUX_SIO |= 0x80;
-	#endif
-	/// Set sample rate close to 16384Hz
-	/// Unit runs with external clock, so this probably not necessary
-	adc18Ptr->RAG = 0x117D8;
-	printk("RAG = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->RAG);
-	printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->BCR);
-	adc18Ptr->RAG &= ~(GSAF_SAMPLE_START);  //  0x10000
-	/// Initiate board calibration
-	adc18Ptr->BCR |= GSAF_AUTO_CAL;
-	/// Wait for internal calibration to complete.
-	do {
-	  }while((adc18Ptr->BCR & GSAF_AUTO_CAL) != 0);  // 0x2000
-	adc18Ptr->RAG |= GSAF_SAMPLE_START;  // 0x10000
-	adc18Ptr->IDBC = (GSAF_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAF_THRESHOLD);  // 0x40000 | 0x001f
-	adc18Ptr->SSC = (GSAF_32_CHANNEL); // 0x5  Sets 32 channels and external clock
-	printk("SSC = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->SSC);
-	printk("IDBC = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->IDBC);
-	/// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE structure with ADC information.
-	pHardware->pci_adc[devNum] = (long) pci_alloc_consistent(adcdev,0x2000,&adc_dma_handle[devNum]);
-	pHardware->adcType[devNum] = GSC_18AI32SSC1M;
-	pHardware->adcConfig[devNum] = adc18Ptr->ASSC;
-	pHardware->adcCount ++;
-	/// Return board enable status.
-	return(pedStatus);
+    // This is for the external connector use
+    adc18Ptr->BCR |= ( GSAF_ENABLE_X_SYNC ); // 0x80
+    adc18Ptr->AUX_SIO |= 0x80;
-SSC Register 
-    - Byte 0 = Active channels + lower sample source bit
-        - 0x5
-    - Byte 1 = upper sample source + enable clocking + enable clock divider + burst busy
-        - 0x20
+    /// Set sample rate close to 16384Hz
+    /// Unit runs with external clock, so this probably not necessary
+    adc18Ptr->RAG = 0x117D8;
+    printk( "RAG = 0x%x\n", adc18Ptr->RAG );
+    printk( "BCR = 0x%x\n", adc18Ptr->BCR );
+    adc18Ptr->RAG &= ~( GSAF_SAMPLE_START ); //  0x10000
+    /// Initiate board calibration
+    adc18Ptr->BCR |= GSAF_AUTO_CAL;
+    /// Wait for internal calibration to complete.
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( adc18Ptr->BCR & GSAF_AUTO_CAL ) != 0 ); // 0x2000
+    adc18Ptr->RAG |= GSAF_SAMPLE_START; // 0x10000
+    adc18Ptr->IDBC = ( GSAF_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAF_THRESHOLD ); // 0x40000 | 0x001f
+    adc18Ptr->SSC =
+        ( GSAF_32_CHANNEL ); // 0x5  Sets 32 channels and external clock
+    printk( "SSC = 0x%x\n", adc18Ptr->SSC );
+    printk( "IDBC = 0x%x\n", adc18Ptr->IDBC );
+    /// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE structure with ADC information.
+    pHardware->pci_adc[ devNum ] =
+        (long)pci_alloc_consistent( adcdev, 0x2000, &adc_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->adcType[ devNum ] = GSC_18AI32SSC1M;
+    pHardware->adcConfig[ devNum ] = adc18Ptr->ASSC;
+    pHardware->adcCount++;
+    /// Return board enable status.
+    return ( pedStatus );
+    /*
+    SSC Register
+        - Byte 0 = Active channels + lower sample source bit
+            - 0x5
+        - Byte 1 = upper sample source + enable clocking + enable clock divider
+    + burst busy
+            - 0x20
+    */
 // *****************************************************************************
@@ -110,60 +121,69 @@ SSC Register
 /// 	@param[in] module ID of ADC board to read.
 ///	@return Status of ADC module DMA DONE bit (0=not complete, 1= complete)
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ai32CheckDmaDone(int module)
+gsc18ai32CheckDmaDone( int module )
-	// Return 0 if DMA not complete
-        if((adcDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAF_DMA_DONE) == 0) return(0);
-	// Return 1 if DMA is complete
-        else return(1);
+    // Return 0 if DMA not complete
+    if ( ( adcDma[ module ]->DMA_CSR & GSAF_DMA_DONE ) == 0 )
+        return ( 0 );
+    // Return 1 if DMA is complete
+    else
+        return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Function if DMA from ADC module is complete. 
+/// \brief Function if DMA from ADC module is complete.
 ///< Code will remain in loop until DMA is complete.
 ///     @param[in] module ID of ADC board to read.
 ///	@param[out] data Status of DMA DONE bit.
 ///	@return ADC DMA Status (0=not complete, 16=complete
 /// Note: This function not presently used.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ai32WaitDmaDone(int module, int *data)
+gsc18ai32WaitDmaDone( int module, int* data )
-        do{
-        }while((adcDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAF_DMA_DONE) == 0);
-        // First channel should be marked with an upper bit set
-        if (*data == 0) return 0; else return 16;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( adcDma[ module ]->DMA_CSR & GSAF_DMA_DONE ) == 0 );
+    // First channel should be marked with an upper bit set
+    if ( *data == 0 )
+        return 0;
+    else
+        return 16;
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Function clears ADC buffer and starts acquisition via external clock.
 ///< Also sets up ADC for Demand DMA mode and set GO bit in DMA Mode Register.
-///< NOTE: In normal operation, this code should only be called while the clocks from
-///< the timing slave are turned OFF ie during initialization process.
+///< NOTE: In normal operation, this code should only be called while the clocks
+///< from the timing slave are turned OFF ie during initialization process.
 ///	@param[in] adcCount Total number of ADC modules to start DMA.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ai32Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
+gsc18ai32Enable( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware )
-  int ii;
-  volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
-  for(ii=0;ii<pHardware->adcCount;ii++)
-  {
-    if(pHardware->adcType[ii] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M)
+    int                         ii;
+    volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG* adc18Ptr;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < pHardware->adcCount; ii++ )
-        adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *) adcPtr[ii];
-	  /// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when 
-	  ///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
-          adc18Ptr->BCR &= ~(GSAF_DMA_DEMAND_MODE);
-	  /// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
-          adcDma[ii]->DMA0_MODE = GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
-	  /// Enable DMA
-          adcDma[ii]->DMA_CSR = GSAF_DMA_START;
-	  /// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels have 1 sample
-	  /// Enable sync via external clock input.
-          adc18Ptr->SSC |= GSAF_ENABLE_CLOCK;
+        if ( pHardware->adcType[ ii ] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M )
+        {
+            adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG*)adcPtr[ ii ];
+            /// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when
+            ///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
+            adc18Ptr->BCR &= ~( GSAF_DMA_DEMAND_MODE );
+            /// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
+            adcDma[ ii ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
+            /// Enable DMA
+            adcDma[ ii ]->DMA_CSR = GSAF_DMA_START;
+            /// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels
+            /// have 1 sample
+            adc18Ptr->IDBC = ( GSAF_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAF_THRESHOLD );
+            /// Enable sync via external clock input.
+            adc18Ptr->SSC |= GSAF_ENABLE_CLOCK;
+        }
-  }
-  return(0);
+    return ( 0 );
 #if 0
@@ -204,42 +224,45 @@ int gsc18ai32AdcStop()
 ///	@param[in] numAdc The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 ///	@return The number of samples presently in the ADC FIFO.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ai32CheckAdcBuffer(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int numAdc)
+gsc18ai32CheckAdcBuffer( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int numAdc )
-  volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
-  int dataCount = 0;
+    volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG* adc18Ptr;
+    int                         dataCount = 0;
-  if(pHardware->adcType[numAdc] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M)
-  {
-        adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *) adcPtr[numAdc];
+    if ( pHardware->adcType[ numAdc ] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M )
+    {
+        adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG*)adcPtr[ numAdc ];
         dataCount = adc18Ptr->BUF_SIZE;
-  }
-  return(dataCount);
+    }
+    return ( dataCount );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///	@param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ai32DmaSetup(int modNum)
+gsc18ai32DmaSetup( int modNum )
-  /// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_MODE = GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-  /// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be delivered.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[modNum];
-  /// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = GSAF_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
-  /// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = GSAF_DMA_BYTE_COUNT;
-  /// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = GSAF_DMA_TO_PCI;
-  return(1);
+    /// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_MODE = GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    /// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be
+    /// delivered.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    /// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = GSAF_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
+    /// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_BTC = GSAF_DMA_BYTE_COUNT;
+    /// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA0_DESC = GSAF_DMA_TO_PCI;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///	@param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 // *****************************************************************************
 #if 0
@@ -259,14 +282,13 @@ int gsc18ai32DmaSetup32(int modNum)
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine starts an ADC DMA operation. It must first be setup by 
+/// \brief This routine starts an ADC DMA operation. It must first be setup by
 ///< the gsc16ai64DmaSetup routine.
 ///	@param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void gsc18ai32DmaEnable(int modNum)
+gsc18ai32DmaEnable( int modNum )
-  adcDma[modNum]->DMA_CSR = GSAF_DMA_START;
+    adcDma[ modNum ]->DMA_CSR = GSAF_DMA_START;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/gsc18ai6.c b/src/include/drv/gsc18ai6.c
index 869443798..ba434b198 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/gsc18ai6.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/gsc18ai6.c
@@ -1,72 +1,74 @@
 #include "gsc18ai6.h"
-volatile GSA_FAD_REG *fadcPtr[MAX_ADC_MODULES];
+volatile GSA_FAD_REG* fadcPtr[ MAX_ADC_MODULES ];
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// Routine to initialize GSA PMC66_18AISS6C ADC modules 
+/// Routine to initialize GSA PMC66_18AISS6C ADC modules
 // *****************************************************************************
-int mapFadc(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware,
-            struct pci_dev *adcdev)
+mapFadc( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* adcdev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
-  int devNum;
-  char *_adc_add;                               /* ADC register address space */
-  int pedStatus;
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
+    int                 devNum;
+    char*               _adc_add; /* ADC register address space */
+    int                 pedStatus;
-  devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
-  pedStatus = pci_enable_device(adcdev);
-  pci_set_master(adcdev);
- // Get the PLX chip address
-  pci_read_config_dword(adcdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-  printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-  _adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-  adcDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_adc_add;
-  dacDma[pHardware->dacCount] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_adc_add;
-  if(devNum == 0) plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL *)_adc_add;
+    devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( adcdev );
+    pci_set_master( adcdev );
+    // Get the PLX chip address
+    pci_read_config_dword( adcdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci0 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _adc_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    adcDma[ devNum ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_adc_add;
+    dacDma[ pHardware->dacCount ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_adc_add;
+    if ( devNum == 0 )
+        plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL*)_adc_add;
-  // Get the ADC register address
-  pci_read_config_dword(adcdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-  printk("pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-  _adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-  printk("ADC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_adc_add);
-  fadcPtr[devNum] = (GSA_FAD_REG *)_adc_add;
+    // Get the ADC register address
+    pci_read_config_dword( adcdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _adc_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    printk( "ADC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr, (long)_adc_add );
+    fadcPtr[ devNum ] = (GSA_FAD_REG*)_adc_add;
-  printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-  printk("INPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n",fadcPtr[devNum]->IN_CONF);
+    printk( "BCR = 0x%x\n", fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    printk( "INPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n", fadcPtr[ devNum ]->IN_CONF );
-  // Reset the ADC board
-  fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR |= GSAF_RESET;
-  do{
-  }while((fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR & GSAF_RESET) != 0);
-  printk("after reset BCR = 0x%x\n",fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-  printk("after reset INPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n",fadcPtr[devNum]->IN_CONF);
+    // Reset the ADC board
+    fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= GSAF_RESET;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR & GSAF_RESET ) != 0 );
+    printk( "after reset BCR = 0x%x\n", fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    printk( "after reset INPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n", fadcPtr[ devNum ]->IN_CONF );
-  fadcPtr[devNum]->IN_CONF |= 1 << 9;
-  fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR |=  1 << 12; // enable buffer
-  fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR |=  1 << 13;
-  printk("final BCR = 0x%x\n",fadcPtr[devNum]->BCR);
-  printk("final INPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n",fadcPtr[devNum]->IN_CONF);
-  pHardware->adcConfig[devNum] = fadcPtr[devNum]->ASSC;
-  printk("final ASSEMBLY CONFIG = 0x%x\n",pHardware->adcConfig[devNum]);
+    fadcPtr[ devNum ]->IN_CONF |= 1 << 9;
+    fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= 1 << 12; // enable buffer
+    fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR |= 1 << 13;
+    printk( "final BCR = 0x%x\n", fadcPtr[ devNum ]->BCR );
+    printk( "final INPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n", fadcPtr[ devNum ]->IN_CONF );
+    pHardware->adcConfig[ devNum ] = fadcPtr[ devNum ]->ASSC;
+    printk( "final ASSEMBLY CONFIG = 0x%x\n", pHardware->adcConfig[ devNum ] );
-  pHardware->pci_adc[devNum] =
-                (long)pci_alloc_consistent(adcdev,0x2000,&adc_dma_handle[devNum]);
-  pHardware->adcType[devNum] = GSC_18AISS6C;
-  pHardware->adcCount ++;
-  return(0);
+    pHardware->pci_adc[ devNum ] =
+        (long)pci_alloc_consistent( adcdev, 0x2000, &adc_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->adcType[ devNum ] = GSC_18AISS6C;
+    pHardware->adcCount++;
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Test if ADC has a sample ready.
 /// Only to be used with 2MS/sec ADC module.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int checkAdcRdy(int count,int numAdc,int type)
+checkAdcRdy( int count, int numAdc, int type )
-  int dataCount;
+    int dataCount;
-          int i = 0;
-          switch(type)
-          {
+    int i = 0;
+    switch ( type )
+    {
 #if 0
                 case GSC_18AI32SSC1M:
                   do {
@@ -78,8 +80,8 @@ int checkAdcRdy(int count,int numAdc,int type)
                   }while(dataCount < count);
-                case GSC_16AI64SSA:
-                        dataCount = adcPtr[numAdc]->BUF_SIZE;
+    case GSC_16AI64SSA:
+        dataCount = adcPtr[ numAdc ]->BUF_SIZE;
 #if 0
                   do {
                         dataCount = adcPtr[numAdc]->BUF_SIZE;
@@ -89,21 +91,23 @@ int checkAdcRdy(int count,int numAdc,int type)
                   }while(dataCount < count);
-                  break;
-                // Default is GSC 2MHz ADC
-                default:
-                  do {
-                        dataCount = fadcPtr[0]->IN_BUF_SIZE;
-                        if (i == 1000000) {
-                                break;
-                        }
-                        i++;
-                  }while(dataCount < (count / 8));
+        break;
+    // Default is GSC 2MHz ADC
+    default:
+        do
+        {
+            dataCount = fadcPtr[ 0 ]->IN_BUF_SIZE;
+            if ( i == 1000000 )
+            {
-          }
-          // If timeout, return error
-          if (i >= 1000000) return -1;
-          // gsaAdcDma2(numAdc);
-  return(dataCount);
+            }
+            i++;
+        } while ( dataCount < ( count / 8 ) );
+        break;
+    }
+    // If timeout, return error
+    if ( i >= 1000000 )
+        return -1;
+    // gsaAdcDma2(numAdc);
+    return ( dataCount );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/gsc18ao8.c b/src/include/drv/gsc18ao8.c
index abb58ffb3..5b65aa71c 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/gsc18ao8.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/gsc18ao8.c
@@ -1,153 +1,174 @@
 ///     \file gsc18ao8.c
-///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
-///<            operations for the General Standards 18bit, 8 channel DAC modules. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">GSC 18AO8 Manual</a>
+///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///     read/write
+///<            operations for the General Standards 18bit, 8 channel DAC
+///<            modules. \n
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">GSC
+///<    18AO8 Manual</a>
 #include "gsc18ao8.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize GSC 18AO8 DAC modules.
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @param[in] *dacdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @param[in] *dacdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 ///     @return Status from board enable command.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ao8Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *dacdev)
+gsc18ao8Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* dacdev )
-  int devNum;					/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  char *_dac_add;				/// @param *_dac_add DAC register address space
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;		/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int pedStatus;				/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-  volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;	/// @param *dac18bitPtr Pointer to DAC control registers.
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    char* _dac_add; /// @param *_dac_add DAC register address space
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*
+        dac18bitPtr; /// @param *dac18bitPtr Pointer to DAC control registers.
-  int timer = 0;
+    int timer = 0;
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DAC cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->dacCount;
-          /// Enable the device, PCI required
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(dacdev);
-          /// Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
-          pci_set_master(dacdev);
-          /// Get the PLX chip PCI address, it is advertised at address 0
-          pci_read_config_dword(dacdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          _dac_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-          /// Set up a pointer to DMA registers on PLX chip
-          dacDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_dac_add;
-          /// Get the DAC register address
-          pci_read_config_dword(dacdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("dac pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          _dac_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-          printk("DAC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_dac_add);
-          dac18bitPtr = (GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)_dac_add;
-          dacPtr[devNum] = (GSC_DAC_REG *)_dac_add;
-          printk("DAC BCR = 0x%x\n",dac18bitPtr->BCR);
-          /// Reset the DAC board and wait for it to finish (3msec)
-          dac18bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_18BIT_RESET;
-          do{
-          }while((dac18bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_18BIT_RESET) != 0);
-          /// Enable 2s complement by clearing offset binary bit
-          dac18bitPtr->BCR &= ~GSAO_18BIT_OFFSET_BINARY;
-          dac18bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_18BIT_SIMULT_OUT;
-          printk("DAC BCR after init = 0x%x\n",dac18bitPtr->BCR);
-          printk("DAC OUTPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n",dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG);
-          /// Enable 10 volt output range
-          dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_10VOLT_RANGE;
-          // Various bits setup
-          //dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_ENABLE_EXT_CLOCK;
-          //dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_EXT_CLOCK_SRC;
-          //dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_EXT_TRIG_SRC;
-          dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_DIFF_OUTS;
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DAC cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->dacCount;
+    /// Enable the device, PCI required
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( dacdev );
+    /// Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
+    pci_set_master( dacdev );
+    /// Get the PLX chip PCI address, it is advertised at address 0
+    pci_read_config_dword( dacdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci0 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _dac_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    /// Set up a pointer to DMA registers on PLX chip
+    dacDma[ devNum ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_dac_add;
+    /// Get the DAC register address
+    pci_read_config_dword( dacdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "dac pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _dac_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    printk( "DAC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr, (long)_dac_add );
+    dac18bitPtr = (GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)_dac_add;
+    dacPtr[ devNum ] = (GSC_DAC_REG*)_dac_add;
+    printk( "DAC BCR = 0x%x\n", dac18bitPtr->BCR );
+    /// Reset the DAC board and wait for it to finish (3msec)
+    dac18bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_18BIT_RESET;
+    do
+    {
+    } while ( ( dac18bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_18BIT_RESET ) != 0 );
+    /// Enable 2s complement by clearing offset binary bit
+    dac18bitPtr->BCR &= ~GSAO_18BIT_OFFSET_BINARY;
+    dac18bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_18BIT_SIMULT_OUT;
+    printk( "DAC BCR after init = 0x%x\n", dac18bitPtr->BCR );
+    printk( "DAC OUTPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n", dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG );
+    /// Enable 10 volt output range
+    dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_10VOLT_RANGE;
+    // Various bits setup
+    // dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_EXT_CLOCK_SRC;
+    // dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_EXT_TRIG_SRC;
+    dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_DIFF_OUTS;
-	  // Start Calibration
-	  dac18bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_18BIT_AUTOCAL_SET;
-          do{
-	   	udelay(1000);
-		timer += 1;
-          }while((dac18bitPtr->BCR &  GSAO_18BIT_AUTOCAL_SET) != 0);
-	  if(dac18bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_18BIT_AUTOCAL_PASS) 
-		  printk("DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in %d milliseconds \n",timer);
-	  else
-		  printk("DAC AUTOCAL FAILED in %d milliseconds \n",timer);
-          printk("DAC OUTPUT CONFIG after init = 0x%x with BCR = 0x%x\n",dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG, dac18bitPtr->BCR);
+    // Start Calibration
+    dac18bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_18BIT_AUTOCAL_SET;
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
+        timer += 1;
+    } while ( ( dac18bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_18BIT_AUTOCAL_SET ) != 0 );
+    if ( dac18bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_18BIT_AUTOCAL_PASS )
+        printk( "DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in %d milliseconds \n", timer );
+    else
+        printk( "DAC AUTOCAL FAILED in %d milliseconds \n", timer );
+    printk( "DAC OUTPUT CONFIG after init = 0x%x with BCR = 0x%x\n",
+            dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG,
+            dac18bitPtr->BCR );
-	printk("DAC OUTPUT CONFIG after init = 0x%x\n",dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG);
+    printk( "DAC OUTPUT CONFIG after init = 0x%x\n",
+            dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG );
-        // TODO: maybe dac_dma_handle should be a separate variable for 18-bit board?
-          pHardware->pci_dac[devNum] =
-                (long) pci_alloc_consistent(dacdev,0x200,&dac_dma_handle[devNum]);
-          pHardware->dacConfig[devNum] = (int) (dac18bitPtr->ASY_CONFIG);
-          pHardware->dacType[devNum] = GSC_18AO8;
-          pHardware->dacCount ++;
-	  /// Call patch in map.c needed to properly write to native PCIe module version of 16AO16
-          set_8111_prefetch(dacdev);
-          return(pedStatus);
+    // TODO: maybe dac_dma_handle should be a separate variable for 18-bit
+    // board?
+    pHardware->pci_dac[ devNum ] =
+        (long)pci_alloc_consistent( dacdev, 0x200, &dac_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->dacConfig[ devNum ] = (int)( dac18bitPtr->ASY_CONFIG );
+    pHardware->dacType[ devNum ] = GSC_18AO8;
+    pHardware->dacCount++;
+    /// Call patch in map.c needed to properly write to native PCIe module
+    /// version of 16AO16
+    set_8111_prefetch( dacdev );
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Function enables DAC modules to begin receiving external clocking signals.
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Function enables DAC modules to begin receiving external clocking
+/// signals.
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ao8Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
+gsc18ao8Enable( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware )
-   int ii;
-   for (ii = 0; ii < pHardware -> dacCount; ii++)
-   {
-      if (pHardware->dacType[ii] == GSC_18AO8) {
-        volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[ii]);
-        dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_EXT_CLOCK_SRC;
-        dac18bitPtr->BUF_OUTPUT_OPS |= GSAO_18BIT_ENABLE_CLOCK;
-        // printk("Triggered 18-bit DAC\n");
-      }
-   }
-   return(0);
+    int ii;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < pHardware->dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        if ( pHardware->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+        {
+            volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr =
+                (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ ii ] );
+            dac18bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_18BIT_EXT_CLOCK_SRC;
+            dac18bitPtr->BUF_OUTPUT_OPS |= GSAO_18BIT_ENABLE_CLOCK;
+            // printk("Triggered 18-bit DAC\n");
+        }
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///     @param[in] modNum ID number of board to be accessed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc18ao8DmaSetup(int modNum)
+gsc18ao8DmaSetup( int modNum )
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[modNum];
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_LOC_ADD = GSAO_18BIT_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_LOC_ADD = GSAO_18BIT_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20*OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20 * OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_DESC = 0x0;
-  return(1);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_DESC = 0x0;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief This routine starts a DMA operation to a DAC module.
 ///< It must first be setup by the gsc18ao8DmaSetup call.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void gsc18ao8DmaStart(int modNum)
+gsc18ao8DmaStart( int modNum )
-        // dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = ((int)dac_dma_handle[modNum]);
-        dacDma[modNum]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA1_START;
+    // dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = ((int)dac_dma_handle[modNum]);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA1_START;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/gsc20ao8.c b/src/include/drv/gsc20ao8.c
index 88281afad..7a18b8a08 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/gsc20ao8.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/gsc20ao8.c
@@ -1,173 +1,191 @@
 ///     \file gsc20ao8.c
-///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
-///<            operations for the General Standards 20bit, 8 channel DAC modules. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">GSC 18AO8 Manual</a>
+///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///     read/write
+///<            operations for the General Standards 20bit, 8 channel DAC
+///<            modules. \n
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">GSC
+///<    18AO8 Manual</a>
 #include "gsc20ao8.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to initialize GSC 20AO8 DAC modules.
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///     @param[in] *dacdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///     @param[in] *dacdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
+///     map.c
 ///     @return Status from board enable command.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc20ao8Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *dacdev)
+gsc20ao8Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* dacdev )
-  int devNum;					/// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
-  char *_dac_add;				/// @param *_dac_add DAC register address space
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;		/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int pedStatus;				/// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
-  volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr;	/// @param *dac20bitPtr Pointer to DAC control registers.
-  int timer = 0;
-	  /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DAC cards found by mapping routine
-          /// in map.c
-          devNum = pHardware->dacCount;
-          /// Enable the device, PCI required
-          pedStatus = pci_enable_device(dacdev);
-          /// Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
-          pci_set_master(dacdev);
-          /// Get the PLX chip PCI address, it is advertised at address 0
-          pci_read_config_dword(dacdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,&pci_io_addr);
-          printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          _dac_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-          /// Set up a pointer to DMA registers on PLX chip
-          dacDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_dac_add;
-          /// Get the DAC register address
-          pci_read_config_dword(dacdev,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2,&pci_io_addr);
-	  // Send some info to dmesg
-          printk("dac pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
-          _dac_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-	  // Send some info to dmesg
-          printk("DAC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_dac_add);
-          dac20bitPtr = (GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)_dac_add;
-          dacPtr[devNum] = (GSC_DAC_REG *)_dac_add;
-	  // Send some info to dmesg
-          printk("DAC BCR = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->BCR);
-          /// Reset the DAC board and wait for it to finish (3msec)
-          dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_RESET;
-	  timer = 6000;
-          do{
-		udelay(1000);
-		timer -= 1;
-          }while((dac20bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_20BIT_RESET) != 0 &&
-	  	 	timer > 0 &&
-		 	dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS == 1);
-	  // printk("DAC PSR after init = 0x%x and timer = %d\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS,timer);
-          /// Enable 2s complement by clearing offset binary bit
-          dac20bitPtr->BCR &= ~GSAO_20BIT_OFFSET_BINARY;
-	  // Set simultaneous outputs
-          dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_SIMULT_OUT;
-	  // Send some info to dmesg
-          // printk("DAC BCR after init = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->BCR);
-          // printk("DAC OUTPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG);
-          /// Enable 10 volt output range
-	  dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_20BIT_10VOLT_RANGE;
-          // Set differential outputs
-          dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_20BIT_DIFF_OUTS;
-	  // Enable outputs.
-          dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
-	  udelay(1000);
-	  // Set primary status to detect autocal
-	  printk("DAC PSR = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS);
-	  dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS = 2;
-	   	udelay(1000);
-	  printk("DAC PSR after reset = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS);
-	  // Start Calibration
-	  dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_AUTOCAL_SET;
-	  // Wait for autocal to complete
-	  timer = 0;
-          do{
-	   	udelay(1000);
-	  	// printk("DAC PSR in autocal = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS);
-		timer += 1;
-          }while((dac20bitPtr->BCR &  GSAO_20BIT_AUTOCAL_SET) != 0);
-	  printk("DAC after autocal PSR = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS);
-	  if(dac20bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_20BIT_AUTOCAL_PASS) 
-		  printk("DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in %d milliseconds \n",timer);
-	  else
-		  printk("DAC AUTOCAL FAILED in %d milliseconds \n",timer);
-	  printk("DAC PSR = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS);
-	  // If 20bit DAC, need to enable outputs.
-          dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
-          printk("DAC OUTPUT CONFIG after init = 0x%x with BCR = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG, dac20bitPtr->BCR);
-          pHardware->pci_dac[devNum] =
-                (long) pci_alloc_consistent(dacdev,0x200,&dac_dma_handle[devNum]);
-          pHardware->dacConfig[devNum] = (int) (dac20bitPtr->ASY_CONFIG);
-	  // Return the device type to main code.
-          pHardware->dacType[devNum] = GSC_20AO8;
-          pHardware->dacCount ++;
-	  /// Call patch in map.c needed to properly write to native PCIe module
-          set_8111_prefetch(dacdev);
-          return(pedStatus);
+    int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding
+                /// board info.
+    char* _dac_add; /// @param *_dac_add DAC register address space
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable
+                   /// device.
+    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*
+        dac20bitPtr; /// @param *dac20bitPtr Pointer to DAC control registers.
+    int timer = 0;
+    /// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of DAC cards
+    /// found by mapping routine in map.c
+    devNum = pHardware->dacCount;
+    /// Enable the device, PCI required
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( dacdev );
+    /// Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
+    pci_set_master( dacdev );
+    /// Get the PLX chip PCI address, it is advertised at address 0
+    pci_read_config_dword( dacdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "pci0 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _dac_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    /// Set up a pointer to DMA registers on PLX chip
+    dacDma[ devNum ] = (PLX_9056_DMA*)_dac_add;
+    /// Get the DAC register address
+    pci_read_config_dword( dacdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    // Send some info to dmesg
+    printk( "dac pci2 = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    _dac_add = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    // Send some info to dmesg
+    printk( "DAC I/O address=0x%x  0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr, (long)_dac_add );
+    dac20bitPtr = (GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)_dac_add;
+    dacPtr[ devNum ] = (GSC_DAC_REG*)_dac_add;
+    // Send some info to dmesg
+    printk( "DAC BCR = 0x%x\n", dac20bitPtr->BCR );
+    /// Reset the DAC board and wait for it to finish (3msec)
+    dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_RESET;
+    timer = 6000;
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
+        timer -= 1;
+    } while ( ( dac20bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_20BIT_RESET ) != 0 && timer > 0 &&
+              dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS == 1 );
+    // printk("DAC PSR after init = 0x%x and timer =
+    // %d\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS,timer);
+    /// Enable 2s complement by clearing offset binary bit
+    dac20bitPtr->BCR &= ~GSAO_20BIT_OFFSET_BINARY;
+    // Set simultaneous outputs
+    dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_SIMULT_OUT;
+    // Send some info to dmesg
+    // printk("DAC BCR after init = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->BCR);
+    // printk("DAC OUTPUT CONFIG = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG);
+    /// Enable 10 volt output range
+    dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_20BIT_10VOLT_RANGE;
+    // Set differential outputs
+    dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_20BIT_DIFF_OUTS;
+    // Enable outputs.
+    dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    // Set primary status to detect autocal
+    printk( "DAC PSR = 0x%x\n", dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS );
+    dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS = 2;
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    printk( "DAC PSR after reset = 0x%x\n", dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS );
+    // Start Calibration
+    dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_AUTOCAL_SET;
+    // Wait for autocal to complete
+    timer = 0;
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
+        // printk("DAC PSR in autocal = 0x%x\n",dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS);
+        timer += 1;
+    } while ( ( dac20bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_20BIT_AUTOCAL_SET ) != 0 );
+    printk( "DAC after autocal PSR = 0x%x\n", dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS );
+    if ( dac20bitPtr->BCR & GSAO_20BIT_AUTOCAL_PASS )
+        printk( "DAC AUTOCAL SUCCESS in %d milliseconds \n", timer );
+    else
+        printk( "DAC AUTOCAL FAILED in %d milliseconds \n", timer );
+    printk( "DAC PSR = 0x%x\n", dac20bitPtr->PRIMARY_STATUS );
+    // If 20bit DAC, need to enable outputs.
+    dac20bitPtr->BCR |= GSAO_20BIT_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
+    printk( "DAC OUTPUT CONFIG after init = 0x%x with BCR = 0x%x\n",
+            dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG,
+            dac20bitPtr->BCR );
+    pHardware->pci_dac[ devNum ] =
+        (long)pci_alloc_consistent( dacdev, 0x200, &dac_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    pHardware->dacConfig[ devNum ] = (int)( dac20bitPtr->ASY_CONFIG );
+    // Return the device type to main code.
+    pHardware->dacType[ devNum ] = GSC_20AO8;
+    pHardware->dacCount++;
+    /// Call patch in map.c needed to properly write to native PCIe module
+    set_8111_prefetch( dacdev );
+    return ( pedStatus );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief Function enables DAC modules to begin receiving external clocking signals.
-///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+/// \brief Function enables DAC modules to begin receiving external clocking
+/// signals.
+///     @param[in] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc20ao8Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
+gsc20ao8Enable( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware )
-   int ii;
-   for (ii = 0; ii < pHardware -> dacCount; ii++)
-   {
-      if (pHardware->dacType[ii] == GSC_20AO8) {
-        volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[ii]);
-        dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_20BIT_EXT_CLOCK_SRC;
-        dac20bitPtr->BUF_OUTPUT_OPS |= GSAO_20BIT_ENABLE_CLOCK;
-        // printk("Triggered 20-bit DAC\n");
-      }
-   }
-   return(0);
+    int ii;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < pHardware->dacCount; ii++ )
+    {
+        if ( pHardware->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+        {
+            volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20bitPtr =
+                (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ ii ] );
+            dac20bitPtr->OUTPUT_CONFIG |= GSAO_20BIT_EXT_CLOCK_SRC;
+            dac20bitPtr->BUF_OUTPUT_OPS |= GSAO_20BIT_ENABLE_CLOCK;
+            // printk("Triggered 20-bit DAC\n");
+        }
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
-/// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers once on code initialization.
+/// \brief This routine sets up the DAC DMA registers once on code
+/// initialization.
 ///     @param[in] modNum ID number of board to be accessed.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int gsc20ao8DmaSetup(int modNum)
+gsc20ao8DmaSetup( int modNum )
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[modNum];
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_LOC_ADD = GSAO_20BIT_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_MODE = GSAI_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = (int)dac_dma_handle[ modNum ];
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_LOC_ADD = GSAO_20BIT_DMA_LOCAL_ADDR;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20*OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20 * OVERSAMPLE_TIMES;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20;
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_BTC = 0x20;
-  dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_DESC = 0x0;
-  return(1);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA1_DESC = 0x0;
+    return ( 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief This routine starts a DMA operation to a DAC module.
 ///< It must first be setup by the gsc20ao8DmaSetup call.
 // *****************************************************************************
-void gsc20ao8DmaStart(int modNum)
+gsc20ao8DmaStart( int modNum )
-        // dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = ((int)dac_dma_handle[modNum]);
-        dacDma[modNum]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA1_START;
+    // dacDma[modNum]->DMA1_PCI_ADD = ((int)dac_dma_handle[modNum]);
+    dacDma[ modNum ]->DMA_CSR = GSAI_DMA1_START;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/iop_adc_functions.c b/src/include/drv/iop_adc_functions.c
index 94815f8fd..fbd17973a 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/iop_adc_functions.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/iop_adc_functions.c
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ iop_adc_read( adcInfo_t* adcinfo, int cpuClk[] )
             pcieTimer->gps_time = timeSec;
             pcieTimer->cycle = cycleNum;
-            clflush_cache_range( (void *)&pcieTimer->gps_time, 16 );
+            clflush_cache_range( (void*)&pcieTimer->gps_time, 16 );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/iop_dac_functions.c b/src/include/drv/iop_dac_functions.c
index 93ef385e4..7059d4f3d 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/iop_dac_functions.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/iop_dac_functions.c
@@ -1,305 +1,385 @@
-inline int iop_dac_init(int []);
-inline int iop_dac_preload(volatile GSC_DAC_REG *[]);
-inline int iop_dac_write(void);
+inline int iop_dac_init( int[] );
+inline int iop_dac_preload( volatile GSC_DAC_REG*[] );
+inline int iop_dac_write( void );
-inline int iop_dac_init(int errorPend[])
+inline int
+iop_dac_init( int errorPend[] )
-  int ii,jj;
-  int status;
+    int ii, jj;
+    int status;
-  /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
-  for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++)
-  {
-    errorPend[ii] = 0;
-    for (jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++) {
- 		dacOut[ii][jj] = 0.0;
- 		dacOutUsed[ii][jj] = 0;
-		dacOutBufSize[ii] = 0;
-		// Zero out DAC channel map in the shared memory
-		// to be used to check on slaves' channel allocation
-		ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ii][jj] = 0;
+    /// \> Zero out DAC outputs
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
+    {
+        errorPend[ ii ] = 0;
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            dacOut[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
+            dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
+            dacOutBufSize[ ii ] = 0;
+            // Zero out DAC channel map in the shared memory
+            // to be used to check on slaves' channel allocation
+            ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
+        }
-  }
-  for(jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++) {
-  	pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] = DAC_FOUND_BIT;
-	// Arm DAC DMA for full data size
-	if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_16AO16) {
-		status = gsc16ao16DmaSetup(jj);
-	} else if (cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8){
-	         status = gsc20ao8DmaSetup(jj);
-	} else {
-		status = gsc18ao8DmaSetup(jj);
-	}
-  }
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] = DAC_FOUND_BIT;
+        // Arm DAC DMA for full data size
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+        {
+            status = gsc16ao16DmaSetup( jj );
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+        {
+            status = gsc20ao8DmaSetup( jj );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            status = gsc18ao8DmaSetup( jj );
+        }
+    }
-  return 0;
+    return 0;
-inline int iop_dac_preload(volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dacReg[])
+inline int
+iop_dac_preload( volatile GSC_DAC_REG* dacReg[] )
-volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18Ptr;
-volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20Ptr;
-volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dac16Ptr;
-int ii,jj;
+    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18Ptr;
+    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20Ptr;
+    volatile GSC_DAC_REG*       dac16Ptr;
+    int                         ii, jj;
-    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-    {       
-        if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-        {       
-            dac18Ptr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacReg[jj]);
-            for(ii=0;ii<GSAO_18BIT_PRELOAD;ii++) dac18Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = 0;
-        } else if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8) {
-            dac20Ptr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacReg[jj]);
-            for(ii=0;ii<GSAO_20BIT_PRELOAD;ii++) dac20Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = 0;
-        }else{  
-            dac16Ptr = dacReg[jj];
-            for(ii=0;ii<GSAO_16BIT_PRELOAD;ii++) dac16Ptr->ODB = 0;
-	}       
-    }       
+    for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+    {
+        if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+        {
+            dac18Ptr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacReg[ jj ] );
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < GSAO_18BIT_PRELOAD; ii++ )
+                dac18Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = 0;
+        }
+        else if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+        {
+            dac20Ptr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacReg[ jj ] );
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < GSAO_20BIT_PRELOAD; ii++ )
+                dac20Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dac16Ptr = dacReg[ jj ];
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < GSAO_16BIT_PRELOAD; ii++ )
+                dac16Ptr->ODB = 0;
+        }
+    }
     return 0;
-inline int iop_dac_recover(int loops, volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dacReg[])
+inline int
+iop_dac_recover( int loops, volatile GSC_DAC_REG* dacReg[] )
-    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18Ptr;
-    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20Ptr;
-    volatile GSC_DAC_REG *dac16Ptr;
-    int ii,jj,kk;
-    for(kk=0;kk<loops;kk++)
+    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18Ptr;
+    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20Ptr;
+    volatile GSC_DAC_REG*       dac16Ptr;
+    int                         ii, jj, kk;
+    for ( kk = 0; kk < loops; kk++ )
-      for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
-      {       
-        if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-        {       
-            dac18Ptr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacReg[jj]);
-            for(ii=0;ii<GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;ii++) dac18Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-        } else if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8) {
-            dac20Ptr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacReg[jj]);
-            for(ii=0;ii<GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT;ii++) dac20Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-        }else{  
-            dac16Ptr = dacReg[jj];
-            for(ii=0;ii<GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;ii++) dac16Ptr->ODB = dacOutEpics[jj][ii];
-	}       
-      }       
-    }       
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
+        {
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+            {
+                dac18Ptr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacReg[ jj ] );
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT; ii++ )
+                    dac18Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+            }
+            else if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            {
+                dac20Ptr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacReg[ jj ] );
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT; ii++ )
+                    dac20Ptr->OUTPUT_BUF = dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                dac16Ptr = dacReg[ jj ];
+                for ( ii = 0; ii < GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT; ii++ )
+                    dac16Ptr->ODB = dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ];
+            }
+        }
+    }
     return 0;
-inline int iop_dac_write()
+inline int
+iop_dac_write( )
-unsigned int *pDacData; 
-int ii,jj,mm;
-int limit;     
-int mask;          
-int num_outs;
-int status = 0;
+    unsigned int* pDacData;
+    int           ii, jj, mm;
+    int           limit;
+    int           mask;
+    int           num_outs;
+    int           status = 0;
-/// START OF IOP DAC WRITE ***************************************** \n
+    /// START OF IOP DAC WRITE ***************************************** \n
     /// \> If DAC FIFO error, always output zero to DAC modules. \n
     /// - -- Code will require restart to clear.
     /// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
-  if(dacWriteEnable > 4) {
-    for(jj=0;jj<cdsPciModules.dacCount;jj++)
+    if ( dacWriteEnable > 4 )
-        /// - -- Point to DAC memory buffer
-       	pDacData = (unsigned int *)(cdsPciModules.pci_dac[jj]);
-       	/// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
-       	mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[jj];
-       	/// - -- Determine if memory block has been set with the correct cycle count by Slave app.
-        if(ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].cycle == ioClockDac)
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
-            dacEnable |= pBits[jj];
-        }else {
-            dacEnable &= ~(pBits[jj]);
-            dacChanErr[jj] += 1;
-        }
-        /// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC type
-        limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
-        mask = GSAO_16BIT_MASK;
-        num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-        if (cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8) {
-      	    limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
-            mask = GSAO_18BIT_MASK;
-            num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-        }
-        if (cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8) {
-            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_20BIT; // 20 bit limit
-            mask = GSAO_20BIT_MASK;
-            num_outs = GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
-        }
-        /// - -- For each DAC channel
-        for (ii=0; ii < num_outs; ii++)
-        {
-            dacOut[jj][ii] *= -1;
-        /// - ---- Read DAC output value from shared memory and reset memory to zero
-            if((!dacChanErr[jj]) && (iopDacEnable)) {
-                dac_out = ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].data[ii];
-                /// - --------- Zero out data in case user app dies by next cycle
-                /// when two or more apps share same DAC module.
-                ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].data[ii] = 0;
-            } else {
-                dac_out = 0;
-                status = 1;
+            /// - -- Point to DAC memory buffer
+            pDacData = (unsigned int*)( cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ jj ] );
+            /// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
+            mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ jj ];
+            /// - -- Determine if memory block has been set with the correct
+            /// cycle count by Slave app.
+            if ( ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].cycle == ioClockDac )
+            {
+                dacEnable |= pBits[ jj ];
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                dacEnable &= ~( pBits[ jj ] );
+                dacChanErr[ jj ] += 1;
-            /// - ----  Write out ADC duotone signal to first DAC, last channel, 
-			/// if DAC duotone is enabled.
-            if((dt_diag.dacDuoEnable) && (ii==(num_outs-1)) && (jj == 0))
+            /// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC
+            /// type
+            limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_16BIT;
+            mask = GSAO_16BIT_MASK;
+            num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
-                dac_out = adcinfo.adcData[0][ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN];
+                limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
+                mask = GSAO_18BIT_MASK;
+                num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+            if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+            {
+                limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_20BIT; // 20 bit limit
+                mask = GSAO_20BIT_MASK;
+                num_outs = GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
+            }
+            /// - -- For each DAC channel
+            for ( ii = 0; ii < num_outs; ii++ )
+            {
+                dacOut[ jj ][ ii ] *= -1;
+                /// - ---- Read DAC output value from shared memory and reset
+                /// memory to zero
+                if ( ( !dacChanErr[ jj ] ) && ( iopDacEnable ) )
+                {
+                    dac_out =
+                        ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].data[ ii ];
+                    /// - --------- Zero out data in case user app dies by next
+                    /// cycle when two or more apps share same DAC module.
+                    ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].data[ ii ] = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    dac_out = 0;
+                    status = 1;
+                }
+                /// - ----  Write out ADC duotone signal to first DAC, last
+                /// channel, if DAC duotone is enabled.
+                if ( ( dt_diag.dacDuoEnable ) && ( ii == ( num_outs - 1 ) ) &&
+                     ( jj == 0 ) )
+                {
+                    dac_out = adcinfo.adcData[ 0 ][ ADC_DUOTONE_CHAN ];
+                }
 // Code below is only for use in DAQ test system.
 #ifdef DIAG_TEST
-                        if((ii==0) && (jj == 0))
-                        {
-                                if(cycleNum < 100) dac_out = limit / 20;
-                                else dac_out = 0;
-                        }
-                        if((ii==0) && (jj == 2))
-                        {
-                                if(cycleNum < 100) dac_out = limit / 20;
-                                else dac_out = 0;
-                        }
+                if ( ( ii == 0 ) && ( jj == 0 ) )
+                {
+                    if ( cycleNum < 100 )
+                        dac_out = limit / 20;
+                    else
+                        dac_out = 0;
+                }
+                if ( ( ii == 0 ) && ( jj == 2 ) )
+                {
+                    if ( cycleNum < 100 )
+                        dac_out = limit / 20;
+                    else
+                        dac_out = 0;
+                }
-            /// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
-            /// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report errors
-            if(dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit)
-            {
-                dacinfo.overflowDac[jj][ii] ++;
-                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[jj][ii] ++;
-                overflowAcc ++;
-                dacOF[jj] = 1;
-                odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;;
-		if(dac_out > limit) dac_out = limit;
-		else dac_out = -limit;
-            }
-            /// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
-            if(!iopDacEnable) dac_out = 0;
-       	    /// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on GDS_TP screen.
-            dacOutEpics[jj][ii] = dac_out;
+                /// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
+                /// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report
+                /// errors
+                if ( dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit )
+                {
+                    dacinfo.overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
+                    overflowAcc++;
+                    dacOF[ jj ] = 1;
+                    odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;
+                    ;
+                    if ( dac_out > limit )
+                        dac_out = limit;
+                    else
+                        dac_out = -limit;
+                }
+                /// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
+                if ( !iopDacEnable )
+                    dac_out = 0;
+                /// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on
+                /// GDS_TP screen.
+                dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ] = dac_out;
-            /// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
-            floatDacOut[16*jj + ii] = dac_out;
+                /// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
+                floatDacOut[ 16 * jj + ii ] = dac_out;
-            /// - ---- Write to DAC local memory area, for later xmit to DAC module
-            *pDacData =  (unsigned int)(dac_out & mask);
-            pDacData ++;
-        }
-        /// - -- Mark cycle count as having been used -1 \n
-        /// - --------- Forces slaves to mark this cycle or will not be used again by Master
-        ioMemData->iodata[mm][ioMemCntrDac].cycle = -1;
-        /// - -- DMA Write data to DAC module
-        if(dacWriteEnable > 4) {
-            if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_16AO16) {
-                gsc16ao16DmaStart(jj);
-        } else if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8) {
-            gsc20ao8DmaStart(jj);
-        } else {
-            gsc18ao8DmaStart(jj);
-        }
+                /// - ---- Write to DAC local memory area, for later xmit to DAC
+                /// module
+                *pDacData = (unsigned int)( dac_out & mask );
+                pDacData++;
+            }
+            /// - -- Mark cycle count as having been used -1 \n
+            /// - --------- Forces slaves to mark this cycle or will not be used
+            /// again by Master
+            ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].cycle = -1;
+            /// - -- DMA Write data to DAC module
+            if ( dacWriteEnable > 4 )
+            {
+                if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+                {
+                    gsc16ao16DmaStart( jj );
+                }
+                else if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+                {
+                    gsc20ao8DmaStart( jj );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    gsc18ao8DmaStart( jj );
+                }
+            }
-  }
     /// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
-    ioClockDac = (ioClockDac + 1) % IOP_IO_RATE;
-    ioMemCntrDac = (ioMemCntrDac + 1) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
-    if(dacWriteEnable < 10) dacWriteEnable ++;
-/// END OF IOP DAC WRITE *************************************************
+    ioClockDac = ( ioClockDac + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
+    ioMemCntrDac = ( ioMemCntrDac + 1 ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
+    if ( dacWriteEnable < 10 )
+        dacWriteEnable++;
+    /// END OF IOP DAC WRITE *************************************************
     return status;
-inline int check_dac_buffers (int cycleNum)
+inline int
+check_dac_buffers( int cycleNum )
-	volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *dac18bitPtr;
-	volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *dac20bitPtr;
-	int out_buf_size = 0;
-	int jj = 0;
-	int status = 0;
+    volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG* dac18bitPtr;
+    volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG* dac20bitPtr;
+    int                         out_buf_size = 0;
+    int                         jj = 0;
+    int                         status = 0;
-		jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK;
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_18AO8)
-		{
-			dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-			out_buf_size = dac18bitPtr->OUT_BUF_SIZE;
-			dacOutBufSize[jj] = out_buf_size;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.buffDac[jj] = out_buf_size;
-			if(!dacTimingError) {
-				if((out_buf_size < 8) || (out_buf_size > 24))
-				{
-				    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_BIT);
-				    if(dacTimingErrorPending[jj]) dacTimingError = 1;
-				    dacTimingErrorPending[jj] = 1;
-				} else {
-				    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_BIT;
-				    dacTimingErrorPending[jj] = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			if(out_buf_size < 4) {
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_EMPTY;
-			} else { 
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_EMPTY);
-			}
-			if(out_buf_size > 32) {
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_FULL;
-			} else { 
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_FULL);
-			}
-		}
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_20AO8)
+    jj = cycleNum - HKP_DAC_FIFO_CHK;
+    if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
+    {
+        dac18bitPtr = (volatile GSA_18BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+        out_buf_size = dac18bitPtr->OUT_BUF_SIZE;
+        dacOutBufSize[ jj ] = out_buf_size;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.buffDac[ jj ] = out_buf_size;
+        if ( !dacTimingError )
-            dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG *)(dacPtr[jj]);
-            out_buf_size = dac20bitPtr->OUT_BUF_SIZE;
-            dacOutBufSize[jj] = out_buf_size;
-	    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.buffDac[jj] = out_buf_size;
-			pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.buffDac[jj] = out_buf_size;
-            if((out_buf_size > 24))
+            if ( ( out_buf_size < 8 ) || ( out_buf_size > 24 ) )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_BIT );
+                if ( dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] )
+                    dacTimingError = 1;
+                dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] = 1;
+            }
+            else
-                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_BIT);
-                if(dacTimingErrorPending[jj]) dacTimingError = 1;
-                dacTimingErrorPending[jj] = 1;
-            } else {
-                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_BIT;
-                dacTimingErrorPending[jj] = 0;
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_BIT;
+                dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] = 0;
-		}
-		if(cdsPciModules.dacType[jj] == GSC_16AO16)
-		{
-			status = gsc16ao16CheckDacBuffer(jj);
-			dacOutBufSize[jj] = status;
-			if(!dacTimingError) {
-				if(status != 2)
-				{
-				    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_BIT);
-				    if(dacTimingErrorPending[jj]) dacTimingError = 1;
-				    dacTimingErrorPending[jj] = 1;
-				} else {
-				    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_BIT;
-				    dacTimingErrorPending[jj] = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			if(status & 1) {
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_EMPTY;
-			} else { 
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_EMPTY);
-			}
-			if(status & 8) {
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_FULL;
-			} else { 
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_FULL);
-			}
-			if(status & 4) {
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] |= DAC_FIFO_HI_QTR;
-			} else { 
-			    pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[jj] &= ~(DAC_FIFO_HI_QTR);
-			}
-		}
-		return 0;
+        }
+        if ( out_buf_size < 4 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_EMPTY;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_EMPTY );
+        }
+        if ( out_buf_size > 32 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_FULL;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_FULL );
+        }
+    }
+    if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
+    {
+        dac20bitPtr = (volatile GSA_20BIT_DAC_REG*)( dacPtr[ jj ] );
+        out_buf_size = dac20bitPtr->OUT_BUF_SIZE;
+        dacOutBufSize[ jj ] = out_buf_size;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.buffDac[ jj ] = out_buf_size;
+        pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.buffDac[ jj ] = out_buf_size;
+        if ( ( out_buf_size > 24 ) )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_BIT );
+            if ( dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] )
+                dacTimingError = 1;
+            dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_BIT;
+            dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_16AO16 )
+    {
+        status = gsc16ao16CheckDacBuffer( jj );
+        dacOutBufSize[ jj ] = status;
+        if ( !dacTimingError )
+        {
+            if ( status != 2 )
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_BIT );
+                if ( dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] )
+                    dacTimingError = 1;
+                dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_BIT;
+                dacTimingErrorPending[ jj ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( status & 1 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_EMPTY;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_EMPTY );
+        }
+        if ( status & 8 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_FULL;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_FULL );
+        }
+        if ( status & 4 )
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] |= DAC_FIFO_HI_QTR;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] &= ~( DAC_FIFO_HI_QTR );
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/seiwd.c b/src/include/drv/seiwd.c
index de65eb203..ea61f345e 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/seiwd.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/seiwd.c
@@ -1,118 +1,144 @@
-/* ***********************************************************************************  */
-/* seiwd()                                                                              */
-/* Main SEI watchdog routine.                                                           */
-/* ***********************************************************************************  */
+/* ***********************************************************************************
+ */
+/* seiwd() */
+/* Main SEI watchdog routine. */
+/* ***********************************************************************************
+ */
-inline int seiwd(float input_sensors[], int max_var[])
+inline int
+seiwd( float input_sensors[], int max_var[] )
-int watchdog_byte;
+    int watchdog_byte;
-        watchdog_byte = 0;
+    watchdog_byte = 0;
-        /* Compare the STS sensor inputs */
-        if(input_sensors[0] > max_var[0]) watchdog_byte |= 0x1;         /* Bit 0 */
-        if(input_sensors[1] > max_var[0]) watchdog_byte |= 0x2;         /* Bit 1 */
-        if(input_sensors[2] > max_var[0]) watchdog_byte |= 0x4;         /* Bit 2 */
+    /* Compare the STS sensor inputs */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 0 ] > max_var[ 0 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x1; /* Bit 0 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 1 ] > max_var[ 0 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x2; /* Bit 1 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 2 ] > max_var[ 0 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x4; /* Bit 2 */
-        /* Compare the POS V sensor inputs */
-        if(input_sensors[3] > max_var[1]) watchdog_byte |= 0x8;         /* Bit 3 */
-        if(input_sensors[4] > max_var[1]) watchdog_byte |= 0x10;        /* Bit 4 */
-        if(input_sensors[5] > max_var[1]) watchdog_byte |= 0x20;        /* Bit 5 */
-        if(input_sensors[6] > max_var[1]) watchdog_byte |= 0x40;        /* Bit 6 */
+    /* Compare the POS V sensor inputs */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 3 ] > max_var[ 1 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x8; /* Bit 3 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 4 ] > max_var[ 1 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x10; /* Bit 4 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 5 ] > max_var[ 1 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x20; /* Bit 5 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 6 ] > max_var[ 1 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x40; /* Bit 6 */
-        /* Compare the POS H sensor inputs */
-        if(input_sensors[7] > max_var[2]) watchdog_byte  |= 0x80;       /* Bit 7 */
-        if(input_sensors[8] > max_var[2]) watchdog_byte  |= 0x100;      /* Bit 8 */
-        if(input_sensors[9] > max_var[2]) watchdog_byte  |= 0x200;      /* Bit 9 */
-        if(input_sensors[10] > max_var[2]) watchdog_byte |= 0x400;      /* Bit 10 */
+    /* Compare the POS H sensor inputs */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 7 ] > max_var[ 2 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x80; /* Bit 7 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 8 ] > max_var[ 2 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x100; /* Bit 8 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 9 ] > max_var[ 2 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x200; /* Bit 9 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 10 ] > max_var[ 2 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x400; /* Bit 10 */
-        /* Compare the GEO V sensor inputs */
-        if(input_sensors[11] > max_var[3]) watchdog_byte |= 0x10000;    /* Bit 16 */
-        if(input_sensors[12] > max_var[3]) watchdog_byte |= 0x20000;    /* Bit 17 */
-        if(input_sensors[13] > max_var[3]) watchdog_byte |= 0x40000;    /* Bit 18 */
-        if(input_sensors[14] > max_var[3]) watchdog_byte |= 0x80000;    /* Bit 19 */
+    /* Compare the GEO V sensor inputs */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 11 ] > max_var[ 3 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x10000; /* Bit 16 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 12 ] > max_var[ 3 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x20000; /* Bit 17 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 13 ] > max_var[ 3 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x40000; /* Bit 18 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 14 ] > max_var[ 3 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x80000; /* Bit 19 */
-        /* Compare the GEO H sensor inputs */
-        if(input_sensors[15] > max_var[4]) watchdog_byte |= 0x100000;   /* Bit 20 */
-        if(input_sensors[16] > max_var[4]) watchdog_byte |= 0x200000;   /* Bit 21 */
-        if(input_sensors[17] > max_var[4]) watchdog_byte |= 0x400000;   /* Bit 22 */
-        if(input_sensors[18] > max_var[4]) watchdog_byte |= 0x800000;   /* Bit 23 */
+    /* Compare the GEO H sensor inputs */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 15 ] > max_var[ 4 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x100000; /* Bit 20 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 16 ] > max_var[ 4 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x200000; /* Bit 21 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 17 ] > max_var[ 4 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x400000; /* Bit 22 */
+    if ( input_sensors[ 18 ] > max_var[ 4 ] )
+        watchdog_byte |= 0x800000; /* Bit 23 */
-        return(watchdog_byte);
+    return ( watchdog_byte );
-inline void seiwd1(int cycle, float rawInput[], float filtInput[],SEI_WATCHDOG *wd)
+inline void
+seiwd1( int cycle, float rawInput[], float filtInput[], SEI_WATCHDOG* wd )
-int ii,kk,jj;
+    int ii, kk, jj;
-  // Get ABS of all input values
-  for(ii=0;ii<19;ii++)
-  {
-	if(rawInput[ii] < 0) rawInput[ii] *= -1;
-	if(filtInput[ii] < 0) filtInput[ii] *= -1;
-  }
-  if(!wd->trip) 
-  {
-	  wd->status[0] = 0;
-	  wd->status[1] = 0;
-	  wd->status[2] = 0;
-	  for(ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
-	  {
-		if((rawInput[ii] > 32000) || (rawInput[ii] == 0))
-		{
-			wd->senCount[ii] ++;
-		}
-		if(filtInput[ii] > wd->filtMax[ii])
-		{
-			wd->filtMax[ii] = filtInput[ii];
-		}
-		kk = ii+3;
-        	if(filtInput[ii] > wd->tripSetF[0]) 
-		{
-			wd->status[0] |= (0x1 << kk);
-		}
-		if(cycle == 0)
-		{
-			wd->filtMaxHold[ii] = wd->filtMax[ii];
-			wd->filtMax[ii] = 0;
-			if(wd->senCount[ii] > wd->tripSetR[0]) 
-			{
-				wd->status[0] |= (0x1 << ii);
-			}
-			wd->senCountHold[ii] = wd->senCount[ii];
-			wd->senCount[ii] = 0;
-		}
-	  }
-	  for(jj=0;jj<16;jj++)
-	  {
-		ii = jj+3;
-		if((rawInput[ii] > 32000) || (rawInput[ii] == 0))
-		{
-			wd->senCount[ii] ++;
-		}
-		if(filtInput[ii] > wd->filtMax[ii])
-		{
-			wd->filtMax[ii] = filtInput[ii];
-		}
-		kk = jj/4+1;
-        	if(filtInput[ii] > wd->tripSetF[kk]) 
-		{
-			wd->status[2] |= (0x1 << jj);
-		}
-		if(cycle == 0)
-		{
-			wd->filtMaxHold[ii] = wd->filtMax[ii];
-			wd->filtMax[ii] = 0;
-			if(wd->senCount[ii] > wd->tripSetR[kk]) 
-			{
-				wd->status[1] |= (0x1 << jj);
-			}
-			wd->senCountHold[ii] = wd->senCount[ii];
-			wd->senCount[ii] = 0;
-		}
-	  }
-  }
-  if((wd->status[0]) || (wd->status[1]) || (wd->status[2])) wd->trip = 1;
-  else wd->trip = 0;
+    // Get ABS of all input values
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < 19; ii++ )
+    {
+        if ( rawInput[ ii ] < 0 )
+            rawInput[ ii ] *= -1;
+        if ( filtInput[ ii ] < 0 )
+            filtInput[ ii ] *= -1;
+    }
+    if ( !wd->trip )
+    {
+        wd->status[ 0 ] = 0;
+        wd->status[ 1 ] = 0;
+        wd->status[ 2 ] = 0;
+        for ( ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ )
+        {
+            if ( ( rawInput[ ii ] > 32000 ) || ( rawInput[ ii ] == 0 ) )
+            {
+                wd->senCount[ ii ]++;
+            }
+            if ( filtInput[ ii ] > wd->filtMax[ ii ] )
+            {
+                wd->filtMax[ ii ] = filtInput[ ii ];
+            }
+            kk = ii + 3;
+            if ( filtInput[ ii ] > wd->tripSetF[ 0 ] )
+            {
+                wd->status[ 0 ] |= ( 0x1 << kk );
+            }
+            if ( cycle == 0 )
+            {
+                wd->filtMaxHold[ ii ] = wd->filtMax[ ii ];
+                wd->filtMax[ ii ] = 0;
+                if ( wd->senCount[ ii ] > wd->tripSetR[ 0 ] )
+                {
+                    wd->status[ 0 ] |= ( 0x1 << ii );
+                }
+                wd->senCountHold[ ii ] = wd->senCount[ ii ];
+                wd->senCount[ ii ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
+        {
+            ii = jj + 3;
+            if ( ( rawInput[ ii ] > 32000 ) || ( rawInput[ ii ] == 0 ) )
+            {
+                wd->senCount[ ii ]++;
+            }
+            if ( filtInput[ ii ] > wd->filtMax[ ii ] )
+            {
+                wd->filtMax[ ii ] = filtInput[ ii ];
+            }
+            kk = jj / 4 + 1;
+            if ( filtInput[ ii ] > wd->tripSetF[ kk ] )
+            {
+                wd->status[ 2 ] |= ( 0x1 << jj );
+            }
+            if ( cycle == 0 )
+            {
+                wd->filtMaxHold[ ii ] = wd->filtMax[ ii ];
+                wd->filtMax[ ii ] = 0;
+                if ( wd->senCount[ ii ] > wd->tripSetR[ kk ] )
+                {
+                    wd->status[ 1 ] |= ( 0x1 << jj );
+                }
+                wd->senCountHold[ ii ] = wd->senCount[ ii ];
+                wd->senCount[ ii ] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( ( wd->status[ 0 ] ) || ( wd->status[ 1 ] ) || ( wd->status[ 2 ] ) )
+        wd->trip = 1;
+    else
+        wd->trip = 0;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/spectracomGPS.c b/src/include/drv/spectracomGPS.c
index 98c5e4904..bd3951b15 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/spectracomGPS.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/spectracomGPS.c
@@ -1,155 +1,179 @@
 ///     \file spectracomGPS.c
-///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
+///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///     read/write
 ///<            operations for the TSync-PCIe IRIG-B receiver module. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">Spectracom TSync-PCIe Manual</a>
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">Spectracom
+///<    TSync-PCIe Manual</a>
 #include "spectracomGPS.h"
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Initialize TSYNC GPS card (model BC635PCI-U)
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O 
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///	@param *gpsdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///	@param *gpsdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
 // *****************************************************************************
-static int spectracomGpsInitCheckSync(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *gpsdev, int *need_sync)
+static int
+spectracomGpsInitCheckSync( CDS_HARDWARE*   pHardware,
+                            struct pci_dev* gpsdev,
+                            int*            need_sync )
-  unsigned int i,ii;
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;	/// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
-  int pedStatus;
-  unsigned int days,hours,min,sec,msec,usec,nanosec,tsync;
-  unsigned char *addr1;
-  void *TSYNC_FIFO;     		/// @param *TSYNC_FIFO Pointer to board uP FIFO
-  int sync_dummy = 0;
-  if (!need_sync)
-      need_sync = &sync_dummy;
-  pedStatus = pci_enable_device(gpsdev);
-  pci_read_config_dword(gpsdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr);
-  pci_io_addr &= 0xfffffff0;
-  printk("TSYNC PIC BASE 0 address = %x\n", pci_io_addr);
-  addr1 = (unsigned char *)ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x30);
-  printk("Remapped 0x%p\n", addr1);
-  pHardware->gps = (unsigned int *)addr1;
-  pHardware->gpsType = TSYNC_RCVR;
-// Spectracom IRIG-B Card does not auto detect Year information from IRIG-B fanout unit
-// This section writes to the module uP CodeExp register to correct this.
-// Delays are required between code lines, as writing to FIFO is slow.
-// Sequence was determined by looking at manufacturer driver code.
-  TSYNC_FIFO = (void *)(addr1 + 384);
-  iowrite16(0x101,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x1000,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x72a,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x280,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x0,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x800,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x0,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x0,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x0,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0x400,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(1000);
-  iowrite16(0xd100,TSYNC_FIFO);
-  udelay(10000);
-  udelay(10000);
-  udelay(10000);
-// End Code exp setup
-// Need following delay to allow module to change time codes
-for(ii=0;ii<500;ii++) udelay(10000);
-  myTime = (TSYNC_REGISTER *)addr1;
-  udelay(10000);
-  i = myTime->SUPER_SEC_LOW;
-  sec = (i&0xf) + ((i>>4)&0xf) * 10;
-  min = ((i>>8)&0xf) + ((i>>12)&0xf)*10;
-  hours = ((i>>16)&0xf) + ((i>>20)&0xf)*10;
-  days = ((i>>24)&0xf) + ((i>>28)&0xf)*10;
-  i = myTime->SUPER_SEC_HIGH;
-  days += (i&0xf)*100;
-  i = myTime->SUB_SEC;
-  // nanosec = ((i & 0xffff)*5) + (i&0xfff0000);
-  nanosec = ((i & 0xfffffff)*5);
-  tsync = (i>>31) & 1;
-  i = myTime->BCD_SEC;
-  if(i < 1000000000)
-  {
-        printk("TSYNC NOT receiving YEAR info, defaulting to by year patch\n");
-        *need_sync = 1;
-      /* Historically we would hardwire a offset here.
-       * With RCG 3.4 we have moved to configuring this in
-       * the symmetricom/gpstime driver.
-       *
-       * This file is built 2 ways
-       * 1. as part of the symmetricom/gpstime driver, in which case
-       * it sets the gpsOffset to 0 (and allows the user
-       * to configure it).
-       * 2. as part of an IOP, in which it gets the offset from
-       * the symmetricom/gpstime driver.
-       *
-       * We are leaving the offsets in as comments so that we have a history/example of what was done
-       */
-/* add offsets for leap-seconds - +15 through 2008 */
-/* add offset at end of 2011 (31536000 normal year) */
-/* Add offset for June 30, 2012 leap second */
-/* add offset at end of 2012 (31622400 leap year) */
-/* add offset at end of 2013 (31536000 normal year) */
-	    /*pHardware->gpsOffset = 31190400 + 15 + 31536000 + 1 + 31622400 + 31536000;*/
-/* add offset at end of 2014 (31536000 normal year) */
-	    /*pHardware->gpsOffset = pHardware->gpsOffset + 31536000;*/
-/* 2015 had 365 days plus a July 1, 2015 leap second */
-	     /*pHardware->gpsOffset += 31536000 + 1;*/
-/* 2016 had 366 days plus a Dec 31, 2016/Jan 1, 2017 leap second */
-       /*pHardware->gpsOffset += 31622400 + 1;*/
+    unsigned int        i, ii;
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI
+                                     /// card I/O register.
+    int             pedStatus;
+    unsigned int    days, hours, min, sec, msec, usec, nanosec, tsync;
+    unsigned char*  addr1;
+    TSYNC_REGISTER* myTime;
+    void*           TSYNC_FIFO; /// @param *TSYNC_FIFO Pointer to board uP FIFO
+    int             sync_dummy = 0;
+    if ( !need_sync )
+        need_sync = &sync_dummy;
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( gpsdev );
+    pci_read_config_dword( gpsdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &pci_io_addr );
+    pci_io_addr &= 0xfffffff0;
+    printk( "TSYNC PIC BASE 0 address = %x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    addr1 = (unsigned char*)ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x30 );
+    printk( "Remapped 0x%p\n", addr1 );
+    pHardware->gps = (unsigned int*)addr1;
+    pHardware->gpsType = TSYNC_RCVR;
+    // Spectracom IRIG-B Card does not auto detect Year information from IRIG-B
+    // fanout unit This section writes to the module uP CodeExp register to
+    // correct this. Delays are required between code lines, as writing to FIFO
+    // is slow. Sequence was determined by looking at manufacturer driver code.
+    TSYNC_FIFO = (void*)( addr1 + 384 );
+    iowrite16( 0x101, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x1000, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x72a, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x280, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x0, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x800, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x0, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x0, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x0, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0x400, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    iowrite16( 0xd100, TSYNC_FIFO );
+    udelay( 10000 );
+    udelay( 10000 );
+    udelay( 10000 );
+    // End Code exp setup
+    // Need following delay to allow module to change time codes
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < 500; ii++ )
+        udelay( 10000 );
+    myTime = (TSYNC_REGISTER*)addr1;
+    for ( ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++ )
+    {
+        udelay( 10000 );
+        i = myTime->SUPER_SEC_LOW;
+        sec = ( i & 0xf ) + ( ( i >> 4 ) & 0xf ) * 10;
+        min = ( ( i >> 8 ) & 0xf ) + ( ( i >> 12 ) & 0xf ) * 10;
+        hours = ( ( i >> 16 ) & 0xf ) + ( ( i >> 20 ) & 0xf ) * 10;
+        days = ( ( i >> 24 ) & 0xf ) + ( ( i >> 28 ) & 0xf ) * 10;
+        i = myTime->SUPER_SEC_HIGH;
+        days += ( i & 0xf ) * 100;
+        i = myTime->SUB_SEC;
+        // nanosec = ((i & 0xffff)*5) + (i&0xfff0000);
+        nanosec = ( ( i & 0xfffffff ) * 5 );
+        tsync = ( i >> 31 ) & 1;
+        i = myTime->BCD_SEC;
+        if ( i < 1000000000 )
+        {
+            printk( "TSYNC NOT receiving YEAR info, defaulting to by year "
+                    "patch\n" );
+            *need_sync = 1;
+            /* Historically we would hardwire a offset here.
+             * With RCG 3.4 we have moved to configuring this in
+             * the symmetricom/gpstime driver.
+             *
+             * This file is built 2 ways
+             * 1. as part of the symmetricom/gpstime driver, in which case
+             * it sets the gpsOffset to 0 (and allows the user
+             * to configure it).
+             * 2. as part of an IOP, in which it gets the offset from
+             * the symmetricom/gpstime driver.
+             *
+             * We are leaving the offsets in as comments so that we have a
+             * history/example of what was done
+             */
+            /* add offsets for leap-seconds - +15 through 2008 */
+            /* add offset at end of 2011 (31536000 normal year) */
+            /* Add offset for June 30, 2012 leap second */
+            /* add offset at end of 2012 (31622400 leap year) */
+            /* add offset at end of 2013 (31536000 normal year) */
+            /*pHardware->gpsOffset = 31190400 + 15 + 31536000 + 1 + 31622400 +
+             * 31536000;*/
+            /* add offset at end of 2014 (31536000 normal year) */
+            /*pHardware->gpsOffset = pHardware->gpsOffset + 31536000;*/
+            /* 2015 had 365 days plus a July 1, 2015 leap second */
+            /*pHardware->gpsOffset += 31536000 + 1;*/
+            /* 2016 had 366 days plus a Dec 31, 2016/Jan 1, 2017 leap second */
+            /*pHardware->gpsOffset += 31622400 + 1;*/
-      extern long ligo_get_gps_driver_offset(void);
-      pHardware->gpsOffset = ligo_get_gps_driver_offset();
+            extern long ligo_get_gps_driver_offset( void );
+            pHardware->gpsOffset = ligo_get_gps_driver_offset( );
-      pHardware->gpsOffset = 0;
+            pHardware->gpsOffset = 0;
-  } else {
-        *need_sync = 0;
-        printk("TSYNC receiving YEAR info\n");
-        pHardware->gpsOffset = -315964800;
-  }
-  sec = i + pHardware->gpsOffset;
-  i = myTime->BCD_SUB_SEC;
-  printk("date = %d days %2d:%2d:%2d\n",days,hours,min,sec);
-  usec = (i&0xf) + ((i>>4)&0xf) *10 + ((i>>8)&0xf) * 100;
-  msec = ((i>>16)&0xf) + ((i>>20)&0xf) *10 + ((i>>24)&0xf) * 100;
-  printk("bcd time = %d sec  %d milliseconds %d microseconds  %d nanosec\n",sec,msec,usec,nanosec);
-  printk("Board sync = %d\n",tsync);
-  return(0);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *need_sync = 0;
+            printk( "TSYNC receiving YEAR info\n" );
+            pHardware->gpsOffset = -315964800;
+        }
+        sec = i + pHardware->gpsOffset;
+        i = myTime->BCD_SUB_SEC;
+        printk( "date = %d days %2d:%2d:%2d\n", days, hours, min, sec );
+        usec = ( i & 0xf ) + ( ( i >> 4 ) & 0xf ) * 10 +
+            ( ( i >> 8 ) & 0xf ) * 100;
+        msec = ( ( i >> 16 ) & 0xf ) + ( ( i >> 20 ) & 0xf ) * 10 +
+            ( ( i >> 24 ) & 0xf ) * 100;
+        printk(
+            "bcd time = %d sec  %d milliseconds %d microseconds  %d nanosec\n",
+            sec,
+            msec,
+            usec,
+            nanosec );
+        printk( "Board sync = %d\n", tsync );
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Initialize TSYNC GPS card (model BC635PCI-U)
-///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
+///     @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing
+///     I/O
 ///<            register mapping information.
-///	@param *gpsdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
+///	@param *gpsdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in
 // *****************************************************************************
-int spectracomGpsInit(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *gpsdev)
+spectracomGpsInit( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* gpsdev )
     int need_sync_dummy = 0;
-    return spectracomGpsInitCheckSync(pHardware, gpsdev, &need_sync_dummy);
+    return spectracomGpsInitCheckSync( pHardware, gpsdev, &need_sync_dummy );
@@ -158,37 +182,43 @@ int spectracomGpsInit(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *gpsdev)
 /// @param[out] *tsyncUsec Pointer to register with microsecond information.
 /// @return GPS Sync bit (0=No sync 1=Sync)
-inline int  getGpsTimeTsync(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec) {
-  TSYNC_REGISTER *timeRead;
-    unsigned int timeSec,timeNsec,sync;
-      if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-              timeRead = (TSYNC_REGISTER *)cdsPciModules.gps;
-              timeSec = timeRead->BCD_SEC;
-              timeSec += cdsPciModules.gpsOffset;
-              *tsyncSec = timeSec;
-              timeNsec = timeRead->SUB_SEC;
-              *tsyncUsec = ((timeNsec & 0xfffffff) * 5) / 1000;
-              sync = ((timeNsec >> 31) & 0x1) + 1;
-              return(sync);
-      }
-      return(0);
+inline int
+getGpsTimeTsync( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec )
+    TSYNC_REGISTER* timeRead;
+    unsigned int    timeSec, timeNsec, sync;
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        timeRead = (TSYNC_REGISTER*)cdsPciModules.gps;
+        timeSec = timeRead->BCD_SEC;
+        timeSec += cdsPciModules.gpsOffset;
+        *tsyncSec = timeSec;
+        timeNsec = timeRead->SUB_SEC;
+        *tsyncUsec = ( ( timeNsec & 0xfffffff ) * 5 ) / 1000;
+        sync = ( ( timeNsec >> 31 ) & 0x1 ) + 1;
+        return ( sync );
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
 /// \brief Get current GPS seconds from TSYNC IRIG-B Rcvr
-inline unsigned int  getGpsSecTsync(void) {
-    unsigned int timeSec;
-        if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-            timeRead = (TSYNC_REGISTER *)cdsPciModules.gps;
-            timeSec = timeRead->BCD_SEC;
-            timeSec += cdsPciModules.gpsOffset;
-            return(timeSec);
-        }
-        return(0);
+inline unsigned int
+getGpsSecTsync( void )
+    TSYNC_REGISTER* timeRead;
+    unsigned int    timeSec;
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        timeRead = (TSYNC_REGISTER*)cdsPciModules.gps;
+        timeSec = timeRead->BCD_SEC;
+        timeSec += cdsPciModules.gpsOffset;
+        return ( timeSec );
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
@@ -196,17 +226,19 @@ TSYNC_REGISTER *timeRead;
 /// @param[out] *tsyncUsec Pointer to register with microsecond information.
 /// @return GPS Sync bit (0=No sync 1=Sync)
-inline int  getGpsuSecTsync(unsigned int *tsyncUsec) {
-    TSYNC_REGISTER *timeRead;
-    unsigned int timeNsec,sync;
-        if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-             timeRead = (TSYNC_REGISTER *)cdsPciModules.gps;
-             timeNsec = timeRead->SUB_SEC;
-             *tsyncUsec = ((timeNsec & 0xfffffff) * 5) / 1000;
-             sync = ((timeNsec >> 31) & 0x1) + 1;
-             return(sync);
-        }
-        return(0);
+inline int
+getGpsuSecTsync( unsigned int* tsyncUsec )
+    TSYNC_REGISTER* timeRead;
+    unsigned int    timeNsec, sync;
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        timeRead = (TSYNC_REGISTER*)cdsPciModules.gps;
+        timeNsec = timeRead->SUB_SEC;
+        *tsyncUsec = ( ( timeNsec & 0xfffffff ) * 5 ) / 1000;
+        sync = ( ( timeNsec >> 31 ) & 0x1 ) + 1;
+        return ( sync );
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/symmetricomGps.c b/src/include/drv/symmetricomGps.c
index 2bc984f70..cf05aeb1f 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/symmetricomGps.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/symmetricomGps.c
@@ -3,143 +3,164 @@
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Initialize Symmetricom GPS card (model BC635PCI-U)
 // *****************************************************************************
-int symmetricomGpsInit(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *gpsdev)
+symmetricomGpsInit( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* gpsdev )
-  int i;
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
-  int pedStatus;
-  unsigned char *addr1;
-  unsigned char *addr3;
-  unsigned int *cmd;
-  unsigned int *dramRead;
-  unsigned int time0;
+    int                 i;
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
+    int                 pedStatus;
+    unsigned char*      addr1;
+    unsigned char*      addr3;
+    unsigned int*       cmd;
+    unsigned int*       dramRead;
+    unsigned int        time0;
+    SYMCOM_REGISTER*    timeReg;
-  pedStatus = pci_enable_device(gpsdev);
-  pci_read_config_dword(gpsdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr);
-  pci_io_addr &= 0xfffffff0;
-  printk("PIC BASE 2 address = %x\n", pci_io_addr);
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( gpsdev );
+    pci_read_config_dword( gpsdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &pci_io_addr );
+    pci_io_addr &= 0xfffffff0;
+    printk( "PIC BASE 2 address = %x\n", pci_io_addr );
-  addr1 = (unsigned char *)ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x40);
-  printk("Remapped 0x%p\n", addr1);
-  pHardware->gps = (unsigned int *)addr1;
-  pHardware->gpsType = SYMCOM_RCVR;
-  timeReg = (SYMCOM_REGISTER *) addr1;;
+    addr1 = (unsigned char*)ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x40 );
+    printk( "Remapped 0x%p\n", addr1 );
+    pHardware->gps = (unsigned int*)addr1;
+    pHardware->gpsType = SYMCOM_RCVR;
+    timeReg = (SYMCOM_REGISTER*)addr1;
+    ;
-  pci_read_config_dword(gpsdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_3, &pci_io_addr);
-  pci_io_addr &= 0xfffffff0;
-  addr3 = (unsigned char *)ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
-  printk("PIC BASE 3 address = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr);
-  printk("PIC BASE 3 address = 0x%p\n", addr3);
-  dramRead = (unsigned int *)(addr3 + 0x82);
-  cmd = (unsigned int *)(addr3 + 0x102);
-  //
-  // Set write and wait *****************************
-  *cmd = 0xf6; // Request model ID
-        i=0;
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x1;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        udelay(1000);
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x80;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        do{
-        udelay(1000);
+    pci_read_config_dword( gpsdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_3, &pci_io_addr );
+    pci_io_addr &= 0xfffffff0;
+    addr3 =
+        (unsigned char*)ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200 );
+    printk( "PIC BASE 3 address = 0x%x\n", pci_io_addr );
+    printk( "PIC BASE 3 address = 0x%p\n", addr3 );
+    dramRead = (unsigned int*)( addr3 + 0x82 );
+    cmd = (unsigned int*)( addr3 + 0x102 );
+    //
+    // Set write and wait *****************************
+    *cmd = 0xf6; // Request model ID
+    i = 0;
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x1; // Trigger module to capture time
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x80; // Trigger module to capture time
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
-        }while((timeReg->ACK == 0) &&(i<20));
-        if(timeReg->ACK) printk("SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n",timeReg->ACK,i);
-        printk("Model = 0x%x\n",*dramRead);
-// End Wait ****************************************
-  //
-  // Set write and wait *****************************
-        *cmd = 0x4915; // Request model ID
-        i=0;
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x1;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        udelay(1000);
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x80;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        do{
-        udelay(1000);
+    } while ( ( timeReg->ACK == 0 ) && ( i < 20 ) );
+    if ( timeReg->ACK )
+        printk( "SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n", timeReg->ACK, i );
+    printk( "Model = 0x%x\n", *dramRead );
+    // End Wait ****************************************
+    //
+    // Set write and wait *****************************
+    *cmd = 0x4915; // Request model ID
+    i = 0;
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x1; // Trigger module to capture time
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x80; // Trigger module to capture time
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
-        }while((timeReg->ACK == 0) &&(i<20));
-        if(timeReg->ACK) printk("SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n",timeReg->ACK,i);
-        printk("Model = 0x%x\n",*dramRead);
-// End Wait ****************************************
-  //
-  // Set write and wait *****************************
-        *cmd = 0x4416; // Request model ID
-        i=0;
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x1;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        udelay(1000);
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x80;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        do{
-        udelay(1000);
+    } while ( ( timeReg->ACK == 0 ) && ( i < 20 ) );
+    if ( timeReg->ACK )
+        printk( "SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n", timeReg->ACK, i );
+    printk( "Model = 0x%x\n", *dramRead );
+    // End Wait ****************************************
+    //
+    // Set write and wait *****************************
+    *cmd = 0x4416; // Request model ID
+    i = 0;
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x1; // Trigger module to capture time
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x80; // Trigger module to capture time
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
-        }while((timeReg->ACK == 0) &&(i<20));
-        if(timeReg->ACK) printk("SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n",timeReg->ACK,i);
-        printk("Model = 0x%x\n",*dramRead);
-// End Wait ****************************************
-  //
-  // Set write and wait *****************************
-        *cmd = 0x1519; // Request model ID
-        i=0;
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x1;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        udelay(1000);
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x80;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        do{
-        udelay(1000);
+    } while ( ( timeReg->ACK == 0 ) && ( i < 20 ) );
+    if ( timeReg->ACK )
+        printk( "SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n", timeReg->ACK, i );
+    printk( "Model = 0x%x\n", *dramRead );
+    // End Wait ****************************************
+    //
+    // Set write and wait *****************************
+    *cmd = 0x1519; // Request model ID
+    i = 0;
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x1; // Trigger module to capture time
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x80; // Trigger module to capture time
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
-        }while((timeReg->ACK == 0) &&(i<20));
-        if(timeReg->ACK) printk("SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n",timeReg->ACK,i);
-        printk("New Time COde Format = 0x%x\n",*dramRead);
-// End Wait ****************************************
-  //
-  // Set write and wait *****************************
-        *cmd = 0x1619; // Request model ID
-        i=0;
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x1;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        udelay(1000);
-        timeReg->ACK = 0x80;  // Trigger module to capture time
-        do{
-        udelay(1000);
+    } while ( ( timeReg->ACK == 0 ) && ( i < 20 ) );
+    if ( timeReg->ACK )
+        printk( "SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n", timeReg->ACK, i );
+    printk( "New Time COde Format = 0x%x\n", *dramRead );
+    // End Wait ****************************************
+    //
+    // Set write and wait *****************************
+    *cmd = 0x1619; // Request model ID
+    i = 0;
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x1; // Trigger module to capture time
+    udelay( 1000 );
+    timeReg->ACK = 0x80; // Trigger module to capture time
+    do
+    {
+        udelay( 1000 );
-        }while((timeReg->ACK == 0) &&(i<20));
-        if(timeReg->ACK) printk("SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n",timeReg->ACK,i);
-        printk("New TC Modulation = 0x%x\n",*dramRead);
-// End Wait ****************************************
+    } while ( ( timeReg->ACK == 0 ) && ( i < 20 ) );
+    if ( timeReg->ACK )
+        printk( "SysCom ack received ID %d !!! 0x%x\n", timeReg->ACK, i );
+    printk( "New TC Modulation = 0x%x\n", *dramRead );
+    // End Wait ****************************************
-  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-    pHardware->gps[0] = 1;
-    printk("Current time %ds %dus %dns \n", (pHardware->gps[0x34/4]-252806386), 0xfffff & pHardware->gps[0x30/4], 100 * ((pHardware->gps[0x30/4] >> 20) & 0xf));
-  }
-  pHardware->gps[0] = 1;
-  time0 = pHardware->gps[0x30/4];
-  if (time0 & (1<<24)) printk("Flywheeling, unlocked...\n");
-  else printk ("Locked!\n");
-  return(0);
+    for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
+    {
+        pHardware->gps[ 0 ] = 1;
+        printk( "Current time %ds %dus %dns \n",
+                ( pHardware->gps[ 0x34 / 4 ] - 252806386 ),
+                0xfffff & pHardware->gps[ 0x30 / 4 ],
+                100 * ( ( pHardware->gps[ 0x30 / 4 ] >> 20 ) & 0xf ) );
+    }
+    pHardware->gps[ 0 ] = 1;
+    time0 = pHardware->gps[ 0x30 / 4 ];
+    if ( time0 & ( 1 << 24 ) )
+        printk( "Flywheeling, unlocked...\n" );
+    else
+        printk( "Locked!\n" );
+    return ( 0 );
-inline void lockGpsTime(void)
+inline void
+lockGpsTime( void )
-          timeRead = (SYMCOM_REGISTER *)cdsPciModules.gps;
-          timeRead->TIMEREQ = 1;  // Trigger module to capture time
+    SYMCOM_REGISTER* timeRead;
+    timeRead = (SYMCOM_REGISTER*)cdsPciModules.gps;
+    timeRead->TIMEREQ = 1; // Trigger module to capture time
 // Function to read time from Symmetricom IRIG-B Module ***********************
-inline int  getGpsTime(unsigned int *tsyncSec, unsigned int *tsyncUsec)
+inline int
+getGpsTime( unsigned int* tsyncSec, unsigned int* tsyncUsec )
-    unsigned int timeSec,timeNsec,sync;
+    SYMCOM_REGISTER* timeRead;
+    unsigned int     timeSec, timeNsec, sync;
-      if (cdsPciModules.gps) {
-                timeRead = (SYMCOM_REGISTER *)cdsPciModules.gps;
-                timeSec = timeRead->TIME1;
-                timeNsec = timeRead->TIME0;
-                *tsyncSec = timeSec - 315964800;
-                *tsyncUsec = (timeNsec & 0xfffff);
-                // Read seconds, microseconds, nanoseconds
-                sync = !(timeNsec & (1<<24));
-                return sync;
-                }
-                return (0);
+    if ( cdsPciModules.gps )
+    {
+        timeRead = (SYMCOM_REGISTER*)cdsPciModules.gps;
+        timeSec = timeRead->TIME1;
+        timeNsec = timeRead->TIME0;
+        *tsyncSec = timeSec - 315964800;
+        *tsyncUsec = ( timeNsec & 0xfffff );
+        // Read seconds, microseconds, nanoseconds
+        sync = !( timeNsec & ( 1 << 24 ) );
+        return sync;
+    }
+    return ( 0 );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/tRamp.c b/src/include/drv/tRamp.c
index 27108427a..ed5ca9e38 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/tRamp.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/tRamp.c
@@ -2,123 +2,131 @@
 /* Time ramp function */
 /* Takes in a ramping state */
-inline double RampParamGetVal(RampParamState* state) {
-  return state->val; 
-inline int RampParamGetIsRamping(RampParamState* state) {
-  return state->isRamping;
+inline double
+RampParamGetVal( RampParamState* state )
+    return state->val;
-inline void RampParamInit(RampParamState* state, double xInit, const int fe_rate)
+inline int
+RampParamGetIsRamping( RampParamState* state )
-  state->isRamping = 0;
-  state->val = xInit;
-  state->dxPrev = 0.0;
-  state->req = xInit;
-  state->dxMax = 0.0;
-  state->ddxMax = 0.0;
-  state->softRatio = 4.0;
-  state->softVel = 1.36;  // how to compute this from softRatio?
-  state->minAccCycles = 0.05 * fe_rate;
+    return state->isRamping;
-inline void RampParamLoad(RampParamState* state, double req, double tRamp, const int fe_rate)
+inline void
+RampParamInit( RampParamState* state, double xInit, const int fe_rate )
-  double inv_nRamp; // 1 / number of ramp cycles
-  if( tRamp <= 0.0 )
-  {
-    // no ramp
     state->isRamping = 0;
-    state->val = req;
+    state->val = xInit;
     state->dxPrev = 0.0;
-    state->req = req;
+    state->req = xInit;
     state->dxMax = 0.0;
     state->ddxMax = 0.0;
-  }
-  else if( state->isRamping || req != state->val )
-  {
-    // setup ramp parameters
-    inv_nRamp = 1.0 / (fe_rate * tRamp);
-    state->req = req;
-    state->dxMax = state->softVel * lfabs(req - state->val) * inv_nRamp;
-    state->ddxMax = state->softRatio * state->dxMax * inv_nRamp;
-    // if currently ramping, allow high accelleration
-    if( state->isRamping )
-      state->ddxMax = lfabs(state->dxMax + state->dxPrev) / state->minAccCycles;
-    // start the ramp
-    state->isRamping = 1;
-  }
+    state->softRatio = 4.0;
+    state->softVel = 1.36; // how to compute this from softRatio?
+    state->minAccCycles = 0.05 * fe_rate;
-inline double RampParamUpdate(RampParamState* state)
+inline void
+RampParamLoad( RampParamState* state,
+               double          req,
+               double          tRamp,
+               const int       fe_rate )
-  double dxReq;  // distance to requested value
-  double dxNow;  // current step size
-  double dxNowAbs;  // lfabs(dxNow)
-  double ddxNow; // current change in step size
-  double nStop;  // steps required to stop (may be non-integer)
-  double dxStop; // shortest distance required to stop
-  double dxLand; // current step size to achieve "soft landing"
-  // if not ramping, just return
-  if( !state->isRamping )
-    return state->val;
-  // requested change
-  dxReq = state->req - state->val;
- // apply slew limit
-  if( dxReq > state->dxMax )
-    dxNow = state->dxMax;
-  else if( dxReq < -state->dxMax )
-    dxNow = -state->dxMax;
-  else
-    dxNow = dxReq;
-  // apply accelleration limit
-  ddxNow = dxNow - state->dxPrev;
-  if( ddxNow > state->ddxMax )
-    dxNow = state->dxPrev + state->ddxMax;
-  else if( ddxNow < -state->ddxMax )
-    dxNow = state->dxPrev - state->ddxMax;
-  // enforce "soft landing"
-  dxNowAbs = lfabs(dxNow);
-  if( dxNowAbs > state->ddxMax && dxNow * dxReq > 0.0 )
-  {
-    // number of decellerations required to stop
-    nStop = dxNowAbs / state->ddxMax;
-    // distance traveled before stopping
-    // assuming max decelleration in all subsequent steps
-    dxStop = dxNow * (1.5 + 0.5 * nStop);
-    // dxNow required to make stopping distance = dxReq
-    // (approximation for dxReq ~ dxStop)
-    dxLand = dxNow + (dxReq - dxStop) / (1.5 + nStop);
-    // if dxLand is slower than dxNow, use it
-    if( lfabs(dxLand) < dxNowAbs )
-      dxNow = dxLand;
-  }
-  // update state
-  state->isRamping = !(dxNow == 0.0 && state->dxPrev == 0.0);
-  if( dxNow == dxReq )
-    state->val = state->req;
-  else
-    state->val += dxNow;
-  state->dxPrev = dxNow;
-  return state->val;
+    double inv_nRamp; // 1 / number of ramp cycles
+    if ( tRamp <= 0.0 )
+    {
+        // no ramp
+        state->isRamping = 0;
+        state->val = req;
+        state->dxPrev = 0.0;
+        state->req = req;
+        state->dxMax = 0.0;
+        state->ddxMax = 0.0;
+    }
+    else if ( state->isRamping || req != state->val )
+    {
+        // setup ramp parameters
+        inv_nRamp = 1.0 / ( fe_rate * tRamp );
+        state->req = req;
+        state->dxMax = state->softVel * lfabs( req - state->val ) * inv_nRamp;
+        state->ddxMax = state->softRatio * state->dxMax * inv_nRamp;
+        // if currently ramping, allow high accelleration
+        if ( state->isRamping )
+            state->ddxMax =
+                lfabs( state->dxMax + state->dxPrev ) / state->minAccCycles;
+        // start the ramp
+        state->isRamping = 1;
+    }
+inline double
+RampParamUpdate( RampParamState* state )
+    double dxReq; // distance to requested value
+    double dxNow; // current step size
+    double dxNowAbs; // lfabs(dxNow)
+    double ddxNow; // current change in step size
+    double nStop; // steps required to stop (may be non-integer)
+    double dxStop; // shortest distance required to stop
+    double dxLand; // current step size to achieve "soft landing"
+    // if not ramping, just return
+    if ( !state->isRamping )
+        return state->val;
+    // requested change
+    dxReq = state->req - state->val;
+    // apply slew limit
+    if ( dxReq > state->dxMax )
+        dxNow = state->dxMax;
+    else if ( dxReq < -state->dxMax )
+        dxNow = -state->dxMax;
+    else
+        dxNow = dxReq;
+    // apply accelleration limit
+    ddxNow = dxNow - state->dxPrev;
+    if ( ddxNow > state->ddxMax )
+        dxNow = state->dxPrev + state->ddxMax;
+    else if ( ddxNow < -state->ddxMax )
+        dxNow = state->dxPrev - state->ddxMax;
+    // enforce "soft landing"
+    dxNowAbs = lfabs( dxNow );
+    if ( dxNowAbs > state->ddxMax && dxNow * dxReq > 0.0 )
+    {
+        // number of decellerations required to stop
+        nStop = dxNowAbs / state->ddxMax;
+        // distance traveled before stopping
+        // assuming max decelleration in all subsequent steps
+        dxStop = dxNow * ( 1.5 + 0.5 * nStop );
+        // dxNow required to make stopping distance = dxReq
+        // (approximation for dxReq ~ dxStop)
+        dxLand = dxNow + ( dxReq - dxStop ) / ( 1.5 + nStop );
+        // if dxLand is slower than dxNow, use it
+        if ( lfabs( dxLand ) < dxNowAbs )
+            dxNow = dxLand;
+    }
+    // update state
+    state->isRamping = !( dxNow == 0.0 && state->dxPrev == 0.0 );
+    if ( dxNow == dxReq )
+        state->val = state->req;
+    else
+        state->val += dxNow;
+    state->dxPrev = dxNow;
+    return state->val;
diff --git a/src/include/drv/time_slave_io.c b/src/include/drv/time_slave_io.c
index f43000cd9..d9d25f678 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/time_slave_io.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/time_slave_io.c
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ sync2master( volatile TIMING_SIGNAL* timePtr )
     if ( loop >= 1000000 )
         return ( -1 );
-    } else {
+    }
+    else
+    {
         return ( timePtr->gps_time );
diff --git a/src/include/drv/vmic5565.c b/src/include/drv/vmic5565.c
index 701f80840..d32cda9ca 100644
--- a/src/include/drv/vmic5565.c
+++ b/src/include/drv/vmic5565.c
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 ///     \file vmic5565.c
-///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
-///<            operations for the Gefanuc PCIe-5565RC reflected memory  modules. \n
-///< For board info, see 
-///<    <a href="">PCIe-5565RC Manual</a>
+///     \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register
+///     read/write
+///<            operations for the Gefanuc PCIe-5565RC reflected memory modules.
+///<            \n
+///< For board info, see
+///<    <a
+///<    href="">PCIe-5565RC
+///<    Manual</a>
 #include "vmic5565.h"
@@ -10,122 +14,136 @@
 /// \brief Routine to initialize VMIC RFM modules. \n
 ///< Support provided is only for use of RFM with RCG IPC components.
 // *****************************************************************************
-int vmic5565Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *rfmdev)
+vmic5565Init( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, struct pci_dev* rfmdev )
-  static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
-  int devNum;
-  static char *csrAddr;
-  static char *dmaAddr;
-  static unsigned int csrAddress;
-  static unsigned int dmaAddress;
-  int pedStatus;
-  devNum = pHardware->rfmCount;
-  pedStatus = pci_enable_device(rfmdev);
-  // Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
-  pci_set_master(rfmdev);
+    static unsigned int pci_io_addr;
+    int                 devNum;
+    static char*        csrAddr;
+    static char*        dmaAddr;
+    static unsigned int csrAddress;
+    static unsigned int dmaAddress;
+    int                 pedStatus;
+    devNum = pHardware->rfmCount;
+    pedStatus = pci_enable_device( rfmdev );
+    // Register module as Master capable, required for DMA
+    pci_set_master( rfmdev );
     // Find the reflected memory base address
-    pci_read_config_dword(rfmdev,
-                          PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_3,
-                          &pci_io_addr);
+    pci_read_config_dword( rfmdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_3, &pci_io_addr );
     // Map full 128 MByte new cards only
-    pHardware->pci_rfm[devNum] = (long)ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 128*1024*1024);
+    pHardware->pci_rfm[ devNum ] =
+        (long)ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 128 * 1024 * 1024 );
     // Allocate local memory for IPC DMA xfers from RFM module
-    pHardware->pci_rfm_dma[devNum] = (long) pci_alloc_consistent(rfmdev,IPC_BUFFER_SIZE,&rfm_dma_handle[devNum]);
-    printk("RFM address is 0x%ux\n",pci_io_addr);
+    pHardware->pci_rfm_dma[ devNum ] = (long)pci_alloc_consistent(
+        rfmdev, IPC_BUFFER_SIZE, &rfm_dma_handle[ devNum ] );
+    printk( "RFM address is 0x%ux\n", pci_io_addr );
     // Find the RFM control/status register
-    pci_read_config_dword(rfmdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &csrAddress);
-    printk("CSR address is 0x%x\n", csrAddress);
-    csrAddr = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)csrAddress, 0x40);
+    pci_read_config_dword( rfmdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &csrAddress );
+    printk( "CSR address is 0x%x\n", csrAddress );
+    csrAddr = ioremap_nocache( (unsigned long)csrAddress, 0x40 );
-    p5565Csr[devNum] = (VMIC5565_CSR *)csrAddr;
+    p5565Csr[ devNum ] = (VMIC5565_CSR*)csrAddr;
     // pHardware->rfm_reg[devNum] = p5565Csr;
-    p5565Csr[devNum]->LCSR1 &= ~TURN_OFF_5565_FAIL;
-    p5565Csr[devNum]->LCSR1 &= !1; // Turn off own data light
+    p5565Csr[ devNum ]->LCSR1 &= ~TURN_OFF_5565_FAIL;
+    p5565Csr[ devNum ]->LCSR1 &= !1; // Turn off own data light
-    printk("Board id = 0x%x\n",p5565Csr[devNum]->BID);
-    pHardware->rfmConfig[devNum] = p5565Csr[devNum]->NID;
+    printk( "Board id = 0x%x\n", p5565Csr[ devNum ]->BID );
+    pHardware->rfmConfig[ devNum ] = p5565Csr[ devNum ]->NID;
     // Check switches and such
-    if(p5565Csr[devNum]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_REDUNDANT_MODE) printk("VMIC5565 set to redundant transfers\n");
-    else printk("VMIC5565 set to single transfers\n");
-    if(p5565Csr[devNum]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_ROGUE_MASTER1) printk("VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 1 = ON\n");
-    else printk("VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 1 = OFF\n");
-    if(p5565Csr[devNum]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_ROGUE_MASTER0) printk("VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 0 = ON\n");
-    else printk("VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 0 = OFF\n");
-    if(p5565Csr[devNum]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_MEM_SIZE) printk("VMIC5565 Memory size = 128MBytes\n");
-    else printk("VMIC5565 Memory size = 64MBytes\n");
+    if ( p5565Csr[ devNum ]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_REDUNDANT_MODE )
+        printk( "VMIC5565 set to redundant transfers\n" );
+    else
+        printk( "VMIC5565 set to single transfers\n" );
+    if ( p5565Csr[ devNum ]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_ROGUE_MASTER1 )
+        printk( "VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 1 = ON\n" );
+    else
+        printk( "VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 1 = OFF\n" );
+    if ( p5565Csr[ devNum ]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_ROGUE_MASTER0 )
+        printk( "VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 0 = ON\n" );
+    else
+        printk( "VMIC5565 ROGUE MASTER 0 = OFF\n" );
+    if ( p5565Csr[ devNum ]->LCSR1 & VMIC_5565_MEM_SIZE )
+        printk( "VMIC5565 Memory size = 128MBytes\n" );
+    else
+        printk( "VMIC5565 Memory size = 64MBytes\n" );
-    // Find DMA Engine controls in RFM Local Configuration Table 
-    pci_read_config_dword(rfmdev,
-                 PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0,
-                 &dmaAddress);
-    printk("DMA address is 0x%ux\n",dmaAddress);
-    dmaAddr = ioremap_nocache(dmaAddress,0x200);
-    p5565Dma[devNum] = (VMIC5565DMA *)dmaAddr;
+    // Find DMA Engine controls in RFM Local Configuration Table
+    pci_read_config_dword( rfmdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &dmaAddress );
+    printk( "DMA address is 0x%ux\n", dmaAddress );
+    dmaAddr = ioremap_nocache( dmaAddress, 0x200 );
+    p5565Dma[ devNum ] = (VMIC5565DMA*)dmaAddr;
     // pHardware->rfm_dma[devNum] = p5565Dma[devNum];
-    printk("5565DMA at 0x%lx\n",(unsigned long int)p5565Dma[devNum]);
-    printk("5565 INTCR = 0x%ux\n",p5565Dma[devNum]->INTCSR);
-    p5565Dma[devNum]->INTCSR = 0;       // Disable interrupts from this card
-    printk("5565 INTCR = 0x%ux\n",p5565Dma[devNum]->INTCSR);
-    printk("5565 MODE = 0x%ux\n",p5565Dma[devNum]->DMA0_MODE);
-    printk("5565 DESC = 0x%ux\n",p5565Dma[devNum]->DMA0_DESC);
+    printk( "5565DMA at 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long int)p5565Dma[ devNum ] );
+    printk( "5565 INTCR = 0x%ux\n", p5565Dma[ devNum ]->INTCSR );
+    p5565Dma[ devNum ]->INTCSR = 0; // Disable interrupts from this card
+    printk( "5565 INTCR = 0x%ux\n", p5565Dma[ devNum ]->INTCSR );
+    printk( "5565 MODE = 0x%ux\n", p5565Dma[ devNum ]->DMA0_MODE );
+    printk( "5565 DESC = 0x%ux\n", p5565Dma[ devNum ]->DMA0_DESC );
     // Preload some DMA settings
-    // Only important items here are BTC and DESC fields, which are used 
+    // Only important items here are BTC and DESC fields, which are used
     // later by DMA routine.
-    p5565Dma[devNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = pHardware->pci_rfm_dma[0];
-    p5565Dma[devNum]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = IPC_BASE_OFFSET;   // Start at RFM + 0x100 offset
-    p5565Dma[devNum]->DMA0_BTC = IPC_RFM_XFER_SIZE;     // Set byte xfer to 256 bytes
-    p5565Dma[devNum]->DMA0_DESC = VMIC_DMA_READ;        // Set RFM to local memory
-  pHardware->rfmType[devNum] = 0x5565;
-  pHardware->rfmCount ++;
-  return(0);
+    p5565Dma[ devNum ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = pHardware->pci_rfm_dma[ 0 ];
+    p5565Dma[ devNum ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD =
+        IPC_BASE_OFFSET; // Start at RFM + 0x100 offset
+    p5565Dma[ devNum ]->DMA0_BTC =
+        IPC_RFM_XFER_SIZE; // Set byte xfer to 256 bytes
+    p5565Dma[ devNum ]->DMA0_DESC = VMIC_DMA_READ; // Set RFM to local memory
+    pHardware->rfmType[ devNum ] = 0x5565;
+    pHardware->rfmCount++;
+    return ( 0 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// RFM DMA Read in support of commData
 // *****************************************************************************
-void vmic5565DMA(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int card, int offset)
+vmic5565DMA( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int card, int offset )
-int myAddress;
-int rfmAddress;
+    int myAddress;
+    int rfmAddress;
-    rfmAddress = IPC_BASE_OFFSET + (offset * IPC_RFM_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    myAddress = (pHardware->pci_rfm_dma[card] + (offset * IPC_RFM_BLOCK_SIZE));
+    rfmAddress = IPC_BASE_OFFSET + ( offset * IPC_RFM_BLOCK_SIZE );
+    myAddress =
+        ( pHardware->pci_rfm_dma[ card ] + ( offset * IPC_RFM_BLOCK_SIZE ) );
     // p5565Dma[card]->DMA_CSR = VMIC_DMA_CLR;  // Clear DMA DONE
-    p5565Dma[card]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = myAddress;   // Computer address space
-    p5565Dma[card]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = rfmAddress;  // RFM card offset from base
-    // These were set during initialization, so don't need them again (save time)
-    // p5565Dma[card]->DMA0_BTC = 0x400;        // Set byte xfer to 1024 bytes
-    // p5565Dma[card]->DMA0_DESC = 0x8; // Set RFM to local memory
-    p5565Dma[card]->DMA_CSR = VMIC_DMA_START;   // Start DMA
+    p5565Dma[ card ]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = myAddress; // Computer address space
+    p5565Dma[ card ]->DMA0_LOC_ADD = rfmAddress; // RFM card offset from base
+    // These were set during initialization, so don't need them again (save
+    // time) p5565Dma[card]->DMA0_BTC = 0x400;        // Set byte xfer to 1024
+    // bytes p5565Dma[card]->DMA0_DESC = 0x8; // Set RFM to local memory
+    p5565Dma[ card ]->DMA_CSR = VMIC_DMA_START; // Start DMA
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Routine to clear RFM DMA done bit
 // *****************************************************************************
-void vmic5565DMAclr(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int card)
+vmic5565DMAclr( CDS_HARDWARE* pHardware, int card )
-    p5565Dma[card]->DMA_CSR = VMIC_DMA_CLR;     // Clear DMA DONE
+    p5565Dma[ card ]->DMA_CSR = VMIC_DMA_CLR; // Clear DMA DONE
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// Routine to check RFM done bit and clear for next DMA
 // *****************************************************************************
-int vmic5565DMAdone(int card)
+vmic5565DMAdone( int card )
-int status;
-int ii;
+    int status;
+    int ii;
     ii = 0;
-    do{
-    status = p5565Dma[card]->DMA_CSR;   // Check DMA DONE bit (4)
-    if((status & 0x10) == 0) udelay(1);
-    ii ++;
-    }while(((status & 0x10) == 0) && (ii < 10));
-    p5565Dma[card]->DMA_CSR = 0x8;      // Clear DMA DONE
-    return (ii);
+    do
+    {
+        status = p5565Dma[ card ]->DMA_CSR; // Check DMA DONE bit (4)
+        if ( ( status & 0x10 ) == 0 )
+            udelay( 1 );
+        ii++;
+    } while ( ( ( status & 0x10 ) == 0 ) && ( ii < 10 ) );
+    p5565Dma[ card ]->DMA_CSR = 0x8; // Clear DMA DONE
+    return ( ii );
 // *****************************************************************************
@@ -133,19 +151,18 @@ int ii;
 /// @param[in] card ID of card to read
 /// @return Status of Own Data Bit
 // *****************************************************************************
-int vmic5565CheckOwnDataRcv(int card)
+vmic5565CheckOwnDataRcv( int card )
-	return (p5565Csr[card]->LCSR1 & 1);
+    return ( p5565Csr[ card ]->LCSR1 & 1 );
 // *****************************************************************************
 /// \brief Routine to reset RFM Own Data received bit.
 /// @param[in] card ID of card to read
 // *****************************************************************************
-void vmic5565ResetOwnDataLight(int card)
+vmic5565ResetOwnDataLight( int card )
-	p5565Csr[card]->LCSR1 &= ~1; // Turn off own data light
+    p5565Csr[ card ]->LCSR1 &= ~1; // Turn off own data light