diff --git a/src/gds/awg_server.c b/src/gds/awg_server.c
index a597c0156a5a60eb6bff6f751b4428f5da62c50b..e18759f1d9abc5fe8a573d81d8c75978281d8ef6 100644
--- a/src/gds/awg_server.c
+++ b/src/gds/awg_server.c
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ static char *versionId = "Version $Id$" ;
 #include "dtt/rmapi.h"
 #include "dtt/awg.h"
-#include "dtt/awgapi.h"
 #include "dtt/rawgapi.h"
 #include "dtt/confserver.h"
 #include "dtt/awg_server.h"
@@ -944,7 +943,6 @@ extern int testpoint_manager_rpc;
       static confServices conf;		/* configuration service */
       static char	confbuf[256];	/* configuration buffer */
       struct in_addr	host;		/* local host address */
-      char		section[30];	/* section name */
       /* test if low level init */
       gdsDebug ("start awg server client");
@@ -975,9 +973,6 @@ extern int testpoint_manager_rpc;
       /* get rpc parameters from parameter file */
       prognum = RPC_PROGNUM_AWG;
       progver = RPC_PROGVER_AWG;
-      /* make section header */
-      sprintf (section, "%s-awg%i", ifo_prefix,  testpoint_manager_node);
       if ((prognum == 0) || (progver == 0)) {
          return -5;
diff --git a/src/gds/awgtpman.c b/src/gds/awgtpman.c
index 656be9718be5722677fb7a5cedc86c95804a98d1..0b3004fad2771774263ab8d2484d5907543b5192 100644
--- a/src/gds/awgtpman.c
+++ b/src/gds/awgtpman.c
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ static char *versionId = "Version $Id$" ;
 #define _TPMAN_NAME		"tTPmgr"
 #define _AWG_NAME		"tAWGmgr"
-char ifo_prefix_storage[3];
-char site_prefix_storage[2];
-char archive_storage[256];
-char *ifo_prefix = ifo_prefix_storage; // G1
-char *site_prefix = site_prefix_storage; // G
-char *archive = archive_storage; // /opt/rtcds/geo/g1/target/gds/
-char site_name_lower[16]; // geo
-char ifo_prefix_lower[3];  // g1
 char myParFile[256];
+char archive_storage[256];
+char *archive = archive_storage;
+char site_prefix_storage[2];
+char *site_prefix = site_prefix_storage;
+char target[256];
 /* How many times over 16 kHz is the front-end system?
  * 2 kHz for slow models */
 int sys_freq_mult = 1;
@@ -235,91 +235,30 @@ CDS_HARDWARE cdsPciModules;
       if (run_awg) {
-                                if ($::site =~ /^M/) {
-                                        $::location = "mit";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^G/) {
-                                        $::location = "geo";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^H/) {
-                                        $::location = "lho";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^L/) {
-                                        $::location = "llo";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^C/) {
-                                        $::location = "caltech";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^S/) {
-                                        $::location = "stn";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^K/) {
-                                        $::location = "kamioka";
-                                } elsif ($::site =~ /^X/) {
-                                        $::location = "tst";
-                                }
-      char st[3]; st[0] = system_name[0]; st[1] = system_name[1]; st[2] = 0;
-      switch(st[0]) {
-	case 'm':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "M");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "mit");
-		break;
-	case 'g':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "G");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "geo");
-		break;
-	case 'h':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "H");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "lho");
-		break;
-	case 'l':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "L");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "llo");
-		break;
-	case 'c':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "C");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "caltech");
-		break;
-	case 's':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "S");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "stn");
-		break;
-	case 'k':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "K");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "kamioka");
-		break;
-	case 'i':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "I");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "indigo");
-		break;
-	case 'a':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "A");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "anu");
-		break;
-	case 'u':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "U");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "uwa");
-		break;
-	case 'w':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "W");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "cardiff");
-		break;
-	case 'b':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "B");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "bham");
-		break;
-	case 'x':
-		strcpy(site_prefix_storage, "X");
-		strcpy(site_name_lower, "tst");
-		break;
-	default:
-		fprintf(stderr, "Unknown location: %s\n",  st);
-		exit(1);
-		break;
-      }
-      strcpy(ifo_prefix_lower, st);
-      strcpy(ifo_prefix_storage, st);
-      ifo_prefix_storage[0] = toupper(ifo_prefix_storage[0]);
-      sprintf(archive_storage, "/opt/rtcds/%s/%s/target/gds", site_name_lower, ifo_prefix_lower);
-      sprintf(myParFile, "%s/param/tpchn_%s.par", archive, system_name);
+      // site_prefix takes on the first letter of the system name (as upper case)
+      site_prefix_storage[1] = 0;
+      site_prefix_storage[0] = toupper(system_name[0]);
+      char site_upper[4], site_lower[4];
+      char ifo_upper[3], ifo_lower[3];
+      printf("Getting paths\n");
+      snprintf(site_upper, sizeof site_upper, "%s", getenv("SITE"));
+      snprintf(ifo_upper, sizeof ifo_upper, "%s", getenv("IFO"));
+      printf("SITE=%s, IFO=%s\n", site_upper, ifo_upper);
+      int lc=0;
+      while( site_lower[lc] = tolower(site_upper[lc++]));
+      lc=0;
+      while( ifo_lower[lc] = tolower(ifo_upper[lc++]));
+      snprintf(target, sizeof(target),"/opt/rtcds/%s/%s", site_lower, ifo_lower);
+      printf("Target directory is %s\n", target);
+      snprintf(myParFile, sizeof(myParFile),"%s/target/gds/param/tpchn_%s.par", target, system_name);
       printf("My config file is %s\n", myParFile);
+      snprintf(archive_storage, sizeof archive_storage, "%s/target/gds", target);
+      printf("Archive storage is %s\n", archive);
       printf("IPC at 0x%p\n", rmBoardAddress(2));
       ioMemData = (IO_MEM_DATA *)(rmBoardAddress(2) + IO_MEM_DATA_OFFSET);
diff --git a/src/gds/awgtype.h b/src/gds/awgtype.h
index 631e31a5be6e515596cf6c1b8753c88277897756..0fff2a3ed95cad43398ebc3608945c4213bdf1fc 100644
--- a/src/gds/awgtype.h
+++ b/src/gds/awgtype.h
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ extern "C" {
 /**@name Arbitrary Waveform Generator Type Definitions
    This module defines the constants and types used by the arbitrary 
    waveform generators. Waveform parameters are configured and 
-   controlled through routines defined in "awg.h" and "awgapi.h".
+   controlled through routines defined in "awg.h".
    Waveforms are specified by sums of components.
    Valid component configurations are.
diff --git a/src/gds/excitation.cc b/src/gds/excitation.cc
index 049b8a511e0e1a5093263ca2e01e678525d567e4..4a1aa1032084eae2d1111864dda97eb299abacb9 100644
--- a/src/gds/excitation.cc
+++ b/src/gds/excitation.cc
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ static const char *versionId = "Version $Id$" ;
 #include "dtt/testpointinfo.h"
 #include "dtt/rmorg.h"
 #include "dtt/awgfunc.h"
-#include "dtt/awgapi.h"
 #include "dtt/epics.h"
 #include "dtt/gdsdatum.hh"
 #include "dtt/testpointmgr.hh"
diff --git a/src/gds/ezcademod.cc b/src/gds/ezcademod.cc
index ad1025c5aa52886c843f231d2a042a96cbe16a86..5ac312673a829c8bf782881c5fdbdecc3aba8f56 100644
--- a/src/gds/ezcademod.cc
+++ b/src/gds/ezcademod.cc
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ static const char *versionId = "Version $Id$" ;
 #include <iomanip>
 #include "tconv.h"
 #include "dtt/testpoint.h"
-#include "dtt/awgapi.h"
 #include "dtt/awgtype.h"
 #include "DAQSocket.hh"
diff --git a/src/gds/gdschannel.c b/src/gds/gdschannel.c
index 3f87bda9e1c5f08cc253e6e23ec93677677f5fc2..072070cf86dd2b5d788ca2ac0e052ac013dbb9e2 100644
--- a/src/gds/gdschannel.c
+++ b/src/gds/gdschannel.c
@@ -1025,60 +1025,11 @@ static char *versionId = "Version $Id$" ;
       if (chninfosize > _CHNLIST_SIZE) {
          resizeChnInfo (_CHNLIST_SIZE);
-      /* read in channel information */
-   #if (_CHANNEL_DB == _CHN_DB_PARAM) 
-   #if !defined (_CONFIG_DYNAMIC)
-      if (readChnFile (PRM_FILE) <= -10) {
-         char		msg[256];
-         MUTEX_RELEASE (chnmux);
-         sprintf (msg, "Unable to load channel information from %s\n", 
-                 PRM_FILE);
-      #ifdef _AWG_LIB
-         gdsWarningMessage (msg);
-      #else
-         gdsError (GDS_ERR_MISSING, msg);
-      #endif
-         return 0;
-      }
-   #endif
-   #else /* (_CHANNEL_DB == _CHN_DB_PARAM) */
-   #ifndef OS_VXWORKS
-      /* get NDS parameters */
-   #if !defined (_CONFIG_DYNAMIC)
-      if (!daqSetUser) {
-         strcpy (daqServer, DAQD_SERVER);
-         loadStringParam (PRM_FILE2, SEC_SERVER, PRM_SERVERNAME, daqServer);
-         daqPort = DAQD_PORT;
-         loadIntParam (PRM_FILE2, SEC_SERVER, PRM_SERVERPORT, &daqPort);
-      }
-   #endif
-      /* read from NDS */
-      ret = readChnDAQServer (daqServer, daqPort);
-      if (ret < 0) {
-         char		msg[256];
-         MUTEX_RELEASE (chnmux);
-         sprintf (msg, "Unable to load channel information from "
-                 "%s / %i\n", daqServer, daqPort);
-      #ifdef _AWG_LIB
-         gdsWarningMessage (msg);
-      #else
-         gdsError (GDS_ERR_MISSING, msg);
-      #endif
-         return 0;
-      }
-      tpLoaded = (ret > 0);
-   #endif /* OS_VXWORKS */
-   #endif /* (_CHANNEL_DB == _CHN_DB_PARAM) */
       /* sort entries */
       qsort ((void*) chninfo, chninfonum, sizeof (gdsChnInfo_t), 
             (int (*) (const void*, const void*)) gds_strcasecmp);
-      /* if (tpLoaded) {
-         MUTEX_RELEASE (chnmux);
-         return 0;
-      } */
       /* read in test point information */
    #ifndef _NO_TESTPOINTS
@@ -1194,20 +1145,6 @@ static char *versionId = "Version $Id$" ;
                return -1;
-#if 0
-      {
-         int		ifo;
-         char		filename[1024];
-         for (ifo = 0; ifo < TP_MAXIFO; ifo++) {
-            sprintf (filename, TP_FILE, ifo + 1);
-            if (readChnFile (filename) <= -10) {
-               MUTEX_RELEASE (chnmux);
-               return -1;
-            }
-         }
-      }
       /* sort entries */
       qsort ((void*) chninfo, chninfonum, sizeof (gdsChnInfo_t),