// Created by jonathan.hanks on 3/26/20.


#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>

#include <pthread.h>

using thread_action_t = std::function< void( void ) >;

 * @brief A more generic interface around pthread_create
 * @details pthread_create has a limited interface, pass a void *,
 * std::thread doesn't allow specifying stack size, scheduling, ...
 * so provide a wrapper on pthread create that takes a more generic
 * argument
 * @param tid The pthread_t thread id structure
 * @param attr Structure describing pthread attributes to set
 * @param handler the code to run on the new thread
extern int launch_pthread( pthread_t&            tid,
                           const pthread_attr_t& attr,
                           thread_action_t       handler );

 * @brief wrap the pthread scope macros in a enum to
 * bring them into the C++ type system.
enum class thread_scope_t

 * @brief a strong type for a stacksize.
class thread_stacksize_t
    explicit thread_stacksize_t( std::size_t size ) : size_( size )
    thread_stacksize_t( const thread_stacksize_t& ) = default;
    operator=( const thread_stacksize_t& ) throw( ) = default;
    operator=( const std::size_t new_size ) throw( )
        size_ = new_size;
        return *this;
    get( ) const
        return size_;

    std::size_t size_;

 * @brief a RAII wrapper for pthread_attr_t, ensuring that it is always
 * destroyed.  The constructor also uses strong types to all an arbitrary
 * set of attributes to be set at construction time.
class thread_attr_t
    thread_attr_t( ) : attr_{}
        pthread_attr_init( &attr_ );

     * @brief construct a thread_attr_t and set attributes on it.
     * @tparam T one of the attribute types that can be set
     * @tparam Args list of additional attribute types
     * @param t the first attribute to set
     * @param args additional (0 or more) attributes to set
    template < typename T, typename... Args >
    explicit thread_attr_t( T t, Args... args ) : attr_{}
        pthread_attr_init( &attr_ );
        set( t, args... );

    thread_attr_t( const thread_attr_t& ) = delete;
    thread_attr_t( thread_attr_t&& ) = delete;

    ~thread_attr_t( )
        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr_ );

    thread_attr_t& operator=( const thread_attr_t& ) = delete;
    thread_attr_t& operator=( thread_attr_t&& ) = delete;

     * @brief set the PTHREAD_SCOPE value
     * @param scope the scope value as an enum
    set( thread_scope_t scope )
        pthread_attr_setscope( &attr_, static_cast< int >( scope ) );
     * @brief set the stack size
     * @param stack_size the size of the stack
    set( thread_stacksize_t stack_size )
        pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr_, stack_size.get( ) );
     * @brief take an arbitrary list of attribute types and set them.
     * @tparam T First attribute type to set
     * @tparam Args Additional (0+) types of attributes
     * @param t the first attribute
     * @param args additional attributes
    template < typename T, typename... Args >
    set( T t, Args... args )
        set( t );
        set( args... );

    at( )
        return attr_;
    get( )
        return &attr_;

    pthread_attr_t attr_;

 * @brief a container of threads, that ensure that each thread is joined
 * @details The handler is given a stop function which is called (once) to stop
 * all the threads that are associated with it.  It is the responsibility of the
 * caller to ensure that the stop function will indeed stop all the threads that
 * will be managed by the thread_handler_t.
class thread_handler_t
    using stop_function_t = std::function< void( void ) >;

    explicit thread_handler_t( stop_function_t stopper )
        : stopper_{ std::move( stopper ) } {};
    thread_handler_t( const thread_handler_t& ) = delete;
    thread_handler_t( thread_handler_t&& ) = delete;
    thread_handler_t& operator=( const thread_handler_t ) = delete;
    thread_handler_t& operator=( thread_handler_t&& ) = delete;

    ~thread_handler_t( );

    push_back( thread_action_t action, thread_attr_t& attr )
        std::lock_guard< std::mutex > l_{ m_ };
        std::vector< pthread_t >      ids( thread_ids_.begin( ),
                                      thread_ids_.end( ) );
        ids.emplace_back( );
        if ( launch_pthread( ids.back( ), attr.at( ), std::move( action ) ) !=
             0 )
            throw std::runtime_error( "Unable to create thread" );
        thread_ids_.swap( ids );

    void clear( );

    std::vector< pthread_t > thread_ids_{};
    std::mutex               m_{};
    stop_function_t          stopper_;