diff --git a/admin_doc/source/client_release.rst b/admin_doc/source/client_release.rst
index d8d7eef7faf08862aea7020c2895142373e27276..31a2d29c434362036c5f6c8e49ce63f4d32c01ab 100644
--- a/admin_doc/source/client_release.rst
+++ b/admin_doc/source/client_release.rst
@@ -2,8 +2,192 @@
 Preparing a new client release
+.. NOTE::
+    The steps here are only suggestions. You will undoubtedly discover better 
+    and/or different ways to go about this.
+Implement the features and bug fixes you wish to include in the new
+client release. It's easiest to do this within a virtual environment on 
+your workstation. That way you can make changes to the code and then::
+    cd gracedb-client
+    python setup.py install
+which will install into your virtual environment. When you are satisfied 
+with the changes, commit and push.
+.. NOTE:: 
+    It's a good idea to test this version on Scientific Linux and Debian
+    at the clusters before proceeding. 
+    The versions of Python there may be a bit behind the one on your workstation,
+    and that can cause complications. I've been burned by this before.
+    You can do it by cloning the ``gracedb-client`` package on a cluster
+    headnode and building in a virtual environment as show above.
+Changes for packaging
+Update the source code for the new version number, and update the changelog.
+Here are the files you will need to change:
+* ``setup.py``: bump the version number
+* ``debian/changelog``: list your changes in the prescribed format
+* ``ligo-gracedb.spec``: check version, unmangled version, and release number
+* ``ligo/gracedb/__init__.py``: update ``GIT_TAG``
+* ``ligo/gracedb/cli.py``: update ``GIT_TAG``
+* ``ligo/gracedb/test/test.py``: update the version number in the ``GIT_TAG`` test
+After editing these files, make sure to commit and push.  Also make sure the
+client still passes the unit tests::
+    python setup.py install
+    cd gracedb-client/ligo/gracedb/test
+    unset TEST_SERVICE
+    python test.py
+Tag this version of the repo and push the tag::
+    git tag --list
+    git tag -a YOUR_GIT_TAG
+    git push --tags
+.. NOTE::
+    Git tags look like this: ``gracedb-1.20-1``, where 1.20 is the version and
+    the last number corresponds to the build number (here, 1).
+Prepare to upload to PyPI
+Clear everything out of the directory ``gracedb-client/dist`` and then
+build the source tarball::
+    python setup.py sdist
+Log into ``testpypi.python.org`` and change the version number. Click on the package
+name in the right-hand menu, then click 'edit' near the top. Bump the version 
+number as appropriate, and then click 'Add Information' at the bottom.
+Upload the package to the test PyPI instance.  This is easier if you install
+the python package ``twine``. I tend to do this in a special virtual environment
+used only for this purpose::
+    deactivate
+    cd
+    cd my_virtual_envs
+    virtualenv --system-site-packages pypi-upload
+    source pypi-upload/bin/activate
+    pip install twine
+    cd /path/to/gracedb-client
+    twine upload dist/*.gz -r test
+Make sure that you can install and use the package from the test PyPI::
+    deactivate
+    cd 
+    cd my_virtual_envs
+    virtualenv --system-site-packages test
+    source test/bin/activate
+    pip install -i https://testpypi.python.org/pypi ligo-gracedb --upgrade
+    cd /path/to/gracedb-client
+    git pull
+    cd ligo/gracedb/test
+    python test.py
+    cd ~/my_virtual_envs
+    deactivate
+    rm -f -r test
+Log into ``pypi.python.org`` (the non-test instance) and update the version number
+as you did above for the test instance.  Next, upload the package to the
+regular, non-test PyPI::
+    deactivate 
+    cd ~/my_virtual_envs
+    source pypi-upload/bin/activate
+    cd /path/to/gracedb-client
+    twine upload dist/*.gz
+Lastly, make sure you can pip install the package::
+    deactivate
+    cd ~/my_virtual_envs
+    virtualenv --system-site-packages test
+    source test/bin/activate
+    pip install ligo-gracedb
+    deactivate
+    rm -f -r test
+Steps for LIGO packaging
+Move the source tarball to ``software.ligo.org``. I do this with a script
+I obtained from Adam Mercer, ``lscsrc_new_file.sh``. I have added a version
+of this to the GraceDB ``admin-tools`` repo::
+    cd /path/to/gracedb-client/dist
+    cp /path/to/admin-tools/releases/lscsrc_new_file.sh .
+    ./lscsrc_new_file.sh ligo-gracedb-*gz
+.. NOTE::
+    You must run the script in the same directory where the tarball lives.
+    Otherwise it will put it onto the server in a weird subdirectory rather
+    than just the file.
+Make sure that the file is accessible in the expected location, something
+like ``http://software.ligo.org/lscsoft/source/ligo-gracedb-1.20.tar.gz``.
+Send an email to the packagers notifying them of the new package. You will
+probably want to include the information that you put into the changelog.
+Here's an example of one that I sent::
+    to daswg+announce@ligo.org
+    There is a new release of the GraceDB client tools.
+    New features are:
+        Improved error handling for expired or missing credentials
+        Improved error handling when server returns non-JSON response
+        Added --use-basic-auth option to command-line client
+    The release tag is: ligo-lvalert-1.20-1
+    The source is available at:
+    http://software.ligo.org/lscsoft/source/ligo-gracedb-1.20.tar.gz
+    thanks!
+    Branson
+After the package is in the testing repo, look for the corresponding row in the 
+`SCCB wiki <https://wiki.ligo.org/SCCB/WebHome>`__.
+One of the packagers will hopefully have added it.
+Once the new package is installed at the system level on the bleeding-edge
+head nodes, test it on different OSes (probably ``ldas-pcdev4`` at CIT for
+Scientific Linux and ``atlas9`` at AEI for Debian).
+Update the SCCB wiki entry stating that the package has been tested on SL
+and Debian and request that it be moved into production.
+Forward the package announcement email to the SCCB with some additional text
+notifying them that the package is waiting for their approval.  Here is an
+example of one that I sent::
+    to daswg+SCCB@ligo.org 
+    dear SCCB,
+    I have tested this release on ldas-pcdev4 @ CIT and atlas9 @ AEI. The
+    release passes the unit tests, so I am requesting that it be moved 
+    into production.
+    best,
+    Branson
-The steps here are only suggestions. You will undoubtedly discover better 
-and/or different ways to go about this.