From 598182ebb064b3e0aa896f9ac48cfd95f0bd1ea5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tanner Prestegard <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 14:42:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Updating create_emobservation for events

Updating create_emobservation to work for new
gracedb-client method of uploading emobservation
 gracedb/events/ | 101 ++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gracedb/events/ b/gracedb/events/
index 2c8e30b11..31b9eb51f 100644
--- a/gracedb/events/
+++ b/gracedb/events/
@@ -521,107 +521,61 @@ def create_emobservation(request, event):
     # Assign RA and Dec, plus widths
-        raList = d.get('raList')
-        raWidthList = d.get('raWidthList')
+        raList = d.get('ra_list')
+        raWidthList = d.get('ra_width_list')
-        decList = d.get('decList')
-        decWidthList = d.get('decWidthList')
+        decList = d.get('dec_list')
+        decWidthList = d.get('dec_width_list')
-        startTimeList = d.get('startTimeList')
-        durationList = d.get('durationList')
+        startTimeList = d.get('start_time_list')
+        durationList = d.get('duration_list')
     except Exception, e:
         raise ValueError('Lacking input: %s' % str(e))
-    for list_string in [raList, raWidthList, decList, decWidthList, startTimeList, durationList]:
-        if len(list_string) == 0:
-            raise ValueError('All fields are required, please try again.')
-    # Let's do some checking on the startTimeList. The ISO 8601 strings
-    # should be enclosed in quotes and separated by commas.
-    if startTimeList:
-        testStartTimeList = startTimeList.split(',')
-        newStartTimeList = []
-        for timeString in testStartTimeList:
-            # Look for double quotes in the time string. If not present,
-            # put them in. This has to be JSON parseable.
-            if not '"' in timeString:
-                timeString = '"' + timeString + '"'
-            newStartTimeList.append(timeString)
-        startTimeList = ','.join(newStartTimeList)
-    # Much code here lifted from EMBBEventLog.validateMakeRects
-    # get all the list based position and times and their widths
-    # add a [ and ] to convert the input csv list to a json parsable text
-    try:
-        raRealList = json.loads('['+raList+']')
-        rawRealList = json.loads('['+raWidthList+']')
+    all_lists = (raList, raWidthList, decList, decWidthList, startTimeList,
+        durationList)
+    for sub_list in all_lists:
+        if len(sub_list) == 0:
+            raise ValueError('All fields are required, please try again.')
-        decRealList = json.loads('['+decList+']')
-        decwRealList = json.loads('['+decWidthList+']')
-        # this will actually be a list of ISO times in double quotes
-        startTimeRealList = json.loads('['+startTimeList+']')
-        durationRealList = json.loads('['+durationList+']')
-    except Exception, e:
-        raise ValueError('Problem interpreting list: %s' % str(e))
-    # is there anything in the ra list? 
-    nList = len(raRealList)
-    if nList > 0:
-        if decRealList and len(decRealList) != nList:
-            raise ValueError('RA and Dec lists are different lengths.')
-        if startTimeRealList and len(startTimeRealList) != nList:
-            raise ValueError('RA and start time lists are different lengths.')
-    # is there anything in the raWidth list? 
-    mList = len(rawRealList)
-    if mList > 0:
-        if decwRealList and len(decwRealList) != mList:
-            raise ValueError('RAwidth and Decwidth lists are different lengths.')
-        if durationRealList and len(durationRealList) != mList:
-            raise ValueError('RAwidth and Duration lists are different lengths.')
-        # There can be 1 width for the whole list, or one for each ra/dec/gps 
-        if mList != 1 and mList != nList:
-            raise ValueError('Width and duration lists must be length 1 or same length as coordinate lists')
-    else:
-        mList = 0
+    # Check all list lengths
+    list_length = len(all_lists[0])
+    if not all(map(lambda l: len(l) == list_length, all_lists)):
+        raise ValueError('ra_list, dec_list, ra_width_list, dec_width_list, '
+            'start_time_list, and duration_list must be the same length.')
     # now that we've validated the input, save the emo object
     # Must do this so as to have an id.
+    nList = len(raList)
     for i in range(nList):
-            ra = float(raRealList[i])
+            ra = float(raList[i])
             raise ValueError('Cannot read RA list element %d of %s'%(i, raList))
-            dec = float(decRealList[i])
+            dec = float(decList[i])
             raise ValueError('Cannot read Dec list element %d of %s'%(i, decList))
-            start_time = startTimeRealList[i]
+            start_time = startTimeList[i]
             raise ValueError('Cannot read GPStime list element %d of %s'%(i, startTimeList))
-        # the widths list can have 1 member to cover all, or one for each
-        if mList==1: j=0
-        else       : j=i
-            raWidth = float(rawRealList[j])
+            raWidth = float(raWidthList[i])
             raise ValueError('Cannot read raWidth list element %d of %s'%(i, raWidthList))
-            decWidth = float(decwRealList[j])
+            decWidth = float(decWidthList[i])
-            raise ValueError('Cannot read raWidth list element %d of %s'%(i, decWidthList))
+            raise ValueError('Cannot read decWidth list element %d of %s'%(i, decWidthList))
-            duration = int(durationRealList[j])
+            duration = int(durationList[i])
             raise ValueError('Cannot read duration list element %d of %s'%(i, durationList))
@@ -632,7 +586,6 @@ def create_emobservation(request, event):
             raise ValueError('Could not parse start time list element %d of %s'%(i, startTimeRealList))
         # Create footprint object 
         EMFootprint.objects.create(observation=emo, ra=ra, dec=dec, 
             raWidth=raWidth, decWidth=decWidth, start_time=start_time, 
@@ -644,7 +597,8 @@ def create_emobservation(request, event):
     # Try issuing an alert.
-        description = "New EMBB observation record."
+        description = "New EMBB observation record for {group}".format(
         object = emObservationToDict(emo, request)
         issueAlertForUpdate(event, description, doxmpp=True,
             filename="", serialized_object=object)        
@@ -652,5 +606,8 @@ def create_emobservation(request, event):
         # XXX Should probably send back warnings, as in the other cases.
+    # Write a log message
+    log = EventLog.objects.create(issuer=user, comment=description, event=event)
     return emo