diff --git a/admin_doc/source/shibbolized_client.rst b/admin_doc/source/shibbolized_client.rst
index 88ee1c747eee99cd91e56434f8e17409e87cecca..44f2e0c7c07e53f36368d72048fe454a725d40ec 100644
--- a/admin_doc/source/shibbolized_client.rst
+++ b/admin_doc/source/shibbolized_client.rst
@@ -4,8 +4,59 @@
 The Shibbolized Client
+Eventually, it would be nice to move towards not using any X509-based
+authentication.  If were able to use Shibboleth only, that would considerably
+simplify the auth infrastructure of GraceDB. It's also nicer in the sense that
+all of the necessary information comes through the Shibboleth session. That way
+we could get rid of our dependence on the LIGO LDAP as well.
+Installation and usage
+At present, there is an experimental Shibbolized client that lies on a separate
+branch.  I recommend installing it in a virtual environment::
+    virtualenv --system-site-packages test
+    source test/bin/activate
+    ecp-cookie-init LIGO.ORG https://versions.ligo.org/git albert.einstein
+    git clone https://versions.ligo.org/git/gracedb-client.git
+    cd gracedb-client
+    git checkout shibbolized_client
+    python setup.py install
+In order to use the client you will need a Kerberos ticket cache::
+    kinit albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG
+When you run the initialize method of the client, it uses this ticket cache to
+authenticate against the LIGO IdP, and stores the resulting Shibboleth session
+in a cookie jar::
+    from ligo.gracedb.rest import GraceDb
+    g = GraceDb()
+    g.initialize()
+Now the client is ready to use.
+It's possible to obtain LIGO robot keytabs by going to 
+`robots.ligo.org <https://robots.ligo.org/>`__ and clicking on "Apply for a 
+shibboleth automaton keytab." Once you have this keytab, you can obtain a 
+ticket cache by::
+    kinit myRobot/robot/my.ligo.host.edu -k -t myrobot.robot.my.ligo.host.edu 
+where ``myrobot.robot.my.ligo.host.edu`` is the name of the keytab file. 
+These ticket caches are only valid for 24 hours, so it is handy to put the
+``kinit`` command into a cron job. When requesting the keytab, make sure to
+specify that the robot should belong to the group ``Communities:LSCVirgoLIGOGroupMembers``.
+If the robot is to create GraceDB events, then the robot user will need to be 
+authorized to do that as described in :ref:`new_pipeline`.
-The idea here is to wean users off of using X509 certificates for
-authenticating to services.