diff --git a/gracedb/alerts/tests/test_views.py b/gracedb/alerts/tests/test_views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb4e777101f1b98ce466f76464ca7aa826f926e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gracedb/alerts/tests/test_views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import mock
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.auth.models import Group as AuthGroup
+from django.urls import reverse
+from core.tests.utils import GraceDbTestBase
+from alerts.models import Contact, Notification
+class TestUpdateContactView(GraceDbTestBase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpTestData(cls):
+        super(TestUpdateContactView, cls).setUpTestData()
+        # Create email and phone contacts
+        cls.email_contact = Contact.objects.create(user=cls.internal_user,
+            description='test email', email='test@test.com')
+        cls.phone_contact = Contact.objects.create(user=cls.internal_user,
+            description='test phone', phone='12345678901',
+            phone_method=Contact.CONTACT_PHONE_BOTH)
+    def test_edit_email(self):
+        """Users should not be able to update contact email"""
+        # (because it sidesteps the verification process)
+        data = {
+            'key_field': 'email',
+            'description': 'new description',
+            'email': 'new@new.com',
+        }
+        original_email = self.email_contact.email
+        url = reverse('alerts:edit-contact', args=[self.email_contact.pk])
+        response = self.request_as_user(url, "POST", self.internal_user,
+            data=data)
+        # Refresh from database
+        self.email_contact.refresh_from_db()
+        # Check values - description should be updated, but email should not be
+        self.assertEqual(self.email_contact.description, data['description'])
+        self.assertNotEqual(self.email_contact.email, data['email'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.email_contact.email, original_email)
+    def test_edit_phone(self):
+        """Users should not be able to update contact phone"""
+        # (because it sidesteps the verification process)
+        data = {
+            'key_field': 'phone',
+            'description': 'new description',
+            'phone': '23456789012',
+        }
+        original_phone = self.phone_contact.phone
+        url = reverse('alerts:edit-contact', args=[self.phone_contact.pk])
+        response = self.request_as_user(url, "POST", self.internal_user,
+            data=data)
+        # Refresh from database
+        self.phone_contact.refresh_from_db()
+        # Check values - description should be updated, but phone should not be
+        self.assertEqual(self.phone_contact.description, data['description'])
+        self.assertNotEqual(self.phone_contact.phone, data['phone'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.phone_contact.phone, original_phone)