#!/bin/bash export LVALERT_OVERSEER_RESOURCE=${LVALERT_USER}_overseer_$(python3 -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4().hex)') # Change the file permissions and ownership on /app/db_data: chown gracedb:www-data /app/db_data chmod 755 /app/db_data ## PGA: 2019-10-15: use certs from secrets for Shibboleth SP SHIB_SP_CERT=/run/secrets/saml_certificate SHIB_SP_KEY=/run/secrets/saml_private_key if [[ -f $SHIB_SP_CERT && -f $SHIB_SP_KEY ]] then echo "Using Shibboleth Cert from docker secrets over the image one" cp -f $SHIB_SP_CERT /etc/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem cp -f $SHIB_SP_KEY /etc/shibboleth/sp-key.pem chown _shibd:_shibd /etc/shibboleth/sp-{cert,key}.pem chmod 0600 /etc/shibboleth/sp-key.pem fi ## PGA 2019-10-16: use secrets for sensitive environment variables LIST="aws_ses_access_key_id aws_ses_secret_access_key django_db_password django_secret_key django_twilio_account_sid django_twilio_auth_token lvalert_password igwn_alert_password gracedb_ldap_keytab egad_url egad_api_key django_sentry_dsn" for SECRET in $LIST do VARNAME=$( tr [:lower:] [:upper:] <<<$SECRET) [ -f /run/secrets/$SECRET ] && export $VARNAME="$(< /run/secrets/$SECRET)" done # get x509 cert for ldap access from environment variable. echo "${GRACEDB_LDAP_KEYTAB}" | base64 -d | install -m 0600 /dev/stdin keytab kinit ldap/gracedb.ligo.org@LIGO.ORG -k -t keytab exec "$@"