Unable to resolve non-integer GPS times
- Site: LLO
- Server: datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:443
- OS: Rocky Linux 8
- Version: gwdatafind-server.noarch-1.2.0-1.el8
A lockloss user has reported issues with their locklost code using the RL8 datafind server. Full logs are attached. This log is from the main lockloss account that successfully completes but uses the old datafind server ldrslave.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edulockloss.log. This log is from Timothy O'Hanlon, who is using the same locklost framework but is attempting with datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu timothy.ohanlon.log
The error reported in Timothy's log is requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: NOT FOUND for url: https://datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:443/LDR/services/data/v1/gwf/L/L1_R/1361739421.375,1361739446.375/file.json
gw_data_find fails with fractional gpstime on both "datafind" and "ldrslave"
(igwn) [william.frischhertz@ldas-pcdev4 root]$ gw_data_find -o L -t L1_R -s 1361739421.375 -e 1361739446.375 --names-only -r ldrslave.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:80
usage: gw_data_find [-h] [-V] [[-p | -w | -y | -a | -f FILE | -T]] [-o OBS] [-t TYPE] [-s GPS] [-e GPS] [-r HOST:PORT] [-P] [[-l | -W | -n]]
[-m MATCH] [-u URL_TYPE] [-g] [-O PATH]
gw_data_find: error: argument -s/--gps-start-time: invalid int value: '1361739421.375'
(igwn) [william.frischhertz@ldas-pcdev4 root]$ gw_data_find -o L -t L1_R -s 1361739421.375 -e 1361739446.375 --names-only -r datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:443
usage: gw_data_find [-h] [-V] [[-p | -w | -y | -a | -f FILE | -T]] [-o OBS] [-t TYPE] [-s GPS] [-e GPS] [-r HOST:PORT] [-P] [[-l | -W | -n]]
[-m MATCH] [-u URL_TYPE] [-g] [-O PATH]
gw_data_find: error: argument -s/--gps-start-time: invalid int value: '1361739421.375'
When attempting to curl the url from datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu with fractional time, it fails with 404 error:
(igwn) [william.frischhertz@ldas-pcdev4 root]$ curl https://datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:443/LDR/services/data/v1/gwf/L/L1_R/1361739421.375,1361739446.375/file.json
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>
Removing the fractional portion succeeds with datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu
(igwn) [william.frischhertz@ldas-pcdev4 root]$ curl https://datafind.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:443/LDR/services/data/v1/gwf/L/L1_R/1361739421,1361739446/file.json
However, ldrslave.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu is able to resolve the fractional times in the url
(igwn) [william.frischhertz@ldas-pcdev4 root]$ curl http://ldrslave.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:80/LDR/services/data/v1/gwf/L/L1_R/1361739421.375,1361739446.375/file.json
Removing the fractional portion succeeds with the same result
(igwn) [william.frischhertz@ldas-pcdev4 root]$ curl http://ldrslave.ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:80/LDR/services/data/v1/gwf/L/L1_R/1361739421,1361739446/file.json