framecpp_fracfg exits with code 0 without doing anything in 3.0.0
In attempting to build ldas-tools-framecpp 3.0.0 for conda-forge the tests are failing because framecpp_fracfg
seems to exit with code 0 but doesn't do anything, at least it doesn't create the file it was asked to [build log]:
$ framecpp_sample
$ framecpp_fracfg --channels Z0:RAMPED_INT_2U_1 --output fracfg.gwf Z-ilwd_test_frame-600000000-1.gwf
$ head -c4 fracfg.gwf
head: cannot open 'fracfg.gwf' for reading: No such file or directory
Is this a deliberate change, and if so should I just stop attempting to use framecpp_fracfg
in testing?