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Add option to check for extra DQ channels w/ clf-check

This PR adds an --extra option to clf-check to check for any DQ channels contained in .gwf files that aren't contained in the channel list passed in. Also corrects a minor typo.

Example below:

[patrick.godwin@ldas-pcdev5 ~/workspace/projects/ligo-channel-lists] [clf-check_extra] $ tools/clf-check O3/H1-O3-lldetchar.ini --extra
Read list file [H1-O3-lldetchar.ini]
Checking 'Every Channel in Alphabetical Order':
    Identified 985 channels
    Finding channels for H1_lldetchar:
        Identified GWF: H-H1_lldetchar-1256318837-1.gwf
        Read 1430 channels and rates
    No missing channels
    Verifying rates are consistent and data is valid
    No channels with incorrect rates
    No channels with invalid data
Extra channels found in GWF:
There are no missing channels, no repeated channels, all channels have the correct sampling rate, and no channels are invalid in H1-O3-lldetchar.ini

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