diff --git a/gstlal-inspiral/bin/gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr b/gstlal-inspiral/bin/gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr
index 532388248bde239644647b393b62c499186bbeae..485b773171521c00722572159af52d82db75cc25 100755
--- a/gstlal-inspiral/bin/gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr
+++ b/gstlal-inspiral/bin/gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ def parse_command_line():
 	group.add_option("--row-number", type = "int", help = "The row number of the template (optional). All the SNRs will be outputed if it is not given.")
 	group.add_option("--table", metavar = "filename", help = "A LIGO light-weight xml.gz file containing SnglInspiral Table. Expecting one template for each instrument only.")
 	group.add_option("--approximant", metavar = "name", type = "str", help = "Name of the Waveform model (require).")
-	group.add_option("--template-duration", metavar = "seconds", type = "float", help = "Duration of the template")
 	group.add_option("--sample-rate", metavar = "Hz", default = 2048, type = "int", help = "Sampling rate of the template and SNR for mode 1")
 	group.add_option("--f-low", metavar = "Hz", default = 10, type = "float", help = "The minimum frequency of GW signal")
 	group.add_option("--f-high", metavar = "Hz", type = "float", help = "The maximum frequency of GW signal")
@@ -147,18 +146,22 @@ def parse_command_line():
 	options, args = parser.parse_args()
-	# Check SNR series output
-	if options.start is None or options.end is None:
-                raise ValueError("Must have --start and --end.")
-        else:
-		if options.start >= options.end:
-			raise ValueError("--start must less than --end.")
 	# Setting up GW data
 	gw_data_source_info = datasource.GWDataSourceInfo(options)
 	if options.instrument not in gw_data_source_info.channel_dict.keys():
 		raise ValueError("No such instrument: %s in GWDataSourceInfo: (%s)"% (options.instrument, ", ".join(gw_data_source_info.channel_dict.keys())))
+	# Check SNRs series output
+	if options.start is None or options.end is None:
+                raise ValueError("Must have --start and --end.")
+        elif options.start >= options.end:
+                raise ValueError("--start must less than --end.")
+        # Extra handle for SNRs output because SNRs are not stable initially and have padding at the end
+        # FIXME: the 650s is hardcoded (~BNS waveforms duration) and only used as a lower bound to avoid having a frame file that is too short
+        if options.start - gw_data_source_info.seg[0] <= 650 or gw_data_source_info.seg[1] - options.end <= 650:
+                raise ValueError("Check your inputted --start / --end or your frame file. You should have a long enough data such that, the --start/--end is larger/less than the start/end of your data at least 650s. ")
 	# Setting up PSD
 	if options.reference_psd:
 		psd = lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(ligolw_utils.load_url(options.reference_psd, contenthandler = lal.series.PSDContentHandler))
diff --git a/gstlal-inspiral/python/svd_bank_snr.py b/gstlal-inspiral/python/svd_bank_snr.py
index a506139db212bd0c20d523daf1f8fa31a3e5815a..abeeb9d4f6f83783b63c28a721f042a415407591 100644
--- a/gstlal-inspiral/python/svd_bank_snr.py
+++ b/gstlal-inspiral/python/svd_bank_snr.py
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ class SNR_Pipeline(object):
 			"deltaT": None,
 			"data": [],
+                if self.start >= self.end:
+                        raise ValueError("Start time must be less than end time.")
 	def run(self, segments):
 		if self.verbose:
@@ -101,27 +103,18 @@ class SNR_Pipeline(object):
 		return tseries
 	def get_snr_series(self, COMPLEX = False):
+                assert snr_info["epoch"] is not None, "No SNRs are obtained, check your start time."
 		gps_start = self.snr_info["epoch"].gpsSeconds + self.snr_info["epoch"].gpsNanoSeconds * 10.**-9
 		gps = gps_start + numpy.arange(len(self.snr_info["data"])) * self.snr_info["deltaT"]
-		if self.start and self.end:
-			if self.start >= self.end:
-				raise ValueError("Start time must be less than end time.")
-			if self.start - gps[0] >= 0 and self.start - gps[-1] <= 0:
-				s = abs(gps - self.start).argmin()
-			else:
-				raise ValueError("Invalid choice of start time %f." % self.start)
-			if self.end - gps[0] >= 0 and self.end - gps[-1] <= 0:
-				e = abs(gps - self.end).argmin()
-			else:
-				raise ValueError("Invalid choice of end time %f." % self.end)
+                if self.start - gps[0] < 0 or self.end - gps[-1] > 0:
+                        raise ValueError("Invalid choice of start time or end time. The data spans from %f to %f." % (gps[0], gps[-1]))
+                else:
+                        s = abs(gps - self.start).argmin()
+                        e = abs(gps - self.end).argmin()
-			self.snr_info["epoch"] = gps[s]
-			self.snr_info["data"] = self.snr_info["data"][s:e].T
-		else:
-			self.snr_info["epoch"] = gps[0]
-			self.snr_info["data"] = self.snr_info["data"].T
+                self.snr_info["epoch"] = gps[s]
+                self.snr_info["data"] = self.snr_info["data"][s:e].T
 		if self.row_number is None:
 			temp = []
@@ -185,11 +178,6 @@ class LLOID_SNR(SNR_Pipeline):
 		SNR_Pipeline.__init__(self, row_number, start, end, name = "gstlal_inspiral_lloid_snr", verbose = verbose)
 		self.snr_info["instrument"] = instrument
-		# sanity check
-		if psd is not None:
-			if not (instrument in set(psd)):
-				raise ValueError("No psd for instrument %s." % instrument)
 		if self.verbose:
 			sys.stderr.write("Building pipeline to calculate SNR...\n")
@@ -241,11 +229,6 @@ class FIR_SNR(SNR_Pipeline):
 		SNR_Pipeline.__init__(self, 0, start, end, name = "gstlal_inspiral_fir_snr", verbose = verbose)
 		self.snr_info["instrument"] = instrument
-		# sanity check
-		if psd is not None:
-			if not (instrument in set(psd)):
-				raise ValueError("No psd for instrument %s." % instrument)
 		if self.verbose:
 			sys.stderr.write("Building pipeline to calculate SNR\n")