diff --git a/gstlal-burst/bin/Makefile.am b/gstlal-burst/bin/Makefile.am
index b394205d4ed10ada1701aed4ff1c51599c76bb32..c88bea107ba9adc66847568d6dff5054abfbdfcd 100644
--- a/gstlal-burst/bin/Makefile.am
+++ b/gstlal-burst/bin/Makefile.am
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ dist_bin_SCRIPTS = \
 	gstlal_excesspower_trigvis \
 	gstlal_feature_extractor \
 	gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe \
-	gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe_online \
+	gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe \
 	gstlal_feature_extractor_whitener_check \
 	gstlal_feature_extractor_template_overlap \
 	gstlal_feature_hdf5_sink \
diff --git a/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe b/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe
index 10f6a29aefcd54bce48c0cc3c0b609feb8770ac8..858ce15397d1c006ef8967a312104badf3631892 100755
--- a/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe
+++ b/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe
@@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ __author__ = 'Duncan Meacher <duncan.meacher@ligo.org>, Patrick Godwin <patrick.
 import optparse
 import os
+from gstlal import aggregator
 from gstlal import inspiral_pipe
 from gstlal import dagparts as gstlaldagparts
+from gstlal.fxtools import feature_extractor
 from gstlal.fxtools import multichannel_datasource
 from gstlal.fxtools import multirate_datasource
 from gstlal.fxtools import utils
@@ -44,41 +46,90 @@ from gstlal.fxtools import utils
 # =============================
+def generate_options(options):
+	"""
+	Generates a list of command line options to pass into DAG nodes.
+	"""
+	# data source options
+	if options.data_source == 'lvshm':
+		data_source_options = {
+			"data-source": options.data_source,
+			"shared-memory-partition": options.shared_memory_partition,
+			"shared-memory-assumed-duration": options.shared_memory_assumed_duration
+		}
+	elif options.data_source == 'framexmit':
+		data_source_options = {"data-source": options.data_source}
+	# waveform options
+	waveform_options = {
+		"waveform": options.waveform,
+		"mismatch": options.mismatch,
+		"qhigh": options.qhigh
+	}
+	# data transfer options
+	if options.save_format == 'kafka':
+		save_options = {
+			"save-format": options.save_format,
+			"data-transfer": options.data_transfer,
+			"kafka-partition": options.kafka_partition,
+			"kafka-topic": options.kafka_topic,
+			"kafka-server": options.kafka_server
+		}
+	elif options.save_format == 'hdf5':
+		save_options = {
+			"save-format": options.save_format,
+			"cadence": options.cadence,
+			"persist-cadence": options.persist_cadence
+		}
+	else:
+		raise NotImplementedError, 'not an available option for online jobs at this time'
+	# program behavior options
+	program_options = {}
+	if options.disable_web_service:
+		program_options.update({"disable-web-service": options.disable_web_service})
+	if options.verbose:
+		program_options.update({"verbose": options.verbose})
+	# gobble options together
+	out_options = {}
+	out_options.update(data_source_options)
+	out_options.update(waveform_options)
+	out_options.update(save_options)
+	out_options.update(program_options)
+	return out_options
 def feature_extractor_node_gen(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, parent_nodes, ifo, options, data_source_info):
 	feature_extractor_nodes = {}
+	# generate common command line options
+	command_line_options = generate_options(options)
 	# parallelize jobs by channel subsets
 	for ii, channel_subset in enumerate(data_source_info.channel_subsets):
+		if options.verbose:
+			print("Creating node for channel subset %d"%ii)
 		# creates a list of channel names with entries of the form --channel-name=IFO:CHANNEL_NAME:RATE
 		channels = [''.join(["--channel-name=",':'.join([channel, str(int(data_source_info.channel_dict[channel]['fsamp']))])]) for channel in channel_subset]
+		channels[0] = channels[0].split('=')[1] # this is done to peel off --channel-name option off first channel
-		# FIXME: hacky way of getting options to get passed correctly for channels
-		channels[0] = channels[0].split('=')[1]
-		outpath = os.path.join(options.out_path, "gstlal_feature_extractor")
+		# create specific options for each channel subset
+		subset_options = {
+			"max-streams": options.max_streams,
+			"job-id": str(ii + 1).zfill(4),
+			"channel-name":' '.join(channels)
+		}
+		subset_options.update(command_line_options)
 		feature_extractor_nodes[ii] = \
 			inspiral_pipe.generic_node(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, parent_nodes = parent_nodes,
-				opts = {"mismatch":options.mismatch,
-					"shared-memory-partition": options.shared_memory_partition,
-					"shared-memory-assumed-duration": options.shared_memory_assumed_duration,
-					"data-source":"lvshm",
-					"mismatch":options.mismatch,
-					"waveform":options.waveform,
-					"qhigh":options.qhigh,
-					"max-streams":options.max_streams,
-					"job-id":str(ii + 1).zfill(4),
-					"cadence":options.cadence,
-					"disable-web-service":options.disable_web_service,
-					"save-format": options.save_format,
-					"verbose":options.verbose,
-					"channel-name":' '.join(channels)
-				},
-				output_files = {"out-path":outpath}
+				opts = subset_options,
+				output_files = {"out-path": os.path.join(options.out_path, "gstlal_feature_extractor")}
-		if options.verbose:
-			print "Creating node for channel subset %d" % ii
 	return feature_extractor_nodes
diff --git a/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online b/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online
index 4a4378ef1abedc7700d19ca7dcddc79c67b3e2e3..496b476b787487e01d1cfb06256fa6162b1eb60b 100644
--- a/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online
+++ b/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SHELL := /bin/bash
 # condor commands
 # Set the accounting tag from https://ldas-gridmon.ligo.caltech.edu/ldg_accounting/user
 CONDOR_COMMANDS:=--condor-command=accounting_group=$(ACCOUNTING_TAG) --condor-command=accounting_group_user=$(GROUP_USER)
@@ -47,28 +47,39 @@ IFO = H1
 all : dag
-	sed -i '/gstlal_feature_extractor / s/$$/ |& grep -v '\''XLAL\|GSL\|Generic'\''/' feature_extractor_pipe.sh
 	@echo "Submit with: condor_submit_dag feature_extractor_pipe.dag"
 # Run etg pipe to produce dag
 dag : plots $(CHANNEL_LIST)
-	gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe_online \
-		--data-source $(DATA_SOURCE) \
-		--channel-list $(CHANNEL_LIST) \
-		--out-path $(OUTPATH) \
-		--max-streams $(MAX_STREAMS) \
-		--mismatch $(MISMATCH) \
-		--qhigh $(QHIGH) \
-		--shared-memory-partition H1=LHO_RedDtchr \
-		--shared-memory-assumed-duration 1 \
-		--cadence 20 \
-		--request-cpu 2 \
-		--request-memory 15GB \
-		--verbose \
-		--disable-web-service
-#		--web-dir $(WEBDIR) \
+	if [[ $(DATA_SOURCE) == "lvshm" ]] ; then \
+		gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe \
+			--data-source $(DATA_SOURCE) \
+			--channel-list $(CHANNEL_LIST) \
+			--out-path $(OUTPATH) \
+			--max-streams $(MAX_STREAMS) \
+			--mismatch $(MISMATCH) \
+			--qhigh $(QHIGH) \
+			--shared-memory-partition H1=LHO_RedDtchr \
+			--shared-memory-assumed-duration 1 \
+			--request-cpu 2 \
+			--request-memory 15GB \
+			--verbose \
+			--disable-web-service ; \
+	elif [[ $(DATA_SOURCE) == "framexmit" ]] ; then \
+		gstlal_ll_feature_extractor_pipe \
+			--data-source $(DATA_SOURCE) \
+			--channel-list $(CHANNEL_LIST) \
+			--out-path $(OUTPATH) \
+			--max-streams $(MAX_STREAMS) \
+			--mismatch $(MISMATCH) \
+			--qhigh $(QHIGH) \
+			--request-cpu 2 \
+			--request-memory 15GB \
+			--verbose \
+			--disable-web-service ; \
+	fi ;
 # FIXME Determine channel list automatically.
 #full_channel_list.txt : frame.cache
@@ -86,4 +97,3 @@ plots :
 clean :
 	-rm -rvf *.sub *.dag* *.cache *.sh logs *.sqlite plots *.html Images *.css *.js