diff --git a/doc/source/gstlal-burst/overview.rst b/doc/source/gstlal-burst/overview.rst
index 157b681bee3dfe6a643792c76e1b8907ae1a27c1..75edba598c688129d738316a98d1d01ec05274fa 100644
--- a/doc/source/gstlal-burst/overview.rst
+++ b/doc/source/gstlal-burst/overview.rst
@@ -7,5 +7,161 @@ Overview
 Feature Extraction
-The `fxtools` module contains relevant libraries to identify glitches in low-latency using auxiliary
-channel data.
+The `fxtools` module and related feature-based executables contain relevant libraries to identify
+glitches in low-latency using auxiliary channel data.
+`gstlal_feature_extractor` functions as a modeled search for data quality by applying matched filtering
+on auxiliary channel timeseries using waveforms that model a large number of glitch classes. Its primary
+purpose is to whiten incoming auxiliary channels and extract relevant features in low-latency.
+There are two different modes of output `gstlal_feature_extractor` can function in:
+  1. **Timeseries:** Production of regularly-spaced feature rows, containing the SNR, waveform parameters,
+                     and the time of the loudest event in a sampling time interval.
+  2. **ETG:** This produces output that resembles that of a traditional event trigger generator (ETG), in
+              which only feature rows above an SNR threshold will be produced.
+One useful feature in using a matched filter approach to detect glitches is the ability to switch between
+different glitch templates or generate a heterogeneous bank of templates.. Currently, there are Sine-Gaussian
+and half-Sine-Gaussian waveforms implemented for use in detecting glitches, but the feature extractor was
+designed to be fairly modular and so it isn't difficult to design and add new waveforms for use.
+Since the GstLAL feature extractor uses time-domain convolution to matched filter auxiliary channel timeseries
+with glitch waveforms, this allows latencies to be much lower than in traditional ETGs. The latency upon writing
+features to disk are O(5 s) in the current layout when using waveforms where the peak occurs at the edge of the
+template (zero-latency templates). Otherwise, there is extra latency incurred due to the non-causal nature of
+the waveform itself.
+ .. graphviz::
+    digraph llpipe {
+     labeljust = "r";
+     label="gstlal_feature_extractor"
+     rankdir=LR;
+     graph [fontname="Roman", fontsize=24];
+     edge [ fontname="Roman", fontsize=10 ];
+     node [fontname="Roman", shape=box, fontsize=11];
+     subgraph clusterNodeN {
+         style=rounded;
+         label="gstreamer pipeline";
+         labeljust = "r";
+         fontsize = 14;
+         H1L1src [label="H1(L1) data source:\n mkbasicmultisrc()", color=red4];
+         Aux1 [label="Auxiliary channel 1", color=red4];
+         Aux2 [label="Auxiliary channel 2", color=green4];
+         AuxN [label="Auxiliary channel N", color=magenta4];
+         Multirate1 [label="Auxiliary channel 1\nWhiten/Downsample", color=red4];
+         Multirate2 [label="Auxiliary channel 2\nWhiten/Downsample", color=green4];
+         MultirateN [label="Auxiliary channel N\nWhiten/Downsample", color=magenta4];
+         FilterBankAux1Rate1 [label="Auxiliary Channel 1:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=red4];
+         FilterBankAux1Rate2 [label="Auxiliary Channel 1:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=red4];
+         FilterBankAux1RateN [label="Auxiliary Channel 1:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=red4];
+         FilterBankAux2Rate1 [label="Auxiliary Channel 2:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=green4];
+         FilterBankAux2Rate2 [label="Auxiliary Channel 2:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=green4];
+         FilterBankAux2RateN [label="Auxiliary Channel 2:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=green4];
+         FilterBankAuxNRate1 [label="Auxiliary Channel N:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=magenta4];
+         FilterBankAuxNRate2 [label="Auxiliary Channel N:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=magenta4];
+         FilterBankAuxNRateN [label="Auxiliary Channel N:\nGlitch Filter Bank", color=magenta4];
+         TriggerAux1Rate1 [label="Auxiliary Channel 1:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=red4];
+         TriggerAux1Rate2 [label="Auxiliary Channel 1:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=red4];
+         TriggerAux1RateN [label="Auxiliary Channel 1:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=red4];
+         TriggerAux2Rate1 [label="Auxiliary Channel 2:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=green4];
+         TriggerAux2Rate2 [label="Auxiliary Channel 2:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=green4];
+         TriggerAux2RateN [label="Auxiliary Channel 2:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=green4];
+         TriggerAuxNRate1 [label="Auxiliary Channel N:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=magenta4];
+         TriggerAuxNRate2 [label="Auxiliary Channel N:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=magenta4];
+         TriggerAuxNRateN [label="Auxiliary Channel N:\nMax SNR Feature (N Hz)", color=magenta4];
+         H1L1src -> Aux1;
+         H1L1src -> Aux2;
+         H1L1src -> AuxN;
+         Aux1 -> Multirate1;
+         Aux2 -> Multirate2;
+         AuxN -> MultirateN;
+         Multirate1 -> FilterBankAux1Rate1 [label="4096Hz"];
+         Multirate2 -> FilterBankAux2Rate1 [label="4096Hz"];
+         MultirateN -> FilterBankAuxNRate1 [label="4096Hz"];
+         Multirate1 -> FilterBankAux1Rate2 [label="2048Hz"];
+         Multirate2 -> FilterBankAux2Rate2 [label="2048Hz"];
+         MultirateN -> FilterBankAuxNRate2 [label="2048Hz"];
+         Multirate1 -> FilterBankAux1RateN [label="Nth-pow-of-2 Hz"];
+         Multirate2 -> FilterBankAux2RateN [label="Nth-pow-of-2 Hz"];
+         MultirateN -> FilterBankAuxNRateN [label="Nth-pow-of-2 Hz"];
+         FilterBankAux1Rate1 -> TriggerAux1Rate1;
+         FilterBankAux1Rate2 -> TriggerAux1Rate2;
+         FilterBankAux1RateN -> TriggerAux1RateN;
+         FilterBankAux2Rate1 -> TriggerAux2Rate1;
+         FilterBankAux2Rate2 -> TriggerAux2Rate2;
+         FilterBankAux2RateN -> TriggerAux2RateN;
+         FilterBankAuxNRate1 -> TriggerAuxNRate1;
+         FilterBankAuxNRate2 -> TriggerAuxNRate2;
+         FilterBankAuxNRateN -> TriggerAuxNRateN;
+     }
+     Synchronize [label="Synchronize buffers by timestamp"];
+     Extract [label="Extract features from buffer"];
+     Save [label="Save triggers to disk"];
+     Kafka [label="Push features to queue"];
+     TriggerAux1Rate1 -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAux1Rate2 -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAux1RateN -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAux2Rate1 -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAux2Rate2 -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAux2RateN -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAuxNRate1 -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAuxNRate2 -> Synchronize;
+     TriggerAuxNRateN -> Synchronize;
+     Synchronize -> Extract;
+     Extract -> Save [label="Option 1"];
+     Extract -> Kafka [label="Option 2"];
+    }
+* Launch feature extractor jobs in online or offline mode:
+  * Online: Using /shm or framexmit protocol
+  * Offline: Read frames off disk
+* Online/Offline DAGs available for launching jobs.
+  * Offline DAG parallelizes by time, channels are processed sequentially by subsets to reduce I/O concurrency issues. There are options to allow flexibility in choosing this, however.
+* On-the-fly PSD generation (or take in a prespecified PSD)
+* Auxiliary channels to be processed can be specified in two ways:
+  * Channel list .INI file, provided by DetChar. This provides ways to filter channels by safety and subsystem.
+  * Channel list .txt file, one line per channel in the form H1:CHANNEL_NAME:2048.
+* Configurable min/max frequency bands for aux channel processing in powers of two. The default here is 32 - 2048 Hz.
+* Verbose latency output at various stages of the pipeline. If regular verbosity is specified, latencies are given only when files are written to disk.
+* Various file transfer/saving options:
+  * Disk: HDF5
+  * Transfer: Kafka (used for low-latency implementation)
+* Various waveform configuration options:
+  * Waveform type (currently Sine-Gaussian and half-Sine-Gaussian only)
+  * Specify parameter ranges (frequency, Q for Sine-Gaussian based)
+  * Min mismatch between templates
diff --git a/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_offline_jobs.rst b/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_offline_jobs.rst
index fc25a5af2e06f835f2f34bd1b155f8b6aa680a2f..d6733467860ef7f5939a9249be8f1900feae262b 100644
--- a/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_offline_jobs.rst
+++ b/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_offline_jobs.rst
@@ -2,4 +2,76 @@
 Running Offline Jobs
+An offline DAG is provided in /gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_offline
+in order to provide a convenient way to launch offline feature extraction jobs. A condensed list of
+instructions for use is also provided within the Makefile itself.
+For general use cases, the only configuration options that need to be changed are:
+ * User/Accounting tags: GROUP_USER, ACCOUNTING_TAG
+ * Analysis times: START, STOP
+ * Data ingestion: IFO, CHANNEL_LIST
+ * Waveform parameters: WAVEFORM, MISMATCH, QHIGH
+Launching DAGs
+In order to start up offline runs, you'll need an installation of gstlal. An installation Makefile that
+includes Kafka dependencies are located at: gstlal/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_idq_icc
+To generate a DAG, making sure that the correct environment is sourced:
+  $ make -f Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_offline
+Then launch the DAG with:
+  $ condor_submit_dag feature_extractor_pipe.dag
+Configuration options
+  Analysis times:
+    * START: set the analysis gps start time
+    * STOP: set the analysis gps stop time
+  Data ingestion:
+    * IFO: select the IFO for auxiliary channels to be ingested (H1/L1).
+    * CHANNEL_LIST: a list of channels for the feature extractor to process. Provided
+        lists for O1/O2 and H1/L1 lists are in gstlal/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor.
+    * MAX_SERIAL_STREAMS: Maximum # of streams that a single gstlal_feature_extractor job will
+        process at once. This is determined by sum_i(channel_i * # rates_i). Number of rates for a
+        given channels is determined by log2(max_rate/min_rate) + 1.
+    * MAX_PARALLEL_STREAMS: Maximum # of streams that a single job will run in the lifespan of a job.
+        This is distinct from serial streams since when a job is first launched, it will cache
+        auxiliary channel frames containing all channels that meet the criterion here, and then process
+        each channel subset sequentially determined by the serial streams. This is to save on input I/O.
+    * CONCURRENCY: determines the maximum # of concurrent reads from the same frame file. For most
+        purposes, it will be set to 1. Use this at your own risk.
+  Waveform parameters:
+    * WAVEFORM: type of waveform used to perform matched filtering (sine_gaussian/half_sine_gaussian).
+    * MISMATCH: maximum mismatch between templates (corresponding to Omicron's mismatch definition).
+    * QHIGH: maximum value of Q
+  Data transfer/saving:
+    * OUTPATH: directory in which to save features.
+    * SAVE_CADENCE: span of a typical dataset within an hdf5 file.
+    * PERSIST_CADENCE: span of a typical hdf5 file.
+Setting the number of streams (ADVANCED USAGE)
+  NOTE: This won't have to be changed for almost all use cases, and the current configuration has been
+    optimized to aim for short run times.
+  Definition: Target number of streams (N_channels x N_rates_per_channel) that each cpu will process.
+    * if max_serial_streams > max_parallel_streams, all jobs will be parallelized by channel
+    * if max_parallel_streams > num_channels in channel list, all jobs will be processed serially,
+        with processing driven by max_serial_streams.
+    * any other combination will produce a mix of parallelization by channels and processing channels serially per job.
+  Playing around with combinations of MAX_SERIAL_STREAMS, MAX_PARALLEL_STREAMS, CONCURRENCY, will entirely
+  determine the structure of the offline DAG. Doing so will also change the memory usage for each job, and so you'll
+  need to tread lightly. Changing CONCURRENCY in particular may cause I/O locks due to jobs fighting to read from the same
+  frame file.
diff --git a/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_online_jobs.rst b/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_online_jobs.rst
index f9db3da181a35619246b152f290f5759c4cac5dd..41bcc642efd43ce3790b18f8052fd88ccbc80ac3 100644
--- a/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_online_jobs.rst
+++ b/doc/source/gstlal-burst/tutorials/running_online_jobs.rst
@@ -2,4 +2,85 @@
 Running Online Jobs
+An online DAG is provided in /gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online
+in order to provide a convenient way to launch online feature extraction jobs as well as auxiliary jobs as
+needed (synchronizer/hdf5 file sinks). A condensed list of instructions for use is also provided within the Makefile itself.
+There are four separate modes that can be used to launch online jobs:
+  1. Auxiliary channel ingestion:
+    a. Reading from framexmit protocol (DATA_SOURCE=framexmit).
+       This mode is recommended when reading in live data from LHO/LLO.
+    b. Reading from shared memory (DATA_SOURCE=lvshm).
+       This mode is recommended for reading in data for O2 replay (e.g. UWM).
+  2. Data transfer of features:
+    a. Saving features directly to disk, e.g. no data transfer.
+       This will save features to disk directly from the feature extractor,
+       and saves features periodically via hdf5.
+    b. Transfer of features via Kafka topics.
+       This requires a Kafka/Zookeeper service to be running (can be existing LDG
+       or your own). Features get transferred via Kafka from the feature extractor,
+       parallel instances of the extractor get synchronized, and then sent downstream
+       where it can be read by other processes (e.g. iDQ). In addition, an streaming
+       hdf5 file sink is launched where it'll dump features periodically to disk.
+Launching DAGs
+In order to start up online runs, you'll need an installation of gstlal. An installation Makefile that
+includes Kafka dependencies are located at: gstlal/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor/Makefile.gstlal_idq_icc
+To run, making sure that the correct environment is sourced:
+  $ make -f Makefile.gstlal_feature_extractor_online
+Then launch the DAG with:
+  $ condor_submit_dag feature_extractor_pipe.dag
+Configuration options
+  General:
+    * TAG: sets the name used for logging purposes, Kafka topic naming, etc.
+  Data ingestion:
+    * IFO: select the IFO for auxiliary channels to be ingested.
+    * CHANNEL_LIST: a list of channels for the feature extractor to process. Provided
+        lists for O1/O2 and H1/L1 lists are in gstlal/gstlal-burst/share/feature_extractor.
+    * DATA_SOURCE: Protocol for reading in auxiliary channels (framexmit/lvshm).
+    * MAX_STREAMS: Maximum # of streams that a single gstlal_feature_extractor process will
+        process. This is determined by sum_i(channel_i * # rates_i). Number of rates for a
+        given channels is determined by log2(max_rate/min_rate) + 1.
+  Waveform parameters:
+    * WAVEFORM: type of waveform used to perform matched filtering (sine_gaussian/half_sine_gaussian).
+    * MISMATCH: maximum mismatch between templates (corresponding to Omicron's mismatch definition).
+    * QHIGH: maximum value of Q
+  Data transfer/saving:
+    * OUTPATH: directory in which to save features.
+    * SAVE_FORMAT: determines whether to transfer features downstream or save directly (kafka/hdf5).
+    * SAVE_CADENCE: span of a typical dataset within an hdf5 file.
+    * PERSIST_CADENCE: span of a typical hdf5 file.
+  Kafka options:
+    * KAFKA_TOPIC: basename of topic for features generated from feature_extractor
+    * KAFKA_SERVER: Kafka server address where Kafka is hosted. If features are run in same location,
+        as in condor's local universe, setting localhost:port is fine. Otherwise you'll need to determine
+        the IP address where your Kafka server is running (using 'ip addr show' or equivalent).
+    * KAFKA_GROUP: group for which Kafka producers for feature_extractor jobs report to.
+  Synchronizer/File sink options:
+    * PROCESSING_CADENCE: cadence at which incoming features are processed, so as to limit polling
+        of topics repeatedly, etc. Default value of 0.1s is fine.
+    * REQUEST_TIMEOUT: timeout for waiting for a single poll from a Kafka consumer.
+    * LATENCY_TIMEOUT: timeout for the feature synchronizer before older features are dropped. This
+        is to prevent a single feature extractor job from holding up the online pipeline. This will
+        also depend on the latency induced by the feature extractor, especially when using templates
+        that have latencies associated with them such as Sine-Gaussians.