diff --git a/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe b/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe
index de863adbea4f7a7fd546fe6235da46974136d68f..361876d482429a757b58581e2f155c85c7445fc6 100755
--- a/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe
+++ b/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_extractor_pipe
@@ -17,95 +17,60 @@
 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-This program makes a dag to run gstlal_feature_extractor offline
+This program makes a dag to run offline gstlal_feature_extractor batch jobs
 __author__ = 'Duncan Meacher <duncan.meacher@ligo.org>, Patrick Godwin <patrick.godwin@ligo.org>'
-# import standard modules and append the lalapps prefix to the python path
-import sys, os, stat
-import itertools
-import numpy
-import math
-from optparse import OptionParser
+# =============================
+#           preamble
+# =============================
+import os
+import optparse
-# import the modules we need to build the pipeline
 import lal
-import lal.series
-from lal.utils import CacheEntry
-from glue import pipeline
-from glue.lal import Cache
 from ligo import segments
-from glue.ligolw import ligolw
-from glue.ligolw import lsctables
-import glue.ligolw.utils as ligolw_utils
-import glue.ligolw.utils.segments as ligolw_segments
-from gstlal import inspiral, inspiral_pipe
+from gstlal import aggregator
+from gstlal import inspiral_pipe
 from gstlal import dagparts as gstlaldagparts
-from gstlal import datasource
+from gstlal.fxtools import feature_extractor
 from gstlal.fxtools import multichannel_datasource
 from gstlal.fxtools import multirate_datasource
 from gstlal.fxtools import utils
-class LIGOLWContentHandler(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler):
-	pass
+# =============================
-# get a dictionary of all the segments
+#          functions
-def breakupseg(seg, maxextent, overlap):
-	if maxextent <= 0:
-		raise ValueError, "maxextent must be positive, not %s" % repr(maxextent)
-	# Simple case of only one segment
-	if abs(seg) < maxextent:
-		return segments.segmentlist([seg])
-	seglist = segments.segmentlist()
-	end = seg[1]
-	while abs(seg):
-		if (seg[0] + maxextent + overlap) < end:
-			# Round down segment gps end time to integer multiple of cadence.
-			seglist.append(segments.segment(seg[0], utils.floor_div(int(seg[0]) + maxextent + overlap, options.cadence)))
-			seg = segments.segment(seglist[-1][1] - overlap, seg[1])
-		else:
-			seglist.append(segments.segment(seg[0], end))
-			break
-	return seglist
-def breakupsegs(seglist, maxextent, overlap):
-	newseglist = segments.segmentlist()
-	for bigseg in seglist:
-		newseglist.extend(breakupseg(bigseg, maxextent, overlap))
-	return newseglist
+# =============================
 def analysis_segments(ifo, allsegs, boundary_seg, segment_length, max_template_length = 30):
+	"""
+	get a dictionary of all the analysis segments
+	"""
 	segsdict = segments.segmentlistdict()
-	# 512 seconds for the whitener to settle + the maximum template_length
+	# start pad to allow whitener to settle + the maximum template_length
 	start_pad = multirate_datasource.PSD_DROP_TIME + max_template_length
 	segsdict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([boundary_seg])
 	segsdict[ifo] = segsdict[ifo].protract(start_pad)
-	# FIXME revert to gstlaldagparts.breakupsegs and remove above two functions when we no longer write to ascii.
-	segsdict[ifo] = breakupsegs(segsdict[ifo], segment_length, start_pad)
-	#segsdict[ifo] = gstlaldagparts.breakupsegs(segsdict[ifo], segment_length, start_pad)
+	segsdict[ifo] = gstlaldagparts.breakupsegs(segsdict[ifo], segment_length, start_pad)
 	if not segsdict[ifo]:
 		del segsdict[ifo]
 	return segsdict
-# get a dictionary of all the channels per gstlal_feature_extractor job
-def feature_extractor_node_gen(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, parent_nodes, segsdict, ifo, options, data_source_info, max_template_length = 30):
+def feature_extractor_node_gen(feature_extractor_job, dag, parent_nodes, segsdict, ifo, options, data_source_info, max_template_length = 30):
+	"""
+	get a dictionary of all the channels per gstlal_feature_extractor job
+	"""
 	feature_extractor_nodes = {}
 	# parallelize jobs by channel subsets
@@ -136,7 +101,7 @@ def feature_extractor_node_gen(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, parent_nodes, seg
 			trig_start = int(seg[0]) + multirate_datasource.PSD_DROP_TIME + max_template_length
 			feature_extractor_nodes[(ii, seg)] = \
-				inspiral_pipe.generic_node(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, parent_nodes = dep_nodes,
+				inspiral_pipe.generic_node(feature_extractor_job, dag, parent_nodes = dep_nodes,
 					opts = {"gps-start-time":int(seg[0]),
@@ -165,33 +130,24 @@ def feature_extractor_node_gen(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, parent_nodes, seg
 	return feature_extractor_nodes
+# =============================
-# Main
+#     command line parser
+# =============================
 def parse_command_line():
-	parser = OptionParser(usage = '%prog [options]', description = __doc__)
+	parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = '%prog [options]', description = __doc__)
 	# generic data source options
+	feature_extractor.append_options(parser)
-	# trigger generation options
-	parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true", help = "Be verbose.")
-	parser.add_option("--disable-web-service", action = "store_true", help = "If set, disables web service that allows monitoring of PSDS of aux channels.")
-	parser.add_option("--local-frame-caching", action = "store_true", help = "Pre-reads frame data and stores to local filespace.")
-	parser.add_option("--description", metavar = "string", default = "GSTLAL_IDQ_TRIGGERS", help = "Set the filename description in which to save the output.")
-	parser.add_option("--save-format", action = "store_true", default = "hdf5", help = "Specifies the save format (ascii or hdf5) of features written to disk. Default = hdf5")
-	parser.add_option("--cadence", type = "int", default = 20, help = "Rate at which to write trigger files to disk. Default = 20 seconds.")
-	parser.add_option("--persist-cadence", type = "int", default = 200, help = "Rate at which to persist trigger files to disk. Default = 200 seconds.")
-	parser.add_option("-m", "--mismatch", type = "float", default = 0.05, help = "Mismatch between templates, mismatch = 1 - minimal match. Default = 0.05.")
-	parser.add_option("-q", "--qhigh", type = "float", default = 100, help = "Q high value for half sine-gaussian waveforms. Default = 100.")
+	# DAG architecture options
 	parser.add_option("--max-parallel-streams", type = "int", default = 50, help = "Number of streams (sum(channel_i * num_rates_i)) to process in parallel. This gives the maximum number of channels to process for a given job. Default = 50.")
 	parser.add_option("--max-serial-streams", type = "int", default = 100, help = "Number of streams (sum(channel_i * num_rates_i)) to process serially within a given job. Default = 100.")
 	parser.add_option("--concurrency", type = "int", default = 4, help = "Maximum allowed number of parallel jobs reading from the same file, done to prevent I/O locks")
 	parser.add_option("--segment-length", type = "int", default = 6000, help = "Maximum segment length to process per job. Default = 6000 seconds.")
-	parser.add_option("-l", "--latency", action = "store_true", help = "Print latency to output ascii file. Temporary.")
-	parser.add_option("--waveform", metavar = "string", default = "half_sine_gaussian", help = "Specifies the waveform used for matched filtering. Possible options: (half_sine_gaussian, sine_gaussian). Default = half_sine_gaussian")
-	parser.add_option("--out-path", metavar = "path", default = ".", help = "Write to this path. Default = .")
 	# Condor commands
 	parser.add_option("--request-cpu", default = "2", metavar = "integer", help = "set the requested node CPU count, default = 2")
@@ -211,59 +167,54 @@ def parse_command_line():
 	min_segment_length = int(4 * multirate_datasource.PSD_DROP_TIME)
 	assert options.segment_length >= min_segment_length
 	return options, filenames
+# =============================
-# Useful variables
+#             main
-options, filenames = parse_command_line()
-output_dir = "plots"
-listdir = os.path.join(options.out_path, "gstlal_feature_extractor/channel_lists")
-if not os.path.exists(listdir):
-    os.makedirs(listdir)
+# =============================
+# parsing and setting up core structures
+options, filenames = parse_command_line()
 data_source_info = multichannel_datasource.DataSourceInfo(options)
 ifo = data_source_info.instrument
 channels = data_source_info.channel_dict.keys()
-boundary_seg = data_source_info.seg
 # FIXME Work out better way to determine max template length
 max_template_length = 30
-# Setup the dag
+# create directories if needed
-	os.mkdir("logs")
-	pass
-dag = inspiral_pipe.DAG("feature_extractor_pipe")
+listdir = os.path.join(options.out_path, "gstlal_feature_extractor/channel_lists")
-# setup the job classes
+# set up dag and job classes
-gstlalFeatureExtractorJob = inspiral_pipe.generic_job("gstlal_feature_extractor", condor_commands = inspiral_pipe.condor_command_dict_from_opts(options.condor_command, {"request_memory":options.request_memory, "request_cpus":options.request_cpu, "request_disk":options.request_disk, "want_graceful_removal":"True", "kill_sig":"15"}))
+dag = inspiral_pipe.DAG("feature_extractor_pipe")
-segsdict = analysis_segments(ifo, data_source_info.frame_segments, boundary_seg, options.segment_length, max_template_length=max_template_length)
+condor_options = {"request_memory":options.request_memory, "request_cpus":options.request_cpu, "want_graceful_removal":"True", "kill_sig":"15"}
+condor_commands = inspiral_pipe.condor_command_dict_from_opts(options.condor_command, condor_options)
+feature_extractor_job = inspiral_pipe.generic_job("gstlal_feature_extractor", condor_commands = condor_commands)
+segsdict = analysis_segments(ifo, data_source_info.frame_segments, data_source_info.seg, options.segment_length, max_template_length=max_template_length)
-# feature extractor jobs
+# set up jobs
-feature_extractor_nodes = feature_extractor_node_gen(gstlalFeatureExtractorJob, dag, [], segsdict, ifo, options, data_source_info)
+feature_extractor_nodes = feature_extractor_node_gen(feature_extractor_job, dag, [], segsdict, ifo, options, data_source_info, max_template_length=max_template_length)
-# all done
+# write out dag and sub files
diff --git a/gstlal-burst/python/fxtools/feature_extractor.py b/gstlal-burst/python/fxtools/feature_extractor.py
index 5de061ad4562ed45111c0ed9958abd9821c1f648..69e08c51272fb86eaafa66d299deb564275e7cf1 100644
--- a/gstlal-burst/python/fxtools/feature_extractor.py
+++ b/gstlal-burst/python/fxtools/feature_extractor.py
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ def append_options(parser):
 	group.add_option("--feature-mode", metavar = "string", default = "timeseries", help = "Specifies the mode for which features are generated (timeseries/etg). Default = timeseries")
 	group.add_option("--data-transfer", metavar = "string", default = "table", help = "Specifies the format of features transferred over-the-wire (table/row). Default = table")
 	group.add_option("--cadence", type = "int", default = 20, help = "Rate at which to write trigger files to disk. Default = 20 seconds.")
-	group.add_option("--persist-cadence", type = "int", default = 200, help = "Rate at which to persist trigger files to disk, used with hdf5 files. Needs to be a multiple of save cadence. Default = 200 seconds.")
+	group.add_option("--persist-cadence", type = "int", default = 2000, help = "Rate at which to persist trigger files to disk, used with hdf5 files. Needs to be a multiple of save cadence. Default = 2000 seconds.")
 	group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Kafka Options", "Adjust settings used for pushing extracted features to a Kafka topic.")