diff --git a/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_aggregator b/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_aggregator
index 890a5d0d9e39f88e42f2c19f0f7566739fb02fca..0798bf6937998c14c7bd3773c107343b52617ad6 100755
--- a/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_aggregator
+++ b/gstlal-burst/bin/gstlal_feature_aggregator
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ class StreamAggregator(object):
         ### other aggregator options
         self.data_type = options.data_type
+        self.last_save = aggregator.now()
         ### initialize consumers
         self.jobs = options.jobs
@@ -109,17 +110,19 @@ class StreamAggregator(object):
         self.feature_queue = {job: deque(maxlen = 30 * self.sample_rate) for job in self.jobs}
         ### set up aggregator 
-        logger.info("setting up aggregator with backend: %s..."%options.data_backend)
+        logger.info("setting up aggregator with backend: %s"%options.data_backend)
         if options.data_backend == 'influx':
                 self.agg_sink = io.influx.InfluxDBAggregator(
-                    db=options.influx_database_name
+                    db=options.influx_database_name,
+                    reduce_across_tags=False,
         else: ### hdf5 data backend
                 self.agg_sink = io.hdf5.HDF5Aggregator(
-                    num_processes=options.num_processes
+                    num_processes=options.num_processes,
+                    reduce_across_tags=False,
     def fetch_data(self, job_consumer):
@@ -151,34 +154,40 @@ class StreamAggregator(object):
         process and aggregate features on a regular cadence
-        for job in self.jobs:
-            num_packets = len(self.feature_queue[job])
-            ### process only if at least 1 second of data in queue
-            if num_packets >= self.sample_rate:
-                feature_packets = [self.feature_queue[job].pop() for i in range(num_packets)]
-                timestamps, channels, all_timeseries = self.packets_to_timeseries(feature_packets)
-                if timestamps:
-                    ### remove data with oldest timestamp and process
-                    latencies = [utils.gps2latency(timestamp) for timestamp in timestamps]
-                    logger.info('processing features for job: %s, gps range: %.3f - %.3f, latency: %.3f s' % (job, timestamps[0], timestamps[-1], max(latencies)))
-                    self.agg_sink.store_and_reduce('latency', {job: [timestamps, latencies]}, 'data', tags='job', aggregates=self.data_type)
-                    ### aggregate features
-                    for channel, timeseries in zip(channels, all_timeseries):
-                        self.agg_sink.store_and_reduce('snr', {channel: [timeseries['trigger_time'], timeseries['snr']]}, 'data', tags='channel', aggregates=self.data_type)
+        if utils.in_new_epoch(aggregator.now(), self.last_save, 1):
+            self.last_save = aggregator.now()
+            ### format incoming packets into metrics and timeseries
+            feature_packets = [(job, self.feature_queue[job].pop()) for job in self.jobs for i in range(len(self.feature_queue[job]))]
+            all_timeseries, all_metrics = self.packets_to_timeseries(feature_packets)
+            ### store and aggregate metrics
+            metric_data = {job: [metrics['time'], metrics['latency']] for job, metrics in all_metrics.items()}
+            self.agg_sink.store_and_reduce('latency', metric_data, 'data', tags='job', aggregates=self.data_type)
+            ### store and aggregate features
+            timeseries_data = {channel: [timeseries['trigger_time'], timeseries['snr']] for channel, timeseries in all_timeseries.items()}
+            self.agg_sink.store_and_reduce('snr', timeseries_data, 'data', tags='channel', aggregates=self.data_type)
+            try:
+                max_latency = max(max(metrics['latency']) for metrics in all_metrics.values())
+                logger.info('processed features at time %d, highest latency is %.3f' % (self.last_save, max_latency))
+            except:
+                logger.info('no features to process at time %d' % self.last_save)
     def packets_to_timeseries(self, packets):
         splits up a series of packets into ordered timeseries, keyed by channel
+        metrics = defaultdict(lambda: {'time': [], 'latency': []})
         ### process each packet sequentially and split rows by channel
-        timestamps = []
         channel_rows = defaultdict(list)
-        for timestamp, packet in packets:
-            timestamps.append(timestamp)
-            for channel, row in packet.items():
+        for job, packet in packets:
+            timestamp, features = packet
+            metrics[job]['time'].append(timestamp)
+            metrics[job]['latency'].append(utils.gps2latency(timestamp))
+            for channel, row in features.items():
         ### break up rows into timeseries
@@ -186,13 +195,13 @@ class StreamAggregator(object):
         for channel, rows in channel_rows.items():
              timeseries[channel] = {column: [row[column] for row in rows] for column in rows[0].keys()}
-        return timestamps, timeseries.keys(), timeseries.values()
+        return timeseries, metrics
     def start(self):
         starts ingestion and aggregation of features
-        logger.info('starting feature listener...')
+        logger.info('starting feature aggregator...')
         self.is_running = True
         while self.is_running:
             ### ingest incoming features
@@ -207,19 +216,18 @@ class StreamAggregator(object):
         shut down gracefully
         logger.info('shutting down feature aggregator...')
-        self.conn.close()
 class SignalHandler(object):
     helper class to shut down the stream aggregator gracefully before exiting
-    def __init__(self, listener, signals = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]):
-        self.listener = listener
+    def __init__(self, aggregator_sink, signals = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]):
+        self.aggregator_sink = aggregator_sink
         for sig in signals:
             signal.signal(sig, self)
     def __call__(self, signum, frame):
-        self.listener.stop()
+        self.aggregator_sink.stop()
@@ -240,10 +248,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # create summary instance
-    aggregator = StreamAggregator(logger, options=options)
+    aggregator_sink = StreamAggregator(logger, options=options)
     # install signal handler
-    SignalHandler(aggregator)
+    SignalHandler(aggregator_sink)
     # start up listener
-    aggregator.start()
+    aggregator_sink.start()