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  • Leo P. Singer's avatar
    Reword p_astro paragraph for terseness · f849f5e5
    Leo P. Singer authored
    Reword the p_astro statement to improve terseness, use an
    apporpriate number of digits, and keep it near the closely
    related em_bright paragraph.
    Note that I added a macro to render very high probabilities as
    ">99%" and very low probabilities as "<1%", which is now used
    in both the p_astro and the em_bright paragraphs.
    The text was:
        The categorical astrophysical probabilities for the candidate
        event as computed by the P_astro pipeline are:
         BNS probability: 0.8593197490253501
         BBH probability: 0.0
         NSBH probability: 0.0
         Terrestrial probability: 0.1406802509746499
    The text is now:
        The classification of the signal, in order of descending confidence,
        is BNS (78%), terrestrial (22%), BBH (<1%), or NSBH (<1%).