Update range definition in terms of sensitive volume integral
The range in the table (corresponding to the observing scenario paper) was obtained using the frequency of 140 Hz (to avoid a power line at 150 Hz for the Virgo noise curve) and we used the same definition of CBC range (it is not a luminosity distance - https://git.ligo.org/publications/detectors/obs-scenarios-2019/blob/master/Scripts/Table2/note_burstrange.pdf). The most optimistic scenarios of core-collpase seems to indicate energy smaller than E=10^-2 Moc^2; in the new OSP we add also the range for E=10^-9 Moc^2. In the Table of the User Guide I would leave the range corresponding to E=10^-2_Moc^2 but for the definition of burst range I suggest to write: "A figure of merit to describe the sensitivity of a gravitational-wave detector to unmodeled bursts, defined as the range at which a monochromatic burst at 140 Hz with a fluence of EGW=10^-2 Moc^2 would be detectable with a signal to noise ratio of 8"