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Fitting code for transfer functions. This is vectfit with a novel SVD bootstrapping method.
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Scientific Linux spec files
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Docker / gsisshd
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDocker container for IGWN GSI-enabled SSH daemon
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Lee McCuller / guardian
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAdvanced LIGO Guardian state machine automation platform
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Kustomization-based kubernetes deployments for rucio in the International Gravitational Wave Network.
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Benjamin Grace / lalsuite
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterArchived 0Updated -
lscsoft / pylal
OtherArchived 0Updated -
Client utilities for rucio in the international gravitational wave network
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IGWN Computing and Software / rucio / igwn-rucio-lfn2pfn
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAlgorithm for LFN to PFN conversion for rucio in the international gravitational wave network
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Configuration files and scripts for registration and replication actions
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