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  • Giuseppe Greco's avatar
    add aladin support · c58d2603
    Giuseppe Greco authored
    fig.1 - moc window creation
    Fig.2 properties window
    aladin collection tree
    aladin thumbnails
    aladin filter
    Aladin MMA
    Delete Aladin_MMA.rst
    Aladin tutorial
    fixed typo
    fixed typos
    Delete Aladin.rst
    Aladin tuto - credible regions and galaxy queries
    fixed reStructuredText syntax error
    Update spelling_wordlist.txt with redshifts
    Update aladin.rst
    Fixed reference style
    fixed spelling error in references
    typos + query discussion
    fixed typo spelling
    MOC and multi-order sky map discussion
    Aladin multi-order support - future releases
    added :menuselection:
    links fixed
    Update aladin.rst
    fixed :guilabel:
    fixed typo "sky map"
    break paragraph
    cut text about the water-filling algorithm
    rename local TOC
    add section in toctree
    fixed title underline
    Aladin memory note
    added "runtime" spelling_wordlist.txt
    fixed misspelled words
    Fixed Title Case
    fixed minor typos
    fixed error
    minor comments from mails
    break paragraph and remove increase memory support
    topic items
    check consistent with the multiorder sky maps section
    add "ipix"
    added .. contents:: :local:
    remove aladin link in the skymaps.rst
    remove blank lines