diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index c33a8df2d35546de3f49d7c01bc6a7fe549a70a4..13e0e1a81c18f75aaf3592d1764ce81d28ac18f3 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ test:
   - export PYTHONPATH=inspiral_range
   - export MPLBACKEND=agg
   - python3 -m gwinc aLIGO -s aLIGO.png
-  - python3 -m gwinc A+ -s A+.png
+  - python3 -m gwinc Aplus -s Aplus.png
   - python3 -m gwinc Voyager -s Voyager.png
   - python3 -m gwinc.test aLIGO -t 10e-6 -k Seismic -k "Substrate Thermo-Elastic" -p -s aLIGO_test.png
-  - python3 -m gwinc.test -t 100e-6 -k Seismic -k "Substrate Thermo-Elastic" A+ -p -s A+_test.png
+  - python3 -m gwinc.test -t 100e-6 -k Seismic -k "Substrate Thermo-Elastic" Aplus -p -s Aplus_test.png
   - rm gitID.txt
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ test:
     expire_in: 4w
     - aLIGO.png
-    - A+.png
+    - Aplus.png
     - Voyager.png
     - aLIGO_test.png
-    - A+_test.png
+    - Aplus_test.png
   stage: deploy
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ pages:
   - mkdir public
   - mv aLIGO.png public/
-  - mv A+.png public/
+  - mv Aplus.png public/
   - mv Voyager.png public/
   - mv aLIGO_test.png public/ || true
-  - mv A+_test.png public/ || true
+  - mv Aplus_test.png public/ || true
   - apt-get install -y -qq python3-pip python3-dev make
   - pip3 install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
   - cd docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2ef34183ef687f19dc6bcb6c7f535c18cf3f531
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# HDF5 Schema for GWINC noise trace storage
+This file describes a schemata for HDF5 storage of noise trace data
+and plot styling GWINC noise budgets.
+HDF5 is a heirarchical, structured data storage format [0].  Content
+is organized into a heirarchical folder-like structure, with two
+types of named objects:
+ * groups: holder of other objects (like folders)
+ * datasets: holder of data arrays (like files)
+Objects can also have attributes as (almost) arbitrary key:value
+Bindings are available for most platforms including Python [1] and
+[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_Data_Format
+[1] http://www.h5py.org/
+## version history
+- first versioned schema release
+## schema
+The following describes the noise budget schema.  Specific strings are
+enclosed in single quotes (''), and variables are described in
+brackets (<>).  Group objects are indicated by a closing '/'
+separator, data set are indicated by a closing ':' followed by a
+specification of their length and type (e.g. "(N),float"), and
+attributes are specified in the .attrs[] dictionary format.  Optional
+elements are enclosed in parentheses.
+A single trace is a length N array (with optional plot style specified
+in attributes:
+/<trace>: (N),float
+(/<trace>.attrs['label'] = <label>)
+(/<trace>.attrs['color] = <color>)
+A budget item, i.e. a collection of noises is structured as follows:
+    /'Total': (N),float
+    /<trace_0>: (N),float
+    (/<trace_1>: (N),float)
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!--     /'noises'/ -->
+<!--         /*<noise_0>: (N),float -->
+<!--         ... -->
+<!--     /\*'references'/ -->
+<!--         /*<ref_0>: (N),float -->
+<!--         ... -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+## Top-level Budget
+The following two root attributes expected: a string describing the schema,
+and an int schema version number:
+/.attrs['SCHEMA'] = 'GWINC Noise Budget'
+/.attrs['SCHEMA_VERSION'] = 1
+Top-level attributes are generally used for specifying overall plot styling, but the
+following root attributes are typically defined:
+/.attrs['title'] = <experiment description string (e.g. 'H1 Strain Budget')>
+/.attrs['date'] = <ISO-formatted string (e.g. '2015-10-24T20:30:00.000000Z')>
+The budget frequency array is defined in a 'Freq' dataset:
+/'Freq': (N), float
+The budget traces are defined a traces group.  The overall structure
+looks something like this:
+/.attrs['SCHEMA'] = 'GWINC Noise Budget'
+/.attrs['SCHEMA_VERSION'] = 1
+/.attrs['title'] = <experiment description string (e.g. 'H1 Strain Budget')>
+/.attrs['date'] = <ISO-formatted string (e.g. '2015-10-24T20:30:00.000000Z')>
+/'Freq': (N), float
+    /'Total': (N),float
+    /<noise_0>: (N),float
+    /<noise_1>: (N),float
+    /<noise_2>/
+        /'Total': (N),float
+        /<noise_3>: (N),float
+        /<noise_4>: (N),float
+    ...
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f983a18fec3cbf381b10b54e98e220a158d53b87..adf5a057689297196c1a71085532c6aa65ee69bf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,14 +16,11 @@ description is loaded, the noise budget can be calculated and plotted:
 >>> import gwinc
 >>> import numpy as np
 >>> freq = np.logspace(1, 3, 1000)
->>> ifo = gwinc.load_ifo('aLIGO')
+>>> Budget, ifo, freq_, plot_style = gwinc.load_ifo('aLIGO')
 >>> ifo = gwinc.precompIFO(freq, ifo)
->>> noises = gwinc.noise_calc(freq, ifo)
->>> gwinc.plot_noise(noises)
-Or the `gwinc` convenience function can be used to handle it all:
->>> score, data, ifo = gwinc.gwinc(freq, ifo, plot=True)
+>>> traces = Budget(freq, ifo=ifo).calc_trace()
+>>> fig = gwinc.plot_noise(freq, traces, **plot_style)
+>>> fig.show()
@@ -32,39 +29,7 @@ Or the `gwinc` convenience function can be used to handle it all:
 You can make gwinc plots directly from the command line by executing
 the package directly:
-$ python3 -m gwinc -h
-usage: gwinc [-h] [--flo FLO] [--fhi FHI] [--npoints NPOINTS] [--title TITLE]
-             [--matlab] [--fom FOM] [--dump | --save SAVE | --interactive]
-             [IFO]
-Plot GWINC noise budget for specified IFO.
-If the inspiral_range package is installed, various figures of merit
-can be calculated for the resultant spectrum with the --fom argument,
-  gwinc --fom horizon ...
-  gwinc --fom range:m1=20,m2=20 ...
-See documentation for inspiral_range package for details.
-positional arguments:
-  IFO                   IFO name or description file path (.yaml or .mat)
-optional arguments:
-  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
-  --flo FLO, -fl FLO    lower frequency bound in Hz [5]
-  --fhi FHI, --fh FHI   upper frequency bound in Hz [6000]
-  --npoints NPOINTS, -n NPOINTS
-                        number of frequency points [3000]
-  --title TITLE, -t TITLE
-                        plot title
-  --matlab, -m          use MATLAB gwinc engine to calculate noises
-  --fom FOM             calculate inspiral range for resultant spectrum
-                        ('func[:param=val,param=val]')
-  --dump, -d            print IFO parameters to stdout and exit
-  --save SAVE, -s SAVE  save figure to file
-  --interactive, -i     open interactive shell when plotting
+$ python3 -m gwinc aLIGO
@@ -80,6 +45,51 @@ various detectors:
 * [Voyager.yaml](https://git.ligo.org/gwinc/pygwinc/blob/master/gwinc/ifo/Voyager.yaml)
+## noise budgets
+GWINC provides an `nb` package for defining arbitrary noise budgets:
+import numpy as np
+from gwinc import nb
+from gwinc import noise
+class ExcessGas(nb.Noise):
+    """Excess gas"""
+    style = dict(
+        label='Excess Gas',
+        color='#ad900d',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.residualgas.gas(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class MeasuredNoise(nb.Noise):
+    """My measured noise"""
+    style = dict(
+        label='Measured Noise,
+        color='#838209,
+        linestyle='-',
+    )
+    def load(self):
+        psd, freq = np.loadtxt('/path/to/measured/psd.txt')
+        self.data = self.interpolate(f, psd)
+    def calc(self):
+        return self.data
+class MyBudget(nb.Budget):
+    noises = [
+        ExcessGas,
+        MeasuredNoise,
+    ]
 ## comparison with MATLAB gwinc
 `pygwinc` includes the ability use MATLAB gwinc directly via the
diff --git a/gwinc/__init__.py b/gwinc/__init__.py
index abf5763fd5323f41731a5125b9b33246d2ee1b4e..640ed7365f593773a5f24691b2b2f909c42c943c 100644
--- a/gwinc/__init__.py
+++ b/gwinc/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-from .struct import load_struct
 from .ifo import available_ifos, load_ifo
+from .struct import load_struct
 from .precomp import precompIFO
-from .gwinc import noise_calc
-from .gwinc import gwinc
 from .plot import plot_noise
+from .io import load_hdf5, save_hdf5
diff --git a/gwinc/__main__.py b/gwinc/__main__.py
index 0005c5a72f9d4390fec4af9071408284b33ba24e..b20919da799a681221cac83e851e2ac67b4aedc0 100644
--- a/gwinc/__main__.py
+++ b/gwinc/__main__.py
@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s',
 from .ifo import available_ifos, load_ifo
 from .precomp import precompIFO
-from . import gwinc
 from . import plot_noise
-from . import util
+from . import io
@@ -30,10 +29,11 @@ By default a GWINC noise budget of the specified IFO will calculated,
 and plotted with an interactive plotter.  If the --save option is
 specified the plot will be saved directly to a file (without display)
 (various formats are supported, indicated by file extension).  If the
-requested extension is "hdf5" then the noise traces and IFO parameters
-will be saved to an HDF5 file (without plotting).  The input file
-(IFO) can be an HDF5 file saved from a previous call, in which all
-noise traces and IFO parameters will be loaded from that file.
+requested extension is 'hdf5' or 'h5' then the noise traces and IFO
+parameters will be saved to an HDF5 file (without plotting).  The
+input file (IFO) can be an HDF5 file saved from a previous call, in
+which case all noise traces and IFO parameters will be loaded from
+that file.
 If the inspiral_range package is installed, various figures of merit
 can be calculated for the resultant spectrum with the --fom argument,
@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@ FLO = 5
 FHI = 6000
 NPOINTS = 3000
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='gwinc',
-                                 description=description,
-                                 formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    prog='gwinc',
+    description=description,
+    formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
 parser.add_argument('--flo', '-fl', default=FLO, type=float,
                     help="lower frequency bound in Hz [{}]".format(FLO))
 parser.add_argument('--fhi', '--fh', default=FHI, type=float,
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
 group.add_argument('--interactive', '-i', action='store_true',
                    help="interactive plot with interactive shell")
 group.add_argument('--save', '-s',
-                   help="save noise (hdf5) or figure (pdf/png/svg) to file")
+                   help="save budget traces (.hdf5/.h5) or plot (.pdf/.png/.svg) to file")
 group.add_argument('--yaml', '-y', action='store_true',
                    help="print IFO as yaml to stdout and exit")
 group.add_argument('--text', '-x', action='store_true',
@@ -77,8 +78,8 @@ group.add_argument('--diff', '-d', metavar='IFO',
                    help="show differences table between another IFO description")
 group.add_argument('--no-plot', '-np', action='store_false', dest='plot',
                    help="supress plotting")
-parser.add_argument('IFO', default=IFO,
-                    help="IFO name or description file path (.yaml, .mat, .m), or full HDF5 data file")
+                    help="IFO name, description file path (.yaml, .mat, .m), budget module (.py), or HDF5 data file (.hdf5, .h5)")
 def main():
@@ -89,26 +90,34 @@ def main():
     # initial arg processing
-    if os.path.splitext(args.IFO)[1] in ['.hdf5', '.h5']:
-        title, ifo, noises = util.load_hdf5(args.IFO)
+    if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.IFO))[1] in ['.hdf5', '.h5']:
+        Budget = None
+        freq, traces, attrs = io.load_hdf5(args.IFO)
+        ifo = getattr(attrs, 'IFO', None)
+        plot_style = attrs
-        ifo = load_ifo(args.IFO)
-        noises = None
-        if args.title:
-            title = args.title
-        else:
-            title = '{} GWINC Noise Budget'.format(args.IFO)
+        Budget, ifo, freq, plot_style = load_ifo(args.IFO)
+        # FIXME: this should be done only if specified, to allow for
+        # using any FREQ specified in budget module by default
+        freq = np.logspace(np.log10(args.flo), np.log10(args.fhi), args.npoints)
+        traces = None
     if args.yaml:
+        if not ifo:
+            parser.exit(2, "no IFO structure available.")
         print(ifo.to_yaml(), end='')
     if args.text:
+        if not ifo:
+            parser.exit(2, "no IFO structure available.")
         print(ifo.to_txt(), end='')
     if args.diff:
+        if not ifo:
+            parser.exit(2, "no IFO structure available.")
         fmt = '{:30} {:>20} {:>20}'
-        ifoo = load_ifo(args.diff)
+        Budget, ifoo, freq, plot_style = load_ifo(args.diff)
         diffs = ifo.diff(ifoo)
         if diffs:
             print(fmt.format('', args.IFO, args.diff))
@@ -118,6 +127,14 @@ def main():
                 ov = repr(p[2])
                 print(fmt.format(k, v, ov))
+    if args.title:
+        plot_style['title'] = args.title
+    elif Budget:
+        plot_style['title'] = "GWINC Noise Budget: {}".format(Budget.name)
+    else:
+        plot_style['title'] = "GWINC Noise Budget: {}".format(args.IFO)
     if args.plot:
         if args.save:
             # FIXME: this silliness seems to be the only way to have
@@ -156,18 +173,20 @@ def main():
     # main calculations
-    if noises:
-        freq = noises['Freq']
-    else:
-        logging.info("calculating noises...")
-        freq = np.logspace(np.log10(args.flo), np.log10(args.fhi), args.npoints)
-        score, noises, ifo = gwinc(freq, ifo)
-    logging.info('recycling factor: {: >0.3f}'.format(ifo.gwinc.prfactor))
-    logging.info('BS power:         {: >0.3f} W'.format(ifo.gwinc.pbs))
-    logging.info('arm finesse:      {: >0.3f}'.format(ifo.gwinc.finesse))
-    logging.info('arm power:        {: >0.3f} kW'.format(ifo.gwinc.parm/1000))
+    if not traces:
+        if ifo:
+            logging.info("precomputing ifo...")
+            ifo = precompIFO(freq, ifo)
+        logging.info("calculating budget...")
+        budget = Budget(freq=freq, ifo=ifo)
+        budget.load()
+        budget.update()
+        traces = budget.calc_trace()
+    # logging.info('recycling factor: {: >0.3f}'.format(ifo.gwinc.prfactor))
+    # logging.info('BS power:         {: >0.3f} W'.format(ifo.gwinc.pbs))
+    # logging.info('arm finesse:      {: >0.3f}'.format(ifo.gwinc.finesse))
+    # logging.info('arm power:        {: >0.3f} kW'.format(ifo.gwinc.parm/1000))
     if args.fom:
         logging.info("calculating inspiral {}...".format(range_func))
@@ -181,30 +200,35 @@ def main():
-        title += '\n{}'.format(fom_title)
+        plot_style['title'] += '\n{}'.format(fom_title)
     # output
     # save noise traces to HDF5 file
     if args.save and os.path.splitext(args.save)[1] in ['.hdf5', '.h5']:
-        util.save_hdf5(
-            title,
-            ifo,
-            noises,
-            args.save,
+        logging.info("saving budget traces {}...".format(args.save))
+        if ifo:
+            plot_style['IFO'] = ifo.to_yaml()
+        io.save_hdf5(
+            path=args.save,
+            freq=freq,
+            traces=traces,
+            **plot_style
     # interactive shell plotting
     elif args.interactive:
         ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(
-            user_ns={'freq': freq,
-                     'noises': noises,
-                     'ifo': ifo,
-                     'plot_noise': plot_noise,
+            user_ns={
+                'freq': freq,
+                'traces': traces,
+                'ifo': ifo,
+                'plot_style': plot_style,
+                'plot_noise': plot_noise,
-PYGWINC interactive plotter
+GWINC interactive plotter
 You may interact with plot using "plt." methods, e.g.:
@@ -212,20 +236,21 @@ You may interact with plot using "plt." methods, e.g.:
 >>> plt.savefig("foo.pdf")
-        ipshell.run_code("plot_noise(noises)")
-        ipshell.run_code("plt.title('{}')".format(title))
+        ipshell.run_code("plot_noise(freq, traces, **plot_style)")
+        ipshell.run_code("plt.title('{}')".format(plot_style['title']))
     # standard plotting
     elif args.plot:
-        logging.info("plotting...")
+        logging.info("plotting noises...")
         fig = plt.figure()
         ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
-            noises,
+            freq,
+            traces,
+            **plot_style
-        ax.set_title(title)
         if args.save:
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/Aplus/__init__.py b/gwinc/ifo/Aplus/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81bb8b17cf0bbb4717ce34505d13ec5b248bc638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/ifo/Aplus/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from gwinc.ifo.noises import *
+class Aplus(nb.Budget):
+    name = 'A+'
+    noises = [
+        QuantumVacuum,
+        Seismic,
+        Newtonian,
+        SuspensionThermal,
+        CoatingBrownian,
+        CoatingThermoOptic,
+        SubstrateBrownian,
+        SubstrateThermoElastic,
+        ExcessGas,
+    ]
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/A+.yaml b/gwinc/ifo/Aplus/ifo.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from gwinc/ifo/A+.yaml
rename to gwinc/ifo/Aplus/ifo.yaml
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/CE/__init__.py b/gwinc/ifo/CE/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca22f9e70a78ccac2cbafbe4edb3903fb0ba3487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/ifo/CE/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from gwinc.ifo.noises import *
+class CE(nb.Budget):
+    name = 'Cosmic Explorer'
+    noises = [
+        QuantumVacuum,
+        Seismic,
+        Newtonian,
+        SuspensionThermal,
+        CoatingBrownian,
+        CoatingThermoOptic,
+        ITMThermoRefractive,
+        ITMCarrierDensity,
+        SubstrateBrownian,
+        SubstrateThermoElastic,
+        ExcessGas,
+    ]
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/CE2.yaml b/gwinc/ifo/CE/ifo.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from gwinc/ifo/CE2.yaml
rename to gwinc/ifo/CE/ifo.yaml
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/Voyager/__init__.py b/gwinc/ifo/Voyager/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0839e3c2113765e734f5d1620dacf81832701d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/ifo/Voyager/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from gwinc.ifo.noises import *
+class Voyager(nb.Budget):
+    name = 'Voyager'
+    noises = [
+        QuantumVacuum,
+        Seismic,
+        Newtonian,
+        SuspensionThermal,
+        CoatingBrownian,
+        CoatingThermoOptic,
+        ITMThermoRefractive,
+        ITMCarrierDensity,
+        SubstrateBrownian,
+        SubstrateThermoElastic,
+        ExcessGas,
+    ]
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/Voyager.yaml b/gwinc/ifo/Voyager/ifo.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from gwinc/ifo/Voyager.yaml
rename to gwinc/ifo/Voyager/ifo.yaml
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/__init__.py b/gwinc/ifo/__init__.py
index 7ea1c794bf7ae0d296e7ab38edc89d930fe6b6b0..a51ff4a2c365f6edc51021dfd932534666c1081a 100644
--- a/gwinc/ifo/__init__.py
+++ b/gwinc/ifo/__init__.py
@@ -1,48 +1,76 @@
 import os
-import fnmatch
+import logging
-from ..struct import Struct
-from ..gwinc_matlab import Matlab
+from ..struct import load_struct, STRUCT_EXT
+from ..util import load_module
+PLOT_STYLE = dict(
+    ylabel=u"Strain [1/\u221AHz]",
 def available_ifos():
-    """List available included IFO files"""
+    """List available included pre-defined IFOs
+    """
     ifos = []
-    for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
-        if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, '*.yaml'):
-            ifos.append(f.split('.')[0])
-    return ifos
+    root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+    for f in os.listdir(root):
+        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, f)) and f[0] != '_':
+            ifos.append(f)
+    return sorted(ifos)
 def load_ifo(name_or_path):
-    """Load IFO by name or from file.
+    """Load GWINC IFO Budget by name or from file.
-    Named IFOs should correspond to the basename of .yaml IFO
-    definition files included with pygwinc (see available_ifos()
-    above).
+    Named IFOs should correspond to one of the IFOs available in the
+    gwinc package (see gwinc.available_ifos()).  If a path is provided
+    it should either be a budget package (directory) or module (ending
+    in .py), or an IFO struct (see gwinc.load_struct()).  In the
+    latter case the base aLIGO budget definition will be used.
-    When specifying by path files may be either .yaml, .mat or .m.
-    For .m files, the file is expected to include either an object or
-    function that corresponds to the basename of the file.  The MATLAB
-    engine will be invoked to execute the .m code and extract the
-    resultant IFO data.
+    Returns primary Budget class, ifo structure, frequency array, and
+    plot style dictionary, with the last three being None if they are
+    not defined in the budget.
+    ifo = None
     if os.path.exists(name_or_path):
-        path = name_or_path
-    else:
-        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                            name_or_path+'.yaml')
+        path = name_or_path.rstrip('/')
+        bname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
-    (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(path)
+        if ext in STRUCT_EXT:
+            logging.info("loading struct {}...".format(path))
+            ifo = load_struct(path)
+            bname = 'aLIGO'
+            modname = 'gwinc.ifo.aLIGO'
+            logging.info("loading budget {}...".format(modname))
-    if ext == '.m':
-        matlab = Matlab()
-        matlab.addpath(os.path.dirname(path))
-        func_name = os.path.basename(root)
-        matlab.eval("ifo = {};".format(func_name), nargout=0)
-        ifo = matlab.extract('ifo')
-        return Struct.from_matstruct(ifo)
+        else:
+            modname = path
+            logging.info("loading module path {}...".format(modname))
-        return Struct.from_file(path)
+        if name_or_path not in available_ifos():
+            raise RuntimeError("Unknonw IFO '{}' (available IFOs: {}).".format(
+                name_or_path,
+                available_ifos(),
+            ))
+        bname = name_or_path
+        modname = 'gwinc.ifo.'+name_or_path
+        logging.info("loading module {}...".format(modname))
+    mod, modpath = load_module(modname)
+    Budget = getattr(mod, bname)
+    ifo = getattr(mod, 'IFO', ifo)
+    ifopath = os.path.join(modpath, 'ifo.yaml')
+    if not ifo and ifopath:
+        ifo = load_struct(ifopath)
+    freq = getattr(mod, 'FREQ', None)
+    plot_style = getattr(mod, 'PLOT_STYLE', PLOT_STYLE)
+    return Budget, ifo, freq, plot_style
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/aLIGO/__init__.py b/gwinc/ifo/aLIGO/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f1bf4efffb7c6c0c64b3b1ad14c86b5135733a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/ifo/aLIGO/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from gwinc.ifo.noises import *
+class aLIGO(nb.Budget):
+    name = 'Advanced LIGO'
+    noises = [
+        QuantumVacuum,
+        Seismic,
+        Newtonian,
+        SuspensionThermal,
+        CoatingBrownian,
+        CoatingThermoOptic,
+        SubstrateBrownian,
+        SubstrateThermoElastic,
+        ExcessGas,
+    ]
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/aLIGO.yaml b/gwinc/ifo/aLIGO/ifo.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from gwinc/ifo/aLIGO.yaml
rename to gwinc/ifo/aLIGO/ifo.yaml
diff --git a/gwinc/ifo/noises.py b/gwinc/ifo/noises.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2cea3c4c019af97523c36980a5e45e9a15301cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/ifo/noises.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+from .. import nb
+from .. import noise
+class QuantumVacuum(nb.Noise):
+    """Quantum Vacuum
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Quantum',
+        color='#ad03de',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.quantum.shotrad(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class Seismic(nb.Noise):
+    """Seismic
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Seismic',
+        color='#653700',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.seismic.seismic(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class Newtonian(nb.Noise):
+    """Newtonian Gravity
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Newtonian Gravity',
+        color='#15b01a',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.newtonian.gravg(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class SuspensionThermal(nb.Noise):
+    """Suspension Thermal
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Suspension Thermal',
+        color='#0d75f8',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.suspensionthermal.susptherm(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class CoatingBrownian(nb.Noise):
+    """Coating Brownian
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Coating Brownian',
+        color='#fe0002',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.coatingthermal.coatbrownian(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class CoatingThermoOptic(nb.Noise):
+    """Coating Thermo-Optic
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Coating Thermo-Optic',
+        color='#02ccfe',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.coatingthermal.thermooptic(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class ITMThermoRefractive(nb.Noise):
+    """ITM Thermo-Refractive
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='ITM Thermo-Refractive',
+        color='#448ee4',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.substratethermal.thermorefractiveITM(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class ITMCarrierDensity(nb.Noise):
+    """ITM Carrier Density
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='ITM Carrier Density',
+        color='#929591',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.substratethermal.carrierdensity(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class SubstrateBrownian(nb.Noise):
+    """Substrate Brownian
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Substrate Brownian',
+        color='#fb7d07',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.substratethermal.subbrownian(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class SubstrateThermoElastic(nb.Noise):
+    """Substrate Thermo-Elastic
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Substrate Thermo-Elastic',
+        color='#f5bf03',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.substratethermal.subtherm(self.freq, self.ifo)
+class ExcessGas(nb.Noise):
+    """Excess Gas
+    """
+    style = dict(
+        label='Excess Gas',
+        color='#ad900d',
+        linestyle='--',
+    )
+    def calc(self):
+        return noise.residualgas.gas(self.freq, self.ifo)
diff --git a/gwinc/io.py b/gwinc/io.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5184082732a6263d559e0483bf6056b6ea5a5bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/io.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import datetime
+import h5py
+SCHEMA = 'GWINC noise budget'
+def _write_trace_recursive(grp, traces):
+    for name, trace in traces.items():
+        if isinstance(trace, dict):
+            tgrp = grp.create_group(name)
+            _write_trace_recursive(tgrp, trace)
+        else:
+            data, style = trace
+            dset = grp.create_dataset(name, data=data)
+            for key, val in style.items():
+                dset.attrs[key] = val
+def save_hdf5(path, freq, traces, **kwargs):
+    """Save GWINC traces dict to HDF5 file.
+    See HDF5_SCHEMA.
+    """
+    with h5py.File(path, 'w') as f:
+        f.attrs['SCHEMA'] = SCHEMA
+        # FIXME: add budget code hash or something
+        f.attrs['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
+        for key, val in kwargs.items():
+            f.attrs[key] = val
+        f.create_dataset('Freq', data=freq)
+        tgrp = f.create_group('traces')
+        _write_trace_recursive(tgrp, traces)
+def _read_trace_recursive(element):
+    trace = {}
+    for name, item in element.items():
+        if isinstance(item, h5py.Group):
+            trace[name] = _read_trace_recursive(item)
+        else:
+            trace[name] = item.value, dict(item.attrs.items())
+    return trace
+def load_hdf5(path):
+    """Load traces from HDF5 file.
+    Returns a recursive traces dictionary.  See HDF5_SCHEMA.
+    """
+    with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f:
+        # FIXME: check SCHEMA name/version
+        freq = f['Freq'].value
+        traces = _read_trace_recursive(f['/traces'])
+        attrs = dict(f.attrs.items())
+        return freq, traces, attrs
diff --git a/gwinc/nb.py b/gwinc/nb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9434ef13388a5e49a6543c002cb1d7d46120ede4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/nb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+import os
+import logging
+import itertools
+import importlib
+import importlib.util
+import collections
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.interpolate
+def quadsum(data):
+    """Calculate quadrature sum of list of data arrays.
+    Provided data are assumed to be power-referred, so this is a
+    simple point-by-point sum.
+    NaNs in sum elements do not contribute to sum.
+    """
+    return np.nansum(data, 0)
+class BudgetItem:
+    """GWINC BudgetItem class
+    """
+    def load(self):
+        """Overload method for initial loading of static data.
+        """
+        return None
+    def update(self, **kwargs):
+        """Overload method for updating data needed to calculate final PSD.
+        By default any keyword arguments provided are written directly
+        as attribute variables (as with __init__).
+        """
+        for key, val in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, key, val)
+    def calc(self):
+        """Overload method for calculation of final PSD.
+        Should return an array of power-referenced values evaluated at
+        all evaluation frequencies (self.freq).
+        """
+        return None
+    ##########
+    def __init__(self, freq, **kwargs):
+        """Initialize budget item.
+        Primary argument is the evaluation frequency array.  Any
+        keyword arguments provided are simple written as attribute
+        variables in the initialized object.
+        """
+        self.__freq = freq
+        for key, val in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, key, val)
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        """"Name of this BudgetItem class."""
+        return self.__class__.__name__
+    def __str__(self):
+        # FIXME: provide info on internal state (load/update/calc/etc.)
+        return '<{} {}>'.format(
+            ' '.join([c.__name__ for c in self.__class__.__bases__]),
+            self.name,
+        )
+    @property
+    def freq(self):
+        """Evaluation frequency array supplied at initialization."""
+        return self.__freq
+    def interpolate(self, freq, data):
+        """Interpolate data to the evaluation frequencies.
+        """
+        func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
+            freq, data,
+            kind='nearest',
+            copy=False,
+            assume_sorted=True,
+            bounds_error=False,
+            fill_value=np.nan,
+        )
+        return func(self.freq)
+class Calibration(BudgetItem):
+    """GWINC Calibration class
+    BudgetItem that represents a calibration transfer function for a
+    Noise.  The calc() method should return a transfer function
+    amplitude array evaluated at the evaluation frequencies supplied
+    at initialization and available in the `freq` array attribute
+    (self.freq).
+    """
+    def __call__(self, data):
+        """Calibrate input data.
+        Returns calibrated version of input data array,
+        e.g. point-by-point product of data and calibration arrays.
+        """
+        cal = self.calc()
+        assert data.shape == cal.shape, \
+            "data shape does not match calibration ({} != {})".format(data.shape, cal.shape)
+        return data * cal
+class Noise(BudgetItem):
+    """GWINC Noise class
+    BudgetItem that represents a PSD noise calculation.  The calc()
+    method should return the noise PSD spectrum array evaluated at the
+    evaluation frequencies supplied at initialization and available in
+    the `freq` array attribute (self.freq).
+    """
+    style = {}
+    """Trace plot style dictionary"""
+    def calc_trace(self, calibration=None, calc=True):
+        """Returns noise (PSD, style) tuple.
+        If `calibration` is not None it is assumed to be a
+        len(self.freq) array that will be multiplied to the output
+        PSD.
+        If calc=False, the noise will not be calculated and the PSD
+        will be None.  This is useful for just getting style the
+        style.
+        """
+        if calc:
+            data = self.calc()
+            if calibration is not None:
+                data *= calibration
+        else:
+            data = None
+        return data, self.style
+class Budget(Noise):
+    """GWINC Budget class
+    This is a Noise that represents the budget of multiple sub noises.
+    The `noises` attribute of this class should be list constituent
+    Noise classes.  Each element can be either a single Noise class,
+    or a tuple of (Noise, Calibration) classes, e.g.:
+    noises = [
+        Thermal,
+        (Shot, Sensing),
+    ]
+    When this object is initialized, all sub noises and calibrations
+    are initialized.  Pre-defined load() and update() methods call the
+    load() and update() methods of all sub noises and calibrations.
+    When calc() is called, the PSD is calculated for all sub noises,
+    the relevant calibration is evaluated and applied, and the
+    quadrature sum of all calibrated consituent noises is returned.
+    Additionally a `references` attribute may be definied, similar to
+    the `noises` attribute described above except that the specified
+    noises do not contribute to the overall budget total.
+    NOTE: an `ifo` attribute is always passed as an initialization
+    argument to sub noises.
+    """
+    noises = []
+    """List of constituent noise classes"""
+    references = []
+    """List of reference nosie classes"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, noises=None, **kwargs):
+        """Initialize Budget object.
+        See BudgetItem for base initialization arguments.
+        If a `noises` keyword argument is provided it should be an
+        iterable of noise names (constituent or reference) which will
+        be used to filter the noises initialized in this budget.
+        """
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        # store args and kwargs for later use
+        self.args = args
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+        # FIXME: special casing the IFO here, in case it's defined as
+        # a class attribute rather than passed at initialization.  we
+        # do this because we're not defining a standard way to extract
+        # IFO variables that get passed around in a reasonable way.
+        # how can we clarify this?
+        if 'ifo' not in kwargs and getattr(self, 'ifo', None):
+            self.kwargs['ifo'] = getattr(self, 'ifo', None)
+        # all noise objects keyed by name
+        self._noise_objs = collections.OrderedDict()
+        # all cal objects keyed by name
+        self._cal_objs = {}
+        # noise to calibration mapping
+        self._noise_cal = {}
+        # set of all constituent budget noise names
+        self._budget_noises = set()
+        # initialize all noise objects
+        for nc in self.noises:
+            name, noise_obj, cal = self.__init_noise(nc)
+            if noises and name not in noises:
+                continue
+            self.__add_noise(noise_obj, cal)
+            self._budget_noises.add(name)
+        for nc in self.references:
+            name, noise_obj, cal = self.__init_noise(nc)
+            if noises and name not in noises:
+                continue
+            self.__add_noise(noise_obj, cal)
+        # error if requested noise is not present
+        if noises:
+            sset = set(noises)
+            nset = set([name for name in self._noise_objs.keys()])
+            if not sset <= nset:
+                raise AttributeError("unknown noise terms: {}".format(' '.join(sset-nset)))
+    def __init_noise(self, nc):
+        cal = None
+        if isinstance(nc, (list, tuple)):
+            noise, cal = nc[:2]
+        else:
+            noise = nc
+        noise_obj = noise(
+            *self.args,
+            **self.kwargs
+        )
+        return noise_obj.name, noise_obj, cal
+    def __add_noise(self, noise_obj, cal):
+        logging.debug("init {}".format(noise_obj))
+        # instantiate the noise object
+        name = noise_obj.name
+        self._noise_objs[name] = noise_obj
+        if cal is not None:
+            # if a cal object is specified, instantiate and store
+            cal_obj = cal(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
+            if cal_obj.name not in self._cal_objs:
+                self._cal_objs[cal_obj.name] = cal_obj
+            self._noise_cal[name] = cal_obj.name
+    def __getitem__(self, name):
+        try:
+            return self._noise_objs[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                return self._cal_objs[name]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise KeyError("unknown noise or cal name '{}".format(name))
+    def keys(self):
+        """Iterate over budget noise names."""
+        return iter(self._noise_objs.keys())
+    def values(self):
+        """Iterate over budget noise objects."""
+        return iter(self._noise_objs.values())
+    def items(self):
+        """Iterate over budget noise (name, object) tuples."""
+        return iter(self._noise_objs.items())
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.keys())
+    def walk(self):
+        """Walk recursively through every BudgetItem in the budget.
+        This includes Noise, Calibration and Budget objects, as well
+        as any decendents of Budget objects.
+        For each leaf item yields a tuple of all ancestor objects,
+        e.g.:
+          (self)
+          (self, BudgetItem)
+          (self, ChildBudget1)
+          (self, ChildBudget1, BudgetItem)
+          ...
+        """
+        yield (self,)
+        for item in itertools.chain(
+                self._cal_objs.values(),
+                self._noise_objs.values()):
+            if isinstance(item, Budget):
+                for i in item.walk():
+                    yield (self,) + i
+            else:
+                yield (self, item)
+    def load(self):
+        """Load all noise and cal objects."""
+        for name, item in itertools.chain(
+                self._cal_objs.items(),
+                self._noise_objs.items()):
+            logging.debug("load {}".format(item))
+            item.load()
+    def update(self, **kwargs):
+        """Update all noise and cal objects with supplied kwargs."""
+        for name, item in itertools.chain(
+                self._cal_objs.items(),
+                self._noise_objs.items()):
+            logging.debug("update {}".format(item))
+            item.update(**kwargs)
+    def cal_for_noise(self, name):
+        """Return the calibration object for named noise."""
+        try:
+            return self._cal_objs[self._noise_cal[name]]
+        except KeyError:
+            return None
+    def calc_noise(self, name):
+        """Return calibrated individual noise term.
+        The noise PSD and calibration transfer functions are
+        calculated, and the calibrated noise array is returned.
+        """
+        noise = self._noise_objs[name]
+        nd = noise.calc()
+        cal = self.cal_for_noise(name)
+        if cal:
+            cd = cal.calc()
+            return nd * cd
+        else:
+            return nd
+    def calc(self):
+        """Calculate sum of all noises.
+        """
+        data = [self.calc_noise(name) for name in self._noise_objs.keys() if name in self._budget_noises]
+        return quadsum(data)
+    def calc_trace(self, calibration=None, calc=True):
+        """Returns a dictionary of noises traces, keyed by noise names.
+        Values are (data, style) trace tuples (see Noise.calc_trace).
+        The key of the budget sum total is 'Total'.  The values of sub
+        budgets are themselves dictionaries returned from
+        calc_trace() of the sub budget.
+        If `calibration` is not None it is assumed to be a
+        len(self.freq) array that will be multiplied to the output
+        PSD of the budget and all sub noises.
+        If calc=False, the noise will not be calculated and the PSD
+        will be None.  This is useful for just getting style the
+        style.
+        """
+        # start by creating an empty OrderedDict used for outputing trace data
+        # or style info with the following order:
+        #   references
+        #   total
+        #   constituents
+        d = collections.OrderedDict()
+        # allocate references
+        for name, noise in self._noise_objs.items():
+            if name in self._budget_noises:
+                continue
+            d[name] = noise.calc_trace(calc=False)
+        # allocate total
+        if self._budget_noises:
+            d['Total'] = None, self.style
+        # allocate constituent
+        for name, noise in self._noise_objs.items():
+            if name not in self._budget_noises:
+                continue
+            d[name] = noise.calc_trace(calc=False)
+        # if we're not calc'ing, just return the dict now
+        if not calc:
+            return d
+        # calc all noises
+        for name, noise in self._noise_objs.items():
+            # extract/calc the budget-level calibration for this noise
+            cal_obj = self.cal_for_noise(name)
+            if cal_obj:
+                cal = cal_obj.calc()
+            else:
+                cal = np.ones_like(self.freq)
+            # then multiply by the supplied calibration
+            if calibration is not None:
+                cal *= calibration
+            d[name] = noise.calc_trace(calibration=cal, calc=True)
+        # calc budget total
+        constituent_data = []
+        for name in self._budget_noises:
+            if isinstance(d[name], dict):
+                data = d[name]['Total'][0]
+            else:
+                data = d[name][0]
+            constituent_data.append(data)
+        d['Total'] = quadsum(constituent_data), self.style
+        return d
diff --git a/gwinc/plot.py b/gwinc/plot.py
index 16f6da5ef67300e5685ce7aa02cb098bb5a59a17..4aec5cfa8b8dce10e60aff1c5c665ee7286488bc 100644
--- a/gwinc/plot.py
+++ b/gwinc/plot.py
@@ -1,91 +1,19 @@
 from numpy import sqrt
-    'Quantum Vacuum': 0,
-    'Seismic': 1,
-    'Newtonian Gravity': 2,
-    'Suspension Thermal': 3,
-    'Coating Brownian': 4,
-    'Coating Thermo-Optic': 5,
-    'ITM Thermo-Refractive': 6,
-    'ITM Carrier Density': 7,
-    'Substrate Brownian': 8,
-    'Substrate Thermo-Elastic': 9,
-    'Excess Gas': 10,
-    'Quantum Vacuum': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:vibrant purple',
-        color = '#ad03de',
-    ),
-    'Seismic': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:brown',
-        color = '#653700',
-    ),
-    'Newtonian Gravity': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:green',
-        color = '#15b01a',
-    ),
-    'Atmospheric Infrasound': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:neon green',
-        color = '#0cff0c',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
-    'Suspension Thermal': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:deep sky blue',
-        color = '#0d75f8',
-    ),
-    'Coating Brownian': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:fire engine red',
-        color = '#fe0002',
-    ),
-    'Coating Thermo-Optic': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:bright sky blue',
-        color = '#02ccfe',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
-    'ITM Thermo-Refractive': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:dark sky blue',
-        color = '#448ee4',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
-    'ITM Carrier Density': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:grey',
-        color = '#929591',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
-    'Substrate Brownian': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:pumpkin orange',
-        color = '#fb7d07',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
-    'Substrate Thermo-Elastic': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:golden',
-        color = '#f5bf03',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
-    'Excess Gas': dict(
-        # color = 'xkcd:baby shit brown',
-        color = '#ad900d',
-        ls = '--',
-    ),
 def plot_noise(
-        noises,
+        freq,
+        traces,
+        **kwargs
     """Plot a GWINC noise budget from calculated noises
     If an axis handle is provided it will be used for the plot.
-    Returns the figure handle used.
+    Returns the figure handle.
-    f = noises['Freq']
     if ax is None:
         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
         fig = plt.figure()
@@ -93,31 +21,27 @@ def plot_noise(
         fig = ax.figure
-    def plot_dict(noises):
-        #use sorted to force a consistent ordering
-        #The key lambda in sorted gets the (name, noise) pair and so nn[0] returns the name
-        #the return tuple causes sorting by priority, with a fallback to lexical sort on the name
-        for name, noise in sorted(noises.items(), key = lambda nn : (PRIORITY_MAP.get(nn[0], 100), nn[0])):
-            if name in ['Freq', 'Total']:
-                continue
-            if isinstance(noise, dict):
-                plot_dict(noise)
-            else:
-                noise = noises[name]
-                stylekw = dict(
-                    color = (0, 0, 0),
-                    label = name,
-                    lw = 3,
-                )
-                try:
-                    style = STYLE_MAP[name]
-                    stylekw.update(style)
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
-                ax.loglog(f, sqrt(noise), **stylekw)
-    plot_dict(noises)
-    ax.loglog(f, sqrt(noises['Total']), color='#000000', alpha=0.6, label='Total', lw=4)
+    for name, trace in traces.items():
+        if isinstance(trace, dict):
+            data, style = trace['Total']
+        else:
+            data, style = trace
+        # assuming all data is PSD
+        data = sqrt(data)
+        if name == 'Total':
+            style = dict(
+                color='#000000',
+                alpha=0.6,
+                lw=4,
+            )
+            ylim = [min(data)/10, max(data)]
+        if 'label' not in style:
+            style['label'] = name
+        if 'linewidth' in style:
+            style['lw'] = style['linewidth']
+        elif 'lw' not in style:
+            style['lw'] = 3
+        ax.loglog(freq, data, **style)
@@ -132,9 +56,17 @@ def plot_noise(
+    ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y', tight=True)
+    if 'ylim' in kwargs:
+        ax.set_ylim(kwargs['ylim'])
+    else:
+        ax.set_ylim(ylim)
+    ax.set_xlim(freq[0], freq[-1])
     ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
-    ax.set_ylabel(u"Strain [1/\u221AHz]")
-    ax.set_xlim([min(f), max(f)])
-    ax.set_ylim([3e-25, 1e-21])
+    if 'ylabel' in kwargs:
+        ax.set_ylabel(kwargs['ylabel'])
+    if 'title' in kwargs:
+        ax.set_title(kwargs['title'])
     return fig
diff --git a/gwinc/test/A+.pkl b/gwinc/test/A+.pkl
deleted file mode 100644
index 53308c4037b0eabca523951b605c60cac89049d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gwinc/test/A+.pkl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:226246bdc5600e865629bfc56bae363a3a6db04d1acfdc665b8aa95edc7e3d38
-size 897625
diff --git a/gwinc/test/Aplus.pkl b/gwinc/test/Aplus.pkl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1edf74d3b2833413ec2013fd1ea6a10dbe94b2a2
Binary files /dev/null and b/gwinc/test/Aplus.pkl differ
diff --git a/gwinc/test/__main__.py b/gwinc/test/__main__.py
index f648311bc3e817c511289e1a7debc966072cc014..dd46d6532d857b6dc916789389dd807cc99e8b5a 100644
--- a/gwinc/test/__main__.py
+++ b/gwinc/test/__main__.py
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import logging
                     level=os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL', logging.INFO))
-from .. import load_ifo, gwinc
+from .. import load_ifo
+from ..gwinc import gwinc
 from ..gwinc_matlab import gwinc_matlab
     import inspiral_range
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ def main():
     args = parser.parse_args()
     logging.info("loading IFO '{}'...".format(args.IFO))
-    ifo = load_ifo(args.IFO)
+    Budget, ifo, freq, plot_style = load_ifo(args.IFO)
     freq = np.logspace(np.log10(FLO), np.log10(FHI), NPOINTS)
diff --git a/gwinc/util.py b/gwinc/util.py
index b0a7618261a2dfddee7d1bf977f77db7ef4c7ac7..3f07dffef74ec53ad4a9ae86c2111dac0a4ac3a2 100644
--- a/gwinc/util.py
+++ b/gwinc/util.py
@@ -1,34 +1,39 @@
-import datetime
-import h5py
+import os
+import importlib
-from . import struct
+def lpath(file0, file1):
+    """Return path of file1 when expressed relative to file0.
-def load_hdf5(path):
-    """Load IFO and noises from HDF5 file.
+    For instance, if file0 is "/path/to/file0" and file1 is
+    "../for/file1" then what is returned is "/path/for/file1".
-    Returns (name, ifo, noises) tuple load from file.
+    This is useful for resolving paths within packages with e.g.:
+      rpath = lpath(__file__, '../resource.yaml')
-    with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f:
-        name = f.attrs['name']
-        ifo = struct.Struct.from_yaml(f.attrs['IFO'])
-        noises = {}
-        for name, data in f['/traces'].items():
-            noises[name] = data.value
-        return name, ifo, noises
+    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file0), file1))
+def load_module(name_or_path):
+    """Load module from name or path.
-def save_hdf5(name, ifo, noises, path):
-    """Save IFO and noises to HDF5 file.
+    Return loaded module and module path.
-    with h5py.File(path, 'w') as f:
-        f.attrs['schema'] = 'GWINC noise budget'
-        # FIXME: add GWINC version
-        f.attrs['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
-        f.attrs['name'] = name
-        f.attrs['IFO'] = ifo.to_yaml()
-        tgrp = f.create_group('traces')
-        for noise, data in noises.items():
-            tgrp.create_dataset(noise, data=data)
+    if os.path.exists(name_or_path):
+        path = name_or_path.rstrip('/')
+        modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
+        if os.path.isdir(path):
+            path = os.path.join(path, '__init__.py')
+        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, path)
+        mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+        spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
+    else:
+        mod = importlib.import_module(name_or_path)
+    try:
+        path = mod.__path__[0]
+    except AttributeError:
+        path = mod.__file__
+    return mod, path