diff --git a/gwinc/nb.py b/gwinc/nb.py
index 92ade0c57efdf7da64db4a074a3ea518382bb092..f6c650ee6bf766d4d6341e08d5a3dac67ba64548 100644
--- a/gwinc/nb.py
+++ b/gwinc/nb.py
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 import os
 import logging
+import operator
 import itertools
 import importlib
 import importlib.util
 import collections
 import numpy as np
 import scipy.interpolate
+from functools import reduce
 def quadsum(data):
@@ -56,10 +58,11 @@ class BudgetItem:
         """Initialize budget item.
         The primary argument should be the evaluation frequency array.
-        If it is not provided, then it is assumed to be a pre-defined
-        attribute of the BudgetItem class.  Any keyword arguments
-        provided are simple written as attribute variables in the
-        initialized object.
+        If not provided, then a pre-defined `freq` attribute of the
+        BudgetItem class should exist.
+        Additional keyword arguments are written as attribute
+        variables to the initialized object.
         if freq is not None:
@@ -133,22 +136,24 @@ class Noise(BudgetItem):
     style = {}
     """Trace plot style dictionary"""
-    def calc_trace(self, calibration=None, calc=True):
+    def calc_trace(self, calibrations=None, calc=True):
         """Returns noise (PSD, style) tuple.
-        If `calibration` is not None it is assumed to be a
-        len(self.freq) array that will be multiplied to the output
+        If `calibrations` is not None it is assumed to be a list of
+        len(self.freq) arrays that will be multiplied to the output
         If calc=False, the noise will not be calculated and the PSD
-        will be None.  This is useful for just getting style the
-        style.
+        will be None.  This is useful for just getting the style.
         if calc:
             data = self.calc()
-            if calibration is not None:
-                data *= calibration
+            if calibrations:
+                data *= reduce(
+                    operator.mul,
+                    calibrations,
+                )
             data = None
         return data, self.style
@@ -168,11 +173,11 @@ class Noise(BudgetItem):
 class Budget(Noise):
     """GWINC Budget class
-    This is a Noise that represents the budget of multiple sub noises.
+    This is a Noise that represents a budget of multiple sub noises.
-    The `noises` attribute of this class should be list constituent
-    Noise classes.  Each element can be either a single Noise class,
-    or a tuple of (Noise, Calibration) classes, e.g.:
+    The `noises` attribute of this class should list constituent Noise
+    classes.  Each element can be either a single Noise class, or a
+    tuple of (Noise, Calibration) classes, e.g.:
     noises = [
@@ -186,18 +191,32 @@ class Budget(Noise):
     the relevant calibration is evaluated and applied, and the
     quadrature sum of all calibrated consituent noises is returned.
-    Additionally a `references` attribute may be definied, similar to
-    the `noises` attribute described above except that the specified
-    noises do not contribute to the overall budget total.
+    Additionally, a `calibrations` attribute may define a list of
+    common calibrations to apply to all noises, e.g.:
+    calibrations = [
+        Strain,
+    ]
+    Finally, a `references` attribute may be defined, similar to the
+    `noises` attribute described above except that the specified
+    noises do not contribute to the overall budget total, e.g.:
-    NOTE: an `ifo` attribute is always passed as an initialization
-    argument to sub noises.
+    references = [
+        strain_data_20200120,
+    ]
+    NOTE: if an `ifo` attribute is defined it is always passed as an
+    initialization argument to sub noises.
     noises = []
     """List of constituent noise classes"""
+    calibrations = []
+    """List of calibrations to be applied to all noises in budget"""
     references = []
     """List of reference nosie classes"""
@@ -226,22 +245,20 @@ class Budget(Noise):
         self._noise_objs = collections.OrderedDict()
         # all cal objects keyed by name
         self._cal_objs = {}
-        # noise to calibration mapping
-        self._noise_cal = {}
+        # set of calibration names to apply to noise
+        self._noise_cals = collections.defaultdict(set)
         # set of all constituent budget noise names
         self._budget_noises = set()
         # initialize all noise objects
         for nc in self.noises:
-            name, noise_obj, cal = self.__init_noise(nc)
-            if noises and name not in noises:
-                continue
-            self.__add_noise(noise_obj, cal)
+            name = self.__init_noise(nc, noises)
+        # add common calibrations
+        for cal in self.calibrations:
+            self.__add_calibration(cal, self._budget_noises)
+        # add references
         for nc in self.references:
-            name, noise_obj, cal = self.__init_noise(nc)
-            if noises and name not in noises:
-                continue
-            self.__add_noise(noise_obj, cal)
+            self.__init_noise(nc, noises)
         # error if requested noise is not present
         if noises:
             sset = set(noises)
@@ -249,29 +266,44 @@ class Budget(Noise):
             if not sset <= nset:
                 raise AttributeError("unknown noise terms: {}".format(' '.join(sset-nset)))
-    def __init_noise(self, nc):
+    def __init_noise(self, nc, noise_filt):
         cal = None
         if isinstance(nc, (list, tuple)):
-            noise, cal = nc[:2]
+            noise = nc[0]
+            cals = nc[1]
             noise = nc
+            cals = []
+        if noise_filt and noise not in noise_filt:
+            return
+        name = self.__add_noise(noise)
+        for cal in cals:
+            self.__add_calibration(cal, [noise])
+        return name
+    def __add_noise(self, noise):
         noise_obj = noise(
-        return noise_obj.name, noise_obj, cal
-    def __add_noise(self, noise_obj, cal):
-        logging.debug("init {}".format(noise_obj))
-        # instantiate the noise object
         name = noise_obj.name
+        logging.debug("init {}".format(noise_obj))
         self._noise_objs[name] = noise_obj
-        if cal is not None:
-            # if a cal object is specified, instantiate and store
-            cal_obj = cal(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
-            if cal_obj.name not in self._cal_objs:
-                self._cal_objs[cal_obj.name] = cal_obj
-            self._noise_cal[name] = cal_obj.name
+        return name
+    def __add_calibration(self, cal, noises):
+        cal_obj = cal(
+            *self.args,
+            **self.kwargs
+        )
+        name = cal_obj.name
+        if name not in self._cal_objs:
+            logging.debug("init {}".format(cal_obj))
+            self._cal_objs[name] = cal_obj
+        # register noises for this calibration
+        for noise in noises:
+            self._noise_cals[noise].add(name)
+        return name
     def __getitem__(self, name):
@@ -339,13 +371,6 @@ class Budget(Noise):
             logging.debug("update {}".format(item))
-    def cal_for_noise(self, name):
-        """Return the calibration object for named noise."""
-        try:
-            return self._cal_objs[self._noise_cal[name]]
-        except KeyError:
-            return None
     def calc_noise(self, name):
         """Return calibrated individual noise term.
@@ -354,13 +379,12 @@ class Budget(Noise):
         noise = self._noise_objs[name]
-        nd = noise.calc()
-        cal = self.cal_for_noise(name)
-        if cal:
-            cd = cal.calc()
-            return nd * cd
+        cals = [self._cal_objs[cal].calc() for cal in self._noise_cals[name]]
+        data = noise.calc_trace(cals)
+        if isinstance(data, dict):
+            return data['Total'][0]
-            return nd
+            return data[0]
     def calc(self):
         """Calculate sum of all noises.
@@ -369,7 +393,7 @@ class Budget(Noise):
         data = [self.calc_noise(name) for name in self._noise_objs.keys() if name in self._budget_noises]
         return quadsum(data)
-    def calc_trace(self, calibration=None, calc=True):
+    def calc_trace(self, calibrations=None, calc=True):
         """Returns a dictionary of noises traces, keyed by noise names.
         Values are (data, style) trace tuples (see Noise.calc_trace).
@@ -377,9 +401,9 @@ class Budget(Noise):
         budgets are themselves dictionaries returned from
         calc_trace() of the sub budget.
-        If `calibration` is not None it is assumed to be a
-        len(self.freq) array that will be multiplied to the output
-        PSD of the budget and all sub noises.
+        If `calibrations` is not None it is assumed to be a list of
+        len(self.freq) array that will be multiplied to the output PSD
+        of the budget and all sub noises.
         If calc=False, the noise will not be calculated and the PSD
         will be None.  This is useful for just getting style the
@@ -408,18 +432,19 @@ class Budget(Noise):
         # if we're not calc'ing, just return the dict now
         if not calc:
             return d
+        # calc all calibrations
+        c = {}
+        for name, cal in self._cal_objs.items():
+            c[name] = cal.calc()
         # calc all noises
         for name, noise in self._noise_objs.items():
-            # extract/calc the budget-level calibration for this noise
-            cal_obj = self.cal_for_noise(name)
-            if cal_obj:
-                cal = cal_obj.calc()
-            else:
-                cal = np.ones_like(self.freq)
-            # then multiply by the supplied calibration
-            if calibration is not None:
-                cal *= calibration
-            d[name] = noise.calc_trace(calibration=cal, calc=True)
+            cals = [c[cal] for cal in self._noise_cals[name]]
+            if calibrations:
+                cals += calibrations
+            d[name] = noise.calc_trace(
+                calibrations=cals,
+            )
         # calc budget total
         constituent_data = []
         for name in self._budget_noises: