tagging of locklosses caused by glitches burrying ADS lines
This is probably an LHO only type of lockloss, but it would be very helpful to get an idea of how many of our locklosses in O3 so far are caused by this (perhaps it is many of them...)
See description here: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=51725
It would probably be good enough to run this only for low noise, and set a threshold on the ADS error signals (ie, if abs(H1:ASC-ADS_*_DEMOD_I_OUT16) goes above 0.1 in low noise (where * is PIT3, PIT4, PIT5, or YAW3,4,5) tag that. Since these loops are slow we should go back say 40 or so seconds before the locklosses. There should also be a sudden glitch in DARM (or ETMX_L3 drives) before the ADS signal goes away.
Edited by Sheila Dwyer