tag EQ/environmental locklosses
We could write a script that recognizes earthquakes. It could be based on either the local seismometer channels or the SEISmon earthquake warnings; I think it is more reliable to use local seismometers. We'd need to come up with a good way of recognizing EQs, which I think some people from detchar or seismic have worked on. A simple one would be to tag anything where the 30-100mHz blrms velocity in the vertical direction is above 0.3 um/sec for example. There are more sophisticated ways of recognizing earthquakes, for example looking at the slope of the blrms as well as the velocity.
If we are tagging earthquakes, it would be nice to also add a couple of other environmental tags like high wind speeds or high microseism. The threshold for high microseism would need to be different for LLO than LHO. The wind speed channel names are also different at LLO than LHO, with higher wind speeds measured at LHO since the anemometers are on the roof. At LHO I think a good threshold would be if any of the wind speeds are above 30 mph in the minute before or after the lockloss, at LLO it might need to be 20 mph or lower.
Perhaps on the page this should be displayed as a tag or text indicator, perhaps with the option of clicking to look at a plot. Since most of our locklosses aren't environmental this plot would only be informative for a handful of locklosses. I think it would be very useful for analyzing groups of locklosses to be able to separate out the ones that are environmental.