Idea - tag to indicate if an initial alignment is needed
This might only be relevant to LHO, but it would be handy to have some logic that looks at any locklosses before DC readout (really, before the full IFO ASC is on) to see if we lost lock because our initial alignment isn't good enough.
I've started looking at channels for the ITM green cameras H1:ALS-X_CAM_ITM_PIT_ERR_OUT16 (X and Y, PIT and YAW), which are out-of-loop during our main locking sequence. If, when we're locking, they are greater than about +/-0.3, we're more likely to be losing lock because our arm ASC degrees of freedom aren't close enough to their setpoints. So, if those camera error signals are above that value and we've lost lock a few times, I go and do an initial alignment.
It would be neat if the lockloss web interface had a tag that, if those channels were too large, indicates that an initial alignment could be useful.
Note that the channels don't update often, so would be good to take a ~20+ second average to really gen an idea of what's going on. Also, those channels are only valid and useful for this when the green arms are locked, after the green WFS have had time to converge. Looking while we're in DRMI locking acquisition states should be safe, since the wfs should be pretty much converged by then.