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Check if BRS is being used before making plots/adding tag

Checks what seismic configuration the IFO is in before adding tag/making plots. In its current configuration, it will not create a BRS plot if the BRS was not being used (and outputs a line on the webpage saying as much).

If we want to keep the BRS plots and just note if they are not being used, I can pass a small file to the event directory, or I can put the note on the plot itself somewhere. Jim and I talked about logging the seismic configuration itself, as well as whether or not it had completed the transition to that state, I will write on the issue tracker for that.

Example lockloss (BRSX not in use):



I don't know if LLO does anything drastically different with their seismic configuration/state numbers, I will ask Jim before removing the WIP prefix.

Closes #127 (closed)

Edited by Yannick Lecoeuche

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