diff --git a/gwinc/gwinc.py b/gwinc/gwinc.py
index 215ef68b6df3120704192b073fd5a545c1cb3786..fe0725312a64a3f6cbd0062b409670c4f4c1a27d 100644
--- a/gwinc/gwinc.py
+++ b/gwinc/gwinc.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from numpy import log10, pi, sqrt
 import logging
 from .precomp import precompIFO
+from . import suspension
 from . import noise
 from . import plot
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ def noise_calc(ifo, f):
     # this needs to be done here, instead of in precompIFO, because it
     # requires the frequency vector
-    fname = eval('noise.suspensionthermal.susp{}'.format(ifo.Suspension.Type))
+    fname = eval('suspension.susp{}'.format(ifo.Suspension.Type))
     hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable = fname(f, ifo)
     # if the suspension code supports different temps for the stages
diff --git a/gwinc/noise/suspensionthermal.py b/gwinc/noise/suspensionthermal.py
index 9fcd1aa906356af6cf53be91f3d9d4048d5417af..a18787f57d082f1bfe81275cb3493c78c8586b35 100644
--- a/gwinc/noise/suspensionthermal.py
+++ b/gwinc/noise/suspensionthermal.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-from __future__ import division, print_function
-from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, real, imag, zeros
+from __future__ import division
+from numpy import pi, imag, zeros
 import numpy as np
 import scipy.constants
-from scipy.io.matlab.mio5_params import mat_struct
 def suspR(f, ifo):
@@ -73,643 +72,3 @@ def suspR(f, ifo):
     return np.squeeze(noise)
-def suspBQuad(f, ifo):
-    """Suspension for next gen quadruple pendulum
-    Violin modes included
-    Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
-    ------------ for GWINC - DEV
-    *** NOW USING Silicon blades and fibers ---
-        1) vertical bounce mode of the blade/fiber ~4.1 Hz
-        2) smaller dissipation depth than SiO2 (c.f. Nawrodt (2010))
-        3) phi_Si = 2e-9
-    f = frequency vector
-    ifo = IFO model
-    fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
-    hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
-      these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
-      that the thermal noise is
-    dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
-         = hForce + theta^2 * vForce
-         = admittance / (i * w)
-    where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
-    Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
-    modes and coating properties should not be included.
-    hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
-    Ah = horizontal equations of motion
-    Av = vertical equations of motion
-    modification for the different temperatures between the stages
-    K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
-    # helper functions
-    def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
-        """construct a matrix for eq of motion
-        k is the array for the spring constants
-        f is the freq vector"""
-        w = 2*pi * f
-        A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
-        A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
-        A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
-        A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
-        A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
-        A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
-        A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
-        A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
-        return A
-    def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
-        X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
-        for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
-            X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
-        # transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
-        hForce     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
-        hForce[:]  = X[3,:]
-        # transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
-        hTable     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
-        hTable[:]  = X[0,:]
-        hTable     = hTable * k[0,:]
-        return hForce, hTable
-    # default arguments
-    fiberType = 0
-    # Assign Physical Constants
-    g         = scipy.constants.g
-    kB        = scipy.constants.k
-    Temp      = ifo.Suspension.Temp
-    if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
-        Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
-        # if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
-    alpha_si  = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Alpha            # coeff. thermal expansion
-    beta_si   = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.dlnEdT           # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
-    rho       = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Rho              # mass density
-    C         = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.C
-    K         = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.K                # W/(m kg)
-    ds        = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Dissdepth        # surface loss dissipation depth
-    phi_si    = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Phi
-    rho_st    = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
-    C_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
-    K_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
-    Y_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
-    alpha_st  = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
-    beta_st   = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
-    phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
-    rho_m     = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
-    C_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
-    K_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
-    Y_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
-    alpha_m   = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
-    beta_m    = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
-    phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
-    # Begin parameter assignment
-    # Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
-    # counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
-    # counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
-    # Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
-    # I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
-    # for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
-    # to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
-    # mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
-    # characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
-    # work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
-    # reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
-    # desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
-    # day when we might do that.
-    theta   = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
-    m1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
-    m2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
-    m3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
-    m4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
-    M1      = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage n
-    M2      = m2 + m3 + m4             # mass supported by stage ...
-    M3      = m3 + m4                # mass supported by stage ...
-    L1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
-    L2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
-    L3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
-    L4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
-    dil1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
-    dil2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
-    dil3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
-    kv10    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
-    kv20    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
-    kv30    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
-    # Correction for the pendulum restoring force 
-    # replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3 
-    # K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
-    kh10    = M1*g/L1              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
-    kh20    = M2*g/L2              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
-    kh30    = M3*g/L3              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
-    kh40    = m4*g/L4              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
-    r_st1   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
-    r_st2   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
-    r_st3   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
-    t_m1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
-    t_m2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
-    t_m3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
-    N1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires  # number of wires in stage n
-    N2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
-    N3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
-    N4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
-    Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Y  # Young's modulus of Si
-    if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
-        r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
-        xsect = pi * r_fib**2     # cross-sectional area
-        II4 = r_fib**4 * pi/4     # x-sectional moment of inertia
-        mu_v = 2 / r_fib          # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
-        mu_h = 4 / r_fib          # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
-        tau_si = 7.372e-2 * rho * C * (4*xsect/pi) / K # TE time constant
-    else:
-        W   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
-        t   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
-        xsect = W * t
-        II4 = (W * t**3)/12
-        mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
-        mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
-        tau_si = (rho * C * t**2) / (K * pi**2)
-    # loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
-    phiv4   = phi_si * (1 + mu_v * ds)
-    Y_si_v  = Y_si * (1 + 1j * phiv4)        # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
-    T4      = m4 * g / N4                   # Tension in last stage
-    # TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
-    # WHAT IS THIS CONSTANT 7.37e-2?
-    tau_steel1      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
-    tau_steel2      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
-    tau_steel3      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
-    # TE time constant, maraging blade 1
-    tau_marag1      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
-    tau_marag2      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
-    tau_marag3      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
-    # vertical delta, maraging
-    delta_v1        = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
-    delta_v2        = delta_v1
-    delta_v3        = delta_v1
-    # horizontal delta, steel, stage n
-    delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
-    delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
-    delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
-    delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
-    delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
-    delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
-    # solutions to equations of motion
-    B = np.array([     0,       0,       0,       1]).T
-    w = 2*pi * f
-    # thermoelastic correction factor, silica
-    delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
-    # vertical loss factor, maraging
-    phiv1   = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
-    phiv2   = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
-    phiv3   = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
-    # horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
-    phih1   = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
-    phih2   = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
-    phih3   = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
-    kv1     = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1)           # stage n spring constant, vertical
-    kv2     = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2)           # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
-    kv3     = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3)           # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
-    kh1     = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1)      # stage n spring constant, horizontal
-    kh2     = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2)      # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
-    kh3     = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3)      # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
-    # loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
-    phih4   = phi_si * (1 + mu_h * ds) + \
-              delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
-    # violin mode calculations
-    Y_si_h  = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4)         # Horizontal Young's modulus
-    simp1   = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h) * w          # simplification factor 1 q
-    simp2   = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4)    # simplification factor 2 p
-    # simplification factor 3 kk
-    simp3   = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
-    a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4)             # simplification factor a
-    b = sin(simp2 * L4)                     # simplification factor b
-    # vertical spring constant, last stage
-    kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4)    # this seems to not be used ??
-    kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
-    # FIXME - guess for blade springs
-    kv4 = kv4 / 16
-    # numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
-    kh4num  = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3 * (simp2**2 + simp3**2) * (a + simp2 * b)
-    # denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
-    kh4den  = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
-    # horizontal spring constant, last stage
-    kh4     = -kh4num / kh4den
-    ###############################################################
-    # Equations of motion for the system
-    ###############################################################
-    m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4))       # array of the mass
-    kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4))  # array of the horiz spring constants
-    kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4))  # array of the vert spring constants
-    # Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
-    hForce = mat_struct()
-    vForce = mat_struct()
-    hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
-    vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
-    for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
-        # horizontal
-        k_list = kh_list
-        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
-        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
-        # construct Eq of motion matrix
-        Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-        # calculate TFs
-        hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
-        # vertical
-        k_list = kv_list
-        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
-        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
-        # construct Eq of motion matrix
-        Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-        # calculate TFs
-        vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
-    # horizontal
-    k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
-    # construct Eq of motion matrix
-    Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-    # calculate TFs
-    hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
-    # vertical
-    k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
-    # construct Eq of motion matrix
-    Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-    # calculate TFs
-    vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
-    return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
-def suspQuad(f, ifo):
-    """Suspension for quadruple pendulum
-    Silica ribbons used in mirror suspension stage; steel in others
-    Violin modes included
-    Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
-    f = frequency vector
-    ifo = IFO model
-    fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
-    hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
-      these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
-      that the thermal noise is
-    dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
-         = hForce + theta^2 * vForce
-         = admittance / (i * w)
-    where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
-    Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
-    modes and coating properties should not be included.
-    hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
-    Ah = horizontal equations of motion
-    Av = vertical equations of motion
-    modification for the different temperatures between the stages
-    K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
-    # helper functions
-    def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
-        """construct a matrix for eq of motion
-        k is the array for the spring constants
-        f is the freq vector"""
-        w = 2*pi * f
-        A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
-        A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
-        A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
-        A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
-        A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
-        A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
-        A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
-        A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
-        return A
-    def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
-        X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
-        for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
-            X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
-        # transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
-        hForce     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
-        hForce[:]  = X[3,:]
-        # transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
-        hTable     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
-        hTable[:]  = X[0,:]
-        hTable     = hTable * k[0,:]
-        return hForce, hTable
-    # default arguments
-    fiberType = 0
-    # Assign Physical Constants
-    g         = scipy.constants.g
-    kB        = scipy.constants.k
-    Temp      = ifo.Suspension.Temp
-    if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
-        Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
-        # if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
-    alpha_si  = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
-    beta_si   = ifo.Suspension.Silica.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
-    rho       = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Rho # mass density
-    C         = ifo.Suspension.Silica.C
-    K         = ifo.Suspension.Silica.K   # W/(m kg)
-    ds        = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Dissdepth  # surface loss dissipation depth
-    rho_st    = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
-    C_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
-    K_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
-    Y_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
-    alpha_st  = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
-    beta_st   = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
-    phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
-    rho_m     = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
-    C_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
-    K_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
-    Y_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
-    alpha_m   = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
-    beta_m    = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
-    phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
-    # Begin parameter assignment
-    # Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
-    # counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
-    # counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
-    # Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
-    # I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
-    # for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
-    # to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
-    # mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
-    # characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
-    # work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
-    # reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
-    # desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
-    # day when we might do that.
-    theta   = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
-    m1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
-    m2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
-    m3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
-    m4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
-    M1      = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage n
-    M2      =      m2 + m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage ...
-    M3      =           m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage ...
-    L1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
-    L2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
-    L3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
-    L4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
-    dil1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
-    dil2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
-    dil3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
-    kv10    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
-    kv20    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
-    kv30    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
-    # Correction for the pendulum restoring force 
-    # replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3 
-    # K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
-    kh10    = M1*g/L1              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
-    kh20    = M2*g/L2              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
-    kh30    = M3*g/L3              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
-    kh40    = m4*g/L4              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
-    r_st1   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
-    r_st2   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
-    r_st3   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
-    t_m1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
-    t_m2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
-    t_m3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
-    N1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires  # number of wires in stage n
-    N2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
-    N3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
-    N4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
-    Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Y
-    if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
-        r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
-        xsect = pi*r_fib**2 # cross-sectional area
-        II4 = r_fib**4*pi/4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
-        mu_v = 2/r_fib  # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
-        mu_h = 4/r_fib  # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
-        tau_si = 7.372e-2*rho*C*(4*xsect/pi)/K # TE time constant
-    else:
-        W   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
-        t   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
-        xsect = W * t
-        II4 = (W * t**3)/12
-        mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
-        mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
-        tau_si = (rho*C*t**2)/(K*pi**2)
-    # loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
-    phiv4   = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_v*ds)
-    Y_si_v  = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phiv4)          # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
-    T4      = m4*g / N4                      # Tension in last stage
-    # TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
-    # WHAT IS THIS CONSTANT 7.37e-2?
-    tau_steel1      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
-    tau_steel2      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
-    tau_steel3      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
-    # TE time constant, maraging blade 1
-    tau_marag1      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
-    tau_marag2      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
-    tau_marag3      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
-    # vertical delta, maraging
-    delta_v1        = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
-    delta_v2        = delta_v1
-    delta_v3        = delta_v1
-    # horizontal delta, steel, stage n
-    delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
-    delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
-    delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
-    delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
-    delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
-    delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
-    # solutions to equations of motion
-    B       = np.array([     0,       0,       0,       1]).T
-    w = 2*pi*f
-    # thermoelastic correction factor, silica
-    delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
-    # vertical loss factor, maraging
-    phiv1   = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
-    phiv2   = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
-    phiv3   = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
-    # horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
-    phih1   = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
-    phih2   = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
-    phih3   = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
-    kv1     = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1)            # stage n spring constant, vertical
-    kv2     = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2)            # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
-    kv3     = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3)            # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
-    kh1     = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1) # stage n spring constant, horizontal
-    kh2     = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2) # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
-    kh3     = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3) # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
-    # loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
-    phih4   = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_h * ds) + \
-              delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
-    # violin mode calculations
-    Y_si_h  = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4)            # Horizontal Young's modulus
-    simp1   = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h)*w               # simplification factor 1 q
-    simp2   = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4)       # simplification factor 2 p
-    # simplification factor 3 kk
-    simp3   = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
-    a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4)                # simplification factor a
-    b = sin(simp2 * L4)                        # simplification factor b
-    # vertical spring constant, last stage
-    kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4)       # this seems to not be used ??
-    kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
-    # numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
-    kh4num  = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3*(simp2**2+simp3**2)*(a+simp2*b)
-    # denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
-    kh4den  = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
-    # horizontal spring constant, last stage
-    kh4     = -kh4num / kh4den
-    ###############################################################
-    # Equations of motion for the system
-    ###############################################################
-    m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4))       # array of the mass
-    kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4))  # array of the horiz spring constants
-    kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4))  # array of the vert spring constants
-    # Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
-    hForce = mat_struct()
-    vForce = mat_struct()
-    hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
-    vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
-    for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
-        # horizontal
-        k_list = kh_list
-        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
-        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
-        # construct Eq of motion matrix
-        Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-        # calculate TFs
-        hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
-        # vertical
-        k_list = kv_list
-        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
-        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
-        # construct Eq of motion matrix
-        Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-        # calculate TFs
-        vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
-    # horizontal
-    k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
-    # construct Eq of motion matrix
-    Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-    # calculate TFs
-    hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
-    # vertical
-    k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
-    # construct Eq of motion matrix
-    Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
-    # calculate TFs
-    vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
-    return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
diff --git a/gwinc/suspension.py b/gwinc/suspension.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..963cf1c72eb980ad25b20cd8e2fcb63ca223f604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gwinc/suspension.py
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+from __future__ import division
+from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, real, imag, zeros
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.constants
+from scipy.io.matlab.mio5_params import mat_struct
+def suspQuad(f, ifo):
+    """Suspension for quadruple pendulum
+    Silica ribbons used in mirror suspension stage; steel in others
+    Violin modes included
+    Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
+    f = frequency vector
+    ifo = IFO model
+    fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
+    hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
+      these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
+      that the thermal noise is
+    dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
+         = hForce + theta^2 * vForce
+         = admittance / (i * w)
+    where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
+    Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
+    modes and coating properties should not be included.
+    hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
+    Ah = horizontal equations of motion
+    Av = vertical equations of motion
+    modification for the different temperatures between the stages
+    K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
+    # helper functions
+    def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
+        """construct a matrix for eq of motion
+        k is the array for the spring constants
+        f is the freq vector"""
+        w = 2*pi * f
+        A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
+        A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
+        A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
+        A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
+        A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
+        A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
+        A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
+        A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
+        return A
+    def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
+        X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
+        for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
+            X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
+        # transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
+        hForce     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
+        hForce[:]  = X[3,:]
+        # transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
+        hTable     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
+        hTable[:]  = X[0,:]
+        hTable     = hTable * k[0,:]
+        return hForce, hTable
+    # default arguments
+    fiberType = 0
+    # Assign Physical Constants
+    g         = scipy.constants.g
+    kB        = scipy.constants.k
+    Temp      = ifo.Suspension.Temp
+    if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
+        Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
+        # if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
+    alpha_si  = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
+    beta_si   = ifo.Suspension.Silica.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
+    rho       = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Rho # mass density
+    C         = ifo.Suspension.Silica.C
+    K         = ifo.Suspension.Silica.K   # W/(m kg)
+    ds        = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Dissdepth  # surface loss dissipation depth
+    rho_st    = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
+    C_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
+    K_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
+    Y_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
+    alpha_st  = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
+    beta_st   = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
+    phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
+    rho_m     = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
+    C_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
+    K_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
+    Y_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
+    alpha_m   = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
+    beta_m    = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
+    phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
+    # Begin parameter assignment
+    # Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
+    # counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
+    # counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
+    # Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
+    # I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
+    # for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
+    # to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
+    # mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
+    # characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
+    # work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
+    # reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
+    # desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
+    # day when we might do that.
+    theta   = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
+    m1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
+    m2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
+    m3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
+    m4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
+    M1      = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage n
+    M2      =      m2 + m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage ...
+    M3      =           m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage ...
+    L1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
+    L2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
+    L3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
+    L4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
+    dil1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
+    dil2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
+    dil3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
+    kv10    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
+    kv20    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
+    kv30    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
+    # Correction for the pendulum restoring force 
+    # replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3 
+    # K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
+    kh10    = M1*g/L1              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
+    kh20    = M2*g/L2              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
+    kh30    = M3*g/L3              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
+    kh40    = m4*g/L4              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
+    r_st1   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
+    r_st2   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
+    r_st3   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
+    t_m1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
+    t_m2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
+    t_m3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
+    N1 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires  # number of wires in stage n
+    N2 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
+    N3 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
+    N4 = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
+    Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Y
+    if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
+        r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
+        xsect = pi*r_fib**2 # cross-sectional area
+        II4 = r_fib**4*pi/4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
+        mu_v = 2/r_fib  # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
+        mu_h = 4/r_fib  # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
+        tau_si = 7.372e-2*rho*C*(4*xsect/pi)/K # TE time constant
+    else:
+        W   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
+        t   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
+        xsect = W * t
+        II4 = (W * t**3)/12
+        mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
+        mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
+        tau_si = (rho*C*t**2)/(K*pi**2)
+    # loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
+    phiv4   = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_v*ds)
+    Y_si_v  = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phiv4)          # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
+    T4      = m4*g / N4                      # Tension in last stage
+    # TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
+    # WHAT IS THIS CONSTANT 7.37e-2?
+    tau_steel1      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
+    tau_steel2      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
+    tau_steel3      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
+    # TE time constant, maraging blade 1
+    tau_marag1      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
+    tau_marag2      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
+    tau_marag3      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
+    # vertical delta, maraging
+    delta_v1        = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
+    delta_v2        = delta_v1
+    delta_v3        = delta_v1
+    # horizontal delta, steel, stage n
+    delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
+    delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
+    delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
+    delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
+    delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
+    delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
+    # solutions to equations of motion
+    B       = np.array([     0,       0,       0,       1]).T
+    w = 2*pi*f
+    # thermoelastic correction factor, silica
+    delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
+    # vertical loss factor, maraging
+    phiv1   = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
+    phiv2   = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
+    phiv3   = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
+    # horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
+    phih1   = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
+    phih2   = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
+    phih3   = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
+    kv1     = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1)            # stage n spring constant, vertical
+    kv2     = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2)            # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
+    kv3     = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3)            # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
+    kh1     = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1) # stage n spring constant, horizontal
+    kh2     = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2) # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
+    kh3     = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3) # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
+    # loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
+    phih4   = ifo.Suspension.Silica.Phi*(1 + mu_h * ds) + \
+              delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
+    # violin mode calculations
+    Y_si_h  = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4)            # Horizontal Young's modulus
+    simp1   = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h)*w               # simplification factor 1 q
+    simp2   = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4)       # simplification factor 2 p
+    # simplification factor 3 kk
+    simp3   = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
+    a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4)                # simplification factor a
+    b = sin(simp2 * L4)                        # simplification factor b
+    # vertical spring constant, last stage
+    kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4)       # this seems to not be used ??
+    kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
+    # numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
+    kh4num  = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3*(simp2**2+simp3**2)*(a+simp2*b)
+    # denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
+    kh4den  = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
+    # horizontal spring constant, last stage
+    kh4     = -kh4num / kh4den
+    ###############################################################
+    # Equations of motion for the system
+    ###############################################################
+    m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4))       # array of the mass
+    kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4))  # array of the horiz spring constants
+    kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4))  # array of the vert spring constants
+    # Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
+    hForce = mat_struct()
+    vForce = mat_struct()
+    hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
+    vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
+    for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
+        # horizontal
+        k_list = kh_list
+        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
+        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
+        # construct Eq of motion matrix
+        Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+        # calculate TFs
+        hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
+        # vertical
+        k_list = kv_list
+        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
+        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
+        # construct Eq of motion matrix
+        Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+        # calculate TFs
+        vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
+    # horizontal
+    k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
+    # construct Eq of motion matrix
+    Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+    # calculate TFs
+    hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
+    # vertical
+    k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
+    # construct Eq of motion matrix
+    Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+    # calculate TFs
+    vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
+    return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av
+def suspBQuad(f, ifo):
+    """Suspension for next gen quadruple pendulum
+    Violin modes included
+    Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli (Maple)
+    ------------ for GWINC - DEV
+    *** NOW USING Silicon blades and fibers ---
+        1) vertical bounce mode of the blade/fiber ~4.1 Hz
+        2) smaller dissipation depth than SiO2 (c.f. Nawrodt (2010))
+        3) phi_Si = 2e-9
+    f = frequency vector
+    ifo = IFO model
+    fiberType = suspension sub type 0 => round fibers, otherwise ribbons
+    hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM motion
+      these should have the correct losses for the mechanical system such
+      that the thermal noise is
+    dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
+         = hForce + theta^2 * vForce
+         = admittance / (i * w)
+    where theta = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta.
+    Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal
+    modes and coating properties should not be included.
+    hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
+    Ah = horizontal equations of motion
+    Av = vertical equations of motion
+    modification for the different temperatures between the stages
+    K.Arai Mar 1., 2012"""
+    # helper functions
+    def construct_eom_matrix(k, m, f):
+        """construct a matrix for eq of motion
+        k is the array for the spring constants
+        f is the freq vector"""
+        w = 2*pi * f
+        A = zeros((4,4,f.size), dtype=complex)
+        A[0,1,:] = -k[1,:]; A[1,0,:] = A[1,2,:]
+        A[1,2,:] = -k[2,:]; A[2,1,:] = A[1,2,:]
+        A[2,3,:] = -k[3,:]; A[3,2,:] = A[2,3,:]
+        A[0,0,:] = k[0,:] + k[1,:] - m[0] * w**2
+        A[1,1,:] = k[1,:] + k[2,:] - m[1] * w**2
+        A[2,2,:] = k[2,:] + k[3,:] - m[2] * w**2
+        A[3,3,:] = k[3,:] - m[3] * w**2
+        return A
+    def calc_transfer_functions(A, B, k, f):
+        X = zeros([B.size,A[0,0,:].size], dtype=complex)
+        for j in range(A[0,0,:].size):
+            X[:,j] = np.linalg.solve(A[:,:,j], B)
+        # transfer function from the force on the TM to TM motion
+        hForce     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
+        hForce[:]  = X[3,:]
+        # transfer function from the table motion to TM motion
+        hTable     = zeros(f.shape, dtype=complex)
+        hTable[:]  = X[0,:]
+        hTable     = hTable * k[0,:]
+        return hForce, hTable
+    # default arguments
+    fiberType = 0
+    # Assign Physical Constants
+    g         = scipy.constants.g
+    kB        = scipy.constants.k
+    Temp      = ifo.Suspension.Temp
+    if np.isscalar(Temp) or len(Temp) == 1:
+        Temp = [Temp, Temp, Temp, Temp]
+        # if only one temp is given, use it for all stages
+    alpha_si  = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Alpha            # coeff. thermal expansion
+    beta_si   = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.dlnEdT           # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
+    rho       = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Rho              # mass density
+    C         = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.C
+    K         = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.K                # W/(m kg)
+    ds        = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Dissdepth        # surface loss dissipation depth
+    phi_si    = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Phi
+    rho_st    = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Rho
+    C_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.C
+    K_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.K
+    Y_st      = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Y
+    alpha_st  = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Alpha
+    beta_st   = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.dlnEdT
+    phi_steel = ifo.Suspension.C70Steel.Phi
+    rho_m     = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Rho
+    C_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.C
+    K_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.K
+    Y_m       = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Y
+    alpha_m   = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Alpha
+    beta_m    = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.dlnEdT
+    phi_marag = ifo.Suspension.MaragingSteel.Phi
+    # Begin parameter assignment
+    # Note that I'm counting stages differently than Morag. Morag's
+    # counting is reflected in the variable names in this funcion; my
+    # counting is reflected in the index into Stage().
+    # Morag's count has stage "n" labeled as 1 and the mirror as stage 4.
+    # I'm counting the mirror as stage 1 and proceeding up. The reason
+    # for the change is my assumption that th eimplication of referring
+    # to stage "n" is that, once you get far enough away from the
+    # mirror, you might have additional stages but not change their
+    # characteristics. The simplest implementation of this would be to
+    # work through the stages sequenctially, starting from 1, until one
+    # reached the end, and then repeat the final stage as many times as
+    # desired. What I've done with the reordering is prepare for the
+    # day when we might do that.
+    theta   = ifo.Suspension.VHCoupling.theta
+    m1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Mass
+    m2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Mass
+    m3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Mass
+    m4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Mass
+    M1      = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4          # mass supported by stage n
+    M2      = m2 + m3 + m4             # mass supported by stage ...
+    M3      = m3 + m4                # mass supported by stage ...
+    L1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Length
+    L2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Length
+    L3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Length
+    L4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].Length
+    dil1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Dilution
+    dil2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Dilution
+    dil3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Dilution
+    kv10    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].K # N/m, vert. spring constant,
+    kv20    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].K
+    kv30    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].K
+    # Correction for the pendulum restoring force 
+    # replaced m1->M1, m2->M2, m3->M3 
+    # K. Arai Feb. 29, 2012
+    kh10    = M1*g/L1              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
+    kh20    = M2*g/L2              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 1
+    kh30    = M3*g/L3              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage 2
+    kh40    = m4*g/L4              # N/m, horiz. spring constant, last stage
+    r_st1   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].WireRadius
+    r_st2   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].WireRadius
+    r_st3   = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].WireRadius
+    t_m1    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].Blade
+    t_m2    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].Blade
+    t_m3    = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].Blade
+    N1      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[3].NWires  # number of wires in stage n
+    N2      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[2].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
+    N3      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[1].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
+    N4      = ifo.Suspension.Stage[0].NWires  # Number of wires in stage 1
+    Y_si = ifo.Suspension.Silicon.Y  # Young's modulus of Si
+    if ifo.Suspension.FiberType == 0:
+        r_fib = ifo.Suspension.Fiber.Radius
+        xsect = pi * r_fib**2     # cross-sectional area
+        II4 = r_fib**4 * pi/4     # x-sectional moment of inertia
+        mu_v = 2 / r_fib          # mu/(V/S), vertical motion
+        mu_h = 4 / r_fib          # mu/(V/S), horizontal motion
+        tau_si = 7.372e-2 * rho * C * (4*xsect/pi) / K # TE time constant
+    else:
+        W   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Width
+        t   = ifo.Suspension.Ribbon.Thickness
+        xsect = W * t
+        II4 = (W * t**3)/12
+        mu_v = 2 * (W + t)/(W*t)
+        mu_h = (3 * N4 * W + t)/(N4*W + t)*2*(W+t)/(W*t)
+        tau_si = (rho * C * t**2) / (K * pi**2)
+    # loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical
+    phiv4   = phi_si * (1 + mu_v * ds)
+    Y_si_v  = Y_si * (1 + 1j * phiv4)        # Vertical Young's modulus, silica
+    T4      = m4 * g / N4                   # Tension in last stage
+    # TE time constant, steel wire 1-3
+    # WHAT IS THIS CONSTANT 7.37e-2?
+    tau_steel1      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st1)**2)/K_st
+    tau_steel2      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st2)**2)/K_st
+    tau_steel3      = 7.37e-2*(rho_st*C_st*(2*r_st3)**2)/K_st
+    # TE time constant, maraging blade 1
+    tau_marag1      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m1**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
+    tau_marag2      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m2**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
+    tau_marag3      = (rho_m*C_m*t_m3**2)/(K_m*pi**2)
+    # vertical delta, maraging
+    delta_v1        = Y_m*alpha_m**2*Temp[0]/(rho_m*C_m)
+    delta_v2        = delta_v1
+    delta_v3        = delta_v1
+    # horizontal delta, steel, stage n
+    delta_h1 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M1/(N1*pi*r_st1**2*Y_st))**2
+    delta_h1 = delta_h1*Temp[0]/(rho_st*C_st)
+    delta_h2 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M2/(N2*pi*r_st2**2*Y_st))**2
+    delta_h2 = delta_h2*Temp[1]/(rho_st*C_st)
+    delta_h3 = Y_st*(alpha_st-beta_st*g*M3/(N3*pi*r_st3**2*Y_st))**2
+    delta_h3 = delta_h3*Temp[2]/(rho_st*C_st)
+    # solutions to equations of motion
+    B = np.array([     0,       0,       0,       1]).T
+    w = 2*pi * f
+    # thermoelastic correction factor, silica
+    delta_s = Y_si*(alpha_si-beta_si*T4/(xsect*Y_si))**2*Temp[3]/(rho*C)
+    # vertical loss factor, maraging
+    phiv1   = phi_marag+delta_v1*tau_marag1*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag1**2)
+    phiv2   = phi_marag+delta_v2*tau_marag2*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag2**2)
+    phiv3   = phi_marag+delta_v3*tau_marag3*w/(1+w**2*tau_marag3**2)
+    # horizontal loss factor, steel, stage n
+    phih1   = phi_steel+delta_h1*tau_steel1*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel1**2)
+    phih2   = phi_steel+delta_h2*tau_steel2*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel2**2)
+    phih3   = phi_steel+delta_h3*tau_steel3*w/(1+w**2*tau_steel3**2)
+    kv1     = kv10*(1 + 1j*phiv1)           # stage n spring constant, vertical
+    kv2     = kv20*(1 + 1j*phiv2)           # stage 1 spring constant, vertical
+    kv3     = kv30*(1 + 1j*phiv3)           # stage 2 spring constant, vertical
+    kh1     = kh10*(1 + 1j*phih1/dil1)      # stage n spring constant, horizontal
+    kh2     = kh20*(1 + 1j*phih2/dil2)      # stage 1 spring constant, horizontal
+    kh3     = kh30*(1 + 1j*phih3/dil3)      # stage 2 spring constant, horizontal
+    # loss factor, last stage suspension, horizontal
+    phih4   = phi_si * (1 + mu_h * ds) + \
+              delta_s * (tau_si * w/(1 + tau_si**2*w**2))
+    # violin mode calculations
+    Y_si_h  = Y_si * (1 + 1j*phih4)         # Horizontal Young's modulus
+    simp1   = sqrt(rho/Y_si_h) * w          # simplification factor 1 q
+    simp2   = sqrt(rho * xsect *w**2/T4)    # simplification factor 2 p
+    # simplification factor 3 kk
+    simp3   = sqrt(T4 * (1 + II4 * xsect * Y_si_h * w**2 / T4**2) / (Y_si_h * II4))
+    a = simp3 * cos(simp2 * L4)             # simplification factor a
+    b = sin(simp2 * L4)                     # simplification factor b
+    # vertical spring constant, last stage
+    kv40 = abs(N4 * Y_si_v * xsect / L4)    # this seems to not be used ??
+    kv4 = N4 * Y_si_v * xsect * simp1 / (tan(simp1 * L4))
+    # FIXME - guess for blade springs
+    kv4 = kv4 / 16
+    # numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
+    kh4num  = N4*II4*Y_si_h*simp2*simp3 * (simp2**2 + simp3**2) * (a + simp2 * b)
+    # denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
+    kh4den  = (2 * simp2 * a + (simp2**2 - simp3**2) * b)
+    # horizontal spring constant, last stage
+    kh4     = -kh4num / kh4den
+    ###############################################################
+    # Equations of motion for the system
+    ###############################################################
+    m_list = np.hstack((m1, m2, m3, m4))       # array of the mass
+    kh_list = np.vstack((kh1, kh2, kh3, kh4))  # array of the horiz spring constants
+    kv_list = np.vstack((kv1, kv2, kv3, kv4))  # array of the vert spring constants
+    # Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
+    hForce = mat_struct()
+    vForce = mat_struct()
+    hForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
+    vForce.singlylossy = zeros((4, f.size), dtype=complex)
+    for ii in range(4): # specify the stage to turn on the loss
+        # horizontal
+        k_list = kh_list
+        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
+        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
+        # construct Eq of motion matrix
+        Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+        # calculate TFs
+        hForce.singlylossy[ii,:], hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
+        # vertical
+        k_list = kv_list
+        # only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
+        k_list = real(k_list) + 1j*imag(np.vstack((k_list[0,:]*(ii==0), k_list[1,:]*(ii==1), k_list[2,:]*(ii==2), k_list[3,:]*(ii==3))))
+        # construct Eq of motion matrix
+        Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+        # calculate TFs
+        vForce.singlylossy[ii,:], vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
+    # horizontal
+    k_list = kh_list # all of the losses are on
+    # construct Eq of motion matrix
+    Ah = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+    # calculate TFs
+    hForce.fullylossy, hTable = calc_transfer_functions(Ah, B, k_list, f)
+    # vertical
+    k_list = kv_list # all of the losses are on
+    # construct Eq of motion matrix
+    Av = construct_eom_matrix(k_list, m_list, f)
+    # calculate TFs
+    vForce.fullylossy, vTable = calc_transfer_functions(Av, B, k_list, f)
+    return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable #, Ah, Av