From bca1d22d0e150ed465814b10403ac58d2fd72689 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tyson Littenberg <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019 22:55:31 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] A lot: +fixed mapping from burn in to psd parameters. +Now
 apply PSD priors during cleaning phase +Allow user to skip cleaning phase
 when using BayesLine +Tweaks to animation script +Undo change that reduced
 number of samples in cleaning phase

 src/BayesLine.c     | 309 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/BayesLine.h     |   3 +-
 src/BayesWave.c     |  24 +---
 src/BayesWaveIO.c   |  19 ++-
 src/BayesWaveMCMC.c |  18 ---
 5 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/BayesLine.c b/src/BayesLine.c
index 3e487128..3be82bb1 100644
--- a/src/BayesLine.c
+++ b/src/BayesLine.c
@@ -91,21 +91,11 @@ static double logprior(double *lower, double *upper, double *Snf, int ilow, int
   lgp = 0;
   for(i=ilow; i<ihigh; i++)
-    /*
-    x = (mean[i] - Snf[i])*invsigma[i];
-    lgp -= x*x;
-     */
-//    if( fabs(mean[i] - Snf[i]) > 3.*sigma[i]) lgp += -1e60;
     if(Snf[i]>upper[i] || Snf[i]<lower[i])
-      //printf("PSD out of range:  f=%g, Sn=%g, min=%g, max=%g\n",(double)i/4., Snf[i],lower[i],upper[i]);
-      lgp=-1e60;
+      lgp=-1e60;
-  //return (0.5*lgp);
   return (lgp);
@@ -564,7 +554,7 @@ void destroy_splineParams(splineParams *spline)
 void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat, int steps, int focus, int priorFlag, double *dan)
-  int nsy, nsx;
+  int nsy;
   double logLx, logLy=0.0, logH;
   int ilowx, ihighx, ilowy, ihighy;
   int i, j, k=0, ki=0, ii=0, jj=0, mc;
@@ -593,7 +583,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   /* Make local pointers to BayesLineParams structure members */
   dataParams *data           = bayesline->data;
-  lorentzianParams *lines_x  = bayesline->lines_full;
+  lorentzianParams *lines_x  = bayesline->lines_x;
   splineParams *spline       = bayesline->spline;
   splineParams *spline_x     = bayesline->spline_x;
   BayesLinePriors *priors    = bayesline->priors;
@@ -609,7 +599,6 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   double fhigh = data->fhigh;
   int nspline   = spline->n;
-  int *nsplinex = &spline_x->n;
   double *sdatax = spline_x->data;
@@ -645,8 +634,6 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   lSAmin = log(priors->SAmin);
   lSAmax = log(priors->SAmax);
-  nsx = *nsplinex;
   dff = 0.01;  // half-width of frequency focus region (used if focus == 1)
   // this is the fractional error estimate on the noise level
@@ -654,16 +641,20 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   s3 = 0.5;
   s4 = 0.5;
-  for(i=0; i<lines_x->n; i++)
-  {
-    lines_x->larray[i] = i;
-    lines_y->larray[i] = i;
-  }
+  for(i=0; i<lines_x->n; i++)
+  {
+    lines_x->larray[i] = i;
+    lines_y->larray[i] = i;
+  }
+//  FILE *temp=fopen("start_psd.dat","w");
+//  for(i=0; i<ncut; i++) fprintf(temp,"%i %lg %lg %lg\n",i,Snf[i],priors->lower[i],priors->upper[i]);
+//  fclose(temp);
   baseav = 0.0;
   //Interpolate {spointsx,sdatax} ==> {freq,xint}
-  CubicSplineGSL(nsx,spointsx,sdatax,ncut,freq,xint);
+  CubicSplineGSL(spline_x->n,spointsx,sdatax,ncut,freq,xint);
   for(i=0; i<ncut; i++)
@@ -677,7 +668,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   full_spectrum_spline(Sline, Sbase, freq, data, lines_x);
   for(i=0; i< ncut; i++) Sn[i] = Sbase[i]+Sline[i];
-  for(i=0; i<ncut; i++) Snx[i] = Sn[i];
+  for(i=0; i<ncut; i++) Snx[i] = Sn[i];
     logLx = loglike(power, Sn, ncut);
@@ -692,8 +683,15 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
     logPsx = logprior_gaussian(priors->mean, priors->sigma, Snx, 0, ncut);
+  if(logPsx<0)
+  {
+    printf("how did PSD come in outside of the prior?\n");
+    FILE *temp=fopen("failed_psd.dat","w");
+    for(i=0; i<ncut; i++) fprintf(temp,"%i %lg %lg %lg\n",i,Snx[i],priors->lower[i],priors->upper[i]);
+    exit(1);
+  }
   // set up proposal for frequency jumps
   xsm =0.0;
@@ -732,7 +730,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
     //copy over current state
     lines_y->n = lines_x->n;
-    nsy = nsx;
+    nsy = spline_x->n;
     for(i=0; i< tmax; i++)
       lines_y->larray[i] = lines_x->larray[i];
@@ -760,14 +758,14 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
         //decide between adding or removing spline point
         alpha = gsl_rng_uniform(r);
-        if(alpha > 0.5)// || nsx<3)  // try and add a new term
+        if(alpha > 0.5)// || spline_x->n<3)  // try and add a new term
-          nsy = nsx+1;
+          nsy = spline_x->n+1;
           typ = 5;
         else // try and remove term
-          nsy = nsx-1;
+          nsy = spline_x->n-1;
           typ = 6;
@@ -775,12 +773,12 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
         if(nsy > 0 && nsy < nspline)
           //Spline death move
-          if(nsy < nsx)
+          if(nsy < spline_x->n)
-            ki=1+(int)(gsl_rng_uniform(r)*(double)(nsx-2)); // pick a term to try and kill - cant be first or last term
+            ki=1+(int)(gsl_rng_uniform(r)*(double)(spline_x->n-2)); // pick a term to try and kill - cant be first or last term
             k = 0;
-            for(j=0; j<nsx; j++)
+            for(j=0; j<spline_x->n; j++)
               if(j != ki)
@@ -793,7 +791,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
           }//end death moove
           //Spline birth move
-          if(nsy > nsx)
+          if(nsy > spline_x->n)
             // have to randomly pick a new point that isn't already in use
@@ -803,7 +801,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
               ii = 0;
 //              printf("   try adding point %i\n",ki);
-              for(j=0; j<nsx; j++)
+              for(j=0; j<spline_x->n; j++)
                 if(fabs(spointsx[j]-spoints[ki]) < 1.0e-3) ii = 1;  // this means the point is already in use
@@ -811,7 +809,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
             ii = 0;
             //slot new point into live array
-            for(j=0; j<nsx; j++)
+            for(j=0; j<spline_x->n; j++)
               if(spointsx[j] < spoints[ki])
@@ -840,10 +838,10 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
         typ = 4;
-        nsy = nsx;
+        nsy = spline_x->n;
         //pick a term to update
-        ii=(int)(gsl_rng_uniform(r)*(double)(nsx));
+        ii=(int)(gsl_rng_uniform(r)*(double)(spline_x->n));
         // use a variety of jump sizes by using a sum of gaussians of different width
         e1 = 0.0005;
@@ -1152,48 +1150,45 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
       if(typ == 1) cc1++;
       if(typ == 4) cc2++;
-      if(!bayesline->constantLogLFlag)
+      if(typ > 3)  // need to do a full update (slower)
-        if(typ > 3)  // need to do a full update (slower)
+        if(nsy>2)
-          if(nsy>2)
-          {
-            //Interpolate {spointsy,sdatay} ==> {freq,xint}
-            CubicSplineGSL(nsy,spointsy,sdatay,ncut,freq,xint);
+          //Interpolate {spointsy,sdatay} ==> {freq,xint}
+          CubicSplineGSL(nsy,spointsy,sdatay,ncut,freq,xint);
-            for(i=0; i<ncut; i++)  Sbase[i] = exp(xint[i]);
+          for(i=0; i<ncut; i++)  Sbase[i] = exp(xint[i]);
-            full_spectrum_spline(Sline, Sbase, freq, data, lines_y);
-            for(i=0; i< ncut; i++) Sn[i] = Sbase[i]+Sline[i];
-            logLy = loglike(power, Sn, ncut);
-          }
-          else logLy = -1e60;
-        }
-        if(typ == 1 || typ == 0)  // fixed dimension MCMC of line ii
-        {
-          full_spectrum_single(Sn, Snx, Sbasex, freq, data, lines_x, lines_y, ii, &ilowx, &ihighx, &ilowy, &ihighy);
-          logLy = logLx + loglike_single(power, Sn, Snx, ilowx, ihighx, ilowy, ihighy);
-        }
-        if(typ == 2)  // add new line with label ii
-        {
-          full_spectrum_add_or_subtract(Sn, Snx, Sbasex, freq, data, lines_y, ii, &ilowy, &ihighy,  1);
-          logLy = logLx + loglike_pm(power, Sn, Snx, ilowy, ihighy);
+          full_spectrum_spline(Sline, Sbase, freq, data, lines_y);
+          for(i=0; i< ncut; i++) Sn[i] = Sbase[i]+Sline[i];
+          logLy = loglike(power, Sn, ncut);
+          if(bayesline->constantLogLFlag) logLy = 1.0;
+        else logLy = -1e60;
+      }
-        if(typ == 3)  // remove line with label ki
-        {
-          full_spectrum_add_or_subtract(Sn, Snx, Sbasex, freq, data, lines_x, ki, &ilowx, &ihighx, -1);
-          logLy = logLx + loglike_pm(power, Sn, Snx, ilowx, ihighx);
-        }
+      if(typ == 1 || typ == 0)  // fixed dimension MCMC of line ii
+      {
+        full_spectrum_single(Sn, Snx, Sbasex, freq, data, lines_x, lines_y, ii, &ilowx, &ihighx, &ilowy, &ihighy);
+        logLy = logLx + loglike_single(power, Sn, Snx, ilowx, ihighx, ilowy, ihighy);
+        if(bayesline->constantLogLFlag) logLy = 1.0;
+      }
+      if(typ == 2)  // add new line with label ii
+      {
+        full_spectrum_add_or_subtract(Sn, Snx, Sbasex, freq, data, lines_y, ii, &ilowy, &ihighy,  1);
+        logLy = logLx + loglike_pm(power, Sn, Snx, ilowy, ihighy);
+        if(bayesline->constantLogLFlag) logLy = 1.0;
-      else
+      if(typ == 3)  // remove line with label ki
-        logLy = 1.0;
+        full_spectrum_add_or_subtract(Sn, Snx, Sbasex, freq, data, lines_x, ki, &ilowx, &ihighx, -1);
+        logLy = logLx + loglike_pm(power, Sn, Snx, ilowx, ihighx);
+        if(bayesline->constantLogLFlag) logLy = 1.0;
       // prior on line number e(-ZETA * n).  (this is a prior, not a proposal, so opposite sign)
       // effectively an SNR cut on lines
@@ -1220,7 +1215,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
       alpha = log(gsl_rng_uniform(r));
       if(logH > alpha)
-      {
+      {
         if(typ == 0) ac0++;
         if(typ == 1) ac1++;
         if(typ == 4) ac2++;
@@ -1228,7 +1223,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
         logPsx = logPsy;
         lines_x->n = lines_y->n;
-        nsx = nsy;
+        spline_x->n = nsy;
         for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
           Snx[i] = Sn[i];
@@ -1241,7 +1236,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
           lines_x->f[i] = lines_y->f[i];
           lines_x->Q[i] = lines_y->Q[i];
-        for(i=0; i<nspline; i++)
+        for(i=0; i<spline_x->n; i++)
           sdatax[i] = sdatay[i];
           spointsx[i] = spointsy[i];
@@ -1250,59 +1245,59 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
     }//end prior check
-    //Every 1000 steps update focus region
-    if(mc%1000 == 0)
-    {
-      pmax = -1.0;
-      for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
-      {
-        x = power[i]/Snx[i];
-        if(x > pmax)
-        {
-          pmax = x;
-          k = i;
-        }
-      }
-      // define the focus region (only used if focus flag = 1)
-      fcl = freq[k]-dff;
-      fch = freq[k]+dff;
-      Ac = power[k];
-      if(fcl < freq[0]) fcl = freq[0];
-      if(fch > freq[ncut-1]) fch = freq[ncut-1];
-      //if(focus==1)fprintf(stdout,"Focusing on [%f %f] Hz...\n", fcl, fch);
-      // set up proposal for frequency jumps
-      xsm =0.0;
-      baseav = 0.0;
-      for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
-      {
-        x = power[i]/Snx[i];
-        if(x < 16.0) x = 1.0;
-        if(x >= 16.0) x = 100.0;
-        fprop[i] = x;
-        xsm += x;
-        baseav += log(Sbasex[i]);
-      }
-      baseav /= (double)(ncut);
-      pmax = -1.0;
-      for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
-      {
-        fprop[i] /= xsm;
-        if(fprop[i] > pmax) pmax = fprop[i];
-      }
-    }//end focus update
+    //Every 1000 steps update focus region
+    if(mc%1000 == 0)
+    {
+      pmax = -1.0;
+      for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
+      {
+        x = power[i]/Snx[i];
+        if(x > pmax)
+        {
+          pmax = x;
+          k = i;
+        }
+      }
+      // define the focus region (only used if focus flag = 1)
+      fcl = freq[k]-dff;
+      fch = freq[k]+dff;
+      Ac = power[k];
+      if(fcl < freq[0]) fcl = freq[0];
+      if(fch > freq[ncut-1]) fch = freq[ncut-1];
+      //if(focus==1)fprintf(stdout,"Focusing on [%f %f] Hz...\n", fcl, fch);
+      // set up proposal for frequency jumps
+      xsm =0.0;
+      baseav = 0.0;
+      for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
+      {
+        x = power[i]/Snx[i];
+        if(x < 16.0) x = 1.0;
+        if(x >= 16.0) x = 100.0;
+        fprop[i] = x;
+        xsm += x;
+        baseav += log(Sbasex[i]);
+      }
+      baseav /= (double)(ncut);
+      pmax = -1.0;
+      for(i=0; i< ncut; i++)
+      {
+        fprop[i] /= xsm;
+        if(fprop[i] > pmax) pmax = fprop[i];
+      }
+    }//end focus update
   }//End MCMC loop
   //Interpolate {spointsx,sdatax} ==> {freq,xint}
-  CubicSplineGSL(nsx,spointsx,sdatax,ncut,freq,xint);
+  CubicSplineGSL(spline_x->n,spointsx,sdatax,ncut,freq,xint);
   for(i=0; i< ncut; i++) Sbase[i] = exp(xint[i]);
   full_spectrum_spline(Sline, Sbase, freq, data, lines_x);
@@ -1315,7 +1310,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   // return updated spectral model
   for(i=0; i< ncut; i++) Snf[i] = Snx[i];
   // re-map the array to ordering
   for(i=0; i< lines_x->n; i++)
@@ -1342,8 +1337,7 @@ void BayesLineLorentzSplineMCMC(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double heat,
   *dan = pmax;
-  *nsplinex = nsx;
@@ -1365,7 +1359,6 @@ void BayesLineFree(struct BayesLineParams *bptr)
   // storage for line model for a segment. These get updated and passed back from the fitting routine
-  destroy_lorentzianParams(bptr->lines_full);
@@ -1400,7 +1393,6 @@ void BayesLineSetup(struct BayesLineParams *bptr, double *freqData, double fmin,
   bptr->data = malloc(sizeof(dataParams));
   bptr->lines_x    = malloc(sizeof(lorentzianParams));
-  bptr->lines_full = malloc(sizeof(lorentzianParams));
   bptr->spline   = malloc(sizeof(splineParams));
   bptr->spline_x = malloc(sizeof(splineParams));
@@ -1442,7 +1434,7 @@ void BayesLineSetup(struct BayesLineParams *bptr, double *freqData, double fmin,
   // storage for master line model
-  create_lorentzianParams(bptr->lines_full,bptr->data->tmax);
+  create_lorentzianParams(bptr->lines_x,bptr->data->tmax);
   // start with a single line. This number gets updated and passed back
   bptr->lines_x->n = 1;
@@ -1509,7 +1501,7 @@ void BayesLineInitialize(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline)
   bayesline->data->tmax = 1000;
   if(bayesline->data->tmax    < 20) bayesline->data->tmax    = 20;
-  if(bayesline->lines_full->n < 1 ) bayesline->lines_full->n = 1;
+  if(bayesline->lines_x->n < 1 ) bayesline->lines_x->n = 1;
   // Re-set dataParams structure to use full dataset
@@ -1651,7 +1643,6 @@ void copy_bayesline_params(struct BayesLineParams *origin, struct BayesLineParam
   copy_splineParams(origin->spline, copy->spline);
   copy_lorentzianParams(origin->lines_x, copy->lines_x);
-  copy_lorentzianParams(origin->lines_full,copy->lines_full);
@@ -1659,8 +1650,8 @@ void print_line_model(FILE *fptr, struct BayesLineParams *bayesline)
   int j;
-  fprintf(fptr,"%i ", bayesline->lines_full->n);
-  for(j=0; j< bayesline->lines_full->n; j++) fprintf(fptr,"%e %e %e ", bayesline->lines_full->f[j], bayesline->lines_full->A[j], bayesline->lines_full->Q[j]);
+  fprintf(fptr,"%i ", bayesline->lines_x->n);
+  for(j=0; j< bayesline->lines_x->n; j++) fprintf(fptr,"%e %e %e ", bayesline->lines_x->f[j], bayesline->lines_x->A[j], bayesline->lines_x->Q[j]);
@@ -1677,8 +1668,8 @@ void parse_line_model(FILE *fptr, struct BayesLineParams *bayesline)
   int j;
-  fscanf(fptr,"%i",&bayesline->lines_full->n);
-  for(j=0; j< bayesline->lines_full->n; j++) fscanf(fptr,"%lg %lg %lg",&bayesline->lines_full->f[j],&bayesline->lines_full->A[j],&bayesline->lines_full->Q[j]);
+  fscanf(fptr,"%i",&bayesline->lines_x->n);
+  for(j=0; j< bayesline->lines_x->n; j++) fscanf(fptr,"%lg %lg %lg",&bayesline->lines_x->f[j],&bayesline->lines_x->A[j],&bayesline->lines_x->Q[j]);
 void parse_spline_model(FILE *fptr, struct BayesLineParams *bayesline)
@@ -2584,12 +2575,12 @@ void blstart(double *data, double *residual, int N, double dt, double fmin, int
       if(x < 5.0 || (x < xold && xnext > x))
         flag = 0;
-        j++;
         linew[j] = (double)(k)/Tobs;
         linef[j] = (double)(ii)/Tobs;
         lineh[j] = (max-1.0)*sspecD[ii]*fac;
         Abar = 0.5*(specD[ii+1]/sspecD[ii+1]+specD[ii-1]/sspecD[ii-1]);
         lineQ[j] = sqrt((max/Abar-1.0))*linef[j]*Tobs;
+        j++;
         //printf("%d %e %e %e\n", j, linef[j], linew[j], lineQ[j]);
@@ -2598,7 +2589,7 @@ void blstart(double *data, double *residual, int N, double dt, double fmin, int
     xold = x;
-  Nlines = j;
+  Nlines = j+1;
   // printf("There are %d lines\n", Nlines);
@@ -2737,7 +2728,7 @@ void BayesLineBurnin(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double *timeData, double
   //shortcuts to members of BayesLine structure
   dataParams *data           = bayesline->data;
-  lorentzianParams *lines    = bayesline->lines_full;
+  lorentzianParams *lines    = bayesline->lines_x;
   splineParams *spline       = bayesline->spline_x;
   int i,j;
@@ -2768,42 +2759,42 @@ void BayesLineBurnin(struct BayesLineParams *bayesline, double *timeData, double
     bayesline->Sline[i] = 0.0;
-  //interpolate cubic spline points
-  CubicSplineGSL(spline->n,spline->points,spline->data,N/2-imin,f+imin,logSn+imin);
+  //interpolate cubic spline points
+  CubicSplineGSL(spline->n,spline->points,spline->data,N/2-imin,f+imin,logSn+imin);
   //initialize work space for spline model
-  bayesline->data->flow  = bayesline->data->fmin;
-  for(i=0; i< bayesline->data->ncut; i++)
-  {
-    j = i + imin - bayesline->data->nmin;
+  bayesline->data->flow  = bayesline->data->fmin;
+  for(i=0; i< bayesline->data->ncut; i++)
+  {
+    j = i + imin - bayesline->data->nmin;
     bayesline->power[j] = freqData[2*j]*freqData[2*j]+freqData[2*j+1]*freqData[2*j+1];
     bayesline->spow[i]  = bayesline->power[j];
-    bayesline->sfreq[i] = bayesline->freq[j];
-  }
+    bayesline->sfreq[i] = bayesline->freq[j];
+  }
-  //form-up line model
-  for(i=0; i<lines->n; i++)
-  {
-    lines->larray[i] = i;
-    Lorentzian(Sl, Tobs, lines, i, N/2);
-  }
+  //form-up line model
+  for(i=0; i<lines->n; i++)
+  {
+    lines->larray[i] = i;
+    Lorentzian(Sl, Tobs, lines, lines->larray[i], N);
+  }
-  //combine spline and line model
-  for(i=0; i<N/2-imin; i++)
-  {
-    bayesline->Sbase[i] = exp(logSn[i+imin]);
-    bayesline->Sline[i] = Sl[i+imin];
-    bayesline->Snf[i] = bayesline->Sbase[i] + bayesline->Sline[i];
-  }
+  //combine spline and line model
+  for(i=0; i<N/2-imin; i++)
+  {
+    bayesline->Sbase[i] = exp(logSn[i+imin]);
+    bayesline->Sline[i] = Sl[i+imin];
+    bayesline->Snf[i] = bayesline->Sbase[i] + bayesline->Sline[i];
+  }
   //Use initial estimate of PSD to set priors
   for(i=0; i<N/2-imin; i++)
     bayesline->priors->sigma[i] = bayesline->Snf[i];
     bayesline->priors->mean[i]  = bayesline->Snf[i];
-    bayesline->priors->lower[i] = bayesline->Snf[i]/10.;
-    bayesline->priors->upper[i] = bayesline->Snf[i]*10.;
+    bayesline->priors->lower[i] = bayesline->Sbase[i]/100.;
+    bayesline->priors->upper[i] = bayesline->Snf[i]*100.;
diff --git a/src/BayesLine.h b/src/BayesLine.h
index eec86fd5..32553a6c 100644
--- a/src/BayesLine.h
+++ b/src/BayesLine.h
@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ struct BayesLineParams
   dataParams *data;
   splineParams *spline;
   splineParams *spline_x;
-  lorentzianParams *lines_x;
-  lorentzianParams *lines_full;
+  lorentzianParams *lines_x;
   BayesLinePriors *priors;
   double *Snf;
diff --git a/src/BayesWave.c b/src/BayesWave.c
index d7fbbf39..728f4955 100644
--- a/src/BayesWave.c
+++ b/src/BayesWave.c
@@ -380,6 +380,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
           model[ic]->Snf[ifo][i]    = model[0]->Snf[ifo][i];
           model[ic]->SnS[ifo][i]    = model[0]->SnS[ifo][i];
           model[ic]->invSnf[ifo][i] = model[0]->invSnf[ifo][i];
+        }
+        for(i=0; i< bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->data->ncut; i++)
+        {
+          bayesline[chain->index[ic]][ifo]->priors->lower[i] = bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->priors->lower[i];
+          bayesline[chain->index[ic]][ifo]->priors->upper[i] = bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->priors->upper[i];
@@ -527,8 +532,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     int CP   = data->clusterPriorFlag;
     data->clusterPriorFlag = 0;
     chain->count = M;
-    //chain->NC    = NC/5;
-    //if(chain->NC < 1)chain->NC=1;
+    chain->NC    = NC/5;
+    if(chain->NC < 1)chain->NC=1;
     //Initialize proposal ratios for glitch cleaning phase
     chain->modelRate   = 0.0; //even chance for each channel
@@ -557,12 +562,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     printf("characterizing PSD+glitch model...\n\n");
     //TODO disable checkpointing and adaptation during cleaning phase
-    //int saveCheckpointFlag = data->checkpointFlag;
     int saveAdaptationFlag = data->adaptTemperatureFlag;
-    //data->checkpointFlag = 0;
     data->adaptTemperatureFlag = 0;
     RJMCMC(data, model, bayesline, chain, prior, &cleanLogZ, &cleanVarZ);
-    //data->checkpointFlag = saveCheckpointFlag;
     data->adaptTemperatureFlag = saveAdaptationFlag;
@@ -673,18 +675,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       for(ifo=0; ifo<NI; ifo++)
         for(i=0; i<data->N/2; i++) psd[ifo][i] = model[chain->index[0]]->Snf[ifo][i];
-        //Reset priors on PSD
-        imin = (int)(data->Tobs*data->fmin);
-        for(i=0; i<(int)(data->Tobs*(data->fmax-data->fmin))+1; i++)
-        {
-          //bayesline[ifo]->priors->invsigma[i] = 1./(psd[ifo][i+(int)(Tobs*fmin)]*1.0);
-          bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->priors->sigma[i] = psd[ifo][i+imin];
-          bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->priors->mean[i]  = psd[ifo][i+imin];
-          bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->priors->lower[i] = psd[ifo][i+imin]/10.;
-          bayesline[chain->index[0]][ifo]->priors->upper[i] = psd[ifo][i+imin]*2.;
-        }
         for(ic=1; ic<chain->NC; ic++)
diff --git a/src/BayesWaveIO.c b/src/BayesWaveIO.c
index bbbbf6be..9210255b 100644
--- a/src/BayesWaveIO.c
+++ b/src/BayesWaveIO.c
@@ -710,7 +710,6 @@ void write_gnuplot_psd_animation(struct Data *data, char modelname[], int frame)
   fprintf(framefile,"set logscale\n");
   fprintf(framefile,"set tics scale 2 nomirror\n");
   fprintf(framefile,"set border 3\n");
-  fprintf(framefile,"unset key\n");
   fprintf(framefile,"psdmin = 1e-48\n");
   fprintf(framefile,"psdmax = 1e-38\n");
@@ -734,15 +733,15 @@ void write_gnuplot_psd_animation(struct Data *data, char modelname[], int frame)
     fprintf(framefile,"     set format \"10^{%%T}\"\n");
     fprintf(framefile,"     set xlabel 'f'\n");
     fprintf(framefile,"     set ylabel '|h|^2'\n");
-    fprintf(framefile,"     plot [*:*] [psdmin:psdmax] '%s_psd_%s_'.N.'.dat' u 1:2 w l lc 'gray', '' u 1:($3+$4) w l lc 'black' lw 2\n", modelname,ifos[n]);
+    fprintf(framefile,"     plot [*:*] [psdmin:psdmax] '%s_psd_%s_'.N.'.dat' u 1:2 w l lc 'gray' notitle, '' u 1:($3+$4) w l lc 'black' lw 2 notitle\n", modelname,ifos[n]);
     fprintf(framefile,"     unset logscale\n");
     fprintf(framefile,"     set format '%%g'\n");
     fprintf(framefile,"     set xlabel 't'\n");
     fprintf(framefile,"     set ylabel 'h'\n");
-    fprintf(framefile,"     plot [tmin:tmax] [hmin:hmax] '%s_data_%s_'.N.'.dat' w l lc 'gray'",modelname,ifos[n]);
-    if(data->glitchFlag) fprintf(framefile,", '%s_glitch_%s_'.N.'.dat' w l lc rgb '#a6611a' lw 2",modelname,ifos[n]);
-    if(data->signalFlag) fprintf(framefile,", '%s_wave_%s_'.N.'.dat' w l lc rgb '#7b3294' lw 2",modelname,ifos[n]);
+    fprintf(framefile,"     plot [tmin:tmax] [hmin:hmax] '%s_data_%s_'.N.'.dat' w l lc 'gray' notitle",modelname,ifos[n]);
+    if(data->glitchFlag) fprintf(framefile,", '%s_glitch_%s_'.N.'.dat' w l lc rgb '#a6611a' lw 2 title 'glitch'",modelname,ifos[n]);
+    if(data->signalFlag) fprintf(framefile,", '%s_wave_%s_'.N.'.dat' w l lc rgb '#7b3294' lw 2 title 'signal'",modelname,ifos[n]);
@@ -751,7 +750,7 @@ void write_gnuplot_psd_animation(struct Data *data, char modelname[], int frame)
   fprintf(framefile,"     unset multiplot\n");
-  fprintf(framefile,"CMD='ffmpeg -r 4 -f image2 -s '.xsize*rescale.'x'.rescale*nifo*ysize.' -start_number 0 -i animation/bayeswave%%03d.png -vframes '.nmax.' -vcodec libx264 -crf 25  -pix_fmt yuv420p %s'\n",filename);
+  fprintf(framefile,"CMD='ffmpeg -r 8 -f image2 -s '.xsize*rescale.'x'.rescale*nifo*ysize.' -start_number 0 -i animation/bayeswave%%03d.png -vframes '.nmax.' -vcodec libx264 -crf 25  -pix_fmt yuv420p %s'\n",filename);
@@ -1648,11 +1647,9 @@ void parse_command_line(struct Data *data, struct Chain *chain, struct Prior *pr
     fprintf(stdout,"************************ WARNING ************************\n");
-    fprintf(stdout,"BayesLine requires the cleaning phase                    \n");
-    fprintf(stdout,"Ignoring --noClean argument                              \n");
-    fprintf(stdout,"If you really want to skip that step remove --bayesLine  \n");
+    fprintf(stdout,"Assuming clean data outside of the analysis window       \n");
+    fprintf(stdout,"For reliable results remove --noClean argument           \n");
-    data->cleanModelFlag = 1;
   //if doing a short run disable spline thermodynamic integration
@@ -1662,7 +1659,7 @@ void parse_command_line(struct Data *data, struct Chain *chain, struct Prior *pr
     fprintf(stdout,"************************ WARNING ************************\n");
     fprintf(stdout,"Too few iterations for spline integration (%i)\n",chain->count);
     fprintf(stdout,"Reverting to trapezoid integration\n");
-    fprintf(stdout,"Requst --Niter > 1000000 for spline integration\n");
+    fprintf(stdout,"Request --Niter > 1000000 for spline integration\n");
     data->splineEvidenceFlag = 0;
diff --git a/src/BayesWaveMCMC.c b/src/BayesWaveMCMC.c
index e30acd48..86bcacfd 100644
--- a/src/BayesWaveMCMC.c
+++ b/src/BayesWaveMCMC.c
@@ -892,7 +892,6 @@ void RJMCMC(struct Data *data, struct Model **model, struct BayesLineParams ***b
   int N  = data->N;
   int NI = data->NI;
   int M  = chain->count;
-  if(data->cleanFlag) M/=5;
   int NC = chain->NC;
   int i, ic, ifo, n;
@@ -1146,22 +1145,6 @@ void RJMCMC(struct Data *data, struct Model **model, struct BayesLineParams ***b
     recompute_residual(data, model, chain);
     if(burnFlag==0 && chain->mc%1000==0 && data->signalFlag) TFprop_signal(data, prior->range, tf, model[chain->index[0]]->projection);
-    //During cleaning phase track max and min BL PSDs to set up priors for model selection run
-    if(data->bayesLineFlag && data->cleanFlag )
-    {
-      ic = chain->index[0];
-      for(ifo=0; ifo<NI; ifo++)
-      {
-        for(i=0; i< bayesline[ic][ifo]->data->ncut; i++)
-        {
-          if(bayesline[ic][ifo]->Snf[i] > bayesline[ic][ifo]->priors->upper[i])
-            bayesline[ic][ifo]->priors->upper[i] = bayesline[ic][ifo]->Snf[i]*10.;
-          else if(bayesline[ic][ifo]->Snf[i] < bayesline[ic][ifo]->priors->lower[i])
-            bayesline[ic][ifo]->priors->lower[i] = bayesline[ic][ifo]->Snf[i]/10.;
-        }
-      }
-    }
     //Parallel tempering
     if(NC>1 && chain->mc>1)
@@ -1456,7 +1439,6 @@ void EvolveBayesLineParameters(struct Data *data, struct Model **model, struct B
   struct BayesLineParams **bl_x = bayesline[chain->index[ic]];
   int priorFlag = 1;
-  if(data->cleanFlag) priorFlag = 0;
   //update PSD for each interferometer
   for(ifo=0; ifo<NI; ifo++)