From f52af4d8e91799ef0fd72f2f63f98856ce43aa4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonah Kanner <jonah.kanner@LIGO.ORG>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:51:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Adding plot script for ECC

git-svn-id: c56465c9-8126-4a4f-9d7d-ac845eff4865
 condor/README.txt                     |  25 ++
 condor/                |  22 ++
 condor/                        |  45 ++++
 condor/                |  33 +++
 condor/                     |  40 ++++
 condor/                   |  41 ++++
 condor/             |  41 ++++
 condor/                   |  12 +
 condor/ | 319 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 condor/s6/             |  22 ++
 condor/s6/                |  43 ++++
 condor/s6/                | 113 +++++++++
 condor/s6/submit.template             |  14 ++
 condor/submit.template                |  14 ++
 14 files changed, 784 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 condor/README.txt
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/
 create mode 100755 condor/s6/
 create mode 100755 condor/s6/
 create mode 100644 condor/s6/
 create mode 100644 condor/s6/submit.template
 create mode 100644 condor/submit.template

diff --git a/condor/README.txt b/condor/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78d57dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Running BayesWaveBurst with condor
+For this example, the top level script is  It takes a single 
+argument - the gps time of your trigger.
+./ 1076894532.3
+But, all the action happens in  So, before you run
+open up in your favorite editor, and edit the bayesWave command and
+frame type as needed.  
+I think that's it!
+To check on your jobs while they are running, you can run:
+condor_q USERNAME
+You can also check the global state of condor with the same command:
+You can also monitor your jobs by monitoring the condor log, output, and error 
+logs that appear in the output directory, e.g.
+tail -f <path-to-your-job>/condorOut.txt
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..35ea0f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+mkdir job_${gps}
+sed $sedstr submit.template > ${dirname}/submit_temp.txt
+sed $sedstr2 ${dirname}/submit_temp.txt > ${dirname}/submit.txt
+rm ${dirname}/submit_temp.txt
+sed $sedstr2 > ${dirname}/
+#-- Can also submit job right here!
+# cd $dirname
+# condor_submit submit.txt
+# -- Add a line to the DAG File
+echo "JOB $dirname ${PWD}/${dirname}/submit.txt" >> submit.dag
+echo "RETRY $dirname 1" >> submit.dag
+echo "" >> submit.dag
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d531be7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+#end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+# ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_ER_C00_L1 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_ER_C00_L1 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory V --type V1Online     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+# Quick example
+# ~/bayeswave/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-cache LALAdLIGO --H1-channel LALAdLIGO --trigtime 900000000.00 --srate 512 --seglen 4 --PSDstart 900000000 --PSDlength 4 --dataseed 1234 --gnuplot
+/home/francesco.pannarale/bayeswave/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+	--ifo H1 --H1-flow 64 --H1-channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+	--ifo L1 --L1-flow 64 --L1-channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+	--H1-cache /home/francesco.pannarale/BayesWaveTest/H1.cache \
+	--L1-cache /home/francesco.pannarale/BayesWaveTest/L1.cache \
+	--L1-timeslide -26 \
+	--trigtime 965060683.311300 --srate 512 --seglen 8 \
+	--bayesLine --PSDstart 965060683.311300 --PSDlength 8 \
+	--Niter 2000000 --NCmin 15 --NCmax 50 --runName cluster \
+        --gnuplot
+# /home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+#        --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:FAKE-STRAIN \
+#        --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:FAKE-STRAIN \
+#        --H1-cache H.cache \
+#        --L1-cache L.cache \
+#        --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+#        --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+#        --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+#        --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+#        --MDC-channel [H1:FAKE-STRAIN_BURST,L1:FAKE-STRAIN_BURST]   \
+#        --MDC-cache [H.cache,L.cache] \
+#        --MDC-prefactor 1 \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..995d25c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_ER_C00_L1 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_ER_C00_L1 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory V --type V1Online     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+       --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:FAKE-STRAIN \
+       --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:FAKE-STRAIN \
+       --H1-cache H.cache \
+       --L1-cache L.cache \
+       --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+       --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+       --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+       --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+       --MDC-cache [H.cache,L.cache] \
+       --MDC-prefactor 1 \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..82318d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Hmdc.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory L --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Lmdc.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory V --type HrecOnline     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory V --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Vmdc.cache
+# --V1-channel V1:h_16384Hz
+# --MDC-channel V1:GW-H16K
+/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+       --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --H1-cache H.cache \
+       --L1-cache L.cache \
+       --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+       --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+       --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+       --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+       --MDC-channel [H1:GW-H,L1:GW-H]   \
+       --MDC-cache [H.cache,L.cache] \
+       --MDC-prefactor 1 \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..81cdb814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+cd TOP
+start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory H --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Hmdc.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory L --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Lmdc.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory V --type HrecOnline     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory V --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Vmdc.cache
+# --V1-channel V1:h_16384Hz
+# --MDC-channel V1:GW-H16K
+/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+       --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --H1-cache H.cache \
+       --L1-cache L.cache \
+       --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+       --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+       --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+       --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+       --MDC-channel [H1:GW-H,L1:GW-H]   \
+       --MDC-cache [/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/brst_s6.cache,/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/brst_s6.cache] \
+       --MDC-prefactor 1 \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..df2cfd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+cd TOP
+start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory H --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Hmdc.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory L --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Lmdc.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory V --type HrecOnline     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory V --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Vmdc.cache
+# --V1-channel V1:h_16384Hz
+# --MDC-channel V1:GW-H16K
+/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+       --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --H1-cache H.cache \
+       --L1-cache L.cache \
+       --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+       --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+       --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+       --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+       --MDC-channel [H1:GW-H,L1:GW-H]   \
+       --MDC-cache [/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/elptc_s6.cache,/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/elptc_s6.cache] \
+       --MDC-prefactor 1 \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..70111c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+mkdir job_${gps}
+sed $sedstr submit.template > ${dirname}/submit.txt
+cp ${dirname}/
+#-- Can also submit job right here!
+cd $dirname
+condor_submit submit.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/condor/ b/condor/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9666c9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+This script sets up a dag file to launch multiple BayesWaveBurst runs on condor.
+Running this script requires five line arguments:
+ 1) period (S6A, S6B, S6C, or S6D)
+ 2) IFO1 (=H1, L1, or V1)
+ 3) IFO2 (=H1, L1, or V1)
+ 4) first trigger to be analyzed (positive integer)
+ 5) last trigger to be analyzed (positive integer)
+Convention: the second IFO in the columns of the triggers file is used as primary IFO in the call to BayesWaveBurst.
+The ordering in the triggers file must be kept in mind. This is: L1 H1, H1 V1, and L1 V1.
+This script was tested on only.
+__author__ = "Francesco Pannarale, Maxime Fays"
+__email__ = ","
+__version__ = "1.6"
+__date__ = ""
+# Import modules
+import argparse
+import math
+import os
+import pwd
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# Parse the arguments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set up a dag file to launch multiple BayesWaveBurst runs on condor.')
+parser.add_argument('period', type=str, default='S6D', help='Data period: S6A, S6B, S6C, or S6D')
+parser.add_argument('IFO1', type=str, default='H1', help='Interferometer 1: H1, L1, or V1')
+parser.add_argument('IFO2', type=str, default='L1', help='Interferometer 2: H1, L1, or V1')
+parser.add_argument('nFirst', type=int, default=1, help='Number of first trigger to run')
+parser.add_argument('nLast', type=int, default=25, help='Number of last trigger to run')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# Function that writes out the command line in the shell-script file to be called by the condor submission script
+def WriteJobScriptFile(jobDirName, IFOlist, PWD, IFO2TriggerTime, IFOs, indexTriggers):
+    jobScriptFile = open(jobDirName+"/", "w")
+    jobScriptFile.write("#! /bin/sh\n\n")
+    jobScriptFile.write("cd %s/%s\n\n" %(PWD, jobDirName))
+    jobScriptFile.write(BayesWaveBurst+" \\\n")
+    if not IFOlist[1] == "V1":
+        jobScriptFile.write("--ifo %s --%s-flow 64 --%s-channel %s:LDAS-STRAIN \\\n" % (IFOlist[1], IFOlist[1], IFOlist[1], IFOlist[1]))
+    else:
+        jobScriptFile.write("--ifo %s --%s-flow 64 --%s-channel %s:h_16384Hz \\\n" % (IFOlist[1], IFOlist[1], IFOlist[1], IFOlist[1]))
+    jobScriptFile.write("--ifo %s --%s-flow 64 --%s-channel %s:LDAS-STRAIN \\\n" % (IFOlist[0], IFOlist[0], IFOlist[0], IFOlist[0]))
+    jobScriptFile.write("--%s-cache %s/%s/%s.cache \\\n" %(IFOlist[1], PWD, jobDirName, IFOlist[1]))
+    jobScriptFile.write("--%s-cache %s/%s/%s.cache \\\n" %(IFOlist[0], PWD, jobDirName, IFOlist[0]))
+    jobScriptFile.write("--%s-timeslide %i \\\n" % (IFOlist[0], lag))
+    jobScriptFile.write("--trigtime %.4f --srate 512 --seglen 8 \\\n" % IFO2TriggerTime)
+    jobScriptFile.write("--bayesLine --PSDstart %.4f --PSDlength 8 \\\n" % IFO2TriggerTime)
+    jobScriptFile.write("--Niter 2000000 \\\n")
+    jobScriptFile.write("--NCmin 15 --NCmax 50 --runName %s_trig%i \\\n" % (IFOs, indexTriggers))
+    jobScriptFile.write("--gnuplot\n\n")
+    jobScriptFile.write("cd ..\n")
+    jobScriptFile.close()
+# Function that writes the condor submission script
+def WriteSub(jobDirName, PWD, gpsTriggerTime):
+    path=PWD+'/'+jobDirName+'/'
+    SubFile = open(path+'submit.sub', 'w')
+    SubFile.write('executable='+path+'\n')
+    SubFile.write('universe=vanilla\n')
+    SubFile.write('arguments='+str(gpsTriggerTime)+'\n')
+    SubFile.write('output='+path+'condorOut.txt\n')
+    SubFile.write('error='+path+'condorError.txt\n')
+    SubFile.write('log='+path+'condorLog.txt\n')
+    SubFile.write('notification=never\n')
+    SubFile.write('should_transfer_files=YES\n')
+    SubFile.write('when_to_transfer_output=ON_EXIT\n')
+    SubFile.write('stream_error=True\n')
+    SubFile.write('stream_output=True\n')
+    SubFile.write('queue 1\n')
+    SubFile.close()
+# Function that generates a single dag file for multiple BayesWaveBurst runs
+def WriteDagFile(jobDirName, PWD):
+    #Might need to make sur the file exist instead of appending (but the + should take care of that)
+    DagFile = open('submit.dag', 'a')
+    DagFile.write('JOB '+jobDirName+' '+PWD+'/'+jobDirName+'/submit.sub\n')
+    DagFile.write('RETRY '+jobDirName+' 1\n\n')
+    DagFile.close()
+# Function that establishes the IFOs and the necessary S6 VSR2-3 backround trigger files.
+# []
+def DetermineIFOsAndTriggersFile(period, IFOs, IFOlist):
+    if period == "S6A":
+        # LH - S6A [64-200] Hz
+        if IFOs=="H1L1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Livingston IFOs on S6A data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1L1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+            IFOlist.sort(reverse=True) # H1 and L1 appear in reversed alphabetical order in their triggers file
+        # HV - S6A [64-200] Hz
+        elif IFOs=="H1V1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Virgo IFOs on S6A data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1V1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+        # LV - S6A [64-200] Hz
+        elif IFOs=="L1V1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Livingston and Virgo IFOs on S6A data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_L1V1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+        # Sorry: just three options are possible so far with S6A
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Interferometer list not valid!\n\n****************************************************************************************************************")
+    elif period == "S6B":
+        # LH - S6B [64-200] Hz
+        if IFOs=="H1L1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Livingston IFOs on S6B data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1L1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+            IFOlist.sort(reverse=True) # H1 and L1 appear in reversed alphabetical order in their triggers file
+        # HV - S6B [64-200] Hz
+        elif IFOs=="H1V1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Virgo IFOs on S6B data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1V1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+        # LV - S6B [64-200] Hz
+        elif IFOs=="L1V1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Livingston and Virgo IFOs on S6B data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_L1V1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+        # Sorry: just three options are possible so far with S6B
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Interferometer list not valid!\n\n****************************************************************************************************************")
+    elif period == "S6C":
+        # LH - S6C [64-200] Hz
+        if IFOs=="H1L1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Livingston IFOs on S6C data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1L1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+            IFOlist.sort(reverse=True) # H1 and L1 appear in reversed alphabetical order in their triggers file
+        # Sorry: just one options is possible so far with S6C
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Interferometer list not valid!\n\n****************************************************************************************************************")
+    elif period == "S6D":
+        # LH - S6D [64-200] Hz
+        if IFOs=="H1L1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Livingston IFOs on S6D data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1L1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+            IFOlist.sort(reverse=True) # H1 and L1 appear in reversed alphabetical order in their triggers file
+        # HV - S6D [64-200] Hz
+        elif IFOs=="H1V1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Hanford and Virgo IFOs on S6D data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_H1V1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+        # LV - S6D [64-200] Hz
+        elif IFOs=="L1V1":
+            IFOsChoice = "Running with Livingston and Virgo IFOs on S6D data"
+            triggersFileName = "EVENTS_LF_L1V1.txt"
+            fileCopyCommand = "gsiscp " + triggersFileName
+        # Sorry: just three options are possible so far with S6D
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Interferometer list not valid!\n\n****************************************************************************************************************")
+    # Sorry: just S6C and S6D data periods are possible so far
+    else:
+        sys.exit("Data period not valid!\n\n************************************************************************************************************************")
+    return [IFOsChoice, triggersFileName, fileCopyCommand]
+# Main
+# Find out the path to the BayesWaveBurst executable
+p = subprocess.Popen(["which","BayesWaveBurst"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
+    BayesWaveBurst = line.rstrip()
+if not os.path.isfile(BayesWaveBurst):
+    print "****************************************************************************************************************"
+    sys.exit("\nMake sure the BayesWaveBurst command is in your path before running this script!\n\n****************************************************************************************************************")
+# Determine what directory this is and drop the program name from the list of arguments
+username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
+pathname = os.getcwd().split(username)[1]
+pathname = '/home/'+username+pathname
+PWD = os.path.abspath(pathname)
+# Determine the data period to be considered
+period = args.period
+# Sort the interferometer names in alphabetical order
+IFOlist = sorted([args.IFO1, args.IFO2])
+IFOs = IFOlist[0]+IFOlist[1]
+# Determine the IFOs requested by the user and the background triggers file
+print "****************************************************************************************************************"
+print "\nFinding out if the triggers file must be copied over\n"
+[IFOsChoice, triggersFileName, fileCopyCommand] = DetermineIFOsAndTriggersFile(period, IFOs, IFOlist)
+# If mecessary, copy the file with the backround triggers
+if not os.path.isfile(triggersFileName):
+    os.system(fileCopyCommand)
+# Open the triggers file and tell the user what IFOs and triggers were requested
+triggersFile = open(triggersFileName, "r")
+print IFOsChoice
+print "Running triggers from %i to %i" % (args.nFirst, args.nLast)
+print "\n****************************************************************************************************************\n"
+# Prepare to elaborate only triggers specified by the user
+indexTriggers = 0
+nFirst = args.nFirst - 1
+nLast = args.nLast + 1
+# Keep track of the number of triggers ending up in the dagfile
+countTriggers = 0
+# Trigger files with (M)IFAR in the header require the trick of adding an extra column...
+correctionToCols = 0
+for line in triggersFile:
+    trigger = line.lstrip()
+    # If header line, figure out where the columns with the trigger times
+    if trigger.startswith("#"):
+        if "IFAR" in trigger:
+            correctionToCols = 1
+        if "time for "+IFOlist[0]+" detector" in trigger:
+            IFO1column = trigger.split("-")[0].split("#")[1]
+            IFO1column = int(IFO1column) + correctionToCols
+        if "time for "+IFOlist[1]+" detector" in trigger:
+            IFO2column = trigger.split("-")[0].split("#")[1]
+            IFO2column = int(IFO2column) + correctionToCols
+    # If not header line or commented entry, prepare to run the analysis
+    else:
+        # This is not a comment line ==> it is a trigger ==> update trigger index
+        indexTriggers = indexTriggers + 1
+        if indexTriggers > nFirst and indexTriggers < nLast:
+            # This is a trigger requested by the user ==> update trigger counter
+            countTriggers = countTriggers + 1
+            # Trigger times for the two IFOs: the trigger time of IFO2 is later used as the trigger time in the call to BayesWaveBurst
+            entries = trigger.split()
+            IFO1TriggerTime = float(entries[IFO1column])
+            IFO2TriggerTime = float(entries[IFO2column])
+            # Lag time
+            lag = IFO2TriggerTime-IFO1TriggerTime
+            # Convert lag time to an integer
+            if abs(lag-(int)(lag)) < 0.5:
+                lag=(int)(lag)
+            else:
+                lag=(int)(lag)+1. if lag > 0.0 else (int)(lag)-1.
+            # Output information about these three times
+            print "Trigger %i: using trigger times %.4f and %.4f and lagtime %i" % (indexTriggers, IFO1TriggerTime, IFO2TriggerTime, lag)
+            # Create a directory for the condor job
+            if indexTriggers > 9:
+                indexTriggersStr = str(indexTriggers)
+            else:
+                indexTriggersStr = "0"+str(indexTriggers)
+            jobDirName = "job_"+IFOs+"_"+indexTriggersStr
+            os.system("mkdir "+jobDirName)
+            # Generate cache files for both IFOs
+            countIFO = -1
+            for ifo in IFOlist:
+                countIFO = countIFO + 1
+                cacheFileName=ifo+".cache"
+                # 2 seconds after the trigger time and 6 seconds before it are required
+                # Including an extra 2+2 seconds of buffer to compensate consequences of rounding off
+                [startTime, endTime] = sorted([IFO1TriggerTime, IFO2TriggerTime])
+                startTime = math.floor(startTime) - 6 - 2
+                endTime = math.ceil(endTime) + 2 + 2
+                if not ifo == "V1":
+                    channel=ifo+"_LDAS_C02_L2"
+                else:
+                    channel="HrecOnline" #HrecV2, HrecV3
+                print " * Producing cache file for IFO="+ifo+" using CHANNEL="+channel+", START TIME="+str(startTime)+" and END TIME="+str(endTime)
+                os.system("ligo_data_find -s "+str(startTime)+" -e "+str(endTime)+" -o "+ifo[0]+" -t "+channel+" -u file -l > "+cacheFileName)
+                if not os.path.getsize(cacheFileName):
+                    print "Could not obtain cache file for IFO="+ifo+"!"
+            print ""
+            # Place the cache files in the job directory
+            os.system("mv *.cache "+jobDirName+"/.")
+            # Write out the shell-script file to be called by condor
+            WriteJobScriptFile(jobDirName, IFOlist, PWD, IFO2TriggerTime, IFOs, indexTriggers)
+            # Write the condor submission script to the job directory
+            WriteSub(jobDirName, PWD, IFO2TriggerTime)
+            # Write the dag file containing all jobs
+            WriteDagFile(jobDirName, PWD)
+# All done! Remind the user of what to do...
+print "****************************************************************************************************************"
+print "\n\nTriggers found:", countTriggers
+print "\n\n****************************************************************************************************************"
+if countTriggers == 0:
+    sys.exit("\nPlese check your triggers file!\n")
+print "\n\nTo run the condor jobs, type\n condor_submit_dag submit.dag"
+print "\nTo monitor a job\'s output type\n tail -f <job-directory>/condorOutput.txt"
+print "\nTo monitor a job\'s errors type\n tail -f <job-directory>/condorError.txt\n"
+print "****************************************************************************************************************"
+# ...and clean-up
+# End Main
diff --git a/condor/s6/ b/condor/s6/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..35ea0f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/s6/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+mkdir job_${gps}
+sed $sedstr submit.template > ${dirname}/submit_temp.txt
+sed $sedstr2 ${dirname}/submit_temp.txt > ${dirname}/submit.txt
+rm ${dirname}/submit_temp.txt
+sed $sedstr2 > ${dirname}/
+#-- Can also submit job right here!
+# cd $dirname
+# condor_submit submit.txt
+# -- Add a line to the DAG File
+echo "JOB $dirname ${PWD}/${dirname}/submit.txt" >> submit.dag
+echo "RETRY $dirname 1" >> submit.dag
+echo "" >> submit.dag
diff --git a/condor/s6/ b/condor/s6/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7ed0ab3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/s6/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+cd TOP
+start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory H --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Hmdc.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory H --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Hmdc.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory L --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Lmdc.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory V --type HrecOnline     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory V --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Vmdc.cache
+# --V1-channel V1:h_16384Hz
+# --MDC-channel V1:GW-H16K
+/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+       --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --H1-cache H.cache \
+       --L1-cache L.cache \
+       --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+       --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+       --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+       --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+       --MDC-channel [H1:GW-H,L1:GW-H]   \
+       --MDC-cache [${cachedir}/brst_s6.cache,/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/brst_s6.cache] \
+       --MDC-prefactor 1 \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
diff --git a/condor/s6/ b/condor/s6/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb430f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/s6/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import os
+import numpy as np
+# -- Define the key files
+doit_str = """#! /bin/sh
+cd {top}
+start=`expr $intgps - 100`
+end=`expr $intgps + 100`
+# Create Cache files
+ligo_data_find --observatory H --type H1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > H.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory H --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Hmdc.cache
+ligo_data_find --observatory L --type L1_LDAS_C02_L2 -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > L.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory L --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Lmdc.cache
+# ligo_data_find --observatory V --type HrecOnline     -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > V.cache
+#ligo_data_find --observatory V --type BRST_S6   -s $start -e $end --lal-cache | grep file > Vmdc.cache
+# --V1-channel V1:h_16384Hz
+# --MDC-channel V1:GW-H16K
+/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/branches/ecchack/src/BayesWaveBurst \
+       --ifo H1 --H1-flow 40 --H1-channel H1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --ifo L1 --L1-flow 40 --L1-channel L1:LDAS-STRAIN \
+       --H1-cache H.cache \
+       --L1-cache L.cache \
+       --trigtime $gps --srate 1024 --seglen 8 \
+       --bayesLine --PSDstart $gps --PSDlength 8 \
+       --Niter 1000000 --NCmin 15  \
+       --bayesLine --gnuplot \
+       --MDC-channel [H1:GW-H,L1:GW-H]   \
+       --MDC-cache [{cachefile},{cachefile}] \
+       --MDC-prefactor {scale} \
+tar -cf chains.tar chains
+tar -cf waveforms.tar waveforms
+tar -cf snr.tar snr
+submit_str = """
+when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
+queue 1
+# -----------------
+# Begin Main Script
+# -----------------
+# -- Set paramters
+topdir = '/home/jkanner/baysewave/PEC/ecchack_v1'
+mdcdir = '/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6'
+waveformList = ['sg153']
+scaleList = ['0.3', '0.6', '1.2']
+mdccache = '/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/brst_s6.cache'
+# -- Alternate parameters
+# waveformList = ['sg153', 'lwnb', 'qwnb']
+# mdccache = '/home/jkanner/baysewave/svn/trunk/burstinj/s6/elptc_s6.cache'
+# scaleList = ['0.15', '0.3', '0.6', '1.2']
+dagfile = open( os.path.join(topdir, 'submit.dag'), 'w')
+for waveform in waveformList:
+    trigfile = os.path.join(mdcdir, "trigs_{0}.txt".format(waveform))
+    trigList = np.loadtxt(trigfile)
+    wavedir = os.path.join(topdir, waveform)
+    if not os.path.exists(wavedir): os.makedirs(wavedir)
+    for scale in scaleList:
+        scaledir = os.path.join(wavedir, scale)
+        if not os.path.exists(scaledir): os.makedirs(scaledir)
+        for trig in trigList:
+            trig = str(trig)
+            trigdir = os.path.join(scaledir, 'job_'+trig)
+            if not os.path.exists(trigdir): os.makedirs(trigdir)
+            submitname = os.path.join(trigdir, 'submit.txt')
+            submitfile = open( submitname, 'w' )
+            submitfile.write(submit_str.format(top=trigdir, gps=trig))
+            submitfile.close()
+            doitfile = open( os.path.join(trigdir, ''), 'w')
+            doitfile.write(doit_str.format(top=trigdir, cachefile=mdccache, scale=scale))
+            doitfile.close()
+            jobname = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(waveform, scale, int(float(trig)))
+            dagfile.write("JOB {0} {1} \n".format(jobname, submitname))
+            dagfile.write("RETRY {0} 1\n\n".format(jobname))
+print "Thank you, come again"
diff --git a/condor/s6/submit.template b/condor/s6/submit.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d26d16e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/s6/submit.template
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
+queue 1
diff --git a/condor/submit.template b/condor/submit.template
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d26d16e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/condor/submit.template
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
+queue 1