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  • Kipp Cannon's avatar
    ligo.lw.utils.process: move some code upstream · 5faced2e
    Kipp Cannon authored
    - transform some of the logic into methods of classes in lsctables.
    - get_username() is converted to a static method of the ProcessTable class
    - the Process class gets a .initialized() class method to create one with sensible defaults copied from the append_process() function in
    -'s append_process() is replaced with a wrapper around the new method
    - set_process_end_time() is turned into a wrapper around a new .set_end_time_now() method added to the Process class
    - process_params_from_dict() + append_process_params() together are made to rely on the .pyvalue machinery of the ProcessParams class to choose the correct type string, removing all of that code from
    - ProcessParams's .append() method's invalid type string check is made to be more verbose to help debug problems
    - delete abandoned register_to_ldbd()