diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index c51eb07ecb086d8613ac13ce227dbee9f39002b2..b9fed3fcc2025c1b987381a6d34ada4e66e55ad0 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ stages:
     - python -m pip install .
     - python -c "import bilby"
     - python -c "import bilby.core"
+    - python -c "import bilby.core.prior"
     - python -c "import bilby.core.sampler"
     - python -c "import bilby.gw"
     - python -c "import bilby.gw.detector"
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior.py b/bilby/core/prior.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6da593fb85bdb7d3b301ca4d59921ef8da4de3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bilby/core/prior.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3828 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division
-import re
-from importlib import import_module
-import os
-from future.utils import iteritems
-import json
-from io import open as ioopen
-import numpy as np
-import scipy.stats
-from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-from scipy.special import erf, erfinv, xlogy, log1p,\
-    gammaln, gammainc, gammaincinv, stdtr, stdtrit, betaln, btdtr, btdtri
-from matplotlib.cbook import flatten
-# Keep import bilby statement, it is necessary for some eval() statements
-from .utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json, infer_parameters_from_function
-from .utils import (
-    check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir,
-    infer_args_from_method, logger
-class PriorDict(dict):
-    def __init__(self, dictionary=None, filename=None,
-                 conversion_function=None):
-        """ A set of priors
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        dictionary: Union[dict, str, None]
-            If given, a dictionary to generate the prior set.
-        filename: Union[str, None]
-            If given, a file containing the prior to generate the prior set.
-        conversion_function: func
-            Function to convert between sampled parameters and constraints.
-            Default is no conversion.
-        """
-        super(PriorDict, self).__init__()
-        if isinstance(dictionary, dict):
-            self.from_dictionary(dictionary)
-        elif type(dictionary) is str:
-            logger.debug('Argument "dictionary" is a string.' +
-                         ' Assuming it is intended as a file name.')
-            self.from_file(dictionary)
-        elif type(filename) is str:
-            self.from_file(filename)
-        elif dictionary is not None:
-            raise ValueError("PriorDict input dictionary not understood")
-        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
-        if conversion_function is not None:
-            self.conversion_function = conversion_function
-        else:
-            self.conversion_function = self.default_conversion_function
-    def evaluate_constraints(self, sample):
-        out_sample = self.conversion_function(sample)
-        prob = 1
-        for key in self:
-            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint) and key in out_sample:
-                prob *= self[key].prob(out_sample[key])
-        return prob
-    def default_conversion_function(self, sample):
-        """
-        Placeholder parameter conversion function.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sample: dict
-            Dictionary to convert
-        Returns
-        -------
-        sample: dict
-            Same as input
-        """
-        return sample
-    def to_file(self, outdir, label):
-        """ Write the prior distribution to file.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        outdir: str
-            output directory name
-        label: str
-            Output file naming scheme
-        """
-        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(outdir)
-        prior_file = os.path.join(outdir, "{}.prior".format(label))
-        logger.debug("Writing priors to {}".format(prior_file))
-        joint_dists = []
-        with open(prior_file, "w") as outfile:
-            for key in self.keys():
-                if JointPrior in self[key].__class__.__mro__:
-                    distname = '_'.join(self[key].dist.names) + '_{}'.format(self[key].dist.distname)
-                    if distname not in joint_dists:
-                        joint_dists.append(distname)
-                        outfile.write(
-                            "{} = {}\n".format(distname, self[key].dist))
-                    diststr = repr(self[key].dist)
-                    priorstr = repr(self[key])
-                    outfile.write(
-                        "{} = {}\n".format(key, priorstr.replace(diststr,
-                                                                 distname)))
-                else:
-                    outfile.write(
-                        "{} = {}\n".format(key, self[key]))
-    def _get_json_dict(self):
-        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
-        total_dict = {key: json.loads(self[key].to_json()) for key in self}
-        total_dict["__prior_dict__"] = True
-        total_dict["__module__"] = self.__module__
-        total_dict["__name__"] = self.__class__.__name__
-        return total_dict
-    def to_json(self, outdir, label):
-        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(outdir)
-        prior_file = os.path.join(outdir, "{}_prior.json".format(label))
-        logger.debug("Writing priors to {}".format(prior_file))
-        with open(prior_file, "w") as outfile:
-            json.dump(self._get_json_dict(), outfile, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder,
-                      indent=2)
-    def from_file(self, filename):
-        """ Reads in a prior from a file specification
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        filename: str
-            Name of the file to be read in
-        Notes
-        -----
-        Lines beginning with '#' or empty lines will be ignored.
-        Priors can be loaded from:
-            bilby.core.prior as, e.g.,    foo = Uniform(minimum=0, maximum=1)
-            floats, e.g.,                 foo = 1
-            bilby.gw.prior as, e.g.,      foo = bilby.gw.prior.AlignedSpin()
-            other external modules, e.g., foo = my.module.CustomPrior(...)
-        """
-        comments = ['#', '\n']
-        prior = dict()
-        mvgdict = dict(inf=np.inf)  # evaluate inf as np.inf
-        with ioopen(filename, 'r', encoding='unicode_escape') as f:
-            for line in f:
-                if line[0] in comments:
-                    continue
-                line.replace(' ', '')
-                elements = line.split('=')
-                key = elements[0].replace(' ', '')
-                val = '='.join(elements[1:]).strip()
-                cls = val.split('(')[0]
-                args = '('.join(val.split('(')[1:])[:-1]
-                try:
-                    prior[key] = DeltaFunction(peak=float(cls))
-                    logger.debug("{} converted ot DeltaFunction prior".format(
-                        key))
-                    continue
-                except ValueError:
-                    pass
-                if "." in cls:
-                    module = '.'.join(cls.split('.')[:-1])
-                    cls = cls.split('.')[-1]
-                else:
-                    module = __name__
-                cls = getattr(import_module(module), cls, cls)
-                if key.lower() in ["conversion_function", "condition_func"]:
-                    setattr(self, key, cls)
-                elif (cls.__name__ in ['MultivariateGaussianDist',
-                                       'MultivariateNormalDist']):
-                    if key not in mvgdict:
-                        mvgdict[key] = eval(val, None, mvgdict)
-                elif (cls.__name__ in ['MultivariateGaussian',
-                                       'MultivariateNormal']):
-                    prior[key] = eval(val, None, mvgdict)
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        prior[key] = cls.from_repr(args)
-                    except TypeError as e:
-                        raise TypeError(
-                            "Unable to parse dictionary file {}, bad line: {} "
-                            "= {}. Error message {}".format(
-                                filename, key, val, e))
-        self.update(prior)
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_from_json_dict(cls, prior_dict):
-        try:
-            cls == getattr(
-                import_module(prior_dict["__module__"]),
-                prior_dict["__name__"])
-        except ImportError:
-            logger.debug("Cannot import prior module {}.{}".format(
-                prior_dict["__module__"], prior_dict["__name__"]
-            ))
-        except KeyError:
-            logger.debug("Cannot find module name to load")
-        for key in ["__module__", "__name__", "__prior_dict__"]:
-            if key in prior_dict:
-                del prior_dict[key]
-        obj = cls(dict())
-        obj.from_dictionary(prior_dict)
-        return obj
-    @classmethod
-    def from_json(cls, filename):
-        """ Reads in a prior from a json file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        filename: str
-            Name of the file to be read in
-        """
-        with open(filename, "r") as ff:
-            obj = json.load(ff, object_hook=decode_bilby_json)
-        return obj
-    def from_dictionary(self, dictionary):
-        for key, val in iteritems(dictionary):
-            if isinstance(val, str):
-                try:
-                    prior = eval(val)
-                    if isinstance(prior, (Prior, float, int, str)):
-                        val = prior
-                except (NameError, SyntaxError, TypeError):
-                    logger.debug(
-                        "Failed to load dictionary value {} correctly"
-                        .format(key))
-                    pass
-            elif isinstance(val, dict):
-                logger.warning(
-                    'Cannot convert {} into a prior object. '
-                    'Leaving as dictionary.'.format(key))
-            self[key] = val
-    def convert_floats_to_delta_functions(self):
-        """ Convert all float parameters to delta functions """
-        for key in self:
-            if isinstance(self[key], Prior):
-                continue
-            elif isinstance(self[key], float) or isinstance(self[key], int):
-                self[key] = DeltaFunction(self[key])
-                logger.debug(
-                    "{} converted to delta function prior.".format(key))
-            else:
-                logger.debug(
-                    "{} cannot be converted to delta function prior."
-                    .format(key))
-    def fill_priors(self, likelihood, default_priors_file=None):
-        """
-        Fill dictionary of priors based on required parameters of likelihood
-        Any floats in prior will be converted to delta function prior. Any
-        required, non-specified parameters will use the default.
-        Note: if `likelihood` has `non_standard_sampling_parameter_keys`, then
-        this will set-up default priors for those as well.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        likelihood: bilby.likelihood.GravitationalWaveTransient instance
-            Used to infer the set of parameters to fill the prior with
-        default_priors_file: str, optional
-            If given, a file containing the default priors.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        prior: dict
-            The filled prior dictionary
-        """
-        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
-        missing_keys = set(likelihood.parameters) - set(self.keys())
-        for missing_key in missing_keys:
-            if not self.test_redundancy(missing_key):
-                default_prior = create_default_prior(missing_key, default_priors_file)
-                if default_prior is None:
-                    set_val = likelihood.parameters[missing_key]
-                    logger.warning(
-                        "Parameter {} has no default prior and is set to {}, this"
-                        " will not be sampled and may cause an error."
-                        .format(missing_key, set_val))
-                else:
-                    self[missing_key] = default_prior
-        for key in self:
-            self.test_redundancy(key)
-    def sample(self, size=None):
-        """Draw samples from the prior set
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
-            See numpy.random.uniform docs
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict: Dictionary of the samples
-        """
-        return self.sample_subset_constrained(keys=list(self.keys()), size=size)
-    def sample_subset(self, keys=iter([]), size=None):
-        """Draw samples from the prior set for parameters which are not a DeltaFunction
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys: list
-            List of prior keys to draw samples from
-        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
-            See numpy.random.uniform docs
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict: Dictionary of the drawn samples
-        """
-        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
-        samples = dict()
-        for key in keys:
-            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
-                continue
-            elif isinstance(self[key], Prior):
-                samples[key] = self[key].sample(size=size)
-            else:
-                logger.debug('{} not a known prior.'.format(key))
-        return samples
-    def sample_subset_constrained(self, keys=iter([]), size=None):
-        if size is None or size == 1:
-            while True:
-                sample = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=size)
-                if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
-                    return sample
-        else:
-            needed = np.prod(size)
-            constraint_keys = list()
-            for ii, key in enumerate(keys[-1::-1]):
-                if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
-                    constraint_keys.append(-ii - 1)
-            for ii in constraint_keys[-1::-1]:
-                del keys[ii]
-            all_samples = {key: np.array([]) for key in keys}
-            _first_key = list(all_samples.keys())[0]
-            while len(all_samples[_first_key]) < needed:
-                samples = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=needed)
-                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(samples), dtype=bool)
-                for key in samples:
-                    all_samples[key] = np.hstack(
-                        [all_samples[key], samples[key][keep].flatten()])
-            all_samples = {key: np.reshape(all_samples[key][:needed], size)
-                           for key in all_samples
-                           if not isinstance(self[key], Constraint)}
-            return all_samples
-    def prob(self, sample, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sample: dict
-            Dictionary of the samples of which we want to have the probability of
-        kwargs:
-            The keyword arguments are passed directly to `np.product`
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Joint probability of all individual sample probabilities
-        """
-        prob = np.product([self[key].prob(sample[key])
-                           for key in sample], **kwargs)
-        if np.all(prob == 0.):
-            return prob
-        else:
-            if isinstance(prob, float):
-                if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
-                    return prob
-                else:
-                    return 0.
-            else:
-                constrained_prob = np.zeros_like(prob)
-                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(sample), dtype=bool)
-                constrained_prob[keep] = prob[keep]
-                return constrained_prob
-    def ln_prob(self, sample, axis=None):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sample: dict
-            Dictionary of the samples of which to calculate the log probability
-        axis: None or int
-            Axis along which the summation is performed
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float or ndarray:
-            Joint log probability of all the individual sample probabilities
-        """
-        ln_prob = np.sum([self[key].ln_prob(sample[key])
-                          for key in sample], axis=axis)
-        if np.all(np.isinf(ln_prob)):
-            return ln_prob
-        else:
-            if isinstance(ln_prob, float):
-                if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
-                    return ln_prob
-                else:
-                    return -np.inf
-            else:
-                constrained_ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones_like(ln_prob)
-                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(sample), dtype=bool)
-                constrained_ln_prob[keep] = ln_prob[keep]
-                return constrained_ln_prob
-    def rescale(self, keys, theta):
-        """Rescale samples from unit cube to prior
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys: list
-            List of prior keys to be rescaled
-        theta: list
-            List of randomly drawn values on a unit cube associated with the prior keys
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list: List of floats containing the rescaled sample
-        """
-        return list(flatten([self[key].rescale(sample) for key, sample in zip(keys, theta)]))
-    def test_redundancy(self, key, disable_logging=False):
-        """Empty redundancy test, should be overwritten in subclasses"""
-        return False
-    def test_has_redundant_keys(self):
-        """
-        Test whether there are redundant keys in self.
-        Return
-        ------
-        bool: Whether there are redundancies or not
-        """
-        redundant = False
-        for key in self:
-            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
-                continue
-            temp = self.copy()
-            del temp[key]
-            if temp.test_redundancy(key, disable_logging=True):
-                logger.warning('{} is a redundant key in this {}.'
-                               .format(key, self.__class__.__name__))
-                redundant = True
-        return redundant
-    def copy(self):
-        """
-        We have to overwrite the copy method as it fails due to the presence of
-        defaults.
-        """
-        return self.__class__(dictionary=dict(self))
-class PriorSet(PriorDict):
-    def __init__(self, dictionary=None, filename=None):
-        """ DEPRECATED: USE PriorDict INSTEAD"""
-        logger.warning("The name 'PriorSet' is deprecated use 'PriorDict' instead")
-        super(PriorSet, self).__init__(dictionary, filename)
-class ConditionalPriorDict(PriorDict):
-    def __init__(self, dictionary=None, filename=None, conversion_function=None):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        dictionary: dict
-            See parent class
-        filename: str
-            See parent class
-        """
-        self._conditional_keys = []
-        self._unconditional_keys = []
-        self._rescale_keys = []
-        self._rescale_indexes = []
-        self._least_recently_rescaled_keys = []
-        super(ConditionalPriorDict, self).__init__(
-            dictionary=dictionary, filename=filename,
-            conversion_function=conversion_function
-        )
-        self._resolved = False
-        self._resolve_conditions()
-    def _resolve_conditions(self):
-        """
-        Resolves how priors depend on each other and automatically
-        sorts them into the right order.
-        1. All unconditional priors are put in front in arbitrary order
-        2. We loop through all the unsorted conditional priors to find
-        which one can go next
-        3. We repeat step 2 len(self) number of times to make sure that
-        all conditional priors will be sorted in order
-        4. We set the `self._resolved` flag to True if all conditional
-        priors were added in the right order
-        """
-        self._unconditional_keys = [key for key in self.keys() if not hasattr(self[key], 'condition_func')]
-        conditional_keys_unsorted = [key for key in self.keys() if hasattr(self[key], 'condition_func')]
-        self._conditional_keys = []
-        for _ in range(len(self)):
-            for key in conditional_keys_unsorted[:]:
-                if self._check_conditions_resolved(key, self.sorted_keys):
-                    self._conditional_keys.append(key)
-                    conditional_keys_unsorted.remove(key)
-        self._resolved = True
-        if len(conditional_keys_unsorted) != 0:
-            self._resolved = False
-    def _check_conditions_resolved(self, key, sampled_keys):
-        """ Checks if all required variables have already been sampled so we can sample this key """
-        conditions_resolved = True
-        for k in self[key].required_variables:
-            if k not in sampled_keys:
-                conditions_resolved = False
-        return conditions_resolved
-    def sample_subset(self, keys=iter([]), size=None):
-        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
-        subset_dict = ConditionalPriorDict({key: self[key] for key in keys})
-        if not subset_dict._resolved:
-            raise IllegalConditionsException("The current set of priors contains unresolvable conditions.")
-        samples = dict()
-        for key in subset_dict.sorted_keys:
-            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
-                continue
-            elif isinstance(self[key], Prior):
-                try:
-                    samples[key] = subset_dict[key].sample(size=size, **subset_dict.get_required_variables(key))
-                except ValueError:
-                    # Some prior classes can not handle an array of conditional parameters (e.g. alpha for PowerLaw)
-                    # If that is the case, we sample each sample individually.
-                    required_variables = subset_dict.get_required_variables(key)
-                    samples[key] = np.zeros(size)
-                    for i in range(size):
-                        rvars = {key: value[i] for key, value in required_variables.items()}
-                        samples[key][i] = subset_dict[key].sample(**rvars)
-            else:
-                logger.debug('{} not a known prior.'.format(key))
-        return samples
-    def get_required_variables(self, key):
-        """ Returns the required variables to sample a given conditional key.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        key : str
-            Name of the key that we want to know the required variables for
-        Returns
-        ----------
-        dict: key/value pairs of the required variables
-        """
-        return {k: self[k].least_recently_sampled for k in getattr(self[key], 'required_variables', [])}
-    def prob(self, sample, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sample: dict
-            Dictionary of the samples of which we want to have the probability of
-        kwargs:
-            The keyword arguments are passed directly to `np.product`
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Joint probability of all individual sample probabilities
-        """
-        self._check_resolved()
-        for key, value in sample.items():
-            self[key].least_recently_sampled = value
-        res = [self[key].prob(sample[key], **self.get_required_variables(key)) for key in sample]
-        return np.product(res, **kwargs)
-    def ln_prob(self, sample, axis=None):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sample: dict
-            Dictionary of the samples of which we want to have the log probability of
-        axis: Union[None, int]
-            Axis along which the summation is performed
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Joint log probability of all the individual sample probabilities
-        """
-        self._check_resolved()
-        for key, value in sample.items():
-            self[key].least_recently_sampled = value
-        res = [self[key].ln_prob(sample[key], **self.get_required_variables(key)) for key in sample]
-        return np.sum(res, axis=axis)
-    def rescale(self, keys, theta):
-        """Rescale samples from unit cube to prior
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        keys: list
-            List of prior keys to be rescaled
-        theta: list
-            List of randomly drawn values on a unit cube associated with the prior keys
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list: List of floats containing the rescaled sample
-        """
-        self._check_resolved()
-        self._update_rescale_keys(keys)
-        result = dict()
-        for key, index in zip(self.sorted_keys_without_fixed_parameters, self._rescale_indexes):
-            required_variables = {k: result[k] for k in getattr(self[key], 'required_variables', [])}
-            result[key] = self[key].rescale(theta[index], **required_variables)
-        return [result[key] for key in keys]
-    def _update_rescale_keys(self, keys):
-        if not keys == self._least_recently_rescaled_keys:
-            self._rescale_indexes = [keys.index(element) for element in self.sorted_keys_without_fixed_parameters]
-            self._least_recently_rescaled_keys = keys
-    def _check_resolved(self):
-        if not self._resolved:
-            raise IllegalConditionsException("The current set of priors contains unresolveable conditions.")
-    @property
-    def conditional_keys(self):
-        return self._conditional_keys
-    @property
-    def unconditional_keys(self):
-        return self._unconditional_keys
-    @property
-    def sorted_keys(self):
-        return self.unconditional_keys + self.conditional_keys
-    @property
-    def sorted_keys_without_fixed_parameters(self):
-        return [key for key in self.sorted_keys if not isinstance(self[key], (DeltaFunction, Constraint))]
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        super(ConditionalPriorDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
-        self._resolve_conditions()
-    def __delitem__(self, key):
-        super(ConditionalPriorDict, self).__delitem__(key)
-        self._resolve_conditions()
-def create_default_prior(name, default_priors_file=None):
-    """Make a default prior for a parameter with a known name.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    name: str
-        Parameter name
-    default_priors_file: str, optional
-        If given, a file containing the default priors.
-    Return
-    ------
-    prior: Prior
-        Default prior distribution for that parameter, if unknown None is
-        returned.
-    """
-    if default_priors_file is None:
-        logger.debug(
-            "No prior file given.")
-        prior = None
-    else:
-        default_priors = PriorDict(filename=default_priors_file)
-        if name in default_priors.keys():
-            prior = default_priors[name]
-        else:
-            logger.debug(
-                "No default prior found for variable {}.".format(name))
-            prior = None
-    return prior
-class Prior(object):
-    _default_latex_labels = dict()
-    def __init__(self, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, minimum=-np.inf,
-                 maximum=np.inf, boundary=None):
-        """ Implements a Prior object
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        name: str, optional
-            Name associated with prior.
-        latex_label: str, optional
-            Latex label associated with prior, used for plotting.
-        unit: str, optional
-            If given, a Latex string describing the units of the parameter.
-        minimum: float, optional
-            Minimum of the domain, default=-np.inf
-        maximum: float, optional
-            Maximum of the domain, default=np.inf
-        boundary: str, optional
-            The boundary condition of the prior, can be 'periodic', 'reflective'
-            Currently implemented in cpnest, dynesty and pymultinest.
-        """
-        self.name = name
-        self.latex_label = latex_label
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.minimum = minimum
-        self.maximum = maximum
-        self.least_recently_sampled = None
-        self.boundary = boundary
-    def __call__(self):
-        """Overrides the __call__ special method. Calls the sample method.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: The return value of the sample method.
-        """
-        return self.sample()
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
-            return False
-        if sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) != sorted(other.__dict__.keys()):
-            return False
-        for key in self.__dict__:
-            if type(self.__dict__[key]) is np.ndarray:
-                if not np.array_equal(self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]):
-                    return False
-            elif isinstance(self.__dict__[key], type(scipy.stats.beta(1., 1.))):
-                continue
-            else:
-                if not self.__dict__[key] == other.__dict__[key]:
-                    return False
-        return True
-    def sample(self, size=None):
-        """Draw a sample from the prior
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
-            See numpy.random.uniform docs
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: A random number between 0 and 1, rescaled to match the distribution of this Prior
-        """
-        self.least_recently_sampled = self.rescale(np.random.uniform(0, 1, size))
-        return self.least_recently_sampled
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
-        This should be overwritten by each subclass.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-            A random number between 0 and 1
-        Returns
-        -------
-        None
-        """
-        return None
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val, this should be overwritten
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        np.nan
-        """
-        return np.nan
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        """ Generic method to calculate CDF, can be overwritten in subclass """
-        if np.any(np.isinf([self.minimum, self.maximum])):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Unable to use the generic CDF calculation for priors with"
-                "infinite support")
-        x = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, 1000)
-        pdf = self.prob(x)
-        cdf = cumtrapz(pdf, x, initial=0)
-        interp = interp1d(x, cdf, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False,
-                          fill_value=(0, 1))
-        return interp(val)
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior ln probability of val, this should be overwritten
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        np.nan
-        """
-        return np.log(self.prob(val))
-    def is_in_prior_range(self, val):
-        """Returns True if val is in the prior boundaries, zero otherwise
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        np.nan
-        """
-        return (val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)
-    @staticmethod
-    def test_valid_for_rescaling(val):
-        """Test if 0 < val < 1
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Raises
-        -------
-        ValueError: If val is not between 0 and 1
-        """
-        valarray = np.atleast_1d(val)
-        tests = (valarray < 0) + (valarray > 1)
-        if np.any(tests):
-            raise ValueError("Number to be rescaled should be in [0, 1]")
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Overrides the special method __repr__.
-        Returns a representation of this instance that resembles how it is instantiated.
-        Works correctly for all child classes
-        Returns
-        -------
-        str: A string representation of this instance
-        """
-        prior_name = self.__class__.__name__
-        instantiation_dict = self.get_instantiation_dict()
-        args = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(key, repr(instantiation_dict[key]))
-                          for key in instantiation_dict])
-        return "{}({})".format(prior_name, args)
-    @property
-    def _repr_dict(self):
-        """
-        Get a dictionary containing the arguments needed to reproduce this object.
-        """
-        property_names = {p for p in dir(self.__class__) if isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, p), property)}
-        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(self.__init__)
-        dict_with_properties = self.__dict__.copy()
-        for key in property_names.intersection(subclass_args):
-            dict_with_properties[key] = getattr(self, key)
-        return {key: dict_with_properties[key] for key in subclass_args}
-    @property
-    def is_fixed(self):
-        """
-        Returns True if the prior is fixed and should not be used in the sampler. Does this by checking if this instance
-        is an instance of DeltaFunction.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        bool: Whether it's fixed or not!
-        """
-        return isinstance(self, (Constraint, DeltaFunction))
-    @property
-    def latex_label(self):
-        """Latex label that can be used for plots.
-        Draws from a set of default labels if no label is given
-        Returns
-        -------
-        str: A latex representation for this prior
-        """
-        return self.__latex_label
-    @latex_label.setter
-    def latex_label(self, latex_label=None):
-        if latex_label is None:
-            self.__latex_label = self.__default_latex_label
-        else:
-            self.__latex_label = latex_label
-    @property
-    def unit(self):
-        return self.__unit
-    @unit.setter
-    def unit(self, unit):
-        self.__unit = unit
-    @property
-    def latex_label_with_unit(self):
-        """ If a unit is specified, returns a string of the latex label and unit """
-        if self.unit is not None:
-            return "{} [{}]".format(self.latex_label, self.unit)
-        else:
-            return self.latex_label
-    @property
-    def minimum(self):
-        return self._minimum
-    @minimum.setter
-    def minimum(self, minimum):
-        self._minimum = minimum
-    @property
-    def maximum(self):
-        return self._maximum
-    @maximum.setter
-    def maximum(self, maximum):
-        self._maximum = maximum
-    def get_instantiation_dict(self):
-        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(self.__init__)
-        property_names = [p for p in dir(self.__class__)
-                          if isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, p), property)]
-        dict_with_properties = self.__dict__.copy()
-        for key in property_names:
-            dict_with_properties[key] = getattr(self, key)
-        instantiation_dict = dict()
-        for key in subclass_args:
-            instantiation_dict[key] = dict_with_properties[key]
-        return instantiation_dict
-    @property
-    def boundary(self):
-        return self._boundary
-    @boundary.setter
-    def boundary(self, boundary):
-        if boundary not in ['periodic', 'reflective', None]:
-            raise ValueError('{} is not a valid setting for prior boundaries'.format(boundary))
-        self._boundary = boundary
-    @property
-    def __default_latex_label(self):
-        if self.name in self._default_latex_labels.keys():
-            label = self._default_latex_labels[self.name]
-        else:
-            label = self.name
-        return label
-    def to_json(self):
-        return json.dumps(self, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder)
-    @classmethod
-    def from_json(cls, dct):
-        return decode_bilby_json(dct)
-    @classmethod
-    def from_repr(cls, string):
-        """Generate the prior from it's __repr__"""
-        return cls._from_repr(string)
-    @classmethod
-    def _from_repr(cls, string):
-        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(cls.__init__)
-        string = string.replace(' ', '')
-        kwargs = cls._split_repr(string)
-        for key in kwargs:
-            val = kwargs[key]
-            if key not in subclass_args and not hasattr(cls, "reference_params"):
-                raise AttributeError('Unknown argument {} for class {}'.format(
-                    key, cls.__name__))
-            else:
-                kwargs[key] = cls._parse_argument_string(val)
-            if key in ["condition_func", "conversion_function"] and isinstance(kwargs[key], str):
-                if "." in kwargs[key]:
-                    module = '.'.join(kwargs[key].split('.')[:-1])
-                    name = kwargs[key].split('.')[-1]
-                else:
-                    module = __name__
-                    name = kwargs[key]
-                kwargs[key] = getattr(import_module(module), name)
-        return cls(**kwargs)
-    @classmethod
-    def _split_repr(cls, string):
-        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(cls.__init__)
-        args = string.split(',')
-        remove = list()
-        for ii, key in enumerate(args):
-            if '(' in key:
-                jj = ii
-                while ')' not in args[jj]:
-                    jj += 1
-                    args[ii] = ','.join([args[ii], args[jj]]).strip()
-                    remove.append(jj)
-        remove.reverse()
-        for ii in remove:
-            del args[ii]
-        kwargs = dict()
-        for ii, arg in enumerate(args):
-            if '=' not in arg:
-                logger.debug(
-                    'Reading priors with non-keyword arguments is dangerous!')
-                key = subclass_args[ii]
-                val = arg
-            else:
-                split_arg = arg.split('=')
-                key = split_arg[0]
-                val = '='.join(split_arg[1:])
-            kwargs[key] = val
-        return kwargs
-    @classmethod
-    def _parse_argument_string(cls, val):
-        """
-        Parse a string into the appropriate type for prior reading.
-        Four tests are applied in the following order:
-        - If the string is 'None':
-            `None` is returned.
-        - Else If the string is a raw string, e.g., r'foo':
-            A stripped version of the string is returned, e.g., foo.
-        - Else If the string contains ', e.g., 'foo':
-            A stripped version of the string is returned, e.g., foo.
-        - Else If the string contains an open parenthesis, (:
-            The string is interpreted as a call to instantiate another prior
-            class, Bilby will attempt to recursively construct that prior,
-            e.g., Uniform(minimum=0, maximum=1), my.custom.PriorClass(**kwargs).
-        - Else:
-            Try to evaluate the string using `eval`. Only built-in functions
-            and numpy methods can be used, e.g., np.pi / 2, 1.57.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: str
-            The string version of the agument
-        Returns
-        -------
-        val: object
-            The parsed version of the argument.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        TypeError:
-            If val cannot be parsed as described above.
-        """
-        if val == 'None':
-            val = None
-        elif re.sub(r'\'.*\'', '', val) in ['r', 'u']:
-            val = val[2:-1]
-        elif "'" in val:
-            val = val.strip("'")
-        elif '(' in val:
-            other_cls = val.split('(')[0]
-            vals = '('.join(val.split('(')[1:])[:-1]
-            if "." in other_cls:
-                module = '.'.join(other_cls.split('.')[:-1])
-                other_cls = other_cls.split('.')[-1]
-            else:
-                module = __name__
-            other_cls = getattr(import_module(module), other_cls)
-            val = other_cls.from_repr(vals)
-        else:
-            try:
-                val = eval(val, dict(), dict(np=np))
-            except NameError:
-                raise TypeError(
-                    "Cannot evaluate prior, "
-                    "failed to parse argument {}".format(val)
-                )
-        return val
-class Constraint(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None):
-        super(Constraint, self).__init__(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, name=name,
-                                         latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit)
-    def prob(self, val):
-        return (val > self.minimum) & (val < self.maximum)
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        return np.log((val > self.minimum) & (val < self.maximum))
-class DeltaFunction(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, peak, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None):
-        """Dirac delta function prior, this always returns peak.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        peak: float
-            Peak value of the delta function
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(DeltaFunction, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
-                                            minimum=peak, maximum=peak)
-        self.peak = peak
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """Rescale everything to the peak with the correct shape.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Rescaled probability, equivalent to peak
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return self.peak * val ** 0
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-         Union[float, array_like]: np.inf if val = peak, 0 otherwise
-        """
-        at_peak = (val == self.peak)
-        return np.nan_to_num(np.multiply(at_peak, np.inf))
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        return np.ones_like(val) * (val > self.peak)
-class PowerLaw(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, alpha, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Power law with bounds and alpha, spectral index
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        alpha: float
-            Power law exponent parameter
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(PowerLaw, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                       minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, unit=unit,
-                                       boundary=boundary)
-        self.alpha = alpha
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the power-law prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-            Uniform probability
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Rescaled probability
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        if self.alpha == -1:
-            return self.minimum * np.exp(val * np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
-        else:
-            return (self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha) + val *
-                    (self.maximum ** (1 + self.alpha) - self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha))) ** (1. / (1 + self.alpha))
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        if self.alpha == -1:
-            return np.nan_to_num(1 / val / np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)) * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
-        else:
-            return np.nan_to_num(val ** self.alpha * (1 + self.alpha) /
-                                 (self.maximum ** (1 + self.alpha) -
-                                  self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha))) * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the logarithmic prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float:
-        """
-        if self.alpha == -1:
-            normalising = 1. / np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)
-        else:
-            normalising = (1 + self.alpha) / (self.maximum ** (1 + self.alpha) -
-                                              self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha))
-        return (self.alpha * np.nan_to_num(np.log(val)) + np.log(normalising)) + np.log(
-            1. * self.is_in_prior_range(val))
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        if self.alpha == -1:
-            _cdf = (np.log(val / self.minimum) /
-                    np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
-        else:
-            _cdf = np.atleast_1d(val ** (self.alpha + 1) - self.minimum ** (self.alpha + 1)) / \
-                (self.maximum ** (self.alpha + 1) - self.minimum ** (self.alpha + 1))
-        _cdf = np.minimum(_cdf, 1)
-        _cdf = np.maximum(_cdf, 0)
-        return _cdf
-class Uniform(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Uniform prior with bounds
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Uniform, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                      minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, unit=unit,
-                                      boundary=boundary)
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the power-law prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-            Uniform probability
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Rescaled probability
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return self.minimum + val * (self.maximum - self.minimum)
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return ((val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)) / (self.maximum - self.minimum)
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the log prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: log probability of val
-        """
-        return xlogy(1, (val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)) - xlogy(1, self.maximum - self.minimum)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        _cdf = (val - self.minimum) / (self.maximum - self.minimum)
-        _cdf = np.minimum(_cdf, 1)
-        _cdf = np.maximum(_cdf, 0)
-        return _cdf
-class LogUniform(PowerLaw):
-    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Log-Uniform prior with bounds
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(LogUniform, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
-                                         minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, alpha=-1, boundary=boundary)
-        if self.minimum <= 0:
-            logger.warning('You specified a uniform-in-log prior with minimum={}'.format(self.minimum))
-class SymmetricLogUniform(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Symmetric Log-Uniform distribtions with bounds
-        This is identical to a Log-Uniform distribution, but mirrored about
-        the zero-axis and subsequently normalized. As such, the distribution
-        has support on the two regions [-maximum, -minimum] and [minimum,
-        maximum].
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(SymmetricLogUniform, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                                  minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, unit=unit,
-                                                  boundary=boundary)
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the power-law prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-            Uniform probability
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Rescaled probability
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < 0.5:
-                return -self.maximum * np.exp(-2 * val * np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
-            else:
-                return self.minimum * np.exp(np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum) * (2 * val - 1))
-        else:
-            vals_less_than_5 = val < 0.5
-            rescaled = np.empty_like(val)
-            rescaled[vals_less_than_5] = -self.maximum * np.exp(-2 * val[vals_less_than_5] *
-                                                                np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
-            rescaled[~vals_less_than_5] = self.minimum * np.exp(np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum) *
-                                                                (2 * val[~vals_less_than_5] - 1))
-            return rescaled
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return (np.nan_to_num(0.5 / np.abs(val) / np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)) *
-                self.is_in_prior_range(val))
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the logarithmic prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float:
-        """
-        return np.nan_to_num(- np.log(2 * np.abs(val)) - np.log(np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)))
-class Cosine(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None,
-                 minimum=-np.pi / 2, maximum=np.pi / 2, boundary=None):
-        """Cosine prior with bounds
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Cosine, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
-                                     minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to a uniform in cosine prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        norm = 1 / (np.sin(self.maximum) - np.sin(self.minimum))
-        return np.arcsin(val / norm + np.sin(self.minimum))
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val. Defined over [-pi/2, pi/2].
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.cos(val) / 2 * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        _cdf = np.atleast_1d((np.sin(val) - np.sin(self.minimum)) /
-                             (np.sin(self.maximum) - np.sin(self.minimum)))
-        _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
-        _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0
-        return _cdf
-class Sine(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, minimum=0,
-                 maximum=np.pi, boundary=None):
-        """Sine prior with bounds
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Sine, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
-                                   minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to a uniform in sine prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        norm = 1 / (np.cos(self.minimum) - np.cos(self.maximum))
-        return np.arccos(np.cos(self.minimum) - val / norm)
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val. Defined over [0, pi].
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.sin(val) / 2 * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        _cdf = np.atleast_1d((np.cos(val) - np.cos(self.minimum)) /
-                             (np.cos(self.maximum) - np.cos(self.minimum)))
-        _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
-        _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0
-        return _cdf
-class Gaussian(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Gaussian prior with mean mu and width sigma
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mu: float
-            Mean of the Gaussian prior
-        sigma:
-            Width/Standard deviation of the Gaussian prior
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Gaussian, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        self.mu = mu
-        self.sigma = sigma
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Gaussian prior.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return self.mu + erfinv(2 * val - 1) * 2 ** 0.5 * self.sigma
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(-(self.mu - val) ** 2 / (2 * self.sigma ** 2)) / (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 / self.sigma
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the Log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return -0.5 * ((self.mu - val) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 + np.log(2 * np.pi * self.sigma ** 2))
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        return (1 - erf((self.mu - val) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2
-class Normal(Gaussian):
-    """A synonym for the  Gaussian distribution. """
-class TruncatedGaussian(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, minimum, maximum, name=None,
-                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Truncated Gaussian prior with mean mu and width sigma
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncated_normal_distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mu: float
-            Mean of the Gaussian prior
-        sigma:
-            Width/Standard deviation of the Gaussian prior
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(TruncatedGaussian, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
-                                                minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
-        self.mu = mu
-        self.sigma = sigma
-    @property
-    def normalisation(self):
-        """ Calculates the proper normalisation of the truncated Gaussian
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Proper normalisation of the truncated Gaussian
-        """
-        return (erf((self.maximum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma) - erf(
-            (self.minimum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate truncated Gaussian prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return erfinv(2 * val * self.normalisation + erf(
-            (self.minimum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) * 2 ** 0.5 * self.sigma + self.mu
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(-(self.mu - val) ** 2 / (2 * self.sigma ** 2)) / (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 \
-            / self.sigma / self.normalisation * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        _cdf = (erf((val - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma) - erf(
-            (self.minimum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2 / self.normalisation
-        _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
-        _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0
-        return _cdf
-class TruncatedNormal(TruncatedGaussian):
-    """A synonym for the TruncatedGaussian distribution."""
-class HalfGaussian(TruncatedGaussian):
-    def __init__(self, sigma, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """A Gaussian with its mode at zero, and truncated to only be positive.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sigma: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(HalfGaussian, self).__init__(mu=0., sigma=sigma, minimum=0., maximum=np.inf,
-                                           name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                           unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-class HalfNormal(HalfGaussian):
-    """A synonym for the HalfGaussian distribution."""
-class LogNormal(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Log-normal prior with mean mu and width sigma
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mu: float
-            Mean of the Gaussian prior
-        sigma:
-            Width/Standard deviation of the Gaussian prior
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(LogNormal, self).__init__(name=name, minimum=0., latex_label=latex_label,
-                                        unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        if sigma <= 0.:
-            raise ValueError("For the LogGaussian prior the standard deviation must be positive")
-        self.mu = mu
-        self.sigma = sigma
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate LogNormal prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return np.exp(self.mu + np.sqrt(2 * self.sigma ** 2) * erfinv(2 * val - 1))
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val <= self.minimum:
-                _prob = 0.
-            else:
-                _prob = np.exp(-(np.log(val) - self.mu) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 / 2)\
-                    / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / val / self.sigma
-        else:
-            _prob = np.zeros(len(val))
-            idx = (val > self.minimum)
-            _prob[idx] = np.exp(-(np.log(val[idx]) - self.mu) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 / 2)\
-                / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / val[idx] / self.sigma
-        return _prob
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val <= self.minimum:
-                _ln_prob = -np.inf
-            else:
-                _ln_prob = -(np.log(val) - self.mu) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 / 2\
-                    - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * val * self.sigma)
-        else:
-            _ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
-            idx = (val > self.minimum)
-            _ln_prob[idx] = -(np.log(val[idx]) - self.mu) ** 2\
-                / self.sigma ** 2 / 2 - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * val[idx] * self.sigma)
-        return _ln_prob
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val <= self.minimum:
-                _cdf = 0.
-            else:
-                _cdf = 0.5 + erf((np.log(val) - self.mu) / self.sigma / np.sqrt(2)) / 2
-        else:
-            _cdf = np.zeros(len(val))
-            _cdf[val > self.minimum] = 0.5 + erf((
-                np.log(val[val > self.minimum]) - self.mu) / self.sigma / np.sqrt(2)) / 2
-        return _cdf
-class LogGaussian(LogNormal):
-    """Synonym of LogNormal prior."""
-class Exponential(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, mu, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Exponential prior with mean mu
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mu: float
-            Mean of the Exponential prior
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Exponential, self).__init__(name=name, minimum=0., latex_label=latex_label,
-                                          unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        self.mu = mu
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Exponential prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return -self.mu * log1p(-val)
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < self.minimum:
-                _prob = 0.
-            else:
-                _prob = np.exp(-val / self.mu) / self.mu
-        else:
-            _prob = np.zeros(len(val))
-            _prob[val >= self.minimum] = np.exp(-val[val >= self.minimum] / self.mu) / self.mu
-        return _prob
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < self.minimum:
-                _ln_prob = -np.inf
-            else:
-                _ln_prob = -val / self.mu - np.log(self.mu)
-        else:
-            _ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
-            _ln_prob[val >= self.minimum] = -val[val >= self.minimum] / self.mu - np.log(self.mu)
-        return _ln_prob
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < self.minimum:
-                _cdf = 0.
-            else:
-                _cdf = 1. - np.exp(-val / self.mu)
-        else:
-            _cdf = np.zeros(len(val))
-            _cdf[val >= self.minimum] = 1. - np.exp(-val[val >= self.minimum] / self.mu)
-        return _cdf
-class StudentT(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, df, mu=0., scale=1., name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Student's t-distribution prior with number of degrees of freedom df,
-        mean mu and scale
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-distribution#Generalized_Student's_t-distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        df: float
-            Number of degrees of freedom for distribution
-        mu: float
-            Mean of the Student's t-prior
-        scale:
-            Width of the Student's t-prior
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(StudentT, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        if df <= 0. or scale <= 0.:
-            raise ValueError("For the StudentT prior the number of degrees of freedom and scale must be positive")
-        self.df = df
-        self.mu = mu
-        self.scale = scale
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Student's t-prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val == 0:
-                rescaled = -np.inf
-            elif val == 1:
-                rescaled = np.inf
-            else:
-                rescaled = stdtrit(self.df, val) * self.scale + self.mu
-        else:
-            rescaled = stdtrit(self.df, val) * self.scale + self.mu
-            rescaled[val == 0] = -np.inf
-            rescaled[val == 1] = np.inf
-        return rescaled
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return gammaln(0.5 * (self.df + 1)) - gammaln(0.5 * self.df)\
-            - np.log(np.sqrt(np.pi * self.df) * self.scale) - (self.df + 1) / 2 *\
-            np.log(1 + ((val - self.mu) / self.scale) ** 2 / self.df)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        return stdtr(self.df, (val - self.mu) / self.scale)
-class Beta(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, alpha, beta, minimum=0, maximum=1, name=None,
-                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Beta distribution
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution
-        This wraps around
-        https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.beta.html
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        alpha: float
-            first shape parameter
-        beta: float
-            second shape parameter
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Beta, self).__init__(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, name=name,
-                                   latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        if alpha <= 0. or beta <= 0.:
-            raise ValueError("alpha and beta must both be positive values")
-        self.alpha = alpha
-        self.beta = beta
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Beta prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return btdtri(self.alpha, self.beta, val) * (self.maximum - self.minimum) + self.minimum
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        _ln_prob = xlogy(self.alpha - 1, val - self.minimum) + xlogy(self.beta - 1, self.maximum - val)\
-            - betaln(self.alpha, self.beta) - xlogy(self.alpha + self.beta - 1, self.maximum - self.minimum)
-        # deal with the fact that if alpha or beta are < 1 you get infinities at 0 and 1
-        if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
-            _ln_prob_sub = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
-            idx = np.isfinite(_ln_prob) & (val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)
-            _ln_prob_sub[idx] = _ln_prob[idx]
-            return _ln_prob_sub
-        else:
-            if np.isfinite(_ln_prob) and val >= self.minimum and val <= self.maximum:
-                return _ln_prob
-            return -np.inf
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val > self.maximum:
-                return 1.
-            elif val < self.minimum:
-                return 0.
-            else:
-                return btdtr(self.alpha, self.beta,
-                             (val - self.minimum) / (self.maximum - self.minimum))
-        else:
-            _cdf = np.nan_to_num(btdtr(self.alpha, self.beta,
-                                 (val - self.minimum) / (self.maximum - self.minimum)))
-            _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0.
-            _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1.
-            return _cdf
-class Logistic(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, mu, scale, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Logistic distribution
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mu: float
-            Mean of the distribution
-        scale: float
-            Width of the distribution
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Logistic, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        if scale <= 0.:
-            raise ValueError("For the Logistic prior the scale must be positive")
-        self.mu = mu
-        self.scale = scale
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Logistic prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val == 0:
-                rescaled = -np.inf
-            elif val == 1:
-                rescaled = np.inf
-            else:
-                rescaled = self.mu + self.scale * np.log(val / (1. - val))
-        else:
-            rescaled = np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
-            rescaled[val == 0] = -np.inf
-            rescaled[(val > 0) & (val < 1)] = self.mu + self.scale\
-                * np.log(val[(val > 0) & (val < 1)] / (1. - val[(val > 0) & (val < 1)]))
-        return rescaled
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return -(val - self.mu) / self.scale -\
-            2. * np.log(1. + np.exp(-(val - self.mu) / self.scale)) - np.log(self.scale)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-(val - self.mu) / self.scale))
-class Cauchy(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, alpha, beta, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Cauchy distribution
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy_distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        alpha: float
-            Location parameter
-        beta: float
-            Scale parameter
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Cauchy, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        if beta <= 0.:
-            raise ValueError("For the Cauchy prior the scale must be positive")
-        self.alpha = alpha
-        self.beta = beta
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Cauchy prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        rescaled = self.alpha + self.beta * np.tan(np.pi * (val - 0.5))
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val == 1:
-                rescaled = np.inf
-            elif val == 0:
-                rescaled = -np.inf
-        else:
-            rescaled[val == 1] = np.inf
-            rescaled[val == 0] = -np.inf
-        return rescaled
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return 1. / self.beta / np.pi / (1. + ((val - self.alpha) / self.beta) ** 2)
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Log prior probability of val
-        """
-        return - np.log(self.beta * np.pi) - np.log(1. + ((val - self.alpha) / self.beta) ** 2)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        return 0.5 + np.arctan((val - self.alpha) / self.beta) / np.pi
-class Lorentzian(Cauchy):
-    """Synonym for the Cauchy distribution"""
-class Gamma(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, k, theta=1., name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Gamma distribution
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        k: float
-            The shape parameter
-        theta: float
-            The scale parameter
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        super(Gamma, self).__init__(name=name, minimum=0., latex_label=latex_label,
-                                    unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        if k <= 0 or theta <= 0:
-            raise ValueError("For the Gamma prior the shape and scale must be positive")
-        self.k = k
-        self.theta = theta
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Gamma prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        return gammaincinv(self.k, val) * self.theta
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val:  Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-         Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < self.minimum:
-                _ln_prob = -np.inf
-            else:
-                _ln_prob = xlogy(self.k - 1, val) - val / self.theta - xlogy(self.k, self.theta) - gammaln(self.k)
-        else:
-            _ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
-            idx = (val >= self.minimum)
-            _ln_prob[idx] = xlogy(self.k - 1, val[idx]) - val[idx] / self.theta\
-                - xlogy(self.k, self.theta) - gammaln(self.k)
-        return _ln_prob
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < self.minimum:
-                _cdf = 0.
-            else:
-                _cdf = gammainc(self.k, val / self.theta)
-        else:
-            _cdf = np.zeros(len(val))
-            _cdf[val >= self.minimum] = gammainc(self.k, val[val >= self.minimum] / self.theta)
-        return _cdf
-class ChiSquared(Gamma):
-    def __init__(self, nu, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Chi-squared distribution
-        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_distribution
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        nu: int
-            Number of degrees of freedom
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        if nu <= 0 or not isinstance(nu, int):
-            raise ValueError("For the ChiSquared prior the number of degrees of freedom must be a positive integer")
-        super(ChiSquared, self).__init__(name=name, k=nu / 2., theta=2.,
-                                         latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-    @property
-    def nu(self):
-        return int(self.k * 2)
-    @nu.setter
-    def nu(self, nu):
-        self.k = nu / 2.
-class Interped(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, xx, yy, minimum=np.nan, maximum=np.nan, name=None,
-                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Creates an interpolated prior function from arrays of xx and yy=p(xx)
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        xx: array_like
-            x values for the to be interpolated prior function
-        yy: array_like
-            p(xx) values for the to be interpolated prior function
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        Attributes
-        ----------
-        probability_density: scipy.interpolate.interp1d
-            Interpolated prior probability distribution
-        cumulative_distribution: scipy.interpolate.interp1d
-            Interpolated cumulative prior probability distribution
-        inverse_cumulative_distribution: scipy.interpolate.interp1d
-            Inverted cumulative prior probability distribution
-        YY: array_like
-            Cumulative prior probability distribution
-        """
-        self.xx = xx
-        self._yy = yy
-        self.YY = None
-        self.probability_density = None
-        self.cumulative_distribution = None
-        self.inverse_cumulative_distribution = None
-        self.__all_interpolated = interp1d(x=xx, y=yy, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
-        minimum = float(np.nanmax(np.array((min(xx), minimum))))
-        maximum = float(np.nanmin(np.array((max(xx), maximum))))
-        super(Interped, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
-                                       minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
-        self._update_instance()
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
-            return False
-        if np.array_equal(self.xx, other.xx) and np.array_equal(self.yy, other.yy):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val:  Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-         Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return self.probability_density(val)
-    def cdf(self, val):
-        return self.cumulative_distribution(val)
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This is done using interpolation.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        rescaled = self.inverse_cumulative_distribution(val)
-        if rescaled.shape == ():
-            rescaled = float(rescaled)
-        return rescaled
-    @property
-    def minimum(self):
-        """Return minimum of the prior distribution.
-        Updates the prior distribution if minimum is set to a different value.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Minimum of the prior distribution
-        """
-        return self._minimum
-    @minimum.setter
-    def minimum(self, minimum):
-        self._minimum = minimum
-        if '_maximum' in self.__dict__ and self._maximum < np.inf:
-            self._update_instance()
-    @property
-    def maximum(self):
-        """Return maximum of the prior distribution.
-        Updates the prior distribution if maximum is set to a different value.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Maximum of the prior distribution
-        """
-        return self._maximum
-    @maximum.setter
-    def maximum(self, maximum):
-        self._maximum = maximum
-        if '_minimum' in self.__dict__ and self._minimum < np.inf:
-            self._update_instance()
-    @property
-    def yy(self):
-        """Return p(xx) values of the interpolated prior function.
-        Updates the prior distribution if it is changed
-        Returns
-        -------
-        array_like: p(xx) values
-        """
-        return self._yy
-    @yy.setter
-    def yy(self, yy):
-        self._yy = yy
-        self.__all_interpolated = interp1d(x=self.xx, y=self._yy, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
-        self._update_instance()
-    def _update_instance(self):
-        self.xx = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, len(self.xx))
-        self._yy = self.__all_interpolated(self.xx)
-        self._initialize_attributes()
-    def _initialize_attributes(self):
-        if np.trapz(self._yy, self.xx) != 1:
-            logger.debug('Supplied PDF for {} is not normalised, normalising.'.format(self.name))
-        self._yy /= np.trapz(self._yy, self.xx)
-        self.YY = cumtrapz(self._yy, self.xx, initial=0)
-        # Need last element of cumulative distribution to be exactly one.
-        self.YY[-1] = 1
-        self.probability_density = interp1d(x=self.xx, y=self._yy, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
-        self.cumulative_distribution = interp1d(x=self.xx, y=self.YY, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0, 1))
-        self.inverse_cumulative_distribution = interp1d(x=self.YY, y=self.xx, bounds_error=True)
-class FromFile(Interped):
-    def __init__(self, file_name, minimum=None, maximum=None, name=None,
-                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
-        """Creates an interpolated prior function from arrays of xx and yy=p(xx) extracted from a file
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        file_name: str
-            Name of the file containing the xx and yy arrays
-        minimum: float
-            See superclass
-        maximum: float
-            See superclass
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        boundary: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        try:
-            self.id = file_name
-            xx, yy = np.genfromtxt(self.id).T
-            super(FromFile, self).__init__(xx=xx, yy=yy, minimum=minimum,
-                                           maximum=maximum, name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                           unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
-        except IOError:
-            logger.warning("Can't load {}.".format(self.id))
-            logger.warning("Format should be:")
-            logger.warning(r"x\tp(x)")
-class FermiDirac(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, sigma, mu=None, r=None, name=None, latex_label=None,
-                 unit=None):
-        """A Fermi-Dirac type prior, with a fixed lower boundary at zero
-        (see, e.g. Section 2.3.5 of [1]_). The probability distribution
-        is defined by Equation 22 of [1]_.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        sigma: float (required)
-            The range over which the attenuation of the distribution happens
-        mu: float
-            The point at which the distribution falls to 50% of its maximum
-            value
-        r: float
-            A value giving mu/sigma. This can be used instead of specifying
-            mu.
-        name: str
-            See superclass
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        References
-        ----------
-        .. [1] M. Pitkin, M. Isi, J. Veitch & G. Woan, `arXiv:1705.08978v1
-           <https:arxiv.org/abs/1705.08978v1>`_, 2017.
-        """
-        super(FermiDirac, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, minimum=0.)
-        self.sigma = sigma
-        if mu is None and r is None:
-            raise ValueError("For the Fermi-Dirac prior either a 'mu' value or 'r' "
-                             "value must be given.")
-        if r is None and mu is not None:
-            self.mu = mu
-            self.r = self.mu / self.sigma
-        else:
-            self.r = r
-            self.mu = self.sigma * self.r
-        if self.r <= 0. or self.sigma <= 0.:
-            raise ValueError("For the Fermi-Dirac prior the values of sigma and r "
-                             "must be positive.")
-    def rescale(self, val):
-        """
-        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Fermi-Dirac prior.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case,
-        see Equation 24 of [1]_.
-        References
-        ----------
-        .. [1] M. Pitkin, M. Isi, J. Veitch & G. Woan, `arXiv:1705.08978v1
-           <https:arxiv.org/abs/1705.08978v1>`_, 2017.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        inv = (-np.exp(-1. * self.r) + (1. + np.exp(self.r)) ** -val +
-               np.exp(-1. * self.r) * (1. + np.exp(self.r)) ** -val)
-        # if val is 1 this will cause inv to be negative (due to numerical
-        # issues), so return np.inf
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if inv < 0:
-                return np.inf
-            else:
-                return -self.sigma * np.log(inv)
-        else:
-            idx = inv >= 0.
-            tmpinv = np.inf * np.ones(len(np.atleast_1d(val)))
-            tmpinv[idx] = -self.sigma * np.log(inv[idx])
-            return tmpinv
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Prior probability of val
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """Return the log prior probability of val.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-        Returns
-        -------
-        Union[float, array_like]: Log prior probability of val
-        """
-        norm = -np.log(self.sigma * np.log(1. + np.exp(self.r)))
-        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-            if val < self.minimum:
-                return -np.inf
-            else:
-                return norm - np.logaddexp((val / self.sigma) - self.r, 0.)
-        else:
-            val = np.atleast_1d(val)
-            lnp = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
-            idx = val >= self.minimum
-            lnp[idx] = norm - np.logaddexp((val[idx] / self.sigma) - self.r, 0.)
-            return lnp
-class BaseJointPriorDist(object):
-    def __init__(self, names, bounds=None):
-        """
-        A class defining JointPriorDist that will be overwritten with child
-        classes defining the joint prior distribtuions between given parameters,
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        names: list (required)
-            A list of the parameter names in the JointPriorDist. The
-            listed parameters must have the same order that they appear in
-            the lists of statistical parameters that may be passed in child class
-        bounds: list (optional)
-            A list of bounds on each parameter. The defaults are for bounds at
-            +/- infinity.
-        """
-        self.distname = 'joint_dist'
-        if not isinstance(names, list):
-            self.names = [names]
-        else:
-            self.names = names
-        self.num_vars = len(self.names)
-        # set the bounds for each parameter
-        if isinstance(bounds, list):
-            if len(bounds) != len(self):
-                raise ValueError("Wrong number of parameter bounds")
-            # check bounds
-            for bound in bounds:
-                if isinstance(bounds, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
-                    if len(bound) != 2:
-                        raise ValueError("Bounds must contain an upper and "
-                                         "lower value.")
-                    else:
-                        if bound[1] <= bound[0]:
-                            raise ValueError("Bounds are not properly set")
-                else:
-                    raise TypeError("Bound must be a list")
-                logger.warning("If using bounded ranges on the multivariate "
-                               "Gaussian this will lead to biased posteriors "
-                               "for nested sampling routines that require "
-                               "a prior transform.")
-        else:
-            bounds = [(-np.inf, np.inf) for _ in self.names]
-        self.bounds = {name: val for name, val in zip(self.names, bounds)}
-        self._current_sample = {}  # initialise empty sample
-        self._uncorrelated = None
-        self._current_lnprob = None
-        # a dictionary of the parameters as requested by the prior
-        self.requested_parameters = dict()
-        self.reset_request()
-        # a dictionary of the rescaled parameters
-        self.rescale_parameters = dict()
-        self.reset_rescale()
-        # a list of sampled parameters
-        self.reset_sampled()
-    def reset_sampled(self):
-        self.sampled_parameters = []
-        self.current_sample = {}
-    def filled_request(self):
-        """
-        Check if all requested parameters have been filled.
-        """
-        return not np.any([val is None for val in
-                           self.requested_parameters.values()])
-    def reset_request(self):
-        """
-        Reset the requested parameters to None.
-        """
-        for name in self.names:
-            self.requested_parameters[name] = None
-    def filled_rescale(self):
-        """
-        Check if all the rescaled parameters have been filled.
-        """
-        return not np.any([val is None for val in
-                           self.rescale_parameters.values()])
-    def reset_rescale(self):
-        """
-        Reset the rescaled parameters to None.
-        """
-        for name in self.names:
-            self.rescale_parameters[name] = None
-    def get_instantiation_dict(self):
-        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(self.__init__)
-        property_names = [p for p in dir(self.__class__)
-                          if isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, p), property)]
-        dict_with_properties = self.__dict__.copy()
-        for key in property_names:
-            dict_with_properties[key] = getattr(self, key)
-        instantiation_dict = dict()
-        for key in subclass_args:
-            if isinstance(dict_with_properties[key], list):
-                value = np.asarray(dict_with_properties[key]).tolist()
-            else:
-                value = dict_with_properties[key]
-            instantiation_dict[key] = value
-        return instantiation_dict
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.names)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Overrides the special method __repr__.
-        Returns a representation of this instance that resembles how it is instantiated.
-        Works correctly for all child classes
-        Returns
-        -------
-        str: A string representation of this instance
-        """
-        dist_name = self.__class__.__name__
-        instantiation_dict = self.get_instantiation_dict()
-        args = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(key, repr(instantiation_dict[key]))
-                          for key in instantiation_dict])
-        return "{}({})".format(dist_name, args)
-    def prob(self, samp):
-        """
-        Get the probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
-        probability will not be properly normalised.
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(samp))
-    def _check_samp(self, value):
-        """
-        Get the log-probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
-        probability will not be properly normalised.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        value: array_like
-            A 1d vector of the sample, or 2d array of sample values with shape
-            NxM, where N is the number of samples and M is the number of
-            parameters.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        samp: array_like
-            returns the input value as a sample array
-        outbounds: array_like
-            Boolean Array that selects samples in samp that are out of given bounds
-        """
-        samp = np.array(value)
-        if len(samp.shape) == 1:
-            samp = samp.reshape(1, self.num_vars)
-        if len(samp.shape) != 2:
-            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
-        elif samp.shape[1] != self.num_vars:
-            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
-        # check sample(s) is within bounds
-        outbounds = np.ones(samp.shape[0], dtype=np.bool)
-        for s, bound in zip(samp.T, self.bounds.values()):
-            outbounds = (s < bound[0]) | (s > bound[1])
-            if np.any(outbounds):
-                break
-        return samp, outbounds
-    def ln_prob(self, value):
-        """
-        Get the log-probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
-        probability will not be properly normalised.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        value: array_like
-            A 1d vector of the sample, or 2d array of sample values with shape
-            NxM, where N is the number of samples and M is the number of
-            parameters.
-        """
-        samp, outbounds = self._check_samp(value)
-        lnprob = -np.inf * np.ones(samp.shape[0])
-        lnprob = self._ln_prob(samp, lnprob, outbounds)
-        if samp.shape[0] == 1:
-            return lnprob[0]
-        else:
-            return lnprob
-    def _ln_prob(self, samp, lnprob, outbounds):
-        """
-        Get the log-probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
-        probability will not be properly normalised. **this method needs overwritten by child class**
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        samp: vector
-            sample to evaluate the ln_prob at
-        lnprob: vector
-            of -inf pased in with the same shape as the number of samples
-        outbounds: array_like
-            boolean array showing which samples in lnprob vector are out of the given bounds
-        Returns
-        -------
-        lnprob: vector
-            array of lnprob values for each sample given
-        """
-        """
-        Here is where the subclass where overwrite ln_prob method
-        """
-        return lnprob
-    def sample(self, size=1, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Draw, and set, a sample from the Dist, accompanying method _sample needs to overwritten
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        size: int
-            number of samples to generate, defualts to 1
-        """
-        if size is None:
-            size = 1
-        samps = self._sample(size=size, **kwargs)
-        for i, name in enumerate(self.names):
-            if size == 1:
-                self.current_sample[name] = samps[:, i].flatten()[0]
-            else:
-                self.current_sample[name] = samps[:, i].flatten()
-    def _sample(self, size, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Draw, and set, a sample from the joint dist (**needs to be ovewritten by child class**)
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        size: int
-            number of samples to generate, defualts to 1
-        """
-        samps = np.zeros((size, len(self)))
-        """
-        Here is where the subclass where overwrite sampling method
-        """
-        return samps
-    def rescale(self, value, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Rescale from a unit hypercube to JointPriorDist. Note that no
-        bounds are applied in the rescale function. (child classes need to
-        overwrite accompanying method _rescale().
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        value: array
-            A 1d vector sample (one for each parameter) drawn from a uniform
-            distribution between 0 and 1, or a 2d NxM array of samples where
-            N is the number of samples and M is the number of parameters.
-        kwargs: dict
-            All keyword args that need to be passed to _rescale method, these keyword
-            args are called in the JointPrior rescale methods for each parameter
-        Returns
-        -------
-        array:
-            An vector sample drawn from the multivariate Gaussian
-            distribution.
-        """
-        samp = np.asarray(value)
-        if len(samp.shape) == 1:
-            samp = samp.reshape(1, self.num_vars)
-        if len(samp.shape) != 2:
-            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
-        elif samp.shape[1] != self.num_vars:
-            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
-        samp = self._rescale(samp, **kwargs)
-        return np.squeeze(samp)
-    def _rescale(self, samp, **kwargs):
-        """
-        rescale a sample from a unit hypercybe to the joint dist (**needs to be ovewritten by child class**)
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        samp: numpy array
-            this is a vector sample drawn from a uniform distribtuion to be rescaled to the distribution
-        """
-        """
-        Here is where the subclass where overwrite rescale method
-        """
-        return samp
-class MultivariateGaussianDist(BaseJointPriorDist):
-    def __init__(self, names, nmodes=1, mus=None, sigmas=None, corrcoefs=None,
-                 covs=None, weights=None, bounds=None):
-        """
-        A class defining a multi-variate Gaussian, allowing multiple modes for
-        a Gaussian mixture model.
-        Note: if using a multivariate Gaussian prior, with bounds, this can
-        lead to biases in the marginal likelihood estimate and posterior
-        estimate for nested samplers routines that rely on sampling from a unit
-        hypercube and having a prior transform, e.g., nestle, dynesty and
-        MultiNest.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        names: list
-            A list of the parameter names in the multivariate Gaussian. The
-            listed parameters must have the same order that they appear in
-            the lists of means, standard deviations, and the correlation
-            coefficient, or covariance, matrices.
-        nmodes: int
-            The number of modes for the mixture model. This defaults to 1,
-            which will be checked against the shape of the other inputs.
-        mus: array_like
-            A list of lists of means of each mode in a multivariate Gaussian
-            mixture model. A single list can be given for a single mode. If
-            this is None then means at zero will be assumed.
-        sigmas: array_like
-            A list of lists of the standard deviations of each mode of the
-            multivariate Gaussian. If supplying a correlation coefficient
-            matrix rather than a covariance matrix these values must be given.
-            If this is None unit variances will be assumed.
-        corrcoefs: array
-            A list of square matrices containing the correlation coefficients
-            of the parameters for each mode. If this is None it will be assumed
-            that the parameters are uncorrelated.
-        covs: array
-            A list of square matrices containing the covariance matrix of the
-            multivariate Gaussian.
-        weights: list
-            A list of weights (relative probabilities) for each mode of the
-            multivariate Gaussian. This will default to equal weights for each
-            mode.
-        bounds: list
-            A list of bounds on each parameter. The defaults are for bounds at
-            +/- infinity.
-        """
-        super(MultivariateGaussianDist, self).__init__(names=names, bounds=bounds)
-        self.distname = 'mvg'
-        self.mus = []
-        self.covs = []
-        self.corrcoefs = []
-        self.sigmas = []
-        self.weights = []
-        self.eigvalues = []
-        self.eigvectors = []
-        self.sqeigvalues = []  # square root of the eigenvalues
-        self.mvn = []  # list of multivariate normal distributions
-        self._current_sample = {}  # initialise empty sample
-        self._uncorrelated = None
-        self._current_lnprob = None
-        # put values in lists if required
-        if nmodes == 1:
-            if mus is not None:
-                if len(np.shape(mus)) == 1:
-                    mus = [mus]
-                elif len(np.shape(mus)) == 0:
-                    raise ValueError("Must supply a list of means")
-            if sigmas is not None:
-                if len(np.shape(sigmas)) == 1:
-                    sigmas = [sigmas]
-                elif len(np.shape(sigmas)) == 0:
-                    raise ValueError("Must supply a list of standard "
-                                     "deviations")
-            if covs is not None:
-                if isinstance(covs, np.ndarray):
-                    covs = [covs]
-                elif isinstance(covs, list):
-                    if len(np.shape(covs)) == 2:
-                        covs = [np.array(covs)]
-                    elif len(np.shape(covs)) != 3:
-                        raise TypeError("List of covariances the wrong shape")
-                else:
-                    raise TypeError("Must pass a list of covariances")
-            if corrcoefs is not None:
-                if isinstance(corrcoefs, np.ndarray):
-                    corrcoefs = [corrcoefs]
-                elif isinstance(corrcoefs, list):
-                    if len(np.shape(corrcoefs)) == 2:
-                        corrcoefs = [np.array(corrcoefs)]
-                    elif len(np.shape(corrcoefs)) != 3:
-                        raise TypeError("List of correlation coefficients the wrong shape")
-                elif not isinstance(corrcoefs, list):
-                    raise TypeError("Must pass a list of correlation "
-                                    "coefficients")
-            if weights is not None:
-                if isinstance(weights, (int, float)):
-                    weights = [weights]
-                elif isinstance(weights, list):
-                    if len(weights) != 1:
-                        raise ValueError("Wrong number of weights given")
-        for val in [mus, sigmas, covs, corrcoefs, weights]:
-            if val is not None and not isinstance(val, list):
-                raise TypeError("Value must be a list")
-            else:
-                if val is not None and len(val) != nmodes:
-                    raise ValueError("Wrong number of modes given")
-        # add the modes
-        self.nmodes = 0
-        for i in range(nmodes):
-            mu = mus[i] if mus is not None else None
-            sigma = sigmas[i] if sigmas is not None else None
-            corrcoef = corrcoefs[i] if corrcoefs is not None else None
-            cov = covs[i] if covs is not None else None
-            weight = weights[i] if weights is not None else 1.
-            self.add_mode(mu, sigma, corrcoef, cov, weight)
-    def add_mode(self, mus=None, sigmas=None, corrcoef=None, cov=None,
-                 weight=1.):
-        """
-        Add a new mode.
-        """
-        # add means
-        if mus is not None:
-            try:
-                self.mus.append(list(mus))  # means
-            except TypeError:
-                raise TypeError("'mus' must be a list")
-        else:
-            self.mus.append(np.zeros(self.num_vars))
-        # add the covariances if supplied
-        if cov is not None:
-            self.covs.append(np.asarray(cov))
-            if len(self.covs[-1].shape) != 2:
-                raise ValueError("Covariance matrix must be a 2d array")
-            if (self.covs[-1].shape[0] != self.covs[-1].shape[1] or
-                    self.covs[-1].shape[0] != self.num_vars):
-                raise ValueError("Covariance shape is inconsistent")
-            # check matrix is symmetric
-            if not np.allclose(self.covs[-1], self.covs[-1].T):
-                raise ValueError("Covariance matrix is not symmetric")
-            self.sigmas.append(np.sqrt(np.diag(self.covs[-1])))  # standard deviations
-            # convert covariance into a correlation coefficient matrix
-            D = self.sigmas[-1] * np.identity(self.covs[-1].shape[0])
-            Dinv = np.linalg.inv(D)
-            self.corrcoefs.append(np.dot(np.dot(Dinv, self.covs[-1]), Dinv))
-        elif corrcoef is not None and sigmas is not None:
-            self.corrcoefs.append(np.asarray(corrcoef))
-            if len(self.corrcoefs[-1].shape) != 2:
-                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix must be a 2d "
-                                 "array.")
-            if (self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[0] != self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[1] or
-                    self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[0] != self.num_vars):
-                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix shape is "
-                                 "inconsistent")
-            # check matrix is symmetric
-            if not np.allclose(self.corrcoefs[-1], self.corrcoefs[-1].T):
-                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix is not "
-                                 "symmetric")
-            # check diagonal is all ones
-            if not np.all(np.diag(self.corrcoefs[-1]) == 1.):
-                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix is not"
-                                 "correct")
-            try:
-                self.sigmas.append(list(sigmas))  # standard deviations
-            except TypeError:
-                raise TypeError("'sigmas' must be a list")
-            if len(self.sigmas[-1]) != self.num_vars:
-                raise ValueError("Number of standard deviations must be the "
-                                 "same as the number of parameters.")
-            # convert correlation coefficients to covariance matrix
-            D = self.sigmas[-1] * np.identity(self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[0])
-            self.covs.append(np.dot(D, np.dot(self.corrcoefs[-1], D)))
-        else:
-            # set unit variance uncorrelated covariance
-            self.corrcoefs.append(np.eye(self.num_vars))
-            self.covs.append(np.eye(self.num_vars))
-            self.sigmas.append(np.ones(self.num_vars))
-        # get eigen values and vectors
-        try:
-            evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(self.corrcoefs[-1])
-            self.eigvalues.append(evals)
-            self.eigvectors.append(evecs)
-        except Exception as e:
-            raise RuntimeError("Problem getting eigenvalues and vectors: "
-                               "{}".format(e))
-        # check eigenvalues are positive
-        if np.any(self.eigvalues[-1] <= 0.):
-            raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix is not positive "
-                             "definite")
-        self.sqeigvalues.append(np.sqrt(self.eigvalues[-1]))
-        # set the weights
-        if weight is None:
-            self.weights.append(1.)
-        else:
-            self.weights.append(weight)
-        # set the cumulative relative weights
-        self.cumweights = np.cumsum(self.weights) / np.sum(self.weights)
-        # add the mode
-        self.nmodes += 1
-        # add multivariate Gaussian
-        self.mvn.append(scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(mean=self.mus[-1],
-                                                        cov=self.covs[-1]))
-    def _rescale(self, samp, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            mode = kwargs['mode']
-        except KeyError:
-            mode = None
-        if mode is None:
-            if self.nmodes == 1:
-                mode = 0
-            else:
-                mode = np.argwhere(self.cumweights - np.random.rand() > 0)[0][0]
-        samp = erfinv(2. * samp - 1) * 2. ** 0.5
-        # rotate and scale to the multivariate normal shape
-        samp = self.mus[mode] + self.sigmas[mode] * np.einsum('ij,kj->ik',
-                                                              samp * self.sqeigvalues[mode],
-                                                              self.eigvectors[mode])
-        return samp
-    def _sample(self, size, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            mode = kwargs['mode']
-        except KeyError:
-            mode = None
-        if mode is None:
-            if self.nmodes == 1:
-                mode = 0
-            else:
-                mode = np.argwhere(self.cumweights - np.random.rand() > 0)[0][0]
-        samps = np.zeros((size, len(self)))
-        for i in range(size):
-            inbound = False
-            while not inbound:
-                # sample the multivariate Gaussian keys
-                vals = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(self))
-                samp = np.atleast_1d(self.rescale(vals, mode=mode))
-                samps[i, :] = samp
-                # check sample is in bounds (otherwise perform another draw)
-                outbound = False
-                for name, val in zip(self.names, samp):
-                    if val < self.bounds[name][0] or val > self.bounds[name][1]:
-                        outbound = True
-                        break
-                if not outbound:
-                    inbound = True
-        return samps
-    def _ln_prob(self, samp, lnprob, outbounds):
-        for j in range(samp.shape[0]):
-            # loop over the modes and sum the probabilities
-            for i in range(self.nmodes):
-                lnprob[j] = np.logaddexp(lnprob[j], self.mvn[i].logpdf(samp[j]))
-        # set out-of-bounds values to -inf
-        lnprob[outbounds] = -np.inf
-        return lnprob
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
-            return False
-        if sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) != sorted(other.__dict__.keys()):
-            return False
-        for key in self.__dict__:
-            if key == 'mvn':
-                if len(self.__dict__[key]) != len(other.__dict__[key]):
-                    return False
-                for thismvn, othermvn in zip(self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]):
-                    if (not isinstance(thismvn, scipy.stats._multivariate.multivariate_normal_frozen) or
-                            not isinstance(othermvn, scipy.stats._multivariate.multivariate_normal_frozen)):
-                        return False
-            elif isinstance(self.__dict__[key], (np.ndarray, list)):
-                thisarr = np.asarray(self.__dict__[key])
-                otherarr = np.asarray(other.__dict__[key])
-                if thisarr.dtype == np.float and otherarr.dtype == np.float:
-                    fin1 = np.isfinite(np.asarray(self.__dict__[key]))
-                    fin2 = np.isfinite(np.asarray(other.__dict__[key]))
-                    if not np.array_equal(fin1, fin2):
-                        return False
-                    if not np.allclose(thisarr[fin1], otherarr[fin2], atol=1e-15):
-                        return False
-                else:
-                    if not np.array_equal(thisarr, otherarr):
-                        return False
-            else:
-                if not self.__dict__[key] == other.__dict__[key]:
-                    return False
-        return True
-class MultivariateNormalDist(MultivariateGaussianDist):
-    """ A synonym for the :class:`~bilby.core.prior.MultivariateGaussianDist` distribution."""
-class JointPrior(Prior):
-    def __init__(self, dist, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None):
-        """This defines the single parameter Prior object for parameters that belong to a JointPriorDist
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        dist: ChildClass of BaseJointPriorDist
-            The shared JointPriorDistribution that this parameter belongs to
-        name: str
-            Name of this parameter. Must be contained in dist.names
-        latex_label: str
-            See superclass
-        unit: str
-            See superclass
-        """
-        if BaseJointPriorDist not in dist.__class__.__bases__:
-            raise TypeError("Must supply a JointPriorDist object instance to be shared by all joint params")
-        if name not in dist.names:
-            raise ValueError("'{}' is not a parameter in the JointPriorDist")
-        self.dist = dist
-        super(JointPrior, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, minimum=dist.bounds[name][0],
-                                         maximum=dist.bounds[name][1])
-    @property
-    def minimum(self):
-        return self._minimum
-    @minimum.setter
-    def minimum(self, minimum):
-        self._minimum = minimum
-        self.dist.bounds[self.name] = (minimum, self.dist.bounds[self.name][1])
-    @property
-    def maximum(self):
-        return self._maximum
-    @maximum.setter
-    def maximum(self, maximum):
-        self._maximum = maximum
-        self.dist.bounds[self.name] = (self.dist.bounds[self.name][0], maximum)
-    def rescale(self, val, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Scale a unit hypercube sample to the prior.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: array_like
-            value drawn from unit hypercube to be rescaled onto the prior
-        kwargs: dict
-            all kwargs passed to the dist.rescale method
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float:
-            A sample from the prior paramter.
-        """
-        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
-        self.dist.rescale_parameters[self.name] = val
-        if self.dist.filled_rescale():
-            values = np.array(list(self.dist.rescale_parameters.values())).T
-            samples = self.dist.rescale(values, **kwargs)
-            self.dist.reset_rescale()
-            return samples
-        else:
-            return []  # return empty list
-    def sample(self, size=1, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Draw a sample from the prior.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        size: int, float (defaults to 1)
-            number of samples to draw
-        kwargs: dict
-            kwargs passed to the dist.sample method
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float:
-            A sample from the prior paramter.
-        """
-        if self.name in self.dist.sampled_parameters:
-            logger.warning("You have already drawn a sample from parameter "
-                           "'{}'. The same sample will be "
-                           "returned".format(self.name))
-        if len(self.dist.current_sample) == 0:
-            # generate a sample
-            self.dist.sample(size=size, **kwargs)
-        sample = self.dist.current_sample[self.name]
-        if self.name not in self.dist.sampled_parameters:
-            self.dist.sampled_parameters.append(self.name)
-        if len(self.dist.sampled_parameters) == len(self.dist):
-            # reset samples
-            self.dist.reset_sampled()
-        self.least_recently_sampled = sample
-        return sample
-    def ln_prob(self, val):
-        """
-        Return the natural logarithm of the prior probability. Note that this
-        will not be correctly normalised if there are bounds on the
-        distribution.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: array_like
-            value to evaluate the prior log-prob at
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float:
-            the logp value for the prior at given sample
-        """
-        self.dist.requested_parameters[self.name] = val
-        if self.dist.filled_request():
-            # all required parameters have been set
-            values = list(self.dist.requested_parameters.values())
-            # check for the same number of values for each parameter
-            for i in range(len(self.dist) - 1):
-                if (isinstance(values[i], (list, np.ndarray)) or
-                        isinstance(values[i + 1], (list, np.ndarray))):
-                    if (isinstance(values[i], (list, np.ndarray)) and
-                            isinstance(values[i + 1], (list, np.ndarray))):
-                        if len(values[i]) != len(values[i + 1]):
-                            raise ValueError("Each parameter must have the same "
-                                             "number of requested values.")
-                    else:
-                        raise ValueError("Each parameter must have the same "
-                                         "number of requested values.")
-            lnp = self.dist.ln_prob(np.asarray(values).T)
-            # reset the requested parameters
-            self.dist.reset_request()
-            return lnp
-        else:
-            # if not all parameters have been requested yet, just return 0
-            if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
-                return 0.
-            else:
-                try:
-                    # check value has a length
-                    len(val)
-                except Exception as e:
-                    raise TypeError('Invalid type for ln_prob: {}'.format(e))
-                if len(val) == 1:
-                    return 0.
-                else:
-                    return np.zeros_like(val)
-    def prob(self, val):
-        """Return the prior probability of val
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        val: array_like
-            value to evaluate the prior prob at
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float:
-            the p value for the prior at given sample
-        """
-        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
-class MultivariateGaussian(JointPrior):
-    def __init__(self, dist, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None):
-        if not isinstance(dist, MultivariateGaussianDist):
-            raise JointPriorDistError("dist object must be instance of MultivariateGaussianDist")
-        super(MultivariateGaussian, self).__init__(dist=dist, name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit)
-class MultivariateNormal(MultivariateGaussian):
-    """ A synonym for the :class:`bilby.core.prior.MultivariateGaussian`
-        prior distribution."""
-def conditional_prior_factory(prior_class):
-    class ConditionalPrior(prior_class):
-        def __init__(self, condition_func, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None,
-                     boundary=None, **reference_params):
-            """
-            Parameters
-            ----------
-            condition_func: func
-                Functional form of the condition for this prior. The first function argument
-                has to be a dictionary for the `reference_params` (see below). The following
-                arguments are the required variables that are required before we can draw this
-                prior.
-                It needs to return a dictionary with the modified values for the
-                `reference_params` that are being used in the next draw.
-                For example if we have a Uniform prior for `x` depending on a different variable `y`
-                `p(x|y)` with the boundaries linearly depending on y, then this
-                could have the following form:
-                ```
-                def condition_func(reference_params, y):
-                    return dict(minimum=reference_params['minimum'] + y, maximum=reference_params['maximum'] + y)
-                ```
-            name: str, optional
-               See superclass
-            latex_label: str, optional
-                See superclass
-            unit: str, optional
-                See superclass
-            boundary: str, optional
-                See superclass
-            reference_params:
-                Initial values for attributes such as `minimum`, `maximum`.
-                This differs on the `prior_class`, for example for the Gaussian
-                prior this is `mu` and `sigma`.
-            """
-            if 'boundary' in infer_args_from_method(super(ConditionalPrior, self).__init__):
-                super(ConditionalPrior, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                                       unit=unit, boundary=boundary, **reference_params)
-            else:
-                super(ConditionalPrior, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
-                                                       unit=unit, **reference_params)
-            self._required_variables = None
-            self.condition_func = condition_func
-            self._reference_params = reference_params
-            self.__class__.__name__ = 'Conditional{}'.format(prior_class.__name__)
-            self.__class__.__qualname__ = 'Conditional{}'.format(prior_class.__qualname__)
-        def sample(self, size=None, **required_variables):
-            """Draw a sample from the prior
-            Parameters
-            ----------
-            size: int or tuple of ints, optional
-                See superclass
-            required_variables:
-                Any required variables that this prior depends on
-            Returns
-            -------
-            float: See superclass
-            """
-            self.least_recently_sampled = self.rescale(np.random.uniform(0, 1, size), **required_variables)
-            return self.least_recently_sampled
-        def rescale(self, val, **required_variables):
-            """
-            'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
-            Parameters
-            ----------
-            val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-                See superclass
-            required_variables:
-                Any required variables that this prior depends on
-            """
-            self.update_conditions(**required_variables)
-            return super(ConditionalPrior, self).rescale(val)
-        def prob(self, val, **required_variables):
-            """Return the prior probability of val.
-            Parameters
-            ----------
-            val: Union[float, int, array_like]
-                See superclass
-            required_variables:
-                Any required variables that this prior depends on
-            Returns
-            -------
-            float: Prior probability of val
-            """
-            self.update_conditions(**required_variables)
-            return super(ConditionalPrior, self).prob(val)
-        def ln_prob(self, val, **required_variables):
-            self.update_conditions(**required_variables)
-            return super(ConditionalPrior, self).ln_prob(val)
-        def update_conditions(self, **required_variables):
-            """
-            This method updates the conditional parameters (depending on the parent class
-            this could be e.g. `minimum`, `maximum`, `mu`, `sigma`, etc.) of this prior
-            class depending on the required variables it depends on.
-            If no variables are given, the most recently used conditional parameters are kept
-            Parameters
-            ----------
-            required_variables:
-                Any required variables that this prior depends on. If none are given,
-                self.reference_params will be used.
-            """
-            if sorted(list(required_variables)) == sorted(self.required_variables):
-                parameters = self.condition_func(self.reference_params, **required_variables)
-                for key, value in parameters.items():
-                    setattr(self, key, value)
-            elif len(required_variables) == 0:
-                return
-            else:
-                raise IllegalRequiredVariablesException("Expected kwargs for {}. Got kwargs for {} instead."
-                                                        .format(self.required_variables,
-                                                                list(required_variables.keys())))
-        @property
-        def reference_params(self):
-            """
-            Initial values for attributes such as `minimum`, `maximum`.
-            This depends on the `prior_class`, for example for the Gaussian
-            prior this is `mu` and `sigma`. This is read-only.
-            """
-            return self._reference_params
-        @property
-        def condition_func(self):
-            return self._condition_func
-        @condition_func.setter
-        def condition_func(self, condition_func):
-            if condition_func is None:
-                self._condition_func = lambda reference_params: reference_params
-            else:
-                self._condition_func = condition_func
-            self._required_variables = infer_parameters_from_function(self.condition_func)
-        @property
-        def required_variables(self):
-            """ The required variables to pass into the condition function. """
-            return self._required_variables
-        def get_instantiation_dict(self):
-            instantiation_dict = super(ConditionalPrior, self).get_instantiation_dict()
-            for key, value in self.reference_params.items():
-                instantiation_dict[key] = value
-            return instantiation_dict
-        def reset_to_reference_parameters(self):
-            """
-            Reset the object attributes to match the original reference parameters
-            """
-            for key, value in self.reference_params.items():
-                setattr(self, key, value)
-        def __repr__(self):
-            """Overrides the special method __repr__.
-            Returns a representation of this instance that resembles how it is instantiated.
-            Works correctly for all child classes
-            Returns
-            -------
-            str: A string representation of this instance
-            """
-            prior_name = self.__class__.__name__
-            instantiation_dict = self.get_instantiation_dict()
-            instantiation_dict["condition_func"] = ".".join([
-                instantiation_dict["condition_func"].__module__,
-                instantiation_dict["condition_func"].__name__
-            ])
-            args = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(key, repr(instantiation_dict[key]))
-                              for key in instantiation_dict])
-            return "{}({})".format(prior_name, args)
-    return ConditionalPrior
-ConditionalBasePrior = conditional_prior_factory(Prior)  # Only for testing purposes
-ConditionalUniform = conditional_prior_factory(Uniform)
-ConditionalDeltaFunction = conditional_prior_factory(DeltaFunction)
-ConditionalPowerLaw = conditional_prior_factory(PowerLaw)
-ConditionalGaussian = conditional_prior_factory(Gaussian)
-ConditionalLogUniform = conditional_prior_factory(LogUniform)
-ConditionalSymmetricLogUniform = conditional_prior_factory(SymmetricLogUniform)
-ConditionalCosine = conditional_prior_factory(Cosine)
-ConditionalSine = conditional_prior_factory(Sine)
-ConditionalTruncatedGaussian = conditional_prior_factory(TruncatedGaussian)
-ConditionalHalfGaussian = conditional_prior_factory(HalfGaussian)
-ConditionalLogNormal = conditional_prior_factory(LogNormal)
-ConditionalExponential = conditional_prior_factory(Exponential)
-ConditionalStudentT = conditional_prior_factory(StudentT)
-ConditionalBeta = conditional_prior_factory(Beta)
-ConditionalLogistic = conditional_prior_factory(Logistic)
-ConditionalCauchy = conditional_prior_factory(Cauchy)
-ConditionalGamma = conditional_prior_factory(Gamma)
-ConditionalChiSquared = conditional_prior_factory(ChiSquared)
-ConditionalFermiDirac = conditional_prior_factory(FermiDirac)
-ConditionalInterped = conditional_prior_factory(Interped)
-class PriorException(Exception):
-    """ General base class for all prior exceptions """
-class ConditionalPriorException(PriorException):
-    """ General base class for all conditional prior exceptions """
-class IllegalRequiredVariablesException(ConditionalPriorException):
-    """ Exception class for exceptions relating to handling the required variables. """
-class PriorDictException(Exception):
-    """ General base class for all prior dict exceptions """
-class ConditionalPriorDictException(PriorDictException):
-    """ General base class for all conditional prior dict exceptions """
-class IllegalConditionsException(ConditionalPriorDictException):
-    """ Exception class to handle prior dicts that contain unresolvable conditions. """
-class JointPriorDistError(PriorException):
-    """ Class for Error handling of JointPriorDists for JointPriors """
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/__init__.py b/bilby/core/prior/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..253ad6c9c75ad0a644d5f674f4c408ffca538de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from .analytical import *
+from .base import *
+from .conditional import *
+from .dict import *
+from .interpolated import *
+from .joint import *
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/analytical.py b/bilby/core/prior/analytical.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03fb71e15d19c209e43293860002d254e6568ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/analytical.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1425 @@
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.special import erfinv
+from scipy.special._ufuncs import xlogy, erf, log1p, stdtrit, gammaln, stdtr, \
+    btdtri, betaln, btdtr, gammaincinv, gammainc
+from .base import Prior
+from bilby.core.utils import logger
+class DeltaFunction(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, peak, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None):
+        """Dirac delta function prior, this always returns peak.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        peak: float
+            Peak value of the delta function
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(DeltaFunction, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
+                                            minimum=peak, maximum=peak)
+        self.peak = peak
+        self._is_fixed = True
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """Rescale everything to the peak with the correct shape.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Rescaled probability, equivalent to peak
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return self.peak * val ** 0
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+         Union[float, array_like]: np.inf if val = peak, 0 otherwise
+        """
+        at_peak = (val == self.peak)
+        return np.nan_to_num(np.multiply(at_peak, np.inf))
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        return np.ones_like(val) * (val > self.peak)
+class PowerLaw(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, alpha, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Power law with bounds and alpha, spectral index
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        alpha: float
+            Power law exponent parameter
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(PowerLaw, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                       minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, unit=unit,
+                                       boundary=boundary)
+        self.alpha = alpha
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the power-law prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+            Uniform probability
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Rescaled probability
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        if self.alpha == -1:
+            return self.minimum * np.exp(val * np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
+        else:
+            return (self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha) + val *
+                    (self.maximum ** (1 + self.alpha) - self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha))) ** (1. / (1 + self.alpha))
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        if self.alpha == -1:
+            return np.nan_to_num(1 / val / np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)) * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
+        else:
+            return np.nan_to_num(val ** self.alpha * (1 + self.alpha) /
+                                 (self.maximum ** (1 + self.alpha) -
+                                  self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha))) * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the logarithmic prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float:
+        """
+        if self.alpha == -1:
+            normalising = 1. / np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)
+        else:
+            normalising = (1 + self.alpha) / (self.maximum ** (1 + self.alpha) -
+                                              self.minimum ** (1 + self.alpha))
+        return (self.alpha * np.nan_to_num(np.log(val)) + np.log(normalising)) + np.log(
+            1. * self.is_in_prior_range(val))
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        if self.alpha == -1:
+            _cdf = (np.log(val / self.minimum) /
+                    np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
+        else:
+            _cdf = np.atleast_1d(val ** (self.alpha + 1) - self.minimum ** (self.alpha + 1)) / \
+                (self.maximum ** (self.alpha + 1) - self.minimum ** (self.alpha + 1))
+        _cdf = np.minimum(_cdf, 1)
+        _cdf = np.maximum(_cdf, 0)
+        return _cdf
+class Uniform(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Uniform prior with bounds
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Uniform, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                      minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, unit=unit,
+                                      boundary=boundary)
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the power-law prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+            Uniform probability
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Rescaled probability
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return self.minimum + val * (self.maximum - self.minimum)
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return ((val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)) / (self.maximum - self.minimum)
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the log prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: log probability of val
+        """
+        return xlogy(1, (val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)) - xlogy(1, self.maximum - self.minimum)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        _cdf = (val - self.minimum) / (self.maximum - self.minimum)
+        _cdf = np.minimum(_cdf, 1)
+        _cdf = np.maximum(_cdf, 0)
+        return _cdf
+class LogUniform(PowerLaw):
+    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Log-Uniform prior with bounds
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(LogUniform, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
+                                         minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, alpha=-1, boundary=boundary)
+        if self.minimum <= 0:
+            logger.warning('You specified a uniform-in-log prior with minimum={}'.format(self.minimum))
+class SymmetricLogUniform(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Symmetric Log-Uniform distribtions with bounds
+        This is identical to a Log-Uniform distribution, but mirrored about
+        the zero-axis and subsequently normalized. As such, the distribution
+        has support on the two regions [-maximum, -minimum] and [minimum,
+        maximum].
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(SymmetricLogUniform, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                                  minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, unit=unit,
+                                                  boundary=boundary)
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the power-law prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+            Uniform probability
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Rescaled probability
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < 0.5:
+                return -self.maximum * np.exp(-2 * val * np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
+            else:
+                return self.minimum * np.exp(np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum) * (2 * val - 1))
+        else:
+            vals_less_than_5 = val < 0.5
+            rescaled = np.empty_like(val)
+            rescaled[vals_less_than_5] = -self.maximum * np.exp(-2 * val[vals_less_than_5] *
+                                                                np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum))
+            rescaled[~vals_less_than_5] = self.minimum * np.exp(np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum) *
+                                                                (2 * val[~vals_less_than_5] - 1))
+            return rescaled
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return (np.nan_to_num(0.5 / np.abs(val) / np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)) *
+                self.is_in_prior_range(val))
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the logarithmic prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float:
+        """
+        return np.nan_to_num(- np.log(2 * np.abs(val)) - np.log(np.log(self.maximum / self.minimum)))
+class Cosine(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None,
+                 minimum=-np.pi / 2, maximum=np.pi / 2, boundary=None):
+        """Cosine prior with bounds
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Cosine, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
+                                     minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to a uniform in cosine prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        norm = 1 / (np.sin(self.maximum) - np.sin(self.minimum))
+        return np.arcsin(val / norm + np.sin(self.minimum))
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val. Defined over [-pi/2, pi/2].
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.cos(val) / 2 * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        _cdf = np.atleast_1d((np.sin(val) - np.sin(self.minimum)) /
+                             (np.sin(self.maximum) - np.sin(self.minimum)))
+        _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
+        _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0
+        return _cdf
+class Sine(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, minimum=0,
+                 maximum=np.pi, boundary=None):
+        """Sine prior with bounds
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Sine, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
+                                   minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to a uniform in sine prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        norm = 1 / (np.cos(self.minimum) - np.cos(self.maximum))
+        return np.arccos(np.cos(self.minimum) - val / norm)
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val. Defined over [0, pi].
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.sin(val) / 2 * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        _cdf = np.atleast_1d((np.cos(val) - np.cos(self.minimum)) /
+                             (np.cos(self.maximum) - np.cos(self.minimum)))
+        _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
+        _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0
+        return _cdf
+class Gaussian(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Gaussian prior with mean mu and width sigma
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mu: float
+            Mean of the Gaussian prior
+        sigma:
+            Width/Standard deviation of the Gaussian prior
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Gaussian, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        self.mu = mu
+        self.sigma = sigma
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Gaussian prior.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return self.mu + erfinv(2 * val - 1) * 2 ** 0.5 * self.sigma
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(-(self.mu - val) ** 2 / (2 * self.sigma ** 2)) / (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 / self.sigma
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the Log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return -0.5 * ((self.mu - val) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 + np.log(2 * np.pi * self.sigma ** 2))
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        return (1 - erf((self.mu - val) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2
+class Normal(Gaussian):
+    """A synonym for the  Gaussian distribution. """
+class TruncatedGaussian(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, minimum, maximum, name=None,
+                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Truncated Gaussian prior with mean mu and width sigma
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncated_normal_distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mu: float
+            Mean of the Gaussian prior
+        sigma:
+            Width/Standard deviation of the Gaussian prior
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(TruncatedGaussian, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
+                                                minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
+        self.mu = mu
+        self.sigma = sigma
+    @property
+    def normalisation(self):
+        """ Calculates the proper normalisation of the truncated Gaussian
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Proper normalisation of the truncated Gaussian
+        """
+        return (erf((self.maximum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma) - erf(
+            (self.minimum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate truncated Gaussian prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return erfinv(2 * val * self.normalisation + erf(
+            (self.minimum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) * 2 ** 0.5 * self.sigma + self.mu
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(-(self.mu - val) ** 2 / (2 * self.sigma ** 2)) / (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 \
+            / self.sigma / self.normalisation * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        _cdf = (erf((val - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma) - erf(
+            (self.minimum - self.mu) / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2 / self.normalisation
+        _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
+        _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0
+        return _cdf
+class TruncatedNormal(TruncatedGaussian):
+    """A synonym for the TruncatedGaussian distribution."""
+class HalfGaussian(TruncatedGaussian):
+    def __init__(self, sigma, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """A Gaussian with its mode at zero, and truncated to only be positive.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sigma: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(HalfGaussian, self).__init__(mu=0., sigma=sigma, minimum=0., maximum=np.inf,
+                                           name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                           unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+class HalfNormal(HalfGaussian):
+    """A synonym for the HalfGaussian distribution."""
+class LogNormal(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Log-normal prior with mean mu and width sigma
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mu: float
+            Mean of the Gaussian prior
+        sigma:
+            Width/Standard deviation of the Gaussian prior
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(LogNormal, self).__init__(name=name, minimum=0., latex_label=latex_label,
+                                        unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        if sigma <= 0.:
+            raise ValueError("For the LogGaussian prior the standard deviation must be positive")
+        self.mu = mu
+        self.sigma = sigma
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate LogNormal prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return np.exp(self.mu + np.sqrt(2 * self.sigma ** 2) * erfinv(2 * val - 1))
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val <= self.minimum:
+                _prob = 0.
+            else:
+                _prob = np.exp(-(np.log(val) - self.mu) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 / 2)\
+                    / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / val / self.sigma
+        else:
+            _prob = np.zeros(len(val))
+            idx = (val > self.minimum)
+            _prob[idx] = np.exp(-(np.log(val[idx]) - self.mu) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 / 2)\
+                / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / val[idx] / self.sigma
+        return _prob
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val <= self.minimum:
+                _ln_prob = -np.inf
+            else:
+                _ln_prob = -(np.log(val) - self.mu) ** 2 / self.sigma ** 2 / 2\
+                    - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * val * self.sigma)
+        else:
+            _ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
+            idx = (val > self.minimum)
+            _ln_prob[idx] = -(np.log(val[idx]) - self.mu) ** 2\
+                / self.sigma ** 2 / 2 - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * val[idx] * self.sigma)
+        return _ln_prob
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val <= self.minimum:
+                _cdf = 0.
+            else:
+                _cdf = 0.5 + erf((np.log(val) - self.mu) / self.sigma / np.sqrt(2)) / 2
+        else:
+            _cdf = np.zeros(len(val))
+            _cdf[val > self.minimum] = 0.5 + erf((
+                np.log(val[val > self.minimum]) - self.mu) / self.sigma / np.sqrt(2)) / 2
+        return _cdf
+class LogGaussian(LogNormal):
+    """Synonym of LogNormal prior."""
+class Exponential(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, mu, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Exponential prior with mean mu
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mu: float
+            Mean of the Exponential prior
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Exponential, self).__init__(name=name, minimum=0., latex_label=latex_label,
+                                          unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        self.mu = mu
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Exponential prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return -self.mu * log1p(-val)
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < self.minimum:
+                _prob = 0.
+            else:
+                _prob = np.exp(-val / self.mu) / self.mu
+        else:
+            _prob = np.zeros(len(val))
+            _prob[val >= self.minimum] = np.exp(-val[val >= self.minimum] / self.mu) / self.mu
+        return _prob
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < self.minimum:
+                _ln_prob = -np.inf
+            else:
+                _ln_prob = -val / self.mu - np.log(self.mu)
+        else:
+            _ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
+            _ln_prob[val >= self.minimum] = -val[val >= self.minimum] / self.mu - np.log(self.mu)
+        return _ln_prob
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < self.minimum:
+                _cdf = 0.
+            else:
+                _cdf = 1. - np.exp(-val / self.mu)
+        else:
+            _cdf = np.zeros(len(val))
+            _cdf[val >= self.minimum] = 1. - np.exp(-val[val >= self.minimum] / self.mu)
+        return _cdf
+class StudentT(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, df, mu=0., scale=1., name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Student's t-distribution prior with number of degrees of freedom df,
+        mean mu and scale
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-distribution#Generalized_Student's_t-distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        df: float
+            Number of degrees of freedom for distribution
+        mu: float
+            Mean of the Student's t-prior
+        scale:
+            Width of the Student's t-prior
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(StudentT, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        if df <= 0. or scale <= 0.:
+            raise ValueError("For the StudentT prior the number of degrees of freedom and scale must be positive")
+        self.df = df
+        self.mu = mu
+        self.scale = scale
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Student's t-prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val == 0:
+                rescaled = -np.inf
+            elif val == 1:
+                rescaled = np.inf
+            else:
+                rescaled = stdtrit(self.df, val) * self.scale + self.mu
+        else:
+            rescaled = stdtrit(self.df, val) * self.scale + self.mu
+            rescaled[val == 0] = -np.inf
+            rescaled[val == 1] = np.inf
+        return rescaled
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return gammaln(0.5 * (self.df + 1)) - gammaln(0.5 * self.df)\
+            - np.log(np.sqrt(np.pi * self.df) * self.scale) - (self.df + 1) / 2 *\
+            np.log(1 + ((val - self.mu) / self.scale) ** 2 / self.df)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        return stdtr(self.df, (val - self.mu) / self.scale)
+class Beta(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, alpha, beta, minimum=0, maximum=1, name=None,
+                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Beta distribution
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution
+        This wraps around
+        https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.beta.html
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        alpha: float
+            first shape parameter
+        beta: float
+            second shape parameter
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Beta, self).__init__(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, name=name,
+                                   latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        if alpha <= 0. or beta <= 0.:
+            raise ValueError("alpha and beta must both be positive values")
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.beta = beta
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Beta prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return btdtri(self.alpha, self.beta, val) * (self.maximum - self.minimum) + self.minimum
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        _ln_prob = xlogy(self.alpha - 1, val - self.minimum) + xlogy(self.beta - 1, self.maximum - val)\
+            - betaln(self.alpha, self.beta) - xlogy(self.alpha + self.beta - 1, self.maximum - self.minimum)
+        # deal with the fact that if alpha or beta are < 1 you get infinities at 0 and 1
+        if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
+            _ln_prob_sub = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
+            idx = np.isfinite(_ln_prob) & (val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)
+            _ln_prob_sub[idx] = _ln_prob[idx]
+            return _ln_prob_sub
+        else:
+            if np.isfinite(_ln_prob) and val >= self.minimum and val <= self.maximum:
+                return _ln_prob
+            return -np.inf
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val > self.maximum:
+                return 1.
+            elif val < self.minimum:
+                return 0.
+            else:
+                return btdtr(self.alpha, self.beta,
+                             (val - self.minimum) / (self.maximum - self.minimum))
+        else:
+            _cdf = np.nan_to_num(btdtr(self.alpha, self.beta,
+                                 (val - self.minimum) / (self.maximum - self.minimum)))
+            _cdf[val < self.minimum] = 0.
+            _cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1.
+            return _cdf
+class Logistic(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, mu, scale, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Logistic distribution
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mu: float
+            Mean of the distribution
+        scale: float
+            Width of the distribution
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Logistic, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        if scale <= 0.:
+            raise ValueError("For the Logistic prior the scale must be positive")
+        self.mu = mu
+        self.scale = scale
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Logistic prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val == 0:
+                rescaled = -np.inf
+            elif val == 1:
+                rescaled = np.inf
+            else:
+                rescaled = self.mu + self.scale * np.log(val / (1. - val))
+        else:
+            rescaled = np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
+            rescaled[val == 0] = -np.inf
+            rescaled[(val > 0) & (val < 1)] = self.mu + self.scale\
+                * np.log(val[(val > 0) & (val < 1)] / (1. - val[(val > 0) & (val < 1)]))
+        return rescaled
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return -(val - self.mu) / self.scale -\
+            2. * np.log(1. + np.exp(-(val - self.mu) / self.scale)) - np.log(self.scale)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-(val - self.mu) / self.scale))
+class Cauchy(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, alpha, beta, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Cauchy distribution
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauchy_distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        alpha: float
+            Location parameter
+        beta: float
+            Scale parameter
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Cauchy, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        if beta <= 0.:
+            raise ValueError("For the Cauchy prior the scale must be positive")
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.beta = beta
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Cauchy prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        rescaled = self.alpha + self.beta * np.tan(np.pi * (val - 0.5))
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val == 1:
+                rescaled = np.inf
+            elif val == 0:
+                rescaled = -np.inf
+        else:
+            rescaled[val == 1] = np.inf
+            rescaled[val == 0] = -np.inf
+        return rescaled
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return 1. / self.beta / np.pi / (1. + ((val - self.alpha) / self.beta) ** 2)
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Log prior probability of val
+        """
+        return - np.log(self.beta * np.pi) - np.log(1. + ((val - self.alpha) / self.beta) ** 2)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        return 0.5 + np.arctan((val - self.alpha) / self.beta) / np.pi
+class Lorentzian(Cauchy):
+    """Synonym for the Cauchy distribution"""
+class Gamma(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, k, theta=1., name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Gamma distribution
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        k: float
+            The shape parameter
+        theta: float
+            The scale parameter
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        super(Gamma, self).__init__(name=name, minimum=0., latex_label=latex_label,
+                                    unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        if k <= 0 or theta <= 0:
+            raise ValueError("For the Gamma prior the shape and scale must be positive")
+        self.k = k
+        self.theta = theta
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Gamma prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        return gammaincinv(self.k, val) * self.theta
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val:  Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+         Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Returns the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < self.minimum:
+                _ln_prob = -np.inf
+            else:
+                _ln_prob = xlogy(self.k - 1, val) - val / self.theta - xlogy(self.k, self.theta) - gammaln(self.k)
+        else:
+            _ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
+            idx = (val >= self.minimum)
+            _ln_prob[idx] = xlogy(self.k - 1, val[idx]) - val[idx] / self.theta\
+                - xlogy(self.k, self.theta) - gammaln(self.k)
+        return _ln_prob
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < self.minimum:
+                _cdf = 0.
+            else:
+                _cdf = gammainc(self.k, val / self.theta)
+        else:
+            _cdf = np.zeros(len(val))
+            _cdf[val >= self.minimum] = gammainc(self.k, val[val >= self.minimum] / self.theta)
+        return _cdf
+class ChiSquared(Gamma):
+    def __init__(self, nu, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Chi-squared distribution
+        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_distribution
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        nu: int
+            Number of degrees of freedom
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        if nu <= 0 or not isinstance(nu, int):
+            raise ValueError("For the ChiSquared prior the number of degrees of freedom must be a positive integer")
+        super(ChiSquared, self).__init__(name=name, k=nu / 2., theta=2.,
+                                         latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+    @property
+    def nu(self):
+        return int(self.k * 2)
+    @nu.setter
+    def nu(self, nu):
+        self.k = nu / 2.
+class FermiDirac(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, sigma, mu=None, r=None, name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None):
+        """A Fermi-Dirac type prior, with a fixed lower boundary at zero
+        (see, e.g. Section 2.3.5 of [1]_). The probability distribution
+        is defined by Equation 22 of [1]_.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sigma: float (required)
+            The range over which the attenuation of the distribution happens
+        mu: float
+            The point at which the distribution falls to 50% of its maximum
+            value
+        r: float
+            A value giving mu/sigma. This can be used instead of specifying
+            mu.
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] M. Pitkin, M. Isi, J. Veitch & G. Woan, `arXiv:1705.08978v1
+           <https:arxiv.org/abs/1705.08978v1>`_, 2017.
+        """
+        super(FermiDirac, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, minimum=0.)
+        self.sigma = sigma
+        if mu is None and r is None:
+            raise ValueError("For the Fermi-Dirac prior either a 'mu' value or 'r' "
+                             "value must be given.")
+        if r is None and mu is not None:
+            self.mu = mu
+            self.r = self.mu / self.sigma
+        else:
+            self.r = r
+            self.mu = self.sigma * self.r
+        if self.r <= 0. or self.sigma <= 0.:
+            raise ValueError("For the Fermi-Dirac prior the values of sigma and r "
+                             "must be positive.")
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the appropriate Fermi-Dirac prior.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This has been analytically solved for this case,
+        see Equation 24 of [1]_.
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] M. Pitkin, M. Isi, J. Veitch & G. Woan, `arXiv:1705.08978v1
+           <https:arxiv.org/abs/1705.08978v1>`_, 2017.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        inv = (-np.exp(-1. * self.r) + (1. + np.exp(self.r)) ** -val +
+               np.exp(-1. * self.r) * (1. + np.exp(self.r)) ** -val)
+        # if val is 1 this will cause inv to be negative (due to numerical
+        # issues), so return np.inf
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if inv < 0:
+                return np.inf
+            else:
+                return -self.sigma * np.log(inv)
+        else:
+            idx = inv >= 0.
+            tmpinv = np.inf * np.ones(len(np.atleast_1d(val)))
+            tmpinv[idx] = -self.sigma * np.log(inv[idx])
+            return tmpinv
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the log prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Union[float, array_like]: Log prior probability of val
+        """
+        norm = -np.log(self.sigma * np.log(1. + np.exp(self.r)))
+        if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+            if val < self.minimum:
+                return -np.inf
+            else:
+                return norm - np.logaddexp((val / self.sigma) - self.r, 0.)
+        else:
+            val = np.atleast_1d(val)
+            lnp = -np.inf * np.ones(len(val))
+            idx = val >= self.minimum
+            lnp[idx] = norm - np.logaddexp((val[idx] / self.sigma) - self.r, 0.)
+            return lnp
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/base.py b/bilby/core/prior/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..820b4965d3cebe7a3f9da9eb4bd683cc51bee97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+from importlib import import_module
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.stats
+from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+from bilby.core.utils import infer_args_from_method, BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json, logger
+class Prior(object):
+    _default_latex_labels = {}
+    def __init__(self, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None, minimum=-np.inf,
+                 maximum=np.inf, boundary=None):
+        """ Implements a Prior object
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        name: str, optional
+            Name associated with prior.
+        latex_label: str, optional
+            Latex label associated with prior, used for plotting.
+        unit: str, optional
+            If given, a Latex string describing the units of the parameter.
+        minimum: float, optional
+            Minimum of the domain, default=-np.inf
+        maximum: float, optional
+            Maximum of the domain, default=np.inf
+        boundary: str, optional
+            The boundary condition of the prior, can be 'periodic', 'reflective'
+            Currently implemented in cpnest, dynesty and pymultinest.
+        """
+        self.name = name
+        self.latex_label = latex_label
+        self.unit = unit
+        self.minimum = minimum
+        self.maximum = maximum
+        self.least_recently_sampled = None
+        self.boundary = boundary
+        self._is_fixed = False
+    def __call__(self):
+        """Overrides the __call__ special method. Calls the sample method.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: The return value of the sample method.
+        """
+        return self.sample()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
+            return False
+        if sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) != sorted(other.__dict__.keys()):
+            return False
+        for key in self.__dict__:
+            if type(self.__dict__[key]) is np.ndarray:
+                if not np.array_equal(self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]):
+                    return False
+            elif isinstance(self.__dict__[key], type(scipy.stats.beta(1., 1.))):
+                continue
+            else:
+                if not self.__dict__[key] == other.__dict__[key]:
+                    return False
+        return True
+    def sample(self, size=None):
+        """Draw a sample from the prior
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
+            See numpy.random.uniform docs
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: A random number between 0 and 1, rescaled to match the distribution of this Prior
+        """
+        self.least_recently_sampled = self.rescale(np.random.uniform(0, 1, size))
+        return self.least_recently_sampled
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
+        This should be overwritten by each subclass.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+            A random number between 0 and 1
+        Returns
+        -------
+        None
+        """
+        return None
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val, this should be overwritten
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        np.nan
+        """
+        return np.nan
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        """ Generic method to calculate CDF, can be overwritten in subclass """
+        if np.any(np.isinf([self.minimum, self.maximum])):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Unable to use the generic CDF calculation for priors with"
+                "infinite support")
+        x = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, 1000)
+        pdf = self.prob(x)
+        cdf = cumtrapz(pdf, x, initial=0)
+        interp = interp1d(x, cdf, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False,
+                          fill_value=(0, 1))
+        return interp(val)
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior ln probability of val, this should be overwritten
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        np.nan
+        """
+        return np.log(self.prob(val))
+    def is_in_prior_range(self, val):
+        """Returns True if val is in the prior boundaries, zero otherwise
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+        np.nan
+        """
+        return (val >= self.minimum) & (val <= self.maximum)
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_valid_for_rescaling(val):
+        """Test if 0 < val < 1
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Raises
+        -------
+        ValueError: If val is not between 0 and 1
+        """
+        valarray = np.atleast_1d(val)
+        tests = (valarray < 0) + (valarray > 1)
+        if np.any(tests):
+            raise ValueError("Number to be rescaled should be in [0, 1]")
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """Overrides the special method __repr__.
+        Returns a representation of this instance that resembles how it is instantiated.
+        Works correctly for all child classes
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str: A string representation of this instance
+        """
+        prior_name = self.__class__.__name__
+        instantiation_dict = self.get_instantiation_dict()
+        args = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(key, repr(instantiation_dict[key]))
+                          for key in instantiation_dict])
+        return "{}({})".format(prior_name, args)
+    @property
+    def _repr_dict(self):
+        """
+        Get a dictionary containing the arguments needed to reproduce this object.
+        """
+        property_names = {p for p in dir(self.__class__) if isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, p), property)}
+        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(self.__init__)
+        dict_with_properties = self.__dict__.copy()
+        for key in property_names.intersection(subclass_args):
+            dict_with_properties[key] = getattr(self, key)
+        return {key: dict_with_properties[key] for key in subclass_args}
+    @property
+    def is_fixed(self):
+        """
+        Returns True if the prior is fixed and should not be used in the sampler. Does this by checking if this instance
+        is an instance of DeltaFunction.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool: Whether it's fixed or not!
+        """
+        return self._is_fixed
+    @property
+    def latex_label(self):
+        """Latex label that can be used for plots.
+        Draws from a set of default labels if no label is given
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str: A latex representation for this prior
+        """
+        return self.__latex_label
+    @latex_label.setter
+    def latex_label(self, latex_label=None):
+        if latex_label is None:
+            self.__latex_label = self.__default_latex_label
+        else:
+            self.__latex_label = latex_label
+    @property
+    def unit(self):
+        return self.__unit
+    @unit.setter
+    def unit(self, unit):
+        self.__unit = unit
+    @property
+    def latex_label_with_unit(self):
+        """ If a unit is specified, returns a string of the latex label and unit """
+        if self.unit is not None:
+            return "{} [{}]".format(self.latex_label, self.unit)
+        else:
+            return self.latex_label
+    @property
+    def minimum(self):
+        return self._minimum
+    @minimum.setter
+    def minimum(self, minimum):
+        self._minimum = minimum
+    @property
+    def maximum(self):
+        return self._maximum
+    @maximum.setter
+    def maximum(self, maximum):
+        self._maximum = maximum
+    def get_instantiation_dict(self):
+        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(self.__init__)
+        property_names = [p for p in dir(self.__class__)
+                          if isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, p), property)]
+        dict_with_properties = self.__dict__.copy()
+        for key in property_names:
+            dict_with_properties[key] = getattr(self, key)
+        instantiation_dict = dict()
+        for key in subclass_args:
+            instantiation_dict[key] = dict_with_properties[key]
+        return instantiation_dict
+    @property
+    def boundary(self):
+        return self._boundary
+    @boundary.setter
+    def boundary(self, boundary):
+        if boundary not in ['periodic', 'reflective', None]:
+            raise ValueError('{} is not a valid setting for prior boundaries'.format(boundary))
+        self._boundary = boundary
+    @property
+    def __default_latex_label(self):
+        if self.name in self._default_latex_labels.keys():
+            label = self._default_latex_labels[self.name]
+        else:
+            label = self.name
+        return label
+    def to_json(self):
+        return json.dumps(self, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_json(cls, dct):
+        return decode_bilby_json(dct)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_repr(cls, string):
+        """Generate the prior from it's __repr__"""
+        return cls._from_repr(string)
+    @classmethod
+    def _from_repr(cls, string):
+        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(cls.__init__)
+        string = string.replace(' ', '')
+        kwargs = cls._split_repr(string)
+        for key in kwargs:
+            val = kwargs[key]
+            if key not in subclass_args and not hasattr(cls, "reference_params"):
+                raise AttributeError('Unknown argument {} for class {}'.format(
+                    key, cls.__name__))
+            else:
+                kwargs[key] = cls._parse_argument_string(val)
+            if key in ["condition_func", "conversion_function"] and isinstance(kwargs[key], str):
+                if "." in kwargs[key]:
+                    module = '.'.join(kwargs[key].split('.')[:-1])
+                    name = kwargs[key].split('.')[-1]
+                else:
+                    module = __name__
+                    name = kwargs[key]
+                kwargs[key] = getattr(import_module(module), name)
+        return cls(**kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def _split_repr(cls, string):
+        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(cls.__init__)
+        args = string.split(',')
+        remove = list()
+        for ii, key in enumerate(args):
+            if '(' in key:
+                jj = ii
+                while ')' not in args[jj]:
+                    jj += 1
+                    args[ii] = ','.join([args[ii], args[jj]]).strip()
+                    remove.append(jj)
+        remove.reverse()
+        for ii in remove:
+            del args[ii]
+        kwargs = dict()
+        for ii, arg in enumerate(args):
+            if '=' not in arg:
+                logger.debug(
+                    'Reading priors with non-keyword arguments is dangerous!')
+                key = subclass_args[ii]
+                val = arg
+            else:
+                split_arg = arg.split('=')
+                key = split_arg[0]
+                val = '='.join(split_arg[1:])
+            kwargs[key] = val
+        return kwargs
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_argument_string(cls, val):
+        """
+        Parse a string into the appropriate type for prior reading.
+        Four tests are applied in the following order:
+        - If the string is 'None':
+            `None` is returned.
+        - Else If the string is a raw string, e.g., r'foo':
+            A stripped version of the string is returned, e.g., foo.
+        - Else If the string contains ', e.g., 'foo':
+            A stripped version of the string is returned, e.g., foo.
+        - Else If the string contains an open parenthesis, (:
+            The string is interpreted as a call to instantiate another prior
+            class, Bilby will attempt to recursively construct that prior,
+            e.g., Uniform(minimum=0, maximum=1), my.custom.PriorClass(**kwargs).
+        - Else:
+            Try to evaluate the string using `eval`. Only built-in functions
+            and numpy methods can be used, e.g., np.pi / 2, 1.57.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: str
+            The string version of the agument
+        Returns
+        -------
+        val: object
+            The parsed version of the argument.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        TypeError:
+            If val cannot be parsed as described above.
+        """
+        if val == 'None':
+            val = None
+        elif re.sub(r'\'.*\'', '', val) in ['r', 'u']:
+            val = val[2:-1]
+        elif "'" in val:
+            val = val.strip("'")
+        elif '(' in val:
+            other_cls = val.split('(')[0]
+            vals = '('.join(val.split('(')[1:])[:-1]
+            if "." in other_cls:
+                module = '.'.join(other_cls.split('.')[:-1])
+                other_cls = other_cls.split('.')[-1]
+            else:
+                module = __name__.replace('.' + os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', ''), '')
+            other_cls = getattr(import_module(module), other_cls)
+            val = other_cls.from_repr(vals)
+        else:
+            try:
+                val = eval(val, dict(), dict(np=np))
+            except NameError:
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "Cannot evaluate prior, "
+                    "failed to parse argument {}".format(val)
+                )
+        return val
+class Constraint(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name=None, latex_label=None,
+                 unit=None):
+        super(Constraint, self).__init__(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, name=name,
+                                         latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit)
+        self._is_fixed = True
+    def prob(self, val):
+        return (val > self.minimum) & (val < self.maximum)
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        return np.log((val > self.minimum) & (val < self.maximum))
+class PriorException(Exception):
+    """ General base class for all prior exceptions """
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/conditional.py b/bilby/core/prior/conditional.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e4a25e1b8a26ae5350d616f19c2dadaccec7b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/conditional.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+import numpy as np
+from .base import Prior, PriorException
+from bilby.core.prior.interpolated import Interped
+from bilby.core.prior.analytical import DeltaFunction, PowerLaw, Uniform, LogUniform, \
+    SymmetricLogUniform, Cosine, Sine, Gaussian, TruncatedGaussian, HalfGaussian, \
+    LogNormal, Exponential, StudentT, Beta, Logistic, Cauchy, Gamma, ChiSquared, FermiDirac
+from bilby.core.utils import infer_args_from_method, infer_parameters_from_function
+def conditional_prior_factory(prior_class):
+    class ConditionalPrior(prior_class):
+        def __init__(self, condition_func, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None,
+                     boundary=None, **reference_params):
+            """
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            condition_func: func
+                Functional form of the condition for this prior. The first function argument
+                has to be a dictionary for the `reference_params` (see below). The following
+                arguments are the required variables that are required before we can draw this
+                prior.
+                It needs to return a dictionary with the modified values for the
+                `reference_params` that are being used in the next draw.
+                For example if we have a Uniform prior for `x` depending on a different variable `y`
+                `p(x|y)` with the boundaries linearly depending on y, then this
+                could have the following form:
+                ```
+                def condition_func(reference_params, y):
+                    return dict(minimum=reference_params['minimum'] + y, maximum=reference_params['maximum'] + y)
+                ```
+            name: str, optional
+               See superclass
+            latex_label: str, optional
+                See superclass
+            unit: str, optional
+                See superclass
+            boundary: str, optional
+                See superclass
+            reference_params:
+                Initial values for attributes such as `minimum`, `maximum`.
+                This differs on the `prior_class`, for example for the Gaussian
+                prior this is `mu` and `sigma`.
+            """
+            if 'boundary' in infer_args_from_method(super(ConditionalPrior, self).__init__):
+                super(ConditionalPrior, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                                       unit=unit, boundary=boundary, **reference_params)
+            else:
+                super(ConditionalPrior, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                                       unit=unit, **reference_params)
+            self._required_variables = None
+            self.condition_func = condition_func
+            self._reference_params = reference_params
+            self.__class__.__name__ = 'Conditional{}'.format(prior_class.__name__)
+            self.__class__.__qualname__ = 'Conditional{}'.format(prior_class.__qualname__)
+        def sample(self, size=None, **required_variables):
+            """Draw a sample from the prior
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            size: int or tuple of ints, optional
+                See superclass
+            required_variables:
+                Any required variables that this prior depends on
+            Returns
+            -------
+            float: See superclass
+            """
+            self.least_recently_sampled = self.rescale(np.random.uniform(0, 1, size), **required_variables)
+            return self.least_recently_sampled
+        def rescale(self, val, **required_variables):
+            """
+            'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+                See superclass
+            required_variables:
+                Any required variables that this prior depends on
+            """
+            self.update_conditions(**required_variables)
+            return super(ConditionalPrior, self).rescale(val)
+        def prob(self, val, **required_variables):
+            """Return the prior probability of val.
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            val: Union[float, int, array_like]
+                See superclass
+            required_variables:
+                Any required variables that this prior depends on
+            Returns
+            -------
+            float: Prior probability of val
+            """
+            self.update_conditions(**required_variables)
+            return super(ConditionalPrior, self).prob(val)
+        def ln_prob(self, val, **required_variables):
+            self.update_conditions(**required_variables)
+            return super(ConditionalPrior, self).ln_prob(val)
+        def update_conditions(self, **required_variables):
+            """
+            This method updates the conditional parameters (depending on the parent class
+            this could be e.g. `minimum`, `maximum`, `mu`, `sigma`, etc.) of this prior
+            class depending on the required variables it depends on.
+            If no variables are given, the most recently used conditional parameters are kept
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            required_variables:
+                Any required variables that this prior depends on. If none are given,
+                self.reference_params will be used.
+            """
+            if sorted(list(required_variables)) == sorted(self.required_variables):
+                parameters = self.condition_func(self.reference_params, **required_variables)
+                for key, value in parameters.items():
+                    setattr(self, key, value)
+            elif len(required_variables) == 0:
+                return
+            else:
+                raise IllegalRequiredVariablesException("Expected kwargs for {}. Got kwargs for {} instead."
+                                                        .format(self.required_variables,
+                                                                list(required_variables.keys())))
+        @property
+        def reference_params(self):
+            """
+            Initial values for attributes such as `minimum`, `maximum`.
+            This depends on the `prior_class`, for example for the Gaussian
+            prior this is `mu` and `sigma`. This is read-only.
+            """
+            return self._reference_params
+        @property
+        def condition_func(self):
+            return self._condition_func
+        @condition_func.setter
+        def condition_func(self, condition_func):
+            if condition_func is None:
+                self._condition_func = lambda reference_params: reference_params
+            else:
+                self._condition_func = condition_func
+            self._required_variables = infer_parameters_from_function(self.condition_func)
+        @property
+        def required_variables(self):
+            """ The required variables to pass into the condition function. """
+            return self._required_variables
+        def get_instantiation_dict(self):
+            instantiation_dict = super(ConditionalPrior, self).get_instantiation_dict()
+            for key, value in self.reference_params.items():
+                instantiation_dict[key] = value
+            return instantiation_dict
+        def reset_to_reference_parameters(self):
+            """
+            Reset the object attributes to match the original reference parameters
+            """
+            for key, value in self.reference_params.items():
+                setattr(self, key, value)
+        def __repr__(self):
+            """Overrides the special method __repr__.
+            Returns a representation of this instance that resembles how it is instantiated.
+            Works correctly for all child classes
+            Returns
+            -------
+            str: A string representation of this instance
+            """
+            prior_name = self.__class__.__name__
+            instantiation_dict = self.get_instantiation_dict()
+            instantiation_dict["condition_func"] = ".".join([
+                instantiation_dict["condition_func"].__module__,
+                instantiation_dict["condition_func"].__name__
+            ])
+            args = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(key, repr(instantiation_dict[key]))
+                              for key in instantiation_dict])
+            return "{}({})".format(prior_name, args)
+    return ConditionalPrior
+ConditionalBasePrior = conditional_prior_factory(Prior)  # Only for testing purposes
+ConditionalUniform = conditional_prior_factory(Uniform)
+ConditionalDeltaFunction = conditional_prior_factory(DeltaFunction)
+ConditionalPowerLaw = conditional_prior_factory(PowerLaw)
+ConditionalGaussian = conditional_prior_factory(Gaussian)
+ConditionalLogUniform = conditional_prior_factory(LogUniform)
+ConditionalSymmetricLogUniform = conditional_prior_factory(SymmetricLogUniform)
+ConditionalCosine = conditional_prior_factory(Cosine)
+ConditionalSine = conditional_prior_factory(Sine)
+ConditionalTruncatedGaussian = conditional_prior_factory(TruncatedGaussian)
+ConditionalHalfGaussian = conditional_prior_factory(HalfGaussian)
+ConditionalLogNormal = conditional_prior_factory(LogNormal)
+ConditionalExponential = conditional_prior_factory(Exponential)
+ConditionalStudentT = conditional_prior_factory(StudentT)
+ConditionalBeta = conditional_prior_factory(Beta)
+ConditionalLogistic = conditional_prior_factory(Logistic)
+ConditionalCauchy = conditional_prior_factory(Cauchy)
+ConditionalGamma = conditional_prior_factory(Gamma)
+ConditionalChiSquared = conditional_prior_factory(ChiSquared)
+ConditionalFermiDirac = conditional_prior_factory(FermiDirac)
+ConditionalInterped = conditional_prior_factory(Interped)
+class ConditionalPriorException(PriorException):
+    """ General base class for all conditional prior exceptions """
+class IllegalRequiredVariablesException(ConditionalPriorException):
+    """ Exception class for exceptions relating to handling the required variables. """
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/dict.py b/bilby/core/prior/dict.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a88f1fd31a33e3f20f89b7b02ffb722212363baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/dict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+from importlib import import_module
+from io import open as ioopen
+import json
+import numpy as np
+import os
+from future.utils import iteritems
+from matplotlib.cbook import flatten
+# keep 'import *' to make eval() statement further down work consistently
+from bilby.core.prior.analytical import *  # noqa
+from bilby.core.prior.analytical import DeltaFunction
+from bilby.core.prior.base import Prior, Constraint
+from bilby.core.prior.joint import JointPrior
+from bilby.core.utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir, BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
+class PriorDict(dict):
+    def __init__(self, dictionary=None, filename=None,
+                 conversion_function=None):
+        """ A set of priors
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        dictionary: Union[dict, str, None]
+            If given, a dictionary to generate the prior set.
+        filename: Union[str, None]
+            If given, a file containing the prior to generate the prior set.
+        conversion_function: func
+            Function to convert between sampled parameters and constraints.
+            Default is no conversion.
+        """
+        super(PriorDict, self).__init__()
+        if isinstance(dictionary, dict):
+            self.from_dictionary(dictionary)
+        elif type(dictionary) is str:
+            logger.debug('Argument "dictionary" is a string.' +
+                         ' Assuming it is intended as a file name.')
+            self.from_file(dictionary)
+        elif type(filename) is str:
+            self.from_file(filename)
+        elif dictionary is not None:
+            raise ValueError("PriorDict input dictionary not understood")
+        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
+        if conversion_function is not None:
+            self.conversion_function = conversion_function
+        else:
+            self.conversion_function = self.default_conversion_function
+    def evaluate_constraints(self, sample):
+        out_sample = self.conversion_function(sample)
+        prob = 1
+        for key in self:
+            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint) and key in out_sample:
+                prob *= self[key].prob(out_sample[key])
+        return prob
+    def default_conversion_function(self, sample):
+        """
+        Placeholder parameter conversion function.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sample: dict
+            Dictionary to convert
+        Returns
+        -------
+        sample: dict
+            Same as input
+        """
+        return sample
+    def to_file(self, outdir, label):
+        """ Write the prior distribution to file.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        outdir: str
+            output directory name
+        label: str
+            Output file naming scheme
+        """
+        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(outdir)
+        prior_file = os.path.join(outdir, "{}.prior".format(label))
+        logger.debug("Writing priors to {}".format(prior_file))
+        joint_dists = []
+        with open(prior_file, "w") as outfile:
+            for key in self.keys():
+                if JointPrior in self[key].__class__.__mro__:
+                    distname = '_'.join(self[key].dist.names) + '_{}'.format(self[key].dist.distname)
+                    if distname not in joint_dists:
+                        joint_dists.append(distname)
+                        outfile.write(
+                            "{} = {}\n".format(distname, self[key].dist))
+                    diststr = repr(self[key].dist)
+                    priorstr = repr(self[key])
+                    outfile.write(
+                        "{} = {}\n".format(key, priorstr.replace(diststr,
+                                                                 distname)))
+                else:
+                    outfile.write(
+                        "{} = {}\n".format(key, self[key]))
+    def _get_json_dict(self):
+        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
+        total_dict = {key: json.loads(self[key].to_json()) for key in self}
+        total_dict["__prior_dict__"] = True
+        total_dict["__module__"] = self.__module__
+        total_dict["__name__"] = self.__class__.__name__
+        return total_dict
+    def to_json(self, outdir, label):
+        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(outdir)
+        prior_file = os.path.join(outdir, "{}_prior.json".format(label))
+        logger.debug("Writing priors to {}".format(prior_file))
+        with open(prior_file, "w") as outfile:
+            json.dump(self._get_json_dict(), outfile, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder,
+                      indent=2)
+    def from_file(self, filename):
+        """ Reads in a prior from a file specification
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename: str
+            Name of the file to be read in
+        Notes
+        -----
+        Lines beginning with '#' or empty lines will be ignored.
+        Priors can be loaded from:
+            bilby.core.prior as, e.g.,    foo = Uniform(minimum=0, maximum=1)
+            floats, e.g.,                 foo = 1
+            bilby.gw.prior as, e.g.,      foo = bilby.gw.prior.AlignedSpin()
+            other external modules, e.g., foo = my.module.CustomPrior(...)
+        """
+        comments = ['#', '\n']
+        prior = dict()
+        mvgdict = dict(inf=np.inf)  # evaluate inf as np.inf
+        with ioopen(filename, 'r', encoding='unicode_escape') as f:
+            for line in f:
+                if line[0] in comments:
+                    continue
+                line.replace(' ', '')
+                elements = line.split('=')
+                key = elements[0].replace(' ', '')
+                val = '='.join(elements[1:]).strip()
+                cls = val.split('(')[0]
+                args = '('.join(val.split('(')[1:])[:-1]
+                try:
+                    prior[key] = DeltaFunction(peak=float(cls))
+                    logger.debug("{} converted to DeltaFunction prior".format(
+                        key))
+                    continue
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+                if "." in cls:
+                    module = '.'.join(cls.split('.')[:-1])
+                    cls = cls.split('.')[-1]
+                else:
+                    module = __name__.replace('.' + os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', ''), '')
+                cls = getattr(import_module(module), cls, cls)
+                if key.lower() in ["conversion_function", "condition_func"]:
+                    setattr(self, key, cls)
+                elif (cls.__name__ in ['MultivariateGaussianDist',
+                                       'MultivariateNormalDist']):
+                    if key not in mvgdict:
+                        mvgdict[key] = eval(val, None, mvgdict)
+                elif (cls.__name__ in ['MultivariateGaussian',
+                                       'MultivariateNormal']):
+                    prior[key] = eval(val, None, mvgdict)
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        prior[key] = cls.from_repr(args)
+                    except TypeError as e:
+                        raise TypeError(
+                            "Unable to parse dictionary file {}, bad line: {} "
+                            "= {}. Error message {}".format(
+                                filename, key, val, e))
+        self.update(prior)
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_from_json_dict(cls, prior_dict):
+        try:
+            cls == getattr(
+                import_module(prior_dict["__module__"]),
+                prior_dict["__name__"])
+        except ImportError:
+            logger.debug("Cannot import prior module {}.{}".format(
+                prior_dict["__module__"], prior_dict["__name__"]
+            ))
+        except KeyError:
+            logger.debug("Cannot find module name to load")
+        for key in ["__module__", "__name__", "__prior_dict__"]:
+            if key in prior_dict:
+                del prior_dict[key]
+        obj = cls(dict())
+        obj.from_dictionary(prior_dict)
+        return obj
+    @classmethod
+    def from_json(cls, filename):
+        """ Reads in a prior from a json file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename: str
+            Name of the file to be read in
+        """
+        with open(filename, "r") as ff:
+            obj = json.load(ff, object_hook=decode_bilby_json)
+        return obj
+    def from_dictionary(self, dictionary):
+        for key, val in iteritems(dictionary):
+            if isinstance(val, str):
+                try:
+                    prior = eval(val)
+                    if isinstance(prior, (Prior, float, int, str)):
+                        val = prior
+                except (NameError, SyntaxError, TypeError):
+                    logger.debug(
+                        "Failed to load dictionary value {} correctly"
+                        .format(key))
+                    pass
+            elif isinstance(val, dict):
+                logger.warning(
+                    'Cannot convert {} into a prior object. '
+                    'Leaving as dictionary.'.format(key))
+            self[key] = val
+    def convert_floats_to_delta_functions(self):
+        """ Convert all float parameters to delta functions """
+        for key in self:
+            if isinstance(self[key], Prior):
+                continue
+            elif isinstance(self[key], float) or isinstance(self[key], int):
+                self[key] = DeltaFunction(self[key])
+                logger.debug(
+                    "{} converted to delta function prior.".format(key))
+            else:
+                logger.debug(
+                    "{} cannot be converted to delta function prior."
+                    .format(key))
+    def fill_priors(self, likelihood, default_priors_file=None):
+        """
+        Fill dictionary of priors based on required parameters of likelihood
+        Any floats in prior will be converted to delta function prior. Any
+        required, non-specified parameters will use the default.
+        Note: if `likelihood` has `non_standard_sampling_parameter_keys`, then
+        this will set-up default priors for those as well.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        likelihood: bilby.likelihood.GravitationalWaveTransient instance
+            Used to infer the set of parameters to fill the prior with
+        default_priors_file: str, optional
+            If given, a file containing the default priors.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        prior: dict
+            The filled prior dictionary
+        """
+        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
+        missing_keys = set(likelihood.parameters) - set(self.keys())
+        for missing_key in missing_keys:
+            if not self.test_redundancy(missing_key):
+                default_prior = create_default_prior(missing_key, default_priors_file)
+                if default_prior is None:
+                    set_val = likelihood.parameters[missing_key]
+                    logger.warning(
+                        "Parameter {} has no default prior and is set to {}, this"
+                        " will not be sampled and may cause an error."
+                        .format(missing_key, set_val))
+                else:
+                    self[missing_key] = default_prior
+        for key in self:
+            self.test_redundancy(key)
+    def sample(self, size=None):
+        """Draw samples from the prior set
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
+            See numpy.random.uniform docs
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict: Dictionary of the samples
+        """
+        return self.sample_subset_constrained(keys=list(self.keys()), size=size)
+    def sample_subset(self, keys=iter([]), size=None):
+        """Draw samples from the prior set for parameters which are not a DeltaFunction
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        keys: list
+            List of prior keys to draw samples from
+        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
+            See numpy.random.uniform docs
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict: Dictionary of the drawn samples
+        """
+        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
+        samples = dict()
+        for key in keys:
+            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
+                continue
+            elif isinstance(self[key], Prior):
+                samples[key] = self[key].sample(size=size)
+            else:
+                logger.debug('{} not a known prior.'.format(key))
+        return samples
+    def sample_subset_constrained(self, keys=iter([]), size=None):
+        if size is None or size == 1:
+            while True:
+                sample = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=size)
+                if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
+                    return sample
+        else:
+            needed = np.prod(size)
+            constraint_keys = list()
+            for ii, key in enumerate(keys[-1::-1]):
+                if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
+                    constraint_keys.append(-ii - 1)
+            for ii in constraint_keys[-1::-1]:
+                del keys[ii]
+            all_samples = {key: np.array([]) for key in keys}
+            _first_key = list(all_samples.keys())[0]
+            while len(all_samples[_first_key]) < needed:
+                samples = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=needed)
+                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(samples), dtype=bool)
+                for key in samples:
+                    all_samples[key] = np.hstack(
+                        [all_samples[key], samples[key][keep].flatten()])
+            all_samples = {key: np.reshape(all_samples[key][:needed], size)
+                           for key in all_samples
+                           if not isinstance(self[key], Constraint)}
+            return all_samples
+    def prob(self, sample, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sample: dict
+            Dictionary of the samples of which we want to have the probability of
+        kwargs:
+            The keyword arguments are passed directly to `np.product`
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Joint probability of all individual sample probabilities
+        """
+        prob = np.product([self[key].prob(sample[key])
+                           for key in sample], **kwargs)
+        if np.all(prob == 0.):
+            return prob
+        else:
+            if isinstance(prob, float):
+                if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
+                    return prob
+                else:
+                    return 0.
+            else:
+                constrained_prob = np.zeros_like(prob)
+                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(sample), dtype=bool)
+                constrained_prob[keep] = prob[keep]
+                return constrained_prob
+    def ln_prob(self, sample, axis=None):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sample: dict
+            Dictionary of the samples of which to calculate the log probability
+        axis: None or int
+            Axis along which the summation is performed
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float or ndarray:
+            Joint log probability of all the individual sample probabilities
+        """
+        ln_prob = np.sum([self[key].ln_prob(sample[key])
+                          for key in sample], axis=axis)
+        if np.all(np.isinf(ln_prob)):
+            return ln_prob
+        else:
+            if isinstance(ln_prob, float):
+                if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
+                    return ln_prob
+                else:
+                    return -np.inf
+            else:
+                constrained_ln_prob = -np.inf * np.ones_like(ln_prob)
+                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(sample), dtype=bool)
+                constrained_ln_prob[keep] = ln_prob[keep]
+                return constrained_ln_prob
+    def rescale(self, keys, theta):
+        """Rescale samples from unit cube to prior
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        keys: list
+            List of prior keys to be rescaled
+        theta: list
+            List of randomly drawn values on a unit cube associated with the prior keys
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list: List of floats containing the rescaled sample
+        """
+        return list(flatten([self[key].rescale(sample) for key, sample in zip(keys, theta)]))
+    def test_redundancy(self, key, disable_logging=False):
+        """Empty redundancy test, should be overwritten in subclasses"""
+        return False
+    def test_has_redundant_keys(self):
+        """
+        Test whether there are redundant keys in self.
+        Return
+        ------
+        bool: Whether there are redundancies or not
+        """
+        redundant = False
+        for key in self:
+            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
+                continue
+            temp = self.copy()
+            del temp[key]
+            if temp.test_redundancy(key, disable_logging=True):
+                logger.warning('{} is a redundant key in this {}.'
+                               .format(key, self.__class__.__name__))
+                redundant = True
+        return redundant
+    def copy(self):
+        """
+        We have to overwrite the copy method as it fails due to the presence of
+        defaults.
+        """
+        return self.__class__(dictionary=dict(self))
+class PriorSet(PriorDict):
+    def __init__(self, dictionary=None, filename=None):
+        """ DEPRECATED: USE PriorDict INSTEAD"""
+        logger.warning("The name 'PriorSet' is deprecated use 'PriorDict' instead")
+        super(PriorSet, self).__init__(dictionary, filename)
+class PriorDictException(Exception):
+    """ General base class for all prior dict exceptions """
+class ConditionalPriorDict(PriorDict):
+    def __init__(self, dictionary=None, filename=None, conversion_function=None):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        dictionary: dict
+            See parent class
+        filename: str
+            See parent class
+        """
+        self._conditional_keys = []
+        self._unconditional_keys = []
+        self._rescale_keys = []
+        self._rescale_indexes = []
+        self._least_recently_rescaled_keys = []
+        super(ConditionalPriorDict, self).__init__(
+            dictionary=dictionary, filename=filename,
+            conversion_function=conversion_function
+        )
+        self._resolved = False
+        self._resolve_conditions()
+    def _resolve_conditions(self):
+        """
+        Resolves how priors depend on each other and automatically
+        sorts them into the right order.
+        1. All unconditional priors are put in front in arbitrary order
+        2. We loop through all the unsorted conditional priors to find
+        which one can go next
+        3. We repeat step 2 len(self) number of times to make sure that
+        all conditional priors will be sorted in order
+        4. We set the `self._resolved` flag to True if all conditional
+        priors were added in the right order
+        """
+        self._unconditional_keys = [key for key in self.keys() if not hasattr(self[key], 'condition_func')]
+        conditional_keys_unsorted = [key for key in self.keys() if hasattr(self[key], 'condition_func')]
+        self._conditional_keys = []
+        for _ in range(len(self)):
+            for key in conditional_keys_unsorted[:]:
+                if self._check_conditions_resolved(key, self.sorted_keys):
+                    self._conditional_keys.append(key)
+                    conditional_keys_unsorted.remove(key)
+        self._resolved = True
+        if len(conditional_keys_unsorted) != 0:
+            self._resolved = False
+    def _check_conditions_resolved(self, key, sampled_keys):
+        """ Checks if all required variables have already been sampled so we can sample this key """
+        conditions_resolved = True
+        for k in self[key].required_variables:
+            if k not in sampled_keys:
+                conditions_resolved = False
+        return conditions_resolved
+    def sample_subset(self, keys=iter([]), size=None):
+        self.convert_floats_to_delta_functions()
+        subset_dict = ConditionalPriorDict({key: self[key] for key in keys})
+        if not subset_dict._resolved:
+            raise IllegalConditionsException("The current set of priors contains unresolvable conditions.")
+        samples = dict()
+        for key in subset_dict.sorted_keys:
+            if isinstance(self[key], Constraint):
+                continue
+            elif isinstance(self[key], Prior):
+                try:
+                    samples[key] = subset_dict[key].sample(size=size, **subset_dict.get_required_variables(key))
+                except ValueError:
+                    # Some prior classes can not handle an array of conditional parameters (e.g. alpha for PowerLaw)
+                    # If that is the case, we sample each sample individually.
+                    required_variables = subset_dict.get_required_variables(key)
+                    samples[key] = np.zeros(size)
+                    for i in range(size):
+                        rvars = {key: value[i] for key, value in required_variables.items()}
+                        samples[key][i] = subset_dict[key].sample(**rvars)
+            else:
+                logger.debug('{} not a known prior.'.format(key))
+        return samples
+    def get_required_variables(self, key):
+        """ Returns the required variables to sample a given conditional key.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        key : str
+            Name of the key that we want to know the required variables for
+        Returns
+        ----------
+        dict: key/value pairs of the required variables
+        """
+        return {k: self[k].least_recently_sampled for k in getattr(self[key], 'required_variables', [])}
+    def prob(self, sample, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sample: dict
+            Dictionary of the samples of which we want to have the probability of
+        kwargs:
+            The keyword arguments are passed directly to `np.product`
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Joint probability of all individual sample probabilities
+        """
+        self._check_resolved()
+        for key, value in sample.items():
+            self[key].least_recently_sampled = value
+        res = [self[key].prob(sample[key], **self.get_required_variables(key)) for key in sample]
+        return np.product(res, **kwargs)
+    def ln_prob(self, sample, axis=None):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sample: dict
+            Dictionary of the samples of which we want to have the log probability of
+        axis: Union[None, int]
+            Axis along which the summation is performed
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Joint log probability of all the individual sample probabilities
+        """
+        self._check_resolved()
+        for key, value in sample.items():
+            self[key].least_recently_sampled = value
+        res = [self[key].ln_prob(sample[key], **self.get_required_variables(key)) for key in sample]
+        return np.sum(res, axis=axis)
+    def rescale(self, keys, theta):
+        """Rescale samples from unit cube to prior
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        keys: list
+            List of prior keys to be rescaled
+        theta: list
+            List of randomly drawn values on a unit cube associated with the prior keys
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list: List of floats containing the rescaled sample
+        """
+        self._check_resolved()
+        self._update_rescale_keys(keys)
+        result = dict()
+        for key, index in zip(self.sorted_keys_without_fixed_parameters, self._rescale_indexes):
+            required_variables = {k: result[k] for k in getattr(self[key], 'required_variables', [])}
+            result[key] = self[key].rescale(theta[index], **required_variables)
+        return [result[key] for key in keys]
+    def _update_rescale_keys(self, keys):
+        if not keys == self._least_recently_rescaled_keys:
+            self._rescale_indexes = [keys.index(element) for element in self.sorted_keys_without_fixed_parameters]
+            self._least_recently_rescaled_keys = keys
+    def _check_resolved(self):
+        if not self._resolved:
+            raise IllegalConditionsException("The current set of priors contains unresolveable conditions.")
+    @property
+    def conditional_keys(self):
+        return self._conditional_keys
+    @property
+    def unconditional_keys(self):
+        return self._unconditional_keys
+    @property
+    def sorted_keys(self):
+        return self.unconditional_keys + self.conditional_keys
+    @property
+    def sorted_keys_without_fixed_parameters(self):
+        return [key for key in self.sorted_keys if not isinstance(self[key], (DeltaFunction, Constraint))]
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        super(ConditionalPriorDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
+        self._resolve_conditions()
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        super(ConditionalPriorDict, self).__delitem__(key)
+        self._resolve_conditions()
+class ConditionalPriorDictException(PriorDictException):
+    """ General base class for all conditional prior dict exceptions """
+def create_default_prior(name, default_priors_file=None):
+    """Make a default prior for a parameter with a known name.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    name: str
+        Parameter name
+    default_priors_file: str, optional
+        If given, a file containing the default priors.
+    Return
+    ------
+    prior: Prior
+        Default prior distribution for that parameter, if unknown None is
+        returned.
+    """
+    if default_priors_file is None:
+        logger.debug(
+            "No prior file given.")
+        prior = None
+    else:
+        default_priors = PriorDict(filename=default_priors_file)
+        if name in default_priors.keys():
+            prior = default_priors[name]
+        else:
+            logger.debug(
+                "No default prior found for variable {}.".format(name))
+            prior = None
+    return prior
+class IllegalConditionsException(ConditionalPriorDictException):
+    """ Exception class to handle prior dicts that contain unresolvable conditions. """
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/interpolated.py b/bilby/core/prior/interpolated.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f57fe22192c086cdf17d41578dc1e9213875575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/interpolated.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+from .base import Prior
+from bilby.core.utils import logger
+class Interped(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, xx, yy, minimum=np.nan, maximum=np.nan, name=None,
+                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Creates an interpolated prior function from arrays of xx and yy=p(xx)
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        xx: array_like
+            x values for the to be interpolated prior function
+        yy: array_like
+            p(xx) values for the to be interpolated prior function
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        Attributes
+        ----------
+        probability_density: scipy.interpolate.interp1d
+            Interpolated prior probability distribution
+        cumulative_distribution: scipy.interpolate.interp1d
+            Interpolated cumulative prior probability distribution
+        inverse_cumulative_distribution: scipy.interpolate.interp1d
+            Inverted cumulative prior probability distribution
+        YY: array_like
+            Cumulative prior probability distribution
+        """
+        self.xx = xx
+        self._yy = yy
+        self.YY = None
+        self.probability_density = None
+        self.cumulative_distribution = None
+        self.inverse_cumulative_distribution = None
+        self.__all_interpolated = interp1d(x=xx, y=yy, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
+        minimum = float(np.nanmax(np.array((min(xx), minimum))))
+        maximum = float(np.nanmin(np.array((max(xx), maximum))))
+        super(Interped, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit,
+                                       minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, boundary=boundary)
+        self._update_instance()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
+            return False
+        if np.array_equal(self.xx, other.xx) and np.array_equal(self.yy, other.yy):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val:  Union[float, int, array_like]
+        Returns
+        -------
+         Union[float, array_like]: Prior probability of val
+        """
+        return self.probability_density(val)
+    def cdf(self, val):
+        return self.cumulative_distribution(val)
+    def rescale(self, val):
+        """
+        'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
+        This maps to the inverse CDF. This is done using interpolation.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        rescaled = self.inverse_cumulative_distribution(val)
+        if rescaled.shape == ():
+            rescaled = float(rescaled)
+        return rescaled
+    @property
+    def minimum(self):
+        """Return minimum of the prior distribution.
+        Updates the prior distribution if minimum is set to a different value.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Minimum of the prior distribution
+        """
+        return self._minimum
+    @minimum.setter
+    def minimum(self, minimum):
+        self._minimum = minimum
+        if '_maximum' in self.__dict__ and self._maximum < np.inf:
+            self._update_instance()
+    @property
+    def maximum(self):
+        """Return maximum of the prior distribution.
+        Updates the prior distribution if maximum is set to a different value.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Maximum of the prior distribution
+        """
+        return self._maximum
+    @maximum.setter
+    def maximum(self, maximum):
+        self._maximum = maximum
+        if '_minimum' in self.__dict__ and self._minimum < np.inf:
+            self._update_instance()
+    @property
+    def yy(self):
+        """Return p(xx) values of the interpolated prior function.
+        Updates the prior distribution if it is changed
+        Returns
+        -------
+        array_like: p(xx) values
+        """
+        return self._yy
+    @yy.setter
+    def yy(self, yy):
+        self._yy = yy
+        self.__all_interpolated = interp1d(x=self.xx, y=self._yy, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
+        self._update_instance()
+    def _update_instance(self):
+        self.xx = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, len(self.xx))
+        self._yy = self.__all_interpolated(self.xx)
+        self._initialize_attributes()
+    def _initialize_attributes(self):
+        if np.trapz(self._yy, self.xx) != 1:
+            logger.debug('Supplied PDF for {} is not normalised, normalising.'.format(self.name))
+        self._yy /= np.trapz(self._yy, self.xx)
+        self.YY = cumtrapz(self._yy, self.xx, initial=0)
+        # Need last element of cumulative distribution to be exactly one.
+        self.YY[-1] = 1
+        self.probability_density = interp1d(x=self.xx, y=self._yy, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
+        self.cumulative_distribution = interp1d(x=self.xx, y=self.YY, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0, 1))
+        self.inverse_cumulative_distribution = interp1d(x=self.YY, y=self.xx, bounds_error=True)
+class FromFile(Interped):
+    def __init__(self, file_name, minimum=None, maximum=None, name=None,
+                 latex_label=None, unit=None, boundary=None):
+        """Creates an interpolated prior function from arrays of xx and yy=p(xx) extracted from a file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        file_name: str
+            Name of the file containing the xx and yy arrays
+        minimum: float
+            See superclass
+        maximum: float
+            See superclass
+        name: str
+            See superclass
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        boundary: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        try:
+            self.id = file_name
+            xx, yy = np.genfromtxt(self.id).T
+            super(FromFile, self).__init__(xx=xx, yy=yy, minimum=minimum,
+                                           maximum=maximum, name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
+                                           unit=unit, boundary=boundary)
+        except IOError:
+            logger.warning("Can't load {}.".format(self.id))
+            logger.warning("Format should be:")
+            logger.warning(r"x\tp(x)")
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/joint.py b/bilby/core/prior/joint.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f2622d482e2838a34e0f70535a2626fe42cdee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/joint.py
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.stats
+from scipy.special import erfinv
+from .base import Prior, PriorException
+from bilby.core.utils import logger, infer_args_from_method
+class BaseJointPriorDist(object):
+    def __init__(self, names, bounds=None):
+        """
+        A class defining JointPriorDist that will be overwritten with child
+        classes defining the joint prior distribtuions between given parameters,
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        names: list (required)
+            A list of the parameter names in the JointPriorDist. The
+            listed parameters must have the same order that they appear in
+            the lists of statistical parameters that may be passed in child class
+        bounds: list (optional)
+            A list of bounds on each parameter. The defaults are for bounds at
+            +/- infinity.
+        """
+        self.distname = 'joint_dist'
+        if not isinstance(names, list):
+            self.names = [names]
+        else:
+            self.names = names
+        self.num_vars = len(self.names)
+        # set the bounds for each parameter
+        if isinstance(bounds, list):
+            if len(bounds) != len(self):
+                raise ValueError("Wrong number of parameter bounds")
+            # check bounds
+            for bound in bounds:
+                if isinstance(bounds, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
+                    if len(bound) != 2:
+                        raise ValueError("Bounds must contain an upper and "
+                                         "lower value.")
+                    else:
+                        if bound[1] <= bound[0]:
+                            raise ValueError("Bounds are not properly set")
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError("Bound must be a list")
+                logger.warning("If using bounded ranges on the multivariate "
+                               "Gaussian this will lead to biased posteriors "
+                               "for nested sampling routines that require "
+                               "a prior transform.")
+        else:
+            bounds = [(-np.inf, np.inf) for _ in self.names]
+        self.bounds = {name: val for name, val in zip(self.names, bounds)}
+        self._current_sample = {}  # initialise empty sample
+        self._uncorrelated = None
+        self._current_lnprob = None
+        # a dictionary of the parameters as requested by the prior
+        self.requested_parameters = dict()
+        self.reset_request()
+        # a dictionary of the rescaled parameters
+        self.rescale_parameters = dict()
+        self.reset_rescale()
+        # a list of sampled parameters
+        self.reset_sampled()
+    def reset_sampled(self):
+        self.sampled_parameters = []
+        self.current_sample = {}
+    def filled_request(self):
+        """
+        Check if all requested parameters have been filled.
+        """
+        return not np.any([val is None for val in
+                           self.requested_parameters.values()])
+    def reset_request(self):
+        """
+        Reset the requested parameters to None.
+        """
+        for name in self.names:
+            self.requested_parameters[name] = None
+    def filled_rescale(self):
+        """
+        Check if all the rescaled parameters have been filled.
+        """
+        return not np.any([val is None for val in
+                           self.rescale_parameters.values()])
+    def reset_rescale(self):
+        """
+        Reset the rescaled parameters to None.
+        """
+        for name in self.names:
+            self.rescale_parameters[name] = None
+    def get_instantiation_dict(self):
+        subclass_args = infer_args_from_method(self.__init__)
+        property_names = [p for p in dir(self.__class__)
+                          if isinstance(getattr(self.__class__, p), property)]
+        dict_with_properties = self.__dict__.copy()
+        for key in property_names:
+            dict_with_properties[key] = getattr(self, key)
+        instantiation_dict = dict()
+        for key in subclass_args:
+            if isinstance(dict_with_properties[key], list):
+                value = np.asarray(dict_with_properties[key]).tolist()
+            else:
+                value = dict_with_properties[key]
+            instantiation_dict[key] = value
+        return instantiation_dict
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.names)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """Overrides the special method __repr__.
+        Returns a representation of this instance that resembles how it is instantiated.
+        Works correctly for all child classes
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str: A string representation of this instance
+        """
+        dist_name = self.__class__.__name__
+        instantiation_dict = self.get_instantiation_dict()
+        args = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(key, repr(instantiation_dict[key]))
+                          for key in instantiation_dict])
+        return "{}({})".format(dist_name, args)
+    def prob(self, samp):
+        """
+        Get the probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
+        probability will not be properly normalised.
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(samp))
+    def _check_samp(self, value):
+        """
+        Get the log-probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
+        probability will not be properly normalised.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        value: array_like
+            A 1d vector of the sample, or 2d array of sample values with shape
+            NxM, where N is the number of samples and M is the number of
+            parameters.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        samp: array_like
+            returns the input value as a sample array
+        outbounds: array_like
+            Boolean Array that selects samples in samp that are out of given bounds
+        """
+        samp = np.array(value)
+        if len(samp.shape) == 1:
+            samp = samp.reshape(1, self.num_vars)
+        if len(samp.shape) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
+        elif samp.shape[1] != self.num_vars:
+            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
+        # check sample(s) is within bounds
+        outbounds = np.ones(samp.shape[0], dtype=np.bool)
+        for s, bound in zip(samp.T, self.bounds.values()):
+            outbounds = (s < bound[0]) | (s > bound[1])
+            if np.any(outbounds):
+                break
+        return samp, outbounds
+    def ln_prob(self, value):
+        """
+        Get the log-probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
+        probability will not be properly normalised.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        value: array_like
+            A 1d vector of the sample, or 2d array of sample values with shape
+            NxM, where N is the number of samples and M is the number of
+            parameters.
+        """
+        samp, outbounds = self._check_samp(value)
+        lnprob = -np.inf * np.ones(samp.shape[0])
+        lnprob = self._ln_prob(samp, lnprob, outbounds)
+        if samp.shape[0] == 1:
+            return lnprob[0]
+        else:
+            return lnprob
+    def _ln_prob(self, samp, lnprob, outbounds):
+        """
+        Get the log-probability of a sample. For bounded priors the
+        probability will not be properly normalised. **this method needs overwritten by child class**
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        samp: vector
+            sample to evaluate the ln_prob at
+        lnprob: vector
+            of -inf pased in with the same shape as the number of samples
+        outbounds: array_like
+            boolean array showing which samples in lnprob vector are out of the given bounds
+        Returns
+        -------
+        lnprob: vector
+            array of lnprob values for each sample given
+        """
+        """
+        Here is where the subclass where overwrite ln_prob method
+        """
+        return lnprob
+    def sample(self, size=1, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Draw, and set, a sample from the Dist, accompanying method _sample needs to overwritten
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        size: int
+            number of samples to generate, defualts to 1
+        """
+        if size is None:
+            size = 1
+        samps = self._sample(size=size, **kwargs)
+        for i, name in enumerate(self.names):
+            if size == 1:
+                self.current_sample[name] = samps[:, i].flatten()[0]
+            else:
+                self.current_sample[name] = samps[:, i].flatten()
+    def _sample(self, size, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Draw, and set, a sample from the joint dist (**needs to be ovewritten by child class**)
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        size: int
+            number of samples to generate, defualts to 1
+        """
+        samps = np.zeros((size, len(self)))
+        """
+        Here is where the subclass where overwrite sampling method
+        """
+        return samps
+    def rescale(self, value, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Rescale from a unit hypercube to JointPriorDist. Note that no
+        bounds are applied in the rescale function. (child classes need to
+        overwrite accompanying method _rescale().
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        value: array
+            A 1d vector sample (one for each parameter) drawn from a uniform
+            distribution between 0 and 1, or a 2d NxM array of samples where
+            N is the number of samples and M is the number of parameters.
+        kwargs: dict
+            All keyword args that need to be passed to _rescale method, these keyword
+            args are called in the JointPrior rescale methods for each parameter
+        Returns
+        -------
+        array:
+            An vector sample drawn from the multivariate Gaussian
+            distribution.
+        """
+        samp = np.asarray(value)
+        if len(samp.shape) == 1:
+            samp = samp.reshape(1, self.num_vars)
+        if len(samp.shape) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
+        elif samp.shape[1] != self.num_vars:
+            raise ValueError("Array is the wrong shape")
+        samp = self._rescale(samp, **kwargs)
+        return np.squeeze(samp)
+    def _rescale(self, samp, **kwargs):
+        """
+        rescale a sample from a unit hypercybe to the joint dist (**needs to be ovewritten by child class**)
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        samp: numpy array
+            this is a vector sample drawn from a uniform distribtuion to be rescaled to the distribution
+        """
+        """
+        Here is where the subclass where overwrite rescale method
+        """
+        return samp
+class MultivariateGaussianDist(BaseJointPriorDist):
+    def __init__(self, names, nmodes=1, mus=None, sigmas=None, corrcoefs=None,
+                 covs=None, weights=None, bounds=None):
+        """
+        A class defining a multi-variate Gaussian, allowing multiple modes for
+        a Gaussian mixture model.
+        Note: if using a multivariate Gaussian prior, with bounds, this can
+        lead to biases in the marginal likelihood estimate and posterior
+        estimate for nested samplers routines that rely on sampling from a unit
+        hypercube and having a prior transform, e.g., nestle, dynesty and
+        MultiNest.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        names: list
+            A list of the parameter names in the multivariate Gaussian. The
+            listed parameters must have the same order that they appear in
+            the lists of means, standard deviations, and the correlation
+            coefficient, or covariance, matrices.
+        nmodes: int
+            The number of modes for the mixture model. This defaults to 1,
+            which will be checked against the shape of the other inputs.
+        mus: array_like
+            A list of lists of means of each mode in a multivariate Gaussian
+            mixture model. A single list can be given for a single mode. If
+            this is None then means at zero will be assumed.
+        sigmas: array_like
+            A list of lists of the standard deviations of each mode of the
+            multivariate Gaussian. If supplying a correlation coefficient
+            matrix rather than a covariance matrix these values must be given.
+            If this is None unit variances will be assumed.
+        corrcoefs: array
+            A list of square matrices containing the correlation coefficients
+            of the parameters for each mode. If this is None it will be assumed
+            that the parameters are uncorrelated.
+        covs: array
+            A list of square matrices containing the covariance matrix of the
+            multivariate Gaussian.
+        weights: list
+            A list of weights (relative probabilities) for each mode of the
+            multivariate Gaussian. This will default to equal weights for each
+            mode.
+        bounds: list
+            A list of bounds on each parameter. The defaults are for bounds at
+            +/- infinity.
+        """
+        super(MultivariateGaussianDist, self).__init__(names=names, bounds=bounds)
+        self.distname = 'mvg'
+        self.mus = []
+        self.covs = []
+        self.corrcoefs = []
+        self.sigmas = []
+        self.weights = []
+        self.eigvalues = []
+        self.eigvectors = []
+        self.sqeigvalues = []  # square root of the eigenvalues
+        self.mvn = []  # list of multivariate normal distributions
+        self._current_sample = {}  # initialise empty sample
+        self._uncorrelated = None
+        self._current_lnprob = None
+        # put values in lists if required
+        if nmodes == 1:
+            if mus is not None:
+                if len(np.shape(mus)) == 1:
+                    mus = [mus]
+                elif len(np.shape(mus)) == 0:
+                    raise ValueError("Must supply a list of means")
+            if sigmas is not None:
+                if len(np.shape(sigmas)) == 1:
+                    sigmas = [sigmas]
+                elif len(np.shape(sigmas)) == 0:
+                    raise ValueError("Must supply a list of standard "
+                                     "deviations")
+            if covs is not None:
+                if isinstance(covs, np.ndarray):
+                    covs = [covs]
+                elif isinstance(covs, list):
+                    if len(np.shape(covs)) == 2:
+                        covs = [np.array(covs)]
+                    elif len(np.shape(covs)) != 3:
+                        raise TypeError("List of covariances the wrong shape")
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError("Must pass a list of covariances")
+            if corrcoefs is not None:
+                if isinstance(corrcoefs, np.ndarray):
+                    corrcoefs = [corrcoefs]
+                elif isinstance(corrcoefs, list):
+                    if len(np.shape(corrcoefs)) == 2:
+                        corrcoefs = [np.array(corrcoefs)]
+                    elif len(np.shape(corrcoefs)) != 3:
+                        raise TypeError("List of correlation coefficients the wrong shape")
+                elif not isinstance(corrcoefs, list):
+                    raise TypeError("Must pass a list of correlation "
+                                    "coefficients")
+            if weights is not None:
+                if isinstance(weights, (int, float)):
+                    weights = [weights]
+                elif isinstance(weights, list):
+                    if len(weights) != 1:
+                        raise ValueError("Wrong number of weights given")
+        for val in [mus, sigmas, covs, corrcoefs, weights]:
+            if val is not None and not isinstance(val, list):
+                raise TypeError("Value must be a list")
+            else:
+                if val is not None and len(val) != nmodes:
+                    raise ValueError("Wrong number of modes given")
+        # add the modes
+        self.nmodes = 0
+        for i in range(nmodes):
+            mu = mus[i] if mus is not None else None
+            sigma = sigmas[i] if sigmas is not None else None
+            corrcoef = corrcoefs[i] if corrcoefs is not None else None
+            cov = covs[i] if covs is not None else None
+            weight = weights[i] if weights is not None else 1.
+            self.add_mode(mu, sigma, corrcoef, cov, weight)
+    def add_mode(self, mus=None, sigmas=None, corrcoef=None, cov=None,
+                 weight=1.):
+        """
+        Add a new mode.
+        """
+        # add means
+        if mus is not None:
+            try:
+                self.mus.append(list(mus))  # means
+            except TypeError:
+                raise TypeError("'mus' must be a list")
+        else:
+            self.mus.append(np.zeros(self.num_vars))
+        # add the covariances if supplied
+        if cov is not None:
+            self.covs.append(np.asarray(cov))
+            if len(self.covs[-1].shape) != 2:
+                raise ValueError("Covariance matrix must be a 2d array")
+            if (self.covs[-1].shape[0] != self.covs[-1].shape[1] or
+                    self.covs[-1].shape[0] != self.num_vars):
+                raise ValueError("Covariance shape is inconsistent")
+            # check matrix is symmetric
+            if not np.allclose(self.covs[-1], self.covs[-1].T):
+                raise ValueError("Covariance matrix is not symmetric")
+            self.sigmas.append(np.sqrt(np.diag(self.covs[-1])))  # standard deviations
+            # convert covariance into a correlation coefficient matrix
+            D = self.sigmas[-1] * np.identity(self.covs[-1].shape[0])
+            Dinv = np.linalg.inv(D)
+            self.corrcoefs.append(np.dot(np.dot(Dinv, self.covs[-1]), Dinv))
+        elif corrcoef is not None and sigmas is not None:
+            self.corrcoefs.append(np.asarray(corrcoef))
+            if len(self.corrcoefs[-1].shape) != 2:
+                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix must be a 2d "
+                                 "array.")
+            if (self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[0] != self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[1] or
+                    self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[0] != self.num_vars):
+                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix shape is "
+                                 "inconsistent")
+            # check matrix is symmetric
+            if not np.allclose(self.corrcoefs[-1], self.corrcoefs[-1].T):
+                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix is not "
+                                 "symmetric")
+            # check diagonal is all ones
+            if not np.all(np.diag(self.corrcoefs[-1]) == 1.):
+                raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix is not"
+                                 "correct")
+            try:
+                self.sigmas.append(list(sigmas))  # standard deviations
+            except TypeError:
+                raise TypeError("'sigmas' must be a list")
+            if len(self.sigmas[-1]) != self.num_vars:
+                raise ValueError("Number of standard deviations must be the "
+                                 "same as the number of parameters.")
+            # convert correlation coefficients to covariance matrix
+            D = self.sigmas[-1] * np.identity(self.corrcoefs[-1].shape[0])
+            self.covs.append(np.dot(D, np.dot(self.corrcoefs[-1], D)))
+        else:
+            # set unit variance uncorrelated covariance
+            self.corrcoefs.append(np.eye(self.num_vars))
+            self.covs.append(np.eye(self.num_vars))
+            self.sigmas.append(np.ones(self.num_vars))
+        # get eigen values and vectors
+        try:
+            evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(self.corrcoefs[-1])
+            self.eigvalues.append(evals)
+            self.eigvectors.append(evecs)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise RuntimeError("Problem getting eigenvalues and vectors: "
+                               "{}".format(e))
+        # check eigenvalues are positive
+        if np.any(self.eigvalues[-1] <= 0.):
+            raise ValueError("Correlation coefficient matrix is not positive "
+                             "definite")
+        self.sqeigvalues.append(np.sqrt(self.eigvalues[-1]))
+        # set the weights
+        if weight is None:
+            self.weights.append(1.)
+        else:
+            self.weights.append(weight)
+        # set the cumulative relative weights
+        self.cumweights = np.cumsum(self.weights) / np.sum(self.weights)
+        # add the mode
+        self.nmodes += 1
+        # add multivariate Gaussian
+        self.mvn.append(scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(mean=self.mus[-1],
+                                                        cov=self.covs[-1]))
+    def _rescale(self, samp, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            mode = kwargs['mode']
+        except KeyError:
+            mode = None
+        if mode is None:
+            if self.nmodes == 1:
+                mode = 0
+            else:
+                mode = np.argwhere(self.cumweights - np.random.rand() > 0)[0][0]
+        samp = erfinv(2. * samp - 1) * 2. ** 0.5
+        # rotate and scale to the multivariate normal shape
+        samp = self.mus[mode] + self.sigmas[mode] * np.einsum('ij,kj->ik',
+                                                              samp * self.sqeigvalues[mode],
+                                                              self.eigvectors[mode])
+        return samp
+    def _sample(self, size, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            mode = kwargs['mode']
+        except KeyError:
+            mode = None
+        if mode is None:
+            if self.nmodes == 1:
+                mode = 0
+            else:
+                mode = np.argwhere(self.cumweights - np.random.rand() > 0)[0][0]
+        samps = np.zeros((size, len(self)))
+        for i in range(size):
+            inbound = False
+            while not inbound:
+                # sample the multivariate Gaussian keys
+                vals = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(self))
+                samp = np.atleast_1d(self.rescale(vals, mode=mode))
+                samps[i, :] = samp
+                # check sample is in bounds (otherwise perform another draw)
+                outbound = False
+                for name, val in zip(self.names, samp):
+                    if val < self.bounds[name][0] or val > self.bounds[name][1]:
+                        outbound = True
+                        break
+                if not outbound:
+                    inbound = True
+        return samps
+    def _ln_prob(self, samp, lnprob, outbounds):
+        for j in range(samp.shape[0]):
+            # loop over the modes and sum the probabilities
+            for i in range(self.nmodes):
+                lnprob[j] = np.logaddexp(lnprob[j], self.mvn[i].logpdf(samp[j]))
+        # set out-of-bounds values to -inf
+        lnprob[outbounds] = -np.inf
+        return lnprob
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
+            return False
+        if sorted(self.__dict__.keys()) != sorted(other.__dict__.keys()):
+            return False
+        for key in self.__dict__:
+            if key == 'mvn':
+                if len(self.__dict__[key]) != len(other.__dict__[key]):
+                    return False
+                for thismvn, othermvn in zip(self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]):
+                    if (not isinstance(thismvn, scipy.stats._multivariate.multivariate_normal_frozen) or
+                            not isinstance(othermvn, scipy.stats._multivariate.multivariate_normal_frozen)):
+                        return False
+            elif isinstance(self.__dict__[key], (np.ndarray, list)):
+                thisarr = np.asarray(self.__dict__[key])
+                otherarr = np.asarray(other.__dict__[key])
+                if thisarr.dtype == np.float and otherarr.dtype == np.float:
+                    fin1 = np.isfinite(np.asarray(self.__dict__[key]))
+                    fin2 = np.isfinite(np.asarray(other.__dict__[key]))
+                    if not np.array_equal(fin1, fin2):
+                        return False
+                    if not np.allclose(thisarr[fin1], otherarr[fin2], atol=1e-15):
+                        return False
+                else:
+                    if not np.array_equal(thisarr, otherarr):
+                        return False
+            else:
+                if not self.__dict__[key] == other.__dict__[key]:
+                    return False
+        return True
+class MultivariateNormalDist(MultivariateGaussianDist):
+    """ A synonym for the :class:`~bilby.core.prior.MultivariateGaussianDist` distribution."""
+class JointPrior(Prior):
+    def __init__(self, dist, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None):
+        """This defines the single parameter Prior object for parameters that belong to a JointPriorDist
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        dist: ChildClass of BaseJointPriorDist
+            The shared JointPriorDistribution that this parameter belongs to
+        name: str
+            Name of this parameter. Must be contained in dist.names
+        latex_label: str
+            See superclass
+        unit: str
+            See superclass
+        """
+        if BaseJointPriorDist not in dist.__class__.__bases__:
+            raise TypeError("Must supply a JointPriorDist object instance to be shared by all joint params")
+        if name not in dist.names:
+            raise ValueError("'{}' is not a parameter in the JointPriorDist")
+        self.dist = dist
+        super(JointPrior, self).__init__(name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit, minimum=dist.bounds[name][0],
+                                         maximum=dist.bounds[name][1])
+    @property
+    def minimum(self):
+        return self._minimum
+    @minimum.setter
+    def minimum(self, minimum):
+        self._minimum = minimum
+        self.dist.bounds[self.name] = (minimum, self.dist.bounds[self.name][1])
+    @property
+    def maximum(self):
+        return self._maximum
+    @maximum.setter
+    def maximum(self, maximum):
+        self._maximum = maximum
+        self.dist.bounds[self.name] = (self.dist.bounds[self.name][0], maximum)
+    def rescale(self, val, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Scale a unit hypercube sample to the prior.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: array_like
+            value drawn from unit hypercube to be rescaled onto the prior
+        kwargs: dict
+            all kwargs passed to the dist.rescale method
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float:
+            A sample from the prior paramter.
+        """
+        self.test_valid_for_rescaling(val)
+        self.dist.rescale_parameters[self.name] = val
+        if self.dist.filled_rescale():
+            values = np.array(list(self.dist.rescale_parameters.values())).T
+            samples = self.dist.rescale(values, **kwargs)
+            self.dist.reset_rescale()
+            return samples
+        else:
+            return []  # return empty list
+    def sample(self, size=1, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Draw a sample from the prior.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        size: int, float (defaults to 1)
+            number of samples to draw
+        kwargs: dict
+            kwargs passed to the dist.sample method
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float:
+            A sample from the prior paramter.
+        """
+        if self.name in self.dist.sampled_parameters:
+            logger.warning("You have already drawn a sample from parameter "
+                           "'{}'. The same sample will be "
+                           "returned".format(self.name))
+        if len(self.dist.current_sample) == 0:
+            # generate a sample
+            self.dist.sample(size=size, **kwargs)
+        sample = self.dist.current_sample[self.name]
+        if self.name not in self.dist.sampled_parameters:
+            self.dist.sampled_parameters.append(self.name)
+        if len(self.dist.sampled_parameters) == len(self.dist):
+            # reset samples
+            self.dist.reset_sampled()
+        self.least_recently_sampled = sample
+        return sample
+    def ln_prob(self, val):
+        """
+        Return the natural logarithm of the prior probability. Note that this
+        will not be correctly normalised if there are bounds on the
+        distribution.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: array_like
+            value to evaluate the prior log-prob at
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float:
+            the logp value for the prior at given sample
+        """
+        self.dist.requested_parameters[self.name] = val
+        if self.dist.filled_request():
+            # all required parameters have been set
+            values = list(self.dist.requested_parameters.values())
+            # check for the same number of values for each parameter
+            for i in range(len(self.dist) - 1):
+                if (isinstance(values[i], (list, np.ndarray)) or
+                        isinstance(values[i + 1], (list, np.ndarray))):
+                    if (isinstance(values[i], (list, np.ndarray)) and
+                            isinstance(values[i + 1], (list, np.ndarray))):
+                        if len(values[i]) != len(values[i + 1]):
+                            raise ValueError("Each parameter must have the same "
+                                             "number of requested values.")
+                    else:
+                        raise ValueError("Each parameter must have the same "
+                                         "number of requested values.")
+            lnp = self.dist.ln_prob(np.asarray(values).T)
+            # reset the requested parameters
+            self.dist.reset_request()
+            return lnp
+        else:
+            # if not all parameters have been requested yet, just return 0
+            if isinstance(val, (float, int)):
+                return 0.
+            else:
+                try:
+                    # check value has a length
+                    len(val)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    raise TypeError('Invalid type for ln_prob: {}'.format(e))
+                if len(val) == 1:
+                    return 0.
+                else:
+                    return np.zeros_like(val)
+    def prob(self, val):
+        """Return the prior probability of val
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        val: array_like
+            value to evaluate the prior prob at
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float:
+            the p value for the prior at given sample
+        """
+        return np.exp(self.ln_prob(val))
+class MultivariateGaussian(JointPrior):
+    def __init__(self, dist, name=None, latex_label=None, unit=None):
+        if not isinstance(dist, MultivariateGaussianDist):
+            raise JointPriorDistError("dist object must be instance of MultivariateGaussianDist")
+        super(MultivariateGaussian, self).__init__(dist=dist, name=name, latex_label=latex_label, unit=unit)
+class MultivariateNormal(MultivariateGaussian):
+    """ A synonym for the :class:`bilby.core.prior.MultivariateGaussian`
+        prior distribution."""
+class JointPriorDistError(PriorException):
+    """ Class for Error handling of JointPriorDists for JointPriors """
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 4d6e38e6c6378aad9111f01fb9c6335f713d94aa..cb95ccb365e1b41a947ef0ee0fdf4a1d393fd20e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ setup(name='bilby',
-      packages=['bilby', 'bilby.core', 'bilby.core.sampler',
+      packages=['bilby', 'bilby.core', 'bilby.core.prior', 'bilby.core.sampler',
                 'bilby.gw', 'bilby.gw.detector', 'bilby.gw.sampler',
                 'bilby.hyper', 'cli_bilby'],
       package_dir={'bilby': 'bilby', 'cli_bilby': 'cli_bilby'},