diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 9460a2cfe4a304e03f097fe1a95a7d78597ba751..d3b5a4ce731ae10b1b541867272a3fecd6b99e52 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -44,12 +44,17 @@ containers:
     - apt-get -yqq install libhdf5-dev
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - python -c "import bilby"
+    - python -c "import bilby.bilby_mcmc"
     - python -c "import bilby.core"
     - python -c "import bilby.core.prior"
     - python -c "import bilby.core.sampler"
+    - python -c "import bilby.core.utils"
     - python -c "import bilby.gw"
     - python -c "import bilby.gw.detector"
+    - python -c "import bilby.gw.eos"
+    - python -c "import bilby.gw.likelihood"
     - python -c "import bilby.gw.sampler"
     - python -c "import bilby.hyper"
     - python -c "import cli_bilby"
@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ python-3.7:
   image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python37
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     # Run pyflakes
     - flake8 .
@@ -143,6 +149,7 @@ python-3.8:
   image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python38
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - pytest
 # test example on python 3.9
@@ -152,6 +159,7 @@ python-3.9:
   image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python39
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - pytest
@@ -162,6 +170,7 @@ python-3.7-samplers:
   image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python37
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - pytest test/integration/sampler_run_test.py --durations 10
@@ -172,6 +181,7 @@ python-3.8-samplers:
   image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python38
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - pytest test/integration/sampler_run_test.py --durations 10
@@ -182,6 +192,7 @@ python-3.9-samplers:
   image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python39
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - pytest test/integration/sampler_run_test.py --durations 10
@@ -193,6 +204,7 @@ integration-tests-python-3.7:
     - schedules
     - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip list installed
     # Run tests which are only done on schedule
     - pytest test/integration/example_test.py
@@ -204,7 +216,21 @@ plotting-python-3.7:
     - schedules
     - python -m pip install .
-    - python -m pip install ligo.skymap
+    - python -m pip install "ligo.skymap>=0.5.3"
+    - python -m pip list installed
+    - pytest test/gw/plot_test.py
+  stage: test
+  image: containers.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/v2-bilby-python37
+  needs: ["basic-3.9", "precommits-py3.9"]
+  only:
+    - schedules
+  script:
+    - python -m pip install .
+    - python -m pip install "ligo.skymap>=0.5.3"
+    - python -m pip list installed
     - pytest test/gw/plot_test.py
@@ -301,4 +327,4 @@ pypi-release:
     - twine upload dist/*
-  - tags
+    - tags
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 8b4324cb2954c2a0782615b95b3b688eee4660c4..959bc977f86c1bd11f9831084017e60d50e6def3 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -15,14 +15,8 @@ repos:
     -   id: codespell
         args: [--ignore-words=.dictionary.txt]
--   repo: https://github.com/asottile/seed-isort-config
-    rev: v1.3.0
-    hooks:
-    -   id: seed-isort-config
-        args: [--application-directories, 'bilby/']
-        files: '(^bilby/bilby_mcmc/|^examples/core_examples/)'
 -   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-isort
-    rev: v4.3.21
+    rev: v5.10.1
     -   id: isort # sort imports alphabetically and separates import into sections
         args: [-w=88, -m=3, -tc, -sp=setup.cfg ]
diff --git a/AUTHORS.md b/AUTHORS.md
index 71baaa6e947fae44cd327ab1a2506cc5afa9004c..b95f3ff66f4cc8f002143e8199199e840d0cf30c 100644
--- a/AUTHORS.md
+++ b/AUTHORS.md
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Gregory Ashton
 Hector Estelles
 Ignacio Magaña Hernandez
 Isobel Marguarethe Romero-Shaw
+Jack Heinzel
 Jade Powell
 James A Clark
 Jeremy G Baier
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ Sharan Banagiri
 Shichao Wu
 Simon Stevenson
 Soichiro Morisaki
+Stephen R Green
 Sumeet Kulkarni
 Sylvia Biscoveanu
 Tathagata Ghosh
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index c86ed6beae31f03c8d1e8c1a71f0a4ac88f84e0e..16ccafc5e7bd46d33b7223b16df5a663db1ce852 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
 # All notable changes will be documented in this file
+## [1.1.4] 2021-10-08
+Version 1.1.4 release of bilby
+### Added
+- Version of dynesty pinned to less than v1.1 to anticipate breaking changes (!1020)
+- Pool to computation of SNR (!1013)
+- Ability to load results produced with custom priors (!1010)
+- The nestcheck test (!1005)
+- Bilby-mcmc guide to docs (!1001)
+- Codespell pre-commit (!996)
+- MBGravitationalWaveTransient (!972)
+- Zeus MCMC sampler support (!962)
+- Option to use print rather than tqdm (!937)
+### Changes
+- Updates citation guide (!1030)
+- Minor bug fixes (!1029, !1025, !1022, !1016, !1018, !1014, !1007, !1004)
+- Typo fix in eart light crossing (!1003)
+- Fix zero spin conversion (!1002)
 ## [1.1.3] 2021-07-02
 Version 1.1.3 release of bilby
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 529ee6a41aea335f6c50d87e0f682b94092baed7..bddce5f89f78ff19960a31d6ca9c07b89943b6b9 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ If you use :code:`bilby` in a scientific publication, please cite
 * `Bilby: A user-friendly Bayesian inference library for gravitational-wave
+* `Bayesian inference for compact binary coalescences with BILBY: validation and application to the first LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalogue <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.499.3295R/abstract>`__
+The first of these papers introduces the software, while the second introduces advances in the sampling approaches and validation of the software.
+If you use the :code:`bilby_mcmc` sampler, please additionally cite
+* `BILBY-MCMC: an MCMC sampler for gravitational-wave inference <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021MNRAS.507.2037A/abstract>`__
 Additionally, :code:`bilby` builds on a number of open-source packages. If you
 make use of this functionality in your publications, we recommend you cite them
diff --git a/bilby/core/prior/dict.py b/bilby/core/prior/dict.py
index 27596590685f85efad184e5b0a48c57920a706ca..15e6199da24f1e7faba06f9d6c5cfa0bdbe3acc9 100644
--- a/bilby/core/prior/dict.py
+++ b/bilby/core/prior/dict.py
@@ -423,27 +423,38 @@ class PriorDict(dict):
             return all_samples
-    def normalize_constraint_factor(self, keys):
+    def normalize_constraint_factor(self, keys, min_accept=10000, sampling_chunk=50000, nrepeats=10):
         if keys in self._cached_normalizations.keys():
             return self._cached_normalizations[keys]
-            min_accept = 1000
-            sampling_chunk = 5000
+            factor_estimates = [
+                self._estimate_normalization(keys, min_accept, sampling_chunk)
+                for _ in range(nrepeats)
+            ]
+            factor = np.mean(factor_estimates)
+            if np.std(factor_estimates) > 0:
+                decimals = int(-np.floor(np.log10(3 * np.std(factor_estimates))))
+                factor_rounded = np.round(factor, decimals)
+            else:
+                factor_rounded = factor
+            self._cached_normalizations[keys] = factor_rounded
+            return factor_rounded
+    def _estimate_normalization(self, keys, min_accept, sampling_chunk):
+        samples = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=sampling_chunk)
+        keep = np.atleast_1d(self.evaluate_constraints(samples))
+        if len(keep) == 1:
+            self._cached_normalizations[keys] = 1
+            return 1
+        all_samples = {key: np.array([]) for key in keys}
+        while np.count_nonzero(keep) < min_accept:
             samples = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=sampling_chunk)
-            keep = np.atleast_1d(self.evaluate_constraints(samples))
-            if len(keep) == 1:
-                self._cached_normalizations[keys] = 1
-                return 1
-            all_samples = {key: np.array([]) for key in keys}
-            while np.count_nonzero(keep) < min_accept:
-                samples = self.sample_subset(keys=keys, size=sampling_chunk)
-                for key in samples:
-                    all_samples[key] = np.hstack(
-                        [all_samples[key], samples[key].flatten()])
-                keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(all_samples), dtype=bool)
-            factor = len(keep) / np.count_nonzero(keep)
-            self._cached_normalizations[keys] = factor
-            return factor
+            for key in samples:
+                all_samples[key] = np.hstack(
+                    [all_samples[key], samples[key].flatten()])
+            keep = np.array(self.evaluate_constraints(all_samples), dtype=bool)
+        factor = len(keep) / np.count_nonzero(keep)
+        return factor
     def prob(self, sample, **kwargs):
@@ -468,11 +479,11 @@ class PriorDict(dict):
     def check_prob(self, sample, prob):
         ratio = self.normalize_constraint_factor(tuple(sample.keys()))
         if np.all(prob == 0.):
-            return prob
+            return prob * ratio
             if isinstance(prob, float):
                 if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
-                    return prob
+                    return prob * ratio
                     return 0.
@@ -508,7 +519,7 @@ class PriorDict(dict):
             if isinstance(ln_prob, float):
                 if self.evaluate_constraints(sample):
-                    return ln_prob
+                    return ln_prob + np.log(ratio)
                     return -np.inf
diff --git a/bilby/core/result.py b/bilby/core/result.py
index dbe7e29ac8920d6423f415eca12ebda6c92c14a0..48797a4f100e6583a880b59822df61997c6aeaa8 100644
--- a/bilby/core/result.py
+++ b/bilby/core/result.py
@@ -538,10 +538,17 @@ class Result(object):
     def from_json(cls, filename=None, outdir=None, label=None, gzip=False):
+        from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
         filename = _determine_file_name(filename, outdir, label, 'json', gzip)
         if os.path.isfile(filename):
-            dictionary = load_json(filename, gzip)
+            try:
+                dictionary = load_json(filename, gzip)
+            except JSONDecodeError as e:
+                raise IOError(
+                    "JSON failed to decode {} with message {}".format(filename, e)
+                )
                 return cls(**dictionary)
             except TypeError as e:
@@ -1429,20 +1436,19 @@ class Result(object):
             Function which adds in extra parameters to the data frame,
             should take the data_frame, likelihood and prior as arguments.
-        try:
-            data_frame = self.posterior
-        except ValueError:
-            data_frame = pd.DataFrame(
-                self.samples, columns=self.search_parameter_keys)
-            data_frame = self._add_prior_fixed_values_to_posterior(
-                data_frame, priors)
-            data_frame['log_likelihood'] = getattr(
-                self, 'log_likelihood_evaluations', np.nan)
-            if self.log_prior_evaluations is None and priors is not None:
-                data_frame['log_prior'] = priors.ln_prob(
-                    dict(data_frame[self.search_parameter_keys]), axis=0)
-            else:
-                data_frame['log_prior'] = self.log_prior_evaluations
+        data_frame = pd.DataFrame(
+            self.samples, columns=self.search_parameter_keys)
+        data_frame = self._add_prior_fixed_values_to_posterior(
+            data_frame, priors)
+        data_frame['log_likelihood'] = getattr(
+            self, 'log_likelihood_evaluations', np.nan)
+        if self.log_prior_evaluations is None and priors is not None:
+            data_frame['log_prior'] = priors.ln_prob(
+                dict(data_frame[self.search_parameter_keys]), axis=0)
+        else:
+            data_frame['log_prior'] = self.log_prior_evaluations
         if conversion_function is not None:
             if "npool" in inspect.getargspec(conversion_function).args:
                 data_frame = conversion_function(data_frame, likelihood, priors, npool=npool)
@@ -1988,9 +1994,9 @@ def plot_multiple(results, filename=None, labels=None, colours=None,
     if evidences:
         if np.isnan(results[0].log_bayes_factor):
-            template = ' $\mathrm{{ln}}(Z)={lnz:1.3g}$'
+            template = r' $\mathrm{{ln}}(Z)={lnz:1.3g}$'
-            template = ' $\mathrm{{ln}}(B)={lnbf:1.3g}$'
+            template = r' $\mathrm{{ln}}(B)={lnbf:1.3g}$'
         labels = [template.format(lnz=result.log_evidence,
                   for ii, result in enumerate(results)]
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py b/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py
index dde8d920cd52a03b7d3e647f29c5333378af20db..77e481e9574c2c3e098c8a08787d6fb00600afe2 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py
@@ -22,15 +22,29 @@ from .pymultinest import Pymultinest
 from .ultranest import Ultranest
 from .fake_sampler import FakeSampler
 from .dnest4 import DNest4
+from .zeus import Zeus
 from bilby.bilby_mcmc import Bilby_MCMC
 from . import proposal
-    'bilby_mcmc': Bilby_MCMC, 'cpnest': Cpnest, 'dnest4': DNest4, 'dynamic_dynesty': DynamicDynesty,
-    'dynesty': Dynesty, 'emcee': Emcee,'kombine': Kombine, 'nessai': Nessai,
-    'nestle': Nestle, 'ptemcee': Ptemcee, 'ptmcmcsampler': PTMCMCSampler,
-    'pymc3': Pymc3, 'pymultinest': Pymultinest, 'pypolychord': PyPolyChord,
-    'ultranest': Ultranest, 'fake_sampler': FakeSampler}
+    "bilby_mcmc": Bilby_MCMC,
+    "cpnest": Cpnest,
+    "dnest4": DNest4,
+    "dynamic_dynesty": DynamicDynesty,
+    "dynesty": Dynesty,
+    "emcee": Emcee,
+    "kombine": Kombine,
+    "nessai": Nessai,
+    "nestle": Nestle,
+    "ptemcee": Ptemcee,
+    "ptmcmcsampler": PTMCMCSampler,
+    "pymc3": Pymc3,
+    "pymultinest": Pymultinest,
+    "pypolychord": PyPolyChord,
+    "ultranest": Ultranest,
+    "zeus": Zeus,
+    "fake_sampler": FakeSampler,
 if command_line_args.sampler_help:
     sampler = command_line_args.sampler_help
@@ -40,20 +54,36 @@ if command_line_args.sampler_help:
         if sampler == "None":
-            print('For help with a specific sampler, call sampler-help with '
-                  'the name of the sampler')
+            print(
+                "For help with a specific sampler, call sampler-help with "
+                "the name of the sampler"
+            )
-            print('Requested sampler {} not implemented'.format(sampler))
-        print('Available samplers = {}'.format(IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS))
+            print("Requested sampler {} not implemented".format(sampler))
+        print("Available samplers = {}".format(IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS))
-def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
-                sampler='dynesty', use_ratio=None, injection_parameters=None,
-                conversion_function=None, plot=False, default_priors_file=None,
-                clean=None, meta_data=None, save=True, gzip=False,
-                result_class=None, npool=1, **kwargs):
+def run_sampler(
+    likelihood,
+    priors=None,
+    label="label",
+    outdir="outdir",
+    sampler="dynesty",
+    use_ratio=None,
+    injection_parameters=None,
+    conversion_function=None,
+    plot=False,
+    default_priors_file=None,
+    clean=None,
+    meta_data=None,
+    save=True,
+    gzip=False,
+    result_class=None,
+    npool=1,
+    **kwargs
     The primary interface to easy parameter estimation
@@ -116,13 +146,13 @@ def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
-        "Running for label '{}', output will be saved to '{}'".format(
-            label, outdir))
+        "Running for label '{}', output will be saved to '{}'".format(label, outdir)
+    )
     if clean:
         command_line_args.clean = clean
     if command_line_args.clean:
-        kwargs['resume'] = False
+        kwargs["resume"] = False
     from . import IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS
@@ -143,11 +173,14 @@ def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
     # Generate the meta-data if not given and append the likelihood meta_data
     if meta_data is None:
         meta_data = dict()
+    likelihood.label = label
+    likelihood.outdir = outdir
     meta_data['likelihood'] = likelihood.meta_data
     meta_data["loaded_modules"] = loaded_modules_dict()
     if command_line_args.bilby_zero_likelihood_mode:
         from bilby.core.likelihood import ZeroLikelihood
         likelihood = ZeroLikelihood(likelihood)
     if isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
@@ -156,66 +189,88 @@ def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
         if sampler.lower() in IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS:
             sampler_class = IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS[sampler.lower()]
             sampler = sampler_class(
-                likelihood, priors=priors, outdir=outdir, label=label,
-                injection_parameters=injection_parameters, meta_data=meta_data,
-                use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot, result_class=result_class,
-                npool=npool, **kwargs)
+                likelihood,
+                priors=priors,
+                outdir=outdir,
+                label=label,
+                injection_parameters=injection_parameters,
+                meta_data=meta_data,
+                use_ratio=use_ratio,
+                plot=plot,
+                result_class=result_class,
+                npool=npool,
+                **kwargs
+            )
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Sampler {} not yet implemented".format(sampler))
+            raise ValueError("Sampler {} not yet implemented".format(sampler))
     elif inspect.isclass(sampler):
         sampler = sampler.__init__(
-            likelihood, priors=priors,
-            outdir=outdir, label=label, use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot,
-            injection_parameters=injection_parameters, meta_data=meta_data,
-            npool=npool, **kwargs)
+            likelihood,
+            priors=priors,
+            outdir=outdir,
+            label=label,
+            use_ratio=use_ratio,
+            plot=plot,
+            injection_parameters=injection_parameters,
+            meta_data=meta_data,
+            npool=npool,
+            **kwargs
+        )
         raise ValueError(
             "Provided sampler should be a Sampler object or name of a known "
-            "sampler: {}.".format(', '.join(IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS.keys())))
+            "sampler: {}.".format(", ".join(IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS.keys()))
+        )
     if sampler.cached_result:
         logger.warning("Using cached result")
-        return sampler.cached_result
-    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
-    if command_line_args.bilby_test_mode:
-        result = sampler._run_test()
-    else:
-        result = sampler.run_sampler()
-    end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
-    # Some samplers calculate the sampling time internally
-    if result.sampling_time is None:
-        result.sampling_time = end_time - start_time
-    elif isinstance(result.sampling_time, float):
-        result.sampling_time = datetime.timedelta(result.sampling_time)
-    logger.info('Sampling time: {}'.format(result.sampling_time))
-    # Convert sampling time into seconds
-    result.sampling_time = result.sampling_time.total_seconds()
-    if sampler.use_ratio:
-        result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
-        result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence
-        result.log_evidence = \
-            result.log_bayes_factor + result.log_noise_evidence
+        result = sampler.cached_result
-        result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
-        result.log_bayes_factor = \
-            result.log_evidence - result.log_noise_evidence
+        # Run the sampler
+        start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+        if command_line_args.bilby_test_mode:
+            result = sampler._run_test()
+        else:
+            result = sampler.run_sampler()
+        end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
-    # Initial save of the sampler in case of failure in post-processing
-    if save:
-        result.save_to_file(extension=save, gzip=gzip)
+        # Some samplers calculate the sampling time internally
+        if result.sampling_time is None:
+            result.sampling_time = end_time - start_time
+        elif isinstance(result.sampling_time, (float, int)):
+            result.sampling_time = datetime.timedelta(result.sampling_time)
+        logger.info('Sampling time: {}'.format(result.sampling_time))
+        # Convert sampling time into seconds
+        result.sampling_time = result.sampling_time.total_seconds()
+        if sampler.use_ratio:
+            result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
+            result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence
+            result.log_evidence = \
+                result.log_bayes_factor + result.log_noise_evidence
+        else:
+            result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
+            result.log_bayes_factor = \
+                result.log_evidence - result.log_noise_evidence
+        if None not in [result.injection_parameters, conversion_function]:
+            result.injection_parameters = conversion_function(
+                result.injection_parameters)
+        # Initial save of the sampler in case of failure in samples_to_posterior
+        if save:
+            result.save_to_file(extension=save, gzip=gzip)
     if None not in [result.injection_parameters, conversion_function]:
-        result.injection_parameters = conversion_function(
-            result.injection_parameters)
+        result.injection_parameters = conversion_function(result.injection_parameters)
-    result.samples_to_posterior(likelihood=likelihood, priors=result.priors,
-                                conversion_function=conversion_function,
-                                npool=npool)
+    # Check if the posterior has already been created
+    if getattr(result, "_posterior", None) is None:
+        result.samples_to_posterior(likelihood=likelihood, priors=result.priors,
+                                    conversion_function=conversion_function,
+                                    npool=npool)
     if save:
         # The overwrite here ensures we overwrite the initially stored data
@@ -232,5 +287,7 @@ def _check_marginalized_parameters_not_sampled(likelihood, priors):
         if key in priors:
             if not isinstance(priors[key], (float, DeltaFunction)):
                 raise SamplingMarginalisedParameterError(
-                    "Likelihood is {} marginalized but you are trying to sample in {}. "
-                    .format(key, key))
+                    "Likelihood is {} marginalized but you are trying to sample in {}. ".format(
+                        key, key
+                    )
+                )
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/base_sampler.py b/bilby/core/sampler/base_sampler.py
index 5e25a7e54247fa0dcc7f5e9841e308bbfd071173..215104a98087bb91abc3964684edf1a0a5d0d458 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/base_sampler.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/base_sampler.py
@@ -505,14 +505,21 @@ class Sampler(object):
         logger.debug("Checking cached data")
         if self.cached_result:
-            check_keys = ['search_parameter_keys', 'fixed_parameter_keys',
-                          'kwargs']
+            check_keys = ['search_parameter_keys', 'fixed_parameter_keys']
             use_cache = True
             for key in check_keys:
                 if self.cached_result._check_attribute_match_to_other_object(
                         key, self) is False:
                     logger.debug("Cached value {} is unmatched".format(key))
                     use_cache = False
+            try:
+                # Recursive check the dictionaries allowing for numpy arrays
+                np.testing.assert_equal(
+                    self.meta_data["likelihood"],
+                    self.cached_result.meta_data["likelihood"]
+                )
+            except AssertionError:
+                use_cache = False
             if use_cache is False:
                 self.cached_result = None
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/cpnest.py b/bilby/core/sampler/cpnest.py
index 7a089a4ca559bf9a52b890c873e6a052e5fc72b7..e64365f2e423c9ac4968e8c9964f4d26cd55bc00 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/cpnest.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/cpnest.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import array
 import copy
 import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.recfunctions import structured_to_unstructured
 from pandas import DataFrame
 from .base_sampler import NestedSampler
@@ -121,11 +122,12 @@ class Cpnest(NestedSampler):
-        self.result.posterior = DataFrame(out.posterior_samples)
+        self.result.samples = structured_to_unstructured(
+            out.posterior_samples[self.search_parameter_keys]
+        )
+        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = out.posterior_samples['logL']
         self.result.nested_samples = DataFrame(out.get_nested_samples(filename=''))
         self.result.nested_samples.rename(columns=dict(logL='log_likelihood'), inplace=True)
-        self.result.posterior.rename(columns=dict(logL='log_likelihood', logPrior='log_prior'),
-                                     inplace=True)
         _, log_weights = compute_weights(np.array(self.result.nested_samples.log_likelihood),
         self.result.nested_samples['weights'] = np.exp(log_weights)
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/dynesty.py b/bilby/core/sampler/dynesty.py
index adc28f84922f5ef32b7a7b3a8fc78bb24a2bd04a..154866becde66a1438b9f35606b97d566cecffa8 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/dynesty.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/dynesty.py
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
     def __init__(self, likelihood, priors, outdir='outdir', label='label',
                  use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=False,
                  check_point=True, check_point_plot=True, n_check_point=None,
-                 check_point_delta_t=600, resume=True, exit_code=130, **kwargs):
+                 check_point_delta_t=600, resume=True, nestcheck=False, exit_code=130, **kwargs):
         super(Dynesty, self).__init__(likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors,
                                       outdir=outdir, label=label, use_ratio=use_ratio,
                                       plot=plot, skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
@@ -162,6 +163,8 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
         self._reflective = list()
+        self.nestcheck = nestcheck
         if self.n_check_point is None:
             self.n_check_point = 1000
         self.check_point_delta_t = check_point_delta_t
@@ -243,6 +246,12 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
                 self._last_print_time = _time
+                # Add time in current run to overall sampling time
+                total_time = self.sampling_time + _time - self.start_time
+                # Remove fractional seconds
+                total_time_str = str(total_time).split('.')[0]
         # Extract results at the current iteration.
         (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
          logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
@@ -278,12 +287,11 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
             self.pbar.set_postfix_str(" ".join(string), refresh=False)
             self.pbar.update(niter - self.pbar.n)
         elif "interval" in self.kwargs["print_method"]:
-            formatted = " ".join([str(_time - self.start_time)] + string)
-            print("{}it [{}]".format(niter, formatted), file=sys.stdout)
+            formatted = " ".join([total_time_str] + string)
+            print("{}it [{}]".format(niter, formatted), file=sys.stdout, flush=True)
-            _time = datetime.datetime.now()
-            formatted = " ".join([str(_time - self.start_time)] + string)
-            print("{}it [{}]".format(niter, formatted), file=sys.stdout)
+            formatted = " ".join([total_time_str] + string)
+            print("{}it [{}]".format(niter, formatted), file=sys.stdout, flush=True)
     def _apply_dynesty_boundaries(self):
         self._periodic = list()
@@ -302,6 +310,14 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
         self.kwargs["periodic"] = self._periodic
         self.kwargs["reflective"] = self._reflective
+    def nestcheck_data(self, out_file):
+        import nestcheck.data_processing
+        import pickle
+        ns_run = nestcheck.data_processing.process_dynesty_run(out_file)
+        nestcheck_result = "{}/{}_nestcheck.pickle".format(self.outdir, self.label)
+        with open(nestcheck_result, 'wb') as file_nest:
+            pickle.dump(ns_run, file_nest)
     def _setup_pool(self):
         if self.kwargs["pool"] is not None:
             logger.info("Using user defined pool.")
@@ -396,6 +412,10 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
+        if self.nestcheck:
+            self.nestcheck_data(out)
         dynesty_result = "{}/{}_dynesty.pickle".format(self.outdir, self.label)
         with open(dynesty_result, 'wb') as file:
             dill.dump(out, file)
@@ -595,6 +615,11 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
         from ... import __version__ as bilby_version
         from dynesty import __version__ as dynesty_version
         import dill
+        if getattr(self, "sampler", None) is None:
+            # Sampler not initialized, not able to write current state
+            return
         end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
         if hasattr(self, 'start_time'):
@@ -619,8 +644,6 @@ class Dynesty(NestedSampler):
         if self.sampler.pool is not None:
             self.sampler.M = self.sampler.pool.map
-        self.dump_samples_to_dat()
     def dump_samples_to_dat(self):
         sampler = self.sampler
         ln_weights = sampler.saved_logwt - sampler.saved_logz[-1]
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/emcee.py b/bilby/core/sampler/emcee.py
index 48516aa94e4d0770cd14adcbe31f73ed0d63753c..1f9ba786ccd1230db6f073defa90c1ca78bf9630 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/emcee.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/emcee.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class Emcee(MCMCSampler):
-    nwalkers: int, (100)
+    nwalkers: int, (500)
         The number of walkers
     nsteps: int, (100)
         The number of steps
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class Emcee(MCMCSampler):
     def sampler(self):
-        """ Returns the ptemcee sampler object
+        """ Returns the emcee sampler object
         If, already initialized, returns the stored _sampler value. Otherwise,
         first checks if there is a pickle file from which to load. If there is
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/nessai.py b/bilby/core/sampler/nessai.py
index 0ad68945f9f9b0e27913e32e4c735be3c040a073..d8bb578a4d681c8aca425cd0b4825c651dfa73e0 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/nessai.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/nessai.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import numpy as np
+import os
 from pandas import DataFrame
 from .base_sampler import NestedSampler
@@ -15,55 +16,42 @@ class Nessai(NestedSampler):
     Documentation: https://nessai.readthedocs.io/
-    default_kwargs = dict(
-        output=None,
-        nlive=1000,
-        stopping=0.1,
-        resume=True,
-        max_iteration=None,
-        checkpointing=True,
-        seed=1234,
-        acceptance_threshold=0.01,
-        analytic_priors=False,
-        maximum_uninformed=1000,
-        uninformed_proposal=None,
-        uninformed_proposal_kwargs=None,
-        flow_class=None,
-        flow_config=None,
-        training_frequency=None,
-        reset_weights=False,
-        reset_permutations=False,
-        reset_acceptance=False,
-        train_on_empty=True,
-        cooldown=100,
-        memory=False,
-        poolsize=None,
-        drawsize=None,
-        max_poolsize_scale=10,
-        update_poolsize=False,
-        latent_prior='truncated_gaussian',
-        draw_latent_kwargs=None,
-        compute_radius_with_all=False,
-        min_radius=False,
-        max_radius=50,
-        check_acceptance=False,
-        fuzz=1.0,
-        expansion_fraction=1.0,
-        rescale_parameters=True,
-        rescale_bounds=[-1, 1],
-        update_bounds=False,
-        boundary_inversion=False,
-        inversion_type='split', detect_edges=False,
-        detect_edges_kwargs=None,
-        reparameterisations=None,
-        n_pool=None,
-        max_threads=1,
-        pytorch_threads=None,
-        plot=None,
-        proposal_plots=False
-    )
+    _default_kwargs = None
     seed_equiv_kwargs = ['sampling_seed']
+    @property
+    def default_kwargs(self):
+        """Default kwargs for nessai.
+        Retrieves default values from nessai directly and then includes any
+        bilby specific defaults. This avoids the need to update bilby when the
+        defaults change or new kwargs are added to nessai.
+        """
+        if not self._default_kwargs:
+            from inspect import signature
+            from nessai.flowsampler import FlowSampler
+            from nessai.nestedsampler import NestedSampler
+            from nessai.proposal import AugmentedFlowProposal, FlowProposal
+            kwargs = {}
+            classes = [
+                AugmentedFlowProposal,
+                FlowProposal,
+                NestedSampler,
+                FlowSampler,
+            ]
+            for c in classes:
+                kwargs.update(
+                    {k: v.default for k, v in signature(c).parameters.items() if v.default is not v.empty}
+                )
+            # Defaults for bilby that will override nessai defaults
+            bilby_defaults = dict(
+                output=None,
+            )
+            kwargs.update(bilby_defaults)
+            self._default_kwargs = kwargs
+        return self._default_kwargs
     def log_prior(self, theta):
@@ -82,7 +70,7 @@ class Nessai(NestedSampler):
     def run_sampler(self):
         from nessai.flowsampler import FlowSampler
         from nessai.model import Model as BaseModel
-        from nessai.livepoint import dict_to_live_points
+        from nessai.livepoint import dict_to_live_points, live_points_to_array
         from nessai.posterior import compute_weights
         from nessai.utils import setup_logger
@@ -148,12 +136,13 @@ class Nessai(NestedSampler):
         # Manually set likelihood evaluations because parallelisation breaks the counter
         self.result.num_likelihood_evaluations = out.ns.likelihood_evaluations[-1]
-        self.result.posterior = DataFrame(out.posterior_samples)
+        self.result.samples = live_points_to_array(
+            out.posterior_samples, self.search_parameter_keys
+        )
+        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = out.posterior_samples['logL']
         self.result.nested_samples = DataFrame(out.nested_samples)
             columns=dict(logL='log_likelihood', logP='log_prior'), inplace=True)
-        self.result.posterior.rename(
-            columns=dict(logL='log_likelihood', logP='log_prior'), inplace=True)
         _, log_weights = compute_weights(np.array(self.result.nested_samples.log_likelihood),
         self.result.nested_samples['weights'] = np.exp(log_weights)
@@ -194,9 +183,9 @@ class Nessai(NestedSampler):
             self.kwargs['n_pool'] = None
         if not self.kwargs['output']:
-            self.kwargs['output'] = self.outdir + '/{}_nessai/'.format(self.label)
-        if self.kwargs['output'].endswith('/') is False:
-            self.kwargs['output'] = '{}/'.format(self.kwargs['output'])
+            self.kwargs['output'] = os.path.join(
+                self.outdir, '{}_nessai'.format(self.label), ''
+            )
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/pymc3.py b/bilby/core/sampler/pymc3.py
index c5c0a0d18fdd9fc8acc914034af2ee01d3f31ecf..25522f82ff4385f7cd7f572bfdfaea129af3b0e5 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/pymc3.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/pymc3.py
@@ -551,23 +551,13 @@ class Pymc3(MCMCSampler):
         with self.pymc3_model:
             # perform the sampling
-            trace = pymc3.sample(**self.kwargs)
+            trace = pymc3.sample(**self.kwargs, return_inferencedata=True)
-        nparams = len([key for key in self.priors.keys() if not isinstance(self.priors[key], DeltaFunction)])
-        nsamples = len(trace) * self.chains
-        self.result.samples = np.zeros((nsamples, nparams))
-        count = 0
-        for key in self.priors.keys():
-            if not isinstance(self.priors[key], DeltaFunction):  # ignore DeltaFunction variables
-                if not isinstance(self.priors[key], MultivariateGaussian):
-                    self.result.samples[:, count] = trace[key]
-                else:
-                    # get multivariate Gaussian samples
-                    priorset = self.multivariate_normal_sets[key]['set']
-                    index = self.multivariate_normal_sets[key]['index']
-                    self.result.samples[:, count] = trace[priorset][:, index]
-                count += 1
+        posterior = trace.posterior.to_dataframe().reset_index()
+        self.result.samples = posterior[self.search_parameter_keys]
+        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = np.sum(
+            trace.log_likelihood.likelihood.values, axis=-1
+        ).flatten()
         self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
         self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/pymultinest.py b/bilby/core/sampler/pymultinest.py
index 91356d14667f4b7e8538a70a31d5a0de8af61de2..d9869362256ad60c8029acdd0e19020a31dea8f8 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/pymultinest.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/pymultinest.py
@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
+        try:
+            from mpi4py import MPI
+            using_mpi = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1
+        except ImportError:
+            using_mpi = False
         super(Pymultinest, self).__init__(
@@ -92,7 +98,6 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
         self.exit_code = exit_code
-        using_mpi = len([key for key in os.environ if "MPI" in key])
         if using_mpi and temporary_directory:
                 "Temporary directory incompatible with MPI, "
@@ -111,15 +116,15 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
                     kwargs["n_live_points"] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
     def _verify_kwargs_against_default_kwargs(self):
-        """ Check the kwargs """
+        """Check the kwargs"""
         self.outputfiles_basename = self.kwargs.pop("outputfiles_basename", None)
         # for PyMultiNest >=2.9 the n_params kwarg cannot be None
         if self.kwargs["n_params"] is None:
             self.kwargs["n_params"] = self.ndim
-        if self.kwargs['dump_callback'] is None:
-            self.kwargs['dump_callback'] = self._dump_callback
+        if self.kwargs["dump_callback"] is None:
+            self.kwargs["dump_callback"] = self._dump_callback
     def _dump_callback(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
     def write_current_state_and_exit(self, signum=None, frame=None):
-        """ Write current state and exit on exit_code """
+        """Write current state and exit on exit_code"""
             "Run interrupted by signal {}: checkpoint and exit on {}".format(
                 signum, self.exit_code
@@ -187,11 +192,13 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
                 self.outputfiles_basename, self.temporary_outputfiles_basename
-        if self.outputfiles_basename.endswith('/'):
+        if self.outputfiles_basename.endswith("/"):
             outputfiles_basename_stripped = self.outputfiles_basename[:-1]
             outputfiles_basename_stripped = self.outputfiles_basename
-        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(self.temporary_outputfiles_basename, outputfiles_basename_stripped)
+        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(
+            self.temporary_outputfiles_basename, outputfiles_basename_stripped
+        )
     def _move_temporary_directory_to_proper_path(self):
@@ -241,9 +248,9 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
         return self.result
     def _check_and_load_sampling_time_file(self):
-        self.time_file_path = self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] + '/sampling_time.dat'
+        self.time_file_path = self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] + "/sampling_time.dat"
         if os.path.exists(self.time_file_path):
-            with open(self.time_file_path, 'r') as time_file:
+            with open(self.time_file_path, "r") as time_file:
                 self.total_sampling_time = float(time_file.readline())
             self.total_sampling_time = 0
@@ -253,7 +260,7 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
         new_sampling_time = current_time - self.start_time
         self.total_sampling_time += new_sampling_time
         self.start_time = current_time
-        with open(self.time_file_path, 'w') as time_file:
+        with open(self.time_file_path, "w") as time_file:
     def _clean_up_run_directory(self):
@@ -271,16 +278,18 @@ class Pymultinest(NestedSampler):
         estimate of `remaining_prior_volume / N`.
         import pandas as pd
         dir_ = self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"]
         dead_points = np.genfromtxt(dir_ + "/ev.dat")
         live_points = np.genfromtxt(dir_ + "/phys_live.points")
         nlive = self.kwargs["n_live_points"]
-        final_log_prior_volume = - len(dead_points) / nlive - np.log(nlive)
+        final_log_prior_volume = -len(dead_points) / nlive - np.log(nlive)
         live_points = np.insert(live_points, -1, final_log_prior_volume, axis=-1)
         nested_samples = pd.DataFrame(
             np.vstack([dead_points, live_points]).copy(),
-            columns=self.search_parameter_keys + ["log_likelihood", "log_prior_volume", "mode"]
+            columns=self.search_parameter_keys
+            + ["log_likelihood", "log_prior_volume", "mode"],
         return nested_samples
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/zeus.py b/bilby/core/sampler/zeus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78c3529ea00c1c9ee518a8698e2f70bc29fe194d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/zeus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+import os
+import signal
+import shutil
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+from shutil import copyfile
+import numpy as np
+from pandas import DataFrame
+from ..utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
+from .base_sampler import MCMCSampler, SamplerError
+class Zeus(MCMCSampler):
+    """bilby wrapper for Zeus (https://zeus-mcmc.readthedocs.io/)
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `zeus.EnsembleSampler`, see
+    documentation for that class for further help. Under Other Parameters, we
+    list commonly used kwargs and the bilby defaults.
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    nwalkers: int, (500)
+        The number of walkers
+    nsteps: int, (100)
+        The number of steps
+    nburn: int (None)
+        If given, the fixed number of steps to discard as burn-in. These will
+        be discarded from the total number of steps set by `nsteps` and
+        therefore the value must be greater than `nsteps`. Else, nburn is
+        estimated from the autocorrelation time
+    burn_in_fraction: float, (0.25)
+        The fraction of steps to discard as burn-in in the event that the
+        autocorrelation time cannot be calculated
+    burn_in_act: float
+        The number of autocorrelation times to discard as burn-in
+    """
+    default_kwargs = dict(
+        nwalkers=500,
+        args=[],
+        kwargs={},
+        pool=None,
+        log_prob0=None,
+        start=None,
+        blobs0=None,
+        iterations=100,
+        thin=1,
+    )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        likelihood,
+        priors,
+        outdir="outdir",
+        label="label",
+        use_ratio=False,
+        plot=False,
+        skip_import_verification=False,
+        pos0=None,
+        nburn=None,
+        burn_in_fraction=0.25,
+        resume=True,
+        burn_in_act=3,
+        **kwargs
+    ):
+        import zeus
+        self.zeus = zeus
+        super(Zeus, self).__init__(
+            likelihood=likelihood,
+            priors=priors,
+            outdir=outdir,
+            label=label,
+            use_ratio=use_ratio,
+            plot=plot,
+            skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
+            **kwargs
+        )
+        self.resume = resume
+        self.pos0 = pos0
+        self.nburn = nburn
+        self.burn_in_fraction = burn_in_fraction
+        self.burn_in_act = burn_in_act
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.checkpoint_and_exit)
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.checkpoint_and_exit)
+    def _translate_kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        if "nwalkers" not in kwargs:
+            for equiv in self.nwalkers_equiv_kwargs:
+                if equiv in kwargs:
+                    kwargs["nwalkers"] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
+        if "iterations" not in kwargs:
+            if "nsteps" in kwargs:
+                kwargs["iterations"] = kwargs.pop("nsteps")
+        # check if using emcee-style arguments
+        if "start" not in kwargs:
+            if "rstate0" in kwargs:
+                kwargs["start"] = kwargs.pop("rstate0")
+        if "log_prob0" not in kwargs:
+            if "lnprob0" in kwargs:
+                kwargs["log_prob0"] = kwargs.pop("lnprob0")
+        if "threads" in kwargs:
+            if kwargs["threads"] != 1:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "The 'threads' argument cannot be used for "
+                    "parallelisation. This run will proceed "
+                    "without parallelisation, but consider the use "
+                    "of an appropriate Pool object passed to the "
+                    "'pool' keyword."
+                )
+                kwargs["threads"] = 1
+    @property
+    def sampler_function_kwargs(self):
+        keys = ["log_prob0", "start", "blobs0", "iterations", "thin", "progress"]
+        function_kwargs = {key: self.kwargs[key] for key in keys if key in self.kwargs}
+        return function_kwargs
+    @property
+    def sampler_init_kwargs(self):
+        init_kwargs = {
+            key: value
+            for key, value in self.kwargs.items()
+            if key not in self.sampler_function_kwargs
+        }
+        init_kwargs["logprob_fn"] = self.lnpostfn
+        init_kwargs["ndim"] = self.ndim
+        return init_kwargs
+    def lnpostfn(self, theta):
+        log_prior = self.log_prior(theta)
+        if np.isinf(log_prior):
+            return -np.inf, [np.nan, np.nan]
+        else:
+            log_likelihood = self.log_likelihood(theta)
+            return log_likelihood + log_prior, [log_likelihood, log_prior]
+    @property
+    def nburn(self):
+        if type(self.__nburn) in [float, int]:
+            return int(self.__nburn)
+        elif self.result.max_autocorrelation_time is None:
+            return int(self.burn_in_fraction * self.nsteps)
+        else:
+            return int(self.burn_in_act * self.result.max_autocorrelation_time)
+    @nburn.setter
+    def nburn(self, nburn):
+        if isinstance(nburn, (float, int)):
+            if nburn > self.kwargs["iterations"] - 1:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Number of burn-in samples must be smaller "
+                    "than the total number of iterations"
+                )
+        self.__nburn = nburn
+    @property
+    def nwalkers(self):
+        return self.kwargs["nwalkers"]
+    @property
+    def nsteps(self):
+        return self.kwargs["iterations"]
+    @nsteps.setter
+    def nsteps(self, nsteps):
+        self.kwargs["iterations"] = nsteps
+    @property
+    def stored_chain(self):
+        """Read the stored zero-temperature chain data in from disk"""
+        return np.genfromtxt(self.checkpoint_info.chain_file, names=True)
+    @property
+    def stored_samples(self):
+        """Returns the samples stored on disk"""
+        return self.stored_chain[self.search_parameter_keys]
+    @property
+    def stored_loglike(self):
+        """Returns the log-likelihood stored on disk"""
+        return self.stored_chain["log_l"]
+    @property
+    def stored_logprior(self):
+        """Returns the log-prior stored on disk"""
+        return self.stored_chain["log_p"]
+    def _init_chain_file(self):
+        with open(self.checkpoint_info.chain_file, "w+") as ff:
+            ff.write(
+                "walker\t{}\tlog_l\tlog_p\n".format(
+                    "\t".join(self.search_parameter_keys)
+                )
+            )
+    @property
+    def checkpoint_info(self):
+        """Defines various things related to checkpointing and storing data
+        Returns
+        =======
+        checkpoint_info: named_tuple
+            An object with attributes `sampler_file`, `chain_file`, and
+            `chain_template`. The first two give paths to where the sampler and
+            chain data is stored, the last a formatted-str-template with which
+            to write the chain data to disk
+        """
+        out_dir = os.path.join(
+            self.outdir, "{}_{}".format(self.__class__.__name__.lower(), self.label)
+        )
+        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(out_dir)
+        chain_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "chain.dat")
+        sampler_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "sampler.pickle")
+        chain_template = (
+            "{:d}" + "\t{:.9e}" * (len(self.search_parameter_keys) + 2) + "\n"
+        )
+        CheckpointInfo = namedtuple(
+            "CheckpointInfo", ["sampler_file", "chain_file", "chain_template"]
+        )
+        checkpoint_info = CheckpointInfo(
+            sampler_file=sampler_file,
+            chain_file=chain_file,
+            chain_template=chain_template,
+        )
+        return checkpoint_info
+    @property
+    def sampler_chain(self):
+        nsteps = self._previous_iterations
+        return self.sampler.chain[:, :nsteps, :]
+    def checkpoint(self):
+        """Writes a pickle file of the sampler to disk using dill"""
+        import dill
+        logger.info(
+            "Checkpointing sampler to file {}".format(self.checkpoint_info.sampler_file)
+        )
+        with open(self.checkpoint_info.sampler_file, "wb") as f:
+            # Overwrites the stored sampler chain with one that is truncated
+            # to only the completed steps
+            self.sampler._chain = self.sampler_chain
+            dill.dump(self._sampler, f)
+    def checkpoint_and_exit(self, signum, frame):
+        logger.info("Received signal {}".format(signum))
+        self.checkpoint()
+        sys.exit()
+    def _initialise_sampler(self):
+        self._sampler = self.zeus.EnsembleSampler(**self.sampler_init_kwargs)
+        self._init_chain_file()
+    @property
+    def sampler(self):
+        """Returns the Zeus sampler object
+        If, already initialized, returns the stored _sampler value. Otherwise,
+        first checks if there is a pickle file from which to load. If there is
+        not, then initialize the sampler and set the initial random draw
+        """
+        if hasattr(self, "_sampler"):
+            pass
+        elif self.resume and os.path.isfile(self.checkpoint_info.sampler_file):
+            import dill
+            logger.info(
+                "Resuming run from checkpoint file {}".format(
+                    self.checkpoint_info.sampler_file
+                )
+            )
+            with open(self.checkpoint_info.sampler_file, "rb") as f:
+                self._sampler = dill.load(f)
+            self._set_pos0_for_resume()
+        else:
+            self._initialise_sampler()
+            self._set_pos0()
+        return self._sampler
+    def write_chains_to_file(self, sample):
+        chain_file = self.checkpoint_info.chain_file
+        temp_chain_file = chain_file + ".temp"
+        if os.path.isfile(chain_file):
+            copyfile(chain_file, temp_chain_file)
+        points = np.hstack([sample[0], np.array(sample[2])])
+        with open(temp_chain_file, "a") as ff:
+            for ii, point in enumerate(points):
+                ff.write(self.checkpoint_info.chain_template.format(ii, *point))
+        shutil.move(temp_chain_file, chain_file)
+    @property
+    def _previous_iterations(self):
+        """Returns the number of iterations that the sampler has saved
+        This is used when loading in a sampler from a pickle file to figure out
+        how much of the run has already been completed
+        """
+        try:
+            return len(self.sampler.get_blobs())
+        except AttributeError:
+            return 0
+    def _draw_pos0_from_prior(self):
+        return np.array(
+            [self.get_random_draw_from_prior() for _ in range(self.nwalkers)]
+        )
+    @property
+    def _pos0_shape(self):
+        return (self.nwalkers, self.ndim)
+    def _set_pos0(self):
+        if self.pos0 is not None:
+            logger.debug("Using given initial positions for walkers")
+            if isinstance(self.pos0, DataFrame):
+                self.pos0 = self.pos0[self.search_parameter_keys].values
+            elif type(self.pos0) in (list, np.ndarray):
+                self.pos0 = np.squeeze(self.pos0)
+            if self.pos0.shape != self._pos0_shape:
+                raise ValueError("Input pos0 should be of shape ndim, nwalkers")
+            logger.debug("Checking input pos0")
+            for draw in self.pos0:
+                self.check_draw(draw)
+        else:
+            logger.debug("Generating initial walker positions from prior")
+            self.pos0 = self._draw_pos0_from_prior()
+    def _set_pos0_for_resume(self):
+        self.pos0 = self.sampler.get_last_sample()
+    def run_sampler(self):
+        sampler_function_kwargs = self.sampler_function_kwargs
+        iterations = sampler_function_kwargs.pop("iterations")
+        iterations -= self._previous_iterations
+        sampler_function_kwargs["start"] = self.pos0
+        # main iteration loop
+        for sample in self.sampler.sample(
+            iterations=iterations, **sampler_function_kwargs
+        ):
+            self.write_chains_to_file(sample)
+        self.checkpoint()
+        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
+        self.calculate_autocorrelation(self.sampler.chain.reshape((-1, self.ndim)))
+        self.print_nburn_logging_info()
+        self._generate_result()
+        self.result.samples = self.sampler.get_chain(flat=True, discard=self.nburn)
+        self.result.walkers = self.sampler.chain
+        return self.result
+    def _generate_result(self):
+        self.result.nburn = self.nburn
+        self.calc_likelihood_count()
+        if self.result.nburn > self.nsteps:
+            raise SamplerError(
+                "The run has finished, but the chain is not burned in: "
+                "`nburn < nsteps` ({} < {}). Try increasing the "
+                "number of steps.".format(self.result.nburn, self.nsteps)
+            )
+        blobs = np.array(self.sampler.get_blobs(flat=True, discard=self.nburn)).reshape((-1, 2))
+        log_likelihoods, log_priors = blobs.T
+        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = log_likelihoods
+        self.result.log_prior_evaluations = log_priors
+        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
diff --git a/bilby/core/utils/io.py b/bilby/core/utils/io.py
index 85095dc6a3d533cb988d8451e2df6354dd5a0960..880abbfe68fb29fe07fc5216a6ab6a8b728ba6ed 100644
--- a/bilby/core/utils/io.py
+++ b/bilby/core/utils/io.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
 import shutil
 from importlib import import_module
 from pathlib import Path
+from datetime import timedelta
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
@@ -76,6 +77,12 @@ class BilbyJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
                 "__module__": obj.__module__,
                 "__name__": obj.__name__,
+        if isinstance(obj, (timedelta)):
+            return {
+                "__timedelta__": True,
+                "__total_seconds__": obj.total_seconds()
+            }
+            return obj.isoformat()
         return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
@@ -171,6 +178,8 @@ def decode_bilby_json(dct):
     if dct.get("__function__", False) or dct.get("__class__", False):
         default = ".".join([dct["__module__"], dct["__name__"]])
         return getattr(import_module(dct["__module__"]), dct["__name__"], default)
+    if dct.get("__timedelta__", False):
+        return timedelta(seconds=dct["__total_seconds__"])
     return dct
diff --git a/bilby/core/utils/log.py b/bilby/core/utils/log.py
index 999aa445a5900fe99f42d74378000073fcba1ddc..d9db7581c9bf4a08d50bf4329c30d2b0f628e293 100644
--- a/bilby/core/utils/log.py
+++ b/bilby/core/utils/log.py
@@ -73,6 +73,6 @@ def loaded_modules_dict():
     module_names = list(sys.modules.keys())
     vdict = {}
     for key in module_names:
-        if "." not in key:
+        if "." not in str(key):
             vdict[key] = str(getattr(sys.modules[key], "__version__", "N/A"))
     return vdict
diff --git a/bilby/gw/conversion.py b/bilby/gw/conversion.py
index 758b0fdbed673366211f398ac0f2b05681f913fb..9c516c737d2e23db26b0d30c5507d87c95d17655 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/conversion.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/conversion.py
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
+import os
 import sys
 import multiprocessing
+import pickle
 import numpy as np
 from pandas import DataFrame
 from ..core.likelihood import MarginalizedLikelihoodReconstructionError
-from ..core.utils import logger, solar_mass
+from ..core.utils import logger, solar_mass, command_line_args
 from ..core.prior import DeltaFunction
 from .utils import lalsim_SimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions
 from .eos.eos import SpectralDecompositionEOS, EOSFamily, IntegrateTOV
-from .cosmology import get_cosmology
+from .cosmology import get_cosmology, z_at_value
 def redshift_to_luminosity_distance(redshift, cosmology=None):
@@ -25,7 +27,6 @@ def redshift_to_comoving_distance(redshift, cosmology=None):
 def luminosity_distance_to_redshift(distance, cosmology=None):
     from astropy import units
-    from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
     cosmology = get_cosmology(cosmology)
     return z_at_value(cosmology.luminosity_distance, distance * units.Mpc)
@@ -33,7 +34,6 @@ def luminosity_distance_to_redshift(distance, cosmology=None):
 def comoving_distance_to_redshift(distance, cosmology=None):
     from astropy import units
-    from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
     cosmology = get_cosmology(cosmology)
     return z_at_value(cosmology.comoving_distance, distance * units.Mpc)
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ def _compute_snrs(args):
 def generate_posterior_samples_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-        samples, likelihood, npool=1):
+        samples, likelihood, npool=1, block=10, use_cache=True):
     Reconstruct the distance posterior from a run which used a likelihood which
     explicitly marginalised over time/distance/phase.
@@ -1216,6 +1216,11 @@ def generate_posterior_samples_from_marginalized_likelihood(
         Likelihood used during sampling.
     npool: int, (default=1)
         If given, perform generation (where possible) using a multiprocessing pool
+    block: int, (default=10)
+        Size of the blocks to use in multiprocessing
+    use_cache: bool, (default=True)
+        If true, cache the generation so that reconstuction can begin from the
+        cache on restart.
@@ -1237,23 +1242,82 @@ def generate_posterior_samples_from_marginalized_likelihood(
     logger.info('Reconstructing marginalised parameters.')
-    fill_args = [(ii, row, likelihood) for ii, row in samples.iterrows()]
+    try:
+        cache_filename = f"{likelihood.outdir}/.{likelihood.label}_generate_posterior_cache.pickle"
+    except AttributeError:
+        logger.warning("Likelihood has no outdir and label attribute: caching disabled")
+        use_cache = False
+    if use_cache and os.path.exists(cache_filename) and not command_line_args.clean:
+        with open(cache_filename, "rb") as f:
+            cached_samples_dict = pickle.load(f)
+        # Check the samples are identical between the cache and current
+        if cached_samples_dict["_samples"].equals(samples):
+            # Calculate reconstruction percentage and print a log message
+            nsamples_converted = np.sum(
+                [len(val) for key, val in cached_samples_dict.items() if key != "_samples"]
+            )
+            perc = 100 * nsamples_converted / len(cached_samples_dict["_samples"])
+            logger.info(f'Using cached reconstruction with {perc:0.1f}% converted.')
+        else:
+            logger.info("Cached samples dict out of date, ignoring")
+            cached_samples_dict = dict(_samples=samples)
+    else:
+        # Initialize cache dict
+        cached_samples_dict = dict()
+        # Store samples to convert for checking
+        cached_samples_dict["_samples"] = samples
+    # Set up the multiprocessing
     if npool > 1:
         pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=npool)
             "Using a pool with size {} for nsamples={}"
             .format(npool, len(samples))
-        new_samples = np.array(pool.map(fill_sample, tqdm(fill_args, file=sys.stdout)))
-        pool.close()
-        new_samples = np.array([fill_sample(xx) for xx in tqdm(fill_args, file=sys.stdout)])
+        pool = None
+    fill_args = [(ii, row, likelihood) for ii, row in samples.iterrows()]
+    ii = 0
+    pbar = tqdm(total=len(samples), file=sys.stdout)
+    while ii < len(samples):
+        if ii in cached_samples_dict:
+            ii += block
+            pbar.update(block)
+            continue
+        if pool is not None:
+            subset_samples = pool.map(fill_sample, fill_args[ii: ii + block])
+        else:
+            subset_samples = [list(fill_sample(xx)) for xx in fill_args[ii: ii + block]]
+        cached_samples_dict[ii] = subset_samples
+        if use_cache:
+            with open(cache_filename, "wb") as f:
+                pickle.dump(cached_samples_dict, f)
+        ii += block
+        pbar.update(len(subset_samples))
+    pbar.close()
+    if pool is not None:
+        pool.close()
+    new_samples = np.concatenate(
+        [np.array(val) for key, val in cached_samples_dict.items() if key != "_samples"]
+    )
     samples['geocent_time'] = new_samples[:, 0]
     samples['luminosity_distance'] = new_samples[:, 1]
     samples['phase'] = new_samples[:, 2]
     if likelihood.calibration_marginalization:
         samples['recalib_index'] = new_samples[:, 3]
     return samples
diff --git a/bilby/gw/cosmology.py b/bilby/gw/cosmology.py
index ded3f5eb6b01c01c1066afdacb0c13f8f20a7a97..c05c7ada336aefd1b7b2b9a81f6adab2b377177e 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/cosmology.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/cosmology.py
@@ -63,3 +63,15 @@ def set_cosmology(cosmology=None):
         COSMOLOGY[1] = cosmology.name
         COSMOLOGY[1] = repr(cosmology)
+def z_at_value(func, fval, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Wrapped version of :code:`astropy.cosmology.z_at_value` to return float
+    rather than an :code:`astropy Quantity` as returned for :code:`astropy>=5`.
+    See https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.cosmology.z_at_value.html#astropy.cosmology.z_at_value
+    for detailed documentation.
+    """
+    from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
+    return float(z_at_value(func=func, fval=fval, **kwargs))
diff --git a/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/GEO600.interferometer b/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/GEO600.interferometer
index bf84d748c8dd88e121fbcb3a5c1aa1c0ddad83bd..addde6d1cd21593eb7a0d91c53bcba93a393171b 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/GEO600.interferometer
+++ b/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/GEO600.interferometer
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ length = 0.6
 latitude = 52 + 14. / 60 + 42.528 / 3600
 longitude = 9 + 48. / 60 + 25.894 / 3600
 elevation = 114.425
-xarm_azimuth = 115.9431
-yarm_azimuth = 21.6117
+xarm_azimuth = 21.6117
+yarm_azimuth = 115.9431
diff --git a/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/K1.interferometer b/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/K1.interferometer
index 8585857ac1eac558056fb78582beebe9f610afe7..9120d24b71ab54ebd4a426b7ab95cc9050ca51e1 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/K1.interferometer
+++ b/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/K1.interferometer
@@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ longitude = 137 + 18 / 60 + 21.44171 / 3600
 elevation = 414.181
 xarm_azimuth = 90 - 60.39623489157727
 yarm_azimuth = 90 + 29.60357629670688
+xarm_tilt = 0.0031414
+yarm_tilt = -0.0036270
diff --git a/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/L1.interferometer b/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/L1.interferometer
index 26f34e03b1f73d79f2ab0a6c9e6f0f68b88f2f87..840473e94dad673be4418ff28b0cf238b97438ad 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/L1.interferometer
+++ b/bilby/gw/detector/detectors/L1.interferometer
@@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ longitude = -(90 + 46. / 60 + 27.2654 / 3600)
 elevation = -6.574
 xarm_azimuth = 197.7165
 yarm_azimuth = 287.7165
+xarm_tilt = -3.121e-4
+yarm_tilt = -6.107e-4
diff --git a/bilby/gw/detector/networks.py b/bilby/gw/detector/networks.py
index d354f2bf48a9f98c2d21b981fe7179affca7d3ac..bc1067ff94b12ff0a15bccc6c7773f3fa6c6cd37 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/detector/networks.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/detector/networks.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ from .psd import PowerSpectralDensity
 class InterferometerList(list):
-    """ A list of Interferometer objects """
+    """A list of Interferometer objects"""
     def __init__(self, interferometers):
-        """ Instantiate a InterferometerList
+        """Instantiate a InterferometerList
         The InterferometerList is a list of Interferometer objects, each
         object has the data used in evaluating the likelihood
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
             if type(ifo) == str:
                 ifo = get_empty_interferometer(ifo)
             if type(ifo) not in [Interferometer, TriangularInterferometer]:
-                raise TypeError("Input list of interferometers are not all Interferometer objects")
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "Input list of interferometers are not all Interferometer objects"
+                )
@@ -45,28 +47,37 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
         If both checks fail, then a ValueError is raised.
-        consistent_attributes = ['duration', 'start_time', 'sampling_frequency']
+        consistent_attributes = ["duration", "start_time", "sampling_frequency"]
         for attribute in consistent_attributes:
-            x = [getattr(interferometer.strain_data, attribute)
-                 for interferometer in self]
+            x = [
+                getattr(interferometer.strain_data, attribute)
+                for interferometer in self
+            ]
                 if not all(y == x[0] for y in x):
-                    ifo_strs = ["{ifo}[{attribute}]={value}".format(
-                        ifo=ifo.name,
-                        attribute=attribute,
-                        value=getattr(ifo.strain_data, attribute))
-                        for ifo in self]
+                    ifo_strs = [
+                        "{ifo}[{attribute}]={value}".format(
+                            ifo=ifo.name,
+                            attribute=attribute,
+                            value=getattr(ifo.strain_data, attribute),
+                        )
+                        for ifo in self
+                    ]
                     raise ValueError(
                         "The {} of all interferometers are not the same: {}".format(
-                            attribute, ', '.join(ifo_strs)))
+                            attribute, ", ".join(ifo_strs)
+                        )
+                    )
             except ValueError as e:
                 if not all(math.isclose(y, x[0], abs_tol=1e-5) for y in x):
                     raise ValueError(e)
-    def set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_densities(self, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0):
-        """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from the power spectral densities of the detectors
+    def set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_densities(
+        self, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0
+    ):
+        """Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from the power spectral densities of the detectors
         This uses the `interferometer.power_spectral_density` object to set
         the `strain_data` to a noise realization. See
@@ -83,12 +94,16 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
         for interferometer in self:
-            interferometer.set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_density(sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,
-                                                                       duration=duration,
-                                                                       start_time=start_time)
+            interferometer.set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_density(
+                sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,
+                duration=duration,
+                start_time=start_time,
+            )
-    def set_strain_data_from_zero_noise(self, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0):
-        """ Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from the power spectral densities of the detectors
+    def set_strain_data_from_zero_noise(
+        self, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0
+    ):
+        """Set the `Interferometer.strain_data` from the power spectral densities of the detectors
         This uses the `interferometer.power_spectral_density` object to set
         the `strain_data` to zero noise. See
@@ -105,11 +120,19 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
         for interferometer in self:
-            interferometer.set_strain_data_from_zero_noise(sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,
-                                                           duration=duration,
-                                                           start_time=start_time)
-    def inject_signal(self, parameters=None, injection_polarizations=None, waveform_generator=None):
+            interferometer.set_strain_data_from_zero_noise(
+                sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,
+                duration=duration,
+                start_time=start_time,
+            )
+    def inject_signal(
+        self,
+        parameters=None,
+        injection_polarizations=None,
+        waveform_generator=None,
+        raise_error=True,
+    ):
         """ Inject a signal into noise in each of the three detectors.
@@ -124,6 +147,9 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
         waveform_generator: bilby.gw.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator
             A WaveformGenerator instance using the source model to inject. If
             `injection_polarizations` is given, this will be ignored.
+        raise_error: bool
+            Whether to raise an error if the injected signal does not fit in
+            the segment.
@@ -138,22 +164,29 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
         if injection_polarizations is None:
             if waveform_generator is not None:
-                injection_polarizations = \
-                    waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(parameters)
+                injection_polarizations = waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
+                    parameters
+                )
                 raise ValueError(
                     "inject_signal needs one of waveform_generator or "
-                    "injection_polarizations.")
+                    "injection_polarizations."
+                )
         all_injection_polarizations = list()
         for interferometer in self:
-                interferometer.inject_signal(parameters=parameters, injection_polarizations=injection_polarizations))
+                interferometer.inject_signal(
+                    parameters=parameters,
+                    injection_polarizations=injection_polarizations,
+                    raise_error=raise_error,
+                )
+            )
         return all_injection_polarizations
     def save_data(self, outdir, label=None):
-        """ Creates a save file for the data in plain text format
+        """Creates a save file for the data in plain text format
@@ -165,7 +198,7 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
         for interferometer in self:
             interferometer.save_data(outdir=outdir, label=label)
-    def plot_data(self, signal=None, outdir='.', label=None):
+    def plot_data(self, signal=None, outdir=".", label=None):
         if utils.command_line_args.bilby_test_mode:
@@ -209,13 +242,14 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
     def meta_data(self):
-        """ Dictionary of the per-interferometer meta_data """
-        return {interferometer.name: interferometer.meta_data
-                for interferometer in self}
+        """Dictionary of the per-interferometer meta_data"""
+        return {
+            interferometer.name: interferometer.meta_data for interferometer in self
+        }
     def _filename_from_outdir_label_extension(outdir, label, extension="h5"):
-        return os.path.join(outdir, label + f'.{extension}')
+        return os.path.join(outdir, label + f".{extension}")
     _save_docstring = """ Saves the object to a {format} file
@@ -239,53 +273,66 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
-    def to_hdf5(self, outdir='outdir', label='ifo_list'):
+    def to_hdf5(self, outdir="outdir", label="ifo_list"):
         import deepdish
         if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-            raise NotImplementedError('Pickling of InterferometerList is not supported in Python 2.'
-                                      'Use Python 3 instead.')
-        label = label + '_' + ''.join(ifo.name for ifo in self)
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "Pickling of InterferometerList is not supported in Python 2."
+                "Use Python 3 instead."
+            )
+        label = label + "_" + "".join(ifo.name for ifo in self)
             filename = self._filename_from_outdir_label_extension(outdir, label, "h5")
             deepdish.io.save(filename, self)
         except AttributeError:
-            logger.warning("Saving to hdf5 using deepdish failed. Pickle dumping instead.")
+            logger.warning(
+                "Saving to hdf5 using deepdish failed. Pickle dumping instead."
+            )
             self.to_pickle(outdir=outdir, label=label)
     def from_hdf5(cls, filename=None):
         import deepdish
         if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-            raise NotImplementedError('Pickling of InterferometerList is not supported in Python 2.'
-                                      'Use Python 3 instead.')
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "Pickling of InterferometerList is not supported in Python 2."
+                "Use Python 3 instead."
+            )
         res = deepdish.io.load(filename)
         if res.__class__ == list:
             res = cls(res)
         if res.__class__ != cls:
-            raise TypeError('The loaded object is not a InterferometerList')
+            raise TypeError("The loaded object is not a InterferometerList")
         return res
     def to_pickle(self, outdir="outdir", label="ifo_list"):
         import dill
-        utils.check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir('outdir')
-        label = label + '_' + ''.join(ifo.name for ifo in self)
-        filename = self._filename_from_outdir_label_extension(outdir, label, extension="pkl")
+        utils.check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir("outdir")
+        label = label + "_" + "".join(ifo.name for ifo in self)
+        filename = self._filename_from_outdir_label_extension(
+            outdir, label, extension="pkl"
+        )
         with open(filename, "wb") as ff:
             dill.dump(self, ff)
     def from_pickle(cls, filename=None):
         import dill
         with open(filename, "rb") as ff:
             res = dill.load(ff)
         if res.__class__ != cls:
-            raise TypeError('The loaded object is not an InterferometerList')
+            raise TypeError("The loaded object is not an InterferometerList")
         return res
     to_hdf5.__doc__ = _save_docstring.format(
-        format="hdf5", extra=""".. deprecated:: 1.1.0
-    Use :func:`to_pickle` instead."""
+        format="hdf5",
+        extra=""".. deprecated:: 1.1.0
+    Use :func:`to_pickle` instead.""",
     to_pickle.__doc__ = _save_docstring.format(
         format="pickle", extra=".. versionadded:: 1.1.0"
@@ -295,10 +342,21 @@ class InterferometerList(list):
 class TriangularInterferometer(InterferometerList):
-    def __init__(self, name, power_spectral_density, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency,
-                 length, latitude, longitude, elevation, xarm_azimuth, yarm_azimuth,
-                 xarm_tilt=0., yarm_tilt=0.):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name,
+        power_spectral_density,
+        minimum_frequency,
+        maximum_frequency,
+        length,
+        latitude,
+        longitude,
+        elevation,
+        xarm_azimuth,
+        yarm_azimuth,
+        xarm_tilt=0.0,
+        yarm_tilt=0.0,
+    ):
         super(TriangularInterferometer, self).__init__([])
         self.name = name
         # for attr in ['power_spectral_density', 'minimum_frequency', 'maximum_frequency']:
@@ -310,15 +368,46 @@ class TriangularInterferometer(InterferometerList):
             maximum_frequency = [maximum_frequency] * 3
         for ii in range(3):
-            self.append(Interferometer(
-                '{}{}'.format(name, ii + 1), power_spectral_density[ii], minimum_frequency[ii], maximum_frequency[ii],
-                length, latitude, longitude, elevation, xarm_azimuth, yarm_azimuth, xarm_tilt, yarm_tilt))
+            self.append(
+                Interferometer(
+                    "{}{}".format(name, ii + 1),
+                    power_spectral_density[ii],
+                    minimum_frequency[ii],
+                    maximum_frequency[ii],
+                    length,
+                    latitude,
+                    longitude,
+                    elevation,
+                    xarm_azimuth,
+                    yarm_azimuth,
+                    xarm_tilt,
+                    yarm_tilt,
+                )
+            )
             xarm_azimuth += 240
             yarm_azimuth += 240
-            latitude += np.arctan(length * np.sin(xarm_azimuth * np.pi / 180) * 1e3 / utils.radius_of_earth)
-            longitude += np.arctan(length * np.cos(xarm_azimuth * np.pi / 180) * 1e3 / utils.radius_of_earth)
+            latitude += (
+                np.arctan(
+                    length
+                    * np.sin(xarm_azimuth * np.pi / 180)
+                    * 1e3
+                    / utils.radius_of_earth
+                )
+                * 180
+                / np.pi
+            )
+            longitude += (
+                np.arctan(
+                    length
+                    * np.cos(xarm_azimuth * np.pi / 180)
+                    * 1e3
+                    / utils.radius_of_earth
+                )
+                * 180
+                / np.pi
+            )
 def get_empty_interferometer(name):
@@ -351,34 +440,38 @@ def get_empty_interferometer(name):
     interferometer: Interferometer
         Interferometer instance
-    filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'detectors', '{}.interferometer'.format(name))
+    filename = os.path.join(
+        os.path.dirname(__file__), "detectors", "{}.interferometer".format(name)
+    )
         return load_interferometer(filename)
     except OSError:
-        raise ValueError('Interferometer {} not implemented'.format(name))
+        raise ValueError("Interferometer {} not implemented".format(name))
 def load_interferometer(filename):
     """Load an interferometer from a file."""
     parameters = dict()
-    with open(filename, 'r') as parameter_file:
+    with open(filename, "r") as parameter_file:
         lines = parameter_file.readlines()
         for line in lines:
-            if line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '\n':
+            if line[0] == "#" or line[0] == "\n":
-            split_line = line.split('=')
+            split_line = line.split("=")
             key = split_line[0].strip()
-            value = eval('='.join(split_line[1:]))
+            value = eval("=".join(split_line[1:]))
             parameters[key] = value
-    if 'shape' not in parameters.keys():
+    if "shape" not in parameters.keys():
         ifo = Interferometer(**parameters)
-        logger.debug('Assuming L shape for {}'.format('name'))
-    elif parameters['shape'].lower() in ['l', 'ligo']:
-        parameters.pop('shape')
+        logger.debug("Assuming L shape for {}".format("name"))
+    elif parameters["shape"].lower() in ["l", "ligo"]:
+        parameters.pop("shape")
         ifo = Interferometer(**parameters)
-    elif parameters['shape'].lower() in ['triangular', 'triangle']:
-        parameters.pop('shape')
+    elif parameters["shape"].lower() in ["triangular", "triangle"]:
+        parameters.pop("shape")
         ifo = TriangularInterferometer(**parameters)
-        raise IOError("{} could not be loaded. Invalid parameter 'shape'.".format(filename))
+        raise IOError(
+            "{} could not be loaded. Invalid parameter 'shape'.".format(filename)
+        )
     return ifo
diff --git a/bilby/gw/eos/eos.py b/bilby/gw/eos/eos.py
index 0f5ff179eccce2f502e4062edca56a5dfe8c8934..5693fb33e927153ba3a577a592bc6fe557b5944e 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/eos/eos.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/eos/eos.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ conversion_dict = {'pressure': {'cgs': C_SI ** 4. / G_SI * 10., 'si': C_SI ** 4.
                    'pseudo_enthalpy': {'dimensionless': 1.},
                    'mass': {'g': C_SI ** 2. / G_SI * 1000, 'kg': C_SI ** 2. / G_SI, 'geom': 1.,
                             'm_sol': C_SI ** 2. / G_SI / MSUN_SI},
-                   'radius': {'cm': 100., 'mass': 1., 'km': .001},
+                   'radius': {'cm': 100., 'm': 1., 'km': .001},
                    'tidal_deformability': {'geom': 1.}}
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ab1a2b77030172676df04d02dbc70a00b51975..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bilby/gw/likelihood.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2288 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import json
-import copy
-import math
-import attr
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-from scipy.special import logsumexp
-from ..core.likelihood import Likelihood
-from ..core.utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
-from ..core.utils import (
-    logger, UnsortedInterp2d, create_frequency_series, create_time_series,
-    speed_of_light, solar_mass, radius_of_earth, gravitational_constant,
-    round_up_to_power_of_two)
-from ..core.prior import Interped, Prior, Uniform, PriorDict, DeltaFunction
-from .detector import InterferometerList, get_empty_interferometer, calibration
-from .prior import BBHPriorDict, CBCPriorDict, Cosmological
-from .source import lal_binary_black_hole
-from .utils import (
-    noise_weighted_inner_product, build_roq_weights, zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec,
-    ln_i0
-from .waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
-class GravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
-    """ A gravitational-wave transient likelihood object
-    This is the usual likelihood object to use for transient gravitational
-    wave parameter estimation. It computes the log-likelihood in the frequency
-    domain assuming a colored Gaussian noise model described by a power
-    spectral density. See Thrane & Talbot (2019), arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293.
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
-        detector data and power spectral densities
-    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
-        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
-        given some set of parameters
-    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood.
-        This uses a look up table calculated at run time.
-        The distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum
-        distance allowed in the prior being marginalised over.
-    time_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over time in the likelihood.
-        This uses a FFT to calculate the likelihood over a regularly spaced
-        grid.
-        In order to cover the whole space the prior is set to be uniform over
-        the spacing of the array of times.
-        If using time marginalisation and jitter_time is True a "jitter"
-        parameter is added to the prior which modifies the position of the
-        grid of times.
-    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood.
-        This is done analytically using a Bessel function.
-        The phase prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
-    calibration_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over calibration response curves in the likelihood.
-        This is done numerically over a number of calibration response curve realizations.
-    priors: dict, optional
-        If given, used in the distance and phase marginalization.
-        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
-        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
-    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
-        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
-        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
-        the table.
-        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
-        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
-        provided string or a default location:
-        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
-    calibration_lookup_table: dict, optional
-        If a dict, contains the arrays over which to marginalize for each interferometer or the filepaths of the
-        calibration files.
-        If not provided, but calibration_marginalization is used, then the appropriate file is created to
-        contain the curves.
-    number_of_response_curves: int, optional
-        Number of curves from the calibration lookup table to use.
-        Default is 1000.
-    starting_index: int, optional
-        Sets the index for the first realization of the calibration curve to be considered.
-        This, coupled with number_of_response_curves, allows for restricting the set of curves used. This can be used
-        when dealing with large frequency arrays to split the calculation into sections.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    jitter_time: bool, optional
-        Whether to introduce a `time_jitter` parameter. This avoids either
-        missing the likelihood peak, or introducing biases in the
-        reconstructed time posterior due to an insufficient sampling frequency.
-        Default is False, however using this parameter is strongly encouraged.
-    reference_frame: (str, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list), optional
-        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
-        - :code:`sky`: sample in RA/dec, this is the default
-        - e.g., :code:`"H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"])`:
-          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
-          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
-          and L1.
-    time_reference: str, optional
-        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
-        - :code:`geocent`/:code:`geocenter`: sample in the time at the
-          Earth's center, this is the default
-        - e.g., :code:`H1`: sample in the time of arrival at H1
-    Returns
-    =======
-    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
-        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
-        some model parameters
-    """
-    @attr.s
-    class _CalculatedSNRs:
-        d_inner_h = attr.ib()
-        optimal_snr_squared = attr.ib()
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = attr.ib()
-        d_inner_h_array = attr.ib()
-        optimal_snr_squared_array = attr.ib()
-        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = attr.ib()
-    def __init__(
-        self, interferometers, waveform_generator, time_marginalization=False,
-        distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, calibration_marginalization=False, priors=None,
-        distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, calibration_lookup_table=None,
-        number_of_response_curves=1000, starting_index=0, jitter_time=True, reference_frame="sky",
-        time_reference="geocenter"
-    ):
-        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
-        super(GravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
-        self.interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
-        self.time_marginalization = time_marginalization
-        self.distance_marginalization = distance_marginalization
-        self.phase_marginalization = phase_marginalization
-        self.calibration_marginalization = calibration_marginalization
-        self.priors = priors
-        self._check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator()
-        self.jitter_time = jitter_time
-        self.reference_frame = reference_frame
-        if "geocent" not in time_reference:
-            self.time_reference = time_reference
-            self.reference_ifo = get_empty_interferometer(self.time_reference)
-            if self.time_marginalization:
-                logger.info("Cannot marginalise over non-geocenter time.")
-                self.time_marginalization = False
-                self.jitter_time = False
-        else:
-            self.time_reference = "geocent"
-            self.reference_ifo = None
-        if self.time_marginalization:
-            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='geocent_time')
-            self._setup_time_marginalization()
-            priors['geocent_time'] = float(self.interferometers.start_time)
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                priors['time_jitter'] = Uniform(
-                    minimum=- self._delta_tc / 2,
-                    maximum=self._delta_tc / 2,
-                    boundary='periodic',
-                    name="time_jitter",
-                    latex_label="$t_j$"
-                )
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('geocent_time')
-        elif self.jitter_time:
-            logger.debug(
-                "Time jittering requested with non-time-marginalised "
-                "likelihood, ignoring.")
-            self.jitter_time = False
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='phase')
-            priors['phase'] = float(0)
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('phase')
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            self._lookup_table_filename = None
-            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='luminosity_distance')
-            self._distance_array = np.linspace(
-                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].minimum,
-                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].maximum, int(1e4))
-            self.distance_prior_array = np.array(
-                [self.priors['luminosity_distance'].prob(distance)
-                 for distance in self._distance_array])
-            self._ref_dist = self.priors['luminosity_distance'].rescale(0.5)
-            self._setup_distance_marginalization(
-                distance_marginalization_lookup_table)
-            for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
-                if key in priors:
-                    del priors[key]
-            priors['luminosity_distance'] = float(self._ref_dist)
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('luminosity_distance')
-        if self.calibration_marginalization:
-            self.number_of_response_curves = number_of_response_curves
-            self.starting_index = starting_index
-            self._setup_calibration_marginalization(calibration_lookup_table)
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('recalib_index')
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={},\n\ttime_marginalization={}, ' \
-                                         'distance_marginalization={}, phase_marginalization={}, '\
-                                         'calibration_marginalization={}, priors={})'\
-            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator, self.time_marginalization,
-                    self.distance_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization,
-                    self.priors)
-    def _check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator(self):
-        """ Check the waveform_generator has the same duration and
-        sampling_frequency as the interferometers. If they are unset, then
-        set them, if they differ, raise an error
-        """
-        attributes = ['duration', 'sampling_frequency', 'start_time']
-        for attribute in attributes:
-            wfg_attr = getattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute)
-            ifo_attr = getattr(self.interferometers, attribute)
-            if wfg_attr is None:
-                logger.debug(
-                    "The waveform_generator {} is None. Setting from the "
-                    "provided interferometers.".format(attribute))
-            elif wfg_attr != ifo_attr:
-                logger.debug(
-                    "The waveform_generator {} is not equal to that of the "
-                    "provided interferometers. Overwriting the "
-                    "waveform_generator.".format(attribute))
-            setattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute, ifo_attr)
-    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
-        """
-        Compute the snrs
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        waveform_polarizations: dict
-            A dictionary of waveform polarizations and the corresponding array
-        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
-            The bilby interferometer object
-        """
-        signal = interferometer.get_detector_response(
-            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
-        _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
-        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
-            signal[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name][int(self.parameters['recalib_index'])]
-        d_inner_h = interferometer.inner_product(signal=signal)
-        optimal_snr_squared = interferometer.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal)
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
-        d_inner_h_array = None
-        optimal_snr_squared_array = None
-        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_integrand = np.tile(
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal /
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array, (self.number_of_response_curves, 1)).T
-            d_inner_h_integrand[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name].T
-            d_inner_h_array =\
-                4 / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.fft.fft(
-                    d_inner_h_integrand[0:-1], axis=0).T
-            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = 4. / self.waveform_generator.duration *\
-                np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
-            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.dot(optimal_snr_squared_integrand[_mask],
-                                               self.calibration_abs_draws[interferometer.name].T)
-        elif self.time_marginalization and not self.calibration_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_array =\
-                4 / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.fft.fft(
-                    signal[0:-1] *
-                    interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate()[0:-1] /
-                    interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[0:-1])
-        elif self.calibration_marginalization and ('recalib_index' not in self.parameters):
-            d_inner_h_integrand = 4. / self.waveform_generator.duration * \
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal / \
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
-            d_inner_h_array = np.dot(d_inner_h_integrand[_mask], self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name].T)
-            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = 4. / self.waveform_generator.duration *\
-                np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
-            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.dot(optimal_snr_squared_integrand[_mask],
-                                               self.calibration_abs_draws[interferometer.name].T)
-        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
-            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
-            d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
-            optimal_snr_squared_array=optimal_snr_squared_array,
-            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None)
-    def _check_marginalized_prior_is_set(self, key):
-        if key in self.priors and self.priors[key].is_fixed:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Cannot use marginalized likelihood for {}: prior is fixed"
-                .format(key))
-        if key not in self.priors or not isinstance(
-                self.priors[key], Prior):
-            logger.warning(
-                'Prior not provided for {}, using the BBH default.'.format(key))
-            if key == 'geocent_time':
-                self.priors[key] = Uniform(
-                    self.interferometers.start_time,
-                    self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration)
-            elif key == 'luminosity_distance':
-                for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
-                    if key in self.priors:
-                        if not isinstance(self.priors[key], Cosmological):
-                            raise TypeError(
-                                "To marginalize over {}, the prior must be specified as a "
-                                "subclass of bilby.gw.prior.Cosmological.".format(key)
-                            )
-                        self.priors['luminosity_distance'] = self.priors[key].get_corresponding_prior(
-                            'luminosity_distance'
-                        )
-                        del self.priors[key]
-            else:
-                self.priors[key] = BBHPriorDict()[key]
-    @property
-    def priors(self):
-        return self._prior
-    @priors.setter
-    def priors(self, priors):
-        if priors is not None:
-            self._prior = priors.copy()
-        elif any([self.time_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization,
-                  self.distance_marginalization]):
-            raise ValueError("You can't use a marginalized likelihood without specifying a priors")
-        else:
-            self._prior = None
-    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
-        log_l = 0
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
-            log_l -= noise_weighted_inner_product(
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[mask],
-                self.waveform_generator.duration) / 2
-        return float(np.real(log_l))
-    def log_likelihood_ratio(self):
-        waveform_polarizations =\
-            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if waveform_polarizations is None:
-            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
-        d_inner_h = 0.
-        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
-        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
-            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
-                (self.number_of_response_curves, len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1])),
-                dtype=np.complex128)
-            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        elif self.time_marginalization:
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
-            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
-                len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1]),
-                dtype=np.complex128)
-        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
-                waveform_polarizations=waveform_polarizations,
-                interferometer=interferometer)
-            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
-            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
-            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
-            if self.time_marginalization or self.calibration_marginalization:
-                d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
-            if self.calibration_marginalization:
-                optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
-        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h_calibration_array=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-        elif self.time_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.time_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h_tc_array=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        elif self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
-        else:
-            log_l = np.real(d_inner_h) - optimal_snr_squared / 2
-        return float(log_l.real)
-    def generate_posterior_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(self):
-        """
-        Reconstruct the distance posterior from a run which used a likelihood
-        which explicitly marginalised over time/distance/phase.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
-        Returns
-        =======
-        sample: dict
-            Returns the parameters with new samples.
-        Notes
-        =====
-        This involves a deepcopy of the signal to avoid issues with waveform
-        caching, as the signal is overwritten in place.
-        """
-        if any([self.phase_marginalization, self.distance_marginalization,
-                self.time_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization]):
-            signal_polarizations = copy.deepcopy(
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
-                    self.parameters))
-        else:
-            return self.parameters
-        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
-            raise AttributeError(
-                "Cannot use time and calibration marginalization simultaneously for regeneration at the moment!"
-                "The matrix manipulation has not been tested.")
-        if self.calibration_marginalization:
-            new_calibration = self.generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['recalib_index'] = new_calibration
-        if self.time_marginalization:
-            new_time = self.generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'] = new_time
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            new_distance = self.generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] = new_distance
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            new_phase = self.generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['phase'] = new_phase
-        return self.parameters.copy()
-    def generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for the set of calibration response curves when
-        explicitly marginalizing over the calibration uncertainty.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        new_calibration: dict
-            Sample set from the calibration posterior
-        """
-        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
-            self.parameters.pop('recalib_index')
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        log_like = self.get_calibration_log_likelihoods(signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-        calibration_post = np.exp(log_like - max(log_like))
-        calibration_post /= np.sum(calibration_post)
-        new_calibration = np.random.choice(self.number_of_response_curves, p=calibration_post)
-        return new_calibration
-    def generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for coalescence
-        time when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over time.
-        In order to resolve the posterior we artificially upsample to 16kHz.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        new_time: float
-            Sample from the time posterior.
-        """
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if self.jitter_time:
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        times = create_time_series(
-            sampling_frequency=16384,
-            starting_time=self.parameters['geocent_time'] - self.waveform_generator.start_time,
-            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration)
-        times = times % self.waveform_generator.duration
-        times += self.waveform_generator.start_time
-        prior = self.priors["geocent_time"]
-        in_prior = (times >= prior.minimum) & (times < prior.maximum)
-        times = times[in_prior]
-        n_time_steps = int(self.waveform_generator.duration * 16384)
-        d_inner_h = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=complex)
-        psd = np.ones(n_time_steps)
-        signal_long = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
-        data = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
-        h_inner_h = np.zeros(1)
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            ifo_length = len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
-            mask = ifo.frequency_mask
-            signal = ifo.get_detector_response(
-                signal_polarizations, self.parameters)
-            signal_long[:ifo_length] = signal
-            data[:ifo_length] = np.conj(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
-            psd[:ifo_length][mask] = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[mask]
-            d_inner_h += np.fft.fft(signal_long * data / psd)[in_prior]
-            h_inner_h += ifo.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal).real
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            time_log_like = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            time_log_like = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h)) - h_inner_h.real / 2
-        else:
-            time_log_like = (d_inner_h.real - h_inner_h.real / 2)
-        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times)
-        time_post = (
-            np.exp(time_log_like - max(time_log_like)) * time_prior_array)
-        keep = (time_post > max(time_post) / 1000)
-        if sum(keep) < 3:
-            keep[1:-1] = keep[1:-1] | keep[2:] | keep[:-2]
-        time_post = time_post[keep]
-        times = times[keep]
-        new_time = Interped(times, time_post).sample()
-        return new_time
-    def generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for luminosity
-        distance when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over
-        distance.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-            Note: These are rescaled in place after the distance sample is
-            generated to allow further parameter reconstruction to occur.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        new_distance: float
-            Sample from the distance posterior.
-        """
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
-        d_inner_h_dist = (
-            d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] /
-            self._distance_array)
-        h_inner_h_dist = (
-            h_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance']**2 /
-            self._distance_array**2)
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            distance_log_like = (
-                ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_dist)) -
-                h_inner_h_dist.real / 2
-            )
-        else:
-            distance_log_like = (d_inner_h_dist.real - h_inner_h_dist.real / 2)
-        distance_post = (np.exp(distance_log_like - max(distance_log_like)) *
-                         self.distance_prior_array)
-        new_distance = Interped(
-            self._distance_array, distance_post).sample()
-        self._rescale_signal(signal_polarizations, new_distance)
-        return new_distance
-    def _calculate_inner_products(self, signal_polarizations):
-        d_inner_h = 0
-        h_inner_h = 0
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
-                signal_polarizations, interferometer)
-            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
-            h_inner_h += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared
-        return d_inner_h, h_inner_h
-    def generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for phase when
-        using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over phase.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        new_phase: float
-            Sample from the phase posterior.
-        Notes
-        =====
-        This is only valid when assumes that mu(phi) \propto exp(-2i phi).
-        """
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
-        phases = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 101)
-        phasor = np.exp(-2j * phases)
-        phase_log_post = d_inner_h * phasor - h_inner_h / 2
-        phase_post = np.exp(phase_log_post.real - max(phase_log_post.real))
-        new_phase = Interped(phases, phase_post).sample()
-        return new_phase
-    def distance_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
-        d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref = self._setup_rho(
-            d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_ref = np.abs(d_inner_h_ref)
-        else:
-            d_inner_h_ref = np.real(d_inner_h_ref)
-        return self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood(
-            d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref)
-    def phase_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
-        d_inner_h = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h))
-        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
-            return d_inner_h - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h)[1])) / 2
-        else:
-            return d_inner_h - h_inner_h / 2
-    def time_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h):
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_tc_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_tc_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array,
-                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        else:
-            log_l_tc_array = np.real(d_inner_h_tc_array) - h_inner_h / 2
-        times = self._times
-        if self.jitter_time:
-            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
-        return logsumexp(log_l_tc_array, b=time_prior_array)
-    def time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h):
-        times = self._times
-        if self.jitter_time:
-            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        _time_prior = self.priors['geocent_time']
-        time_mask = np.logical_and((times >= _time_prior.minimum), (times <= _time_prior.maximum))
-        times = times[time_mask]
-        time_probs = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
-        d_inner_h_array = d_inner_h_array[:, time_mask]
-        h_inner_h = h_inner_h
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        else:
-            log_l_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array) - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h_array)[1])) / 2
-        prior_array = np.outer(time_probs, 1. / self.number_of_response_curves * np.ones(len(h_inner_h))).T
-        return logsumexp(log_l_array, b=prior_array)
-    def get_calibration_log_likelihoods(self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations =\
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        d_inner_h = 0.
-        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
-        d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
-                waveform_polarizations=signal_polarizations,
-                interferometer=interferometer)
-            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
-            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
-            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
-            d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
-            optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-        else:
-            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2)
-        return log_l_cal_array
-    def calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h):
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array,
-                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        else:
-            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_calibration_array - h_inner_h / 2)
-        return logsumexp(log_l_cal_array) - np.log(self.number_of_response_curves)
-    def _setup_rho(self, d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared):
-        optimal_snr_squared_ref = (optimal_snr_squared.real *
-                                   self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] ** 2 /
-                                   self._ref_dist ** 2.)
-        d_inner_h_ref = (d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] /
-                         self._ref_dist)
-        return d_inner_h_ref, optimal_snr_squared_ref
-    def log_likelihood(self):
-        return self.log_likelihood_ratio() + self.noise_log_likelihood()
-    @property
-    def _delta_distance(self):
-        return self._distance_array[1] - self._distance_array[0]
-    @property
-    def _dist_multiplier(self):
-        ''' Maximum value of ref_dist/dist_array '''
-        return self._ref_dist / self._distance_array[0]
-    @property
-    def _optimal_snr_squared_ref_array(self):
-        """ Optimal filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
-        return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[0])
-    @property
-    def _d_inner_h_ref_array(self):
-        """ Matched filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1])
-        else:
-            n_negative = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] // 2
-            n_positive = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] - n_negative
-            return np.hstack((
-                -np.logspace(3, -3, n_negative), np.logspace(-3, 10, n_positive)
-            ))
-    def _setup_distance_marginalization(self, lookup_table=None):
-        if isinstance(lookup_table, str) or lookup_table is None:
-            self.cached_lookup_table_filename = lookup_table
-            lookup_table = self.load_lookup_table(
-                self.cached_lookup_table_filename)
-        if isinstance(lookup_table, dict):
-            if self._test_cached_lookup_table(lookup_table):
-                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = lookup_table[
-                    'lookup_table']
-            else:
-                self._create_lookup_table()
-        else:
-            self._create_lookup_table()
-        self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood = UnsortedInterp2d(
-            self._d_inner_h_ref_array, self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array,
-            self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array, kind='cubic', fill_value=-np.inf)
-    @property
-    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self):
-        if self._lookup_table_filename is None:
-            self._lookup_table_filename = (
-                '.distance_marginalization_lookup.npz')
-        return self._lookup_table_filename
-    @cached_lookup_table_filename.setter
-    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self, filename):
-        if isinstance(filename, str):
-            if filename[-4:] != '.npz':
-                filename += '.npz'
-        self._lookup_table_filename = filename
-    def load_lookup_table(self, filename):
-        if os.path.exists(filename):
-            try:
-                loaded_file = dict(np.load(filename))
-            except AttributeError as e:
-                logger.warning(e)
-                self._create_lookup_table()
-                return None
-            match, failure = self._test_cached_lookup_table(loaded_file)
-            if match:
-                logger.info('Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table from '
-                            '{}.'.format(filename))
-                return loaded_file
-            else:
-                logger.info('Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table does '
-                            'not match for {}.'.format(failure))
-        elif isinstance(filename, str):
-            logger.info('Distance marginalisation file {} does not '
-                        'exist'.format(filename))
-        return None
-    def cache_lookup_table(self):
-        np.savez(self.cached_lookup_table_filename,
-                 distance_array=self._distance_array,
-                 prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
-                 lookup_table=self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array,
-                 reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
-                 phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
-    def _test_cached_lookup_table(self, loaded_file):
-        pairs = dict(
-            distance_array=self._distance_array,
-            prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
-            reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
-            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
-        for key in pairs:
-            if key not in loaded_file:
-                return False, key
-            elif not np.array_equal(np.atleast_1d(loaded_file[key]),
-                                    np.atleast_1d(pairs[key])):
-                return False, key
-        return True, None
-    def _create_lookup_table(self):
-        """ Make the lookup table """
-        from tqdm.auto import tqdm
-        logger.info('Building lookup table for distance marginalisation.')
-        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = np.zeros((400, 800))
-        scaling = self._ref_dist / self._distance_array
-        d_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._d_inner_h_ref_array, scaling)
-        h_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array, scaling ** 2)
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_array_full = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_array_full))
-        prior_term = self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
-        for ii, optimal_snr_squared_array in tqdm(
-            enumerate(h_inner_h_array_full), total=len(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array)
-        ):
-            for jj, d_inner_h_array in enumerate(d_inner_h_array_full):
-                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array[ii][jj] = logsumexp(
-                    d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2,
-                    b=prior_term
-                )
-        log_norm = logsumexp(
-            0 / self._distance_array, b=self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
-        )
-        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array -= log_norm
-        self.cache_lookup_table()
-    def _setup_phase_marginalization(self, min_bound=-5, max_bound=10):
-        logger.warning(
-            "The _setup_phase_marginalization method is deprecated and will be removed, "
-            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
-            "to use bilby.gw.utils.ln_i0"
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def _bessel_function_interped(xx):
-        logger.warning(
-            "The _bessel_function_interped method is deprecated and will be removed, "
-            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
-            "to use bilby.gw.utils.ln_i0"
-        )
-        return ln_i0(xx) + xx
-    def _setup_time_marginalization(self):
-        self._delta_tc = 2 / self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency
-        self._times =\
-            self.interferometers.start_time + np.linspace(
-                0, self.interferometers.duration,
-                int(self.interferometers.duration / 2 *
-                    self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency + 1))[1:]
-        self.time_prior_array = \
-            self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(self._times) * self._delta_tc
-    def _setup_calibration_marginalization(self, calibration_lookup_table):
-        if calibration_lookup_table is None:
-            calibration_lookup_table = {}
-        self.calibration_draws = {}
-        self.calibration_abs_draws = {}
-        self.calibration_parameter_draws = {}
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            # Force the priors
-            calibration_priors = PriorDict()
-            for key in self.priors.keys():
-                if 'recalib' in key and interferometer.name in key:
-                    calibration_priors[key] = copy.copy(self.priors[key])
-                    self.priors[key] = DeltaFunction(0.0)
-            # If there is no entry in the lookup table, make an empty one
-            if interferometer.name not in calibration_lookup_table.keys():
-                calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name] =\
-                    f'{interferometer.name}_calibration_file.h5'
-            # If the interferometer lookup table file exists, generate the curves from it
-            if os.path.exists(calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name]):
-                self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name] =\
-                    calibration.read_calibration_file(
-                        calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name], self.interferometers.frequency_array,
-                        self.number_of_response_curves, self.starting_index)
-            else:  # generate the fake curves
-                from tqdm.auto import tqdm
-                self.calibration_parameter_draws[interferometer.name] =\
-                    pd.DataFrame(calibration_priors.sample(self.number_of_response_curves))
-                self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name] = \
-                    np.zeros((self.number_of_response_curves, len(interferometer.frequency_array)), dtype=complex)
-                for i in tqdm(range(self.number_of_response_curves)):
-                    self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name][i, :] =\
-                        interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-                            interferometer.frequency_array,
-                            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name),
-                            **self.calibration_parameter_draws[interferometer.name].iloc[i])
-                calibration.write_calibration_file(
-                    calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name],
-                    self.interferometers.frequency_array,
-                    self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name],
-                    self.calibration_parameter_draws[interferometer.name])
-            interferometer.calibration_model = calibration.Recalibrate()
-            _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
-            self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name] = self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name][:, _mask]
-            self.calibration_abs_draws[interferometer.name] =\
-                np.abs(self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name])**2
-    @property
-    def interferometers(self):
-        return self._interferometers
-    @interferometers.setter
-    def interferometers(self, interferometers):
-        self._interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
-    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
-        for mode in signal:
-            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
-    @property
-    def reference_frame(self):
-        return self._reference_frame
-    @property
-    def _reference_frame_str(self):
-        if isinstance(self.reference_frame, str):
-            return self.reference_frame
-        else:
-            return "".join([ifo.name for ifo in self.reference_frame])
-    @reference_frame.setter
-    def reference_frame(self, frame):
-        if frame == "sky":
-            self._reference_frame = frame
-        elif isinstance(frame, InterferometerList):
-            self._reference_frame = frame[:2]
-        elif isinstance(frame, list):
-            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList(frame[:2])
-        elif isinstance(frame, str):
-            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList([frame[:2], frame[2:4]])
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unable to parse reference frame {}".format(frame))
-    def get_sky_frame_parameters(self):
-        time = self.parameters['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)]
-        if not self.reference_frame == "sky":
-            ra, dec = zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec(
-                self.parameters['zenith'], self.parameters['azimuth'],
-                time, self.reference_frame)
-        else:
-            ra = self.parameters["ra"]
-            dec = self.parameters["dec"]
-        if "geocent" not in self.time_reference:
-            geocent_time = (
-                time - self.reference_ifo.time_delay_from_geocenter(
-                    ra=ra, dec=dec, time=time
-                )
-            )
-        else:
-            geocent_time = self.parameters["geocent_time"]
-        return dict(ra=ra, dec=dec, geocent_time=geocent_time)
-    @property
-    def lal_version(self):
-        try:
-            from lal import git_version, __version__
-            lal_version = str(__version__)
-            logger.info("Using lal version {}".format(lal_version))
-            lal_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
-            logger.info("Using lal git version {}".format(lal_git_version))
-            return "lal_version={}, lal_git_version={}".format(lal_version, lal_git_version)
-        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-            return "N/A"
-    @property
-    def lalsimulation_version(self):
-        try:
-            from lalsimulation import git_version, __version__
-            lalsim_version = str(__version__)
-            logger.info("Using lalsimulation version {}".format(lalsim_version))
-            lalsim_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
-            logger.info("Using lalsimulation git version {}".format(lalsim_git_version))
-            return "lalsimulation_version={}, lalsimulation_git_version={}".format(lalsim_version, lalsim_git_version)
-        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-            return "N/A"
-    @property
-    def meta_data(self):
-        return dict(
-            interferometers=self.interferometers.meta_data,
-            time_marginalization=self.time_marginalization,
-            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization,
-            distance_marginalization=self.distance_marginalization,
-            calibration_marginalization=self.calibration_marginalization,
-            waveform_generator_class=self.waveform_generator.__class__,
-            waveform_arguments=self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments,
-            frequency_domain_source_model=self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_source_model,
-            parameter_conversion=self.waveform_generator.parameter_conversion,
-            sampling_frequency=self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency,
-            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration,
-            start_time=self.waveform_generator.start_time,
-            time_reference=self.time_reference,
-            reference_frame=self._reference_frame_str,
-            lal_version=self.lal_version,
-            lalsimulation_version=self.lalsimulation_version)
-class BasicGravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
-    def __init__(self, interferometers, waveform_generator):
-        """
-        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
-        some model parameters
-        The simplest frequency-domain gravitational wave transient likelihood. Does
-        not include distance/phase marginalization.
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        interferometers: list
-            A list of `bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
-            detector data and power spectral densities
-        waveform_generator: bilby.gw.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator
-            An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
-            given some set of parameters
-        """
-        super(BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
-        self.interferometers = interferometers
-        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={})'\
-            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator)
-    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
-        """ Calculates the real part of noise log-likelihood
-        Returns
-        =======
-        float: The real part of the noise log likelihood
-        """
-        log_l = 0
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            log_l -= 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.sum(
-                abs(interferometer.frequency_domain_strain) ** 2 /
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
-        return log_l.real
-    def log_likelihood(self):
-        """ Calculates the real part of log-likelihood value
-        Returns
-        =======
-        float: The real part of the log likelihood
-        """
-        log_l = 0
-        waveform_polarizations =\
-            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
-                self.parameters.copy())
-        if waveform_polarizations is None:
-            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            log_l += self.log_likelihood_interferometer(
-                waveform_polarizations, interferometer)
-        return log_l.real
-    def log_likelihood_interferometer(self, waveform_polarizations,
-                                      interferometer):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        waveform_polarizations: dict
-            Dictionary containing the desired waveform polarization modes and the related strain
-        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
-            The Interferometer object we want to have the log-likelihood for
-        Returns
-        =======
-        float: The real part of the log-likelihood for this interferometer
-        """
-        signal_ifo = interferometer.get_detector_response(
-            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
-        log_l = - 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.vdot(
-            interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo,
-            (interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo) /
-            interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
-        return log_l.real
-class ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
-    """A reduced order quadrature likelihood object
-    This uses the method described in Smith et al., (2016) Phys. Rev. D 94,
-    044031. A public repository of the ROQ data is available from
-    https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/ROQ_data.
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
-        detector data and power spectral densities
-    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
-        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
-        given some set of parameters
-    linear_matrix: str, array_like
-        Either a string point to the file from which to load the linear_matrix
-        array, or the array itself.
-    quadratic_matrix: str, array_like
-        Either a string point to the file from which to load the
-        quadratic_matrix array, or the array itself.
-    roq_params: str, array_like
-        Parameters describing the domain of validity of the ROQ basis.
-    roq_params_check: bool
-        If true, run tests using the roq_params to check the prior and data are
-        valid for the ROQ
-    roq_scale_factor: float
-        The ROQ scale factor used.
-    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
-        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
-        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
-        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
-    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
-        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
-        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
-        the table.
-        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
-        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
-        provided string or a default location:
-        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
-    reference_frame: (str, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list), optional
-        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
-        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
-          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
-          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
-          and L1.
-    time_reference: str, optional
-        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
-        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center,
-          this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, interferometers, waveform_generator, priors,
-        weights=None, linear_matrix=None, quadratic_matrix=None,
-        roq_params=None, roq_params_check=True, roq_scale_factor=1,
-        distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False,
-        distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None,
-        reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
-    ):
-        super(ROQGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
-            interferometers=interferometers,
-            waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
-            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization,
-            phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
-            time_marginalization=False,
-            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
-            jitter_time=False,
-            reference_frame=reference_frame,
-            time_reference=time_reference
-        )
-        self.roq_params_check = roq_params_check
-        self.roq_scale_factor = roq_scale_factor
-        if isinstance(roq_params, np.ndarray) or roq_params is None:
-            self.roq_params = roq_params
-        elif isinstance(roq_params, str):
-            self.roq_params_file = roq_params
-            self.roq_params = np.genfromtxt(roq_params, names=True)
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("roq_params should be array or str")
-        if isinstance(weights, dict):
-            self.weights = weights
-        elif isinstance(weights, str):
-            self.weights = self.load_weights(weights)
-        else:
-            self.weights = dict()
-            if isinstance(linear_matrix, str):
-                logger.info(
-                    "Loading linear matrix from {}".format(linear_matrix))
-                linear_matrix = np.load(linear_matrix).T
-            if isinstance(quadratic_matrix, str):
-                logger.info(
-                    "Loading quadratic_matrix from {}".format(quadratic_matrix))
-                quadratic_matrix = np.load(quadratic_matrix).T
-            self._set_weights(linear_matrix=linear_matrix,
-                              quadratic_matrix=quadratic_matrix)
-        self.frequency_nodes_linear =\
-            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_linear']
-        self.frequency_nodes_quadratic = \
-            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_quadratic']
-    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
-        """
-        Compute the snrs for ROQ
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        waveform_polarizations: waveform
-        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
-        """
-        f_plus = interferometer.antenna_response(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'plus')
-        f_cross = interferometer.antenna_response(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'cross')
-        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
-        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
-        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
-        calib_linear = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-            self.frequency_nodes_linear,
-            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name), **self.parameters)
-        calib_quadratic = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-            self.frequency_nodes_quadratic,
-            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name), **self.parameters)
-        h_plus_linear = f_plus * waveform_polarizations['linear']['plus'] * calib_linear
-        h_cross_linear = f_cross * waveform_polarizations['linear']['cross'] * calib_linear
-        h_plus_quadratic = (
-            f_plus * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['plus'] * calib_quadratic)
-        h_cross_quadratic = (
-            f_cross * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['cross'] * calib_quadratic)
-        indices, in_bounds = self._closest_time_indices(
-            ifo_time, self.weights['time_samples'])
-        if not in_bounds:
-            logger.debug("SNR calculation error: requested time at edge of ROQ time samples")
-            return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-                d_inner_h=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf), optimal_snr_squared=0,
-                complex_matched_filter_snr=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf),
-                d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
-                d_inner_h_array=None,
-                optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
-        d_inner_h_tc_array = np.einsum(
-            'i,ji->j', np.conjugate(h_plus_linear + h_cross_linear),
-            self.weights[interferometer.name + '_linear'][indices])
-        d_inner_h = self._interp_five_samples(
-            self.weights['time_samples'][indices], d_inner_h_tc_array, ifo_time)
-        optimal_snr_squared = \
-            np.vdot(np.abs(h_plus_quadratic + h_cross_quadratic)**2,
-                    self.weights[interferometer.name + '_quadratic'])
-        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
-            complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
-        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = None
-        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
-            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
-            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=d_inner_h_squared_tc_array,
-            d_inner_h_array=None,
-            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _closest_time_indices(time, samples):
-        """
-        Get the closest five times
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        time: float
-            Time to check
-        samples: array-like
-            Available times
-        Returns
-        =======
-        indices: list
-            Indices nearest to time
-        in_bounds: bool
-            Whether the indices are for valid times
-        """
-        closest = int((time - samples[0]) / (samples[1] - samples[0]))
-        indices = [closest + ii for ii in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]]
-        in_bounds = (indices[0] >= 0) & (indices[-1] < samples.size)
-        return indices, in_bounds
-    @staticmethod
-    def _interp_five_samples(time_samples, values, time):
-        """
-        Interpolate a function of time with its values at the closest five times.
-        The algorithm is explained in https://dcc.ligo.org/T2100224.
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        time_samples: array-like
-            Closest 5 times
-        values: array-like
-            The values of the function at closest 5 times
-        time: float
-            Time at which the function is calculated
-        Returns
-        =======
-        value: float
-            The value of the function at the input time
-        """
-        r1 = (-values[0] + 8. * values[1] - 14. * values[2] + 8. * values[3] - values[4]) / 4.
-        r2 = values[2] - 2. * values[3] + values[4]
-        a = (time_samples[3] - time) / (time_samples[1] - time_samples[0])
-        b = 1. - a
-        c = (a**3. - a) / 6.
-        d = (b**3. - b) / 6.
-        return a * values[2] + b * values[3] + c * r1 + d * r2
-    def perform_roq_params_check(self, ifo=None):
-        """ Perform checking that the prior and data are valid for the ROQ
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        ifo: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
-            The interferometer
-        """
-        if self.roq_params_check is False:
-            logger.warning("No ROQ params checking performed")
-            return
-        else:
-            if getattr(self, "roq_params_file", None) is not None:
-                msg = ("Check ROQ params {} with roq_scale_factor={}"
-                       .format(self.roq_params_file, self.roq_scale_factor))
-            else:
-                msg = ("Check ROQ params with roq_scale_factor={}"
-                       .format(self.roq_scale_factor))
-            logger.info(msg)
-        roq_params = self.roq_params
-        roq_minimum_frequency = roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_maximum_frequency = roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_segment_length = roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_minimum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_maximum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmax'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_minimum_component_mass = roq_params['compmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        if ifo.maximum_frequency > roq_maximum_frequency:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Requested maximum frequency {} larger than ROQ basis fhigh {}"
-                .format(ifo.maximum_frequency, roq_maximum_frequency))
-        if ifo.minimum_frequency < roq_minimum_frequency:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Requested minimum frequency {} lower than ROQ basis flow {}"
-                .format(ifo.minimum_frequency, roq_minimum_frequency))
-        if ifo.strain_data.duration != roq_segment_length:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Requested duration differs from ROQ basis seglen")
-        priors = self.priors
-        if isinstance(priors, CBCPriorDict) is False:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check ROQ parameter bounds: priors not understood")
-            return
-        if priors.minimum_chirp_mass is None:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum chirp mass ROQ bounds")
-        elif priors.minimum_chirp_mass < roq_minimum_chirp_mass:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Prior minimum chirp mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
-                .format(priors.minimum_chirp_mass,
-                        roq_minimum_chirp_mass))
-        if priors.maximum_chirp_mass is None:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check maximum_chirp mass ROQ bounds")
-        elif priors.maximum_chirp_mass > roq_maximum_chirp_mass:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Prior maximum chirp mass {} greater than ROQ basis bound {}"
-                .format(priors.maximum_chirp_mass,
-                        roq_maximum_chirp_mass))
-        if priors.minimum_component_mass is None:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum component mass ROQ bounds")
-        elif priors.minimum_component_mass < roq_minimum_component_mass:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Prior minimum component mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
-                .format(priors.minimum_component_mass,
-                        roq_minimum_component_mass))
-    def _set_weights(self, linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix):
-        """
-        Setup the time-dependent ROQ weights.
-        See https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T2100125 for the detail of how to compute them.
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix: array_like
-            Arrays of the linear and quadratic basis
-        """
-        time_space = self._get_time_resolution()
-        number_of_time_samples = int(self.interferometers.duration / time_space)
-        try:
-            import pyfftw
-            ifft_input = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
-            ifft_output = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
-            ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(ifft_input, ifft_output, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')
-        except ImportError:
-            pyfftw = None
-            logger.warning("You do not have pyfftw installed, falling back to numpy.fft.")
-            ifft_input = np.zeros(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
-            ifft = np.fft.ifft
-        earth_light_crossing_time = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light + 5 * time_space
-        start_idx = max(0, int(np.floor((self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].minimum -
-                        earth_light_crossing_time - self.interferometers.start_time) / time_space)))
-        end_idx = min(number_of_time_samples - 1, int(np.ceil((
-                      self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].maximum + earth_light_crossing_time -
-                      self.interferometers.start_time) / time_space)))
-        self.weights['time_samples'] = np.arange(start_idx, end_idx + 1) * time_space
-        logger.info("Using {} ROQ time samples".format(len(self.weights['time_samples'])))
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            if self.roq_params is not None:
-                self.perform_roq_params_check(ifo)
-                # Get scaled ROQ quantities
-                roq_scaled_minimum_frequency = self.roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-                roq_scaled_maximum_frequency = self.roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-                roq_scaled_segment_length = self.roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-                # Generate frequencies for the ROQ
-                roq_frequencies = create_frequency_series(
-                    sampling_frequency=roq_scaled_maximum_frequency * 2,
-                    duration=roq_scaled_segment_length)
-                roq_mask = roq_frequencies >= roq_scaled_minimum_frequency
-                roq_frequencies = roq_frequencies[roq_mask]
-                overlap_frequencies, ifo_idxs, roq_idxs = np.intersect1d(
-                    ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask], roq_frequencies,
-                    return_indices=True)
-            else:
-                overlap_frequencies = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-                roq_idxs = np.arange(linear_matrix.shape[0], dtype=int)
-                ifo_idxs = np.arange(sum(ifo.frequency_mask))
-                if len(ifo_idxs) != len(roq_idxs):
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        "Mismatch between ROQ basis and frequency array for "
-                        "{}".format(ifo.name))
-            logger.info(
-                "Building ROQ weights for {} with {} frequencies between {} "
-                "and {}.".format(
-                    ifo.name, len(overlap_frequencies),
-                    min(overlap_frequencies), max(overlap_frequencies)))
-            ifft_input[:] *= 0.
-            self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'] = \
-                np.zeros((len(self.weights['time_samples']), linear_matrix.shape[1]), dtype=complex)
-            data_over_psd = ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs] / \
-                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs]
-            nonzero_idxs = ifo_idxs + int(ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask][0] * self.interferometers.duration)
-            for i, basis_element in enumerate(linear_matrix[roq_idxs].T):
-                ifft_input[nonzero_idxs] = data_over_psd * np.conj(basis_element)
-                self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'][:, i] = ifft(ifft_input)[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-            self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'] *= 4. * number_of_time_samples / self.interferometers.duration
-            self.weights[ifo.name + '_quadratic'] = build_roq_weights(
-                1 /
-                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs],
-                quadratic_matrix[roq_idxs].real,
-                1 / ifo.strain_data.duration)
-            logger.info("Finished building weights for {}".format(ifo.name))
-        if pyfftw is not None:
-            pyfftw.forget_wisdom()
-    def save_weights(self, filename, format='npz'):
-        if format not in filename:
-            filename += "." + format
-        logger.info("Saving ROQ weights to {}".format(filename))
-        if format == 'json':
-            with open(filename, 'w') as file:
-                json.dump(self.weights, file, indent=2, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder)
-        elif format == 'npz':
-            np.savez(filename, **self.weights)
-    @staticmethod
-    def load_weights(filename, format=None):
-        if format is None:
-            format = filename.split(".")[-1]
-        if format not in ["json", "npz"]:
-            raise IOError("Format {} not recognized.".format(format))
-        logger.info("Loading ROQ weights from {}".format(filename))
-        if format == "json":
-            with open(filename, 'r') as file:
-                weights = json.load(file, object_hook=decode_bilby_json)
-        elif format == "npz":
-            # Wrap in dict to load data into memory
-            weights = dict(np.load(filename))
-        return weights
-    def _get_time_resolution(self):
-        """
-        This method estimates the time resolution given the optimal SNR of the
-        signal in the detector. This is then used when constructing the weights
-        for the ROQ.
-        A minimum resolution is set by assuming the SNR in each detector is at
-        least 10. When the SNR is not available the SNR is assumed to be 30 in
-        each detector.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        delta_t: float
-            Time resolution
-        """
-        def calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=20.):
-            """
-            Parameters
-            ==========
-            freq: array-like
-                Frequency array
-            psd: array-like
-                Power spectral density
-            scaling: float
-                SNR dependent scaling factor
-            Returns
-            =======
-            f_high: float
-                The maximum frequency which must be considered
-            """
-            from scipy.integrate import simps
-            integrand1 = np.power(freq, -7. / 3) / psd
-            integral1 = simps(integrand1, freq)
-            integrand3 = np.power(freq, 2. / 3.) / (psd * integral1)
-            f_3_bar = simps(integrand3, freq)
-            f_high = scaling * f_3_bar**(1 / 3)
-            return f_high
-        def c_f_scaling(snr):
-            return (np.pi**2 * snr**2 / 6)**(1 / 3)
-        inj_snr_sq = 0
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            inj_snr_sq += max(10, ifo.meta_data.get('optimal_SNR', 30))**2
-        psd = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-        freq = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-        fhigh = calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=c_f_scaling(inj_snr_sq**0.5))
-        delta_t = fhigh**-1
-        # Apply a safety factor to ensure the time step is short enough
-        delta_t = delta_t / 5
-        # duration / delta_t needs to be a power of 2 for IFFT
-        number_of_time_samples = max(
-            self.interferometers.duration / delta_t,
-            self.interferometers.frequency_array[-1] * self.interferometers.duration + 1)
-        number_of_time_samples = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(number_of_time_samples)))
-        delta_t = self.interferometers.duration / number_of_time_samples
-        logger.info("ROQ time-step = {}".format(delta_t))
-        return delta_t
-    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
-        for kind in ['linear', 'quadratic']:
-            for mode in signal[kind]:
-                signal[kind][mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
-def get_binary_black_hole_likelihood(interferometers):
-    """ A wrapper to quickly set up a likelihood for BBH parameter estimation
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    interferometers: {bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list}
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances, typically the
-        output of either `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_open_data`
-        or `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`
-    Returns
-    =======
-    bilby.GravitationalWaveTransient: The likelihood to pass to `run_sampler`
-    """
-    waveform_generator = WaveformGenerator(
-        duration=interferometers.duration,
-        sampling_frequency=interferometers.sampling_frequency,
-        frequency_domain_source_model=lal_binary_black_hole,
-        waveform_arguments={'waveform_approximant': 'IMRPhenomPv2',
-                            'reference_frequency': 50})
-    return GravitationalWaveTransient(interferometers, waveform_generator)
-class BilbyROQParamsRangeError(Exception):
-    pass
-class MBGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
-    """A multi-banded likelihood object
-    This uses the method described in S. Morisaki, 2021, arXiv: 2104.07813.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the detector data and power spectral densities
-    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
-        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal, given some set of parameters
-    reference_chirp_mass: float
-        A reference chirp mass for determining the frequency banding
-    highest_mode: int, optional
-        The maximum magnetic number of gravitational-wave moments. Default is 2
-    linear_interpolation: bool, optional
-        If True, the linear-interpolation method is used for the computation of (h, h). If False, the IFFT-FFT method
-        is used. Default is True.
-    accuracy_factor: float, optional
-        A parameter to determine the accuracy of multi-banding. The larger this factor is, the more accurate the
-        approximation is. This corresponds to L in the paper. Default is 5.
-    time_offset: float, optional
-        (end time of data) - (maximum arrival time). If None, it is inferred from the prior of geocent time.
-    delta_f_end: float, optional
-        The frequency scale with which waveforms at the high-frequency end are smoothed. If None, it is determined from
-        the prior of geocent time.
-    maximum_banding_frequency: float, optional
-        A maximum frequency for multi-banding. If specified, the low-frequency limit of a band does not exceed it.
-    minimum_banding_duration: float, optional
-        A minimum duration for multi-banding. If specified, the duration of a band is not smaller than it.
-    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood. This uses a look up table calculated at run time. The
-        distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum distance allowed in the prior being marginalised
-        over.
-    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood. This is done analytically using a Bessel function. The phase
-        prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
-    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
-        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
-    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
-        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array, (distance) prior_array, and
-        reference_distance used to construct the table. If a string the name of a file containing these quantities. The
-        lookup table is stored after construction in either the provided string or a default location:
-        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
-    reference_frame: (str, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list), optional
-        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
-        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
-          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the frame where the z-axis is aligned the the
-          vector connecting H1 and L1.
-    time_reference: str, optional
-        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
-        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center, this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
-    Returns
-    -------
-    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
-        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given some model parameters
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, interferometers, waveform_generator, reference_chirp_mass, highest_mode=2, linear_interpolation=True,
-        accuracy_factor=5, time_offset=None, delta_f_end=None, maximum_banding_frequency=None,
-        minimum_banding_duration=0., distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, priors=None,
-        distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
-    ):
-        super(MBGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
-            interferometers=interferometers, waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
-            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization, phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
-            time_marginalization=False, distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
-            jitter_time=False, reference_frame=reference_frame, time_reference=time_reference
-        )
-        self.reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
-        self.highest_mode = highest_mode
-        self.linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
-        self.accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
-        self.time_offset = time_offset
-        self.delta_f_end = delta_f_end
-        self.minimum_frequency = np.min([i.minimum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
-        self.maximum_frequency = np.max([i.maximum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
-        self.maximum_banding_frequency = maximum_banding_frequency
-        self.minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
-        self.setup_multibanding()
-    @property
-    def reference_chirp_mass(self):
-        return self._reference_chirp_mass
-    @property
-    def reference_chirp_mass_in_second(self):
-        return gravitational_constant * self._reference_chirp_mass * solar_mass / speed_of_light**3.
-    @reference_chirp_mass.setter
-    def reference_chirp_mass(self, reference_chirp_mass):
-        if isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, int) or isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, float):
-            self._reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("reference_chirp_mass must be a number")
-    @property
-    def highest_mode(self):
-        return self._highest_mode
-    @highest_mode.setter
-    def highest_mode(self, highest_mode):
-        if isinstance(highest_mode, int) or isinstance(highest_mode, float):
-            self._highest_mode = highest_mode
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("highest_mode must be a number")
-    @property
-    def linear_interpolation(self):
-        return self._linear_interpolation
-    @linear_interpolation.setter
-    def linear_interpolation(self, linear_interpolation):
-        if isinstance(linear_interpolation, bool):
-            self._linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("linear_interpolation must be a bool")
-    @property
-    def accuracy_factor(self):
-        return self._accuracy_factor
-    @accuracy_factor.setter
-    def accuracy_factor(self, accuracy_factor):
-        if isinstance(accuracy_factor, int) or isinstance(accuracy_factor, float):
-            self._accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("accuracy_factor must be a number")
-    @property
-    def time_offset(self):
-        return self._time_offset
-    @time_offset.setter
-    def time_offset(self, time_offset):
-        """
-        This sets the time offset assumed when frequency bands are constructed. The default value is (the
-        maximum offset of geocent time in the prior range) +  (light-traveling time of the Earth). If the
-        prior does not contain 'geocent_time', 2.12 seconds is used. It is calculated assuming that the
-        maximum offset of geocent time is 2.1 seconds, which is the value for the standard prior used by
-        LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
-        """
-        if time_offset is not None:
-            if isinstance(time_offset, int) or isinstance(time_offset, float):
-                self._time_offset = time_offset
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("time_offset must be a number")
-        elif self.priors is not None and 'geocent_time' in self.priors:
-            self._time_offset = self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration \
-                - self.priors['geocent_time'].minimum + radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
-        else:
-            self._time_offset = 2.12
-            logger.warning("time offset can not be inferred. Use the standard time offset of {} seconds.".format(
-                self._time_offset))
-    @property
-    def delta_f_end(self):
-        return self._delta_f_end
-    @delta_f_end.setter
-    def delta_f_end(self, delta_f_end):
-        """
-        This sets the frequency scale of tapering the high-frequency end of waveform, to avoid the issues of
-        abrupt termination of waveform described in Sec. 2. F of arXiv: 2104.07813. This needs to be much
-        larger than the inverse of the minimum time offset, and the default value is 100 times of that. If
-        the prior does not contain 'geocent_time' and the minimum time offset can not be computed, 53Hz is
-        used. It is computed assuming that the minimum offset of geocent time is 1.9 seconds, which is the
-        value for the standard prior used by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
-        """
-        if delta_f_end is not None:
-            if isinstance(delta_f_end, int) or isinstance(delta_f_end, float):
-                self._delta_f_end = delta_f_end
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("delta_f_end must be a number")
-        elif self.priors is not None and 'geocent_time' in self.priors:
-            self._delta_f_end = 100. / (self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
-                                        - self.priors['geocent_time'].maximum - radius_of_earth / speed_of_light)
-        else:
-            self._delta_f_end = 53.
-            logger.warning("delta_f_end can not be inferred. Use the standard delta_f_end of {} Hz.".format(
-                self._delta_f_end))
-    @property
-    def maximum_banding_frequency(self):
-        return self._maximum_banding_frequency
-    @maximum_banding_frequency.setter
-    def maximum_banding_frequency(self, maximum_banding_frequency):
-        """
-        This sets the upper limit on a starting frequency of a band. The default value is the frequency at
-        which f - 1 / \sqrt(- d\tau / df) starts to decrease, because the bisection search of the starting
-        frequency does not work from that frequency. The stationary phase approximation is not valid at such
-        a high frequency, which can break down the approximation. It is calculated from the 0PN formula of
-        time-to-merger \tau(f). The user-specified frequency is used if it is lower than that frequency.
-        """
-        fmax_tmp = (15. / 968.)**(3. / 5.) * (self.highest_mode / (2. * np.pi))**(8. / 5.) \
-            / self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
-        if maximum_banding_frequency is not None:
-            if isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, int) or isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, float):
-                if maximum_banding_frequency < fmax_tmp:
-                    fmax_tmp = maximum_banding_frequency
-                else:
-                    logger.warning("The input maximum_banding_frequency is too large."
-                                   "It is set to be {} Hz.".format(fmax_tmp))
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("maximum_banding_frequency must be a number")
-        self._maximum_banding_frequency = fmax_tmp
-    @property
-    def minimum_banding_duration(self):
-        return self._minimum_banding_duration
-    @minimum_banding_duration.setter
-    def minimum_banding_duration(self, minimum_banding_duration):
-        if isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, int) or isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, float):
-            self._minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("minimum_banding_duration must be a number")
-    def setup_multibanding(self):
-        """Set up frequency bands and coefficients needed for likelihood evaluations"""
-        self._setup_frequency_bands()
-        self._setup_integers()
-        self._setup_waveform_frequency_points()
-        self._setup_linear_coefficients()
-        if self.linear_interpolation:
-            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp()
-        else:
-            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft()
-    def _tau(self, f):
-        """Compute time-to-merger from the input frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        f: float
-            input frequency
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tau: float
-            time-to-merger
-        """
-        f_22 = 2. * f / self.highest_mode
-        return 5. / 256. * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * \
-            (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22)**(-8. / 3.)
-    def _dtaudf(self, f):
-        """Compute the derivative of time-to-merger with respect to a starting frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        f: float
-            input frequency
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dtaudf: float
-            derivative of time-to-merger
-        """
-        f_22 = 2. * f / self.highest_mode
-        return -5. / 96. * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * \
-            (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22)**(-8. / 3.) / f
-    def _find_starting_frequency(self, duration, fnow):
-        """Find the starting frequency of the next band satisfying (10) and
-        (51) of arXiv: 2104.07813.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        duration: float
-            duration of the next band
-        fnow: float
-            starting frequency of the current band
-        Returns
-        -------
-        fnext: float or None
-            starting frequency of the next band. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not exist.
-        dfnext: float or None
-            frequency scale with which waveforms are smoothed. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not
-            exist.
-        """
-        def _is_above_fnext(f):
-            "This function returns True if f > fnext"
-            cond1 = duration - self.time_offset - self._tau(f) - \
-                self.accuracy_factor * np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f)) > 0.
-            cond2 = f - 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f)) - fnow > 0.
-            return cond1 and cond2
-        # Bisection search for fnext
-        fmin, fmax = fnow, self.maximum_banding_frequency
-        if not _is_above_fnext(fmax):
-            return None, None
-        while fmax - fmin > 1e-2 / duration:
-            f = (fmin + fmax) / 2.
-            if _is_above_fnext(f):
-                fmax = f
-            else:
-                fmin = f
-        return f, 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f))
-    def _setup_frequency_bands(self):
-        """Set up frequency bands. The durations of bands geometrically decrease T, T/2. T/4, ..., where T is the
-        original duration. This sets the following instance variables.
-        durations: durations of bands (T^(b) in the paper)
-        fb_dfb: the list of tuples, which contain starting frequencies (f^(b) in the paper) and frequency scales for
-        smoothing waveforms (\Delta f^(b) in the paper) of bands
-        """
-        self.durations = [self.interferometers.duration]
-        self.fb_dfb = [(self.minimum_frequency, 0.)]
-        dnext = self.interferometers.duration / 2
-        while dnext > max(self.time_offset, self.minimum_banding_duration):
-            fnow, _ = self.fb_dfb[-1]
-            fnext, dfnext = self._find_starting_frequency(dnext, fnow)
-            if fnext is not None and fnext < min(self.maximum_frequency, self.maximum_banding_frequency):
-                self.durations.append(dnext)
-                self.fb_dfb.append((fnext, dfnext))
-                dnext /= 2
-            else:
-                break
-        self.fb_dfb.append((self.maximum_frequency + self.delta_f_end, self.delta_f_end))
-        logger.info("The total frequency range is divided into {} bands with frequency intervals of {}.".format(
-            len(self.durations), ", ".join(["1/{} Hz".format(d) for d in self.durations])))
-    def _setup_integers(self):
-        """Set up integers needed for likelihood evaluations. This sets the following instance variables.
-        Nbs: the numbers of samples of downsampled data (N^(b) in the paper)
-        Mbs: the numbers of samples of shortened data (M^(b) in the paper)
-        Ks_Ke: start and end frequency indices of bands (K^(b)_s and K^(b)_e in the paper)
-        """
-        self.Nbs = []
-        self.Mbs = []
-        self.Ks_Ke = []
-        for b in range(len(self.durations)):
-            dnow = self.durations[b]
-            fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
-            fnext, _ = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
-            Nb = max(round_up_to_power_of_two(2. * (fnext * self.interferometers.duration + 1.)), 2**b)
-            self.Nbs.append(Nb)
-            self.Mbs.append(Nb // 2**b)
-            self.Ks_Ke.append((math.ceil((fnow - dfnow) * dnow), math.floor(fnext * dnow)))
-    def _setup_waveform_frequency_points(self):
-        """Set up frequency points where waveforms are evaluated. Frequency points are reordered because some waveform
-        models raise an error if the input frequencies are not increasing. This adds frequency_points into the
-        waveform_arguments of waveform_generator. This sets the following instance variables.
-        banded_frequency_points: ndarray of total banded frequency points
-        start_end_idxs: list of tuples containing start and end indices of each band
-        unique_to_original_frequencies: indices converting unique frequency
-        points into the original duplicated banded frequencies
-        """
-        self.banded_frequency_points = np.array([])
-        self.start_end_idxs = []
-        start_idx = 0
-        for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-            d = self.durations[i]
-            Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[i]
-            self.banded_frequency_points = np.append(self.banded_frequency_points, np.arange(Ks, Ke + 1) / d)
-            end_idx = start_idx + Ke - Ks
-            self.start_end_idxs.append((start_idx, end_idx))
-            start_idx = end_idx + 1
-        unique_frequencies, idxs = np.unique(self.banded_frequency_points, return_inverse=True)
-        self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequencies'] = unique_frequencies
-        self.unique_to_original_frequencies = idxs
-        logger.info("The number of frequency points where waveforms are evaluated is {}.".format(
-            len(unique_frequencies)))
-        logger.info("The speed-up gain of multi-banding is {}.".format(
-            (self.maximum_frequency - self.minimum_frequency) * self.interferometers.duration /
-            len(unique_frequencies)))
-    def _window(self, f, b):
-        """Compute window function in the b-th band
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        f: float or ndarray
-            frequency at which the window function is computed
-        b: int
-        Returns
-        -------
-        window: float
-            window function at f
-        """
-        fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
-        fnext, dfnext = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
-        @np.vectorize
-        def _vectorized_window(f):
-            if fnow - dfnow < f < fnow:
-                return (1. + np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnow) / dfnow)) / 2.
-            elif fnow <= f <= fnext - dfnext:
-                return 1.
-            elif fnext - dfnext < f < fnext:
-                return (1. - np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnext) / dfnext)) / 2.
-            else:
-                return 0.
-        return _vectorized_window(f)
-    def _setup_linear_coefficients(self):
-        """Set up coefficients by which waveforms are multiplied to compute (d, h)"""
-        self.linear_coeffs = dict((ifo.name, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        N = self.Nbs[-1]
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            logger.info("Pre-computing linear coefficients for {}".format(ifo.name))
-            fddata = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1, dtype=complex)
-            fddata[:len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)][ifo.frequency_mask] += \
-                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask] / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
-                windows = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1], b)
-                fddata_in_ith_band = np.copy(fddata[:int(self.Nbs[b] / 2 + 1)])
-                fddata_in_ith_band[-1] = 0.  # zeroing data at the Nyquist frequency
-                tddata = np.fft.irfft(fddata_in_ith_band)[-self.Mbs[b]:]
-                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
-                fddata_in_ith_band = np.fft.rfft(tddata)[Ks:Ke + 1]
-                self.linear_coeffs[ifo.name] = np.append(
-                    self.linear_coeffs[ifo.name], (4. / self.durations[b]) * windows * np.conj(fddata_in_ith_band))
-    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp(self):
-        """Set up coefficients by which the squares of waveforms are multiplied to compute (h, h) for the
-        linear-interpolation algorithm"""
-        logger.info("Linear-interpolation algorithm is used for (h, h).")
-        self.quadratic_coeffs = dict((ifo.name, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        N = self.Nbs[-1]
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            logger.info("Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(ifo.name))
-            full_frequencies = np.arange(N // 2 + 1) / ifo.duration
-            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
-            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = \
-                1. / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-            for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[i]
-                banded_frequencies = self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-                coeffs = np.zeros(len(banded_frequencies))
-                for k in range(len(coeffs) - 1):
-                    if k == 0:
-                        start_idx_in_sum = 0
-                    else:
-                        start_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k])
-                    if k == len(coeffs) - 2:
-                        end_idx_in_sum = len(full_frequencies) - 1
-                    else:
-                        end_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k + 1]) - 1
-                    window_over_psd = full_inv_psds[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1] \
-                        * self._window(full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1], i)
-                    frequencies_in_sum = full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1]
-                    coeffs[k] += 4. * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration * np.sum(
-                        (banded_frequencies[k + 1] - frequencies_in_sum) * window_over_psd)
-                    coeffs[k + 1] += 4. * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration \
-                        * np.sum((frequencies_in_sum - banded_frequencies[k]) * window_over_psd)
-                self.quadratic_coeffs[ifo.name] = np.append(self.quadratic_coeffs[ifo.name], coeffs)
-    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft(self):
-        """Set up coefficients needed for the IFFT-FFT algorithm to compute (h, h)"""
-        logger.info("IFFT-FFT algorithm is used for (h, h).")
-        N = self.Nbs[-1]
-        # variables defined below correspond to \hat{N}^(b), \hat{T}^(b), \tilde{I}^(b)_{c, k}, h^(b)_{c, m} and
-        # \sqrt{w^(b)(f^(b)_k)} \tilde{h}(f^(b)_k) in the paper
-        Nhatbs = [min(2 * Mb, Nb) for Mb, Nb in zip(self.Mbs, self.Nbs)]
-        self.Tbhats = [self.interferometers.duration * Nbhat / Nb for Nb, Nbhat in zip(self.Nbs, Nhatbs)]
-        self.Ibcs = dict((ifo.name, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        self.hbcs = dict((ifo.name, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        self.wths = dict((ifo.name, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            logger.info("Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(ifo.name))
-            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
-            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = 1. / \
-                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                Imb = np.fft.irfft(full_inv_psds[:self.Nbs[b] // 2 + 1])
-                half_length = Nhatbs[b] // 2
-                Imbc = np.append(Imb[:half_length + 1], Imb[-(Nhatbs[b] - half_length - 1):])
-                self.Ibcs[ifo.name].append(np.fft.rfft(Imbc))
-                # Allocate arrays for IFFT-FFT operations
-                self.hbcs[ifo.name].append(np.zeros(Nhatbs[b]))
-                self.wths[ifo.name].append(np.zeros(self.Mbs[b] // 2 + 1, dtype=complex))
-        # precompute windows and their squares
-        self.windows = np.array([])
-        self.square_root_windows = np.array([])
-        for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-            start, end = self.start_end_idxs[b]
-            ws = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start:end + 1], b)
-            self.windows = np.append(self.windows, ws)
-            self.square_root_windows = np.append(self.square_root_windows, np.sqrt(ws))
-    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
-        """
-        Compute the snrs for multi-banding
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        waveform_polarizations: waveform
-        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
-        Returns
-        -------
-        snrs: named tuple of snrs
-        """
-        f_plus = interferometer.antenna_response(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'plus')
-        f_cross = interferometer.antenna_response(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'cross')
-        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
-        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
-        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
-        calib_factor = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-            self.banded_frequency_points, prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name), **self.parameters)
-        h = f_plus * waveform_polarizations['plus'][self.unique_to_original_frequencies] \
-            + f_cross * waveform_polarizations['cross'][self.unique_to_original_frequencies]
-        h *= np.exp(-1j * 2. * np.pi * self.banded_frequency_points * ifo_time)
-        h *= np.conjugate(calib_factor)
-        d_inner_h = np.dot(h, self.linear_coeffs[interferometer.name])
-        if self.linear_interpolation:
-            optimal_snr_squared = np.vdot(np.real(h * np.conjugate(h)), self.quadratic_coeffs[interferometer.name])
-        else:
-            optimal_snr_squared = 0.
-            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
-                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
-                Mb = self.Mbs[b]
-                if b == 0:
-                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.interferometers.duration) * np.vdot(
-                        np.real(h[start_idx:end_idx + 1] * np.conjugate(h[start_idx:end_idx + 1])),
-                        interferometer.frequency_mask[Ks:Ke + 1] * self.windows[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-                        / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[Ks:Ke + 1])
-                else:
-                    self.wths[interferometer.name][b][Ks:Ke + 1] = self.square_root_windows[start_idx:end_idx + 1] \
-                        * h[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-                    self.hbcs[interferometer.name][b][-Mb:] = np.fft.irfft(self.wths[interferometer.name][b])
-                    thbc = np.fft.rfft(self.hbcs[interferometer.name][b])
-                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.Tbhats[b]) * np.vdot(
-                        np.real(thbc * np.conjugate(thbc)), self.Ibcs[interferometer.name][b])
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
-        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
-            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
-            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
-            d_inner_h_array=None,
-            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
-    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
-        for mode in signal:
-            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/__init__.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88fb527ad579513e39c4cda69e0d20a9c1d38e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from .base import GravitationalWaveTransient
+from .basic import BasicGravitationalWaveTransient
+from .roq import BilbyROQParamsRangeError, ROQGravitationalWaveTransient
+from .multiband import MBGravitationalWaveTransient
+from ..source import lal_binary_black_hole
+from ..waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
+def get_binary_black_hole_likelihood(interferometers):
+    """ A wrapper to quickly set up a likelihood for BBH parameter estimation
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    interferometers: {bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list}
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances, typically the
+        output of either `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_open_data`
+        or `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`
+    Returns
+    =======
+    bilby.GravitationalWaveTransient: The likelihood to pass to `run_sampler`
+    """
+    waveform_generator = WaveformGenerator(
+        duration=interferometers.duration,
+        sampling_frequency=interferometers.sampling_frequency,
+        frequency_domain_source_model=lal_binary_black_hole,
+        waveform_arguments={'waveform_approximant': 'IMRPhenomPv2',
+                            'reference_frequency': 50})
+    return GravitationalWaveTransient(interferometers, waveform_generator)
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/base.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b468ff67ed793a9644288b08d5b0b0758d37ca49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+import os
+import copy
+import attr
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy.special import logsumexp
+from ...core.likelihood import Likelihood
+from ...core.utils import logger, UnsortedInterp2d, create_time_series
+from ...core.prior import Interped, Prior, Uniform, PriorDict, DeltaFunction
+from ..detector import InterferometerList, get_empty_interferometer, calibration
+from ..prior import BBHPriorDict, Cosmological
+from ..utils import noise_weighted_inner_product, zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec, ln_i0
+class GravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
+    """ A gravitational-wave transient likelihood object
+    This is the usual likelihood object to use for transient gravitational
+    wave parameter estimation. It computes the log-likelihood in the frequency
+    domain assuming a colored Gaussian noise model described by a power
+    spectral density. See Thrane & Talbot (2019), arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293.
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
+        detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+        given some set of parameters
+    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood.
+        This uses a look up table calculated at run time.
+        The distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum
+        distance allowed in the prior being marginalised over.
+    time_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over time in the likelihood.
+        This uses a FFT to calculate the likelihood over a regularly spaced
+        grid.
+        In order to cover the whole space the prior is set to be uniform over
+        the spacing of the array of times.
+        If using time marginalisation and jitter_time is True a "jitter"
+        parameter is added to the prior which modifies the position of the
+        grid of times.
+    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood.
+        This is done analytically using a Bessel function.
+        The phase prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
+    calibration_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over calibration response curves in the likelihood.
+        This is done numerically over a number of calibration response curve realizations.
+    priors: dict, optional
+        If given, used in the distance and phase marginalization.
+        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
+        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
+    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
+        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
+        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
+        the table.
+        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
+        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
+        provided string or a default location:
+        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
+    calibration_lookup_table: dict, optional
+        If a dict, contains the arrays over which to marginalize for each interferometer or the filepaths of the
+        calibration files.
+        If not provided, but calibration_marginalization is used, then the appropriate file is created to
+        contain the curves.
+    number_of_response_curves: int, optional
+        Number of curves from the calibration lookup table to use.
+        Default is 1000.
+    starting_index: int, optional
+        Sets the index for the first realization of the calibration curve to be considered.
+        This, coupled with number_of_response_curves, allows for restricting the set of curves used. This can be used
+        when dealing with large frequency arrays to split the calculation into sections.
+        Defaults to 0.
+    jitter_time: bool, optional
+        Whether to introduce a `time_jitter` parameter. This avoids either
+        missing the likelihood peak, or introducing biases in the
+        reconstructed time posterior due to an insufficient sampling frequency.
+        Default is False, however using this parameter is strongly encouraged.
+    reference_frame: (str, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list), optional
+        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
+        - :code:`sky`: sample in RA/dec, this is the default
+        - e.g., :code:`"H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"])`:
+          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
+          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
+          and L1.
+    time_reference: str, optional
+        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
+        - :code:`geocent`/:code:`geocenter`: sample in the time at the
+          Earth's center, this is the default
+        - e.g., :code:`H1`: sample in the time of arrival at H1
+    Returns
+    =======
+    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
+        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
+        some model parameters
+    """
+    @attr.s
+    class _CalculatedSNRs:
+        d_inner_h = attr.ib()
+        optimal_snr_squared = attr.ib()
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = attr.ib()
+        d_inner_h_array = attr.ib()
+        optimal_snr_squared_array = attr.ib()
+        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = attr.ib()
+    def __init__(
+            self, interferometers, waveform_generator, time_marginalization=False,
+            distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, calibration_marginalization=False, priors=None,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, calibration_lookup_table=None,
+            number_of_response_curves=1000, starting_index=0, jitter_time=True, reference_frame="sky",
+            time_reference="geocenter"
+    ):
+        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
+        super(GravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
+        self.interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
+        self.time_marginalization = time_marginalization
+        self.distance_marginalization = distance_marginalization
+        self.phase_marginalization = phase_marginalization
+        self.calibration_marginalization = calibration_marginalization
+        self.priors = priors
+        self._check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator()
+        self.jitter_time = jitter_time
+        self.reference_frame = reference_frame
+        if "geocent" not in time_reference:
+            self.time_reference = time_reference
+            self.reference_ifo = get_empty_interferometer(self.time_reference)
+            if self.time_marginalization:
+                logger.info("Cannot marginalise over non-geocenter time.")
+                self.time_marginalization = False
+                self.jitter_time = False
+        else:
+            self.time_reference = "geocent"
+            self.reference_ifo = None
+        if self.time_marginalization:
+            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='geocent_time')
+            self._setup_time_marginalization()
+            priors['geocent_time'] = float(self.interferometers.start_time)
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                priors['time_jitter'] = Uniform(
+                    minimum=- self._delta_tc / 2,
+                    maximum=self._delta_tc / 2,
+                    boundary='periodic',
+                    name="time_jitter",
+                    latex_label="$t_j$"
+                )
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('geocent_time')
+        elif self.jitter_time:
+            logger.debug(
+                "Time jittering requested with non-time-marginalised "
+                "likelihood, ignoring.")
+            self.jitter_time = False
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='phase')
+            priors['phase'] = float(0)
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('phase')
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            self._lookup_table_filename = None
+            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='luminosity_distance')
+            self._distance_array = np.linspace(
+                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].minimum,
+                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].maximum, int(1e4))
+            self.distance_prior_array = np.array(
+                [self.priors['luminosity_distance'].prob(distance)
+                 for distance in self._distance_array])
+            self._ref_dist = self.priors['luminosity_distance'].rescale(0.5)
+            self._setup_distance_marginalization(
+                distance_marginalization_lookup_table)
+            for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
+                if key in priors:
+                    del priors[key]
+            priors['luminosity_distance'] = float(self._ref_dist)
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('luminosity_distance')
+        if self.calibration_marginalization:
+            self.number_of_response_curves = number_of_response_curves
+            self.starting_index = starting_index
+            self._setup_calibration_marginalization(calibration_lookup_table)
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('recalib_index')
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={},\n\ttime_marginalization={}, ' \
+                                         'distance_marginalization={}, phase_marginalization={}, ' \
+                                         'calibration_marginalization={}, priors={})' \
+            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator, self.time_marginalization,
+                    self.distance_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization,
+                    self.priors)
+    def _check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator(self):
+        """ Check the waveform_generator has the same duration and
+        sampling_frequency as the interferometers. If they are unset, then
+        set them, if they differ, raise an error
+        """
+        attributes = ['duration', 'sampling_frequency', 'start_time']
+        for attribute in attributes:
+            wfg_attr = getattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute)
+            ifo_attr = getattr(self.interferometers, attribute)
+            if wfg_attr is None:
+                logger.debug(
+                    "The waveform_generator {} is None. Setting from the "
+                    "provided interferometers.".format(attribute))
+            elif wfg_attr != ifo_attr:
+                logger.debug(
+                    "The waveform_generator {} is not equal to that of the "
+                    "provided interferometers. Overwriting the "
+                    "waveform_generator.".format(attribute))
+            setattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute, ifo_attr)
+    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
+        """
+        Compute the snrs
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        waveform_polarizations: dict
+            A dictionary of waveform polarizations and the corresponding array
+        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
+            The bilby interferometer object
+        """
+        signal = interferometer.get_detector_response(
+            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
+        _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
+        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
+            signal[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name][int(self.parameters['recalib_index'])]
+        d_inner_h = interferometer.inner_product(signal=signal)
+        optimal_snr_squared = interferometer.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal)
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
+        d_inner_h_array = None
+        optimal_snr_squared_array = None
+        normalization = 4 / self.waveform_generator.duration
+        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_integrand = np.tile(
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal /
+                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array, (self.number_of_response_curves, 1)).T
+            d_inner_h_integrand[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name].T
+            d_inner_h_array = 4 / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.fft.fft(
+                d_inner_h_integrand[0:-1], axis=0
+            ).T
+            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = (
+                normalization * np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
+            )
+            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.dot(
+                optimal_snr_squared_integrand[_mask],
+                self.calibration_abs_draws[interferometer.name].T
+            )
+        elif self.time_marginalization and not self.calibration_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_array = normalization * np.fft.fft(
+                signal[0:-1]
+                * interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate()[0:-1]
+                / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[0:-1]
+            )
+        elif self.calibration_marginalization and ('recalib_index' not in self.parameters):
+            d_inner_h_integrand = (
+                normalization *
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal
+                / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
+            )
+            d_inner_h_array = np.dot(d_inner_h_integrand[_mask], self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name].T)
+            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = (
+                normalization * np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
+            )
+            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.dot(
+                optimal_snr_squared_integrand[_mask],
+                self.calibration_abs_draws[interferometer.name].T
+            )
+        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
+            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
+            d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
+            optimal_snr_squared_array=optimal_snr_squared_array,
+            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None)
+    def _check_marginalized_prior_is_set(self, key):
+        if key in self.priors and self.priors[key].is_fixed:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Cannot use marginalized likelihood for {}: prior is fixed".format(key)
+            )
+        if key not in self.priors or not isinstance(
+                self.priors[key], Prior):
+            logger.warning(
+                'Prior not provided for {}, using the BBH default.'.format(key))
+            if key == 'geocent_time':
+                self.priors[key] = Uniform(
+                    self.interferometers.start_time,
+                    self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration)
+            elif key == 'luminosity_distance':
+                for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
+                    if key in self.priors:
+                        if not isinstance(self.priors[key], Cosmological):
+                            raise TypeError(
+                                "To marginalize over {}, the prior must be specified as a "
+                                "subclass of bilby.gw.prior.Cosmological.".format(key)
+                            )
+                        self.priors['luminosity_distance'] = self.priors[key].get_corresponding_prior(
+                            'luminosity_distance'
+                        )
+                        del self.priors[key]
+            else:
+                self.priors[key] = BBHPriorDict()[key]
+    @property
+    def priors(self):
+        return self._prior
+    @priors.setter
+    def priors(self, priors):
+        if priors is not None:
+            self._prior = priors.copy()
+        elif any([self.time_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization,
+                  self.distance_marginalization]):
+            raise ValueError("You can't use a marginalized likelihood without specifying a priors")
+        else:
+            self._prior = None
+    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
+        log_l = 0
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
+            log_l -= noise_weighted_inner_product(
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
+                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[mask],
+                self.waveform_generator.duration) / 2
+        return float(np.real(log_l))
+    def log_likelihood_ratio(self):
+        waveform_polarizations = \
+            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if waveform_polarizations is None:
+            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+        d_inner_h = 0.
+        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
+        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
+            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
+                (self.number_of_response_curves, len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1])),
+                dtype=np.complex128)
+            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        elif self.time_marginalization:
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
+            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
+                len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1]),
+                dtype=np.complex128)
+        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
+                waveform_polarizations=waveform_polarizations,
+                interferometer=interferometer)
+            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
+            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
+            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
+            if self.time_marginalization or self.calibration_marginalization:
+                d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
+            if self.calibration_marginalization:
+                optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
+        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h_calibration_array=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+        elif self.time_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.time_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h_tc_array=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        elif self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
+        else:
+            log_l = np.real(d_inner_h) - optimal_snr_squared / 2
+        return float(log_l.real)
+    def generate_posterior_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(self):
+        """
+        Reconstruct the distance posterior from a run which used a likelihood
+        which explicitly marginalised over time/distance/phase.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
+        Returns
+        =======
+        sample: dict
+            Returns the parameters with new samples.
+        Notes
+        =====
+        This involves a deepcopy of the signal to avoid issues with waveform
+        caching, as the signal is overwritten in place.
+        """
+        if any([self.phase_marginalization, self.distance_marginalization,
+                self.time_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization]):
+            signal_polarizations = copy.deepcopy(
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
+                    self.parameters))
+        else:
+            return self.parameters
+        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
+            raise AttributeError(
+                "Cannot use time and calibration marginalization simultaneously for regeneration at the moment!"
+                "The matrix manipulation has not been tested.")
+        if self.calibration_marginalization:
+            new_calibration = self.generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['recalib_index'] = new_calibration
+        if self.time_marginalization:
+            new_time = self.generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'] = new_time
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            new_distance = self.generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] = new_distance
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            new_phase = self.generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['phase'] = new_phase
+        return self.parameters.copy()
+    def generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for the set of calibration response curves when
+        explicitly marginalizing over the calibration uncertainty.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        new_calibration: dict
+            Sample set from the calibration posterior
+        """
+        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters.pop('recalib_index')
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        log_like = self.get_calibration_log_likelihoods(signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+        calibration_post = np.exp(log_like - max(log_like))
+        calibration_post /= np.sum(calibration_post)
+        new_calibration = np.random.choice(self.number_of_response_curves, p=calibration_post)
+        return new_calibration
+    def generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for coalescence
+        time when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over time.
+        In order to resolve the posterior we artificially upsample to 16kHz.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        new_time: float
+            Sample from the time posterior.
+        """
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if self.jitter_time:
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        times = create_time_series(
+            sampling_frequency=16384,
+            starting_time=self.parameters['geocent_time'] - self.waveform_generator.start_time,
+            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration)
+        times = times % self.waveform_generator.duration
+        times += self.waveform_generator.start_time
+        prior = self.priors["geocent_time"]
+        in_prior = (times >= prior.minimum) & (times < prior.maximum)
+        times = times[in_prior]
+        n_time_steps = int(self.waveform_generator.duration * 16384)
+        d_inner_h = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=complex)
+        psd = np.ones(n_time_steps)
+        signal_long = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
+        data = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
+        h_inner_h = np.zeros(1)
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            ifo_length = len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
+            mask = ifo.frequency_mask
+            signal = ifo.get_detector_response(
+                signal_polarizations, self.parameters)
+            signal_long[:ifo_length] = signal
+            data[:ifo_length] = np.conj(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
+            psd[:ifo_length][mask] = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[mask]
+            d_inner_h += np.fft.fft(signal_long * data / psd)[in_prior]
+            h_inner_h += ifo.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal).real
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            time_log_like = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            time_log_like = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h)) - h_inner_h.real / 2
+        else:
+            time_log_like = (d_inner_h.real - h_inner_h.real / 2)
+        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times)
+        time_post = np.exp(time_log_like - max(time_log_like)) * time_prior_array
+        keep = (time_post > max(time_post) / 1000)
+        if sum(keep) < 3:
+            keep[1:-1] = keep[1:-1] | keep[2:] | keep[:-2]
+        time_post = time_post[keep]
+        times = times[keep]
+        new_time = Interped(times, time_post).sample()
+        return new_time
+    def generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for luminosity
+        distance when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over
+        distance.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+            Note: These are rescaled in place after the distance sample is
+            generated to allow further parameter reconstruction to occur.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        new_distance: float
+            Sample from the distance posterior.
+        """
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
+        d_inner_h_dist = (
+            d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] / self._distance_array
+        )
+        h_inner_h_dist = (
+            h_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance']**2 / self._distance_array**2
+        )
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            distance_log_like = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_dist)) - h_inner_h_dist.real / 2
+        else:
+            distance_log_like = (d_inner_h_dist.real - h_inner_h_dist.real / 2)
+        distance_post = (np.exp(distance_log_like - max(distance_log_like)) *
+                         self.distance_prior_array)
+        new_distance = Interped(
+            self._distance_array, distance_post).sample()
+        self._rescale_signal(signal_polarizations, new_distance)
+        return new_distance
+    def _calculate_inner_products(self, signal_polarizations):
+        d_inner_h = 0
+        h_inner_h = 0
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
+                signal_polarizations, interferometer)
+            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
+            h_inner_h += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared
+        return d_inner_h, h_inner_h
+    def generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        r"""
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for phase when
+        using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over phase.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.02293
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        new_phase: float
+            Sample from the phase posterior.
+        Notes
+        =====
+        This is only valid when assumes that mu(phi) \propto exp(-2i phi).
+        """
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
+        phases = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 101)
+        phasor = np.exp(-2j * phases)
+        phase_log_post = d_inner_h * phasor - h_inner_h / 2
+        phase_post = np.exp(phase_log_post.real - max(phase_log_post.real))
+        new_phase = Interped(phases, phase_post).sample()
+        return new_phase
+    def distance_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
+        d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref = self._setup_rho(
+            d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_ref = np.abs(d_inner_h_ref)
+        else:
+            d_inner_h_ref = np.real(d_inner_h_ref)
+        return self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood(
+            d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref)
+    def phase_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
+        d_inner_h = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h))
+        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
+            return d_inner_h - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h)[1])) / 2
+        else:
+            return d_inner_h - h_inner_h / 2
+    def time_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h):
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_tc_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_tc_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array,
+                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        else:
+            log_l_tc_array = np.real(d_inner_h_tc_array) - h_inner_h / 2
+        times = self._times
+        if self.jitter_time:
+            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
+        return logsumexp(log_l_tc_array, b=time_prior_array)
+    def time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h):
+        times = self._times
+        if self.jitter_time:
+            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        _time_prior = self.priors['geocent_time']
+        time_mask = np.logical_and((times >= _time_prior.minimum), (times <= _time_prior.maximum))
+        times = times[time_mask]
+        time_probs = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
+        d_inner_h_array = d_inner_h_array[:, time_mask]
+        h_inner_h = h_inner_h
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        else:
+            log_l_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array) - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h_array)[1])) / 2
+        prior_array = np.outer(time_probs, 1. / self.number_of_response_curves * np.ones(len(h_inner_h))).T
+        return logsumexp(log_l_array, b=prior_array)
+    def get_calibration_log_likelihoods(self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        d_inner_h = 0.
+        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
+        d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
+                waveform_polarizations=signal_polarizations,
+                interferometer=interferometer)
+            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
+            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
+            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
+            d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
+            optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+        else:
+            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2)
+        return log_l_cal_array
+    def calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h):
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array,
+                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        else:
+            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_calibration_array - h_inner_h / 2)
+        return logsumexp(log_l_cal_array) - np.log(self.number_of_response_curves)
+    def _setup_rho(self, d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared):
+        optimal_snr_squared_ref = (optimal_snr_squared.real *
+                                   self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] ** 2 /
+                                   self._ref_dist ** 2.)
+        d_inner_h_ref = (d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] /
+                         self._ref_dist)
+        return d_inner_h_ref, optimal_snr_squared_ref
+    def log_likelihood(self):
+        return self.log_likelihood_ratio() + self.noise_log_likelihood()
+    @property
+    def _delta_distance(self):
+        return self._distance_array[1] - self._distance_array[0]
+    @property
+    def _dist_multiplier(self):
+        ''' Maximum value of ref_dist/dist_array '''
+        return self._ref_dist / self._distance_array[0]
+    @property
+    def _optimal_snr_squared_ref_array(self):
+        """ Optimal filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
+        return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[0])
+    @property
+    def _d_inner_h_ref_array(self):
+        """ Matched filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1])
+        else:
+            n_negative = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] // 2
+            n_positive = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] - n_negative
+            return np.hstack((
+                -np.logspace(3, -3, n_negative), np.logspace(-3, 10, n_positive)
+            ))
+    def _setup_distance_marginalization(self, lookup_table=None):
+        if isinstance(lookup_table, str) or lookup_table is None:
+            self.cached_lookup_table_filename = lookup_table
+            lookup_table = self.load_lookup_table(
+                self.cached_lookup_table_filename)
+        if isinstance(lookup_table, dict):
+            if self._test_cached_lookup_table(lookup_table):
+                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = lookup_table[
+                    'lookup_table']
+            else:
+                self._create_lookup_table()
+        else:
+            self._create_lookup_table()
+        self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood = UnsortedInterp2d(
+            self._d_inner_h_ref_array, self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array,
+            self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array, kind='cubic', fill_value=-np.inf)
+    @property
+    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self):
+        if self._lookup_table_filename is None:
+            self._lookup_table_filename = (
+                '.distance_marginalization_lookup.npz')
+        return self._lookup_table_filename
+    @cached_lookup_table_filename.setter
+    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self, filename):
+        if isinstance(filename, str):
+            if filename[-4:] != '.npz':
+                filename += '.npz'
+        self._lookup_table_filename = filename
+    def load_lookup_table(self, filename):
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            try:
+                loaded_file = dict(np.load(filename))
+            except AttributeError as e:
+                logger.warning(e)
+                self._create_lookup_table()
+                return None
+            match, failure = self._test_cached_lookup_table(loaded_file)
+            if match:
+                logger.info('Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table from '
+                            '{}.'.format(filename))
+                return loaded_file
+            else:
+                logger.info('Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table does '
+                            'not match for {}.'.format(failure))
+        elif isinstance(filename, str):
+            logger.info('Distance marginalisation file {} does not '
+                        'exist'.format(filename))
+        return None
+    def cache_lookup_table(self):
+        np.savez(self.cached_lookup_table_filename,
+                 distance_array=self._distance_array,
+                 prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
+                 lookup_table=self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array,
+                 reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
+                 phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
+    def _test_cached_lookup_table(self, loaded_file):
+        pairs = dict(
+            distance_array=self._distance_array,
+            prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
+            reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
+            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
+        for key in pairs:
+            if key not in loaded_file:
+                return False, key
+            elif not np.array_equal(np.atleast_1d(loaded_file[key]),
+                                    np.atleast_1d(pairs[key])):
+                return False, key
+        return True, None
+    def _create_lookup_table(self):
+        """ Make the lookup table """
+        from tqdm.auto import tqdm
+        logger.info('Building lookup table for distance marginalisation.')
+        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = np.zeros((400, 800))
+        scaling = self._ref_dist / self._distance_array
+        d_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._d_inner_h_ref_array, scaling)
+        h_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array, scaling ** 2)
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_array_full = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_array_full))
+        prior_term = self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
+        for ii, optimal_snr_squared_array in tqdm(
+                enumerate(h_inner_h_array_full), total=len(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array)
+        ):
+            for jj, d_inner_h_array in enumerate(d_inner_h_array_full):
+                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array[ii][jj] = logsumexp(
+                    d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2,
+                    b=prior_term
+                )
+        log_norm = logsumexp(
+            0 / self._distance_array, b=self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
+        )
+        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array -= log_norm
+        self.cache_lookup_table()
+    def _setup_phase_marginalization(self, min_bound=-5, max_bound=10):
+        logger.warning(
+            "The _setup_phase_marginalization method is deprecated and will be removed, "
+            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
+            "to use bilby.gw.utils.ln_i0"
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _bessel_function_interped(xx):
+        logger.warning(
+            "The _bessel_function_interped method is deprecated and will be removed, "
+            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
+            "to use bilby.gw.utils.ln_i0"
+        )
+        return ln_i0(xx) + xx
+    def _setup_time_marginalization(self):
+        self._delta_tc = 2 / self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency
+        self._times = \
+            self.interferometers.start_time + np.linspace(
+                0, self.interferometers.duration,
+                int(self.interferometers.duration / 2 *
+                    self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency + 1))[1:]
+        self.time_prior_array = \
+            self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(self._times) * self._delta_tc
+    def _setup_calibration_marginalization(self, calibration_lookup_table):
+        if calibration_lookup_table is None:
+            calibration_lookup_table = {}
+        self.calibration_draws = {}
+        self.calibration_abs_draws = {}
+        self.calibration_parameter_draws = {}
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            # Force the priors
+            calibration_priors = PriorDict()
+            for key in self.priors.keys():
+                if 'recalib' in key and interferometer.name in key:
+                    calibration_priors[key] = copy.copy(self.priors[key])
+                    self.priors[key] = DeltaFunction(0.0)
+            # If there is no entry in the lookup table, make an empty one
+            if interferometer.name not in calibration_lookup_table.keys():
+                calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name] = \
+                    f'{interferometer.name}_calibration_file.h5'
+            # If the interferometer lookup table file exists, generate the curves from it
+            if os.path.exists(calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name]):
+                self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name] = \
+                    calibration.read_calibration_file(
+                        calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name], self.interferometers.frequency_array,
+                        self.number_of_response_curves, self.starting_index)
+            else:  # generate the fake curves
+                from tqdm.auto import tqdm
+                self.calibration_parameter_draws[interferometer.name] = \
+                    pd.DataFrame(calibration_priors.sample(self.number_of_response_curves))
+                self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name] = \
+                    np.zeros((self.number_of_response_curves, len(interferometer.frequency_array)), dtype=complex)
+                for i in tqdm(range(self.number_of_response_curves)):
+                    self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name][i, :] = \
+                        interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+                            interferometer.frequency_array,
+                            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name),
+                            **self.calibration_parameter_draws[interferometer.name].iloc[i])
+                calibration.write_calibration_file(
+                    calibration_lookup_table[interferometer.name],
+                    self.interferometers.frequency_array,
+                    self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name],
+                    self.calibration_parameter_draws[interferometer.name])
+            interferometer.calibration_model = calibration.Recalibrate()
+            _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
+            self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name] = self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name][:, _mask]
+            self.calibration_abs_draws[interferometer.name] = \
+                np.abs(self.calibration_draws[interferometer.name])**2
+    @property
+    def interferometers(self):
+        return self._interferometers
+    @interferometers.setter
+    def interferometers(self, interferometers):
+        self._interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
+    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
+        for mode in signal:
+            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
+    @property
+    def reference_frame(self):
+        return self._reference_frame
+    @property
+    def _reference_frame_str(self):
+        if isinstance(self.reference_frame, str):
+            return self.reference_frame
+        else:
+            return "".join([ifo.name for ifo in self.reference_frame])
+    @reference_frame.setter
+    def reference_frame(self, frame):
+        if frame == "sky":
+            self._reference_frame = frame
+        elif isinstance(frame, InterferometerList):
+            self._reference_frame = frame[:2]
+        elif isinstance(frame, list):
+            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList(frame[:2])
+        elif isinstance(frame, str):
+            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList([frame[:2], frame[2:4]])
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unable to parse reference frame {}".format(frame))
+    def get_sky_frame_parameters(self):
+        time = self.parameters['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)]
+        if not self.reference_frame == "sky":
+            ra, dec = zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec(
+                self.parameters['zenith'], self.parameters['azimuth'],
+                time, self.reference_frame)
+        else:
+            ra = self.parameters["ra"]
+            dec = self.parameters["dec"]
+        if "geocent" not in self.time_reference:
+            geocent_time = time - self.reference_ifo.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+                ra=ra, dec=dec, time=time
+            )
+        else:
+            geocent_time = self.parameters["geocent_time"]
+        return dict(ra=ra, dec=dec, geocent_time=geocent_time)
+    @property
+    def lal_version(self):
+        try:
+            from lal import git_version, __version__
+            lal_version = str(__version__)
+            logger.info("Using lal version {}".format(lal_version))
+            lal_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
+            logger.info("Using lal git version {}".format(lal_git_version))
+            return "lal_version={}, lal_git_version={}".format(lal_version, lal_git_version)
+        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+            return "N/A"
+    @property
+    def lalsimulation_version(self):
+        try:
+            from lalsimulation import git_version, __version__
+            lalsim_version = str(__version__)
+            logger.info("Using lalsimulation version {}".format(lalsim_version))
+            lalsim_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
+            logger.info("Using lalsimulation git version {}".format(lalsim_git_version))
+            return "lalsimulation_version={}, lalsimulation_git_version={}".format(lalsim_version, lalsim_git_version)
+        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+            return "N/A"
+    @property
+    def meta_data(self):
+        return dict(
+            interferometers=self.interferometers.meta_data,
+            time_marginalization=self.time_marginalization,
+            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization,
+            distance_marginalization=self.distance_marginalization,
+            calibration_marginalization=self.calibration_marginalization,
+            waveform_generator_class=self.waveform_generator.__class__,
+            waveform_arguments=self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments,
+            frequency_domain_source_model=self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_source_model,
+            parameter_conversion=self.waveform_generator.parameter_conversion,
+            sampling_frequency=self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency,
+            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration,
+            start_time=self.waveform_generator.start_time,
+            time_reference=self.time_reference,
+            reference_frame=self._reference_frame_str,
+            lal_version=self.lal_version,
+            lalsimulation_version=self.lalsimulation_version)
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/basic.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood/basic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88c83dcfa13927eaf84edccfcd68b9a8e3726699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/basic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import numpy as np
+from ...core.likelihood import Likelihood
+class BasicGravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
+    def __init__(self, interferometers, waveform_generator):
+        """
+        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
+        some model parameters
+        The simplest frequency-domain gravitational wave transient likelihood. Does
+        not include distance/phase marginalization.
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        interferometers: list
+            A list of `bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
+            detector data and power spectral densities
+        waveform_generator: bilby.gw.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator
+            An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+            given some set of parameters
+        """
+        super(BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
+        self.interferometers = interferometers
+        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={})' \
+            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator)
+    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
+        """ Calculates the real part of noise log-likelihood
+        Returns
+        =======
+        float: The real part of the noise log likelihood
+        """
+        log_l = 0
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            log_l -= 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.sum(
+                abs(interferometer.frequency_domain_strain) ** 2 /
+                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
+        return log_l.real
+    def log_likelihood(self):
+        """ Calculates the real part of log-likelihood value
+        Returns
+        =======
+        float: The real part of the log likelihood
+        """
+        log_l = 0
+        waveform_polarizations = \
+            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
+                self.parameters.copy())
+        if waveform_polarizations is None:
+            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            log_l += self.log_likelihood_interferometer(
+                waveform_polarizations, interferometer)
+        return log_l.real
+    def log_likelihood_interferometer(self, waveform_polarizations,
+                                      interferometer):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        waveform_polarizations: dict
+            Dictionary containing the desired waveform polarization modes and the related strain
+        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
+            The Interferometer object we want to have the log-likelihood for
+        Returns
+        =======
+        float: The real part of the log-likelihood for this interferometer
+        """
+        signal_ifo = interferometer.get_detector_response(
+            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
+        log_l = - 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.vdot(
+            interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo,
+            (interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo) /
+            interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
+        return log_l.real
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/multiband.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood/multiband.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f361742c123af9cd5f27d236b76d1f3e1a4efc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/multiband.py
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+import math
+import numpy as np
+from .base import GravitationalWaveTransient
+from ...core.utils import (
+    logger, speed_of_light, solar_mass, radius_of_earth,
+    gravitational_constant, round_up_to_power_of_two
+class MBGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
+    """A multi-banded likelihood object
+    This uses the method described in S. Morisaki, 2021, arXiv: 2104.07813.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal, given some set of parameters
+    reference_chirp_mass: float
+        A reference chirp mass for determining the frequency banding
+    highest_mode: int, optional
+        The maximum magnetic number of gravitational-wave moments. Default is 2
+    linear_interpolation: bool, optional
+        If True, the linear-interpolation method is used for the computation of (h, h). If False, the IFFT-FFT method
+        is used. Default is True.
+    accuracy_factor: float, optional
+        A parameter to determine the accuracy of multi-banding. The larger this factor is, the more accurate the
+        approximation is. This corresponds to L in the paper. Default is 5.
+    time_offset: float, optional
+        (end time of data) - (maximum arrival time). If None, it is inferred from the prior of geocent time.
+    delta_f_end: float, optional
+        The frequency scale with which waveforms at the high-frequency end are smoothed. If None, it is determined from
+        the prior of geocent time.
+    maximum_banding_frequency: float, optional
+        A maximum frequency for multi-banding. If specified, the low-frequency limit of a band does not exceed it.
+    minimum_banding_duration: float, optional
+        A minimum duration for multi-banding. If specified, the duration of a band is not smaller than it.
+    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood. This uses a look up table calculated at run time. The
+        distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum distance allowed in the prior being marginalised
+        over.
+    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood. This is done analytically using a Bessel function. The phase
+        prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
+    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
+        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
+    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
+        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array, (distance) prior_array, and
+        reference_distance used to construct the table. If a string the name of a file containing these quantities. The
+        lookup table is stored after construction in either the provided string or a default location:
+        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
+    reference_frame: (str, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list), optional
+        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
+        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
+          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the frame where the z-axis is aligned the the
+          vector connecting H1 and L1.
+    time_reference: str, optional
+        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
+        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center, this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
+        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given some model parameters
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self, interferometers, waveform_generator, reference_chirp_mass, highest_mode=2, linear_interpolation=True,
+            accuracy_factor=5, time_offset=None, delta_f_end=None, maximum_banding_frequency=None,
+            minimum_banding_duration=0., distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, priors=None,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
+    ):
+        super(MBGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
+            interferometers=interferometers, waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
+            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization, phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
+            time_marginalization=False, distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
+            jitter_time=False, reference_frame=reference_frame, time_reference=time_reference
+        )
+        self.reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
+        self.highest_mode = highest_mode
+        self.linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
+        self.accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
+        self.time_offset = time_offset
+        self.delta_f_end = delta_f_end
+        self.minimum_frequency = np.min([i.minimum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
+        self.maximum_frequency = np.max([i.maximum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
+        self.maximum_banding_frequency = maximum_banding_frequency
+        self.minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
+        self.setup_multibanding()
+    @property
+    def reference_chirp_mass(self):
+        return self._reference_chirp_mass
+    @property
+    def reference_chirp_mass_in_second(self):
+        return gravitational_constant * self._reference_chirp_mass * solar_mass / speed_of_light**3.
+    @reference_chirp_mass.setter
+    def reference_chirp_mass(self, reference_chirp_mass):
+        if isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, int) or isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, float):
+            self._reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("reference_chirp_mass must be a number")
+    @property
+    def highest_mode(self):
+        return self._highest_mode
+    @highest_mode.setter
+    def highest_mode(self, highest_mode):
+        if isinstance(highest_mode, int) or isinstance(highest_mode, float):
+            self._highest_mode = highest_mode
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("highest_mode must be a number")
+    @property
+    def linear_interpolation(self):
+        return self._linear_interpolation
+    @linear_interpolation.setter
+    def linear_interpolation(self, linear_interpolation):
+        if isinstance(linear_interpolation, bool):
+            self._linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("linear_interpolation must be a bool")
+    @property
+    def accuracy_factor(self):
+        return self._accuracy_factor
+    @accuracy_factor.setter
+    def accuracy_factor(self, accuracy_factor):
+        if isinstance(accuracy_factor, int) or isinstance(accuracy_factor, float):
+            self._accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("accuracy_factor must be a number")
+    @property
+    def time_offset(self):
+        return self._time_offset
+    @time_offset.setter
+    def time_offset(self, time_offset):
+        """
+        This sets the time offset assumed when frequency bands are constructed. The default value is (the
+        maximum offset of geocent time in the prior range) +  (light-traveling time of the Earth). If the
+        prior does not contain 'geocent_time', 2.12 seconds is used. It is calculated assuming that the
+        maximum offset of geocent time is 2.1 seconds, which is the value for the standard prior used by
+        LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
+        """
+        time_parameter = self.time_reference + "_time"
+        if time_parameter == "geocent_time":
+            safety = radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        else:
+            safety = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        if time_offset is not None:
+            if isinstance(time_offset, int) or isinstance(time_offset, float):
+                self._time_offset = time_offset
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("time_offset must be a number")
+        elif self.priors is not None and time_parameter in self.priors:
+            self._time_offset = (
+                self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
+                - self.priors[time_parameter].minimum + safety
+            )
+        else:
+            self._time_offset = 2.12
+            logger.warning("time offset can not be inferred. Use the standard time offset of {} seconds.".format(
+                self._time_offset))
+    @property
+    def delta_f_end(self):
+        return self._delta_f_end
+    @delta_f_end.setter
+    def delta_f_end(self, delta_f_end):
+        """
+        This sets the frequency scale of tapering the high-frequency end of waveform, to avoid the issues of
+        abrupt termination of waveform described in Sec. 2. F of arXiv: 2104.07813. This needs to be much
+        larger than the inverse of the minimum time offset, and the default value is 100 times of that. If
+        the prior does not contain 'geocent_time' and the minimum time offset can not be computed, 53Hz is
+        used. It is computed assuming that the minimum offset of geocent time is 1.9 seconds, which is the
+        value for the standard prior used by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
+        """
+        time_parameter = self.time_reference + "_time"
+        if time_parameter == "geocent_time":
+            safety = radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        else:
+            safety = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        if delta_f_end is not None:
+            if isinstance(delta_f_end, int) or isinstance(delta_f_end, float):
+                self._delta_f_end = delta_f_end
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("delta_f_end must be a number")
+        elif self.priors is not None and time_parameter in self.priors:
+            self._delta_f_end = 100 / (
+                self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
+                - self.priors[time_parameter].maximum - safety
+            )
+        else:
+            self._delta_f_end = 53.
+            logger.warning("delta_f_end can not be inferred. Use the standard delta_f_end of {} Hz.".format(
+                self._delta_f_end))
+    @property
+    def maximum_banding_frequency(self):
+        return self._maximum_banding_frequency
+    @maximum_banding_frequency.setter
+    def maximum_banding_frequency(self, maximum_banding_frequency):
+        r"""
+        This sets the upper limit on a starting frequency of a band. The default value is the frequency at
+        which f - 1 / \sqrt(- d\tau / df) starts to decrease, because the bisection search of the starting
+        frequency does not work from that frequency. The stationary phase approximation is not valid at such
+        a high frequency, which can break down the approximation. It is calculated from the 0PN formula of
+        time-to-merger \tau(f). The user-specified frequency is used if it is lower than that frequency.
+        """
+        fmax_tmp = (
+            (15 / 968)**(3 / 5) * (self.highest_mode / (2 * np.pi))**(8 / 5)
+            / self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
+        )
+        if maximum_banding_frequency is not None:
+            if isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, int) or isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, float):
+                if maximum_banding_frequency < fmax_tmp:
+                    fmax_tmp = maximum_banding_frequency
+                else:
+                    logger.warning("The input maximum_banding_frequency is too large."
+                                   "It is set to be {} Hz.".format(fmax_tmp))
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("maximum_banding_frequency must be a number")
+        self._maximum_banding_frequency = fmax_tmp
+    @property
+    def minimum_banding_duration(self):
+        return self._minimum_banding_duration
+    @minimum_banding_duration.setter
+    def minimum_banding_duration(self, minimum_banding_duration):
+        if isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, int) or isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, float):
+            self._minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("minimum_banding_duration must be a number")
+    def setup_multibanding(self):
+        """Set up frequency bands and coefficients needed for likelihood evaluations"""
+        self._setup_frequency_bands()
+        self._setup_integers()
+        self._setup_waveform_frequency_points()
+        self._setup_linear_coefficients()
+        if self.linear_interpolation:
+            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp()
+        else:
+            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft()
+    def _tau(self, f):
+        """Compute time-to-merger from the input frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f: float
+            input frequency
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tau: float
+            time-to-merger
+        """
+        f_22 = 2 * f / self.highest_mode
+        return (
+            5 / 256 * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
+            * (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22) ** (-8 / 3)
+        )
+    def _dtaudf(self, f):
+        """Compute the derivative of time-to-merger with respect to a starting frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f: float
+            input frequency
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dtaudf: float
+            derivative of time-to-merger
+        """
+        f_22 = 2 * f / self.highest_mode
+        return (
+            -5 / 96 * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
+            * (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22) ** (-8. / 3.) / f
+        )
+    def _find_starting_frequency(self, duration, fnow):
+        """Find the starting frequency of the next band satisfying (10) and
+        (51) of arXiv: 2104.07813.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        duration: float
+            duration of the next band
+        fnow: float
+            starting frequency of the current band
+        Returns
+        -------
+        fnext: float or None
+            starting frequency of the next band. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not exist.
+        dfnext: float or None
+            frequency scale with which waveforms are smoothed. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not
+            exist.
+        """
+        def _is_above_fnext(f):
+            """This function returns True if f > fnext"""
+            cond1 = (
+                duration - self.time_offset - self._tau(f)
+                - self.accuracy_factor * np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f))
+            ) > 0
+            cond2 = f - 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f)) - fnow > 0
+            return cond1 and cond2
+        # Bisection search for fnext
+        fmin, fmax = fnow, self.maximum_banding_frequency
+        if not _is_above_fnext(fmax):
+            return None, None
+        while fmax - fmin > 1e-2 / duration:
+            f = (fmin + fmax) / 2.
+            if _is_above_fnext(f):
+                fmax = f
+            else:
+                fmin = f
+        return f, 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f))
+    def _setup_frequency_bands(self):
+        r"""Set up frequency bands. The durations of bands geometrically decrease T, T/2. T/4, ..., where T is the
+        original duration. This sets the following instance variables.
+        durations: durations of bands (T^(b) in the paper)
+        fb_dfb: the list of tuples, which contain starting frequencies (f^(b) in the paper) and frequency scales for
+        smoothing waveforms (\Delta f^(b) in the paper) of bands
+        """
+        self.durations = [self.interferometers.duration]
+        self.fb_dfb = [(self.minimum_frequency, 0.)]
+        dnext = self.interferometers.duration / 2
+        while dnext > max(self.time_offset, self.minimum_banding_duration):
+            fnow, _ = self.fb_dfb[-1]
+            fnext, dfnext = self._find_starting_frequency(dnext, fnow)
+            if fnext is not None and fnext < min(self.maximum_frequency, self.maximum_banding_frequency):
+                self.durations.append(dnext)
+                self.fb_dfb.append((fnext, dfnext))
+                dnext /= 2
+            else:
+                break
+        self.fb_dfb.append((self.maximum_frequency + self.delta_f_end, self.delta_f_end))
+        logger.info("The total frequency range is divided into {} bands with frequency intervals of {}.".format(
+            len(self.durations), ", ".join(["1/{} Hz".format(d) for d in self.durations])))
+    def _setup_integers(self):
+        """Set up integers needed for likelihood evaluations. This sets the following instance variables.
+        Nbs: the numbers of samples of downsampled data (N^(b) in the paper)
+        Mbs: the numbers of samples of shortened data (M^(b) in the paper)
+        Ks_Ke: start and end frequency indices of bands (K^(b)_s and K^(b)_e in the paper)
+        """
+        self.Nbs = []
+        self.Mbs = []
+        self.Ks_Ke = []
+        for b in range(len(self.durations)):
+            dnow = self.durations[b]
+            fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
+            fnext, _ = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
+            Nb = max(round_up_to_power_of_two(2. * (fnext * self.interferometers.duration + 1.)), 2**b)
+            self.Nbs.append(Nb)
+            self.Mbs.append(Nb // 2**b)
+            self.Ks_Ke.append((math.ceil((fnow - dfnow) * dnow), math.floor(fnext * dnow)))
+    def _setup_waveform_frequency_points(self):
+        """Set up frequency points where waveforms are evaluated. Frequency points are reordered because some waveform
+        models raise an error if the input frequencies are not increasing. This adds frequency_points into the
+        waveform_arguments of waveform_generator. This sets the following instance variables.
+        banded_frequency_points: ndarray of total banded frequency points
+        start_end_idxs: list of tuples containing start and end indices of each band
+        unique_to_original_frequencies: indices converting unique frequency
+        points into the original duplicated banded frequencies
+        """
+        self.banded_frequency_points = np.array([])
+        self.start_end_idxs = []
+        start_idx = 0
+        for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+            d = self.durations[i]
+            Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[i]
+            self.banded_frequency_points = np.append(self.banded_frequency_points, np.arange(Ks, Ke + 1) / d)
+            end_idx = start_idx + Ke - Ks
+            self.start_end_idxs.append((start_idx, end_idx))
+            start_idx = end_idx + 1
+        unique_frequencies, idxs = np.unique(self.banded_frequency_points, return_inverse=True)
+        self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequencies'] = unique_frequencies
+        self.unique_to_original_frequencies = idxs
+        logger.info("The number of frequency points where waveforms are evaluated is {}.".format(
+            len(unique_frequencies)))
+        logger.info("The speed-up gain of multi-banding is {}.".format(
+            (self.maximum_frequency - self.minimum_frequency) * self.interferometers.duration /
+            len(unique_frequencies)))
+    def _window(self, f, b):
+        """Compute window function in the b-th band
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f: float or ndarray
+            frequency at which the window function is computed
+        b: int
+        Returns
+        -------
+        window: float
+            window function at f
+        """
+        fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
+        fnext, dfnext = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
+        @np.vectorize
+        def _vectorized_window(f):
+            if fnow - dfnow < f < fnow:
+                return (1. + np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnow) / dfnow)) / 2.
+            elif fnow <= f <= fnext - dfnext:
+                return 1.
+            elif fnext - dfnext < f < fnext:
+                return (1. - np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnext) / dfnext)) / 2.
+            else:
+                return 0.
+        return _vectorized_window(f)
+    def _setup_linear_coefficients(self):
+        """Set up coefficients by which waveforms are multiplied to compute (d, h)"""
+        self.linear_coeffs = dict((ifo.name, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        N = self.Nbs[-1]
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            logger.info("Pre-computing linear coefficients for {}".format(ifo.name))
+            fddata = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1, dtype=complex)
+            fddata[:len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)][ifo.frequency_mask] += \
+                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask] / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
+                windows = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1], b)
+                fddata_in_ith_band = np.copy(fddata[:int(self.Nbs[b] / 2 + 1)])
+                fddata_in_ith_band[-1] = 0.  # zeroing data at the Nyquist frequency
+                tddata = np.fft.irfft(fddata_in_ith_band)[-self.Mbs[b]:]
+                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
+                fddata_in_ith_band = np.fft.rfft(tddata)[Ks:Ke + 1]
+                self.linear_coeffs[ifo.name] = np.append(
+                    self.linear_coeffs[ifo.name], (4. / self.durations[b]) * windows * np.conj(fddata_in_ith_band))
+    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp(self):
+        """Set up coefficients by which the squares of waveforms are multiplied to compute (h, h) for the
+        linear-interpolation algorithm"""
+        logger.info("Linear-interpolation algorithm is used for (h, h).")
+        self.quadratic_coeffs = dict((ifo.name, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        N = self.Nbs[-1]
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            logger.info("Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(ifo.name))
+            full_frequencies = np.arange(N // 2 + 1) / ifo.duration
+            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
+            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = \
+                1. / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+            for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[i]
+                banded_frequencies = self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+                coeffs = np.zeros(len(banded_frequencies))
+                for k in range(len(coeffs) - 1):
+                    if k == 0:
+                        start_idx_in_sum = 0
+                    else:
+                        start_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k])
+                    if k == len(coeffs) - 2:
+                        end_idx_in_sum = len(full_frequencies) - 1
+                    else:
+                        end_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k + 1]) - 1
+                    window_over_psd = (
+                        full_inv_psds[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1]
+                        * self._window(full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1], i)
+                    )
+                    frequencies_in_sum = full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1]
+                    coeffs[k] += 4 * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration * np.sum(
+                        (banded_frequencies[k + 1] - frequencies_in_sum) * window_over_psd
+                    )
+                    coeffs[k + 1] += 4 * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration * np.sum(
+                        (frequencies_in_sum - banded_frequencies[k]) * window_over_psd
+                    )
+                self.quadratic_coeffs[ifo.name] = np.append(self.quadratic_coeffs[ifo.name], coeffs)
+    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft(self):
+        """Set up coefficients needed for the IFFT-FFT algorithm to compute (h, h)"""
+        logger.info("IFFT-FFT algorithm is used for (h, h).")
+        N = self.Nbs[-1]
+        # variables defined below correspond to \hat{N}^(b), \hat{T}^(b), \tilde{I}^(b)_{c, k}, h^(b)_{c, m} and
+        # \sqrt{w^(b)(f^(b)_k)} \tilde{h}(f^(b)_k) in the paper
+        Nhatbs = [min(2 * Mb, Nb) for Mb, Nb in zip(self.Mbs, self.Nbs)]
+        self.Tbhats = [self.interferometers.duration * Nbhat / Nb for Nb, Nbhat in zip(self.Nbs, Nhatbs)]
+        self.Ibcs = dict((ifo.name, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        self.hbcs = dict((ifo.name, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        self.wths = dict((ifo.name, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            logger.info("Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(ifo.name))
+            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
+            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = (
+                1 / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+            )
+            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                Imb = np.fft.irfft(full_inv_psds[:self.Nbs[b] // 2 + 1])
+                half_length = Nhatbs[b] // 2
+                Imbc = np.append(Imb[:half_length + 1], Imb[-(Nhatbs[b] - half_length - 1):])
+                self.Ibcs[ifo.name].append(np.fft.rfft(Imbc))
+                # Allocate arrays for IFFT-FFT operations
+                self.hbcs[ifo.name].append(np.zeros(Nhatbs[b]))
+                self.wths[ifo.name].append(np.zeros(self.Mbs[b] // 2 + 1, dtype=complex))
+        # precompute windows and their squares
+        self.windows = np.array([])
+        self.square_root_windows = np.array([])
+        for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+            start, end = self.start_end_idxs[b]
+            ws = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start:end + 1], b)
+            self.windows = np.append(self.windows, ws)
+            self.square_root_windows = np.append(self.square_root_windows, np.sqrt(ws))
+    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
+        """
+        Compute the snrs for multi-banding
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        waveform_polarizations: waveform
+        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
+        Returns
+        -------
+        snrs: named tuple of snrs
+        """
+        strain = np.zeros(len(self.banded_frequency_points), dtype=complex)
+        for mode in waveform_polarizations:
+            response = interferometer.antenna_response(
+                self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'],
+                mode
+            )
+            strain += waveform_polarizations[mode][self.unique_to_original_frequencies] * response
+        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
+        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
+        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
+        calib_factor = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+            self.banded_frequency_points, prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name), **self.parameters)
+        strain *= np.exp(-1j * 2. * np.pi * self.banded_frequency_points * ifo_time)
+        strain *= np.conjugate(calib_factor)
+        d_inner_h = np.dot(strain, self.linear_coeffs[interferometer.name])
+        if self.linear_interpolation:
+            optimal_snr_squared = np.vdot(
+                np.real(strain * np.conjugate(strain)),
+                self.quadratic_coeffs[interferometer.name]
+            )
+        else:
+            optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
+                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
+                Mb = self.Mbs[b]
+                if b == 0:
+                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.interferometers.duration) * np.vdot(
+                        np.real(strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1] * np.conjugate(strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1])),
+                        interferometer.frequency_mask[Ks:Ke + 1] * self.windows[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+                        / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[Ks:Ke + 1])
+                else:
+                    self.wths[interferometer.name][b][Ks:Ke + 1] = (
+                        self.square_root_windows[start_idx:end_idx + 1] * strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+                    )
+                    self.hbcs[interferometer.name][b][-Mb:] = np.fft.irfft(self.wths[interferometer.name][b])
+                    thbc = np.fft.rfft(self.hbcs[interferometer.name][b])
+                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.Tbhats[b]) * np.vdot(
+                        np.real(thbc * np.conjugate(thbc)), self.Ibcs[interferometer.name][b])
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
+        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
+            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
+            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
+            d_inner_h_array=None,
+            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
+    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
+        for mode in signal:
+            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/roq.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood/roq.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d459082a1bee60066cdd56a289c9d6e51eb2d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/roq.py
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+import json
+import numpy as np
+from .base import GravitationalWaveTransient
+from ...core.utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
+from ...core.utils import (
+    logger, create_frequency_series, speed_of_light, radius_of_earth
+from ..prior import CBCPriorDict
+from ..utils import build_roq_weights
+class ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
+    """A reduced order quadrature likelihood object
+    This uses the method described in Smith et al., (2016) Phys. Rev. D 94,
+    044031. A public repository of the ROQ data is available from
+    https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/ROQ_data.
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
+        detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+        given some set of parameters
+    linear_matrix: str, array_like
+        Either a string point to the file from which to load the linear_matrix
+        array, or the array itself.
+    quadratic_matrix: str, array_like
+        Either a string point to the file from which to load the
+        quadratic_matrix array, or the array itself.
+    roq_params: str, array_like
+        Parameters describing the domain of validity of the ROQ basis.
+    roq_params_check: bool
+        If true, run tests using the roq_params to check the prior and data are
+        valid for the ROQ
+    roq_scale_factor: float
+        The ROQ scale factor used.
+    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
+        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
+        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
+        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
+    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
+        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
+        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
+        the table.
+        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
+        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
+        provided string or a default location:
+        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
+    reference_frame: (str, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list), optional
+        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
+        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
+          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
+          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
+          and L1.
+    time_reference: str, optional
+        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
+        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center,
+          this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self, interferometers, waveform_generator, priors,
+            weights=None, linear_matrix=None, quadratic_matrix=None,
+            roq_params=None, roq_params_check=True, roq_scale_factor=1,
+            distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None,
+            reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
+    ):
+        super(ROQGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
+            interferometers=interferometers,
+            waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
+            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization,
+            phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
+            time_marginalization=False,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
+            jitter_time=False,
+            reference_frame=reference_frame,
+            time_reference=time_reference
+        )
+        self.roq_params_check = roq_params_check
+        self.roq_scale_factor = roq_scale_factor
+        if isinstance(roq_params, np.ndarray) or roq_params is None:
+            self.roq_params = roq_params
+        elif isinstance(roq_params, str):
+            self.roq_params_file = roq_params
+            self.roq_params = np.genfromtxt(roq_params, names=True)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("roq_params should be array or str")
+        if isinstance(weights, dict):
+            self.weights = weights
+        elif isinstance(weights, str):
+            self.weights = self.load_weights(weights)
+        else:
+            self.weights = dict()
+            if isinstance(linear_matrix, str):
+                logger.info(
+                    "Loading linear matrix from {}".format(linear_matrix))
+                linear_matrix = np.load(linear_matrix).T
+            if isinstance(quadratic_matrix, str):
+                logger.info(
+                    "Loading quadratic_matrix from {}".format(quadratic_matrix))
+                quadratic_matrix = np.load(quadratic_matrix).T
+            self._set_weights(linear_matrix=linear_matrix,
+                              quadratic_matrix=quadratic_matrix)
+        self.frequency_nodes_linear = \
+            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_linear']
+        self.frequency_nodes_quadratic = \
+            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_quadratic']
+    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
+        """
+        Compute the snrs for ROQ
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        waveform_polarizations: waveform
+        interferometer: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
+        """
+        f_plus = interferometer.antenna_response(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'plus')
+        f_cross = interferometer.antenna_response(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'cross')
+        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
+        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
+        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
+        calib_linear = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+            self.frequency_nodes_linear,
+            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name), **self.parameters)
+        calib_quadratic = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+            self.frequency_nodes_quadratic,
+            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(interferometer.name), **self.parameters)
+        h_plus_linear = f_plus * waveform_polarizations['linear']['plus'] * calib_linear
+        h_cross_linear = f_cross * waveform_polarizations['linear']['cross'] * calib_linear
+        h_plus_quadratic = (
+            f_plus * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['plus'] * calib_quadratic
+        )
+        h_cross_quadratic = (
+            f_cross * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['cross'] * calib_quadratic
+        )
+        indices, in_bounds = self._closest_time_indices(
+            ifo_time, self.weights['time_samples'])
+        if not in_bounds:
+            logger.debug("SNR calculation error: requested time at edge of ROQ time samples")
+            return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+                d_inner_h=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf), optimal_snr_squared=0,
+                complex_matched_filter_snr=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf),
+                d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
+                d_inner_h_array=None,
+                optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
+        d_inner_h_tc_array = np.einsum(
+            'i,ji->j', np.conjugate(h_plus_linear + h_cross_linear),
+            self.weights[interferometer.name + '_linear'][indices])
+        d_inner_h = self._interp_five_samples(
+            self.weights['time_samples'][indices], d_inner_h_tc_array, ifo_time)
+        optimal_snr_squared = \
+            np.vdot(np.abs(h_plus_quadratic + h_cross_quadratic)**2,
+                    self.weights[interferometer.name + '_quadratic'])
+        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
+            complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
+        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = None
+        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
+            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
+            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=d_inner_h_squared_tc_array,
+            d_inner_h_array=None,
+            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _closest_time_indices(time, samples):
+        """
+        Get the closest five times
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        time: float
+            Time to check
+        samples: array-like
+            Available times
+        Returns
+        =======
+        indices: list
+            Indices nearest to time
+        in_bounds: bool
+            Whether the indices are for valid times
+        """
+        closest = int((time - samples[0]) / (samples[1] - samples[0]))
+        indices = [closest + ii for ii in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]]
+        in_bounds = (indices[0] >= 0) & (indices[-1] < samples.size)
+        return indices, in_bounds
+    @staticmethod
+    def _interp_five_samples(time_samples, values, time):
+        """
+        Interpolate a function of time with its values at the closest five times.
+        The algorithm is explained in https://dcc.ligo.org/T2100224.
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        time_samples: array-like
+            Closest 5 times
+        values: array-like
+            The values of the function at closest 5 times
+        time: float
+            Time at which the function is calculated
+        Returns
+        =======
+        value: float
+            The value of the function at the input time
+        """
+        r1 = (-values[0] + 8. * values[1] - 14. * values[2] + 8. * values[3] - values[4]) / 4.
+        r2 = values[2] - 2. * values[3] + values[4]
+        a = (time_samples[3] - time) / (time_samples[1] - time_samples[0])
+        b = 1. - a
+        c = (a**3. - a) / 6.
+        d = (b**3. - b) / 6.
+        return a * values[2] + b * values[3] + c * r1 + d * r2
+    def perform_roq_params_check(self, ifo=None):
+        """ Perform checking that the prior and data are valid for the ROQ
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        ifo: bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer
+            The interferometer
+        """
+        if self.roq_params_check is False:
+            logger.warning("No ROQ params checking performed")
+            return
+        else:
+            if getattr(self, "roq_params_file", None) is not None:
+                msg = ("Check ROQ params {} with roq_scale_factor={}"
+                       .format(self.roq_params_file, self.roq_scale_factor))
+            else:
+                msg = ("Check ROQ params with roq_scale_factor={}"
+                       .format(self.roq_scale_factor))
+            logger.info(msg)
+        roq_params = self.roq_params
+        roq_minimum_frequency = roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_maximum_frequency = roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_segment_length = roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_minimum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_maximum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmax'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_minimum_component_mass = roq_params['compmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        if ifo.maximum_frequency > roq_maximum_frequency:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Requested maximum frequency {} larger than ROQ basis fhigh {}"
+                .format(ifo.maximum_frequency, roq_maximum_frequency)
+            )
+        if ifo.minimum_frequency < roq_minimum_frequency:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Requested minimum frequency {} lower than ROQ basis flow {}"
+                .format(ifo.minimum_frequency, roq_minimum_frequency)
+            )
+        if ifo.strain_data.duration != roq_segment_length:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Requested duration differs from ROQ basis seglen")
+        priors = self.priors
+        if isinstance(priors, CBCPriorDict) is False:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check ROQ parameter bounds: priors not understood")
+            return
+        if priors.minimum_chirp_mass is None:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum chirp mass ROQ bounds")
+        elif priors.minimum_chirp_mass < roq_minimum_chirp_mass:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Prior minimum chirp mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
+                .format(priors.minimum_chirp_mass, roq_minimum_chirp_mass)
+            )
+        if priors.maximum_chirp_mass is None:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check maximum_chirp mass ROQ bounds")
+        elif priors.maximum_chirp_mass > roq_maximum_chirp_mass:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Prior maximum chirp mass {} greater than ROQ basis bound {}"
+                .format(priors.maximum_chirp_mass, roq_maximum_chirp_mass)
+            )
+        if priors.minimum_component_mass is None:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum component mass ROQ bounds")
+        elif priors.minimum_component_mass < roq_minimum_component_mass:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Prior minimum component mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
+                .format(priors.minimum_component_mass, roq_minimum_component_mass)
+            )
+    def _set_weights(self, linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix):
+        """
+        Setup the time-dependent ROQ weights.
+        See https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T2100125 for the detail of how to compute them.
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix: array_like
+            Arrays of the linear and quadratic basis
+        """
+        time_space = self._get_time_resolution()
+        number_of_time_samples = int(self.interferometers.duration / time_space)
+        try:
+            import pyfftw
+            ifft_input = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
+            ifft_output = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
+            ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(ifft_input, ifft_output, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')
+        except ImportError:
+            pyfftw = None
+            logger.warning("You do not have pyfftw installed, falling back to numpy.fft.")
+            ifft_input = np.zeros(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
+            ifft = np.fft.ifft
+        earth_light_crossing_time = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light + 5 * time_space
+        start_idx = max(
+            0,
+            int(np.floor((
+                self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].minimum
+                - earth_light_crossing_time
+                - self.interferometers.start_time
+            ) / time_space))
+        )
+        end_idx = min(
+            number_of_time_samples - 1,
+            int(np.ceil((
+                self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].maximum
+                + earth_light_crossing_time
+                - self.interferometers.start_time
+            ) / time_space))
+        )
+        self.weights['time_samples'] = np.arange(start_idx, end_idx + 1) * time_space
+        logger.info("Using {} ROQ time samples".format(len(self.weights['time_samples'])))
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            if self.roq_params is not None:
+                self.perform_roq_params_check(ifo)
+                # Get scaled ROQ quantities
+                roq_scaled_minimum_frequency = self.roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+                roq_scaled_maximum_frequency = self.roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+                roq_scaled_segment_length = self.roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+                # Generate frequencies for the ROQ
+                roq_frequencies = create_frequency_series(
+                    sampling_frequency=roq_scaled_maximum_frequency * 2,
+                    duration=roq_scaled_segment_length)
+                roq_mask = roq_frequencies >= roq_scaled_minimum_frequency
+                roq_frequencies = roq_frequencies[roq_mask]
+                overlap_frequencies, ifo_idxs, roq_idxs = np.intersect1d(
+                    ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask], roq_frequencies,
+                    return_indices=True)
+            else:
+                overlap_frequencies = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+                roq_idxs = np.arange(linear_matrix.shape[0], dtype=int)
+                ifo_idxs = np.arange(sum(ifo.frequency_mask))
+                if len(ifo_idxs) != len(roq_idxs):
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "Mismatch between ROQ basis and frequency array for "
+                        "{}".format(ifo.name))
+            logger.info(
+                "Building ROQ weights for {} with {} frequencies between {} "
+                "and {}.".format(
+                    ifo.name, len(overlap_frequencies),
+                    min(overlap_frequencies), max(overlap_frequencies)))
+            ifft_input[:] *= 0.
+            self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'] = \
+                np.zeros((len(self.weights['time_samples']), linear_matrix.shape[1]), dtype=complex)
+            data_over_psd = (
+                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs]
+                / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs]
+            )
+            nonzero_idxs = ifo_idxs + int(ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask][0] * self.interferometers.duration)
+            for i, basis_element in enumerate(linear_matrix[roq_idxs].T):
+                ifft_input[nonzero_idxs] = data_over_psd * np.conj(basis_element)
+                self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'][:, i] = ifft(ifft_input)[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+            self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'] *= 4. * number_of_time_samples / self.interferometers.duration
+            self.weights[ifo.name + '_quadratic'] = build_roq_weights(
+                1 /
+                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs],
+                quadratic_matrix[roq_idxs].real,
+                1 / ifo.strain_data.duration)
+            logger.info("Finished building weights for {}".format(ifo.name))
+        if pyfftw is not None:
+            pyfftw.forget_wisdom()
+    def save_weights(self, filename, format='npz'):
+        if format not in filename:
+            filename += "." + format
+        logger.info("Saving ROQ weights to {}".format(filename))
+        if format == 'json':
+            with open(filename, 'w') as file:
+                json.dump(self.weights, file, indent=2, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder)
+        elif format == 'npz':
+            np.savez(filename, **self.weights)
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_weights(filename, format=None):
+        if format is None:
+            format = filename.split(".")[-1]
+        if format not in ["json", "npz"]:
+            raise IOError("Format {} not recognized.".format(format))
+        logger.info("Loading ROQ weights from {}".format(filename))
+        if format == "json":
+            with open(filename, 'r') as file:
+                weights = json.load(file, object_hook=decode_bilby_json)
+        elif format == "npz":
+            # Wrap in dict to load data into memory
+            weights = dict(np.load(filename))
+        return weights
+    def _get_time_resolution(self):
+        """
+        This method estimates the time resolution given the optimal SNR of the
+        signal in the detector. This is then used when constructing the weights
+        for the ROQ.
+        A minimum resolution is set by assuming the SNR in each detector is at
+        least 10. When the SNR is not available the SNR is assumed to be 30 in
+        each detector.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        delta_t: float
+            Time resolution
+        """
+        def calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=20.):
+            """
+            Parameters
+            ==========
+            freq: array-like
+                Frequency array
+            psd: array-like
+                Power spectral density
+            scaling: float
+                SNR dependent scaling factor
+            Returns
+            =======
+            f_high: float
+                The maximum frequency which must be considered
+            """
+            from scipy.integrate import simps
+            integrand1 = np.power(freq, -7. / 3) / psd
+            integral1 = simps(integrand1, freq)
+            integrand3 = np.power(freq, 2. / 3.) / (psd * integral1)
+            f_3_bar = simps(integrand3, freq)
+            f_high = scaling * f_3_bar**(1 / 3)
+            return f_high
+        def c_f_scaling(snr):
+            return (np.pi**2 * snr**2 / 6)**(1 / 3)
+        inj_snr_sq = 0
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            inj_snr_sq += max(10, ifo.meta_data.get('optimal_SNR', 30))**2
+        psd = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+        freq = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+        fhigh = calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=c_f_scaling(inj_snr_sq**0.5))
+        delta_t = fhigh**-1
+        # Apply a safety factor to ensure the time step is short enough
+        delta_t = delta_t / 5
+        # duration / delta_t needs to be a power of 2 for IFFT
+        number_of_time_samples = max(
+            self.interferometers.duration / delta_t,
+            self.interferometers.frequency_array[-1] * self.interferometers.duration + 1)
+        number_of_time_samples = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(number_of_time_samples)))
+        delta_t = self.interferometers.duration / number_of_time_samples
+        logger.info("ROQ time-step = {}".format(delta_t))
+        return delta_t
+    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
+        for kind in ['linear', 'quadratic']:
+            for mode in signal[kind]:
+                signal[kind][mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
+class BilbyROQParamsRangeError(Exception):
+    pass
diff --git a/bilby/gw/prior.py b/bilby/gw/prior.py
index 7f63d91ee2ebf79fff874b46479822f161e499c2..1bf3c69981d91b2edb10fa808b0ce5ffbeecae06 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/prior.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/prior.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from .conversion import (
-from .cosmology import get_cosmology
+from .cosmology import get_cosmology, z_at_value
 from .source import PARAMETER_SETS
 from .utils import calculate_time_to_merger
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def convert_to_flat_in_component_mass_prior(result, fraction=0.25):
         priors[key] = Constraint(priors[key].minimum, priors[key].maximum, key, latex_label=priors[key].latex_label)
     for key in ['mass_1', 'mass_2']:
         priors[key] = Uniform(priors[key].minimum, priors[key].maximum, key, latex_label=priors[key].latex_label,
-                              unit="$M_{\odot}$")
+                              unit=r"$M_{\odot}$")
     weights = np.array(result.get_weights_by_new_prior(old_priors, priors,
                                                        prior_names=['chirp_mass', 'mass_ratio', 'mass_1', 'mass_2']))
@@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ class Cosmological(Interped):
         recalculate_array: boolean
             Determines if the distance arrays are recalculated
-        from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
         cosmology = get_cosmology(self.cosmology)
         limit_dict[self.name] = value
         if self.name == 'redshift':
@@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ class UniformComovingVolume(Cosmological):
 class UniformSourceFrame(Cosmological):
-    """
+    r"""
     Prior for redshift which is uniform in comoving volume and source frame
@@ -295,7 +294,7 @@ class UniformSourceFrame(Cosmological):
 class UniformInComponentsChirpMass(PowerLaw):
     def __init__(self, minimum, maximum, name='chirp_mass',
-                 latex_label='$\mathcal{M}$', unit=None, boundary=None):
+                 latex_label=r'$\mathcal{M}$', unit=None, boundary=None):
         Prior distribution for chirp mass which is uniform in component masses.
@@ -925,36 +924,36 @@ Prior._default_latex_labels = {
     'mass_1': '$m_1$',
     'mass_2': '$m_2$',
     'total_mass': '$M$',
-    'chirp_mass': '$\mathcal{M}$',
+    'chirp_mass': r'$\mathcal{M}$',
     'mass_ratio': '$q$',
-    'symmetric_mass_ratio': '$\eta$',
+    'symmetric_mass_ratio': r'$\eta$',
     'a_1': '$a_1$',
     'a_2': '$a_2$',
-    'tilt_1': '$\\theta_1$',
-    'tilt_2': '$\\theta_2$',
-    'cos_tilt_1': '$\cos\\theta_1$',
-    'cos_tilt_2': '$\cos\\theta_2$',
-    'phi_12': '$\Delta\phi$',
-    'phi_jl': '$\phi_{JL}$',
+    'tilt_1': r'$\theta_1$',
+    'tilt_2': r'$\theta_2$',
+    'cos_tilt_1': r'$\cos\theta_1$',
+    'cos_tilt_2': r'$\cos\theta_2$',
+    'phi_12': r'$\Delta\phi$',
+    'phi_jl': r'$\phi_{JL}$',
     'luminosity_distance': '$d_L$',
-    'dec': '$\mathrm{DEC}$',
-    'ra': '$\mathrm{RA}$',
-    'iota': '$\iota$',
-    'cos_iota': '$\cos\iota$',
-    'theta_jn': '$\\theta_{JN}$',
-    'cos_theta_jn': '$\cos\\theta_{JN}$',
-    'psi': '$\psi$',
-    'phase': '$\phi$',
+    'dec': r'$\mathrm{DEC}$',
+    'ra': r'$\mathrm{RA}$',
+    'iota': r'$\iota$',
+    'cos_iota': r'$\cos\iota$',
+    'theta_jn': r'$\theta_{JN}$',
+    'cos_theta_jn': r'$\cos\theta_{JN}$',
+    'psi': r'$\psi$',
+    'phase': r'$\phi$',
     'geocent_time': '$t_c$',
     'time_jitter': '$t_j$',
-    'lambda_1': '$\\Lambda_1$',
-    'lambda_2': '$\\Lambda_2$',
-    'lambda_tilde': '$\\tilde{\\Lambda}$',
-    'delta_lambda_tilde': '$\\delta\\tilde{\\Lambda}$',
-    'chi_1': '$\\chi_1$',
-    'chi_2': '$\\chi_2$',
-    'chi_1_in_plane': '$\\chi_{1, \perp}$',
-    'chi_2_in_plane': '$\\chi_{2, \perp}$',
+    'lambda_1': r'$\Lambda_1$',
+    'lambda_2': r'$\Lambda_2$',
+    'lambda_tilde': r'$\tilde{\Lambda}$',
+    'delta_lambda_tilde': r'$\delta\tilde{\Lambda}$',
+    'chi_1': r'$\chi_1$',
+    'chi_2': r'$\chi_2$',
+    'chi_1_in_plane': r'$\chi_{1, \perp}$',
+    'chi_2_in_plane': r'$\chi_{2, \perp}$',
@@ -1057,7 +1056,7 @@ class CalibrationPriorDict(PriorDict):
         for ii in range(n_nodes):
             name = "recalib_{}_phase_{}".format(label, ii)
-            latex_label = "$\\phi^{}_{}$".format(label, ii)
+            latex_label = r"$\phi^{}_{}$".format(label, ii)
             prior[name] = Gaussian(mu=phase_mean_nodes[ii],
                                    name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
@@ -1118,7 +1117,7 @@ class CalibrationPriorDict(PriorDict):
         for ii in range(n_nodes):
             name = "recalib_{}_phase_{}".format(label, ii)
-            latex_label = "$\\phi^{}_{}$".format(label, ii)
+            latex_label = r"$\phi^{}_{}$".format(label, ii)
             prior[name] = Gaussian(mu=phase_mean_nodes[ii],
                                    name=name, latex_label=latex_label,
diff --git a/bilby/gw/result.py b/bilby/gw/result.py
index fc599232b3a8cf71633825a4c941b61347b12ba3..5c95fe0f149625ca9360e6fbe5c8aa21d83c46cd 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/result.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/result.py
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class CompactBinaryCoalescenceResult(CoreResult):
             if len(amp_params) > 0:
                 amplitude = 100 * np.column_stack([posterior[param] for param in amp_params])
                 plot_spline_pos(logfreqs, amplitude, color=color, level=level,
-                                label="{0} (mean, {1}$\%$)".format(ifo.upper(), int(level * 100)))
+                                label=r"{0} (mean, {1}$\%$)".format(ifo.upper(), int(level * 100)))
             # Phase calibration model
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class CompactBinaryCoalescenceResult(CoreResult):
             if len(phase_params) > 0:
                 phase = np.column_stack([posterior[param] for param in phase_params])
                 plot_spline_pos(logfreqs, phase, color=color, level=level,
-                                label="{0} (mean, {1}$\%$)".format(ifo.upper(), int(level * 100)),
+                                label=r"{0} (mean, {1}$\%$)".format(ifo.upper(), int(level * 100)),
         ax1.tick_params(labelsize=.75 * font_size)
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class CompactBinaryCoalescenceResult(CoreResult):
         ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]', fontsize=font_size)
-        ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude [$\%$]', fontsize=font_size)
+        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Amplitude [$\%$]', fontsize=font_size)
         ax2.set_ylabel('Phase [deg]', fontsize=font_size)
         filename = os.path.join(outdir, self.label + '_calibration.' + format)
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ class CompactBinaryCoalescenceResult(CoreResult):
                 np.percentile(fd_waveforms, lower_percentile, axis=0),
                 np.percentile(fd_waveforms, upper_percentile, axis=0),
-                color=WAVEFORM_COLOR, label='{}\% credible interval'.format(
+                color=WAVEFORM_COLOR, label=r'{}\% credible interval'.format(
                     int(upper_percentile - lower_percentile)),
diff --git a/bilby/gw/utils.py b/bilby/gw/utils.py
index a52bfd663e7ed58e07b6ceda3f947414925c4918..c975f915a1098f05c2dde92ed08d0d7784861418 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/utils.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/utils.py
@@ -387,54 +387,31 @@ def zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec(zenith, azimuth, geocent_time, ifos):
 def get_event_time(event):
-    Get the merger time for known GW events.
-    See https://www.gw-openscience.org/catalog/GWTC-1-confident/html/
-    Last update https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.12907:
-    - GW150914
-    - GW151012
-    - GW151226
-    - GW170104
-    - GW170608
-    - GW170729
-    - GW170809
-    - GW170814
-    - GW170817
-    - GW170818
-    - GW170823
+    Get the merger time for known GW events using the gwosc package
-    ==========
+    ----------
     event: str
-        Event descriptor, this can deal with some prefixes, e.g.,
-        '151012', 'GW151012', 'LVT151012'
+        Event name, e.g. GW150914
-    =======
+    -------
     event_time: float
         Merger time
-    """
-    event_times = {'150914': 1126259462.4,
-                   '151012': 1128678900.4,
-                   '151226': 1135136350.6,
-                   '170104': 1167559936.6,
-                   '170608': 1180922494.5,
-                   '170729': 1185389807.3,
-                   '170809': 1186302519.8,
-                   '170814': 1186741861.5,
-                   '170817': 1187008882.4,
-                   '170818': 1187058327.1,
-                   '170823': 1187529256.5}
-    if 'GW' or 'LVT' in event:
-        event = event[-6:]
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ImportError
+        If the gwosc package is not installed
+    ValueError
+        If the event is not in the gwosc dataset
+    """
-        event_time = event_times[event[-6:]]
-        return event_time
-    except KeyError:
-        print('Unknown event {}.'.format(event))
-        return None
+        from gwosc import datasets
+    except ImportError:
+        raise ImportError("You do not have the gwosc package installed")
+    return datasets.event_gps(event)
 def get_open_strain_data(
diff --git a/containers/dockerfile-template b/containers/dockerfile-template
index 82354c22f95190242a5e34cd4da67ab6767583f4..fc74e7a08d623cbf6d82957f5ce3466c5b4f1e6a 100644
--- a/containers/dockerfile-template
+++ b/containers/dockerfile-template
@@ -13,31 +13,36 @@ RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate ${{conda_env}}"
 RUN conda info
 RUN python --version
-# Install pymultinest requirements
-RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
-RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev liblapack3 liblapack-dev \
-libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev cmake build-essential gfortran
 # Install conda-installable programs
 RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -y matplotlib numpy scipy pandas astropy flake8 mock
 RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c anaconda coverage configargparse future
-# Install conda-forge-installable programs
-RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge black ligo-gracedb gwpy lalsuite ligo.skymap pytest-cov deepdish arviz
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge black pytest-cov deepdish arviz
 # Install pip-requirements
 RUN pip install --upgrade pip
-RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge
+RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized
 # Install documentation requirements
 RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc
 # Install dependencies and samplers
-RUN pip install corner lalsuite theano healpy cython tables
-RUN pip install cpnest dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee pymc3 kombine dnest4 nessai zeus-mcmc
+RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee
 RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge pytorch
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge theano-pymc
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge pymc3
+RUN pip install nessai
 # Install Polychord
+RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
+RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
+RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y liblapack3 liblapack-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y gfortran
 RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 && (cd PolyChordLite && python setup.py --no-mpi install)
@@ -45,6 +50,10 @@ RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 RUN git clone https://github.com/jellis18/PTMCMCSampler.git \
 && (cd PTMCMCSampler && python setup.py install)
+# Install GW packages
+RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge python-lalsimulation
+RUN pip install ligo-gracedb gwpy ligo.skymap
 # Add the ROQ data to the image
 RUN mkdir roq_basis \
     && cd roq_basis \
diff --git a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37 b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37
index b633f76f8f237421793518add92348a7c53804a5..bb4d1996639deb30d1975f6aa9d958b4068fe959 100644
--- a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37
+++ b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37
@@ -15,31 +15,36 @@ RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate ${conda_env}"
 RUN conda info
 RUN python --version
-# Install pymultinest requirements
-RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
-RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev liblapack3 liblapack-dev \
-libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev cmake build-essential gfortran
 # Install conda-installable programs
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -y matplotlib numpy scipy pandas astropy flake8 mock
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c anaconda coverage configargparse future
-# Install conda-forge-installable programs
-RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge black ligo-gracedb gwpy lalsuite ligo.skymap pytest-cov deepdish arviz
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge black pytest-cov deepdish arviz
 # Install pip-requirements
 RUN pip install --upgrade pip
-RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge
+RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized
 # Install documentation requirements
 RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc
 # Install dependencies and samplers
-RUN pip install corner lalsuite theano healpy cython tables
-RUN pip install cpnest dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee pymc3 kombine dnest4 nessai zeus-mcmc
+RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pytorch
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge theano-pymc
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymc3
+RUN pip install nessai
 # Install Polychord
+RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
+RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
+RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y liblapack3 liblapack-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y gfortran
 RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 && (cd PolyChordLite && python setup.py --no-mpi install)
@@ -47,6 +52,10 @@ RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 RUN git clone https://github.com/jellis18/PTMCMCSampler.git \
 && (cd PTMCMCSampler && python setup.py install)
+# Install GW packages
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge python-lalsimulation
+RUN pip install ligo-gracedb gwpy ligo.skymap
 # Add the ROQ data to the image
 RUN mkdir roq_basis \
     && cd roq_basis \
diff --git a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38 b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38
index 98d03802ba11a15480d1ccd2d9065a054f18fe9c..e5724e0c884428442c68aff473dab1438d80ee01 100644
--- a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38
+++ b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38
@@ -15,31 +15,36 @@ RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate ${conda_env}"
 RUN conda info
 RUN python --version
-# Install pymultinest requirements
-RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
-RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev liblapack3 liblapack-dev \
-libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev cmake build-essential gfortran
 # Install conda-installable programs
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -y matplotlib numpy scipy pandas astropy flake8 mock
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c anaconda coverage configargparse future
-# Install conda-forge-installable programs
-RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge black ligo-gracedb gwpy lalsuite ligo.skymap pytest-cov deepdish arviz
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge black pytest-cov deepdish arviz
 # Install pip-requirements
 RUN pip install --upgrade pip
-RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge
+RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized
 # Install documentation requirements
 RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc
 # Install dependencies and samplers
-RUN pip install corner lalsuite theano healpy cython tables
-RUN pip install cpnest dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee pymc3 kombine dnest4 nessai zeus-mcmc
+RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pytorch
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge theano-pymc
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymc3
+RUN pip install nessai
 # Install Polychord
+RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
+RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
+RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y liblapack3 liblapack-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y gfortran
 RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 && (cd PolyChordLite && python setup.py --no-mpi install)
@@ -47,6 +52,10 @@ RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 RUN git clone https://github.com/jellis18/PTMCMCSampler.git \
 && (cd PTMCMCSampler && python setup.py install)
+# Install GW packages
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge python-lalsimulation
+RUN pip install ligo-gracedb gwpy ligo.skymap
 # Add the ROQ data to the image
 RUN mkdir roq_basis \
     && cd roq_basis \
diff --git a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39 b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39
index 6b64f65e0d139a924d3f951d0c9cb9249f0f9811..106cd4573d5d57c832bf54b686a92d0a0fe94064 100644
--- a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39
+++ b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39
@@ -15,31 +15,36 @@ RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate ${conda_env}"
 RUN conda info
 RUN python --version
-# Install pymultinest requirements
-RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
-RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev liblapack3 liblapack-dev \
-libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev cmake build-essential gfortran
 # Install conda-installable programs
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -y matplotlib numpy scipy pandas astropy flake8 mock
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c anaconda coverage configargparse future
-# Install conda-forge-installable programs
-RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge black ligo-gracedb gwpy lalsuite ligo.skymap pytest-cov deepdish arviz
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge black pytest-cov deepdish arviz
 # Install pip-requirements
 RUN pip install --upgrade pip
-RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge
+RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized
 # Install documentation requirements
 RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc
 # Install dependencies and samplers
-RUN pip install corner lalsuite theano healpy cython tables
-RUN pip install cpnest dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee pymc3 kombine dnest4 nessai zeus-mcmc
+RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee
 RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pytorch
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge theano-pymc
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymc3
+RUN pip install nessai
 # Install Polychord
+RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
+RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
+RUN apt-get install -y libblas3 libblas-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y liblapack3 liblapack-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y libatlas3-base libatlas-base-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y gfortran
 RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 && (cd PolyChordLite && python setup.py --no-mpi install)
@@ -47,6 +52,10 @@ RUN git clone https://github.com/PolyChord/PolyChordLite.git \
 RUN git clone https://github.com/jellis18/PTMCMCSampler.git \
 && (cd PTMCMCSampler && python setup.py install)
+# Install GW packages
+RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge python-lalsimulation
+RUN pip install ligo-gracedb gwpy ligo.skymap
 # Add the ROQ data to the image
 RUN mkdir roq_basis \
     && cd roq_basis \
diff --git a/docs/samplers.txt b/docs/samplers.txt
index 8e26550cb1c2d564d8c1c4ed3810890ed214cf98..fad1d62ba2953e46bce4e635c98269c0e8aeecb1 100644
--- a/docs/samplers.txt
+++ b/docs/samplers.txt
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ MCMC samplers
 - emcee :code:`bilby.core.sampler.emcee.Emcee`
 - ptemcee :code:`bilby.core.sampler.ptemcee.Ptemcee`
 - pymc3 :code:`bilby.core.sampler.pymc3.Pymc3`
+- zeus :code:`bilby.core.sampler.zeus.Zeus`
diff --git a/docs/transient-gw-data.txt b/docs/transient-gw-data.txt
index 78501e6d56b10110b46e3be839adf9b1a1d1ec49..1fd041acab60a0f5bb116965167be02fbab410df 100644
--- a/docs/transient-gw-data.txt
+++ b/docs/transient-gw-data.txt
@@ -91,6 +91,21 @@ You can also set the strain data without any noise at all
 Injecting a signal
-If you wish to inject a signal into the data, you can use this function
+If you wish to inject a signal into the data, you can use this function:
    >>> bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer.inject_signal
+To inject a signal a `bilby.gw.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator` is required.
+This is where you must specify the injection's duration, start-time, waveform.
+Additionally, a `parameter_conversion` function can be passed. The default is :code:`parameter_conversion = bilby.gw.conversion.convert_to_lal_binary_black_hole_parameters`.
+This expects injection parameters to be provided in the detector-frame, e.g.
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> parameters = dict(
+        mass_1=36., mass_2=29.,
+        a_1=0.4, a_2=0.3, tilt_1=0.5, tilt_2=1.0, phi_12=1.7, phi_jl=0.3,
+        luminosity_distance=2000., theta_jn=0.4, psi=2.659,
+        phase=1.3, geocent_time=1126259642.413, ra=1.375, dec=-1.2108
+        )
diff --git a/examples/core_examples/hyper_parameter_example.py b/examples/core_examples/hyper_parameter_example.py
index 5c920989c054a88978ff400f922b3ec4049ee126..4ce066e938ef2e8d9ff571d10ee154e0af9e871f 100644
--- a/examples/core_examples/hyper_parameter_example.py
+++ b/examples/core_examples/hyper_parameter_example.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ An example of how to use bilby to perform parameter estimation for hyper params
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
 from bilby.core.likelihood import GaussianLikelihood
 from bilby.core.prior import Uniform
 from bilby.core.result import make_pp_plot
@@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ hp_likelihood = HyperparameterLikelihood(
 hp_priors = dict(
-    mu=Uniform(-10, 10, "mu", "$\mu_{c0}$"),
-    sigma=Uniform(0, 10, "sigma", "$\sigma_{c0}$"),
+    mu=Uniform(-10, 10, "mu", r"$\mu_{c0}$"),
+    sigma=Uniform(0, 10, "sigma", r"$\sigma_{c0}$"),
 # And run sampler
diff --git a/examples/core_examples/slabspike_example.py b/examples/core_examples/slabspike_example.py
index 9455834218033e6dde3cc021626a7de1364e0395..30521fa28c4220694f09b378f90bf59b28edb476 100644
--- a/examples/core_examples/slabspike_example.py
+++ b/examples/core_examples/slabspike_example.py
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ up to three Gaussians.
-import bilby
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
+import bilby
 outdir = "outdir"
 label = "slabspike"
@@ -102,22 +103,22 @@ priors["amplitude_2"] = bilby.core.prior.SlabSpikePrior(
 # See e.g. https://github.com/GregoryAshton/kookaburra/blob/master/src/priors.py#L72 for an implementation.
 # We resolve this by not letting the priors overlap in this case.
 priors["mu_0"] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(
-    minimum=-5, maximum=-2, name="mu_0", latex_label="$\mu_0$"
+    minimum=-5, maximum=-2, name="mu_0", latex_label=r"$\mu_0$"
 priors["mu_1"] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(
-    minimum=-2, maximum=2, name="mu_1", latex_label="$\mu_1$"
+    minimum=-2, maximum=2, name="mu_1", latex_label=r"$\mu_1$"
 priors["mu_2"] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(
-    minimum=2, maximum=5, name="mu_2", latex_label="$\mu_2$"
+    minimum=2, maximum=5, name="mu_2", latex_label=r"$\mu_2$"
 priors["sigma_0"] = bilby.core.prior.LogUniform(
-    minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name="sigma_0", latex_label="$\sigma_0$"
+    minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name="sigma_0", latex_label=r"$\sigma_0$"
 priors["sigma_1"] = bilby.core.prior.LogUniform(
-    minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name="sigma_1", latex_label="$\sigma_1$"
+    minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name="sigma_1", latex_label=r"$\sigma_1$"
 priors["sigma_2"] = bilby.core.prior.LogUniform(
-    minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name="sigma_2", latex_label="$\sigma_2$"
+    minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name="sigma_2", latex_label=r"$\sigma_2$"
 # Setting up the likelihood and running the samplers works the same as elsewhere.
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index c3bf8ebb8cd090bad2f14fb49ae7620aec7cb436..99b3eedbbf9e86b09300ce89e8b466e824c62536 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ tqdm
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sampler_requirements.txt b/sampler_requirements.txt
index 443a96ab2a1ea2f4f7474436437a43d2b4afa0e5..d60093c8b1b3e2abd5af5397f02f1986655f5e04 100644
--- a/sampler_requirements.txt
+++ b/sampler_requirements.txt
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ ultranest>=3.0.0
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 4a86df8ebe1f77c62f4e6de88f45610732c0b3fe..7f999dcf7d5ee889b4a528f229d1d17801451a55 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 exclude = .git,docs,build,dist,test,*__init__.py
 max-line-length = 120
-ignore = E129 W503 W504 W605 E203 E402
+ignore = E129 W503 W504 E203 E402
 addopts =
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d0594a673aeba14655d18345c26a212d797f6268..0c3cc35f40e164780339509526bf959a98e9e0ad 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ if python_version < (3, 7):
 def write_version_file(version):
-    """ Writes a file with version information to be used at run time
+    """Writes a file with version information to be used at run time
@@ -27,31 +27,32 @@ def write_version_file(version):
         git_log = subprocess.check_output(
-            ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%h %ai']).decode('utf-8')
-        git_diff = (subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', '.']) +
-                    subprocess.check_output(
-                        ['git', 'diff', '--cached', '.'])).decode('utf-8')
-        if git_diff == '':
-            git_status = '(CLEAN) ' + git_log
+            ["git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%h %ai"]
+        ).decode("utf-8")
+        git_diff = (
+            subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "."])
+            + subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "--cached", "."])
+        ).decode("utf-8")
+        if git_diff == "":
+            git_status = "(CLEAN) " + git_log
-            git_status = '(UNCLEAN) ' + git_log
+            git_status = "(UNCLEAN) " + git_log
     except Exception as e:
-        print("Unable to obtain git version information, exception: {}"
-              .format(e))
-        git_status = 'release'
+        print("Unable to obtain git version information, exception: {}".format(e))
+        git_status = "release"
-    version_file = '.version'
+    version_file = ".version"
     if os.path.isfile(version_file) is False:
-        with open('bilby/' + version_file, 'w+') as f:
-            f.write('{}: {}'.format(version, git_status))
+        with open("bilby/" + version_file, "w+") as f:
+            f.write("{}: {}".format(version, git_status))
     return version_file
 def get_long_description():
-    """ Finds the README and reads in the description """
+    """Finds the README and reads in the description"""
     here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-    with open(os.path.join(here, 'README.rst')) as f:
+    with open(os.path.join(here, "README.rst")) as f:
         long_description = f.read()
     return long_description
@@ -69,36 +70,55 @@ def readfile(filename):
     return filecontents
-VERSION = '1.1.3'
+VERSION = '1.1.4'
 version_file = write_version_file(VERSION)
 long_description = get_long_description()
-      description='A user-friendly Bayesian inference library',
-      long_description=long_description,
-      long_description_content_type="text/x-rst",
-      url='https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby',
-      author='Greg Ashton, Moritz Huebner, Paul Lasky, Colm Talbot',
-      author_email='paul.lasky@monash.edu',
-      license="MIT",
-      version=VERSION,
-      packages=['bilby', 'bilby.core', 'bilby.core.prior', 'bilby.core.sampler',
-                'bilby.core.utils', 'bilby.gw', 'bilby.gw.detector',
-                'bilby.gw.sampler', 'bilby.hyper', 'bilby.gw.eos', 'bilby.bilby_mcmc',
-                'cli_bilby'],
-      package_dir={'bilby': 'bilby', 'cli_bilby': 'cli_bilby'},
-      package_data={'bilby.gw': ['prior_files/*'],
-                    'bilby.gw.detector': ['noise_curves/*.txt', 'detectors/*'],
-                    'bilby.gw.eos': ['eos_tables/*.dat'],
-                    'bilby': [version_file]},
-      python_requires='>=3.6',
-      install_requires=get_requirements(),
-      entry_points={'console_scripts':
-                    ['bilby_plot=cli_bilby.plot_multiple_posteriors:main',
-                     'bilby_result=cli_bilby.bilby_result:main']
-                    },
-      classifiers=[
-          "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
-          "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
-          "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
-          "Operating System :: OS Independent"])
+    name="bilby",
+    description="A user-friendly Bayesian inference library",
+    long_description=long_description,
+    long_description_content_type="text/x-rst",
+    url="https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby",
+    author="Greg Ashton, Moritz Huebner, Paul Lasky, Colm Talbot",
+    author_email="paul.lasky@monash.edu",
+    license="MIT",
+    version=VERSION,
+    packages=[
+        "bilby",
+        "bilby.bilby_mcmc",
+        "bilby.core",
+        "bilby.core.prior",
+        "bilby.core.sampler",
+        "bilby.core.utils",
+        "bilby.gw",
+        "bilby.gw.detector",
+        "bilby.gw.eos",
+        "bilby.gw.likelihood",
+        "bilby.gw.sampler",
+        "bilby.hyper",
+        "cli_bilby",
+    ],
+    package_dir={"bilby": "bilby", "cli_bilby": "cli_bilby"},
+    package_data={
+        "bilby.gw": ["prior_files/*"],
+        "bilby.gw.detector": ["noise_curves/*.txt", "detectors/*"],
+        "bilby.gw.eos": ["eos_tables/*.dat"],
+        "bilby": [version_file],
+    },
+    python_requires=">=3.7",
+    install_requires=get_requirements(),
+    entry_points={
+        "console_scripts": [
+            "bilby_plot=cli_bilby.plot_multiple_posteriors:main",
+            "bilby_result=cli_bilby.bilby_result:main",
+        ]
+    },
+    classifiers=[
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+        "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+    ],
diff --git a/test/check_author_list.py b/test/check_author_list.py
index c43f0f0030d657148ec5991faf807bac6b4192ca..98352318a503eb588b566d6b6b368e24caa5f1d9 100644
--- a/test/check_author_list.py
+++ b/test/check_author_list.py
@@ -14,10 +14,26 @@ lines = subprocess.check_output(["git", "shortlog", "HEAD", "-sn"]).decode("utf-
 if len(lines) == 0:
     raise Exception("No authors to check against")
+def remove_accents(raw_text):
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[àáâãäå]", 'a', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[èéêë]", 'e', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[ìíîï]", 'i', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[òóôõö]", 'o', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[ùúûü]", 'u', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[ýÿ]", 'y', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[ß]", 'ss', raw_text)
+    raw_text = re.sub(u"[ñ]", 'n', raw_text)
+    return(raw_text)
 fail_test = False
 for line in lines:
     line = line.replace(".", " ")
     line = re.sub('([A-Z][a-z]+)', r' \1', re.sub('([A-Z]+)', r' \1', line))
+    line = remove_accents(line)
     for element in line.split()[1:]:
         element = element.lower()
         if element not in AUTHORS_list and element not in special_cases:
diff --git a/test/core/prior/base_test.py b/test/core/prior/base_test.py
index bafa10fa90e7495ccf0999f900580aee65aa719a..49887de5032580096b1acdf321f5a83534ab5d3c 100644
--- a/test/core/prior/base_test.py
+++ b/test/core/prior/base_test.py
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class TestPrior(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_default_label_assignment(self):
         self.prior.name = "chirp_mass"
         self.prior.latex_label = None
-        self.assertEqual(self.prior.latex_label, "$\mathcal{M}$")
+        self.assertEqual(self.prior.latex_label, r"$\mathcal{M}$")
     def test_default_label_assignment_default(self):
         self.assertTrue(self.prior.latex_label, self.prior.name)
diff --git a/test/core/prior/dict_test.py b/test/core/prior/dict_test.py
index 3b8487fa1f49ea9c25459c738cc16e58252a5f76..03881612a61404db58ebc43d2944fc833480643b 100644
--- a/test/core/prior/dict_test.py
+++ b/test/core/prior/dict_test.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TestPriorDict(unittest.TestCase):
-                latex_label="$\mathcal{M}$",
+                latex_label=r"$\mathcal{M}$",
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class TestPriorDict(unittest.TestCase):
-                    latex_label="$\mathcal{M}$",
+                    latex_label=r"$\mathcal{M}$",
diff --git a/test/core/result_test.py b/test/core/result_test.py
index b2a7c24c1776f295fe0964094b42242c00704bd0..f49e4a3a25727f45d268df0952cc4659ebd9d1be 100644
--- a/test/core/result_test.py
+++ b/test/core/result_test.py
@@ -134,6 +134,25 @@ class TestResult(unittest.TestCase):
         with self.assertRaises(IOError):
+        with self.assertRaises(IOError):
+            incomplete_json = """
+  "label": "label",
+  "outdir": "outdir",
+  "sampler": "dynesty",
+  "log_evidence": 0,
+  "log_evidence_err": 0,
+  "log_noise_evidence": 0,
+  "log_bayes_factor": 0,
+  "priors": {
+    "chirp_mass": {
+            with open("{}/incomplete.json".format(self.result.outdir), "wb") as ff:
+                ff.write(incomplete_json)
+            bilby.core.result.read_in_result(
+                filename="{}/incomplete.json".format(self.result.outdir)
+            )
     def test_unset_priors(self):
         result = bilby.core.result.Result(
diff --git a/test/core/sampler/nessai_test.py b/test/core/sampler/nessai_test.py
index 15b0f26afe179c7ce0b70f6cd234761142f605de..6f902f71d8f8e43a53c824345356bdd389eaa922 100644
--- a/test/core/sampler/nessai_test.py
+++ b/test/core/sampler/nessai_test.py
@@ -22,53 +22,8 @@ class TestNessai(unittest.TestCase):
-        self.expected = dict(
-            output="outdir/label_nessai/",
-            nlive=1000,
-            stopping=0.1,
-            resume=True,
-            max_iteration=None,
-            checkpointing=True,
-            seed=1234,
-            acceptance_threshold=0.01,
-            analytic_priors=False,
-            maximum_uninformed=1000,
-            uninformed_proposal=None,
-            uninformed_proposal_kwargs=None,
-            flow_class=None,
-            flow_config=None,
-            training_frequency=None,
-            reset_weights=False,
-            reset_permutations=False,
-            reset_acceptance=False,
-            train_on_empty=True,
-            cooldown=100,
-            memory=False,
-            poolsize=None,
-            drawsize=None,
-            max_poolsize_scale=10,
-            update_poolsize=False,
-            latent_prior='truncated_gaussian',
-            draw_latent_kwargs=None,
-            compute_radius_with_all=False,
-            min_radius=False,
-            max_radius=50,
-            check_acceptance=False,
-            fuzz=1.0,
-            expansion_fraction=1.0,
-            rescale_parameters=True,
-            rescale_bounds=[-1, 1],
-            update_bounds=False,
-            boundary_inversion=False,
-            inversion_type='split', detect_edges=False,
-            detect_edges_kwargs=None,
-            reparameterisations=None,
-            n_pool=None,
-            max_threads=1,
-            pytorch_threads=None,
-            plot=False,
-            proposal_plots=False
-        )
+        self.expected = self.sampler.default_kwargs
+        self.expected['output'] = 'outdir/label_nessai/'
     def tearDown(self):
         del self.likelihood
@@ -76,16 +31,16 @@ class TestNessai(unittest.TestCase):
         del self.sampler
         del self.expected
-    def test_default_kwargs(self):
-        expected = self.expected.copy()
-        self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
     def test_translate_kwargs_nlive(self):
         expected = self.expected.copy()
+        # nlive in the default kwargs is not a fixed but depends on the
+        # version of nessai, so get the value here and use it when setting
+        # the equivalent kwargs.
+        nlive = expected["nlive"]
         for equiv in bilby.core.sampler.base_sampler.NestedSampler.npoints_equiv_kwargs:
             new_kwargs = self.sampler.kwargs.copy()
             del new_kwargs["nlive"]
-            new_kwargs[equiv] = 1000
+            new_kwargs[equiv] = nlive
             self.sampler.kwargs = new_kwargs
             self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
@@ -117,10 +72,10 @@ class TestNessai(unittest.TestCase):
         self.sampler.kwargs = new_kwargs
         self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
-    @patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data='{"nlive": 2000}'))
+    @patch("builtins.open", mock_open(read_data='{"nlive": 4000}'))
     def test_update_from_config_file(self):
         expected = self.expected.copy()
-        expected["nlive"] = 2000
+        expected["nlive"] = 4000
         new_kwargs = self.expected.copy()
         new_kwargs["config_file"] = "config_file.json"
         self.sampler.kwargs = new_kwargs
diff --git a/test/core/sampler/pymc3_test.py b/test/core/sampler/pymc3_test.py
index ad1df20f4a077038c2046e260c26880ec1737aec..9fb710c344159f96a1b3707011ff1aa817f706bf 100644
--- a/test/core/sampler/pymc3_test.py
+++ b/test/core/sampler/pymc3_test.py
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ import bilby
 @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[1] <= 6, reason="pymc3 is broken in py36")
+    raises=AttributeError,
+    reason="Dependency issue with pymc3 causes attribute error on import",
 class TestPyMC3(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.likelihood = MagicMock()
diff --git a/test/core/sampler/zeus_test.py b/test/core/sampler/zeus_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7bd9289cf5e3115a017c8eeae50e21b99c12ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/core/sampler/zeus_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import unittest
+from mock import MagicMock
+import bilby
+class TestZeus(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.likelihood = MagicMock()
+        self.priors = bilby.core.prior.PriorDict(
+            dict(a=bilby.core.prior.Uniform(0, 1), b=bilby.core.prior.Uniform(0, 1))
+        )
+        self.sampler = bilby.core.sampler.Zeus(
+            self.likelihood,
+            self.priors,
+            outdir="outdir",
+            label="label",
+            use_ratio=False,
+            plot=False,
+            skip_import_verification=True,
+        )
+    def tearDown(self):
+        del self.likelihood
+        del self.priors
+        del self.sampler
+    def test_default_kwargs(self):
+        expected = dict(
+            nwalkers=500,
+            args=[],
+            kwargs={},
+            pool=None,
+            log_prob0=None,
+            start=None,
+            blobs0=None,
+            iterations=100,
+            thin=1,
+        )
+        self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
+    def test_translate_kwargs(self):
+        expected = dict(
+            nwalkers=100,
+            args=[],
+            kwargs={},
+            pool=None,
+            log_prob0=None,
+            start=None,
+            blobs0=None,
+            iterations=100,
+            thin=1,
+        )
+        for equiv in bilby.core.sampler.base_sampler.MCMCSampler.nwalkers_equiv_kwargs:
+            new_kwargs = self.sampler.kwargs.copy()
+            del new_kwargs["nwalkers"]
+            new_kwargs[equiv] = 100
+            self.sampler.kwargs = new_kwargs
+            self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.sampler.kwargs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/gw/detector/interferometer_test.py b/test/gw/detector/interferometer_test.py
index b01b57e17fe2a1562546c24e8f0fa28e84aebe47..3c879d22a766955bb5f37a764f075fd8f88a7281 100644
--- a/test/gw/detector/interferometer_test.py
+++ b/test/gw/detector/interferometer_test.py
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 import sys
 import unittest
+import lal
+import lalsimulation
 import pytest
 from packaging import version
 from shutil import rmtree
@@ -552,5 +555,46 @@ class TestInterferometerEquals(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertNotEqual(self.ifo_1, self.ifo_2)
+class TestInterferometerAntennaPatternAgainstLAL(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.name = "name"
+        self.ifo_names = ['H1', 'L1', 'V1', 'K1', 'GEO600', 'ET']
+        self.lal_prefixes = {'H1': 'H1', 'L1': 'L1', 'V1': 'V1', 'K1': 'K1', 'GEO600': 'G1', 'ET': 'E1'}
+        self.polarizations = ['plus', 'cross', 'breathing', 'longitudinal', 'x', 'y']
+        self.ifos = bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList(self.ifo_names)
+        self.gpstime = 1305303144
+        self.trial = 100
+    def tearDown(self):
+        del self.name
+        del self.ifo_names
+        del self.lal_prefixes
+        del self.polarizations
+        del self.ifos
+        del self.gpstime
+        del self.trial
+    def test_antenna_pattern_vs_lal(self):
+        gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(self.gpstime)
+        f_bilby = np.zeros((self.trial, 6))
+        f_lal = np.zeros((self.trial, 6))
+        for n, ifo_name in enumerate(self.ifo_names):
+            response = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(self.lal_prefixes[ifo_name]).response
+            ifo = self.ifos[n]
+            for i in range(self.trial):
+                ra = 2. * np.pi * np.random.uniform()
+                dec = np.pi * np.random.uniform() - np.pi / 2.
+                psi = np.pi * np.random.uniform()
+                f_lal[i] = lal.ComputeDetAMResponseExtraModes(response, ra, dec, psi, gmst)
+                for m, pol in enumerate(self.polarizations):
+                    f_bilby[i, m] = ifo.antenna_response(ra, dec, self.gpstime, psi, pol)
+            std = np.std(f_bilby - f_lal, axis=0)
+            for m, pol in enumerate(self.polarizations):
+                with self.subTest(':'.join((ifo_name, pol))):
+                    self.assertAlmostEqual(std[m], 0.0, places=7)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/test/gw/detector/networks_test.py b/test/gw/detector/networks_test.py
index 4484cfb12d526ecb11940e390e78b2e10c9c21c7..b0d02e4eae2e58f7ad43aee61be3365c86137603 100644
--- a/test/gw/detector/networks_test.py
+++ b/test/gw/detector/networks_test.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import unittest
 import pytest
 from shutil import rmtree
 from packaging import version
+from itertools import combinations
 import deepdish as dd
 import mock
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ class TestInterferometerList(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_init_with_string_list(self):
-        """ Merely checks if this ends up in the right bracket """
+        """Merely checks if this ends up in the right bracket"""
         with mock.patch("bilby.gw.detector.networks.get_empty_interferometer") as m:
             m.side_effect = TypeError
             with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
@@ -240,8 +241,12 @@ class TestInterferometerList(unittest.TestCase):
     @patch.object(bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer, "inject_signal")
     def test_inject_signal_with_inj_pol(self, m):
-        self.ifo_list.inject_signal(injection_polarizations=dict(plus=1))
-        m.assert_called_with(parameters=None, injection_polarizations=dict(plus=1))
+        self.ifo_list.inject_signal(
+            injection_polarizations=dict(plus=1), raise_error=False
+        )
+        m.assert_called_with(
+            parameters=None, injection_polarizations=dict(plus=1), raise_error=False
+        )
         self.assertEqual(len(self.ifo_list), m.call_count)
     @patch.object(bilby.gw.detector.Interferometer, "inject_signal")
@@ -337,7 +342,9 @@ class TestInterferometerList(unittest.TestCase):
             recovered_ifo = bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList.from_hdf5(filename)
             self.assertListEqual(self.ifo_list, recovered_ifo)
-    @pytest.mark.skipif(pandas_version_test or sys.version_info[0] < 3, reason=skip_reason)
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(
+        pandas_version_test or sys.version_info[0] < 3, reason=skip_reason
+    )
     def test_to_and_from_hdf5_wrong_class(self):
         dd.io.save("./outdir/psd.h5", self.ifo_list[0].power_spectral_density)
         filename = self.ifo_list._filename_from_outdir_label_extension(
@@ -354,6 +361,7 @@ class TestInterferometerList(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_to_and_from_pkl_wrong_class(self):
         import dill
         with open("./outdir/psd.pkl", "wb") as ff:
             dill.dump(self.ifo_list[0].power_spectral_density, ff)
         filename = self.ifo_list._filename_from_outdir_label_extension(
@@ -372,5 +380,40 @@ class TestInterferometerList(unittest.TestCase):
+class TriangularInterferometerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.triangular_ifo = bilby.gw.detector.get_empty_interferometer("ET")
+    def tearDown(self):
+        del self.triangular_ifo
+    def test_individual_positions(self):
+        """
+        Check that the distances between the vertices of the three
+        individual interferometers is approximately equal to the
+        length of the arms of the detector.
+        Calculation following:
+        https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
+        Angles must be in radians
+        """
+        def a(delta_lat, delta_long, lat_1, lat_2):
+            return (
+                np.sin(delta_lat / 2) ** 2
+                + np.cos(lat_1) * np.cos(lat_2) * np.sin(delta_long / 2) ** 2
+            )
+        def c(a):
+            return 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a))
+        for pair in list(combinations(self.triangular_ifo, 2)):
+            delta_lat = np.radians(pair[1].latitude - pair[0].latitude)
+            delta_long = np.radians(pair[1].longitude - pair[0].longitude)
+            pair_a = a(delta_lat, delta_long, pair[0].latitude, pair[1].latitude)
+            pair_c = c(pair_a)
+            distance = bilby.core.utils.radius_of_earth * pair_c
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(distance / 1000, pair[0].length, delta=1)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/test/gw/utils_test.py b/test/gw/utils_test.py
index a3a7582f1f2b94c796156fb9cc031c37a3bb5aee..d8c3286ac4ac3b58250a6f1394b19870d275eb9f 100644
--- a/test/gw/utils_test.py
+++ b/test/gw/utils_test.py
@@ -103,21 +103,13 @@ class TestGWUtils(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_get_event_time(self):
         events = [
-            "GW151012",
-            "GW151226",
-            "GW170608",
-            "GW170729",
-            "GW170809",
-            "GW170814",
-            "GW170817",
-            "GW170818",
-            "GW170823",
         for event in events:
             self.assertTrue(isinstance(gwutils.get_event_time(event), float))
-        self.assertTrue(gwutils.get_event_time("GW010290") is None)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            gwutils.get_event_time("GW010290")
     def test_read_frame_file(self):
         start_time = 0
diff --git a/test/integration/sampler_run_test.py b/test/integration/sampler_run_test.py
index c72ca91b71332c8a0c80852aee815dc245399323..0a0b1b19e23def083e6dd58f69ebfda780e4c3b2 100644
--- a/test/integration/sampler_run_test.py
+++ b/test/integration/sampler_run_test.py
@@ -25,8 +25,19 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
         self.priors = bilby.core.prior.PriorDict()
         self.priors["m"] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(0, 5, boundary="periodic")
         self.priors["c"] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(-2, 2, boundary="reflective")
+        self.kwargs = dict(
+            save=False,
+            conversion_function=self.conversion_function,
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def conversion_function(parameters, likelihood, prior):
+        converted = parameters.copy()
+        if "derived" not in converted:
+            converted["derived"] = converted["m"] * converted["c"]
+        return converted
     def tearDown(self):
         del self.likelihood
         del self.priors
@@ -34,17 +45,21 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_run_cpnest(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("cpnest")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_dnest4(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("dnest4")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
@@ -54,20 +69,26 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_dynesty(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("dynesty")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_dynamic_dynesty(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("dynesty")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
@@ -77,62 +98,79 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_emcee(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("emcee")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_kombine(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("kombine")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_nestle(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("nestle")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_nessai(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("nessai")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_pypolychord(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_ptemcee(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("ptemcee")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
@@ -141,60 +179,90 @@ class TestRunningSamplers(unittest.TestCase):
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[1] <= 6, reason="pymc3 is broken in py36")
+    @pytest.mark.xfail(
+        raises=AttributeError,
+        reason="Dependency issue with pymc3 causes attribute error on import",
+    )
     def test_run_pymc3(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("pymc3")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_pymultinest(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("pymultinest")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_PTMCMCSampler(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
+        pytest.importorskip("PTMCMCSampler")
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
-            save=False,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_ultranest(self):
+        pytest.importorskip("ultranest")
         # run using NestedSampler (with nlive specified)
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
-            likelihood=self.likelihood, priors=self.priors,
-            sampler="ultranest", nlive=100, save=False,
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
+            likelihood=self.likelihood,
+            priors=self.priors,
+            sampler="ultranest",
+            nlive=100,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
         # run using ReactiveNestedSampler (with no nlive given)
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
-            likelihood=self.likelihood, priors=self.priors,
-            sampler='ultranest', save=False,
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
+            likelihood=self.likelihood,
+            priors=self.priors,
+            sampler="ultranest",
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
     def test_run_bilby_mcmc(self):
-        _ = bilby.run_sampler(
-            likelihood=self.likelihood, priors=self.priors,
-            sampler="bilby_mcmc", nsamples=200, save=False,
+        res = bilby.run_sampler(
+            likelihood=self.likelihood,
+            priors=self.priors,
+            sampler="bilby_mcmc",
+            nsamples=200,
+            **self.kwargs,
+        assert "derived" in res.posterior
+        assert res.log_likelihood_evaluations is not None
 if __name__ == "__main__":