diff --git a/docs/likelihood.txt b/docs/likelihood.txt
index a504a62d8b49ad5fefe68fe2f6d3059ac2cd3cd4..291ec818b6694d522782d58263649a153896d3a0 100644
--- a/docs/likelihood.txt
+++ b/docs/likelihood.txt
@@ -219,6 +219,14 @@ We provide this general-purpose class as part of tupak:
 An example using this likelihood can be found `on this page <https://git.ligo.org/Monash/tupak/blob/master/examples/other_examples/linear_regression_unknown_noise.py>`_.
+Common likelihood functions
+As well as the Gaussian likelihood defined above, tupak provides
+the following common likelihood functions:
+.. autoclass:: tupak.core.likelihood.PoissonLikelihood
 Likelihood for transient gravitational waves
diff --git a/examples/other_examples/radioactive_decay.py b/examples/other_examples/radioactive_decay.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..156406da22ca603927d662dacc3b1317c0f12bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/other_examples/radioactive_decay.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+An example of how to use tupak to perform paramater estimation for
+non-gravitational wave data. In this case, fitting the half-life and
+initial radionucleotide number for Polonium 214. 
+from __future__ import division
+import tupak
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import inspect
+from tupak.core.likelihood import PoissonLikelihood
+# A few simple setup steps
+label = 'radioactive_decay'
+outdir = 'outdir'
+# generate a set of counts per minute for Polonium 214 with a half-life of 20 mins
+halflife = 20
+N0 = 1.e-19 # initial number of radionucleotides in moles
+def decayrate(deltat, halflife, N0):
+    """
+    Get the decay rate of a radioactive substance in a range of time intervals
+    (in minutes). halflife is in mins. N0 is in moles.
+    """
+    times = np.cumsum(deltat) # get cumulative times
+    times = np.insert(times, 0, 0.)
+    ln2 = np.log(2.)
+    NA = 6.02214078e23 # Avagadro's number
+    rates = (N0*NA*(np.exp(-ln2*(times[0:-1]/halflife)) 
+             - np.exp(-ln2*(times[1:]/halflife)))/deltat)
+    return rates
+# Now we define the injection parameters which we make simulated data with
+injection_parameters = dict(halflife=halflife, N0=N0)
+# These lines of code generate the fake data. Note the ** just unpacks the
+# contents of the injection_parameters when calling the model function.
+sampling_frequency = 1.
+time_duration = 30.
+time = np.arange(0, time_duration, 1./sampling_frequency)
+deltat = np.diff(time)
+rates = decayrate(deltat, **injection_parameters)
+# get radioactive counts
+counts = np.array([np.random.poisson(rate) for rate in rates])
+# We quickly plot the data to check it looks sensible
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ax.plot(time[0:-1], counts, 'o', label='data')
+ax.plot(time[0:-1], decayrate(deltat, **injection_parameters), '--r', label='signal')
+fig.savefig('{}/{}_data.png'.format(outdir, label))
+# Now lets instantiate a version of the Poisson Likelihood, giving it
+# the time intervals, counts and rate model
+likelihood = PoissonLikelihood(deltat, counts, decayrate)
+# Make the prior
+priors = {}
+priors['halflife'] = tupak.core.prior.LogUniform(1e-5, 1e5, 'halflife',
+                                                 latex_label='$t_{1/2}$ (min)')
+priors['N0'] = tupak.core.prior.LogUniform(1e-25, 1e-10, 'N0',
+                                           latex_label='$N_0$ (mole)')
+# And run sampler
+result = tupak.run_sampler(
+    likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='dynesty', npoints=500,
+    nlive=1000, walks=10, injection_parameters=injection_parameters,
+    outdir=outdir, label=label)
diff --git a/tupak/core/likelihood.py b/tupak/core/likelihood.py
index be17dc09d42916ff2cb7e8dcdba877ca3707449a..26e91546be975caa24c473fab64f888289ae0a73 100644
--- a/tupak/core/likelihood.py
+++ b/tupak/core/likelihood.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import division, print_function
 import inspect
 import numpy as np
+from scipy.special import gammaln
 class Likelihood(object):
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class GaussianLikelihood(Likelihood):
     def _infer_parameters_from_function(func):
         """ Infers the arguments of function (except the first arg which is
-            assumed to be the dep. variable
+            assumed to be the dep. variable)
         parameters = inspect.getargspec(func).args
@@ -109,3 +109,102 @@ class GaussianLikelihood(Likelihood):
         # Return the summed log likelihood
         return -0.5 * (np.sum((res / sigma)**2)
                        + self.N * np.log(2 * np.pi * sigma**2))
+class PoissonLikelihood(Likelihood):
+    def __init__(self, x, counts, func):
+        """
+        A general Poisson likelihood for a rate - the model parameters are
+        inferred from the arguments of function, which provides a rate.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        x: array_like
+            A dependent variable at which the Poisson rates will be calculated
+        counts: array_like
+            The data to analyse - this must be a set of non-negative integers,
+            each being the number of events within some interval.
+        func:
+            The python function providing the rate of events per interval to
+            fit to the data. The function must be defined with the first
+            argument being a dependent parameter (although this does not have
+            to be used by the function if not required). The subsequent
+            arguments will require priors and will be sampled over (unless a
+            fixed value is given).
+        """
+        parameters = self._infer_parameters_from_function(func)
+        Likelihood.__init__(self, dict.fromkeys(parameters))
+        self.x = x           # the dependent variable
+        self.counts = counts # the counts
+        # check values are non-negative integers
+        if isinstance(self.counts, int):
+            # convert to numpy array if passing a single integer
+            self.counts = np.array([self.counts])
+        # check array is an integer array
+        if self.counts.dtype.kind not in 'ui':
+            raise ValueError("Data must be non-negative integers")
+        # check for non-negative integers
+        if np.any(self.counts < 0):
+            raise ValueError("Data must be non-negative integers")
+        # save sum of log factorial of counts
+        self.sumlogfactorial = np.sum(gammaln(self.counts + 1))
+        self.function = func
+        # Check if sigma was provided, if not it is a parameter
+        self.function_keys = list(self.parameters.keys())
+    @staticmethod
+    def _infer_parameters_from_function(func):
+        """ Infers the arguments of function (except the first arg which is
+            assumed to be the dep. variable)
+        """
+        parameters = inspect.getargspec(func).args
+        parameters.pop(0)
+        return parameters
+    @property
+    def N(self):
+        """ The number of data points """
+        return len(self.counts)
+    def log_likelihood(self):
+        # This sets up the function only parameters (i.e. not sigma)
+        model_parameters = {k: self.parameters[k] for k in self.function_keys}
+        # Calculate the rate
+        rate = self.function(self.x, **model_parameters)
+        # check if rate is a single value
+        if isinstance(rate, float):
+            # check rate is positive
+            if rate < 0.:
+                raise ValueError(("Poisson rate function returns a negative ",
+                                  "value!"))
+            if rate == 0.:
+                return -np.inf
+            else:
+                # Return the summed log likelihood
+                return (-self.N*rate + np.sum(self.counts*np.log(rate))
+                        -self.sumlogfactorial)
+        elif isinstance(rate, np.ndarray):
+            # check rates are positive
+            if np.any(rate < 0.):
+                raise ValueError(("Poisson rate function returns a negative",
+                                  " value!"))
+            if np.any(rate == 0.):
+                return -np.inf
+            else:
+                return (np.sum(-rate + self.counts*np.log(rate))
+                        -self.sumlogfactorial)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Poisson rate function returns wrong value type!")