From 66a871024f966fa1ffeea45f591338ec4e0ea233 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Colm Talbot <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 13:11:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Split up gw likelihood

 .gitlab-ci.yml                   |    4 +
 bilby/gw/           | 2307 ------------------------------
 bilby/gw/likelihood/  |   33 +
 bilby/gw/likelihood/      | 1110 ++++++++++++++
 bilby/gw/likelihood/     |   93 ++
 bilby/gw/likelihood/ |  613 ++++++++
 bilby/gw/likelihood/       |  514 +++++++                         |  110 +-
 8 files changed, 2432 insertions(+), 2352 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 bilby/gw/
 create mode 100644 bilby/gw/likelihood/
 create mode 100644 bilby/gw/likelihood/
 create mode 100644 bilby/gw/likelihood/
 create mode 100644 bilby/gw/likelihood/
 create mode 100644 bilby/gw/likelihood/

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 9460a2cfe..58e8c9cb5 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -45,11 +45,15 @@ containers:
     - python -m pip install .
     - python -c "import bilby"
+    - python -c "import bilby.bilby_mcmc"
     - python -c "import bilby.core"
     - python -c "import bilby.core.prior"
     - python -c "import bilby.core.sampler"
+    - python -c "import bilby.core.utils"
     - python -c "import"
     - python -c "import"
+    - python -c "import"
+    - python -c "import"
     - python -c "import"
     - python -c "import bilby.hyper"
     - python -c "import cli_bilby"
diff --git a/bilby/gw/ b/bilby/gw/
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d279ad8..000000000
--- a/bilby/gw/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2307 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import json
-import copy
-import math
-import attr
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-from scipy.special import logsumexp
-from ..core.likelihood import Likelihood
-from ..core.utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
-from ..core.utils import (
-    logger, UnsortedInterp2d, create_frequency_series, create_time_series,
-    speed_of_light, solar_mass, radius_of_earth, gravitational_constant,
-    round_up_to_power_of_two)
-from ..core.prior import Interped, Prior, Uniform, PriorDict, DeltaFunction
-from .detector import InterferometerList, get_empty_interferometer, calibration
-from .prior import BBHPriorDict, CBCPriorDict, Cosmological
-from .source import lal_binary_black_hole
-from .utils import (
-    noise_weighted_inner_product, build_roq_weights, zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec,
-    ln_i0
-from .waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
-class GravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
-    """ A gravitational-wave transient likelihood object
-    This is the usual likelihood object to use for transient gravitational
-    wave parameter estimation. It computes the log-likelihood in the frequency
-    domain assuming a colored Gaussian noise model described by a power
-    spectral density. See Thrane & Talbot (2019),
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    interferometers: list,
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
-        detector data and power spectral densities
-    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
-        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
-        given some set of parameters
-    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood.
-        This uses a look up table calculated at run time.
-        The distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum
-        distance allowed in the prior being marginalised over.
-    time_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over time in the likelihood.
-        This uses a FFT to calculate the likelihood over a regularly spaced
-        grid.
-        In order to cover the whole space the prior is set to be uniform over
-        the spacing of the array of times.
-        If using time marginalisation and jitter_time is True a "jitter"
-        parameter is added to the prior which modifies the position of the
-        grid of times.
-    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood.
-        This is done analytically using a Bessel function.
-        The phase prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
-    calibration_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over calibration response curves in the likelihood.
-        This is done numerically over a number of calibration response curve realizations.
-    priors: dict, optional
-        If given, used in the distance and phase marginalization.
-        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
-        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
-    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
-        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
-        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
-        the table.
-        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
-        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
-        provided string or a default location:
-        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
-    calibration_lookup_table: dict, optional
-        If a dict, contains the arrays over which to marginalize for each interferometer or the filepaths of the
-        calibration files.
-        If not provided, but calibration_marginalization is used, then the appropriate file is created to
-        contain the curves.
-    number_of_response_curves: int, optional
-        Number of curves from the calibration lookup table to use.
-        Default is 1000.
-    starting_index: int, optional
-        Sets the index for the first realization of the calibration curve to be considered.
-        This, coupled with number_of_response_curves, allows for restricting the set of curves used. This can be used
-        when dealing with large frequency arrays to split the calculation into sections.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    jitter_time: bool, optional
-        Whether to introduce a `time_jitter` parameter. This avoids either
-        missing the likelihood peak, or introducing biases in the
-        reconstructed time posterior due to an insufficient sampling frequency.
-        Default is False, however using this parameter is strongly encouraged.
-    reference_frame: (str,, list), optional
-        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
-        - :code:`sky`: sample in RA/dec, this is the default
-        - e.g., :code:`"H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"])`:
-          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
-          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
-          and L1.
-    time_reference: str, optional
-        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
-        - :code:`geocent`/:code:`geocenter`: sample in the time at the
-          Earth's center, this is the default
-        - e.g., :code:`H1`: sample in the time of arrival at H1
-    Returns
-    =======
-    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
-        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
-        some model parameters
-    """
-    @attr.s
-    class _CalculatedSNRs:
-        d_inner_h = attr.ib()
-        optimal_snr_squared = attr.ib()
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = attr.ib()
-        d_inner_h_array = attr.ib()
-        optimal_snr_squared_array = attr.ib()
-        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = attr.ib()
-    def __init__(
-        self, interferometers, waveform_generator, time_marginalization=False,
-        distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, calibration_marginalization=False, priors=None,
-        distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, calibration_lookup_table=None,
-        number_of_response_curves=1000, starting_index=0, jitter_time=True, reference_frame="sky",
-        time_reference="geocenter"
-    ):
-        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
-        super(GravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
-        self.interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
-        self.time_marginalization = time_marginalization
-        self.distance_marginalization = distance_marginalization
-        self.phase_marginalization = phase_marginalization
-        self.calibration_marginalization = calibration_marginalization
-        self.priors = priors
-        self._check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator()
-        self.jitter_time = jitter_time
-        self.reference_frame = reference_frame
-        if "geocent" not in time_reference:
-            self.time_reference = time_reference
-            self.reference_ifo = get_empty_interferometer(self.time_reference)
-            if self.time_marginalization:
-      "Cannot marginalise over non-geocenter time.")
-                self.time_marginalization = False
-                self.jitter_time = False
-        else:
-            self.time_reference = "geocent"
-            self.reference_ifo = None
-        if self.time_marginalization:
-            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='geocent_time')
-            self._setup_time_marginalization()
-            priors['geocent_time'] = float(self.interferometers.start_time)
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                priors['time_jitter'] = Uniform(
-                    minimum=- self._delta_tc / 2,
-                    maximum=self._delta_tc / 2,
-                    boundary='periodic',
-                    name="time_jitter",
-                    latex_label="$t_j$"
-                )
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('geocent_time')
-        elif self.jitter_time:
-            logger.debug(
-                "Time jittering requested with non-time-marginalised "
-                "likelihood, ignoring.")
-            self.jitter_time = False
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='phase')
-            priors['phase'] = float(0)
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('phase')
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            self._lookup_table_filename = None
-            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='luminosity_distance')
-            self._distance_array = np.linspace(
-                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].minimum,
-                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].maximum, int(1e4))
-            self.distance_prior_array = np.array(
-                [self.priors['luminosity_distance'].prob(distance)
-                 for distance in self._distance_array])
-            self._ref_dist = self.priors['luminosity_distance'].rescale(0.5)
-            self._setup_distance_marginalization(
-                distance_marginalization_lookup_table)
-            for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
-                if key in priors:
-                    del priors[key]
-            priors['luminosity_distance'] = float(self._ref_dist)
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('luminosity_distance')
-        if self.calibration_marginalization:
-            self.number_of_response_curves = number_of_response_curves
-            self.starting_index = starting_index
-            self._setup_calibration_marginalization(calibration_lookup_table)
-            self._marginalized_parameters.append('recalib_index')
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={},\n\ttime_marginalization={}, ' \
-                                         'distance_marginalization={}, phase_marginalization={}, '\
-                                         'calibration_marginalization={}, priors={})'\
-            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator, self.time_marginalization,
-                    self.distance_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization,
-                    self.priors)
-    def _check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator(self):
-        """ Check the waveform_generator has the same duration and
-        sampling_frequency as the interferometers. If they are unset, then
-        set them, if they differ, raise an error
-        """
-        attributes = ['duration', 'sampling_frequency', 'start_time']
-        for attribute in attributes:
-            wfg_attr = getattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute)
-            ifo_attr = getattr(self.interferometers, attribute)
-            if wfg_attr is None:
-                logger.debug(
-                    "The waveform_generator {} is None. Setting from the "
-                    "provided interferometers.".format(attribute))
-            elif wfg_attr != ifo_attr:
-                logger.debug(
-                    "The waveform_generator {} is not equal to that of the "
-                    "provided interferometers. Overwriting the "
-                    "waveform_generator.".format(attribute))
-            setattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute, ifo_attr)
-    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
-        """
-        Compute the snrs
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        waveform_polarizations: dict
-            A dictionary of waveform polarizations and the corresponding array
-        interferometer:
-            The bilby interferometer object
-        """
-        signal = interferometer.get_detector_response(
-            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
-        _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
-        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
-            signal[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[][int(self.parameters['recalib_index'])]
-        d_inner_h = interferometer.inner_product(signal=signal)
-        optimal_snr_squared = interferometer.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal)
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
-        d_inner_h_array = None
-        optimal_snr_squared_array = None
-        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_integrand = np.tile(
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal /
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array, (self.number_of_response_curves, 1)).T
-            d_inner_h_integrand[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[].T
-            d_inner_h_array =\
-                4 / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.fft.fft(
-                    d_inner_h_integrand[0:-1], axis=0).T
-            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = 4. / self.waveform_generator.duration *\
-                np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
-            optimal_snr_squared_array =[_mask],
-                                               self.calibration_abs_draws[].T)
-        elif self.time_marginalization and not self.calibration_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_array =\
-                4 / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.fft.fft(
-                    signal[0:-1] *
-                    interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate()[0:-1] /
-                    interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[0:-1])
-        elif self.calibration_marginalization and ('recalib_index' not in self.parameters):
-            d_inner_h_integrand = 4. / self.waveform_generator.duration * \
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal / \
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
-            d_inner_h_array =[_mask], self.calibration_draws[].T)
-            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = 4. / self.waveform_generator.duration *\
-                np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
-            optimal_snr_squared_array =[_mask],
-                                               self.calibration_abs_draws[].T)
-        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
-            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
-            d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
-            optimal_snr_squared_array=optimal_snr_squared_array,
-            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None)
-    def _check_marginalized_prior_is_set(self, key):
-        if key in self.priors and self.priors[key].is_fixed:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Cannot use marginalized likelihood for {}: prior is fixed"
-                .format(key))
-        if key not in self.priors or not isinstance(
-                self.priors[key], Prior):
-            logger.warning(
-                'Prior not provided for {}, using the BBH default.'.format(key))
-            if key == 'geocent_time':
-                self.priors[key] = Uniform(
-                    self.interferometers.start_time,
-                    self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration)
-            elif key == 'luminosity_distance':
-                for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
-                    if key in self.priors:
-                        if not isinstance(self.priors[key], Cosmological):
-                            raise TypeError(
-                                "To marginalize over {}, the prior must be specified as a "
-                                "subclass of".format(key)
-                            )
-                        self.priors['luminosity_distance'] = self.priors[key].get_corresponding_prior(
-                            'luminosity_distance'
-                        )
-                        del self.priors[key]
-            else:
-                self.priors[key] = BBHPriorDict()[key]
-    @property
-    def priors(self):
-        return self._prior
-    @priors.setter
-    def priors(self, priors):
-        if priors is not None:
-            self._prior = priors.copy()
-        elif any([self.time_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization,
-                  self.distance_marginalization]):
-            raise ValueError("You can't use a marginalized likelihood without specifying a priors")
-        else:
-            self._prior = None
-    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
-        log_l = 0
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
-            log_l -= noise_weighted_inner_product(
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
-                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[mask],
-                self.waveform_generator.duration) / 2
-        return float(np.real(log_l))
-    def log_likelihood_ratio(self):
-        waveform_polarizations =\
-            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if waveform_polarizations is None:
-            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
-        d_inner_h = 0.
-        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
-        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
-            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
-                (self.number_of_response_curves, len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1])),
-                dtype=np.complex128)
-            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        elif self.time_marginalization:
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
-            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
-                len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1]),
-                dtype=np.complex128)
-        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
-                waveform_polarizations=waveform_polarizations,
-                interferometer=interferometer)
-            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
-            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
-            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
-            if self.time_marginalization or self.calibration_marginalization:
-                d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
-            if self.calibration_marginalization:
-                optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
-        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h_calibration_array=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-        elif self.time_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.time_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h_tc_array=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
-            if self.jitter_time:
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        elif self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
-        else:
-            log_l = np.real(d_inner_h) - optimal_snr_squared / 2
-        return float(log_l.real)
-    def generate_posterior_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(self):
-        """
-        Reconstruct the distance posterior from a run which used a likelihood
-        which explicitly marginalised over time/distance/phase.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
-        Returns
-        =======
-        sample: dict
-            Returns the parameters with new samples.
-        Notes
-        =====
-        This involves a deepcopy of the signal to avoid issues with waveform
-        caching, as the signal is overwritten in place.
-        """
-        if any([self.phase_marginalization, self.distance_marginalization,
-                self.time_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization]):
-            signal_polarizations = copy.deepcopy(
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
-                    self.parameters))
-        else:
-            return self.parameters
-        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
-            raise AttributeError(
-                "Cannot use time and calibration marginalization simultaneously for regeneration at the moment!"
-                "The matrix manipulation has not been tested.")
-        if self.calibration_marginalization:
-            new_calibration = self.generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['recalib_index'] = new_calibration
-        if self.time_marginalization:
-            new_time = self.generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'] = new_time
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            new_distance = self.generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] = new_distance
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            new_phase = self.generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-            self.parameters['phase'] = new_phase
-        return self.parameters.copy()
-    def generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for the set of calibration response curves when
-        explicitly marginalizing over the calibration uncertainty.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        new_calibration: dict
-            Sample set from the calibration posterior
-        """
-        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
-            self.parameters.pop('recalib_index')
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        log_like = self.get_calibration_log_likelihoods(signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
-        calibration_post = np.exp(log_like - max(log_like))
-        calibration_post /= np.sum(calibration_post)
-        new_calibration = np.random.choice(self.number_of_response_curves, p=calibration_post)
-        return new_calibration
-    def generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for coalescence
-        time when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over time.
-        In order to resolve the posterior we artificially upsample to 16kHz.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        new_time: float
-            Sample from the time posterior.
-        """
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if self.jitter_time:
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        times = create_time_series(
-            sampling_frequency=16384,
-            starting_time=self.parameters['geocent_time'] - self.waveform_generator.start_time,
-            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration)
-        times = times % self.waveform_generator.duration
-        times += self.waveform_generator.start_time
-        prior = self.priors["geocent_time"]
-        in_prior = (times >= prior.minimum) & (times < prior.maximum)
-        times = times[in_prior]
-        n_time_steps = int(self.waveform_generator.duration * 16384)
-        d_inner_h = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=complex)
-        psd = np.ones(n_time_steps)
-        signal_long = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
-        data = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
-        h_inner_h = np.zeros(1)
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            ifo_length = len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
-            mask = ifo.frequency_mask
-            signal = ifo.get_detector_response(
-                signal_polarizations, self.parameters)
-            signal_long[:ifo_length] = signal
-            data[:ifo_length] = np.conj(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
-            psd[:ifo_length][mask] = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[mask]
-            d_inner_h += np.fft.fft(signal_long * data / psd)[in_prior]
-            h_inner_h += ifo.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal).real
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            time_log_like = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            time_log_like = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h)) - h_inner_h.real / 2
-        else:
-            time_log_like = (d_inner_h.real - h_inner_h.real / 2)
-        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times)
-        time_post = (
-            np.exp(time_log_like - max(time_log_like)) * time_prior_array)
-        keep = (time_post > max(time_post) / 1000)
-        if sum(keep) < 3:
-            keep[1:-1] = keep[1:-1] | keep[2:] | keep[:-2]
-        time_post = time_post[keep]
-        times = times[keep]
-        new_time = Interped(times, time_post).sample()
-        return new_time
-    def generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for luminosity
-        distance when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over
-        distance.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-            Note: These are rescaled in place after the distance sample is
-            generated to allow further parameter reconstruction to occur.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        new_distance: float
-            Sample from the distance posterior.
-        """
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
-        d_inner_h_dist = (
-            d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] /
-            self._distance_array)
-        h_inner_h_dist = (
-            h_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance']**2 /
-            self._distance_array**2)
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            distance_log_like = (
-                ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_dist)) -
-                h_inner_h_dist.real / 2
-            )
-        else:
-            distance_log_like = (d_inner_h_dist.real - h_inner_h_dist.real / 2)
-        distance_post = (np.exp(distance_log_like - max(distance_log_like)) *
-                         self.distance_prior_array)
-        new_distance = Interped(
-            self._distance_array, distance_post).sample()
-        self._rescale_signal(signal_polarizations, new_distance)
-        return new_distance
-    def _calculate_inner_products(self, signal_polarizations):
-        d_inner_h = 0
-        h_inner_h = 0
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
-                signal_polarizations, interferometer)
-            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
-            h_inner_h += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared
-        return d_inner_h, h_inner_h
-    def generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
-            self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        """
-        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for phase when
-        using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over phase.
-        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
-            Polarizations modes of the template.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        new_phase: float
-            Sample from the phase posterior.
-        Notes
-        =====
-        This is only valid when assumes that mu(phi) \propto exp(-2i phi).
-        """
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations = \
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
-        phases = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 101)
-        phasor = np.exp(-2j * phases)
-        phase_log_post = d_inner_h * phasor - h_inner_h / 2
-        phase_post = np.exp(phase_log_post.real - max(phase_log_post.real))
-        new_phase = Interped(phases, phase_post).sample()
-        return new_phase
-    def distance_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
-        d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref = self._setup_rho(
-            d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_ref = np.abs(d_inner_h_ref)
-        else:
-            d_inner_h_ref = np.real(d_inner_h_ref)
-        return self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood(
-            d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref)
-    def phase_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
-        d_inner_h = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h))
-        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
-            return d_inner_h - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h)[1])) / 2
-        else:
-            return d_inner_h - h_inner_h / 2
-    def time_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h):
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_tc_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_tc_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array,
-                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        else:
-            log_l_tc_array = np.real(d_inner_h_tc_array) - h_inner_h / 2
-        times = self._times
-        if self.jitter_time:
-            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
-        return logsumexp(log_l_tc_array, b=time_prior_array)
-    def time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h):
-        times = self._times
-        if self.jitter_time:
-            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
-        _time_prior = self.priors['geocent_time']
-        time_mask = np.logical_and((times >= _time_prior.minimum), (times <= _time_prior.maximum))
-        times = times[time_mask]
-        time_probs = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
-        d_inner_h_array = d_inner_h_array[:, time_mask]
-        h_inner_h = h_inner_h
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        else:
-            log_l_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array) - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h_array)[1])) / 2
-        prior_array = np.outer(time_probs, 1. / self.number_of_response_curves * np.ones(len(h_inner_h))).T
-        return logsumexp(log_l_array, b=prior_array)
-    def get_calibration_log_likelihoods(self, signal_polarizations=None):
-        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
-        if signal_polarizations is None:
-            signal_polarizations =\
-                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
-        d_inner_h = 0.
-        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
-        d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
-                waveform_polarizations=signal_polarizations,
-                interferometer=interferometer)
-            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
-            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
-            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
-            d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
-            optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
-                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
-        else:
-            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2)
-        return log_l_cal_array
-    def calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h):
-        if self.distance_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        elif self.phase_marginalization:
-            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
-                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array,
-                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
-        else:
-            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_calibration_array - h_inner_h / 2)
-        return logsumexp(log_l_cal_array) - np.log(self.number_of_response_curves)
-    def _setup_rho(self, d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared):
-        optimal_snr_squared_ref = (optimal_snr_squared.real *
-                                   self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] ** 2 /
-                                   self._ref_dist ** 2.)
-        d_inner_h_ref = (d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] /
-                         self._ref_dist)
-        return d_inner_h_ref, optimal_snr_squared_ref
-    def log_likelihood(self):
-        return self.log_likelihood_ratio() + self.noise_log_likelihood()
-    @property
-    def _delta_distance(self):
-        return self._distance_array[1] - self._distance_array[0]
-    @property
-    def _dist_multiplier(self):
-        ''' Maximum value of ref_dist/dist_array '''
-        return self._ref_dist / self._distance_array[0]
-    @property
-    def _optimal_snr_squared_ref_array(self):
-        """ Optimal filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
-        return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[0])
-    @property
-    def _d_inner_h_ref_array(self):
-        """ Matched filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1])
-        else:
-            n_negative = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] // 2
-            n_positive = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] - n_negative
-            return np.hstack((
-                -np.logspace(3, -3, n_negative), np.logspace(-3, 10, n_positive)
-            ))
-    def _setup_distance_marginalization(self, lookup_table=None):
-        if isinstance(lookup_table, str) or lookup_table is None:
-            self.cached_lookup_table_filename = lookup_table
-            lookup_table = self.load_lookup_table(
-                self.cached_lookup_table_filename)
-        if isinstance(lookup_table, dict):
-            if self._test_cached_lookup_table(lookup_table):
-                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = lookup_table[
-                    'lookup_table']
-            else:
-                self._create_lookup_table()
-        else:
-            self._create_lookup_table()
-        self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood = UnsortedInterp2d(
-            self._d_inner_h_ref_array, self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array,
-            self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array, kind='cubic', fill_value=-np.inf)
-    @property
-    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self):
-        if self._lookup_table_filename is None:
-            self._lookup_table_filename = (
-                '.distance_marginalization_lookup.npz')
-        return self._lookup_table_filename
-    @cached_lookup_table_filename.setter
-    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self, filename):
-        if isinstance(filename, str):
-            if filename[-4:] != '.npz':
-                filename += '.npz'
-        self._lookup_table_filename = filename
-    def load_lookup_table(self, filename):
-        if os.path.exists(filename):
-            try:
-                loaded_file = dict(np.load(filename))
-            except AttributeError as e:
-                logger.warning(e)
-                self._create_lookup_table()
-                return None
-            match, failure = self._test_cached_lookup_table(loaded_file)
-            if match:
-      'Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table from '
-                            '{}.'.format(filename))
-                return loaded_file
-            else:
-      'Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table does '
-                            'not match for {}.'.format(failure))
-        elif isinstance(filename, str):
-  'Distance marginalisation file {} does not '
-                        'exist'.format(filename))
-        return None
-    def cache_lookup_table(self):
-        np.savez(self.cached_lookup_table_filename,
-                 distance_array=self._distance_array,
-                 prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
-                 lookup_table=self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array,
-                 reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
-                 phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
-    def _test_cached_lookup_table(self, loaded_file):
-        pairs = dict(
-            distance_array=self._distance_array,
-            prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
-            reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
-            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
-        for key in pairs:
-            if key not in loaded_file:
-                return False, key
-            elif not np.array_equal(np.atleast_1d(loaded_file[key]),
-                                    np.atleast_1d(pairs[key])):
-                return False, key
-        return True, None
-    def _create_lookup_table(self):
-        """ Make the lookup table """
-        from import tqdm
-'Building lookup table for distance marginalisation.')
-        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = np.zeros((400, 800))
-        scaling = self._ref_dist / self._distance_array
-        d_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._d_inner_h_ref_array, scaling)
-        h_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array, scaling ** 2)
-        if self.phase_marginalization:
-            d_inner_h_array_full = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_array_full))
-        prior_term = self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
-        for ii, optimal_snr_squared_array in tqdm(
-            enumerate(h_inner_h_array_full), total=len(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array)
-        ):
-            for jj, d_inner_h_array in enumerate(d_inner_h_array_full):
-                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array[ii][jj] = logsumexp(
-                    d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2,
-                    b=prior_term
-                )
-        log_norm = logsumexp(
-            0 / self._distance_array, b=self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
-        )
-        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array -= log_norm
-        self.cache_lookup_table()
-    def _setup_phase_marginalization(self, min_bound=-5, max_bound=10):
-        logger.warning(
-            "The _setup_phase_marginalization method is deprecated and will be removed, "
-            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
-            "to use"
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def _bessel_function_interped(xx):
-        logger.warning(
-            "The _bessel_function_interped method is deprecated and will be removed, "
-            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
-            "to use"
-        )
-        return ln_i0(xx) + xx
-    def _setup_time_marginalization(self):
-        self._delta_tc = 2 / self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency
-        self._times =\
-            self.interferometers.start_time + np.linspace(
-                0, self.interferometers.duration,
-                int(self.interferometers.duration / 2 *
-                    self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency + 1))[1:]
-        self.time_prior_array = \
-            self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(self._times) * self._delta_tc
-    def _setup_calibration_marginalization(self, calibration_lookup_table):
-        if calibration_lookup_table is None:
-            calibration_lookup_table = {}
-        self.calibration_draws = {}
-        self.calibration_abs_draws = {}
-        self.calibration_parameter_draws = {}
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            # Force the priors
-            calibration_priors = PriorDict()
-            for key in self.priors.keys():
-                if 'recalib' in key and in key:
-                    calibration_priors[key] = copy.copy(self.priors[key])
-                    self.priors[key] = DeltaFunction(0.0)
-            # If there is no entry in the lookup table, make an empty one
-            if not in calibration_lookup_table.keys():
-                calibration_lookup_table[] =\
-                    f'{}_calibration_file.h5'
-            # If the interferometer lookup table file exists, generate the curves from it
-            if os.path.exists(calibration_lookup_table[]):
-                self.calibration_draws[] =\
-                    calibration.read_calibration_file(
-                        calibration_lookup_table[], self.interferometers.frequency_array,
-                        self.number_of_response_curves, self.starting_index)
-            else:  # generate the fake curves
-                from import tqdm
-                self.calibration_parameter_draws[] =\
-                    pd.DataFrame(calibration_priors.sample(self.number_of_response_curves))
-                self.calibration_draws[] = \
-                    np.zeros((self.number_of_response_curves, len(interferometer.frequency_array)), dtype=complex)
-                for i in tqdm(range(self.number_of_response_curves)):
-                    self.calibration_draws[][i, :] =\
-                        interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-                            interferometer.frequency_array,
-                            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(,
-                            **self.calibration_parameter_draws[].iloc[i])
-                calibration.write_calibration_file(
-                    calibration_lookup_table[],
-                    self.interferometers.frequency_array,
-                    self.calibration_draws[],
-                    self.calibration_parameter_draws[])
-            interferometer.calibration_model = calibration.Recalibrate()
-            _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
-            self.calibration_draws[] = self.calibration_draws[][:, _mask]
-            self.calibration_abs_draws[] =\
-                np.abs(self.calibration_draws[])**2
-    @property
-    def interferometers(self):
-        return self._interferometers
-    @interferometers.setter
-    def interferometers(self, interferometers):
-        self._interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
-    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
-        for mode in signal:
-            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
-    @property
-    def reference_frame(self):
-        return self._reference_frame
-    @property
-    def _reference_frame_str(self):
-        if isinstance(self.reference_frame, str):
-            return self.reference_frame
-        else:
-            return "".join([ for ifo in self.reference_frame])
-    @reference_frame.setter
-    def reference_frame(self, frame):
-        if frame == "sky":
-            self._reference_frame = frame
-        elif isinstance(frame, InterferometerList):
-            self._reference_frame = frame[:2]
-        elif isinstance(frame, list):
-            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList(frame[:2])
-        elif isinstance(frame, str):
-            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList([frame[:2], frame[2:4]])
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unable to parse reference frame {}".format(frame))
-    def get_sky_frame_parameters(self):
-        time = self.parameters['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)]
-        if not self.reference_frame == "sky":
-            ra, dec = zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec(
-                self.parameters['zenith'], self.parameters['azimuth'],
-                time, self.reference_frame)
-        else:
-            ra = self.parameters["ra"]
-            dec = self.parameters["dec"]
-        if "geocent" not in self.time_reference:
-            geocent_time = (
-                time - self.reference_ifo.time_delay_from_geocenter(
-                    ra=ra, dec=dec, time=time
-                )
-            )
-        else:
-            geocent_time = self.parameters["geocent_time"]
-        return dict(ra=ra, dec=dec, geocent_time=geocent_time)
-    @property
-    def lal_version(self):
-        try:
-            from lal import git_version, __version__
-            lal_version = str(__version__)
-  "Using lal version {}".format(lal_version))
-            lal_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
-  "Using lal git version {}".format(lal_git_version))
-            return "lal_version={}, lal_git_version={}".format(lal_version, lal_git_version)
-        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-            return "N/A"
-    @property
-    def lalsimulation_version(self):
-        try:
-            from lalsimulation import git_version, __version__
-            lalsim_version = str(__version__)
-  "Using lalsimulation version {}".format(lalsim_version))
-            lalsim_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
-  "Using lalsimulation git version {}".format(lalsim_git_version))
-            return "lalsimulation_version={}, lalsimulation_git_version={}".format(lalsim_version, lalsim_git_version)
-        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-            return "N/A"
-    @property
-    def meta_data(self):
-        return dict(
-            interferometers=self.interferometers.meta_data,
-            time_marginalization=self.time_marginalization,
-            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization,
-            distance_marginalization=self.distance_marginalization,
-            calibration_marginalization=self.calibration_marginalization,
-            waveform_generator_class=self.waveform_generator.__class__,
-            waveform_arguments=self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments,
-            frequency_domain_source_model=self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_source_model,
-            parameter_conversion=self.waveform_generator.parameter_conversion,
-            sampling_frequency=self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency,
-            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration,
-            start_time=self.waveform_generator.start_time,
-            time_reference=self.time_reference,
-            reference_frame=self._reference_frame_str,
-            lal_version=self.lal_version,
-            lalsimulation_version=self.lalsimulation_version)
-class BasicGravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
-    def __init__(self, interferometers, waveform_generator):
-        """
-        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
-        some model parameters
-        The simplest frequency-domain gravitational wave transient likelihood. Does
-        not include distance/phase marginalization.
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        interferometers: list
-            A list of `` instances - contains the
-            detector data and power spectral densities
-        waveform_generator:
-            An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
-            given some set of parameters
-        """
-        super(BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
-        self.interferometers = interferometers
-        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={})'\
-            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator)
-    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
-        """ Calculates the real part of noise log-likelihood
-        Returns
-        =======
-        float: The real part of the noise log likelihood
-        """
-        log_l = 0
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            log_l -= 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.sum(
-                abs(interferometer.frequency_domain_strain) ** 2 /
-                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
-        return log_l.real
-    def log_likelihood(self):
-        """ Calculates the real part of log-likelihood value
-        Returns
-        =======
-        float: The real part of the log likelihood
-        """
-        log_l = 0
-        waveform_polarizations =\
-            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
-                self.parameters.copy())
-        if waveform_polarizations is None:
-            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
-        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
-            log_l += self.log_likelihood_interferometer(
-                waveform_polarizations, interferometer)
-        return log_l.real
-    def log_likelihood_interferometer(self, waveform_polarizations,
-                                      interferometer):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        waveform_polarizations: dict
-            Dictionary containing the desired waveform polarization modes and the related strain
-        interferometer:
-            The Interferometer object we want to have the log-likelihood for
-        Returns
-        =======
-        float: The real part of the log-likelihood for this interferometer
-        """
-        signal_ifo = interferometer.get_detector_response(
-            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
-        log_l = - 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.vdot(
-            interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo,
-            (interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo) /
-            interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
-        return log_l.real
-class ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
-    """A reduced order quadrature likelihood object
-    This uses the method described in Smith et al., (2016) Phys. Rev. D 94,
-    044031. A public repository of the ROQ data is available from
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    interferometers: list,
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
-        detector data and power spectral densities
-    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
-        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
-        given some set of parameters
-    linear_matrix: str, array_like
-        Either a string point to the file from which to load the linear_matrix
-        array, or the array itself.
-    quadratic_matrix: str, array_like
-        Either a string point to the file from which to load the
-        quadratic_matrix array, or the array itself.
-    roq_params: str, array_like
-        Parameters describing the domain of validity of the ROQ basis.
-    roq_params_check: bool
-        If true, run tests using the roq_params to check the prior and data are
-        valid for the ROQ
-    roq_scale_factor: float
-        The ROQ scale factor used.
-    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
-        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
-        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
-        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
-    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
-        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
-        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
-        the table.
-        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
-        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
-        provided string or a default location:
-        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
-    reference_frame: (str,, list), optional
-        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
-        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
-          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
-          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
-          and L1.
-    time_reference: str, optional
-        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
-        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center,
-          this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, interferometers, waveform_generator, priors,
-        weights=None, linear_matrix=None, quadratic_matrix=None,
-        roq_params=None, roq_params_check=True, roq_scale_factor=1,
-        distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False,
-        distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None,
-        reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
-    ):
-        super(ROQGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
-            interferometers=interferometers,
-            waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
-            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization,
-            phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
-            time_marginalization=False,
-            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
-            jitter_time=False,
-            reference_frame=reference_frame,
-            time_reference=time_reference
-        )
-        self.roq_params_check = roq_params_check
-        self.roq_scale_factor = roq_scale_factor
-        if isinstance(roq_params, np.ndarray) or roq_params is None:
-            self.roq_params = roq_params
-        elif isinstance(roq_params, str):
-            self.roq_params_file = roq_params
-            self.roq_params = np.genfromtxt(roq_params, names=True)
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("roq_params should be array or str")
-        if isinstance(weights, dict):
-            self.weights = weights
-        elif isinstance(weights, str):
-            self.weights = self.load_weights(weights)
-        else:
-            self.weights = dict()
-            if isinstance(linear_matrix, str):
-                    "Loading linear matrix from {}".format(linear_matrix))
-                linear_matrix = np.load(linear_matrix).T
-            if isinstance(quadratic_matrix, str):
-                    "Loading quadratic_matrix from {}".format(quadratic_matrix))
-                quadratic_matrix = np.load(quadratic_matrix).T
-            self._set_weights(linear_matrix=linear_matrix,
-                              quadratic_matrix=quadratic_matrix)
-        self.frequency_nodes_linear =\
-            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_linear']
-        self.frequency_nodes_quadratic = \
-            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_quadratic']
-    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
-        """
-        Compute the snrs for ROQ
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        waveform_polarizations: waveform
-        interferometer:
-        """
-        f_plus = interferometer.antenna_response(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'plus')
-        f_cross = interferometer.antenna_response(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'cross')
-        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
-        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
-        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
-        calib_linear = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-            self.frequency_nodes_linear,
-            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **self.parameters)
-        calib_quadratic = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-            self.frequency_nodes_quadratic,
-            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **self.parameters)
-        h_plus_linear = f_plus * waveform_polarizations['linear']['plus'] * calib_linear
-        h_cross_linear = f_cross * waveform_polarizations['linear']['cross'] * calib_linear
-        h_plus_quadratic = (
-            f_plus * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['plus'] * calib_quadratic)
-        h_cross_quadratic = (
-            f_cross * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['cross'] * calib_quadratic)
-        indices, in_bounds = self._closest_time_indices(
-            ifo_time, self.weights['time_samples'])
-        if not in_bounds:
-            logger.debug("SNR calculation error: requested time at edge of ROQ time samples")
-            return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-                d_inner_h=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf), optimal_snr_squared=0,
-                complex_matched_filter_snr=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf),
-                d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
-                d_inner_h_array=None,
-                optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
-        d_inner_h_tc_array = np.einsum(
-            'i,ji->j', np.conjugate(h_plus_linear + h_cross_linear),
-            self.weights[ + '_linear'][indices])
-        d_inner_h = self._interp_five_samples(
-            self.weights['time_samples'][indices], d_inner_h_tc_array, ifo_time)
-        optimal_snr_squared = \
-            np.vdot(np.abs(h_plus_quadratic + h_cross_quadratic)**2,
-                    self.weights[ + '_quadratic'])
-        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
-            complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
-        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = None
-        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
-            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
-            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=d_inner_h_squared_tc_array,
-            d_inner_h_array=None,
-            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _closest_time_indices(time, samples):
-        """
-        Get the closest five times
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        time: float
-            Time to check
-        samples: array-like
-            Available times
-        Returns
-        =======
-        indices: list
-            Indices nearest to time
-        in_bounds: bool
-            Whether the indices are for valid times
-        """
-        closest = int((time - samples[0]) / (samples[1] - samples[0]))
-        indices = [closest + ii for ii in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]]
-        in_bounds = (indices[0] >= 0) & (indices[-1] < samples.size)
-        return indices, in_bounds
-    @staticmethod
-    def _interp_five_samples(time_samples, values, time):
-        """
-        Interpolate a function of time with its values at the closest five times.
-        The algorithm is explained in
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        time_samples: array-like
-            Closest 5 times
-        values: array-like
-            The values of the function at closest 5 times
-        time: float
-            Time at which the function is calculated
-        Returns
-        =======
-        value: float
-            The value of the function at the input time
-        """
-        r1 = (-values[0] + 8. * values[1] - 14. * values[2] + 8. * values[3] - values[4]) / 4.
-        r2 = values[2] - 2. * values[3] + values[4]
-        a = (time_samples[3] - time) / (time_samples[1] - time_samples[0])
-        b = 1. - a
-        c = (a**3. - a) / 6.
-        d = (b**3. - b) / 6.
-        return a * values[2] + b * values[3] + c * r1 + d * r2
-    def perform_roq_params_check(self, ifo=None):
-        """ Perform checking that the prior and data are valid for the ROQ
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        ifo:
-            The interferometer
-        """
-        if self.roq_params_check is False:
-            logger.warning("No ROQ params checking performed")
-            return
-        else:
-            if getattr(self, "roq_params_file", None) is not None:
-                msg = ("Check ROQ params {} with roq_scale_factor={}"
-                       .format(self.roq_params_file, self.roq_scale_factor))
-            else:
-                msg = ("Check ROQ params with roq_scale_factor={}"
-                       .format(self.roq_scale_factor))
-        roq_params = self.roq_params
-        roq_minimum_frequency = roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_maximum_frequency = roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_segment_length = roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_minimum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_maximum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmax'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        roq_minimum_component_mass = roq_params['compmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-        if ifo.maximum_frequency > roq_maximum_frequency:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Requested maximum frequency {} larger than ROQ basis fhigh {}"
-                .format(ifo.maximum_frequency, roq_maximum_frequency))
-        if ifo.minimum_frequency < roq_minimum_frequency:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Requested minimum frequency {} lower than ROQ basis flow {}"
-                .format(ifo.minimum_frequency, roq_minimum_frequency))
-        if ifo.strain_data.duration != roq_segment_length:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Requested duration differs from ROQ basis seglen")
-        priors = self.priors
-        if isinstance(priors, CBCPriorDict) is False:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check ROQ parameter bounds: priors not understood")
-            return
-        if priors.minimum_chirp_mass is None:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum chirp mass ROQ bounds")
-        elif priors.minimum_chirp_mass < roq_minimum_chirp_mass:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Prior minimum chirp mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
-                .format(priors.minimum_chirp_mass,
-                        roq_minimum_chirp_mass))
-        if priors.maximum_chirp_mass is None:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check maximum_chirp mass ROQ bounds")
-        elif priors.maximum_chirp_mass > roq_maximum_chirp_mass:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Prior maximum chirp mass {} greater than ROQ basis bound {}"
-                .format(priors.maximum_chirp_mass,
-                        roq_maximum_chirp_mass))
-        if priors.minimum_component_mass is None:
-            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum component mass ROQ bounds")
-        elif priors.minimum_component_mass < roq_minimum_component_mass:
-            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
-                "Prior minimum component mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
-                .format(priors.minimum_component_mass,
-                        roq_minimum_component_mass))
-    def _set_weights(self, linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix):
-        """
-        Setup the time-dependent ROQ weights.
-        See for the detail of how to compute them.
-        Parameters
-        ==========
-        linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix: array_like
-            Arrays of the linear and quadratic basis
-        """
-        time_space = self._get_time_resolution()
-        number_of_time_samples = int(self.interferometers.duration / time_space)
-        try:
-            import pyfftw
-            ifft_input = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
-            ifft_output = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
-            ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(ifft_input, ifft_output, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')
-        except ImportError:
-            pyfftw = None
-            logger.warning("You do not have pyfftw installed, falling back to numpy.fft.")
-            ifft_input = np.zeros(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
-            ifft = np.fft.ifft
-        earth_light_crossing_time = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light + 5 * time_space
-        start_idx = max(0, int(np.floor((self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].minimum -
-                        earth_light_crossing_time - self.interferometers.start_time) / time_space)))
-        end_idx = min(number_of_time_samples - 1, int(np.ceil((
-                      self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].maximum + earth_light_crossing_time -
-                      self.interferometers.start_time) / time_space)))
-        self.weights['time_samples'] = np.arange(start_idx, end_idx + 1) * time_space
-"Using {} ROQ time samples".format(len(self.weights['time_samples'])))
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            if self.roq_params is not None:
-                self.perform_roq_params_check(ifo)
-                # Get scaled ROQ quantities
-                roq_scaled_minimum_frequency = self.roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-                roq_scaled_maximum_frequency = self.roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
-                roq_scaled_segment_length = self.roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
-                # Generate frequencies for the ROQ
-                roq_frequencies = create_frequency_series(
-                    sampling_frequency=roq_scaled_maximum_frequency * 2,
-                    duration=roq_scaled_segment_length)
-                roq_mask = roq_frequencies >= roq_scaled_minimum_frequency
-                roq_frequencies = roq_frequencies[roq_mask]
-                overlap_frequencies, ifo_idxs, roq_idxs = np.intersect1d(
-                    ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask], roq_frequencies,
-                    return_indices=True)
-            else:
-                overlap_frequencies = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-                roq_idxs = np.arange(linear_matrix.shape[0], dtype=int)
-                ifo_idxs = np.arange(sum(ifo.frequency_mask))
-                if len(ifo_idxs) != len(roq_idxs):
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        "Mismatch between ROQ basis and frequency array for "
-                        "{}".format(
-                "Building ROQ weights for {} with {} frequencies between {} "
-                "and {}.".format(
-          , len(overlap_frequencies),
-                    min(overlap_frequencies), max(overlap_frequencies)))
-            ifft_input[:] *= 0.
-            self.weights[ + '_linear'] = \
-                np.zeros((len(self.weights['time_samples']), linear_matrix.shape[1]), dtype=complex)
-            data_over_psd = ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs] / \
-                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs]
-            nonzero_idxs = ifo_idxs + int(ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask][0] * self.interferometers.duration)
-            for i, basis_element in enumerate(linear_matrix[roq_idxs].T):
-                ifft_input[nonzero_idxs] = data_over_psd * np.conj(basis_element)
-                self.weights[ + '_linear'][:, i] = ifft(ifft_input)[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-            self.weights[ + '_linear'] *= 4. * number_of_time_samples / self.interferometers.duration
-            self.weights[ + '_quadratic'] = build_roq_weights(
-                1 /
-                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs],
-                quadratic_matrix[roq_idxs].real,
-                1 / ifo.strain_data.duration)
-  "Finished building weights for {}".format(
-        if pyfftw is not None:
-            pyfftw.forget_wisdom()
-    def save_weights(self, filename, format='npz'):
-        if format not in filename:
-            filename += "." + format
-"Saving ROQ weights to {}".format(filename))
-        if format == 'json':
-            with open(filename, 'w') as file:
-                json.dump(self.weights, file, indent=2, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder)
-        elif format == 'npz':
-            np.savez(filename, **self.weights)
-    @staticmethod
-    def load_weights(filename, format=None):
-        if format is None:
-            format = filename.split(".")[-1]
-        if format not in ["json", "npz"]:
-            raise IOError("Format {} not recognized.".format(format))
-"Loading ROQ weights from {}".format(filename))
-        if format == "json":
-            with open(filename, 'r') as file:
-                weights = json.load(file, object_hook=decode_bilby_json)
-        elif format == "npz":
-            # Wrap in dict to load data into memory
-            weights = dict(np.load(filename))
-        return weights
-    def _get_time_resolution(self):
-        """
-        This method estimates the time resolution given the optimal SNR of the
-        signal in the detector. This is then used when constructing the weights
-        for the ROQ.
-        A minimum resolution is set by assuming the SNR in each detector is at
-        least 10. When the SNR is not available the SNR is assumed to be 30 in
-        each detector.
-        Returns
-        =======
-        delta_t: float
-            Time resolution
-        """
-        def calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=20.):
-            """
-            Parameters
-            ==========
-            freq: array-like
-                Frequency array
-            psd: array-like
-                Power spectral density
-            scaling: float
-                SNR dependent scaling factor
-            Returns
-            =======
-            f_high: float
-                The maximum frequency which must be considered
-            """
-            from scipy.integrate import simps
-            integrand1 = np.power(freq, -7. / 3) / psd
-            integral1 = simps(integrand1, freq)
-            integrand3 = np.power(freq, 2. / 3.) / (psd * integral1)
-            f_3_bar = simps(integrand3, freq)
-            f_high = scaling * f_3_bar**(1 / 3)
-            return f_high
-        def c_f_scaling(snr):
-            return (np.pi**2 * snr**2 / 6)**(1 / 3)
-        inj_snr_sq = 0
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-            inj_snr_sq += max(10, ifo.meta_data.get('optimal_SNR', 30))**2
-        psd = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-        freq = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-        fhigh = calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=c_f_scaling(inj_snr_sq**0.5))
-        delta_t = fhigh**-1
-        # Apply a safety factor to ensure the time step is short enough
-        delta_t = delta_t / 5
-        # duration / delta_t needs to be a power of 2 for IFFT
-        number_of_time_samples = max(
-            self.interferometers.duration / delta_t,
-            self.interferometers.frequency_array[-1] * self.interferometers.duration + 1)
-        number_of_time_samples = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(number_of_time_samples)))
-        delta_t = self.interferometers.duration / number_of_time_samples
-"ROQ time-step = {}".format(delta_t))
-        return delta_t
-    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
-        for kind in ['linear', 'quadratic']:
-            for mode in signal[kind]:
-                signal[kind][mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
-def get_binary_black_hole_likelihood(interferometers):
-    """ A wrapper to quickly set up a likelihood for BBH parameter estimation
-    Parameters
-    ==========
-    interferometers: {, list}
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances, typically the
-        output of either `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_open_data`
-        or `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`
-    Returns
-    =======
-    bilby.GravitationalWaveTransient: The likelihood to pass to `run_sampler`
-    """
-    waveform_generator = WaveformGenerator(
-        duration=interferometers.duration,
-        sampling_frequency=interferometers.sampling_frequency,
-        frequency_domain_source_model=lal_binary_black_hole,
-        waveform_arguments={'waveform_approximant': 'IMRPhenomPv2',
-                            'reference_frequency': 50})
-    return GravitationalWaveTransient(interferometers, waveform_generator)
-class BilbyROQParamsRangeError(Exception):
-    pass
-class MBGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
-    """A multi-banded likelihood object
-    This uses the method described in S. Morisaki, 2021, arXiv: 2104.07813.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    interferometers: list,
-        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the detector data and power spectral densities
-    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
-        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal, given some set of parameters
-    reference_chirp_mass: float
-        A reference chirp mass for determining the frequency banding
-    highest_mode: int, optional
-        The maximum magnetic number of gravitational-wave moments. Default is 2
-    linear_interpolation: bool, optional
-        If True, the linear-interpolation method is used for the computation of (h, h). If False, the IFFT-FFT method
-        is used. Default is True.
-    accuracy_factor: float, optional
-        A parameter to determine the accuracy of multi-banding. The larger this factor is, the more accurate the
-        approximation is. This corresponds to L in the paper. Default is 5.
-    time_offset: float, optional
-        (end time of data) - (maximum arrival time). If None, it is inferred from the prior of geocent time.
-    delta_f_end: float, optional
-        The frequency scale with which waveforms at the high-frequency end are smoothed. If None, it is determined from
-        the prior of geocent time.
-    maximum_banding_frequency: float, optional
-        A maximum frequency for multi-banding. If specified, the low-frequency limit of a band does not exceed it.
-    minimum_banding_duration: float, optional
-        A minimum duration for multi-banding. If specified, the duration of a band is not smaller than it.
-    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood. This uses a look up table calculated at run time. The
-        distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum distance allowed in the prior being marginalised
-        over.
-    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
-        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood. This is done analytically using a Bessel function. The phase
-        prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
-    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
-        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
-    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
-        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array, (distance) prior_array, and
-        reference_distance used to construct the table. If a string the name of a file containing these quantities. The
-        lookup table is stored after construction in either the provided string or a default location:
-        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
-    reference_frame: (str,, list), optional
-        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
-        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
-          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the frame where the z-axis is aligned the the
-          vector connecting H1 and L1.
-    time_reference: str, optional
-        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
-        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center, this is the default
-        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
-    Returns
-    -------
-    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
-        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given some model parameters
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, interferometers, waveform_generator, reference_chirp_mass, highest_mode=2, linear_interpolation=True,
-        accuracy_factor=5, time_offset=None, delta_f_end=None, maximum_banding_frequency=None,
-        minimum_banding_duration=0., distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, priors=None,
-        distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
-    ):
-        super(MBGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
-            interferometers=interferometers, waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
-            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization, phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
-            time_marginalization=False, distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
-            jitter_time=False, reference_frame=reference_frame, time_reference=time_reference
-        )
-        self.reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
-        self.highest_mode = highest_mode
-        self.linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
-        self.accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
-        self.time_offset = time_offset
-        self.delta_f_end = delta_f_end
-        self.minimum_frequency = np.min([i.minimum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
-        self.maximum_frequency = np.max([i.maximum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
-        self.maximum_banding_frequency = maximum_banding_frequency
-        self.minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
-        self.setup_multibanding()
-    @property
-    def reference_chirp_mass(self):
-        return self._reference_chirp_mass
-    @property
-    def reference_chirp_mass_in_second(self):
-        return gravitational_constant * self._reference_chirp_mass * solar_mass / speed_of_light**3.
-    @reference_chirp_mass.setter
-    def reference_chirp_mass(self, reference_chirp_mass):
-        if isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, int) or isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, float):
-            self._reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("reference_chirp_mass must be a number")
-    @property
-    def highest_mode(self):
-        return self._highest_mode
-    @highest_mode.setter
-    def highest_mode(self, highest_mode):
-        if isinstance(highest_mode, int) or isinstance(highest_mode, float):
-            self._highest_mode = highest_mode
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("highest_mode must be a number")
-    @property
-    def linear_interpolation(self):
-        return self._linear_interpolation
-    @linear_interpolation.setter
-    def linear_interpolation(self, linear_interpolation):
-        if isinstance(linear_interpolation, bool):
-            self._linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("linear_interpolation must be a bool")
-    @property
-    def accuracy_factor(self):
-        return self._accuracy_factor
-    @accuracy_factor.setter
-    def accuracy_factor(self, accuracy_factor):
-        if isinstance(accuracy_factor, int) or isinstance(accuracy_factor, float):
-            self._accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("accuracy_factor must be a number")
-    @property
-    def time_offset(self):
-        return self._time_offset
-    @time_offset.setter
-    def time_offset(self, time_offset):
-        """
-        This sets the time offset assumed when frequency bands are constructed. The default value is (the
-        maximum offset of geocent time in the prior range) +  (light-traveling time of the Earth). If the
-        prior does not contain 'geocent_time', 2.12 seconds is used. It is calculated assuming that the
-        maximum offset of geocent time is 2.1 seconds, which is the value for the standard prior used by
-        LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
-        """
-        time_parameter = self.time_reference + "_time"
-        if time_parameter == "geocent_time":
-            safety = radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
-        else:
-            safety = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
-        if time_offset is not None:
-            if isinstance(time_offset, int) or isinstance(time_offset, float):
-                self._time_offset = time_offset
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("time_offset must be a number")
-        elif self.priors is not None and time_parameter in self.priors:
-            self._time_offset = (
-                self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
-                - self.priors[time_parameter].minimum + safety
-            )
-        else:
-            self._time_offset = 2.12
-            logger.warning("time offset can not be inferred. Use the standard time offset of {} seconds.".format(
-                self._time_offset))
-    @property
-    def delta_f_end(self):
-        return self._delta_f_end
-    @delta_f_end.setter
-    def delta_f_end(self, delta_f_end):
-        """
-        This sets the frequency scale of tapering the high-frequency end of waveform, to avoid the issues of
-        abrupt termination of waveform described in Sec. 2. F of arXiv: 2104.07813. This needs to be much
-        larger than the inverse of the minimum time offset, and the default value is 100 times of that. If
-        the prior does not contain 'geocent_time' and the minimum time offset can not be computed, 53Hz is
-        used. It is computed assuming that the minimum offset of geocent time is 1.9 seconds, which is the
-        value for the standard prior used by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
-        """
-        time_parameter = self.time_reference + "_time"
-        if time_parameter == "geocent_time":
-            safety = radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
-        else:
-            safety = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
-        if delta_f_end is not None:
-            if isinstance(delta_f_end, int) or isinstance(delta_f_end, float):
-                self._delta_f_end = delta_f_end
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("delta_f_end must be a number")
-        elif self.priors is not None and time_parameter in self.priors:
-            self._delta_f_end = 100 / (
-                self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
-                - self.priors[time_parameter].maximum - safety
-            )
-        else:
-            self._delta_f_end = 53.
-            logger.warning("delta_f_end can not be inferred. Use the standard delta_f_end of {} Hz.".format(
-                self._delta_f_end))
-    @property
-    def maximum_banding_frequency(self):
-        return self._maximum_banding_frequency
-    @maximum_banding_frequency.setter
-    def maximum_banding_frequency(self, maximum_banding_frequency):
-        """
-        This sets the upper limit on a starting frequency of a band. The default value is the frequency at
-        which f - 1 / \sqrt(- d\tau / df) starts to decrease, because the bisection search of the starting
-        frequency does not work from that frequency. The stationary phase approximation is not valid at such
-        a high frequency, which can break down the approximation. It is calculated from the 0PN formula of
-        time-to-merger \tau(f). The user-specified frequency is used if it is lower than that frequency.
-        """
-        fmax_tmp = (
-            (15 / 968)**(3 / 5) * (self.highest_mode / (2 * np.pi))**(8 / 5)
-            / self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
-        )
-        if maximum_banding_frequency is not None:
-            if isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, int) or isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, float):
-                if maximum_banding_frequency < fmax_tmp:
-                    fmax_tmp = maximum_banding_frequency
-                else:
-                    logger.warning("The input maximum_banding_frequency is too large."
-                                   "It is set to be {} Hz.".format(fmax_tmp))
-            else:
-                raise TypeError("maximum_banding_frequency must be a number")
-        self._maximum_banding_frequency = fmax_tmp
-    @property
-    def minimum_banding_duration(self):
-        return self._minimum_banding_duration
-    @minimum_banding_duration.setter
-    def minimum_banding_duration(self, minimum_banding_duration):
-        if isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, int) or isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, float):
-            self._minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("minimum_banding_duration must be a number")
-    def setup_multibanding(self):
-        """Set up frequency bands and coefficients needed for likelihood evaluations"""
-        self._setup_frequency_bands()
-        self._setup_integers()
-        self._setup_waveform_frequency_points()
-        self._setup_linear_coefficients()
-        if self.linear_interpolation:
-            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp()
-        else:
-            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft()
-    def _tau(self, f):
-        """Compute time-to-merger from the input frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        f: float
-            input frequency
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tau: float
-            time-to-merger
-        """
-        f_22 = 2. * f / self.highest_mode
-        return 5. / 256. * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * \
-            (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22)**(-8. / 3.)
-    def _dtaudf(self, f):
-        """Compute the derivative of time-to-merger with respect to a starting frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        f: float
-            input frequency
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dtaudf: float
-            derivative of time-to-merger
-        """
-        f_22 = 2. * f / self.highest_mode
-        return -5. / 96. * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * \
-            (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22)**(-8. / 3.) / f
-    def _find_starting_frequency(self, duration, fnow):
-        """Find the starting frequency of the next band satisfying (10) and
-        (51) of arXiv: 2104.07813.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        duration: float
-            duration of the next band
-        fnow: float
-            starting frequency of the current band
-        Returns
-        -------
-        fnext: float or None
-            starting frequency of the next band. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not exist.
-        dfnext: float or None
-            frequency scale with which waveforms are smoothed. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not
-            exist.
-        """
-        def _is_above_fnext(f):
-            "This function returns True if f > fnext"
-            cond1 = duration - self.time_offset - self._tau(f) - \
-                self.accuracy_factor * np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f)) > 0.
-            cond2 = f - 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f)) - fnow > 0.
-            return cond1 and cond2
-        # Bisection search for fnext
-        fmin, fmax = fnow, self.maximum_banding_frequency
-        if not _is_above_fnext(fmax):
-            return None, None
-        while fmax - fmin > 1e-2 / duration:
-            f = (fmin + fmax) / 2.
-            if _is_above_fnext(f):
-                fmax = f
-            else:
-                fmin = f
-        return f, 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f))
-    def _setup_frequency_bands(self):
-        """Set up frequency bands. The durations of bands geometrically decrease T, T/2. T/4, ..., where T is the
-        original duration. This sets the following instance variables.
-        durations: durations of bands (T^(b) in the paper)
-        fb_dfb: the list of tuples, which contain starting frequencies (f^(b) in the paper) and frequency scales for
-        smoothing waveforms (\Delta f^(b) in the paper) of bands
-        """
-        self.durations = [self.interferometers.duration]
-        self.fb_dfb = [(self.minimum_frequency, 0.)]
-        dnext = self.interferometers.duration / 2
-        while dnext > max(self.time_offset, self.minimum_banding_duration):
-            fnow, _ = self.fb_dfb[-1]
-            fnext, dfnext = self._find_starting_frequency(dnext, fnow)
-            if fnext is not None and fnext < min(self.maximum_frequency, self.maximum_banding_frequency):
-                self.durations.append(dnext)
-                self.fb_dfb.append((fnext, dfnext))
-                dnext /= 2
-            else:
-                break
-        self.fb_dfb.append((self.maximum_frequency + self.delta_f_end, self.delta_f_end))
-"The total frequency range is divided into {} bands with frequency intervals of {}.".format(
-            len(self.durations), ", ".join(["1/{} Hz".format(d) for d in self.durations])))
-    def _setup_integers(self):
-        """Set up integers needed for likelihood evaluations. This sets the following instance variables.
-        Nbs: the numbers of samples of downsampled data (N^(b) in the paper)
-        Mbs: the numbers of samples of shortened data (M^(b) in the paper)
-        Ks_Ke: start and end frequency indices of bands (K^(b)_s and K^(b)_e in the paper)
-        """
-        self.Nbs = []
-        self.Mbs = []
-        self.Ks_Ke = []
-        for b in range(len(self.durations)):
-            dnow = self.durations[b]
-            fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
-            fnext, _ = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
-            Nb = max(round_up_to_power_of_two(2. * (fnext * self.interferometers.duration + 1.)), 2**b)
-            self.Nbs.append(Nb)
-            self.Mbs.append(Nb // 2**b)
-            self.Ks_Ke.append((math.ceil((fnow - dfnow) * dnow), math.floor(fnext * dnow)))
-    def _setup_waveform_frequency_points(self):
-        """Set up frequency points where waveforms are evaluated. Frequency points are reordered because some waveform
-        models raise an error if the input frequencies are not increasing. This adds frequency_points into the
-        waveform_arguments of waveform_generator. This sets the following instance variables.
-        banded_frequency_points: ndarray of total banded frequency points
-        start_end_idxs: list of tuples containing start and end indices of each band
-        unique_to_original_frequencies: indices converting unique frequency
-        points into the original duplicated banded frequencies
-        """
-        self.banded_frequency_points = np.array([])
-        self.start_end_idxs = []
-        start_idx = 0
-        for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-            d = self.durations[i]
-            Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[i]
-            self.banded_frequency_points = np.append(self.banded_frequency_points, np.arange(Ks, Ke + 1) / d)
-            end_idx = start_idx + Ke - Ks
-            self.start_end_idxs.append((start_idx, end_idx))
-            start_idx = end_idx + 1
-        unique_frequencies, idxs = np.unique(self.banded_frequency_points, return_inverse=True)
-        self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequencies'] = unique_frequencies
-        self.unique_to_original_frequencies = idxs
-"The number of frequency points where waveforms are evaluated is {}.".format(
-            len(unique_frequencies)))
-"The speed-up gain of multi-banding is {}.".format(
-            (self.maximum_frequency - self.minimum_frequency) * self.interferometers.duration /
-            len(unique_frequencies)))
-    def _window(self, f, b):
-        """Compute window function in the b-th band
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        f: float or ndarray
-            frequency at which the window function is computed
-        b: int
-        Returns
-        -------
-        window: float
-            window function at f
-        """
-        fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
-        fnext, dfnext = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
-        @np.vectorize
-        def _vectorized_window(f):
-            if fnow - dfnow < f < fnow:
-                return (1. + np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnow) / dfnow)) / 2.
-            elif fnow <= f <= fnext - dfnext:
-                return 1.
-            elif fnext - dfnext < f < fnext:
-                return (1. - np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnext) / dfnext)) / 2.
-            else:
-                return 0.
-        return _vectorized_window(f)
-    def _setup_linear_coefficients(self):
-        """Set up coefficients by which waveforms are multiplied to compute (d, h)"""
-        self.linear_coeffs = dict((, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        N = self.Nbs[-1]
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-  "Pre-computing linear coefficients for {}".format(
-            fddata = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1, dtype=complex)
-            fddata[:len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)][ifo.frequency_mask] += \
-                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask] / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
-                windows = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1], b)
-                fddata_in_ith_band = np.copy(fddata[:int(self.Nbs[b] / 2 + 1)])
-                fddata_in_ith_band[-1] = 0.  # zeroing data at the Nyquist frequency
-                tddata = np.fft.irfft(fddata_in_ith_band)[-self.Mbs[b]:]
-                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
-                fddata_in_ith_band = np.fft.rfft(tddata)[Ks:Ke + 1]
-                self.linear_coeffs[] = np.append(
-                    self.linear_coeffs[], (4. / self.durations[b]) * windows * np.conj(fddata_in_ith_band))
-    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp(self):
-        """Set up coefficients by which the squares of waveforms are multiplied to compute (h, h) for the
-        linear-interpolation algorithm"""
-"Linear-interpolation algorithm is used for (h, h).")
-        self.quadratic_coeffs = dict((, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        N = self.Nbs[-1]
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-  "Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(
-            full_frequencies = np.arange(N // 2 + 1) / ifo.duration
-            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
-            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = \
-                1. / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-            for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[i]
-                banded_frequencies = self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-                coeffs = np.zeros(len(banded_frequencies))
-                for k in range(len(coeffs) - 1):
-                    if k == 0:
-                        start_idx_in_sum = 0
-                    else:
-                        start_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k])
-                    if k == len(coeffs) - 2:
-                        end_idx_in_sum = len(full_frequencies) - 1
-                    else:
-                        end_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k + 1]) - 1
-                    window_over_psd = full_inv_psds[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1] \
-                        * self._window(full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1], i)
-                    frequencies_in_sum = full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1]
-                    coeffs[k] += 4. * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration * np.sum(
-                        (banded_frequencies[k + 1] - frequencies_in_sum) * window_over_psd)
-                    coeffs[k + 1] += 4. * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration \
-                        * np.sum((frequencies_in_sum - banded_frequencies[k]) * window_over_psd)
-                self.quadratic_coeffs[] = np.append(self.quadratic_coeffs[], coeffs)
-    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft(self):
-        """Set up coefficients needed for the IFFT-FFT algorithm to compute (h, h)"""
-"IFFT-FFT algorithm is used for (h, h).")
-        N = self.Nbs[-1]
-        # variables defined below correspond to \hat{N}^(b), \hat{T}^(b), \tilde{I}^(b)_{c, k}, h^(b)_{c, m} and
-        # \sqrt{w^(b)(f^(b)_k)} \tilde{h}(f^(b)_k) in the paper
-        Nhatbs = [min(2 * Mb, Nb) for Mb, Nb in zip(self.Mbs, self.Nbs)]
-        self.Tbhats = [self.interferometers.duration * Nbhat / Nb for Nb, Nbhat in zip(self.Nbs, Nhatbs)]
-        self.Ibcs = dict((, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        self.hbcs = dict((, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        self.wths = dict((, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
-        for ifo in self.interferometers:
-  "Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(
-            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
-            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = 1. / \
-                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
-            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                Imb = np.fft.irfft(full_inv_psds[:self.Nbs[b] // 2 + 1])
-                half_length = Nhatbs[b] // 2
-                Imbc = np.append(Imb[:half_length + 1], Imb[-(Nhatbs[b] - half_length - 1):])
-                self.Ibcs[].append(np.fft.rfft(Imbc))
-                # Allocate arrays for IFFT-FFT operations
-                self.hbcs[].append(np.zeros(Nhatbs[b]))
-                self.wths[].append(np.zeros(self.Mbs[b] // 2 + 1, dtype=complex))
-        # precompute windows and their squares
- = np.array([])
-        self.square_root_windows = np.array([])
-        for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-            start, end = self.start_end_idxs[b]
-            ws = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start:end + 1], b)
-   = np.append(, ws)
-            self.square_root_windows = np.append(self.square_root_windows, np.sqrt(ws))
-    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
-        """
-        Compute the snrs for multi-banding
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        waveform_polarizations: waveform
-        interferometer:
-        Returns
-        -------
-        snrs: named tuple of snrs
-        """
-        strain = np.zeros(len(self.banded_frequency_points), dtype=complex)
-        for mode in waveform_polarizations:
-            response = interferometer.antenna_response(
-                self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-                self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'],
-                mode
-            )
-            strain += waveform_polarizations[mode][self.unique_to_original_frequencies] * response
-        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
-            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
-            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
-        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
-        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
-        calib_factor = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
-            self.banded_frequency_points, prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **self.parameters)
-        strain *= np.exp(-1j * 2. * np.pi * self.banded_frequency_points * ifo_time)
-        strain *= np.conjugate(calib_factor)
-        d_inner_h =, self.linear_coeffs[])
-        if self.linear_interpolation:
-            optimal_snr_squared = np.vdot(
-                np.real(strain * np.conjugate(strain)),
-                self.quadratic_coeffs[]
-            )
-        else:
-            optimal_snr_squared = 0.
-            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
-                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
-                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
-                Mb = self.Mbs[b]
-                if b == 0:
-                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.interferometers.duration) * np.vdot(
-                        np.real(strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1] * np.conjugate(strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1])),
-                        interferometer.frequency_mask[Ks:Ke + 1] *[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-                        / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[Ks:Ke + 1])
-                else:
-                    self.wths[][b][Ks:Ke + 1] = self.square_root_windows[start_idx:end_idx + 1] \
-                        * strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
-                    self.hbcs[][b][-Mb:] = np.fft.irfft(self.wths[][b])
-                    thbc = np.fft.rfft(self.hbcs[][b])
-                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.Tbhats[b]) * np.vdot(
-                        np.real(thbc * np.conjugate(thbc)), self.Ibcs[][b])
-        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
-        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
-            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
-            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
-            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
-            d_inner_h_array=None,
-            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
-    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
-        for mode in signal:
-            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88fb527ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from .base import GravitationalWaveTransient
+from .basic import BasicGravitationalWaveTransient
+from .roq import BilbyROQParamsRangeError, ROQGravitationalWaveTransient
+from .multiband import MBGravitationalWaveTransient
+from ..source import lal_binary_black_hole
+from ..waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
+def get_binary_black_hole_likelihood(interferometers):
+    """ A wrapper to quickly set up a likelihood for BBH parameter estimation
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    interferometers: {, list}
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances, typically the
+        output of either `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_open_data`
+        or `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`
+    Returns
+    =======
+    bilby.GravitationalWaveTransient: The likelihood to pass to `run_sampler`
+    """
+    waveform_generator = WaveformGenerator(
+        duration=interferometers.duration,
+        sampling_frequency=interferometers.sampling_frequency,
+        frequency_domain_source_model=lal_binary_black_hole,
+        waveform_arguments={'waveform_approximant': 'IMRPhenomPv2',
+                            'reference_frequency': 50})
+    return GravitationalWaveTransient(interferometers, waveform_generator)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6c9f6f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+import os
+import copy
+import attr
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy.special import logsumexp
+from ...core.likelihood import Likelihood
+from ...core.utils import logger, UnsortedInterp2d, create_time_series
+from ...core.prior import Interped, Prior, Uniform, PriorDict, DeltaFunction
+from ..detector import InterferometerList, get_empty_interferometer, calibration
+from ..prior import BBHPriorDict, Cosmological
+from ..utils import noise_weighted_inner_product, zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec, ln_i0
+class GravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
+    """ A gravitational-wave transient likelihood object
+    This is the usual likelihood object to use for transient gravitational
+    wave parameter estimation. It computes the log-likelihood in the frequency
+    domain assuming a colored Gaussian noise model described by a power
+    spectral density. See Thrane & Talbot (2019),
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    interferometers: list,
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
+        detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+        given some set of parameters
+    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood.
+        This uses a look up table calculated at run time.
+        The distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum
+        distance allowed in the prior being marginalised over.
+    time_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over time in the likelihood.
+        This uses a FFT to calculate the likelihood over a regularly spaced
+        grid.
+        In order to cover the whole space the prior is set to be uniform over
+        the spacing of the array of times.
+        If using time marginalisation and jitter_time is True a "jitter"
+        parameter is added to the prior which modifies the position of the
+        grid of times.
+    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood.
+        This is done analytically using a Bessel function.
+        The phase prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
+    calibration_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over calibration response curves in the likelihood.
+        This is done numerically over a number of calibration response curve realizations.
+    priors: dict, optional
+        If given, used in the distance and phase marginalization.
+        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
+        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
+    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
+        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
+        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
+        the table.
+        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
+        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
+        provided string or a default location:
+        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
+    calibration_lookup_table: dict, optional
+        If a dict, contains the arrays over which to marginalize for each interferometer or the filepaths of the
+        calibration files.
+        If not provided, but calibration_marginalization is used, then the appropriate file is created to
+        contain the curves.
+    number_of_response_curves: int, optional
+        Number of curves from the calibration lookup table to use.
+        Default is 1000.
+    starting_index: int, optional
+        Sets the index for the first realization of the calibration curve to be considered.
+        This, coupled with number_of_response_curves, allows for restricting the set of curves used. This can be used
+        when dealing with large frequency arrays to split the calculation into sections.
+        Defaults to 0.
+    jitter_time: bool, optional
+        Whether to introduce a `time_jitter` parameter. This avoids either
+        missing the likelihood peak, or introducing biases in the
+        reconstructed time posterior due to an insufficient sampling frequency.
+        Default is False, however using this parameter is strongly encouraged.
+    reference_frame: (str,, list), optional
+        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
+        - :code:`sky`: sample in RA/dec, this is the default
+        - e.g., :code:`"H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"])`:
+          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
+          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
+          and L1.
+    time_reference: str, optional
+        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
+        - :code:`geocent`/:code:`geocenter`: sample in the time at the
+          Earth's center, this is the default
+        - e.g., :code:`H1`: sample in the time of arrival at H1
+    Returns
+    =======
+    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
+        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
+        some model parameters
+    """
+    @attr.s
+    class _CalculatedSNRs:
+        d_inner_h = attr.ib()
+        optimal_snr_squared = attr.ib()
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = attr.ib()
+        d_inner_h_array = attr.ib()
+        optimal_snr_squared_array = attr.ib()
+        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = attr.ib()
+    def __init__(
+            self, interferometers, waveform_generator, time_marginalization=False,
+            distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, calibration_marginalization=False, priors=None,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, calibration_lookup_table=None,
+            number_of_response_curves=1000, starting_index=0, jitter_time=True, reference_frame="sky",
+            time_reference="geocenter"
+    ):
+        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
+        super(GravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
+        self.interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
+        self.time_marginalization = time_marginalization
+        self.distance_marginalization = distance_marginalization
+        self.phase_marginalization = phase_marginalization
+        self.calibration_marginalization = calibration_marginalization
+        self.priors = priors
+        self._check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator()
+        self.jitter_time = jitter_time
+        self.reference_frame = reference_frame
+        if "geocent" not in time_reference:
+            self.time_reference = time_reference
+            self.reference_ifo = get_empty_interferometer(self.time_reference)
+            if self.time_marginalization:
+      "Cannot marginalise over non-geocenter time.")
+                self.time_marginalization = False
+                self.jitter_time = False
+        else:
+            self.time_reference = "geocent"
+            self.reference_ifo = None
+        if self.time_marginalization:
+            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='geocent_time')
+            self._setup_time_marginalization()
+            priors['geocent_time'] = float(self.interferometers.start_time)
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                priors['time_jitter'] = Uniform(
+                    minimum=- self._delta_tc / 2,
+                    maximum=self._delta_tc / 2,
+                    boundary='periodic',
+                    name="time_jitter",
+                    latex_label="$t_j$"
+                )
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('geocent_time')
+        elif self.jitter_time:
+            logger.debug(
+                "Time jittering requested with non-time-marginalised "
+                "likelihood, ignoring.")
+            self.jitter_time = False
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='phase')
+            priors['phase'] = float(0)
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('phase')
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            self._lookup_table_filename = None
+            self._check_marginalized_prior_is_set(key='luminosity_distance')
+            self._distance_array = np.linspace(
+                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].minimum,
+                self.priors['luminosity_distance'].maximum, int(1e4))
+            self.distance_prior_array = np.array(
+                [self.priors['luminosity_distance'].prob(distance)
+                 for distance in self._distance_array])
+            self._ref_dist = self.priors['luminosity_distance'].rescale(0.5)
+            self._setup_distance_marginalization(
+                distance_marginalization_lookup_table)
+            for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
+                if key in priors:
+                    del priors[key]
+            priors['luminosity_distance'] = float(self._ref_dist)
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('luminosity_distance')
+        if self.calibration_marginalization:
+            self.number_of_response_curves = number_of_response_curves
+            self.starting_index = starting_index
+            self._setup_calibration_marginalization(calibration_lookup_table)
+            self._marginalized_parameters.append('recalib_index')
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={},\n\ttime_marginalization={}, ' \
+                                         'distance_marginalization={}, phase_marginalization={}, ' \
+                                         'calibration_marginalization={}, priors={})' \
+            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator, self.time_marginalization,
+                    self.distance_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization,
+                    self.priors)
+    def _check_set_duration_and_sampling_frequency_of_waveform_generator(self):
+        """ Check the waveform_generator has the same duration and
+        sampling_frequency as the interferometers. If they are unset, then
+        set them, if they differ, raise an error
+        """
+        attributes = ['duration', 'sampling_frequency', 'start_time']
+        for attribute in attributes:
+            wfg_attr = getattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute)
+            ifo_attr = getattr(self.interferometers, attribute)
+            if wfg_attr is None:
+                logger.debug(
+                    "The waveform_generator {} is None. Setting from the "
+                    "provided interferometers.".format(attribute))
+            elif wfg_attr != ifo_attr:
+                logger.debug(
+                    "The waveform_generator {} is not equal to that of the "
+                    "provided interferometers. Overwriting the "
+                    "waveform_generator.".format(attribute))
+            setattr(self.waveform_generator, attribute, ifo_attr)
+    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
+        """
+        Compute the snrs
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        waveform_polarizations: dict
+            A dictionary of waveform polarizations and the corresponding array
+        interferometer:
+            The bilby interferometer object
+        """
+        signal = interferometer.get_detector_response(
+            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
+        _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
+        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
+            signal[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[][int(self.parameters['recalib_index'])]
+        d_inner_h = interferometer.inner_product(signal=signal)
+        optimal_snr_squared = interferometer.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal)
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
+        d_inner_h_array = None
+        optimal_snr_squared_array = None
+        normalization = 4 / self.waveform_generator.duration
+        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_integrand = np.tile(
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal /
+                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array, (self.number_of_response_curves, 1)).T
+            d_inner_h_integrand[_mask] *= self.calibration_draws[].T
+            d_inner_h_array = 4 / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.fft.fft(
+                d_inner_h_integrand[0:-1], axis=0
+            ).T
+            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = (
+                normalization * np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
+            )
+            optimal_snr_squared_array =
+                optimal_snr_squared_integrand[_mask],
+                self.calibration_abs_draws[].T
+            )
+        elif self.time_marginalization and not self.calibration_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_array = normalization * np.fft.fft(
+                signal[0:-1]
+                * interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate()[0:-1]
+                / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[0:-1]
+            )
+        elif self.calibration_marginalization and ('recalib_index' not in self.parameters):
+            d_inner_h_integrand = (
+                normalization *
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain.conjugate() * signal
+                / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
+            )
+            d_inner_h_array =[_mask], self.calibration_draws[].T)
+            optimal_snr_squared_integrand = (
+                normalization * np.abs(signal)**2 / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array
+            )
+            optimal_snr_squared_array =
+                optimal_snr_squared_integrand[_mask],
+                self.calibration_abs_draws[].T
+            )
+        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
+            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
+            d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
+            optimal_snr_squared_array=optimal_snr_squared_array,
+            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None)
+    def _check_marginalized_prior_is_set(self, key):
+        if key in self.priors and self.priors[key].is_fixed:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Cannot use marginalized likelihood for {}: prior is fixed".format(key)
+            )
+        if key not in self.priors or not isinstance(
+                self.priors[key], Prior):
+            logger.warning(
+                'Prior not provided for {}, using the BBH default.'.format(key))
+            if key == 'geocent_time':
+                self.priors[key] = Uniform(
+                    self.interferometers.start_time,
+                    self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration)
+            elif key == 'luminosity_distance':
+                for key in ['redshift', 'comoving_distance']:
+                    if key in self.priors:
+                        if not isinstance(self.priors[key], Cosmological):
+                            raise TypeError(
+                                "To marginalize over {}, the prior must be specified as a "
+                                "subclass of".format(key)
+                            )
+                        self.priors['luminosity_distance'] = self.priors[key].get_corresponding_prior(
+                            'luminosity_distance'
+                        )
+                        del self.priors[key]
+            else:
+                self.priors[key] = BBHPriorDict()[key]
+    @property
+    def priors(self):
+        return self._prior
+    @priors.setter
+    def priors(self, priors):
+        if priors is not None:
+            self._prior = priors.copy()
+        elif any([self.time_marginalization, self.phase_marginalization,
+                  self.distance_marginalization]):
+            raise ValueError("You can't use a marginalized likelihood without specifying a priors")
+        else:
+            self._prior = None
+    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
+        log_l = 0
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
+            log_l -= noise_weighted_inner_product(
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
+                interferometer.frequency_domain_strain[mask],
+                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[mask],
+                self.waveform_generator.duration) / 2
+        return float(np.real(log_l))
+    def log_likelihood_ratio(self):
+        waveform_polarizations = \
+            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if waveform_polarizations is None:
+            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+        d_inner_h = 0.
+        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
+        if self.time_marginalization and self.calibration_marginalization:
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
+            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
+                (self.number_of_response_curves, len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1])),
+                dtype=np.complex128)
+            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        elif self.time_marginalization:
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
+            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(
+                len(self.interferometers.frequency_array[0:-1]),
+                dtype=np.complex128)
+        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+            optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
+                waveform_polarizations=waveform_polarizations,
+                interferometer=interferometer)
+            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
+            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
+            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
+            if self.time_marginalization or self.calibration_marginalization:
+                d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
+            if self.calibration_marginalization:
+                optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
+        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h_array=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        elif self.calibration_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.calibration_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h_calibration_array=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+        elif self.time_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.time_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h_tc_array=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
+            if self.jitter_time:
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'] -= self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        elif self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared)
+        else:
+            log_l = np.real(d_inner_h) - optimal_snr_squared / 2
+        return float(log_l.real)
+    def generate_posterior_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(self):
+        """
+        Reconstruct the distance posterior from a run which used a likelihood
+        which explicitly marginalised over time/distance/phase.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
+        Returns
+        =======
+        sample: dict
+            Returns the parameters with new samples.
+        Notes
+        =====
+        This involves a deepcopy of the signal to avoid issues with waveform
+        caching, as the signal is overwritten in place.
+        """
+        if any([self.phase_marginalization, self.distance_marginalization,
+                self.time_marginalization, self.calibration_marginalization]):
+            signal_polarizations = copy.deepcopy(
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
+                    self.parameters))
+        else:
+            return self.parameters
+        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
+            raise AttributeError(
+                "Cannot use time and calibration marginalization simultaneously for regeneration at the moment!"
+                "The matrix manipulation has not been tested.")
+        if self.calibration_marginalization:
+            new_calibration = self.generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['recalib_index'] = new_calibration
+        if self.time_marginalization:
+            new_time = self.generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'] = new_time
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            new_distance = self.generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] = new_distance
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            new_phase = self.generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+                signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+            self.parameters['phase'] = new_phase
+        return self.parameters.copy()
+    def generate_calibration_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for the set of calibration response curves when
+        explicitly marginalizing over the calibration uncertainty.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        new_calibration: dict
+            Sample set from the calibration posterior
+        """
+        if 'recalib_index' in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters.pop('recalib_index')
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        log_like = self.get_calibration_log_likelihoods(signal_polarizations=signal_polarizations)
+        calibration_post = np.exp(log_like - max(log_like))
+        calibration_post /= np.sum(calibration_post)
+        new_calibration = np.random.choice(self.number_of_response_curves, p=calibration_post)
+        return new_calibration
+    def generate_time_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for coalescence
+        time when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over time.
+        In order to resolve the posterior we artificially upsample to 16kHz.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        new_time: float
+            Sample from the time posterior.
+        """
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if self.jitter_time:
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'] += self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        times = create_time_series(
+            sampling_frequency=16384,
+            starting_time=self.parameters['geocent_time'] - self.waveform_generator.start_time,
+            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration)
+        times = times % self.waveform_generator.duration
+        times += self.waveform_generator.start_time
+        prior = self.priors["geocent_time"]
+        in_prior = (times >= prior.minimum) & (times < prior.maximum)
+        times = times[in_prior]
+        n_time_steps = int(self.waveform_generator.duration * 16384)
+        d_inner_h = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=complex)
+        psd = np.ones(n_time_steps)
+        signal_long = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
+        data = np.zeros(n_time_steps, dtype=complex)
+        h_inner_h = np.zeros(1)
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            ifo_length = len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
+            mask = ifo.frequency_mask
+            signal = ifo.get_detector_response(
+                signal_polarizations, self.parameters)
+            signal_long[:ifo_length] = signal
+            data[:ifo_length] = np.conj(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)
+            psd[:ifo_length][mask] = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[mask]
+            d_inner_h += np.fft.fft(signal_long * data / psd)[in_prior]
+            h_inner_h += ifo.optimal_snr_squared(signal=signal).real
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            time_log_like = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            time_log_like = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h)) - h_inner_h.real / 2
+        else:
+            time_log_like = (d_inner_h.real - h_inner_h.real / 2)
+        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times)
+        time_post = np.exp(time_log_like - max(time_log_like)) * time_prior_array
+        keep = (time_post > max(time_post) / 1000)
+        if sum(keep) < 3:
+            keep[1:-1] = keep[1:-1] | keep[2:] | keep[:-2]
+        time_post = time_post[keep]
+        times = times[keep]
+        new_time = Interped(times, time_post).sample()
+        return new_time
+    def generate_distance_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for luminosity
+        distance when using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over
+        distance.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+            Note: These are rescaled in place after the distance sample is
+            generated to allow further parameter reconstruction to occur.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        new_distance: float
+            Sample from the distance posterior.
+        """
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
+        d_inner_h_dist = (
+            d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] / self._distance_array
+        )
+        h_inner_h_dist = (
+            h_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance']**2 / self._distance_array**2
+        )
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            distance_log_like = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_dist)) - h_inner_h_dist.real / 2
+        else:
+            distance_log_like = (d_inner_h_dist.real - h_inner_h_dist.real / 2)
+        distance_post = (np.exp(distance_log_like - max(distance_log_like)) *
+                         self.distance_prior_array)
+        new_distance = Interped(
+            self._distance_array, distance_post).sample()
+        self._rescale_signal(signal_polarizations, new_distance)
+        return new_distance
+    def _calculate_inner_products(self, signal_polarizations):
+        d_inner_h = 0
+        h_inner_h = 0
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
+                signal_polarizations, interferometer)
+            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
+            h_inner_h += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared
+        return d_inner_h, h_inner_h
+    def generate_phase_sample_from_marginalized_likelihood(
+            self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        """
+        Generate a single sample from the posterior distribution for phase when
+        using a likelihood which explicitly marginalises over phase.
+        See Eq. (C29-C32) of
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        signal_polarizations: dict, optional
+            Polarizations modes of the template.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        new_phase: float
+            Sample from the phase posterior.
+        Notes
+        =====
+        This is only valid when assumes that mu(phi) \propto exp(-2i phi).
+        """
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        d_inner_h, h_inner_h = self._calculate_inner_products(signal_polarizations)
+        phases = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 101)
+        phasor = np.exp(-2j * phases)
+        phase_log_post = d_inner_h * phasor - h_inner_h / 2
+        phase_post = np.exp(phase_log_post.real - max(phase_log_post.real))
+        new_phase = Interped(phases, phase_post).sample()
+        return new_phase
+    def distance_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
+        d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref = self._setup_rho(
+            d_inner_h, h_inner_h)
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_ref = np.abs(d_inner_h_ref)
+        else:
+            d_inner_h_ref = np.real(d_inner_h_ref)
+        return self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood(
+            d_inner_h_ref, h_inner_h_ref)
+    def phase_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h, h_inner_h):
+        d_inner_h = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h))
+        if self.calibration_marginalization and self.time_marginalization:
+            return d_inner_h - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h)[1])) / 2
+        else:
+            return d_inner_h - h_inner_h / 2
+    def time_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h):
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_tc_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_tc_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_tc_array,
+                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        else:
+            log_l_tc_array = np.real(d_inner_h_tc_array) - h_inner_h / 2
+        times = self._times
+        if self.jitter_time:
+            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        time_prior_array = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
+        return logsumexp(log_l_tc_array, b=time_prior_array)
+    def time_and_calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h):
+        times = self._times
+        if self.jitter_time:
+            times = self._times + self.parameters['time_jitter']
+        _time_prior = self.priors['geocent_time']
+        time_mask = np.logical_and((times >= _time_prior.minimum), (times <= _time_prior.maximum))
+        times = times[time_mask]
+        time_probs = self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(times) * self._delta_tc
+        d_inner_h_array = d_inner_h_array[:, time_mask]
+        h_inner_h = h_inner_h
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        else:
+            log_l_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array) - np.outer(h_inner_h, np.ones(np.shape(d_inner_h_array)[1])) / 2
+        prior_array = np.outer(time_probs, 1. / self.number_of_response_curves * np.ones(len(h_inner_h))).T
+        return logsumexp(log_l_array, b=prior_array)
+    def get_calibration_log_likelihoods(self, signal_polarizations=None):
+        self.parameters.update(self.get_sky_frame_parameters())
+        if signal_polarizations is None:
+            signal_polarizations = \
+                self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(self.parameters)
+        d_inner_h = 0.
+        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = 0.
+        d_inner_h_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        optimal_snr_squared_array = np.zeros(self.number_of_response_curves, dtype=np.complex128)
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            per_detector_snr = self.calculate_snrs(
+                waveform_polarizations=signal_polarizations,
+                interferometer=interferometer)
+            d_inner_h += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h
+            optimal_snr_squared += np.real(per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared)
+            complex_matched_filter_snr += per_detector_snr.complex_matched_filter_snr
+            d_inner_h_array += per_detector_snr.d_inner_h_array
+            optimal_snr_squared_array += per_detector_snr.optimal_snr_squared_array
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array, h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_array,
+                h_inner_h=optimal_snr_squared_array)
+        else:
+            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2)
+        return log_l_cal_array
+    def calibration_marginalized_likelihood(self, d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h):
+        if self.distance_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.distance_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array, h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        elif self.phase_marginalization:
+            log_l_cal_array = self.phase_marginalized_likelihood(
+                d_inner_h=d_inner_h_calibration_array,
+                h_inner_h=h_inner_h)
+        else:
+            log_l_cal_array = np.real(d_inner_h_calibration_array - h_inner_h / 2)
+        return logsumexp(log_l_cal_array) - np.log(self.number_of_response_curves)
+    def _setup_rho(self, d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared):
+        optimal_snr_squared_ref = (optimal_snr_squared.real *
+                                   self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] ** 2 /
+                                   self._ref_dist ** 2.)
+        d_inner_h_ref = (d_inner_h * self.parameters['luminosity_distance'] /
+                         self._ref_dist)
+        return d_inner_h_ref, optimal_snr_squared_ref
+    def log_likelihood(self):
+        return self.log_likelihood_ratio() + self.noise_log_likelihood()
+    @property
+    def _delta_distance(self):
+        return self._distance_array[1] - self._distance_array[0]
+    @property
+    def _dist_multiplier(self):
+        ''' Maximum value of ref_dist/dist_array '''
+        return self._ref_dist / self._distance_array[0]
+    @property
+    def _optimal_snr_squared_ref_array(self):
+        """ Optimal filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
+        return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[0])
+    @property
+    def _d_inner_h_ref_array(self):
+        """ Matched filter snr at fiducial distance of ref_dist Mpc """
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            return np.logspace(-5, 10, self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1])
+        else:
+            n_negative = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] // 2
+            n_positive = self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array.shape[1] - n_negative
+            return np.hstack((
+                -np.logspace(3, -3, n_negative), np.logspace(-3, 10, n_positive)
+            ))
+    def _setup_distance_marginalization(self, lookup_table=None):
+        if isinstance(lookup_table, str) or lookup_table is None:
+            self.cached_lookup_table_filename = lookup_table
+            lookup_table = self.load_lookup_table(
+                self.cached_lookup_table_filename)
+        if isinstance(lookup_table, dict):
+            if self._test_cached_lookup_table(lookup_table):
+                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = lookup_table[
+                    'lookup_table']
+            else:
+                self._create_lookup_table()
+        else:
+            self._create_lookup_table()
+        self._interp_dist_margd_loglikelihood = UnsortedInterp2d(
+            self._d_inner_h_ref_array, self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array,
+            self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array, kind='cubic', fill_value=-np.inf)
+    @property
+    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self):
+        if self._lookup_table_filename is None:
+            self._lookup_table_filename = (
+                '.distance_marginalization_lookup.npz')
+        return self._lookup_table_filename
+    @cached_lookup_table_filename.setter
+    def cached_lookup_table_filename(self, filename):
+        if isinstance(filename, str):
+            if filename[-4:] != '.npz':
+                filename += '.npz'
+        self._lookup_table_filename = filename
+    def load_lookup_table(self, filename):
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            try:
+                loaded_file = dict(np.load(filename))
+            except AttributeError as e:
+                logger.warning(e)
+                self._create_lookup_table()
+                return None
+            match, failure = self._test_cached_lookup_table(loaded_file)
+            if match:
+      'Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table from '
+                            '{}.'.format(filename))
+                return loaded_file
+            else:
+      'Loaded distance marginalisation lookup table does '
+                            'not match for {}.'.format(failure))
+        elif isinstance(filename, str):
+  'Distance marginalisation file {} does not '
+                        'exist'.format(filename))
+        return None
+    def cache_lookup_table(self):
+        np.savez(self.cached_lookup_table_filename,
+                 distance_array=self._distance_array,
+                 prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
+                 lookup_table=self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array,
+                 reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
+                 phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
+    def _test_cached_lookup_table(self, loaded_file):
+        pairs = dict(
+            distance_array=self._distance_array,
+            prior_array=self.distance_prior_array,
+            reference_distance=self._ref_dist,
+            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization)
+        for key in pairs:
+            if key not in loaded_file:
+                return False, key
+            elif not np.array_equal(np.atleast_1d(loaded_file[key]),
+                                    np.atleast_1d(pairs[key])):
+                return False, key
+        return True, None
+    def _create_lookup_table(self):
+        """ Make the lookup table """
+        from import tqdm
+'Building lookup table for distance marginalisation.')
+        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array = np.zeros((400, 800))
+        scaling = self._ref_dist / self._distance_array
+        d_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._d_inner_h_ref_array, scaling)
+        h_inner_h_array_full = np.outer(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array, scaling ** 2)
+        if self.phase_marginalization:
+            d_inner_h_array_full = ln_i0(abs(d_inner_h_array_full))
+        prior_term = self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
+        for ii, optimal_snr_squared_array in tqdm(
+                enumerate(h_inner_h_array_full), total=len(self._optimal_snr_squared_ref_array)
+        ):
+            for jj, d_inner_h_array in enumerate(d_inner_h_array_full):
+                self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array[ii][jj] = logsumexp(
+                    d_inner_h_array - optimal_snr_squared_array / 2,
+                    b=prior_term
+                )
+        log_norm = logsumexp(
+            0 / self._distance_array, b=self.distance_prior_array * self._delta_distance
+        )
+        self._dist_margd_loglikelihood_array -= log_norm
+        self.cache_lookup_table()
+    def _setup_phase_marginalization(self, min_bound=-5, max_bound=10):
+        logger.warning(
+            "The _setup_phase_marginalization method is deprecated and will be removed, "
+            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
+            "to use"
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _bessel_function_interped(xx):
+        logger.warning(
+            "The _bessel_function_interped method is deprecated and will be removed, "
+            "please update the implementation of phase marginalization "
+            "to use"
+        )
+        return ln_i0(xx) + xx
+    def _setup_time_marginalization(self):
+        self._delta_tc = 2 / self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency
+        self._times = \
+            self.interferometers.start_time + np.linspace(
+                0, self.interferometers.duration,
+                int(self.interferometers.duration / 2 *
+                    self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency + 1))[1:]
+        self.time_prior_array = \
+            self.priors['geocent_time'].prob(self._times) * self._delta_tc
+    def _setup_calibration_marginalization(self, calibration_lookup_table):
+        if calibration_lookup_table is None:
+            calibration_lookup_table = {}
+        self.calibration_draws = {}
+        self.calibration_abs_draws = {}
+        self.calibration_parameter_draws = {}
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            # Force the priors
+            calibration_priors = PriorDict()
+            for key in self.priors.keys():
+                if 'recalib' in key and in key:
+                    calibration_priors[key] = copy.copy(self.priors[key])
+                    self.priors[key] = DeltaFunction(0.0)
+            # If there is no entry in the lookup table, make an empty one
+            if not in calibration_lookup_table.keys():
+                calibration_lookup_table[] = \
+                    f'{}_calibration_file.h5'
+            # If the interferometer lookup table file exists, generate the curves from it
+            if os.path.exists(calibration_lookup_table[]):
+                self.calibration_draws[] = \
+                    calibration.read_calibration_file(
+                        calibration_lookup_table[], self.interferometers.frequency_array,
+                        self.number_of_response_curves, self.starting_index)
+            else:  # generate the fake curves
+                from import tqdm
+                self.calibration_parameter_draws[] = \
+                    pd.DataFrame(calibration_priors.sample(self.number_of_response_curves))
+                self.calibration_draws[] = \
+                    np.zeros((self.number_of_response_curves, len(interferometer.frequency_array)), dtype=complex)
+                for i in tqdm(range(self.number_of_response_curves)):
+                    self.calibration_draws[][i, :] = \
+                        interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+                            interferometer.frequency_array,
+                            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(,
+                            **self.calibration_parameter_draws[].iloc[i])
+                calibration.write_calibration_file(
+                    calibration_lookup_table[],
+                    self.interferometers.frequency_array,
+                    self.calibration_draws[],
+                    self.calibration_parameter_draws[])
+            interferometer.calibration_model = calibration.Recalibrate()
+            _mask = interferometer.frequency_mask
+            self.calibration_draws[] = self.calibration_draws[][:, _mask]
+            self.calibration_abs_draws[] = \
+                np.abs(self.calibration_draws[])**2
+    @property
+    def interferometers(self):
+        return self._interferometers
+    @interferometers.setter
+    def interferometers(self, interferometers):
+        self._interferometers = InterferometerList(interferometers)
+    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
+        for mode in signal:
+            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
+    @property
+    def reference_frame(self):
+        return self._reference_frame
+    @property
+    def _reference_frame_str(self):
+        if isinstance(self.reference_frame, str):
+            return self.reference_frame
+        else:
+            return "".join([ for ifo in self.reference_frame])
+    @reference_frame.setter
+    def reference_frame(self, frame):
+        if frame == "sky":
+            self._reference_frame = frame
+        elif isinstance(frame, InterferometerList):
+            self._reference_frame = frame[:2]
+        elif isinstance(frame, list):
+            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList(frame[:2])
+        elif isinstance(frame, str):
+            self._reference_frame = InterferometerList([frame[:2], frame[2:4]])
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unable to parse reference frame {}".format(frame))
+    def get_sky_frame_parameters(self):
+        time = self.parameters['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)]
+        if not self.reference_frame == "sky":
+            ra, dec = zenith_azimuth_to_ra_dec(
+                self.parameters['zenith'], self.parameters['azimuth'],
+                time, self.reference_frame)
+        else:
+            ra = self.parameters["ra"]
+            dec = self.parameters["dec"]
+        if "geocent" not in self.time_reference:
+            geocent_time = time - self.reference_ifo.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+                ra=ra, dec=dec, time=time
+            )
+        else:
+            geocent_time = self.parameters["geocent_time"]
+        return dict(ra=ra, dec=dec, geocent_time=geocent_time)
+    @property
+    def lal_version(self):
+        try:
+            from lal import git_version, __version__
+            lal_version = str(__version__)
+  "Using lal version {}".format(lal_version))
+            lal_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
+  "Using lal git version {}".format(lal_git_version))
+            return "lal_version={}, lal_git_version={}".format(lal_version, lal_git_version)
+        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+            return "N/A"
+    @property
+    def lalsimulation_version(self):
+        try:
+            from lalsimulation import git_version, __version__
+            lalsim_version = str(__version__)
+  "Using lalsimulation version {}".format(lalsim_version))
+            lalsim_git_version = str(git_version.verbose_msg).replace("\n", ";")
+  "Using lalsimulation git version {}".format(lalsim_git_version))
+            return "lalsimulation_version={}, lalsimulation_git_version={}".format(lalsim_version, lalsim_git_version)
+        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+            return "N/A"
+    @property
+    def meta_data(self):
+        return dict(
+            interferometers=self.interferometers.meta_data,
+            time_marginalization=self.time_marginalization,
+            phase_marginalization=self.phase_marginalization,
+            distance_marginalization=self.distance_marginalization,
+            calibration_marginalization=self.calibration_marginalization,
+            waveform_generator_class=self.waveform_generator.__class__,
+            waveform_arguments=self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments,
+            frequency_domain_source_model=self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_source_model,
+            parameter_conversion=self.waveform_generator.parameter_conversion,
+            sampling_frequency=self.waveform_generator.sampling_frequency,
+            duration=self.waveform_generator.duration,
+            start_time=self.waveform_generator.start_time,
+            time_reference=self.time_reference,
+            reference_frame=self._reference_frame_str,
+            lal_version=self.lal_version,
+            lalsimulation_version=self.lalsimulation_version)
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88c83dcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import numpy as np
+from ...core.likelihood import Likelihood
+class BasicGravitationalWaveTransient(Likelihood):
+    def __init__(self, interferometers, waveform_generator):
+        """
+        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given
+        some model parameters
+        The simplest frequency-domain gravitational wave transient likelihood. Does
+        not include distance/phase marginalization.
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        interferometers: list
+            A list of `` instances - contains the
+            detector data and power spectral densities
+        waveform_generator:
+            An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+            given some set of parameters
+        """
+        super(BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(dict())
+        self.interferometers = interferometers
+        self.waveform_generator = waveform_generator
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(interferometers={},\n\twaveform_generator={})' \
+            .format(self.interferometers, self.waveform_generator)
+    def noise_log_likelihood(self):
+        """ Calculates the real part of noise log-likelihood
+        Returns
+        =======
+        float: The real part of the noise log likelihood
+        """
+        log_l = 0
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            log_l -= 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.sum(
+                abs(interferometer.frequency_domain_strain) ** 2 /
+                interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
+        return log_l.real
+    def log_likelihood(self):
+        """ Calculates the real part of log-likelihood value
+        Returns
+        =======
+        float: The real part of the log likelihood
+        """
+        log_l = 0
+        waveform_polarizations = \
+            self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
+                self.parameters.copy())
+        if waveform_polarizations is None:
+            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+        for interferometer in self.interferometers:
+            log_l += self.log_likelihood_interferometer(
+                waveform_polarizations, interferometer)
+        return log_l.real
+    def log_likelihood_interferometer(self, waveform_polarizations,
+                                      interferometer):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        waveform_polarizations: dict
+            Dictionary containing the desired waveform polarization modes and the related strain
+        interferometer:
+            The Interferometer object we want to have the log-likelihood for
+        Returns
+        =======
+        float: The real part of the log-likelihood for this interferometer
+        """
+        signal_ifo = interferometer.get_detector_response(
+            waveform_polarizations, self.parameters)
+        log_l = - 2. / self.waveform_generator.duration * np.vdot(
+            interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo,
+            (interferometer.frequency_domain_strain - signal_ifo) /
+            interferometer.power_spectral_density_array)
+        return log_l.real
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..763912e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+import math
+import numpy as np
+from .base import GravitationalWaveTransient
+from ...core.utils import (
+    logger, speed_of_light, solar_mass, radius_of_earth,
+    gravitational_constant, round_up_to_power_of_two
+class MBGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
+    """A multi-banded likelihood object
+    This uses the method described in S. Morisaki, 2021, arXiv: 2104.07813.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    interferometers: list,
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal, given some set of parameters
+    reference_chirp_mass: float
+        A reference chirp mass for determining the frequency banding
+    highest_mode: int, optional
+        The maximum magnetic number of gravitational-wave moments. Default is 2
+    linear_interpolation: bool, optional
+        If True, the linear-interpolation method is used for the computation of (h, h). If False, the IFFT-FFT method
+        is used. Default is True.
+    accuracy_factor: float, optional
+        A parameter to determine the accuracy of multi-banding. The larger this factor is, the more accurate the
+        approximation is. This corresponds to L in the paper. Default is 5.
+    time_offset: float, optional
+        (end time of data) - (maximum arrival time). If None, it is inferred from the prior of geocent time.
+    delta_f_end: float, optional
+        The frequency scale with which waveforms at the high-frequency end are smoothed. If None, it is determined from
+        the prior of geocent time.
+    maximum_banding_frequency: float, optional
+        A maximum frequency for multi-banding. If specified, the low-frequency limit of a band does not exceed it.
+    minimum_banding_duration: float, optional
+        A minimum duration for multi-banding. If specified, the duration of a band is not smaller than it.
+    distance_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over distance in the likelihood. This uses a look up table calculated at run time. The
+        distance prior is set to be a delta function at the minimum distance allowed in the prior being marginalised
+        over.
+    phase_marginalization: bool, optional
+        If true, marginalize over phase in the likelihood. This is done analytically using a Bessel function. The phase
+        prior is set to be a delta function at phase=0.
+    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
+        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
+    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
+        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array, (distance) prior_array, and
+        reference_distance used to construct the table. If a string the name of a file containing these quantities. The
+        lookup table is stored after construction in either the provided string or a default location:
+        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
+    reference_frame: (str,, list), optional
+        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
+        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
+          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the frame where the z-axis is aligned the the
+          vector connecting H1 and L1.
+    time_reference: str, optional
+        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
+        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center, this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Likelihood: `bilby.core.likelihood.Likelihood`
+        A likelihood object, able to compute the likelihood of the data given some model parameters
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self, interferometers, waveform_generator, reference_chirp_mass, highest_mode=2, linear_interpolation=True,
+            accuracy_factor=5, time_offset=None, delta_f_end=None, maximum_banding_frequency=None,
+            minimum_banding_duration=0., distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False, priors=None,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None, reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
+    ):
+        super(MBGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
+            interferometers=interferometers, waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
+            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization, phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
+            time_marginalization=False, distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
+            jitter_time=False, reference_frame=reference_frame, time_reference=time_reference
+        )
+        self.reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
+        self.highest_mode = highest_mode
+        self.linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
+        self.accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
+        self.time_offset = time_offset
+        self.delta_f_end = delta_f_end
+        self.minimum_frequency = np.min([i.minimum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
+        self.maximum_frequency = np.max([i.maximum_frequency for i in self.interferometers])
+        self.maximum_banding_frequency = maximum_banding_frequency
+        self.minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
+        self.setup_multibanding()
+    @property
+    def reference_chirp_mass(self):
+        return self._reference_chirp_mass
+    @property
+    def reference_chirp_mass_in_second(self):
+        return gravitational_constant * self._reference_chirp_mass * solar_mass / speed_of_light**3.
+    @reference_chirp_mass.setter
+    def reference_chirp_mass(self, reference_chirp_mass):
+        if isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, int) or isinstance(reference_chirp_mass, float):
+            self._reference_chirp_mass = reference_chirp_mass
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("reference_chirp_mass must be a number")
+    @property
+    def highest_mode(self):
+        return self._highest_mode
+    @highest_mode.setter
+    def highest_mode(self, highest_mode):
+        if isinstance(highest_mode, int) or isinstance(highest_mode, float):
+            self._highest_mode = highest_mode
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("highest_mode must be a number")
+    @property
+    def linear_interpolation(self):
+        return self._linear_interpolation
+    @linear_interpolation.setter
+    def linear_interpolation(self, linear_interpolation):
+        if isinstance(linear_interpolation, bool):
+            self._linear_interpolation = linear_interpolation
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("linear_interpolation must be a bool")
+    @property
+    def accuracy_factor(self):
+        return self._accuracy_factor
+    @accuracy_factor.setter
+    def accuracy_factor(self, accuracy_factor):
+        if isinstance(accuracy_factor, int) or isinstance(accuracy_factor, float):
+            self._accuracy_factor = accuracy_factor
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("accuracy_factor must be a number")
+    @property
+    def time_offset(self):
+        return self._time_offset
+    @time_offset.setter
+    def time_offset(self, time_offset):
+        """
+        This sets the time offset assumed when frequency bands are constructed. The default value is (the
+        maximum offset of geocent time in the prior range) +  (light-traveling time of the Earth). If the
+        prior does not contain 'geocent_time', 2.12 seconds is used. It is calculated assuming that the
+        maximum offset of geocent time is 2.1 seconds, which is the value for the standard prior used by
+        LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
+        """
+        time_parameter = self.time_reference + "_time"
+        if time_parameter == "geocent_time":
+            safety = radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        else:
+            safety = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        if time_offset is not None:
+            if isinstance(time_offset, int) or isinstance(time_offset, float):
+                self._time_offset = time_offset
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("time_offset must be a number")
+        elif self.priors is not None and time_parameter in self.priors:
+            self._time_offset = (
+                self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
+                - self.priors[time_parameter].minimum + safety
+            )
+        else:
+            self._time_offset = 2.12
+            logger.warning("time offset can not be inferred. Use the standard time offset of {} seconds.".format(
+                self._time_offset))
+    @property
+    def delta_f_end(self):
+        return self._delta_f_end
+    @delta_f_end.setter
+    def delta_f_end(self, delta_f_end):
+        """
+        This sets the frequency scale of tapering the high-frequency end of waveform, to avoid the issues of
+        abrupt termination of waveform described in Sec. 2. F of arXiv: 2104.07813. This needs to be much
+        larger than the inverse of the minimum time offset, and the default value is 100 times of that. If
+        the prior does not contain 'geocent_time' and the minimum time offset can not be computed, 53Hz is
+        used. It is computed assuming that the minimum offset of geocent time is 1.9 seconds, which is the
+        value for the standard prior used by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA.
+        """
+        time_parameter = self.time_reference + "_time"
+        if time_parameter == "geocent_time":
+            safety = radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        else:
+            safety = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light
+        if delta_f_end is not None:
+            if isinstance(delta_f_end, int) or isinstance(delta_f_end, float):
+                self._delta_f_end = delta_f_end
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("delta_f_end must be a number")
+        elif self.priors is not None and time_parameter in self.priors:
+            self._delta_f_end = 100 / (
+                self.interferometers.start_time + self.interferometers.duration
+                - self.priors[time_parameter].maximum - safety
+            )
+        else:
+            self._delta_f_end = 53.
+            logger.warning("delta_f_end can not be inferred. Use the standard delta_f_end of {} Hz.".format(
+                self._delta_f_end))
+    @property
+    def maximum_banding_frequency(self):
+        return self._maximum_banding_frequency
+    @maximum_banding_frequency.setter
+    def maximum_banding_frequency(self, maximum_banding_frequency):
+        """
+        This sets the upper limit on a starting frequency of a band. The default value is the frequency at
+        which f - 1 / \sqrt(- d\tau / df) starts to decrease, because the bisection search of the starting
+        frequency does not work from that frequency. The stationary phase approximation is not valid at such
+        a high frequency, which can break down the approximation. It is calculated from the 0PN formula of
+        time-to-merger \tau(f). The user-specified frequency is used if it is lower than that frequency.
+        """
+        fmax_tmp = (
+            (15 / 968)**(3 / 5) * (self.highest_mode / (2 * np.pi))**(8 / 5)
+            / self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
+        )
+        if maximum_banding_frequency is not None:
+            if isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, int) or isinstance(maximum_banding_frequency, float):
+                if maximum_banding_frequency < fmax_tmp:
+                    fmax_tmp = maximum_banding_frequency
+                else:
+                    logger.warning("The input maximum_banding_frequency is too large."
+                                   "It is set to be {} Hz.".format(fmax_tmp))
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("maximum_banding_frequency must be a number")
+        self._maximum_banding_frequency = fmax_tmp
+    @property
+    def minimum_banding_duration(self):
+        return self._minimum_banding_duration
+    @minimum_banding_duration.setter
+    def minimum_banding_duration(self, minimum_banding_duration):
+        if isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, int) or isinstance(minimum_banding_duration, float):
+            self._minimum_banding_duration = minimum_banding_duration
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("minimum_banding_duration must be a number")
+    def setup_multibanding(self):
+        """Set up frequency bands and coefficients needed for likelihood evaluations"""
+        self._setup_frequency_bands()
+        self._setup_integers()
+        self._setup_waveform_frequency_points()
+        self._setup_linear_coefficients()
+        if self.linear_interpolation:
+            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp()
+        else:
+            self._setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft()
+    def _tau(self, f):
+        """Compute time-to-merger from the input frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f: float
+            input frequency
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tau: float
+            time-to-merger
+        """
+        f_22 = 2 * f / self.highest_mode
+        return (
+            5 / 256 * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
+            * (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22) ** (-8 / 3)
+        )
+    def _dtaudf(self, f):
+        """Compute the derivative of time-to-merger with respect to a starting frequency. This uses the 0PN formula.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f: float
+            input frequency
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dtaudf: float
+            derivative of time-to-merger
+        """
+        f_22 = 2 * f / self.highest_mode
+        return (
+            -5 / 96 * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second
+            * (np.pi * self.reference_chirp_mass_in_second * f_22) ** (-8. / 3.) / f
+        )
+    def _find_starting_frequency(self, duration, fnow):
+        """Find the starting frequency of the next band satisfying (10) and
+        (51) of arXiv: 2104.07813.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        duration: float
+            duration of the next band
+        fnow: float
+            starting frequency of the current band
+        Returns
+        -------
+        fnext: float or None
+            starting frequency of the next band. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not exist.
+        dfnext: float or None
+            frequency scale with which waveforms are smoothed. None if a frequency satisfying the conditions does not
+            exist.
+        """
+        def _is_above_fnext(f):
+            """This function returns True if f > fnext"""
+            cond1 = (
+                duration - self.time_offset - self._tau(f)
+                - self.accuracy_factor * np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f))
+            ) > 0
+            cond2 = f - 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f)) - fnow > 0
+            return cond1 and cond2
+        # Bisection search for fnext
+        fmin, fmax = fnow, self.maximum_banding_frequency
+        if not _is_above_fnext(fmax):
+            return None, None
+        while fmax - fmin > 1e-2 / duration:
+            f = (fmin + fmax) / 2.
+            if _is_above_fnext(f):
+                fmax = f
+            else:
+                fmin = f
+        return f, 1. / np.sqrt(-self._dtaudf(f))
+    def _setup_frequency_bands(self):
+        """Set up frequency bands. The durations of bands geometrically decrease T, T/2. T/4, ..., where T is the
+        original duration. This sets the following instance variables.
+        durations: durations of bands (T^(b) in the paper)
+        fb_dfb: the list of tuples, which contain starting frequencies (f^(b) in the paper) and frequency scales for
+        smoothing waveforms (\Delta f^(b) in the paper) of bands
+        """
+        self.durations = [self.interferometers.duration]
+        self.fb_dfb = [(self.minimum_frequency, 0.)]
+        dnext = self.interferometers.duration / 2
+        while dnext > max(self.time_offset, self.minimum_banding_duration):
+            fnow, _ = self.fb_dfb[-1]
+            fnext, dfnext = self._find_starting_frequency(dnext, fnow)
+            if fnext is not None and fnext < min(self.maximum_frequency, self.maximum_banding_frequency):
+                self.durations.append(dnext)
+                self.fb_dfb.append((fnext, dfnext))
+                dnext /= 2
+            else:
+                break
+        self.fb_dfb.append((self.maximum_frequency + self.delta_f_end, self.delta_f_end))
+"The total frequency range is divided into {} bands with frequency intervals of {}.".format(
+            len(self.durations), ", ".join(["1/{} Hz".format(d) for d in self.durations])))
+    def _setup_integers(self):
+        """Set up integers needed for likelihood evaluations. This sets the following instance variables.
+        Nbs: the numbers of samples of downsampled data (N^(b) in the paper)
+        Mbs: the numbers of samples of shortened data (M^(b) in the paper)
+        Ks_Ke: start and end frequency indices of bands (K^(b)_s and K^(b)_e in the paper)
+        """
+        self.Nbs = []
+        self.Mbs = []
+        self.Ks_Ke = []
+        for b in range(len(self.durations)):
+            dnow = self.durations[b]
+            fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
+            fnext, _ = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
+            Nb = max(round_up_to_power_of_two(2. * (fnext * self.interferometers.duration + 1.)), 2**b)
+            self.Nbs.append(Nb)
+            self.Mbs.append(Nb // 2**b)
+            self.Ks_Ke.append((math.ceil((fnow - dfnow) * dnow), math.floor(fnext * dnow)))
+    def _setup_waveform_frequency_points(self):
+        """Set up frequency points where waveforms are evaluated. Frequency points are reordered because some waveform
+        models raise an error if the input frequencies are not increasing. This adds frequency_points into the
+        waveform_arguments of waveform_generator. This sets the following instance variables.
+        banded_frequency_points: ndarray of total banded frequency points
+        start_end_idxs: list of tuples containing start and end indices of each band
+        unique_to_original_frequencies: indices converting unique frequency
+        points into the original duplicated banded frequencies
+        """
+        self.banded_frequency_points = np.array([])
+        self.start_end_idxs = []
+        start_idx = 0
+        for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+            d = self.durations[i]
+            Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[i]
+            self.banded_frequency_points = np.append(self.banded_frequency_points, np.arange(Ks, Ke + 1) / d)
+            end_idx = start_idx + Ke - Ks
+            self.start_end_idxs.append((start_idx, end_idx))
+            start_idx = end_idx + 1
+        unique_frequencies, idxs = np.unique(self.banded_frequency_points, return_inverse=True)
+        self.waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequencies'] = unique_frequencies
+        self.unique_to_original_frequencies = idxs
+"The number of frequency points where waveforms are evaluated is {}.".format(
+            len(unique_frequencies)))
+"The speed-up gain of multi-banding is {}.".format(
+            (self.maximum_frequency - self.minimum_frequency) * self.interferometers.duration /
+            len(unique_frequencies)))
+    def _window(self, f, b):
+        """Compute window function in the b-th band
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        f: float or ndarray
+            frequency at which the window function is computed
+        b: int
+        Returns
+        -------
+        window: float
+            window function at f
+        """
+        fnow, dfnow = self.fb_dfb[b]
+        fnext, dfnext = self.fb_dfb[b + 1]
+        @np.vectorize
+        def _vectorized_window(f):
+            if fnow - dfnow < f < fnow:
+                return (1. + np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnow) / dfnow)) / 2.
+            elif fnow <= f <= fnext - dfnext:
+                return 1.
+            elif fnext - dfnext < f < fnext:
+                return (1. - np.cos(np.pi * (f - fnext) / dfnext)) / 2.
+            else:
+                return 0.
+        return _vectorized_window(f)
+    def _setup_linear_coefficients(self):
+        """Set up coefficients by which waveforms are multiplied to compute (d, h)"""
+        self.linear_coeffs = dict((, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        N = self.Nbs[-1]
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+  "Pre-computing linear coefficients for {}".format(
+            fddata = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1, dtype=complex)
+            fddata[:len(ifo.frequency_domain_strain)][ifo.frequency_mask] += \
+                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask] / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
+                windows = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1], b)
+                fddata_in_ith_band = np.copy(fddata[:int(self.Nbs[b] / 2 + 1)])
+                fddata_in_ith_band[-1] = 0.  # zeroing data at the Nyquist frequency
+                tddata = np.fft.irfft(fddata_in_ith_band)[-self.Mbs[b]:]
+                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
+                fddata_in_ith_band = np.fft.rfft(tddata)[Ks:Ke + 1]
+                self.linear_coeffs[] = np.append(
+                    self.linear_coeffs[], (4. / self.durations[b]) * windows * np.conj(fddata_in_ith_band))
+    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_linear_interp(self):
+        """Set up coefficients by which the squares of waveforms are multiplied to compute (h, h) for the
+        linear-interpolation algorithm"""
+"Linear-interpolation algorithm is used for (h, h).")
+        self.quadratic_coeffs = dict((, np.array([])) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        N = self.Nbs[-1]
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+  "Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(
+            full_frequencies = np.arange(N // 2 + 1) / ifo.duration
+            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
+            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = \
+                1. / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+            for i in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[i]
+                banded_frequencies = self.banded_frequency_points[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+                coeffs = np.zeros(len(banded_frequencies))
+                for k in range(len(coeffs) - 1):
+                    if k == 0:
+                        start_idx_in_sum = 0
+                    else:
+                        start_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k])
+                    if k == len(coeffs) - 2:
+                        end_idx_in_sum = len(full_frequencies) - 1
+                    else:
+                        end_idx_in_sum = math.ceil(ifo.duration * banded_frequencies[k + 1]) - 1
+                    window_over_psd = (
+                        full_inv_psds[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1]
+                        * self._window(full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1], i)
+                    )
+                    frequencies_in_sum = full_frequencies[start_idx_in_sum:end_idx_in_sum + 1]
+                    coeffs[k] += 4 * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration * np.sum(
+                        (banded_frequencies[k + 1] - frequencies_in_sum) * window_over_psd
+                    )
+                    coeffs[k + 1] += 4 * self.durations[i] / ifo.duration * np.sum(
+                        (frequencies_in_sum - banded_frequencies[k]) * window_over_psd
+                    )
+                self.quadratic_coeffs[] = np.append(self.quadratic_coeffs[], coeffs)
+    def _setup_quadratic_coefficients_ifft_fft(self):
+        """Set up coefficients needed for the IFFT-FFT algorithm to compute (h, h)"""
+"IFFT-FFT algorithm is used for (h, h).")
+        N = self.Nbs[-1]
+        # variables defined below correspond to \hat{N}^(b), \hat{T}^(b), \tilde{I}^(b)_{c, k}, h^(b)_{c, m} and
+        # \sqrt{w^(b)(f^(b)_k)} \tilde{h}(f^(b)_k) in the paper
+        Nhatbs = [min(2 * Mb, Nb) for Mb, Nb in zip(self.Mbs, self.Nbs)]
+        self.Tbhats = [self.interferometers.duration * Nbhat / Nb for Nb, Nbhat in zip(self.Nbs, Nhatbs)]
+        self.Ibcs = dict((, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        self.hbcs = dict((, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        self.wths = dict((, []) for ifo in self.interferometers)
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+  "Pre-computing quadratic coefficients for {}".format(
+            full_inv_psds = np.zeros(N // 2 + 1)
+            full_inv_psds[:len(ifo.power_spectral_density_array)][ifo.frequency_mask] = (
+                1 / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+            )
+            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                Imb = np.fft.irfft(full_inv_psds[:self.Nbs[b] // 2 + 1])
+                half_length = Nhatbs[b] // 2
+                Imbc = np.append(Imb[:half_length + 1], Imb[-(Nhatbs[b] - half_length - 1):])
+                self.Ibcs[].append(np.fft.rfft(Imbc))
+                # Allocate arrays for IFFT-FFT operations
+                self.hbcs[].append(np.zeros(Nhatbs[b]))
+                self.wths[].append(np.zeros(self.Mbs[b] // 2 + 1, dtype=complex))
+        # precompute windows and their squares
+ = np.array([])
+        self.square_root_windows = np.array([])
+        for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+            start, end = self.start_end_idxs[b]
+            ws = self._window(self.banded_frequency_points[start:end + 1], b)
+   = np.append(, ws)
+            self.square_root_windows = np.append(self.square_root_windows, np.sqrt(ws))
+    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
+        """
+        Compute the snrs for multi-banding
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        waveform_polarizations: waveform
+        interferometer:
+        Returns
+        -------
+        snrs: named tuple of snrs
+        """
+        strain = np.zeros(len(self.banded_frequency_points), dtype=complex)
+        for mode in waveform_polarizations:
+            response = interferometer.antenna_response(
+                self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'],
+                mode
+            )
+            strain += waveform_polarizations[mode][self.unique_to_original_frequencies] * response
+        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
+        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
+        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
+        calib_factor = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+            self.banded_frequency_points, prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **self.parameters)
+        strain *= np.exp(-1j * 2. * np.pi * self.banded_frequency_points * ifo_time)
+        strain *= np.conjugate(calib_factor)
+        d_inner_h =, self.linear_coeffs[])
+        if self.linear_interpolation:
+            optimal_snr_squared = np.vdot(
+                np.real(strain * np.conjugate(strain)),
+                self.quadratic_coeffs[]
+            )
+        else:
+            optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+            for b in range(len(self.fb_dfb) - 1):
+                Ks, Ke = self.Ks_Ke[b]
+                start_idx, end_idx = self.start_end_idxs[b]
+                Mb = self.Mbs[b]
+                if b == 0:
+                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.interferometers.duration) * np.vdot(
+                        np.real(strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1] * np.conjugate(strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1])),
+                        interferometer.frequency_mask[Ks:Ke + 1] *[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+                        / interferometer.power_spectral_density_array[Ks:Ke + 1])
+                else:
+                    self.wths[][b][Ks:Ke + 1] = (
+                        self.square_root_windows[start_idx:end_idx + 1] * strain[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+                    )
+                    self.hbcs[][b][-Mb:] = np.fft.irfft(self.wths[][b])
+                    thbc = np.fft.rfft(self.hbcs[][b])
+                    optimal_snr_squared += (4. / self.Tbhats[b]) * np.vdot(
+                        np.real(thbc * np.conjugate(thbc)), self.Ibcs[][b])
+        complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
+        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
+            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
+            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
+            d_inner_h_array=None,
+            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
+    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
+        for mode in signal:
+            signal[mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood/ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d459082a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood/
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+import json
+import numpy as np
+from .base import GravitationalWaveTransient
+from ...core.utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
+from ...core.utils import (
+    logger, create_frequency_series, speed_of_light, radius_of_earth
+from ..prior import CBCPriorDict
+from ..utils import build_roq_weights
+class ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
+    """A reduced order quadrature likelihood object
+    This uses the method described in Smith et al., (2016) Phys. Rev. D 94,
+    044031. A public repository of the ROQ data is available from
+    Parameters
+    ==========
+    interferometers: list,
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
+        detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+        given some set of parameters
+    linear_matrix: str, array_like
+        Either a string point to the file from which to load the linear_matrix
+        array, or the array itself.
+    quadratic_matrix: str, array_like
+        Either a string point to the file from which to load the
+        quadratic_matrix array, or the array itself.
+    roq_params: str, array_like
+        Parameters describing the domain of validity of the ROQ basis.
+    roq_params_check: bool
+        If true, run tests using the roq_params to check the prior and data are
+        valid for the ROQ
+    roq_scale_factor: float
+        The ROQ scale factor used.
+    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
+        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
+        Warning: when using marginalisation the dict is overwritten which will change the
+        the dict you are passing in. If this behaviour is undesired, pass `priors.copy()`.
+    distance_marginalization_lookup_table: (dict, str), optional
+        If a dict, dictionary containing the lookup_table, distance_array,
+        (distance) prior_array, and reference_distance used to construct
+        the table.
+        If a string the name of a file containing these quantities.
+        The lookup table is stored after construction in either the
+        provided string or a default location:
+        '.distance_marginalization_lookup_dmin{}_dmax{}_n{}.npz'
+    reference_frame: (str,, list), optional
+        Definition of the reference frame for the sky location.
+        - "sky": sample in RA/dec, this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1L1", ["H1", "L1"], InterferometerList(["H1", "L1"]):
+          sample in azimuth and zenith, `azimuth` and `zenith` defined in the
+          frame where the z-axis is aligned the the vector connecting H1
+          and L1.
+    time_reference: str, optional
+        Name of the reference for the sampled time parameter.
+        - "geocent"/"geocenter": sample in the time at the Earth's center,
+          this is the default
+        - e.g., "H1": sample in the time of arrival at H1
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self, interferometers, waveform_generator, priors,
+            weights=None, linear_matrix=None, quadratic_matrix=None,
+            roq_params=None, roq_params_check=True, roq_scale_factor=1,
+            distance_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=None,
+            reference_frame="sky", time_reference="geocenter"
+    ):
+        super(ROQGravitationalWaveTransient, self).__init__(
+            interferometers=interferometers,
+            waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors,
+            distance_marginalization=distance_marginalization,
+            phase_marginalization=phase_marginalization,
+            time_marginalization=False,
+            distance_marginalization_lookup_table=distance_marginalization_lookup_table,
+            jitter_time=False,
+            reference_frame=reference_frame,
+            time_reference=time_reference
+        )
+        self.roq_params_check = roq_params_check
+        self.roq_scale_factor = roq_scale_factor
+        if isinstance(roq_params, np.ndarray) or roq_params is None:
+            self.roq_params = roq_params
+        elif isinstance(roq_params, str):
+            self.roq_params_file = roq_params
+            self.roq_params = np.genfromtxt(roq_params, names=True)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("roq_params should be array or str")
+        if isinstance(weights, dict):
+            self.weights = weights
+        elif isinstance(weights, str):
+            self.weights = self.load_weights(weights)
+        else:
+            self.weights = dict()
+            if isinstance(linear_matrix, str):
+                    "Loading linear matrix from {}".format(linear_matrix))
+                linear_matrix = np.load(linear_matrix).T
+            if isinstance(quadratic_matrix, str):
+                    "Loading quadratic_matrix from {}".format(quadratic_matrix))
+                quadratic_matrix = np.load(quadratic_matrix).T
+            self._set_weights(linear_matrix=linear_matrix,
+                              quadratic_matrix=quadratic_matrix)
+        self.frequency_nodes_linear = \
+            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_linear']
+        self.frequency_nodes_quadratic = \
+            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_quadratic']
+    def calculate_snrs(self, waveform_polarizations, interferometer):
+        """
+        Compute the snrs for ROQ
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        waveform_polarizations: waveform
+        interferometer:
+        """
+        f_plus = interferometer.antenna_response(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'plus')
+        f_cross = interferometer.antenna_response(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'cross')
+        dt = interferometer.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+            self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'])
+        dt_geocent = self.parameters['geocent_time'] - interferometer.strain_data.start_time
+        ifo_time = dt_geocent + dt
+        calib_linear = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+            self.frequency_nodes_linear,
+            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **self.parameters)
+        calib_quadratic = interferometer.calibration_model.get_calibration_factor(
+            self.frequency_nodes_quadratic,
+            prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, **self.parameters)
+        h_plus_linear = f_plus * waveform_polarizations['linear']['plus'] * calib_linear
+        h_cross_linear = f_cross * waveform_polarizations['linear']['cross'] * calib_linear
+        h_plus_quadratic = (
+            f_plus * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['plus'] * calib_quadratic
+        )
+        h_cross_quadratic = (
+            f_cross * waveform_polarizations['quadratic']['cross'] * calib_quadratic
+        )
+        indices, in_bounds = self._closest_time_indices(
+            ifo_time, self.weights['time_samples'])
+        if not in_bounds:
+            logger.debug("SNR calculation error: requested time at edge of ROQ time samples")
+            return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+                d_inner_h=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf), optimal_snr_squared=0,
+                complex_matched_filter_snr=np.nan_to_num(-np.inf),
+                d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=None,
+                d_inner_h_array=None,
+                optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
+        d_inner_h_tc_array = np.einsum(
+            'i,ji->j', np.conjugate(h_plus_linear + h_cross_linear),
+            self.weights[ + '_linear'][indices])
+        d_inner_h = self._interp_five_samples(
+            self.weights['time_samples'][indices], d_inner_h_tc_array, ifo_time)
+        optimal_snr_squared = \
+            np.vdot(np.abs(h_plus_quadratic + h_cross_quadratic)**2,
+                    self.weights[ + '_quadratic'])
+        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
+            complex_matched_filter_snr = d_inner_h / (optimal_snr_squared**0.5)
+        d_inner_h_squared_tc_array = None
+        return self._CalculatedSNRs(
+            d_inner_h=d_inner_h, optimal_snr_squared=optimal_snr_squared,
+            complex_matched_filter_snr=complex_matched_filter_snr,
+            d_inner_h_squared_tc_array=d_inner_h_squared_tc_array,
+            d_inner_h_array=None,
+            optimal_snr_squared_array=None)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _closest_time_indices(time, samples):
+        """
+        Get the closest five times
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        time: float
+            Time to check
+        samples: array-like
+            Available times
+        Returns
+        =======
+        indices: list
+            Indices nearest to time
+        in_bounds: bool
+            Whether the indices are for valid times
+        """
+        closest = int((time - samples[0]) / (samples[1] - samples[0]))
+        indices = [closest + ii for ii in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]]
+        in_bounds = (indices[0] >= 0) & (indices[-1] < samples.size)
+        return indices, in_bounds
+    @staticmethod
+    def _interp_five_samples(time_samples, values, time):
+        """
+        Interpolate a function of time with its values at the closest five times.
+        The algorithm is explained in
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        time_samples: array-like
+            Closest 5 times
+        values: array-like
+            The values of the function at closest 5 times
+        time: float
+            Time at which the function is calculated
+        Returns
+        =======
+        value: float
+            The value of the function at the input time
+        """
+        r1 = (-values[0] + 8. * values[1] - 14. * values[2] + 8. * values[3] - values[4]) / 4.
+        r2 = values[2] - 2. * values[3] + values[4]
+        a = (time_samples[3] - time) / (time_samples[1] - time_samples[0])
+        b = 1. - a
+        c = (a**3. - a) / 6.
+        d = (b**3. - b) / 6.
+        return a * values[2] + b * values[3] + c * r1 + d * r2
+    def perform_roq_params_check(self, ifo=None):
+        """ Perform checking that the prior and data are valid for the ROQ
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        ifo:
+            The interferometer
+        """
+        if self.roq_params_check is False:
+            logger.warning("No ROQ params checking performed")
+            return
+        else:
+            if getattr(self, "roq_params_file", None) is not None:
+                msg = ("Check ROQ params {} with roq_scale_factor={}"
+                       .format(self.roq_params_file, self.roq_scale_factor))
+            else:
+                msg = ("Check ROQ params with roq_scale_factor={}"
+                       .format(self.roq_scale_factor))
+        roq_params = self.roq_params
+        roq_minimum_frequency = roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_maximum_frequency = roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_segment_length = roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_minimum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_maximum_chirp_mass = roq_params['chirpmassmax'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        roq_minimum_component_mass = roq_params['compmin'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+        if ifo.maximum_frequency > roq_maximum_frequency:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Requested maximum frequency {} larger than ROQ basis fhigh {}"
+                .format(ifo.maximum_frequency, roq_maximum_frequency)
+            )
+        if ifo.minimum_frequency < roq_minimum_frequency:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Requested minimum frequency {} lower than ROQ basis flow {}"
+                .format(ifo.minimum_frequency, roq_minimum_frequency)
+            )
+        if ifo.strain_data.duration != roq_segment_length:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Requested duration differs from ROQ basis seglen")
+        priors = self.priors
+        if isinstance(priors, CBCPriorDict) is False:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check ROQ parameter bounds: priors not understood")
+            return
+        if priors.minimum_chirp_mass is None:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum chirp mass ROQ bounds")
+        elif priors.minimum_chirp_mass < roq_minimum_chirp_mass:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Prior minimum chirp mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
+                .format(priors.minimum_chirp_mass, roq_minimum_chirp_mass)
+            )
+        if priors.maximum_chirp_mass is None:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check maximum_chirp mass ROQ bounds")
+        elif priors.maximum_chirp_mass > roq_maximum_chirp_mass:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Prior maximum chirp mass {} greater than ROQ basis bound {}"
+                .format(priors.maximum_chirp_mass, roq_maximum_chirp_mass)
+            )
+        if priors.minimum_component_mass is None:
+            logger.warning("Unable to check minimum component mass ROQ bounds")
+        elif priors.minimum_component_mass < roq_minimum_component_mass:
+            raise BilbyROQParamsRangeError(
+                "Prior minimum component mass {} less than ROQ basis bound {}"
+                .format(priors.minimum_component_mass, roq_minimum_component_mass)
+            )
+    def _set_weights(self, linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix):
+        """
+        Setup the time-dependent ROQ weights.
+        See for the detail of how to compute them.
+        Parameters
+        ==========
+        linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix: array_like
+            Arrays of the linear and quadratic basis
+        """
+        time_space = self._get_time_resolution()
+        number_of_time_samples = int(self.interferometers.duration / time_space)
+        try:
+            import pyfftw
+            ifft_input = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
+            ifft_output = pyfftw.empty_aligned(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
+            ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(ifft_input, ifft_output, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')
+        except ImportError:
+            pyfftw = None
+            logger.warning("You do not have pyfftw installed, falling back to numpy.fft.")
+            ifft_input = np.zeros(number_of_time_samples, dtype=complex)
+            ifft = np.fft.ifft
+        earth_light_crossing_time = 2 * radius_of_earth / speed_of_light + 5 * time_space
+        start_idx = max(
+            0,
+            int(np.floor((
+                self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].minimum
+                - earth_light_crossing_time
+                - self.interferometers.start_time
+            ) / time_space))
+        )
+        end_idx = min(
+            number_of_time_samples - 1,
+            int(np.ceil((
+                self.priors['{}_time'.format(self.time_reference)].maximum
+                + earth_light_crossing_time
+                - self.interferometers.start_time
+            ) / time_space))
+        )
+        self.weights['time_samples'] = np.arange(start_idx, end_idx + 1) * time_space
+"Using {} ROQ time samples".format(len(self.weights['time_samples'])))
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            if self.roq_params is not None:
+                self.perform_roq_params_check(ifo)
+                # Get scaled ROQ quantities
+                roq_scaled_minimum_frequency = self.roq_params['flow'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+                roq_scaled_maximum_frequency = self.roq_params['fhigh'] * self.roq_scale_factor
+                roq_scaled_segment_length = self.roq_params['seglen'] / self.roq_scale_factor
+                # Generate frequencies for the ROQ
+                roq_frequencies = create_frequency_series(
+                    sampling_frequency=roq_scaled_maximum_frequency * 2,
+                    duration=roq_scaled_segment_length)
+                roq_mask = roq_frequencies >= roq_scaled_minimum_frequency
+                roq_frequencies = roq_frequencies[roq_mask]
+                overlap_frequencies, ifo_idxs, roq_idxs = np.intersect1d(
+                    ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask], roq_frequencies,
+                    return_indices=True)
+            else:
+                overlap_frequencies = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+                roq_idxs = np.arange(linear_matrix.shape[0], dtype=int)
+                ifo_idxs = np.arange(sum(ifo.frequency_mask))
+                if len(ifo_idxs) != len(roq_idxs):
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "Mismatch between ROQ basis and frequency array for "
+                        "{}".format(
+                "Building ROQ weights for {} with {} frequencies between {} "
+                "and {}.".format(
+          , len(overlap_frequencies),
+                    min(overlap_frequencies), max(overlap_frequencies)))
+            ifft_input[:] *= 0.
+            self.weights[ + '_linear'] = \
+                np.zeros((len(self.weights['time_samples']), linear_matrix.shape[1]), dtype=complex)
+            data_over_psd = (
+                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs]
+                / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs]
+            )
+            nonzero_idxs = ifo_idxs + int(ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask][0] * self.interferometers.duration)
+            for i, basis_element in enumerate(linear_matrix[roq_idxs].T):
+                ifft_input[nonzero_idxs] = data_over_psd * np.conj(basis_element)
+                self.weights[ + '_linear'][:, i] = ifft(ifft_input)[start_idx:end_idx + 1]
+            self.weights[ + '_linear'] *= 4. * number_of_time_samples / self.interferometers.duration
+            self.weights[ + '_quadratic'] = build_roq_weights(
+                1 /
+                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask][ifo_idxs],
+                quadratic_matrix[roq_idxs].real,
+                1 / ifo.strain_data.duration)
+  "Finished building weights for {}".format(
+        if pyfftw is not None:
+            pyfftw.forget_wisdom()
+    def save_weights(self, filename, format='npz'):
+        if format not in filename:
+            filename += "." + format
+"Saving ROQ weights to {}".format(filename))
+        if format == 'json':
+            with open(filename, 'w') as file:
+                json.dump(self.weights, file, indent=2, cls=BilbyJsonEncoder)
+        elif format == 'npz':
+            np.savez(filename, **self.weights)
+    @staticmethod
+    def load_weights(filename, format=None):
+        if format is None:
+            format = filename.split(".")[-1]
+        if format not in ["json", "npz"]:
+            raise IOError("Format {} not recognized.".format(format))
+"Loading ROQ weights from {}".format(filename))
+        if format == "json":
+            with open(filename, 'r') as file:
+                weights = json.load(file, object_hook=decode_bilby_json)
+        elif format == "npz":
+            # Wrap in dict to load data into memory
+            weights = dict(np.load(filename))
+        return weights
+    def _get_time_resolution(self):
+        """
+        This method estimates the time resolution given the optimal SNR of the
+        signal in the detector. This is then used when constructing the weights
+        for the ROQ.
+        A minimum resolution is set by assuming the SNR in each detector is at
+        least 10. When the SNR is not available the SNR is assumed to be 30 in
+        each detector.
+        Returns
+        =======
+        delta_t: float
+            Time resolution
+        """
+        def calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=20.):
+            """
+            Parameters
+            ==========
+            freq: array-like
+                Frequency array
+            psd: array-like
+                Power spectral density
+            scaling: float
+                SNR dependent scaling factor
+            Returns
+            =======
+            f_high: float
+                The maximum frequency which must be considered
+            """
+            from scipy.integrate import simps
+            integrand1 = np.power(freq, -7. / 3) / psd
+            integral1 = simps(integrand1, freq)
+            integrand3 = np.power(freq, 2. / 3.) / (psd * integral1)
+            f_3_bar = simps(integrand3, freq)
+            f_high = scaling * f_3_bar**(1 / 3)
+            return f_high
+        def c_f_scaling(snr):
+            return (np.pi**2 * snr**2 / 6)**(1 / 3)
+        inj_snr_sq = 0
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            inj_snr_sq += max(10, ifo.meta_data.get('optimal_SNR', 30))**2
+        psd = ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+        freq = ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask]
+        fhigh = calc_fhigh(freq, psd, scaling=c_f_scaling(inj_snr_sq**0.5))
+        delta_t = fhigh**-1
+        # Apply a safety factor to ensure the time step is short enough
+        delta_t = delta_t / 5
+        # duration / delta_t needs to be a power of 2 for IFFT
+        number_of_time_samples = max(
+            self.interferometers.duration / delta_t,
+            self.interferometers.frequency_array[-1] * self.interferometers.duration + 1)
+        number_of_time_samples = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(number_of_time_samples)))
+        delta_t = self.interferometers.duration / number_of_time_samples
+"ROQ time-step = {}".format(delta_t))
+        return delta_t
+    def _rescale_signal(self, signal, new_distance):
+        for kind in ['linear', 'quadratic']:
+            for mode in signal[kind]:
+                signal[kind][mode] *= self._ref_dist / new_distance
+class BilbyROQParamsRangeError(Exception):
+    pass
diff --git a/ b/
index e061f2e44..0c3cc35f4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ if python_version < (3, 7):
 def write_version_file(version):
-    """ Writes a file with version information to be used at run time
+    """Writes a file with version information to be used at run time
@@ -27,31 +27,32 @@ def write_version_file(version):
         git_log = subprocess.check_output(
-            ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%h %ai']).decode('utf-8')
-        git_diff = (subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', '.']) +
-                    subprocess.check_output(
-                        ['git', 'diff', '--cached', '.'])).decode('utf-8')
-        if git_diff == '':
-            git_status = '(CLEAN) ' + git_log
+            ["git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%h %ai"]
+        ).decode("utf-8")
+        git_diff = (
+            subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "."])
+            + subprocess.check_output(["git", "diff", "--cached", "."])
+        ).decode("utf-8")
+        if git_diff == "":
+            git_status = "(CLEAN) " + git_log
-            git_status = '(UNCLEAN) ' + git_log
+            git_status = "(UNCLEAN) " + git_log
     except Exception as e:
-        print("Unable to obtain git version information, exception: {}"
-              .format(e))
-        git_status = 'release'
+        print("Unable to obtain git version information, exception: {}".format(e))
+        git_status = "release"
-    version_file = '.version'
+    version_file = ".version"
     if os.path.isfile(version_file) is False:
-        with open('bilby/' + version_file, 'w+') as f:
-            f.write('{}: {}'.format(version, git_status))
+        with open("bilby/" + version_file, "w+") as f:
+            f.write("{}: {}".format(version, git_status))
     return version_file
 def get_long_description():
-    """ Finds the README and reads in the description """
+    """Finds the README and reads in the description"""
     here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-    with open(os.path.join(here, 'README.rst')) as f:
+    with open(os.path.join(here, "README.rst")) as f:
         long_description =
     return long_description
@@ -73,32 +74,51 @@ VERSION = '1.1.4'
 version_file = write_version_file(VERSION)
 long_description = get_long_description()
-      description='A user-friendly Bayesian inference library',
-      long_description=long_description,
-      long_description_content_type="text/x-rst",
-      url='',
-      author='Greg Ashton, Moritz Huebner, Paul Lasky, Colm Talbot',
-      author_email='',
-      license="MIT",
-      version=VERSION,
-      packages=['bilby', 'bilby.core', 'bilby.core.prior', 'bilby.core.sampler',
-                'bilby.core.utils', '', '',
-                '', 'bilby.hyper', '', 'bilby.bilby_mcmc',
-                'cli_bilby'],
-      package_dir={'bilby': 'bilby', 'cli_bilby': 'cli_bilby'},
-      package_data={'': ['prior_files/*'],
-                    '': ['noise_curves/*.txt', 'detectors/*'],
-                    '': ['eos_tables/*.dat'],
-                    'bilby': [version_file]},
-      python_requires='>=3.6',
-      install_requires=get_requirements(),
-      entry_points={'console_scripts':
-                    ['bilby_plot=cli_bilby.plot_multiple_posteriors:main',
-                     'bilby_result=cli_bilby.bilby_result:main']
-                    },
-      classifiers=[
-          "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
-          "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
-          "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
-          "Operating System :: OS Independent"])
+    name="bilby",
+    description="A user-friendly Bayesian inference library",
+    long_description=long_description,
+    long_description_content_type="text/x-rst",
+    url="",
+    author="Greg Ashton, Moritz Huebner, Paul Lasky, Colm Talbot",
+    author_email="",
+    license="MIT",
+    version=VERSION,
+    packages=[
+        "bilby",
+        "bilby.bilby_mcmc",
+        "bilby.core",
+        "bilby.core.prior",
+        "bilby.core.sampler",
+        "bilby.core.utils",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "",
+        "bilby.hyper",
+        "cli_bilby",
+    ],
+    package_dir={"bilby": "bilby", "cli_bilby": "cli_bilby"},
+    package_data={
+        "": ["prior_files/*"],
+        "": ["noise_curves/*.txt", "detectors/*"],
+        "": ["eos_tables/*.dat"],
+        "bilby": [version_file],
+    },
+    python_requires=">=3.7",
+    install_requires=get_requirements(),
+    entry_points={
+        "console_scripts": [
+            "bilby_plot=cli_bilby.plot_multiple_posteriors:main",
+            "bilby_result=cli_bilby.bilby_result:main",
+        ]
+    },
+    classifiers=[
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+        "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+    ],