From b16226957f92d886e6a64dff57c6fdc8937f8bd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gregory Ashton <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 21:45:50 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Reorganise PowerSpectralDensity

Makes the options to set the PSD methods. Retains the default behaviour
(will use aLIGO if nothing is set). But now, users must call a
`set_from_` method after initialising the PowerSpectalDensity()`.
 tupak/gw/ | 222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tupak/gw/ b/tupak/gw/
index ba47350ad..eea22e829 100644
--- a/tupak/gw/
+++ b/tupak/gw/
@@ -1212,46 +1212,12 @@ class Interferometer(object):
 class PowerSpectralDensity(object):
-    def __init__(self, asd_file=None, psd_file='aLIGO_ZERO_DET_high_P_psd.txt', frame_file=None, asd_array=None,
-                 psd_array=None, frequencies=None, start_time=0,
-                 psd_duration=1024, psd_offset=16, channel_name=None, filter_freq=1024, alpha=0.25, fft_length=4):
+    def __init__(self, psd_file=None):
         Instantiate a new PowerSpectralDensity object.
-        Only one of the asd_file or psd_file needs to be specified.
-        If multiple are given, the first will be used.
-        Parameters
-        -------
-        asd_file: str, optional
-            File containing amplitude spectral density, format 'f h_f'
-        psd_file: str, optional
-            File containing power spectral density, format 'f h_f'
-        frame_file: str, optional
-            Frame file to read data from.
-        asd_array: array_like, optional
-            List of amplitude spectral density values corresponding to frequency_array,
-            requires frequency_array to be specified.
-        psd_array: array_like, optional
-            List of power spectral density values corresponding to frequency_array,
-            requires frequency_array to be specified.
-        frequencies: array_like, optional
-            List of frequency values corresponding to asd_array/psd_array,
-        start_time: float, optional
-            Beginning of segment to analyse.
-        psd_duration: float, optional
-            Duration of data to generate PSD from.
-        psd_offset: float, optional
-            Offset of data from beginning of analysed segment.
-        channel_name: str, optional
-            Name of channel to use to generate PSD.
-        roll_off: float
-            The roll-off (in seconds) used in the Tukey window.
-        fft_length: float, optional
-            Number of seconds in a single fft.
-        -------
+        ----------
         amplitude_spectral_density: array_like
             Array representation of the ASD
         amplitude_spectral_density_file: str
@@ -1264,6 +1230,7 @@ class PowerSpectralDensity(object):
             Name of the PSD file
         power_spectral_density_interpolated: scipy.interpolated.interp1d
             Interpolated function of the PSD
         self.__power_spectral_density = None
         self.__amplitude_spectral_density = None
@@ -1271,52 +1238,113 @@ class PowerSpectralDensity(object):
         self.frequencies = []
         self.power_spectral_density_interpolated = None
-        if asd_file is not None:
-            self.amplitude_spectral_density_file = asd_file
-            self.import_amplitude_spectral_density()
-            if min(self.amplitude_spectral_density) < 1e-30:
-                logging.warning("You specified an amplitude spectral density file.")
-                logging.warning("{} WARNING {}".format("*" * 30, "*" * 30))
-                logging.warning("The minimum of the provided curve is {:.2e}.".format(
-                    min(self.amplitude_spectral_density)))
-                logging.warning("You may have intended to provide this as a power spectral density.")
-        elif frame_file is not None:
-            strain =, t1=start_time - psd_duration - psd_offset,
-                                                    t2=start_time - psd_offset, channel=channel_name)
-            sampling_frequency = int(strain.sample_rate.value)
-            # Low pass filter
-            bp = gwpy.signal.filter_design.lowpass(filter_freq, strain.sample_rate)
-            strain = strain.filter(bp, filtfilt=True)
-            strain = strain.crop(*strain.span.contract(1))
-            # Create and save PSDs
-            nfft = int(sampling_frequency * fft_length)
-            window =, alpha=alpha)
-            psd = strain.psd(fftlength=fft_length, window=window)
-            self.frequencies = psd.frequencies
-            self.power_spectral_density = psd.value
-        elif frequencies is not None:
-            self.frequencies = frequencies
-            if asd_array is not None:
-                self.amplitude_spectral_density = asd_array
-            elif psd_array is not None:
-                self.power_spectral_density = psd_array
-        else:
-            if psd_file is None:
-      "No power spectral density provided, using aLIGO, zero detuning, high power.")
-            self.power_spectral_density_file = psd_file
-            self.import_power_spectral_density()
-            if min(self.power_spectral_density) > 1e-30:
-                logging.warning("You specified a power spectral density file.")
-                logging.warning("{} WARNING {}".format("*" * 30, "*" * 30))
-                logging.warning("The minimum of the provided curve is {:.2e}.".format(
-                    min(self.power_spectral_density)))
-                logging.warning("You may have intended to provide this as an amplitude spectral density.")
+        if psd_file:
+            self.set_from_power_spectral_density_file(psd_file)
+    def set_from_amplitude_spectral_density_file(self, asd_file):
+        """ Set the amplitude spectral density from a given file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        asd_file: str
+            File containing amplitude spectral density, format 'f h_f'
+        """
+        self.amplitude_spectral_density_file = asd_file
+        self.import_amplitude_spectral_density()
+        if min(self.amplitude_spectral_density) < 1e-30:
+            logging.warning("You specified an amplitude spectral density file.")
+            logging.warning("{} WARNING {}".format("*" * 30, "*" * 30))
+            logging.warning("The minimum of the provided curve is {:.2e}.".format(
+                min(self.amplitude_spectral_density)))
+            logging.warning(
+                "You may have intended to provide this as a power spectral density.")
+    def set_from_power_spectral_density_file(self, psd_file):
+        """ Set the power spectral density from a given file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        psd_file: str, optional
+            File containing power spectral density, format 'f h_f'
+        """
+        self.power_spectral_density_file = psd_file
+        self.import_power_spectral_density()
+        if min(self.power_spectral_density) > 1e-30:
+            logging.warning("You specified a power spectral density file.")
+            logging.warning("{} WARNING {}".format("*" * 30, "*" * 30))
+            logging.warning("The minimum of the provided curve is {:.2e}.".format(
+                min(self.power_spectral_density)))
+            logging.warning(
+                "You may have intended to provide this as an amplitude spectral density.")
+    def set_from_frame_file(self, frame_file, psd_start_time, psd_duration,
+                            fft_length=4, filter_freq=1024, alpha=0.25,
+                            channel=None):
+        """ Generate power spectral density from a frame file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        frame_file: str, optional
+            Frame file to read data from.
+        psd_start_time: float
+            Beginning of segment to analyse.
+        psd_duration: float, optional
+            Duration of data (in seconds) to generate PSD from.
+        fft_length: float, optional
+            Number of seconds in a single fft.
+        filter_freq: float
+            Low pass filter frequency
+        alpha: float, optional
+            Parameter for Tukey window.
+        channel_name: str, optional
+            Name of channel to use to generate PSD.
+        """
+        strain =
+        strain.set_from_frame_file(
+            frame_file, t1=psd_start_time, t2=psd_start_time+psd_duration,
+            channel=channel)
+        sampling_frequency = int(strain.sample_rate.value)
+        # Low pass filter
+        bp = gwpy.signal.filter_design.lowpass(filter_freq, strain.sample_rate)
+        strain = strain.filter(bp, filtfilt=True)
+        strain = strain.crop(*strain.span.contract(1))
+        # Create and save PSDs
+        nfft = int(sampling_frequency * fft_length)
+        window =, alpha=alpha)
+        psd = strain.psd(fftlength=fft_length, window=window)
+        self.frequencies = psd.frequencies
+        self.power_spectral_density = psd.value
+    def set_from_amplitude_spectral_density_array(self, frequencies,
+                                                  asd_array):
+        self.frequencies = frequencies
+        self.amplitude_spectral_density = asd_array
+    def set_from_power_spectral_density_array(self, frequencies, psd_array):
+        self.frequencies = frequencies
+        self.power_spectral_density = psd_array
+    def set_to_aLIGO(self):
+        psd_file = 'aLIGO_ZERO_DET_high_P_psd.txt'
+"No power spectral density provided, using aLIGO,"
+                     "zero detuning, high power.")
+        self.set_from_power_spectral_density_file(psd_file)
     def power_spectral_density(self):
-        return self.__power_spectral_density
+        if self.__power_spectral_density is not None:
+            return self.__power_spectral_density
+        else:
+            self.set_to_aLIGO()
+            return self.__power_spectral_density
     def power_spectral_density(self, power_spectral_density):
@@ -1338,40 +1366,50 @@ class PowerSpectralDensity(object):
     def import_amplitude_spectral_density(self):
-        Automagically load one of the amplitude spectral density curves contained in the noise_curves directory.
+        Automagically load one of the amplitude spectral density curves
+        contained in the noise_curves directory.
         Test if the file contains a path (i.e., contains '/').
         If not assume the file is in the default directory.
         if '/' not in self.amplitude_spectral_density_file:
-            self.amplitude_spectral_density_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'noise_curves',
-                                                                self.amplitude_spectral_density_file)
-        self.frequencies, self.amplitude_spectral_density = np.genfromtxt(self.amplitude_spectral_density_file).T
+            self.amplitude_spectral_density_file = os.path.join(
+                os.path.dirname(__file__), 'noise_curves',
+                self.amplitude_spectral_density_file)
+        self.frequencies, self.amplitude_spectral_density = np.genfromtxt(
+            self.amplitude_spectral_density_file).T
     def import_power_spectral_density(self):
-        Automagically load one of the power spectral density curves contained in the noise_curves directory.
+        Automagically load one of the power spectral density curves contained
+        in the noise_curves directory.
         Test if the file contains a path (i.e., contains '/').
         If not assume the file is in the default directory.
         if '/' not in self.power_spectral_density_file:
-            self.power_spectral_density_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'noise_curves',
-                                                            self.power_spectral_density_file)
-        self.frequencies, self.power_spectral_density = np.genfromtxt(self.power_spectral_density_file).T
+            self.power_spectral_density_file = os.path.join(
+                os.path.dirname(__file__), 'noise_curves',
+                self.power_spectral_density_file)
+        self.frequencies, self.power_spectral_density = np.genfromtxt(
+                self.power_spectral_density_file).T
     def _check_frequency_array_matches_density_array(self, density_array):
-        """Check if the provided frequency and spectral density arrays match."""
+        """Check the provided frequency and spectral density arrays match."""
             self.frequencies - density_array
         except ValueError as e:
             raise(e, 'Provided spectral density does not match frequency array. Not updating.')
     def _interpolate_power_spectral_density(self):
-        """Interpolate the loaded PSD so it can be resampled for arbitrary frequency arrays."""
-        self.power_spectral_density_interpolated = interp1d(self.frequencies, self.power_spectral_density,
-                                                            bounds_error=False,
-                                                            fill_value=np.inf)
+        """Interpolate the loaded power spectral density so it can be resampled
+           for arbitrary frequency arrays.
+        """
+        self.power_spectral_density_interpolated = interp1d(
+            self.frequencies, self.power_spectral_density, bounds_error=False,
+            fill_value=np.inf)
     def get_noise_realisation(self, sampling_frequency, duration):