diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml index d7f48675d87384eee313a68a8817cd0a14fc7861..4fbe59bff671cb3282484c2440df766876be3cc1 100644 --- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml +++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml @@ -15,14 +15,8 @@ repos: hooks: - id: codespell args: [--ignore-words=.dictionary.txt] -- repo: https://github.com/asottile/seed-isort-config - rev: v1.3.0 - hooks: - - id: seed-isort-config - args: [--application-directories, 'bilby/'] - files: ^bilby/bilby_mcmc/ - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-isort - rev: v4.3.21 + rev: v5.10.1 hooks: - id: isort # sort imports alphabetically and separates import into sections args: [-w=88, -m=3, -tc, -sp=setup.cfg ] diff --git a/containers/dockerfile-template b/containers/dockerfile-template index 9e39a44712ca2d75d80c56295b4e379c27bc7694..fc74e7a08d623cbf6d82957f5ce3466c5b4f1e6a 100644 --- a/containers/dockerfile-template +++ b/containers/dockerfile-template @@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc # Install dependencies and samplers -RUN pip install corner theano healpy cython tables +RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest -RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge cpnest pymc3 kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc +RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge pytorch +RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge theano-pymc +RUN conda install -n ${{conda_env}} -c conda-forge pymc3 RUN pip install nessai # Install Polychord diff --git a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37 b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37 index 5cc658beed0fff90e0772605552cf40b1872014f..bb4d1996639deb30d1975f6aa9d958b4068fe959 100644 --- a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37 +++ b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python37 @@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc # Install dependencies and samplers -RUN pip install corner theano healpy cython tables +RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest -RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest pymc3 kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pytorch +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge theano-pymc +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymc3 RUN pip install nessai # Install Polychord diff --git a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38 b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38 index c742175534f4673de11a3978a98edac350e2dd63..e5724e0c884428442c68aff473dab1438d80ee01 100644 --- a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38 +++ b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python38 @@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc # Install dependencies and samplers -RUN pip install corner theano healpy cython tables +RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest -RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest pymc3 kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pytorch +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge theano-pymc +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymc3 RUN pip install nessai # Install Polychord diff --git a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39 b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39 index abb1d6ae5afed08fc3ba4745e00e0b52b1e16cf8..106cd4573d5d57c832bf54b686a92d0a0fe94064 100644 --- a/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39 +++ b/containers/v3-dockerfile-test-suite-python39 @@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools coverage-badge parameterized RUN pip install sphinx numpydoc nbsphinx sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs autodoc # Install dependencies and samplers -RUN pip install corner theano healpy cython tables +RUN pip install corner healpy cython tables RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge dynesty emcee nestle ptemcee RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymultinest ultranest -RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest pymc3 kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge cpnest kombine dnest4 zeus-mcmc RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pytorch +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge theano-pymc +RUN conda install -n ${conda_env} -c conda-forge pymc3 RUN pip install nessai # Install Polychord