From c62e678518c89f2a8e7c97a6591089d92c056845 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aditya Vijaykumar <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:32:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] DOC: Adding missing citations in citation guide

 README.rst            | 42 +------------------
 docs/citing-bilby.txt | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 70bc2efa5..d14c44fea 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -30,47 +30,7 @@ us directly. For advice on contributing, see `the contributing guide <https://gi
 Citation guide
-If you use :code:`bilby` in a scientific publication, please cite
-* `Bilby: A user-friendly Bayesian inference library for gravitational-wave
-  astronomy
-  <>`__
-* `Bayesian inference for compact binary coalescences with BILBY: validation and application to the first LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalogue <>`__
-The first of these papers introduces the software, while the second introduces advances in the sampling approaches and validation of the software.
-If you use the :code:`bilby_mcmc` sampler, please additionally cite
-* `BILBY-MCMC: an MCMC sampler for gravitational-wave inference <>`__
-Additionally, :code:`bilby` builds on a number of open-source packages. If you
-make use of this functionality in your publications, we recommend you cite them
-as requested in their associated documentation.
-* `dynesty <>`__
-* `nestle <>`__
-* `pymultinest <>`__
-* `cpnest <>`__
-* `emcee <>`__
-* `nessai <>`_
-* `ptemcee <>`__
-* `ptmcmcsampler <>`__
-* `pypolychord <>`__
-* `PyMC3 <>`_
-**Gravitational-wave tools**
-* `gwpy <>`__
-* `lalsuite <>`__
-* `astropy <>`__
-* `corner <>`__ for generating corner plot
-* `matplotlib <>`__ for general plotting routines
+Please refer to the `Acknowledging/citing bilby guide <>`__.
 .. |pipeline status| image::
diff --git a/docs/citing-bilby.txt b/docs/citing-bilby.txt
index 3e196a573..d91e289b1 100644
--- a/docs/citing-bilby.txt
+++ b/docs/citing-bilby.txt
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ If you use any of the accelerated likelihoods like `ROQGravitationalWaveTransien
 - `ROQGravitationalWaveTransient`
  .. code:: bibtex
-     @article{roq_paper,
+     @article{roq_paper_1,
         author = {Smith, Rory and Field, Scott E. and Blackburn, Kent and Haster, Carl-Johan and P\"urrer, Michael and Raymond, Vivien and Schmidt, Patricia},
         title = "{Fast and accurate inference on gravitational waves from precessing compact binaries}",
         eprint = "1604.08253",
@@ -73,6 +73,21 @@ If you use any of the accelerated likelihoods like `ROQGravitationalWaveTransien
         year = "2016"
+    @article{roq_paper_2,
+        author = "Morisaki, Soichiro and Smith, Rory and Tsukada, Leo and Sachdev, Surabhi and Stevenson, Simon and Talbot, Colm and Zimmerman, Aaron",
+        title = "{Rapid localization and inference on compact binary coalescences with the Advanced LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA gravitational-wave detector network}",
+        eprint = "2307.13380",
+        archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+        primaryClass = "gr-qc",
+        doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.108.123040",
+        journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+        volume = "108",
+        number = "12",
+        pages = "123040",
+        year = "2023"
+    }
 - `MBGravitationalWaveTransient`
  .. code:: bibtex
@@ -93,8 +108,18 @@ If you use any of the accelerated likelihoods like `ROQGravitationalWaveTransien
 - `RelativeBinningGravitationalWaveTransient`
  .. code:: bibtex
+    @article{relbin_bilby,
+        author = "Krishna, Kruthi and Vijaykumar, Aditya and Ganguly, Apratim and Talbot, Colm and Biscoveanu, Sylvia and George, Richard N. and Williams, Natalie and Zimmerman, Aaron",
+        title = "{Accelerated parameter estimation in Bilby with relative binning}",
+        eprint = "2312.06009",
+        archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+        primaryClass = "gr-qc",
+        month = "12",
+        year = "2023"
+    }
-    @article{relbin_paper,
+    @article{relbin_cornish,
         author = "Cornish, Neil J.",
         title = "{Fast Fisher Matrices and Lazy Likelihoods}",
         eprint = "1007.4820",
@@ -102,10 +127,64 @@ If you use any of the accelerated likelihoods like `ROQGravitationalWaveTransien
         primaryClass = "gr-qc",
         month = "7",
         year = "2010"
-    }   
+    }
+    @article{relbin_zackay,
+        author = "Zackay, Barak and Dai, Liang and Venumadhav, Tejaswi",
+        title = "{Relative Binning and Fast Likelihood Evaluation for Gravitational Wave Parameter Estimation}",
+        eprint = "1806.08792",
+        archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+        primaryClass = "astro-ph.IM",
+        month = "6",
+        year = "2018"
+    } 
+If you use the :code:`bilby_mcmc` sampler, please additionally cite the following paper
-Please also ensure that you appropriately cite the following:
+ .. code:: bibtex
+    @article{bilby_mcmc_paper,
+        author = "Ashton, Gregory and Talbot, Colm",
+        title = "{B\,ilby-MCMC: an MCMC sampler for gravitational-wave inference}",
+        eprint = "2106.08730",
+        archivePrefix = "arXiv",
+        primaryClass = "gr-qc",
+        doi = "10.1093/mnras/stab2236",
+        journal = "Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.",
+        volume = "507",
+        number = "2",
+        pages = "2037--2051",
+        year = "2021"
+    }
-- The sampler(s) used for your analysis
-- Any additional package(s) that you use to generate waveforms e.g. `lalsuite` (
-as well as the original scientific papers for each waveform.
+Additionally, :code:`bilby` builds on a number of open-source packages. If you
+make use of this functionality in your publications, we recommend you cite them
+as requested in their associated documentation.
+* `cpnest <>`__
+* `dnest4 <>`__
+* `dynesty <>`__
+* `emcee <>`__
+* `kombine <>`__
+* `nestle <>`__
+* `nessai <>`__
+* `PyMC3 <>`__
+* `pymultinest <>`__
+* `pypolychord <>`__
+* `ptemcee <>`__
+* `ptmcmcsampler <>`__
+* `ultranest <>`__
+* `zeus <>`_
+**Gravitational-wave tools**
+* `gwpy <>`__
+* `lalsuite <>`__
+* `astropy <>`__
+* `corner <>`__ for generating corner plot
+* `matplotlib <>`__ for general plotting routines