diff --git a/tupak/detector.py b/tupak/detector.py
index 64b929184e35cc0b1c471c6d26e9ad454f06c90b..66e9dc1c1136a99b1f8c72359815cefa1e55b871 100644
--- a/tupak/detector.py
+++ b/tupak/detector.py
@@ -323,8 +323,8 @@ class Interferometer(object):
         return self.power_spectral_density.power_spectral_density_interpolated(self.frequency_array)
     def set_data(self, sampling_frequency, duration, epoch=0,
-                 from_power_spectral_density=False,
-                 frequency_domain_strain=None):
+                 from_power_spectral_density=False, frame_file=None,
+                 frequency_domain_strain=None, channel_name=None, overwrite_psd=True, **kwargs):
         Set the interferometer frequency-domain stain and accompanying PSD values.
@@ -341,6 +341,15 @@ class Interferometer(object):
         from_power_spectral_density: bool
             If frequency_domain_strain not given, use IFO's PSD object to
             generate noise
+        frame_file: str
+            File from which to load data.
+        channel_name: str
+            Channel to read from frame.
+        overwrite_psd: bool
+            Whether to overwrite the psd in the interferometer with one calculated
+            from the loaded data, default=True.
+        kwargs: dict
+            Additional arguments for loading data.
         self.epoch = epoch
@@ -356,6 +365,14 @@ class Interferometer(object):
             frequency_domain_strain, frequencies = \
                     sampling_frequency, duration)
+        elif frame_file is not None:
+            logging.info('Reading data from frame, {}.'.format(self.name))
+            strain = tupak.utils.read_frame_file(
+                frame_file, t1=epoch, t2=epoch+duration, channel=channel_name, resample=sampling_frequency)
+            frequency_domain_strain, frequencies = tupak.utils.process_strain_data(strain, **kwargs)
+            if overwrite_psd:
+                self.power_spectral_density = PowerSpectralDensity(
+                    frame_file=frame_file, channel_name=channel_name, epoch=epoch, **kwargs)
             raise ValueError("No method to set data provided.")
@@ -407,16 +424,33 @@ class Interferometer(object):
 class PowerSpectralDensity:
-    def __init__(self, asd_file=None, psd_file='aLIGO_ZERO_DET_high_P_psd.txt'):
+    def __init__(self, asd_file=None, psd_file='aLIGO_ZERO_DET_high_P_psd.txt', frame_file=None, epoch=0,
+                 psd_duration=1024, psd_offset=16, channel_name=None, filter_freq=1024, alpha=0.25, fft_length=4):
         Instantiate a new PowerSpectralDensity object.
         Only one of the asd_file or psd_file needs to be specified.
         If multiple are given, the first will be used.
-        FIXME: Allow reading a frame and then FFT to get PSD, use gwpy?
-        :param asd_file: amplitude spectral density, format 'f h_f'
-        :param psd_file: power spectral density, format 'f h_f'
+        Parameters:
+        asd_file: str
+            File containing amplitude spectral density, format 'f h_f'
+        psd_file: str
+            File containing power spectral density, format 'f h_f'
+        frame_file: str
+            Frame file to read data from.
+        epoch: float
+            Beginning of segment to analyse.
+        psd_duration: float
+            Duration of data to generate PSD from.
+        psd_offset: float
+            Offset of data from beginning of analysed segment.
+        channel_name: str
+            Name of channel to use to generate PSD.
+        alpha: float
+            Parameter for Tukey window.
+        fft_length: float
+            Number of seconds in a single fft.
         self.frequencies = []
@@ -435,6 +469,24 @@ class PowerSpectralDensity:
                 logging.warning("The minimum of the provided curve is {:.2e}.".format(
                 logging.warning("You may have intended to provide this as a power spectral density.")
+        elif frame_file is not None:
+            strain = tupak.utils.read_frame_file(frame_file, t1=epoch - psd_duration - psd_offset,
+                                                 t2=epoch - psd_duration, channel=channel_name)
+            sampling_frequency = int(strain.sample_rate.value)
+            # Low pass filter
+            bp = filter_design.lowpass(filter_freq, strain.sample_rate)
+            strain = strain.filter(bp, filtfilt=True)
+            strain = strain.crop(*strain.span.contract(1))
+            # Create and save PSDs
+            NFFT = int(sampling_frequency * fft_length)
+            window = signal.windows.tukey(NFFT, alpha=alpha)
+            psd = strain.psd(fftlength=fft_length, window=window)
+            self.frequencies = psd.frequencies
+            self.power_spectral_density = psd.value
+            self.amplitude_spectral_density = self.power_spectral_density**0.5
+            self.interpolate_power_spectral_density()
             self.power_spectral_density_file = psd_file
diff --git a/tupak/utils.py b/tupak/utils.py
index 6b6f575ae53843ff279d8d6a076d224b1c4b467b..3a32e54e7adfd2dc9b2337bd7194112ed86b4ae5 100644
--- a/tupak/utils.py
+++ b/tupak/utils.py
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import os
 import numpy as np
 from math import fmod
 from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
+from gwpy.signal import filter_design
+from scipy import signal
 import argparse
 # Constants
@@ -514,6 +516,112 @@ def get_open_strain_data(
     return strain
+def read_frame_file(file_name, t1, t2, channel=None, **kwargs):
+    """ A function which accesses the open strain data
+    This uses `gwpy` to download the open data and then saves a cached copy for
+    later use
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    file_name: str
+        The name of the frame to read
+    t1, t2: float
+        The GPS time of the start and end of the data
+    channel: str
+        The name of the channel being searched for, some standard channel names are attempted
+        if channel is not specified or if specified channel is not found.
+    **kwargs:
+        Passed to `gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.fetch_open_data`
+    Returns
+    -----------
+    strain: gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries
+    """
+    loaded = False
+    if channel is not None:
+        try:
+            strain = TimeSeries.read(source=file_name, channel=channel, start=t1, end=t2, **kwargs)
+            loaded = True
+            logging.info('Successfully loaded {}.'.format(channel))
+        except RuntimeError:
+            logging.warning('Channel {} not found. Trying preset channel names'.format(channel))
+    for channel_type in ['GDS-CALIB_STRAIN', 'DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_C01', 'DCS-CALIB_STRAIN_C02']:
+        for ifo_name in ['H1', 'L1']:
+            channel = '{}:{}'.format(ifo_name, channel_type)
+            if loaded:
+                continue
+            try:
+                strain = TimeSeries.read(source=file_name, channel=channel, start=t1, end=t2, **kwargs)
+                loaded = True
+                logging.info('Successfully loaded {}.'.format(channel))
+            except RuntimeError:
+                None
+    if loaded:
+        return strain
+    else:
+        logging.warning('No data loaded.')
+        return None
+def process_strain_data(
+        strain, alpha=0.25, filter_freq=1024, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Helper function to obtain an Interferometer instance with appropriate
+    PSD and data, given an center_time.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    name: str
+        Detector name, e.g., 'H1'.
+    center_time: float
+        GPS time of the center_time about which to perform the analysis.
+        Note: the analysis data is from `center_time-T/2` to `center_time+T/2`.
+    T: float
+        The total time (in seconds) to analyse. Defaults to 4s.
+    alpha: float
+        The tukey window shape parameter passed to `scipy.signal.tukey`.
+    psd_offset, psd_duration: float
+        The power spectral density (psd) is estimated using data from
+        `center_time+psd_offset` to `center_time+psd_offset + psd_duration`.
+    outdir: str
+        Directory where the psd files are saved
+    plot: bool
+        If true, create an ASD + strain plot
+    filter_freq: float
+        Low pass filter frequency
+    **kwargs:
+        All keyword arguments are passed to
+        `gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.fetch_open_data()`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    interferometer: `tupak.detector.Interferometer`
+        An Interferometer instance with a PSD and frequency-domain strain data.
+    """
+    sampling_frequency = int(strain.sample_rate.value)
+    # Low pass filter
+    bp = filter_design.lowpass(filter_freq, strain.sample_rate)
+    strain = strain.filter(bp, filtfilt=True)
+    strain = strain.crop(*strain.span.contract(1))
+    time_series = strain.times.value
+    time_duration = time_series[-1] - time_series[0]
+    # Apply Tukey window
+    N = len(time_series)
+    strain = strain * signal.windows.tukey(N, alpha=alpha)
+    frequency_domain_strain, frequencies = nfft(strain.value, sampling_frequency)
+    return frequency_domain_strain, frequencies
 def set_up_command_line_arguments():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description="Command line interface for tupak scripts")