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In running this code, we already made the first plot! In the function `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`, the ASD, detector data, and signal are plotted together. This figure is saved under `visualsing_the_results/H1_frequency_domain_data.png`. Note that `visualising_the_result` is our `outdir` where all the output of the run is stored. Let's take a quick look at that directory now:
In the previous plot, you'll notice `bilby` added the injection parameters to the plot by default. You can switch this off by setting `truth=None` when you call `plot_corner`. Or to add different injection parameters to the plot, just pass this as a keyword argument for `truth`. In this example, we just add a line for the luminosity distance by passing a dictionary of the value we want to display.
We also include some other types of plots which may be useful. Again, these are built on chain consumer so you may find it useful to check the [documentation]( to see how these plots can be extended. Below, we show just one example of these.