`--log_directory` feature not working
Tried to specify a specific location for the log directories
by setting --log_directory
, when running with the GW150914.ini example, but got an error:
$ bilby_pipe GW150914.ini --submit --log-directory /hdfs/user/avi.vajpeyi/test_outdir/
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Running bilby_pipe version: 0.3.11: (CLEAN) b2684ff 2020-05-02 18:21:46 +1000
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Running bilby: 0.6.7:
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting segment duration 4.0s
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting prior-file to None
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting trigger time 1126259462.4
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting n_simulation=0
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting analysis request_memory=4.0GB
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting request_memory_generation=8GB
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting analysis request_cpus = 1
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting segment duration 4.0s
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting prior-file to None
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting trigger time 1126259462.4
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting n_simulation=0
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting analysis request_memory=4.0GB
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting request_memory_generation=8GB
00:21 bilby_pipe INFO : Setting analysis request_cpus = 1
_log_directory /hdfs/user/avi.vajpeyi/test_outdir/ -- /hdfs/user/avi.vajpeyi/test_outdir
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/avi.vajpeyi/.conda/envs/cosmo/bin/bilby_pipe", line 11, in <module>
load_entry_point('bilby-pipe', 'console_scripts', 'bilby_pipe')()
File "/home/avi.vajpeyi/projects/bilby_pipe/bilby_pipe_avi/bilby_pipe/main.py", line 1067, in main
write_complete_config_file(parser, args, inputs)
File "/home/avi.vajpeyi/projects/bilby_pipe/bilby_pipe_avi/bilby_pipe/main.py", line 1056, in write_complete_config_file
inputs.ini, inputs.complete_ini_file, differences
bilby_pipe.utils.BilbyPipeError: The written config file GW150914.ini differs from the source outdir_GW150914/GW150914_config_complete.ini in ['_log_directory']