diff --git a/gstlal-ugly/bin/gstlal_ll_inj_stream b/gstlal-ugly/bin/gstlal_ll_inj_stream
index 0cfd540181fe4728e0eb1b4508b9a378a7aed886..3486105a406705339a05802d378cdcfa334d651e 100755
--- a/gstlal-ugly/bin/gstlal_ll_inj_stream
+++ b/gstlal-ugly/bin/gstlal_ll_inj_stream
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import logging
 from optparse import OptionParser
 import os
 import queue
+import tempfile
 import sys
 import numpy
@@ -178,8 +179,11 @@ for smd in options.shared_memory_partition:
 # Output Frame Options
 output_dir_dict = {}
-for out_dir in options.output_dir:
-	output_dir_dict[out_dir.split('=')[0]] = out_dir.split('=')[1]
+for out_dir_by_ifo in options.output_dir:
+	outdir = out_dir_by_ifo.split('=')[1]
+	if not os.path.exists(outdir):
+		os.mkdir(outdir)
+	output_dir_dict[out_dir_by_ifo.split('=')[0]] = outdir
 frame_type_dict = {}
 for ftype in options.frame_type:
@@ -215,11 +219,6 @@ if end < now:
 #create new cache
 now_to_end_seg = segments.segment((now, end))
 new_cache = [c for c in cache_entries if now_to_end_seg.intersects(c.segment)]
-this_inj_frame_cache = 'temp_caches/%s_inj.cache'%now
-with open(this_inj_frame_cache,"w") as f:
-	f.write("\n".join(["%s" % c for c in new_cache]))
 # =============================================================================
@@ -254,102 +253,108 @@ def check_current_frames(pad, info, output_start, verbose=False):
 # Mainloop
-for instrument in hoft_inj_channel_dict:
+#set up temp file for the new cache
+with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',suffix='.cache') as f:
+	# write out the new cache to the temp filename
+	f.write("\n".join(["%s" % c for c in new_cache]))
-	#
-	# fetch inj channel from disk
-	#
-	inj_src = pipeparts.mklalcachesrc(pipeline, location=this_inj_frame_cache, cache_src_regex='HKLV')
-	inj_src = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, inj_src, '%s_inj_strain_pre_demux'%instrument)
-	inj_demux = pipeparts.mkframecppchanneldemux(pipeline, inj_src, do_file_checksum=False, channel_list=list(map("%s:%s".__mod__, hoft_inj_channel_dict.items())))
-	# allow frame reading and decoding to occur in a diffrent
-	# thread
-	inj_strain = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, None, max_size_buffers=0, max_size_bytes=0, max_size_time=10 * Gst.SECOND)
-	pipeparts.src_deferred_link(inj_demux, "%s:%s" % (instrument, hoft_inj_channel_dict[instrument]), inj_strain.get_static_pad("sink"))
-	inj_strain.get_static_pad("src").add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BUFFER, check_current_frames, now, LIGOTimeGPS(1,0))
-	inj_strain = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, inj_strain, '%s_inj_strain_after_demux'%instrument)
-	#
-	# fetch hoft frames from devshm
-	#
-	hoft_src = pipeparts.mkdevshmsrc(pipeline, shm_dirname=shared_memory_dict[instrument], wait_time=60)
-	hoft_src = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, hoft_src, max_size_buffers=0, max_size_bytes=0, max_size_time=Gst.SECOND * 10)
-	hoft_src = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, hoft_src, '%s_hoft_src'%instrument)
-	hoft_demux = pipeparts.mkframecppchanneldemux(pipeline, hoft_src, do_file_checksum=False, skip_bad_files=True)
-	# extract strain with 10 buffers of buffering
-	# Extract all the channels we want to mux in the end and src defer link each of them.
-	channel_dict = {}
-	strain_dict = {}
-	for channel_name in hoft_channel_dict[instrument]:
-		channel_src = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, None, max_size_buffers=0, max_size_bytes=0, max_size_time=Gst.SECOND * 10)
-		pipeparts.src_deferred_link(hoft_demux, "%s:%s" % (instrument, channel_name), channel_src.get_static_pad("sink"))
-		channel_src = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, channel_src, "%s:%s" % (instrument, channel_name))
-		# Only add items to strain_dict which we want to become a new hoft + inj stream
-		if "CALIB_STRAIN" in channel_name and channel_name not in hoft_passthrough_channel_dict[instrument]:
-			# tee here, so we can use a tee later for the adder
-			strain_dict[instrument+':'+channel_name] = pipeparts.mktee(pipeline, channel_src)
-		else:
-			channel_dict[instrument+':'+channel_name] = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, channel_src, max_size_time = Gst.SECOND * 8)
+	for instrument in hoft_inj_channel_dict:
-	#
-	# Combine strains and re-mux
-	#
+		#
+		# fetch inj channel from disk
+		#
-	# tee the the inj strain here, so it can be used multiple times	
-	inj_strain = pipeparts.mktee(pipeline, inj_strain)
-	inj_strain_dict = {}
-	for channel, hoft_strain in strain_dict.items():
-		# Add a tee to this dict, so we can mux o.g. hoft later
-		strain_dict[channel] = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, hoft_strain, max_size_time = 10 * Gst.SECOND)
-		# large queues are necessary for timestamp synchronization
-		this_inj_strain = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, inj_strain, max_size_time = 1024 * Gst.SECOND)
-		# add injections to hoft
-		inj_strain_dict[channel+'_INJ'] = pipeparts.mkadder(pipeline, [hoft_strain, this_inj_strain], sync=True, mix_mode="sum")
-		inj_strain_dict[channel+'_INJ'] = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, inj_strain_dict[channel+'_INJ'], "%s_%s_INJ_after_adder"%(instrument,channel))
-		# Be sure to sink the queued inj stream
-		this_inj_strain = pipeparts.mkfakesink(pipeline, this_inj_strain)
-	# sink the o.g. inj stream b/c we don't want it later	
-	inj_strain = pipeparts.mkfakesink(pipeline, inj_strain)
-	# want to mux hoft, inj + hoft, and passthrough channels
-	channel_dict.update(strain_dict)
-	channel_dict.update(inj_strain_dict)
-	print(channel_dict.items())
-	output_stream = pipeparts.mkframecppchannelmux(pipeline, channel_src_map=channel_dict, frame_duration=1, frames_per_file=1)
-	output_stream = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, output_stream, "%s_output_after_mux"%instrument)
-	#
-	# Write frames to disk
-	#
+		inj_src = pipeparts.mklalcachesrc(pipeline, location=f.name, cache_src_regex='HKLV')
+		inj_src = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, inj_src, '%s_inj_strain_pre_demux'%instrument)
+		inj_demux = pipeparts.mkframecppchanneldemux(pipeline, inj_src, do_file_checksum=False, channel_list=list(map("%s:%s".__mod__, hoft_inj_channel_dict.items())))
-	# make a queue for filename clean-up
-	filename_queue = queue.Queue(options.history_len)
-	framesink = pipeparts.mkframecppfilesink(pipeline, output_stream, frame_type=frame_type_dict[instrument], path=output_dir_dict[instrument])
-	# note that how the output is organized is controlled
-	# by the function frameccp_filesink_path_handler_simple
-	framesink.connect("notify::timestamp", framecpp_filesink_path_handler_simple, filename_queue)
+		# allow frame reading and decoding to occur in a diffrent
+		# thread
+		inj_strain = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, None, max_size_buffers=0, max_size_bytes=0, max_size_time=10 * Gst.SECOND)
+		pipeparts.src_deferred_link(inj_demux, "%s:%s" % (instrument, hoft_inj_channel_dict[instrument]), inj_strain.get_static_pad("sink"))
+		inj_strain.get_static_pad("src").add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BUFFER, check_current_frames, now, LIGOTimeGPS(1,0))
+		inj_strain = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, inj_strain, '%s_inj_strain_after_demux'%instrument)
-# Start pipeline
+		#
+		# fetch hoft frames from devshm
+		#
+		hoft_src = pipeparts.mkdevshmsrc(pipeline, shm_dirname=shared_memory_dict[instrument], wait_time=60)
+		hoft_src = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, hoft_src, max_size_buffers=0, max_size_bytes=0, max_size_time=Gst.SECOND * 10)
+		hoft_src = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, hoft_src, '%s_hoft_src'%instrument)
+		hoft_demux = pipeparts.mkframecppchanneldemux(pipeline, hoft_src, do_file_checksum=False, skip_bad_files=True)
+		# extract strain with 10 buffers of buffering
+		# Extract all the channels we want to mux in the end and src defer link each of them.
+		channel_dict = {}
+		strain_dict = {}
+		for channel_name in hoft_channel_dict[instrument]:
+			channel_src = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, None, max_size_buffers=0, max_size_bytes=0, max_size_time=Gst.SECOND * 10)
+			pipeparts.src_deferred_link(hoft_demux, "%s:%s" % (instrument, channel_name), channel_src.get_static_pad("sink"))
+			channel_src = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, channel_src, "%s:%s" % (instrument, channel_name))
+			# Only add items to strain_dict which we want to become a new hoft + inj stream
+			if "CALIB_STRAIN" in channel_name and channel_name not in hoft_passthrough_channel_dict[instrument]:
+				# tee here, so we can use a tee later for the adder
+				strain_dict[instrument+':'+channel_name] = pipeparts.mktee(pipeline, channel_src)
+			else:
+				channel_dict[instrument+':'+channel_name] = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, channel_src, max_size_time = Gst.SECOND * 8)
+		#
+		# Combine strains and re-mux
+		#
+		# tee the the inj strain here, so it can be used multiple times	
+		inj_strain = pipeparts.mktee(pipeline, inj_strain)
+		inj_strain_dict = {}
+		for channel, hoft_strain in strain_dict.items():
+			# Add a tee to this dict, so we can mux o.g. hoft later
+			strain_dict[channel] = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, hoft_strain, max_size_time = 10 * Gst.SECOND)
+			# large queues are necessary for timestamp synchronization
+			this_inj_strain = pipeparts.mkqueue(pipeline, inj_strain, max_size_time = 1024 * Gst.SECOND)
+			# add injections to hoft
+			inj_strain_dict[channel+'_INJ'] = pipeparts.mkadder(pipeline, [hoft_strain, this_inj_strain], sync=True, mix_mode="sum")
+			inj_strain_dict[channel+'_INJ'] = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, inj_strain_dict[channel+'_INJ'], "%s_%s_INJ_after_adder"%(instrument,channel))
+			# Be sure to sink the queued inj stream
+			this_inj_strain = pipeparts.mkfakesink(pipeline, this_inj_strain)
+		# sink the o.g. inj stream b/c we don't want it later
+		inj_strain = pipeparts.mkfakesink(pipeline, inj_strain)
+		# want to mux hoft, inj + hoft, and passthrough channels
+		channel_dict.update(strain_dict)
+		channel_dict.update(inj_strain_dict)
+		print(channel_dict.items())
+		output_stream = pipeparts.mkframecppchannelmux(pipeline, channel_src_map=channel_dict, frame_duration=1, frames_per_file=1)
+		output_stream = pipeparts.mkprogressreport(pipeline, output_stream, "%s_output_after_mux"%instrument)
+		#
+		# Write frames to disk
+		#
+		# make a queue for filename clean-up
+		filename_queue = queue.Queue(options.history_len)
+		framesink = pipeparts.mkframecppfilesink(pipeline, output_stream, frame_type=frame_type_dict[instrument], path=output_dir_dict[instrument])
+		# note that how the output is organized is controlled
+		# by the function frameccp_filesink_path_handler_simple
+		framesink.connect("notify::timestamp", framecpp_filesink_path_handler_simple, filename_queue)
+	#
+	# Start pipeline
+	#
-logging.info("running pipeline ...")
+	logging.info("running pipeline ...")
-if pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE:
-	raise RuntimeError("pipeline failed to enter PLAYING state")
+	if pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE:
+		raise RuntimeError("pipeline failed to enter PLAYING state")
+	mainloop.run()
-logging.info("shutting down...")
+	logging.info("shutting down...")