parser.add_option("--inj-channel",metavar="channel_name",action="append",type="str",help="Full channel name of noiseless injection channel to be added to hoft. Can only be provided once per ifo.")
parser.add_option("--inj-frame-cache",metavar="path",help="Path to frame cache which points at noiseless injection frames")
parser.add_option("--inj-frame-cache-regex",metavar="inj regex",type="str",help="Regex option to use with injection frame cache. Example: H1")
parser.add_option("--inj-frame-cache-regex",metavar="inj regex",type="str",help="Regex option to use with injection frame cache. Must match the frame cache descriptor exactly. Example: H (instead of H1)")
# Add general options
parser.add_option("--output-dir",metavar="path",action="append",help="Path to directory where frames should be written. Must be given once per ifo for which channels are provided as {IFO}=/path/to/directory.")
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',suffix='.cache') as f: