Addition of a "Ready" state for Virgo
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For LIGO Livingston and Hanford, the possible states are "Observing" (i.e. h(t) is OK and the science intent bit is on according to GDS-CALIB_STATE_VECTOR), "Injection" (implies that injections are present in the data while h(t) is OK and the science intent bit is on), "Ready" (meaning that h(t) is OK and there are no injections, but the science intent bit has not been set), "Calib not ready" (the science intent bit is on but h(t) is not OK), and "Down" (h(t) is not OK and the science bit has not been set).
For Virgo, the possible states are "Observing" meaning that h(t) is OK and the science mode button has been pushed, or "Down" otherwise.
Could you restore part of the symmetry between LIGO and Virgo by adding a "Ready" state for Virgo (meaning that h(t) is OK, but the science intent bit has not been set)?