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  • Karl Wette's avatar
    Order flags in CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS and LDFLAGS/LIBS · 8cac5fbd
    Karl Wette authored
    - CPPFLAGS gets -I and -D, CFLAGS gets everything else
    - only save unique -I flags in CPPFLAGS; first instance takes precedence
    - order non-system -I before system -I in CPPFLAGS
    - LDFLAGS gets -L and other flags, LIBS gets -l and non-flags
    - only save unique -L flags in LDFLAGS; first instance takes precedence
    - order non-system -L before system -L in LDFLAGS
    - only save unique -l flags in LIBS; last instance takes precedence
    - add --with-[extra-]cflags and --with-[extra-]libs to all ./configures
    Original: 7651d9511c759b9d145f9b88ed01c43c6f682add