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  • Riccardo Sturani's avatar
    Ubercommit implementing the new ChooseWaveform interface · f9f9ae21
    Riccardo Sturani authored
     - LAL: Addition of a linked list LALDict structure to store
            multiple variables (in src/tools/).
     - LALSimulation: Addition of a waveformparams file containing
                      standard methods to access/write variables
                      in a LALDict.
                      Critical changes in the ChooseWaveform interface,
                      affecting waveform generation calls.
                      Addition of a function transforming choosewaveform
                      input parameters into the ones used in lalinference.
                      Test codes updated accordingly (src/ and /test)
                      General LALSimInspiral doxygen documentation
     - LALInspiral: Change in waveform calls to comply with new interface
                    (src/LALInspiralWave.c and
     - LALInference: Change in waveform calls to comply with new interface
                     (src/ and python/lalinference/bayestar/
     - LALApps: Change in waveform calls to comply with new interface
    Original: def92e2f7fabb41fe1d4332d5effebfb9973523b