lalapps_inspinj creates mongrel XML files using both ilwdchar and int ID column types
Running lalapps_inspinj from 8.0.0 produces an XML file that uses ilwdchar types for the process table ID columns, but int
types for the sim_inspiral
table ID columns.
$ lalapps_inspinj --seed 1326469385 --f-lower 20 --gps-start-time 1326469385 --gps-end-time 1326469395 --waveform IMRPhenomPv2ThreePointFivePN --amp-order 0 --time-step 10 --time-interval 5 --l-distr random --i-distr uniform --disable-spin --m-distr totalMass --min-mass1 50 --max-mass1 100 --min-mass2 50 --max-mass2 100 --snr-distr volume --min-snr 15 --max-snr 30 --ligo-fake-psd LALAdLIGO --virgo-fake-psd LALAdVirgo --ligo-start-freq 16 --virgo-start-freq 16 --ifos H1,L1,V1 --verbose --output demo.xml
proposed SNR 21.580163. Proposed new dist 2881.664548
$ ligolw_print -t sim_inspiral -c process_id demo.xml
$ ligolw_print -t process -c process_id demo.xml